Nettle medicines. Application of the medicinal properties of nettle in medicine and cosmetology. Arthritis Cure

Stinging nettle can be found on river banks, wastelands, and roadsides. Thickets of this stinging plant, sometimes reaching two meters in height, are a common sight in areas with a temperate climate.

Nettle is a perennial plant; its stems are tall, tetrahedral, and its leaves are ovate-lanceolate.

It blooms from June to September with greenish flowers, united in inflorescences.

Although the plant is considered a weed, due to its unique chemical composition it has been used in folk medicine for a long time.

All the wealth is in the leaves; they contain not only vitamins K, C, E, B, carotene, but also tannins, organic acids, salts, and chlorophyll. The list could take a long time.

A clear indication of the benefits is that nettle contains almost twice as much vitamin C as lemon and black currant, and is ahead of carrots in terms of carotene.

By eating a salad seasoned with nettle leaves, you can provide yourself with vitamins for a day.

In the old days in Rus', nettle leaves were added to bread, soup, porridge and thereby saved themselves from vitamin deficiency and scurvy.

Hippocrates and Dioscorides - scientists of Ancient Greece discovered the healing properties of the juice of fresh nettle leaves, described them in their treatises, and advised using the juice to treat wounds. Vitamin K provides hemostatic properties; it improves blood clotting and prevents inflammation.

Chlorophyll, which is part of the leaves, also accelerates wound healing. But its beneficial properties do not end there. It is beneficial for the respiratory system, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, improves metabolism, and tones the intestines. Chlorophyll is used in the production of drugs for the treatment of radiation therapy.

Hair, skin and nails need vitamins that are found in nettles, namely E and B. They also accelerate the healing of burn wounds, slow down aging, relieve chronic fatigue, and help reduce the harmful effects of medications.

Nettle preparations can be used to treat diseases that are based on allergies. These include urticaria, hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis, and pruritic dermatitis. The effect in the treatment and prevention of these diseases is achieved due to its antihistamine effect, the ability to relieve inflammation, and relieve pain.

Nettle can be used to treat anemia. Iron, protein, vitamins help improve blood quality. More red blood cells are produced, and hemoglobin levels increase. Infusions and decoctions of nettle leaves help to get back on your feet faster after operations and restore skin after burns.

Nettle contains secretin, a hormone essential for the pancreas, which can stimulate the production of insulin. Taking drugs with nettle extract reduces sugar levels in diabetic patients. Nettle helps in treating the pancreas.

Nettle has good diuretic and choleretic properties; drugs are made on its basis, the purpose of which is to treat diseases of the main human organs, such as:

  1. Liver.
  2. Kidneys.
  3. Gallbladder.
  4. Bladder.

Men appreciated nettle, it is good for men's health. It is very useful for men to drink nettle tea to prevent prostatitis. The phytosterols included in the composition help normalize the functioning of the prostate gland, and together with vitamins improve potency.

May nettle: video

Like any medicinal plant, nettle has contraindications. Harm may occur if infusions and decoctions of nettle are used simultaneously with pharmaceutical medications.

The effect may be negative. First of all, this concerns hypertension. You should not take medicine to lower blood pressure or drink nettle infusion.

It is not advisable to take antidepressants and nettle medications at the same time, as it suppresses the central nervous system and enhances the effect of medications on it.

Consulting a doctor will help you understand whether nettle preparations can be taken together with other medications.

The hemostatic properties of the plant can harm patients diagnosed with:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • atherosclerosis.

Taking nettle preparations increases blood clotting and increases the risk of blood clots.

Bleeding: cysts, polyps, tumors should not be treated with nettle preparations, they should not be used by women at any stage of pregnancy, it is fraught with uterine contractions and miscarriages.

At home for treatment you can use:

  • decoction
  • infusion

How is the juice used?

The juice helps with various diseases. If you suffer from stones in the gall bladder, bile ducts or bladder, drink a dessert spoon of freshly squeezed juice before each meal, but no more than 4 times a day.

If there is internal bleeding, drink 1 teaspoon of juice, no more than 5 times a day. To prevent hypovitaminosis, it is enough to take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

The juice can be consumed freshly squeezed or prepared for future use. Vodka taken in the same proportion as the juice is suitable as a preservative. Store this infusion in a tightly closed bottle, placing it in the refrigerator. If you drink fresh juice with a teaspoon or a dessert spoon, then you should drink the vodka tincture in double size.

Juicing is easy.

  • Grind,
  • roll the gauze several times
  • put the pulp in it and squeeze out the juice.

You can prepare a decoction of the roots, seeds and leaves of nettle. A decoction prepared from the roots treats cholelithiasis, urolithiasis, prostate adenoma, gastritis, colitis, and cough.

For preparation:

chop dry roots, take 2 tbsp. l, pour a glass of water, boil the mixture for 10 minutes, placing it on low heat. Cool. Strain. Add boiled water, you should get at least a glass. Drink six tablespoons throughout the day.

A decoction of the seeds treats cough and insomnia. To prepare you will need:

  • seeds 2 tbsp. l;
  • water 1 tbsp.

Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for 8 minutes, leave for an hour. The finished broth is filtered and topped up with chilled boiled water. The broth should be no less than a glass. If you have a cough, drink a tablespoon 4 times a day; if you have insomnia, then before going to bed drink a quarter glass of the decoction.

Decoctions prepared from the leaves can be used externally for hair problems. You can wash your hair with it without using detergents at least three times a week for a month. Grind the dry leaves, take 100 grams, add water and 9% vinegar. Proportion 1:1. Boil for half an hour. Cool. Strain.


A tincture prepared from the roots helps: with bleeding, diarrhea, irregular periods, prepare it for 10 days. You will need:

  • vodka 0.5 liters;
  • dried roots, chopped 2 tbsp. L.

Take 30 drops*3 times a day.

An infusion of dry leaves can treat gingivitis, stomatitis, and periodontal disease. Used for rinsing.

Easy to prepare:

3 tbsp. Pour l dried and crushed leaves into a glass of boiling water, close, and let it brew. You can rinse your mouth with warm infusion after 30 minutes, strain first.

Helps lose weight, cleanses the body of toxins, strengthens the walls of the blood vessels.

Both dried and fresh leaves of the plant are suitable for brewing tea.

First, they should be placed in a bowl and filled with plain water at room temperature. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil over low heat. Immediately after boiling, remove the broth from the heat.

The tea should steep for 25-35 minutes. Drink nettle tea no more than 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

Nettle is very useful for men. Helps increase the production of the male hormone testosterone, treats the prostate, helps with frequent emissions, urological inflammation and male infertility.

Seeds 1 tsp infused in 1 tbsp will increase potency. boiled water. Leave for half an hour. Drink a glass twice.

A very effective tincture prepared from 0.5 liters of dry red wine and 5 teaspoons of dry stinging nettle seeds. Boil the mixture for at least five minutes, then leave and strain. Drink a tablespoon before each meal. Daily norm 3 tbsp. l.

Nettle juice will help with heavy periods. It can be prepared only from fresh leaves that are picked when the nettle blooms profusely. When your period arrives, dilute 1 teaspoon of juice in a quarter of a glass of water and drink before each meal.

A decoction of dried nettle also helps normalize menstruation; you can dry it yourself, or it’s easier to buy it at the pharmacy.

For a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l, boil for several minutes. Leave for two hours, strain. The norm is 3 times * 0.5 tbsp before meals.

Taking the decoction significantly reduces the amount of discharge. There is also a pharmaceutical preparation containing nettle, it is produced in the form of tablets - Secrets of Longevity.

You can force menstruation if it does not occur on the desired day. Pour 1 tbsp. l leaves 1 tbsp boiling water, leave for an hour, drink in one go. Your period should come the next day.

Nettle has a stimulating effect on hair roots, promotes their growth, and increases thickness. A rinse made from nettle makes hair stronger and more beautiful.

You will need:

fresh leaves 10 tbsp. l, 2 l of boiling water, can be used after an hour. First wash your hair with shampoo and then rinse with infusion.

This product will not only add beauty to your hair, but also reduce hair loss.

The medicinal plant nettle (lat. Urtíca) got its name because of the stinging hairs covering the leaves and stems of the plant. In Latin, "uro" means "burn." For food and medicinal purposes, the species of stinging nettle, widespread in Europe, Asia, China, India, North Africa, Australia and the USA, is used.

The weedy perennial herbaceous plant in Rus' has other popular names: zhguchka, strekalka, zhegala, strekuchka. It can be found in Slavic herbals starting from the 16th century as a wound healing agent. And in ancient times, there were beliefs that warriors whipped themselves with nettle stems to keep warm. The healing properties of nettle juice were described in treatises by Dioscorides and Hippocrates.


The raw materials are harvested from April to July by tearing off the burning leaf blades from the stems or mowing down the above-ground part, and then manually picking the leaves off the stems. Next, the nettles are dried, spread on natural fabric or paper in a layer of up to 5 cm, always in a dark room with good ventilation, for example, under a canopy, in an attic or in a barn.

On an industrial scale, raw materials are dried at temperatures up to 50°C in electric dryers. The shelf life of dried nettle leaf in paper or cardboard is up to 2 years. In most pharmacies in post-Soviet countries, stinging nettle is sold all year round. The plant is also included in medicinal herbal preparations, including multivitamins, kidney, hemostatic, gastric, wound healing, etc.

Useful properties of nettle

Stinging nettle, photo

Nettle leaves are used for economic and pharmaceutical purposes; its medicinal properties and contraindications are determined by the vitamins and minerals it contains. Fresh and dried plant materials are considered a natural multivitamin concentrate, due to the presence of ascorbic acid (up to 30 mg%), carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A), vitamins B and K.

Nettle contains chlorophyll, a green pigment that is the “blood” of plants and has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system of the human body. This powerful antioxidant improves the functioning of all organs at the cellular level, preventing oxidative stress and promoting the healing of internal and external damage.

Fresh plant materials also contain nitrogen-free extractive substances, small amounts of lipids, ash, crude protein and pure protein compounds responsible for the construction of cells and tissues. The dietary fiber present in raw nettle – fiber (36.5%) – provides the plant with powerful cleansing properties.

Burning leaves are a natural source of rare microelements, including potassium, copper, titanium, boron, nickel, manganese, iron, etc. Phenolic and organic acids, glycosides, phytoncides, tannins, sugars, porphyrins, secretin, present in stinging nettle, enhance the therapeutic properties of extracts and extracts from the plant, allowing it to be used in folk medicine as an internal and external remedy.

Use in cooking

Young nettle shoots collected in early spring are valued by nutritionists all over the world for their ability to restore the human body, exhausted over the winter. Juicy tender inflorescences, picked in early spring and dried, are added to teas and infusions, which are healthy and nutritious at any age.

Greens are added to soups, borscht, cabbage soup, fresh leaves are included in the recipe for vitamin salads, they are used to prepare original and very tasty fillings for pies, pies and pastries, as well as fermented and salted for future use in order to enjoy this priceless natural product throughout the year.

Use in cosmetology

Almost every woman knows that nettle is the best remedy for all hair types. Our ancestors also rinsed their hair with a decoction of nettles, strengthening them and healing their hair. Such procedures were especially beneficial for hair loss.

Plant extracts are present in many modern products used in the care and treatment of hair diseases, ranging from baldness to dandruff. Until now, extracts from raw materials are actively used in home cosmetology for the preparation of effective compositions for the care of the face, body and skin appendages (masks, peelings, creams, conditioners, lotions, shampoos, etc.).

Treatment with nettles in official and folk medicine

Aqueous extracts from nettle leaves are an ancient remedy that helps with all types of internal bleeding, including gastrointestinal, uterine, hemorrhoidal, pulmonary, liver, etc. The hemostatic properties of the plant are provided by vitamin K, which increases blood plasma clotting.

The juice of young nettle shoots is a multivitamin that stimulates all types of metabolism. It is also used to treat wounds and burn surfaces as a regenerating, disinfectant and wound-healing agent, provided with a high concentration of chlorophyll.

Traditional medicine advises the active use of fresh nettle bushes externally in the treatment of pathologies of the joints and lower back. In particular, healers prescribe whipping the lower back with a broom of juicy nettles for lumbago and radiculitis, preferably in combination with bath procedures - steaming.

The use of nettle leaves is advisable to improve blood composition, especially with anemia. Preparations with the plant increase the hemoglobin content in the blood plasma and increase the number of red blood cells produced, due to the presence of easily digestible proteins, iron and vitamins in the extract.

The benefits of nettle for maintaining health were also appreciated by patients with diabetes. The fact is that it contains the hormone secretin, which stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas. Thus, taking plant-based products is useful for people suffering from pathologies of this organ (pancreatitis), and for lowering blood sugar levels.

Phytosterols in stinging nettle are beneficial for men's health. Nettle drinks (tea, infusion) improve the condition of the prostate gland, which leads to increased potency and is a prevention of prostatitis.

But the burning leaves bring the greatest benefit to women. Infusion and decoction of nettle during menstruation, accompanied by bleeding, normalizes this process, relieving cramps and painful manifestations. Taking extracts from the plant can significantly reduce the amount of menstrual flow, if necessary.

A pressing question arises: how to properly make a nettle decoction? Dried raw materials are used to prepare the elixir. One and a half tablespoons of the herb are poured with hot water (0.3 l), the product is simmered in a water bath for 5 minutes, left under the lid for 2 hours, filtered and taken warm, 100 ml three times a day before meals. Treatment is carried out during menstruation.

Contraindications for use

Like any medicinal plant, stinging nettle has contraindications and restrictions for use. First of all, recipes with leaves and their inclusion in the diet are contraindicated for people with individual intolerance.

If you are taking pharmaceutical drugs as prescribed by a doctor, then you should inform him about starting therapy with nettle, since some pharmaceutical products are incompatible with extracts from it. For example, nettle extract has a depressant effect on the central nervous system if antidepressants are taken simultaneously.

Since the plant has powerful hemostatic properties, in the presence of atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, its preparations can cause serious harm to the patient. It is worth considering that an increase in blood clotting when taking nettle extracts increases the risk of blood clots in people prone to this pathology.

During pregnancy, it is strictly not recommended to use nettle internally, even in the form of light tea, as this can provoke uterine contractions and miscarriage. Gynecologists do not recommend treatment with nettle preparations in the presence of cysts, polyps, or any types of tumors, even if they are accompanied by bleeding.

Given the beneficial properties of nettles, it makes sense to diversify your diet in the spring by including fresh leaves in your everyday meals. And also take care of the preparation of raw materials so that you always have on hand a powerful remedy, so popular in folk medicine, of course, if you and your family members have no contraindications to its use. Let the wisdom of nature always help you to be young and healthy!

Nettle is famous for its beneficial properties and the impressive list of vitamins included in its composition. The pungent plant is added to medicinal tinctures, decoctions and preparations. Nettle helps cope with radiculitis, low immunity, rheumatism, kidney and bladder problems. But if used improperly, you will most likely cause harm to the body. To prevent this from happening, consider the main aspects.

Composition of nettle

This peculiar “weed” is loved by many for the presence of vitamins. For example, nettles contain more vitamin C than apples, red currants and carrots combined. Thanks to this, you can boost your immunity by drinking a little tea with the plant.

The plant is not deprived of retinol or vitamin A. The natural antioxidant has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) is responsible for the health of the skin and hair, as well as the female reproductive system.

A special place is given to vitamin K, which is otherwise called vikasol. This substance is responsible for blood viscosity; nettle juice has regenerating and hemostatic properties.

Nettle contains B vitamins; they normalize a person’s psycho-emotional environment. Nettle decoctions and teas fight poor sleep and depressive disorders.

Carotenoids have the ability to improve vision. These compounds prevent the formation of cataracts and are prescribed for use by patients with eye diseases.

In addition to beneficial vitamins, nettles contain many mineral compounds. Of particular value are manganese, sulfur, aluminum, barium, chromium, copper, iron, molybdenum, potassium, calcium and others.

Nettle contains tannins, organic acids, glycosides, chlorophyll, flavonoids, phytoncides, and histamine.

In terms of the amount of vitamin K contained, nettle is 3 times greater than spinach. Organic iron and copper are present in a volume that is 2 times higher than the levels of these elements in cabbage.

Calorie content 100 gr. plants is small - 43 Kcal. Most often, nettles are used in sauces for main courses and appetizers, salads, first courses and side dishes. From 100 gr. 85% is allocated to water, the rest is occupied by carbohydrates, proteins and dietary fiber. There is practically no fat in the plant (less than 0.5 g).

Effect of nettle on the body

  • enhances metabolism;
  • increases the body's protective functions;
  • blocks the flow of blood to cancer cells (fighting cancer);
  • treats hemorrhoids;
  • has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • reduces glucose levels in diabetes;
  • fights hypertension;
  • improves the activity of the pancreas;
  • cleanses blood channels and seals their walls;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle;
  • treats mental disorders, neuroses, insomnia;
  • increases appetite and salivation;
  • relieves painful cramps in the stomach;
  • controls the activity of the reproductive and urinary systems;
  • widely used for dermatological problems.

The benefits of nettle do not end with the listed actions. This is only a small part of how the plant affects the functioning of vital organs and systems.

Benefits of nettle

  1. The plant is used for pancreatitis and other diseases of this nature. This becomes possible thanks to the antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of the herb.
  2. Nettle has the ability to block blood circulation and prevent the appearance of new capillaries in cancer formations. Some substances from the plant have been successfully added to cancer drugs.
  3. For diabetes mellitus, nettle tincture is indispensable. It gently lowers sugar levels and removes bad cholesterol. To prepare the product, grind 40 g. greens and brew in 0.5 l. boiling water Leave for several hours, take a teaspoon before meals.
  4. “Weed” facilitates the functioning of the kidneys and improves the functioning of the entire urinary system. To normalize the processes of urination, remove sand and small tumors (up to 0.5 cm), you need to take an infusion. It is prepared from dry nettle and bird knotweed.
  5. Nettle will help the male half of humanity cope with prostatitis. The plant improves urine output, relieves pain, kills harmful microorganisms and alleviates the general course of the disease.
  6. Traditional healers successfully use nettle in the fight against bleeding of various natures (stomach, pulmonary, intestinal, kidney, etc.). The accumulation of chlorophyll tones the internal organs and stops harmful processes.
  7. Due to its high iron content, nettle is used to treat anemia (anemia). Nettle is used for allergic reactions; it accelerates the release of histamine, which stops the reaction to food or medications.
  8. Decoctions based on the “weed” are widely used for the treatment and prevention of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, and peptic ulcers. For girls during menstruation, such infusions will help get rid of abdominal pain and heavy discharge.
  9. Nettle strengthens the immune system and is used to treat helminths in adults and children. The herb also accelerates the production of red blood cells, enriches the blood with oxygen and nutrients, and improves its composition. The weed is used for various problems by dermatologists (psoriasis, eczema, etc.).
  10. Those who like to take a steam bath will find it useful to know that a nettle broom eliminates pain in the lower back, cervical region and back. Patting a hot body eliminates radiculitis, heart pain, and swelling of the limbs. All this becomes possible thanks to increased blood circulation.
  11. Nettle is the best wound healing and disinfectant. The plant is used to eliminate suppuration, dry out acne and other similar problems. Nettle decoction is effective for acne, oily facial skin, and cellulite.

  1. Beneficial qualities have been noticed during heavy menstruation. Since nettle has hemostatic properties, it can be used to control the intensity of discharge and the general condition of a woman. During menstruation, the body experiences a decrease in hemoglobin. The weed makes up for this lack.
  2. Women's doctors unanimously say that nettle will be useful for new mothers who are breastfeeding. The abundance of minerals and vitamins supports the health of the child and woman.
  3. Not without the valuable qualities of the plant on the female body during menopause. Burning herb reduces the number of hot flashes, eliminates excessive sweating and normalizes the general condition of a woman.
  4. Nettle tinctures and freshly squeezed juice are used in cosmetology to treat hair and stimulate its growth. The composition increases blood circulation in the scalp and fights alopecia (hair loss).
  5. The plant is used to combat acne, severe pigmentation, swelling, furrows and wrinkles on the face. Nettle rejuvenates, removes vascular networks and comedones.

Benefits of nettle for men

  1. The plant contains mineral compounds that are necessary for the male body. These elements include zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Substances increase blood circulation in the groin area and regulate potency.
  2. Nettle improves sexual activity and increases libido, increases sperm count and reproductive activity. The herb is used to treat and prevent impotence.
  3. Men who experience difficulties with premature ejaculation need to take nettle decoctions and tinctures. Such means will increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  4. It is useful to use the plant for those who play sports and lead an active lifestyle. It's all about nettle's ability to give the body strength and energy.
  5. Men are more likely than women to suffer from alopecia - severe hair loss. To remove bald spots, you need to rub freshly squeezed nettle juice into your scalp.
  6. Thanks to the accumulation of B vitamins, the plant controls the psycho-emotional environment, relieves chronic fatigue and normalizes sleep.
  7. Various folk remedies based on the plant cleanse the liver of toxins, remove ethyl alcohol from the body, eliminate hangover syndrome and reduce cravings for nicotine.

Benefits of nettle for children

  1. In most cases, nettle is used for children as infusions and all kinds of decoctions to strengthen the body's protective functions. Medicinal formulations can be given to a child only after prior consultation with a specialist. Otherwise, the child’s body may develop an allergy.
  2. The benefits of this unique plant for the child’s body are manifested in the fact that the raw materials effectively eliminate stomach pain. Infusions relieve severe coughs, strengthen the immune system and relieve inflammation in the mouth due to herpes. Decoctions cope with constipation.
  3. Numerous observations have shown that nettle infusion is a good remedy for anemia. The weed completely replenishes iron deficiency in the body. A simple infusion allows you to avoid taking heavy medications that adversely affect the liver and kidneys.
  4. Nettle has long established itself as an effective remedy for various dermatological diseases. To cope with an allergic reaction, it is recommended to use the stems, flowers and leaves of the weed. Wipe the skin with the product, drink infusions and teas.

Benefits of nettle during pregnancy

  1. During the period of gestation, representatives of the fair sex need to be especially careful when using any medicines and herbs. Nettle will help improve overall health, and side effects are also possible.
  2. Reasonable intake of the weed will help the expectant mother strengthen her cardiovascular system. Nettle has a positive effect on the kidneys. As a result, the swelling disappears. Raw materials fight bad mood, giving strength and suppressing depression.
  3. Nettle infusion is allowed to be taken only after consultation with a doctor. Large dosages can cause severe migraines, poor appetite, miscarriage, insomnia and dizziness.

  1. To exclude the manifestation of vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to regularly drink a decoction or tea based on nettle. The weed has immunostimulating and restorative properties. The herb will help the body resist seasonal viruses and colds.
  2. During illness, the plant will ease inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. The weed is famous for its expectorant effect. Nettle qualitatively cleanses the lungs and bronchi from mucus and phlegm. Medicinal infusions are often prescribed for asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis.
  3. The medicinal properties of nettle allow the composition to be used for internal bleeding. The raw material promotes rapid blood clotting and allows wounds to heal in a short time. Freshly prepared gruel from the plant is used to eliminate calluses and corns.
  4. The healing properties of the weed can effectively combat various types of skin diseases. It has been proven that nettle is excellent for eliminating warts, boils, acne, lichen and eczema. To achieve maximum effect, the plant is recommended to be used in the form of compresses and lotions. Along with this, you need to drink tea with nettle.
  5. If you systematically use nettle infusion, you can soon get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The composition also eliminates pathologies of the genitourinary system. The decoction allows you to completely remove sand and salts from the bladder and kidneys. The composition eliminates inflammatory processes in the urinary canals. Swelling of the limbs disappears.
  6. Systematic consumption of the infusion will improve metabolic processes and improve intestinal function. The composition relieves nausea, heartburn and flatulence. Therapeutic tea helps eliminate problems with loose stools, enteritis, spasms and colitis. The drink prevents the development of the acute stage of gastritis.
  7. In addition to the general strengthening properties of the plant, infusions can be used to treat hair and scalp. The composition allows you to stop the loss and development of dandruff. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to systematically apply the decoction. For the best effect, use burdock oil in parallel.

Harm of nettle

  1. In most cases, people believe that nettle can cause harm due to its burning properties. A similar effect is achieved due to a special light-colored pile that is located on the surface of the plant.
  2. A solution of apple cider vinegar and plain water will help get rid of unpleasant itching on the skin after contact with nettles. The ratio of components should be 1:1. Wipe the affected area of ​​skin with a cotton swab.
  3. You can also get burns to the mucous membrane if you consume raw materials without pre-processing. If you are preparing salads, the nettles should be doused with boiling water. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm to the body.
  4. Nettle collected in an environmentally polluted place is contraindicated for consumption. This product can cause serious poisoning. Also, all beneficial properties will be completely absent in the weed.
  5. If nettle grows near roads and industrial enterprises, the raw material absorbs all the dirt and heavy metals. This plant is dangerous to health and is strictly prohibited for consumption. The harm of raw materials to the body is irreparable.
  6. Nettle in rare cases provokes an allergic reaction. It is prohibited to take the plant in any form during lactation. During pregnancy, you should also take weed-based infusions with extreme caution.

Nettle is rightfully considered a unique plant. Its healing properties have long been known to humanity. With the help of the described weed, you can cope with most ailments and skin lesions. Before eating the plant, consult a specialist.

Video: healing nettle powder

Nettle is a universal source of biologically active substances. Alternative medicine has included this medicinal plant among the most useful representatives of the “green pharmacy”. The medicinal properties of nettle are especially valued for chronic inflammatory diseases, women's ailments, anemia, bronchitis, and hair loss. The Russian people have long believed that the use of hot herbs replaces 7 healers. Let's find out why a seemingly ordinary plant is given an honorable role in alternative and official medicine, and how to use nettle leaves with maximum benefit for the body.

Legendary plant

According to an ancient parable, the stinging effect of nettle was given to it by God to protect it from destruction by people and animals. Many people are not averse to eating juicy greens, but the fear of stinging hairs stops them. There is a belief that nettle leaves and the medicinal properties of this herb successfully replace 7 healers. It is believed that even plant branches placed under the bed of a sick person protect against illness and help resist dark forces. Russian doctors recognized the healing properties of nettle back in the 17th century; they recommended using fresh leaves to treat wounds and lubricate ulcers on the body with juice.

Three centuries of use by scientific medicine

The “image” of the legendary plant has noticeably improved after a thorough study of its chemical composition and biological effects of active substances. Residents of modern cities should definitely pay attention to the property of nettle preparations to increase the body’s resistance to the negative influence of the external environment. The plant helps with many diseases. The most valuable thing is its hemostatic and cleansing effect, tonic effect for a number of organs and systems.

Nettle will even save your head from hair loss. Medicinal properties and contraindications are included in two unequal lists. The first is much broader than the second; the plant brings more benefits than harm. Freshly cut nettle leaves can be eaten as a dietary product with virtually no contraindications.

Family Nettle genus Nettle: stings and heals

Thin and fragile hairs on the leaves and stems of plants are filled with sharp crystals of silicic acid salts. When the protruding part of the burning cell wounds the skin and breaks off, caustic compounds, such as formic acid, are released. “Burning” is the translation of the Latin name of the Nettle genus - Urtica. These are annuals and perennials that usually grow near homes as weeds. The following types have acquired medicinal value:

Active ingredients of stinging nettle

An impressive list of natural ingredients contains fresh leaves and dried nettle herb. The medicinal properties of the plant are due to the presence of active ingredients in its parts:

  1. The green pigment chlorophyll is the “blood” of plants.
  2. Vitamin complex: A, E, B2, B9, K, C, PP.
  3. Formic and pantothenic acids.
  4. Glycoside urticin.
  5. Flavonoid quercetin.
  6. Tannins.
  7. Proteins and proteins.
  8. Phytoncides.
  9. Comedy.
  10. Calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese.

Medicinal properties of nettle

Plant preparations have a wide range of effects on the body. The burning hairs contain a natural antiseptic - formic acid, as well as regulators of the functions of living organisms - acetylcholine and histamine. Together, these substances have an analgesic effect and help with radiculitis and polyarthritis. Nettle has a variety of effects on the body:

  • stimulates granulation and epithelization in the area of ​​damage;
  • increases the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin content;
  • has a hemostatic effect;
  • regulates the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • increases coagulability when blood vessels are damaged;
  • improves basal metabolism.

Stinging plant in folk medicine

The medicinal properties of stinging nettle are valued for lung diseases. Traditional healers prescribe a decoction of the plant for anemia, bronchitis, spleen diseases, and diarrhea. Healers recommend rubbing fresh herbs for joint and muscle rheumatism, and in this way getting rid of warts on the body. Since ancient times, in folk medicine, juice has been obtained from fresh nettle leaves and given to patients with fever, kidney stones and gall bladder, and lubricated with infected wounds.

Scalded nettle leaves in brooms for a Russian bath or herbal steaming in bags exude a healing aroma that has a beneficial effect on the body. In case of impaired kidney function or neuralgia, prepare brooms from fresh grass, steam them and apply them to the sore spot. Procedures with a nettle bath broom relieve aches from colds, pain from osteochondrosis and radiculitis. The cosmetic effect of the solution after steaming the herb and rinsing the body and head is to increase the elasticity of the skin, improve the condition and growth of hair on the head.

List of contraindications for treatment with a nettle bath broom and the use of procedures with steamed leaves:

  1. Feverish state of the body.
  2. High body temperature.
  3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. Thrombophlebitis.
  6. Varicose veins

Stinging nettle in scientific medicine

An infusion of the leaves of the Urtica dioica plant is prescribed for various types of bleeding. This is how doctors value the hemostatic effect that nettle has. The medicinal properties and recipes for preparing medications for use in internal bleeding are similar. For infusion, take 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves and brew 200 ml of water. Take this medicine three times a day before meals, one tablespoon.

The Urtica dioica plant is present in the following medicines:

  • collection No. 2 for the production of medicine according to Zdrenko’s recipe;
  • medicine "Allahol";
  • liquid and thick extracts;
  • laxative collection No. 1;
  • briquettes from leaves.

The use of medicinal plants and preparations from them has a number of contraindications. These include late pregnancy, thrombophlebitis, bleeding caused by tumors and polyps of internal organs. Nettle is contraindicated for those who suffer from increased blood clotting.

Benefits of nettle for women's health

Nature has created an effective composition that is used by the fair half of the population. This is the same green healer - stinging nettle. The healing properties for women include a tonic effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus. The medicinal plant increases the number of platelets, which delay the release of blood. The main fluid of the body begins to clot faster, the levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells increase.

The rich content of vitamins, iron and other active compounds in the leaves of the plant turns the medicinal herb into a reliable friend of women's health. Nettle is useful for lactation and restoration of the body after childbirth, as it increases hemoglobin, restores strength and strengthens the body. The shoots and leaves of the plant are eaten as a dietary product. Young greens are cut into liquid dishes, old leaves are fermented like cabbage.

Recipes for using nettle for gynecological problems

Previously, nettle juice was used by midwives to stop uterine bleeding. Now women can supplement traditional methods of helping their body with menstruation with folk recipes. Irregular nature and abundance of menstruation are often caused by inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages. In such cases, the bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of nettle are useful. Nettle leaves collected in environmentally friendly places are crushed and juice is obtained. During menstruation, take 1 teaspoon of medicine three times a day (before meals). The juice is first diluted with 2 tablespoons of water.

The medicinal properties of nettle in gynecology do not end there. A decoction of dry leaves is used during menstruation to normalize the volume of discharge. Preparation of a medicinal solution: take 1 full tablespoon of dry raw materials and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, then let stand for 2 hours. Take ½ cup of healing decoction before meals (3 times a day).

Dead nettle. Medicinal properties of white damselfish

When preparing medicinal raw materials, one should distinguish between stinging nettle and stinging nettle. The first plant, a representative of the nettle family, was discussed above. Dead nettle, or white nettle, does not have stinging properties. The flowers of the plant do not hang in clusters, but form whorls in the axils of the cuttings of the upper leaves. The calyx is bell-shaped, the corolla is white.

In medical practice, flowers of white damselfish have been used. The medicinal properties of nettle are due to the tannic and mucous components contained in the petals of the plant. The raw material contains the glycoside kaemferol, the flavonoid isoquercetin, saponins and some essential oil. Preparations from clasp flowers are used as astringents, hemostatics, diuretics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Traditional healers recommend using an infusion of nettle flowers for colds, inflammation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa, and internal bleeding. Contraindications are the same as for consuming stinging nettle.

Therapeutic effects of nettle on skin and hair

The hot plant helps preserve and restore natural beauty and prevents hair loss on the head. Nettle vitamin complex is a set of natural ingredients for gentle care of the body and scalp. The benefits of B vitamins for smooth and shiny curls and lush hair are well known. Freshly squeezed nettle juice stimulates hair growth, strengthens its follicles and shafts. Vitamin C and microelements increase the protective properties of cells and reduce the negative influence of the external environment.

The active use of fresh juice, decoction and infusion of the pungent plant to improve appearance began so long ago that no one remembers the authors of the most common recipes that include nettle. Medicinal properties for hair are manifested when using a decoction to rinse your hair after washing. It is very simple to prepare this remedy: you need to brew 2 full glasses of chopped or otherwise crushed fresh or dry leaves in 2 liters of boiling water. Then leave for 1 hour, wrapping the dishes to keep warm. You can rinse your hair with the prepared decoction 2 times a week. As a result, hair loss will stop, it will become shiny and smooth, and will emit a light aroma of green fields.

Recipes with nettle for facial skin

It is useful to use nettle compresses, masks and homemade creams with a decoction of the plant, juice or gruel from fresh leaves on the face. The procedures have an anti-inflammatory, restorative and rejuvenating effect. A remedy for oily skin made from nettle leaves helps with unhealthy shine. To do this, you will need to chop a full glass of fresh herbs, steam 200 ml of boiling water, cover and leave to steep.

The finished product must be passed through a strainer and diluted with boiled water until the original volume is restored (200 ml). Wipe the face with a sponge or cotton swab. Nettle leaves, the medicinal properties of homemade cosmetics with a decoction, fresh plant juice help cleanse enlarged pores and speed up the healing of scars.

A mask with nettle and honey has a rejuvenating effect. To prepare it, take the components equally (nettle leaves are pre-crushed, honey is slightly heated). It is better to apply the cosmetic product in the evening for half an hour, then rinse the mixture with warm water. This homemade mask with nettle, when used weekly, helps to significantly improve the condition of the skin. The use of nettle helps heal acne and pimples.

Harvesting of dioecious and dead nettles is carried out during the flowering period, when all plant organs are already mature (except for seeds). Plants are usually collected on the outskirts of populated areas, in vacant lots, and in forests away from highways. Leaves and flowers must be clean and dry, otherwise when dried they will darken and become unsuitable for treatment. Dry the grass and flowers by spreading them in a thin layer under a canopy, on a windowsill where there is no direct sunlight. It is necessary to regularly turn over and inspect raw materials, and remove blackened parts of plants in a timely manner.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of stinging and stinging nettle have been known since ancient times. Caesar's legionnaires whipped themselves with nettles to relieve pain and keep warm. The Greeks added nettle infusions to love potions to increase potency. And in Russian herbalists, this herb was attributed primarily to wound-healing and hemostatic properties. On Ivan Kupala, it was customary to hit each other with nettles to “burn out” diseases. If we consider the magical meaning of the grass, then it is a symbol of unhappy fate and love, with injections, “burning”, suffering. In the folk traditions of the Slavs, nettle is a strong amulet that protects against negative energy. In Rus', nettle brooms were not only used to steam to drive evil spirits out of the body, but they were also used to sweep floors to drive evil spirits out of the house.

Features of a medicinal plant

Healers note that among the variety of medicinal herbs, it is difficult to find a plant that can compare with nettle in terms of biological activity and beneficial effects on the human body. It is not for nothing that this plant symbol is so often found in legends, fairy tales, superstitions, proverbs and sayings.


Stinging nettle is a perennial medicinal plant. Distributed in the Southern and Northern Hemisphere. Loves temperate climates. The grass can be found throughout Europe, Siberia, the Far East, Asia, the Caucasus, northern Africa and even Australia. Grows well on nitrogenous soils. Refers to difficult-to-eradicate weeds. Grass grows along roads, fences, in vacant lots, and in ravines. Loves damp forests, clearings, meadows, river banks. Often forms dense thickets. The habitat of stinging nettle is the same as that of stinging nettle.

How to distinguish stinging nettle from stinging nettle

  • Dioecious. Perennial plant, height can reach 2 m. Forms large thickets.
  • Burning. An annual plant, the height can reach 50 cm. It is distinguished by strongly burning hairs on the leaves and stems. Does not form large thickets.


Stinging nettle is also harvested as a medicinal raw material. In terms of medicinal properties, it is not inferior to stinging nettle. And, for example, in homeopathy only stinging nettle is used. Most often, its young leaves and shoots, as well as roots, are collected. This is a useful multivitamin supplement to your spring diet. Salads and soups are prepared from young leaves. Dried stinging nettle is used as a seasoning.

Healing effect

What are the beneficial properties of nettle?

  • Tonic.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Blood purifying.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Vasoconstrictor.
  • Mild laxative.
  • Multivitamin.
  • Wound healing.
  • Anticonvulsant.
  • Choleretic.
  • Expectorant.
  • Painkiller.

Chemical composition:

  • multivitamin concentrate: vitamins C, A, K, B;
  • organic acids;
  • phytoncides;
  • glycosides;
  • chlorophyll;
  • gum;
  • minerals (especially a lot of iron, nickel, silicon, copper, manganese);
  • tannins;
  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • glucokinins (lower blood sugar);
  • histamine (in stinging nettle hairs);
  • fats and proteins;
  • Sahara.


For what diagnoses and symptoms will nettle treatment be effective?

  • Gynecology. Often used to stop uterine bleeding, with decreased uterine tone, in the postpartum period.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Used for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and intestines. It is useful to take orally for constipation, hemorrhoids, gastritis with high acidity, flatulence, and appetite disorders. The herb is also effective for dysentery and acts as an antiseptic.
  • urinary system. The drug improves kidney function; it is prescribed for urolithiasis, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, as a diuretic for urinary retention and edema.
  • Respiratory system . It is useful to drink for colds, bronchitis and pneumonia, helps with tuberculosis (stops hemoptysis).
  • Allergy treatment. An effective remedy for urticaria and itching is the homeopathic medicine Urtica urens, which is made from stinging nettle. In addition to allergies, they also treat burns, urolithiasis, dilated capillaries, hemorrhages, gout and other diseases.
  • Hemostatic agent. Vitamin K promotes rapid blood clotting. Therefore, since ancient times, the herb has been taken for various bleedings - nasal, hemorrhoidal, uterine, renal, intestinal, pulmonary (hemoptysis).
  • Vascular and heart diseases. The herb has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, helps with varicose veins, strengthens, narrows the walls of blood vessels, and stimulates the muscles of the heart.
  • Diseases of muscles, bones and joints. The product is used internally and externally for gout, radiculitis, rheumatism, osteomyelitis, and arthritis.
  • Blood purification. The herb has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism in the body. It is prescribed for diabetes, and is also drunk for weight loss (especially for losing weight in the abdomen and sides). The herb increases the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Chlorophyll contained in nettle has a stimulating effect on the immune system, increases the tone of the respiratory, digestive, and vascular systems. Acts as an antioxidant, removes toxins and waste from the body.
  • External use. In dermatology it is used for lichen, boils, acne, purulent wounds, including chronic varicose veins. Decoctions and infusions are used to make lotions and compresses for burns and rheumatic pain.

In addition, the herb is a multivitamin that is prescribed for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, spring vitamin deficiency, scurvy and anemia. The drug is recommended to be taken during epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

What are the contraindications of nettle? Renal failure, individual intolerance, increased blood clotting, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cancer, benign tumors, thrombophlebitis and a tendency to its development. It should be used with great caution in the elderly and children. Due to a number of contraindications, consultation with a doctor is necessary before using the herb.

Preparation and use of nettles at home

How is nettle used in folk medicine? What medicines can be prepared from it at home? What drugs are available at the pharmacy?

Pharmacy drugs

  • Oil . Most often used externally in dermatology and cosmetology for skin and hair care. You can make an oil extract from nettles at home.
  • Dry nettle extract. You can buy dietary supplements in the form of tablets and capsules, which are made from dried nettle root. Powder made from dry extracts of leaves and roots is also sold. It is used to prepare infusions at home.
  • Liquid extract. Sold in 100 ml bottles. The indications for use indicated in the instructions are diseases of the urinary system and joints, iron deficiency anemia, inflammation of the prostate gland, uterine bleeding, menstrual irregularities. The herbal preparation is prescribed in complex therapy with synthetic drugs. Take in a strict dosage - no more than 30 drops 4 times a day.
  • Dry vegetable raw materials. The instructions for using nettle leaves indicate age restrictions - the herb is allowed for children over 12 years of age. An overdose can cause an allergic reaction and increased blood clotting. That’s why it’s so important to follow the dosage when preparing the infusion: take no more than 2 tbsp per 200 ml of water. spoons of dry raw materials.


Nettle infusion can be prepared from leaves, roots and seeds.

Preparation of a decoction of leaves

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Boil for 1 minute.
  3. Insist for half an hour.

They drink for all the diagnoses listed above. Externally, decoctions and infusions are used in the form of baths, lotions, warm poultices, and compresses.

Preparation of a decoction of roots

  1. Take 1 tsp. ground roots.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Insist for half an hour.

This decoction is useful for cleansing the blood of toxins; it is drunk for furunculosis, swelling, hemorrhoids, and heart disease. It is used externally for skin lesions - eczema, lichen, urticaria, burns. There is also a recipe for cooking roots in syrup. This is an effective cough remedy.

Preparing a decoction from seeds

  1. Take 1 tsp. seeds (preferably crushed).
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.

This decoction is useful for men - it increases potency and enhances sexual activity. You can also infuse the seeds in red wine or add honey to the infusions.

How to drink nettle decoction?

  • Be sure to strain before use.
  • Take in the following dosage: 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.
  • A decoction of the roots can be taken in a larger dosage - ¼ cup 3 times a day.
  • The course of treatment depends on the diagnosis and age of the patient and is prescribed by the doctor.
  • Long-term use should be limited in old age to prevent thrombophlebitis.
  • The prepared broth can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.


What are the uses of nettle infusion? This remedy is effective for all of the above indications. The infusion is especially useful for stopping bleeding. It is also an excellent multivitamin drink. To prepare the infusion, you can use crushed leaves or nettle bags from the pharmacy.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 1-2 hours.
  4. Strain.

It is also a good tonic, restorative, and lactogenic agent. It is often drunk for rheumatism. The infusion is used externally in the same way as a decoction. For external use and cleansing of the skin, an infusion of celandine and nettle is recommended.

Preparation of fortified infusion

  1. Take equal parts of nettle, rose hips, currants, and carrot root.
  2. At 2 tbsp. l. mixture, take 2 cups of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Strain.


This is a good sedative for nervous disorders, apathy, drowsiness, and lethargy. It acts as a tonic, so it is not recommended to take it in the afternoon. The tincture is also used as a rub for joint and muscle pain. Taken orally for whooping cough, diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Red wine tincture with honey also helps with coughs.

Preparation of vodka tincture

  1. Take 1 part of dry leaves.
  2. Pour in 5 parts vodka.
  3. Soak it in the sun for 2 weeks.
  4. Strain.

A tincture can also be prepared from the roots.


Syrup with nettle and hogweed extract is sold in pharmacies. It is used for hormonal imbalances, a number of gynecological diseases, infertility, mastopathy, and to strengthen the immune system. But you can also make syrup yourself.

Syrup recipe

  1. Pass 1 kg of fresh leaves through a meat grinder.
  2. Add 3 cups of water.
  3. Boil for 2 minutes and strain.
  4. Add ½ kg of honey and stir thoroughly.

The syrup should be stored in the refrigerator. This is a good multivitamin and general tonic. You can take 1 tsp. This syrup also makes delicious fortified drinks.


Fresh nettle juice can replace decoction and infusion. It is used internally and externally. Drink 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon. Effective for kidney and gallstones, uterine and nosebleeds, iron deficiency anemia, hypovitaminosis. The juice is drunk to stimulate the nervous system and for toothache. It is used as an antiseptic for diseases of the oral mucosa and inflammation of the skin.


What are the benefits of nettle for hair and skin? The herb contains minerals, organic acids and vitamins that provide anti-inflammatory, nutritional, rejuvenating, and antioxidant effects.

  • For problem skin. Used externally in the form of decoctions and infusions. Alcohol tincture can only be used in diluted form for oily skin. Cleanses the skin well with acne and purulent wounds. For furunculosis, the herb is also taken orally.
  • For hair . In case of hair loss, oily hair, or dandruff, it is recommended to rinse your hair with decoctions. For oily scalp, you can rub the tincture. Herbal mixtures with the addition of chamomile, burdock root, and oak bark are often used. Read more about application in our other article.
  • Nettle bath. This is not only a cosmetic, but also a medical procedure. Cleanses the skin well, renews cells, relieves swelling, helps with women's diseases and nervous disorders. Decoctions of nettle and sage are used to make baths for hands and feet, which soften the skin well, eliminate sweating of the palms and feet, and strengthen nails.

Preparation of oil

  1. Take 1 part of the crushed root.
  2. Pour in 2 parts olive oil.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks.
  4. Strain.

The oil is widely used in cosmetology: it is rubbed into the scalp, it is used to treat rough, chapped skin, cracks, wounds and scratches. The product is also effective in dermatology, in the treatment of burns.

Read more about the benefits of nettle for women

What are the benefits of nettle for women? For what symptoms and diagnoses is it prescribed?

  • Menstrual bleeding. How and how many days to drink nettle during continuous menstruation should be checked with the treating gynecologist. Self-medication for such a serious symptom can lead to even more disastrous consequences.
  • Itching in infectious diseases. This unpleasant symptom can be relieved with the help of the homeopathic medicine Urtica urens and nettle decoctions, which are used externally for douching.
  • Climax. For women during menopause, the herb is beneficial for the nervous system and hormonal imbalances. Substances similar in their effects on female sex hormones have been found in nettle.
  • After radio wave therapy treatment. Most often, this treatment method is prescribed for cervical erosion. After it, light bleeding is possible. Nettle is used to stop them.
  • Nettle during pregnancy. Strictly prohibited due to the effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus and hormonal properties. External use is acceptable.
  • Lactation period. The herb is prescribed to increase milk production. Therefore, if a woman wants to stop breastfeeding, nettle is contraindicated. To enhance lactation, nettle is drunk in combination with other herbs after consultation with a doctor.

There are many positive reviews about the treatment of female diseases with nettle. But let us emphasize once again: only a doctor can prescribe treatment. After all, the cause of bleeding can be fibroids, uterine fibroids, and other tumors. These diagnoses are a strict contraindication for nettle.

Economic importance

Young nettle is widely used in cooking. In the spring, cabbage soup is cooked from its leaves and shoots and added to salads and pies. Old leaves are suitable for fermentation and preparation of dry seasoning. Nettle is often found in Caucasian dishes. Here it is salted, pickled, fermented, and consumed fresh. The leaves are also used as fertilizer for livestock and poultry. The plant is used in the cosmetics industry.

The medicinal properties of stinging and stinging nettle are recognized in folk and traditional medicine. This remedy is used primarily to stop various internal bleeding. The herb also helps with diseases of blood vessels, bones, heart, joints, skin, and digestive organs. It is an antioxidant that is used to cleanse the blood. In addition, nettle is a natural multivitamin concentrate.

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