What glands synthesize sex hormones. What are female sex hormones responsible for, their norm and causes of deviations. The functional purpose of the hormone

Sex hormones are hormones produced by the male and female sex glands and the adrenal cortex.

All sex hormones are chemically steroids. Sex hormones include progestogens and androgens.

Estrogens are female sex hormones represented by estradiol and its conversion products estrone and estriol.

Estrogens are produced by follicle cells in the ovary. A certain amount of estrogen is also formed in the adrenal cortex. They provide development and secondary. Under the influence of estrogens, the production of which increases in the middle of the menstrual cycle before ovulation, the blood supply and size of the uterus increase, the endometrial glands grow, the contractions of the uterus and oviducts increase, i.e., preparation is made for the perception of a fertilized egg.

Progestogens include progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary, the adrenal cortex, and during pregnancy - by the placenta. Under its influence, conditions are created for the implantation (introduction) of the egg. If the egg is fertilized, the corpus luteum produces progesterone throughout pregnancy. Isolation in this case leads to the cessation of cyclic phenomena in the ovary, the development and growth of the secretory mammary glands.

Androgens are the male sex hormones testosterone and androsterone, which are produced by the interstitial cells of the testes. In the adrenal glands are produced that have androgenic activity. Androgens stimulate spermatogenesis and influence the development of the genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics (configuration of the larynx, mustache, beard, distribution of pubic hair, development, muscles).

The secretion of sex hormones is regulated by the gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland.

Sex hormone preparations (see,) are used in obstetric and gynecological practice, in the treatment of certain endocrine diseases (gonadal insufficiency) and breast tumors and. Long-term administration of estrogens to a man (for example, in the treatment of a prostate tumor) inhibits the function of the testis and the severity of male secondary sexual characteristics. Long-term administration of androgens to women suppresses the menstrual cycle.

Treatment with sex hormones should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, the paramedic should not independently prescribe sex hormones.

Sex hormones - hormones produced by the gonads (male and female) and the adrenal cortex.

Sex hormones have a specific effect on the sexual pathways and the development of secondary sexual characteristics, determine the development of the status of male and female individuals, eroticize the central nervous system and cause libido sexualis. By their chemical nature, sex hormones are steroid compounds characterized by the presence of a ring system. Sex hormones can be divided into three groups; estrogens, progesterone and androgens. All estrogens - estradiol, estrone and estriol - have specific biological activity. The primary estrogen hormone is estradiol. It is found in the venous blood flowing from the ovary. Estrone and estriol are its metabolic products. The content of estrogen in the female body undergoes cyclical changes. The highest concentration of estrogens in the blood and urine occurs in women in the middle of the menstrual cycle before ovulation, and in animals - during estrus. In the last three months of pregnancy in women, the content of estriol rises sharply.

The main source of estradiol formation is the follicle (graafian vesicle) of the ovary. The female sex hormone is produced, according to current data, by the cells of the granular layer (stratum granulosum) and the inner layer of the connective tissue membrane (theca interna), mainly the cells of the granular layer (about 5 times more than the cells of the inner layer of the connective tissue membrane). A large amount of estradiol is contained in the follicular fluid. Estrone is found in extracts of the adrenal cortex.

Basically, the female sex hormone acts on the female reproductive tract. Under the influence of estrogens, hyperemia and an increase in the stroma and muscles of the uterus, its rhythmic contractions, as well as the growth of the endometrial glands occur. Estrogens increase the mobility of the oviducts, especially during estrus in animals or in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when the titer of the female sex hormone is elevated. This increase in mobility promotes the movement of the egg through the oviduct. Strengthened uterine contractions facilitate the movement of sperm towards the oviduct, in the upper third of which fertilization occurs.

Estrogens cause keratinization of the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa (estrus). This reaction is most pronounced in rodents. After castration, rodents fall into estrus, which is characterized by the presence of keratinized cells (scales) in the vaginal smear. Injections of estrogen into castrated animals completely restore the estrus pattern characteristic of a vaginal smear. In a woman in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when the concentration of estrogen in the blood is increased, the process of keratinization (incomplete) of the epithelial cells of the vagina is also observed. In some rodents, the vagina is closed when immature. The introduction of estrogen causes perforation and disappearance of the vaginal membrane.

Estrogens cause hyperemia of the tissues of the genital tract, improve their nutrition. There is evidence indicating that histamine and 5-hydroxytryptampin (serotonin), released from the uterus under the influence of estrogen, are involved in the mechanism of this improvement. Under the influence of the female sex hormone, there is an increase in the water content in the tissues of the uterus, the accumulation of RNA and DNA, a noticeable absorption of serum albumin, sodium. Estrogens affect the development of the mammary gland. Under the influence of estrogen, hypercalcemia occurs. With prolonged administration of the female sex hormone, epiphyseal cartilage is overgrown and growth is inhibited. There is an antagonism between the female sex hormone and the male sex gland. Long-term administration of estrogen inhibits the function of the testis, stops spermatogenesis and inhibits the development of secondary male sexual characteristics.

Androgens. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone produced in the testes. It has been isolated in crystalline form from the testes of a bull, stallion, boar, rabbit, and also a human and has been identified in venous blood flowing from the testis of a dog. Testosterone was not found in the urine. Urine contains a product of its metabolism - androsterone. Androgens are also produced in the adrenal cortex. The urine contains their metabolites - dehydroisandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone. In addition to the active androgens mentioned above, biologically inert androgenic compounds, such as 3(α)-hydroxyeticholan-17-one, are also present in the urine.

In women, androgens excreted in the urine are predominantly of adrenal origin, some of them are formed in the ovary. In men, some of the androgens excreted in the urine are also of adrenal origin. This is indicated by the excretion of androgens in the urine of castrates and eunuchs. Androgens in men are predominantly produced in the testes. The Leydig cells of the interstitial tissue of the testis are the producers of the male sex hormone. It has been established that when sections of the testis are treated with phenylhydrazine, a substance that reacts with keto compounds, a positive reaction occurs only in Leydig cells, indicating the presence of ketosteroids in them. With cryptorchidism, a violation of spermatogenic function occurs, but the secretion of sex hormones remains normal for a long time. At the same time, Leydig cells remain intact.

Androgens have a selective effect on the development of dependent male secondary sexual characteristics. These signs in birds include a comb, beards, earrings, sexual instinct; in mammals, the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland. Under the control of the male sex hormone in humans are the development of the voice, skeleton, muscles, configuration of the larynx, as well as the distribution of hair on the face and pubis. Androgens affect the growth of the genital organs. Under their influence, the concentration of acid phosphatase in the prostate changes. Androgens eroticize the CNS. One of the functions of the male sex hormone is its ability to stimulate spermatogenesis.

The male sex hormone has an antiestrogenic effect. It suppresses the astral cycle in animals, the menstrual function in women. The male sex hormone also has some of the properties of progesterone. Under its influence in the endometrium of castrated animals, mild pregravid changes often occur. It also causes, like progesterone, the refractoriness of the muscles of the uterus to oxytocin. Androgens suppress lactation in women, probably as a result of inhibition of prolactin secretion by the anterior pituitary gland.

Among the characteristic physiological properties of the androgenic hormone, its effect on protein metabolism should be attributed. It stimulates the formation and accumulation of protein mainly in the muscles. Testosterone propionate and methyl testosterone have the most pronounced anabolic effect. On the other hand, androgens such as androsterone or dehydroandrosterone are unable to stimulate protein accumulation.

Androgens have a certain renotropic effect. They cause an increase in the weight of the kidneys due to hypertrophy of the epithelium of the convoluted tubules and Bowman's capsule.

The male sex hormone plays an essential role in inducing the development of the male genital tract during embryogenesis. In the absence of testosterone, the female genital apparatus develops.

The production and secretion of sex hormone is controlled by the anterior pituitary gland and its gonadotropic hormones: follicle-stimulating (FSH), luteinizing (LG) and luteotropic (LTH). In females, FSH controls the growth of follicles. However, estrogen secretion by the follicles requires a synergistic effect of FSH and LH. Luteinizing hormone stimulates preovulatory follicular growth, estrogen secretion and induces ovulation. Under the influence of LH, the formation of the corpus luteum and the secretion of progesterone occur. For the long-term functioning of the corpus luteum, exposure to the third gonadotropic hormone, LTH, is necessary.

FSH and LH also have a regulatory effect on the male sex gland. Under the control of FSH is the spermatogenic function of the testis. LH stimulates the interstitial tissue and its Leydig cells to secrete the male sex hormone. In experiments with the use of highly purified FSH or LH, the possibility of stimulating spermatogenesis in isolation or secretion of the male sex hormone was shown.

Relationships between sex hormones and gonadotropic hormones (see) are bilateral. The sex hormone, depending on their concentration in the blood, according to the feedback principle (the principle of plus - minus the interaction of M. M. Zavadovsky) has a restraining or stimulating effect on the secretion of gonadotropic hormones. So, long-term administration of estrogen leads to inhibition of the follicle-stimulating function of the pituitary gland. Castration, on the contrary, causes activation of both the follicle-stimulating and luteinizing functions of the pituitary gland. The introduction of estrogen during certain phases of the estrous cycle stimulates the secretion of LH. Progesterone in large quantities inhibits the secretion of LH, and in small doses stimulates it. The relationship between androgens and gonadotropic hormones of the anterior pituitary gland is also built on the principle of feedback.

The secretion of sex hormones by the gonads, carried out under the influence of pituitary hormones, as well as the effect of sex hormone on the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland, are under the control of the hypothalamus (see). Stereotactic damage to the anterior hypothalamus inhibits FSH secretion, destruction in the area between the mamillary and ventromedial nuclei stimulates the secretion of this hormone. LH release is also controlled by the anterior hypothalamus. The inhibitory effect of estrogen on the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland is realized through the hypothalamus. When the area of ​​the anterior hypothalamus is damaged, estrogen does not have an inhibitory effect on the secretion of gonadotropic hormones in rats. There are indications that the feedback between estrogen and the pituitary gland is also carried out at the level of the posterior hypothalamus. Implantation of estradiol tablets in the region of the arcuate and mamillary nuclei leads to ovarian atrophy and inhibits compensatory ovarian hypertrophy after unilateral castration.

Sex hormone preparations are widely used in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as in the clinic of endocrine diseases in the treatment of Itsenko-Cushing's disease, pituitary cachexia, etc. Sex hormone preparations are also included in the arsenal of oncology therapeutic agents for the treatment of tumors of the mammary glands and prostate (see. antitumor agents).

Female sex hormones are produced in the body of a woman, regardless of age.

Various hormones have a very strong effect on the female body, while many women are not even aware of their purpose.

But gradually, with age, the volumes of synthesis of certain substances are significantly reduced, and their role for health becomes obvious.

The hormonal background is the basis of good health and mood. You should consider the main types of female hormones in order to have an idea about their functions.

All hormones are conditionally divided into male - androgens, and female - estrogens.

Female sex hormones have the following names:

The main female substance is.

This hormone of the female gonads plays a leading role in the formation of a figure according to the female type.

Estrogen is also responsible for the development of a soft and compliant female character.

In general, such substances in the human body represent special components necessary for the functioning of the whole organism.

The liver, heart muscle, brain and adipose tissue are all responsible for the normal production of hormones.

Any deviation from normal indicators in the synthesis of hormones may indicate the presence of pathology.

An increase in the volume of synthesis causes the following disorders:

  • metabolic failures;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • development of breast tumors;
  • increase in blood pressure.

Both excess and lack of substances can lead to the development of pathologies of the reproductive system.

progesterone for conception

Progesterone is one of the female hormones. He is responsible for a woman's ability to conceive, awakens femininity and maternal instincts in her.

The level of this hormone must be monitored throughout pregnancy, because it is produced by the corpus luteum that is responsible for the normal course of this situation.

Active production of this hormone begins after the release of a mature egg from the ovary. Production begins after the transformation of the follicle into.

Of a number of symptoms that manifest themselves with a lack of progesterone, the following signs are distinguished:

  • mood swings;
  • manifestation of bleeding from the genitals, not related to menstruation;
  • chest pain;
  • bloating;
  • gastrointestinal disorders.

The level of the progesterone substance should correspond to the phase of the woman's menstrual cycle. Suspicion of any deviations is a reason to visit a specialist.

It should be taken 2-3 days after ovulation.

It is necessary to solve the problem with a lack or excess of hormone production immediately, because this condition entails irreversible consequences, up to the possible development of infertility.


It is purely a female hormone. Normal production indicates the fulfillment of the main tasks of the ovaries.

These hormones are synthesized by the ovarian follicles. Indicators of normal values ​​​​for different periods of the menstrual cycle are different:

  • follicular phase – 57-227 pg/ml;
  • preovulatory phase – 127 - 476 pg / ml;
  • luteinizing phase – 77-227 pg/ml.

During pregnancy, the production of estradiol increases. The placenta takes responsibility for its release - such estradiol is called free.

Testosterone - is there a woman in the body?

Female hormones are closely related to male ones. Testosterone is originally a male hormone, but, nevertheless, it is present in the body of every woman.

This hormone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands in both women and men.

The value of progesterone in the female body is to perform the following functions:

  • the formation of muscle mass;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • increased libido;
  • regulation of the process of maturation of the follicle.

The body of the female representatives is most susceptible to constant oscillatory changes in the hormonal background. In the normal course of circumstances, such changes do not entail serious consequences.

During pregnancy increases more than 3 times. Such a manifestation is normal, and only confirms the successful course of pregnancy.

In medical practice, 2 indicators of this hormone are distinguished:

  1. Free Testosterone. This term refers to the total amount of hormone that is not bound to proteins.
  2. total testosterone. It implies the total quantitative concentration of the hormone in the body of a woman.

To determine the level of testosterone, it is necessary to pass an appropriate analysis.

It is important to remember that all hormone tests are taken on an empty stomach.

To get accurate readings, it is important to follow the rules.

It does not always indicate the presence of pregnancy. In some patients, a similar deviation occurs at the time of ovulation.

Oxytocin - the elixir of female well-being

Oxytocin is a hormone that is actively produced by the adrenal glands.

Its meaning lies in determining the traits of female character:

  • tenderness;
  • attentiveness;
  • sympathy;
  • care.

It is important to note that at present, oxytocin in the body of women is produced very weakly.

Some experts attribute this to the fact that women are now taking care of the family on their shoulders, despite the fact that this is the prerogative of men.

As a result, the body begins to produce large amounts of male hormones:

  • dopamine;
  • adrenalin;
  • testosterone.

The lack of oxytocin in a woman's body manifests itself as follows:

  1. The woman becomes oppressed.
  2. Constantly in a depressed mood.
  3. She does not care about loved ones.
  4. Rapidly gaining weight.
  5. Loss of energy.

Hormone therapy is not always required to restore the normal balance of oxytocin in the body.

A woman often just needs to change her lifestyle. It is useful to find a hobby - something you like, to start paying attention to yourself.


This name is a hormone, the production of which depends on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Among a number of main purposes in the female body, the following functions are distinguished:

  • BP adjustment;
  • maintaining muscle tone;
  • increased physical activity;
  • strengthening of psycho-emotional stability;
  • brain stimulation;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

That is why the rapid weight gain in a woman may indicate a violation of the hormonal balance.

The lack of thyroxine manifests itself as follows:

  • hyperhidrosis;
  • constant irritability and aggression;
  • manifestation of insomnia;
  • tachycardia;
  • a sharp and unreasonable increase in blood pressure.

An excess of thyroxine is no less dangerous than a deficiency.


Norepinephrine is produced by the adrenal glands. The hormone is the antonym of the substance responsible for the manifestation of fear.

The release of norepinephrine into the blood makes a woman brave and fearless. This substance is released in the body in stressful situations, forcing them to do unusual things.

During the body's release of this hormone, people often generate unusual ideas.

Responsible for the formation of special personality traits and personality.

Hormones are present in a woman's body throughout her life span, from birth to old age.

Their role in the body is extremely important - any deviation from normal levels can cause hormonal imbalance.

It is extremely important to establish a diagnosis in a timely manner and begin treatment.

For the functioning of the human body, a special role is played by the hormones of the gonads, which are also necessary for procreation.

During a person's life, hormones are produced by special glands and organs of the endocrine system, being responsible for metabolism as a basic condition for the activity of the whole organism. They regulate the course of various processes, maintaining their stable functioning. There are almost 60 types of hormones that make up the hormonal background.

When dividing into male and into, one can note the presence of common mechanisms of their action:

  • influence on the intensity of enzyme synthesis;
  • regulation of enzyme activity, since hormones in different organs can serve either as catalysts or inhibitors of ongoing reactions;
  • impact on cell membranes, regulating their permeability for certain chemical compounds, which is an important condition for changing the rate of reactions occurring in cells in the right direction.

Depending on the chemical structure, several groups can be distinguished.

  1. Protein hormones produced by the following glands:
  • hypothalamus;
  • pituitary;
  • glands - thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas.
  1. Derivatives of the amino acid tyrosine produced by the thyroid gland (iodine-containing hormones) and adrenal glands (hormones of the medulla).
  1. produced by the adrenal cortex and gonads.

The main control center that affects the amount of hormones generated is where signals from all systems and organs are received. Only then the control signal goes to the pituitary gland, which controls the entire endocrine system, and it is he who gives the command how much hormones should be produced at the moment and to which tissues and systems they should be directed.

The considered female and male types of hormones have specific features, defining a number of important directions in the functioning of the body as a whole.


Cholesterol has a basic effect on sex hormones, which, changing, is first converted into progesterone, which subsequently transforms into testosterone. This explains why there are some identical male and female hormones.

Basic female sex hormones are represented by the following varieties:

  • estrogens;
  • prolactin;
  • progesterone.

Their level is determined by many factors, including heredity, age, gender, weight, lifestyle. Also, ecology, the presence of bad habits, the organization of the regimen and diet, and diseases have a significant impact.

A number of sex hormones important for men and women are synthesized by the pituitary gland:

  • follicle stimulating hormone;
  • luteinizing hormone;
  • prolactin.

Studying the types of sex hormones, it can be noted that these steroid compounds are divided into three groups.

Androgens, which are male hormones characterized by extensive functionality:

  • increased protein synthesis with a reduction in the intensity of their breakdown, which is a decisive factor for the growth of muscle tissue;
  • stimulation of glucose metabolism and lowering its level in the blood;
  • the formation of sexual desire by increasing the excitability of the central nervous system;
  • reduction of body fat;
  • lowering the concentration of cholesterol;

These male sex hormones are also responsible for the timely formation of similar sexual characteristics of a secondary type: the appearance of male-type hair growth, the development of the genital organs. Androgen is also present in small amounts in women.

The following male hormones are secreted:

  • relating to the varieties of hormones that produce the testicle and adrenal cortex. Its dominant role is the secondary sexual characteristics of a man, the correct formation of spermatozoa, and sexual desire. Testosterone is an active participant in protein metabolism, bone tissue development. This hormone forms masculinity and characteristic male behavior.

In small amounts, testosterone is present in the body of a woman, helping to suppress the follicle and reduce the intensity of regulation of hormone levels by the pituitary gland. Testosterone reaches peak values ​​at a young age, when puberty occurs, and then it gradually transforms into estrogen.

An excess of testosterone in a woman leads to a thickening of the skin, the appearance of aggression in the behavior. When observing excessively high levels of this hormone during pregnancy, a miscarriage often occurs.

  • , formed from testosterone, has a pronounced effect similar to this hormone.
  • THEA sulfate is a product of the adrenal glands. It has a significantly lower effect than other male sex hormones, breaking down during metabolism to form dihydrotestosterone and testosterone.

Estrogens are female sex hormones, including the following varieties:

  • estriol;
  • estrone;

In combination, estrogens have the following effects on a woman's body:

  • healthy appearance of the skin;
  • the formation of secondary signs and giving femininity to the figure;
  • the formation of the genital organs;
  • regulation of important functions for a woman - menstrual, reproductive;
  • maintaining bone strength;
  • assistance in maintaining a stable balance of water and mineral metabolism.

They are responsible for typical female behavior, both in external manifestations and at the psycho-emotional level.

Gestagens are produced mainly by the corpus luteum and in a small amount by the adrenal cortex. The main representative of this group is progesterone.

The concept of estradiol

Being one of the representatives of estrogens, it is less active than other hormones of this group. However, its role in a woman's body is very important, since this hormone is responsible for regulating the proper functioning of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, as well as the vagina, vulva, and mammary glands. With the participation of estradiol, sexual characteristics appear, including the femininity of the figure. If there are no negative fluctuations of the hormone, then the skin remains smooth and tender for a long time, the strength of the bones and the stability of cholesterol levels are preserved.

The concentration of estradiol is directly dependent on the alternation of the phases of the menstrual cycle. During the follicular period, more of this hormone is produced, and its peak is observed at the time of ovulation, when the priority task of estradiol is to ensure the maturation of the egg in the follicle, as well as to help prepare the mucous membrane inside the uterus in case of fertilization for the introduction of a fetal egg into it.

If pregnancy has occurred, then the level of estradiol continues to increase already when it is produced by the placenta. Now the hormone must ensure the preservation of pregnancy, increasing blood clotting to level the threat of severe blood loss during subsequent births, when its concentration becomes maximum. In a situation where conception does not occur, the level of the hormone gradually drops, reaching a minimum value by the end of the menstrual cycle.

Estriol activity

Estriol is activated when the period of bearing a child begins, while maintaining a minimum concentration the rest of the time. The placenta is responsible for the production of this hormone, and then the fetal liver begins to secrete estriol.

The proper development of the uterus depends on estriol. It is responsible for increasing the blood flow of the uterine vessels, preparing for the future production of milk by the ducts of the mammary glands. These female hormones ensure the birth of a healthy baby. A signal of trouble is the deficiency of estriol detected during the examination.

The role of estrone

Another representative of the estrogen group, estrone, which is produced during the onset of puberty in the ovaries, affects a number of reproductive system processes important for the development of a woman, including childbirth and the menstrual cycle. Additionally, the adrenal glands, liver, and adipose tissue are involved in the generation of estrone. Estradiol is produced from estrone.

Estrone promotes the formation of sexual characteristics, sexual desire. Together with estriol, the production of cervical mucus is stimulated before ovulation to facilitate the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterus.

With the onset of menopause, estrone becomes the dominant female hormone, the production of which is carried out mainly by adipose tissue, with little participation in this process of the adrenal glands and liver. The concentration of estrone is higher if the woman is obese. They are at risk for the possibility of developing cancer of the reproductive system.

What makes progesterone

Responsible for many processes in the female body:

  • the formation of sexual characteristics;
  • preventing the occurrence of malignant tumors inside the lining of the uterus;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • impact on sugar levels;
  • regulation of blood clotting.

The corpus luteum of the ovaries is involved in the production of these sex hormones in women, and the placenta also produces it during pregnancy. These are not only female, but also male hormones, which are also generated by the adrenal cortex. Progesterone, together with estrogens, forms the female body, developing the corresponding sexual characteristics, genitals and affecting the growth of the mammary glands.

During the menstrual cycle, progesterone levels fluctuate. The follicular stage is characterized by a reduced amount of this hormone with estrogen dominance. During ovulation with the formation of the corpus luteum, the concentration rises sharply, since the corpus luteum, which is a temporary gland, begins to produce.

Now progesterone prepares the mucous membranes of the uterus so that the fetal egg can successfully gain a foothold in them. With conception, progesterone levels do not fall, since now its task is to reduce the activity of the uterus so that it does not contract and lead to a miscarriage. In other situations, if pregnancy does not occur, progesterone production decreases.

Since these are also male types of hormones secreted by the adrenal glands or seminal vesicles of the testicles, it should be noted that low or excessive progesterone levels negatively affect men's health.

Functions of oxytocin

Oxytocin is generated by the central glands that are part of the endocrine system. There are several processes in which this hormone is a necessary participant:

  • promoting uterine contraction during childbirth;
  • promoting the release of milk from the breast when feeding the baby.

In the first days after childbirth, oxytocin causes contractile movements of the uterus during feeding, which is important for the fastest recovery of its internal mucous membranes.

Allows you to reach the peak of pleasure during sexual intercourse, as it promotes sexual arousal.

The action of prolactin

Produced by the pituitary gland, as well as peripheral tissues, prolactin is an essential hormone in the regulation of the reproductive system. If a woman has a pregnancy, then the role of exercising control over the activity of the corpus luteum is assigned. It also stimulates the production of progesterone. Prolactin is also needed for the formation of mammary glands, regulation of metabolic processes, and strengthening of immunity. This hormone is also responsible for sexual behavior. During childbirth, it reduces pain, and also provides the newborn with the appearance of breathing, since the development of the lungs of the fetus depends on it.

After childbirth, prolactin contributes to the necessary generation of milk. Also during feeding, it blocks ovulation, which prevents a woman from becoming pregnant. The highest level of sex hormones of this type is recorded in the period from 20 to 25 weeks of pregnancy with a subsequent decrease. The next release of prolactin occurs after childbirth. Since prolactin is also included in the list of hormones in men, it should be noted that it is responsible for the production of testosterone, and also promotes the development of spermatozoa.

luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormone

The pituitary gland, in addition to prolactin, produces two more hormones - or abbreviated as LH and follicle-stimulating - FSH, which affect the body of not only women, but also men.

LH in women promotes the formation of estrogens, regulates the production of progesterone and corrects the formation of the corpus luteum. In different periods of the menstrual cycle, the concentration of the hormone varies. When the maximum value is reached, ovulation occurs with additional stimulation of LH production of progesterone. During pregnancy, the level decreases, during menopause it rises.

The value of this hormone for a man is to increase the permeability of the tubules for the penetration of testosterone, as well as to regulate the process of sperm maturation.

FSH is both male and female hormones, which in a man becomes a trigger for the formation of spermatozoa, and in a woman - follicles.


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Sex gland hormones determine secondary sexual characteristics in humans and animals. They are responsible for all changes in the body: they control the processes of puberty, the production of eggs and sperm, pregnancy, the birth of a new organism, breastfeeding, and so on.

Internal secretion of the gonads

The internal secretion of the gonads is due to the production of sex hormones (both female and male), which are released into the blood. In terms of their functionality, they differ significantly from each other, although they are produced according to the same biochemical mechanism.

The secretion of the gonads in different sexes is characterized by different amounts of estrogens and androgens produced. This explains the difference in their secondary sexual characteristics. The female and male sex glands are largely responsible for the production of hormones. Hormones affect the puberty of adolescents.

Puberty in girls

In girls at the age of 10-12 years, the pituitary gland begins to produce luteinizing (LH) and They stimulate the production of estrogen and progesterone in the ovaries - the so-called hormones of the sex gland in girls. Their production in the body explains the beginning of bodily changes in the girl's body. Secondary sex characteristics include:

Growth of mammary glands;

Hip expansion;

The appearance of hair in the armpits and pubic hair;

The production of eggs by the ovaries;

Beginning of menstruation.

Puberty in boys

In boys aged 12-15 years, luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) also begin to be produced. Together they produce the gonads, mainly testosterone. This hormone is produced in the testicles and causes the development of secondary sexual characteristics in young men. These include:

Hair growth on the face and body;

Development of the genitals;

Sperm production;

Muscular development.

Functions of the sex glands

The functions of the sex gland significantly affect many acute and chronic somatic diseases. They are determined by the integrity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. To understand their functionality, consider the hormones that are produced by the body of men and women, and the problems that arise as a result of their violation.

What hormones are produced by the sex organs in women?

In women, the gonads, the adrenal cortex and the placenta are responsible for the production of sex hormones. Female gonadal hormones include:




luteinizing hormone.

The effect of hormones on the female body

The balanced composition of these substances has a beneficial effect on the body and normalizes metabolism, the psycho-emotional state of a woman, the proper functioning of the genital organs, strengthens the immune system, affects fertility and much more. Their ratio directly affects female sexuality. The sex hormones estrogen and progesterone usually regulate sexuality in women. The period of the menstrual cycle is often associated with an increase in desire in the fairer sex, which occurs due to a surge in hormones.

Sex hormones and their functions in the body are of great importance for the activity of the whole organism as a whole. Estrogens are important for the normal functioning of the reproductive function of the body. In addition, the right amount of this hormone contributes to the formation of the figure, character, condition of the skin and hair. Progesterone is also produced in the adrenal glands (a small part of it) and in the ovaries, and during a progressive pregnancy, the corpus luteum, and then the placenta, is responsible for its production. This hormone in medicine is called the hormone of pregnancy, since its duties include preparing the uterus for implantation of the fetus, stimulating its growth. If progesterone is below normal, then a woman's risk of miscarriage increases.

The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of LH and FSH (luteonizing and follicle-stimulating hormones). FSH stimulates the growth and proper functioning of the follicles, and LH affects the work of the ovaries and produces estrogen. Prolactin is a pituitary hormone. Its main task is to stimulate the development and growth of the breast in girls, as well as to ensure lactation in women who have given birth. If an increase in prolactin is noted in the blood, then it suppresses the production of follicle-stimulating hormone, due to which there is a natural inhibition of the maturation of follicles and the absence of ovulation in a woman during breastfeeding. Also, prolactin is an important element in the normalization of water-salt balance.

Women's hormonal imbalance

The hormones produced by the sex glands do not always remain within the normal range. A decrease in estrogen levels can be a sign of the absence of ovulation in a woman, infertility, and during pregnancy it may indicate a pathology. Its increased content is characteristic of a developing tumor of the gonads or adrenal glands. People who tend to be overweight also have an increased amount of estrogen.

A low level of progesterone in the blood can cause miscarriage in women, placental abruption, and fetal fading. Women who have problems with progesterone often cannot get pregnant, they may experience tumors and other pathologies of the genital organs, cycle disorders and other health problems, including infertility.

Sex gland hormones can be a kind of indicator of various human diseases. An increase in luteonizing hormone in the blood indicates polycystic inclusions in the ovaries, their depletion, and so on. However, often an elevated level of this hormone can be associated with a stressful situation, starvation, and exhausting sports.

An increase in follicle-stimulating hormone is noted in patients with impaired pituitary function and ovarian failure. In addition, its level often rises in people who abuse alcohol, as well as after an X-ray examination of the patient. During menopause, its increased amount is the norm. An increase in FSH often causes uterine bleeding, and a decrease leads to the absence of menstruation, observed in polycystic ovaries and obesity.

During pregnancy and lactation, an increased amount of prolactin in the blood is a normal condition, in other cases it is a sign of pathological disorders. High prolactin indicates dysfunction of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, ovaries and autoimmune diseases.

What hormones are produced by the sex organs in men?

Male and female gonads produce almost the same group of hormones with a few exceptions. Male hormones include:



Follicle stimulating hormone;

luteinizing hormone;

The effect of hormones on the male body

Follicle-stimulating hormone in men is also produced by the pituitary gland. It regulates the functions of the gonads, increases the production of testosterone, promotes the maturation of spermatozoa. Luteinizing hormone is also produced by the pituitary gland and acts as a regulator of testosterone production in men by Leydig cells, and is also involved in the production of proteins that bind sex hormones, and increases the permeability of the testes. Testosterone is produced in the adrenal glands and gonads, it affects the development of secondary sexual characteristics in guys, is involved in the production of spermatozoa, affects potency and libido. Testosterone is important for a man's body: it affects the development of the skeleton and muscles, improves the psycho-emotional state, and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Prolactin, produced by the pituitary gland, is involved in the regulation of water-salt balance and delays the excretion of fluid by the kidneys, and also stimulates the proper maturation of spermatozoa. Estradiol is a female hormone that is also produced by men. The reason for this is the increased amount of subcutaneous fat in humans, in which the male hormones testosterone are converted into female estradiols. SHBG is a hormone-binding globulin or glycoprotein involved in transport and is produced in the liver.

Male hormonal imbalance

Male sex hormones and their functions determine the normal functioning of the body. Violation in men can provoke many diseases.

A high level of FSH indicates a violation of the function of the gonad, renal failure, brain tumor. One of the causes of high follicle-stimulating hormone is alcoholism. A low level of FSH indicates a decrease in the function of the pituitary or hypothalamus, and is also observed in obesity. In some cases, hormone imbalance can be triggered by completely harmless factors, for example, it rises after undergoing an x-ray or taking certain medications.

Similar disorders cause a change in the level of luteinizing hormone. But in addition to pathological changes in the body, the cause of disorders can be a banal stressful situation, anorexia nervosa, overweight or smoking. An increase in the amount of testosterone in the blood is a sign of hyperplasia of the tissues of the adrenal glands, tumors, and its decrease is characteristic of kidney failure, excess weight, and disorders of the sex glands.

High or in men gives reason to the doctor to suspect the patient has dysfunction of the pituitary or hypothalamus, kidney failure, cirrhosis, thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases and other diseases. In addition, the cause of an increase in the level of the hormone can be stress, beriberi, chest injuries, and taking certain medications.

A change in the amount of estradiol can be associated both with taking medications, smoking, fasting, and with the occurrence of various diseases, such as cirrhosis, testicular tumors, prostatitis, hyperprolactinemia, and others. By the way, sometimes a pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) can be detected in men's blood, which indicates testicular cancer.

What you need to know about sex hormone binding globulin?

The binding globulin hormone is called a glycoprotein. It binds to androgens and estrogens. Other steroid hormones such as progesterone, cortisone, and other corticosteroids bind to transcortin. PGSG has the following functions:

The optimal position of sex hormones, including a healthy balance of testosterone and estradiol, is a major component of any anti-aging strategy.

The hormone is an important regulator of testosterone and estrogen, responsible for the distribution of sex hormones throughout the body.

Violation of the sex hormone binding globulin is associated with premature aging in both sexes and some deadly diseases, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic sleep apnea syndrome, and osteoporosis.

Male hormones in women

Perhaps it will surprise someone, but women need male hormones. In small quantities, they benefit the body, the main thing is that their amount is within the limits established by the norms. For example, the production of testosterone in women contributes to their sexuality and sexual desire, it has a beneficial effect on the development and functioning of the brain. If testosterone in the blood is contained in a small amount, a woman is characterized by increased lethargy, weakness, one might say, turns into a “gray mouse”. The increased content of the hormone, on the contrary, increases aggression, makes the figure more masculine, and also provokes skin problems. in women, it may also indicate health problems: disruption of the adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland or hypothalamus. A decrease in the level of the hormone is caused by kidney failure, weight problems.

Androgen imbalance also causes disturbances in the functioning of the body. A woman suffers from acne on her legs, arms, chest, face. The increased content of androgens can lead to female infertility, miscarriages.

How to test for hormones correctly?

To check the level of hormones in the body, you should take blood from a vein for analysis. In order for the results to be more accurate, you should not eat before taking the test; at least 8-10 hours should elapse from the last meal. For a day, you should give up smoking, alcohol, sex and excessive physical exertion. Ignoring these rules can lead to significant distortion of the results.

Women should inform the health worker taking the blood test about the day of the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, since some of the hormones should be donated only on certain days, otherwise this fact may also affect the quality of the result. If it is necessary to repeat the analysis after treatment, then both analyzes should be taken in the same laboratory.

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male gonads

The gonads (sometimes called gonads) are the ovaries in women and the testicles in men. The two testicles are located inside the scrotum on the front of the pelvis. Their main function is the production of spermatozoa, which are excreted through the penis.

male reproductive tract

Location and structure

The testicles are the male's primary sex organs, located in the testicles.


The testicles are responsible for the production of sperm and semen, but they also have special cells with an endocrine function. They produce male sex hormones called androgens, of which the main hormone is testosterone.

Testosterone is responsible for:
. growth and development of the male genital organs and the preservation of their adult size;

. an increase in the larynx (and, as a result, voice changes);
. increased growth of bones and muscles;
. male sexual arousal.

How is testosterone produced?

Testosterone is produced by the action of hormones from the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland. Testosterone levels are regulated by negative feedback.

female gonads

The ovaries are the primary reproductive organs of a woman, located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity on the sides of the uterus. They produce eggs for reproduction, but also other systems - the ovarian follicles and the corpus luteum - that have endocrine functions related to the body's reproductive activity.


Ovarian follicles secrete the hormone estrogen, which at the onset of puberty is responsible for:
. maturation of female genital (reproductive) organs, such as the uterus and vagina;
. breast development;
. growth and distribution of body hair;
. distribution of fat in the thighs, legs and chest.

The corpus luteum also releases some estrogen, but its main hormone is progesterone, which causes the lining of the uterus to harden to prepare the body for pregnancy. Both estrogen and progesterone are responsible for the changes that occur during the menstrual cycle.

How are estrogen and progesterone produced?

Like testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are released as a result of the action of hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Estrogen and progesterone levels are regulated by negative feedback.

female reproductive tract

Pituitary control of the ovulation cycle

The ovaries are under the control of the anterior pituitary gland. Under the influence of estrogen produced by the ovarian follicle, the pituitary gland produces follicle-stimulating hormone (prolan A, FSH) and luteinizing hormone (prolan B, LH). These hormones cause the follicle to mature and release an egg during ovulation. The rest of the follicle forms the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. If the egg is not fertilized, progesterone levels drop and menstruation occurs.
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