What are the cheap analogues of Theraflu? Which is better: Theraflu or Coldrex? What is better coldrex or teraflu antigrippin

When solving the problem of which is better than Coldrex or Theraflu, it should be remembered that in addition to useful properties, they have side effects that can harm the body.

Useful properties of Coldrex and Theraflu

Both drugs have a combined, complex effect, due to the fact that they contain active substances: paracetamol, ascorbic acid, aspirin, chlorphenamine, caffeine and other stimulating components.

The action of aspirin and paracetamol lowers the temperature and eliminates headaches. Thanks to chlorphenamine, swelling in the nasal mucosa is reduced. It has a positive effect on the conjunctiva of the eyes, suppresses cough and eliminates the common cold. This component additionally has an antihistamine effect against allergic manifestations.

Effectively suppresses cough and dextromethorphan. The action of ascorbic acid and some vitamins in the preparations increase immunity. They help the body fight toxins and infections. With the help of stimulants, the tone rises and brain activity improves.

But, both drugs, Teraflu and Coldrex, have certain side effects, which, in certain situations, are dangerous for the patient's body.

Side effects

Paracetamol, which is the main component of these drugs, negatively affects the functions of some organs. As a result, blood pressure rises because of this. In case of an overdose, the functioning of the kidneys and liver is disrupted. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract manifest as nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and allergic reactions.

The antipyretic properties of drugs are not always useful for the patient, since the increase in temperature allows the body to fight the infection. Aspirin, contained in the preparations, aggressively affects the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it increases blood clotting.

During treatment, choosing which is better, Coldrex or Theraflu should be aware that both of them are not an absolute remedy for colds. These drugs can temporarily relieve symptoms and pain, but they do not have a curative effect. Therefore, they are used as an aid.


Lazolvan: tablets, syrup, solution

Attention! The site is for informational purposes only. In no case do not self-medicate.

Which is better: Theraflu or Coldrex?

Both miracle remedies are very similar in composition and have almost the same effect on the body. Neither "Coldrex" nor "Theraflu" cure your disease in the slightest, but only relieve its symptoms and discomfort. For example, you need to get to a very important business meeting, then such preparations will be very useful. But using them, do not forget that chemistry affects your liver and gastrointestinal tract, you may develop an allergy, your body's own defenses will decrease, etc. It is better to drink tea with lemon or raspberry jam and eat honey.

Consider for comparison what Theraflu consists of:

And here is the composition of Coldrex:

For me, if you compare these drugs, then I will not choose any. But I will buy Fervex from this line for myself. It suits me more, time-tested. But if I choose Teraflu or Coldrex, I would most likely choose the second option.

Although, in principle, their composition is similar, there is paracetamol and two components, from puffiness and allergies, which help to more easily endure all the symptoms of the disease.

But now the prices just bite, one bag of Fervex costs 50 rubles, so you’ll also think about whether to buy it, or buy cheap paracetamol and drink it with tea with lemon, because this will also alleviate all the symptoms of a cold.

All such remedies are based on a combination of antipyretic and vitamin C. And they are aimed solely at relieving symptoms, and not at treatment. Because at some point I stopped taking them at all. Instead - a paracetamol tablet and a cup of hot tea with 3 slices of lemon and raspberries. The effect is the same, but less chemicals enter the body.

Theraflu helps me a lot. If I'm not mistaken, the content of aspirin in it is very high.

Both drugs, and teraflu, and Coldrex, are based on paracetamol. It is paracetamol that relieves the symptoms of a cold. Everything else is flavorings and ascorbic acid.

However, judging by subjective impressions, Theraflu helps me better than Coldrex. Perhaps, of course, this is self-hypnosis, but perhaps a combination of components affects.

I take Theraflu at the first sign of a cold, two cups one after the other one hour apart. Usually two doses are enough to stop a cold.

If not, then you can proceed to the usual treatment.

Before buying these or similar expensive drugs, I read their composition. As a rule, they contain banal aspirin, paracetamol and vitamin C, so I am treated with them! Both cheap and cheerful! The same applies to many other drugs - for loud with a foreign name (mostly for the brand and asking for a tidy sum!) There are simple, long-tested remedies! In this case, the question can be rephrased as follows: which is better - aspirin with paracetamol or paracetamol with aspirin!

If you choose from these two drugs - then I give my preference to "Coldrex" - it always acts faster and relieves the symptoms of a cold. But Theraflu also copes with the disease, although not as effectively. But these drugs are relatively expensive, and you can use simple paracetamol in the appropriate dose - the effect will be the same.

I can say that they are equal in quality. Both of them are not bad.

But when we get sick, we drink Lemsip - it is much cheaper than Theraflu and Coldrex, and "paracetamol" is still the same.)))

And one more thing: when evaluating the effectiveness of Theraflu and Coldrex, make sure that they have an "active substance", i.e. paracetamol, was in equal proportions of mg.

Theraflu with cinnamon, I just drink it when I'm not sick, instead of coffee! With cinnamon, we are tense, I get out as best I can))). And best of all, a teaspoon of propolis on alcohol in half a glass of water and drink. Drink for a week and there will be no cold.

Judging by the reviews, Theraflu is better than Coldrex. But personally, I do not like the effectiveness of either one or the other drug. I drink a mixture of paracetamol, aspirin, vitamin C, sugar, tea and hot water. This is real help!

Neither one nor the other. As for me, both coldrex and teraflu are just a rip off of money. Have you ever read the ingredients? Analgin, aspirin, vitamins. After all, you can find a domestic, cheaper analogue, but the effect will be the same.

Before, I also wondered which powder would be able to put on my feet faster. The work is such that you must always be ready to go to another city. In the car, there are always bags of coldrex, teraflu, all sorts of anti-flu. I need to relieve the symptoms for a long time and quickly. There is only one medicine for this! And it's not coldrex. And I don't treat. This is an influnet. I was "treated" to them, if I may say so. And it seemed really more effective than analogues. I expressed my opinion.

Fervex Theraflu or Coldrex - which is better?

Now we will compare them. And we will compare primarily by composition, so we take drugs whose names consist of one word: Fervex, Theraflu, Coldrex, since there are trade names for these drugs that consist of several words, for example, “junior”, “hotrem”, “for children ", etc., the composition and amount of substances in them is different. Also, let's not argue about tastes, those drugs that dissolve in water have different "sweeteners" and flavors.

So, Fervex, Theraflu or Coldrex: which is better? Consider the composition of each of them.

There are contraindications, consult a specialist


  1. Paracetamol mg. This drug is more than a century old, belongs to non-narcotic analgesics (painkillers) and NSAIDs, has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. In high doses, it is toxic to the liver and kidneys.
  2. Pheniramine maleate - 25 mg. Not as well-known ingredient as paracetamol. The main purpose of this component in powder is to reduce swelling and the amount of mucus discharge, and therefore eliminate nasal congestion. Those. works as an anti-allergy drug in this case.


Like Fervex, it contains 3 main components, one of which differs from the previous one:

  1. Paracetamol mg. The same cabbage soup (see above), but smaller (twice as much in Terfaflu Extra). Why so many and not 500? Perhaps the manufacturer considered this dose to be more optimal, taking into account the average strength of action and side effects (well, the cost is less).
  2. Pheniramine maleate - 20 mg. 5 mg less than Fervex.
  3. Phenylephrine hydrochloride - 10 mg. This is an adrenergic agonist, which here and at this dose works to reduce the swelling of the nasopharynx.

Coldrex (tablets)

  1. Paracetamol mg. As much as in Fervex and more than in Theraflu at 175 mg.
  2. Phenylephrine hydrochloride - 5 mg. Half as much as in Theraflu, this component is absent in Fervex.
  3. Caffeine - 25 mg. Not contained in Theraflu and Fervex. It is a stimulant, here and at this dose it is aimed at reducing the sensation of soreness with colds and flu.

For comparison, one can of popular energy drinks (Burn, Red Bull, Adrenaline Rush) contains about 80 mg of it.

  • Ascorbic acid - 30 mg. One third of the daily allowance for an adult. In Fervex it is 200 mg, in Teraflu it is absent.
  • Terpinhydrate - 20 mg. Contained in many cough preparations, here it has an expectorant effect, thinning sputum.
  • Thus, we can say that these drugs are approximately the same and contain paracetamol as the main antipyretic and analgesic component of the "cocktail".

    Each has some specificity to eliminate associated symptoms, for example, Coldrex will be better for coughing, Fervex contains a lot of vitamin C, and Teraflu has less paracetamol than the previous two.

    Learn also about:


    Oddly enough, I have an answer. Influnet is better!

    I got very sick here. Looked terrible. The boss almost pushed me out of the office by force, he was afraid of getting infected from me, and he has a small child at home.

    And my wife is on a business trip, I don’t know how she is treated, with what. Went to the pharmacy.

    🙂 To be honest, I bought it for pampering, for the sake of a bright label. I was not used to being treated with such “nonsense”, as it seemed to me then. But a pretty pharmacist urged me to take it, try it.

    You should have seen the boss's face when he saw me at work on the 3rd day - fresh, healthy, without snot and red eyes. 🙂 Now we are treating them. Me and Pyotr Genadyevich.

    5 popular analogues of Theraflu

    TheraFlu is one of the most popular brands of the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis. It is a series of anti-cold remedies, which includes powders, syrups, tablets and even throat sprays. This is really an "ambulance" for those who do not want to lie in bed for a week with a runny nose and sneezing. Let's take a closer look at the main active ingredients of this brand and try to look for foreign and domestic analogues of TeraFlu for colds and flu.

    All of the following drugs have a list of contraindications (including pregnancy, lactation and childhood) and side effects, use only after consulting a doctor.

    What is in Theraflu?

    Before looking for equivalent drugs, let's look at what is included in the composition of medicines called TheraFlu. In our pharmacies you can find several medicines:

    • TeraFlu,
    • TheraFlu for colds and flu
    • TeraFlu Extra,
    • TeraFlu Extratab (see tab. 1).

    The company's specialists managed to create a successful medicinal composition that quickly relieves nasal congestion, fever, headache, weakness and other "charms" of a cold. Therapeutic combination in TheraFlu includes components that are available without a prescription, but at the same time have a good therapeutic effect on several cold symptoms at once.

    Paracetamol (aka acetaminophen) has analgesic and antipyretic effects. It is less active compared to other analgesics, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, but it is safer, as it does not lead to complications from the gastrointestinal tract. Its effect is to inhibit cyclooxygenase enzymes, with the help of which prostaglandins are synthesized in the body, which are responsible for the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction. Thus, the chain "infection-prostaglandins-inflammation" is interrupted and inflammatory symptoms (swelling, pain, fever) are reduced. In addition, paracetamol reduces the excitability of pain centers in the brain, but it does not have an anesthetic effect.

    Phenylephrine (aka mezaton) refers to alpha-agonists, substances whose action is similar to the action of the hormone norepinephrine produced in the body. It constricts blood vessels and, thereby, removes nasal congestion.

    Pheniramine is an antihistamine. Histamine, accumulating in the focus of infection, causes pain, itching, burning and swelling. Pheniramine blocks the release of histamine, reducing sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes. In addition, it enhances the anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects of paracetamol and phenylephrine. Pheniramine has a sedative effect, therefore, when taken at night, TheraFlu provides a restful sleep that is not disturbed by cold symptoms.

    Most commonly used at the first sign of illness, TheraFlu Cold and Flu Powder contains:

    1. 325 mg paracetamol (acetaminophen)
    2. 10 mg phenylephrine,
    3. 50 mg ascorbic acid,
    4. 20 mg pheniramine.

    The excipients are a mixture of colorants (sunset and quinoline yellow), sweeteners (sucrose), stabilizers and preservatives (calcium orthophosphate and titanium dioxide). TheraFlu's lemon flavor and aroma comes from lemon flavor, citric acid and its sodium salt (sodium citrate).

    How to replace TheraFlu?

    Preparations: Stopgripan (1), GrippoFlu (2), Maxicold (3), AntiFlu (4), Coldrex (5).


    Powders for drinks Stopgripan and Stopgripan Forte are produced by the Indian company (see tab. 2) Ratiopharm. This is a good choice for those who are looking for a cheaper alternative to TheraFlu. The drug is similar to TeraFlu for flu and colds, because it includes paracetamol, ascorbic acid, pheniramine and phenylephrine in the same quantities. The main difference between Stopgripan and its Swiss counterpart is in the excipients. Those who like the taste of blackcurrant choose Stopgripan. The composition of the coloring and aromatic composition, which provides it with a currant smell and color, of course, also differs from TeraFlu.

    An increased concentration of paracetamol (650 mg) contains Stopgripan Forte. In the line of drugs from Novartis, it corresponds to TeraFlu Extra, but Stopgripan differs slightly from it in that vitamin C (50 mg) has been added to its composition.

    Grippoflu for colds and flu

    A complete analogy in the composition of active ingredients and their concentration allows us to say that the powder produced by Marbiopharm GrippoFlu for colds and flu is the Russian analogue of TeraFlu for flu and colds. However, unlike the lemon TheraFlu, it comes in raspberry, strawberry, cranberry, and currant flavors.

    GrippoFlu extra, which is also available in the Marbiopharm line of preparations, contains a 2-fold increase in the dose of paracetamol and, like Stopgripan, contains vitamin C. As for the range of fruit and berry flavors, this drug has better flavor than TeraFlu and Stopgripan . It is produced with cherry, raspberry, cranberry, lemon, strawberry and currant flavors.


    Another analogue of TeraFlu in powder is the domestic drug Maxicold Rino produced by Pharmstandard-Leksredstva. They have the same composition and amount of active ingredients (325 mg of paracetamol, 10 mg of phenylephrine, 20 mg of pheniramine, 50 mg of vitamin C). Maxicold Reno contains flavoring and food additives, so it can brighten up dull cold everyday life with orange, lemon and raspberry flavors.

    In addition, Pharmstandard produces Maxicold in a higher dosage of paracetamol and ascorbic acid. It contains 750 mg of paracetamol, 60 mg of ascorbic acid and 10 mg of phenylephrine, but does not include pheniramine.


    In our pharmacies you can find anti-cold drugs from Sagmel (USA). In particular, this company produces an analogue of TeraFlu in tablets called AntiFlu. Their composition is the same, but the dosage in AntiFlu is less. If the tablet TeraFlu Extratab contains chlorpheniramine (a chemical derivative of pheniramine) 4 mg, paracetamol 650 mg and phenylephrine 10 mg, then in AntiFlu the concentration of all active substances is halved. In addition, AntiFlu is available in the form of a powder for drinking, and the concentration and composition of active ingredients in it are similar to TeraFlu Extratab.


    According to the same principle of the combination of an analgesic, alpha-agonist and vitamin C, the English company GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare created another analogue of TeraFlu - Coldrex Hotrem. Its difference from TheraFlu from flu and colds is the increased dosage of paracetamol and ascorbic acid (750 and 60 mg) and the absence of pheniramine. The drug is available with lemon and currant flavor.

    Another drug from this company, Coldrex MaxGripp, deals a devastating blow to the symptoms of a cold, because one sachet of powder contains the maximum amount of paracetamol - 1000 mg. There is less ascorbic acid in it (40 mg), and phenylephrine is in the usual dosage (10 mg). Given that it is undesirable to exceed the daily dose of paracetamol (especially for people with a diseased liver), it should be consumed no more than 3-4 sachets per day.

    This is not a complete list of drugs is designed to help you choose a cure for symptoms of SARS or flu, but it cannot guarantee your recovery. Do not forget: in order to avoid complications and get back on your feet faster, you need to be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

    Coldrex, Theraflu or Fervex - which is better to choose

    Viral lesions of the respiratory system are always characterized by unpleasant manifestations. These include rhinitis, headaches, cough, aches in muscle tissue. Many people experience fever and loss of appetite.

    To cope with these unpleasant phenomena, special cold preparations can be used - fervex, coldrex or teraflu. To choose the most effective medicine, it is worth analyzing the properties of each drug.



    This tool is produced in the form of a granulate for the manufacture of a solution for oral administration. The composition includes such components:

    1. Paracetamol - 500 mg. This ingredient has been known for a long time. It belongs to the category of non-narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This substance has antipyretic properties and successfully copes with inflammation. A large amount of this agent has a toxic effect on the kidneys and liver.
    2. Pheniramine maleate - 25 mg. The key purpose of the drug is to reduce swelling and the amount of mucus secreted. This will help relieve nasal congestion. Thanks to this, it will be possible to cope with the symptoms of allergies.
    3. Ascorbic acid - 200 mg. It is vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties. Like other vitamins, it is required for the normal course of metabolic processes. 200 mg is about 2 daily norms for an adult patient, which allows you to greatly activate the immune system.

    Indications for use

    Indications for the use of the drug are as follows:

    • symptomatic therapy of rhinitis;
    • allergic rhinitis;
    • rhinopharyngitis - a combination of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx.

    It is also used for the flu. It is important to consider that sometimes the substance provokes side effects. They manifest themselves in the form of dryness in the oral cavity, urination disorders, excessive excitability, hallucinations, disturbances of accommodation.


    Do not use the medicine with high sensitivity to its components, severe kidney or liver damage, prostate adenoma, angle-closure glaucoma. There are also restrictions on children under 15 years of age. During therapy, you should not drink alcohol or use sedatives.



    This category includes a whole group of medicines. The main active ingredients are paracetamol and phenylephrine. Individual products that are included in this group also contain pheniramine and vitamin C. The combination of active ingredients allows you to quickly achieve good results:

    1. Paracetamol - 325 mg. This substance is contained in teraflu in a slightly smaller amount than in fervex. This feature must be taken into account when choosing Fervex or Teraflu. This component allows you to normalize body temperature, eliminates inflammation and reduces pain.
    2. Phenylephrine hydrochloride - 10 mg. This remedy has a vasoconstrictive effect. Thanks to this, it will be possible to cope with the swelling of the nasopharynx and eliminate lacrimation.
    3. Pheniramine maleate - 20 mg. This component has antiallergic properties. Therefore, it can be used when sneezing, itching, burning, swelling and other allergy symptoms occur. Pheniramine increases the effectiveness of other components of the drug and has a calming effect on the nervous system.
    4. Ascorbic acid. This substance helps to thin the blood and improve the functioning of the immune system. Often the remedy is prescribed for viral infections.

    When to use

    Theraflu is used as a symptomatic remedy for the appearance of signs of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections:

    When not to apply

    Although Theraflu is highly effective, there are situations where it should not be used. Key contraindications include the following:

    In addition, there are relative contraindications. In this case, teraflu is allowed to be used. However, this is done with extreme caution or the minimum dosage is used. This category includes the following violations:

    • gastritis;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • blood diseases;
    • kidney or liver failure;
    • severe atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries;
    • hyperthyroidism;
    • angle-closure glaucoma;
    • hyperbilirubinemia;
    • prostate hyperplasia.

    Do not take Theraflu in combination with MAO inhibitors, beta-blockers, tricyclic antidepressants.

    For the treatment and prevention of the common cold, tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in children and adults, Elena Malysheva recommends the effective drug Immunity from Russian scientists. Due to its unique, and most importantly 100% natural composition, the drug is extremely effective in the treatment of sore throats, colds and strengthening immunity.



    When choosing coldrex or teraflu, it should be borne in mind that the first remedy has pronounced antipyretic properties, copes with inflammation and pain. The medicine perfectly eliminates nasal swelling and other manifestations of flu and colds. The product is produced in the form of tablets and powder. The active substances include the following:

    1. Paracetamol - 500 mg. This volume is the same as Fervex and is 175 mg more than Theraflu.
    2. Phenylephrine hydrochloride - 5 mg. This is 2 times less than in teraflu. In Fervex, this ingredient is completely absent.
    3. Caffeine - 25 mg. Substances are not in fervex and teraflu. This ingredient is a stimulant. It helps reduce the soreness that accompanies colds and viral diseases.
    4. Ascorbic acid - 30 mg. This amount is one third of the daily requirement of adult patients. Fervex contains 200 mg of the component, and this ingredient is completely absent in Teraflu.
    5. Terpinhydrate - 20 mg. The substance is found in many cough medicines. It has an expectorant effect and helps loosen phlegm.

    When applied

    Coldrex helps to eliminate the symptoms of SARS and influenza - headaches, high fever, discomfort in the joints and muscles. Also, the tool successfully copes with chills, sore throat, nasal congestion.

    It is important to consider that the remedy has a number of contraindications. It should be used only after a detailed study of the instructions. At the recommended dosage, the drug is easily tolerated.

    Side effects and contraindications

    Side effects of the drug include nausea, headache, allergies, which manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, urticaria, Quincke's edema. There is also a risk of blood disorders, increased pressure, strong heartbeat. If adverse reactions occur, you should consult a doctor.

    • When using an excess amount of a substance, pain in the abdomen, arrhythmia, pallor of the skin, and vomiting appear. There is also a risk of nausea and heavy sweating. After a few days, a person may develop symptoms of liver damage. In difficult cases, failure of this organ develops, a person can fall into a coma.
    • Coldrex should not be combined with other substances that contain paracetamol. The substance is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components, complex lesions of the liver or kidneys, thyrotoxicosis. Also, the restrictions should include hypertension, pathologies of the blood system, diabetes.
    • You can not combine the substance with MAO inhibitors and beta-blockers. The same applies to combination with tricyclic antidepressants.

    An excessive amount of tea or coffee during the period of use of the drug can cause increased irritability and nervous tension. Do not combine paracetamol with alcohol, as this creates a risk of toxic liver damage.

    It is possible to take the substance during pregnancy and lactation only with the permission of the attending physician. The same applies to children under 6 years of age.

    Which drug is better

    To conclude that it is better to take, only the attending physician can. All of these drugs include paracetamol as the main analgesic and antipyretic ingredient.

    • However, each remedy contains a certain set of additional ingredients that help to cope with other symptoms of SARS.
    • So, Fervex includes a large amount of vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system, and Coldrex copes with cough better.
    • Theraflu contains slightly less paracetamol than other drugs.

    Therefore, a specialist should select a specific tool.

    Coldrex or Theraflu - video comparison

    And some secrets.

    If you or your child gets sick often and is treated with antibiotics alone, know that you are only treating the effect, not the cause.

    So you just “drain” money to pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies and get sick more often.

    STOP! Enough to feed someone you don't know. You just need to boost your immunity and you will forget what it is to get sick!


    What is better for a cold? Fervex, Coldrex, TheraFlu, AntiGrippin? Comparative analysis

    • 17 Feb 2014
    • On Health

    Often people ask in a pharmacy what is better to take for a cold? Usually they take Theraflu, Coldrex, AntiGrippin or something like that. For me personally, all these drugs are approximately the same and I could not clearly answer which one is better. Although they all have different prices. They help in different ways too. Decided to figure it out.

    2) Pheniramine maleate - antiallergic agent

    3) Ascorbic acid - vitamin C, tonic, stimulates the immune system.

    5) Chlorphenamine maleate - combines vasoconstrictor and anti-allergic action. Conclusions: in my opinion, TheraFlu is the most effective remedy, as it contains all the necessary active ingredients to eliminate the symptoms of a cold, in good adequate dosages. It contains ascorbic acid to stimulate and strengthen the immune system, as well as substances to relieve pain, the temperature of nasal congestion, and an anti-allergic substance (antihistamine) is quite logically added to all this. Teraflu Extra, in addition to an increased dose of paracetamol, is no different in general.

    Interestingly, regular TheraFlu is made in France, and Theraflu Extra is made in the USA. AntiGrippin - 500mg of paracetamol, will help you to overcome fever and pain. Contains ascorbic acid and a remedy for the common cold and allergies. Plus, the minimum price, convenient packaging and form (effervescent tablets). What else is needed?

    Despite this, I often hear negative reviews about this drug, so I can’t give it the first place with all my desire.

    Coldrex Hotrem - 750mg of paracetamol (for the most severe cases? :)), ascorbic acid, will help with nasal congestion. For what reasons an antihistamine was not added is not clear to me.

    Coldrex Hotrem Maxgripp is a loading dose of paracetamol expressed in as much as 1000 mg for your beloved liver. I do not recommend for frequent use. Especially not to give to children. Be sure to read the instructions and pay attention to contraindications. Otherwise similar to regular Coldrex (no antihistamine added)

    Fervex has a good effect on colds, with a good dosage of ascorbic acid, but in its composition it does not have anything from nasal congestion. Although it is the most expensive of the selected drugs.

    Lemsip - in the series of drugs considered, it contains the minimum amount of active ingredients - paracetamol and phenylephrine hydrochloride. Like other drugs, it will help with fever, headache, chills, nasal congestion. Average price. Production: UK. Nothing special stood out.

    Good luck to all! And don't get sick.

    P.S. - the prices for the drugs described above are rounded to whole numbers and are presented in accordance with the prices of our pharmacy on duty (Russia).

    Surely this will interest you:

    From a cold, vodkagram is best of all, it is possible with honey. Others recommend vodka with pepper. And all these medicines listed above did not help me personally, I tried a lot of all sorts of nasty things.

    I think that Theraflu is the best remedy, especially before going to bed very well, I mostly take it. And if you have to work in the morning, then drink Coldrex - it does not cause drowsiness) Good luck to everyone and do not get sick!))

    I prefer Influnet to all the listed drugs, coupled with folk remedies. It doesn't cost much and it helps a lot. And its composition is much better than that of other powders, because it contains succinic acid. She removes toxins. And I drink all sorts of teas with raspberries to recharge with vitamins. It's important when you're sick...

    With a cold, even simple tea with lemon and honey will help if after that you go to bed under two blankets. But with the flu, I would not recommend all these powders, the symptoms will be erased, and it will be difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis. I am prescribed reaferon lipint for the treatment of influenza, I am treated by them. Quickly and efficiently.

    I get sick quite often, so I tried all kinds of drugs - darkness, darkness. So far, Influneta has not found anything better. For 2-3 days of taking all the symptoms disappear, and most importantly without any complications.

    If someone suddenly stumbles upon this discussion, just like me, when it has long been inactive, I will answer you why antihistamines are not always added. They create, just like paracetamol, a load on the liver, and in combination with it, they seriously aggravate its already considerable harm. Personally, I try to generally always stay away from paracetamol, this drug creates deadly combinations with a wide variety of substances.

    The fact that ascorbic acid or vitamin C, as it were, increases the body's resistance to infections has been refuted in numerous studies in recent years, so its content does not matter.

    There is also Koldakt - it has a stronger decongestant effect (but less paracetamol, which can be taken separately), i.e. better in severe coryza.

    Several different Fervex drugs are available, including for adults, for children, Fervex for dry cough and just for cough. Some of them have a similar composition, but different dosages of their components, while others differ in one component or completely.

    ARI, SARS, colds - how do they differ from each other?

    Acute respiratory diseases (ARI) can be caused by infectious agents of bacterial or viral origin. In the latter case, they are called acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). All acute respiratory infections are characterized by symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose, general malaise. The severity of SARS depends on the degree of virulence (ability to cause disease) of the virus that caused the infection. So, ARVI can be very easy, in the form of a runny nose, or it can be severe (for example, influenza, which is also ARVI).

    The common cold can also be the cause of respiratory infections. If a person gets his feet wet or frozen, his immunity temporarily decreases and the conditionally pathogenic microflora that lives on the surface of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx, nose begins to penetrate deep into the mucous membrane and cause inflammation. This is what a cold is.

    What is Fervex: what is its composition? What effect does it have?

    Fervex is a drug for the symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory infections. It relieves symptoms of acute respiratory infections such as fever, headache, sore throat, muscles and joints, reduces swelling of the nasal mucosa. The drug does not directly affect the cause of acute respiratory infections.

    Fervex is produced in sachets in the form of a powder for oral solution preparation by the international pharmaceutical company Sanofri. The mechanism of action of the drug is determined by its composition. The composition includes paracetamol, pheniramine and ascorbic acid.

    Paracetamol has an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect by acting on the thermoregulatory center in the brain.

    Pheniramine is an antihistamine - a histamine H1 receptor blocker. It prevents the appearance of histamine in the focus of inflammation. And since it is histamine that causes swelling of the tissues and the appearance of discharge from the nose, nasal congestion, runny nose, and other unpleasant symptoms decrease.

    Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which prevents leakage of the liquid part of the blood into the surrounding tissues, reduces the manifestations of edema and runny nose.

    The combined drug Fervex has a composition that allows it to be used to relieve symptoms of acute respiratory diseases.

    >>Recommended: if you are interested in an effective method of getting rid of persistent colds and restoring immunity, then be sure to look at section of the site "Book" after reading this article. The information is based on the personal experience of the author and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. Now back to the article.<<

    How to use Fervex?

    Fervex is used for acute respiratory infections and colds. It does not matter which pathogen is the cause of the disease - Fervex in any case will alleviate the patient's condition. After taking the drug, the temperature decreases, inflammation and sore throat decrease, nasal breathing is restored. Powders are available in lemon flavor without sugar, lemon flavor with sugar, and raspberry flavor with sugar.

    Apply Fervex inside one sachet two to three times a day (at least four hours must pass between doses of the drug) two hours before meals. The duration of admission depends on the condition of the patient, but the drug should not be used for more than five days in a row. Before use, the powder from the bag is dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water - a fizzy drink is obtained. Application in the first days of the disease can be independent, but if the symptoms of the disease do not disappear after three days, you should consult a doctor.

    Fervex's analogues - Fastorik, Febricet and Flukoldin are also available in the form of powders for the preparation of a solution for oral administration.

    Fervex vs Coldrex and Theraflu

    Fervex's "competitors" are often cited as Coldrex and Theraflu. Coldrex differs in composition from Fervex in that instead of an antihistamine, it contains a vasoconstrictor, so it relieves nasal congestion well in the first days of the disease. But there is also a danger here: long-term use (more than 3-5 days in a row) of vasoconstrictors can lead to the exact opposite result, that is, to a sharp expansion of blood vessels and prolonged swelling of the nasal mucosa, which is practically not treatable. Coldrex and Fervex are drugs for the symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory infections and colds.

    The question of which is better, Theraflu or Fervex, is also impossible to answer unambiguously. The fact is that the main active ingredient of Theraflu is benzoxonium chloride, which has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. In addition, the composition includes lidocaine, which relieves sore throat. Thus, Theraflu acts directly on the causative agent of the infection, but does not relieve fever and inflammation, and Fervex can relieve fever. These drugs are not analogues.

    Therefore, it is better to choose Coldrex, Fervex or Theraflu depends on what worries the patient.

    Contraindications and side effects

    The drug Fervex has contraindications. It cannot be applied:

    • with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the large intestine) in the acute stage;
    • with severe kidney disease with impaired function;
    • with portal hypertension - an increase in pressure in the area of ​​​​the liver veins that occurs with various severe diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver;
    • with chronic alcoholism - toxic liver damage is possible;
    • with congenital enzymatic deficiency - deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
    • with increased sensitivity of the patient's body to the components of the drug;
    • under the age of 15 years.

    In addition, with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor, Fervex should be taken in case of severe liver diseases with impaired function, increased intraocular pressure, prostate enlargement, as well as the elderly. For patients with diabetes, only lemon-flavored powders without sugar are suitable.

    Fervex during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    The question often arises, can pregnant women take Fervex? In accordance with the instructions, Fervex during pregnancy is contraindicated in the first 12 weeks and the last 16 weeks of pregnancy, while in the middle of pregnancy (from 13 to 24 weeks) it can be used, but only as directed by a doctor, taking into account indications and contraindications. Also, the drug is contraindicated when breastfeeding a child.

    Fervex also has side effects that are quite rare, however, you need to know about them. After taking it, nausea, abdominal pain, dry mouth, transient liver dysfunction, anemia, a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, which can lead to increased bleeding, may appear, very rarely and only with prolonged use of Fervex - impaired renal function, lethargy, drowsiness, visual disturbances, allergic reactions.

    With an overdose of the drug, all side effects increase. In this case, it is recommended to wash the stomach and if the condition does not improve, call an ambulance.

    Fervex for children

    Children's Fervex is a powder with a banana-caramel flavor and has a composition similar to Fervex for adults, but the dosages of its components are two times lower. A children's version is used for acute respiratory infections and colds in children over 6 years old. After 15 years, an option for adults is already assigned.

    In accordance with the instructions, Fervex for children is taken after dissolving the contents of the sachet in a glass of water. Fervex is dosed for children according to the age of the child:

    - from 6 to 10 years - one sachet twice a day;

    - from 10 to 12 years - one sachet three times a day;

    - from 12 to 15 years - one sachet - four times a day.

    Also, like adults, Fervex should not be given to children for more than five days in a row.

    Contraindications for taking Fervex for children and its side effects are the same as for the drug for adults. Children's Fervex requires strict adherence to the dosages indicated in the instructions, since overdoses are possible. An overdose is manifested by a lack of appetite in a child, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, pallor, cold sweat, lethargy, impaired liver function. With a significant overdose, liver necrosis (death of its tissue) is possible. If a child has these symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance.

    Fervex for dry cough

    Fervex for dry cough is available in the form of effervescent soluble tablets. Each tablet contains paracetamol, dextromethorphan and ascorbic acid as the main active ingredients.

    Paracetamol has an antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, dextromethorphan suppresses the activity of the cough center in the brain, and ascorbic acid is involved in all types of metabolism, including the synthesis of steroid hormones that actively suppress any inflammatory processes. In addition, ascorbic acid reduces the permeability of blood vessels, which means it relieves tissue swelling.

    Fervex is used for dry cough in the case when acute respiratory infections or a cold are accompanied by a dry, unproductive (without sputum separation) obsessive cough, which causes even more irritation of the upper respiratory tract. In all these cases, Fervex will help with dry cough.

    Take the drug inside, after dissolving the effervescent tablet in an incomplete glass of hot water (the water should not boil) four times a day.

    Contraindications for the use of Fervex for dry cough are hypersensitivity of the patient's body to the components of the drug, gastrointestinal bleeding, severe diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system, chronic alcoholism, congenital enzymatic deficiency (deficiency in the body of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) , bronchial asthma (may cause bronchospasm), age up to 12 years.

    Can pregnant women use Fervex for dry cough? Only as prescribed by a doctor in the middle of pregnancy (II trimester - from 13 to 24 weeks).

    The side effect of the drug is mainly due to the presence of paracetamol in it. While taking it, patients may experience nausea, abdominal pain, transient liver dysfunction, anemia, increased bleeding, and kidney disorders. Allergic reactions to any component of the drug are also possible.

    Occasionally, an overdose of the drug occurs, which often requires emergency care, so an increase in side effects should be a reason for immediate medical attention.

    Fervex cough is a drug that is also available in the form of effervescent tablets. But its composition is completely different: the active ingredient in it is ambroxol.

    Fervex cough is an effective drug for thinning sputum, which also helps to increase its secretion and the rapid removal of sputum from the bronchi. In addition, the drug stimulates the formation of surfactant - a substance that prevents the collapse of the alveoli (sacs at the ends of small alveoli, which are lung tissue).

    Analogues of Fervex cough: Ambrobene, Ambrohexal, Ambroxol, Ambrolan, Ambrosan, Aflegan, Bronhovern, Bronhoxol, Bronchorus, Deflegmin, Dignobroxol, Lasolvan, Medovent, Medox, Mukosolvan, Neo-bronchol, Flavamed, Halixol.

    Fervex is used for coughing as prescribed by a doctor in the case when it is necessary to convert an unproductive cough into a productive one, that is, to cause sputum to appear - a productive cough is easier to treat. These are bronchitis, including obstructive ones (with impaired bronchial patency), pneumonia, bronchial asthma, which is accompanied by the discharge of viscous sputum, etc.

    The drug is taken orally after a meal. An effervescent tablet is pre-dissolved in an incomplete glass of water and taken three times a day for three days, after which the dose is reduced and taken as a tablet twice a day. Children from five to 12 years old are prescribed half a tablet two to three times a day, after dissolving them in water.

    The use of Fervex for coughing is contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, under the age of five years, with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Is it possible for pregnant women to cough Fervex, the doctor decides, taking into account all indications and contraindications. An absolute contraindication for taking the drug is only the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. When breastfeeding a child, the remedy is also contraindicated.

    Fervex cough is usually very well tolerated by patients, however, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness, headache, and allergic reactions can sometimes occur.

    Prices and reviews

    Prices for Fervex (for adults) are moderate: 8 sachets cost from 150 to 210 rubles. Prices for 8 sachets of children's version have about the same range. The “dry cough” option costs about 170 rubles (10 effervescent tablets) in pharmacies, but this drug is not available in pharmacies today.

    The price of Fervex cough (10 effervescent tablets) is also about 170 rubles. This is approximately the average price of all its analogues, the prices for which range from 90 to 250 rubles.

    Often, a person does not take the treatment of colds seriously enough. The patient seeks to independently find various analogues of known drugs, while pursuing different goals. Some people want to save money, others want to buy a stronger tool that will quickly put them on their feet. Still others are forced to use substitutes, since the original medicine was not in the pharmacy.

    Today's article will tell you about the drug "Antigrippin". Russian and foreign analogues will be presented to your attention. You will learn what the drugs are called and what are their features. You can also read consumer reviews.

    Antigrippin: description, types of drug

    Before you say what analogues the drug "Antigrippin" has, you should know something about it. The medicine is produced in different forms: powder for making a drink, effervescent tablets and capsules. The composition of the preparations (depending on their form) may differ. The medicine is sold without a prescription in any pharmacy chain. The buyer has the following options:

    • effervescent tablets (paracetamol 500 mg, ascorbic acid 200 mg, chlorphenamine 10 mg), raspberry and grapefruit flavor;
    • sachets for solution preparation (paracetamol 500 mg, ascorbic acid 200 mg, chlorphenamine 10 mg), have the taste of honey, lemon and chamomile;
    • capsules "Antigrippin Anvi" (paracetamol 300 mg, ascorbic acid 250 mg, rutoside 10 mg, 250 mg, calcium gluconate 100 mg, diphenhydramine 20 mg), the components are divided into two capsules;
    • "Antigrippin Maximum" (paracetamol 360 mg, ascorbic acid 300 mg, loratadine 3 mg, rutoside 20 mg, rimantadine 50 mg), there are two types of capsules in the package.

    The drug is also available in children's dosage. Effervescent tablets contain 250 mg of paracetamol, 50 mg of ascorbic acid and 3 mg of chlorphenamine. Soluble forms of the drug can be purchased at a price of no more than 300 rubles for 10 doses. The medicine in capsules costs about 200-250 rubles.

    The action of the drug

    The drug is used for the symptomatic treatment of colds. It easily relieves symptoms such as headache and muscle pain, fever, nasal congestion and copious snot. An analogue of "Antigrippin" should have the same properties. In this case, the components included in the composition may differ.

    Depending on which type of drug you choose, its effect will be individual. When using powder or effervescent tablets, the temperature decreases, painful sensations are eliminated. If you use Antigrippin Anvi capsules, you will get a pronounced analgesic effect. Also, the drug will help narrow the blood vessels and eliminate swelling in the nose. The drug "Antigrippin Maximum" also has an antiviral effect, due to the content of rimantadine in it.

    How to replace the medicine: popular analogues

    Currently, there are many alternative means of the drug "Antigrippin". Analogues can be absolute, structural. In this case, all active substances are the same. You can also replace "Antigrippin" with a relative analogue. In such a situation, the effect of the drug will be the same, but its composition will be different. Consider what alternative can be chosen for the described medication.

    • "Anti Flu Kids" (USA).
    • "Agri" (Russia);
    • "Anvi Max" (Russia);
    • Fervex (France);
    • Teraflu (USA, France);
    • "Coldrex" (Great Britain);
    • "Pharmacitron" (Canada).

    You can replace the medicine with other means, for example, Paracetamol. Antigrippin Anvi has analogues in the form of tablets with the trade name Analgin, Baralgin. For children, the substitute "Spazdolzin" is used. Let's take a closer look at the alternatives.

    "Anvi Max" - fruit bags

    Often, patients, in the absence of the French medication prescribed to them (“Antigrippin Maximum”), choose Russian-made analogues. Buyers give the advantage to the Anvi Max medicine. It contains the same components: paracetamol 360 mg, ascorbic acid 300 mg, rimantadine 50 mg, loratadine 3 mg and rutoside 20 mg. Also there is calcium gluconate in the amount of 100 mg.

    According to reviews, this medicine has a pronounced antipyretic and analgesic effect. Also, the drug promotes antiviral activity, due to the content of rimantadine in it. The medicine has antihistamine properties: it relieves swelling, makes breathing easier, and reduces the production of nasal mucus. It is important that the content helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which normalizes blood microcirculation.

    This analogue of "Antigrippin" is not prescribed during pregnancy, lactation, as well as children under 18 years of age. The drug is prohibited for use in lactase deficiency, phenylketonuria, if there are diseases of the liver, kidneys and thyroid gland. Chronic alcoholism is also a contraindication. The cost of 6 bags is no more than 250 rubles.

    "Antigrippin" for children: analogues. Substitute for a child

    You already know that Antigrippin is also available in children's dosage. Effervescent tablets must first be dissolved in water. A medicine is prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of influenza and viral infections in children after three years. You can replace this drug with the Antiflu Kids medication. It is sold without a prescription at a price of about 220 rubles for 5 sachets. The composition of the drug includes 160 mg of paracetamol, 1 mg of chlorpheniramine and 50 mg of ascorbic acid. Consumers say that this substitute is not as strong as the original remedy. If you study the instructions, you can find out that Antiflu Kids contains a smaller amount of active ingredients.

    The undoubted advantage that this analogue of Antigrippin has is the possibility of its use from the age of two. Whereas the original remedy is assigned a little later. It is contraindicated to use the drug in case of individual intolerance to the components, as well as liver and kidney failure. In other situations, according to consumer reviews, the drug is well tolerated and does its job perfectly.

    Granules and tablets "Agri"

    You already know what composition the children's "Antigrippin" (effervescent) has. An analogue can be purchased cheaper in the form of granules for resorption. This is convenient when the child cannot immediately drink a glass of the diluted drug. And you need to take it right away, since storage of a diluted solution is unacceptable.

    You can replace the medicine with homeopathic Antigrippin. Its trade name is "Agri". Such a medicine costs no more than 100 rubles. It includes aconite, arsentum, toxicodendron, bryony, phytolyac and other components. The drug is recognized as safe, it is approved for use in children (in the appropriate granular form). It is forbidden to use this remedy during pregnancy and lactation. "Agri" (analogous to "Antigrippin") has a wide variety of reviews. Some patients claim that the drug effectively copes with its task: it reduces the temperature, eliminates muscle and headaches, and reduces the manifestations of a viral infection. Other users say that homeopathy has no proven effectiveness. Therefore, the drug works on the principle of placebo.

    Popular "Fervex"

    Another analogue of the drug "Antigrippin" is the powder "Fervex". This medication has long been present on the pharmacological market. Like the original medicine, Fervex has different flavors. The drug is in high demand among consumers. It is often taken without first consulting a doctor. The cost of this medication is about 400 rubles for 8 sachets. This is more expensive than the drug "Antigrippin".

    The composition of medicines is about the same. Fervex contains 500 mg of paracetamol and 200 mg of ascorbic acid. The medicine is distinguished by the third component. Instead of chlorphenamine, the manufacturer uses pheniramine in an amount of 25 mg. The effectiveness of the drug has been confirmed for years. The medicine relieves fever and pain, reduces inflammation, eliminates nasal congestion, rhinorrhea and lacrimation. The result, according to users, is felt within 30 minutes after taking. It is contraindicated to use this substitute (analogue) of "Antigrippin" for stomach ulcers, renal and hepatic insufficiency, alcoholism, as well as for children under 15 years of age. It is known that the medication for certain indications can be used in the second trimester of pregnancy.

    Teraflu and Teraflu Extra

    You already know what the instructions for use tell the consumer about Antigrippin. Some analogues also became known to you. A substitute for the drug, which is also in demand, is Teraflu powder. According to the annotation, the drug "Antigrippin" contains 500 mg of paracetamol. Theraflu medicine can be purchased in two different versions: a regular medicine (325 mg) and an Extra medicine (625 mg). Also present here is ascorbic acid, phenylephrine and pheniramine. Consumers say that this remedy has a more pronounced anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect than Antigrippin.

    It is permissible to use different types of "Theraflu" for children from 12 years old. The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications are alcoholism, kidney and liver disease, high sensitivity, hypertension and sucrose deficiency.

    "Coldrex" and "Coldrex Junior"

    Two more substitutes for the drug "Antigrippin" are medicines of the Coldrex line. For adult consumers, the drug is available in the form of capsules. They include 500 mg of paracetamol, caffeine, phenylephrine, ascorbic acid and terpinhydrate. Coldrex Junior is available in sachets. There is the same antipyretic component in the amount of 300 mg, but there is no caffeine and terpinidrate.

    The use of the drug is allowed from the age of six. Capsules can be taken by children over 12 years of age. What distinguishes this medicine from all previous ones is that it is not used for blood diseases. The medication is contraindicated for hypertension and thyrotoxicosis, renal and hepatic pathologies. If necessary, it can be used during pregnancy as directed by a doctor.

    Powder "Pharmacitron"

    The next substitute for the drug "Antigrippin" can be called the drug "Pharmacitron". It is produced in two versions: enhanced form (650 mg of paracetamol) and regular (500 mg). There are also antihistamine components and ascorbic acid. If you study in detail the instructions for this drug, you can find out that it is used not only for viral and bacterial diseases to relieve symptoms. The drug is prescribed for any pain syndrome: neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia, and so on. With extreme caution, this analogue is used for diseases of the prostate gland, liver and kidneys. It is permissible to use in children only after 6 years.

    The enhanced form of the drug - "Pharmacytron Forte" - is not prescribed for children under 14 years of age. It is advisable to use the drug if the drug is ineffective at a lower dosage. It is forbidden to use medicines containing paracetamol at the same time.

    Comparison of drugs

    It is known that the instruction informs about the substitutes for the drug "Antigrippin": analogues are taken for viral diseases and influenza. Also, drugs are used in the complex treatment of bacterial infections. All medicines are effective for high fever, headache, chills. The preparations contain an antihistamine complex, which helps to relieve nasal congestion, eliminate sneezing and lacrimation. However, the strength of the described means may differ.

    The weakest medicine of all presented can be called "Agri". The advantage of the drug is its low cost. Minus - in questionable efficiency. You can select the medicine "Anvi Max". Unlike the rest, this drug has antiviral activity, which can significantly reduce the period of illness. It is worth mentioning the powder "Theraflu". It contains two antihistamine substances, which are not found in other analogues. "Theraflu" effectively copes with its task, eliminating the signs of rhinorrhea for a long time. A distinctive feature is the tool "Coldrex". It contains caffeine. This component increases the tone, increases efficiency. After using it, you can quickly return to your business and forget about the disease for several hours.

    Antigrippin: reviews

    Analogues of the drug form different opinions about themselves. You already know about the pros of some drugs and the cons of others. It is worth mentioning the Antigrippin medicine itself.

    This medicine is recognized as quite effective in combating the symptoms of colds and flu. Depending on the condition, you can choose the appropriate form of medication. Patients whose illness proceeds in a mild stage prefer to take Antigrippin powder and effervescent tablets. The drug "Antigrippin Maximum" is considered effective in the earliest stages of the disease (if we are talking about a virus, not a bacterial complication). Those consumers whose illness is accompanied by severe pain choose Antigrippin Anvi.

    Patients say that the drug begins to act quickly enough. After taking a positive effect is noted already within 15-30 minutes: pain disappears, chills, body temperature returns to normal. Breathing is also relieved, the separation of mucus from the nose decreases. If you need to quickly put yourself in order, then choose Antigrippin.

    What are the opinions of doctors about this drug? Doctors say that the medicine only relieves the symptoms of the disease, but it is not able to eliminate the cause of their appearance. Therefore, in addition, you need to take drugs aimed at fighting the infection. Doctors strongly do not recommend taking Antigrippin for more than five days in a row. It is better to limit yourself to a three-day use. If during the specified time you do not feel better, this is an occasion to visit a doctor.


    From the article you learned about the remedy for the treatment of colds and flu - Antigrippin. Instructions for use, reviews, analogues and their comparison are presented to your attention. Read the instructions carefully before taking any of the remedies described. All the best, don't worry!

    Colds can affect a person from birth to old age. At the same time, some patients recover very quickly due to their own immunity. Other patients are forced to take a variety of drugs. In this article we will talk about the drug "Teraflu". Application, composition, reviews and analogues will be described below. You will find out the main points contained in the annotation. You will also find out what is the analogue of "Teraflu" cheap.

    Drug "Teraflu"

    This remedy is used to treat flu, colds. The drug is presented in the form of a powder and is available in cardboard packaging. In one box, you can find from one to ten sachets. The average cost of one serving of the drug is 30-35 rubles.

    The composition of the drug

    Powders "Teraflu" and their analogues are represented by the following composition. The main active ingredient is paracetamol (in this case, 325 milligrams per dose). It allows you to quickly relieve fever and pain. In addition, the substance also has an anti-inflammatory effect. This is important in the treatment of influenza and various colds.

    Also in the composition of this drug is pheniramine and phenylephrine. These substances are excellent. They are necessary in order to protect a person from the development of side effects and a variety of allergic reactions. Also, these components allow you to save the patient from nasal congestion, sneezing, itching and body aches.

    The composition of the drug "Teraflu" also includes ascorbic acid. It is necessary to strengthen the immune defense of the body in a natural way. Also, this tool is able to fight viruses. It gives a pleasant taste to the medicine.

    Are there any contraindications for the use of the drug?

    Also, the medicine is contraindicated in children under the age of twelve. This is due to the lack of data on the consequences of such an intake. The drug should not be taken by people with hypersensitivity to one of the components, despite the fact that it has an anti-allergic effect.

    Very carefully and only according to indications, it is worth drinking a solution for diseases of the liver, kidneys and stomach, if any, or diseases of the thyroid and prostate glands.

    How to apply the drug?

    The medicine "Teraflu", analogues and substitutes for the drug in Ukraine, Russia and other countries are used as follows. The powder should be poured into a glass of hot water. After that, wait a few minutes or stir the sediment with a spoon. In most cases, Theraflu powder dissolves quickly.

    You need to take the medicine in a warm or hot form. You can drink only a glass of solution at a time. Subsequent reception should be carried out no earlier than four hours later. In this case, no more than four packets of medicine can be used per day.

    How to replace "Theraflu"?

    Very often, people need to find a substitute for a particular drug. Recently, cheap analogues of expensive drugs are in great demand. Theraflu is no exception. Among the analogues of this medicine, Fervex, Coldrex, Antigrippin, Coldakt and so on can be distinguished. All of them are slightly cheaper than the original drug, but they help just as well. Let us consider in detail what the Teraflu drug has analogues, and the recommended prices of substitutes.

    Means "Fervex"

    A cheap analogue of "Teraflu" is the drug "Fervex". One dose of such a powder will cost you about thirty rubles. It is worth noting that this medicine is an absolute analogue of the drug "Teraflu". The composition of these funds is identical. However, the active substance (paracetamol) is presented in the amount of 500 milligrams (in a single dose).

    A feature of this medicine is that it is available both with sugar in the composition and without it. Also, the drug is allowed during pregnancy. The drug can be prescribed to children over the age of six years. It is worth recalling that the medicine "Teraflu" is contraindicated in all these cases.

    The drug "Coldrex"

    This cheap analogue of "Theraflu" will cost you 25 rubles per dose. The composition of the product includes the same paracetamol with antihistamines and vitamin C. In this case, the form of the product may be different. The manufacturer produces not only soluble powder, but also capsules. There is also a special form of the drug for children under the age of sixteen.

    The drug "Coldrex" contains one and a half times more antipyretic substance. That is why it can be more effective than the previous analogue. The mass of paracetamol in the Coldrex preparation is 750 milligrams (in a single dose). In this case, you need to be very careful when combining this remedy with other drugs. So, for example, the drug cannot be used with antidepressants and many painkillers.

    Medicine "Antigrippin"

    An analogue of Teraflu (cheap) is also effervescent tablets called Antigrippin. In its composition, the drug contains all the same substances: paracetamol (500 milligrams per dose), ascorbic acid and an antihistamine. One dose of this medicine will cost you between 20-25 rubles.

    This drug has some features. It is contraindicated in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, in alcoholism and in children under the age of fifteen. It is worth noting that the manufacturer offers to purchase a special children's uniform. In this case, the medicine can be used from the age of three. At the same time, the dose of paracetamol in the drug is halved and is 250 milligrams per dose.

    The convenience of this analogue lies in the fact that it can be dissolved in warm or cool water. Sometimes this is very necessary, since it is not possible to heat the liquid to the desired temperature.

    Medicine "Koldakt"

    This drug is available in the form of capsules and suspensions. In this case, the dose of paracetamol is 200 and 125 milligrams, respectively. One dose of the drug will cost you between 15 and 20 rubles.

    Means "Koldakt" has a wide variety of contraindications. Among them, you can find childhood, pregnancy, urinary tract diseases, and so on. That is why the tool must be used with extreme caution.

    Analog "Teraflu" cheap

    Among all the analogues of the drug presented, it is impossible to choose the cheapest one. You will spend a minimum of money if you prepare the medicinal mixture on your own.

    So, you know that the medicinal powder contains 325 milligrams of paracetamol. In a standard tablet of this is 500 milligrams. This means that you need to take three-quarters of a capsule of Paracetamol. The cost of this component will be approximately 0.5 rubles.

    Next, you should choose the right dose of ascorbic acid. In the Teraflu preparation, the concentration of this substance is 50 milligrams. This means that you will need two large tablets of 25 milligrams. You will spend an average of 2 rubles on this ingredient.

    In addition, you can pick up any antihistamine that is in your first aid kit: Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenistil, and so on. The cost of this component will not exceed five rubles.

    All selected drugs must be consumed. At the same time, you should not dilute them in warm water, like Teraflu. The cost of one dose of medicine will be no more than ten rubles. Here's how to get an analogue of "Theraflu" cheap.

    Often people ask in a pharmacy what is better to take for a cold? Usually take Theraflu, Coldrex, AntiGrippi n or something like that. For me personally, all these drugs are approximately the same and I could not clearly answer which one is better. Although they all have different prices. They help in different ways too. Decided to figure it out.
    Under the cut, a comparative analysis of drugs with my personal comments and opinion.

    And so, let's get started.

    Tested drugs: AntiGrippin (adult, even in the photo and for children :)), TeraFlu, TeraFlu Extra, Coldrex, Coldrex Maxgripp, Fervex. And up to the village I don't know Lemsip as a litmus test for branded drugs.

    The composition of all drugs is approximately identical. I specifically made a pivot table so as not to waste time describing each of them. Based on the table, it will be possible to draw conclusions on the effectiveness of one or another drug, as well as their price.

    1) Paracetamol - Analgesic non-narcotic agent , antipyretic.
    2) Pheniramine maleate - antiallergic agent
    3) Ascorbic acid - vitamin C, a general tonic, stimulates the immune system.
    4) Phenylephrine hydrochloride - vasoconstrictor
    5) Chlorphenamine maleate - combines vasoconstrictor and antiallergic action

    Conclusions: the most effective way in my opinion is TeraFlu, as it contains all the necessary active ingredients to eliminate the symptoms of a cold, in good adequate dosages. It incorporates ascorbic acid to stimulate and strengthen the immune system, as well as substances to relieve pain, nasal congestion temperature, and an anti-allergic substance (antihistamine) is quite logically added to all this.

    Theraflu Extra except for an increased dose of paracetamol, it is no different in general.
    Interestingly, the regular TheraFlu is made in France, and Theraflu Extra is made in the USA.

    AntiGrippin- 500mg of paracetamol will help you to overcome the fever and pain. Contains ascorbic acid and a remedy for the common cold and allergies. Plus, the minimum price, convenient packaging and form (effervescent tablets). What else is needed?
    Despite this, I often hear negative reviews about this drug, so I can’t give it the first place with all my desire.

    Coldrex Hotrem - 750mg of paracetamol (for the most severe cases? :)), ascorbic acid, will help with nasal congestion. For what reasons an antihistamine was not added is not clear to me.

    Coldrex Hotrem maxgripp - loading dose of paracetamol expressed as much as 1000mg for your favorite liver. I do not recommend for frequent use. Especially not to give to children. Be sure to read the instructions and pay attention to contraindications. Otherwise similar to regular Coldrex (no antihistamine added)

    Fervex has a good effect on colds, with a good dosage of ascorbic acid, but in its composition it has nothing for nasal congestion. Although it is the most expensive of the selected drugs.

    Lemsip- among the drugs considered, it contains the minimum amount of active substances - paracetamol and phenylephrine hydrochloride. Like other drugs, it will help with fever, headache, chills, nasal congestion. Average price. Production: UK. Nothing special stood out.

    That's probably all. If you have any questions, I'll be glad to answer them.
    With you as always was your night pharmacist, with his post at 3 am. =)
    Good luck to all! And don't get sick.

    P.S.- the prices for the drugs described above are rounded to whole numbers and are presented in accordance with the prices of our pharmacy on duty.

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