What is the need for it to enter the blood? Circulatory system. C1. What is the protective role of leukocytes in the human body? What is the role of bacteria in the cycle of substances?

The first nucleotide in a triplet is taken from the left vertical row, the second from the top horizontal row, and the third from the right vertical row. Where the lines coming from all three nucleotides intersect, the desired amino acid is located.

Sat. Diheterozygous male Drosophila flies with a gray body and normal wings (dominant traits) were crossed with females with a black body and short wings (recessive traits). Make a diagram for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of the parents, as well as the possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring, if the dominant and recessive genes of these traits are linked in pairs, and crossing over does not occur during the formation of germ cells. Explain your results.

Part 3

C1. What is the reason for the need for iron ions to enter the human blood? Explain your answer.

C2. Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which errors were made and explain them.

1. The main classes of the phylum of arthropods are Crustaceans, Arachnids and Insects. 2. Arthropods include shrimp, crabs, nereids, ticks, fleas, mosquitoes and other representatives. 3. The body of crustaceans and arachnids is divided into a cephalothorax and abdomen; the body of insects consists of a head, thorax and abdomen. 4. Arachnids do not have antennae, insects have two pairs of antennae, and crustaceans have one pair. 5. Arthropods grow throughout their lives.

NW. What are the structural features and vital functions of cap mushrooms?

Name at least 4 features.

C4. Imagine that in a small reservoir formed after a river flood, the following organisms were found: slipper ciliates, daphnia, white planaria, a large pond snail, cyclops, hydra. Explain whether this body of water can be considered an ecosystem. Provide at least 3 pieces of evidence.

C5. A fragment of a DNA chain has the nucleotide sequence: TTTAGCTGTCGGAAG. As a result of the mutation that occurred in the third triplet, the third nucleotide was replaced with nucleotide “A”. Determine the nucleotide sequence of mRNA from the original fragment of the DNA chain and the modified one. Explain what will happen to a fragment of a protein molecule and its properties after a DNA mutation occurs. To complete the task, use the genetic code table.

Genetic code (mRNA)

First base

Second base

Third base

Ser Ser Ser Ser

Ley Ley Ley Ley

About About About

Gis Gis Gln

Arg Ar g Arg

Ile Ile Ile

Asn Asn Liz Liz

Ser Ser Arg

Val Val Val Val

Ala Apa Ala Ala

Gli Gli Gli Gli

Sat. Parents with a loose earlobe and a triangular dimple on the chin gave birth to a child with a fused earlobe and a smooth chin. Determine the genotypes of the parents, the first child, phenotypes and genotypes of other possible offspring. Make a diagram for solving the problem. Traits are inherited independently.

1) the zygote stage corresponds to a unicellular organism;
2) the blastula stage, where the cells are not differentiated, is similar to colonial forms;
3) the embryo at the gastrula stage corresponds to the structure of the coelenterate (hydra).

The injection of large doses of drugs into a vein is accompanied by their dilution with saline solution (0.9% NaCl solution). Explain why.

1) administration of large doses of drugs without dilution can cause a sharp change in blood composition and irreversible phenomena;
2) the concentration of saline solution (0.9% NaCl solution) corresponds to the concentration of salts in the blood plasma and does not cause the death of blood cells.

Find errors in the given text, correct them, indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they are made, write down these sentences without errors.
1. Animals of the arthropod type have an external chitinous cover and jointed limbs. 2. The body of most of them consists of three sections: head, chest and abdomen. 3. All arthropods have one pair of antennae. 4. Their eyes are complex (faceted). 5. The circulatory system of insects is closed.

1)3 - not all arthropods have one pair of antennae (arachnids do not have them, and crustaceans have two pairs);
2)4 - not all arthropods have complex (compounded) eyes: in arachnids they are simple or absent, in insects they can have simple eyes along with complex eyes;
3)5 - the circulatory system of arthropods is not closed.

What are the functions of the human digestive system?

1)mechanical processing of food;
2) chemical processing of food;
3) movement of food and removal of undigested residues;
4)absorption of nutrients, mineral salts and water into the blood and lymph.

What characterizes biological progress in flowering plants? Specify at least three signs.

1) a wide variety of populations and species;
2) wide distribution on the globe;
3) adaptability to life in different environmental conditions.

Why should food be chewed thoroughly?

1) well-chewed food is quickly saturated with saliva in the oral cavity and begins to be digested;
2) well-chewed food is quickly saturated with digestive juices in the stomach and intestines and is therefore easier to digest.

1. A population is a collection of freely interbreeding individuals of the same species that inhabit a common territory for a long time. 2. Different populations of the same species are relatively isolated from each other, and their individuals do not interbreed. 3. The gene pool of all populations of one species is the same. 4. The population is the elementary unit of evolution. 5. A group of frogs of the same species living in a deep pool for one summer constitutes a population.

1)2 - populations of one species are partially isolated, but individuals from different populations can interbreed;
2)3 - the gene pools of different populations of the same species are different;
3)5 - a group of frogs is not a population, since a group of individuals of the same species is considered a population if it occupies the same space for a large number of generations.

1) in summer a person sweats more;
2) mineral salts are removed from the body through sweat;
3) salted water restores the normal water-salt balance between tissues and the internal environment of the body.

What proves that humans belong to the class of mammals?

1) similarity in the structure of organ systems;
2) the presence of hair;
3) development of the embryo in the uterus;
4) feeding the offspring with milk, caring for the offspring.

What processes maintain the constancy of the chemical composition of human blood plasma?

1) processes in buffer systems maintain the reaction of the medium (pH) at a constant level;
2) neurohumoral regulation of the chemical composition of plasma is carried out.

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they are made and explain them.
1. A population is a collection of freely interbreeding individuals of different species that inhabit a common territory for a long time. 2. The main group characteristics of a population are size, density, age, sex and spatial structure. 3. The totality of all genes in a population is called the gene pool. 4. A population is a structural unit of living nature. 5. Population numbers are always stable.

1)1 - a population is a collection of freely interbreeding individuals of the same species that inhabit the general territory of the population for a long time;
2)4 - the population is a structural unit of the species;
3)5 - population numbers can change in different seasons and years.

What structures of the body cover protect the human body from the effects of environmental temperature factors? Explain their role.

1) subcutaneous fatty tissue protects the body from cooling;
2) sweat glands produce sweat, which, when evaporated, protects against overheating;
3) hair on the head protects the body from cooling and overheating;
4) changes in the lumen of skin capillaries regulate heat transfer.

Give at least three progressive biological characteristics of a person that he acquired in the process of long evolution.

1) enlargement of the brain and cerebral part of the skull;
2) upright posture and corresponding changes in the skeleton;
3) liberation and development of the hand, opposition of the thumb.

Which division of meiosis is similar to mitosis? Explain how it is expressed and what set of chromosomes in the cell it leads to.

1) similarities with mitosis are observed in the second division of meiosis;
2) all phases are similar, sister chromosomes (chromatids) diverge to the poles of the cell;
3) the resulting cells have a haploid set of chromosomes.

How is arterial bleeding different from venous bleeding?

1) with arterial bleeding, the blood is scarlet;
2) it shoots out from the wound with a strong stream, a fountain.

A diagram of what process occurring in the human body is shown in the figure? What underlies this process and how does the composition of the blood change as a result? Explain your answer.

1) the figure shows a diagram of gas exchange in the lungs (between the pulmonary vesicle and the blood capillary);
2) gas exchange is based on diffusion - the penetration of gases from a place with high pressure to a place with lower pressure;
3) as a result of gas exchange, the blood is saturated with oxygen and turns from venous (A) to arterial (B).

What effect does physical inactivity (low physical activity) have on the human body?

physical inactivity leads to:
1) to a decrease in the level of metabolism, an increase in adipose tissue, excess body weight;
2) weakening of skeletal and cardiac muscles, increased load on the heart and decreased endurance of the body;
3) stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities, vasodilation, circulatory disorders.

(Other wording of the answer is allowed without distorting its meaning.)

What characteristics do plants living in dry conditions have?

1) the root system of plants penetrates deeply into the soil, reaches groundwater or is located in the surface layer of soil;
2) in some plants, water is stored in leaves, stems and other organs during drought;
3) the leaves are covered with a waxy coating, pubescent or modified into spines or needles.

2) red blood cells provide transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Through what vessels and what kind of blood does the chambers of the heart, indicated in the figure by numbers 3 and 5, flow? Which circulatory system is each of these heart structures connected to?

1) the chamber marked with number 3 receives venous blood from the superior and inferior vena cava;
2) the chamber indicated by the number 5 receives arterial blood from the pulmonary veins;
3) the heart chamber, indicated by the number 3, is connected to the systemic circulation;
4) the heart chamber, indicated by the number 5, is connected to the pulmonary circulation.

What are vitamins, what is their role in the life of the human body?

1) vitamins - biologically active organic substances needed in small quantities;
2) they are part of enzymes, participating in metabolism;
3) increase the body’s resistance to adverse environmental influences, stimulate growth, development of the body, restoration of tissues and cells.

The body shape of the Kalima butterfly resembles a leaf. How did the butterfly develop such a body shape?

1) the appearance of various hereditary changes in individuals;
2) preservation by natural selection of individuals with a changed body shape;
3) reproduction and distribution of individuals with a body shape resembling a leaf.

What is the nature of most enzymes and why do they lose their activity as radiation levels increase?

1) most enzymes are proteins;
2) under the influence of radiation, denaturation occurs, the structure of the protein-enzyme changes.

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they are made, correct them.
1. Plants, like all living organisms, eat, breathe, grow, and reproduce. 2. According to the method of nutrition, plants are classified as autotrophic organisms. 3. When plants respire, they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. 4. All plants reproduce by seeds. 5. Plants, like animals, grow only in the first years of life.

Errors were made in the sentences:
1)3 - when plants breathe, they absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide;
2)4 - only flowering plants and gymnosperms reproduce by seeds, and algae, mosses, and ferns reproduce by spores.
3)5 - plants grow throughout their lives, have unlimited growth.

What is the reason for the need for iron ions to enter the human blood? Explain your answer.

1) iron ions are part of the hemoglobin of erythrocytes;
2) hemoglobin of erythrocytes ensures the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide, as it is able to bind with these gases;
3) the supply of oxygen is necessary for the energy metabolism of the cell, and carbon dioxide is its final product that must be removed.

Related information.

C1. What is the protective role of leukocytes in the human body?

1) leukocytes are capable of phagocytosis - devouring and digesting proteins, microorganisms, dead cells;

2) leukocytes take part in the production of antibodies that neutralize certain antigens.

C1. What is the reason for the need for iron ions to enter the human blood? Explain your answer.

1) iron ions are part of the hemoglobin of erythrocytes;

2) red blood cells provide transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

C1. What processes maintain the constancy of the chemical composition of human blood plasma?

1) processes in buffer systems maintain the reaction of the environment (pH) at a constant level;

2) neurohumoral regulation of the chemical composition of plasma is carried out.

C1. In a wound formed on the body, bleeding stops over time, but suppuration may occur. Explain what properties of blood this is due to


1) bleeding stops due to blood clotting and the formation of a blood clot;

2) suppuration is caused by the accumulation of dead leukocytes that have carried out phagocytosis.

C1. Explain why mature red blood cells cannot synthesize proteins.


1) mature red blood cells do not have a nucleus;

2) there is no DNA on which all three types of RNA are synthesized, there is no hereditary information

C1. What kind of immunity is produced when a vaccine is administered?


1) Artificial active immunity.
2) The body produces antibodies itself.

C1. What is anemia (anemia)?


1) A disease associated with low hemoglobin content in red blood cells.
2) A disease associated with a low level of red blood cells in the blood, characterized by weakness and pale skin.

C1. How will the blood composition of a climber who has been at high altitude for a week change? Why?


1) At high altitudes there is little oxygen.
2) The need for it is met by increasing the number of red blood cells.

C1. Why are red blood cells destroyed when placed in distilled water? Justify your answer.


1) The concentration of substances in red blood cells is higher than in water.
2) Due to the difference in concentration, water enters the red blood cells, the volume of red blood cells increases, as a result of which they are destroyed.

C1. The injection of large doses of drugs into a vein is accompanied by their dilution with saline (0.9% sodium chloride solution). Explain why.


1) The internal environment of the body is characterized by a constant composition of mineral salts.
2) The introduction of drugs in large quantities can change the composition of the internal environment, so they are diluted with saline solution.

C1. What causes rejection of transplanted organs and tissues?


The cause of rejection of transplanted organs and tissues is the body's immune reaction to foreign cells and proteins.

C1. Why do newborns get sick less if they receive mother's milk immediately after birth?


1) Mother's milk contains protective proteins - antibodies.
2) Antibodies help destroy foreign bodies.

C1. Why is a person's pulse measured?


1) To determine the heart rate per minute.
2) To determine the force of heart contraction per minute.

C1. What consequences can a narrowing of the opening of the tricuspid heart valve have in humans?


1) to a disruption in the flow of blood from the right atrium to the right ventricle;
2) to stagnation of blood in the systemic circulation.

C 2 No. 13941. Name the structures of the human heart, which are indicated in the figure by numbers 1 and 2. Explain their functions.

1 - myocardium - heart muscle. Formed by striated muscles, ensures contraction of the heart.

2 - leaflet valve (tricuspid valve), prevents blood from returning to the atrium

C2. Name the structures of the human heart, which are designated by numbers 1 and 3, indicate their functions. What kind of blood is in the chamber of the heart, indicated in the figure by number 2, into which vessel does it enter during the contraction of the heart?

1) 1 - myocardium - heart muscle. Formed by striated muscles, ensures contraction of the heart.

2) 3 - leaflet valve (tricuspid valve), prevents blood from returning to the atrium

3) 2 – right ventricle, it contains venous blood, from it blood flows into the pulmonary artery

C2. Through what vessels and what kind of blood does the chambers of the heart, indicated in the figure by numbers 3 and 5, flow? Which circulatory system is each of these heart structures connected to?


1) the chamber marked with number 3 receives venous blood from the superior and inferior vena cava;

2) the chamber indicated by the number 5 receives arterial blood from the pulmonary veins;

3) the heart chamber, indicated by the number 3, is connected to the systemic circulation;

4) the heart chamber, indicated by the number 5, is connected to the pulmonary circulation.

C2. Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they are made, correct them.

1. The human heart is located in the chest cavity. 2. Its atria communicate with each other. 3. Between the atria and ventricles there are valves that open only towards the atria.

4. When the heart contracts, blood from the left ventricle enters the aorta, and from the right ventricle into the pulmonary vein. 5. The heart works continuously throughout a person’s life. 6. Its high performance

explained by the rhythmic alternations of work and rest of each of its departments.

C2. What numbers indicate the vena cava in the picture? What number indicates the veins that carry arterial blood? What number indicates the vessel into which blood flows from the left ventricle?


1) The superior and inferior vena cava are designated 2 and 3, respectively.
2) The pulmonary veins are designated by the number 5.
3) The aorta is indicated by the number 1.

C3. According to statistics, smokers are much more likely to suffer from chronic cardiovascular diseases than non-smokers. Explain what effect do toxic substances (carbon monoxide, nicotine) contained in tobacco smoke have on a smoker’s red blood cells and blood vessels?


1) There is a sharp narrowing of blood vessels, pressure increases
2) The elasticity of blood vessels decreases, which can lead to a heart attack when pressure increases.
3) Harmful and toxic substances can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels.
4) Carbon monoxide interacts with the hemoglobin of red blood cells, as a result of which their ability to carry oxygen sharply decreases, oxygen starvation of the whole body occurs, and metabolism is disrupted.

C3. Why does blood clotting occur in damaged vessels?


1) The platelets in them are destroyed.
2) As a result of many reactions, the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen is converted into the insoluble filamentous protein fibrin.
3) A blood clot forms, which clogs the site of injury.

C3. What is the importance of blood in the life of the human body? Describe at least 3 functions.


1) performs a transport function: delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and cells of the body, removal of carbon dioxide and metabolic products;
2) performs a protective function due to the activity of leukocytes and antibodies;
3) participates in the humoral regulation of the body’s vital functions.

C4. What physiological changes can occur in a person who works all his life on a lathe? Give at least three examples.


Varicose veins;
- stagnation of blood in the systemic circulation;
- posture disorders;
- blurred vision;
- deposition of salts in joints.

C4. What is the neurohumoral regulation of the heart in the human body, what is its significance in the life of the body?


1) nervous regulation is carried out due to the autonomic nervous system (the parasympathetic system slows down and weakens the contraction of the heart, and the sympathetic system strengthens and speeds up the contraction of the heart);

2) humoral regulation is carried out through the blood: adrenaline, calcium salts strengthen and increase heart rate, and potassium salts have the opposite effect;

3) the nervous and endocrine systems provide self-regulation of all physiological processes in the body

C4. Describe the path that a drug injected into a vein in the left arm would take if it were to act on the stomach


1) through the superior vena cava of the systemic circulation, the medicine will enter the right atrium, and then into the right ventricle;

2) from the right ventricle through the vessels of the pulmonary circle - to the left atrium;

3) from the left atrium - to the left ventricle and further - along the aorta and arteries of the systemic circle to the stomach.


What is the importance of blood in human life?

1) performs a transport function: delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and cells, removal of carbon dioxide and metabolic products;
2) performs a protective function due to the activity of leukocytes and antibodies;
3) participates in the humoral regulation of the body’s vital functions.

Why are passengers recommended to suck lollipops when taking off or landing a plane?

1) rapid changes in pressure during takeoff or landing of an airplane cause discomfort in the middle ear, where the initial pressure on the eardrum persists longer;
2) swallowing movements improve air access to the auditory (Eustachian) tube, through which the pressure in the middle ear cavity is equalized with the pressure in the environment.

What structures of the body cover protect the human body from the effects of environmental temperature factors? Explain their role.

The epidermis protects the skin from mechanical, chemical influences and ultraviolet radiation. Nails support and protect the sensitive part of the fingers. Hair protects the head from exposure to sunlight. Eyelashes protect the eye from foreign particles.

Why do you need to lubricate it with an oily liquid to remove a tick that has attached itself to a person’s body?

1) the oily liquid closes the openings of the trachea, which are the respiratory organs of ticks
2) flares die from lack of oxygen and are easily removed.

What are the functions of the human digestive system?

1)mechanical processing of food;
2) chemical processing of food;
3) movement of food and removal of undigested residues;
4)absorption of nutrients, mineral salts and water into the blood and lymph.

Answer elements: in summer a person sweats more; mineral salts are removed from the body through sweat; salted water restores the normal water-salt balance between tissues and the internal environment of the body.

232.What processes maintain the constancy of the chemical composition of human blood plasma? Answer:
Answer elements: 1) processes in buffer systems maintain the reaction of the environment (pH) at a constant level; 2) neurohumoral regulation of the chemical composition of plasma is carried out

249. The injection of large doses of drugs into a vein is accompanied by their dilution with physiological solution (0.9% NaCl solution). Explain why.

1) The concentration of saline solution corresponds to the concentration of salts in the blood plasma and does not cause the death of blood cells.
2) Administration of large doses of drugs without dilution can cause a sharp change in blood composition and irreversible phenomena.

252.What is the reason for the need for iron ions to enter the human blood? Answer explain. Answer:
Answer elements: 1) iron ions are part of the hemoglobin of erythrocytes; 2) red blood cells provide transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

255.In ancient India, a person suspected of a crime was offered to swallow a handful of dry rice. If he failed, guilt was considered proven. Give a physiological basis for this process. ,
Answer: 1) swallowing is a complex reflex act, which is accompanied by salivation and irritation of the tongue; 2) with strong excitement, salivation is sharply inhibited, the mouth becomes dry and the swallowing reflex does not occur.

2) red blood cells provide transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

101. Through what vessels and what kind of blood does the chambers of the heart, indicated in the figure by numbers 3 and 5? Which circulatory system is each of these heart structures connected to?
1) the chamber marked with number 3 receives venous blood from the superior and inferior vena cava;
2) the chamber indicated by the number 5 receives arterial blood from the pulmonary veins;
3) the heart chamber, indicated by the number 3, is connected to the systemic circulation;
4) the heart chamber, indicated by the number 5, is connected to the pulmonary circulation.

What are vitamins, what is their role in the life of the human body?

1) vitamins - biologically active organic substances needed in small quantities;
2) they are part of enzymes, participating in metabolism;
3) increase the body’s resistance to adverse environmental influences, stimulate growth, development of the body, restoration of tissues and cells.

The body shape of the Kalima butterfly resembles a leaf. How did the butterfly develop such a body shape?

1) the appearance of various hereditary changes in individuals;
2) preservation by natural selection of individuals with a changed body shape;
3) reproduction and distribution of individuals with a body shape resembling a leaf.

What is the nature of most enzymes and why do they lose their activity as radiation levels increase?

1) most enzymes are proteins;
2) under the influence of radiation, denaturation occurs, the structure of the protein-enzyme changes.

105. Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the proposals in which they were made, correct them.
1. Plants, like all living organisms, eat, breathe, grow, and reproduce. 2. According to the method of nutrition, plants are classified as autotrophic organisms. 3. When plants respire, they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. 4. All plants reproduce by seeds. 5. Plants, like animals, grow only in the first years of life.

1)3 - when plants breathe, they absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide;
2)4 - only flowering and gymnosperms reproduce by seeds, and algae, mosses, and ferns reproduce by spores;
3)5 - plants grow throughout their lives, have unlimited growth.

What is the reason for the need for iron ions to enter the human blood? Explain your answer.

1) iron ions are part of the hemoglobin of erythrocytes;
2) hemoglobin of erythrocytes ensures the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide, as it is able to bind with these gases;
3) the supply of oxygen is necessary for the energy metabolism of the cell, and carbon dioxide is its final product that must be removed.

Explain why people of different races are classified as the same species. Provide at least three pieces of evidence.

1) similarity in structure, life processes, behavior;
2) genetic unity - the same set of chromosomes, their structure;
3) interracial marriages produce offspring capable of reproduction.

In ancient India, a person suspected of a crime was offered to swallow a handful of dry rice. If he failed, guilt was considered proven. Give a physiological basis for this process.

1) swallowing is a complex reflex act, which is accompanied by salivation and irritation of the root of the tongue;
2) with strong excitement, salivation is sharply inhibited, the mouth becomes dry, and the swallowing reflex does not occur.

109. Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they are made and explain them.
1. The food chain of biogeocenosis includes producers, consumers and decomposers. 2. The first link in the food chain is consumers. 3. Consumers in the light accumulate energy absorbed in the process of photosynthesis. 4. In the dark phase of photosynthesis, oxygen is released. 5. Decomposers contribute to the release of energy accumulated by consumers and producers.

Errors were made in the sentences:
1)2 - the first link is the producers;
2)3 - consumers are not capable of photosynthesis;
3)4 - oxygen is released in the light phase of photosynthesis.

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