Where to check the intestines. Methods of examination of the intestine without colonoscopy. How to detect bowel cancer during the examination

Small intestine─ part of the digestive system, which is located between the stomach and the large intestine, the length is from 2 to 5 meters. It is divided into 3 sections: duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Function ─ splitting and absorption of all nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

In the small intestine, up to 2 liters of digestive juice is produced per day, containing all the enzymes necessary for digestion. Hormones are produced here:

  • secretin to regulate the work of the pancreas;
  • somatostatin is a gastrin antagonist;
  • gastrin ─ stimulates the production of digestive juices;
  • protein (vasointestinal peptide) for the regulation of smooth muscles of the intestinal wall and blood circulation in it;
  • a protein that inhibits the secretion of bile;
  • motilin ─ motor activity regulator;
  • cholecystokinin is necessary for the full secretion of bile.

Any disease of the small intestine disrupts not only the process of digestion, but also the work of other internal organs.

Depending on what disease the doctor suspects, different diagnostic methods are used.


A special option is used ─ when the patient drinks a contrast mixture, then a series of x-rays is taken. Contrast, moving along the digestive canal, outlines all the folds, ulcers, polyps, tumors, diverticula (blind protrusions) and other formations. All sections of the intestine are examined at once.

Enteroscopy double balloon

It is performed under anesthesia due to the fact that inflation with gas causes pain. An endoscope is inserted through the mouth, the balloons are successively inflated: the near one is filled, and the far one descends, then vice versa. Gradually, the probe is advanced and the balloons are inflated until the entire bowel is examined. At the same time, you can remove the polyp, stop the bleeding, or perform other manipulations.

Ultrasound of the small intestine

Hydro-MRI of the small intestine

Two types of contrast are used: oral, which is given to drink through the mouth, and intravenous, which is injected through the subclavian catheter. After the patient drinks the contrast, a series of images are taken, then repeated after intravenous contrast. Substances for contrast accumulate in the walls of the small intestine. In the presence of contraindications ─ metal implants in the ear canal, rods in the bones or pacemakers ─ CT is used with the same contrast enhancement principles. Almost all diseases are detected, including cancerous metastases in the mesenteric lymph nodes.

Capsule Endoscopy

The patient swallows, which resembles a pill in shape and size. The capsule has a built-in video camera and a device for lighting, as well as a radio signal transmitter. The receiving antenna and the storage device are attached to the patient's body. The endoscopic capsule passes through the entire digestive tract and exits naturally, taking many detailed pictures. Today it is the most informative method of examination.

FGDS with biopsy

An endoscopic examination method that examines the stomach, the place of transition to the intestines and the duodenum well. Examination of deeper located departments in this way is impossible.

Comparative table of intestinal diagnostic methods

Diagnostic method Advantages Flaws
  • contrast allows you to assess the speed of peristalsis, the relief of the mucosa
  • contraindicated in obstruction
Enteroscopy, including balloon
  • allows you to examine the entire small intestine and obtain a biopsy
  • requires general anesthesia and short-term hospitalization;
  • food restriction
  • prominent shape and location of intestinal loops, the liver and pancreas are examined at the same time
  • biopsy is not available;
  • small polyps are not always visible;
  • it is difficult to distinguish between a benign tumor and cancer
Hydro-MRI or MR-enterography
  • layered shots, very detailed
  • contraindicated in the presence of metal devices, including implants and a pacemaker
Capsule Endoscopy
  • examines the entire digestive tract
  • biopsy is not available;
  • high price
Fibrogastroscopy with biopsy
  • allows you to detect inflammation, ulcers and tumors, to distinguish benign from cancer
  • only duodenum available

Modern diagnostic equipment allows you to find out the exact cause of the disease in 1-2 days. Simultaneous use of different diagnostic methods complements each other.

The "gold standard" for the study of the small intestine is considered to be capsule endoscopy, since the method is the most informative and does not bring any discomfort to the patient.

The choice of research method depending on the alleged pathology

A consultation with a gastroenterologist includes the collection of anamnestic information and a clinical examination, as a result of which the doctor gets an idea of ​​what disease the patient suffers from. To clarify the diagnosis, examinations are prescribed, which are aimed at clarifying various details.

Suspected pathology Suitable studies
Inflammation of the small intestine (acute and chronic enteritis)
Tumors, oncology X-ray, balloon enteroscopy, capsule endoscopy, ultrasound, FGDS, MRI
Celiac disease or gluten intolerance Radiography, ultrasound, various types of endoscopy
duodenal ulcer FGDS with biopsy, radiography, MRI, capsule endoscopy
Intestinal obstruction Ultrasound, FGDS
Dyskinesia All types of examination
Diverticula All types of examination
irritable bowel syndrome All types of examination
Malabsorption syndrome All types of examination
Crohn's disease All types of examination

Diseases of the small intestine are diverse, only a gastroenterologist can understand everything. The earlier treatment is started, the less the whole body suffers, and the less time it takes to recover.

The intestine is the most important organ. Violation of the microflora, as well as any failures in its work, invariably affect the functioning of the whole organism as a whole. With the frequent appearance of symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, belching, stool disorders, it is worth considering how to check the intestines in order to prevent serious diseases even at the stage of their onset.

Diagnostic methods

The gastroenterologist, depending on the goals of the study, the anatomical features of the patient, the availability of equipment in the clinic, will consider how to check the intestines most effectively and informatively. Diagnosis of the organ can be carried out using the following methods: palpation, ultrasound, barium enema, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, endoscopy, anoscopy, capsule examination and MRI. At the initial visit to the proctologist, a digital rectal examination is mandatory. Such a procedure allows you to assess the condition of the muscles of the anus, to identify diseases localized in the pelvic organs (anal fissures, scars, hemorrhoids, polyps, tumors, narrowing in the intestinal lumen, and others). More deeply located sections of the intestine are examined using special instruments, such as a proctoscope. After palpation, the doctor determines the further method of examining the organ. Naturally, questions arise: "How to check the intestines most informatively? What methods are used to check its different departments (small and large intestines)?"

Large intestine examination

For a more accurate diagnosis of intestinal diseases, a comprehensive study is prescribed, including all the necessary laboratory methods. To identify pathologies of the rectum, rectal and bacteriological examinations, blood and feces examinations are carried out, X-ray devices are used, as well as anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy. Fibrocolonoscopy is considered the most informative method, since it allows you to recognize all the pathologies characteristic of the colon. It should be noted that the results of the studies largely depend on the quality of the patient's preparation for the examination.

Diagnosis of the small intestine

When examining the small intestine, all the main components of the organ are diagnosed - the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. To check the condition of these departments, endoscopy, ultrasound, fibroscopy, irrigoscopy, radiography are used. Before the procedures, doctors recommend following a specially designed diet. How to check the intestines using these methods? Which of them are prescribed depending on the symptoms? What are the contraindications for carrying out?


Colonoscopy allows you to visually diagnose polyps, ulcers and other pathologies. During the procedure, a biopsy and removal of lesions is often performed. This method has much in common with sigmoidoscopy, its main advantage is the ability to examine the entire large intestine. Indications for its use are polyps, gastrointestinal bleeding, intestinal obstruction, suspected neoplasms and other pathologies. For patients with Crohn's disease or active ulcerative colitis, colonoscopy is not recommended because there is a risk of colon perforation. Other diagnostic methods are prescribed for them, since it is possible to check the intestines without a colonoscopy.


Diseases of the large intestine are also detected with the help of irrigoscopy with the introduction of a radiopaque preparation. Irrigograms obtained during the study help to assess the degree of changes in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, to identify fistulas, tumors, diverticula and malformations. Irrigoscopy is prescribed for bleeding, purulent and mucous discharge from the intestine, for the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. This method is less traumatic and practically does not provoke complications.


Endoscopy is used to diagnose polyps and neoplasms. This is a painless and safe method that provides the most accurate information about the condition of the intestines and its mucosa. Also, when using it, the shell of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum is examined. There are practically no contraindications for the application of the method, the only exceptions are diseases of the heart and lungs.

Ultrasound and MRI

Many patients are frightened by the very idea of ​​undergoing diagnostics using instrumental or other methods little known to them. Asking the question: "How to check the intestines?", They are trying to find safer ways. In this case, the advantage for such techniques as ultrasound and MRI. Ultrasound diagnostics allows diagnosing inflammatory, functional and oncological diseases, examining in detail the layered structure of the colon walls. Absolute safety and the absence of radiation exposure make it possible to use this method without age restrictions. Painlessness and safety are also distinguished by the MRI method, which determines the presence of chronic disorders in the work of the intestine, revealing malignant tumors.

Capsule examination

Capsule examination is quite effective. This minimally invasive technique allows you to explore any part of the gastrointestinal tract thanks to an enterocapsule equipped with a video camera. It is used for complaints of abdominal pain, suspected tumors, hidden bleeding or congenital abnormalities. Such an examination makes it possible to detect cancer of the stomach or intestines.

The alimentary canal plays an important role in human life. It not only digests food, but also removes toxic substances from the body and releases useful components. But periodically, the intestinal canal fails due to the development of a disease. Therefore, everyone needs to know how to check the intestines.

Doctors say that the diagnosis of the intestine should take place at least once a year. If the patient has unpleasant symptoms, then you need to visit the doctor a little more often.

There are certain indications when a bowel examination may be required. These include:

  • painful sensations of a periodic or constant nature;
  • violation of the stool in the form of constipation or diarrhea;
  • vomiting of feces;
  • bloating;
  • the appearance of blood or mucus in the stool.

The study can be administered to both children and adults. It all depends on the symptoms that appear.

The study of the intestinal canal is based on:

  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • anoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • computer or magnetic tomography;
  • capsule colonoscopy;
  • radionuclide research;
  • x-ray study.

In some cases, laparoscopy is performed. By it is meant a diagnostic and treatment procedure, with the help of which it is possible to examine all the organs in the abdominal cavity.

With the help of these methods, diseases can be detected in the form of:

  • tumor-like formations of a benign and malignant nature;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • diverticulum formations;
  • polyps;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • duodenitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • proctitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • paraproctitis.

Endoscopic type of examination of the intestine

There are different methods of examining the intestines. Therefore, patients are often in doubt about how to check the intestines for diseases and choose the right diagnostic method for themselves.

Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy helps to check the condition of the duodenum. This type of study only looks at the small intestine. Most often, manipulations are performed for therapeutic purposes. During the examination, bleeding can be stopped and a foreign object removed.

This technique has several advantages, which are:

  • in speed;
  • in informativeness;
  • well tolerated by patients of any age;
  • in safety;
  • in low invasiveness;
  • in painlessness;
  • the ability to spend within the walls of the hospital;
  • in availability.

But there are some disadvantages in the form of uncomfortable sensations during the insertion of the probe and an unpleasant departure from local anesthesia.

FEGDS is prescribed for suspected pathological processes in the form of:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • bleeding;
  • papillary cancer;
  • gastrointestinal reflux.

To examine the intestines in this way, it is necessary to make careful preparation. It implies the refusal to eat food eight hours before the manipulation. For two or three days, it is worth giving up the consumption of spicy foods, nuts, seeds, chocolate, coffee and alcoholic beverages.

In the morning, do not eat breakfast and brush your teeth. This type of bowel examination is carried out in a supine position on the left side. The legs should be pressed to the stomach. An elongated tube with a camera is inserted through the patient's oral cavity. So that the patient does not feel anything, a local anesthetic is used.

There are a number of restrictions on the execution of the procedure in the form:

  • curvature of the spinal column;
  • goiter;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • the appearance of neoplasms;
  • a history of stroke;
  • hemophilia;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • transferred myocardial infarction;
  • narrowing of the esophageal lumen;
  • bronchial asthma in the acute phase.

Relative contraindications include severe hypertension, angina pectoris, inflammation of the tonsils and mental disorders.

How to check the small intestine for the presence of pathological processes? One of the modern methods of examination is a colonoscopy. A flexible probe called a fibrocolonoscope is used to analyze the large intestine. The tube is inserted into the anus and passed through the rectum.

The benefits of a colonoscopy are as follows:

  • in the collection of material and biopsy;
  • removal of small tumor-like formations;
  • stop bleeding;
  • restoration of patency of the intestinal canal;
  • removal of foreign objects.

Before a colonoscopy, it is necessary to clean the intestinal canal. This recommendation is the most important of all. For such purposes, enemas can be used, but most often it is advised to take laxative solutions in the form of Fortrans.

For two or three days, you must follow a strict diet, which involves the rejection of fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, smoked meats, marinades, rye bread, chocolate, peanuts. On the evening before the procedure, it is required to clean the intestinal canal.

Colonoscopy is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure is not so pleasant, as the tube with the camera will be inserted directly into the rectum. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. If the manipulations are performed incorrectly, then complications may appear in the form of:

  • bleeding;
  • perforation of the intestinal canal;
  • swelling;
  • feverish state;
  • pain after the procedure.

With the development of these pathologies, you should immediately visit a doctor.

X-ray examination of the intestine

Examination of the small intestine also includes x-rays using a contrast agent. In practice, it is called irrigoscopy. This type of study makes it possible to determine pathological changes in the structure of the intestinal walls.

An examination of the small intestine of this type has a number of advantages in the form of:

  • security;
  • painlessness;
  • availability;
  • informativeness;
  • little radiation exposure.

Irrigoscopy allows you to assess the condition of the colon, sigmoid and rectum. The contrast agent is injected through the mouth, rectum, or vein. During the examination of the intestines, the patient is located on his side, his legs are pressed to his stomach.

The indications for the procedure are:

  • tumor formations;
  • the appearance of blood and purulent clots in the feces;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • bloating with stool retention;
  • constipation or chronic diarrhea.

Before manipulation it is worth preparing. A diet should be followed for several days, and the night before it is worth cleaning the intestinal tract.

Capsular examination of the intestine

A bowel examination can be performed using a capsule colonoscopy. The advantage of the technique is that nothing is introduced into the anus. It is enough to swallow one capsule, which contains two chambers.

There are also other benefits such as:

  • security;
  • you just;
  • no need for anesthesia;
  • no radiation exposure;
  • minimally invasive;
  • the possibility of examining the intestine without the use of a cleansing enema.

The disadvantages of the capsule technique include the inconvenience of data processing and the difficulty of swallowing the capsule. The image of the intestinal canal is recorded using a special device. It is a belt that is worn on the abdomen.

The use of a sigmoidoscope

Diagnosis of diseases in the final sections of the canal can be carried out using a sigmoidoscope. This is a small tube on which the lighting fixture is located. It makes it possible to view the intestinal canal to a depth of up to 35 centimeters from the anus.

This type of study is advised to perform for older people once a year. There are also other indications in the form:

  • pain in the anus;
  • persistent constipation;
  • unstable stool;
  • bleeding from the rectum;
  • the appearance of mucus or pus in the feces;
  • feelings of a foreign object inside.

Examination of the colon can be carried out with chronic hemorrhoidal disease and inflammatory processes.

There are a number of restrictions in the form:

  • the formation of an anal fissure;
  • narrowing of the intestine;
  • bleeding;
  • paraproctitis in acute form;
  • peritonitis;
  • heart failure.

Before inserting the tube, it is necessary to lubricate the anus area with petroleum jelly. The advancement of the device is carried out during attempts. In order for the intestinal canal to straighten out, air is let into it.

Other methods for diagnosing the intestines

Diagnosis of the small intestine can be carried out by other methods. One of the modern ones is magnetic tomography. The bowel is checked using double contrast. The coloring component is poured through the oral cavity and vein. This technique cannot be a substitute for colonoscopy, since the entire state of the mucous membrane is not visible.

The advantages of magnetic tomography are painlessness, information content and the absence of special preparatory measures.

To carry out the procedure, the patient is placed on the platform and fixed with straps. During this, an image is fixed on the computer screen using magnetic signals. The average duration of the procedure is 40 minutes.

Another procedure is anoscopy. Using this technique, you can examine the final section of the intestine using a special device called an anoscope.

Before carrying out manipulations, a digital examination is first performed. This is necessary in order to assess the patency of the intestinal canal. When an anoscope is inserted, an anesthetic ointment is used to reduce pain.

Laboratory diagnostics is prescribed to the patient in the first place. This includes:

  • general blood analysis. Blood is taken from a finger on an empty stomach;
  • analysis of feces for the presence of helminth eggs. Fresh feces are collected in a sterile jar and quickly taken to the laboratory;
  • analysis of feces for the presence of dysbacteriosis and flora in the intestinal canal;
  • coprogram. It implies a complete examination of feces for the presence of mucus, pus, blood, shape, smell.

Such analyzes are prepared within two to three days.

The bowel can be checked with a sigmoidoscopy. This is also one of the endoscopic research methods. It allows you to examine the condition of the mucous membrane of the sigmoid and rectum.

The indications for the procedure are:

  • colitis;
  • violation of the state of microflora;
  • cholecystitis of calculous type;
  • neoplasms in the uterine region;
  • violation of the chair;
  • bleeding.

Sigmoidoscopy should not be performed with agony, poor blood flow to the brain, serious heart problems, myocardial infarction.

Ultrasound diagnostics is also used in practice. But this type of study about the alimentary canal is not informative, since there are many other organs in the abdominal cavity.

Often, ultrasound is prescribed for adhesive and inflammatory processes, Crohn's disease and neoplasms. Effective as a control study after an operative procedure in a hospital setting.

There are many ways to examine the alimentary canal. Which one is better to choose, it is up to the doctor to decide based on the indications and age of the patient, since each of them has its own limitations and side effects.

Using modern diagnostic methods, doctors detect many bowel diseases in the early stages. The latest diagnostic equipment provides an opportunity to obtain valuable information about the patient's health status. In this case, the person does not experience significant discomfort and pain.
Intestinal pathology can be detected even when there are no external signs of the disease. All this helps to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures.

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Modern methods of examination of the intestine

Modern medicine offers the following methods for diagnosing intestinal diseases:

  • capsule examination,
  • endoscopy,
  • colonoscopy,

Intestinal examination with a capsule

This method is considered minimally invasive. It allows you to explore every part of the gastrointestinal tract.

The examination is carried out using an enterocapsule equipped with a video camera. This procedure is carried out in the following cases:

  • if the patient experiences abdominal pain,
  • with hidden bleeding,
  • if a congenital pathology or tumor is suspected.

Examination of the intestines with a capsule can detect cancer of the stomach or intestines.

The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. Before the session, a recording device is fixed on the human body. After that, he swallows the capsule. The device moves through the stomach and intestines with the help of peristalsis waves. The information obtained is analyzed using special computer programs. This examination is carried out within 8 hours. The capsule itself is naturally eliminated from the body.

The capsule examination is a minimally invasive diagnostic method.

The advantage of the method is its simplicity and ease. The patient can lead a normal life. Capsule examination is considered a highly informative method.

This technology was developed by Israeli experts. The video capsule is a real advance in the field of invasive research methods. With its help, the doctor can even reveal hidden pathologies (tumors, polyps, etc.).

If a weak intestinal motility is noted, then the usual capsule may linger in the upper sections due to pathological conditions. You can prevent this phenomenon with the help of the Patency capsule, which reveals the places of narrowing of the intestine. This capsule has the parameters of a conventional video capsule. However, instead of a camera, it is equipped with a built-in microchip. If the capsule gets stuck in the intestine, it dissolves in it within two days. The microchip remains in the intestine. In the future, it allows you to find out the place of narrowing of the intestine. It is removed from the body naturally.

Intestinal endoscopy

This method is used to diagnose polyps and tumors.

  • The procedure requires preparation - the patient must cleanse the intestines using laxatives.
  • Next, the doctor inserts a transducer equipped with ultrasound into the rectum.
  • When the recording device approaches the location of the pathology, the diagnostician can examine the intestine and determine the extent of the spread of the tumor.

Endoscopy is a safe and painless method that allows you to get reliable information about the state of the intestine. The doctor has the opportunity to conduct a visual assessment of the condition of the intestinal mucosa. In this case, the membrane of the esophagus, duodenum, stomach, small and large intestines is examined. To detail the nature of pathological changes, a whole complex of endoscopic manipulations is performed.

Endoscopy has almost no contraindications. Exceptions may be diseases of the lungs and heart due to the need to take special drugs. But these issues are always resolved individually.


In this case, endoscopic instruments are used. Previously, the patient cleanses the intestines with a special tool. Colonoscopy is unpleasant, but not too painful manipulation. The patient experiences a feeling of bloating. However, this does not take much time (no more than half an hour).

The intestine is examined using a fibrocolonoscope, which is a flexible tourniquet with an optical system:

  • This device allows the doctor to examine the walls of the intestine.
  • In the process of examining the walls of the intestine, the doctor may perform a biopsy (taking a piece of tissue) for histological examination.
  • Colonoscopy allows small irrigations or benign tumors to be removed without surgery.

Performing an examination of the FCC intestines, the doctor conducts a highly accurate diagnosis, establishing the exact cause of the patient's ailments. Diagnosis of intestinal adhesions, tuberculosis, tumors is carried out in this way. The result is usually reported immediately after the end of the session.

In Moscow clinics, an intestinal colonoscopy can be done for 4,700 rubles. Virtual colonoscopy of the intestine will cost 11,000 rubles.

This is a method of examining the intestines using x-rays.

  • Before the session, the patient thoroughly cleanses the intestines using enemas and special preparations. On the eve of the procedure, you can not eat.
  • Immediately before the examination, a person takes a liquid with a radiopaque substance (barium sulfate). This component passes through the intestines, filling its sections.
  • The doctor takes pictures by which you can assess the contours of the intestine and the degree of its lumen. They allow you to identify pathologies.

Sometimes the procedure is performed using the double contrast method. In this case, after the contrast agent leaves the intestine, air is injected into it, which makes it possible to clearly see the contours of different sections of the intestine. The relief of the shell is of great importance, as it allows you to identify fistulas, diverticulosis, tumors, congenital anomalies, ulcers, cicatricial lesions.

The procedure is painless and safe. The degree of radiation exposure is low here.

When is irrigoscopy used?

  • with mucous and purulent discharge from the intestine;
  • with bleeding from the rectum;
  • if the patient complains of pain along the colon and in the anus;
  • with chronic diarrhea or constipation;
  • if it is impossible to apply a colonoscopy or to clarify the diagnosis obtained during the preliminary study;
  • if there is a suspicion of a tumor in the intestine.

Irrigoscopy is also prescribed for the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. These studies are confirmed by the results obtained using ultrasound and x-rays.

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Large intestine examination

Diagnosis of intestinal diseases is carried out in the form of a comprehensive study. The patient takes blood for research (clinical and biochemical analysis). Laboratory diagnosis of intestinal dysbacteriosis includes a fecal sample. To examine the pathologies of the rectum, modern medicine uses a whole arsenal of tools. Doctors conduct rectal and bacteriological examinations, use radiology devices, etc.

The main methods of examination of the rectum:

  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • anoscopy;
  • fibrocolonoscopy;
  • examination of feces for dysbacteriosis;
  • patient blood tests.

A digital rectal examination is mandatory. With this, the diagnosis begins with suspicions of a disease of the pelvic organs (if the patient complains of problems with the intestines).

Finger research is carried out using special tools. The diagnostician can assess the condition of the muscles of the anus. This examination allows you to identify diseases localized in this area (anal fissures, hemorrhoids, narrowing in the intestinal lumen, tumors, scars, etc.).

If there is a need to examine deeply located parts of the intestine, then a proctoscope is used. To conduct a study of the entire large intestine, the possibilities of fibrocolonoscopy are used. Bowel cleansing before the examination is mandatory.

The study allows you to recognize almost all pathologies of the colon, but much depends on the quality of the preparation of the intestine for the examination.

Examination and diagnosis of the small intestine

Diagnosis begins with the main components of the intestine: the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. These sections are located between the stomach and large intestine. The examination is carried out by a gastroenterologist.

The following types of bowel examinations are used:

  • fibroscopy,
  • endoscopy,
  • irrigoscopy,
  • radiography.

To undergo a comprehensive examination, the patient must receive a referral from a gastroenterologist. Before the study, the gastrointestinal tract should be unloaded. A few days before the start of the procedure, it is recommended to follow a diet.

Only a gastroenterologist can refer you for a comprehensive examination.

Endoscopy is performed using an endoscope. The device allows you to identify changes of varying severity that have arisen in the intestine. The most common method of examining the small intestine, which is used in conjunction with endoscopy, is considered rectoscopy. The procedure consists in examining the inner surface of the intestine using a sigmoidoscope.

Possible therapeutic measures for endoscopy:

  • removal of polyps;
  • stop bleeding;
  • extraction of foreign objects;
  • installation of a probe for eating.

The latest research method is considered double-balloon enteroscopy. It allows you to study any part of the small intestine. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

When is double balloon enteroscopy used?

  • with tumors;
  • for excision of polyps;
  • with bleeding in the small intestine;
  • to extract foreign objects;
  • with adenomatosis.

This disease is quite difficult to identify. In practice, doctors face real difficulties in examining for a tumor.

Colorectal cancer can masquerade as other diseases. Sometimes the endoscopic and clinical picture looks very confusing. The main complaints of patients in such cases are signs of intestinal obstruction and pain in the abdomen. If these symptoms persist and even progress, then doctors conduct repeated studies, despite the negative results of the first procedures.

Sometimes colon cancer is detected with comforting ultrasound data and the absence of pathological manifestations.

A high-precision examination is carried out in leading clinics in Israel and Germany. This is confirmed by user reviews. Armed with an arsenal of modern diagnostic tools, specialists can identify malignant tumors. If there is the slightest suspicion of bowel cancer symptoms, then the diagnosis is repeated several times, given the latent course of the disease.

In addition to the above research methods, enteroscopy is also used. This is a special procedure during which an endoscopic examination is performed. In some cases, it is accompanied by a biopsy.

Many patients turn to foreign clinics for examination. Israel's medical centers have good reviews. All of them have a complete set of diagnostic tools for accurate research. A complete bowel examination is available to international patients.

Israeli specialists use an endoscopic video capsule, which was invented by them 10 years ago. Today, the technology of examining the small intestine with a microcamera is considered indispensable and is used in all clinics in the country.

The intestine is the most important organ in the human body. If it does not work properly, all processes in the body are disrupted. Everyone knows the unpleasant feeling of increased gas formation. Diarrhea and constipation spoil life, worsen its quality, make you go to the toilet often. But there are plenty of other bowel problems as well. It can be pain in the feces, When digestion is disturbed. Dysbacteriosis may occur. It is very important to keep the body clean. And you need to start with an examination. How to check the intestines, the doctor will tell you.

Causes of bowel disease

It's no secret that this organ suffers from malnutrition. Few people pay attention to the quality of food while in the workplace. The rhythm of life does not allow you to be distracted by food for a long time. Well, since most people simply do not have time to cook, it is not surprising that they have. In addition, each section of the intestine has nerve endings. The moment stress becomes a habit, a terrible disease called irritable bowel syndrome occurs. People have been fighting it for years. Also, against the background of stress, colitis occurs.

They make life unbearable, because after every meal the intestines hurt, sometimes very badly. Everything inside cuts. Pain intensifies in the evening, and at night it becomes unbearable. These problems can be avoided. You just need to be a little more careful about your health.

Of course, at the first signs of discomfort in the area of ​​​​this organ, it is worth visiting a gastroenterologist. It is important to choose a qualified specialist. A doctor can feel the lesion by touch and tell you how to check the intestines without a colonoscopy, since this procedure scares many. The quality of research directly depends on the preparation for it. If the problem is not serious, then the pain is absolutely tolerable.

Well, if the doctor suspects that there is any dangerous deviation from the norm, then it is all the more important to be examined on time. If you ask a gastroenterologist about how you can check the intestines, he will say that you need to donate feces. This analysis will tell a lot. In addition, you can be examined for. To do this, you need to contact the laboratory specialists in advance. They will explain how to collect the analysis correctly, at what time, what dishes to use. How to check the intestines if going to the doctor is scary? At home, you are unlikely to determine your ailment. Here it is important to be examined by a professional. The doctor conducts the examination when the patient lies on his back and is completely relaxed. By light pressure, the specialist will determine which department is affected by the disease. Before checking the intestines, it is advisable to go to the toilet so that the feces do not interfere with the medical palpation. If there are deviations, the doctor will prescribe pills and a diet. The instructions must be strictly followed. The intestines are difficult to treat. You need to be patient and remember that you are doing this for your health.

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N, e.g. CH 3 NH 2 -methylamine, CH 3 NHC 3 H 7 - methylpropylamine, (C 2 H 5) 3 N -. There are also names formed ...

A kiss is a sign of great and pure love, a way of expressing the most tender and sincere feelings. But according to doctors, kissing is not so...

4. Classification of proteins Proteins and their main features Proteins or proteins (which in Greek means "first" or ...

In infectious and other inflammatory diseases, body temperature can rise in excess of 37.5 degrees. When feeling unwell...
(Lavender Body Wash, Innisfree Cleansing Foam, Queen Helene Anti-Aging Gel Mask, Neutrogena Water Anti-Aging Gel,...
Contents: What are the causes of vitamin A deficiency. Symptoms, existing ways of treatment and prevention. Vitamin A is a substance...
When solving the problem of which is better than Coldrex or Theraflu, one should remember that in addition to useful properties, they have side effects that can ...
UC is a chronic relapsing disease of the colon characterized by a severe diffuse ulcerative inflammatory lesion...
Burning in the anal area Burning in the genital area Overgrowth of the labia minora Itching in the genital area ...