What food raises hemoglobin during pregnancy. Foods and drugs to increase hemoglobin levels in pregnant women. Vitamin B12-deficiency anemia

Low hemoglobin is a health condition in which there is a reduced number of red blood cells - red blood cells - responsible for delivering oxygen to tissues. When organs and tissues do not receive the required amount of oxygen, many functions in the human body suffer.

The lack of iron-containing substances leads to anemia, which is associated with low birth weight of the child, premature birth.

Signs of low hemoglobin in pregnant women

The decrease in this important compound during childbearing is usually qualified as a normal physiological condition associated with the occurrence of placental circulation and an increase in blood volume. Normally, a person's hemoglobin levels should be from 120 to 149 g / l of blood.

In pregnant women in the 1st trimester, normal values ​​are in the range of 112-160 g / l, in the 2nd trimester - from 108 to 144 g / l, in the 3rd trimester - from 100 to 140 g / l.

Symptoms of low content during gestation are minor in the early stages and often go unnoticed. However, as it progresses, the symptoms will worsen. It's also important to note that some of the symptoms may be due to a cause other than anemia, so it's important to check with your doctor for any of the symptoms.

They are:

  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • rapid breathing and tachycardia;
  • chest pain;
  • pale skin, lips and nails;
  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • cold hands and feet;
  • reduced concentration.

A decrease in the level of red blood cells to 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97 g / l is considered a mild degree of anemia, to 80-82, 83, 85 g / l - an average degree, to 70 g / l and below - a severe degree anemia. There are over 400 different types of anemia, but some are most common in women during childbearing.

Iron-deficiency anemia

This is the main type of anemia in expectant mothers: approximately 15% to 25% of all pregnancies are accompanied by iron deficiency. Iron is an element found in red blood cells and is designed to carry oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. When there is not enough iron in the body, the body's resistance to infections can decrease.

folate deficiency anemia

Folic acid (vitamin B9) helps prevent fetal neural tube disorders during fetal development. Folic acid is often given to pregnant women as a nutritional supplement, but it can also be obtained from foods such as cereals, leafy vegetables, bananas, melons, and legumes.

A diet that lacks folic acid in foods leads to a decrease in the volume of red blood cells in the mother's body, therefore, leads to a lack of hemoglobin.

Vitamin B12-deficiency anemia

Vitamin B 12 is also another necessary substance for the formation of red blood cells. Although many women can get enough vitamin B 12 through food, their bodies may not be able to process this vitamin, resulting in a deficiency.

Causes of a decrease in hemoglobin

The drop in hemoglobin level to 96, 86 and below is due to an increase in plasma volume compared to the volume of erythrocytes. This disproportion between the rate of increase in plasma and erythrocyte volumes most often occurs in the second trimester.

But in other cases, the level drop may be due to other factors:

  • a short period of time between two pregnancies (for example, if a woman gives birth to the same age);
  • teenage pregnancy or a weakened state of the woman's body immediately at the time of conception;
  • not getting enough iron-rich foods or not being able to absorb the iron you eat;
  • bleeding caused by gynecological problems, ulcers or polyps, which leads to a drop in the number of red blood cells, because. they are consumed faster than the body produces them;
  • early toxicosis, accompanied by frequent vomiting.

What disorders are caused by hemoglobin deficiency?

Severe hemoglobin deficiency, anemia can increase the risk of such disorders:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • immobility or excessive mobility of the fetus;
  • premature birth;
  • the birth of a child with insufficient weight;
  • significant blood loss during childbirth;
  • anemia in a child;
  • developmental delays in the fetus;
  • maternal postpartum depression.
  • Folic acid deficiency and anemia can increase the risk of these conditions:
  • low motor activity of the fetus;
  • congenital pathologies of the spine or brain.

Vitamin B12 deficiency increases the risk of having a baby with neural tube damage.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

How to properly level up? Low readings are easy to correct by including iron or vitamin supplements in the daily diet. As a rule, this is all that is needed to overcome the consequences of an iron deficiency in an expectant mother.

However, in very rare cases, women with anemia may need a more thorough correction with iron supplements, synthetic vitamin complexes, and medications.

Change in diet

Preventing iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy requires small additions to the diet. Doctors recommend that a pregnant woman consume up to 30 mg of iron every day.

Products that increase hemoglobin in the blood:

  • red meat and poultry, including heart, kidney, liver;
  • chicken eggs;
  • green leafy vegetables (such as broccoli, kale, and spinach);
  • nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
  • beans, red beans, lentils and tofu;
  • buckwheat, brown rice;
  • currant, cranberry, blueberry;
  • carrot, beetroot, pomegranate, tomato juice;
  • red and green apples, persimmons, bananas and other fruits.

In addition to foods containing a large amount of iron, it is also necessary to supplement the diet of a pregnant woman with foods high in vitamin C. Ascorbic acid improves the absorption of iron, so it is also useful to supplement the diet with citrus fruits, bell peppers, kiwi and other foods rich in vitamin C.


With low hemoglobin, iron and vitamin B9 supplements can be added to the diet in addition to prenatal vitamins. During the bearing of a child, the doctor who leads the pregnancy usually prescribes vitamin complexes intended for expectant mothers. They usually contain a sufficient amount of iron and other nutrients that restore the level of iron-containing compounds in the blood.

Important! All vitamins and drugs during pregnancy should be prescribed only by the attending physician. Not all drugs that work well for anemic conditions before pregnancy are not always safe for the fetus.

Medical method

In rare cases, when the lack of hemoglobin is pronounced and already poses a danger to the health of the mother and child, various pills are prescribed, which are selected exclusively by the doctor:

  • Aktiferrin.
  • Hemopher.
  • Ferroplex.
  • Maltofer.
  • Sorbifer Durulex.

Attention! It is not recommended to choose iron supplements during pregnancy. They must be selected taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of the expectant mother, based on blood tests and general health.

Folk remedies

Effective folk remedies to increase hemoglobin levels are based on the use of various decoctions, tinctures, herbal teas, dried fruits and honey.

Most popular herbs:

  • nettle;
  • dandelion;
  • yarrow;
  • rose hip;
  • Red clover.

On their basis, various decoctions and herbal teas are prepared. The general technology of preparation is the brewing of dry raw materials with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 5 and infusion for 30-60 minutes. The composition of these herbs contains terpenes, flavanoids and tannins, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the blood-forming organs and help increase the volume of red blood cells.

In addition to herbs, it is good to raise the level of a mixture based on honey, dried apricots, prunes, dates, raisins, nuts and citrus fruits. Based on these products, a mixture is prepared, for which the solid components are ground in a meat grinder or blender. The resulting product is taken in 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Is it possible to increase hemoglobin at home

Pregnant women are at a higher risk of developing anemia due to the excess amount of blood the body produces to help supply the developing fetus with oxygen.

Iron deficiency during pregnancy is not always considered a dangerous condition and is easily corrected if the problem is identified at an early stage. Under the supervision of a doctor, with the right treatment tactics chosen, hemoglobin can be increased quite easily.

What prevents an increase in hemoglobin

The work of the hematopoietic organs and the circulatory system is individual for each woman, a low level of hemoglobin can be associated with various organic lesions and functional states of the body:

  • hidden bleeding;
  • atrophic gastritis;
  • inflammatory bowel pathologies (enteritis, dysbacteriosis);
  • infectious diseases (hepatitis, tuberculosis);
  • tumors.

If the expectant mother, for some reason, has a constantly low level of hemoglobin, it is necessary to consult with her doctor.

Video: Low hemoglobin and anemia during pregnancy


A low level of hemoglobin is most often associated with natural processes in the body of a future mother. This is due to an increase in blood volume with a predominance of plasma over erythrocytes. You can raise the level of hemoglobin by correcting nutrition by including foods rich in iron (spinach, red beans, apples, tomatoes) in the diet.

In rare cases, a decrease in the level is due to pathological conditions, which requires treatment with iron supplements and folic acid.

During pregnancy, many factors affect its course. Therefore, at the very beginning, and then several more times in the process of carrying it, women take a general blood test, in which one of the main indicators is.

Hemoglobin is an integral part of red blood cells, it is responsible for the circulation of oxygen in the blood from the respiratory organs to the tissues. In addition, with the help of hemoglobin, carbon dioxide is also transported from tissues to the respiratory organs.

The concentration of hemoglobin in human blood plays an important diagnostic role: according to this indicator, the doctor can judge the well-being of the state of the body of his patient. And during pregnancy, the level of hemoglobin becomes even more important.

The norm of hemoglobin during pregnancy

In a healthy person, the hemoglobin level should be 120-140 g / l. However, during pregnancy, it can naturally decrease: the blood thins, its volumes increase significantly, and so on, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in it. In a word, its level in the blood can fluctuate, which is quite normal for pregnant women.

Specialists provide the following figures for the quantitative norm of hemoglobin for pregnant women:
- in the first trimester - 112-160 g / l;
- in the second trimester - 108-144 g / l;
- in the third trimester - 100-140 g / l.

It happens much less often when the level of hemoglobin in the blood of the expectant mother exceeds the permissible threshold.

high hemoglobin

It is not at all necessary that an elevated hemoglobin level is an alarming sign. Sometimes in pregnant women this happens in the first trimester and then goes away on its own, when the fetus begins to actively take from the mother's body the resources necessary for its growth and development. Also, you should not worry if the increase in this indicator is insignificant and is observed once. It will be useful to know that high physical activity and intense intake of rarefied air (as, for example, among residents of high mountain regions) contribute to a natural increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. But sometimes this trend is associated with trouble on the part of the mother's body.

An increase in hemoglobin may indicate a lack of certain substances in the body of a pregnant woman, in particular vitamins B9 (folic acid) and B12. The latter may simply not be absorbed due to disruption of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

High hemoglobin can be a symptom of diseases of the kidneys, heart, intestines or stomach. Although, it is possible that this is a hereditary feature of the woman's body. This condition is a risk factor for the formation of blood clots, which is highly undesirable during pregnancy.

Also, due to thickening of the blood at a high level of hemoglobin, it is not able to circulate normally in the vessels, due to which oxygen and nutrients may not reach the fetus in the right amount. And therefore, the doctor, most likely, will advise the pregnant woman to walk more in the fresh air, adjust her diet and drinking regimen.

An elevated hemoglobin level is said to be when it exceeds 150-160 g / l. However, more often the concentration of hemoglobin during pregnancy decreases.

Low hemoglobin

Very often, hemoglobin in pregnant women decreases somewhat by the end of the second, by the beginning of the third trimester - this is normal. But if you notice that the level begins to decline before the 24th week of pregnancy, then this indicates anemia. There are many reasons for this phenomenon: lack of iron, zinc, folic acid, copper, as well as dysbacteriosis and nervous stress.

Doctors say about the development of anemia in a pregnant woman if the level of hemoglobin in her blood falls below 110 g / l. Most often, iron deficiency anemia develops in pregnant women, provoked by insufficient intake or insufficient own supply of iron. Approximately half of all pregnant women have low hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Depending on its concentration, several degrees of iron deficiency anemia are distinguished: - 110-90 g / l - mild anemia;
- 90-80 g / l - anemia of moderate severity;
- 70 g / l and below - a severe form of anemia.

A low level of hemoglobin leads to lethargy, a constant feeling of fatigue and a decrease in emotional tone. Further, it is even worse - shortness of breath, tachycardia, muscle hypotension, loss of appetite, indigestion appear. In addition, stomatitis, brittle hair and nails, dry skin, frequent respiratory diseases are possible. All these signs and phenomena indicate a lack of iron in the body. It is very important for a pregnant woman to replenish this deficit, the sooner. After all, subsequently, not only she suffers, but also her unborn child. A reduced level of hemoglobin can provoke the development of early toxicosis and late gestosis, premature onset of labor, and also often causes a lack of oxygen for the baby, which causes intrauterine hypoxia, and after birth, the baby may experience difficulties in the respiratory system and have insufficient body weight.

To correct the level of hemoglobin in the blood, consult a doctor: let him prescribe iron-containing preparations to correct the level of hemoglobin.

But it is best to make up for the deficiency with proper nutrition, especially since there are a lot of foods that increase hemoglobin levels.

Primary products:
- red meat and veal liver, as well as veal meat puree and - - liver Baby food from 6 months;
— vegetable puree of Baby food from 6 months;
- oatmeal marked for children from 8 months;
- Baby food juices from 3 months.
— since the manufacturers of baby food enrich children's products with iron and vitamin C.
Daily value of iron from mashed baby food for adults
200 g x 3 times a day.

These same products are good not only for children, but also for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, the elderly, and anyone who has problems with iron.

Other products:
- Among meat products: heart, kidneys, fish, poultry, tongue, red chicken meat;
- Among cereals and cereals: buckwheat, beans, lentils, peas, rye;
- Among vegetables and herbs: fresh tomatoes, potatoes, onions, pumpkin, beets, watercress, dandelion leaves, spinach, parsley;
- Among fruits: red or green apples, plums, persimmons, bananas, pomegranates * , pears, peaches, apricots, quince;
- Among the berries: blackcurrant and cranberries, strawberries, blueberries;
— Among juices: pomegranate * (no more than two sips daily), beetroot, carrot, apple juice with a high iron content.
- In addition, walnuts, black and red caviar, various seafood, dark chocolate at least 75%, dried mushrooms raise the level perfectly * , dried fruits and hematogen.

* Pomegranate juice for anemia is drunk in combination with iron-containing products: buckwheat, green apples, liver ..., because there is no iron in pomegranate juice itself, but there are enzymes that enhance the absorption of iron from iron-containing products at times, i.e. itself pomegranate juice by itself is meaningless.

* Mushrooms for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as children under 12-14 years old - you can not !

To achieve the result, do not forget about walking in the fresh air, constantly do breathing exercises and gymnastics.

Finally, I would like to add a few rules for the proper assimilation of food so that it brings maximum benefit to the body.

Firstly Keep in mind that iron is best absorbed when consumed with foods that are rich in vitamin C, such as fruit and vegetable juices. To do this, it is better to pour the porridge that you eat for breakfast with orange juice or, for example, cutlets that you eat for lunch, pour tomato juice.

Secondly, do not drink black tea, it interferes with the proper absorption of iron. It is better to replace this tea with green tea or, even better, with Baby Herbal Tea marked on the package from 4 months.

Third, during pregnancy, do not often use the liver, because it contains a lot of vitamins A and D. An overdose of these vitamins is possible.

Also, limit your intake of pomegranate juice as it can cause constipation.

In any case, it is better not to overdo it, because an excess of iron is as undesirable as its deficiency.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy quickly?

A quick way to raise the level of hemoglobin in women who are expecting a baby is, of course, intravenous and intramuscular administration of preparations containing iron. Such strict measures are applied at a very high rate of anemia. Another way to increase hemoglobin in the blood is to take drugs in tablet form. Medical preparations of iron in tablets are divided into ionic and non-ionic. Components are added to their composition that improve the absorption of the main substance. Naturally, this kind of therapy must be prescribed and monitored by a doctor. We list some drugs that allow you to quickly get rid of the lack of iron in your body.

  1. Venofer- a drug that contains iron hydroxide. It is intended for the treatment of patients suffering from anemia. It is administered intravenously. When used correctly, the drug is well tolerated. But you need to know that it is strictly prohibited for use in the first trimester of the gestational period and can only be prescribed by the attending physician from the second trimester. This takes into account the ratio of risk to the fetus and benefit. It is prescribed with caution to expectant mothers suffering from bronchial asthma, impaired liver function.
  2. ferrum lek- a drug produced in the form of an injection solution, chewable tablets, syrup. It is used in such cases:
    • Anemia caused by iron deficiency;
    • Hidden iron deficiency;
    • Severe anemia due to significant blood loss;
    • Improper absorption of iron in the digestive organs;
    • Prevention of iron deficiency in pregnant women;
    • Prevention of iron deficiency in the lactation period.

It should be noted that it is harmful to take Ferum Lek for people who have an allergic reaction to the drug, an excess of the iron element in the body, with non-iron deficiency anemia, and also if there are problems with iron absorption in the body, or kidney infections are present. Also a contraindication is the 1st trimester of the gestational period.

Treatment of low hemoglobin during pregnancy with medication

Although the absorption of iron-containing products is individual for each organism, there is still a limitation - the amount of iron absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract is only 2-2.5 milligrams per day. Even if the intake of iron-containing products is very large, iron is still not absorbed in large quantities.

Therefore, in many cases, treatment of low hemoglobin with drugs containing iron is indicated. In the case of proper appointment and combination with the use of drugs, iron can be absorbed 15-20 times more.

The list of varieties of iron-containing drugs is quite large, let's focus on some of the most common.

  1. Fenyuls is a drug that maintains the required level of hemoglobin even with a high consumption of the iron element, such as in pregnant women. It is available in the form of tablets, drops, capsules. Expectant mothers can use this drug during the entire pregnancy, as well as after the birth of the baby, during breastfeeding.

The composition of the drug includes such active ingredients: ferrous sulfate, ascorbic acid (used for better absorption of iron), as well as B vitamins (to normalize metabolism).

Side effects can be: general weakness, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, ulcerative lesions of the esophagus. Contraindications are increased susceptibility to individual components of the drug, exacerbation of gastric ulcer, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis.

  1. Sorbifer durules- a drug for the treatment and prevention of anemia caused by iron deficiency. The active components of the product are ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid. Treatment of low hemoglobin with this drug can be carried out throughout pregnancy, as well as during the lactation period. As with other iron supplements, there are a number of side effects associated with its use. These are nausea, diarrhea, irritation of the mucous membrane of the alimentary tract, allergic reactions, arterial hypertension, sleep disturbance, headaches. If at least one of these signs of a pregnant woman occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  2. Maltofer and maltofer foul- two varieties of one product, the first of which contains iron hydroxide polymaltose, the second - iron polymaltose and folic acid. For use during pregnancy and lactation, only maltofer foul is used. It is produced exclusively in the form of chewable tablets. The fair sex, expecting a child and using maltofer foul, is recommended to take the drug not only until the hemoglobin index normalizes. It is desirable to drink it until the very birth. Future and nursing mothers respond very positively to the drug, since even long-term use does not give such side effects as nausea, diarrhea, constipation, irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive system.

We draw your attention to the fact that, using the listed, as well as other preparations containing iron, it is necessary to take into account the presence of the trace element "iron" in vitamin complexes. When a pregnant woman uses any complex of vitamins in parallel with an iron preparation, it is necessary to make a choice of one of them - otherwise an overdose of one of the components is possible.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy at home?

There are many iron-containing drugs that have not been clinically tested in pregnant women. Therefore, most expectant mothers consider it unacceptable and undesirable to take risks. If the decrease in hemoglobin is insignificant (mild iron deficiency anemia), it is possible to cope with this deficiency at home. To do this, they use iron-containing foods, various decoctions, infusions, known from ancient times for their properties to normalize the amount of iron in the blood.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy with folk remedies?

The use of folk remedies consists mainly in nutritional supplements for food: juices, fruit drinks, infusions of medicinal plants, etc. We will give a few such examples.

  1. Blackberry leaves are brewed and taken as a tea 3-4 times a day.
  2. Dry rose hips are brewed, taking 3-4 times a day.
  3. They make a healthy mixture of dried fruits (dried dried apricots, dates, raisins), lemon (you can lime), walnuts and honey. Take the listed ingredients in the same proportion, for example, 100 grams, grind with a blender or meat grinder and take 1 tablespoon 20-30 minutes before meals.
  4. Make fruit drink from fresh cranberries, add the same amount of apple juice with a small amount of beetroot juice. Drink a drink before meals three to four times a day.
  5. Eat one teaspoon of honey every morning on an empty stomach.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy with the help of products

Is it possible to increase hemoglobin with the help of products? This is the main question that almost every expectant mother asks herself when she learns about iron deficiency. Let's look at these miracle products, using which regularly, you can forget about anemia throughout your pregnancy. The record holder for iron content is pistachios (100 grams contain 60 mg of iron). Modern scientists have come to such an unexpected conclusion. The following positions are dried mushrooms (30-35 mg), sunflower halva (33 mg), pork (18-20 mg), quail eggs (3.7 mg), black caviar (2.5 mg). A large amount of iron is found in beef, seafood, legumes and cereals.

  • leek (greens) - 2.1 mg;
  • radish - 0.8 mg;
  • pumpkin - 0.8 mg;
  • broccoli (cabbage) - 0.73 mg;
  • lettuce (greens) - 0.55 mg;
  • swede - 0.52 mg;
  • white cabbage - 0.47 mg;
  • cauliflower - 0.42 mg;
  • kohlrabi (cabbage) - 0.4 mg;
  • radish - 0.34 mg;
  • onion - 0.21 mg;
  • Jerusalem artichoke - 3.4 mg;
  • asparagus - 2.14 mg;
  • garlic - 1.7 mg;
  • beets - 0.8 mg;
  • celery (root crop) - 0.7 mg;
  • Potato - 0.52 mg.

Separately, it is worth highlighting berries, fruits and juices prepared from them. Using these light foods, expectant mothers not only increase hemoglobin, but also saturate the body with other microelements and vitamins so necessary in their position. Naturally, seasonal berries and fruits bring the greatest benefit, but it is also possible to consume them frozen. The list of fruits containing the highest amount of iron compounds:

  • Pomegranate;
  • Plums;
  • Strawberry;
  • Feijoa;
  • Blueberry;
  • Strawberry;
  • Raspberries;
  • Black currant.

Also, expectant mothers who want to bring their hemoglobin levels back to normal need to focus on products that do not allow the microelement “iron” to be fully absorbed. Here are some of them: coffee, hard cheese, milk. It is best to exclude them from the diet of a pregnant woman, or use them separately from iron-containing foods.

In order for the hemoglobin level not to drop, in addition to a special diet, the fair sex should also pay attention to walking in the fresh air and setting up proper breathing. And after 10-15 days, expectant mothers will be able to evaluate the results of the work done.

We are confident that in this article you have received comprehensive answers to questions about increasing hemoglobin during pregnancy.

You will need

  • - Iron-containing preparations;
  • - products with iron content;
  • - dried apricots;
  • - lemons;
  • - raisin;
  • - honey;
  • - walnuts;
  • - carrot;
  • - beet;
  • - vegetable oil or sour cream;
  • - cranberry juice;
  • - Apple juice.


Some doctors argue that it is simply impossible to cure anemia without taking special medications. The process in the blood is quite long, it can continue until the birth of the baby. The first results of drug treatment are noticeable after four weeks of taking the drugs. The state of health of a pregnant woman gradually improves, fatigue and weakness pass, appetite and working capacity increase. If it is a severe form of anemia, then hospitalization may be required. Preparations containing iron should be prescribed only by a doctor, do not self-medicate.

Include foods that contain iron in your diet. The first group includes products of animal origin: beef liver, tongue, heart. Pay attention to fresh meat. Buckwheat is rich in iron and other trace elements, so it should be the menu of a pregnant woman. It is recommended to eat walnuts, they can be mixed with honey. Do not forget about fresh vegetables and fruits, this includes pomegranates, carrots, green apples, beets. You can eat them raw or squeeze the juice. Beans, soybeans and peas contain iron, which is necessary for a pregnant woman. Therefore, cook various delicious dishes and soups from legumes.

Increasing hemoglobin with the help of folk remedies gives good results. Pass through a meat grinder (you can grind in a blender) dried apricots, lemons with peel, walnuts and raisins, taken in equal proportions. Add natural liquid honey and mix well. Take one tablespoon of this mixture every morning on an empty stomach. Such a tasty medicine is not only a source of iron, but also other essential vitamins and minerals.

Mix one hundred milliliters of freshly squeezed carrot and beetroot juice. Drink at one time half an hour before meals. At the first symptoms of a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, include carrots in the diet. Take one medium root vegetable, wash and grate on a fine grater. Season with vegetable oil or sour cream, eat. If you eat carrots every day, then soon the hemoglobin level will normalize.

Prepare a drink from cranberry juice and natural apple juice, taken in equal amounts. Add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed beetroot juice, stir and drink. It is recommended to take such a medicinal drink three times a day and half an hour before meals.

Hemoglobin is a complex component of red blood cells involved in the transfer of oxygen to the cells of the body and the removal of carbon dioxide.

During pregnancy, the level of it, which is an option. But there are too strong deviations, you will learn how to increase hemoglobin in pregnant women at home in the article.

Causes of low hemoglobin in pregnant women

The reasons for a decrease in hemoglobin in a pregnant woman are:

  • Malnutrition in which an insufficient amount of iron enters the body of the expectant mother;
  • Toxicosis in early pregnancy;
  • Frequent pregnancies(hemoglobin drops during pregnancy, and a full supply of iron in the female body is restored within 3 years after delivery);
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman of zinc, vitamin B12, folic or ascorbic acid, arginine, without which iron is poorly absorbed;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract, such as gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • Blood loss that occur during bleeding, including internal;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • Infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis or intestinal infections, in which red blood cells are quickly destroyed, despite the fact that their need in the body increases;
  • Worm infestations;
  • Malignant formations;
  • Increased need for iron in a fetus that is developing rapidly;
  • An increase in estrogen levels, which slow down the regeneration of the bone marrow and lead to impaired iron utilization.

What is the danger of low hemoglobin for mother and child

Pregnant women with low hemoglobin levels constitute a high-risk group for both the fetus and the mother, and require treatment. If the problem is not resolved, the consequence could be:

With low hemoglobin in the expectant mother, gas exchange between the body of the fetus and the mother is disrupted, the baby is not getting enough oxygen in utero. In the future, fetal hypoxia can cause many neurological diseases, as well as physical or mental developmental delays.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

If the level is slightly lowered, it is possible to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy with the help of proper nutrition and the introduction of foods containing a large amount of iron into the diet.

In other cases, it is necessary to take medications or use folk remedies.

Products and diet

In the table you can see which foods increase hemoglobin during pregnancy and choose useful ones for yourself.

Products Iron content in mg, per 100 g of product
Pork liver 22,1
Beef kidneys 10,0-11,5
beef liver 7,1-7,9
Chicken egg yolk 7,0
blood sausage 6,4
Meat 3,0-5,0
Seafood (mussels, oysters) 5,1-5,8
Legumes (beans, peas) 15,0
Flour made from soy 12,0
Flax seeds 8,2
Chanterelles 6,5
dried peach 6,9
Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge 4,6-5,0
Hazelnut 3,8

Against the background of good nutrition, it is necessary to give the body a sufficient amount of iron. Products that increase hemoglobin during pregnancy should be chosen in such a way that this iron is well absorbed. At the same time, the culinary processing of dishes does not play a special role, they can be boiled and fried.

During the cooking process, vegetables or fruits are immersed in boiling water and boiled under the lid only until tender, without overcooking, so the level of iron in them is maintained.

Heme iron is better absorbed, which is found in animal products (especially in the blood and muscles).

Its highest content of jelly is in the liver.. It is not necessary to eat it half-cooked, the liver can be boiled and fried.

With a mixed diet, iron from plant products is absorbed faster. In this case, ascorbic acid plays an important role.

It increases the absorption of iron, turning it into an easily absorbed complex. When drinking fruit juice containing a large amount of vitamin C, the absorption of iron from eggs, cereals, vegetables increases, despite the fact that there is very little of it in the juice itself.

Well absorbed iron from broccoli, tomatoes, beets, pumpkins, white cabbage, turnips and carrots, in which, in addition to this element, a sufficient amount of ascorbic or malic acid is contained.

Folk remedies

In order to raise hemoglobin during pregnancy in the blood, not only drugs are used, but also traditional medicine methods:

Now you know a few recipes for how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy, but if this does not help, you will have to resort to drug treatment.


In order to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, drugs are used in the form of syrups, drops, tablets, solutions or injections. Their purpose depends on the level of iron and the susceptibility of the body.

If hemoglobin is slightly lowered, then in this case drugs for internal use are used., such as: Totem, Aktiferrin, Hemofer, Ferroplect. They are used in accordance with the instructions, from 1 to 3 times a day.

How to raise hemoglobin during pregnancy, if it is greatly reduced, oral preparations do not give the desired effect or are contraindicated - injections are prescribed: Ferrum Lek or Maltofer.

Drugs for treatment and their dosage are prescribed by the doctor!

Since they can cause a negative reaction of the body, a test is first carried out: for this, 1/4 dose of the drug is administered, and if there is no negative reaction within a quarter of an hour, then the rest is added.

What not to eat with low hemoglobin

With a low level of hemoglobin, you should not use iron and calcium supplements at the same time, as they will be less absorbed. An improper diet can prevent the increase in hemoglobin during pregnancy.

For a while, it is worth limiting the use of dairy products, especially cottage cheese.. It is advisable to include them in the diet separately from foods containing a large amount of iron.

Also, strong tea and coffee are iron antagonists, so you should not drink food with them, but it is better to replace them with compote, natural juice or rosehip broth for the period of treatment.

If symptoms of low hemoglobin appear, you should consult a doctor.

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