Headache at 16 weeks pregnant. Headaches in the third trimester

It so happens that the happy time of pregnancy is overshadowed by headaches that can simply harass a pregnant woman. Migraine is a fairly common disease among women who are expecting a baby. An unpleasant surprise for women is that migraines can become frequent even if you never suffered from headaches before conception.

Why does my head hurt during pregnancy

Why do pregnant women often get headaches? What affects it and what does it depend on?
Often migraine is one of the manifestations of some disease - hypertension, vascular dystonia, infectious and metabolic ailments. Also, headaches can occur as a result of brain diseases. Do not forget also that pregnancy is a time when many systems of the female body undergo a major restructuring. We are talking about the hormonal system, immune, digestive, urinary and cardiovascular. During this period, the main cause of migraines may well be a change in vascular reactivity. This is due to the fact that with the course of pregnancy, blood volume increases, which means that venous pressure increases. These changes do not go unnoticed for the nervous system of the female body. As a result, you may experience migraines of varying intensity from time to time.

Types of headaches during pregnancy

Doctors, classifying a headache, distinguish its different types.


The type of pain that most often torments pregnant women is migraine or tension headache. Pregnant women should not worry about the impact of this type of pain on the course of pregnancy, as well as on the development of the baby in the womb. Migraine is in no way able to negatively affect the baby. The only caveat is that a migraine can significantly complicate your life personally.

Pain caused by hormones

The first three months of pregnancy can be overshadowed by headaches, which are provoked by hormones that are rapidly accumulating in the body of the expectant mother. A woman's feelings about the fact that her weight is rapidly increasing can also negatively affect her well-being. However, not always nerves or hormonal processes are to blame for the fact that your head is splitting.

Pain due to muscle tension

It happens that migraines occur due to excessive tension in the muscles of the neck. If you work in an uncomfortable position, this can cause headaches.

Other reasons

Also, the following factors can provoke a headache:

  • lowering blood pressure,
  • increase in blood pressure,
  • allergy,
  • sleep disorders.

What can pregnant women from a headache

Treatment of pain with drugs is limited, as they can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the formation of the fetus. First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause and only then proceed to relieve pain.

  • Sometimes it’s enough just to ventilate the room, relax in silence and lie down. Also, have someone massage your head with their fingertips. At this time, relax as much as possible.
  • Another folk method of getting rid of a headache is to wash your hair with warm water.
  • Apply a compress to the cool contents to the forehead, temples or back of the head.
  • Drinks with mint, lemon balm, rosehip, chamomile can also help, as they have calming and analgesic properties. If the pain is due to low blood pressure, drink strong sweet tea.
  • The placebo effect will also work: trust that the pain will go away without taking drugs and it will work. It is worth just once to force your brain and in the future you may not need pills at all.

But if there is no strength to endure (and to endure a severe headache is more harmful than taking pills), paracetamol-containing drugs can stop headaches during pregnancy: Efferalgana, Panadola that are not addictive. The latter contains caffeine and therefore can be used when the head hurts during pregnancy due to low blood pressure.

Aspirin and its derivatives (tablets Askofen, Citrapara, Citramon) during pregnancy are strictly prohibited, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, do not forget about it. Because of it, fetal malformations can form, for example, the heart and maxillofacial part. In the later period, taking Aspirin increases the risk of severe bleeding during childbirth.

Pills Analgin, Baralgin, Spazmalgon, Spazgana are toxic and, if taken frequently, form pathologies in the circulatory system.

There is also a special group of drugs that are taken for migraines. They can also be allowed for a pregnant woman, but only after being prescribed by a doctor.

Author of the publication: Victoria Teterina
Let's chat here:

Pregnant women in their second trimester are less likely to experience headaches than in other trimesters. This period, according to experts, is the calmest of the three periods. The body has already adapted to the hormones, and the weight of the child has not yet reached its limit, which contributes to such statements.

However, there are reasons why headaches still occur.

Causes of headache at 14, 15, 16, 17 weeks of pregnancy:

1. Sharp jumps in blood pressure. An increase and decrease in pressure, regardless of the period of pregnancy, can manifest itself in the form of a headache. Also, along with pain, dizziness, weakness and other symptoms necessarily appear. If a pregnant woman has experienced such fluctuations before, it is best to contact the attending gynecologist for advice.
2. Stress. The most common cause of a sudden headache is emotional stress.
3. Physical overstrain. Too long a walk or even driving a car can cause physical strain in a pregnant woman in the second trimester and lead to headaches.
4. Insomnia or lack of sleep.
5. Sudden changes in the weather.
6. Fasting.
7. Improper nutrition. Headache attacks can occur in women who abuse products containing tyramine - strong tea, coffee, chocolate, etc.
8. Physical stimuli, such as loud noises, flickering sound.
9. Prolonged eye strain. Headache is especially common in pregnant women who spend a lot of time at the computer.
10. Diseases of the eyes.
11. Cervical osteochondrosis.
12. Head injury.

Sometimes a combination of causes leads to a severe headache in pregnant women at this stage of pregnancy.

Headache treatment is most often not carried out, therefore, in most cases, a pregnant woman needs to independently look for non-drug methods to reduce or stop pain. If the pain is constant, it is necessary to consult a specialist for help and possible medication. Many drugs are prohibited for use during pregnancy, so when prescribing drugs, you must strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

Ways to stop a headache at 14, 15, 16, 17 weeks of pregnancy:

Find the cause of the headache and eliminate it.
Provide peace: rest or sleep.
Be sure to ventilate the room.
Head massage and acupressure are great for relieving tension and headaches.
Take a shower.
Compresses with cold or warm water.
Warm tea. Rose hips, chamomile, or mint can be great for headaches.
Pregnancy exercises can also help in overcoming headaches.

The main prevention of headaches in the second trimester is the avoidance of stressful situations, good rest and proper nutrition.

In extreme cases, you can drink Paracetamol, which, with increased headache, is acceptable in the second trimester.

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Pregnant women in their second trimester are less likely to experience headaches than in other trimesters. This period, according to experts, is the calmest of the three periods. The body has already adapted to the hormones, and the weight of the child has not yet reached its limit, which contributes to such statements.

However, there are reasons why headaches still occur.

Causes of headache at 14, 15, 16, 17 weeks of pregnancy:

1. Sharp jumps in blood pressure. An increase and decrease in pressure, regardless of the period of pregnancy, can manifest itself in the form of a headache. Also, along with pain, dizziness, weakness and other symptoms necessarily appear. If a pregnant woman has experienced such fluctuations before, it is best to contact the attending gynecologist for advice.
2. Stress. The most common cause of a sudden headache is emotional stress.
3. Physical overstrain. Too long a walk or even driving a car can cause physical strain in a pregnant woman in the second trimester and lead to headaches.
4. Insomnia or lack of sleep.
5. Sudden changes in the weather.
6. Fasting.
7. Improper nutrition. Headache attacks can occur in women who abuse products containing tyramine - strong tea, coffee, chocolate, etc.
8. Physical stimuli, such as loud noises, flickering sound.
9. Prolonged eye strain. Headache is especially common in pregnant women who spend a lot of time at the computer.
10. Diseases of the eyes.
11. Cervical osteochondrosis.
12. Head injury.

Are you taking headache pills?


Sometimes a combination of causes leads to a severe headache in pregnant women at this stage of pregnancy.

Headache treatment is most often not carried out, therefore, in most cases, a pregnant woman needs to independently look for non-drug methods to reduce or stop pain. If the pain is constant, it is necessary to consult a specialist for help and possible medication. Many drugs are prohibited for use during pregnancy, so when prescribing drugs, you must strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

Ways to stop a headache at 14, 15, 16, 17 weeks of pregnancy:

Find the cause of the headache and eliminate it.
Provide peace: rest or sleep.
Be sure to ventilate the room.
Head massage and acupressure are great for relieving tension and headaches.
Take a shower.
Compresses with cold or warm water.
Warm tea. Rose hips, chamomile, or mint can be great for headaches.
Pregnancy exercises can also help in overcoming headaches.

The main prevention of headaches in the second trimester is the avoidance of stressful situations, good rest and proper nutrition.

In extreme cases, you can drink Paracetamol, which, with increased headache, is acceptable in the second trimester.

Often in the first trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience headaches. They are especially characteristic for 12-18 weeks of pregnancy. If the pain is unbearable, but you do not know what to do, is it possible to take headache medication during pregnancy, this article is for you.

The causes of headaches in early pregnancy can range from hormonal changes and changes in blood flow to hunger, stress, excess caffeine and lack of sleep. How to get rid of a headache during pregnancy - read on. Alipova Natalia Fedorovna, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the ISIDA clinic, talks about the most common causes of headaches during pregnancy and how to eliminate them.

Headache during pregnancy can have a variety of causes: a decrease or increase in blood pressure, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, and many others. Let's sort it out in order.

Why does a pregnant woman have a headache in the first trimester

In the first trimester in pregnant women, headaches most often occur against the background of low blood pressure. To verify this, you need to measure blood pressure.

If the pressure is really low, you can drink sweet tea (preferably green), relax.

If headaches were present before pregnancy and with the onset of pregnancy they recur or even intensify, a consultation with a neurologist is necessary.

Headache in the second trimester of pregnancy

The likelihood of frequent headache attacks in the second trimester of pregnancy is much less common. If this still happens, it is necessary, as in the first trimester, to measure blood pressure.

In the second trimester, pregnant women may have a headache both against the background of a decrease in blood pressure and against the background of its increase. If the expectant mother is weather sensitive, she may experience headaches when the weather changes.

What to do if a pregnant woman has a headache. You can help yourself in the same ways as in the first trimester: sweet tea, rest.

If your head hurts in the third trimester of pregnancy

Headache in the third trimester is a dangerous symptom.

In the third trimester, a headache can be a sign of high blood pressure and one of the symptoms of preeclampsia, a life-threatening condition for a woman. Therefore, having felt a headache, it is necessary to immediately measure blood pressure. And if it is higher than 130\90 mm Hg, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist and a general practitioner.

If a pregnant woman has a headache due to a change in the weather

A headache in pregnant women may appear due to a sharp change in weather, this is also called meteosensitivity. It can appear at any stage of pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body.

What to do if a pregnant woman has a headache due to a change in the weather. There is no need to take any medication. It is enough to take a warm shower, drink weak black, fruit or green tea, lie down to rest or sleep.

What to do if a pregnant woman has a headache

At any stage of pregnancy, it must be borne in mind that a headache during pregnancy may indicate a violation of brain activity, especially if it is painful and is accompanied by symptoms such as impaired vision, hearing, movement of limbs, dizziness. Such conditions require immediate medical attention.

What to do if a pregnant woman has a headache without other frightening symptoms. First you need to clearly understand the cause of the headache, therefore:

  1. We measure pressure.
  2. If blood pressure is low, we raise it with green tea (or drugs that raise blood pressure and are recommended by the doctor on an individual basis).
  3. If your blood pressure is high, your doctor may prescribe medications to lower it. But do not forget that without consulting a doctor, you should not take any medications even outside of pregnancy! For expectant mothers, any self-treatment is strictly prohibited! Contact your doctor.
  4. If the blood pressure is normal, but the headache occurs quite often, you need to consult a doctor and use it to find the cause of its occurrence and, accordingly, determine the drugs that will help get rid of the pain.

If the examination shows that the head hurts due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, this will be one treatment. If a disturbance of brain activity is found, the drugs will be made by others. Do not self-medicate, consult a neurologist.

What medicines can be taken for headaches during pregnancy

Paracetamol 500 mg will help relieve a headache during pregnancy. But the algorithm of actions described above would be more correct: find out the cause of the headache, and then act in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.

Safe remedies for headaches during pregnancy

Before taking headache medication during pregnancy, try the following safe remedies. They can also help prevent headaches during pregnancy.

Movement works wonders: Hiking and fresh air are a simple but proven remedy for headaches during pregnancy.

Relaxation Techniques, such as yoga or meditation help manage headaches during pregnancy and prevent them.

Warm shower Helps to relax and relieve headaches during pregnancy.

Food and water. To prevent headaches, you need to keep drinking during pregnancy and eat regularly.

Relax. Treat yourself, make sure you get enough sleep.

Quite often, these simple remedies are enough to reduce the likelihood of headaches to a minimum. If the headache continues to bother you, talk to your doctor and if he prescribes painkillers for you, strictly follow his recommendations.

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Pregnancy 16 weeks. With headaches, what medicines to save yourself?

I'm in pain all day today. Is it possible to drink Citromon? always saved me before.

User deleted Connoisseur (288) 7 years ago

Citramon is impossible at all. Antispasmodics (spazgan, spazmolgon) are also impossible. There are some conditionally permitted ones, for example, no-shpa, but it is not effective for headaches. There is a simple and completely harmless way. You buy an ordinary asterisk ointment in a pharmacy and rub it into your temples and forehead areas where it hurts several times a day. Asterisk is a strong local irritant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, local anesthetic. Pluses in its composition, only herbs and essential oils. Try it! It helps me.

ANASTASIA MUKONIKOVA Pro (760) 7 years ago

Medicines are a problem. I endured pain. Unless, of course, it's very strong. The towel is wet on the head. And rest in complete darkness. Better ask a doctor.

unknown girl Thinker (6363) 7 years ago

Paracetamol, no-shpa.
Nothing else is possible.

Lana Perovskaya Enlightened (38480) 7 years ago

Generally, see a doctor. I drank a paracetamol tablet, it is possible during pregnancy, it always let go.

Yulia Timoshenko Artificial Intelligence (220411) 7 years ago

In general, citramone has pregnancy in contraindications. The doctor recommended me only trigan or maxigan.

Nelli Ulanovskaya Guru (4868) 7 years ago

Before pregnancy, I drank spazgan and spazmalgon. When migraines began, I went for a consultation with a neurologist. She told me that it is better to drink the same spazgan than to endure pain. Because the child is going through everything with his mother and his mother's pain is much worse for the mother than pills. In general, of course, ask your doctor.

bitter chocolate Thinker (8990) 7 years ago

Possible Causes of Pregnancy Headache
Usually headaches occur for the following reasons:
* Poor posture or severe muscle tension (especially in the third trimester)
* Stress
* Fatigue and lack of sleep
* Cessation of caffeine intake
* Dehydration
* Allergies
* Hunger or low blood sugar
Headache During Pregnancy - How to Treat?
When treating headaches during pregnancy, you need to be especially careful. Most of the drugs that are taken in such cases, such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen, are not safe for a woman in position. Be sure to check with your doctor about medications for headaches. It is best to try to relieve the headache without medication. There are several proven ways to do this.

If You Have a Headache During Pregnancy:
* Use compresses. Apply a warm compress (such as a hot towel) to your face, eyes, and temples if you have a frontal headache. If you feel pain in your temples, apply cold to your neck.
* Avoid causes of headaches. During pregnancy, these can be: food, smells, uncomfortable body position, etc.
* Relax. Just lie down in a dark, quiet room with your eyes closed.
* Exercises for pregnant women. Relaxing exercises, deep breathing, yoga - all these techniques can help get rid of a headache.
* Healthy food. Eating less but more often will help your body maintain proper blood sugar levels and prevent headaches.
* Regular sleep. Go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on weekends.
* Correct posture. This is especially important at the end of pregnancy when the extra weight of the fetus affects the back.
* Massage. Ask your partner to massage your shoulders and neck - this will relieve tension and relieve headaches. Massage of the temples can also help.

LizuLka - CaprizuLka Master (1559) 7 years ago

Nosh-pa is the most harmless in this case, but if the pain continues tomorrow, consult a doctor. Maybe headaches are related to blood pressure.

Tatiana Pivovarova Sage (15956) 7 years ago

I also suffer from headaches. No-shpa does not save (before she drank spazmalgon and now, apparently, weaker drugs do not work). She endured pain. The compresses were cold. And today my head ached so badly that I could not stand it and drank a spasmalgon pill. Let go. I understand that it should not be abused. But in some cases, it seems to me that it is not worth enduring pain. Here I agree with Nelly Ulanoska, who spoke above.

faride Student (3) 7 years ago

During my pregnancy, I was very sick a couple of times, but I endured it because you can’t take pills!

merabelle Connoisseur (335) 7 years ago

First of all, find out the cause of the pain. I went for a head and neck massage to a professional masseuse. I went for 10 days, even when it didn’t hurt. It helped me. You just need to find a pro

Elvira Mukhametzyanova Connoisseur (353) 7 years ago

I also suffered from headaches from time to time, the doctor in Zh. she said that you can take a pill of noshpy!)

Coma Oracle (69901) 7 years ago

Evgenia Belousova Master (1676) 10 months ago

measure the pressure. At me to 90/50 fell to ambulance reached. Askofen or a cup of brewed coffee doctors allowed

Pregnancy calendar: 16 weeks pregnant

The second trimester is coming, and the expectant mother can fully enjoy this serene period. The baby continues to grow actively, and the tummy is getting bigger.

Sixteenth week of pregnancy: the sensations of the mother and the movement of the baby

Possible manifestation of pigmentation on the forehead, bridge of the nose, around the eyes, on the cheeks. This phenomenon should not cause alarm, because it is temporary and will pass after childbirth. The chest has increased, so you need clothes that are comfortable. Moms need to carefully monitor the condition of their teeth and gums and, with the slightest problem, go to the dentist. If this is your second child, then now there is a high probability of hearing how the baby moves. Your expectations to feel the little one are not justified yet? Everything is still ahead.

Sixteenth week of pregnancy and belly

By this point, your pregnancy is already obvious to everyone around you, especially if you are not carrying your first child. As the tummy grows, other changes occur. The stripe on the abdomen becomes darker.

What tests are needed at the sixteenth week

16 weeks pregnant means it's time to take even more different tests. Blood tests for hCG, AFP and NE are now added to standard urine tests, listening to the baby's heart, measuring blood pressure to determine inconsistencies in the development of the fetus. The study will help identify chromosomal abnormalities that can cause Down syndrome, spinal defects and other abnormalities.

Sixteenth week of pregnancy: ultrasound

Through ultrasound, you can now not only see, but also hear the baby. The monitor clearly shows how he reacts, moves and changes facial expressions. If you do not yet know whether it will be a boy or a girl, now it is already possible to determine the sex of the baby.

Fetal development at sixteen weeks

Now the baby's height is 11 cm (from the coccyx to the crown of the head), and its weight is from 100 to 120 g. The baby is constantly learning something new. By this time, he can turn his head and hold his neck evenly. The baby's heart works in an enhanced mode, and his liver performs the function of digestion. The bladder and kidneys are also active. The baby pees every 45 minutes. Now is the time to determine the baby's Rh factor and his blood type.

Pain in the sixteenth week of pregnancy

Characteristic pain may occur. More often they occur in the lower back, which is the result of an increased load on the spine. You are still wearing high-top shoes - it's time to change your preferences. Find a comfortable position and rest in it often. Sleeping on your stomach is now not only uncomfortable, but impossible. It is also not recommended to rest on the back, because this will only provoke pain in the lower back. Try to fall asleep on your left side, while pulling your knee a little to your chest.

Allocations for a period of sixteen weeks

Many women experience changes in discharge. They may become more abundant and change color to whitish. Such discharge is the norm for 16 weeks. They should not be accompanied by pain in the abdomen, an acceptable consistency is homogeneous. If you experience discomfort, burning or pain, see your doctor. In order not to catch an infection, it is enough just to observe personal hygiene. If the consistency of the discharge has changed, it has become heterogeneous, and also when the color changes to gray or green, a sharp unpleasant odor appears - this means that there is an infection in the body. At the first manifestations of such signs, consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Sixteenth week of pregnancy and nutrition

The eating pattern is the same as before. Try to eat 4-5 small meals a day and never skip a hearty breakfast. For dinner, it is better to eat something light. We eat balanced and healthy. Fatty, spicy, salty and fried foods are best kept to a minimum, as are sweet and starchy foods. At the same time, it is wise to listen to the body, because it itself will require what is needed. That's just salt is still better to exclude, because it retains water, and this can lead to swelling. Drink more pure natural water. Now the vitamins that a young mother should receive in double size will not hurt - for herself and for the baby. But before you start taking them, be sure to consult your doctor.

Weight gain in the sixteenth week of pregnancy

These days a woman can gain about 3 kg. Further, the weight will grow at a rapid pace, so you need to carefully monitor it. Proper nutrition will help control weight.

Week 17 Find out how your child will develop further

Women's health at 30 weeks pregnant

The eighth month of pregnancy is the period in which the expectant mother clearly understands that the onset of a new stage in her life, which can be called after the birth of a baby, is just around the corner. This period has its own distinctive features: new sensations appear, worries arise about certain diseases. We will talk about all this in our article.

It would seem that most of the baby's gestation period is over. Moreover, you don’t have to go to work, you can plan a calmer measured daily routine. In the short term - the expectation of childbirth. But even during this period, all sorts of surprises can lie in wait for the expectant mother.

Feelings in the abdomen in the third trimester of pregnancy

The sensations that appear in the abdomen at the 30th week of pregnancy are different from those in earlier periods of gestation. After all, the fetus grows, puts more pressure on the internal organs. This is often the cause of heartburn, frequent urination, and constipation. Now the baby pushes into the walls of the uterus not with the whole body, but with the legs and elbows.

Many expectant mothers, whose pregnancy is 30 weeks old, complain that it hurts and pulls the lower abdomen. The reason for this may be the stretching of the ligaments supporting it, as well as contractions of the uterus. But the occurrence of pain can also be the result of malnutrition. The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • sweets and grapes
  • beans and cabbage.

Allocations in the later stages of gestation

Allocations in the later stages of gestation are normal. At the 30th week of pregnancy, it is important to pay attention to what kind of discharge it is. Normally they should be:

  • moderate
  • have a sour smell
  • uniform texture,
  • milky tone.

If they become cheesy, have acquired a grayish-greenish tint, pus and mucus have appeared in them, it means that an infection has appeared and you should immediately consult a doctor. If itching also joins the discharge that appears at the 30th week of pregnancy, it may be a fungal disease of candidal colpitis (thrush).

If watery discharge or even light bleeding appears at the 30th week of pregnancy, you should call an ambulance without delay.

Toxicosis at 30 weeks

At a doctor's appointment, the question is often asked whether it can feel sick if a girl is 30 weeks pregnant, whether there is toxicosis in the later stages of gestation. It should immediately be noted: if at the initial stage of gestation, toxicosis is a completely normal phenomenon, then in the later stages it can be a sign of a dangerous complication called preeclampsia (late toxicosis).

It is accompanied by disturbances in the work of the endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The characteristic signs of the disease are:

  • swelling,
  • high BP,
  • the presence of protein in the urine.

Cold during pregnancy

A cold in late pregnancy, which includes its 30th week, is not as dangerous as in the first trimester. Even if SARS is the cause of premature birth, provoked by the disease at 30 weeks of gestation, the baby is likely to be saved. But this does not mean that this disease can be taken lightly. The threat of miscarriage still exists.

In no case should you self-medicate. After all, the drugs taken by the mother during illness are toxins for the baby. And if you can’t do without them, you can only take those that the doctor prescribes.

It is strictly forbidden to carry diseases of this nature on your feet.

Headaches in the third trimester

A lady at 30 weeks pregnant can sometimes get sick or dizzy. But to help herself by simply drinking a headache pill is an unaffordable luxury for her. The best option is to do everything possible to prevent it. To do this, you should walk more and relax, get enough sleep. If, however, you could not prevent a headache, you should take the following actions:

  • lie down and relax in a well-ventilated darkened room,
  • put a cool compress on your forehead
  • lightly massage your head.

Girls in an interesting position often experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as dizziness. During pregnancy, especially in the later stages, starting from the 30th week, dizziness does not necessarily indicate a danger to the baby or mother.

And yet, it should not be ignored. It may be due to low levels of hemoglobin or glucose in the blood, an increased load on blood vessels and the heart. Therefore, first of all, you should find out the cause of dizziness.

This unpleasant state is unlikely to visit you if you eat well, spend a lot of time outdoors, and subject your body to reasonable physical exertion.

Back pain in late pregnancy

There are frequent cases when, at the 30th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother complains that her back hurts in the lumbar region. The causes of pain are not pathologies, but physiological changes in the body, in particular:

  • growing belly,
  • softening of ligaments and joints,
  • moving the center of gravity.

Prevention of back pain can be exercise (a complex of them should be advised by a doctor), correct posture, sufficient rest for the body, and maximum unloading of the spine.

Why do pregnant women often get headaches? What affects it and what does it depend on? Often a migraine is one of the manifestations of some kind of disease - hypertension, vascular dystonia, infectious and metabolic ailments. Also, headaches can occur as a result of brain diseases.

Do not forget also that pregnancy is a time when many systems of the female body undergo a major restructuring. We are talking about the hormonal system, immune, digestive, urinary and cardiovascular. During this period, the main cause of migraines may well be a change in vascular reactivity.

This is due to the fact that with the course of pregnancy, blood volume increases, which means that venous pressure increases. These changes do not go unnoticed for the nervous system of the female body. As a result, you may experience migraines of varying intensity from time to time.

Headaches disturb every third woman during pregnancy, and this is not surprising. The body is rebuilding, undergoing serious changes in the hormonal background. The amount of progesterone in the blood is growing at a rapid pace, which inevitably leads to an illness precisely at 12-18. Headaches bother every third woman during pregnancy, and this is not surprising.

The body is rebuilding, undergoing serious changes in the hormonal background. The amount of progesterone in the blood is growing rapidly, which inevitably leads to illness at 12-18 weeks, headaches sometimes become simply unbearable. Women, of course, experience difficulties, mood swings, migraine attacks, hypertension against the background of blood pressure surges.

In fact, the reasons for the appearance of pain in the head, but taking most medications is unacceptable and you need to somehow learn how to cope with the disease in other ways.

At 10-12, 13, toxicosis often becomes the cause of pain, which only contributes to spasms of the vessels of the head, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Usually, pains localize one or another part of the head, but can be vague, appear suddenly, pulsate and spread over the entire surface.

If headaches at 10, 12, 13-17, 18 are strong and incessant, stars appear in the eyes, blurred vision, vomiting, severe swelling of the face, pain in the hypochondrium, then of course, you should see a doctor, undergo the proposed examination. These are quite dangerous signals that cannot be ignored during pregnancy.

Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen during pregnancy? Depending on the gestational age, a woman may experience...

Pain in the eyebrow area - possible causes

The most common causes of headaches are:

It is at the beginning of pregnancy at 7, 10, 12, 13 weeks that the fetus is formed. The abdomen is still growing slightly, but the blood flow, the reproduction of progesterone, which contributes to the development and formation of the fetus, increases. It is his activity that provokes a change in the blood supply system to the fetus, therefore, a state of oxygen starvation may occur due to the return of almost ½ of all consumed gases to the baby.

In the first trimester, the cause of headaches and discomfort, of course, is primarily hormonal changes, as well as jumps in blood pressure, toxicosis at the initial stage of pregnancy. With a tendency to hypertension, an increase in blood pressure is possible, which can lead to severe swelling, the appearance of protein in the urine.

Hunger can lead to pain at 10-12, 13 weeks, so it is recommended that expectant mothers eat less, but more often. The causes of pain are often:

    psycho-emotional instability; physical stimuli: noises, pungent odors; a change in body position or a long stay in an uncomfortable position; irritating receptors; temperature changes; changes in the intestinal microflora that can lead to bloating; swelling of the mammary glands, which often leads to irritability and nervousness of young mothers, and as a result - to pain in the head.

These are normal signs that a woman has to experience at 10, 12 and 13. In addition, the absence of regular menstruation and ovulation, the intake of certain prohibited foods (chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits) can lead to unpleasant symptoms. At 10-12, 13 there is a restructuring of all systems and organs, in particular, in the brain. Nerve impulses react violently by rebounding in the form of pain in the forehead, temples, and occipital region.

    applying cold or warm compresses to the forehead; taking a contrast shower that can narrow blood vessels, thereby eliminating pain; soothing, relaxing massage; hiking outdoors.

At 7-10 pregnancy, the cause of the headache may be the gas pollution of large cities or staying in a stuffy closed room. 12, 13 weeks are usually characterized by toxicosis, which disappears over time, but other unpleasant symptoms appear: soreness of the head, abdomen, aching joints.

According to doctors, in the 2nd trimester, 14-17.18 weeks are considered the calmest. The body has already sufficiently adapted to the restructuring of hormones, the fetus begins to grow intensively in size.

Cause a headache on 14,15,16,17,18 pregnancy can:

    physical or emotional stress; inhalation of gases after a long stay in the car; lack of sleep; sudden changes in the weather; malnutrition, abuse of strong tea, coffee and chocolate.

Headache at 17-18 may contribute to old head trauma, sudden fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. Often there is weakness, dizziness. In the second trimester, medications are contraindicated, only with severe and persistent pain, you can drink a tablet of paracetamol or no-shpy.

By about 31, 32 weeks of pregnancy, the development of the baby is almost completed, the sense of smell and touch are already well developed, and the maturation of the lungs is nearing completion. At 32 loads, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmuscles, the ligaments of the pelvis in women, are most susceptible. They are preparing for the upcoming birth, gradually weakening.

Accumulation of air in some areas, as well as overwork, which of course is typical in this position, can lead to painful sensations. It becomes difficult for a woman to move around, all the cells and structures of the brain have to work hard.

Closer to the 38th week of pregnancy, a woman begins to experience emotional experiences, but already associated with the upcoming birth. Waiting for a baby becomes an unbearable burden for many mothers, there is irritability, nervousness. Headache can manifest itself in any part of the body: it radiates to the back, lower back, pelvic region, to the joints.

At 32-40 weeks, headaches become irregular, however, if they become permanent, then in order to save the baby, the woman needs to consult a doctor.

Hypertension, increased load on the spine, squeezing of blood vessels at the back of the head, increased eye pressure from exposure to bright flashes of light, cervical osteochondrosis, and ENT diseases can provoke pain in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Headache with sinusitis, often accompanied by lack of sleep, old injuries, changes in weather or atmospheric pressure.

In the last week of pregnancy, taking many medications (in particular, analgin, ketarol) is prohibited. All that remains for women to do is to resort to non-drug ways to get rid of headaches:

    massage, aromatherapy, manual therapy, yoga; taking a contrast shower; ventilation of the room; avoid physical stress.

If the head is strongly splitting, then you can anoint the whiskey with an ointment with an “asterisk” ointment. If the pressure is reduced, then 1 panadol tablet is allowed. Analogues of aspirin and citramon are excluded: askofen (may lead to bleeding, blockage of the arterial passage for the baby), baralgin, spazgan, spazmalgon (toxic drugs that can lead to blood disorders).

Only in the second trimester at 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 weeks with a severe headache, you can only drink a paracetamol tablet.

At 38-40 it is better not to self-medicate, seek help from a doctor.

Headaches are a common symptom of many diseases. The back of the head, temples, forehead can hurt, and sometimes it hurts in the eyebrow area. In case of persistent headaches, you should definitely consult a doctor.

I am 32 years old. I don't smoke, I'm overweight.

The head hurts on the right, eyebrow and above the eyebrow and on the right side the place where the neck passes into the head. It always hurts at the same time in these two places, they seem to be connected with each other by this pain, there have never been other headaches (ttt).

Tap your finger over the right (left) eyebrow - if during the test you feel a sharp pain, consult a doctor, most likely you have frontal sinusitis.

Frontitis is an inflammation of the frontal sinus, which occurs as a complication in acute rhinitis, influenza and other infectious diseases.

Hello. I am 15 weeks pregnant. for 5 weeks she fell ill with acute respiratory infections. runny nose, sore throat, weakness, etc. etc. then it became easier, and then the same thing happened again. at the moment I'm worried about a runny nose.

Man 50 years old. I started having severe pain in my head. Have addressed to the doctor. Have told or said that a tumor above oevoj an eyebrow. Have made operation. The pain was gone in 2 days. But after that there was a severe attack of epilepsy, which is before.

Hello, 2 days ago my child (11 months old) was bitten by a tick. The tick was removed at the trauma center in about an hour. The next day, the tick was taken for analysis, and the child went to the pediatrician. He prescribed us the antibiotic Sumamed to ask for 5 days and donate blood after 2 weeks.

I am in a neuropsychiatric dispensary. A week ago, there was a burning sensation, as well as aching legs, arms, head legs, nausea. Maybe all this is a consequence of nervous reactions?

Types of headaches during pregnancy

Doctors, classifying a headache, distinguish its different types.

The type of pain that most often torments pregnant women is migraine or tension headache. Pregnant women should not worry about the impact of this type of pain on the course of pregnancy, as well as on the development of the baby in the womb. Migraine is in no way able to negatively affect the baby. The only caveat is that a migraine can significantly complicate your life personally.

Pain caused by hormones

The first three months of pregnancy can be overshadowed by headaches, which are provoked by hormones that are rapidly accumulating in the body of the expectant mother. A woman's feelings about the fact that her weight is rapidly increasing can also negatively affect her well-being. However, not always nerves or hormonal processes are to blame for the fact that your head is splitting.

Pain due to muscle tension

It happens that migraines occur due to excessive tension in the muscles of the neck. If you work in an uncomfortable position, this can cause headaches.

Other reasons

Also, the following factors can provoke a headache:

  • lowering blood pressure,
  • increase in blood pressure,
  • allergy,
  • sleep disorders.

Fetus (development, size)

The most important event of the 15th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the formation of the cerebral cortex. This process will last for the entire 4th month. Already this week, the cerebral hemispheres of the fetus will begin to become covered with convolutions and grooves, and nerve cells will actively divide. The central nervous system takes the reins of control of the entire body into its own hands.

The endocrine system of the cub is also activated. At the 15th week, the endocrine glands are already functioning, the sweat and sebaceous glands are included in the work, the male hormone testosterone begins to be produced in the boy's body. By this time, the taste buds of the baby have already fully formed: now it will react to the food you eat.

The main organs valiantly do their job: the heart diligently pumps blood (it “drives” about 28 liters per day!), the gallbladder secretes the first bile (it is this that will form the baby’s original feces), they fall into place and excrete the urine of the kidney (the baby urinates directly into the amniotic fluid, which is constantly updated), the respiratory system is improved.

The fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy intensively trains its lungs and muscles. He makes respiratory movements, during which he swallows and spits out the amniotic fluid. This contributes to the maturation of lung tissue and prepares the baby for the first breath, which he will take only after birth. Then the glottis will open, although the baby's vocal cords have already been formed.

The muscle and articular tissue of the fetus is also involved in the training process. He actively moves, performs rotational, floating, acrobatic movements and somersaults, bends and unbends his limbs, compresses his fists. The bone tissue is becoming more and more hardened, the skin is still very thin and transparent (blood vessels are visible through it), but it already consists of several layers, the hairline is more and more pronounced (cilia and eyebrows are visible, the hair is thickening).

Now the baby is not as ugly as before: his ears have fully formed, like those of an adult, the legs become longer than the arms, as expected, the body stretches more and more - the fetus becomes like an ordinary child. It already weighs an average of 70 g, and its the coccyx-parietal size is 10 cm or more, but this does not prevent the baby from feeling absolutely free in his mother's tummy.

The child has a headache, the child has a headache

Height - 12-14 cm, weight - 90-60 gr.

Your baby has already reached the size of a handball and continues to grow rapidly. A child's heart can pump up to 23 liters of blood a day.

The bones of the skeleton are getting stronger day by day. If you now conduct an X-ray examination (which is absolutely not necessary and highly undesirable, unless some emergency circumstances become the reason), then you can see the skeleton of the baby inside the mother. The spectacle is amazing!

The first hairs appear on the baby's head, provoking additional heartburn in the mother. The baby's skin is still very thin and red. His face is becoming more and more human - the ears are already in place, the eyes are not so widely set, the mouth and lips are clearly marked.

The creation of the sense of smell is completed. Now your baby is able to distinguish smells, by the way, not one or two, but several hundred! Therefore, after giving birth, do not be surprised that your child will know exactly when you are next to him in the room, and when you “run away” about your business. With an impatient cry, he will demand his mother back to him!

Many women use a tricky maneuver - they leave their dressing gown or nightgown next to the baby's bed, in general, any thing that smells like mom and her milk. Then the baby is much more loyal to the absence of mother in the room. Indeed, in the first month of life, he still sees poorly and is guided precisely by smell.

The kid continues to train in "breathing". Through the mouth, he "inhales" and "exhales" the amniotic fluid. Thus, it prepares the muscles responsible for breathing for the first real breath.

The placenta at this stage is often semi-circular, attaches next to the cervix and sometimes even closes it. After five months, the placenta will definitely move, so do not worry that the baby will not be able to properly exit because of this.

Amniotic fluid reaches a volume of 100 ml and is updated 8-10 times a day, that is, approximately every three hours. Its temperature is 37 ° C, that is, slightly higher than body temperature. For the baby, this is a pleasant warm bath and at the same time the most valuable nutrient medium.

The liquid is absolutely sterile for the baby, despite the fact that his urine is periodically released into the amniotic fluid. They are arranged in such a cunning way that all the chemicals in them are specially processed into the most useful composition for the child.

In addition, the amniotic fluid protects the baby from possible damage (for example, shocks that the mother’s stomach may be exposed to, from pressure from the uterus and in general from contact with it), it massages the baby’s body and allows him to move freely, creating conditions similar to space weightlessness .

Japanese scientists conducted an experiment and made a special chamber, getting into which a person could feel all the conditions of being inside the mother's womb. It turns out that the child experiences a surprisingly comfortable feeling in this clean and warm bath, in conditions of weightlessness, dim lighting, and even distinguishing external sounds. Adult participants in the experiment noted that they experienced amazing relaxation and a sense of security.

Feelings of a pregnant woman

The second trimester of pregnancy is almost the quietest time. Emotional outbursts are almost non-existent. Some women experience drowsiness more often, while others experience a burst of energy.

For the 15th week of pregnancy, the following sensations are characteristic:

  • The nose is often blocked. This is caused by a restructuring of the hormonal background, in which due to the rush of blood, swelling of the mucous membranes occurs, including in the nose. Sometimes nosebleeds happen. These phenomena are absolutely normal and you do not need to worry about them, as they will disappear with time.
  • Bouts of shortness of breath. The uterus grows, gradually squeezing the diaphragm more and more, which causes these attacks.
  • Dizziness. These are also natural phenomena characteristic of this period of pregnancy. If fainting occurs, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Fetal movements - movements in the intestines, gurgling, discomfort. Similar sensations are more often experienced by women with a lean physique and asthenic body shape.
  • Pressure surges. It is at week 15 that the volume of blood in the body of a pregnant woman increases by about 20%. This can cause tachycardia attacks, arrhythmias and pressure drops. Healthy women should not worry about this. But if there are any diseases of the heart and blood vessels, you should carefully monitor your condition, regularly consulting with a cardiologist.

During this period, women often experience absent-mindedness, it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing. But this does not mean that a sedentary and recumbent lifestyle will be preferable. If there are no health problems, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, as before.

Pregnancy 15 weeks constantly headache

The bottom of the uterus (upper edge) is located 6-7 cm below the navel. If outerwear still covers your growing tummy, then on the beach, when you put on a swimsuit, your pregnancy is visible to everyone.

The heart rate and pressure may increase, and blood suddenly begins to flow from the nose. Often just as suddenly there is a runny nose. The cause of such bleeding and runny nose is an increased level of hormones - progesterone and estrogen. They cause increased blood flow through the nasal mucosa.

It is especially bad in winter, when the air in the rooms - usually very hot and dry - irritates the nasal mucosa even more. Special humidifiers and ionizers can help. Try also smearing your nose with petroleum jelly and drinking extra vitamin C.

One of the most common complaints is headache, dizziness and pre-syncope. Headache can be acute (at a certain point in the head), throbbing, squeezing, like a hoop, migraine-like.

The reason for the increase in headaches and dizziness during pregnancy, scientists consider hormonal and physical changes in the body of a woman, she experiences increased stress and stress. It is imperative to inform the doctor if the headaches become severe and persistent, and are also accompanied by visual impairment.

It is worth trying to determine what exactly gives you a headache, what situations or maybe people. Try to avoid everything that causes your increased fatigue and irritation in the future.

If you change the position of the body, do not do it abruptly, especially if you sit down from a prone position or bend over. After all, all the efforts of your circulatory system are now focused on servicing the baby and the placenta, so the brain remains, sometimes, almost on a starvation diet. If you stand up or bend over sharply, you risk fainting.

Sometimes pain and dizziness is caused by a drop in blood sugar. You should keep an eye on sugar and indulge in a piece of chocolate (or any other carbohydrate-rich product) if you feel sudden attacks. Eat more often. Be sure to walk and breathe fresh air.

Control the content of hemoglobin and iron in the blood to exclude the possibility of anemia. A head massage also helps. First, vigorously massage the area where it hurts the most, then massage your temples and neck. We remind you that next week you need to visit your doctor, get tested for AFP and take swabs for infections.

14 weeks - 15 weeks - 16 weeks

At this time, the fetus is already becoming like a person. The skin on his body is reddish in color, it is still very thin and translucent, through which you can see the vessels of his circulatory system. The baby's heart is already actively working and almost 24 liters of blood passes through it per day, for the production of which the bone marrow is responsible.

A fluff is formed on the baby's body, and on the scalp and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows it is more rigid than on other parts of the body. It was at this time that an enzyme began to be produced in the baby's body, which is responsible for the color of the hair on the head. Now the child's skeletal system is growing very actively, so at this stage, his body needs a regular supply of calcium from his mother's body.

The baby's body becomes more and more flexible and mobile. His hands are already well bent at the joints, and his fingers can be clenched into fists. Sometimes the baby puts his hand to his mouth and sucks his thumb - his body begins to prepare for future breastfeeding. He is already successfully swallowing, eating amniotic fluid.

The baby already distinguishes sounds and can react to noise coming from outside - people's voices, loud claps or clinking dishes. His eyes have not yet opened, but a bright light directed at his stomach can provoke a reaction in him - the child begins to turn his head and move.

By week 15, the baby's kidneys are already developed enough to carry out the process of urination. Fluid from his body is excreted into the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus. The formed gallbladder is also included in the work. The lungs and digestive system continue to actively form.

It is at this time that the child begins to develop gender identity. His brain begins to work according to one of the programs - either female or male. In a boy, the production of testosterone in the gonads is turned on, in girls, the hormonal system will work a little later.

Since the stomach is already beginning to stand out and affect the skin, from this week of pregnancy, you can start using special creams for stretch marks, which are usually localized in the chest, abdomen and thighs.

Visits to the dentist should become a habit. Now the child is actively sucking out of the mother's body a lot of the elements he needs, and especially calcium. Therefore, pregnant women often experience problems with their teeth during this period.

As for sexual life, at week 15 you should not limit yourself to something. If there are no contraindications, you can have sex completely freely and at any time. It will even be useful for the body of the mother and the growing baby, as it contributes to the production of endorphins.

Do not forget about regular visits to the gynecologist. The following tests and examinations are usually prescribed this week:

  • ultrasound. Detects pathologies in the development of the fetus and the structure of the uterus;
  • Blood test to determine the level of hormones;
  • Screening test;
  • Analysis of urine.

At this time, you should pay attention to your psychological state. It is necessary to avoid various stresses and emotional overloads. It is not advisable to spend a lot of time at the TV, and even more so to watch shocking programs and intense films - thrillers, horrors or dramas.

Physical exercise should become a daily routine. The main thing is not to overdo it. A simple morning exercise will help prepare for the upcoming birth, improve well-being and strengthen the nervous system. The good physical shape of the mother is the key to good health of the unborn baby.

Bleeding may result in brown, cream, or pink spotting, so don't leave it unattended.

If the discharge at the 15th week of pregnancy has become abundant, liquid and transparent, then these are the results of an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood - do not worry.

You should contact your gynecologist and take a smear to determine infections if you observe the following discharge:

  • unusual consistency: curdled, bubbling, pieces, heterogeneous;
  • with a sharp unpleasant odor (most often fishy);
  • yellow, green or purulent discharge;
  • which leave dirty gray marks on the linen;
  • which are accompanied by other symptoms: painful urination, itching, burning, swelling or irritation in the genital area, fever, and so on.

But alcohol does not retain the placenta - it freely enters the fetus. And it does not affect him positively. Therefore, the use of alcohol during pregnancy, including at week 15, should be completely excluded.

By the way, experts in the field of medicine and nutrition say that the irresistible desire for certain foods and drinks is due to the lack of specific substances in the body. And often they have nothing to do with those products that you so want, including a pregnant woman.

So, if there is a strong desire to drink wine or beer during pregnancy, then, most likely, the body receives less protein. Increase the amount of meat consumed (preferably lean boiled), the richest source of vegetable protein are nuts.

Obviously, you already know what screening is, because at 15-17 weeks is already the second screening or second trimester screening. This is a study that includes ultrasound and biochemical tests. The purpose of screening is to identify the risk group of women who may have babies with chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome or neural tube defect). That is, screening can only assess the proportion of risk, and not diagnose a deviation.

Biochemical screening of the second trimester is the so-called triple test, which includes tests for total hCG, α-fetoprotein (AFP) and free (unconjugated) estriol. This analysis is more accurate and informative than the first trimester double test. Therefore, some gynecologists prefer to carry out only it, bypassing the first screening.

The boundary value of the screening study is 1:350. That is, such a risk is assessed as high and is the reason for the appointment of additional tests. But you can refuse all further procedures. None of them will be able to reliably say whether the pathology will develop in this fetus or not.

Headache often overtakes women after conception. Mostly, such discomfort worries women in the first weeks of pregnancy under the influence of hormonal changes, and is soon eliminated on its own. This does not pose any health hazard and is a specific response of the body to pregnancy. But recurring headaches also have more worrisome causes.

Women may experience headaches during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • Changes in hormone levels. After conception, an active synthesis of female hormones begins in the body and their quantitative ratio changes greatly. After the first three months of gestation, the body fully adapts to its new position and the pain subsides. This condition does not require treatment, but if a woman has a severe headache during pregnancy, an obstetrician-gynecologist should advise a suitable pain reliever. It is absolutely not worth enduring unbearable pain, because strong psycho-emotional stress can complicate the course of pregnancy.
  • Hypertension. High blood pressure is more common in the last trimester. The physiological factor of this condition is a greatly increased volume of blood flow. Pathological provocateurs of increased pressure and headaches include: preeclampsia, kidney disease, malnutrition, stress, pathological weight gain, excessive physical activity. For the treatment of hypertension, drugs that lower blood pressure are prescribed, and in parallel, the causes of its increase are eliminated.
  • Hypotension. In the first half of pregnancy, progesterone affects the tone of all muscle cells. It provokes relaxation not only of the uterus, but also of blood vessels. In this situation, they expand and blood pressure drops. At the same time, the brain begins to receive less of the required amount of oxygen, and the woman begins to get sick and dizzy. For this reason, most often the head hurts during pregnancy in the early stages. How to fix the problem - the gynecologist decides, but very often the intake of caffeine-containing products helps to normalize the condition: mugs of hot and necessarily sweet tea or a piece of dark chocolate.
  • Starvation. If a woman eats poorly, with long breaks between meals, she may experience "hungry" headaches from a sharp drop in glucose levels. To prevent a recurrence of pain, you need to eat regularly throughout the day, avoiding overeating.
  • Anemia. A low level of hemoglobin is a provocateur of pain attacks during pregnancy. The lack of oxygen greatly affects the tone of the vessels in the head and causes severe pain.
  • Gestosis. This is a critical condition during pregnancy, requiring thorough treatment. A sharp narrowing of blood vessels disrupts blood circulation in the body, which is accompanied by a throbbing pain in the head. A woman has “flies” before her eyes, protein in the urine is diagnosed, and pressure rises.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Pregnancy is a provocateur of exacerbation of old diseases. There may be problems with the spine. An increase in the mass of the fetus creates a load on the skeleton, which causes an attack of osteochondrosis. Pinched nerves and blocking the full blood circulation in the spine will cause a headache of a aching nature. Another cause of pain can be vegetovascular dystonia, which is accompanied by a sharp spasm of blood vessels in the head and pain.
  • The emergence of new diseases. Headache during pregnancy can also occur when dangerous infectious diseases occur: meningitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, encephalitis, pyelonephritis, eye diseases. Headache in such diseases is quite strong and prolonged, and disappears after the start of treatment of the underlying disease.
  • Stress factor and overstrain. Pregnant women react more vividly to emerging conflict or dangerous situations. A strong reaction of the nervous system can result in a migraine attack. Severe overwork at work or insufficient sleep can lead to the same result. Such factors are very dangerous, because in addition to a headache, they can provoke a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy, if you have a headache and pain in the uterus, you need to calm down and seek the advice of a doctor.
  • Weather. Many women react sharply to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. They may have a headache, decrease efficiency, and lose their appetite. As a rule, if there was such a high weather sensitivity before pregnancy, then during the period of bearing a child, a woman will suffer from a headache when the weather changes.
  • Food. Experts have long noticed the relationship between the diet of a pregnant woman and a headache. If you often have a headache for no apparent reason, watch what you ate before the next attack. The most common cause is the use of marinades, chocolate, citrus fruits, smoked fish, products with monosodium glutamate, nitrites, sulfites and synthetic sweeteners.
    If you have a headache for unknown reasons, then the reason is pregnancy with its changes and hormones! Jokes aside! I suffered from headaches until 25 weeks. And no one could do anything with me - neither the therapist nor the neurologist! If you have ruled out all the reasons - low hemoglobin, pressure, osteochondrosis, etc. - then you just have to endure like me! This state of course, remember this, for longer periods it will leave you! I do not advise you to drink pills, there are no harmless ones, and one will not save you! I turned on the aroma lamp with lavender oil and carried a handkerchief with drops of this oil with me in order to somehow alleviate this condition, because when my head started to hurt, I couldn’t think about anything anymore, I was terribly angry and upset, because it’s not clear where it came from taken and when it ends. And now, at about 25 weeks, everything magically changed - that's the truth, once and for all! Stopped! What do you wish! take a pill, citramone, for example. here, on the basis of analgin, see that you don’t go to the doctor, what else can you do. most likely pressure endure pills, many can not be drunk. more rest and see a doctor spazmolgan painkillers I drink them pregnant you can Go to the doctor. Walk more in the fresh air and spend less time at the computer and other equipment. Nothing. be patient. can hurt until the birth. Darling, you should not sit here, but go to the doctor! And run!

Analyzes (hCG, progesterone)

In fact, the main analysis of the 15th week of pregnancy is screening (triple test). It is better to take it starting from this week (but no later than week 20), because it is during this period that the second screening is most informative.

HCG levels begin to decline in the second trimester. Increased or decreased rates may be a sign of any disorders, diseases, or tritely indicate an error in setting the gestational age. in any case, hCG is evaluated only in combination with other markers of the second screening.

Progesterone at the 15th week of pregnancy, as a rule, is not determined, since this single indicator is not very informative.

If you are concerned about abnormal discharge at the 15th week of pregnancy, then you should also take a vaginal swab for analysis.

In general, if you do not miss scheduled gynecological examinations, then you have nothing to worry about. As necessary, the doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations for you to keep the pregnancy under control. This will be a general analysis of urine and blood, blood for TORCH infection, according to indications - for hormones, and so on.

Headache during pregnancy - treatment with folk remedies

There are medications for headaches during pregnancy and they are practically safe. But you should not see them as the last straw for salvation and drink pills at any time to relieve irrepressible pain. Moreover, they remove the symptom itself, and the cause of pain remains.

Paracetamol has always been considered the safest drug, it can be taken at any time during pregnancy, without exceeding the dose. But combined tablets like tempalgin, it is better not to take. Because in addition to the main component, it may contain additives that will have a negative effect on the fetus. In order not to swallow pills, there are natural methods of dealing with pain.

The main ways to eliminate headaches during pregnancy without medication

Massage. Light massaging of the head helps a lot to stabilize the condition during the next attack of pain. This procedure should be avoided in the presence of inflammation of the scalp, severe hair loss and hypertension.

You can do the massage yourself or you need to ask someone close to you. Massage involves vigorous squeezing of the entire surface of the head for 10 minutes.

Basic head massage techniques:

  • Tightly hold the fold of skin between the eyebrows, massage it a little, and then slowly move towards the temples.
  • Gently massage the temple area.
  • With your palms, stroke from the eyebrows to the back of the head.
  • Comb your hair with your fingers.
  • Make partings and massage them strongly.
  • Squeeze your head strongly with your hand over the entire surface.
  • Grab your head from both sides, simultaneously move the skin in the direction from the ears to the top of the head, and then push it apart.
  • Lightly stretch your neck.

If the state of health during the massage only worsens, you need to stop massaging your head.

Shower. If you have a headache during pregnancy, the first thing to do is to calm down and take a shower. Warm or cool showers are great for relieving headaches. A warm shower contributes to the general relaxation of a woman and the expansion of blood vessels. This procedure is suitable for hypertension and severe overexertion.

Compresses. Warm/cold compresses help relieve tension pain (pain from overexertion). They should be applied to the frontal and occipital area twice a day. To enhance the effectiveness, you can soak the compress cloth with a light solution of vinegar.

Question: Pregnancy 16 weeks. With headaches, what medicines to save yourself?

In the first trimester, almost all drugs are potentially dangerous to the fetus, so the pain syndrome is eliminated by completely safe methods:

  • Rest or nap.
  • Weak herbal teas, for example, with chamomile, lemon balm, linden.
  • Sweet tea or 20-30 g of chocolate, if the pain was due to low blood pressure.
  • Walk if there is a severe oxygen deficiency.
  • Decoction or tablets of valerian.
  • Relaxation techniques (yoga, meditation).

Starting from the second trimester, the arsenal of painkillers expands slightly, since the fetus is more resistant to the development of pathologies. A woman can already relieve a headache with analgesics, but they are selected after determining the level of blood pressure, the presence of concomitant symptoms and the individual characteristics of the female body.

Mostly pregnant women are prescribed the following drugs:

  • Paracetamol is the most favorable type of pain reliever during pregnancy. The composition of the drug does not affect the condition of the fetus, subject to a safe dosage. It is allowed to take 2-3 tablets per day, but the course of treatment should not last more than three days.
  • No-Shpa is an effective antispasmodic that reduces headaches and normalizes blood pressure. Up to 6 capsules are allowed per day without fear. The drug is allowed at all gestational ages.
  • Analgin is an analgesic with a low concentration of the main substance. The remedy relieves pain of various etiologies, but if abused, it can cause congenital pathologies in the baby. Analgin is allowed as a one-time remedy for pain.
  • Ibuprofen is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is prescribed only up to 30 gestational weeks. After this period, the drug has a teratogenic effect on the fetus, affecting the heart and lungs.
  • Citramon is a caffeine-containing analgesic. Helps relieve headaches due to hypotension. You can take 1/2 tablet twice a day. Exceeding the dosage adversely affects the development of the fetus.

The third trimester also has certain requirements for the selection of painkillers. Paracetamol or caffeine-based products (if there is no preeclampsia) are considered more effective and safer. Such drugs do not affect the well-being of the fetus and do not provoke premature birth:

  • Solpadein Forte - relieves not only headache, but also toothache, relieves fever and neuralgia. The drug can cause impaired respiratory function, so it is permissible to take no more than 1 tablet.
  • Panadol is an analgesic and antipyretic drug. Conditionally harmless remedy, the daily dose of which is 4 tablets.
  • Sedalgin is a non-narcotic analgesic. During pregnancy, it is taken with caution 1/2 tablet per day.
  • Triptan - has a teratogenic effect on the fetus.
  • Ergotamine - provokes miscarriage and bleeding.
  • Motrin is a common cause of congenital heart defects.
  • Depakote - violates the laying of the neural tube.
  • Aspirin thins the blood and causes bleeding.

Of course, you should not endure a headache during pregnancy, but you need to get rid of it with caution. Before taking any pill without the advice of a doctor, think twice about the consequences. If you often have a headache, what you can drink during pregnancy should be advised by a gynecologist or neurologist, and not by a friend or a pharmacist at a pharmacy. Pregnancy is a period for which only you are responsible, therefore, be wary of drug treatment.

Any medicines are contraindicated for pregnant women, they can lead to serious consequences, primarily for the fetus. In addition, many remedies are not able to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in diseases such as sinusitis, meningitis, brain hematoma.

However, headaches during pregnancy are common and quite normal. Women tend to be nervous, besides, hormonal failure leads to suspiciousness, tearfulness, especially at 12, 13, 17, 18. Some continue to work hard during pregnancy, spending long hours in a forced, often uncomfortable position. It is recommended to walk more, walk in the fresh air, especially in the last 38-40 weeks before childbirth.

Good sleep - getting rid of even the most severe headaches and discomfort. The head often begins to hurt precisely because of lack of sleep or a long stay in a closed room. The disease can be triggered by a feeling of hunger, so women are advised to eat small portions of fractional meals with the inclusion of more fruits and vitamins in the diet.

If the pressure is low, then you can drink black tea with sugar.

Effectively conducting several sessions of aromatherapy. Essential oils have a calming effect on the nervous system and brain, improve mood and overall well-being. It is enough for a woman to put a few drops of oil on her clothes. Massage helps to relax the muscles of the shoulder, neck, feet, joints, head. It is enough to massage the bones with your fingertips, or apply a compress from a moistened cold towel.

Pregnant women need to learn how to relax, keep calm, avoid overexertion and nervous breakdowns, avoid staying in a smoky, unventilated and stuffy room, adjust their diet, also the daily routine, get rid of noisy companies, as well as sound irritants from the radio or TV, avoid eating with dyes and preservatives, satisfy the feeling of hunger in a timely manner, taking a little food with you during a long walk.

Already from the first weeks of pregnancy, many women begin to suffer from migraine due to changes in hormonal levels. Although this is only an indirect sign, women who do not encounter it earlier at 7-10 weeks up to 18 weeks begin to experience similar manifestations. Closer to the second semester, the pain usually disappears, often returning at the end of the third, closer to childbirth.

The main cause of the disease is the body's reaction to a surge of hormones, but each woman manifests itself in different ways. It is possible that the intake of certain foods, or allergic manifestations, as well as toxicosis, and overweight in women can contribute to vascular tone.

Pain is not dangerous, it is only a temporary phenomenon that can cause a lot of inconvenience. Along with them, attacks of nausea and vomiting, visual disturbances, indigestion, ringing in the ears, increased irritability and fatigue are often present.

Headache is a sign of pregnancy, but other causes should not be ruled out. This may be dehydration of the body, the development of internal diseases, in particular tumors in the brain. If a woman is not pregnant, then you should not postpone going to the doctor and undergoing a full examination.

If You Have a Headache During Pregnancy: * Use compresses. Apply a warm compress (such as a hot towel) to your face, eyes, and temples if you have a frontal headache. If you feel pain in your temples, apply cold to your neck. * Avoid causes of headaches.

During pregnancy, these can be: food, smells, uncomfortable body position, etc. * Rest. Just lie down in a dark, quiet room with your eyes closed. * Exercises for pregnant women. Relaxing gymnastics, deep breathing, yoga - all these techniques can help get rid of a headache.

* Healthy food. Eat less, but more often - this will help the body maintain the necessary level of sugar in the blood and prevent headaches. * Regular sleep. Go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on weekends. * Correct posture. This is especially important at the end of pregnancy when the extra weight of the fetus affects the back. * Massage.

Sources used: otvet.mail.ru

Possible headache during pregnancy and its prevention

To begin with, especially for those who suffer from migraines, it is necessary to find out what exactly provokes the onset of a severe headache. Do not be too lazy to start a diary for this, in which you need to indicate exactly at what time, how long the pain attacks were.

In addition to the products listed above, dyes and preservatives present in the composition can cause pain. Eat often, but in small portions. If you're planning a long walk or drive, take fruit or cookies with you to replenish your nutrient stores and keep you from feeling hungry.

Adequate sleep at night and sufficient rest during the day. It is very important that during the night the body completely rested and regained strength. But do not roll excessively in bed, with a very long sleep, a severe headache can also occur. Hiking in the fresh air, in the forest is incredibly useful. If you work at a computer, then try to find time and get up at least every half hour for a little workout.

If possible, try not to be in a noisy company, do not listen to the radio and TV loudly, avoid strong smells, all this can serve as an irritant and cause a headache.


In general, during pregnancy, it is necessary to consume proteins, fats, and carbohydrates - in sufficient quantities. All these substances are needed for the full growth and development of the baby, so diversify your diet as much as possible at the 15th week of pregnancy with healthy healthy foods. Include cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, kefir in the daily menu.

Very useful vegetable fats. They are rich in vitamin E, which strengthens the walls of the placenta. Therefore, it would be good to buy several different vegetable oils and add them to ready-made dishes. Also a lot of this vitamin is found in nuts and seeds.

It is important to correctly distribute the proportions of the substances used: proteins should occupy the dominant place. At the same time, keep in mind that most meat and fish on the modern market are pumped up with antibiotics, so it is recommended to cook or bake dishes from them as long as possible.

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