The norm of folic acid in the first trimester. Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy. Why are we deficient in folic acid?

Folic acid preparations are recommended for use by all women who are in an interesting position or those who are planning a pregnancy. Often, it is not possible to get the right amount of vitamins and minerals from food products, so experts prescribe vitamin medications as its additional source.

Vitamin B9 is indispensable for the health of a pregnant woman, it is also important for the fetus. Folic acid is actively involved in the formation of the neural tube of the embryo.

It is also necessary for the placenta, its proper functioning, a lack of this vitamin can cause placental insufficiency, which is fraught with premature birth or abortion.

Vitamin B9 helps fight anemia, which is common in expectant mothers. The presence of folic acid in the body reduces the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

Folic acid is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, contributes to the normal formation of white blood cells. Promotes iron absorption reduces the concentration of vitamin B12, therefore, along with it, cyanocobalamin is often prescribed.

Folic acid is involved in the process of cell division. This process accompanies the entire development and growth of the embryo.

In the absence of folic acid or its insufficiency in large quantities, such ailments develop in a child:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • delayed development of brain activity;
  • delayed muscle development;
  • defects of any kind, etc.


Experts recommend using folic acid during pregnancy planning, it should start 1-2 months in advance. But if the pregnancy was not planned, then vitamin B9 should be taken as soon as a woman finds out about her situation. The importance of taking vitamins in the initial stages is explained by the formation of the embryo.

How much to drink folic acid during pregnancy in different trimesters, how to take it correctly and at what time of day?

Instructions for use in the first trimester

The first weeks of pregnancy include the birth and development of the fetus. The process is very important, since almost the entire pregnancy and the condition of the fetus depend on it.

During this period, you need to make sure that the body receives a sufficient amount of all vitamins and minerals.

This is especially true of folic acid, which is often called the "female" vitamin.

Only a part is absorbed from food, so you should take folic acid pharmacy preparations.

Often it is included in vitamin-mineral complexes, but it is better to take everything in its pure form, without other vitamins.

Doses of folic acid during pregnancy are different, in the first period you need to take 400 mcg twice a day (morning and evening).

Vitamins should be taken at the same time before meals. You need to drink clean non-carbonated water. Try not to drink vitamins with tea, coffee or packaged juices.

In the second trimester

In the second trimester, consuming vitamins and minerals is just as important as it was at the beginning of pregnancy.

During this period, the active growth of the baby begins, all organs develop, the nervous system, the immunity of the child are formed.

In order for all processes to proceed correctly, the expectant mother needs to consume enough vitamin B9.

In the second trimester, the dose of folic acid is increased to 600 mcg per day.

Take vitamins 2-3 times a day(depending on dosage).

Application in the third trimester

The last trimester seems to the expectant mother no longer so difficult, toxicosis is passing, she already has time to get used to her condition, but you should not relax.

In the last trimester, vitamin B9 and other vitamins are important not only for the child, but also for the mother.

Therefore, in the last weeks of pregnancy, the folic acid rate is doubled from the original (800 mcg per day).

Take vitamins 2-3 times a day (depending on the dosage of the tablets).

Factors in which the dose is increased

  1. If there are reasons due to which the removal of acid from the body is accelerated.
  2. If ultrasound shows a high risk of developing any fetal defects.
  3. Any ailments or defects in parents that are transmitted genetically.
  4. Diseases of the stomach, intestines or urinary tract (folic acid is poorly absorbed or quickly excreted).
  5. constant vomiting in pregnant women also contributes to the removal of vitamin B9 from the body.


Most women get scared when they hear about the right amount of folic acid intake, but there is no reason to be nervous and worried. Pregnant women have a high need for vitamin B9. Cases of overdose have not been recorded.

In order for the body to have an excess of this vitamin, the recommended doses must be increased by 20-30 times, which is almost impossible. Excess amounts of acid are excreted by the body on their own.

Vitamin B9 Facts Every Woman Should Know

  1. During pregnancy, the body removes vitamin B9 faster.
  2. Tea and coffee speed up the process of acid loss.
  3. With certain medications, the acid is excreted faster. Check the compatibility of B9 with the drugs you are taking with your doctor.
  4. Allergic reactions are possible, after all, this is a medical drug.
  5. To get the maximum amount of folic acid from food, you need to eat fresh, thermally unprocessed vegetables and fruits.

What do expectant mothers need in the early stages? Love, care and a suitable complex.

For the development of the bones of the embryo, it is necessary to take enough vitamin D. What foods have a lot of it -

Folic acid is vitamin B9, the lack of which in the body of a future mother threatens with many unpleasant consequences. Vitamin B9 is involved in DNA synthesis, in the process of hematopoiesis, in the process of cell division and growth.

Also, this vitamin is necessary for laying the nervous system of the unborn child, prevents the appearance of defects in the brain, neural tube, etc.

Folate deficiency during pregnancy

It is estimated that folic acid deficiency occurs in every second pregnancy. And this is dangerous not only for the unborn child, but also for the mother. Folic acid deficiency can cause:

  • the formation of defects in the nervous system (cerebral hernia, spina bifida, hydrocephalus, etc.);
  • malformations of the cardiovascular system;
  • violation of the development of the placenta;
  • an increase in the likelihood of spontaneous abortions, premature births, abnormal fetal development, stillbirths, placental abruption, etc.

With a lack of folic acid, women are more likely to experience toxicosis, depression, anemia, pain in the legs.

Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy

To maintain pregnancy, ensure the health of the unborn child and mother, this vitamin should be taken when planning pregnancy and throughout the entire gestation period. However, here it is necessary to be very careful and observe a strict dosage. An overdose can also be dangerous.

It is believed that the adult requirement for folic acid is 200 micrograms (0.2 mg). For pregnant women, the dosage increases. The minimum dose is 400 mcg (0.4 mg) per day, and the maximum is 800 mcg (0.8 mg). When a pregnant woman is at risk (vitamin B9 deficiency is pronounced), the dosage increases to 5 mg per day.

To understand these dosages, you should carefully read the instructions for the folic acid preparation and listen to the doctor's recommendations.

The most common are folic acid tablets, which include 1,000 micrograms (1 mg) of folic acid. During pregnancy, it is recommended to take one tablet of this drug per day. In this case, an overdose is impossible.

But with a severe deficiency of vitamin B9, a drug with a higher dosage may be prescribed: Folacin or Apo-folic. One tablet of these drugs contains 5,000 micrograms (5 mg) of folic acid. This dosage is not preventive, but therapeutic.

It is also extremely important to consider the composition of the vitamin-mineral complexes that you are taking.

Often, all these complex preparations contain the required prophylactic dose of folic acid. For example, a drug capsule Folio contains 400 mcg of folic acid, in preparations materna And Elevit is 1000 mcg, Pregnawit- 750 mcg, Vitrum prenatal- 800 mcg, Multi-tabs- 400 mcg.

Thus, when taking any of these or other preparations containing vitamin B9, and in the absence of a deficiency, additional vitamin B9 is not required.

Folic acid overdose during pregnancy

Folic acid is non-toxic to the body, its excess does not linger and is excreted on its own.

However, its overdose in the case of prolonged use of high doses leads to adverse consequences. Namely, as a result of this, the content of vitamin B12 in the blood decreases, which can lead to anemia, gastrointestinal disorders, and increased nervous excitability. Changes in kidney function may also occur.

What dosage will lead to such consequences? This is possible if every day for three months or more take 10-15 mg of folic acid. Of course, this is practically impossible. The human body does not synthesize folic acid, but can only receive it with food or through synthesis by the microflora of the large intestine. Therefore, those who have bowel problems may need to supplement this vitamin.

Products containing folic acid

Those women who prefer to “lean” on natural vitamins contained in food instead of taking synthetic vitamin complexes should pay attention to the list of foods that have a high content of folic acid. These are walnuts, cereals - oatmeal, rice and buckwheat, sunflower seeds, kefir, milk powder, cottage cheese, egg yolks, vegetables with dark green leaves - beans, green peas, green onions, soybeans, beets, carrots, asparagus, tomatoes, products from wholemeal flour, beef liver. That is, this vitamin is found in many foods that can be consumed daily.

Author of the publication: Alexey Kulagin

Any woman who plans to soon become pregnant and become a mother should consciously and carefully prepare for this new status. And if everyone knows about a healthy lifestyle, parting with bad habits and walking in the fresh air, then expectant mothers often ignore the intake of certain vitamins and medicines before pregnancy. One such remedy is folic acid.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid is vitamin B9. Often you can hear the generalized name - folates, they are derivatives of this vitamin. We must understand that we get them from food, and folic acid tablets are a synthetic agent that is already converted into folates inside the body.

All derivatives of vitamin B9 play an important role in hematopoiesis, that is, the formation of new blood cells. Therefore, the lack of these substances leads to anemia - a condition in which there are not enough red blood cells, or they are irregular in shape and do not perform their functions.

Folates have another very important feature: they stimulate the formation of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), which are the basis of all body cells. Therefore, it is folic acid that is necessary for all rapidly dividing human tissues, including embryonic tissues.

The role of folic acid:

  • participates in the formation of DNA of all cells, that is, the source of hereditary information
  • stimulates hematopoiesis
  • indirectly blocks the formation of cancer cells
  • restores muscle tissue
  • during pregnancy:
    • plays a role in the laying and development of the nervous tissue of the embryo
    • participates in the formation of placental blood vessels

Why is folate needed during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, the consumption of folate increases dramatically. All cells of the embryo are intensively dividing in order to eventually form full-fledged tissues. The nervous tissue of the future man is transformed especially quickly and difficultly. And it is she who requires a large amount of folic acid.

Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy can occur for the following reasons:

  • Insufficient dietary folate intake
  • Folate malabsorption (in chronic inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines)
  • Genetic disorders of the folate cycle. In rare cases, a woman's body lacks the necessary enzymes (MTHFR). As a result, folic acid is not converted to folates, and they do not perform the necessary functions. Intermediate metabolic products accumulate in the body, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases, tumor processes, infertility, etc. In the presence of such a mutation, it is recommended to take folic acid derivatives, for example, Metafolin. It is absorbed faster and in greater volume.
  • Taking certain anti-epilepsy drugs and hormonal drugs dramatically reduces the level of folate in the blood:
    • oral contraceptives (see)
    • barbiturates, diphenylhydantoin
    • sulfa drugs (for example,), which inhibit the synthesis of vitamin B9 by intestinal microflora
    • drinking alcohol also lowers their levels

How does the body get folic acid?

3 sources of folic acid:

  • From food - as folate
  • A small amount of vitamin B9 is synthesized by the body itself (intestinal microflora) during the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - in the form of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate
  • Chemical folic acid - from vitamin supplements

Folates were first isolated from spinach leaves. Subsequently, it turned out that they are present in large quantities in almost all leafy vegetables. Other sources of folate include citrus fruits, green peas, bread, liver, nutritional yeast, cheeses, eggs, and cottage cheese.

If there are so many foods that contain folate, then why do you need to take folic acid tablets during pregnancy?

  • Technological progress and the market economy are forcing plant and animal food producers to accelerate the growth of animals on the farm and the cultivation of greens and vegetables in the greenhouse, respectively, less of the natural isomer of folic acid accumulates in products. As a result, reference information from old printed publications on the content of folates in various products is currently not relevant and overestimated.
  • The main disadvantage of "natural" folates is the rapid destruction during heat treatment. Cooking, frying and stewing destroy almost 90% of the vitamin. But even eating raw foods does not guarantee that the right amount will enter the bloodstream. Moreover, vitamin B9 is sensitive to conditions and shelf life:
    • when boiling an egg, 50% of vitamin B9 is destroyed
    • after 3 days, the greens lose it up to 70%
    • in meat after heat treatment - up to 95%
  • The presence of a person with chronic diseases of the intestines, stomach does not allow the vitamin to be absorbed in full.

Therefore, about 60% of the population suffers from folate deficiency, and the body of a healthy pregnant woman receives a little more than 50% of the daily folic acid from food.

However, numerous studies by scientists have established that the body recognizes how folic acid enters the body and its absorption directly depends on this. Of course, intake from natural sources is better absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, even with metabolic disorders and stomach acidity, and therefore has serious advantages in comparison with synthetic folic acid.

The body's own synthesized folic acid in the form of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate does not interact as strongly with other drugs and does not mask the hematological signs of vitamin B12 deficiency as synthetic folic acid. In addition, it excludes the possible negative consequences of an excess of unreacted vitamin B9 in peripheral vessels.

But in order to provide the body of a pregnant woman with folates (and the need for them increases by 50 percent), you need to eat a huge amount of the above foods daily. In modern conditions, this is impossible, and given the decrease in its amount in modern products, it is ineffective. Modern preparations of folic acid contain the required amount, are safe for a pregnant woman at the recommended dosage and are quite well studied.

Consequences of folic acid deficiency during pregnancy

Maternal pathologies:

  • violation of hematopoiesis in a woman: anemia, low resistance to infections and a tendency to form blood clots.
  • reduced tolerance for physical and mental stress

These symptoms are characteristic of women with a hereditary defect in the genes responsible for the folate cycle. Usually, symptoms of vitamin deficiency occur even before pregnancy, combined with iron deficiency anemia and diseases of the cardiovascular system. In case of gene disorders, it is necessary to take large doses of folic acid with the obligatory control of a blood test, only under the constant supervision of a specialist.

Fetal pathologies:

  • neural tube defects in the fetus
  • miscarriage:) and intrauterine fetal death
  • defective placenta and, as a result, oxygen starvation of the fetus

Neural tube defects in the fetus

Already in the third week after conception, a tube with a thickening at the end is formed in the embryo - the future spinal cord and brain. Under the influence of adverse factors, including folic acid deficiency, the construction of this neural tube may be disturbed or stopped. As a result, very serious, sometimes incompatible with life, malformations of the fetus are formed.

  • Anencephaly is the absence of most of the brain. The defect is incompatible with life, therefore, after confirming the diagnosis with the help of ultrasound, termination of pregnancy is recommended.
  • A cephalocele is a split in the skull through which the meninges or the brain itself can bulge. Depending on the degree of tissue swelling, the prognosis may vary from lethal to favorable.
  • Spina bifida is the most common neural tube defect. Through the defect of the vertebrae, the spinal canal is exposed, and the membranes of the spinal cord bulge. Depending on the level of damage to the vertebrae and the degree of bulging, the prognosis also depends: a quarter of children die in the first days of life, most become disabled, and only a small percentage of babies do not have problems with urination and movement in the legs in the future.

Not all the consequences of folic acid deficiency can be detected during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth. Minimal disorders of the nervous tissue make themselves felt in adulthood by difficulties in learning and concentration. Scientists at the University of Cambridge have conducted a number of studies proving the connection between B9 deficiency and emotional disorders in children.

In perfectly healthy women who eat a full and varied diet, a lack of folic acid may not affect their well-being. First of all, the fetus and placenta will suffer, and already in the very early stages. Therefore, drinking folic acid during pregnancy means taking care of the health of the unborn baby.

At what stage of pregnancy should you take folic acid supplements?

Folic acid intake in order to prevent fetal malformations should be started even at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, at least three months before the intended conception. That is why pregnancy should be planned. If conception occurred unexpectedly, then you need to start taking the drug as soon as it became known.

Reasons for taking folates at the stage of pregnancy planning:

  • With an unbalanced diet, a woman can have a reduced level of folic acid, so it takes time to replenish her reserves. It usually takes three to four months.
  • The neural tube of the fetus is laid at such an early stage that a woman may not even be aware of the pregnancy, especially with a long menstrual cycle.
  • Folate deficiency can make pregnancy difficult.

Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy

In most cases, three months before conception and throughout pregnancy, you need to take 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. In some cases, the dosage is advised to increase:

  • up to 1 mg per day for epilepsy and diabetes
  • up to 4 mg daily if there have been children with neural tube defects in the past

Increased doses of folate can only be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination.

The dose of folic acid during pregnancy remains the same.

So, in the USA, all women planning a pregnancy should take the drug at a dose of 400-800 mcg per day a month before conception and during 3 months of pregnancy. Moreover, these recommendations exist in conjunction with the enrichment of food products with folates (for example, adding them to pasta), which is not observed in our country. And right! Why add a vitamin to the product, which is destroyed during further 10 minutes of cooking? If you take synthetic folic acid, it is better in tablet form!

Consequences of excess folic acid

Vitamin B9 belongs to water-soluble substances, so all of its excess is successfully excreted by the kidneys. It is very difficult to arrange an overdose of folic acid during pregnancy, when the vitamin becomes toxic and has an adverse effect on the fetus. This vitamin should be used with caution when:

  • severe pathology of the liver and kidneys in a pregnant woman
  • hereditary defects in the gene responsible for folate metabolism. An excess of folic acid can further disrupt the balance in this cycle, leading to the same consequences for the fetus as vitamin deficiency. The intake of this substance in such patients should be monitored by a physician.
  • allergic reactions to synthetic vitamins

The effect of folic acid on fetal development has been studied for a very long time and everywhere. Scientists from Newcastle University have noted cases of children born with altered folate cycle genes from mothers who took this drug. That is, for the processing of external folic acid, nature “invented” a new gene. Everything would be fine, but some human diseases can be associated with this gene.

These studies were not widely disseminated, since the theory was not confirmed in practice. But the reduction in the incidence of malformations of embryos in mothers taking folic acid has been confirmed by numerous studies around the world. The number of cases of spina bifida after the widespread introduction of folic acid has decreased by a quarter.

In the early 90s, in the United States, they even tried to enrich food with this vitamin, which did not lead to the desired results, since the dosage of folic acid during pregnancy should be at least 2 times more than usual. Considering that mainly flour, high-calorie foods were enriched with vitamins, the target audience (pregnant and lactating women) tried to avoid them.

There are suggestions that an overdose of folic acid during pregnancy can lead to an increase in the body weight of the child, an increase in the risk of developing obesity and diabetes in the child in the future, as well as a tendency to allergies, bronchial asthma, and may lead to impaired immunity. But these are only assumptions, there are no convincing studies confirming such risks.

Conclusion: there is no convincing evidence of a negative effect of the standard dosage of folic acid on a healthy pregnant woman. There have been studies that have confirmed that taking even 15 mg per day is non-toxic. But like any synthetic substance, this the drug must be used strictly in the required dosage. Moreover, the positive effect on the nervous tissue of the fetus at a dosage of 400 mg and 4 mg differs slightly. Therefore, the doctor decides how much folic acid during pregnancy each woman should take.

With regard to the intake of folic acid by non-pregnant women, in high doses and for a long time, a constant overdose can lead to sad consequences. Exceeding the recommended dose may result in:

  • men are 2 times more likely to develop
  • taking folic acid in a non-pregnant woman at a dosage of 500-850 mcg per day increases the risk of breast adenocarcinoma by 20%, over 850 mcg - by 70%
  • in the elderly, long-term overdose causes a disorder of psycho-social functions

Symptoms of an overdose of folic acid:

  • metallic taste in the mouth
  • irritability, irritability, sleep disturbance (see)
  • gastrointestinal disorders: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, (but similar symptoms also accompany toxicosis of the 1st trimester)
  • kidney disorders
  • one of the serious consequences of an overdose is zinc deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency

Tests to determine the level of folic acid

A blood test for the level of folic acid is prescribed for patients with anemia to determine its cause or for patients with homocysteinemia. Healthy pregnant women do not need such an analysis, since when taking folate, the level of this substance in the blood will be higher than normal in any case. And it is absolutely physiological. Folic acid when planning pregnancy is prescribed regardless of its initial amount in the body.

How to take folic acid?

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of drugs containing folates. Most of them differ only in dosage and price.

Many folic acid tablets come in the inconvenient 1mg dosage and have to be broken in half. It is better to find folic acid in the dosage of 400-500 micrograms needed for most pregnant women. How to take the drug for pregnant women with homocysteinemia is determined by the attending physician.

The pharmaceutical market in recent years offers a large selection of multivitamin complexes created specifically for pregnant women. Such funds should be taken only by people living in extremely unfavorable conditions and having a poor diet. For a successful and healthy pregnancy, a modern woman needs:

  • folic acid in the amount of 400 mcg per day
  • (potassium iodide) in deficient areas
  • with the appearance of anemia - iron supplements

The use of multivitamin complexes to compensate for folate deficiency can be considered inappropriate. Folic acid is one of the few medicines whose effectiveness and safety during pregnancy has been proven in numerous studies. Taking just one tablet a day is a simple, inexpensive and reliable way to reduce the risk of serious illnesses in your baby and give him a full life!

Dosage of folic acid

What are the best folic acid supplements to take?

  • 9 months Folic acid (Valenta)

400 mcg. 30 pcs. 120 rub.

  • Folic acid (Valenta)

1000 mcg. 50 pcs. 40 rub. half a tablet a day

  • Folic acid from OZONE

1000 mcg. 50 pcs. 25-30 rub. (half a tablet)

  • Blagomin B9 (OOO VIS)

200 mcg. 90 caps. 110 rub. 2 tab. in a day

  • Folic Acid by Solgar

400 mcg. 100 pieces. 500 rub.

  • Folic Acid from Natures Bounty

400 mcg. 100 pieces. 300 rub.

  • Folic acid (Borisov plant, Belarus)

1000 mcg. 50 pcs. 25-30 rub. (half a table per day)

  • Folic acid (MARBIOPHARM)

1000 mcg. 50 pcs. 30 rub. (half a table per day)

Instructions for use of folic acid

Indications: prevention of the development of neural tube defects in the fetus in the 1st trimester of pregnancy (1-3 months before the planned pregnancy and in the first trimester), as well as in folic acid deficiency.

  • children
  • with pernicious anemia
  • with cobalamin deficiency
  • malignant neoplasms
  • hypersensitivity to drug components

Dosage: during pregnancy 400-800 mcg in the 1st trimester, with folic acid deficiency - 400 mcg once a day.
Side effect: itching, skin rash, bronchospasm, hyperthermia, erythema, bitterness in the mouth, nausea, loss of appetite, bloating, with prolonged use, hypovitaminosis B12 may develop.
Interaction with other drugs: taking anticonvulsants, analgesics, oral contraceptives, estrogens increase the need for folic acid. Sulfonamines, antacids, cholestyramine, reduce the absorption of vitamin B9. Pyrimethamine, methotrexate, triamterene, trimethoprim reduce the effect of folic acid (patients are shown not folic acid, but calcium folinate). With the simultaneous administration of folic acid with tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, polymyxins, the absorption of folic acid is reduced.
Special instructions: To prevent vitamin B9 deficiency, a balanced diet is preferable - green vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, spinach), beets, legumes, fresh liver, cheese, cereals, eggs, nuts. Folic acid is not used for normocytic, B12-deficient and aplastic anemia.
With B12-deficiency (pernicious) anemia, vitamin B9 masks neurological complications, improving hematological parameters. Until B12 deficiency anemia has been ruled out, doses greater than 100 mcg/day of folic acid are not recommended (except during pregnancy and lactation).
With simultaneous treatment - antacids are taken 2 hours after folic acid, cholestyramine - 1 hour later or 4-6 hours before taking folic acid. Antibiotics can distort the results of microbiological assessment of the concentration of erythrocytes and plasma folic acid.
When taking large doses and long-term treatment with folic acid, a decrease in the concentration of vitamin B12 is possible.

Frequently asked questions about folic acid

In the previous 5 years I had 3 pregnancies that ended at 10 weeks. What dosage of folic acid do I need?

Three or more missed pregnancies are a reason for examining a married couple. After it, the doctor will most likely prescribe 4 mg of folic acid per day.

The doctor prescribed 1 mg of folic acid per day. It turned out that I was allergic to her. What should I do?

An allergic reaction in this case is associated with the components of the tablets (dyes, sweeteners). You can try changing the drug or switching to injections.

I accidentally drank 2 folic acid tablets of 500 mcg, that is, 1 mg per day. Is it dangerous?

This dose is not toxic and will not harm you or your baby. Continue taking 1 tablet daily.

I am 39 years old, we have been planning a pregnancy for six months. The doctor prescribed 4 mg of folic acid, as at my age there is a risk of its deficiency and termination of pregnancy. Is such a large dose necessary?

The risk of interruption in your case increases somewhat due to age, and not due to folate deficiency. Therefore, such an increase in the dosage of the drug is impractical.

Folic acid during pregnancy is a necessary substance for a woman's body and gestation.

Deficiency of folate compounds or vitamin B9 is dangerous and leads to a change in the blood composition of the expectant mother and child, disorders in the development of the placenta. The result is the birth of premature babies or children with developmental pathologies.

Folic acid is found in foods:

  • broccoli;
  • green pea;
  • carrot;
  • bananas;
  • citrus;
  • leafy greens;
  • yeast;
  • bread products, etc.

A balanced diet is necessary to obtain the required amount of B9. But even in this case, the development of vitamin deficiency is possible.

The reason is the rapid destruction of folic acid during storage of products. Moreover, the body's need for a pregnant woman in the vitamin increases significantly.

Other causes of folic acid deficiency:

  • low intake from food;
  • genetic diseases (there are no enzymes in the body for the absorption and processing of folates);
  • chronic diseases of the intestines or stomach (normal absorption of the substance is disturbed);
  • passion for alcoholic beverages;
  • the use of certain drugs - sulfonamides, oral contraception, anticonvulsants, antacids, anti-tuberculosis drugs.

folic acid during pregnancy

Vitamin B9 deficiency is a scourge among pregnant women these days. If the expectant mother has constant weakness, fatigue, anemia, dizziness and headaches, irritability - perhaps the reason is the deficiency of folic acid.

The value of the vitamin in the body is enormous for the production of proteins and nucleic acids. It is necessary for the regeneration of cells and tissues, maintaining the normal state of all organs, and preventing the transformation of cells into cancerous ones.

An even greater role of folic acid during pregnancy. It ensures normal growth and development of the fetus.

Sufficient folate content is important in the 1st trimester. During these months, all the organs and systems of the embryo are laid, and most importantly, its nervous tissue and blood vessels of the placenta.

Why is a deficit dangerous?

The main danger of vitamin B9 deficiency during pregnancy is the insufficient development of the neural tube in the embryo.

This leads to such malformations:

  • fading of pregnancy, that is, the death of the fetus in utero;
  • hydrocephalus, or dropsy of the brain;
  • anencephaly, that is, the embryo completely lacks a brain;
  • spina bifida;
  • hernia of the brain;
  • impaired mental function;
  • physical underdevelopment.

The importance of folic acid for the vascular system in the uterus is great. Consequences of a lack of a substance:

  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • spontaneous abortion.

Folate deficiency affects the well-being of a pregnant woman. The manifestations are:

  • toxicosis in the early stages;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • digestive disorders;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • leg cramps.

For this reason, doctors recommend drinking folic acid already at the planning stage of pregnancy. In fact, women often find out about conception for a period of 5-6 weeks, and it is during this period that the embryo is especially susceptible to vitamin deficiency.

How to use?

Folic acid is produced in the form of tablets in its pure form or in combination with cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) or ascorbic acid. They also produce vitamin complexes and biological supplements with B9 in the composition.

Tablets are drunk without chewing and washed down with plain water. Reception regardless of food.

When to start?

It is better to start drinking folic acid even before conception. This will prevent possible pathologies.

WHO - The World Health Organization recommends that all pregnant women take folic acid and iron supplements. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor leading the pregnancy. Be sure to take into account the history of the woman, the presence of any chronic diseases.

How long to drink?

Folic acid during pregnancy is especially important in the first trimester, that is, from conception to 12 weeks.

Then you can refuse to take the drug, provided that there are no manifestations of its insufficiency. In some cases, a woman is prescribed a vitamin and then - in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

It is advisable to start drinking folic acid when planning pregnancy, then until childbirth and the completion of breastfeeding.

The dosage varies depending on the timing:

  • Conception planning period - 400 mcg daily.
  • First trimester of pregnancy - 600 - 800 mcg.
  • From the 13th week until the end of pregnancy - 800 mcg per day.
  • During breastfeeding - 400 - 600 mcg per day.

If necessary, the gynecologist can increase the daily dose:

  • With miscarriages, fetal fading, the birth of children with malformations - 4 mg per day.
  • With diabetes mellitus or epilepsy in a woman - 1 mg.
  • When taking certain drugs - 800 mcg - 4 mg per day (anticonvulsants, sulfonamides, alcohol-based medicines, anti-tuberculosis, etc.).


Folic acid is produced both in pure form and in the form of preparations:

  • Folic acid tablets. Contains 1 mg of vitamin B9. For prevention, the recommended dosage is 1 tablet per day.
  • Folio. Contains 400 micrograms of folate combined with 200 micrograms of iodine. Reception prevents the lack of B9 and iodine in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Folacin. The content of the active substance in the tablet is high - 5 mg. Therefore, it is used not for prevention, but for the treatment of deficiency.
  • Gendevit. Polevitamin in the form of a dragee. One contains 300 micrograms of folic acid.
  • Compliment Mom. Multivitamin complex. One capsule contains 400 mcg of the vitamin.


Folic acid during pregnancy is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • allergic reaction or individual intolerance to folic acid;
  • oncological diseases in close relatives;
  • vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • bronchial asthma.

Video about folic acid

Consequences of an overdose

An overdose of vitamin B9 during pregnancy is difficult to achieve, as it is a water-soluble substance. Its assimilation by the body occurs only in the right amount, and the excess is excreted through the kidneys.

However, the symptoms of a folic acid overdose are as follows:

  • causeless irritability;
  • disorders of the digestive system - nausea and vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, lack of appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys.

An overdose of folic acid is said to occur if a daily dose of more than 15 mg enters the body.

Folic acid during pregnancy is a vitamin necessary to maintain the body of the expectant mother and the proper development of the fetus. B9 deficiency leads to irreversible consequences in the form of defects in the embryo. To prevent complications, it is advisable to start taking folic acid already at the stage of pregnancy planning and continue up to 12 weeks, and even better until childbirth and the end of breastfeeding.

Folic acid (element B9) is the most important vitamin for life, which is often lacking in the body of pregnant women and young children. Folic acid during pregnancy is especially important and useful. Vitamin B9 actively influences the metabolic processes of the body, participates in the formation of red blood cells, in the work of the nervous, immune systems, gastrointestinal tract. Vitamin deficiency contributes to malfunctions in the body, the development of pathological diseases, and in severe cases, death.

This vitamin is of particular importance precisely in the early stages - at the very beginning of fetal development. It not only takes a direct part in the formation of a normal nervous system, this vitamin is needed for the proper regeneration of as many as trillions of cells in the mother's body, which need to be systematically updated. Why is the drug prescribed to pregnant women? Why do men need to drink it and at what time?


Folic acid is represented by a water-soluble special substance B9. In addition to the main vitamin, the substance contains polyglutamic components, which have a common name - folacin.

Useful folic acid for pregnant women in the early stages:

  • she takes an active part in cell division;
  • provides a favorable state for a normal full-fledged DNA structure;
  • provides the structure of RNA of new cells;
  • ensures the normal birth, development of the fetus;
  • prevents the occurrence of cancer.

Folic acid is closely linked to pregnancy. For the full-fledged birth, development of the fetus, a sufficient intake of a vitamin substance (at least 200 mcg per day) into the body of the expectant mother is required. The dosage of the vitamin should satisfy the daily requirement of the mother's organism, the developing (nascent) fetus. The exact dosage and amount of the drug in one tablet can be found in the instructions for use. The instruction must be read by the expectant mother in order to know exactly about all the consequences.

Why do pregnant women need to take folic acid, how long does it take? When are folic acid tablets prescribed and how many micrograms per day should a woman enter the body as much as possible?

Significance for mother and fetus

Folic acid for pregnant women plays an important role. The expectant mother needs a vitamin for good health, proper development of the placenta, in order to prevent the risk of developing pathological diseases. It is the insufficient amount of folic acid that leads to premature birth.

The fetus especially needs element B9. This substance is actively involved in the birth of the fetus, in the laying of its main organs, is involved in the formation of the mental and physical health of the baby. An insufficient amount of folic acid provokes the development of pathologies in the fetus even in the womb.

It is important to drink folic acid during pregnancy and a few months before planning it for both spouses. Instructions for use or the doctor will calculate the daily dose, it should not exceed 800 mcg for women and men, the optimal amount per day is 200 mcg.

Vitamin B9 deficiency

An insufficient amount of folic acid that occurs at different stages of pregnancy can result in sad consequences:

  • defects in the formation of a special neural tube of a child;
  • lack of cerebral hemispheres (anencephaly);
  • hernia in the brain;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • violation of the proper development of the placenta;
  • development of inferiority of uterine vessels;
  • the birth of a child prematurely (premature baby).

Deficiency of element B9 during pregnancy contributes to the development of mental disorders of varying complexity in newborns. Therefore, it is important to drink this vitamin all the time throughout pregnancy, as well as at the planning stage. When taking a vitamin preparation, the dosage established by the doctor should be observed, but it is not worth neglecting the recommendations indicated by the instructions for using the drug.

But the foods that we eat every day contain folic acid, what should be more in the diet of a pregnant woman? What foods can be consumed in large quantities?

Vitamin Sources

Sources of B9 are products made from wholemeal flour. There are products that contain this element in their composition. They are recommended to be consumed daily, especially during the stages of pregnancy:

  • spinach;
  • parsley, beans;
  • green peas, lettuce;
  • citrus;
  • juices;
  • avocado;
  • asparagus;
  • liver meat.

Fish products, cheese, meat products - these foods contain folic acid, but in small amounts.

With a normal balanced intestinal microflora, the human body is able to synthesize small amounts of this substance on its own. Products that enter the body and assimilate bring their benefits, which is why expectant mothers are advised to review their diet and add important missing foods to it.

When vitamin B9 is available in the right amount, it is necessary to maintain its balance at the proper level. But in order to prevent an overabundance of the vitamin, its exact dosage is necessary. How to take folic acid correctly? What is the norm of tablets per day for a man and a woman?

Daily dose

In an adult, the daily dose should be 200 mcg for the full functioning of the whole organism. During pregnancy, the vitamin daily requirement increases by almost 2 times, 400 mcg. The dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is prescribed only by the doctor for each individual patient, but the maximum dose should not exceed 800 mcg.

The norm of folic acid for a man is 200 mcg per day, it is not worth exceeding the indicated amount, the consequences may not be very good. It is also worth taking into account the products containing it in their composition.

The volume of folic acid, exceeding the prophylactic value, is established with a vitamin deficiency, existing problems in the body.

Folic acid for pregnant women is an indispensable vitamin complex, if you do not listen to the doctor's recommendations and do not take it, this can lead to serious consequences. There are certain factors that increase the need and importance of its intake:

  • high risk of a special neural tube defect;
  • in women with epilepsy;
  • in women with diabetes;
  • with problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with vomiting attacks at various stages of pregnancy;
  • the presence of hereditary malformations.

You can take the drug only in accordance with the doctor's prescription, an overdose can lead to serious consequences. How long can folic acid be taken?

Duration of admission

Doctors say that you should start drinking folic acid even during pregnancy planning, as it is very important in the first month after conception.

But not every woman plans a pregnancy and finds out about her interesting situation sometimes only a few weeks after conception, therefore, as soon as it becomes known about pregnancy, you should immediately start taking it. How many weeks to take? The first 13 weeks of pregnancy, folic acid is very important for the child, after which the doctor will prescribe multivitamins, which will also contain folacin, but only its norm will be different.


The dosage of folic acid for pregnant women (minimum 200 mcg) should be observed in accordance with the doctor's prescription, the instructions for use clearly describe everything. An excess of the drug is quickly excreted by the doctor from the body, its use in large volumes can provoke allergic reactions.

An overdose of folic acid occurs when the dose of its use is exceeded by 100 times (2000 mcg).

Norwegian scientists conducted an experiment, according to the results of which it was found that women whose plasma contained large amounts of vitamin B9 were more likely to give birth to children with a tendency to asthmatic diseases. But in what doses such a vitamin overabundance occurred, scientists have not established.

What to consider when taking

Folic acid for pregnant women is a very important element, it helps to prevent many dangerous diseases and undesirable consequences. What should a pregnant woman not do and what should she know about the vitamin complex while carrying a child?

A pregnant woman should know certain facts about vitamin B9.

  1. During pregnancy, vitamin folic acid is excreted in an accelerated mode.
  2. Tea promotes the accelerated removal of vitamin substances.
  3. Folic acid in pregnant women can provoke allergic reactions.
  4. Vitamin B9 in insufficient quantities is transmitted to the baby from the mother, so it is mandatory to take it, starting long before the desired pregnancy.
  5. Vitamin is very important to use during pregnancy, so you need to take it in combination with additional drugs (antacids, estrogens, anticonvulsants).
  6. To keep the vitamin for a long time in the right amount during all stages of pregnancy, it is recommended to eat vegetables raw or steamed.
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