Dopegyt in the 3rd trimester. Lowering blood pressure during pregnancy with dopegyt. Indications and contraindications for the use of Dopegyt

Tablets "Dopegit" in its pharmacological action refers to antihypertensive drugs. The drug is intended to lower blood pressure in various categories of patients, including pregnant women. The main active ingredient of the drug is methyldopa in the form of sesquihydrate (the content in one tablet is 282 mg).

Methyldopa has good absorption properties, so the therapeutic effect occurs 4-6 hours after taking the drug. The maximum concentration of the active ingredient is reached after 48-72 hours of therapy.

Communication with plasma proteins is only 20 percent. Methyldopa is completely eliminated from the body within 36 hours (the main part is in the urine, a small amount in the feces), while remaining unchanged.

The drug has a fairly stable therapeutic effect, subject to regular use. After discontinuation of the drug, the pressure returns to its original values ​​within 1.5-2 days.

The main effect of taking "Dopegyt" is to lower the pressure, which is achieved due to the processes occurring in the body after taking the medicine. The drug after entering the blood:

  • lowers the overall resistance in blood vessels and arteries;
  • reduces renin activity;
  • blocks the activity of dopamine, which causes pressure surges and contributes to the development of hypertension;
  • has a slight sedative effect;
  • has a positive effect on the work of the heart, reducing the heart rate.

"Dopegyt" is available only in tablet form (50 tablets per jar).

Dopegit during pregnancy - instructions for use of the drug

During the bearing of a baby, the volume of blood in the body of a pregnant woman increases significantly, so the circulatory and cardiovascular systems during this period work literally “for wear and tear”.

This can lead to an increase in blood pressure, which can be either very slight or significantly exceed the values ​​​​allowed during pregnancy.

To avoid negative consequences for the health of the mother and fetus, doctors prescribe Dopegit to women, which has established itself as an effective and fairly safe drug for the treatment of arterial hypertension. The drug has been widely used not only in Russian, but also in foreign practice, since 1970.

It should be noted that of all the drugs on the pharmaceutical market, Dopegit is considered the safest for pregnant women, as it does not adversely affect the fetus in the second and third trimesters.

Methyldopa crosses the placental barrier, but studies and many years of experience of obstetricians and gynecologists around the world confirm the absence of adverse effects on the baby when treated with this drug.

It should also be borne in mind that Dopegit reduces pressure by about 10-20 percent, so women suffering from severe hypertension can only be prescribed as an auxiliary drug.

Dopegyt is a drug whose action is aimed at lowering blood pressure. How safe is this medicine to use while pregnant?

The composition and action of the drug Dopegit during pregnancy

The therapeutic effect of the drug is provided by its active ingredient - methyldopa sesquihydrate (285 g) equivalent to 250 g of methyldopa. Among the excipients are magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch (type A), stearic acid, ethyl cellulose, starch and talc.

Active ingredient of the drug:

  • Reduces peripheral vascular resistance (by slightly expanding the latter).
  • Reduces vascular tone.
  • Decreases heart rate.
  • Suppresses the synthesis of enzymes that provoke the release of serotonin and norepinephrine (these hormones contribute to increased pressure).

The drug belongs to the category of adrenostimulants with hypotensive action. It is worth noting that a decrease in pressure after taking the drug will occur both at initially elevated rates, and at normal and even reduced pressure. For this reason, during drug therapy, constant monitoring of the blood pressure of a pregnant woman is necessary. Dopegyt crosses the placental barrier and has a cumulative effect. The drug is addictive.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Dopegyt

Dopegyt is an antihypertensive agent, so the main reason why it can be prescribed (including during the period of bearing a child) is arterial hypertension. It can be both primary and arisen even before the onset of pregnancy. An increase in pressure can also be a manifestation of another pathology (secondary hypertension):

  • Gestosis. High blood pressure is often one of the manifestations of gestosis (late toxicosis) - a complication of late pregnancy. At the same time, edema is also noted, the appearance of protein in the urine is possible.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Brain injury.
  • Side effects of medications taken.

In the case of secondary hypertension, namely, this form of hypertension is most common among expectant mothers, the solution is to eliminate or correct the underlying disease. If we are talking about late toxicosis, a woman is prescribed a comprehensive treatment, incl. and taking antihypertensive drugs - for example, Dopegyt for pressure during pregnancy.

Among the contraindications to the use of Dopegyt during pregnancy, it is worth noting:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Anemia.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Pathology of the liver and / or kidneys.
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Dopegit during pregnancy - dosage and form of release of the drug

The drug is available in the form of white flat tablets. The content of the active ingredient in each pill is 250 g of methyldopa. Tablets are placed in a jar of dark glass, 50 pieces per vial.

How to take Dopegyt during pregnancy will tell the doctor in each individual case. In the general case, the therapy regimen involves a single dose of the drug at a dosage of 250 mg in the evening for the first two days. Then, every two days, 1 tablet is added (but not more than 2 g of methyldopa when using Dopegyt without other antihypertensive drugs) until a lasting effect is achieved.

Then there is a gradual decrease in the dosage of Dopegyt tablets during pregnancy to a minimum level at which a therapeutic effect is noted. The prescribed dose of the drug is divided into three doses throughout the day, regardless of food intake. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

In cases where Dopegyt does not help during pregnancy or does not sufficiently reduce pressure, the doctor may supplement the treatment with another antihypertensive agent (while reducing the dosage of Dopegyt) or even choose an alternative drug.

If long-term use of Dopegyt is necessary, monitoring of the pregnant woman's blood counts, as well as the state of the liver, is required.

Dopegit during pregnancy - side effects of the drug

Like any drug, Dopegyt can cause negative reactions from the body of a pregnant woman. These include:

  • Lethargy, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting.
  • Cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure.
  • Anemia.
  • Myalgia (muscle pain).
  • Impaired liver function.
  • Nasal congestion, inflammation of the salivary glands.

If side effects or any kind of discomfort during pregnancy occur during the use of Dopegyt, the selected therapy needs to be reviewed. The drug may need to be replaced.

An increase in blood pressure is dangerous at any stage of pregnancy. The main threat is that with arterial hypertension, vasoconstriction is noted. As a result, the baby experiences a lack of oxygen and nutrients. Depending on the severity of the violation, pathology can provoke a lag in the development of the child up to his death.

For this reason, high blood pressure cannot be ignored. Clinical studies of pregnant women who took the drug Dopegyt did not reveal its negative impact on the course of pregnancy and the health of newborns. At the same time, the study of the effect of the active substance of the drug - methyldopa - indicates a remote possibility of a negative effect on the fetus.

Dopegyt in the first trimester of pregnancy

Medical intervention before the 12th week of pregnancy should be as limited as possible, because. during this period, the formation of a growing organism occurs. Considering that, theoretically, the drug can cause pathologies in the development of the baby, the use of Dopegyt in the early stages of pregnancy can only be justified by the threat to the woman's life.

Dopegyt during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters

The second trimester of waiting for a baby also requires some caution when choosing medications. The absence of the teratogenic effect of Dopegyt makes it possible to use it (with caution) already at this stage. In the third trimester, there are no restrictions on the use of the drug. The most common reason for turning to Dopegyt during this period is preeclampsia. Pathology is quite dangerous, therefore, it requires mandatory medical correction.

Analogues of Dopegyt can be divided into 2 groups - drugs with a similar therapeutic effect, as well as drugs with a similar active substance. The latter include Methyldopa, Ekibar, Alfadopa, Aldomet, Dopanol. The "work" of these drugs is provided by methyldopa, so they have the same indications and contraindications, as well as side effects.

Dopegyt, which is often prescribed during pregnancy, does not have a high price. The packaging of the drug costs 200 - 250 rubles. depending on the chosen pharmacy. The transition to an alternative drug may be due to the search for a drug that is more suitable for the effect produced.

  • Catherine . Appointed Dopegyt because of pressure surges. I took it for about a month - I felt better and my blood pressure returned to normal. I think it is effective and quite safe.
  • Anna . Dopegit drank almost the entire pregnancy. Prescribed one tablet a day, but weakness and dizziness appeared. As a result, I drank 0.5 tablets, everything was fine.
  • Hope. I took Dopegyt from the 8th week and almost until the end of pregnancy. The initial dosage was small - 0.5 tablets per day - and the treatment did not help. Subsequently, the dosage was increased. She tolerated the drug normally, everything is in order with the child.
  • Veronica. Had headaches. The cause was high blood pressure. The initial dosage was 1 tablet, but there was weakness and a constant desire to sleep. The dosage was reduced, and after another 3 weeks the drug was completely removed, because. the condition returned to normal and the pressure did not increase anymore.

Dopegyt is one of the few antihypertensive drugs approved for use during pregnancy. However, this remedy must be prescribed by a doctor.

High blood pressure during pregnancy is unfortunately not uncommon. Dizziness, nausea, a state of weightlessness often overshadow such a wonderful period - the period of waiting for the birth of your miracle. Fortunately, doctors have long learned to deal with such ailments in pregnant women.

Indications for use

The use of the drug does not depend on food intake, so the tablets can be taken at any time (both before meals and after). Dosing of the drug is always carried out individually, taking into account the severity of the disease and the severity of the symptoms.

The initial dose of Dopegyt is usually 250 mg 2-3 times a day. This dosage is taken for two to three days. After monitoring the condition of the pregnant woman and clinical evaluation of the indicators, the dose can be increased (or reduced) - this directly depends on the therapeutic effect that was achieved in the first 2-3 days of therapy.

Given the possible sedative effect of the drug, it is recommended to increase the evening dosage of the drug first. It is also worth remembering that any changes should be carried out at intervals of at least two days.

After correction, a maintenance dosage of the drug is selected, which is used in the remaining period of time. Usually it is 500-2000 mg per knock, which must be taken in 2-4 doses. The maximum amount of the drug that is allowed to be consumed during the day is 3000 mg.

If, when taking the drug at a dosage of 2000 mg per day, the woman does not feel better, Dopegyt therapy is supplemented with other drugs of the antihypertensive group.

With prolonged use of "Dopegyt" (more than 2 months), the severity of the therapeutic effect may be reduced due to the body's addiction to the main component of the drug. In such cases, an increase in the daily dosage (within the permitted limits) is required, and the appointment of diuretics may also be required.

If a woman is already taking drugs to reduce pressure, "Dopegyt" can be recommended as a supportive agent to stabilize the effect achieved. In this case, the initial dosage should not exceed 500 mg, and subsequent correction is carried out at intervals of 48 hours.

Tablets are taken orally, 1 pc. a day before or after eating, drinking a small amount of water. If necessary, the dosage is increased by 250 mg every 2 days, and when the maximum effect is achieved and the condition improves, the amount of the drug is gradually reduced. If an overdose occurs, the woman begins vomiting, flatulence, bradycardia, dizziness, as with reduced pressure.

Dopegyt enjoys wide popularity among physicians around the world. It began to be used as early as the sixties of the last century, namely in obstetrics and gynecology, it has been used since the 70s and 80s of the twentieth century.

This medication belongs to the group of antihypertensive drugs. The decrease in pressure is provided by the content of the active substance in it - methyldol, which is a synthetic stimulant of central alpha-2 - adrenoreceptors. In addition to methyldol, Dopegyt also contains auxiliary components - talc, cellulose acetate, magnesium stearate and stearic acid.

The medicine is produced only in tablets and can quickly bring blood pressure back to normal. Feeling better occurs 4-6 hours after taking the pills, and this effect persists throughout the day. With a long course of taking the drug, the maximum pressure reduction is achieved on the 2nd or 3rd day.

After finishing taking Dopegyt, blood pressure indicators return to their original value within one to two days. In addition to lowering pressure, Dopegyt also has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle of a pregnant woman. It reduces the number of heart contractions and the volume of blood pumped by the heart.

Two-thirds of the drug is excreted in the urine unchanged, the rest is excreted through the intestines. The active substance is completely excreted from the body 36 hours after ingestion.

Dopegit is prescribed to pregnant women in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to improve general well-being;
  • it is necessary to stop the development of already existing cardiovascular diseases and prevent their complications and the development of preeclampsia;
  • to ensure all the necessary conditions for the full development of the fetus;
  • to lower blood pressure.

Taking into account the fact that Dopegyt has a mild effect on the body, it is often supplemented with other medications.

Do not take medicine during pregnancy without consulting a doctor. It is he who will clearly tell you how much and how to drink pills.

Rarely they are needed in the 1st trimester. However, if you feel that the pressure is jumping too much, do not suffer. In general, the blood flow for 1-3 months is not very strong, the vessels do not experience severe heaviness, so the pressure should not rise above the standard. Such changes indicate some kind of disease in the body, urgently contact a cardiologist, and do not drink packs of pills. After all, the 1st trimester is a very important time when the baby is just appearing. Any disturbance in the natural course of things can be dangerous for him.

Pressure jumps in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy are the norm. The blood circulation is enhanced, the child needs a lot of vitamins and minerals to pass through it. Therefore, high blood pressure is a serious problem that every 3 expectant mothers face. You can safely take Dopegyt without worrying about the consequences. Most importantly, listen to your doctor.

The drug is produced and used in the form of flat tablets without a shell of a grayish color of a rounded shape. On one side of each tablet, the inscription "DOPEGYT" is squeezed out. They must be swallowed whole or previously divided into parts (if necessary, the selection of an individual dosage) and washed down with water.

In what doses is Dopegyt prescribed during pregnancy

The drug usually begins with one tablet containing 250 mg of the active substance. In the future, every two days, it is possible to increase the dose until the blood pressure indicators reach the desired value. In this case, it is recommended not to exceed the maximum daily dose of more than 2 grams of methyldopa in 2-3 divided doses. After stabilization of the condition, the decrease in the amount of the drug taken is also carried out gradually, 250 mg (1 tablet) in two to three days.

Due to the absence of a negative effect on the fetus, Dopegyt is allowed to be taken by pregnant women for any period of time, up to childbirth.


Any antihypertensive drugs can be taken only on prescription, even if they are sold without a prescription. This is due to the list of contraindications for the use of such drugs.

"Dopegyt" can not be used in the presence of the following conditions:

  • liver disease in the acute stage (for example, hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • myocardial infarction (acute);
  • severe depression;
  • anemia;
  • joint intake of MAO inhibitors;
  • individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug.

Dopegit should be taken only according to indications, and during pregnancy it is high blood pressure. The use of the drug helps to normalize blood pressure, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. If a woman has high blood pressure, it is worth monitoring the level of protein in the urine, as this condition may indicate that the woman is developing proteinuria.

Despite the fact that "Dopegit" is safe, and it can be used from the very beginning of pregnancy, you should not prescribe this medicine yourself, because like any medication, the drug has contraindications. It is better to take the medicine on its own, as it does not combine well with other auxiliary drugs. You should not take pills if a woman has the following symptoms:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • pathologies in the liver;
  • the presence in the body of tumors of various etiologies;
  • depression;
  • anemia.

Although Dopegyt is safe during pregnancy, it has its own contraindications:

  • You can not take Dopegyt with allergies and individual intolerance
  • Do not take pills if you suffer from kidney and liver diseases
  • Do not drink Dopegyt if you have pheochromocytoma
  • Anemia, hepatitis, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and many other diseases are categorical contraindications for taking
  • Depression is not the best basis for medication, especially in the 3rd trimester when labor can start prematurely.

This is only a small part, in which it is forbidden to take Dopegyt. Therefore, as soon as you start having pressure surges, whether it's the 1st or 3rd trimester of pregnancy, immediately consult a doctor so that he can prescribe you special medications that will be completely safe for you and your baby.

While taking the drug, regardless of gender and the presence of pregnancy, the following side effects of methyldopa may occur, due to its mechanism of action:

  1. Inhibition of the central nervous system: drowsiness, weakness, dizziness or headache, very rarely - hallucinations and Parkinson's syndrome.
  2. Depression of the vasomotor center: bradycardia, orthostatic hypotension.
  3. Sodium and fluid retention in the body: the appearance of peripheral edema.

In addition, changes in the digestive system are possible in the form of nausea, dry mouth, constipation or diarrhea, inflammation of the salivary gland, pancreatitis, liver dysfunction with the development of jaundice due to cholestasis. While taking the drug, it is necessary to regularly monitor the state of peripheral blood in order not to miss the appearance of leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.

Dopegyt is contraindicated:

  • with pheochromocytoma;
  • with an allergy to the drug;
  • in severe renal failure due to the risk of its accumulation in the body with the achievement of toxic doses;
  • with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, porphyria;
  • with liver diseases;
  • in depressive states.

Dopegit during pregnancy: reviews

  • Olga. I started taking Dopegyt at the 7th week of pregnancy with one tablet in the evenings. In order for the pressure to fully return to normal, it was necessary to increase the dose to three tablets a day. Now I have a period of 23 weeks, the pressure does not jump. I think I will follow the doctor's advice and take this medicine until the very birth, so as not to harm my baby with pressure surges.
  • Anastasia . When the doctor prescribed Dopegyt to me at the 20th week of pregnancy, I first of all read information about it on the Internet. I was very pleased that this medicine does not harm the fetus and effectively helps the mother. Now I drink it calmly, the pressure no longer rises.
  • Christina. At 11 weeks pregnant, I had to start taking Dopegyt due to high blood pressure. To normalize it, it took 6 tablets a day. But after 8 weeks, my health was so good that I was able to gradually cancel 2 tablets. I will drink this medicine until childbirth, because the main thing is that the child does not suffer.

Dopegyt tablets are used during pregnancy. Pregnant women often experience high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and a headache. High blood pressure can affect the development of the child and his birth.

  1. Indications for the use of the drug
  2. Application features and instructions
  3. Side effects and contraindications
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of the drug
  5. Measures to prevent pressure without drugs


What can help you manage these symptoms? Dopegit during pregnancy is an indispensable drug. It helps to reduce pressure, and its most important advantage is that it does not harm your fetus. In almost all cases, it is Dopegyt that is prescribed.

I would like to note that it is strictly forbidden to prescribe the drug and choose the dosage yourself! You don't want anything to happen to your unborn child. Therefore, each drug and dosage should be prescribed to you by a doctor.

Indications for the use of the drug

This drug is prescribed if a pregnant woman has arterial hypertension. And also in order to improve the condition of the expectant mother.

An indispensable drug for hypertension

During pregnancy, a woman often has problems with blood vessels and blood circulation. The pressure may begin to jump, often rises.

The medicine is prescribed in the last two trimesters. Prior to this, clinical studies have not been conducted, so its effect on the body and on the fetus is unknown. The medicine can be drunk until the end of pregnancy.

Dopegyt is safe for the fetus and for the body of a woman, this has been proven.

Dopegyt - white tablets, round. They are in a brown glass jar. The jar contains 50 tablets. They have no taste and smell.

The main ingredient is methyldopa. Additional substances:

  • starch;
  • talc;
  • ethylcellulose;
  • stearic acid.

The effect of the drug Dopegyt during pregnancy.

  1. Reduces blood pressure and brings it back to normal.
  2. Has a calming effect.
  3. Causes activation of α-2 receptors of the nervous system.
  4. Reduces nausea.
  5. Reduces headaches and dizziness.
  6. The heart rate decreases.

Find out the truth about Tranexam during pregnancy, as well as suppositories and Relief ointment during pregnancy.

Application features and instructions

When using Dopegyt during pregnancy, it is necessary to study the instructions.

  1. Tablets for internal use.
  2. Consume before or after meals.
  3. Changes will be noticeable after 3 - 7 hours after consumption. The effect of the action lasts 12 - 26 hours.
  4. Usually, no more than 2 grams of the drug should be consumed per day, i.e. no more than 8 tablets.

Each tablet contains 250 mg of the active substance. Assign 1 tablet once a day. Every day the dose increases, but we use no more than 2 grams per day.

Safe for the body of the expectant mother and fetus

For each woman, the doctor himself individually selects the dosage, it all depends on the period, indications of the woman and the development of the fetus. You need to take the medicine in several doses (2-3).

When the pressure readings normalize, headaches and nausea stop, the dosage should be reduced. This must be done gradually. Bring the dose of the drug to one tablet once every few days.

Dopegyt tablets can be used during the 1st trimester of pregnancy in special cases. Basically, doctors do not recommend this, because they have not fully figured out its effect on the fetus. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, there is no effect on the fetus.

When breastfeeding, taking the medicine is undesirable, because the active substance is excreted through breast milk. Reception is possible only if the life of the mother directly depends on the drug. Please remember that only a doctor should prescribe the drug and dosage for you.

In case of an overdose, you will notice the following symptoms:

  • low pressure;
  • constant drowsiness, weakness of the body;
  • dizziness (but dizziness may simply be due to pregnancy), hallucinations;
  • constipation.

Doctor's consultation required

Side effects and contraindications

When taking the drug, the following side effects are possible.

  1. Body weakness, drowsiness, headache.
  2. Bradycardia.
  3. Puffiness.

Very rarely possible.

  1. Angina pectoris, myocardial infarction.
  2. Pancreatitis, vomiting, diarrhea.
  3. Slight joint pain.

There are also contraindications. Dopegyt tablets should not be used during pregnancy in such cases:

  • high sensitivity to the main components of Dopegyt;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver (impaired liver function);
  • depressive state;
  • myocardia;
  • increased destruction of red blood cells, in other words, hemolytic anemia.

This medicine is prescribed only in case of arterial hypoesthesia. Therefore, it is released only by prescription.

Consider the prices of Dopegyt in various pharmacies.

  1. In Ukrainian pharmacies, the price ranges from 95 to 115 hryvnia.
  2. In Russian pharmacies, the price ranges from 200 rubles to 260. The average price is 230 rubles.
  3. It is easier and cheaper to buy medicine in online pharmacies.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

And now let's see the advantages and disadvantages of this medicine.

And now let's see how they speak about Dopegyt for pregnant women.

Ira Demaltinova:

Started taking this drug at 4 months. Prior to that, the pressure began to rise sharply, and this caused severe dizziness, and besides, it made me very sick. I went to the gynecologist, and she prescribed me this particular medicine. I trust her, so I bought and accepted. The dose I had was 2 tablets a day. I read that you need no more than 2 grams. I thought that this was not enough, but as the doctor said, I did it. A few days later, my dose was raised to three tablets, so that the pressure returned to normal by the end. Took three months, I think. After that I felt fine. In the end, the rate was lowered until this drug was completely excluded.

Marina Gubarenko:

I drank Dopegit for a very long time, one might say, the entire pregnancy. Before I started drinking it, I had constant toxicosis, my head often hurt, I never got enough sleep from this. I did not know how to use this dopegyt during pregnancy, I went to the doctor. I drank 3 tablets every day after meals. Well, it became easier, my head didn’t seem to hurt. But then, a month later, I was told to drink a very small dose, because the pressure was more or less normal, sometimes it was even below normal. She took half a pill. They share well. Then I started 1 a day. The entire pregnancy was normal.

Olya Khalabova:

The doctor prescribed it to me at 9 weeks, it seems I can’t remember exactly ... I drank twice a day on a tablet. It was said that even a slight increase in pressure is very harmful to the child. I read reviews and instructions before using. I didn't see anything bad. Seems like a good drug. Well, he personally helped me, there were no headaches, well, maybe very rarely, but like all people, for the weather there, for something else. My child is already 2 years old, everything is fine, I am the happiest mother.

Measures to prevent pressure without drugs

Sometimes high blood pressure can be brought back to normal through diet and exercise.

You can normalize blood pressure with the right lifestyle and without drugs.

Normal pressure is directly dependent on nutrition.

  1. Pregnant women should not drink cocoa, coffee, strong tea, chocolate, because it increases pressure.
  2. It is also worth giving up salty and sour, although this is exactly what you want. Because salty puts pressure on the kidneys, and the kidneys are very interconnected with the level of pressure.
  3. The diet must contain beets, various beetroot mousses and decoctions.
  4. It is very important to eat meat. Best of all, if it is veal, you can eat rabbit, turkey. Also chicken, pork and lamb. From this, your kidneys will work better and the pressure will normalize.
  5. You can not eat too fatty food.
  6. Eat as much protein food as possible: cheese, cottage cheese, fish (but not very salty), eggs, peas, beans.
  7. Be sure to need fruits: cherries, watermelon, figs.
  8. From vegetables: cucumbers, corn, cabbage. These vegetables and fruits have a diuretic effect, which is important for the kidneys.
  9. Drink plenty of fluids.
  10. Try to use salt as little as possible.

Also read the instructions for the use of suppositories with papaverine and reviews about Stodal during pregnancy.

Try to start doing exercises for pregnant women, do exercises in the morning. Take up yoga or stretching. But try not to give the body a lot of physical and emotional stress. Stressful situations have a very bad effect and raise the pressure. Therefore, unnecessary experiences will only aggravate the situation.

Walk more often, ventilate the room, fresh air helps to improve your entire condition. Never sit still for a long time.

Recipes to lower blood pressure.

  1. Pumpkin decoction. Take a pumpkin, cut into small pieces. After it has become soft, we filter it through a strainer, add honey and drink.
  2. Cranberry. We take about 60 grams of cranberries, wash them, squeeze them through a strainer, we get juice. Fill with boiling water, 200 ml of water is required. Cook for 6 minutes. After you need to strain this broth. Add one spoonful of semolina to the broth and cook for another 25 minutes. Then add sugar, 3 tablespoons. We are waiting for it to dissolve and cool. All is ready. Drink this every day.
  3. Birch sap. You need to drink one glass a day, the pressure should return to normal. This is a very good and tasty way. Only it should be natural juice.
  4. Hibiscus. Drink Hibiscus tea, it also helps to lower blood pressure. Brewed like regular tea.

But if this does not help you, then consult your doctor, he will prescribe a suitable drug for you. If you feel unwell, contact a specialist immediately.

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The tips that you have read can be very helpful in lowering your blood pressure without taking any drugs or pills. All the best, be careful!

Pregnancy is a responsible time in the life of every expectant mother, when only that, on which successful childbirth and the health of the baby depend, comes to the fore. During this period, medication is usually prohibited. But high blood pressure, which is often observed during pregnancy due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood, and its accompanying symptoms in the form of vomiting, headaches, dizziness and nausea, is not the case when it is worth abandoning drug treatment.

Modern medicine has drugs designed to lower blood pressure during pregnancy. One of them is Dopegyt. The drug does not affect the fetus. Only a doctor can prescribe Dopegyt during pregnancy after assessing the physical condition of the patient.

Independent experiments during this period pose a threat to the life of the mother and child. Possession of information about the composition, mechanism of action, indications and contraindications of the drug Dopegyt will save the expectant mother from fear for the health of the baby.

Characteristics of the drug

High blood pressure is observed when the blood vessels narrow, resulting in malnutrition and respiratory depression in the tissues of the embryo, which is fraught with serious consequences for it. In order to avoid such problems, Dopegyt tablets, which are allowed during pregnancy, were created.

The tool has been successfully used since the 60s of the last century. Since then, its composition has remained virtually unchanged. Methyldop is the main active ingredient of the drug.

Dopegyt has undergone serious clinical studies that have not revealed a negative impact on fetal development and women's health. The safety of the drug has been confirmed in the course of many years of practice of its use.

Characteristics of the drug Dopegit:

  • The drug has a relaxing effect, reduces the tone of blood vessels and the minute release of blood.
  • Works as a substitute for dopamine - a compound that is produced by the body to increase pressure. Reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings to dopamine.
  • Suppresses the production of an enzyme responsible for the synthesis of hormones such as serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, which cause an increase in pressure.
  • Methyldop from the composition of dopegyt does not cause a reflex increase in heart rate, and even vice versa. During pregnancy, this is important, since women already have a tendency to tachycardia, which leads to a deterioration in placental circulation.
  • An important point is also the absence of a negative effect on the urinary system, but only if Dopegyt is used during pregnancy at the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Dopegyt is available in the form of tablets packed in a jar of 50 pieces. On one side of the grayish rounded tablets, the inscription "DOPEGYT" is embossed. The average price, depending on the region, is 245 rubles.

Dopanol and Aldomet also belong to antihypertensive drugs of central action.

Indications for use

Dopegyt is prescribed for pregnant women with arterial hypertension. With its help, it is possible to maintain blood pressure indicators for a long time, which avoids late preeclampsia.

The third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by a sharp increase in the load on all systems of the mother's organs, and especially on the functions of the heart and blood vessels. The medicine is prescribed if a pregnant woman has:

  • headaches when lying down;
  • constant jumps in blood pressure;
  • arterial hypertension.

Dopegyt during pregnancy can be prescribed for a short time and in the first trimester if there is a congenital tendency to hypertension and sudden jumps (+20 units) of pressure. It is safer than other antihypertensive formulations.

Contraindications and side effects

The first reception will show whether there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug, which is extremely rare. Most of those who took Dopegyt note the absence of side effects and its mild effect.

Dopegyt has a strong medicinal effect, so you should take into account the contraindications that it has. You can not take the drug during lactation, with heart and kidney failure, liver pathology, anemia, cirrhosis of the liver, as well as during depression.

Violation of the dosage may manifest itself in the form of side effects.

Already after the first dose, headaches, nasal congestion, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea, weakness, drowsiness, lethargy can be observed. Over time, the sedative effect of the tablets decreases and disappears.

More rarely, more serious side effects may occur, such as:

  • drug fever, vasculitis, lupus syndrome as a reaction of the immune system;
  • myalgia and soreness in the joints;
  • rashes and eczema;
  • colitis, bloating, constipation, pancreatitis;
  • decreased libido;
  • weight gain due to tissue swelling;
  • myocarditis and angina.

How to take Dopegyt during pregnancy?

Many women who are shown Dopegyt during pregnancy are interested in detailed instructions for its use.

Taking in the 2nd trimester may not give the desired effect, but stopping the pills may worsen the woman's condition in the next trimester. Tablets are recommended to be taken before or after meals. They are not taken on a case-by-case basis, but in courses.

At the same time, a woman should be ready for frequent tests to monitor blood composition and liver function. The drug increases the load on the liver, so its use is stopped when yellowness of the skin appears.

The effect of the drug begins to be felt after 4 hours and lasts for 24 hours. After two days, the drug is excreted from the body. About 70% of the active substance is excreted in the urine, the remaining 30% with the contents of the intestine.

After 36 hours, methyldop is completely eliminated from the body. If there is a danger of developing an allergy, tablets are disposed of with the help of a gag reflex.

Depending on the individual dosage, the tablets are drunk whole or in parts. One tablet contains 250 mg of the active ingredient. They can be taken 2-3 pieces per day. In the next 2 days, the dose can be increased until the pressure normalizes.

Dose escalation involves taking an additional 250 mg or one tablet every 2 days. To reduce the sedative effect, it is recommended to increase the evening dose. The daily dose for support ranges from 0.5 to 2 grams in 2-4 doses.

Do not exceed the maximum allowable dose of 2 grams of methyldopa or 8 tablets per day. After the condition of the pregnant woman improves, a gradual decrease in dosage begins over 2-3 days.

After taking it, pregnant women feel better, and the pressure drops by 20%. If the effect is not observed, then Dopegyt is taken in combination with other antihypertensive compounds.

Treatment for 1-3 months can lead to addiction. Then the doctor who prescribed Dopegyt during pregnancy decides what the dosage should be in the future.

Of course, the use of drugs during pregnancy should be avoided whenever possible. Therefore, a woman needs to find out what factors provoke pressure surges and try to eliminate them.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet products containing caffeine and increasing blood pressure - these are black tea, chocolate and coffee. Be more outdoors and monitor your emotional state. For some, breathing techniques, yoga, and meditation help.

It is also recommended to be taken as a one-time composition if an emergency pressure reduction is necessary. At the same time, a pregnant woman will be guaranteed normal health and the ability to endure and give birth to a healthy child.

Useful video about blood pressure during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the general well-being of a woman is very important, because it greatly affects the fetus and its development. If it is only 1 child, many of the symptoms may come as a surprise to you. For example, pressure surges. In this case, the doctor usually prescribes Dopegyt during pregnancy so that you quickly return to normal.

But although the doctor writes a prescription without hesitation, you probably have doubts: are these pills dangerous for the baby? To put aside all concerns, let's figure out what exactly you will take during pregnancy.


The composition of 1 tablet usually includes:

  • Alpha matildol
  • cellulose acetate
  • magnesium stearate
  • Starch
  • Stearic acid
  • Talc

As you can see, there are no chemically active substances that can harm the life of the fetus. Therefore, tablets can be safely taken both in the 1st month of pregnancy, and there in the last.


A few hours after taking the medicine will begin to act. The action lasts from 1 to 3 days. During this time, several reactions will occur in the body.

For starters, methyldol will replace dopamine, especially at the nerve endings. This substance increased blood pressure, but now its activity will be weaker.

In the meantime, alpha receptors will be activated, which will calm the nervous system, reduce its tone.

In addition, Dopegyt during pregnancy will weaken the heart rate, reduce the total minute volume of blood, and weaken the resistance of blood vessels. Together, all this will greatly reduce blood pressure - by about 15%.

Indications for use

Do not take medicine during pregnancy without consulting a doctor. It is he who will clearly tell you how much and how to drink pills.

Rarely they are needed in the 1st trimester. However, if you feel that the pressure is jumping too much, do not suffer. In general, the blood flow for 1-3 months is not very strong, the vessels do not experience severe heaviness, so the pressure should not rise above the standard. Such changes indicate some kind of disease in the body, urgently contact a cardiologist, and do not drink packs of pills. After all, the 1st trimester is a very important time when the baby is just appearing. Any disturbance in the natural course of things can be dangerous for him.

Pressure jumps in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy are the norm. The blood circulation is enhanced, the child needs a lot of vitamins and minerals to pass through it. Therefore, high blood pressure is a serious problem that every 3 expectant mothers face. You can safely take Dopegyt without worrying about the consequences. Most importantly, listen to your doctor.


To start, your doctor will prescribe you 1 tablet of 250 mg or half a tablet of 500 mg per day. Do not exceed this dosage abruptly. If you feel that this amount of medicine does not help you, increase your intake by 250 mg. That is, first half a tablet, then a whole tablet, then one and a half and so on. Ceiling - 3-4 tablets of 500 mg. Simply put, do not take more than 2 mg per day - this is dangerous.

If you are taking not only Dopegyt, but also other medicines, 3 tablets of 250 mg is already a lot. Be sure to consult your doctor about how to combine medications correctly.

Dopegyt has one good property - the longer you take it, the smaller the dose needed. The cumulative action allows you to gradually reduce the number of tablets you eat per day. This is how you avoid addiction.

It will be nice if you continue taking the medicine until the very birth for the entire 3rd trimester. So you will be able to avoid pressure surges that are dangerous for both you and your child.


Although Dopegyt is safe during pregnancy, it has its own contraindications:

  • You can not take Dopegyt with allergies and individual intolerance
  • Do not take pills if you suffer from kidney and liver diseases
  • Do not drink Dopegyt if you have pheochromocytoma
  • Anemia, hepatitis, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and many other diseases are categorical contraindications for taking
  • Depression is not the best basis for medication, especially in the 3rd trimester when labor can start prematurely.

This is only a small part, in which it is forbidden to take Dopegyt. Therefore, as soon as you start having pressure surges, whether it's the 1st or 3rd trimester of pregnancy, immediately consult a doctor so that he can prescribe you special medications that will be completely safe for you and your baby.

Side effects

Dopegyt should not be taken thoughtlessly during pregnancy, especially in the 1st trimester. Consider if its side effects will harm you:

  • Drowsiness, lethargy - effects typical of many drugs. During pregnancy, they are not new.
  • Slow reaction times can cause physical injury. Therefore, for example, it is better not to drive after taking a couple of pills.
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys develop, in particular kidney and liver failure. This can be dangerous for you and your child, especially if you have had prerequisites for the disease before.

Often Dopegyt prevents the threat of preeclampsia, especially in the 3rd trimester. However, it is worth remembering that this is not its main goal. If you overdo it with taking the medicine, you can bring down the pressure too much, which is also extremely dangerous.

A serious advantage of this medicine is its proven safety. Serious studies have been conducted that have revealed: Dopegyt is safe for mother and child during pregnancy. It is officially included in the group of drugs that are safe for pregnant women. By the way, this is the only medicine for high blood pressure, which doctors believe unconditionally.

Clinical studies have shown that Dopegyt does not affect the fetus at all during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. However, there is no such exact conviction regarding the 1st trimester. Therefore, it is better to avoid medication at this time. However, there is no evidence of the danger of Dopegyt in the 1st trimester. In general, the appointment is at the discretion of your doctor and you.

The medicine can be safely bought at any pharmacy: a prescription is not required. Affordable price and good quality dispose many women during pregnancy to these pills.

High blood pressure during pregnancy is unfortunately not uncommon. Dizziness, nausea, a state of weightlessness often overshadow such a wonderful period - the period of waiting for the birth of your miracle. Fortunately, doctors have long learned to deal with such ailments in pregnant women.

Of course, pregnancy is not the time for experiments, and only the attending physician should prescribe any drugs, as well as monitor your health while taking the medicine, but be prepared for the fact that in 70% of cases, in the fight against “jumping” pressure, you will be prescribed dopegyt .

Dopegit during pregnancy: instructions

Dopegyt began to be used in medical practice in the 60s of the last century, in obstetric clinics abroad it was actively used in the 70s and 80s.

This drug, which includes alpha-methyldop, acetylcellulose, magnesium stearate, starch, stearic acid, talc. As a rule, it has a tablet form.

The maximum effect is achieved 4-6 hours after ingestion, lasts about 24-48 hours. Prescribed for hypertension. The composition of the drug includes a substance that can reduce the heart rate and minute volume of blood, reduce the total peripheral vascular resistance. About 50% of the drug is absorbed from the digestive tract.

The maximum daily dosage of the drug is 2 grams. If the drug is combined with taking any other similar drugs, then the maximum daily dose of dopegyt should not exceed 500 mg. As soon as a stable hypotensive effect is achieved, the dose is gradually reduced. Dopegyt can cause lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy, in a word, work “sedatively”, especially in the first days of taking it, so before using it, and even more so during pregnancy, you MUST consult a doctor. He will also recommend the daily rate and tell you whether it is necessary to combine dopegyt with any other drugs.

Dopegyt is prescribed to pregnant women, as a rule, only for strict indications, although according to clinical studies, it does not adversely affect the baby in the second and third trimesters. It is taken to achieve a woman's satisfactory well-being, prevent the progression of the disease and the development of its complications during pregnancy, so that late preeclampsia does not occur and to ensure normal intrauterine development of the fetus and the birth of a healthy child. With the help of the drug, blood pressure in pregnant women can be reduced by 10-20%, which, as a rule, is enough for a woman to feel satisfactory. If dopegit lowers blood pressure insufficiently, then it is prescribed in combination with reopolikglucin, heparin and other antihypertensive drugs.

Dopegyt, as a drug safer for the fetus, is preferred over clonidine and other antihypertensive drugs proper, if treatment is to be carried out in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Dopegyt is well tolerated by pregnant women as an antihypertensive agent, its action is mild and long-lasting, therefore it is also suitable for continuous therapy. But with this administration of the drug, careful monitoring of the blood picture and the functional state of the liver in pregnant women is necessary. In addition, doctors also conduct hemodynamic monitoring in order to decide whether monotherapy is possible.

But still, we recommend that you first try safer means of normalizing high blood pressure during pregnancy. Dopegit during the period of bearing a child, although it is possible to take, but only according to strict indications and only under medical supervision. This means that if possible, you need to do without such serious therapy.

Try to find out and determine when and under what circumstances your blood pressure rises. Naturally, provoking factors from life should be excluded. As well as caffeinated foods that can increase blood pressure: coffee, chocolate, strong black tea.

Extend your outdoor walks, but take your time walking slowly, preferably with someone else for greater safety. Learn breathing techniques, take an interest in meditation and yoga - maybe something will help. And then, very likely, it will be possible to do without the use of dopegyt.

Especially for - Maria Dulina

If the expectant mother has headaches, nausea, dizziness and other uncomfortable symptoms, this may indicate an increase in blood pressure. This condition is dangerous not only for the woman herself, but also for the baby. Due to the narrowing of the blood vessels, the fetus does not receive useful nutrients and oxygen, which can affect its development. If high blood pressure is not stabilized in time, a hypertensive crisis and such a severe complication of pregnancy as preeclampsia may develop.

To prevent such a situation, doctors prescribe to expectant mothers drugs that can normalize blood pressure and reduce the risk of complications. One of them is Dopegit. Such a drug began to be used in obstetrics more than 50 years ago and, according to doctors, over the entire period the drug did not have teratogenic properties, therefore, in most cases, when hypertension is detected in a pregnant woman, it is prescribed.

On the contrary, studies have confirmed that Dopegyt treatment helped prevent complications in childbirth, and children who were born to women who took this medication felt better than babies whose mothers refused to take Dopegyt.

However, a certain percentage of the active substance of this drug still penetrates the utero-placental barrier and may affect the fetus. For this reason, the intake of Dopegyt at any stage of pregnancy should be monitored by a doctor.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Features of the drug

"Dopegyt" is a Hungarian medicine from the group of antihypertensive drugs that have a central effect. It is available in the form of tablets, which are sold in brown glass bottles of 50 pieces. They are greyish-white in color and flat, round in shape, have no particular odor or taste, and have "DOPEGYT" engraved on one side.

The effect of such tablets on the human body is due to an ingredient called methyldopa. Its dosage in one tablet is 250 mg. Additionally, the composition of the product includes substances that create a dense texture. These are ethyl cellulose, stearic acid, corn starch and some other compounds.

To buy medicine at a pharmacy, you need a prescription from a doctor. The average price of one bottle of Dopegyt is 200 rubles. Keep the product at home in a place hidden from small children. The recommended storage temperature is not higher than 25 degrees Celsius, and the shelf life of such tablets is 5 years.

How does it work?

Methyldopa has an effect on alpha-2 adrenergic receptors located in the brain. Due to this, "Dopegyt" reduces sympathetic tone, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure, but does not impair heart function. In addition, the active substance of the tablets replaces dopamine, which is produced in the patient's body by binding to dopamine receptors.

Another mechanism of the hypotensive effect of such a drug is a decrease in the activity of renin, an enzyme important for regulating blood pressure parameters. In addition, methyldopa inhibits an enzyme called “dopa-decarboxylase”, as a result of which the concentrations of biologically active compounds such as adrenaline, serotonin and norepinephrine begin to decrease.

There is no direct effect of Dopegyt on the heart, therefore, taking such tablets does not provoke a reflex increase in heart rate and does not affect cardiac output. The drug also has no side effect on blood flow in the kidneys, so it does not impair glomerular filtration. After taking the pill, its maximum effect is noted after 4-6 hours, and the duration of the therapeutic effect is from 12 to 24 hours.

When is it used in pregnancy?

Since Dopegyt is an antihypertensive drug, the main indication for its use, including during childbearing, is high blood pressure. Usually the remedy is well tolerated, which leads to its frequent appointment to expectant mothers. This is also facilitated by the absence of toxic effects on the fetus and a small list of contraindications.

At the same time, treatment with Dopegyt must necessarily be carried out under medical supervision - a specialist must constantly check blood pressure and blood pressure, determine the desired dosage and respond in time to side effects.

In the later stages, such a drug is prescribed for hypertension, which is one of the signs of preeclampsia. In addition to high blood pressure, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, a pregnant woman may find a large amount of protein in the urine and other signs of such a dangerous complication. In such situations, Dopegit is used to normalize pressure and restore normal blood circulation through the placenta.

As for the early dates, taking Dopegyt in the first trimester is in demand if the woman's blood pressure was high even before conception. In this case, the indicators should be monitored throughout the entire gestation period, which necessitates the use of antihypertensive drugs even in the 1st trimester. And "Dopegyt" is the best suited for this, since it is one of the few medicines for lowering pressure that does not affect the development of the embryo.

However, the effect of methyldopa on the fetus during the laying of organs has not yet been fully studied, so tablets with such an active substance are prescribed at an early date strictly according to indications, when the benefit from them will be greater than the risk to the baby.


Treatment with Dopegyt is prohibited if the expectant mother has:

  • serious liver disease;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • depression
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the tablets;
  • myocardial infarction.

In diseases of the kidneys that affect their function, the dosage of Dopegyt is reduced depending on the degree of renal failure.

If the expectant mother is already taking some medications, then before taking Dopegyt it is important to assess their compatibility, since methyldopa can reduce the therapeutic effects of many drugs or increase the risk of their side effects. For example, these tablets should not be combined with iron supplements, MAO inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anticoagulants.

Side effect

The tablets have a side effect of sedation. In addition, many women react to Dopegyt with rapid fatigue, general weakness, and headaches. Such side effects usually occur at the beginning of treatment and with an increase in the daily dosage. As a rule, they pass as soon as the body adapts to this medicine.

Among the rare adverse events provoked by Dopegyt, edema, diarrhea, anemia, flatulence, jaundice, fever, nausea, sleep disturbances, paresthesia, joint pain, allergic symptoms, and so on are noted. When they appear, you need to consult a doctor and stop taking the pills.

It is also important to note that after some time from the start of taking Dopegyt, tolerance develops to its active ingredient (its action becomes less effective), which requires either an increase in the daily dosage or the addition of other antihypertensive drugs.

How to use?

To lower the pressure, you can drink "Dopegyt" both before meals (most often the tablets are taken half an hour before), and after meals. The scheme of reception of such means is selected individually. As a rule, treatment begins with 1 tablet, which is taken twice or thrice a day. Next, the doctor evaluates the reaction of the expectant mother's body and either gradually increases the dosage or reduces it if the pressure has dropped more than required.

Dosage changes are carried out at intervals of at least two days, so that the drug has time to show its effect. When increasing the dose, first increase the number of tablets that are taken in the evening. This will smooth out the possible side effect of sedation, which is often observed in the first days of treatment and with increasing dosage.

The maintenance dosage of "Dopegyt" can be from two to eight tablets per day, which are drunk in 2-4 doses. The maximum daily dose of such a drug is 12 tablets, which corresponds to 3 grams of the active substance.

With an increase in blood pressure, the quality of life deteriorates greatly, a person begins to be disturbed by pain in the head, dizziness, flashing "flies" before the eyes. Also, the disease causes an increase in the load on the heart and a deterioration in the blood supply to the organs. During pregnancy, arterial hypertension is of particular danger, against its background, placental vasoconstriction and hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus develop.

Dopegyt during pregnancy is used to lower blood pressure in the expectant mother. It is one of the drugs of choice for gestosis - late toxicosis, which is accompanied by a triad of symptoms: hypertension, edema, the appearance of protein in the urine. The disease in a severe form requires mandatory medical adjustment, since gender threatens the life of the woman and the fetus.

The composition of the drug

The active ingredient in Dopegyt is methyldopa. The chemical compound belongs to the class of antihypertensive drugs, its intake causes a drop in blood pressure both at its high numbers and at low or normal ones. Methyldopa acts on the central nervous system, exerting its effect through the effect on brain structures.

The active component of the drug in the human body turns into an active form - alpha-methylnorepinephrine. The substance stimulates alpha-2-adrenergic receptors in the center responsible for the constriction and expansion of blood vessels located in the medulla oblongata. Taking the drug leads to vasodilation (vasodilation), resulting in a reflex decrease in blood pressure.

The bioavailability of the drug is about 48%, the rest is excreted from the body unchanged. The maximum concentration of methyldopa in the blood is observed 3-4 hours after ingestion. The drug crosses the blood-brain barrier.

The half-life of the drug in the active form is approximately 2 hours. The complete release of methyldopa from the blood is observed after 1.5 days from administration. The drug is largely excreted from the body with the help of the kidneys through the urine. A smaller part of the drug leaves the human body through the organs of the gastrointestinal tract with feces.

Attention! Taking the drug Dopigit is possible only after consultation with the attending physician, followed by the appointment of the drug.

Methyldopa reduces the total peripheral resistance of the vessels, due to which an expansion of the diameter of their lumen is observed. Also, the drug accelerates glomerular filtration in the kidneys, which leads to the removal of fluid from the body and a drop in circulating blood volume - another factor in reducing blood pressure.

Long-term use of the drug leads to stabilization of left ventricular heart failure. Methyldopa, when first used, can cause the opposite effect - an increase in blood pressure. Against the background of the use of the drug, the development of bradycardia (decrease in heart rate) is possible. With the abolition of the drug, a sharp increase in blood pressure is observed.

At the beginning of the course of treatment, methyldopa may cause a slight sedative effect, which lasts no more than a month from the start of use. Blood pressure on the background of drug therapy decreases as much as possible 5 hours after administration. The hypotensive effect of Methyldopa lasts about a day, it has a cumulative effect. The drug is addictive, after a while from the start of use, an increase in the dose is required.

Release form and expiration date

The medicine has one form of release - tablets. One tablet contains 250 milligrams of the active ingredient. They also contain ethyl cellulose, magnesium stearate, starch and sodium carboxymethyl starch.

Tablets from pressure Dopegyt are produced in a bottle made of dark glass, packed in a cardboard box. The drug is dispensed from pharmacies only with a prescription form. One vial contains 50 tablets.

The drug is recommended to be stored away from small children, avoiding direct sunlight. The shelf life of the tablets is 60 months, after its expiration, in no case should you take the drug. Dopegit should be stored at an air temperature of 15 to 25 degrees.

Indications for use

Dopegyt during pregnancy is indicated for the treatment of hypertension. The disease can be primary or essential, that is, arising on its own before the conception of a child. Such arterial hypertension practically does not occur in pregnant women, since it is typical for people over the age of forty.

Secondary hypertension is a symptom of other diseases. With recovery, blood pressure returns to normal levels. The indications for taking Dopegyt include the following types of secondary hypertension:

  • against the background of gestosis;
  • renal arterial hypertension (with renovascular lesions);
  • endocrine arterial hypertension (hypothyroidism, acromegaly, etc.);
  • neurogenic arterial hypertension (brain injury, bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • dosage form of arterial hypertension (as a side effect of drugs).
All forms of secondary arterial hypertension (except for arterial hypertension that has arisen against the background of preeclampsia) can be treated when getting rid of the underlying disease. Therefore, with its development, the primary pathology should be cured. However, if for some reason this cannot be done, doctors resort to prescribing antihypertensive drugs.

The effect of the drug on the fetus

Methyldopa belongs to the B category of the drug classification. Respectively, Dopegyt can be taken during pregnancy if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. In the course of studies on laboratory animals, it was found that the drug does not cause negative reactions from the fetal body.

In studies of the effect of the active ingredient of the drug Methyldopa on the human fetus in the third trimester of pregnancy, it was found that the drug does not have negative effects on the unborn child. Therefore, it can be used in late gestation as prescribed by a doctor.

At the moment, there have been no full-fledged studies on the effect of Dopegyt on the fetus in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy. In the early stages, the formation of the rudiments of the organs of the unborn child occurs, therefore, taking any medication is possible only if the life of the mother is endangered.

Starting from the thirteenth week of pregnancy, the placenta qualitatively performs a protective function, and the main structures of the fetus are formed. Therefore, taking Methyldopa under the supervision of a specialist is allowed in the second trimester. The drug does not affect the contractility of the muscular layer of the uterus, so it can be used until the end of pregnancy.

Instructions for use

The dosage of Dopegyt is selected by the doctor depending on the patient's condition and blood pressure numbers. Usually, in the first three days of admission, it is recommended to use one tablet three times a day. Then the dose gradually increases or decreases, depending on the patient's well-being.

According to the instructions, the average amount of the active substance per day is from 500 to 2500 milligrams (from 2 to 10 tablets, respectively). The doctor divides the daily dose into an average of three doses. The maximum amount of methyldopa per day should not exceed 3000 milligrams. The drug can be taken both before meals and after, it should be washed down with a glass of clean water without gas.


The use of the drug is prohibited in persons:
  • having allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • with severe liver pathologies;
  • with chronic renal failure;
  • with tumors of the adrenal glands;
  • those in a depressed state;
  • with acute myocardial infarction;
  • having severe damage to the vessels of the brain;
  • with ischemic heart disease in the stage of decompensation;
  • having parkinsonism;
  • taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors and levodopa;
  • with an autoimmune form of anemia;
  • with a history of collagenoses.
While taking the drug, adverse reactions from the central nervous system are observed: headaches, convulsions, unsteadiness of gait, irritability, insomnia, dizziness. Dopegyt can also act on the heart and blood vessels, causing bradycardia, angina pectoris, and an excessive drop in blood pressure.

During therapy with Methyldopa, some patients note reactions from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, bloating, constipation, diarrhea. In rare cases, taking the drug causes allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, dermatitis or angioedema.

Dopegyt's analogs

Full analogues of the drug for the active substance are tablets Methyldopa, Aldomet, Dopanol. They have the same indications and contraindications, are allowed to be taken by pregnant women as prescribed by a specialist.

Curantil is a drug containing the active substance Dipyridamole. It helps to improve the rheological properties of blood, is indicated for the treatment of insufficiency of blood supply to the placenta as part of complex therapy. Also, the drug is used to treat vascular pathologies, embolism and thrombosis. During pregnancy, treatment with Curantil is allowed according to strict indications.

Nifedipine is an antihypertensive agent belonging to the group of calcium channel blockers. It contains the active ingredient of the same name. Nifedipine is a more effective analogue of Methyldopa, indicated in the absence of a therapeutic effect of the drug. However, the use of the drug is strictly limited during pregnancy, it can only be used if the life of the mother is in danger.

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