The cervix is ​​low and there are no periods. Short cervix during pregnancy: what to do? Short cervix during pregnancy: treatment. The cervix should also not be checked in such cases.

The cervix during pregnancy is examined by a gynecologist, as well as during ultrasound examinations, more than once. Such close attention is important for early diagnosis of the risk of miscarriage. To understand everything in more detail, let's find out what this part of the female reproductive system is, what is the norm, and what is pathology.

So, the cervix is ​​a connecting tube between the vagina and the uterus with holes at both ends. Inside is the cervical canal of the cervix. At the first gynecological examination of the expectant mother, the doctor carefully examines the external opening of the cervical canal, which should begin to open directly during labor. The cervix during pregnancy in the early stages has a dense texture, is rejected backwards, the cervical canal is closed. But in order to make sure that everything is in order (especially if there have been cases of miscarriages and premature births in the past), an ultrasound scan is also usually performed with a transvaginal sensor, which determines the length of the cervix during pregnancy - it should be at least 3 cm.

If shortening is clearly visible, a woman may be offered treatment in a hospital using tocolytic drugs and containing progesterone, suturing the cervix, which should help maintain the pregnancy, is removed immediately before childbirth. In some cases, instead of this mini-operation, you can get by with a special ring - an obstetric pessary. Also, a short cervix during pregnancy is a reason to give up physical activity and sexual activity as much as possible, as well as take measures to prevent severe and prolonged uterine hypertonicity. For this purpose, both natural sedatives (motherwort, valerian) and antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Papaverine) can be used.

But does it mean that if the doctor stated that the cervix during pregnancy is normal, there is no likelihood of its early maturation (preparation for childbirth). Far from it, unfortunately. In most cases, problems are observed after 16-20 weeks, when the child begins to gain weight rapidly. Miscarriages occur due to cervical incompetence, usually at 23-25 ​​weeks.

Who is at risk for miscarriage? These are not only those women whose cervix during pregnancy is softened to the touch upon examination. This is already a clear symptom of CCI (isthmic-cervical insufficiency), but also those ladies who have experienced an abortion in the past (especially if not one), if there are injuries to the cervix (as a result of the birth of a large child, the imposition of obstetric forceps, etc. ), progesterone deficiency, in the past there were miscarriages for long periods. But a slight erosion of the cervix during pregnancy usually does not pose any problem and does not provoke premature opening of the cervical canal. It should be clarified that under the erosion of the cervix, doctors usually understand both its injuries (usually they are accompanied by spotting) and the transformation zone (the junction of two types of epithelium - flat and cylindrical) - an absolutely normal condition. Only a doctor can determine whether the condition of the cervix should cause concern in such a case. Usually, for this purpose, a smear is taken for oncocytology, colposcopy is performed (pregnant women only with strict indications), and if necessary, anti-inflammatory treatment is performed.

Early registration for pregnancy and the implementation of all doctor's recommendations significantly reduces the risk of premature cervical dilatation.

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Already in the very first weeks of pregnancy, significant changes occur in the female body. physiological changes. Diagnosis of the cervix allows you to determine the phase of the menstrual cycle and confirm pregnancy in the first weeks.

The location of the neck changes under the influence of processes occurring in the body of a woman. You can determine its position both with the help of a specialist, and on your own.

The cervix is ​​considered its integral part. It connects the uterus to the vaginal area. Outwardly, the cervix resembles a process with a hole at the end. The optimal length of the neck is 4 cm. All the discharge of a woman passes through it. In addition, the neck is part of the birth canal, because it is she who passes the fetus through herself during childbirth.

During the menstrual cycle, the location and texture of the uterus may change. At the same time, the nature of the discharge also changes. The main criterion by which the state of the neck is determined is its hardness. It can be hard, like the tip of a nose, or soft, like an earlobe. The location of the neck can be high or as low as possible. Knowing the parameters of the cervix by day of the cycle helps to identify the day of ovulation and diagnose pregnancy before the delay.

The beginning of the menstrual cycle is characterized for the female body by preparation for conception. After the end of menstruation, the neck begins to pull up and close cervical canal. The discharge stops, and in the meantime, the endometrium begins to grow in the uterus. Gradually, the neck can descend into the vagina, but the canal continues to be tightly closed. This is necessary so that an infection does not enter the woman's body.

In the days before ovulation, the cervix rises sharply and the canal opens. The period of ovulation is characterized by abundant mucous secretions. In gynecology, they are called "egg white". The discharge is similar to it in its consistency.

If a woman independently palpates the cervix in ovulation period, then first of all notice that it will not be easy to reach it. The channel at this time is as open as possible, and the neck itself feels like an earlobe in terms of hardness.

If conception does not take place, then the cervix begins to prepare for the arrival of menstruation. She goes down into the vagina and changes the degree of its hardness. Shortly before menstruation, the cervix becomes dry and hard. The cervical canal is completely compressed, which prevents entry of spermatozoa into the uterus. Fertility in women during this period is reduced. With the onset of menstruation, the cervix rises and pushes the shed layers of the endometrium through itself.

Definition of pregnancy to the touch, the norm

In the very first weeks of pregnancy, an experienced doctor can determine its presence by the cervix. It is possible and by self-palpation.

A gynecologist determines pregnancy according to the following criteria:

  • The size of the uterus and cervix;
  • The shape of the cervix;
  • The position of the cervix in the vagina;
  • Degree of hardness;
  • neck color;

Only a doctor can determine the color of the cervix, using special tools. During pregnancy, the cervix loses its pink hue and becomes cyanotic. This is due to the active flow of blood to the genitals. The position of the cervix during pregnancy is high. The cervical canal narrows because ovulatory or menstrual flow is not expected. To the touch, the neck becomes soft and even slightly loose in texture.

Determining the position by self-palpation

There are situations in which it is extremely important for a woman to find out about the presence of pregnancy even before the delay and before going to the gynecologist. In this case, self-palpation of the cervix can provide partial assistance. It must be carried out with strictly clean, disinfected hands, as there is a risk of infection. For a more accurate result, it is recommended to conduct a study regularly for several cycles. It is possible to understand what position and texture the neck has only based on comparison.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should pay attention to the rules for self-palpation of the cervix.

  • Hands must be clean and disinfected. If this is not possible, then sterile gloves should be worn.
  • The nails of the middle and index fingers should not be long, as there is a risk of damaging the surface of the vagina.
  • The most convenient positions for diagnosis are lying on your back, spreading your legs and squatting.
  • Push two fingers into the vagina until they rest against the neck.

Disadvantages of the method of diagnosing at home

Despite the ease of manipulation, determining an interesting position by touch, at home, contains some negative aspects.

They are as follows:

  • Lack of proper sterility leads to occurrence of infectious diseases;
  • Careless movement is fraught with damage. As a result, erosion may form, which is problematic to cure;
  • The percentage of reliability of the method is not high, as is the consultation of a gynecologist or the use of pregnancy tests;
  • In case of pregnancy, it can be harmful by causing palpation uterine tone;

What is a short cervix during pregnancy?

Pregnancy does not always go smoothly. There is such a pathology, which is called - shortened cervix.

This condition is fraught with the risk of abortion. The cervix becomes short under the influence of various injuries or excessive pressure due to the size of the fetus. This is also characteristic of polyhydramnios. This pathology can be detected by examination and palpation of the cervix. Its texture becomes too soft. The neck itself becomes more mobile. The cervical canal is not closed, a lumen is visible in it. The degree of anomaly may be different. Early diagnosis allows you to take action in time, and save the pregnancy.


The menstrual cycle is a unique process that prepares the body for fertilization. It is regular and occurs monthly in women of reproductive age. The nature of the functioning of the sexual sphere in women is closely related to the activity of the hormonal system.

The monthly cycle includes:

  • ovarian cycle;
  • uterine cycle.

In turn, the cycle that occurs in the ovaries is divided into phases:

  • follicular;
  • ovulatory;
  • luteal.

The uterine cycle is the stages:

  • menstrual;
  • proliferative;
  • secretory.

The ovaries and uterus have different functions, however, due to certain hormones, their cycles develop simultaneously and are dependent on each other.

The cervix is ​​the organ that connects the vagina and the uterine cavity. Its main functions are drainage, as well as a barrier. Moreover, on different days of the cycle, the cervix functions differently, adjusting to the cycle of the ovaries and uterus.

When it comes to planning pregnancy and using the calendar method of contraception, it is necessary to know the favorable and unfavorable days for conception during the cycle.

As a rule, you can find out about fertile days using:

  • a graph of the so-called basal temperature, where measurement data is entered;
  • monitoring the nature of vaginal mucus;
  • rapid tests showing ovulation;
  • tracking individual signs: tension of the mammary glands, soreness of the abdomen, headaches, and so on.

The changes that occur during the menstrual cycle also affect the cervix. Accordingly, the cervix has its own cycle, which manifests itself in the variability of its tone, as well as its location in the vagina. Depending on the period of the cycle, the epithelium, the size of the external pharynx, the acidic environment, and the nature of the mucus change.

These changes help in determining the days of the cycle that are successful for fertilization. Observation of the cervix is ​​an important method, especially if the assessment of mucus is difficult.

Characteristics of the cervix by day of the cycle

  • After menstruation comes a rather unfavorable time for conception. This period includes from the fifth to the eighth days of the cycle and is accompanied by the appearance of a thick plug of a mucous nature. The neck becomes firm and elastic. It closes and takes a low position. It should be noted that mucus is not actually produced. If a woman watches the discharge, she may notice that there are almost none. This mechanism of the postmenstrual period is needed in order to protect the uterus from infections along the ascending path and provide protection against the onset of pregnancy.
  • From the ninth to the twelfth days of the cycle there is a special period. There is a preparation for ovulation: the cervix changes its location, rising and slightly opening. It becomes much softer and begins to produce sticky mucus that moisturizes the genital tract. The possibility of conception remains insignificant.
  • Thirteenth to fifteenth days of the cycle the cervix is ​​the highest. It acquires a loose texture due to the influence of the female sex hormone - estrogen. Changes also accompany the external pharynx, as well as the cervical canal. They open, releasing the mucus plug. This plug soon turns into mucus like egg white. This type of mucus is friendly to sperm and helps them move along the genital tract to the egg in the fallopian tube. The acidic environment is replaced by an alkaline one, which contributes to greater sperm survival. This time of the menstrual cycle is the most successful for fertilization.

It is noteworthy that only during the period of ovulation, the cervix is at a high level relative to the entrance to the vagina. On all other days of the cycle, it is located quite low.

  • From the sixteenth day of the cycle after ovulation has occurred, due to the influence of sexual hubbub - progesterone, the cervix gradually descends and becomes closed due to the narrowing of the cervical canal and pharynx. Its consistency again becomes firm and quite elastic. Allocations acquire a viscous acidic character, forming a cork. Their number is insignificant. This mechanism is provided by nature and is necessary to protect the embryo from various pathogenic microorganisms. Since ovulation has already occurred, this period can be called extremely unsuitable for conception.
  • Menstruation occurs approximately 12-14 days after ovulation has occurred in the event that conception has not occurred. Just before menstruation there is a small amount of thick mucus. During critical days, the external os opens slightly to allow the extraction of the functional layer of the inner surface of the uterus, which is called the endometrium. There is a reduced tone of the muscles of the uterus and the average amount of mucous secretions. Together with the endometrium, desquamated dead cells that lined the uterine mucosa come out. By the location of the cervix, it can be assumed whether conception has occurred. Before menstruation, the cervix is ​​quite low. It is slightly open and has a soft texture. The cervix of a pregnant woman is located at a high level and remains firm and closed.

Self-diagnosis of the cervix by day of the cycle

The method is quite specific. A woman needs to use tactile sensations to draw conclusions about the condition of the cervix. Using these observations, you can track the onset of ovulation and approaching menstruation, as well as suspect pregnancy before the delay. It will take several months to accurately determine the condition of the cervix, its position and consistency.

In order for the results of the study to be objective, you must follow a few simple rules.

  • It is advisable to start the study after the lapse of menstruation. You need to monitor every day at a certain time.
  • It is not recommended to perform the procedure if there is an infection or inflammatory process.
  • Wash your hands well before testing.
  • For the reliability of the result, it is necessary to use special postures that allow you to grope for the cervix: squatting or spreading your legs wide, placing your leg laid aside on the nightstand. It is important to use the same position when examining the cervix and not replace it with another.
  • To assess the cervix, you must use the index or middle finger. There should not be a sharp nail on the finger so as not to damage the delicate mucous membrane.
  • You should not rely only on memory, but write down the results of the observation in a notebook specially designated for these purposes.

Conducting research

It is necessary to take the correct posture, then insert the desired finger into the vagina and feel for the cervix. With approaching ovulation and during it, the cervix will be quite soft to the touch, while during the first days after menstruation it is firm. Determining the height of the cervix is ​​easy. If it is low, you can feel it with your fingertip immediately. While at a high location it is problematic to get to it. In order to determine the degree of disclosure, you need to feel the hole in the center. If the cervix is ​​closed, then the depression is very small, while the open one has a rounded fossa.

The cervix in women who have given birth and those who have not given birth somewhat different. For representatives who have had at least one birth, the neck is always slightly open. This fact should be taken into account in self-diagnosis.

If a woman learns to accurately determine the state of the cervix on different days of the cycle, over time, the time of the study can be reduced to the few most important days for planning pregnancy or preventing it.

Condition of the cervix during pregnancy

The menstrual cycle is interrupted, respectively, there is no cycle in the cervix either.

However, regular changes are observed in it, as before.

  • A thick mucus is formed, blocking the possible access to the cavity of the organ in which the unborn child develops.
  • There is a closure of the external pharynx.
  • Until about the sixth week of pregnancy, the enlarged uterus softens, while its neck is still dense, sitting high. Over time, it becomes somewhat softer, and the neck lengthens.
  • From the second half of pregnancy, the hormonal system determines the changes that are observed in the tissue structure. Cells located in the neck accumulate more water, and in the intercellular space there is an increase in the level of leukocytes.

During the maturity of the reproductive system in the female body, quite complex changes occur that gradually prepare it for childbirth and pregnancy. This process is purely individual and is called the menstrual cycle, and lasts from 21 to 35 days. Despite such a striking difference, in the absence of pathological changes, this should not cause concern.

During this period, hygiene must be carefully monitored. After all, the cervix is ​​​​open and susceptible to the penetration of bacteria.


Menstruation is vaginal discharge that mimics blood. These processes occur during the separation of the endometrium of the uterus with the bursting of blood capillaries. Periods last from three to five days. The first day of menstruation is the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cycle is a cyclical phenomenon that occurs under the influence of female hormones occurring when they increase or decrease.

The main regulator of menstruation is the cerebral cortex. That is why a woman with healthy genitals, but with various pathologies of the cerebral cortex (for example, stress) begins an unregulated cycle.

In addition to the cortex, the hypothalamus, hormonal glands, the pituitary gland, and organs that respond to hormonal changes are responsible for this important process.

This complex process is as follows - the hypothalamus is controlled by the cerebral cortex and secretes special hormones that activate pituitary hormones, after which the production of tropic hormones begins. They signal to special glands, which begin to secrete hormones that directly affect certain organs.

Cycle stages

The beginning of menstruation is characterized by a low level of estrogen, which signals the hypothalamus to start secreting special hormones. Under the influence of special pituitary hormones, a gradual increase in follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones begins, which, when they enter the ovaries through the blood, increase the release of estrogen, which increases the growth and development of several follicles and eggs. But only one of them is dominant and fully matures for ovulation. This stage is purely individual, and it takes a certain time for each woman.

After maturation, the follicle ruptures and the corpus luteum phase begins, which releases estradiol and progesterone, stimulating the uterus to a possible pregnancy. During fertilization, the corpus luteum continues to grow until the placenta is formed, otherwise the reverse process begins with the rejection of the endometrium of the uterus, while capillary vessels burst.

Normal daily blood loss is considered to be from 50 to 250 ml. If the duration of menstruation is more than five days, anemia may develop. After that, the cycle starts anew.

Physiological processes during menstruation

In the first few days, the endometriosis layer of the uterus is shed with little blood loss.

From the second day, the gradual recovery of the mucous membrane begins, the process takes about six days. After that, the endometrium prepares for the possible implantation of a fertilized egg. If this does not happen, the corpus luteum and the hormones produced by it begin to gradually decrease, die off and be rejected. The next menstruation comes, and the process begins anew.

Menstruation occurs from about 11-14 years old, and the preparatory process itself begins at 8 years old. For some, they can begin at 8 or 16 years old, at an earlier or later age, you need to see a doctor for the necessary tests.

The following signs indicate the approach of menstruation: breast growth, hair, vaginal discharge.

Usually from the first discharge to menstruation takes about one year. They begin at the same age as the mother. The duration of the cycle is not constant, it can take up to 45 days. This will last until the establishment of an individual cycle.

Menstruation and childbirth

It is rare for any woman to have periods during pregnancy, but after childbirth, it may take a long time to restore the cycle. During lactation, periods do not go due to the release of the hormone prolactin, produced by the pituitary gland, which suppresses the menstrual cycle.


Menstruation stops in the absence of pathology during pregnancy or with menopause, which begins at the age of 45-55 years.

Due to the improper functioning of the menstrual cycle, a number of problems can arise:

  • amenorrhea;
  • menorrhagia;
  • PMS;
  • early menstruation;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • irregular periods.

Cervix and menstruation

In the normal state, the cervix before menstruation is hard and dry on palpation. When ovulation or conception occurs, the cervix gradually opens and becomes loose - all this indicates readiness for fertilization. In the absence of pregnancy, menstruation occurs. The cervix is ​​low before menstruation. Therefore, the neck during pregnancy and before menstruation looks completely different. It is on this basis that the gynecologist puts pregnancy in the early stages, in addition to this, the uterus at this moment acquires a cyanotic color due to an increase in blood vessels.

The structure of the uterus

Many girls are interested in how the cervix looks and feels before menstruation. The organ descends, is perfectly palpated, and the pharynx is compressed. In appearance, the neck looks like a tubercle with a pupil, the pupil narrows before menstruation.

Cervix during menstruation

During menstruation, the pharynx expands to facilitate the release of blood with clots, but at the same time, this position of the neck is the most favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria and the development of infection. Minor mucous secretions protect against infection, but it is not advisable to take risks.

During menstruation, the cervix requires careful hygiene. It is necessary to wash the external genitalia several times a day, and after each act of defecation. The anus must be wiped backwards, otherwise infection is possible.

It is impossible to carry out intimate hygiene procedures such as douching.

Pain in the uterus during menstruation is associated with the rejection of blood clots. To alleviate the condition, you should take an antispasmodic. In some cases, pain is associated with infection or pathological development of the organ. To exclude possible infertility, it is necessary to visit a specialist every six months.

A sign of pathology is not only pain, but also heavy bleeding. In this case, the doctor will prescribe the necessary examination, the results of which will prescribe a course of treatment.

Cervix after menstruation

The cervix without pathologies after menstruation immediately begins to prepare for a possible pregnancy. The pharynx gradually narrows, the endometrium begins to grow for the possible implantation of the egg. According to its condition, the cervix after menstruation and before them is characterized by a high location, density and dryness.

During ovulation, the cervix becomes loose and forms mucus, uterine contraction during this period is a normal state, but if after menstruation it has not yet contracted, then this indicates a pathology or a possible conception.

Palpation of the cervix at home

If you are worried, you can conduct an independent palpation before going to a specialist.

For this it is necessary

  1. cut and, if necessary, process the middle and index fingers of the hand with which you are going to conduct an examination;
  2. put on a sterile glove and squat down;
  3. after you take a comfortable position, you need to insert two fingers into the vagina and start the examination. This must be done with extreme caution to avoid injury. Consistency is hard to determine. If, after you have inserted your fingers, they rested on the neck, then it is located low, as before menstruation.
  4. if you do not get it or barely get it, then the uterus has returned to normal after menstruation.

Do not forget that it is not advisable to palpate for three days before and after critical days to avoid infection.

The position of the cervix depends on many factors, and in order to exclude a pathology or a serious illness, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist every six months for examination.

Sometimes, even during a successful pregnancy, unpleasant surprises happen. Such diagnoses include shortening of the cervix.

A woman may not be aware of the existing pathology either before pregnancy or with its onset.

The problem will manifest itself only after the 15th week, when the active growth of the fetus begins and its pressure on the cervix increases. The diagnosis of "shortening the cervix" is directly related to isthmic-cervical insufficiency - a dangerous condition that threatens abortion.

The cervix is ​​the lower part of the uterus. This is a kind of muscular shutter that holds the fetus in the mother's abdomen, protecting it from mechanical damage and infections. The part of the cervix facing the vagina is called the external os, and the inner edge is called the internal os.

With the growth of the fetus, the neck is stretched from the side of the internal pharynx and, accordingly, becomes shorter. If the external pharynx is also included in the process, the obturator function of the cervix is ​​disturbed, there is a threat of prolapse of the membranes, infection, miscarriage.

Even in the absence of symptoms of the disease, it is recommended for a period of 24 weeks. A value of 3.5 cm is considered the norm. Shortening the neck to 2.2 cm indicates the possibility of miscarriage in 20% of cases, and shortening to 1.5 cm increases the risk of preterm birth by 50%.

Diagnosis: what are the symptoms?

As such, the pathology of the shortening of the cervix does not have symptoms. The doctor will notice a possible danger during a routine obstetric examination. But to clarify the diagnosis, a woman is sent for an ultrasound scan.

An examination with a vaginal probe will allow you to make accurate measurements and assess the threat that has arisen.

If the diagnosis has already been confirmed and there is a risk of termination of pregnancy, an examination is carried out with an external, transabdominal sensor to monitor the condition of the cervix.

At the same time, for a period of 16-20 weeks, the cervix of 4-4.5 cm is considered the norm, at 26-28 weeks the norm will be 3.5-4 cm, but closer to childbirth, the cervix naturally shortens and at 34-36 weeks size 3 5-3 cm will be an indicator of the preparation of the birth canal by the time the baby is born.

1-2 weeks before delivery, the neck decreases to 1 cm, which indicates the opening and smoothing of the wall from the side of the internal pharynx.


Several causes are available for diagnosing even the onset of pregnancy. Among them:

  • congenital anatomical features;
  • cervical injuries as a result of previous births or abortions;
  • scars after a protracted inflammatory process.

Many of these problems are amenable to surgical correction, so it is important to see a doctor if you are.

But if a woman underwent a medical examination and no problems were found in the cervix, can she be sure that the problem will not affect her during pregnancy? The doctor cannot give such a guarantee. Some factors that are absent in the normal state and are associated specifically with pregnancy can also affect the condition of the cervix.

  • Hormones.

This may be a hormonal imbalance in the body of the woman herself, and the endocrine system of the growing fetus that has come into operation. By about 16-18 weeks, when the adrenal glands are formed, androgen production begins. Under the influence of hormones, the tissues of the cervix become softer, more pliable, and open faster under the load of the fetal bladder.

  • or .

The "margin of safety", laid down by nature, is sufficient for the successful bearing of a normal pregnancy, when one fetus of medium-standard sizes develops in the mother's body. But when carrying twins, the pressure on the cervix increases significantly: both because of the extra weight and because of the atypical position of the babies in the womb.

Under pressure, the cervix becomes wider and, accordingly, shorter. The same thing happens if the unborn baby is gaining weight too rapidly. In such a situation, isthmic-cervical insufficiency may even develop.

If near the internal pharynx there is not a small head of the child, but the placenta - a larger, wide organ, this leads to excessive stretching of the uterus in the lower part, resulting in a shortening of the cervix.

Shortening of the cervix does not always pose a threat to pregnancy, but this is a condition that requires additional control.

What is dangerous shortening of the cervix?

An important role is played not only by the fact of diagnosing shortening, but also by the gestational age at which this happened.

Shortening in the 2nd trimester

If the pathology is detected at a fairly early date, from 15 to 26 weeks, then the likelihood of premature birth is high. This means that additional monitoring of the development of pregnancy is required.

You may have to use special medicines to prepare the baby's lungs for the birth.

  • if at the specified time the size of the cervix does not exceed 2-2.5 cm - with a high degree of probability the child will be born no later than 36 weeks;
  • if the neck is 1.5-2 cm, the baby will appear at 33-34 weeks;
  • with a size of less than 1 cm, pregnancy is unlikely to be carried for longer than 32 weeks.

In this case, childbirth will take place in a special hospital, where there are conditions for nursing underweight premature babies. The newborn will be placed in the pediatric intensive care unit, and will be discharged home after he grows up and gains weight.

Shortening in the 3rd trimester

The shortening diagnosed in the third trimester no longer threatens such an early birth, but development can lead to infection of the amniotic fluid or prolapse of the membranes.

Therefore, a woman should be especially attentive to hygiene and rest regimen. Regularly visit a doctor to monitor the condition of the cervix.

How to keep the pregnancy?

Measures to preserve pregnancy depend on the causes of shortening, the timing of diagnosis, the development (or absence) of symptoms of isthmic-cervical insufficiency:

  • If the cause is in previous injuries or anatomical features and the uterus is shortened before the onset of pregnancy, surgical plastic surgery is possible.

The elasticity of the muscle and its size are restored. Pregnancy is possible a few months after the operation.

  • Shortening of the neck during pregnancy, caused by hormonal imbalance, is corrected by appropriate medications, diet, vitamin therapy.
  • With severe ICI and the threat of early disclosure, or.

Both methods are aimed at mechanically holding the walls of the cervix in a closed state. The pessary also plays the additional role of a medical bandage, redistributing pressure on the lower segment of the uterus and preventing premature smoothing of the cervix.

Preventive measures

Proper treatment of vaginitis and other inflammatory diseases of the genital organs will help maintain the elasticity of the cervix. This applies equally to the period before pregnancy, and to pregnant women.

Vitamins or hormone therapy prescribed by doctors can normalize the density of muscle tissue and conduct impulses, help the cervix in performing its main functions.

The overweight of the woman herself and non-compliance with the diet during pregnancy put an additional burden on the organs. It is important to monitor nutrition and weight dynamics during pregnancy.

If shortening is diagnosed, it is necessary to limit physical activity, weight lifting, bending. A woman should be able to lie down 2-3 times during the day and have a good night's rest.

When installing a pessary or suturing, the doctor will talk about additional features of the regimen. Hospitalization will be required on the eve of the planned birth.

The diagnosis of "shortening the cervix" made during pregnancy means a deviation of the diagnosed sizes from the norm. But he does not always talk about. It is possible to preserve the locking function of the cervix, subject to the regimen and the fulfillment of doctor's prescriptions.

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