A pregnant woman has back pain. Back pain during pregnancy: when, why and what to do? Pain in the lower back during pregnancy associated with pathologies

Lower back pain is one of the unpleasant phenomena that almost always accompanies pregnancy.

Main causes of back pain

As the baby grows, the mother's belly expands, begins to bulge forward, and this leads to a shift in the center of gravity. Because of this, the curvature of the spine changes, and the woman begins to lean back when walking. increases, which causes pain in the lower back.

In addition, during pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother releases hormone relaxin, designed to soften the joints to facilitate childbirth. But, helping to soften the ligaments and cartilages in the pelvic region for easier passage of the child through the birth canal, relaxin causes additional stress on the musculoskeletal system.

Also, the body of the mother during the bearing of the baby needs calcium and other substances necessary to maintain the musculoskeletal system. In the event of a lack of these things, problems with the spine can occur, provoking lower back pain.

Lower back pain can be caused by long walks, physical.

Also, if you previously had back pain, it can also cause lower back pain during pregnancy.

If lower back pain is accompanied by fever, urine is cloudy when urinating, this may be a sign of disease urinary tract or kidneys.

Features of lumbar pain in different trimesters of pregnancy

Basically, expectant mothers begin to experience pain in the lumbar region during the second and third trimester.

During the first trimester, pulling pains are possible, similar to the sensations during menstruation. If at the same time you observe bloody issues, and the pain does not go away if you lie down, take a more comfortable position, but only grows, you need to urgently see a doctor - a threat is possible miscarriage.

At a later date, the lower back and back begin to hurt. Sometimes the pain radiates to the leg. Due to the increase in the uterus and the growth of the fetus, pressure on the internal organs and spine increases. With weight gain and growth of the crumbs, the load on the spine increases. The pain can be both pulling and stabbing.
When the baby starts to push, it can also experience pain.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, severe cramping pain can be a sign of the onset of labor.

Is back pain dangerous?

Low back pain is a normal natural consequence of physiological processes. But if the pains are very strong, they do not go away, but on the contrary, they only increase with time, are accompanied by spotting, urine becomes cloudy or abnormal in color, you have a fever, headache, vomiting - each of these signs signals problems in which urgent need to see a doctor.

Pain treatment

Swimming helps relieve back pain. If you have the opportunity to swim, be sure to use it.

It also helps with a light back massage, stroking movements, and a foot massage. For massage techniques that will relieve back pain, you can consult with your doctor. The doctor can also prescribe you safe ointments during pregnancy that will ease the condition of the spine.

A special bandage that pregnant women wear helps to get rid of pain in order to reduce the load on the back.

How to prevent the problem?

  • try to stay in a standing position for a long time;
  • do not stay in one position for a long time, do not sit cross-legged;
  • shoes should be as comfortable as possible;
  • sleep on an orthopedic mattress;
  • do not lift weights, do not expose the body to physical stress;
  • eat foods rich in calcium.

Surprisingly, one of the first signs of the onset of pregnancy is called lower back pain. Pain may be present throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, or may disappear in the second trimester, and these are not always signs of illness.

If you feel that your lower back hurts at the beginning of pregnancy, this is quite normal, and the cause of the pain is a restructuring of the body associated with a change in the hormonal background of a woman. However, pain also signals serious pathological conditions due to a malfunction of the immune system and, as a result, pregnant women are less protected from various infectious diseases.

Physiological causes

At the beginning of the first trimester of pregnancy, many women begin to worry about back pain. The reason for this phenomenon can be called a global restructuring of the body, which is necessary for bearing a baby.

Drawing pains in the lumbar region appear after the tenth week. At this time, the uterus, increasing in size, rises into the peritoneum. The ligaments that support it are stretched and somewhat transformed, which leads to discomfort in the lumbar region. The ligaments and discs that support the spine become loose and soft. The amount of the hormone progesterone increases. The center of gravity of the abdomen shifts, which also leads to pain. All of the above symptoms go away, starting from the twentieth week.

Pain in the early stages

  1. Lower back pain in the first week of pregnancy - these are physiological changes in the female body. The hips and sacrum are in a relaxed state due to the effect of the hormone relaxin on them, which is produced in increased quantities during pregnancy. The ligaments of the womb are softened and provoke pain, which is natural and should not disturb the woman. With a little discomfort, there is no cause for alarm.
  2. The increased production of female hormones provokes an increase in the mobility of the joints and intervertebral cartilage, which give rise to the formation of pain.
  3. An increase in the load in the lumbar region also leads to pain. In the first trimester, due to the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity shifts, and the woman, trying to maintain balance, spreads her shoulders more, stretches her neck forward, which leads to pain in the lower back.
  4. With problems with the musculoskeletal system before pregnancy, a woman may develop complications or exacerbations and, as a result, pain in the lower back.

If the pain bothers you for a long time and in cases where it interferes with the woman's usual lifestyle, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe physiotherapy.

Causes of pain

Unfortunately, pain in women, when pulling the lower back in early pregnancy, are also symptoms of serious pathological processes. During the restructuring of the body, the immune system fails, and therefore immunity decreases. This temporary phenomenon is necessary so that the female body does not reject the fetus.

  1. Incorrect posture of a woman leads to lumbar lordosis. Due to the swelling of the ligamentous apparatus, the ligaments and joints of the pelvis are stretched, and pain appears in the lumbar region.
  2. Tumors in the lumbar region and lower back contribute to the spread of pain.
  3. Inflammatory process in the lumbar muscles, or myositis, associated with hypothermia of the body.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other diseases that were diagnosed before pregnancy.

Lower back pain at 6 weeks pregnant, what to do?

Initially, you should consult a doctor so that he can determine the cause of the pain syndrome.

In the event of an exacerbation of osteochondrosis or inflammation of the bone endings, the following measures are indicated:

  • use a special bandage or corset for pregnant women as prescribed by the attending physician;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • if the physical condition allows, then daily physical exercises are recommended (if there is a threat of miscarriage, all loads are contraindicated);
  • static loads are contraindicated;
  • nutrition, with a sufficient content of vitamin D and calcium (a large amount of the latter is found in fermented milk and fish products, nuts);
  • give preference to orthopedic furniture;
  • change body position as often as possible;
  • exclude heavy lifting;
  • plan the day so that there is enough time for rest and recovery;
  • strengthen back muscles with the help of water procedures (swimming in the pool).

Compliance with these prescriptions will also be a good way to prevent pain in the lumbar region.

Osteochondrosis in the early stages

With an exacerbation of this disease, the lower back hurts in early pregnancy, as the intervertebral disc undergoes degenerative changes and protrudes. As a result, a radicular syndrome appears, which causes pain in the area of ​​​​compression of the root, a failure in the conduction of an impulse from the tendons along the reflex arcs, and atrophic changes in the muscles.

In this case, the doctor should prescribe drug treatment, since it is strictly forbidden to be treated with drugs that were taken before pregnancy.

Pain with symphysis

The symptoms of this disease are manifested in the following: a woman in early pregnancy has a backache of the type of spasms, coordination of movements is disturbed, the muscles in the womb are greatly stretched. If treatment is not started on time, internal bleeding may develop. In such cases, the woman is hospitalized for planned treatment.

Pain caused by inflammation

In addition to pain in the lower back, edema, fever, severe headaches or migraines, cloudy urine, symptoms of pathological processes in the urinary or renal system, gallbladder appear. One of the common problems that pregnant women face is an inflammatory process in the kidneys. During pregnancy, the lower back hurts on the right or simultaneously on both sides? In such situations, consultation with a specialist and inpatient treatment is necessary.

Development of pyelonephritis

There are several versions of the occurrence of pyelonephritis in a pregnant woman. This disease poses a risk of infection of the fetus, in addition, the disease can provoke toxicosis at later stages of bearing a child, edema and early delivery, which poses a threat to a woman's life.

There is a failure in the mechanism of action of hormones, and they affect the ureters so that the urine from them again enters the renal pelvis. Urine stagnates, an infectious process develops, leading to pyelonephritis. An enlarged uterus or enlarged uterine veins exerts pressure on the ureters.

The presence in the body of a pregnant woman of pathogenic microorganisms with blood flow penetrate into the urinary system. During the development of the disease, a woman has severe lower back pain in early pregnancy.

Source of pain: infection

The infectious process can be in the tonsils, on the dermis, in teeth prone to caries or in internal organs. And also the reason for the disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys can be neoplasms that may not appear for a long time.

Pain syndrome occurs when the kidney capsule is strained as a result of strong pressure of the tumor. The features of this process are:

  • the presence of erythrocytes, pus and mucus in the urine;
  • a blood test reveals an increased content of leukocytes, a large ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate);
  • general malaise, weakness, increased sweating.

Summing up, a weak, pulling pain in the lumbar region at the very beginning of a woman's interesting position is considered natural. In all other cases, this is a signal to seek medical help.

Threat of premature birth, miscarriage

Unbearably sore lower back in early pregnancy and lower abdomen, there are brownish discharge. The pain resembles contractions - this indicates the symptoms of a miscarriage. Urgent hospitalization indicated.

Transferred acute respiratory viral infection, trauma or stressful situation leads to the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. In these situations, a woman complains of vaginal discharge, pain in the abdomen and lower back.

The doctor diagnoses the threat of miscarriage at an early stage of pregnancy. Lower back pain due to contraction of the uterus. During contractions, she stretches the ligaments, deviating forward, and the fetus, falling lower, creates pressure on the nerve endings of the sacral region - this is the cause of the pain.

Ways to relieve pain

In general, lumbar pain is not a symptom of the disease and does not pose a danger to the unborn child and mother. If you pull the lower back in early pregnancy - this is physiological pain. You can reduce or remove it in the following ways:

  • Complete and balanced nutrition. Foods should be high in calcium. In some cases, women are additionally prescribed drugs or dietary supplements containing a high dose of calcium.
  • Moderate physical activity: walking for a duration of at least one hour, gymnastics in the morning, swimming in ponds or pools, water aerobics in groups for pregnant women. Such loads will not only relieve pain, but will also subsequently facilitate the birth of a baby and help to quickly restore the figure after the delivery process. You should start training from the very first days of the interesting position of a woman.
  • Yoga classes in combination with physical exercises will bring great benefits. Especially shown are exercises that stretch the spine.
  • Particular attention should be paid to correct posture to avoid curvature of the spine. Walk and sit with your back straight. Incorrect body position also provokes pain.
  • Massage will undoubtedly relieve tension and relax the muscles.
  • Avoid stress and overexertion.
  • Rest and sleep. It is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress so that the load on the spine is distributed evenly in a pregnant woman, and the sleep is strong and long (at least 7-8 hours). During the day, you should also give rest to the muscles of the back and sacrum - lie down for about thirty minutes in a relaxed state on a hard surface.

Pyelonephritis: lower back pain during pregnancy, what to do?

The disease during this period is accompanied, in addition to pain in the lower back, high fever and inflammation, which is confirmed by the results of laboratory tests. The doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy, which suppresses the infection and has minimal effect on the fetus.

If there is no edema, then it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid taken, but under the control of diuresis. During this period, do not take diuretic drugs and caffeinated drinks. Reception of a decoction of oats and fruit drink made from cranberries is shown, which has an antibacterial effect and increases diuresis.

The doctor prescribes outpatient treatment (at home) or, if necessary, hospitalizes in the urological department of the hospital.

Alternative medicine

The use of non-classical medicine methods (acupuncture, osteopathy, reflexology, homeopathy) is acceptable, but there are contraindications. In order to avoid negative consequences, consult your doctor.

Herbalists offer pain relief with a honey compress. Honey is preheated, and then applied to the lower back with a thin layer, on which polyethylene is placed, and the lower back is wrapped with a warm cloth. This procedure can be performed only in the absence of allergic reactions to bee products.

So, after reading the article, you got acquainted with the reasons why the lower back hurts in the early stages of the expectant mother. Pregnancy causes the spine to experience unusual loads, stretch the ligamentous apparatus of the lumbar and pelvic region, change the center of gravity and, as a result, the muscles overstrain, pain occurs in the lumbar region.

More serious causes of pain are much less common. In order to exclude them, do not forget to visit your doctor throughout your pregnancy.

In my youth, I was not a particularly athletic girl. In general, she wasn’t even particularly athletic. I used the body given to me by nature: not very muscular, not very strong, but not at all fat and not flabby.

There were some diagnoses related to the spine, for example, cervical osteochondrosis, but my posture was praised by both doctors and teachers. But now, after two pregnancies and childbirth, she has a history of scoliosis with severe asymmetry of the spine on the right and an intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region. And yet, I learned what sciatica and lower back pain are.

Do not think anything bad, I have no purpose to scare expectant mothers with the inevitability of back problems during pregnancy and after. But he who is warned is armed. Let's try together to find out why the lower back hurts during pregnancy.

Causes of lower back pain in early pregnancy (first trimester)

Maternal preparation for childbirth

Literally from the very first days after conception, the hormonal background of the expectant mother begins to change: the production of the hormone relaxin increases, which is designed to soften and loosen the bone and muscle tissue in the pelvic area so that during childbirth the pelvic bones move apart more easily and it is easier for the fetus to push through to " exit."

These processes can lead to back pain in a pregnant woman.

Inflammation of the kidneys or bladder

Pyelonephritis and cystitis are often characterized by pain in the lumbar region, whether the woman is pregnant or not. Of course, the manifestations of these diseases are not limited to lumbar pain, there are also fever, and painful difficulties with urination, and headaches, and swelling.

Beginning weight gain

Pregnant women gain weight in very different ways: some, in principle, add little even over the entire period of bearing a child, others noticeably recover in the later stages, and still others rapidly gain weight already in the first trimester.

Actually, the increased load on the spine, including the lumbar region, provokes back pain.

Back injuries and diseases

It is clear that if there were back problems before pregnancy, they will worsen with its onset. Moreover, it is important to understand that we are talking about any part of the spine and all limbs. Injuries of the legs or pelvis, osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic region - all this can lead to lumbar pain already in the early stages.

Risk of miscarriage

If the pain in the lower back, in the lower back, rolls in waves, intensifying, if it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge from the vagina, this is very dangerous. Possible miscarriage. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately!

What can cause back pain in the second trimester?

Actually, all of the above reasons apply to the second trimester. The only difference is that the overall load on the spine is even more increased due to the growing belly and the increased total body weight, and the center of gravity is increasingly shifting, causing a deflection in the lower back.

During this period of pregnancy, it is very important to choose the right shoes so as not to aggravate the problem: the grown belly is already pulling on the lower back, so you should compensate for the impact on the spine with the help of physiological setting of the feet.

You still need to be attentive to lumbar pain, reminiscent of contractions: the threat of abortion in the second trimester is still relevant.

Why can the lower back hurt in late pregnancy (third trimester)?

Even if during pregnancy - in the first and second trimesters - you were lucky enough not to encounter back problems, the third trimester will almost certainly make you experience them to the fullest.

For during this period, regardless of how everything developed in the early stages, a grown belly and increased weight come to the fore. Even if there were no other reasons for lower back pain, in the third trimester it is likely to hurt due to the increased deflection in this section of the spine.

Deficiency of calcium, salts and minerals

An additional cause of lower back pain at this time is a decrease in the calcium content in bone and muscle tissues, as well as a number of salts and minerals.

Why? It's simple: during pregnancy, the mother's body is not only the "place of residence" of the fetus, but also its nutrient medium. Food, in other words. All these substances are given by the mother to her child for full intrauterine development.

Training contractions and preterm labor

However, there is good news: if you have reached the last trimester, you can no longer associate your back pain with a threatened miscarriage. At least this problem has been removed.

And even if those very dangerous, wave-like pains in the lower back and abdomen are felt, now this is not a threat of termination of pregnancy, but training contractions that allow the body to better prepare for childbirth.

However, do not relax too much: training contractions usually occur in the last month of pregnancy, but if such pains appear at the beginning of the third trimester, this may indicate a possible premature birth.

Causes of back pain after childbirth

In general, all the same reasons for which the lower back hurts during pregnancy remain. If she has already begun to get sick, it is unlikely that this will pass upon the birth of a child. Rather, on the contrary, a number of factors of lower back pain after childbirth will be added.

Pelvic injury sustained during childbirth

Firstly, the birth process itself can damage the pelvic bones. While they are recovering, the lower back will hurt.

Restoration of bone and muscle tissue

Secondly, even after a completely successful birth, the processes opposite to those that occurred during pregnancy necessarily begin:

  • the hormonal background returns to a non-pregnant state;
  • bone and muscle tissue restore their strength to the detriment of elasticity;
  • the center of gravity returns to its original position.

However, the latter is not necessary: ​​if the woman in labor remains with the weight gained during pregnancy, the increased load on the lumbar spine does not disappear.

Carrying the baby constantly

Thirdly, intrauterine heaviness in the form of a fetus and all its accompanying fluids, pulling down the spine, which causes back pain during pregnancy, is replaced by an external load in the form of a newborn child.

Mommy constantly fiddles with him, picks him up, bends over, feeds, bathes, dresses and undresses - all this acts on the spine as an additional load, and also makes him regularly bend and unbend his lower back.

Therefore, contrary to expectations, lower back pain after childbirth can not only persist, but also increase compared to pregnancy.

What to do for back pain during and after pregnancy?

To prevent possible back pain before and after pregnancy to the maximum extent, you need to take care of your spine much in advance, before pregnancy - at a time when you are just planning it. If there are any diseases, they must be seriously treated.

If, in general, your back has not bothered you so far, start strengthening it: training aimed at pumping back muscles will certainly ease your condition in case of pregnancy. It is no coincidence that uninjured female athletes cope most easily with pregnancy and childbirth.

If pregnancy has already occurred, you should be engaged in the prevention of spinal deformities:

  1. Starting from the second trimester, wear a prenatal bandage (which should be selected on the recommendation of a doctor).
  2. Provide yourself with comfortable shoes with low heels or wedges, up to 5 cm (flat shoes are not suitable).
  3. Watch your posture, do not allow yourself to bend excessively in the lower back.
  4. Regularly change the position of the body: lie down, sit, walk, turn from side to side - a little bit of everything, not for long, changing one position after another.
  5. Walk a lot, breathe fresh air, without falling into fanaticism: if you feel tired, take a rest, sit down.
  6. Dress according to the season, avoiding hypothermia, so as not to “chill” the lower back.
  7. Take vitamins and minerals prescribed by the attending obstetrician-gynecologist to avoid excessive loss.
  8. Attend physical therapy classes designed specifically for pregnant women.
  9. It is rational to alternate work and rest.
  10. Don't carry heavy things! The one inside is enough.

In what cases do you need a doctor's help?

In cases where lumbar pain is accompanied by additional symptoms such as:

  • rise in temperature or pressure,
  • headache,
  • problems with urination
  • or you yourself know some diseases for yourself - do not pull, consult a doctor.

And if the pain in the lower back occurs in rolls or the pain is sharp, getting stronger each time, and pulling the lower abdomen - urgently call an ambulance! Timely assistance can prevent miscarriage.

Lower back pain during pregnancy is a common complaint of pregnant women. Such a phenomenon can occur at the most unexpected moment, regardless of the gestational age. Some women suffer from pain immediately with the onset of pregnancy, others closer to delivery. Soreness in this area is not always a cause for concern, and in obstetric practice it is considered normal. But there are situations when it signals a danger, and you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible. Let's look at the possible provocateurs of back pain and how to distinguish the norm from a dangerous condition.

What exactly will cause spinal pain depends on the level of physical development of the muscles and the gestational age. Common physiological causes of pain that do not threaten the development of the fetus include:

  • Displacement of the main point of gravity in the spine.
  • Changing the proportion of the woman's body.
  • Intensive increase in the weight of the future woman in labor.
  • Decreased muscle tone under the influence of female hormones.
  • Inappropriate lifestyle (lack of physical activity, poor diet).

All these factors do not provoke complications in relation to the baby or to his mother. They are well corrected with the help of physical education, massage, stabilization of the daily routine, wearing a bandage.

Lower back pain during pregnancy, first weeks

Not every lady is annoyed by the lower back during early pregnancy. Whether pain occurs or not depends on the structural features of the pelvis and the amount of progesterone produced. Normally, it is of a short-term nature, and in the supine position it completely disappears.

Why is there discomfort? This is due to the softening of the ligaments in the pelvis, for its smooth divergence, so that the baby will be born soon. This process is provoked by the hormones progesterone and relaxin. The feeling of fullness and pressure in the area of ​​the pubic bone can be caused by the growth of the uterus and stretching of the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

Lower back pain during pregnancy second trimester

With the onset of the 14th gestational week, the fundus of the uterus rises to 7 cm, and gradually the height of the fundus reaches 27-29 cm above the pubic joint. Such physiological changes cause increased pressure on the bladder, bones in the pelvis, and intestines. Such a displacement of organs and a colossal load on the motor apparatus causes pain in the lower back.

With the onset of the second trimester, the deformation of the back becomes even visually noticeable. The spine bends, forming a false kyphosis, and the rounded abdomen noticeably moves forward. This causes an uneven redistribution of the load between the vertebrae, which is often felt while walking, being in uncomfortable positions of the body, resting on a bed that is too soft.

Lower back pain during pregnancy last trimester

In this period, the lower back hurts in almost all pregnant women and provocateurs, this is more than enough. Discomfort is constantly present - it is difficult for a woman to sit and even lie down. Here are the most common causes of lower back pain in the last months of gestation:

  • The weight of the fetus increases rapidly due to the accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue and approaches birth weight, which is more than 3 kg. Therefore, every day it is more and more difficult for a woman to carry a baby under her heart.
  • When the hormonal influence on the cruciate joints increases, they become hypermobile, and the lower back becomes painful during pregnancy.
  • The load on the genitourinary system in this trimester is as high as possible, so swelling appears. In addition, the amount of circulating blood increases greatly and it is difficult for the cardiovascular system to pump it. These factors cause an increase in the weight of the pregnant woman due to the large amount of stagnant water in the body. This combination of circumstances forces the lower back to withstand a triple load.

On a note! The lower back during gestation may not hurt at all. If the physical form of a woman is normal, she is active and healthy, and the hormonal background is in perfect order, then back pain may not appear until the onset of childbirth.

Why does the lower back hurt during pregnancy - threatening factors

It is important for pregnant women to adequately respond to any discomfort in the lower back. Therefore, in some cases, it is necessary not to panic, and in some cases, not to dismiss the pain, attributing it to back fatigue, but to run to the gynecologist.

So, intolerable sharp pain often indicates an ectopic pregnancy or detachment of the fetal egg and an impending miscarriage. Pain in the back and pubic area indicates hypertonicity of the uterus and the risk of abortion. In both cases, medical attention is needed to keep the pregnancy on time. In addition, there are a number of other reasons:

  • Pancreatitis. Soreness of the pancreas can manifest itself as a violation of the digestive process, indigestion. The lower back and abdomen during pregnancy hurt quite strongly and to a greater extent the pain is concentrated in the upper sector of the peritoneum and gradually passes into the lumbar region.
  • Pyelonephritis. No less serious disease during gestation is inflammation of the kidneys. The pain syndrome can be mild or simply unbearable. In any case, a woman needs to be treated as soon as possible, since this disease is very dangerous and will not go away on its own.
  • Symphysite. An increase in joint mobility and a decrease in tendon density is considered a natural process during gestation. But sometimes an inflammatory process called symphysitis begins in the pubic plexus. With this disease, the lower back constantly aches during pregnancy, and with pressure or a sharp movement of the legs, the pain increases dramatically. Such a pathology often requires the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, since the woman is not able to move normally.
  • Intervertebral hernia, an attack of osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. These diseases that occur before conception, closer to the second trimester, begin to progress and cause severe pain in the lumbar region. This condition is very unfavorable for pregnancy and can cause uterine hypertonicity, fetal hypoxia, and even premature contractions.
  • Miscarriage or unplanned contractions. In both cases, the pain may be concentrated in the lower back, while the abdomen may not hurt at all. The main thing is to understand the nature of these pains - they should be sharp and rhythmic, like contractions. In the early stages, pathological vaginal discharge appears with pain, and in the later stages, additional water leaves.

What can indicate the nature and localization of lower back pain during pregnancy

Understanding what low back pain can be, you can find out how to act. Consider options for possible back pain.

Acute cutting back pain during pregnancy

If your lower back hurts during pregnancy, it may be:

  • Acute pyelonephritis: associated symptoms will be high fever, severe weakness, discoloration of urine.
  • Exacerbation of urolithic pathology: the movement of sand or blockage of the gallbladder with stones will cause acute pain in the lower back with bouts of vomiting, blood traces will be visualized in the urine.
  • Approaching childbirth: if the lower back hurts like during menstruation during pregnancy, this is a sure sign of the onset of labor.
  • Rupture of the suture on the uterus after cesarean section: the strongest pain syndrome will be localized in the lumbar region and throughout the abdomen. There will also be weakness, which may end in fainting. This divergence of the seam is very rare and happens if the second pregnancy happened too early.

All of the above signs require immediate medical attention.

Important! If a woman pulls her lower back during pregnancy without any other symptoms, then there is no reason to panic, but it will not hurt to consult a gynecologist.

Drawing pains in the lower back, radiating to the leg during pregnancy

During movement, discomfort is often felt in the lumbar region, extending to one or both legs. The reason for this condition is:

  • Overload on the spine. The condition occurs after the 20th gestational week, and is exacerbated by uncomfortable posture while sitting or walking.
  • Pathology of the spine. If before pregnancy there was scoliosis or osteochondrosis, then with a high probability these diseases will progress.

When pulling the lower back in early pregnancy, a full-time examination of an obstetrician-gynecologist, as well as a neurologist or surgeon, is recommended for a woman. Such pathologies do not create any risk for pregnancy, but to alleviate the condition, a woman needs to undergo a course of massage, physiotherapy and follow the doctor's recommendations.

Pain in the lower back and abdomen during pregnancy

When back pain accompanies a more serous symptom - a hard and painful abdomen, this is a good reason to be wary. This condition occurs when:

  • Ectopic implantation of the ovum.
  • Risk of miscarriage or unplanned delivery.
  • Acute inflammation of the kidneys.
  • Hicks contractions (preparatory and absolutely normal for the second half of gestation uterine contractions).

If the pain does not go away, but, on the contrary, increases, calling an ambulance should be mandatory.

Shooting back pain during pregnancy

With sudden movements, women often note that it seems to “shoot” in the lower back. If the back and lower back hurt during pregnancy very often or even constantly, then such pain is neurological in nature, and a woman needs an examination by a neurologist. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Radiculitis.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Pinched nerve.
  • Sciatica.
  • Narrow spinal canal.

Sometimes this nature of pain is inherent in renal colic. But along with the pain, other signs of pathology should appear - increased pressure, jumps in body temperature, severe swelling.

Pulls the lower back during pregnancy - what you can do yourself

Given the severity of lower back pain, the first place should be a trip to the gynecologist. Fortunately, more often the pain turns out to be physiological and the woman goes home with peace of mind.

But what if constant pain worsens the quality of life and does not allow you to fully sleep, move around and just enjoy the period of pregnancy? In this situation, there is only one way out - to create comfortable conditions for your back so that the pain subsides. Light exercise for pregnant women, massage, properly selected clothes, shoes and even a bed will help improve your condition.

Getting rid of lower back pain during pregnancy - a change in lifestyle

To relieve back pain, first of all, you need to change your daily rhythm, habits and conditions for rest. Experts give the following recommendations to women in position:

  • Women who work most of the day in a sitting position need to do a light workout every hour or just walk around the office. Also, a comfortable chair with a height and backrest adjuster will not hurt.
  • If possible, periodically take a horizontal position throughout the day so that the spine can relax.
  • During sleep, you need to be on your side so that your back can fully rest. To do this, it is best to buy a pillow for ladies in position.
  • After the 14th gestational week, it is worth purchasing a bandage for pain in the abdomen and lower back during pregnancy. The device in the form of a wide belt allows you to evenly distribute the load. In addition, it fixes the tummy well and it is much easier for a woman to move.
  • It is important to refrain from high heels and wear appropriately sized clothing. This will facilitate the movement of the body and will not create an extra load.
  • An important role in the prevention of back pain is played by the diet of pregnant women. The menu should be rich in dairy products and other sources of calcium. And in order for this element to be absorbed, a woman needs to walk often for a sufficient amount of vitamin D.

Relieving Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy - Physical Activity

Sports training during gestation should be normalized, because their main task is not to pump up muscles and break records, but to gently help the body prepare for childbirth.

To prevent pain, you can perform any complex for pregnant women, but when problems have already begun, it is better to resort to sports where there is no load on the lower back in an upright position. Therefore, it is better to choose one of the following options:

  • Yoga Mom. This is a special set of relaxing asanas, selected for pregnant women. Exercises are aimed at stretching different parts of the back and are performed in the form of twists, bends, and proper breathing.
  • Swimming. In water, the spine is completely unloaded and different muscle groups begin to work alternately. The body during swimming becomes lighter and the woman actively goes in for sports without straining any part of the back.
  • Aqua aerobics. Classes in the water with an instructor allow you to strengthen the muscular corset, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and fully prepare for the upcoming birth. After a few group sessions, most women forget about the pain.

Carefully monitor your condition, and if you have pain in the abdomen, which is regularly given to the lower back during pregnancy, do not neglect the visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist. Let this symptom turn out to be just a false alarm, but you will be sure that everything is in order with you and the baby.

Video "How to get rid of lower back pain during pregnancy?"

Almost all women experience lower back pain during pregnancy. The reasons for this can be very different: from physiological pain in connection with the growth of the fetus and preparation for childbirth, to pathological changes in the body. The occurrence of pain of any strength and intensity is possible at any period of bearing a child.

Why does the lower back hurt during pregnancy

In most cases, this is due to physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother. For example, and lower back in the third trimester are associated with:

  • Enlargement of the uterus
  • Offset center of gravity
  • Change in posture
  • Weakening of the abdominal muscles
  • Expansion of the pelvic bones
  • False ("training") contractions (after 37 weeks)

Pain in the lower back during pregnancy associated with pathologies

  1. Symphysitis - increased swelling and stretching of the lunar joint. At the end of the second - beginning of the third trimester, due to a lack of calcium, hormonal failure and the action of the hormone relaxin, softening of the bone tissue occurs, as well as stretching in the pubic area. This is the norm during pregnancy, if there are no accompanying symptoms indicating the occurrence of symphysitis:
    • Pain in the pubic bone, pelvis, groin, coccyx, lower back
    • Swelling in the pubic area
    • When lying on your back, it is impossible to raise straightened legs
    • Sharp pain when changing body position (turning, lifting or trying to lie down on the bed)
    • Pain and clicking when pressing on the pubic bone
    • "Duck" gait
    • Small and fractional walking

    During pregnancy, it is impossible to cure symphysitis, you can only reduce pain. To do this, prescribe drugs containing calcium, vitamin and mineral complexes, wearing a bandage. Do not lift heavy objects, sit or lie on hard surfaces.

  2. Spinal injuries that occurred long before pregnancy can also cause low back pain.
  3. Radiculitis or. The treatment of such diseases with medications is complicated by the fact that many of them are prohibited for use during childbearing, because. this can negatively affect the fetus. Therefore, in the event of radiculitis or osteochondrosis, it is necessary to completely exclude physical activity. (anesthetic or warming) is possible only in agreement with the doctor.
  4. Kidney disease (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis). With these pathologies, irradiation of pain in the lower back can occur.

    Additional symptoms are:

    • Increase in body temperature
    • Problems urinating (cutting)
    • Decreased amount of urine
  5. Braxton-Hicks syndrome (“false contractions”), which occurs in some women after 20 weeks, can also be the cause of lower back pain during pregnancy. With the appearance of such "contractions" (with short time intervals between them) long before the expected date of birth, accompanied by vaginal discharge, there is a risk of abortion.
  6. Therefore, when such symptoms appear, you should immediately contact the antenatal clinic.

  7. Pain in the lower back can occur with hypertonicity of the uterus. This is a consequence:
    • Ovarian dysfunction
    • Hormonal changes in the body
    • Increased production of sex hormones (male)

    Causes of uterine tone:

    • stress and depression
    • Inflammation of the pelvic organs
    • The presence of neoplasms (for example, uterine fibroids)


    • Pulling lower back pain
    • Pain in the pubic area
    • Bursting pain in the lower abdomen
  8. Sciatica (infringement or inflammation of the sciatic nerve). In this case, or appears, radiating to and in the area of ​​​​the buttocks. In this case, the use of Fastum gel, Diklak, Noofen will be quite effective. These local agents do not enter the bloodstream, which is very important when carrying a child.
  9. . The irradiation of the resulting pain is also the cause of lower back pain during pregnancy.

What to do if your lower back hurts during pregnancy

With physiological pain, no special measures are needed, it should go away on its own some time after the birth of the child. But if the pain is severe enough, to relieve it, doctors recommend:

  • Introduce foods containing calcium into the menu (nuts, parsley, fish, dill, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.)
  • Reduce the load on the lower back (it is not recommended to bend over, lift weights)
  • When sitting for a long time, periodically get up and walk a little
  • It is better to sit on a chair, leaning on its back
  • Avoid wearing high heels
  • Sleep on a semi-hard orthopedic mattress
  • Attending physical therapy sessions
  • Talk to your doctor about the need to purchase a prenatal bandage
  • Avoid excessive weight gain
  • In the absence of contraindications - swimming and water aerobics

The listed symptoms and recommendations for their elimination are for guidance only. If there is pain in the lower back during pregnancy (especially if severe), you need to visit a doctor, because. only a specialist will be able to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment based on the symptoms of pain and after the diagnosis.

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