What pain during pregnancy is considered normal. Stomach ache during pregnancy: when to be alarmed. Pain in the chest and mammary glands

From the first day, a pregnant woman feels certain pain sensations in her body. Some of them can be strong, others vice versa. During the period of expectation of a child, a woman is very sensitive to any manifestations of pain, so it is important to know which of them can indicate danger, and which are just a concomitant sign of pregnancy.

Stomach pain during pregnancy

Often during pregnancy, a woman complains of abdominal pain. However, it is worth saying that such pain symptoms are not always a dangerous condition that characterizes the threat of abortion or some kind of problem.

Sometimes such pain can occur due to a change in diet. If before pregnancy a woman was tormented by diseases such as colitis or dysbacteriosis, then during the bearing of a child they can become aggravated, hence the pain in the lower abdomen. It must be remembered that the main thing is that it is correct and balanced in order to exclude a strong load on the digestive organs.

If it hurts, then first you need to find the cause and reconsider your diet, diet, exclude harmful or low-quality foods, unnatural ingredients.

One of the most common consequences of malnutrition, as well as changes in the body during pregnancy, are. In the absence of a chair and bloating, a woman feels pain. Remember, to avoid such problems, you need to drink plenty of fluids per day, add fiber-rich foods to your diet.

As the gestational age increases, the belly also increases in size. The muscles that support the uterus are stretched, it is enlarged, all this causes pain. Such pain is not to be feared. To relieve the pain symptom, you can take drugs that relieve spasms, but rather just relax and rest. As a rule, such pain in the lower abdomen is short-lived.

If you feel in the abdomen that does not go away for a long time, then consult a doctor as soon as possible. Such pain may indicate an exacerbation of appendicitis, pancreatitis, or may be associated with intestinal obstruction. Although this does not happen often, it is better to exclude these causes in time.

Pain that is associated with a complication during pregnancy is usually cramping in nature. Such pain is given to the lower back, drugs do not relieve its manifestations. It is especially dangerous if such pain is accompanied by bloody discharge, in this case, call an ambulance as soon as possible. Such pain may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy, placental abruption, or an incipient miscarriage.

headache during pregnancy

Often one of the complaints of pregnant women becomes -. This is not an uncommon condition in pregnancy. It is usually associated with the fact that the hormonal background of a woman is changing, this leads to a change in the tone of the vessels of the brain. This usually occurs in the first months of pregnancy, when the body is not yet accustomed to a new state. As a rule, drug treatment of such pain is not required.

Particular attention should be paid to a headache if it haunts you in later pregnancy. Perhaps you have high blood pressure, and this threatens to disrupt blood circulation and is dangerous for both you and your baby. If you notice that headaches have become more frequent in the second and third trimester, then be sure to consult a doctor for recommendations and treatment.

Lower back pain during pregnancy

More than half of pregnant women complain of back pain. The nature of these pains lies in the fact that the woman's weight increases and thus the load on the lower back, too. Most often, such pains are noted in the second half of pregnancy and disappear after childbirth. In order to relieve the load on the lower back, it is recommended to wear a bandage. Such a bandage is most convenient for long walks, or any physical exertion. It is important that a woman during pregnancy eat foods rich in calcium or preparations containing it. , accompanied by an increase in body temperature, high blood pressure, an increase in the frequency of urination are an alarming symptom. Perhaps this condition indicates kidney disease. Such pains should be given special attention. In this case, immediately seek help from the hospital.

As a rule, after 36 weeks, women notice lower back pain that recurs at regular intervals. This suggests that the body is preparing for childbirth, and such pains are called training contractions. If the pain is not strong, then they do not cause danger. If you notice that the intervals between such “contractions” are decreasing, and the pain is getting stronger, then perhaps this indicates an impending birth and you need to see a doctor.

sore throat during pregnancy

Infections that penetrate the mucous membrane of the throat cause pain. As a rule, they are accompanied by high fever, cough. The immunity of a pregnant woman is weak, so there is a high risk of viral diseases such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis or acute respiratory infections.

Such a condition is complicated by the fact that during pregnancy you need to take various medications with extreme caution, only if your doctor prescribes them and they are completely safe during pregnancy.

Most often, for colds and pregnant women, teas and decoctions of herbs are prescribed, it can be rose hips, calendula. Rosehip decoction should be taken orally, it helps to restore strength and improve immunity. And gargle with infusion of calendula. Remember, in order not to get sick during pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of colds during pregnancy. Make sure that the air in the room is not dry. During epidemics, try to avoid crowded places, eat more fruits and drink vitamins.

toothache during pregnancy

Why does a woman often complain about pain in her teeth during pregnancy? This happens because the child grows intensively, its skeleton is laid, calcium from the mother's body is transferred to the child. A lack of calcium in a woman leads to the fact that her own bones, including her teeth, begin to deplete. Tooth enamel becomes thin. Teeth react to hot, cold, sweet. It is necessary that even before pregnancy a woman takes care to cure all unhealthy teeth, if she has any. Infection through such foci can get into any organ and this can lead to a complication of pregnancy. Currently, during the treatment of teeth, pregnant women are offered anesthesia that is safe for the child, so do not be afraid to seek help from a doctor.

If you do not have the opportunity to go to the hospital at the moment, and the pain does not give you rest, then use folk remedies. Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in water and rinse the aching tooth. If the pain is sharp, take garlic and place it next to the aching tooth. You can do the same with a piece of lard. But remember that this only removes the pain, but does not eliminate its cause.

Any manifestation of pain during pregnancy should attract attention. Remember that even if this is just a normal pregnancy reaction, do not self-medicate without consulting a doctor.

Author of the publication: Svetlana Sergeeva

During pregnancy, women undergo a process of hormonal changes. In this regard, pain of various origins can also be observed. Each type of ailment is caused by different reasons. Pain during pregnancy is often a warning sign, when it appears, you need to see a doctor. Your doctor will be able to suggest treatment options to address the causes of these discomforts without harming your unborn baby.

Most often, women can experience toothache and pain in the lower abdomen. Each of them should be subjected to a separate diagnosis, since the reasons are all different.

The reasons may be, first of all, stress and lack of sleep. For their treatment, you do not need to use any medications, just follow a clear daily routine, walk more in the fresh air. Another, also quite common cause, are migraines. Their appearance is provoked by pressure drops inside the skull. Most often, they are accompanied by nausea and occur when taking any medications is contraindicated. If you have this type of headache, then you should stop eating foods such as nuts, grapes and spicy cheeses. If possible, it is recommended to go to bed or at least just relax. Changes in blood pressure can also cause headaches during pregnancy. In this case, drugs may be prescribed to stabilize it. At the same time, the harm to the unborn baby from taking these drugs should be much less than the expected benefit to the mother. It can also become a disease such as osteochondrosis. To eliminate this type of ailment, it is recommended to massage the collar zone.

In any case, you should consult a doctor if you experience any type of pain. This will speed up the diagnosis and, if necessary, help to carry out timely treatment.

They are also quite frequent. In most cases, the causes of the pain syndrome arise due to a lack of calcium in the body of the expectant mother. If this microelement is present in insufficient quantities, then during the formation of the baby's skeleton, the fetus takes reserves from the mother's bones. As a result of this, diseases such as pulpitis, periodontitis and caries appear. Also, due to changes in the hormonal background, there is a deterioration in the blood circulation of the skin and mucous membranes. This is the cause of periodontitis, inflammation of the gums. A weakened immune system reduces the degree of protective properties of saliva.

What pains during pregnancy can also disturb the expectant mother? These are discomforts in the abdomen. Almost everyone feels similar pain during pregnancy. But this is not always a cause for concern. A reaction is possible simply to stretching the muscles, as the stomach is growing rapidly. But in any case, a visit to your doctor should not be postponed, because it can also be a symptom of serious illness. can signal diseases of the digestive system and be a symptom of various infectious diseases of the urinary system. In this case, the expectant mother will be prescribed treatment that is compatible with her situation, which will help to avoid risk to the fetus, or reduce it to a minimum.

But this is not the whole list of pain that can disturb a pregnant woman. In any case, you should seek help from professionals, and not self-medicate. After all, inside you is the most precious, small miracle that requires your care.

Pregnancy is a natural process, conceived by nature itself. This is one of the most important and exciting events in the life of every woman. Like any other process in the body, pregnancy makes itself felt in various ways. How to determine which symptoms to pay special attention to? What hurts during pregnancy?

Stomach ache

To begin with, let's look at different types of pain in the area where it is most disturbing - in the abdomen, because any pain in the abdomen instinctively makes you worry about the unborn child. The main thing to remember is that it is better to once again disturb the observing doctor than to delay getting medical help, because in most cases a woman is not able to determine the causes of pain on her own.

We’ll make a reservation right away that pain during pregnancy is a completely natural manifestation, so it’s important to listen to your body and not panic in advance. Fortunately, not all pain in the abdomen carries a risk for pregnancy. Often, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, the stomach can hurt due to malnutrition. Thus, if you normalize the diet, then pain in the stomach and intestines can be avoided.


One of the most common problems for expectant mothers is constipation. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, digested food moves through the intestines much more slowly than normal, in addition, the growing fetus will also put pressure on the intestines. To avoid constipation, pregnant women are advised to eat vegetables, dried fruits and bran, and also try to drink more water. We add that motor activity and small physical activity normalize digestion.

Ligament pain

Another common cause of pain during pregnancy in the abdomen is the tension and sprain of the ligaments that support the uterus in the correct position. As the fetus develops, the ligaments will stretch more and more. Most often, such pain can accompany a change in body position or when sneezing and coughing. Pain in the ligaments can be sharp, but short-lived. Therefore, if a woman feels such severe pain during pregnancy, you should first sit down and rest for a few minutes. Similar pains can occur during physical exertion on the abdominal muscles. In this case, you also need to relax.

Acute diseases

Quite rarely, but there are acute diseases of the abdominal organs. For example, it could be appendicitis or pancreatitis. The general condition worsens with nausea, diarrhea, fever and general weakness of the body. In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help.


It is time to consider situations where pain during pregnancy in the abdomen refers to gynecological problems. First of all, it is a threat of miscarriage. In this case, the pains are constant pulling or cramping in the lower abdomen or lower back, and also do not subside without taking medication. Such pain may be accompanied by bleeding of varying intensity, as during menstruation. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help. With the help of special equipment and various tests in a hospital, the causes that led to the violation of the course of pregnancy should be identified.

Another very common cause of pain in early pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy. It can occur when a fertilized egg attaches itself outside the uterus. Such a pregnancy is diagnosed with positive pregnancy tests, but with a negative ultrasound result. In such cases, pregnancy does not last long (about 6 weeks), and then is interrupted, accompanied by profuse intra-abdominal bleeding and sharp pains in the abdomen. Nausea, dizziness and fainting are also possible. This situation is very serious and can be dangerous to the health and life of a woman, and therefore requires immediate medical attention.

Lower back pain

In addition to the abdominal area, a woman can feel pain in other parts of the body. Often abdominal pain is accompanied by lower back pain. This may be due to the proximity of the nerve endings. More than half of women experience lower back pain after 5 months of pregnancy. The reason is quite clear: the baby grows and gains weight, which increases the load on the spine. Also, during pregnancy, chronic diseases of the spine can worsen. To reduce lower back pain, it is recommended to wear a support belt, as well as to take the most comfortable sitting or lying position.

If low back pain is accompanied by fever or blood pressure, painful or frequent urination, or a change in the color of urine, then you should see a doctor as soon as possible, as such symptoms may indicate kidney disease. Also, problems with urination can be caused not only by fetal pressure on the bladder (which is normal), but can also indicate inflammation of the urinary tract (for example, cystitis). In such cases, medical advice is also important.

Chest pain

In preparation for the birth of a child, the entire body is rebuilt, this also applies to the breast, which will feed the unborn baby. Therefore, it is the female breast that can become another sore spot during pregnancy. This may be due to increased levels of hormones that lead to breast enlargement. You can reduce pain, for example, by choosing the right bra, as well as doing light massage movements and physical exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles.

It should be noted once again that pregnancy is a huge stress for the whole body, so problems with the functioning of many organs may inevitably appear. Headaches or toothaches, pain and swelling in the legs, sore throat and other ailments are quite likely. In the event of such pain, you should never forget that not only the health of a woman, but also her unborn baby, may be at risk. Therefore, to find out what hurts during pregnancy, you need to see a doctor. It is worth remembering the ancient principle "Forewarned is forearmed", that is, even if the suspicions of any symptom are not confirmed, then in any case, it is better than letting it pass by. It is important to understand that you should not take any medications without the advice of a doctor, since many medications are contraindicated during pregnancy and can lead to a mutation of the fetus or to its loss.

The most beautiful and happiest state for any woman - pregnancy - is often accompanied not only by unpleasant sensations due to hormonal changes in the body or the consequences of a decrease in immunity, but also overshadowed by severe pain, which significantly complicates the course of pregnancy.

Why and where does it hurt?

Pain can manifest itself in the area of ​​​​a variety of organs, in other words, everything can hurt: the head, stomach, chest, lower back, legs, bones (, pubic joint, etc.) Some pain will be very strong, but will not become you to disturb for a long time, while others, on the contrary, are capable of being of a long-term nature.

In no case should a future mother endure pain, no matter where it manifests itself, because, firstly, your baby suffers with you, and secondly, painful sensations are not always companions of pregnancy - very often they can signal you about some problem in your body.

Often, pain is the first symptom of serious diseases that can lead to pregnancy complications or more deplorable consequences.

Therefore, do not leave the pain unattended, but immediately consult a doctor. It's better to be safe than to start a problem.

Stomach ache

The abdomen is the most vulnerable place of a pregnant woman. Often in the last stages, future mothers walk as if they are carrying a precious fragile vase in front of them, and this is to some extent true, because a little man lives in their stomach.

Therefore, any discomfort in the abdomen seriously frightens a woman, and the appearance of pain causes panic at all.

Since the abdomen is not a single organ, but rather a complex one, because this word means a whole system of different tissues, structures and other organs, only a specialist can find the exact cause of pain. And only after that he will prescribe you the appropriate treatment.

Physicians distinguish between obstetric and non-obstetric. If we talk about obstetric pains, then precisely those factors that are directly related to the state of pregnancy and its complications can become their causes:

  • if there is or, then the woman will feel heaviness or a slight pulling pain (with a threatening abortion), and when the nature of the pain changes to cramping (with), then this may indicate a miscarriage that has already begun, and urgent medical care will be needed to save the child's life;
  • at an early stage (up to 6-8 weeks), severe sharp pain, accompanied by other alarming symptoms, is a possible signal - you should immediately consult a doctor, since this situation threatens not only your health, but even life;
  • at the end of the third trimester, pain can be caused due to training contractions, and if they are accompanied by other harbingers of childbirth, you need to quickly call an ambulance - you may already be starting to give birth;
  • sometimes pain occurs with strong shocks or - this can happen if the baby is uncomfortable (with, and other complications);
  • also remember that as the baby grows, your uterus also grows and stretches, so the ligaments that support it can also hurt (such pain is usually short-lived, often women feel it with any sudden movement or change of position).

Among the possible causes of others, that is, non-obstetric pains and painful sensations, the following conditional groups can be distinguished.

  • Complications from the digestive tract.

Sometimes old or chronic problems, such as dysbacteriosis, disorders, and others, can become aggravated. Hormonal changes in the body, as well as other changes that occur in it under the influence of pregnancy, become the causes of permanent ones - they often cause dull and arching pains (as a rule, they appear in the lower abdomen or on the left side).

To eliminate such unpleasant sensations, you need to carefully take care of the right diet: your diet should be balanced and complete, include dairy products, lots of vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs and other healthy foods.

  • Pain caused by growing uterus.

Pain can also occur because all the internal organs are displaced as your child grows in the stomach, and the intestines and stomach are completely stretched and then squeezed.

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with such pain before the end of pregnancy. The doctor will advise you all the same proper nutrition, moderate physical activity, proper sleep and rest.

  • Abdominal pain not related to pregnancy.

Sometimes a pregnant woman may also face some dangerous complications that require immediate surgical intervention: this includes acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the gallbladder or bladder (cholecystitis and), gastritis, etc.

You should be very careful and take care of your health, because even banal food poisoning can adversely affect pregnancy. In other cases, you will need immediate medical attention.

Pain in the chest and mammary glands

After conception, the entire female body is rebuilt. The breast, as one of the main organs of the expectant mother, immediately begins to change its structure, because she has to prepare for feeding the baby.

For this to happen, the shell of the embryo is actively secreting chorionic gonadotropin, a special hormone of pregnancy.

It is he who influences the mammary glands in such a way that they begin to increase in size, fill up and swell. In some women, the appearance of colostrum is possible from the first months.

This process can be very painful, in addition, additional lobules develop in the breast (in the mammary glands). Due to the fact that the blood vessels expand and the blood flow increases, the veins begin to bulge on the skin of the chest, and the vascular network appears.

Also, a woman can note the changes that occur with the nipples of the breast: they also swell, increase in size, sometimes become elongated and become very sensitive (in some cases, the nipples and the peripapillary region darken, and Montgomery's glands appear near them - small rudimentary mammary glands that look like like little bumps).

All these changes, of course, do not go unnoticed.

If a woman had a rather large breast before pregnancy, then during the period of bearing a child, it can increase very much, which will lead to stretch marks and other unpleasant cosmetic defects.

  1. Talk to your doctor for advice on possible breast care products.
  2. A contrast shower and rubbing will also help to cope with severe itching, aching pain and sensitivity. This procedure will be very useful for the prevention of stretch marks.
  3. If you have no contraindications, do special physical exercises to strengthen the muscles of the chest and reduce pain.
  4. Do not forget that you need to choose the right underwear: you should be comfortable in it, and for this, buy a bra only from natural fabrics, without pits and unnecessary decor.

The fact that the breast becomes sensitive and sore during pregnancy is quite normal. However, if the pain bothers you a lot, it is better to go to a mammologist for an examination to make sure that there are no complications.

Pain in the legs

One of the main problems of a pregnant woman is pain in the legs, and this is not surprising, because they have the main load on your body, which is rapidly gaining weight. In addition, there are several other causes of pain:

  • moving the center of gravity to the legs;
  • development or progression of varicose veins;
  • heaviness, fatigue,;
  • ingrown toenails (usually due to uncomfortable shoes);

In any case, self-medication is not worth it. Be sure to consult a doctor, because the same varicose veins are not as harmless as they seem. After examining you, he will be able to decide on a specific therapy.

  1. Proper and balanced nutrition will help you provide your body with the most necessary, satisfying its dual needs for vitamins and nutrients. Also try to keep the weight gain under control, because extra pounds are an additional burden on the legs.
  2. Puffiness can be the cause of dehydration, so you need to monitor the amount of fluid you consume. During pregnancy, it is better to reduce the amount of salt in food as much as possible, and completely refuse hot spices.
  3. Very often, pain appears after you sit in one position for a long time or stand. Try not to let this happen. Also, do not cross your legs or cross your legs, so as not to disturb blood circulation.
  4. To avoid cramps, doctors advise doing a contrast shower or foot bath at night, wiping them with a terry towel, and doing a massage. It is recommended to sleep on the left side - this will help you not to press down on the vena cava and avoid pain.
  5. In the absence of contraindications, it is advisable not to abandon physical activity. Swimming or water aerobics will be especially useful for pregnant women.
  6. Also, the doctor may recommend that you wear compression hosiery, which is an excellent tool for the prevention of varicose veins.

There are also special creams or ointments that relieve swelling and pain, but it is better to consult a doctor before using them.

  1. If you haven't given up heels yet, then it's time to do so. Choose only comfortable and high-quality shoes that will not squeeze your foot or cause you other discomfort.

Pain in the sacrum and lower back

Often pregnant women suffer from pain in the sacrum and lower back.

To begin with, it is worth understanding what the sacrum is and where it is located: this is a bone that is located between two pelvic bones (at the top, the sacrum is connected to the last lumbar vertebra, and at the bottom - to the coccyx).

If we talk about the factors that cause pain, then they, too, can either be associated with pregnancy or not.

The most common cause is the usual overload of the spinal column. As you understand, the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the back is forced to withstand a large load, especially it concerns the lumbar region.

In addition, as the abdomen grows, the woman may begin to walk incorrectly (bending strongly in the lower back, so that the pressure on the pelvis increases, and all the muscles of the back are very tense). All this, of course, causes pain or discomfort.

In the later period, pain in the sacrum can be a signal of an early or premature birth.

Training contractions or Bregston-Hicks contractions also cause lower back pain.

If the baby is still only "rehearsing" his birth, the doctor will recommend that you relax and rest. It's good if someone can give you a massage at this moment. Sometimes herbal tea helps relieve pain.

As for factors not directly related to pregnancy, the following should be indicated:

  • a pregnant woman may face an aggravation of no longer new problems, for example, with osteochondrosis, scoliosis or other diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • often aggravated inflammatory processes in the gallbladder, kidneys or genitourinary system - then in addition to pain, you will suffer from increased swelling, etc. If the pain is spasmodic, then we can talk about renal colic;
  • pain can be caused by infectious diseases of internal organs, and gynecological diseases;
  • contraction-like back pain, if accompanied by suspicious vaginal discharge, is often a precursor to a miscarriage.

There are cases when a woman suffers from any anomaly in the development of the spine (transitional lumbosacral vertebra, for example) - this will also cause pain. However, often the vertebrae can move after physical exertion, a fall or injury, so you should be very careful and take good care of your health.

Only a doctor can understand what exactly and why causes pain. It is worth contacting him to eliminate any risks.

To alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman, it is recommended that she wear a bandage to support her back, monitor her gait and posture, and do special therapeutic exercises.

Pain in the side

Pain in the side can be very different, and there are also quite a lot of reasons that cause it. It will be possible to determine them only after a diagnosis by a specialist, he will also prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.

  1. If you are worried about pain in the left side, which is localized from above, then it can be caused by problems with the spleen, pancreas, stomach (peptic ulcers, oncology). Sometimes a diaphragmatic hernia is the cause.
  2. With pain from above, but in the right side, problems with the intestines, gallbladder (stones, infection), the same pancreas, liver (hepatitis, inflammation) are likely. Sometimes kidney pathology can also make itself felt.
  3. The bottom of the right side hurts if you have problems with the ovaries (possibly a tumor), if a cyst has ruptured or some kind of genital infection has worsened.

Often a woman feels severe pain in this place during an ectopic pregnancy. However, the initial assumption of the doctor may be a suspicion of appendicitis, which is extremely dangerous during pregnancy.

  1. If you feel pain below, but in the left side, then its causes will be almost the same as in the case of the right side, only the possibility of appendicitis is now excluded.

At a later date, a woman may be disturbed by pain in her side due to severe compression of the internal organs, as well as with active movements of the child.

In any case, it is better to consult a doctor.


Very often, pregnant women complain about.

They can be of a different nature: they can be localized in certain parts of the head (temples, frontal or occipital), arise under the influence of certain diseases, being their symptom or direct manifestation (that is, be secondary), or be primary and arise on its own.

Migraines and tension headaches are among the most common causes of headaches. Seizures can be especially disturbing at the beginning of pregnancy, as a woman's body undergoes significant hormonal changes.

Pain triggers include:

  • common physical stimuli, like too loud or harsh sounds, flickering lights, a strong unpleasant odor;
  • lack of sleep, severe fatigue, lack of proper rest;
  • nervous shocks, stress and anxiety;
  • malnutrition (an excess of caffeine, sweets, eating foods that affect the state of blood vessels), hunger;
  • the negative impact of the weather.

Sometimes high or low blood pressure can cause a headache. In the case of constant overstrain of the eyes and neck muscles (for example, forced long-term work performed in one position), headache attacks may also occur.

Doctors do not advise pregnant women to take any medication unless the pain is a symptom of other conditions. In extreme cases, you can take a paracetamol tablet. The same applies to headaches with a cold (it can become especially aggravated).

In addition, light massage, compresses, contrast showers, complete rest and complete rest are recommended. However, if it turns out that pain is a sign of meningitis, glaucoma, hematomas, tumors, or other dangerous complications, then completely different measures will have to be taken.


If you did not solve dental problems before pregnancy, then the period of bearing a baby can have a very negative impact on the condition of your teeth.

This becomes especially noticeable in the early stages, when the growing baby takes away the lion's share of the vitamins and nutrients that are so necessary for him to lay down and form vital organs.

The fact that in pregnant women the hormonal background changes dramatically is invariably reflected in the appearance or increase in plaque. If you do not remove it in time, then another problem will arise - gingivitis, which, in turn, can lead to periodontitis and other unpleasant complications.

The lack of calcium and other vitamins or microelements makes itself felt by the depletion of tooth enamel. For this reason, many pregnant women complain of severe tooth sensitivity (there may be a reaction to cold or hot food, etc.).

In the event of a toothache, you should consult a doctor, as unhealthy teeth can cause infection. Of course, very complex manipulations or operations (implantology, whitening, etc.) will not be done for you, but they will be able to get rid of caries and acute toothache, especially since today's anesthesia options are very wide (there is pain relief that will not cause a child no harm). And radiovisiography will replace x-rays, if necessary.

Pay due attention to the care of your teeth so that they bother you less during pregnancy. Ask your dentist for recommendations on choosing the right toothpaste and brush for your teeth and gums.

Sore throat

Since the immune system of a pregnant woman is significantly weakened, there is a very high risk of catching a cold or catching some kind of viral infection. One of the symptoms of such diseases is a sore throat.

Unfortunately, the situation can be complicated by the fact that you cannot get rid of it with the usual medical means, because during pregnancy it is forbidden to take even ordinary lollipops for sore throats (like Septolete or Strepsils), almost all antipyretic or anti-flu drugs, too. will have to be excluded.

If you did not manage to save yourself and you still get sick, try to immediately call a doctor, because only a specialist can prescribe drugs. He will proceed from the current situation and select the most optimal and safe medicines for your baby.

In addition, you can gargle with decoctions of herbs (calendula, rosehip), drink plenty of fluids, relax and talk less.

Pain in the bones and pubic joint

Many pregnant women experience bone pain in the last stages.

Constantly growing weight, additional loads on the musculoskeletal system, lack of vitamins and minerals - all this causes pain and other discomfort in the bones.

Sometimes a woman's phosphorus-calcium metabolism can be disturbed, which leads to a softening of the bone skeleton and even a dangerous condition - osteomalacia of pregnant women (a critical or chronic deficiency of vitamin D and calcium, in which there can be severe bone fragility, causeless fractures, and in especially difficult cases, and difficulties with independent movement).

Bone pain can also be caused by very specific diseases or problems with the musculoskeletal system:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus.

Since these diseases are very unsafe for the expectant mother, she should immediately consult a doctor with severe pain in the bones.

If a woman is diagnosed with a deficiency of calcium or other nutrients and vitamins, then the doctor will prescribe an additional intake of multivitamin complexes or other drugs. Well, if you can help yourself in this way.

However, sometimes you can encounter a more dangerous case - or symphysiopathy. The symphysis is called the pubis or pubic joint. His bones, with the approach of childbirth, can become mobile and disperse.

There is nothing supernatural in the fact that the bone tissue softens a little during the period of bearing a baby, because this is how your body tries to help a little person be born - ensuring him free passage.

However, with symphysitis or divergence of the bones of the pubic joint, a woman is worried about constant pain, she quickly gets tired, becomes weak, and it is difficult for her to walk.

If the pathology happened just before the birth, then the doctors will decide on a caesarean section.

An osteopathic doctor will be able to help you, who will recommend wearing a bandage, special exercises (in the pool, on a fitball), as well as other preventive and therapeutic measures.

Instead of a conclusion

It is not at all necessary that you will encounter all these pains and other unpleasant manifestations during pregnancy, because the causes of many diseases are simply an incorrect or unhealthy lifestyle.

If you consciously take the most important step in the life of every woman and go through preconception preparation, you will be able to know in advance if you have any health problems and solve them safely before conception, so that you can only enjoy the wonderful period of pregnancy.

With the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to listen carefully to the slightest changes in the body and many causes for concern cause various pain sensations:

  • - at the initial stages they are caused by hormonal changes occurring in the body, at later stages they indicate the descent of the fetal head into the small pelvis and the upcoming birth;
  • - may be due to an increased load on the lumbar spine or signal the onset of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, which requires immediate medical attention;
  • - during pregnancy, they can be caused by compression of the growing uterus of the organs of the digestive canal and the slow movement of food through the body;
  • Pain in the pelvic region most often occurs from the second trimester of pregnancy and is due to the divergence of the pelvic bones;
  • - in the early stages of pregnancy, they arise as a result of hormonal changes in the body, in the later stages they can signal the development of preeclampsia;
  • - during pregnancy, they are the first symptom of a cold, which requires immediate treatment.

It is important to remember that during pregnancy, many are contraindicated for expectant mothers. It is strongly not recommended to use any medications in the early stages of pregnancy, when the main organs of the fetus are laid.

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Editor's Choice
Low hemoglobin is a health condition in which there is a reduced number of red blood cells - red blood cells -...

Folic acid preparations are recommended for use by all women who are in an interesting position or those who are planning ...

Pregnancy is considered an important period in the life of every woman, and requires careful attention to their health. Future mom...

Tablets "Dopegit" in its pharmacological action refers to antihypertensive drugs. The drug is designed to reduce...
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Hemoglobin is a protein that contains iron and is a component of red blood (erythrocytes). It has the important function of transporting...
During pregnancy, it is very important to establish a drinking regimen. Herbal teas, berry fruit drinks, diluted juices do not cause concern. However...
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