How to remove bags and circles under the eyes. How to quickly get rid of bags under the eyes? How to quickly remove bruises under the eye from a blow

One of the main reasons women and men turn to a beautician is such an unpleasant problem as bags under the eyes. How to get rid of bags under the eyes forever, read on.

Causes of swelling and sagging under the eyes

What determines the appearance of our eyes and what can cause bags and sagging?

  1. Age-related changes, which consist in sagging skin due to loss of collagen, are especially noticeable in women.
  2. Lack of sleep and rest, constant fatigue.
  3. Lack of fluid in the body, dehydration. First there are bags, and then dark circles under the eyes.
  4. Wrong position during sleep.
  5. Improper skin care, untimely removal of makeup.
  6. The use of poor-quality or expired cosmetics, or its use for other purposes.
  7. Long stay in front of the computer.
  8. Wrong nutrition. Eating large amounts of caffeine, soda, salt, smoked and spicy foods, and alcohol
  9. contribute to the appearance of bags under the eyes.
  10. Fat deposits.
  11. Head injury. This often applies to men.

Sometimes bags under the eyes can be the result of various diseases.

Kidney disease is often accompanied by similar symptoms, in combination with pain in the lower back, back and urinary problems. Bags of a red hue signal an inflammatory process, acute respiratory infections, sinusitis, etc.

Medical and cosmetic products

Cosmetology provides a number of tools that help get rid of bags under the eyes forever in a short time.

  1. Various masks (alginate, with medicinal leech extract, with plant extracts). Such funds will be effective only in unopened cases, suitable for men and women of all ages.
  2. Mesotherapy is an injection method that delivers special substances deep into the dermis. This procedure will help get rid of not very pronounced bags for a long time.
  3. Lymphatic drainage - the impact of current on problem areas. To remove the bags forever, the effect of the procedure is fixed with special creams and masks.

If the above methods of cosmetology do not help, then you can resort to blepharoplasty - the most radical procedure that helps get rid of bags under the eyes forever. This manipulation is performed under anesthesia and belongs to the category of plastic surgery.

All of the above methods require considerable material costs. In addition, they are not painless. Despite this, many women are willing to take risks for the sake of beauty.

The use of these procedures to get rid of bags under the eyes should be discussed with specialists in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery.

Some remedies can get rid of bags for a long time. So, the most popular are:

  • cream "Neolid";
  • cosmetic line "Dermahil";
  • gel "Troxevasin";

Only systematic use ensures the effectiveness of procedures, getting rid of bags under the eyes for a long time.

What can be done at home?

If bags under the eyes have not become a chronic phenomenon, then it is easy to remove them forever with the help of a number of folk methods. Homemade recipes will cope with the most problematic cases:

  • mint ice cubes.
  • lemon balm ice cubes.
  • thyme ice cubes.

To prepare ice cubes, brew the crushed leaves and freeze them. Do ice compresses for 5 minutes. Cubes can be wrapped in cloth. Alternating warm and cold compresses are more effective. Chamomile and parsley are prepared in a similar way.

Masks and lotions

There are a great many methods for eliminating bags under the eyes, you can choose for yourself the most effective of a wide variety:

  1. The use of almond oil, which is applied to the bags before going to bed, and washed off with cold water in the morning.
  2. Tea, green or black. Tea bags help to cope with even the most severe swelling for a long time. Non-hot sachets are applied to the eyes.
  3. Cucumber. Cut the cucumber into rings, cool in the refrigerator and put on bags until warm.
  4. Potato. We rub the potatoes on a grater, wrap them in a cloth and use as a compress for 20 minutes.
  5. Apply aloe juice in the form of a cream once a day.
  6. Strawberry. We prepare strawberry puree, apply for 30 minutes and remove with water.
  7. "Spoon" therapy. We cool a few spoons in the refrigerator and apply to problem areas before heating. The procedure can be repeated immediately. Tin cans are analogues of spoons.
  8. Add ice to cream or milk, cool, moisten cotton pads and apply to bags. After heating the discs, repeat the procedure.
  9. Pink water. This product is very popular among women in cosmetology. A few drops of rose water lubricate the area around the eyes, eyelids. The mask does not require rinsing.
  10. We brew sage grass (several small spoons per one glass of boiled water), leave for about half an hour, apply cotton pads soaked in the solution.
  11. Beat the egg whites and apply with a brush to the bags under the eyes. Wash off with water after 15 minutes.
  12. Wet environment. A hot shower or just a room filled with steam will help you get rid of bags quickly.
  13. We knead candles or ointments for hemorrhoids, which include shark fat and apply to the bags under the eyes.
  14. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, moisten cotton pads and leave for half an hour.

What exercises will help get rid of bags for a long time?

At home, it is not difficult to perform some exercises that will help permanently remove bags under the eyes. If the problem is not chronic, then the bags will go away forever.

  1. We blink quickly for eight seconds in three sets.
  2. Open your mouth, look up and blink for 15 seconds.
  3. We put the index fingers on the temples, the middle fingers on the bridge of the nose, squint strongly, but do not move the fingers (3 sets of 8 times).

Massage at home

We barely pat our ring fingers from the temporal zone to the bridge of the nose. A few essential oils will have a beneficial effect on this area.

An integrated approach to the application of home methods allows you to achieve better results and forget about them for a long time. Such home methods are painless and do not require large expenses. Most women tend to do just that. But they are only able to cope with some problems and prevent them.

If the cause of the appearance of such formations was lack of sleep and fatigue, then the bags may disappear after a good rest.

If their appearance is associated with computer activity, then alternating work and rest (every 45 minutes) and special relaxing exercises for the eyes will help to prevent and get rid of such bags under the eyes forever.

Prevention of bags under the eyes

Prevention of the appearance of bags is to eliminate the causes of their appearance.

  1. Food and water. It is necessary to drink up to 10 glasses of water a day, but not at night. The exclusion of products such as salt, soda, caffeine, which contributes to moisture retention.
  2. Sleep on high pillows or special rollers, which will prevent the accumulation of fluid in the area around the eyes.
  3. Proper facial skin care and the use of only high-quality cosmetics, as intended.

There are many methods of dealing with bags under the eyes, from the most radical to gentle homemade. The main thing is to choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Puffiness of the eyelids can not only give out age, but also add extra years. If such a problem has arisen, then, first of all, you should understand the reasons for its occurrence and eliminate the source of the trouble. How to remove bags under the eyes at home quickly and effectively eliminate the cause of their appearance, we tell in this article.

To begin with, let's look at the reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes, or, as they are also called, undereyes. Edema may occur due to:

  • due to loss of capacity of lymph nodes;
  • due to muscle imbalances in the neck, face and eyelids, in particular;
  • stagnation of venous fluid in this area.

One of the causes of puffiness under the eyes is congestion of lymphatic fluid this area, which in turn can occur due to clogging of the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes lose their capacity due to the presence of a fungal or viral infection in the body, or due to clogging with waste products that the lymph expels from the body. More information about the cleansing function of the lymphatic system, and the causes of lymphostasis can be found in.

The next cause of lymphostasis under the eyes is muscle blocks in the neck, face and eyelids . They are the root cause of aesthetic age-related changes in the face. The formation of edema under the eyes is affected, first of all, by the deformation of the circular eye muscle, a change in which can lead to stagnation of excess lymph in the lower eyelid.

Often the first and second factors complement each other and lead to the formation of bags under the eyes.

Bags under the eyes

The next factor in the appearance of edema may be the fact that with age, the human skull is deformed and compressed, as a result of which the lacrimal changes. Such changes lead to hastoyu venous fluid , which can also be one of the causes of swelling.

Together, all these three factors - bone and muscle deformities, along with stagnation of venous and lymphatic fluid lead to bags under the eyes.

Rice. 2 - Massage lines and directions in lymphatic drainage massage

  • we draw with light blotting movements of the fingers from the outer to the inner corner of the eyes along the lower eyelid, then along the upper - from the inner corner to the outer;
  • with the back of the hand we draw from the nose to the ears;
  • massaging the parotid lymph nodes.

Also, a professional specialist in eco-rejuvenation can perform a manual adjustment of the musculoskeletal structures and fascia using techniques, osteopathy and sculptural lifting.

What if not bags under the eyes can make your face tired and age for several years at once?

The problem of dark circles in the eye area and swelling is familiar to both men and women.

Below we will look at how to get rid of bags under the eyes and how to keep your face fresh and cheerful for a long time.

What are the causes of bags under the eyes in women?

Cause Analysis

In order to understand how to get rid of bags under the eyes in the morning, you first need to know the reasons why they appear.

  • Stress factors and lack of sleep

This procedure takes place under local anesthesia and lasts from half an hour to an hour and a half.

There are types of operations:

  • Classical blepharoplasty on the lower eyelids

This type of procedure is a response to how to remove age bags under the eyes, since with age-related changes, ptosis of the integumentary tissues occurs.

Excision of the eyelids with this type of blepharoplasty occurs just below the lash line. After making incisions, the surgeon removes excess fatty or integumentary tissues and tightens the skin. The sutures are removed after the procedures on the 8th day, and the result becomes noticeable after two to three weeks.

  • Blepharoplasty through the conjunctiva

This type of blepharoplasty is just right for people who have strongly pronounced accumulations of adipose tissue in the lower eyelids, but only on the condition that the patient does not need to remove excessive skin.

The operation is performed through the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid (from the inside). After completion, self-absorbable sutures are applied. The rehabilitation period is up to three weeks.

  • Endoscopic blepharoplasty method

During endoscopy, surgical instruments with a micro-camera are used, which transmit the image to the screen, due to this, it is not necessary to completely open the tissues of the eye area, which is why the rehabilitation period is much faster. There are no visible marks after the operation.

  • Blepharoplasty with laser

The use of a laser during blepharoplasty ensures rapid coagulation of the released blood. This better opens the surgical field for the surgeon and reduces the risk of hematomas and severe bruising in the patient.

High estrogen levels can be both physiological and pathological. A physiological increase in estrogen background can occur in the first phase of the menstrual cycle and a few days before menstruation. Recently, among women in menopause, the additional intake of estrogen-based drugs is increasingly practiced. The effect of this therapy is visible even to the naked eye rejuvenation of the body ( smoothing wrinkles, smoothness and velvety skin, increased efficiency, etc.). However, external estrogens are not welcomed by oncologists, as this leads to a multiple increase in the risk of breast cancer. A pathological increase in the concentration of estrogen can occur with the appearance of a pituitary tumor.

Low blood levels of thyroid hormones ( T 3 and T 4) can develop with a disease such as hypothyroidism, the extreme manifestation of which is myxedema ( mucous edema). Hypothyroidism can develop with disorders at the level of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and the thyroid gland itself ( tumors, strokes, etc.). Also quite often there is hypothyroidism against the background of autoimmune thyroiditis in the terminal stages, when there is practically no functional tissue of the thyroid gland. There is also iatrogenic hypothyroidism ( due to medical error), when a low level of thyroid hormones is observed after surgical removal of part or all of its tissue, as well as due to an overdose of thyreostatics - drugs that block the formation and release of the above hormones.

The reason for the development of edema in this case is a pronounced violation of protein metabolism with the accumulation of albumin and mucin in the intercellular space. As a result, oncotic pressure rises, and the fluid from the bloodstream gradually moves into the intercellular space, causing swelling not only of the eyelids, but also of other soft tissues and internal organs.

Genetic predisposition to swelling of the eyelids

In some patients, swelling under the eyes may appear from an early age for no apparent reason. The presence of edema in close relatives may indicate a genetic predisposition to bags under the eyes. However, it should be noted that before finally coming to such a conclusion, all the other causes of this ailment listed above should be excluded.

Diagnosis of the causes of edema of the eyelids

Due attention should be paid to the diagnosis of eyelid edema, since in addition to a cosmetic defect, they may indicate serious disorders in immunity, metabolism, hormonal levels, nutrition and lifestyle.

Diagnosis of eyelid edema with age-related changes

In order to conclude that swelling under the eyes is one of the manifestations of aging of the body, some features should be taken into account. Bags under the eyes with age-related changes occur, as a rule, after 50 years and are accompanied by a decrease in the elasticity of the skin in other parts of the body. In addition, other organic causes of edema should be excluded, since they are often one of the symptoms of diseases of the internal organs.

With age-related swelling of the eyelids, you should contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Some physiotherapy procedures based on stimulation of the skin with currents of very low intensity have a good effect. Such procedures are prescribed by a physiotherapist.

Diagnosis of a traumatic cause of eyelid edema

Trauma to the eye and surrounding soft tissues is often associated with eyelid edema. The mechanism of such edema can be associated not only with inflammatory changes, but also with a direct rupture of blood vessels with bruising elements. In connection with the foregoing, the development of such edema occurs rapidly, and its severity can be so great that it leads to closure of the palpebral fissure. A few hours after the injury, the erythrocytes in the edema area are destroyed, and the released hemoglobin is transformed first into oxyhemoglobin, which has a bright burgundy color, and then into reduced hemoglobin, which stains the skin in a dark blue hue. At the end of the first week after injury, the edema gradually subsides, and the skin turns first green and then yellow due to the transformation of reduced hemoglobin into methemoglobin, biliverdin and bilirubin, respectively. Enlightenment bruise ( ecchymosis) occurs gradually from the periphery to the center.

In rare cases, after plastic surgery in the eyelid area, lymph outflow may be disturbed. Such edema can persist for a longer period of time for several months.

In case of eyelid edema resulting from an injury, you should immediately go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital, since this is how you can be examined by a traumatologist, neuropathologist, ophthalmologist and, if necessary, by a neurosurgeon in the shortest possible time. If the injury that caused swelling under the eyes is life-threatening or involves disability, then the necessary examinations, available locally, will be performed there. If more expensive studies are needed, the patient can be urgently transported to larger clinics.

Diagnosis of the allergic cause of eyelid edema

Allergic edema of the eyelids can develop with a local and generalized allergic reaction. Absolutely any substance can be an allergen, but more often it is mold, dust mites, citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries, peanut butter, antibiotics, washing powder, etc. With a local reaction, the allergen directly enters the surface of the cornea or conjunctiva of the eye. As a result, a classic inflammatory reaction develops, accompanied by edema that spreads to the upper and lower eyelids. Such edema can be unilateral if the irritant is in only one eye and bilateral if it is in both.

One of the varieties of generalized allergic reactions is angioedema, otherwise referred to as Quincke's edema. In this case, the allergen enters the body most often through insect bites or through food, less often through skin contact. Thus, the allergen penetrates into the bloodstream, binds to antibodies, forming complexes circulating throughout the body. When these complexes settle on the inner lining of the vessels ( intimate), inflammation develops. When the intima is inflamed, the barrier function of the vessels is disturbed, and the liquid part of the blood, and sometimes the formed elements, is released ( erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets) into the intercellular space. First of all, areas rich in loose connective tissue swell, that is, eyelids, lips, earlobes, scrotum and labia. Then, in the absence of the necessary medical intervention, edema can spread to the cheeks, cheekbones, palatine tonsils, neck and even chest. The danger of this edema lies in the fact that if it spreads to the neck, there is a risk of closing the glottis and death from acute respiratory failure. A feature of this edema is the obligatory symmetry. The rate of its development depends on the amount of the allergen and the degree of sensitization ( sensitivity) organism to it.

If an allergic swelling of the eyelids occurs, you should immediately call an ambulance and, if the doctors deem it necessary, then be hospitalized in an allergological department or even an intensive care unit. Before the ambulance arrives, you can use some of the medicines available in your home medicine cabinet, such as suprastin, loratadine and clemastine. The optimal dose for an adult is one tablet, and for a child, the dose should be calculated according to the instructions based on his age or weight.

Diagnosis of the toxic cause of eyelid edema

Toxic swelling of the eyelids involves the ingestion of a certain substance, leading to fluid retention in the soft tissues. Thus, it is necessary to determine the toxin itself, its source and the route of its entry into the body.

As stated earlier, the top three most common toxins today are alcohol, nicotine, and cosmetics. Of course, one cannot fail to mention exhaust fumes, food preservatives and even drugs. Large laboratories are engaged in determining the amount of these substances in the blood, and these studies have not yet applied value for a simple layman. However, the mechanism of the pathogenic effect of toxins on the body is well understood, so their use is definitely not recommended.

Thus, the diagnosis of toxic edema of the eyelids is based mainly on the data of the anamnesis. If you suspect swelling of the eyelids of this etiology, you should contact a therapist or dermatologist, as well as interrupt the flow of the toxin into the body as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of renal pathology leading to eyelid edema

Kidney disease is one of the most serious causes leading to bags under the eyes. The immediate cause is a violation of renal filtration, due to which the protein passes from the blood into the urine. Accordingly, in the biochemical analysis of blood, one should look for a decrease in the concentration of total protein, and in the general analysis of urine, its increase. Also in the urine, leukocytes, erythrocytes and various cylinders can be determined, indicating the probable cause of the disease.

In the general blood test, leukocytosis is noted ( an increase in the number of leukocytes in peripheral blood). If the respiratory infection is viral, which is the most common, then an increase in the percentage of lymphocytes will be detected. When layering a bacterial infection, an excess of stab neutrophils appears. Ophthalmoscopic examination revealed hyperemia of the vessels of the sclera and conjunctiva. Pathological changes in the eyes that are specific to a particular type of infection may be present.

If you suspect swelling under the eyes of an infectious etiology, you should contact an ophthalmologist. If the ophthalmologist who examined the patient excludes a specific viral or bacterial eye infection, then you should contact an infectious disease specialist, general practitioner or family doctor.

Diagnosis of hormonal changes that led to swelling of the eyelids

As mentioned earlier, swelling under the eyes can be a sign of one of the endocrine diseases. In particular, we are talking about hypothyroidism and hyperestrogenism ( increased estrogen levels in peripheral blood), which can be both physiological and pathological.

Diagnosis of hypothyroidism is based on history, physical examination, laboratory tests, and instrumental tests. From the anamnesis, cases of hypothyroidism in the next of kin or surgery on the thyroid gland are noted. Women may present with amenorrhea and multiple unsuccessful attempts to conceive. There are cases of excessive use of thyreostatics ( drugs that block the synthesis and release of thyroid hormones into the blood) in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.

An objective examination of the patient shows increased dryness of the skin and its peeling in the area of ​​the elbows, knees and soles. The face is edematous ( there may be swelling under the eyes), heart rate below normal ( 40 - 50 beats per minute), often there is overweight against the background of reduced appetite. The patient does not tolerate cold, is apathetic and depressive. Over time, there is a decrease in memory and concentration.

Laboratory studies indicating hypothyroidism are low levels of thyroid hormones in the blood - thyroxine ( T 4) and triiodothyronine ( T 3). To determine the cause of hypothyroidism, it may be necessary to determine the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone ( TSH) and antibodies to thyroperoxidase ( anti-TPO).

To assess the size and structure of the thyroid gland, its ultrasound is performed. Thyroid function is examined with scintigraphy. To rule out a pituitary adenoma, an x-ray of the sella turcica is performed. If its increase is suspected, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain is performed.

Diagnosis of hyperestrogenism is based on anamnesis, gynecological examination, laboratory tests and instrumental studies. When collecting anamnesis, attention should be paid to the predominant appearance of edema in the first part of the cycle until the moment of ovulation ( 12 - 16 days from the end of menstrual flow) and a few days before the start of the discharge. Less often, there may be heavy bleeding during menstruation. During a gynecological examination, swelling and soreness of the neck of the mark with dysplasia of its epithelium may be noted.

From laboratory tests, it is necessary to resort to determining the level of estrogen in the blood. If the latter are elevated, then the level of gonadotropic hormones should also be determined in order to differentiate between primary and secondary hyperestrogenism. However, unfortunately, the reagents for performing the above analyzes are quite expensive and are not available in all laboratories.

Among instrumental studies, preference should be given to ultrasonography ( ultrasonography) of the pelvic organs. More accurate data are obtained with intravaginal examination than with imaging through the abdominal wall. If a pituitary tumor is suspected, a targeted radiography of the Turkish saddle or magnetic resonance imaging is performed.

If swelling under the eyes develop presumably due to hormonal imbalance, you should contact an endocrinologist or gynecologist.

Diagnosis of genetic predisposition to eyelid edema

On full grounds, it can be argued that the patient has a genetic predisposition to swelling of the eyelids, based on the history ( similar edema in next of kin) and after exclusion of all pathological causes listed above.

How to get rid of swelling of the eyelids?

Due to the fact that bags under the eyes can be caused by various reasons, methods for eliminating them vary. The main attention should be paid to diseases against which edema develops, since they can have a more serious prognosis for health. The symptomatic treatment of edema caused by age-related changes or genetically programmed comes to the fore.

Treatment of edema of the eyelids with age-related changes

Drug treatment of eyelid edema with age-related changes is based mainly on the use of ointments and creams based on substances that increase its turgor ( elasticity), improve nutrition and blood supply. These substances include vitamin E, vitamin C, flavonoids, hyaluronic acid, etc.

Also widely used are eye drops that improve blood circulation in the surface layers of the eye, such as vizin, okumetil, octilia, etc. Such drops are recommended for severe and prolonged eye strain, in particular, when working at a computer. Restoration of adequate blood circulation of these structures reduces the severity of edema and plethora of the conjunctiva ( vascular network on the white shell of the eyes). At the same time, swelling under the eyes, caused by the influx of fluid to the inflamed conjunctiva, also decreases.

The third group of medications that predominantly women in the post-menopausal period resort to are estrogen-based drugs. Their use is practiced both externally and internally. Creams containing estrogens effectively and quickly eliminate wrinkles under the eyes. Perhaps, it is for this reason that their price can be several times higher than other drugs from this group. The use of hormones inside leads to their systemic effect, manifested by skin rejuvenation, the appearance of a characteristic healthy shine, slowing down the involution of the genital organs, and much more. However, the risks associated with the systemic use of estrogen-containing drugs are also great due to the multiple increase in the risk of breast cancer and cervical cancer.

Another branch of the traditional treatment for bags under the eyes is cosmetic surgery. Like all methods, it has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include a lasting effect for a sufficiently long time without the need to take any additional medicinal substances that have various side effects. The disadvantage is the risk associated with any surgical intervention. During the operation, complications such as bleeding, inadequate response to painkillers and muscle relaxants may occur. The postoperative period is dangerous due to the risk of suppuration and the spread of inflammation to the tissues of the eyes, infection with hepatitis viruses, etc. Also, one should not forget that the result of cosmetic surgery on the eyelids depends not least on the skill of the surgeon.

Traditional medicine
Traditional medicine includes various tinctures, lotions and ointments of their own preparation. The most common way to relieve swelling under the eyes is to apply used tea bags to them for 5 to 10 minutes. A cucumber and potato mask also has a pronounced effect. These plants contain substances that can dramatically tighten the skin, eliminating wrinkles and reducing swelling under the eyes.

Nutritious masks, consisting of sour cream and chopped parsley, are also used. If there is no time to prepare, apply, and then wash off the mask, then applying pieces of ice from the refrigerator to the eyes for 5 to 10 seconds with breaks of 30 seconds can have some effect. The contrast of temperatures tones the muscles of the eyelid and the finest elastic fibers of the skin, leading to its tension and reduction of edema.

Treatment of traumatic eyelid edema

The traditional medical approach
Drug treatment for traumatic eyelid edema is reduced to the local and systemic use of anti-inflammatory drugs and, less often, antibiotics. If a skull fracture is diagnosed, it is treated according to the severity. As the fracture heals, the swelling will gradually subside.

Local treatment consists in the use of heparin-based ointments and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A good decongestant effect has a homeopathic ointment traumeel. A compress using a solution of magnesium sulfate reduces the intensity of the cyanotic coloration of the skin in traumatic eyelid edema. When using ointments, creams and compresses, it should be borne in mind that their contact with the eyes is fraught with irritation and severe pain.

Traditional medicine
Among the traditional medicine for traumatic eyelid edema, lotions based on herbs with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects are distinguished. These include field chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort, linden, aloe, oregano, etc. The temperature of the lotions should be approximately equal to body temperature, since both cold and hot solutions can lead to a progression of inflammation.

Treatment of allergic swelling of the eyelids

The traditional medical approach
Allergic swelling of the eyelids is eliminated by taking medications that prevent the development of the allergic reaction itself. The most common drugs with such properties are antihistamines ( suprastin, diphenhydramine, clemastine, loratadine, etc.). The advantage is given to representatives of the latest generations, which include loratadine, which has a longer duration of effect and a relatively small number of side effects. However, first-generation drugs remain the first-generation drugs ( diphenhydramine and suprastin) due to the short duration of the effect, which is sometimes necessary in complex treatment and combination with other drugs. In addition, some antihistamines, in particular diphenhydramine ( diphenhydramine), have a significant sedative effect, which in fact is a side effect, but is actively used in some situations.

The second equally important group of drugs for the relief of allergies are the hormones of the adrenal cortex and preparations based on them. In particular, such hormones include prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, etc. Hormonal agents are often included in sprays, eye drops and topical ointments.

Calcium preparations and adsorbents have less pronounced antiallergic effects. The most common calcium salts are gluconate and chloride. Adsorbents, of which activated charcoal is the best-known representative, are most effective when the allergen is expected to enter the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. However, it has been scientifically proven that, even just being in the intestinal lumen, activated charcoal to some extent eliminates the circulating allergen from the blood, reducing the severity of the hyperergic reaction.

Traditional medicine
It should be warned that the use of traditional medicine for the treatment of allergic conditions can be extremely risky. Puffiness under the eyes is one of the first signs of angioedema ( Quincke), in which there is a high probability of inflammation spreading to the respiratory tract and the development of asphyxia ( blockage of the airways). Therefore, treatment with folk remedies is recommended only for mild skin rashes, and not for swelling of the eyelids.

Treatment of toxic eyelid edema

The traditional medical approach
The essence of the traditional treatment of toxic eyelid edema is, first of all, to stop the entry of the toxin into the body, eliminate that part of it that is already in the body, and also to minimize its negative effects.

If the toxin is alcohol or nicotine, then the first thing to do is to get rid of these bad habits. Toxins that have already entered the body are eliminated by gastric lavage. Gastric lavage is carried out by drinking a large amount of liquid and artificially inducing vomiting ( pressing fingers on the root of the tongue). If the patient is extremely weak, then gastric lavage is performed by introducing a nasogastric tube. In an unconscious state, an intravenous infusion of saline or solutions that adsorb toxin from peripheral blood is used ( hemodez). Extracorporeal technical means are also used, such as plasmapheresis.

It is possible to minimize the negative effects of toxins by knowing the ways of its pathogenic effects on the body. For example, during alcohol intoxication, glucose and vitamin C are administered intravenously. During a hangover syndrome, diuretics that overcome the blood-brain barrier, which eliminate cerebral edema, can be extremely useful ( veroshpiron, mannitol) and caffeine, which reduces the feeling of general weakness.

Acute nicotine intoxication, unlike alcohol intoxication, is rarely manifested by swelling under the eyes. Another thing is chronic intoxication, when not only nicotine, but also combustion by-products are deposited in the skin over many years of smoking. Of course, getting rid of the negative effects of such intoxication in a short time will not work. However, given the fact that the human body is a self-healing system, one should only provide it with the necessary conditions and resources for this. As stated earlier, the first step is to quit smoking. In addition, you need to go in for sports, eat a varied and rational diet, drink freshly squeezed juice several times a day. The first changes will become noticeable after 1 month, when one complete renewal of the epidermis occurs. As you get rid of adipose tissue, nicotine, which has been deposited in it for a long time, will gradually be removed from the body.

It should also be remembered that most heavy metals, when released into the peripheral blood, cause acute renal failure, causing the appearance of edema under the eyes. More specific information on this subject is found in the section on renal edema.

Traditional medicine
In order to treat edema under the eyes of toxic etiology, in folk medicine, substances with a diuretic effect are used. With copious urination, toxins are removed from the body. Plants with a diuretic effect include birch leaves, burdock, as well as cucumbers, melon, watermelon, etc. Edible plants are used directly for food, while birch and burdock leaves are used to make infusions and decoctions, which are consumed internally.

In addition, it is quite free to use local products that nourish and tone the skin. Among such remedies, there are masks based on sour cream, cucumbers, blue clay, parsley, etc. Used tea bags placed on the eyelids have a slight anti-inflammatory effect if their temperature is slightly higher than body temperature.

Treatment of renal edema of the eyelids

The traditional medical approach
The basis of traditional drug treatment is primarily the elimination of the cause that led to the pathology of the kidneys. Secondly, they pursue the goal of restoring the normal filtration function.

In infectious kidney disease, antibiotics are indicated, excreted mainly through urine ( ciprofloxacin, metronidazole). In autoimmune and systemic diseases, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are used ( dexamethasone, prednisolone). In amyloidosis, nephroblastoma, and end-stage renal disease, the only way to restore kidney function and even save the patient's life is to remove it with transplantation of a healthy donor kidney.

Diuretics are an essential ingredient in the treatment of kidney failure. They act by different mechanisms and are applied accordingly in different situations, depending on the water-electrolyte balance and goals. Their most common representatives include furosemide, spironolactone, triamterene, mannitol, etc.

Drugs that strengthen the vascular wall have some effect ( ascorutin, etamsylate, vitamin C, etc.). It is important to maintain the necessary fluid and electrolyte balance by supplementing certain nutrients ( raisins, dried apricots, baked potatoes with peel, etc.), as well as by introducing the missing electrolytes in tablet form or by infusion. The diet should be appropriate for the type of kidney disease, as some have protein limits and some have electrolyte limits.

Traditional medicine
Due to the fact that renal edema is caused by a low content of protein and electrolytes in the blood, folk remedies rarely have a more or less positive effect. The fact is that it is almost impossible to restore the required amount of microelements and blood protein by using infusions, decoctions and extracts from herbs and animal tissues. In addition, patients with renal disease require reduced fluid intake ( usually no more than 500 ml per day).

However, symptomatic treatment of renal edema may have some effect. In particular, applying sliced ​​potatoes, cucumbers or persimmons to the eyelids can be used. The complete disappearance of edema under the eyes can occur in the initial stages of kidney disease, however, only for a while. With moderate and severe severity of the disease, the effect is either extremely short-term ( no more than half an hour) or absent altogether.

Treatment of infectious edema of the eyelids

The traditional medical approach
A necessary condition for the disappearance of bags under the eyes in infectious diseases is the elimination of the pathogen and the inflammation caused by it. For bacterial damage to the tissues of the eye, antibiotics are used ( neomycin, Traditional medicine
As a rule, traditional medicines are not able to provide a pronounced antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal effect. Therefore, it should be remembered that the basis of treatment is the use of ready-made preparations of traditional medicine. Relying only on folk remedies is not worth it, since in the vast majority of cases this leads to an aggravation of the disease and even disability.

Washing the eyes with a weak solution of chamomile, sage or calendula can somewhat enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of traditional medicines.

Treatment of hormonal eyelid edema

The traditional medical approach
Treatment of swelling under the eyes against the background of hypothyroidism is based on the introduction of the missing thyroid hormones into the body. The most common drugs in this group include eutiroks, thyrotomy, etc. When the hormonal background stabilizes, the bags under the eyes will disappear on their own.

Traditional medicine
Traditional medicine for edema of this etiology is not used, since the process of making hormonal drugs is extremely complicated and requires a clear dose titration, which is not feasible at home. Symptomatic treatment of edema can give some effect.

Treatment of genetic edema of the eyelids

The traditional medical approach
Medicines are not used to treat genetically determined edema of the eyelids due to their uselessness. The most effective way to eliminate them is cosmetic surgery on the eyelids, after which the swelling disappears for many years, or even for life.

Traditional medicine
Medicines from a folk health resort for edema of this origin are not required, since the disease itself is absent. Local reduction of edema is achieved through the use of compresses and masks based on skin tightening products ( cucumbers, potatoes). A temporary effect is achieved by applying pieces of ice to the eyelids for 5 to 10 seconds with breaks of half a minute. The temperature contrast leads to a reflex contraction of the subcutaneous muscles and toning of the elastic fibers of the skin.

How dangerous is the operation to eliminate bags under the eyes?

The operation to eliminate bags under the eyes is called blepharoplasty and is considered relatively safe, since it does not involve working with large blood vessels. However, as with any surgical operation, there is a risk of medical personnel error, inadequate response to anesthesia, or postoperative purulent complications. The decision on the need for an operation should be made only after all violations of the organs and systems of the body that led to the appearance of edema are excluded.

Blepharoplasty refers to minimally invasive operations, since all manipulations are carried out with a minimal incision, which is performed along the free edge of the eyelid. During the operation, excess connective and adipose tissue, as well as excess skin, is removed. If necessary, the shape of the eye is corrected, part of the cartilage and muscles are excised.

General anesthesia is considered optimal by introducing the patient into an unconscious state, complete muscle relaxation and artificial ventilation of the lungs. The duration of the operation is from half an hour to two hours, depending on the goals and the technique of the surgeon. Full recovery after surgery in the absence of complications occurs after 10-12 days.

The risks of plastic surgery include complications such as bleeding, perforation of the membranes of the eye, intersection of the nerves and muscles responsible for the movement of the eyelids. It is extremely rare for an inadequate patient response to anesthesia due to their congenital lack of an enzyme that destroys the active substance necessary for anesthesia. As a result, the patient does not come out of anesthesia for a long time and needs constant ventilation and intubation. Prolonged intubation, in turn, is dangerous for the development of nosocomial pneumonia.

Postoperative purulent complications are dangerous by the spread of inflammation to the tissues of the eye and its loss as an organ of vision. Their development may be due to insufficient processing of instruments, loose suturing of the wound and improper care of it in the postoperative period.

Is there a massage for bags under the eyes?

Massage for bags under the eyes exists and is aimed at improving the outflow of fluid from the connective tissue located under the skin of the eyelids.

Eyelid massage can be performed both in beauty salons and at home. Of course, professional massage therapists work in beauty salons and the effect of their work should be high. Nevertheless, with a little practice, anyone can train enough to perform a massage no worse than a specialist.

When performing a massage, you should be guided by some rules. First, you should massage your eyelids in the morning after washing your face. Secondly, before and after the massage, it is necessary to apply moisturizing and nourishing creams to the skin. Thirdly, during all exercises, the following order of movements is assumed - the lower eyelid is massaged from the temporal edge to the nasal, and the upper eyelid from the nasal edge to the temporal. There are three main types of movements, performed in the following order - stroking, light tapping and squeezing out excess fluid by rolling the finger from one edge to the other through the pad. Sufficient is the performance of 3 - 5 movements in each direction during each of the three exercises. Fourthly, the tissues that are closer to the free edge of the eyelids should initially be massaged, with a gradual shift to the periphery. In other words, there is a gradual shift from the center outwards.

When performing a massage, remember that you should not press on the eyeballs, as this can cause reflex bradycardia ( decrease in heart rate) and even loss of consciousness.

Why do dark circles form? bruises) under the eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes can appear both in the presence of edema of the eyelids, and in their absence. The reason for their appearance lies in the deposition of pigment in the skin and subcutaneous space. Depending on the type of pigment, one or another color is observed. The color intensity is determined by the amount of pigment.

The most common are brown under-eye circles. Their appearance is due to the deposition of a pigment called melanin in the skin. Its excess secretion occurs in response to ultraviolet rays hitting the skin. Thus, excessive tanning leads to hyperpigmentation of the skin around the eyes. Puffiness under the eyes makes areas of hyperpigmentation more visible due to some bulge. In addition, numerous wrinkles form above the bags under the eyes, and the skin of this area gradually thickens, which makes it look darker.

The second type of pigment is hemoglobin and its metabolites ( biliverdin, bilirubin, etc.). Hemoglobin is released when erythrocytes enter and are destroyed in the interstitial space. The most common cause of the above is direct trauma to the eye. Blood can enter the periorbital space when the base of the skull is fractured in the region of the anterior cranial fossa. In this case, the so-called symptom of "glasses" is observed, that is, a clearly defined cyanosis in the projection of the orbits. Initially, such circles have a bright red tint. After a few hours, they turn blue, and after a few days they gradually turn green, turn yellow and disappear altogether.

The elimination of circles under the eyes contributes to the impact on their cause. With melanin ( brown) circles recommended abstinence from sunburn and the use of anti-tanning creams. With hemoglobin circles ( red, blue, green and yellow) it is necessary to use absorbable substances, such as heparin ointments and compresses with a solution of magnesium sulfate. It is important that these substances in no case fall on the conjunctiva and sclera of the eye.

What is the reason for the appearance of bags under the eyes in a child?

The main reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes of a child include injuries, periodic lack of sleep, excessive physical and mental stress. Rarer causes include allergic reactions, eye infections, kidney failure, and genetic predisposition.

Conflicts between children are increasingly turning into fights, which result, in particular, bruises under the eyes, accompanied by swelling of the eyelids. If you suspect such edema, you should first consult with a traumatologist and ophthalmologist in order to exclude a serious injury. When damage to the bones of the skull is excluded, and the integrity of the eye is not broken, a cold bandage should be applied to the site of edema and just wait. The bruise will go away on its own in 10 to 14 days.

Sleep deprivation, physical and mental fatigue
Also, puffiness under the eyes can be observed with high loads at school and systematic lack of sleep. A long time of wakefulness and eye fatigue when reading or working at a computer leads to a violation of the outflow of lymph. As a result of this, fluid retention occurs in the periocular tissue. In order to eliminate such edema, the child's daily routine should be reviewed, certain additional activities should be excluded, the time spent at the computer should be reduced, and more time should be allocated for sleep.

Allergic reaction
An allergic reaction can also cause swelling under the eyes. As a rule, such swelling is symmetrical and combined with swelling of the earlobes, cheekbones and lips. If you suspect an allergic edema, you should immediately call an ambulance and take the necessary medicines ( suprastin, dexamethasone).

Eye infections
Eye infections can develop as a complication of trauma, a foreign body, or a pronounced decrease in immunity. Eye injuries are understandable, given the excessive activity of many children. A pronounced decrease in immunity may be a sign of HIV infection or be the result of prolonged treatment of a certain disease with glucocorticosteroids. Infectious diseases of the eyes are treated by the complete destruction of the pathogen. Antiviral drugs are prescribed for viral infections, antibiotics for bacterial infections, and antifungal agents for fungal infections. Ways to strengthen immunity should be discussed with the attending physician, taking into account the prescription for the underlying disease.

Renal pathology
Unfortunately, kidney disease affects children of all ages. The disturbed filtration function of these organs leads to a decrease in the amount of protein in the blood. With a decrease in protein concentration, an outflow of the liquid part of the blood into the intercellular space occurs, due to which edema is formed. Elimination of such edema occurs only in the treatment of the underlying disease.

genetic predisposition
A genetic predisposition to edema can manifest itself at a very early age. In order to finally make sure that edema is caused by a hereditary factor, one should not only collect a family history, but also make sure that there is no other organic cause of edema. In other words, a genetic predisposition does not exclude the possibility of developing pathological edema under the eyes. If there is no doubt about the origin of edema, a plastic surgeon can deal with them, since there are no other effective methods for their treatment.

It happens that you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and your mood immediately deteriorates, because the reflection does not always show what we want to see. If the look is dull, and there are bags under the eyes, the face seems tired and painful.

Naturally, any woman dissatisfied with her appearance begins to search for methods to eliminate problems. First you need to find their roots. Indeed, in addition to visual unattractiveness, bags can signal malfunctions in the internal organs.

What is the root of the problem

Bags are the result of protrusion of adipose tissue outside the orbit. The reasons for this lie in 2 points:

  • edema;
  • overgrowth.

If you notice bags under the eyes, the causes of which are the growth of tissues, then folk methods and professional creams will not help here, since the problem does not depend on the time of day and the stresses experienced. This is a consequence of genetic predisposition, chronic diseases or the natural aging process. In this situation, only blepharoplasty helps - a cosmetic operation to remove excess adipose tissue from under the eyelids. With a properly performed operation, the effect lasts for almost a decade.

But the well-known edema is perfectly amenable to elimination and treatment even at home. The following factors lead to their formation:

  • active consumption of salty foods and malnutrition in general;
  • parties with heavy drinking;
  • regular lack of sleep;
  • hormonal phases (with a natural change in the hormonal background, many women notice that the fluid in the body lingers and manifests itself in the form of bags under the eyes);
  • tears;
  • prolonged smoking;
  • depression, stress;
  • overwork (if you sit at work at the computer for 8 hours a day, and then watch TV for a long time - well, be surprised that questions arise: where did the bags under the eyes come from and how to remove them with minimal effort;
  • excess UV radiation (bags appear due to excessive exposure to a solarium or excessive tanning);
  • some diseases (ARVI, allergies, rhinitis, kidney disease).

So, an important celebration or meeting is planned, but the bags under the eyes do not want to “leave”? It's time to tackle them.

If you have time and money, you can use the services of beauty salons, which spend
the following procedures:

  1. Lymphatic drainage massage.
  2. The use of microcurrents.
  3. Infrared point laser.
  4. Specialized cleansing peeling for the skin of the eyes.

In the same place, the skin will be nourished with professional masks and tightening emulsions.

All this is great! But what if you need help urgently, and there is no extra money in your pocket? In our tips, we will show you how to get rid of bags under the eyes at home.

We restore beauty at home

All women know that it is absolutely impossible to use expired or low-quality cosmetics! If, through inattention, an expired eye cream was used, which gave rise to the formation of edema, you should carefully wipe the skin with a tonic to remove the remaining cream and apply a regular tea compress.

miraculous tea

Tea is generally considered the most popular remedy aimed at combating eyelid edema. At the same time, it should not be taken inside, but outside, using in the form of lotions.

The following method is especially effective: cool bags with brewed tea are applied to the eyes. Keep for about 20 minutes, do not wash the skin after the procedure!

Black tea is used to eliminate bags under the eyes. Sometimes they use lotions from pharmacy chamomile or green tea.

Ice rub

If there are bags under the eyes and the causes are found, procedures and home treatments help. It's a good idea to always store the workpiece in the form of saving ice cubes in the freezer. For their preparation, ground oak, saffron, calendula or chamomile are taken, brewed with boiling water, allowed to brew, cooled and poured into molds.

When bags under the eyes appear, 2 cubes are taken out and driven over the skin of the eyelids until completely dissolved.

Playing with contrasts

2 containers are prepared: hot broth is poured into one, and cold broth into the second. Compresses are changed in turn until the healing liquid has completely cooled. By the way, then it is not poured out, but used to make ice cubes or wipe the face.

honey savior

You need to take 1 tsp. liquid honey. If this is not the case, melt the thick one. Honey is mixed with 1 egg white. To prevent the mask from dripping, a little flour is added to it and applied to the eyelids.

Important: honey masks can be done only after making sure that there are no allergic reactions!

Help from the garden

So how to get rid of bags under the eyes at home in 1 day? To do this, use potatoes in raw or boiled form.

miracle potato

Raw potatoes are used in emergency cases when there is no time to cook and cool the mass. To do this, the potatoes are washed well, cut in half and applied to the skin of the eyes. Keep it on for about 20 minutes.

A mashed potato mask is considered more effective against bags. Take 1 large potato, boil until tender, crush without additives and wrap in gauze. Apply to the eyelids in a warm form for half an hour. In addition to the anti-edematous effect, boiled potatoes perfectly rejuvenate the skin and contribute to its visual freshness.


If the problem with edema recurs from time to time, it is necessary to have a pharmacy collection of horsetail in the medicine cabinet. Water tincture for 2 tbsp. l. This plant perfectly eliminates swelling.


Fresh parsley leaves are ground with a meat grinder or blender, add the same amount of brewed green tea, mix thoroughly and apply for 20-30 minutes to the bags under the eyes.

Folk methods offer a huge selection of anti-edematous natural remedies in the form of lotions and compresses, among which you will definitely find the one that is right for you:

Advice from a grandmother: it is necessary to stock up on viburnum fruits from the summer and freeze it in the required amount. Every morning, defrost a few berries, squeeze the juice onto your fingers and apply it on the face, including the eye area. Wait for it to dry and see the result!

Often bags are accompanied by increased pigmentation of the eyelids, leading to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. To get rid of the double problem, you should make a compress. To do this, take chamomile, mint, linden inflorescences, arnica, eyebright or string. Pour the selected herb with boiling water and insist. Apply as a warm compress on the eyelids, often wetting a cotton ball.

If there is absolutely nothing at home, but it is urgent to solve the problem, use another folk trick: take 2 teaspoons, hold in the freezer and apply to the eyelids. As soon as the spoons are heated, they are cooled again and applied to the eyelids.

We are treated comprehensively

Do you only have 1 day to get rid of bags under your eyes? Do not eat anything salty, do not drink a lot of water. In some cases, you can drink a diuretic pill, but only after consulting a doctor!

It does not hurt to drink a course of vitamins and sit on a diet that excludes fast food, a large amount of fat and sweets. Remove coffee from the diet, it retains fluid in the body, and in general try not to drink liquid after 19.00.

Put another pillow under your neck before going to bed so that fluid does not accumulate in the tissues of the eyelids. And never go to bed without removing your makeup!

If the problem of edema is recurrent, it is advisable to drink 1 tbsp daily. freshly squeezed juice from a mixture of cabbage, celery and parsley.

In case the global problem remains, look for its causes with the doctor. And be healthy and beautiful!

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