How to treat bronchitis at home. Treatment of bronchitis folk remedies. What is chronic bronchitis

Added: 2015-09-07

4 years ago

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi, characterized by damage to the mucous membranes and the bronchial tree. Often the disease is accompanied by a malfunction of the upper respiratory tract - the larynx, nasal mucosa, trachea, nasopharynx. Bronchitis can be acute or chronic. The active phase of acute bronchitis lasts from several days to several weeks. Symptoms of the acute form of the disease are similar to acute respiratory infections. The main problem of the chronic form of bronchitis is a persistent, persistent cough. The reason for the development of this type of disease is damage to the respiratory tract and smoking for a long time.

Many have heard that all diseases are associated with disruption of the digestive system and contamination of the gastrointestinal tract. However, not many people know that chronic bronchitis is also partly related to this.

According to statistics, bronchitis most often affects people in adulthood, after about 50 years. Men suffer from bronchitis 2-3 times more than women. You need to know that chronic bronchitis can be fatal. This is due to the fact that there is a strong expansion of the air spaces and rapidly developing pulmonary heart failure.

Chronic obstructive bronchitis also causes inflammation and affects the bronchi. At the same time, the processes of ventilation of the lungs are disturbed. The main symptom of chronic bronchitis is a persistent cough with sputum, shortness of breath.

The main symptoms of bronchitis

Symptoms report problems that have occurred. You need to be very attentive to your health and timely identify the first signs of disorders in the body. This will help to quickly deal with the problem, avoiding serious consequences. Bronchitis can take many forms and in some cases cause serious complications. In addition, this disease occurs in people at any age. In children, 3 types of this disease are distinguished:

  • Simple acute bronchitis;
  • Acute obstructive;
  • Acute bronchiolitis (occurs in newborns and infants, while small bronchi are affected).

In adults, there are 2 forms of the disease - acute and chronic.

Symptoms of acute and chronic bronchitis:

  • Strong cough (at first dry, and then with sputum);
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Dyspnea;
  • increased sweating;
  • Decreased performance;
  • Weakness;
  • Pain in the chest.

Bronchitis is a fairly common disease. Almost everyone has experienced this disease at least once in their life. The symptoms of bronchitis are well known and quickly recognized. If a runny nose appears, while the head hurts a lot, the temperature rises and the cough torments - these are sure signs of the disease. The symptoms of bronchitis are similar to those of the common cold and the flu, so it's easy to confuse the two.

To quickly get rid of the disease, you need to accurately diagnose. Only a qualified doctor can do this. He conducts an examination, collects information on the patient's complaints and draws up an overall picture. The main difference between bronchitis is a strong cough, sometimes with wheezing. Chronic bronchitis can occur in people who work in hazardous industries or smoke for a long time. But in most cases, the disease is associated with infection in the body.

The acute form of the disease can last from several days to several weeks. The patient complains of dry cough, runny nose, headache, fever. Cough with sputum in children may be accompanied by discharge of a yellow-gray or greenish tint, which indicates the presence of a bacterial infection. If the discharge is white, then there is no infection. A wet cough is much more beneficial for the body than a dry one, because this way the accumulated mucus comes out. A cough with wheezing means that a mucus mass has formed in the airways. With proper treatment, acute bronchitis resolves after 10 days.

If you do not start treatment and start the disease, then the acute form can turn into a chronic one. In this case, the cough will linger for several months and it will be much more difficult to cope with the disease. In some cases, there is a cough with blood. It is necessary to ensure that sputum comes out during coughing. In newborns, bronchitis first manifests itself as a dry, debilitating cough without phlegm. Shortness of breath also becomes noticeable, the temperature rises, wheezing appears.

In advanced form, bronchitis can turn into purulent. This form of the disease occurs against the background of reduced immunity. Symptoms of purulent bronchitis: weakness, cough with pus and sputum, chest pain, shortness of breath, high fever, headache, severe sweating.

In addition, allergic tracheal bronchitis occurs. With this type of bronchitis, frequent breathing, a burning sensation in the chest area, a state of weakness, and lack of appetite are added to the main symptoms. Because of a strong cough, pain in the nasopharynx occurs, the voice disappears. In this case, cough can accompany the patient from several months to several years. If you have any symptoms of bronchitis, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Especially if the cough is accompanied by discharge in the form of blood or pus.

What causes bronchitis?

The main factors causing bronchitis:

  • Infections: fungi, bacteria, viruses;
  • Physical impact: too hot, cold or dry air;
  • Chemical impact: pairs of alkalis, acids.
  • Bronchitis is provoked by bad habits and other external and internal factors that reduce the protective functions of the body, namely:
  • Passive and active smoking;
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Frequent colds, SARS;
  • Unfavorable climate;
  • Pathologies of the nasopharynx: pharyngitis, sinusitis, polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • Congestive processes in the lungs (with heart failure);
  • Heredity (congenital deficiency of alpha-1 antitrypsin);
  • Difficult working conditions, hazardous production (dampness, frequent hypothermia, prolonged stay in a room with polluted air).

Bronchitis very quickly appears in conditions when there is regular damage to the bronchi and mucous membranes by small particles floating in the air. Another common reason is unsuitable climate. Many people leave cities with constant dampness and humidity, and only after that they stop getting sick.

When some particles, dust, acrid smoke constantly get into the bronchi, the body turns on the protection mode, which is expressed by sputum production. Coughing is our body's way of expelling foreign substances from the airways.

Chronic bronchitis is most common in heavy smokers. People working in bakeries, chemical and wool production also fall into the risk zone.

How do infections affect the development of bronchitis?

Chronic bronchitis develops faster in the presence of microbes and foci of infection. Bronchitis can greatly aggravate chronic tonsillitis as well as poor circulation. If a person has already had acute bronchitis more than once, then the risk of acquiring a chronic form of the disease is significantly increased. Infections complicate the development of the disease, increase the amount of secreted mucus.

Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis often occurs due to the ingestion of streptococci, staphylococci, viral infections, and pneumococci.

Bronchitis: treatment with folk remedies

  • A very effective folk remedy for bronchitis is inhalation. They can be made with essential oils such as eucalyptus and lemon essential oils. You can also use the old method of boiling the potatoes and breathing the steam over the pot. This method must be used very carefully so as not to cause burns of the mucous membranes and not aggravate the disease.
  • In chronic bronchitis, it is useful to use herbal preparations. A combination of the following herbs helps very well: coltsfoot, thyme, linden, plantain, oregano, licorice. To prepare a decoction, mix all the herbs, take 1 tablespoon, pour 500 g of boiling water and leave for about 2 hours. The drug is taken 3 times a day for a third of a glass. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days.
  • With bronchitis, it is recommended to use a mixture of honey and onions in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is passed through a meat grinder and taken 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon for 10-14 days. If you do not like onions, then replace it with garlic. Many patients experience relief after using this remedy. This prescription is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Another way to get rid of bronchitis is koumiss. During illness, it is necessary to consume 1 glass 3-4 times a day.

If you have found bronchitis - treatment with folk remedies will help to cope with the disease. Use proven methods:

  • Make onion juice and take it as an expectorant. Onion broth with added sugar also helps well. Rinse the onion in the husk, cover with water, add about 100 g of sugar, simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes, and then drink the resulting decoction in a day.
  • The patient should receive plentiful hot drinks and sweat profusely. To do this, you can make a decoction of diaphoretic herbs: raspberries, sage, red clover, elecampane, elderberry, plantain, ginger root with lemon, violet, elderberry, mint, lime blossom.
  • Do inhalations over a decoction of potatoes, with the addition of 2 drops of fir oil.
  • Pour a glass of milk into an enamel bowl, add 1 tablespoon of dry sage herb to it, cover tightly, bring to a boil over low heat, cool and strain. Then bring to a boil again, covered with a lid. Ready to drink hot before going to bed.
  • Boil unpeeled potatoes, mash them with a fork, add 2-3 drops of iodine and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. We stir all the ingredients, put it on a cloth and make a compress on the chest. From above it is necessary to wrap up with a warm scarf or scarf. This procedure is preferably done at night. When the compress has cooled down, it can be removed.
  • When coughing, use birch sap in combination with burnt sugar.
  • Prepare such a remedy: remove the core from the radish, cover it with honey or sugar, and put it in a cool place overnight. The radish will give juice, which should be taken 1 tablespoon three times a day.
  • Take freshly squeezed turnip juice 5-6 times a day, 1-2 tablespoons.
  • In case of acute and chronic bronchitis, grind the marshmallow root, pour 200 g of cold water over it, and leave for 8-10 hours.
  • Take 2 parts licorice root and 1 part lime blossom. Make a decoction of the herb and use it for dry coughs or excessively thick sputum.
  • Prepare an expectorant: take 5 teaspoons of ground wheatgrass root, 3 teaspoons of mint, pour 3 cups of water over the herbs, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave until cool. Strain the remedy and take a third of a glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • As an expectorant, it is useful to use fresh cabbage juice with sugar. You can take it several times a day, 1 teaspoon. In diseases of the respiratory tract, a decoction of white cabbage with honey helps.
  • Put milk (about 250 g) on ​​a slow fire, dip fresh figs into it and sweat a little. Next, eat the fruit, and drink hot milk.
  • For coughs, bronchitis, colds, headaches, the following recipe helps well. Take 1 tablespoon of linden flowers, pour 250 g of boiling water over them, cover, wrap and leave for 1 hour. Next, strain, add 200 g of boiled water and take 2-3 times a day for half a glass.

Treatment of bronchitis with honey

  • Take 1 glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice, mix with a few tablespoons of natural honey, and take the resulting remedy 4-5 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • Prepare a drink of hot milk with a pinch of soda and honey.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of viburnum berries, and chop them well. Next, heat 2 cups of honey in a water bath, constantly stirring it with a wooden spatula. When the honey becomes quite hot, fill it with viburnum, cover the container with a lid, wrap it with a warm scarf and insist for 5-6 hours. The mixture can be taken 5-6 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • Grate fresh apples and mix them with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Use 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • With a strong cough, make a compress of honey and flour. Take 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 tablespoon of dry mustard, the same amount of vodka, honey and sunflower oil. Mix all the ingredients well to make a kind of dough. Spread the dough on a piece of gauze folded several times and apply to the place where pain or wheezing is felt. Place cling film on top and wrap with a warm scarf. Keep the compress up to 40 minutes. This procedure is best done at night.

Effective folk recipes for bronchitis

Recipe 1- vegetable oil for bronchitis. Take a quarter cup of unrefined vegetable oil and boil it in a water bath. Next, take a large towel, soak it with warm (not hot) oil and wrap it around the patient. The towel can be fixed with cling film and additionally wrapped with a warm blanket. This oil bath is suitable for both adults and children.

Recipe 2- butter from illness. So, we take 1 teaspoon of butter, 2 teaspoons of natural honey, put the ingredients in an enameled container and put on the stove. Stir the product until a homogeneous mass is formed. Let it cool down, and smear with the mixture at night, without rubbing it into the body. Top can be wrapped with cling film. Follow this procedure for a week, and you will definitely feel relief.

Recipe 3- carrots and sunflower seeds for bronchitis. We take the seeds of carrots and sunflowers, put them in a bottle, fill them with water and alcohol in equal proportions. The remedy must be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon between meals. The tincture should not be drunk or eaten with anything. After a few days, you will feel much better.

Recipe 4- lard for bronchitis. For this recipe, you will need the following ingredients: lard, buckwheat honey, unsalted butter, sugar. We take all the components of 500 g and mix, having previously melted and filtered the lard through gauze. Next, boil the product on the stove for 5 minutes. Then add 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder and put on the stove for another 7 minutes (add honey at the end so that it does not lose nutrients). The drug is ready. It should be consumed only in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon, washed down with milk.

Recipe 5- wax and honey. Take 250 g of flower honey, 250 g of crushed wax, 250 g of sunflower oil, 250 g of pine resin. Pour all the ingredients into a saucepan and put on fire, stirring well, but not bringing the mixture to a boil. At the exit you will receive 1 liter of the mixture. Put it in the refrigerator.

This tool can be given even to children. Use it 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals with half a glass of hot milk. You will forget about bronchitis before the bank runs out.

Recipe 6– inhalation with sea salt. Good help with bronchitis inhalation. Sea salt must be poured into a small pot or pan and heated. We add a collection of crushed herbs to the hot salt: wild strawberry leaves, wild mallow flowers, coltsfoot, black elder flowers, thyme grass. You can also add pine buds. Inhalation is carried out in the usual way: we bend over the pan. We cover ourselves with a towel and breathe in the vapors. Salt should be taken only from the sea, because it contains a large amount of useful substances. After the procedure, the cough will decrease, the bronchi will expand, and sputum will stand out better. It is enough to make several such inhalations and bronchitis goes away.

Recipe 7- needles and pine buds. Pour 1 tablespoon of pine buds with one glass of boiling water, then steam the mixture for 30 minutes and insist for 15 minutes. The finished product has a disinfectant and expectorant effect. Take the remedy should be 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

On the basis of pine buds, inhalations can be done. They help make breathing easier. In addition, an excellent vitamin drink is obtained from the needles. To prepare it, you need to pour 4 cups of winter needles with 1 liter of cold water, and add 2 teaspoons of 5% hydrochloric acid. The infusion should be put in a dark place for 3 days, and then take the finished product in half a glass.

Features of nutrition in bronchitis

In chronic bronchitis, it is useful to do physiotherapy exercises, including breathing exercises aimed at improving the functioning of the muscles in the bronchi.

Diet plays an important role in bronchitis. Since the body is under severe stress, it needs a good recharge. The patient is recommended to eat 4 to 6 times a day. The diet should contain a lot of protein foods, while the proportion of fats and carbohydrates remains normal.

It is very important to ensure that during an illness with food a sufficient amount of vitamins A, C, and E is supplied. In addition, with bronchitis, a plentiful hot drink is prescribed. The most useful decoctions of linden flowers, tea with honey or raspberry jam, natural vegetable and fruit juices and pure water.

With bronchitis, it is useful to eat a lot of onions. It acts as an antimicrobial, antiviral and expectorant, effectively thinning phlegm. Onions can be added to vegetable salads, first and second courses.

In chronic bronchitis, chicory with honey helps a lot. To prepare it, you need to dry the chicory root, grind it to a powder, add honey in a ratio of 1: 2 (two parts of honey for one part of chicory). Take this remedy 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

In general, the diet should be balanced and high in protein. Be sure to drink plenty of water and warm drinks.

1357 09/02/2019 7 min.

Bronchitis is a consequence of the inflammatory process that occurs in the upper respiratory tract. It begins with a slight malaise and soreness in the larynx. But then the patient's body temperature begins to rise and a dry cough appears, which eventually develops into a wet cough with expectorant sputum. Coughing attacks occur not only during the daytime, but also at night. They are of a protracted nature, while breathing becomes heavy and shortness of breath appears. There is a general aching pain in the body. This disease cannot be started, you should definitely consult a pulmonologist. He will prescribe the necessary course of treatment. It doesn't have to be antibiotics.

Is it possible to recover at home?

Recipe 2

You need to take a large radish and separate its top. Then make a recess in it, in which to put a spoonful of candied honey, cover it with the previously cut off top. The bottom of the radish can also be cut off and placed in a glass of water. Then it will not dry out for a long time. The very next day after such a procedure, juice will stand out in the recess, so they will need to be treated. Every day, a hole in a radish must be filled with honey in order to have a ready-made medicine in the morning. The course of treatment with this fruit is two weeks, and with obvious improvements, you can limit yourself to 7 days.

Regular, or a common option - a compress with fat can also help. A little melted fat should be smeared on paper, then it is sprinkled with alcohol and placed on the chest and back. Therefore, it is worth preparing two separate sheets for convenience. Then everything is covered with oilcloth and wrapped with a warm cloth or a wide knitted scarf.

An additional tool in the treatment of chronic bronchitis can be used inhalation with a nebulizer. Or, in its absence, just breathe in vapors of boiled potatoes, herbal decoctions or soda solutions. In particular, they are often prescribed to pregnant women.

What to do if a child is sick

At the first symptoms of bronchitis, the baby should constantly lie in his crib. During the day, he should try to change the position of the body. Help him hang over the edge of the bed when he coughs to improve the flow of phlegm.

To exclude an allergic cough, it is necessary to replace the child's bedding made of fluff and natural wool with synthetic ones. In his room, the air temperature should not be higher than 22 degrees, and the humidity should be high so that the baby's mucous membranes do not dry out. Provide the sick person with plenty of warm fluids. At first, the disease should be transferred to a milk-vegetarian diet. Add more natural vitamins to your diet.

The video tells how to treat bronchitis in a child with folk remedies:

Inhalations for children are prescribed at night. Vegetables are not recommended. Massage will not only help with treatment, but also give the baby a special pleasure. During it, you can relax his body and relieve pain. It is often combined with rubbing, in which you can use goat or.

Buy colorful balloons for your little one and let him inflate them throughout the day. This is an excellent gymnastics for the lungs and bronchi.

If the child does not have a temperature, you can perform warm compresses from home products. Only you can not replace them with mustard plasters, the latter can increase bronchospasm.

Warm foot baths will help enhance the warming effect of the previously described remedies.

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Bronchitis is a disease accompanied by inflammation of the tiny bronchi in adults and children. Traditionally, the appearance of the disease is promoted by cigarettes, weak immunity and sudden hypothermia. Everyone can face a problem, so it’s better to know how to cure bronchitis with folk remedies at home.

You can resist the disease at home with the help of pharmacy medicines and folk recipes. A quick recovery will bring only an integrated approach.

Acute bronchitis is called inflammation of the bronchi. Children and elderly people often suffer from the disease. Viral infections cause the disease, but often the cause of acute bronchitis is bacteria, allergic reactions and irritation of the respiratory tract with gases and chemical compounds that are harmful to health.

The main symptom of chronic bronchitis is a continuous cough, accompanied by the separation of mucus in large quantities. As the attack develops, it becomes more difficult for the patient to breathe, especially during exertion. Later, due to the lack of air in the blood, the skin acquires a bluish tint. Often there is swelling of the body. The chronic form has fatal complications: emphysema, congestive insufficiency.

Video material

If the body temperature has increased, the ability to work has decreased, weakness and dry cough tormented, which eventually becomes wet, it is likely that this is bronchitis.

Treatment of bronchitis folk remedies

Let's look at how to treat bronchitis with folk remedies at home. Tips will help improve well-being and overcome the attack.

Treatment should begin with bed rest, warm drinks and a complete rejection of cigarettes. To speed up recovery, you should resort to time-tested folk recipes.

  • Sap. Pour a glass of beeswax, vegetable oil, honey and resin into a medium saucepan. Melt the ingredients, but do not bring to a boil. The output will be a liter of the mixture, which you will have to drink. Drink a small spoonful on an empty stomach with tea or warmed milk. Store the product in the refrigerator.
  • Bananas. A starchy product that softens coughing attacks in bronchitis. Make a puree from several bananas, steam with boiling water, add a little sugar and eat.
  • Herb tea . Mix two parts of black elderberries with a part of hay fenugreek, four parts of lime blossom, the same amount of tricolor violet, one spoonful of fennel fruit and three tablespoons of licorice root. Pour a spoonful of the mixture with a cup of boiling water, leave for an hour and take half a glass about 6 times a day. The remedy will help to defeat the cough and improve the condition.
  • Anise. Pour 250 grams of anise seeds with 0.85 liters of water and boil a little. In the finished strained broth, add a little honey, a little strong wine and a spoonful of eucalyptus oil. After mixing, drink the broth one spoonful after three hours.
  • Plantain. To combat bronchitis, a mixture of honey and plantain juice can be used as an expectorant drug. Mix the ingredients in identical proportions and boil for a third of an hour. Take a spoon three times a day.
  • Herbs. If bronchitis persists, try mixing a spoonful of oregano herb with two spoonfuls of marshmallow root and a spoonful of coltsfoot. Pour a spoonful of the mixture with 0.25 liters of boiling water, insist and drink half a glass twice a day for 20 days. If necessary, repeat the course in a week.
  • Dandelions. You can treat the disease with dandelion syrup. To prepare, collect 4 hundreds of dandelion heads, pour in 1.75 liters of water, add about a kilogram of sugar, boil and sweat a little. After filtering the syrup, add three tablespoons to the tea.
  • beer and honey. Mix two tablespoons of linden honey with a glass of beer heated to 60 degrees and mix. To be treated with the remedy three times a day, 0.3 cups after a meal. The duration of therapy is 5 days.
  • Horseradish and honey. The tool helps in the fight against bronchitis and lung diseases. Pass four parts of horseradish through a grater, mix with 5 parts of honey. Take one spoonful after meals.
  • Trituration. Pour a glass of potato flowers with a liter of sunflower oil and insist in the dark for about a decade. Before going to bed, rub the chest and back with infusion, and then wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

I have reviewed a partial list of homemade medicines that help to cope with the disease. But, these are the most effective recipes.

Video tips

These methods have one common plus - the absence of contraindications. Therapy is focused on the problem and will not make the situation worse.

Treatment with medications

Let's take a closer look at the treatment of bronchitis with medications. Pharmacies offer a huge selection of domestic and foreign-made medicines, so it won’t hurt to sort out the issue.

In bronchitis, inflammatory processes are accompanied by spasm of smooth muscles and mucosal edema. As a result, viscous mucus is produced in large quantities, and narrowed bronchi do not allow air to freely reach the alveoli. Therefore, there are bouts of coughing, and breathing is very difficult.

At the beginning of the article, I said that acute and chronic bronchitis are isolated. Most often, acute is infectious in nature and involves treatment with antibiotics and alternative recipes. The duration of correct and timely treatment is approximately 10 days. In severe cases, therapy may take several weeks. Often, acute bronchitis is accompanied by side diseases, including: laryngitis, tracheitis, influenza. It is caused by bacteria and viruses.

Chronic bronchitis is a complication of improper and belated treatment of the acute analogue. It also causes prolonged exposure to allergenic factors.

  1. With bronchitis, it is recommended to adhere to a sparing regimen and take anti-inflammatory and expectorant drugs. The first category of medicines includes aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol, the second - ambroxol, lazolvan and bromhexine.
  2. The patient is prescribed a set of drugs aimed at combating respiratory and colds. Among them are hot drinks, inhalations that make breathing easier, antipyretic drugs that reduce body temperature.
  3. Therapy involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and medications that prevent the accumulation of mucus in the nasal cavity. If the disease is advanced or is bacterial in nature, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.
  4. If the nasopharynx is affected, the complex of the listed drugs is expanded with aerosols, including cameton, inhalipt and others. With bronchospasm, drugs are taken that help expand the bronchi and eliminate spasms.
  5. Medicines that block cough centers are used with extreme caution in bronchitis. Otherwise, an asthma attack may occur, caused by fluid accumulated in the bronchi, which is not coughed up.

You can fight bronchitis with folk methods and anti-inflammatory drugs, which you can buy without a prescription. If no improvement is observed, and the course of the disease is accompanied by spasms and purulent discharge, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

Bronchitis in adults: symptoms and treatment

Most often, bronchitis appears against the background of colds, including influenza and SARS. Exposure to chemical or physical factors of an aggressive nature can lead to illness. We are talking about dust, paint fumes, acetone and gasoline.

Often the disease is of a viral or bacterial nature and is accompanied by inflammation of the bronchi, which contributes to the appearance of a painful cough. This painful symptom greatly exhausts a person, and its duration is calculated in weeks.

I devote this part of the article to the features of the appearance, development and treatment of bronchitis in adults. The topic remains relevant even in warm weather, when the likelihood of catching a cold is minimal. Regrettably, no one is immune from bronchitis, it can appear at any time.

Main symptoms

  • At the initial stage of the development of the disease, a person experiences weakness, malaise, fatigue and weakness. Often the symptoms are accompanied by a headache. After a few days, heaviness, unpleasant pain, burning in the chest and cough appear.
  • Coughing fits are unproductive, as sputum is not excreted. As a result, they are accompanied by severe chest pain. A strong cough causes a headache, increases pressure and temperature to a subfebrile level.
  • A few days later, sputum appears, relieving suffering. A wet cough is accompanied by less painful sensations. At first, the sputum is transparent, but over time it acquires a characteristic color. This indicates the mucus of the bacterial microflora.
  • The duration of symptoms in an adult is two weeks. However, in recent years there has been a tendency to lengthen the duration of the disease.

If the inflammation is transferred to the tiny bronchi, the disease can turn into bronchopneumonia. In the absence of timely therapy, pneumonia may appear - an extremely serious complication.

Effective treatment

It's time to pay attention to the treatment of the disease. In each individual case, a specific treatment regimen is used, but the general principles of the struggle remain unchanged.

  1. First of all, you will have to quit smoking, get rid of other bad habits, and exclude staying in conditions with negative factors. This will increase the effectiveness of therapy.
  2. Doctors prescribe drugs that dilate the bronchi, eliminate obstruction and separate sputum. Teopec, Eufillin, Venterol and other medicines are suitable for this purpose.
  3. The next step is to use expectorant drugs that make the mucus less viscous and thick. They use herbal products, including Dr. MOM, Thermopsis and others. Synthetic drugs Bromhexine and Lazolvan are also used.
  4. If the body temperature remains high or increases despite the use of drugs, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, which involves the use of antibacterial drugs.
  5. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, antibiotics are not prescribed. The cause of acute bronchitis is a viral infection, to which the action of drugs does not apply. In the case of chronic bronchitis, antibiotics are appropriate for manifestations of obstruction.
  6. Choose an antibiotic based on the type of pathogen. If the antibiotic treatment is chosen correctly, the symptoms will begin to subside after a few days.
  7. If bronchitis is caused by viruses, they are treated with antiviral agents, including Kipferon, Interferon, Genferon and others. The duration of antiviral treatment is 10 days.

In addition to the listed drugs, treatment of an auxiliary or symptomatic nature is prescribed, which involves the use of cardiac and antipyretic drugs, vitamins and antihistamines.

An effective addition to the main therapy is traditional medicine with decoctions, infusions and herbal preparations. Mustard plasters and banks with bronchitis do not show a tangible result.

Bronchitis in children: symptoms and treatment

As a rule, bronchitis affects the lower respiratory tract. If the correct treatment is not started in a timely manner, the child may develop bronchial asthma or pneumonia.

Traditionally, bronchitis begins as a cold and is accompanied by a runny nose and dry cough. A sick child experiences weakness, chest pain, suffers from fever. Often, shortness of breath is also present among the symptoms.

Later, the cough begins to be accompanied by sputum production. The type of disease is determined by the type of mucus. If the discharge is clear, then bronchitis is acute. Purulent contents indicate the development of chronic bronchitis.

  • It is not worth treating the disease in a child on its own. Only a doctor can effectively and quickly solve the problem. A qualified doctor will determine the treatment regimen and make a list of drugs and pills.
  • You can fight the disease at home only under the supervision of a doctor. If the baby has a fever or there is a possibility of the disease becoming chronic, the child needs to be hospitalized, especially if he is not a year old. At this age, the organs of the respiratory system are poorly developed and injections may be required to normalize the temperature.
  • Using the right treatment, you can get rid of bronchitis in a child in two weeks. If after a month the therapy has not yielded results, an additional study should be carried out as soon as possible.
  • Often the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Take the drugs should be strictly according to the instructions. It is recommended to treat accompanied by physiotherapy, proper nutrition and antibiotic therapy.
  • Auxiliary medicines are given to children only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  • Children under one year expectorants are prohibited. Stay away from medications containing codeine. Do not neglect traditional medicine.
  • An excellent result shows a warm drink. Warm milk with a drop of honey and butter is ideal for alleviating a cough. A good effect is provided by inhalations based on herbs and soda.
  • You should not write off the procedures of a warming and rubbing nature. Before going to bed, rub the child's legs with turpentine ointment, put on socks and cover with a warm blanket.
  • Mustard plasters are put to children through a diaper, otherwise burns will appear. It is forbidden to apply mustard plasters on the chest in the region of the heart.
  • A remarkable healing effect is characterized by decoctions based on pine buds or thermopsis herbs. Expectorant action boast infusions of plantain and marshmallow.

Video advice of Dr. Komarovsky

Children are highly susceptible to allergic reactions and intoxication, so be sure to consult a doctor before using folk and medical remedies!

Eating and drinking while sick

Against the background of the disease, the daily intake of fluid should be increased to 3.5 liters. It is recommended to drink tea, jelly, juice, alkaline fruit drink or hot milk. It does not hurt to change the daily diet, which includes more vitamins and proteins. Provide the body with useful substances vegetables and fruits.

At elevated temperatures and signs of intoxication, you can carefully resort to a small fast, but on condition that the body needs it. Remember, a diet that limits anything in case of illness is categorically contraindicated.

Bronchitis is a serious disease that is often accompanied by severe complications that pose a potential threat to disability, health, and even life. Self-treatment of the disease without a thorough examination in a medical institution and the supervision of a doctor can lead to the transition of the disease to a chronic one.

There are times when a person does not even realize that, under the guise of bronchitis, he develops tuberculosis or an oncological disease. Leave the problem unattended. Treatment includes mandatory bed rest. Despite this, many "heroes" continue to work, which significantly increases the likelihood of a heart complication.

On this note, I end the article on how to cure bronchitis at home. I hope that with the help of the recommendations you will be able to quickly restore your health and return to a healthy life. Do not be ill!

Every adult has experienced a cough at least a few times in their life. This phenomenon is often a symptom of bronchitis. This is a dangerous inflammatory disease that requires immediate treatment. What should be the safe complex treatment of bronchitis at home in adults is described below.

Cough is a key symptom of the disease under discussion. In addition to it, the patient may experience pain in the chest, severe headache, fever, general weakness.

Only with the mildest forms of the disease is it allowed to treat it exclusively with folk remedies. A doctor must give permission for this method of therapy. But it is better to combine folk remedies with high-quality modern medicines.

What drugs, antibiotics help with the disease?

The action of any selected drugs for bronchitis should be primarily aimed at eliminating sputum from the bronchi, returning breathing to normal, fighting pathogens and relieving inflammation. All medicines must be prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination.

Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics is relevant only for bacterial bronchitis. In this case, the patient is most often prescribed Erythromycin or Amoxicillin. Amoxiclav and Erythromycin are also popular antibiotic options for bronchitis. Any of these drugs must be drunk in full to prevent relapse.

Bronchodilators are used to relieve coughing and speed up sputum excretion. These are Berodual and Teofedrin. They are prescribed to a patient with a severe illness that cannot be cured for a long time.

Mucolytics are also used to thin and remove sputum. They quickly improve the patient's condition. These are Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Fluditec. If there is no sputum in the bronchi, then you need to choose drugs that effectively fight dry cough. This is Codelac or Sinekod.

Inhalation as a remedy for bronchitis

Inhalation with modern drugs for bronchitis using a nebulizer is a very effective treatment option. As a result, the drugs do not enter the bloodstream and stomach, but immediately find themselves deep in the bronchi. Procedures are prescribed for acute or chronic illness. It is impossible to carry out inhalation during the period of exacerbation of the chronic form.

The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a day for 1-1.5 weeks. For an adult patient, the optimal duration of inhalation is 7-8 minutes (no more than 10). Medicines are combined with saline before use for inhalation. These are Lazolvan (mucolytic), Berodual (bronchodilator), Tonsilgon (homeopathic remedy), Fluimucil (an anti-inflammatory drug that thins sputum).

Folk remedies

Among the traditional medicine, you can also find many options for natural medicines and treatments for bronchitis. For example, these are inhalations with sea salt. A pound of this ingredient is dissolved in 4 liters of filtered water. The mixture is brought to a boil, after which 1 teaspoon of dry extracts of raspberry and black elderberry is added to it.

From aloe you can prepare a healing tincture. 4 leaves of the plant are cut in the middle, after which half a liter of high-quality dry white wine is poured. The mixture is infused for 3 days at room temperature. Tincture is used 1 teaspoon after meals 3 times a day.

Before going to bed, it is important to rub the chest with goose fat, and then put on warm pajamas. It is advisable to drink a glass of warm milk with butter and / or bee honey after the procedure.

An effective decoction against bronchitis is prepared from birch buds. For this, a liter of clean water and 8-9 fresh buds are combined. The mixture is brought to a boil and left on fire for 3-4 minutes. Then the product is cooled, filtered through 2-3 layers of clean gauze and applied 40 ml 3 times a day before meals. The full course of treatment is 5 days.

Massage and therapeutic gymnastics

Massage for bronchitis to the patient to alleviate his condition should be done by an experienced specialist. This procedure normalizes metabolism and blood circulation in the respiratory organs (including the lungs), and will also have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects.

Massage will include several stages at once: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. It is allowed to independently conduct it during the recovery period of the patient after the illness.

No less useful for the disease under discussion and exercise therapy. Special exercises improve the general condition of the patient, restore the elasticity of the bronchial tissue, promote liquefaction and active excretion of sputum, strengthen the patient's body's defenses.

Among the recommended exercises for bronchitis are the following:

  • Starting position - lying on the left side. The body is slightly bent. Inhaling, the patient raises his right arm and unbends. Exhaling - again bends the body. The movements are repeated on the other side.
  • Starting position - lying on your back with outstretched arms. On inspiration, the arms rise and wind up behind the head (behind the back of the head). On exhalation, the patient returns to the starting position.

Treatment depending on the form of bronchitis

There are several forms of the disease under discussion. This characteristic must be taken into account when prescribing treatment to the patient. Therapy of various forms of the disease is significantly different.


In chronic bronchitis, the patient is prescribed inhalations, diuretics (to lower blood pressure), hormonal bronchodilators (in the form of injections), as well as drugs that reduce body temperature. Usually complex treatment includes antihistamines, antibiotics and vitamins.

For accelerated recovery of the body after an illness, a chest massage, herbal medicine and healing exercises can be recommended to the patient.


Be sure to treat acute bronchitis with a whole range of drugs from different groups. Hospitalization is necessary if there is a threat of pneumonia.

Antibiotics for acute bronchitis are rarely prescribed - only in cases where the disease is characterized by a complicated course or when purulent sputum appears.


With this form of the disease, the patient is prescribed antibiotics (for example, Amoxicillin) or drugs of the cephalosporin group, which are administered intramuscularly and are used in hospital therapy.

Obstructive bronchitis is also treated with bronchodilators. They can be combined with antibiotics. The drugs are taken for at least a week. But a more precise period is determined by the doctor. With persistent narrowing of the bronchi, the patient is prescribed treatment with glucocorticosteroids. These are, for example, Decortin and Medopred.

smoker's bronchitis

The therapy of smoker's bronchitis is always very long. It is carried out at home. For maximum effectiveness, it is worth combining medicines with folk remedies.

Of course, the first step is to quit smoking. Otherwise, any therapy will be useless. At an early stage of the disease, giving up a bad habit is enough.

If the problem is running, then mucolytics should be used to remove accumulated mucus in the lumen of the bronchi. These are preparations based on thyme, marshmallow root and / or bromhexine. To relieve swelling of the body, antihistamines are selected. Bronchospasm will eliminate inhalation with salbutamol and various bronchodilators.


To begin with, the factor that provokes the disease is eliminated. This action alone can help prevent complications and achieve remission.

In the acute period of the disease, mucolytics, antihistamines and enterosorbents are used in combination. Their task is to remove the allergen from the body.

You can also combine inhalation with physiotherapy. Actual use of laser therapy, electrophoresis and wave radiation.

How to relieve cough with bronchitis?

To improve the process of sputum discharge, the patient needs to drink plenty of fluids. If the mucus in the bronchi is not thin enough, expectorants can cause severe, painful coughing fits. It is especially useful to drink warm teas, herbal decoctions and broths.

Help relieve cough and humidifier. If the air in the room is treated with an evaporator, it is easier to inhale and does not irritate the mucous membranes. This is especially true for night time.

How to cure bronchitis during pregnancy?

Often, expectant mothers, whose immunity is greatly reduced as a result of active hormonal changes, suffer from bronchitis. Any infection can be complicated by inflammation of the bronchi.

If the disease is running, then antibiotics are indispensable. In this case, the infection itself is more dangerous for the baby than the medication. The following drugs have a minimal effect on the fetus: Flemoxin Solutab and Amoxicillin.

Among antibacterial drugs, expectant mothers can be prescribed Bioparox, among expectorants - Mukaltin. But Codeine is strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

Allowed for patients in an "interesting position" and inhalation. It is best to carry them out with mineral water and saline without drugs. They will relieve an attack of coughing, moisturize the mucous membrane, and accelerate the withdrawal of sputum.

Bronchitis is a fairly common disease that is most often diagnosed in the cold season. In this case, the inflammatory process affects the bronchial tree and adjacent organs. This disease develops due to infection in the body. Basically, initially the disease is provoked by viruses, and only a few days later a bacterial infection joins. The main task of treatment is to transfer the cough from dry to wet, as well as to fight infection. It is possible to treat bronchitis in adults at home, but in compliance with all the recommendations of the attending physician.

What is bronchitis

Bronchitis is an infectious disease that is most often caused by viruses and bacteria. With this pathology, the bronchial mucosa becomes very inflamed, which is manifested by characteristic symptoms.

Most often, this ailment occurs after severe hypothermia of the body, so many people associate bronchitis with a cold. This is not very true, since the main way for the spread of bacteria and viruses is contact or airborne.

With this disease, the bronchial mucosa swells strongly and this leads to the accumulation of purulent-mucous secretions. If bronchitis is severely neglected, then there may be streaks of blood in the sputum. Due to edema, the lumen of the bronchi narrows greatly, the patient's breathing is disturbed and a strong cough occurs. Often, along with bronchitis, tracheitis also begins - a disease in which the tracheal mucosa becomes inflamed.

The disease is easy to recognize even on its own by characteristic signs that are more pronounced in acute bronchitis.

  • The disease always begins with a classic malaise and a slight sore throat.
  • The temperature rises, and intense bouts of dry cough periodically occur. After a few days, the cough becomes wet and is always accompanied by coughing up a large amount of purulent-mucous sputum. Such attacks are especially painful at night, a person cannot sleep normally, he becomes lethargic and irritable.
  • Breathing of a patient with bronchitis is very difficult, after a few days severe shortness of breath appears. All this is accompanied by weakness, pain in the joints and weakness.
  • The acute form of the disease can last about two weeks. But it should be borne in mind that the healing process of the bronchi is quite long, so bronchospasms can occur for a longer time.
  • If the acute form of the disease is not treated, then there is a high risk of developing chronic bronchitis. This form of the disease is quite difficult to treat and can quickly develop into bronchial asthma. The chronic form is often diagnosed in smokers with a long history of smoking.

If a person's immune system is severely weakened, then bronchitis can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia, asthma, or emphysema. People with chronic heart conditions can develop severe heart failure.

When the first symptoms of bronchitis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only with timely and comprehensive treatment can the functions of the respiratory organs be fully restored.

Fundamentals of treatment

Bronchitis should be treated by a doctor. He diagnoses the disease, prescribes drugs and physiotherapy, and also controls the entire course of treatment.

If bronchitis is not severe, then adults can be treated at home, in compliance with all the recommendations of a specialist. To get rid of bronchitis, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  • Antibacterial drugs.
  • Antivirals.
  • Expectorants and mucolytics.
  • Immunomodulators.

In addition, mustard plasters, medical cups and rubbing are often included in the treatment. A good effect is given by inhalation treatment.

We should not forget about the daily routine of the patient. He should get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous physical activity, which can lead to an attack of intense coughing and shortness of breath. In the patient's room, the optimum temperature should not exceed 21 degrees and the humidity should be close to 55%.

Many people believe that the more heated the room, the faster the recovery will occur. This is absolutely not the case, with very warm and dry air, the bronchial mucosa dries up, and sputum does not come out well. This leads to stagnation, with all the ensuing consequences.

To humidify the air, you must use a special humidifier or simply hang wet terry towels around the room. The room is often wet cleaned. This is necessary not only to humidify the air, but also to reduce dust particles in it, which can provoke an attack of severe coughing.

Drug treatment of bronchitis can be supplemented with alternative methods, but all of them must be agreed with the attending physician.

When are antibiotics needed?

It is possible to treat bronchitis and cough in adults at home, but only if the disease is not very difficult. In a severe course of the disease, when obstruction and respiratory failure are observed, the patient is hospitalized, he must constantly be under the supervision of health workers.

If bronchitis is provoked by viruses, then the use of antibiotics is impractical. With the normal functioning of the immune system, the body itself will very quickly cope with the pathogen. You should not resort to antibacterial drugs even if pathological changes in the composition of the blood are not visible and when coughing, sputum is released without an admixture of pus. In all these cases, antibiotics will not only not be beneficial, but can greatly aggravate the situation by causing allergies and intensifying bronchospasms.

The appointment of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs is resorted to only in such cases:

  • If the high temperature lasts more than 5 days and does not go astray.
  • If a characteristic purulent sputum is secreted during coughing or there is an admixture of blood in the coughed up secret.
  • When, after an acute period, the patient's condition improves, but after a couple of days the temperature rises again and the condition worsens.

In all these cases, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs, but only after a complete examination of the patient, which includes an x-ray and tests.

For the treatment of bronchitis, broad-spectrum antibiotics are most often used - penicillins, cephalosporins and macrolides. When treating bronchitis at home, oral antibiotics are mainly prescribed, although if there is a health worker in the house, then antibiotics in injections may well be prescribed.

If the prescribed antibiotics do not give an effect for 4 days, they are canceled and drugs of another group are prescribed.

When do you need antivirals?

If bronchitis is caused by viruses, then this indicates the need for the use of antiviral agents. The drugs in this group cause a lot of controversy among doctors. Some experts consider them ineffective and only talk about wasting money, other doctors believe that it is impossible to cope with viral pathology without antiviral drugs.

For viral infections, Viferon, Groprinosin and Isoprinosine are most often prescribed. Interferon may also be recommended. All these drugs are taken only as prescribed by a doctor and under his strict control. . Quite often, antiviral agents are prescribed for chronic bronchitis.

If bronchitis is mild, then antibiotics and antiviral drugs are not needed, the body itself will cope well with the infection. It is worth resorting to such medications only if there is a risk of complications.


At the very beginning of the disease, a painful dry cough is observed, which greatly disturbs the patient's well-being. That is why, with any form of bronchitis, expectorant drugs are simply necessary, aimed at translating a dry cough into a productive one. Medicines may be prescribed to thin the sputum and make it easier to pass from the respiratory organs.

Preparations based on thermopsis herb, ammonium chloride and some essential oils will help to quickly recover from bronchitis. All drugs to stimulate expectoration have a short therapeutic effect. An overdose of these drugs may cause nausea, diarrhea, and tearing.

In almost all cases, mucolytics are prescribed for bronchitis. These are drugs that help thin the sputum and at the same time do not lead to an increase in its volume. This includes all preparations based on Ambroxol - Lazolvan, Ambrobene and Ambroxol. Not bad help natural medicines based on marshmallow root.

The medicines necessary for treatment are selected by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease and the age of the patient.

Antipyretic drugs

Treatment of bronchitis at home in adults can be supplemented with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. With acute bronchitis, the patient's body temperature often exceeds 38 degrees. In this case, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol should be included in the treatment regimen.

If a person normally tolerates elevated temperature, then it is allowed not to bring it down to 38.5 degrees. With a tendency to convulsions, it is worth resorting to antipyretic drugs already at a temperature of 38 degrees.


Treatment of bronchitis at home is always supplemented with therapeutic inhalations. It is possible to carry out such physiotherapeutic procedures using a nebulizer that sprays medicinal solutions to fine particles. Steam inhalations are also allowed, but they can only be carried out if the temperature is not elevated.

It is necessary to start doing inhalations at the first manifestations of the disease. If such procedures are carried out regularly and the medicine is chosen correctly, then the treatment of bronchitis will not take much time.

Most often, in acute and chronic bronchitis, inhalations are carried out with such medicinal solutions:

Ambroxol-based drugs are diluted with saline, but such a drug can also be used independently. It reduces irritation and helps reduce swelling and inflammation.

Inhalations should not be resorted to if the body temperature exceeds 37.3 degrees. You can not breathe medicinal vapors and with tachycardia. These two conditions are the main contraindications to the physiotherapy procedure.

Inhalations with various medicinal solutions are considered the most effective method of treating bronchitis.


A special massage will help to quickly recover from bronchitis. Such procedures can be carried out only after the temperature returns to normal, and the general condition of the patient improves. Before the massage, it is advisable for the patient to take a bath with essential oil. This will moisturize the bronchial mucosa and facilitate sputum discharge.

  • The patient lies on his back. During inhalation, you need to move your hands from your chest to your back with a little effort, and during exhalation, the direction of movement of the hands changes.
  • The patient is placed so that the lower part of the body is raised, relative to the upper part. This position can be achieved if the patient's legs are placed on the sofa, and his hands rest on the floor. After that, the back is gently rubbed. Movement should be directed from the waist to the head.
  • Several times a day, it is useful for the patient to tap and pat his back. This must be done very carefully. Such techniques will facilitate the removal of sputum.

An expectorant can be taken a few hours before a therapeutic massage. Due to this, sputum will become less frequent and it will be better to leave the bronchi.

Massage movements should be gentle. It is unacceptable to rub or tap the heart area strongly.

Folk methods

You can supplement medical treatment with traditional medicine recipes. This will greatly alleviate the patient's condition and speed up recovery. The attending physician will help determine the choice of alternative methods of treatment.

  1. Take 15-20 large sheets of aloe and grind them in a meat grinder. The total volume of such gruel should be 500 ml. 0.5 liters of pork lard, the same amount of honey and 0.5 kg of grated dark chocolate are added to the vegetable raw materials. Everything is put on a slow fire and kept until all the ingredients are completely dissolved and a homogeneous mass is obtained. You need to drink this composition 5 times a day, a tablespoon half an hour before meals. Treatment is continued until the cough completely disappears.
  2. According to some folk healers, a cough can be cured in just 1-2 days using this method. They take 0.5 liters of refined vegetable oil, heat it in a water bath to a temperature of 50 degrees, then soak a large terry towel in it and wrap it around the patient's torso. On top of the towel, they are insulated with a film and a warm scarf. Keep such a compress should be at least 3 hours.
  3. Well helps with bronchitis and a drug based on horseradish. You need to take two large horseradish roots, wash, peel and grate. Two large lemons are washed and twisted together with the peel in a meat grinder, the resulting slurry is added to the horseradish, 0.5 liters of honey is poured there. The resulting composition should be consumed 3 times a day, 1 full tablespoon.

Good for coughs and sage. Take a tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of hot milk and bring to a boil. Insist 20 minutes and drink. It is advisable to drink such a decoction before going to bed.

Home treatment of bronchitis can be supplemented with mustard plasters, foot baths and compresses. Do not forget about medicinal teas based on herbal ingredients. Such a folk remedy as black radish with honey helps perfectly. Such treatment does not require large material investments, but the effect of it is not lower than that of expensive drugs.

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