Herbal tinctures in the pharmacy. Motherwort will be sent to rest. Pharmacy alcoholism: early in the morning

We are so used to grabbing a bottle of drops from the pharmacy that we have no doubt: they will only bring benefits. But is this really so?

The Burden of Lightness

Before the eyes of many colleagues of the design bureau, the tragedy of the intelligent, educated 45-year-old Elena, smart and beautiful, unfolded. She was so responsible, so concerned about her work and cared about her family and children, that she often broke down, unable to withstand the endless tension, stress and emotional stress. To control herself, the woman began to drip valerian, hawthorn and motherwort in alcohol to calm her down. Before important events, I relieved tension with these means. And at first no one noticed her problems.

But trouble happened - her son was in a car accident, received numerous fractures, and miraculously survived. In a small dose, the drops quickly stopped helping. Elena became firmly hooked on “easy” over-the-counter drugs from the pharmacy. Lost my job. She received treatment from narcologists. Now it is with great difficulty that he returns to normal life.

People grab the “bubble” for various reasons. Some to calm the heart, and some after a heavy binge. There are also those who switch to such tinctures after quitting drugs. Former drug addicts are deprived of sleep for a long time, so they find salvation in increased doses of sedatives containing alcohol and phenobarbital.

Pharmacy alcoholism: early in the morning

Moreover, these funds are very affordable. In any 24-hour pharmacy, even at night, it is not a problem to purchase all kinds of medicinal infusions of hawthorn, St. John's wort, motherwort, calendula, peony, propolis, pepper, mint, valerian, plantain, lemongrass, eucalyptus, ginseng, eleutherococcus, etc. They are perceived by many people as natural miracle cures for all diseases. But this is the same alcohol, only in a more attractive shell, which is not particularly advertised. Although the use of herbal tinctures prescribed by a specialist in the prescribed dosage can be an aid to the main therapy, their consumption in uncontrolled quantities is unacceptable: in addition to alcohol intoxication, accumulation of the active substance in the body can occur, which is very dangerous.

The pharmacy in the capital's Uruchye-6 microdistrict is located in the same building as the store. It is very convenient for residents of nearby yards - in one fell swoop you can stock up on groceries and grab something for your health. But the administration of the supermarket probably doesn’t like this kind of proximity. The fairly extensive wine and vodka department is suffering losses. The famous public with their heads held high walks past the hospitably open doors and counters lined with bottles, rushing towards the green sign with a white cross. A citizen urgently needs to improve his health after a sleepless night, but the wet bills clenched in his fist are not enough even for the “bastard” vodka. But for a bottle of alcohol-containing tincture it’s fine.

The trash can on the porch is full of mini glass containers. 40-year-old Nikolai leaves the pharmacy and immediately “gets better” with the contents of a dark glass bottle, as they say, without leaving the cash register. Catches my reproachful glance.

This is medicine,” he tries to humor. It is clear that the interlocutor did not resolve the moral dilemma of drinking alcohol with a healing effect yesterday. - And how much did I drink, just a gram?! Don’t think, I’m not some kind of complete “bruise.” Well, I can’t go into the cafeteria now and buy some goods there with “bodrilov” - I’ve lived here half my life, all the sellers know me...

It’s a shame for a person to fall into the category of alcoholics, so he’s “encrypted.” I must say, quite effectively. Nikolai is neatly dressed and clean-shaven. And it smells not of a suffocating fume, but of that very pharmacy - quite pleasant and a little sympathetic. Taking a breath, he makes a final “salvo” and carefully places the bottle next to the overflowing trash can.

“Lamivit.” Volume - 100 ml. Those who want to really get treatment will probably be interested in the copper chlorophyll complex and, for example, vitamin A included in the drug. Nikolai is more interested in the accompanying ingredients - 95 percent alcohol and a flavoring that hides its smell. Lemonade, and that's all!

The morning dose of “Lamivit” specifically for Nikolai is one bottle. Roughly speaking, half a bottle of vodka for only 12 thousand rubles.

There will probably be more of these in the center. Especially where on-duty pharmacies work around the clock. It demonstrates an assortment that is especially revered by locals - in addition to the popular “Lamivit”, hawthorn tincture attracts with its strength (70%) at 8 thousand rubles for 50 ml. Here are alcohol-containing bottles of motherwort and calendula sold without a doctor's prescription:

- Don’t even look for “Muscovy”. We don't hold it. I only heard from colleagues that nowadays they are selling out in whole packages.

What kind of “Muscovy” is this? The Internet provides comprehensive information. Relatively new brand. 100 milliliters of almost pure alcohol (96%) can be purchased for just over 12 thousand rubles. The popularity of the tincture is also given by the official definition - “balm”, which some firmly associate with a tasty alcoholic drink.

Without any special mark

Psychiatrist and narcologist Vyacheslav Petrov, who has been saving people after drinking bouts for many years, says:

From experience working with patients with alcohol addiction, I will say: when a person reeks of alcohol, those around him look at him disapprovingly. And if with heartfelt drops, then with undisguised sympathy, they say, he feels bad. Many of those who drink these tinctures are still working, socially active, and it is not permissible for them to show up at work “under the influence,” much less drink at the workplace. These drugs are used in uncontrolled quantities by people already dependent on alcohol. They are not particularly different from the others. Such lovers, as a rule, need at least a couple of bottles to feel intoxicated, and to eliminate the discomfort of withdrawal, one bottle is enough, sometimes even on the way to work.

Since the cost of alcohol is low, pharmaceutical companies make good profits, and pharmacies are not at a loss either. People seem to be being treated, but the therapeutic power of these drugs is very insignificant, says Vyacheslav Petrov. If you add a flavoring agent identical to, for example, valerian or hawthorn, to alcohol, the effect for such “sick people” will be the same. Because for people who use these products in bottles and not drops, the main thing is the degree. For those who want to be treated, there is an alternative - for example, medications in tablet form containing extracts of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, etc. Dispensing alcohol-containing medications strictly can change the situation for the better and stop the uncontrolled and unjustified use of such medications according to a doctor's prescription, as well as expert, well-founded work to clarify the following question: what is the therapeutic effectiveness of these tinctures? Or maybe they have long been obsolete as medicines?

Depending on the drop

I agree with my colleague and psychiatrist-narcologist, head of the 4th narcological department of the Minsk City Clinical Narcological Dispensary Valery Kravets, in whose practice there are a lot of memorable cases:

Every week we get at least 2-3 people who abuse such tinctures. Many of these patients are women. They all want to get rid of addiction, but such treatment is a difficult and lengthy process, after all, it is a chronic mental illness. Such poor fellows usually suffer from trembling and chills, are bothered by sweating, their hearts are pounding, and their blood pressure is jumping.

Here are some drops for you! It would seem, what's wrong with them? The problem is that a person who is looking for salvation in such alcohol-based products expects a permanent effect. At first, this is what happens - even a small dose helps, which lasts only a few hours, and then the number of drops has to be increased.

Unlike drug addiction, such addiction develops more slowly, which is why people do not notice changes in their condition, explains Valery Kravets. However, if you compare alcohol and alcohol tinctures, then with sedatives, addiction develops faster due to the side effects of seemingly harmless herbs. After excessive doses, people experience apathy and anxiety, more severe than after drinking alcoholic beverages.

The doctor recalled a case from practice, how a respectable family - a husband, son and daughter - brought their mother, a very beautiful and well-groomed woman, for treatment. She was so upset that they wouldn’t give her a new role in the theater that she often began to take it “drop by drop.” The lack of demand in the profession sowed depression, depression and despondency. The woman was plagued by debilitating insomnia. At first, the actress drank motherwort and hawthorn, but later became addicted to barboval to sleep. Her gaze dimmed and her skin became pale. The lady looked so unimportant that it was immediately noticed in the theater. Problems started at work. I had to say goodbye to my existing role in the play.

Psychiatrists had the opportunity to work with this woman twice. The first time the treatment did not go smoothly, the second time it was more successful. For a year and a half now, the former patient has not asked for help. And although there is an opinion that female alcoholism is more difficult to treat, specialists achieve the best results with female patients, because they are more motivated to save their family, not lose children and work, and also beauty, which is also very important to them.

But still, more often than not, people with physical and mental health already destroyed by alcohol, who are poorly provided for, get hooked on these funds, like on a needle, sighs Valery Kravets.

More dangerous than vodka

Even more insidious are barbiturates, which quickly become addictive. And not alcohol, but barbituric acid, which they contain. In the former USSR, there were very strong traditions of self-medication and low trust in official medicine, which resulted in a huge consumption of over-the-counter drugs containing phenobarbital, - Professor Roman Evsegneev, head of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, is concerned about the current situation. - These are Corvalol, Valocardin, Valoserdin, Barboval, Andipal and others.

Meanwhile, phenobarbital causes euphoria. 10-15 minutes after administration, relaxation, lethargy, and slight intoxication occur. And if you drown your troubles in a glass with these drops over and over again, a disease appears that is worse than anxiety itself - addiction to barbiturates.

When older people constantly calm their hearts with the help of these drugs, they lose the ability to understand the world, their memory weakens, and coordination of movements also decreases and the risk of falls increases, the professor continues. Is this why old people are so often plagued by injuries? And that's not it! A kind of hangover occurs, as in patients with alcoholism, which is washed down with a new portion of phenobarbital. Therefore, it is very difficult for many people to give up these funds.

However, these drugs, which are the first choice for anxiety and depression, are cheap and available in every pharmacy. But the fact that they quickly cause addiction, addiction and dependence in a large number of people is known only to specialists. Therefore, the population still drinks Valocordin, Corvalol, etc. And in large quantities! Think about the numbers: in 2007, 2008, and 2009, more than 1.5 million packages of Corvalol were sold per year in our country. The listed drugs are among the top ten sales leaders, states the practicing scientist. In Western Europe, barbiturates have not been used for almost half a century. It is impossible to imagine that a German, a Frenchman or an Englishman, who had a heart attack, would grab a bottle with such drops. People there know: this is extremely dangerous.

All specialists who have to work, treat and save people addicted to alcohol, tinctures and phenobarbital are unanimous in their opinion: it’s time to put a barrier in the way of these drugs. It is necessary to include medicines containing ethyl alcohol and phenobarbital in the list of drugs dispensed strictly according to doctor’s prescriptions. Such a measure will sharply hit the uncontrolled sales of tinctures.


Mikhail Kevra, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of BSMU:

- Near the building of the institution where I work, there are several pharmacies. This spring, when the snow melted, the entire area adjacent to them was littered with empty bottles of alcohol tinctures. Vodka is expensive, moonshine is illegal, and pharmaceutical alcohol is pure, unlike cologne, which is why such products are popular among drunkards.

By the way, both hawthorn and motherwort can seriously affect health. Hawthorn is used in small quantities as an antiarrhythmic and cardiac sedative. If the dose is exceeded, it will have a toxic effect on the heart muscle. And with long-term use in large doses, it slows down the heart rate and lowers blood pressure, which is also dangerous.

Motherwort and valerian have a more pronounced calming effect than hawthorn. After taking, for example, valerian tincture, the muscles relax very much. A man has been drinking today, but tomorrow he has to go. Without knowing this, he gets behind the wheel. Because the muscles are relaxed, his reaction will be slow. Such a driver is dangerous for all road users.

These tinctures should only be taken at the recommended dose. But how many people read the instructions? In EU countries such products are also produced. Somewhere they are sold according to prescriptions, somewhere freely. But in the West everything is different. And we love to self-medicate, prescribing medications for ourselves without thinking about the consequences. And this often ends badly, which everyone needs to be reminded of.

Anna Blazhko, pensioner:

- Such funds should be freely available. Normal people, not alcoholics and drunkards, cannot suffer because of people who like to drink. For example, I prepare myself a cocktail of valerian, hawthorn and motherwort in alcohol, which I occasionally drink to calm me down when my heart beats fast. Do we really have to run to the doctor for a prescription and waste time in line for each bottle?

In my opinion, the pharmacist sees who he is selling the sedative to, and can refuse those who want to get a hangover. But this does not happen, because pharmacies benefit from increased sales; they are interested in making a profit.

Hypertonic disease. Home encyclopedia Malysheva Irina Sergeevna

Pharmacy tinctures

Pharmacy tinctures

1. Tincture of elecampane roots 1:5. Take 50–60 drops 3 times a day before meals for 7 days.

2. Tincture of marina root 1:5. Take 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day before meals for 7 days.

3. Hawthorn tincture. Take 50–60 drops 3 times a day before meals.

4. Tincture of skullcap Baikal. Take 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

5. Black cohosh tincture. Take 50–60 drops 2–3 times a day before meals.

6. Motherwort tincture. Take 20–40 drops 3 times a day before meals.

7. Tincture of Japanese Sophora. Take 30 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Two more recipes related to the parallel use of several medications purchased at a pharmacy.

Recipe 1. You need to purchase an alcohol tincture of calendula, raunatin tablets (it consists of three herbs), green tea, definitely Chinese: 0.5 tsp. Brew green tea in 1/2 cup boiling water, steep, cool until ready to drink. Add 15–20 drops of calendula tincture there. Take a Raunatin tablet with this infusion. First day - drink 1 time, 2nd day - 2 times (morning and evening), 3rd day - 3 times (morning, afternoon and evening), 4th day - 2 times, 5th day - 1 once. Drink 30 minutes after eating. And in the future, if you feel unwell, immediately brew green tea with calendula tincture and take a raunatin tablet.

Recipe 2. Take 100 ml of pharmaceutical tinctures: valerian, peony, hawthorn, motherwort and add to them 50 ml of eucalyptus tincture and 25 ml of mint tincture. Place this mixture in a half-liter bottle and add 10 g of clove buds (the one we use in everyday life as a spicy aromatic remedy) into it. Leave the mixture in a dark place for two weeks, shaking occasionally. Take the medicine 3-4 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals, 20-25 drops. The tincture can be dripped onto a piece of sugar, diluted or washed down with water. The possibilities of this unique “cocktail” are very wide: it lowers intracranial pressure and normalizes blood pressure, has antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effects, helps with varicose veins of peripheral vessels, with venous stagnation, improves cerebral circulation, prevents the formation of blood clots, stimulates hematopoiesis and even has an antitumor effect. A particularly good therapeutic result is felt with tachycardia and arrhythmia, increased blood and intracranial pressure, and various neuroses. The amount of tincture that is obtained after “merging” all the ingredients, with regular daily use, is enough for a course of treatment. You can take the medicine from time to time, i.e. as needed. Then the “cocktail” can be “stretched out” for 2–3 years. Its healing properties are preserved.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book The Home Winemaker's Handbook author Mikhailova Lyudmila

TINSURES Tinctures are a luxurious and refined drink, very diverse and combining a wide variety of tastes and aromas. The method for preparing alcohol tinctures is simple. The raw materials need to be crushed and poured with vodka, medical alcohol diluted in half with water or

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author Mikhailova Lyudmila

Preparation of tincture for vermouth To 250 g of vodka add: 4 g of yarrow, 3 g of cinnamon, 3 g of mint, 1 g of nutmeg, 2 g of cardamom, 1 g of saffron and 3 g of wormwood. Grind the herbs, place in a bottle with vodka and let it brew week, shaking daily. You can do without

From the book Home Winemaker. Collection of the best recipes author Mikhailova Lyudmila

FRUIT AND BERRY TINCTURES Tinctures are a luxurious and refined drink, very diverse and combining a variety of tastes and aromas. The method for preparing alcohol tinctures is simple. The raw materials need to be crushed and poured with vodka diluted in half with medical water

author Shitov A.M.

ALCOHOL HEALING TINCTURES Usually, in gardens and household plots, mainly fruit and berry plants with beautiful fruits are grown, and the main attention is paid to ensuring that the fruits and berries are tasty, stored for a long time and give abundant harvests. Of course,

From the book Preparation of Healing Spirits author Shitov A.M.

Tonic tinctures Golden root extract (Rhodiola rosea). An alcoholic extract of dry crushed rhizomes with roots is prepared in 50 (°) alcohol. The raw materials are infused in alcohol, taken in a 1:1 ratio. The liquid is dark brown in color with a characteristic odor. The extract has

From the book Preparation of Healing Spirits author Shitov A.M.

Painkiller tinctures Sleeping pill poppy tincture.

From the book Preparation of Healing Spirits author Shitov A.M.

Calming tinctures Valerian tincture.

From the book Preparation of Healing Spirits author Shitov A.M.

Disinfecting tinctures for wounds and cuts Wine alcohol

From the book Preparation of Healing Spirits author Shitov A.M.

Tinctures to stimulate appetite Bitter tincture.

From the book Preparation of Healing Spirits author Shitov A.M.

Tinctures affecting blood clotting Nettle extract

From the book Preparation of Healing Spirits author Shitov A.M.

Sleeping tinctures Valerian tincture

From the book Preparation of Healing Spirits author Shitov A.M.

Bitters Tinctures are made by cold infusion of various herbs and spices in alcohol. To prepare tinctures, fresh or dried plants are used, which are then kept in an alcohol solution until all the essential oils and

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Tinctures - ju-lei Tincture of acanthopanax spiny - a decoction of the bark, fermented with rice and yeast. Used for colds, helps with diseases of ligaments and bones. Strawflower tincture is a decoction of herbs fermented with rice and yeast. Tones, helps with chronic

From the book Strong Drinks author Malyonkina Evgenia Geogievna

STARK TINCTURES Remove the grains from a lemon cut into 4 parts, grate 1/3 of the nutmeg, add 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 12 coffee beans, 40 g of crushed oak bark, and vanilla on the tip of a knife. Pour all 3 liters of vodka and leave for 10 days, then strain. HOMEMADE

From Moditsin's book. Encyclopedia Pathologica author Zhukov Nikita

Pharmacy They are also treatments, medicines - previously, almost all drugs were invented and produced by official pharmacology and were sold quite legally left and right; now most illegal substances cannot be bought at a pharmacy. Opiates/opioids.

What kind of document?

It establishes a ban on the retail sale of alcohol-containing non-food products with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 28% of the volume of the finished product below the price established for the retail sale of vodka, liquor and other alcoholic products with a strength of more than 28% per 0.5 liter of finished product.

According to Dmitry Medvedev, this will save Russians from mass poisoning with hawthorn and other alcohol-based liquids that cannot be drunk.

“I signed a government decree that establishes a ban on the sale of such alcohol-containing non-food products at a price lower than that established for the corresponding alcoholic products, which thereby removes the economic basis from this type of trade or activity,” the Prime Minister said

That's not all. The resolution also introduces a ban on the sale of these products at a price cheaper than vodka (at least 28% alcohol per 0.5 liter) in public catering establishments.

What products are not included?

There are restrictions in the Decree. The ban does not apply to glass cleaners, non-liquid non-food alcohol-containing products, as well as non-food alcohol-containing products using closures that prevent their oral consumption. In other words, all these goods will be sold at the same price.

What then comes in?

The new measures will affect a wide range of goods. First of all, of course, the goods in the pharmacy will suffer. The law covers any alcohol tinctures that are sold there - tinctures of calendula, hawthorn, valerian, St. John's wort, motherwort, St. John's wort, propolis and others. This will also include many cough remedies, syrups, sedatives like Barboval, Bittner's balm and many other remedies.

Non-edible alcohol is used in antiseptics, hygiene products, antibacterial products for hands and face, lotions, and perfumes.

How much will “hawthorn” become more expensive?

Lotions and perfumes are unlikely to change in price - they are already much more expensive than the established limits, but other products - alcohol-based antiseptics and tinctures will rise significantly in price.

The bottle of “hawthorn” is usually quite small - usually 25 ml, like any other tinctures. Now pharmacies are asking about 30 rubles for it. At the same time, the minimum retail price for vodka is 205 rubles. Now alcohol-containing non-food products will be sold at the same price or more.

What has changed in the regulations for December 2016 and January 2017?

The main documents of January 2017 are the Rules of Good Pharmacy Practice registered by the Ministry of Justice, as well as the Rules for the storage and transportation of medicines. Starting March 1, pharmacy employees will refer to these voluminous orders almost every day. Other new products for 2017 include changing the requirements for the sale of alcohol-containing drugs in pharmacies and updating inspection tools: the Ministry of Health announced a bill that will give Roszdravnadzor the authority to carry out control purchases of medicines.

Our expert

Elena Nevolina

Executive Director of the Non-profit Partnership "Pharmacy Guild" (Moscow)

  1. The most important order

    On the first working day of 2017, the Ministry of Justice registered the most important document for the pharmacy industry - Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 647n “On approval of the Rules for Good Pharmacy Practice of Medicines for Medical Use.” A detailed overview of the document can be found here.

    The rules come into force on March 1. One of the developers of the document is Elena Nevolina, executive director of the National Pharmaceutical Chamber and Association “Pharmacy Guild”. According to her, the document should significantly simplify the life of managers of pharmacy institutions, since it contains all the main nuances of the work of a pharmaceutical retail organization.

    The rules have been developed over four years (since 2012). They were based on an analysis of inspection reports of pharmacies by various control organizations.

    Therefore, the order reflects all the basic existing requirements for pharmacies. In addition, when studying inspection reports, Elena Nevolina noticed that inspectors often paid attention to details that were not recorded in regulations, but were still important for maintaining the quality of the service for the dispensing and sale of medicines. Such points are also reflected in the rules.

    A webinar dedicated to Good Pharmacy Practice, with the participation of Elena Nevolina and Irina Krupnova, Head of the Department of Licensing and Monitoring Compliance with Mandatory Requirements of Roszdravnadzor, will take place at the Katren-Style site on March 15.

  2. Store and transport

    On the same day, January 9, the Ministry of Justice registered another fateful document for the industry - Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 646n “On approval of the Rules for Good Practice for Storage and Transportation of Medicines for Medical Use.” These rules apply to manufacturers, distributors, pharmacies and medical institutions that store and dispense medications.

    The document also comes into force on March 1, 2017. It’s better to study it in advance, notes Elena Nevolina. The fact is, she points out, that the new Order intersects with the already existing Order of the Ministry of Health No. 706n “On approval of rules for storing medicines,” which is also mandatory.

    The new pharmacopoeia also determines the storage conditions for drugs, she emphasizes. When comparing all these documents, employees of a pharmacy organization may have questions and it is better to contact Roszdravnadzor for clarification in advance, Ms. Nevolina summarizes.

  3. Small bottles

    When selling tinctures and other types of alcohol-containing drugs, manufacturers were required to bottle these drugs in smaller containers. The corresponding Order of the Ministry of Health No. 979n dated December 21, 2016 “On approval of requirements for the volume of containers, packaging and completeness of medicines for medical purposes” came into force on January 22.

    Despite the good goal - the fight against alcoholism - limiting the volume of containers of alcohol-containing medicines affects a very narrow segment of goods. In addition, the dispensing rate for such drugs has not changed in any way, so drinkers can now easily purchase two bottles instead of one.

  4. Test purchases

    The inspection methodology is likely to change this year. On January 19, the Ministry of Health announced a bill that would give Roszdravnadzor the authority to carry out control purchases of medicines. The document is expected to come into force in June 2017. Previously, departments did not have such powers, with the exception of operational activities of security forces. However, as pharmacy employees say, they have heard the term “control purchase” from inspectors more than once before.

December 2016

The last month of the leap year 2016 brought with it two projects clarifying the rules of public procurement. Now these documents are mandatory for study by representatives of municipal unitary enterprises and state unitary enterprises. But most people will remember December of the past year, of course, not for this, but for the mass poisoning with a bath concentrate under the pharmacy name “Hawthorn”.

Tinctures of hawthorn, motherwort, as well as valocordin, corvalol, valoserdin and other drugs of the same series will not be withdrawn from pharmacies. This was announced today by the Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova. In addition, she noted that she does not consider it necessary to introduce prescriptions for such drugs.

Let us remind you that yesterday Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin proposed introducing the sale of alcohol-containing drugs exclusively according to doctor’s prescriptions. Previously, he came up with the idea of ​​introducing an excise tax on alcohol-containing drugs, which, according to pharmaceutical market experts, would lead to their rise in price by up to 1.5 times.

The Minister of Health, in turn, believes that it is necessary to clearly distinguish between two problems: firstly, the use of alcohol-containing liquids that have nothing to do with medicines (this includes counterfeit drinking alcohol and all kinds of surrogates positioned as perfumes and cosmetics products), and, secondly, regulation of sales of drugs containing alcohol. The solution to these problems and the measures taken should not be confused. It is impossible to withdraw normal, high-quality herbal tinctures made in accordance with the requirements of the pharmacopoeia from pharmacies just because mass poisoning with a surrogate has occurred, the minister believes.

“There was information that in the Voronezh region pharmacies began to insure and withdraw such drugs from circulation. We contacted the regions - there will be no more withdrawals. The drugs will be in the pharmacy chain,” said Veronika Skvortsova.

At the request of RG, the director of the Department of Public Health and Communications of the Ministry of Health Oleg Salagai clarified the position of the department. According to him, the ministry sees two approaches to regulating the dispensing of alcohol-containing medications: limiting the container (no more than 20-25 milliliters), as well as limiting the dispensing to one person - no more than two bottles. For drugs whose medicinal use is carried out in dosages by the number of drops, such container sizes are quite sufficient. For drinking purposes, using small packaged preparations is neither convenient nor profitable.

The last two years of monitoring have not revealed any abuse of tinctures sold in pharmacies

Salagay also confirmed that the Ministry of Health does not consider it necessary to introduce prescription sales of drugs containing alcohol. True, Veronika Skvortsova noted that she was aware of the proposal to introduce recipes, and that this issue would be further considered. The minister clarified that soothing drops such as Valocordin and Corvalol, and hawthorn tincture are “every day” medications for Russian pensioners, and for most patients there are “clear indications for their use.”

“The introduction of prescriptions for tinctures and alcohol-containing drops is an unnecessary measure,” Elena Nevolina, head of the Pharmacy Guild, told RG. “These drugs are used mainly by elderly patients, and for them “extra” visits to doctors are quite problematic. Not to mention about how the load on medical institutions will increase."

According to Nevolina, after 2010, when the Ministry of Health introduced an advisory limit on the volume of containers for such drugs, conscientious pharmaceutical manufacturers have already changed their minds and produce drops in small bottles, and since then, pharmacy alcoholism has declined. The Ministry of Health also says that over the past two years of monitoring, no abuse of tinctures sold in pharmacies has been revealed.

“If the container is 100-150 milliliters or more, this may indirectly indicate that the manufacturer is not aimed at producing drugs, and is simply “disguising” the production of excise-free alcohol as them,” says Nevolina. “But bona fide pharmacies do not sell such drugs.” implementation."

In her opinion, it should be generally prohibited to use the names of medicinal plants (the same hawthorn, peony, motherwort) in the production of perfumery and cosmetic liquids - this would help to avoid confusion among both buyers and inspectors.

Purchase rules

Two bottles in one hand

RG staff reporters went to pharmacies and made sure that there was no rush with cordial tinctures.

In Irkutsk, where the tragedy occurred, medicinal tinctures were not withdrawn from pharmacies. An RG correspondent found this out after visiting several pharmacies as a buyer in the notorious Novo-Lenino microdistrict, where a mass poisoning occurred last week. Pharmacists dispensed hawthorn tincture without any questions asked - at a price of 15 to 25 rubles per 25 ml. When asked whether the tincture was banned due to recent events, the pharmacists just shrugged their shoulders: we sell a medicine, and for some reason people decided to try a bath product with the same name...

Some pharmacies in Yakutsk did not have hawthorn, but valerian and motherwort with 70 percent alcohol content can be bought without problems. There is no doubt about the quality, pharmacists say, all suppliers are permanent and proven. Pharmacies follow the rules of packaging in small containers - tinctures are sold in 25 ml bottles. You can only buy Corvalol in a 50 ml bottle.

In the Chelyabinsk nets, valocordin, valoserdin, corvalol and motherwort tincture were found, but there was no compromised hawthorn. By the way, the packaging of motherwort purchased for 16 rubles contains indications and contraindications, pharmacological properties, that is, everything that is supposed to be reported about the medicine. All manufacturer contacts are also included.

In Novosibirsk, Volgograd, Kurgan, Rostov-on-Don, and Astrakhan, herbal tinctures are not withdrawn from pharmacies: no orders have been received in this regard. “Sales are already limited, we only give out two bottles per person,” said a pharmacist at one of the pharmacies. “There are no other prohibitions. Why shouldn’t everyone suffer because of not very smart people? If they start drinking white wine, should it be banned too?” Nevertheless, in some pharmacies, noted an RG correspondent in Rostov-on-Don, you can buy 10 bottles of tincture at once, and they also sell it to teenagers.

At the same time, non-medicinal alcohol-containing liquids, clearly hinting at the possibility of being used for drinking, are sold in many cities. But not in pharmacies, of course, but in small household shops and stalls. In Chelyabinsk, our correspondent discovered a wide range: “Hawthorn”, “Honey Tonic”, “Pepper”, “Red Pepper Tonic”, cologne “Triple”, “Alt”, “Vita-Sept”, lotions “Cucumber”, “Nettle” , "Bread". The police conduct raids and initiate administrative cases for violating the rules for the sale of ethyl alcohol. In one of the Chelyabinsk warehouses, more than 25 thousand bottles of a cosmetic product with the same name as the drug - “Hawthorn Tincture” - were discovered.

In Saratov, there is also both demand and supply of questionable liquids. At the beginning of the year, a vending machine selling cosmetic lotions appeared in Saratov. For twenty rubles, at any time of the day, you could buy a 100-milligram bottle with 75 percent ethyl alcohol. A liquid called “Hawthorn color”, packaged, according to the label, in the Mineral Waters, was supposedly intended for wiping the face. After the media wrote about the machine, including Rossiyskaya Gazeta (No. 6895 of February 10, 2016), and the Saratov public sounded the alarm, the owners themselves dismantled the machine. By the way, before this, law enforcement officers explained that they had no legal grounds to suppress such business.

As a raid on pharmacies showed, almost all of them complied with the rules for the sale of alcohol-containing medicines. But our correspondent in Saratov also managed to find a pharmacy selling tinctures in 100 ml containers and clearly not for medicinal purposes. “Pure” hawthorn was not on sale, but “Herboton” was found for 27 rubles, which contained hawthorn, rose hips, currants and cranberries. The manufacturer (Hippocrates LLC, located in Samara) carefully stated on the label that there is “sufficient amount” of alcohol in the liquid to produce 1 liter of tincture. It is easy to calculate that two and a half of these bubbles are approximately equivalent in alcohol content to half a liter of vodka from the store. And the price is three times cheaper. Pharmacy workers admit that they buy this tincture from them not for medicinal purposes.

Prepared by Vladimir Tayursky, Mikhail Pincus, Nina Ruzanova, Roman Merzlyakov, Valentina Pichurina, Elena Melikhova, Ekaterina Dementieva, Andrey Kulikov

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