Food poisoning symptoms in adults. Food poisoning - how to help at home? What to do next: medications and traditional methods of treating food poisoning

Low-quality and stale products contain bacteria and toxins. If they enter the stomach, heaviness in the stomach and nausea appear. The painful condition is dangerous, so first aid for food poisoning is very important. You need to act immediately, otherwise the poisons will have time to penetrate the blood and begin to destroy organs and tissues.

Main symptoms

Food poisoning in adults occurs for various reasons. Most often, the culprits of the trouble are ordinary carelessness and insufficient quality control of products. You can get poisoned at a picnic, in a catering canteen, in a cafe, and even at home if the food was stored in violation of sanitary standards. It is especially dangerous if aggressive chemicals - acids or alkalis - have entered the body and for some reason came into contact with food or utensils.

Symptoms of food poisoning in adults appear quickly. The speed at which the disease develops depends on what product caused it.

  • Spoiled food provokes nausea and vomiting 2-4 hours after consumption.
  • Poisonous plants that enter the stomach manifest themselves as colic and diarrhea after 4-12 hours.
  • Pathogenic microorganisms spread instantly. The infection becomes noticeable within 24 hours.

Food poisoning reveals itself with violent signs. If measures are not taken immediately, the intoxication of the body intensifies and begins to threaten human life. Characteristic symptoms of poisoning:

  • abdominal cramps;
  • intestinal colic;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache, weakness.

When, in addition to these signs, the temperature rises, chills, rapid pulse, excessive salivation, and central nervous system disorders are disturbing, this is a signal that acute intoxication has begun. Urgent assistance from an experienced doctor is required.

Products may contain dangerous bacteria that cause salmonellosis or botulism. Then even fresh-looking food provokes inflammation. Toxins penetrate the blood and disrupt the functioning of the heart and lungs. If a patient complains of blurred vision and has difficulty breathing, it means the nervous system is suffering. It is urgent to cleanse the body and neutralize toxins, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.

Do not forget that treatment of food poisoning at home is possible only at the initial stage, when the disease is mild. If the patient’s condition worsens or a child suffers from poisoning, immediately call an ambulance.

First aid

If you experience signs of food poisoning, consider what might be causing it. Eating mushrooms, any canned food, cream cakes or fish the day before is a reason to suspect a severe form of poisoning. The problem can also be caused by seemingly harmless vegetables and fruits that have been treated with herbicides and other pesticides.

Be sure to call the hospital. While waiting for a medical team, assistance is required. It is the same as for mild poisoning with stale food.

First aid for food poisoning includes drinking plenty of fluids and gastric lavage.

  • You will need to prepare a weak solution of regular salt. A small amount should be mixed in warm, clean water.
  • Pour a full glass of liquid and drink it in slow sips. This will trigger the gag reflex.
  • If it is not observed, help yourself by pressing on the root of the tongue with your fingers.
  • After vomiting, rest, calm down and repeat the procedure again.
  • Usually, to cleanse the stomach of harmful contents, you need to drink at least 4-5 glasses.
  • When the vomit comes out without any food or mucus, you can stop the process, wash and rinse your mouth.

First aid for food poisoning is not over yet. Most likely, toxic substances have managed to be partially absorbed into the blood, so it is necessary to reduce intoxication with the adsorbent.

  • An affordable natural remedy is activated carbon. Take it at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  • Sometimes medications provoke a new urge to vomit. Try to suppress it for at least half an hour. During this time, the coal will have time to do the work and adsorb toxins.
  • If you cannot control vomiting, wait until your stomach calms down, take charcoal tablets again and lie down to rest.

It is advisable to place a cool cloth soaked in a solution of salt water on your forehead. It will reduce pain in the temples, help remove toxins from the body and calm you down.

In some cases, food poisoning is not accompanied by nausea, so it is difficult to induce vomiting. This happens when spoiled food quickly leaves the stomach and lingers in the intestines. You should not provoke excessive vomiting, it will no longer help.

What to do next

Do not try to cope with diarrhea with medications and folk remedies. With its help, the intestines are cleansed of decay processes and toxins. Despite the discomfort, vomiting and diarrhea have a positive effect on the patient. The body is protected from intoxication and cleansed. Diarrhea can be stopped only with the permission of the attending physician.

But along with feces, a person loses water, the reserves of which must be replenished. Dehydration is a dangerous trend caused by food poisoning. Its symptoms are dyspepsia (dry mouth), lethargy, pallor, decreased amount of urine. First aid consists of fluid replacement. Doctors recommend that after each trip to the toilet, drink a glass of purified cool water without gas in small sips, slowly.

What should an adult do in case of food poisoning when first aid measures have ended?

  • Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary. You need to drink at least 3 liters of liquid per day.
  • If you feel heaviness in your stomach, continue to feel sick, and feel like your stomach is full of food, drink only clean water.
  • When the condition has improved, you can brew chamomile or other medicinal herbs.
  • For taste, you can add a small spoon of honey. Drink as much as possible and stay in bed.

Acute food poisoning means that after first aid you will not be able to eat for 24 hours. Stick to this rule even if you feel hungry.

When the patient’s condition worsens, he develops chills and confusion, there is no need to take risks and look for a way to treat food poisoning with fever. The symptom means that severe intoxication has begun. The person requires hospitalization and special therapy.

Toxins should be neutralized within 24 hours, so you can include light, mucous membrane-enveloping food without spices or salt in your diet.

For the entire duration of treatment, it is prohibited to consume fatty, spicy foods, smoked meats, milk, and sour cream. These products lead to exacerbation and aggravate inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the case of food poisoning in an adult, if the symptoms and treatment are quickly controlled, the problem will not lead to serious complications as long as you maintain a healthy diet. From the second day, vegetable broth and enveloping oatmeal jelly are allowed. Little by little, this menu can be expanded:

  • boiled rice, buckwheat porridge;
  • potatoes in water without oil;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • dried whole grain pieces of bread;
  • baked apples, bananas.

In order for treatment for food poisoning at home to help, meals must be divided and have a calming effect. Eat small portions every 3-4 hours. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids, and gradually the gastrointestinal tract will begin to function as normal.

When the poisoning is mild, improvement occurs on the 3rd day, but the diet should be followed much longer to restore health.


In the case of food poisoning, symptoms and treatment are interrelated. But the problem will not appear if proper prevention of the disease is carried out.

  • Be sure to wash your hands after coming in from outside and before eating.
  • Buy quality products, paying attention to expiration date and appearance.
  • Completely avoid canned and smoked foods.
  • Prepare food according to technology and try to eat it right away.
  • When storing, do not allow boiled and fresh food to come into contact.
  • Maintain sterile cleanliness in the kitchen. Wash fruits in several waters, even if they are collected from your garden.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment at home using traditional recipes will help quickly neutralize food poisoning. Always consult your doctor before using such products.

Enveloping decoctions help relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

  • Take a large spoon of flaxseed, add a liter of clean water and put on fire.
  • Bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes and turn off.
  • Cool, strain the broth through a sieve and drink one glass before eating.

What to do in case of poisoning to relieve stomach pain? Take advantage of healing cinnamon tea.

  • Measure out a teaspoon of ground seasoning, mix it in an enamel pan with a glass of water and boil.
  • Let sit for 5 minutes, filter and drink one portion at a time.
  • If after three hours there is no improvement, brew a new decoction and repeat the dose.

Manifestations of intoxication can be eliminated with herbal teas.

  • Mix together half a teaspoon of dried mint, grated ginger and ground cinnamon.
  • Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the collection, cover with a lid and wait 10-15 minutes.
  • Then put a slice of lemon in a cup and drink it hot in small sips.
  • It is useful to prepare this tea several times a day and consume it between meals.

Millet quickly soothes intestinal upset. Grind it into powder and take one teaspoon every hour throughout the day with water.

Don't forget: the problem of poisoning is easier to prevent than to treat. Be healthy and careful when purchasing groceries!

Food poisoning is an acute digestive disorder caused by consuming low-quality or toxic foods and drinks.

  • Foodborne illnesses(PTI). Occur due to consumption of food contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms. For example, stale food. Failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards can also provoke PTI.
  • Toxic (non-infectious) poisoning They occur when natural or chemical toxins enter the body with food. For example, poison from inedible mushrooms and plants, as well as chemicals.

The last type of poisoning is the most dangerous. You shouldn't fight them on your own. If you suspect a non-infectious nature of poisoning, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Also, regardless of the type of poisoning, qualified medical care is necessary for pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly.

But usually people encounter toxic infections that can be treated at home. Next, we will talk about what steps to take to cope with PTI on your own.

Symptoms and pathogenesis

The course of food poisoning depends on the age and general condition of the person, as well as the type of pathogenic bacteria. But the general picture is this:

  • obsessive nausea;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • changed complexion;
  • diarrhea;
  • chills;
  • elevated body temperature.

PTI is characterized by a short incubation period. The first signs appear 2–6 hours after eating and progress quickly without treatment.


Step 1: Flush your stomach

When the first symptoms appear, the remaining toxic food must be removed from the body. To do this, wash the stomach. The actions are the same as when providing first aid.

  1. Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or baking soda (1 tablespoon of soda per 1.5–2 liters of water at room temperature).
  2. Drink some of the solution.
  3. Induce vomiting (press the root of the tongue with two fingers).
  4. Repeat the procedure several times until the vomit is clear.

Step 2. Take sorbents

Sorbents are drugs that help remove toxins from the body. The most famous of them is activated carbon.

Activated carbon reduces the absorption of toxins, heavy metal salts, alkaloids and other harmful substances into the gastrointestinal tract, and also promotes their removal from the body.

Dosage for poisoning: one tablet for every 10 kg of body weight.

In other words, if you weigh 70 kg, then you will need at least seven tablets. In severe cases, the dosage should be increased.

In case of poisoning, it is better to take coal in the form of an aqueous suspension. To do this, crush the tablets and mix with 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature. This mixture tastes quite nasty, but it effectively fights poisoning.

You can also use white charcoal instead of regular charcoal. It is believed that this is a selective, concentrated sorbent. It not only removes toxins, but also retains nutrients. In this case, the dosage is halved: for an adult, 2–4 tablets, depending on the degree of poisoning.

Instead of coal, you can use other sorbents (according to the instructions). For example, “Smecta”, “Lactofiltrum”, “Enterosgel” and others.

Step 3: Drink more

Vomiting and diarrhea severely dehydrate the body - you need to replenish fluid losses and maintain water balance.

Drink at least 2–3 liters of boiled water per day.

You can also take special rehydration products: “Rehydron”, “Oralit” and others. These are powders and solutions containing mineral salts and glucose and preventing dehydration.

Other medicines

As for taking other medications for toxic infections, there are several general rules:

  • When active vomiting stops, you can use drugs that restore the intestinal microflora (Hilak Forte, Linex, Mezim and others).
  • If the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees, it must be brought down with antipyretics (paracetamol, ibuprofen and others).
  • Taking painkillers is not recommended: they can complicate diagnosis in case of complications.
  • Antimicrobial drugs (mostly antibiotics) are used in severe cases of toxic infection and are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Step 4. Follow the regime and diet

With a food infection, the patient feels severe weakness. You should adhere to bed rest and refuse to eat for the first day (if your appetite is impaired and your body rejects food).

On the second or third day, you can indulge in jelly, crackers (without poppy seeds, raisins, vanilla or any other additives), as well as liquid mashed potatoes or oatmeal porridge cooked in water.

With active treatment, symptoms subside - improvement should occur within a few hours. The body finally returns to normal, usually within three days. But abdominal pain, weakness, and flatulence may persist for several more days.

If the main symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, fever) do not decrease and do not go away more than six hours after starting treatment, consult a doctor.

Step 5. Don't forget about prevention

No one is immune from foodborne infections. But everyone has the power to reduce their risk to a minimum.

  1. Wash your hands before eating.
  2. Keep the kitchen clean and follow cooking techniques.
  3. Be demanding about the quality of products when purchasing. For example, do not buy fish with an ammonia smell and a “rusty” coating. (All recommendations for choosing fish.)
  4. Do not eat at questionable gastronomic establishments, and do not drink tap water.

Follow these and other precautions and stay healthy!

This disorder can occur in any person, since food poisoning is the most common disease. There are several specific symptoms of this disease. They manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea, vomiting, increased body temperature, and dehydration. The level of immunity plays an important role in the occurrence of such a disorder. So, in some it can manifest itself to a minor extent, while in others it can manifest itself in an acute form.

Symptoms of poisoning can appear a few hours after eating stale food or occur the next day. Eating disorders are divided into several types, the most common among them is bacterial, a little less common is non-bacterial. For diagnosis, it is necessary to find out what caused the appearance of such a disorder and the type of microorganism that influenced it (by studying vomit and feces, urine and blood). Treatment consists of immediate gastric lavage and a cleansing enema. Treatment and prevention of food poisoning can be carried out at home, but only after examining the patient by a specialist.


There are quite a few factors causing poisoning, but the most common among them is eating low-quality foods that are enriched with toxic substances or bacteria that negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract. The main causative agents of this disorder are:

  • inedible types of mushrooms and berries or those that were collected in an unintended place, for example, near factories that produce chemical emissions or near highways;
  • microbes found in food. Poisoning can be caused by salmonella and various viruses.

In addition, the highest risk group where microorganisms can appear and multiply are the following products:

  • dairy and fermented milk - their shelf life expires the fastest compared to other food products. This is the main factor causing food poisoning in a child;
  • eggs, especially raw eggs;
  • various types of meat;
  • unripe fruits and vegetables;
  • fish, in particular those dishes in which it is included without preliminary heat treatment;
  • sweet bakery or confectionery products containing cream;
  • home-made canned goods and pickles;
  • products whose vacuum packaging has been damaged or whose shelf life has expired;
  • perishable foods stored without refrigeration;
  • improper conditions for storing and using products in educational institutions, as well as in industrial canteens.


Classification of food poisoning according to the factor of its occurrence:

  • microbial - caused by various microorganisms that multiply in food and the toxins they release;
  • non-microbial - manifested through human contact with products that are inedible by nature, including plants, berries or mushrooms, animal tissue or products of animal origin, for example, milk or fish caviar, which can be poisonous under certain conditions;
  • mixed;
  • unknown in origin - often these include poisoning with metals or chemical elements.

Classification of food poisoning depending on the degree of the disorder and the intensity of the expression of symptoms:

  • asymptomatic– this stage lasts from the initial entry of the toxin into the body until the appearance of the first signs. This period can last differently for each person, since it depends on the amount of stale food taken, the general state of the immune system and the age group. It is important to start treatment, especially in a child, at this stage, when the toxic substance has not spread throughout the body along with the bloodstream. First aid at home consists of gastric lavage and taking sorbent medications;
  • toxigenic– characterized by the appearance of acute symptoms in a child, since in a small organism the pathogenic process proceeds much faster. In adults they appear with less intensity. Signs include bouts of vomiting, increased body temperature and aversion to food. At this stage, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, do a cleansing enema, and then perform forced diuresis - in which a lot of fluid is introduced into the body and diuretics are given;
  • convalescence– during which impaired body functions are restored. During this period, it is necessary to adhere to a diet and proper nutrition at home.


The main symptoms of food poisoning in children appear within a few hours, and in an adult this period of time can range from ten to twenty-four hours. Signs of this eating disorder include:

  • headaches that gradually increase;
  • increased salivation;
  • heavy sweating;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • severe dizziness;
  • dry mouth;
  • bloating;
  • urinary disorders;
  • an increase in body temperature, in rare cases it rises to 39 degrees. Fever and hallucinations can only occur with mushroom poisoning;
  • muscle pain and weakness;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • pain in the lower abdomen (may manifest as contractions);
  • sudden diarrhea;
  • change in skin tone from pale to bluish;
  • a decrease in the functioning of the heart and kidneys is expressed in food poisoning in a child.

The above signs of poisoning are most dangerous for a child, especially for infants under one year of age, as some of them can become a significant threat to his life. It is recommended to immediately call an ambulance when the first symptoms appear, since first aid cannot be provided to children at home due to the fact that the child cannot take a lot of liquid and activated carbon tablets.

Food poisoning during pregnancy is practically no different from the manifestation of this disorder in other females. The only difference is that there may be a more intense manifestation of signs of food poisoning, which is caused by the presence of food poisoning, which brings more discomfort to the woman carrying a child. If timely treatment is started during this period, you can avoid the appearance of blood clots (which can be caused by blood thickening), as well as strong contractions of the uterus caused by dehydration. But in most cases, such a disease does not harm the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. During pregnancy, you cannot carry out self-treatment at home using folk remedies. You should definitely stick to a gentle diet.

If the following symptoms of food poisoning appear in an adult or child, you should immediately contact a specialist:

  • blood in vomit and feces;
  • increase in body temperature up to forty degrees;
  • convulsions;
  • central nervous system disorders;
  • slow heart rate;
  • labored breathing;
  • swelling of the face or limbs;
  • severe muscle weakness, in which the patient cannot hold any object, and the child cannot hold his head in an upright position.

These signs can lead to a coma.


Diagnosis of food poisoning is to determine the factors of its occurrence. To do this you need to do:

  • blood test to detect bacteria;
  • study of feces, urine and vomit - carried out to isolate the pathogen;
  • examination of contaminated food remains.

After this, additional consultations with specialists such as a neurologist, gastroenterologist, or surgeon will be needed. If the patient is a child, similar specialists in the pediatric field. Such doctors can carry out a differential diagnosis of this disorder with diseases such as:

  • spicy ;
  • – acute or chronic form;
  • – inflammatory process in the gallbladder;
  • – inflammation of the pancreas;
  • – an infection affecting the membranes of the brain.

After the attending physician receives all the test results, he will determine what to do in case of food poisoning and prescribe the most effective treatment tactics.


Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to provide the patient with first aid for food poisoning, which consists of:

  • gastric lavage with saline or weak solution of potassium permanganate. This must be done until the water becomes clean, free of food impurities;
  • taking activated carbon or other absorbent medications;
  • drinking cool purified water or warm sweet tea to prevent dehydration;
  • providing rest to the patient;
  • refusal of any food.

Such methods can be used during food poisoning during pregnancy and in other adults. If such a disorder appears in a child, especially in babies less than a year old, you must wait for the doctors to arrive. After arriving at a medical facility, the patient is given additional treatment measures to eliminate toxic substances, infections and nervous system disorders. If treatment for this disease is started in a timely manner, it goes away without consequences for the body within seven days.

In addition, a specially formulated gentle diet plays an important role in the treatment of food poisoning, which involves avoiding foods high in fats and carbohydrates, spicy seasonings and sauces, as well as foods that have a chemical effect on the gastrointestinal tract. During the diet you can eat in any quantity:

  • first courses cooked in low-fat broths;
  • boiled meat and fish, but not fatty varieties;
  • buckwheat, rice and oatmeal;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • jellies, compotes and weak teas;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs - can only be eaten boiled or as an omelette;
  • white bread crackers.

The diet includes giving up:

  • bakery and confectionery products;
  • milk and hard cheeses;
  • legumes;
  • sweets;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • dishes prepared with a high content of table salt and vegetable oil;
  • smoked meats;
  • sweet carbonated drinks and concentrated juices;
  • homemade pickles and canned food.

While following the diet, you must follow the rules of food intake:

  • monitor the calorie content of your meals. You can eat no more than two thousand kilocalories per day;
  • the diet should consist of six meals throughout the day;
  • food can only be cooked by steaming or in the oven, without adding oil;
  • drink at least two liters of fluid per day.

It is important to remember that without following a diet, drug treatment will have less effect.

In addition, at home you can use folk remedies consisting of decoctions and infusions based on:

  • honey and dill;
  • marshmallow and rowan roots;
  • rosehip;
  • lemon juice;
  • rice and flax seeds.

But such therapy can be used at home only after a doctor’s prescription.


To prevent food poisoning you need to:

  • before eating, do not forget to wash your hands, vegetables and fruits;
  • adhere to the rules for processing and storing products. Always, using your receptors, check their freshness;
  • drink only purified water;
  • do not eat dishes consisting of products of unknown origin;
  • put food in the refrigerator in a timely manner;
  • At the first appearance of symptoms of food poisoning, consult a doctor, and the child should call an ambulance.

Food poisoning is a name that combines acute digestive disorders caused by food and drinks of poor quality.

General symptoms

The following symptoms are typical for all food poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • general weakness, apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pale skin (easily identified by the color of the lips and face);
  • sharp pain in the epigastric region or abdomen;
  • increased sweating;
  • dehydration;
  • slight increase in temperature (37.5–38.0).

Symptoms of food poisoning can appear either a couple of hours after eating or the next day, depending on the type of poison present and individual characteristics. In young children, symptoms occur more quickly and are more severe than in adults. When the first symptoms of food poisoning appear, the patient’s condition cannot be ignored, but immediate first aid must be provided.

You cannot do without calling a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • symptoms of intoxication do not go away within two or more hours;
  • body temperature stays at 39 and above;
  • there was a very sharp pain in the abdomen, severe cramps;
  • traces of blood are visible in the stool or urine;
  • a skin rash appears on the body;
  • inflammation and pain in the joints;
  • the patient is unconscious;
  • headache started;
  • the patient's stomach became hard to the touch and swollen;
  • the victim has difficulty swallowing and has increased breathing;
  • you suspect, berries or.

In particularly severe symptoms, increased drooling, impaired muscle tone, double vision, and decreased urine volume are likely.

Classification and features of food poisoning

While you wait for the doctor, try to figure out the source of the toxins to make diagnosis and treatment easier. Food that the victim has consumed should not be thrown away under any circumstances - it must be sent to a laboratory for analysis. Save a small amount in an airtight container.

There are two types of food poisoning.

Infectious poisoning is caused by viruses, microbes, protozoa, as well as the results of their vital activity in food. Such poisoning occurs due to non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, violation of the rules of preparation and storage of food. The concentration of microbes in food should be quite high (over 10 thousand units per gram of product).

Until the symptoms of food poisoning are clarified, the victim must be isolated from other family members, providing him with separate cutlery and dishes. It is advisable to treat the most frequently used items in the house (for example, door handles) with a disinfectant.

  • Ignore the symptoms and do nothing.
  • Treat the patient with traditional methods - herbal decoctions, tinctures.
  • Give the victim antibiotics and other medications without consulting a doctor.
  • Drinking alcohol.

Possible consequences

The consequences of food poisoning depend on several factors: the type of toxic substances, the severity, and the time of assistance.

Women are especially dangerous. Some types of microbes are able to penetrate the placental barrier and cause harm to the fetus.

Food poisoning can cause illness.

Dysentery (caused by the Shigella bacterium) is a severe intoxication, characterized by inflammation of the intestines and can cause ruptures;

Salmonellosis (pathogen - Salmonella) - affects the gastrointestinal tract, subsequently causing chronic renal failure;

Escherichiasis - disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to the development of acute enterocolitis and enteritis;

– one of the most dangerous types of intoxication, it can cause irreversible pathologies of the nervous system, and even death.

Non-infectious food poisoning is no less dangerous and can worsen the functioning of all body systems. Thus, it destroys liver cells and leads to toxic hepatitis and acute renal failure. The least possible evil is dysbiosis, which can be eliminated by prescribing an appropriate diet. Full recovery from any food intoxication should be under medical supervision.

10 rules of prevention

To avoid food poisoning, try to adhere to preventive measures:

  1. Be conscious about choosing where to purchase your products. You should not buy them at spontaneous markets, in subway passages, or stalls. This is especially true for meat, fish, milk and other perishable ingredients.
  2. Check expiration dates before purchasing. Often dishonest sellers counterfeit labels. If in doubt, request confirmation (receipt note for the shipment of goods) or choose another store.
  3. Don't buy alcohol without a license.
  4. Avoid so-called “dangerous products” - wild mushrooms, if you are unsure of their quality, raw eggs, perishable and fatty foods in the summer heat. Follow a proper diet.
  5. Wash fruits and vegetables before eating.
  6. Keep cutting boards, knives, and utensils clean, especially after processing raw meat. Change your kitchen towel regularly and eliminate insects from your home.
  7. Store cooked dishes in the refrigerator for no more than three days, and if an unpleasant odor appears, throw them away. Even long-term heat treatment is not capable of destroying all types of pathogenic microorganisms.
  8. Always filter and boil your drinking water.
  9. Monitor the integrity of the cookware - scratched enamel or non-stick coating can add heavy metals to your diet.
  10. Observe the rules of personal hygiene and teach them to all family members, regardless of age.

Symptoms of food poisoning, what can cause poisoning. What measures need to be taken urgently?

Foods can cause poisoning

Food poisoning is, as a rule, a sudden onset of an acute illness caused by the introduction of various microorganisms or toxins into the body. It can occur in both adults and children.

Basic symptoms

You can get poisoned by poor quality food

How long does it take for poisoning to appear? The first symptoms become noticeable after 30 - 40 minutes. But this process can take several days; it entirely depends on the state of the people’s immune system and general physical condition.
As noted above, food poisoning in humans can occur for several reasons, but it develops almost in the same way, and the symptoms are similar.
At the first stage the body as a whole is poisoned; in the second, the mucous membranes located in the stomach and intestines become inflamed. By the way, this is very dangerous; dehydration occurs, and this can lead to the premature death of the sick person. This disease is especially difficult in children.
That is why it is very important to make a correct diagnosis in the first phase of the disease.
Typical features include the following:

  • abdominal pain, often near the navel;
  • loss of balance (dizziness);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • excessive release of gases;
  • increased weakness;
  • convulsions, chills, rapid pulse, etc.

Nausea and vomiting that appears in the first hours can be caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Severe cases are characterized by the following features:

  • blurred vision;
  • growth of lymph nodes;
  • weakness;
  • interruptions in the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • weakening of muscles.

Poisoning includes botulism, salmonellosis and many others.

First aid


In case of poisoning, you need to call a doctor!

In the first minutes you need to call an ambulance. The fact is that some signs of intoxication are similar to indications of a hypertensive crisis, for example, dizziness, excessive sweating and self-help can only aggravate the situation. So what to do if you are poisoned?
First aid for poisoning is provided after suspicions of food intoxication have been confirmed; by the way, it can be widespread; in other words, if during a family dinner there are unsuitable foods on the table, then most likely everyone who was at the table will suffer.
In case of food poisoning, the first step is to call an ambulance. The arriving team will assess the situation and most likely take all victims of food poisoning to the infectious diseases hospital. There, everyone will be examined by a therapist and gastroenterologist. All necessary tests will be collected. As a result, an accurate diagnosis will be made and a course of treatment will be prescribed, which will lead to a speedy recovery.
But before the ambulance team arrives, if there are signs of poisoning on the face, but there are no symptoms indicating a dangerous development of events, then it is quite acceptable to provide first aid. But those who provide it must understand that they provide it at their own peril and risk.

What to do in case of food poisoning:

  1. Washing. To do this, you need to prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate; you can add salt or baking soda to it. If you don’t have one at hand, you can use warm water. In this way, harmful microorganisms will be removed from the body. This process is cyclical and must be repeated until clean water begins to come out of the stomach.
  2. It is necessary to give a sick person medications of the sorbent class, usually activated carbon.
  3. The sick person must be provided with rest; if he is shivering, then he must be warmed up; it is quite acceptable to use heating pads.

During food poisoning, dehydration occurs. These are the consequences of vomiting and diarrhea, so it is necessary to ensure that the sick person always has water nearby. This helps compensate for water losses and will somewhat alleviate the patient’s condition until the ambulance team arrives, which will take all necessary actions in case of poisoning.
By the way, treatment at home can be carried out following the instructions of the attending physician.


What causes poisoning

In fact, diseases of this type are divided into two groups:

  • microbial;
  • non-microbial.

Most often, poisoning is caused by harmful bacteria and microorganisms:

  • staphylococci;
  • salmonella and many others.

These microorganisms enter the body from:

  • food that has been outside the refrigeration unit for more than two hours;
  • food prepared from unsuitable food products;
  • uncooked meat or fish;
  • low-quality eggs;
  • products washed in untreated water, or not washed at all;
  • with ice cubes frozen from untreated water, by the way, this applies to many exotic countries;
  • unknown mushrooms or berries and other fruits.

And, of course, we must not forget that many people sit down at the table without washing their hands after going outside.
Food poisoning is one of those diseases that manifests itself in the body quite quickly; the whole process can take several hours. The main reasons why it occurs are listed above.
Among the foods that most often provoke the occurrence of poisoning- these are desserts with cream, sausages, pates, seafood, salads that were seasoned with butter or unsuitable oil and many others. Let's look at the most common poisonings.

Stale fish is a source of poisoning

If, after an evening in a Japanese restaurant, a painful condition occurs, nausea and abdominal pain appear, then most likely poisoning has occurred. It can be called:

  • For the most part, these harmful microorganisms end up in food if simple hygiene rules are not followed. In this case, all the signs of food poisoning are visible.
  • Under certain conditions, the fish itself can become poisonous. So, during spawning, the caviar of fish - pike, beluga, burbot - becomes poisonous and if you buy it you can be seriously poisoned.
  • Poisoning that resembles allergies is not uncommon. If you eat certain types of fish, your skin may turn red, your face may swell, and you may experience a burning sensation in your mouth. This is explained by the fact that fish contains substances such as histamine and others. Once it finishes its action, which is about 7-8 hours, after which all the unpleasant phenomena will pass. But to reassure yourself, it makes sense to take anti-allergy medications and contact your doctor; it is possible that these are signs of a real allergy.

What do you need to know to minimize the likelihood of fish poisoning?

  • Do not eat fish with fallen scales or cloudy eyes;
  • fish must be stored at minus one degree Celsius;
  • There is no need to thaw the fish unless it is fried or boiled, otherwise the active release of toxins will begin.


Poisoning with chicken meat, eggs, etc.

Spoiled chicken is a source of salmonellosis bacteria

This type of poisoning is caused by salmonella. It can live in meat for up to 6 months, in eggs for about one year. Moreover, being in frozen meat, this bacterium not only lives, but also does not lose its ability to reproduce.

Salmonella dies when heated to 70 degrees, but it can survive in a piece of meat. The first signs of the onset of the disease include a sharp increase in temperature and severe headache.

Cake poisoning

You can be poisoned by stale cake

Poisoning from confectionery products occurs not so much due to harmful microorganisms (staphylococcus), but rather due to the toxins they produce. For the most part, it ends up in finished products from people who suffer from tonsillitis, various furunculosis, etc.
For this microorganism, milk and creams are essentially a nutrient medium that promotes its reproduction. Staphylococcus produces enterotoxin, which causes poisoning. It does not change the taste or smell of confectionery products. Moreover, this toxin tolerates high temperatures and can tolerate temperatures of 100 degrees for 1 – 2 hours.
Poisoning from confectionery products is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • high speed of onset of the disease - from 30 to 60 minutes;
  • continuous vomiting;
  • severe pain in the navel area;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • diarrhea that may last from 1 to 3 days.
    By the way, poisoning from confectionery products can lead to loss of creation and the appearance of cramps throughout the body. We must always remember that this type of poisoning often occurs in children and adults.

Mushroom poisoning

Symptoms of mushroom poisoning

This topic deserves a separate discussion; there are often cases when poisoning occurs either with improperly prepared or poisonous mushrooms.
In this case, you definitely need to call an ambulance, because sometimes the minutes count and traditional methods of treatment will not help much.

Mushroom poisoning is caused not by harmful microorganisms, but by toxins. For example, gyromitrin, aminohexadienoic acid and many others.

Prevention of poisoning

What measures must be taken to avoid poisoning? In fact, it is enough to follow a few rules and the likelihood of poisoning will be minimized. In particular, it is necessary:

  • utensils that are used in preparing food and from which it is then consumed must be
  • keep clean. the same applies to the stove, tables, dining table, etc.;
  • In order to cut food, you need to use separate or specialized knives. That is, a knife that was used to cut fish cannot be used to cut poultry or meat;
  • Use fresh ingredients for cooking.
  • meat and fish products cannot be thawed in water;
  • When purchasing food products in stores, you need to check the sales and preparation dates. these dates are indicated on the label and must be clearly legible;
  • Food that has been heated must be consumed no later than two hours. Later it must be reheated or boiled;
  • You cannot store raw foods, such as meat, and already cooked food on the same shelf.
  • food containers must be tightly closed;
    It is necessary to observe hygiene measures and be sure to wash your hands after visiting the toilet or when returning from the street;
  • The bucket in which the garbage is put is necessary as often as possible and emptied as often as possible.


How to properly help with food poisoning before the doctor arrives?

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