Uterine fibroids - what is it, is it dangerous and how to treat it. What is uterine fibroids in women and signs of the disease Female fibroids

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Myoma (myomatosis of the uterus) is a common disease that occurs due to rapid cell division. Most often, the pathology affects the period of 30-50 years, but now cases of the development of the disease in the reproductive age have become more frequent. Every woman should understand what it is, how to treat it and whether it is dangerous in order to quickly recognize the violation and contact a gynecologist.

Today, there are many methods of therapy and diagnostics, so do not panic, get upset, sound the alarm. This is not a malignant formation, the disease responds well to therapy and is accurately determined by hardware methods. Below you will learn all about uterine fibroids, what causes it, symptoms and treatment, types and causes.

What it is

A benign tumor consists of the connective tissues of the uterine wall. Education germinates quickly, and it is extremely difficult to control the process. Multiple fibroids are often diagnosed when a woman has more than 2 nodules. Pathology develops due to an increase in the production of sex hormones - estrogens.

Usually the tumor is located inside the cervix or its cavity. Nodular formations have different sizes, reaching several centimeters. In some, the disease develops very quickly, while in others it does not make itself felt for many years, remaining on the uterus in the form of a small nodule.

Some mistakenly believe that if left untreated, malignant fibroids occur. Studies have been conducted in gynecology, the results of which refute this theory. Oncology appears only as a consequence of a disease, but the phenomenon is rare.

Myoma of the body of the uterus develops for various reasons: the age of the woman, concomitant diseases, hormonal failure. The main symptom is intermittent, severe or persistent bleeding, sometimes accompanied by pain in the uterus. In extreme cases, anemia occurs, causing increased heart rate, dryness, pallor of the skin, severe weakness.

The diagnosis is made at any age, in 20% the disease is determined at the age of 30, in 10% - in virgins, and in 50% - women over 50 years old. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended, although once a year, to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. In addition, it is important to pay attention to any violations of the menstrual cycle - an increase in the amount of blood, lack of pregnancy and ovulation, pain, etc.

Types of uterine fibroids

Fibroids in women can be of several types and large or small sizes. The classification is determined by the number of nodes, the nature of growth, the place of origin. Based on the specific location, the following types of nodes are distinguished:

  1. Interstitial.
  2. Intraligamentary.

There are times when a woman finds 2-3 species at once. In addition, in medicine there is a fibroid "on the leg", which is connected to the walls of the organ. Complications and consequences of this kind are sad, in cases where torsion occurs. Depending on the classification of fibroids, the doctor decides what to do and what treatment to choose.


Occurs most often. Usually affects the uterus, but may develop in the cervix. It grows inside the organ, towards the abdominal cavity, protrudes outward or develops in the myometrium. The disease is diagnosed at 30-45 years of age. Nodes can be single or multiple. Some formations reach more than 10 cm and are removed surgically.

While the node is small, the woman does not feel much discomfort. At the beginning of the inflammatory process, pain in the lower abdomen and mucous secretions are observed in copious amounts. When the size of the formation goes beyond 4 cm, the bladder and intestines are squeezed, resulting in symptoms such as frequent trips to the toilet, urination with pain, and dyspeptic disorder.


The internal organs of the small pelvis are held with the help of ligaments, which are responsible for their normal position. In the presence of fibroids, serious disorders can occur, characterized by a change in the anatomical structure of the organs. Intraligamentary fibroids are usually not accompanied by disruptions in menstruation, but cause problems with conception and pregnancy.

This type of disease is accompanied by pain in the abdomen or back, impaired urination, enlargement of the kidneys and ureter. The nature of the manifestations is affected by the size of the node, their location, number. Interligamentous fibroids are rare. To determine, ultrasound of the uterine cavity is used, then tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. The optimal treatment is the removal of fibroid tissue if the nodes are actively growing.


A benign tumor is located outside the uterus, grows into the abdominal cavity. Large nodes are easy to identify during the examination, small ones are detected using ultrasound. During the period of active growth, the pathology is accompanied by frequent constipation, frequent urination, and hemorrhoids.

After the onset of menopause, the tumor can independently decrease in size (more details in). Under other circumstances, it is removed surgically. Most often, subserous uterine fibroids in women are activated after performed or spontaneous abortions.


The nodes are located in the endometrium. Formations progress rapidly, germinate outside the neck, causing severe grasping pain. During the period of active growth, the nodes cause such complications:

  • Miscarriage;
  • Inability to bear a child;
  • Profuse bleeding;
  • Severe pain, spasms.

The submucosal type of fibroids can be caused by an excess of estrogen, frequent abortions, difficult births, inflammatory diseases, etc. Treatment occurs surgically after hormone therapy.

What is dangerous uterine fibroids

Hearing a terrible diagnosis, the girl begins to panic and find out how dangerous fibroids can be for a woman's life. Immediately it should be noted that the occurrence of cancer is minimal.

The main risk lies in the subsequent development of complications, but compliance with the doctor's recommendations and constant monitoring exclude adverse reactions.

If you do not treat myoma, the following consequences occur:

  1. Severe uterine bleeding - the process is dangerous for the development of anemia, it can threaten the patient's life.
  2. Purulent inflammation in the nodes and adjacent tissues - without modern treatment, septic complications occur.
  3. Torsion of the node "on the leg" - a rupture of the leg, the occurrence of internal bleeding, or the syndrome of "acute abdomen" is possible.
  4. Inability to have children - pregnancy outside the uterus, miscarriage, infertility, difficult childbirth may develop.
  5. Necrosis is the death of nodes.
  6. The birth of education with eversion of the uterus.
  7. Malignancy - when a benign tumor turns into a malignant one. The phenomenon is extremely rare, but not worth the risk.

The development of pathology is accompanied by severe, sometimes unbearable pain. The main danger of uterine fibroids lies in possible complications, up to death.


The appearance of pathology is due to various circumstances that have not yet been fully studied. The main factor is hormonal imbalance that occurs against the background of diseases, stress, malnutrition, etc. From what myoma appears, consider below:

  • hereditary causes;
  • Hormonal imbalance - that is, a violation of the amount of estrogen and progesterone;
  • Lack of orgasm;
  • Adenomyosis;
  • Diabetes, hypertension;
  • Gynecological diseases, inflammation, diabetes, slow metabolism;
  • Frequent abortions - the probability increases by 2 times;
  • Stresses that have a bad effect on the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.;
  • obesity, lack of movement;
  • Installed intrauterine device.

Doctors have proven that women who have given birth are less susceptible to the development of fibroids. Often the disease appears during pregnancy, in particular, if it is late.

Too much estrogen and too much progesterone

Fibroma is considered a hormonal disease, as growths form when hormonal imbalances occur. That is why neoplasms do not occur in girls who are not of childbearing age.

With problems with the menstrual cycle, there is an imbalance in the production of progesterone and the hormone estrogen. Hormonal disruptions provoke the growth of tumors, so the suspicion of fibroids (first of all) must be confirmed by a study of the hormonal status.

Diabetes and hypertension

Women suffering from such diseases are prone to developing fibroids at an early age. If there is a strong accumulation of fat deposits in the waist area, this indicates a tendency to growth of formations. Girls living in cities get sick more often. They have a metabolic disorder due to stress or an unhealthy lifestyle, which provokes the occurrence of gynecological pathologies.

woman nutrition

An important role is played by the diet. Excessive consumption of trans fats or refined foods, as well as a lack of fiber, provokes an imbalance of sex hormones. Poor nutrition causes obesity.

If a woman eats a balanced diet, eats cereals, marine and vegetable products, avoids sugars and fats, the risk of fibroids is minimal. A person who eats right looks young and healthy.

Pregnancies, childbirth and interruptions

Abortion, miscarriage, difficult childbirth with injuries, curettage are common causes of gynecological diseases. A woman who has given birth is less prone to the appearance of fibroids.

Lack of orgasm

Rare, irregular sex, as well as the lack of orgasm leads to stagnation in the pelvis. Chronic stagnation is the cause of hormonal imbalance, and as a result, the development of fibroids.


In modern medicine, the diagnosis of pathology is not difficult. A recently appeared tumor is determined during examination by a gynecologist. The patient has an increased size of the uterus, there is deformation of the walls and thickening.

To confirm the diagnosis, the following additional studies are carried out:

  1. MRI, CT - rarely used.
  2. Hysteroscopy is the extraction of uterine tissue in order to subsequently transfer the resulting material for examination.
  3. Laparoscopy.

The scope of research is determined individually for each woman. Usually, an examination and an ultrasound check are sufficient.

Fibroids symptoms

The early stages go unnoticed. You can detect the formation of tumors as they grow.

First signs:

  • Violation of menstruation;
  • Bleeding;
  • constipation, frequent urination;
  • miscarriages;
  • Infertility;
  • Anemia;
  • Sudden increase in the abdomen is not justified;
  • Bloody discharge during sex;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, heaviness;

With growth, constant bleeding, cramping pains, anemia, and a large abdomen are observed. The growth of fibroids during pregnancy is dangerous with premature, prolonged labor, fetal hypoxia, and delayed development.

For the doctor, echoes of uterine fibroids are important. With their help, the location, type of build-up is calculated.

The nature of pain in various forms

With the development of pathology, the pain becomes stronger and more unbearable. In the interstitial form, the tumor exerts pressure on the surrounding organs, which causes a feeling of heaviness and pressure. The subserous form is accompanied by exhausting back pain, the submucous form is cramping, which is permanent.

Bleeding and the menstrual cycle

The submucosal form, developing, causes constant, incessant bleeding, which provokes the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia and other complications. The woman quickly gets tired, headaches and weakness appear, as well as dystrophic changes in the myocardium.

Treated or not

Since the disease is common, new treatments are being actively developed around the world. There are a lot of them, ranging from taking hormonal drugs to surgery. After the diagnosis is made, the woman does not know what to do with uterine fibroids.

First of all, you need to visit a good gynecologist who will tell you exactly whether there is a disease or not, and how it can be cured. Then an individual treatment is prescribed, which differs depending on the size and location of the tumor, as well as the age of the woman.

Node dimensions

Myoma nodes are both small and large, reaching sizes greater than 10 centimeters. Small education - up to 2.5 cm, medium - up to 13 weeks, large - more than 12-15 weeks of pregnancy. The larger the nodes, the greater the risk of complications and bleeding.

How to treat uterine fibroids

There are 2 main types of therapy:

  1. Conservative treatment of uterine fibroids - the mandatory use of hormonal drugs, symptomatic treatment with painkillers.
  2. The main one is surgical intervention, which is effective in severe stages.

The method is prescribed based on the symptoms, the size of the tumor, the age of the patient, the intention to give birth and the growth rate of uterine fibroids. It is best to treat early, when surgery is not yet needed. Conservatism is most effective in reproductive age.

Having found a tumor during menopause, the doctor restrains its development until it is completely resorbed or reduced in size.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists

This method initiates a temporary menopause, which leads to a decrease in the size of the neoplasm by 52%. The group includes preparations containing triptorelin, goserelin, busererelin and leuprorelin. The course of therapy is 4-6 months. The size of the nodes is reduced by 50%, but the risk of recurrence is not excluded. this group is often used before surgery to reduce bleeding by reducing the growth.


Drugs are rarely used, as they cause some side reactions. It should be taken only when other methods are powerless even with prolonged use. The group consists of such active substances as Gestrinone and Danazol. The remedy eliminates the symptoms, but does not affect the size of the fibroids, therefore it is often prescribed in the preoperative period.


Effective, inexpensive drugs that block estrogen synthesis. Unfortunately, with the use of the drug, fibroids are not completely cured. There were cases when the patient's condition worsened. Usually, drugs in this group are prescribed for concomitant diseases, for example, endometrial hyperplasia, since hormonal disorders can be the cause of pathologies.


Mifepristone - binds gestogen receptors, blocking the effect of progesterone. Substances reduce the size of the tumor, reducing symptoms. The drug is available in the form of tablets of 3-6 pieces, and is often used before surgery.


The operation of uterine fibroids is carried out in several ways. The most popular are hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. This is due to the absence of scars, preservation of reproduction, rapid recovery. The doctor focuses on the age of the woman, the size of the formation, its location and quantity.

A laser is mainly used, which cuts off the tumor without causing bleeding and does not leave deep scars. Today, the UAE method is actively used - embolization of the uterine arteries. During the procedure, the doctor injects a special drug into the vessels that stops the flow of blood to the affected tissues.

They begin to die off, as they are deprived of oxygen, gradually decreasing. The method is used for any number of nodes and their location. Sparing surgery is powerless in cases where it is impossible to stop the growth of the tumor. Then the doctor removes the uterus completely.

When is surgery indicated

The operation is prescribed in several cases:

  • The nodes are more than 12 weeks old and put pressure on the internal organs;
  • The combination of fibroids with other gynecological diseases;
  • Severe uterine bleeding;
  • Active growth of nodes or their necrosis;
  • Birth of a node or necrosis.

Also, intervention is necessary (an operation is needed) for suppuration in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmyoma.

Popular methods of treating uterine fibroids surgically will be described below.


is a unique method used to cut off the blood supply to fibroids. After the operation, the growth decreases and resolves, as blood stops flowing into it. Doctors give positive forecasts, some are sure that the operated woman remains able to endure and give birth to a healthy child. It depends on the size and type of fibroids, as well as the correctness of the operation.

Advantages of the operation:

  1. Normalization of menstruation.
  2. The disappearance of problems with urination.
  3. No risk. The operation does not require anesthesia, takes no more than 15 minutes, rehabilitation is up to 7 days.
  4. Good efficiency.

The method eliminates relapses and additional treatment, it is enough to perform the operation once, and the pathology disappears forever. If the rules of rehabilitation or prevention are not followed, sometimes the disease manifests itself again.


A popular method that is carried out through the vagina, removing the growth with a special tool. As a rule, after removal of adverse reactions and complications do not occur, the risk of recurrence is minimal, and the woman can give birth.

Often, before the operation, the doctor prescribes preoperative preparation, which consists in taking hormonal drugs. The method is more necessary to normalize the size of the uterus, but there is also a decrease in the tumor.


The laparoscopic method is performed using special punctures on the abdomen. Removal of fibroids by myomectomy is less traumatic; after extraction, the material is sent for examination. With myomectomy, uterine fibroids can be cured, while maintaining the woman's ability to give birth to a healthy child, and leaving no visible marks on the body. The disadvantages of the method include a possible recurrence and the need for repeated intervention.

Fuzz ablation

The nodes are removed under MRI control, the procedure is safe and convenient for the doctor. The cells are heated by an ultrasonic pulse until they are destroyed. The whole process can take 4 hours, as it consists of several stages. After the operation, the symptoms of the pathology disappear, relapses are excluded, and the size of the growth decreases. Unfortunately, the method is not suitable for all women and is selected individually.

Preventive examinations by a gynecologist can reveal many diseases, which include uterine fibroids. Every woman needs to know how uterine fibroids manifest themselves in order to consult a gynecologist to treat the disease. Small myoma nodes develop asymptomatically, if a woman postpones visiting a specialist, she may not know about the development of pathology for a long time.

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Large uterine fibroids affect a woman's life. She begins to experience discomfort associated with the pressure of the tumor on nearby organs, signs of general malaise. This pathology requires modern treatment, one of the methods of which is uterine artery embolization (UAE). This procedure is highly effective in benign neoplasms of large size, it stops pain in uterine myoma and other symptoms of the disease.

Causes of large uterine fibroids

Myoma is a gynecological disease in which a benign tumor develops in the muscles of the uterus. This pathology is widespread among the fair sex of reproductive age, but in most cases they do not know how fibroids manifest. Patients who do not visit a gynecologist for a long time may not be aware of the development of a myomatous node until it increases and gives characteristic manifestations.

The danger of a large tumor is a violation of reproductive function, it can lead to miscarriages. With an increase, the myomatous node begins to put pressure on nearby organs and causes stool and urination disorders. With myomatosis, anemia often develops due to bleeding, as a result of which signs of general malaise appear.

A modern woman needs to have information about how uterine fibroids manifest themselves, and what factors cause the development of neoplasms. There is no consensus among specialists regarding the causes of pathology. In the course of numerous studies, it has been established that fibroids occur when there is an imbalance in the hormonal background, in which the level of estrogen in the body is increased.

Factors that provoke the development of fibroids are:

  • no or few pregnancies;
  • traumatic childbirth
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • prolonged use of the intrauterine device;
  • abrupt withdrawal of hormonal drugs;
  • frequent abortions;
  • scraping;
  • surgical interventions on the uterus;
  • regular stress;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

Modern diagnostic equipment makes it possible to establish the causes of the development of pathology in the reproductive organ. If the patient has symptoms of large uterine fibroids, she should immediately consult a gynecologist, as the disease can pose a threat to reproductive health.

How does uterine fibroids manifest?

Gynecologists tell patients who have a high probability of developing myomatosis how uterine fibroids manifest themselves and symptoms that indicate a large tumor. Timely diagnosis by a specialist is an important measure to prevent the formation of large nodes.

The main symptoms of large fibroids are:

  • frequent urination and urinary incontinence, arising from the pressure of the tumor on the bladder;
  • constipation and pain in the anus;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • spotting and bleeding between periods;
  • vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor;
  • delay in uterine fibroids of menstruation is mistaken by some patients for pregnancy;
  • enlargement of the lower abdomen;
  • increased sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • high fatigue and weakness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • dizziness.

Large uterine fibroids do not develop without symptoms, in this case the patient must be operated on, as it affects not only the functioning of the genitourinary system, but also other important organs. An alternative to surgical intervention is uterine artery embolization, which allows, with minimal tissue damage, to effectively affect neoplasms of various localization.

Myoma Delay

Many patients turn to a gynecologist with the question of whether there can be a delay in fibroids or the absence of menstruation solely indicates the presence of pregnancy. Benign tumors in the uterus prevent the onset of conception, as they deform the reproductive organ, prevent the attachment of the embryo and create unfavorable conditions for its development.

Similar signs in myomatosis and pregnancy are pulling pains in the lumbar region and an increase in the abdomen. With this gynecological disease, there is rarely a delay, in addition, there are no signs of toxicosis. Modern diagnostic studies can accurately determine whether a woman is pregnant or an increase in the uterus was due to the development of a tumor, therefore, if any symptoms appear, it is necessary to visit the attending physician.

Signs of small uterine fibroids

In the vast majority of cases, a benign tumor does not give unpleasant symptoms, however, when it increases, pain, discomfort, and vaginal discharge occur. Small nodes with timely treatment do not lead to complications, they are successfully eliminated during the administration of drugs.

However, if a woman does not visit a gynecologist for many years, she may develop a large tumor, the treatment of which is possible only by surgery or uterine artery embolization. Experienced gynecologists tell women what symptoms appear with myoma and uterine fibroids, and what actions need to be taken in this case.

With small fibroids, embolization is an excessive method; its use is advisable for a large tumor that interferes with the normal functioning of body systems and gives the patient discomfort.

Signs of multiple uterine fibroids

Multiple uterine fibroids is the most common form of the disease. With this pathology, signs, treatment and prognosis depend on the location and size of the tumors. The most effective method of therapy for multiple fibroids, according to highly qualified gynecologists, candidates of sciences B.Yu. Bobrov and D.M. Lubnin, is uterine artery embolization, characterized by low trauma and minimal recovery time.

With multiple formations, blood circulation is disturbed, so the woman experiences cramping pains, a feeling of discomfort. The development of this form of the disease may be accompanied by defecation and urination disorders, since the tumors compress nearby organs. Experts tell how uterine fibroids manifest in women, the symptoms of which increase with large nodes, tachycardia may appear or breathing is disturbed.

When symptoms of the disease appear, it is important to contact an experienced specialist who will conduct a high-quality examination and develop an effective treatment program while preserving the reproductive organ.

Diagnosis of the disease

Methods for diagnosing fibroids are developed in detail by specialists. The most simple and uninformative methods are: examination on a chair and palpation. They allow you to determine the presence of a tumor in the uterus. If a woman develops uterine fibroids, the symptoms and signs, as well as the size, are interrelated.

With small neoplasms, the patient does not experience painful symptoms, so the tumor can be detected during a routine examination. Huge nodes are the cause of intense pain, discharge. With these symptoms, a woman often turns to a gynecologist for diagnosis.

Ultrasound examination is the most optimal diagnostic method, since it allows you to characterize the tumor: its size, localization, possible changes in the uterus. Based on the results of ultrasound, professional gynecologists draw up a diagram of the location of the nodes and determine how uterine fibroids manifest themselves and possible consequences.

Additional research methods are: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. They are highly informative and are used in the case when ultrasound does not allow to fully assess the extent of the lesion. The presenters use only high-precision equipment for diagnostics, so the possibility of error is excluded.

As part of the diagnosis, laboratory tests are required. Specialists evaluate the level of female hormones, iron content in the blood. The results of the survey are used to draw up treatment tactics, in addition, they allow you to answer the question of whether there can be a delay in uterine myoma.

Treatment of uterine fibroids

Fibroids require adequate therapy only if there are indications, which include large size, intense symptoms, problems with the onset of conception. Priority are organ-preserving methods, in which the reproductive function of a woman is preserved.

Drug treatment is effective at the initial stage of the development of pathology, if the neoplasm is enlarged in size, then surgical intervention or embolization of the uterine arteries is used for its therapy. When choosing these methods, the specialist takes into account how the fibroid hurts, the symptoms of the disease and the reproductive plans of the woman.


With large myoma nodes, a myomectomy or hysterectomy is performed. The essence of myomectomy is the excision of the tumor or a small part of the organ to which the stem of the neoplasm is attached. This method allows you to exclude psychological problems and preserve reproductive function. A significant disadvantage of myomectomy is the high likelihood of re-development of pathology.

If a woman complains about how uterine fibroids hurt, the symptoms of which are due to their huge size, then the doctor may decide to perform a hysterectomy, in which the uterus is removed. This method is not used in the treatment of young women who wish to become pregnant. After surgery, a long period of rehabilitation follows, during which not only surgeons, gynecologists, but also experienced psychologists work with the patient.

Surgical methods of treatment allow you to quickly get rid of the pathology and its manifestations, but they do not guarantee the complete preservation of reproductive function. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then uterine artery embolization is the most appropriate.

Embolization of the uterine arteries

During embolization of the uterine arteries, the reproductive organ or part of it is not removed. The essence of UAE is the introduction of a special drug into the uterine arteries, which blocks blood vessels, and thereby blocks the source of tumor nutrition. The smallest particles - emboli present in the preparation are made from safe materials, so they are suitable for patients with allergic reactions.

UAE is an alternative to surgery, since after it there are no unpleasant symptoms, and an important organ is preserved. The UAE procedure requires special knowledge and skills, so it is performed by an endovascular surgeon. If a fibroids, uterine fibroids, the symptoms of which indicate large sizes, are diagnosed, then this operation will help the patient restore reproductive health.

A large uterine fibroid does not appear suddenly, it is a consequence of the fact that a woman does not pay attention to her health and postpones visiting a gynecologist. If you suspect an illness, make an appointment with a specialist or get a preliminary one.


  • Bobrov B.Yu. Obstetrics and gynecology / Bobrov B.Yu., Alieva, A.A. - No. 5, 2004.-68 p.
  • Mikhalevich S.I. Overcoming infertility. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment. / Mikhalevich S.I. - Minsk: Medicine - 2002 - 234 p.
  • Kustarov V.N. Uterine fibroids / Kustarov V.N., Linde V.A., Aganezova N.V. - St. Petersburg: Spec. Lit -2001 - 360 p.

A fairly common female disease is uterine fibroids. The tumor is diagnosed by gynecologists mainly in the fair sex over 30-40 years old. It is much less common in girls. What is this disease? Why is uterine fibroids dangerous? Is it possible to get rid of this disease?

The uterus is a smooth muscle female organ, the wall of which consists of several layers: endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium. In the middle layer, called the myometrium, a benign tumor can develop. Doctors call it fibroids. Outwardly, it looks like a round knot. The tumor consists of smooth muscle fibers that intertwine with each other. Small fibroids can greatly increase, reaching large sizes.

The disease is divided by specialists into several types. Depending on the number of nodes, single and multiple fibroids are isolated. In the first variety, a single node is found in the uterus. Multiple myoma is characterized by the presence of several nodes.

The tumor can be classified depending on the location of the nodes relative to the uterine wall:

  1. Intramural (intermuscular, interstitial uterine fibroids). It is located in the thickness of the muscular wall. This type of fibroid is diagnosed most often. Due to the intramural tumor, the organ greatly enlarges, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, and pain is felt in the pelvic region.
  2. Intraligmentary. With this type of disease, the myomatous node is localized between the wide ligaments of the uterus.
  3. Submucosal uterine fibroids (submucosal). The tumor is located under the mucous membrane. Myoma grows inside the organ and protrudes into the cavity. This type of disease is not very common.
  4. Cervical. The site of tumor localization is the muscular layer of the cervix. Among women diagnosed with uterine fibroids, 3-4% have this type of disease.
  5. Subserous uterine fibroids (subperitoneal). With this type of disease, the tumor is located outside the organ under the serous membrane. Fibroids do not affect the menstrual cycle. Because of it, only minor discomfort can occur.

Myoma is a fairly serious disease. At first, it may not bother you, but in the future it will definitely bring a lot of problems. Complications of uterine fibroids are bleeding, anemia (anemia). Due to illness, a woman may not become pregnant. If conception occurs, then the fibroid will provoke a miscarriage. The most dangerous complication is the degeneration of a benign node into a malignant tumor.

Why Can a Tumor Occur?

The main causes of uterine fibroids are influence of sex hormones called estrogens. Their level is high in women of reproductive age. That is why the disease is very rarely diagnosed in the fair sex after menopause. At this age, little estrogen is produced. The level of sex hormones reaches a minimum.

The hormone dependence of the tumor is confirmed by the presence in it of receptors for sex hormones. Very often, nodular uterine fibroids develop in women taking estrogenic drugs.

The following provoking factors can push the appearance of this disease in the fair sex:

  • abortions;
  • childbirth that proceeded with complications;
  • inflammatory processes localized in the genitals;
  • venereal diseases;
  • a variety of intrauterine interventions (installation or removal of an intrauterine device, diagnostic curettage).

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

Women who have uterine fibroids, in most cases, do not even suspect that they have this disease. As a rule, signs of uterine fibroids of small sizes do not appear. Women learn about the disease from a gynecologist, undergoing a routine gynecological examination or being examined for another disease. Basically, signs of the disease are not observed in subserous (subperitoneal) fibroids.

With an illness, the following symptoms may appear:

  • pain arising from the necrosis of the node, twisting of the tumor stem, exerting pressure on neighboring organs;
  • heavy periods with uterine myoma, large clots can come out with menstrual blood;
  • bleeding that occurs between periods;
  • constipation;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

The above symptoms are not observed in all cases. The manifestations of fibroids depend on the type of disease, the location of the tumor and its size, the age of the woman, the presence of concomitant diseases (for example, endometriosis is quite common with uterine myoma, accompanied by painful menstruation, post- and premenstrual spotting, pain in the pelvic area). In addition, the above signs may indicate the presence of not only uterine fibroids, but also other serious diseases. That is why you do not need to engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

If you suspect the presence of uterine fibroids, a woman is sent:

  • for a general gynecological examination;
  • for computed tomography;
  • for pneumopelviography;
  • for metrosalpingography;
  • for ultrasound examination.

During a general gynecological examination, the doctor examines the walls of the vagina, probes the uterus. The specialist may notice that the organ is enlarged, the walls are thickened, or there is some kind of protrusion.

Computed tomography, pneumopelviography, metrosalpingography are X-ray methods of research that allow for detailed diagnosis and detection of large fibroids or small tumors. Their only drawback is the negative impact on the woman's body (radiation exposure is very high).

The most reliable and affordable diagnostic method is ultrasound. It allows you to determine the size of tumors and make sure that it is uterine fibroids, and not some kind of malignant disease. The study does not pose a danger to the female body, since it does not have radiation exposure.

How to get rid of the disease

There are three methods of treating the disease: medical, surgical and non-pharmacological. A single scheme has not been developed, following which it would be possible to get rid of a benign tumor. Treatment of fibroids individually. The doctor chooses the appropriate method depending on the type of tumor, its growth rate, and the presence of other diseases in history.

In some cases, uterine fibroids can be cured with medications. Medical method is chosen when the disease proceeds without severe symptoms. The goal of treatment is to stop the growth of the tumor or completely eliminate it. Progestins (Norkolut, Duphaston, Progesterone, etc.), combined oral contraceptives (Rigevidon, Ovidon, Novinet, etc.), antigonadotropins (Nemestran, Danol, Danazol) can be prescribed. The choice of a specific medicine is carried out by the doctor. He also determines the dosage and duration of treatment.

If the medical method does not give the desired result, then doctors choose surgical method treatment - an operation is prescribed. Removal of uterine fibroids is necessary in the following cases:

  • a woman is diagnosed with a large tumor (its size is more than 14 weeks);
  • fibroid too quickly increases in size;
  • the tumor exerts strong pressure on neighboring organs;
  • due to fibroids, severe bleeding occurs.

If the node is located under the outer shell of the organ, then laparoscopy of uterine fibroids is performed. When the tumor is localized under the mucous membrane of the organ, a hysteroscope is used. This operation is called a hysteroscopic myomectomy. At other localizations of the node, an abdominal operation is performed. After removal of uterine fibroids, menstruation becomes moderate and less painful.

Can also be used for benign tumors non-drug treatment : phytotherapy (use of various herbal preparations: hogweed, yarrow, nettle, St. therapeutic radon baths).

The most common treatment is uterine fibroid embolization. In this procedure, the uterine arteries that feed the fibroids are clogged with specially injected gelatin sponge particles. The blood supply to the tumor is disrupted and its growth stops and the cells die.

Contraindications and preventive measures

There are several contraindications for uterine myoma. So, women should not do the following:

  • choose your own contraceptives;
  • steam in the bath, visit the sauna, sunbathe;
  • resort to massage of the abdomen;
  • get into conflicts, quarrels.

As mentioned above, the cause of uterine fibroids are hormonal disruptions. It is quite possible to prevent the occurrence of these violations. Thanks to simple actions, you can avoid the occurrence of uterine fibroids. So, hormonal disruptions occur due to the following reasons.

Myoma is a benign tumor that grows from the connective tissue on the walls or in the uterine cavity. More often, women experience this trouble after 30-35 years. But recently, the disease often occurs in women of a younger age.

What is it - uterine fibroids, from what and why does it appear, how and with what can the disease be treated in the early stages (small sizes) and later?

general description

The disease occurs as a result of rapid and uncontrolled division of uterine cells. This process occurs due to increased secretion of estrogens (female sex hormones).

A blood test does not reveal a hormonal imbalance. Often, the disease can be the result of mechanical damage to muscle tissue (abortions, intrauterine devices, inflammation).

Fibroids are nodular neoplasms of various sizes appearing on the inner or outer surface of the reproductive organ. Multiple nodes are more common.

The size of such formations is considered in "weeks", as well as the size of the uterus at different stages of pregnancy. This allows you to accurately determine the growth of education. Usually the tumor is located inside the muscle layer.

Previously, there was an opinion that a benign formation (myoma) over time necessarily degenerates into a malignant one (cancer).

However, recent research disproves this theory. It has been scientifically proven that these diseases are formed from different tissues. Cancer may appear as a complication of fibroids, but this is quite rare.

Even a rapid increase in the size of a neoplasm is not always a sign of oncology. But to determine whether it is a benign tumor or not, it is possible only after a thorough examination.


The appearance of uterine fibroids can be triggered by many reasons. The main factor will be a high level of the hormone estrogen, low - progesterone.

To identify this, one blood test will not be enough. It is necessary to determine the hormonal status in general.

In addition to hormonal disorders common causes are:

  • heredity;
  • adenomyosis;
  • diabetes;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • multiple abortions (including);
  • hypertension;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • stress;
  • obesity;
  • bad ecology;
  • use of intrauterine contraceptives;
  • hypodynamia;
  • chronic lesions of internal organs;
  • lack of orgasm;
  • irregular sex.

Women who have given birth have been shown to be less likely to develop knots. Often this neoplasm can appear during pregnancy. Especially if the first pregnancy is late.

important a woman's nutrition plays a role in the development of the disease.

The predominance of meat, fats, carbohydrates, sweets, fast food in the diet, lack of fiber increase the level of female hormones and contribute to obesity.

The use of fermented milk products, vegetables, cereals, fruits significantly reduces the possibility of developing a tumor.

Classification of species: what is it like

Depending on the size and location of nodes There are 3 types of uterine fibroids:

  • or intramuscular - located in the middle of the muscle layer, characterized by large sizes;
  • submucosal - grows inside the cavity, which leads to its deformation;
  • subserous - located on the outside, grows into the abdominal cavity.

There is a separate type of disease - myoma "on the leg". It grows on a narrow or wide base, connecting it with the walls of the organ.

It can be submucosal or subserous, that is, located outside or inside the uterine cavity. Very rarely, a neoplasm can be located in the neck. Depending on the growth rate, there are simple and profiling.

According to the composition of the tumor is divided into fibroma(from connective tissue) and leiomyoma(from muscle).

Symptoms and signs: how to recognize in time

Small uterine fibroids at an early stage not accompanied by noticeable symptoms. You can find it at the next gynecological examination.

As uterine fibroids grow early signs may appear:

  • prolonged, heavy and irregular menstruation;
  • constipation;
  • infertility;
  • bleeding;
  • anemia;
  • frequent urination;
  • heaviness and constant pain in the lower abdomen;
  • spotting during intercourse;
  • lower back pain;
  • an increase in the abdomen is not associated with a significant increase in weight;
  • frequent miscarriages.

What is dangerous uterine fibroids on the leg? When the “legs” are twisted, inflammation and rupture of the tumor occurs. This causes severe bleeding, acute pain in the lower abdomen, fever. This condition can be fatal.

The submucosal form of uterine fibroids during growth leads to persistent, incessant bleeding, in which there is a high risk of complication of the situation with iron deficiency anemia, everything is accompanied by sharp cramping pains.

Knots during pregnancy often lead to miscarriages or placental insufficiency.

Tumor growth during this period also causes fetal hypoxia, which can lead to premature or prolonged labor.

What to do, who to contact

It is impossible to self-identify the disease. When the above symptoms appear, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

These signs may be accompanied by more dangerous diseases, such as cancer of the uterus or ovaries, endometriosis. To find out the cause of the ailment, it is necessary to undergo a complete medical examination.

In order not to start the disease, one must pass scheduled examination by a gynecologist at least twice a year.

Diagnostic measures

More often, the disease can be detected during a gynecological examination by an increase in the size of the uterus, thickening or deformation of its walls.

To determine the location and size of the tumor ultrasound of the genital organs.

What tests should be done for uterine fibroids? To exclude oncological diseases, a test for tumor markers, biochemical and hormonal blood tests are carried out.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe hysteroscopy, X-ray, endoscopy, culdoscopy.

To get a complete picture of the disease, computed tomography, cervicoscopy and coagulation analysis are also used.

Methods and treatment regimens

Is it possible and how exactly to cure uterine fibroids? Therapy is carried out both surgically and conservatively.

At the initial stage of the disease, when the size of the tumor does not exceed 1-2 cm, drug treatment is used.

In the event of severe bleeding with pain and rapidly growing uterine fibroids, surgery is recommended.

If there are no symptoms of the disease, the size of the nodes is small, growth does not occur, then the treatment may consist in the constant observation of a specialist, diet, regular ultrasound examination.

With pain and medium-sized tumors hormonal drugs are prescribed. However, there are no drugs that completely eliminate the tumor.

All remedies can only temporarily alleviate the symptoms, reduce the size of the tumor nodes.

These drugs include:

    GnRH agonists: Leuprorelin (Eligard, Prostap), Buserelin, Goserelin, Triptorelin (Diferelin). Apply such funds once a month to reduce the size of the tumor before surgery. The course of treatment is six months.

    These drugs reduce the amount of estrogen in the body, but long-term use leads to osteoporosis. After the end of treatment, the nodes again begin to grow actively.

    Oral contraceptives: Novinet, Rigevidon, Marvelon. As a rule, they do not reduce the size of the tumor, but relieve pain well and remove bleeding.

  • Antiprogestogens reduce tumor size and relieve symptoms. Used in preparation for surgery.
  • Antigonadotropins: Nemestrane, Danazol. The size of the nodes does not reduce, but only eliminates the symptoms. These drugs are used extremely rarely, because they have many side effects: hair growth on the body and face, voice changes, acne.

The safest method of non-surgical treatment is considered focused ultrasound ablation.

It is carried out under the control of a tomograph and consists in heating and destroying the tumor with an ultrasonic beam.

This procedure is non-traumatic and painless, has no side effects, makes it easy to get pregnant and bear a child in the future.

In case of large size and rapid growth of nodes, severe bleeding or necrosis, surgery may be required.

If a woman does not plan to have children, she begins menopause, and the node is growing rapidly, accompanied by constant and heavy bleeding, then it is recommended complete removal of the reproductive organ.

In other cases, an operation is performed to remove uterine fibroids, or myomectomy, There are several types of surgical treatment:

  • laparoscopy (through small punctures on the abdomen);
  • embolization (through the femoral artery);
  • hysteroscopy (through the vagina).
  • Disease prevention:

    • dieting;
    • exclusion of abortion;
    • regular examination by a gynecologist;
    • timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

    Do not delay the birth of a child. The optimal age for the first birth is 22-25 years.

    By the way, breastfeeding can significantly reduce the risk of neoplasms in the future. But after 35 years, giving birth is not recommended.

    From this video you can learn more about uterine fibroids:

    It is absolutely impossible to use folk remedies in the treatment without consulting a doctor.

    It is better to take care of your health: eat right, do not self-medicate, avoid stress and strengthen the immune system.

Uterine fibroids is a gynecological disease, which is characterized by the appearance of benign neoplasms in the uterine muscle layer.

The sizes of fibroids can be different: from small, with a pea, to huge ones, when the uterine fibroids reach a weight of 3 kg and correspond in terms of the volume of a full-term pregnancy. Moreover, it can be one neoplasm or several tumors, small in size, the so-called multiple uterine fibroids.

In terms of frequency of occurrence, this disease continues to occupy a leading position among all gynecological pathologies. According to statistics, such neoplasms are found in more than 28% of women during their lifetime. Most of the patients are women over the age of 30.

In this article, we will look at what uterine fibroids are, what signs precede this disease, and what symptoms you should pay attention to when fibroids have already formed. We will not disregard the methods of treatment of uterine fibroids, including talk about treatment without surgery. Reviews of women with this problem can be read in the comments.


Why does fibroids develop, and what is it? Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that develop from the muscle tissue of the uterus. In medicine, this disease is also called fibromyoma, leiomyoma.

Like a benign fibroid tumor has a number of characteristic features:

  • is the most common tumor in women 35-55 years old;
  • capable of regression (reduction in size) and even complete disappearance in the postmenopausal period;
  • can retain its size for a long time and not grow, or grow very quickly;
  • may either not manifest itself in any way and be an accidental finding during an ultrasound study, or be accompanied by certain symptoms.

The main reason for the development of fibroids is the spontaneous division of uterine cells, this can occur as a result of some changes in the body of a woman:

  • frequent inflammatory processes,
  • abortion,
  • uterine surgery,
  • use of the Navy
  • improper use of hormonal drugs,
  • other factors.

In other words, almost all deviations concerning the reproductive organs can lead to the subsequent development of a tumor. Sometimes the reasons for the development of fibroids are not clear, but, nevertheless, the disease must be treated, otherwise nodular formations can increase in size and cause a number of symptoms.


There are several types of this tumor, depending on the type of tissue from which it originates:

  1. Intramural. It is the most common form of fibroids. It comes from the middle muscle layer. With this type of disease, an increase in fibroids in size also means an increase in the size of the uterus itself. It is expressed by the following signs: the occurrence of pain, the appearance of a feeling of heaviness and pressing sensations in the pelvic area, often there is a violation of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Subserous. In this type of disease, the tumor develops in the outer muscle layer. It is actually located outside the uterus, outside, but at the same time it grows into the pelvic cavity. With this type of disease, the menstrual cycle is not disturbed, but with a sufficiently large size of the tumor, a woman may experience some discomfort and discomfort.
  3. Submucosal or submucosal. This is one of the least common uterine fibroids. Such a neoplasm develops under the thin mucous membrane of the inner layer of the uterine wall. That is why submucosal fibroids give the most pronounced clinical symptoms. In this case, the myoma nodes can have a rather long stem, which allows them to descend into the cervix and even the vaginal cavity. In such situations, clinicians speak of a "nascent" tumor node.

Depending on the size of myomatous nodes, which are compared with the duration of pregnancy, highlight:

  • small fibroids (5-6 weeks),
  • medium (7-11 weeks),
  • large sizes (more than 12 weeks).

Myoma nodes can be located in groups, or occur as single formations. Their size varies depending on the severity of fibroids, ranging from a couple of millimeters to tens of centimeters. The nodes are located in 95% of cases directly in the body of the uterus, less often in the area where the ligamentous apparatus of the organ is located or in the cervix.

First signs

In the case of uterine fibroids, the signs of the disease are as follows:

  • painful, heavy and prolonged menstruation;
  • the release of large blood clots during menstruation;
  • acyclic intermenstrual bleeding and discharge mixed with blood;
  • periodic pain;
  • pressing and pulling, as well as constant heaviness.

The larger the myoma and the vastness of its distribution, the more intense its manifestations will be.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids

Often, uterine fibroids are an accidental finding during a preventive examination by a gynecologist. Many women with uterine fibroids do not complain or pay attention to the signs of the disease.

In cases where uterine fibroids still manifest themselves, its symptoms can be:

  1. Unusually heavy periods (you have to change more than 3 pads in 1 hour);
  2. Unusually long periods (more than 7 days);
  3. A sharp change in the nature of menstruation. For example, if the already irregular periods have become even more unpredictable;
  4. Irregular, scanty, smearing from the vagina between periods;
  5. Prolonged, pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  6. Pain during sexual intercourse;
  7. An increase in abdominal circumference, without a significant increase in body weight;
  8. Feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen.

With large sizes of uterine fibroids, the syndrome of compression of neighboring organs will join. In this case, frequent urination or chronic constipation is often observed. In the presence of submucosal fibroids, difficulties develop with conception and pregnancy.

Appearing symptoms are not always fibroids, a similar clinic is observed in other gynecological diseases, namely, cancer of the genital organs, endometriosis, etc. In order to accurately establish the disease, a timely examination by a specialist is necessary.

Uterine fibroids: photo

What does uterine fibroids look like, a photo of benign neoplasms is presented below.


Diagnosis of uterine fibroids is quite simple. Already at the first gynecological examination, the doctor can make a diagnosis with 90-100% certainty. On palpation, an enlarged uterus with one or more dense nodes is determined. Her mobility is not limited.

Additional examination methods include:

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. It is carried out using a vaginal probe. To improve visualization, the study is performed with a full bladder. This method is highly informative, allows you to identify the exact size and shape of the tumor;
  2. Hysteroscopy. This method is informative for the recognition of fibroids, the growth of which deforms the cavity. During this procedure, the gynecologist takes a biopsy (piece of tissue) from the uterine cavity for further analysis;
  3. Laparoscopy. This method is used only in cases where a specialist cannot distinguish between uterine fibroids and ovarian tumors.

Diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity is indicated for all identified uterine fibroids in order to establish the pathology of the endometrium and exclude uterine cancer.

Uterine fibroids: treatment without surgery, reviews

If uterine fibroids are detected, treatment depends on many factors: the presence or absence of symptoms, the age of the patient, concomitant diseases, and the size of the formation. If the size of the tumor is not large, there are no symptoms or disturb slightly, then the doctor may prescribe drug treatment for uterine fibroids, that is, without surgery, as well as a periodic examination. This will help to monitor the growth of the tumor and the course of the disease.

Conservative therapy consists in the appointment of special drugs. Use drugs of different groups:

  • gestagens (norkolut, duphaston, premolyut) for a course of 4-6 months;
  • androgen derivatives (danazol, gestrinone) for a course of 6-8 months;
  • gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (buserilin, zoladex) for 3-6 months;
  • oral hormonal contraceptives (Yarina, Zhanin, Regulon);
  • Mirena intrauterine device (contains gestagen - levonorgestrel) for 5 years.

Main directions conservative treatment of uterine fibroids are as follows:

  • sanitation of genital infections;
  • stimulation, activation of immunity with the help of herbal medicine and other medicines;
  • correction of nutrition, mode of eating;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • normalization of the psycho-emotional state;
  • , normalization of the menstrual cycle, elimination of bleeding.

Also, the treatment of fibroids without surgery includes a special diet, certain immunomodulatory drugs, herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine preparations, special physiotherapy procedures.

Surgical intervention

When deciding on the nature of the surgical intervention and its volume, the age of the patient, the state of general and reproductive health, and the degree of perceived risk are taken into account. Depending on the obtained objective data, surgery can be conservative, with the preservation of the uterus, or radical, with complete removal of the uterus. For young, nulliparous women with uterine fibroids, if possible, conservative surgical treatment is chosen to preserve reproductive function.

Exist indications for surgical treatment of the disease:

  • sizes for tumor surgery more than 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • submucosal fibroids, in which the nodes grow in the direction of the internal os of the uterus;
  • rapid tumor growth despite ongoing conservative treatment;
  • the presence of other diseases of the female genital area;
  • menorrhagia and metrorrhagia (acyclic uterine bleeding), leading to anemia;
  • miscarriage and infertility.

How to treat? Based on the type, size and location of the neoplasm, the doctor decides which operation to remove the fibroid:

  1. Laparoscopy - performed through small holes in the abdomen;
  2. Hysteroscopy - through the vagina, using a special tool, they work with the uterus;
  3. Abdominal operation- an incision in the lower abdomen opens up access to the fibroids (an extremely rare operation);
  4. Hysterectomy - complete removal of the uterus, is prescribed to patients with no hope of stopping the growth of fibroids with the help of sparing operations.

Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are the most popular surgeries, as they have a number of advantages: the almost complete absence of traces of the operation, the preservation of the woman's ability to have a child in the future, and a very fast recovery after the operation.

Embolization of the uterine arteries

A modern method of treating uterine fibroids, the principle of which is to stop the blood flow through the uterine arteries and replace the fibroid nodes with connective tissue.

The method consists in passing a catheter through the femoral artery into the uterine artery and blocking the blood flow in it with the help of embolization material. The procedure is performed in an X-ray operating room, belongs to minimally invasive interventions and does not require anesthesia. As a rule, hospitalization for one day is necessary.

Some doctors claim that after such an operation a woman can become pregnant and bear a healthy child, others believe that this can be problematic, everything is very individual and depends on the type of fibroid, its size, and a successful operation.

Folk remedies

So many women are looking for any effective folk remedies for the treatment of uterine fibroids. Almost all home treatments involve inserting tampons and douching with herbal medicinal solutions.

However, there is not a single effective folk remedy that allows you to change the deep internal causes of fibroids. In any case, before trying any alternative methods of treating fibroids, you should definitely inform your doctor and discuss this method.


There are no specific measures to prevent uterine fibroids. At the same time, if uterine myoma is suspected, the most important thing is timely diagnosis and timely treatment. Thus, the only prevention is periodic examinations by a gynecologist at least 1-2 times a year.


With timely detection and proper treatment of uterine fibroids, the further prognosis is favorable. After organ-preserving operations in women in the reproductive period, pregnancy is likely.

However, the rapid growth of uterine fibroids may require radical surgery to exclude childbearing function, even in young women. Sometimes even a small uterine fibroid can cause infertility.

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