How to treat bronchi at home. How to treat bronchitis in adults. Herbal antimicrobial and antiviral agents

Bronchitis in adults in conditions, you must definitely consult with your attending physician, who will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe priority treatment. If you experience a severe, persistent cough accompanied by a high fever, your doctor will likely prescribe one or more antibiotics, as well as an expectorant. All this must be taken first of all strictly according to the accompanying instructions.

As a rule, mucolytics are prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis, for example, ACC, Fluimucil or Muconex. The treatment also includes expectorants to improve expectoration of sputum, which include Gerbion, Prospan and Chest collection. These are herbal medicines, so you can buy them at the pharmacy and start taking them even without a doctor's instructions. Finally, mucokinetics are prescribed to facilitate the movement of sputum (Bromhexine, Lazolvan, Ambrobene and others).

Medicines do not always cause complete recovery. Additional steps will help to quickly and completely cure bronchitis in adults. Once every 1-2 hours, drink a glass of hot drink (berry juice, herbal infusion or green tea). This will help soften the larynx and bronchi and quickly remove the mucus and bacteria accumulated in them. If you have a high fever, stay in bed until it stabilizes. Do not forget about timely nutrition even in the absence of appetite.

Take advantage of the funds. For example, radish is an effective remedy. Make a small depression in it and put a teaspoon of honey in it. Wait until the radish begins to release juice, collect it and consume it three times a day. Another effective way is to add sandwiches with garlic, butter and dill to your diet. Grate five cloves of garlic, mix with a piece of butter, add dill or parsley. Eat these sandwiches three times a day as well.

After improvements appear in the treatment of bronchitis, it is recommended to temporarily refrain from prolonged exposure to cold air to avoid relapses. In addition, you should ventilate your living space more often and do wet cleaning, since dust and bacterial residues can have a detrimental effect on the body. Finally, you need to start strengthening your immune system. Various vitamin complexes, a gradual increase in time spent in the fresh air during walks, playing sports and hardening will help you with this.

Almost every one of us encounters a disease of the respiratory system called bronchitis at least once in our lives. Its main symptom is a severe cough, sometimes with shortness of breath and viscous sputum, as well as headache, general weakness, etc. But the worst thing is when a similar situation is repeated at intervals of several weeks, or even months. In this case, we may be talking about a more serious form of the disease, that is, chronic bronchitis, which causes a lot of problems for a person and is difficult to treat. So, what are the signs to recognize the chronic form of the disease, and how to get rid of it forever?

As mentioned above, the key sign of any bronchitis is a cough, and in its advanced form it lasts about three months a year for two years in a row.

However, even if you have a prolonged cough, you should not make such a diagnosis yourself, because the development of the disease requires appropriate conditions and factors:

The essence of chronic bronchitis is that the above factors (one or more) have a negative effect on the bronchi and their mucous membrane. It begins to produce an abnormal amount of sputum, which does not have time to be eliminated, which creates an excellent environment for the proliferation of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms.

During the examination, the doctor may note too long an exhalation, whistling and moist rales in the lungs. To make a more accurate diagnosis, a number of studies are carried out, including radiography, bronchoscopy, as well as tests to exclude tuberculosis, emphysema, neoplasms and other diseases.

How dangerous is the disease?

Initially, a patient with chronic bronchitis is only bothered by a cough, dry or wet, which can appear at any time of the day. Over time, it intensifies, odorless yellow sputum appears, then its volume increases, and the release of purulent masses begins. There is a violation of the patency of the bronchi, the person feels severe shortness of breath, first after physical exertion, and then at rest. At the same time, chronic fatigue, a feeling of weakness, and decreased performance appear.

This form of the disease is called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, since not only the bronchi, but also the lungs suffer from a lack of oxygen. The body begins to experience hypoxia, which leads to the development of a variety of disorders and pathologies, and ultimately can cause death.

Is it possible to cure chronic bronchitis forever?

This question worries all patients who have had to deal with a similar phenomenon. The answer to it depends on the spread of the pathological process, the stage and phase of the disease, but it is quite possible to get rid of mild chronic bronchitis once and for all. This requires timely contact with a specialist, accurate diagnosis and adequate therapy.

Traditional medicine

Most often, medications for chronic bronchitis are used in the acute phase, but during periods of remission, doctors often prescribe drugs that alleviate the patient’s condition and support the body.


Treatment with antibiotics is carried out during acute periods, when an active inflammatory process caused by pathogenic microorganisms occurs in the patient’s bronchi. The prescription of a specific drug is carried out after the causative agent of the disease has been clarified and the necessary tests have been carried out.

GroupDrugsExample imageEfficiencyReception features
Semi-synthetic penicillins"Augmentin", "Amoxiclav", "Amoxicillin" It has an effect on gram-negative strains, less effective against streptococci, staphylococci, spirochetes. Not active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and KlebsiellaIt is taken on an empty stomach, the dosage is determined depending on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body. Course of treatment – ​​5-14 days
Macrolides"Sumamed", "Clarithromycin" They are effective against streptococci and staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae, and chlamydia. Does not affect gram-positive bacteria resistant to erythromycinTaken an hour before meals or regardless of meals. On average, the course of treatment is 3-5 days
Fluoroquinolones, respiratory"Moxifloxacin", "Levofloxacin" Inhibits gram-positive strains (streptococci, pneumococci, listeria, and to a lesser extent enterococci), as well as gram-negative bacteria (hemophilus influenzae, gonococci). Inhibits tuberculous mycobacteria and some anaerobesTaken 1-2 times a day, therapeutic course – 10-14 days
Cevalosporins II, III generations"Cefaclor", "Ofloxacin" Effectively destroys gram-positive and gram-negative aerobes. Does not affect some enterococci and some streptococciTake three times a day, the dosage is selected individually. Duration of treatment is 7-10 days

Expectorants and bronchodilators

In addition to destroying infectious agents, during exacerbation of chronic bronchitis it is necessary to restore the basic function of the bronchi, eliminate their narrowing and reduce the amount of mucus produced. For this purpose, bronchodilators and mucolytics are used, which transform viscous mucus into liquid, making it clear through coughing, and expand the lumen of the bronchi, making it easier for the patient to breathe.

GroupA drugImageEfficiencyReception features
"ACC" Liquefies and removes mucus from the bronchi, reduces the formation of secretions. Also effective against purulent sputumThe dosage and course of treatment depend on the course of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body.
Mucus thinners"Mukodin" Reduces the viscosity of bronchial secretions, reduces coughAverage dosage – 50-750 mg per day until a therapeutic effect is achieved (duration of treatment 8-10 days)
Mucoregulators"Bromhexine" Increases bronchial secretion, has a pronounced expectorant effectTake one tablet regardless of food. Course of treatment – ​​from 4 days to 4 weeks
Mucoregulators"Ambroxol" The effect of the drug is similar to Bromhexine. Effective for respiratory distress syndromeThe average dosage is 1-3 tablets, depending on the patient’s age and the course of the disease. Taken after meals, long-term treatment is required to achieve the desired effect

It is important to note that the effectiveness of mucolytic and expectorant drugs increases significantly when drinking large amounts of fluids (especially alkaline ones).


A good action for chronic bronchitis is called bronchodilators (bronchodilators). They must be used after the first signs of obstruction appear, that is, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, etc. These drugs include " Eufillin», « Atrovent», « Berodual», « Salbutamol, « Neophylline», « Fluticasone" They expand the lumen of the respiratory tract and eliminate negative processes associated with the disease. The best option for using such medications is inhalation using a nebulizer or inhaler, as they relieve bronchial spasm as quickly and effectively as possible.

One of the most modern methods of combating chronic bronchitis is halotherapy. The procedures are carried out in specially equipped chambers, where optimal conditions of humidity and temperature are created, and the air is thoroughly cleaned and saturated with saline solutions. With the help of halotherapy, patients can completely get rid of mild forms of the disease, and with a complex course, significant relief is achieved, thanks to which a person can do without medications for a long time.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine is often used in the fight against chronic bronchitis in combination with medications, but their use has a number of side effects and requires consultation with a pulmonologist.

The use of folk remedies and conventional medications should be carried out in such a way that the interval between their use is at least an hour.

Lemon with glycerin

An easy-to-use product that is suitable for patients of any age. Take a medium lemon, wash well and boil for 5 minutes. Let cool, squeeze the juice from half the fruit into a 250 ml container, add 2 tbsp. glycerin. Stir, add honey so that the resulting mixture fills the container to the top. Stir again and leave in a cool place for 2-3 hours. Drink one tablespoon before meals (30 minutes) until the therapeutic effect is achieved.

Black radish

Black radish is one of the oldest and most widely used remedies for combating bronchitis and other diseases of the pulmonary system. Take a medium-sized root vegetable, remove the core so that you get a cup-shaped container with a depression. Place a tablespoon of honey in it, without filling it to the brim, as the radish will release a lot of juice. Place in a suitable container, leave for 12 hours, then take the resulting juice a tablespoon four times a day, the course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.


Onion is a strong natural phytoncide that destroys harmful microorganisms and helps relieve coughs in chronic bronchitis. Onion juice can be used for inhalation, or effective medicines can be prepared from the fruits for oral administration.

Dissolve a glass of sugar in a liter of water, put two medium onions in the syrup and boil until the volume of the liquid is reduced by half. To treat chronic bronchitis, the remedy should be drunk two days in advance, and in other cases, take half a glass 2-3 times a day until the condition improves.

Another effective recipe is as follows. Peel and chop two or three small onions, place in a saucepan and add milk. Boil until the onion becomes soft, then add honey to the liquid at the rate of a teaspoon per glass. Take a tablespoon every hour, the course of treatment is 1-3 days.

Herbal decoctions

Decoctions of medicinal herbs, as well as the fruits of coniferous trees, help well not only with chronic bronchitis, but even with confirmed pulmonary emphysema. Pour a tablespoon of soft pine buds into a glass of boiling water, steam for half an hour and let it brew for 15 minutes. Take a tablespoon three times a day until the condition eases. The mixture can be used as a solution for inhalation.

If we talk about medicinal herbs, then Thermopsis lanceolata, licorice, plantain, coltsfoot, licorice, and creeping thyme have the greatest healing effect. They are taken orally in the form of decoctions, as well as alcohol or water infusions.

Video - How to treat bronchitis at home with folk remedies

General rules for the treatment of chronic bronchitis

The first and main condition for recovery for all people diagnosed with chronic bronchitis is a complete cessation of smoking, and patients should not even be in rooms where there is cigarette smoke. The apartment should be regularly wet cleaned, preventing the accumulation of dust, as well as ventilation (regardless of the time of year).

In combination with medications, it is necessary to do therapeutic exercises, breathing exercises and harden the body. It is important to note that measures to harden the body are carried out exclusively during the period of remission with great care to prevent hypothermia of the body. Proper nutrition, spending time in the fresh air and taking vitamins play an important role in the recovery process. If you follow all the above rules, you can get rid of not only chronic bronchitis, but also forget about colds and ARVI forever. study at the link.

Video - How to treat chronic bronchitis

You can treat bronchitis in an adult at home very effectively if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Hospitalization to the pulmonology department is indicated for patients with severe disease, for example, with the development of obstructive syndrome and respiratory failure, and in the absence of effectiveness of therapy carried out at home.

Bronchitis accounts for about 90% of the total number of all diseases of the respiratory system. With timely diagnosis and properly selected treatment, bronchitis can usually be eliminated in 1.5–3 weeks. With inadequate therapy or its absence, there is a risk of the disease becoming chronic and/or developing other complications.

Bronchitis should not be tolerated on the legs, even if the patient feels well. It is recommended to stay at home for at least the first week, but it is advisable to remain on sick leave for 2 weeks. In this case, it will be possible to create optimal conditions for the body to fight the disease.

The main treatment of bronchitis can be supplemented (but not replaced!) with folk remedies, but they should be used in the same way as pharmaceutical medications only after consultation with the attending physician. Chronic and acute bronchitis in adults can be treated at home with the same folk remedies, but for chronic bronchitis, therapy is longer.

Most often, bronchitis develops against the background of influenza or acute respiratory viral infections, when the bronchial mucosa is involved in the pathological process.

Treatment of bronchitis in adults at home

You should use any medications for bronchitis only after consulting your doctor. The best therapeutic effect for bronchitis is provided by complex therapy.

When body temperature rises, antipyretics are prescribed.

For bronchitis of bacterial etiology or complicated by a secondary infection, antibiotics are prescribed, which must be taken in strict accordance with the doctor’s instructions, without stopping the course immediately after relief occurs.

If the disease develops against the background of a viral infection, immunostimulating drugs can be used, and if microscopic fungi are detected, antimycotic drugs can be used.

To improve sputum discharge, mucolytic and expectorant drugs are used. For the same purpose, as well as to reduce inflammation, inhalations with saline, soda solutions, essential oils (pine, eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary), infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs can be prescribed. Essential oils and medicinal herbs should be used with caution by people prone to allergies. It should also be taken into account that inhalation of hot steam is contraindicated in acute bronchitis, so it is carried out using a nebulizer.

The air in the room in which the patient is located should be humidified. It is best to do this with an automatic air purifier and humidifier.

Patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids (1.5-2.5 liters per day) and a gentle, balanced, easily digestible diet. We recommend mint, linden, chamomile tea, rosehip and raspberry decoction, cocktails made from mineral water, milk and honey, fruit drinks and compotes from fruits and berries, tea with lemon.

In the absence of signs of acute inflammation (i.e., with chronic bronchitis in remission and during recovery from acute inflammation), therapeutic massage and breathing exercises are indicated.

The main treatment of bronchitis can be supplemented (but not replaced!) with folk remedies, but they should be used in the same way as pharmaceutical medications only after consultation with the attending physician.

How to additionally treat chronic bronchitis in adults at home

  1. Honey and mustard compresses(contraindicated at elevated body temperature). For a compress, mix 2 tablespoons of honey and the same amount of mustard powder, spread the mass on a thick cloth and place it on the chest, cover it with plastic and a towel or scarf, and keep it for about 30 minutes. If the burning sensation is severe, remove the compress sooner. The next day, the compress is placed on the back. Treatment is continued for 8 days (once a day), alternating the place where the compress is applied.
  2. Horseradish compress. Horseradish root is grated on a fine grater, distributed in a layer approximately 1 cm thick on the back in the bronchi area, after which the mass is covered with a cloth. The patient is left to lie with a compress for 10 minutes. If the burning sensation is very strong, remove the mass before the specified time. If the procedure is well tolerated, it should be performed once a day for 10 days.
  3. Rubbing with a mixture of turpentine and vegetable oil. Mix turpentine with vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mixture is rubbed onto the back and chest 2 times a day (morning and evening), after which the patient needs to lie under a warm blanket for an hour. During the procedure, you should wear cotton clothing. If the patient complains of a strong burning sensation, turpentine and oil should be mixed in a ratio of 1:2.
  4. Cabbage juice. Squeeze juice from cabbage and drink 50 ml (you can add honey) 3 times a day for 10 days.
  5. Licorice root decoction. To prepare the product, pour 2 tablespoons of the plant into a glass of boiling water and place in a water bath for 20 minutes. After this, the broth is covered with a towel, left to cool completely and filtered. Take a tablespoon 4 times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
  6. Marshmallow root infusion. To prepare the product, pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for an hour and filter. The infusion is consumed in a tablespoon 4 times a day, regardless of food intake, for 10-20 days.
  7. Thyme infusion. A tablespoon of the plant is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 6 hours in a thermos. The finished product should be strained and drunk 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for two weeks.
The air in the room in which the patient is located should be humidified. It is best to do this with an automatic air purifier and humidifier.

To increase immunity in case of chronic bronchitis, you can drink decoctions of horsetail, birch, violet, yarrow, lingonberry leaves, and also use licorice root syrup and natural mummy.

How to additionally treat acute bronchitis in adults at home

  1. Black radish and honey mixture– one of the most popular folk remedies for acute bronchitis. One large radish should be washed thoroughly (without peeling), cut off the top part, and cut out part of the pulp from the middle. Place a teaspoon of honey into the resulting depression, cover with the cut top part and leave for 2-3 hours. During the specified time, the radish will release juice in which the honey will dissolve. The mixture should be poured into a glass, and the radish can be filled with honey again. The product is taken one tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals.
  2. Plantain infusion– a good expectorant. Pour 50 g of dry plantain herb into 500 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 2 hours, strain and take a tablespoon 15 minutes before meals for 1.5-2 weeks.
  3. Onion expectorant. Wash a large onion thoroughly (without peeling), add water so that it covers the onion by no more than 1 cm, add 10 tablespoons of sugar to the water and put on fire. Cook with the lid tightly closed for 30 minutes, let cool, then remove the onion from the liquid. Divide the decoction into 4 servings to drink per day. Treatment is continued for 7 days.
  4. Horseradish and lemon mixture. To prepare the product, grate 150 g of horseradish on a fine grater and mix with the juice of 3 lemons, leave for 30 minutes. The product is taken in a teaspoon, washed down with tea and honey, once a day for 10 days.
  5. Sage and milk remedy. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of sage herb into 1 glass of milk and boil for 1-2 minutes. After this, the product is removed from the heat, allowed to cool, filtered and drunk warm before bed. Milk with sage should be taken for 2 weeks to eliminate inflammation and fight cough.
  6. Decoction of tangerine peel, effective against purulent impurities in sputum. 5 tablespoons of fresh or dried tangerine zest are poured into 500 ml of water and boiled for an hour. After this, the broth is infused for another 2 hours, covered with a towel, filtered and taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for a week.
  7. Water infusion of chamomile, calamus, calendula, sage. To prepare the product, pour a tablespoon of any of the listed medicinal plants with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and drink 3 times a day.
It should be borne in mind that inhalation of hot steam is contraindicated in acute bronchitis, so it is carried out using a nebulizer.

For bronchitis, folk remedies based on coltsfoot, thermopsis, as well as breast milk and anise drops are often used.


In order to prevent the development of bronchitis, it is necessary to stop smoking, eat right, stay in the fresh air for at least an hour a day, increase immunity, avoid prolonged stay in places with severe air pollution, promptly treat colds, avoid occupational hazards, stressful situations, and do not sleep less than 8 hours a day.

For patients who have had bronchitis, sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated.

General information about bronchitis

Bronchitis is a disease in which there is inflammation of the bronchial mucosa with increased sputum production. The mucus released provokes the development of coughing attacks, which is necessary to clear the respiratory tract of mucus. The disease can be acute or chronic. Bronchitis is registered in all age groups. The infectious agent for bronchitis can be bacteria, viruses, microscopic fungi. Most often, bronchitis develops against the background of influenza or acute respiratory viral infections, when the bronchial mucosa is involved in the pathological process.

Risk factors for the development of bronchitis include smoking, frequent stressful situations, surgical interventions, hypothermia, the presence of occupational hazards, infectious diseases of viral etiology on the legs, the presence of a chronic inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, and diseases of the oral cavity. At risk are people with allergies to substances that enter the body through the respiratory tract. Bronchitis can also develop when inhaling a number of chemicals.

Patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids (1.5-2.5 liters per day) and a gentle, balanced, easily digestible diet.

With bronchitis, the patient's general condition usually worsens sharply over several hours. Patients complain of increasing weakness and increased fatigue, decreased performance, increased sweating, severe cough (initially dry, then wet), pain in the chest, wheezing, shortness of breath. If the disease develops as a complication of acute respiratory viral infection, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, and sore throat may occur. Body temperature in patients with bronchitis rarely rises to febrile levels (38 °C and above), usually it does not exceed 37.5 °C.

If you notice symptoms of bronchitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is especially true for people with a history of chronic lung diseases, since this category of people has a high risk of developing severe, complicated forms of the disease. Treatment of such patients may require hospitalization.

If bronchitis is suspected, an X-ray examination, laboratory tests of blood and sputum are performed. In some cases, bronchoscopy is indicated.

Against the background of bronchitis, in the absence of adequate treatment, the patient may experience acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary heart failure, emphysema, pulmonary hypertension.


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Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa. Most often it develops against the background of respiratory infections, but it can also have other causes. To understand how to treat bronchitis in a particular case, it is important to identify these causes. Competent therapeutic tactics will help eliminate the main symptoms of the disease in a few days.

Treatment of bronchitis is the sphere of competence of a pulmonologist, but in mild forms this disease is treated by general specialists - therapists.

What drugs and antibiotics help with the disease?

Before prescribing any drug, the doctor determines the cause of the disease. Bronchitis of a viral, bacterial and allergic nature requires a different approach.

Therefore, the list of drugs for the treatment of bronchitis includes drugs from different groups:

Group of drugsNameApplicationContraindications
Mucolytics"Bromhexine"1-2 tablets with a dosage of 8 mg 3 times a dayexacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers;
I trimester of pregnancy;
"Ambrohexal"1 tablet with a dosage of 30 mg 3 times a day
I trimester of pregnancy;
"Fluimucil"1 effervescent tablet dissolved in a glass of water, 1 time per daypeptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase;
individual intolerance.
Bronchodilators"Salbutamol"1 tablet with a dosage of 4 mg 2-4 times a dayheart rhythm disturbances;
heart diseases;
thyroid diseases;
"Theotard"Orally in capsules. The dosage is determined individually.epilepsy;
gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
heart diseases;
bleeding and hemorrhage;
prostate hypertrophy;
Antiviral"Viferon"Rectally, 1 suppository with a dosage of 500,000 IU 2 times a dayindividual intolerance.
"Tamiflu"1 tablet with a dosage of 75 mg 2 times a dayindividual intolerance;
pregnancy and lactation - with caution.
Antibiotics"Flemoxin Solutab"1 tablet 500 mg 2 times a daypregnancy and lactation;
kidney and liver dysfunction;
gastrointestinal pathologies;
lymphocytic leukemia and mononucleosis.
"Ofloxacin"1-3 tablets 2 times a day. The dosage is calculated individually.pregnancy and lactation;
epilepsy and neuropathy;
individual intolerance.

Antibiotics for bronchitis are prescribed only if an infection of bacterial origin is detected. Antiviral drugs are recommended for the treatment of viral infectious bronchitis. Bronchodilators - with the development of bronchospasms or in cases where hypersecretion of mucus is observed in the bronchi and they cannot get rid of mucus on their own.

Therapy for bronchitis of various origins also involves the use of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs: Timogen, Aflubin, Immunal. Antihistamines - Suprastin, Zyrtec - can also be prescribed.

Inhalations as a treatment method

Inhalations are a mandatory procedure included in the bronchitis treatment program.

Direct delivery of the drug to the bronchi helps achieve the following effects:

  • thinning thick sputum;
  • moisturizing the mucous membrane;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • relieving bronchospasm.

You can carry out inhalation at home using the “old-fashioned” method - breathe over a hot solution, covered with a towel. But it is much more convenient and safer to perform this procedure using a nebulizer.

The nebulizer allows you to use pharmaceutical drugs for bronchitis for inhalation - “Fluimucil”, “Lazolvan”, “Gensalbutamol”, “Berodual”. In the absence of a device, steam inhalations are carried out with homemade solutions, which will be discussed below.

Also, this procedure is contraindicated in case of cardiovascular diseases, a history of heart attacks and strokes, severe pathologies of the respiratory system (emphysema, pneumothorax, etc.).

Folk remedies

In the collection of folk remedies there are many useful recipes that can be used as aids in the treatment of bronchitis:

  • Infusion for inhalation of chamomile and pine buds. Place 30 grams of chamomile flowers and 30 grams of pine buds in a thermos and brew 0.5 liters of boiling water. Screw on the lid and leave for 1 hour.
  • Expectorant and anti-inflammatory infusion for inhalation. Make an herbal mixture: 1 tablespoon each of eucalyptus leaf, licorice root, calendula and chamomile flowers, sage herb. Place everything in a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and screw on the lid. Leave for 2 hours.
  • Propolis solution for inhalation. Pour 1 tablespoon of propolis alcohol tincture into 1 glass of hot water and use for steam inhalation.
  • Expectorant with honey and aloe. Mix 120 ml of honey, 150 grams of butter and 20 ml of aloe juice and store in the refrigerator. For bronchitis, dilute 2 teaspoons of the product in 1 glass of hot milk 2 times a day.
  • Marshmallow root decoction. Add 2 tablespoons of dry crushed marshmallow root to 1 glass of hot water and place in a water bath. Keep covered for 30 minutes, cool, filter and consume 0.5 cups 4 times a day.

For bronchitis, it is useful to drink a lot of warm vitamin drinks. For this purpose, restorative infusions of rose hips and dried fruit compotes will be useful. At this temperature, you can prepare fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries, and black currants. Raspberry tea is another universal traditional medicine for the treatment of many respiratory diseases.

Massage and therapeutic exercises

Auxiliary methods for the treatment of bronchial inflammation are massage and breathing exercises.

The goals of these manipulations are as follows:

  • improve local blood circulation in the bronchi area;
  • improve lymph flow in the bronchi area;
  • activate bronchial muscle contractions and epithelial motility;
  • normalize oxygen metabolism.

For bronchitis, percussion, drainage and vibration massage is performed:

Type of massageExecution technique
1. The chest is vigorously rubbed in the direction of the lymph flow - from bottom to top.
2. The areas where the ribs attach to the vertebrae are rubbed.
3. The intercostal spaces are rubbed from the periphery to the center.
4. Warm up the neck muscles.
5. Symmetrical sequential tapping of the chest is performed through the open palm of one hand.
DrainagePerformed from the back:
1.The chest is vigorously rubbed in the direction of the lymph flow.
2. Using the fingertips, a targeted effect is applied to the intercostal spaces from bottom to top.
3. As you exhale, the patient’s chest is forcibly compressed from the sides several times.
VibratingPerformed from the back and then from the chest:
1. The chest is rubbed in the direction of the lymph flow.
2. Consecutive symmetrical tapping of the chest is performed directly with a hand clenched into a fist.

Massage is contraindicated for neoplasms in the massage area, epilepsy, hypertension, skin inflammation and elevated body temperature.

Breathing exercises are especially indicated for improving gas exchange in tissues and clearing phlegm from the bronchi.

The Strelnikova complex is especially popular:

  • Exercise "Pump". It is done while standing. On a sharp, noisy inhalation, the body leans forward, and on a smooth, long exhalation, it returns to its original position.
  • Exercise "Hug your shoulders." Performed while sitting. The arms are bent at the elbows, with a sharp noisy inhalation the elbows move energetically towards each other, and with a smooth exhalation they spread apart. This is done alternately with the mouth and nose.
  • Exercise “Palms”. Take 100 sharp, noisy breaths through the nose while clenching your palms into fists. Exhalations are smooth. The intervals between breaths are 5 seconds.

Breathing exercises are contraindicated at elevated body temperature, pulmonary tuberculosis, oncological processes, thrombophlebitis.

Treatment depending on the form of bronchitis

Depending on the form of bronchitis, the approach to therapy may have a number of nuances.


Chronic bronchitis is diagnosed if the inflammatory process becomes sluggish. A wet cough accompanies a person constantly and is painful. The temperature rises occasionally, to subfebrile levels; no other symptoms of respiratory organ damage are observed.

A pulmonologist deals with the treatment of chronic bronchitis.

Usually he prescribes individual courses, selecting drugs based on the nature of the disease:

  • simple chronic bronchitis - antiviral, antimicrobial, mucolytic, anti-inflammatory and restorative agents;
  • complicated chronic bronchitis - antibiotics, bronchodilators, mucolytics, anti-inflammatory, tonic agents;
  • purulent mucous chronic bronchitis - antibiotics, mucolytics and expectorants, anti-inflammatory, tonic agents.

If chronic bronchitis is complicated by other pathologies (hypoxemia, hypercapnia, cor pulmonale), other specialized specialists are involved in the treatment and the list of drugs is expanded.


Acute bronchitis has a pronounced clinical picture and is accompanied by high fever, general intoxication and severe cough. The cough can be either dry or wet. At the early stage, very little sputum is released, it is thick and viscous. Subsequently, it liquefies and its quantity increases.

Treatment of acute bronchitis is carried out according to general principles. Drugs are selected based on the nature of the disease.


In medicine, obstruction is a pathological process in which the lumens of hollow organs close. Accordingly, obstructive bronchitis is characterized by swelling and narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, accumulation of mucus in them and difficulty breathing.

To treat this form of the disease, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • bronchodilators - to relieve spasm and expand the lumen of the bronchi;
  • mucolytic - to thin sputum;
  • anticholinergic - to reduce the tone of the respiratory muscles;
  • anti-inflammatory - to restore the bronchial mucosa.

Obstructive bronchitis can lead to the development of respiratory failure, emphysema, and complications from the cardiovascular system. Treatment must be carried out under strict medical supervision.

Smoker's bronchitis

Often, to make a diagnosis of “smoker’s bronchitis”, other than cough, no other symptoms are needed.

Depending on the stage of the disease, the cough can be of a different nature:

  • Stage 1 - mostly in the morning, mild, without sputum;
  • Stage 2 - wet, with yellow-brown sputum, at any time of the day;
  • Stage 3 - constant, strong, with thick brown sputum.

In parallel with the intensification and change in the nature of the cough, shortness of breath develops with smoker's bronchitis.

In the initial stages, the disease is treated with mucolytic and anti-inflammatory drugs. If pus appears in the sputum, antibiotics are added to the list. In the later stages of the disease, bronchodilators may be required.

Treatment of smoker's bronchitis is promising only if the patient quits smoking.


Allergic bronchitis develops in response to the penetration of an allergen into the bronchi - pollen, dust, wool, mold, chemical fumes, etc. The difference between this form of the disease is that the person’s general condition does not suffer, but the cough can be very strong, painful, accompanied by bronchospasm.

How to relieve cough with bronchitis?

You can relieve cough with the drugs listed above from the group of mucolytics.

They help increase mucus secretion and improve its discharge. When the cough becomes wet and productive, the condition improves significantly.

How to cure bronchitis during pregnancy?

Treatment of this disease during pregnancy is carried out in the same way as the usual treatment of bronchitis in adults. The difference lies in the careful and strict selection of drugs - especially from the group of antibiotics. The emphasis in the treatment of bronchial inflammation during pregnancy is on immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory drugs, antiseptic inhalations and physiotherapy.

Since bronchitis tends to be complicated by pneumonia and other severe pathologies, self-medication is unacceptable. The course of the disease and the progress of therapy should be monitored by a doctor.

Many people are interested in how to treat bronchitis at home, which is understandable. After all, this is a very common disease that often occurs along with influenza, ARVI, or occurs as a complication of them. As a result of this, in addition to a high fever and runny nose, the patient experiences a constant and severe cough, during which he cannot clear his throat. If you come to the patient’s aid in time and treat acute bronchitis at home, you can significantly improve the patient’s well-being by eliminating the unpleasant and often painful symptoms of the disease. If you do not do this, constantly violating bed rest, then the acute form of inflammation will quickly turn into chronic, which will significantly increase the duration of recovery and worsen the patient’s well-being.

To speed up recovery during bronchitis, it is important to follow certain rules:
  • immediately after the onset of the disease, it is recommended to carry out bed rest for 2-3 days, which after this time can be slightly weakened by replacing it with semi-bed rest, which must be observed for another couple of days;
  • It will be possible to make the patient’s breathing easier during the treatment of bronchitis in adults by using air humidifiers or by constantly moistening the battery with water;
  • You can clean the air in the room and destroy harmful bacteria in it by observing frequent wet cleaning;
  • as soon as the body temperature is restored and does not exceed the permissible norm, the patient will be able to take a walk outside to breathe fresh air, while choosing places for walking away from highways.

It must be remembered that treatment of bronchitis at home should be carried out while following a diet, which will fill the body with vitamins. You also need to stop smoking at least for a while.

To cure bronchitis at home in a short time, you need to drink a lot, which will ensure a quick recovery for the patient. In addition to the fact that drinking plenty of fluids helps cleanse the body of toxins, it also helps to better liquefy mucus. You can drink anything during the course of inflammation, but the greatest benefits are found in decoctions made from healing herbal infusions - chamomile, mint, linden, raspberries and rose hips. Honey cocktails based on sparkling water and milk, made from Borjomi or Narzan, also provide great health benefits. At the same time, those who are interested in how to properly treat bronchitis should remember that it is undesirable to drink coffee during it, since caffeine contributes to dehydration of the body.

In severe cases of the disease, the patient requires mandatory hospitalization, where he undergoes intensive therapeutic measures aimed at facilitating breathing, restoring the respiratory organs, and also at promptly releasing sputum when coughing. If the patient has a mild degree of pathology, then it is quite possible to get rid of bronchitis at home, strictly following the advice and treatment prescribed by the doctor. This can be done using certain medicinal compounds prescribed by the doctor. It is also worth using traditional methods of treating bronchitis, which quite often help cure bronchial inflammation forever.

During the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis in adults, the prescription of antibiotics will be inappropriate, since a strong immune system can successfully defeat the pathology on its own.

If there are no changes in the blood flow, and the patient has no sputum with pus, the use of antimicrobial drugs is prohibited for the treatment of bronchitis.

After all, such drugs will not be able to cause an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect, but they can worsen the course of the disease and the general condition of the victim.

The patient may have the following symptoms:
  • increased temperature that lasts for a long time;
  • sputum with pus, which leaves the bronchi with a cough;
  • deterioration of the condition that occurs 5 days after the acute stage of the disease has passed.

In this case, you must once again visit a specialist who will conduct an additional medical examination. To do this, he will give the patient a referral for some important tests and x-rays, and then prescribe him a course of antibiotics that can cure the bacterial infection associated with the inflammation of the bronchi.

Only the attending physician must prescribe medications. Before determining bronchitis and identifying this diagnosis, the doctor will conduct a diagnostic examination of the patient, send him for a chest x-ray and decipher the test results. As these manipulations are completed, the doctor is allowed to establish a diagnosis and prescribe the most effective medications for the treatment of bronchitis to the victim.

You must always remember that during the course of the disease you should not use antibiotics, especially if the disease attacked a person against the background of influenza or ARVI. Antibiotics are prescribed to the victim only if the patient’s condition deteriorates significantly, and bronchitis is accompanied by a bacterial infection that causes considerable harm to human health.

When carrying out traditional medicine methods, the following drugs are used:
  1. Antiviral compounds. If the disease has attacked the human body as a result of damage to the body by viruses, to treat it it is necessary to take antiviral medications, for example, Interferon or its analogues.
  2. Expectorant compounds. To relieve dry cough, patients drink an infusion of licorice, linden or coltsfoot. When sputum appears, the above herbs need to be replaced with expectorants - marshmallow, anise drops, thyme, ivy leaves, as well as any type of chest tea. They promote increased mucus removal and improve the victim’s breathing. In addition, taking such medications speeds up recovery.
  3. Inhalations. Inhalations can successfully combat bronchial inflammation at home in adults, but they can only be carried out when the victim has a normal temperature.

There are a large number of recipes for carrying out such a procedure, which are considered effective and efficient for bronchitis - solutions based on salt and soda, pine buds, pine oil, mint and herbal preparations.

No less beneficial in treatment are oils based on rosemary and garlic, which facilitate coughing.

It is possible to cope with the disease more quickly with the help of inhalations based on sea salt. To make them, you need to take 1 kg of salt, then heat it in a saucepan, and then add coltsfoot leaves, strawberries or thyme. When carrying out the procedure, you need to throw a towel over your head, and then inhale the vapor of sea salt or any other medicinal composition under it. You can also pour or pour everything into a teapot and inhale warm steam through its spout. Usually 4-5 such treatment procedures are enough to significantly improve your health. After all, as soon as the first inhalation is completed, the bronchi expand, sputum is cleared better, and the cough is relieved.

Hot wraps with simultaneous inhalation using potato decoction are also effective. If you drop a couple of drops of fir oil into it, this will promote better removal of phlegm from the body.

  1. Carrying out massage and special breathing exercises. Massage, like inhalations, is done only if the victim does not have a fever. It is also allowed to carry out self-massage at home, using any devices for this - hand-held massagers and vibration devices, powered by batteries or from the mains.

Upon completion of the acute stage of the disease, it is allowed to perform gymnastics, which is considered the best way to strengthen the respiratory system.

  1. Sorbents. To relieve symptoms of intoxication when infectious and viral pathologies develop in the body, you need to take pharmaceuticals for treatment - sorbents, namely Polyphepan, Enterosgel, Filtrum, Polysorb. It is best to take them once a day at night. In this case, the medicine will be completely absorbed into the blood and begin its therapeutic effect. The duration of taking sorbents should be determined by the doctor.

You should always remember that self-medication is dangerous to health - only a qualified doctor can prescribe treatment to the patient, which consists of taking medications that will help normalize the person’s condition and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Bronchitis is a disease that can be successfully treated with folk remedies at home. There are a large number of different recipes that help to carry out effective and “complete” treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk remedies in adults.

The most famous and easy of them are the following recipes:

  1. Collection based on medicinal herbs. Folk remedies for chronic bronchitis involve the use of herbs such as calendula, sage, calamus and chamomile as treatment. These herbs have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, so they can be safely used as a treatment if the victim is not allergic to them. To make a medicinal infusion, you need to take a spoonful of the herb and then fill it with water (one glass). Infuse the liquid with the lid closed for an hour. Doctors recommend drinking the healing infusion 3 times a day.
  2. Honey and radish. This is an old but effective method of combating bronchial inflammation. To prepare it, you need to squeeze the juice out of the radish, then mix it with honey in equal proportions. After this, this mass is used to treat chronic bronchitis. If the patient is not allergic to honey, this recipe will greatly ease the course of a dry cough, and will also allow you to cure chronic bronchitis in a short time.
  3. Dill, butter and garlic cloves. How to treat chronic bronchitis? An excellent folk expectorant for bronchitis is a sandwich on which butter will be spread, as well as garlic and dill sprigs. To prepare it, you need to chop 5 cloves of garlic, and also take 100 g of butter. It is recommended to eat such a sandwich 3 times a day until the disease is completely cured. Among other methods of treating the disease, this is considered the easiest and most accessible. It is important to note that this method of treatment can be prescribed by the attending physician, as it helps to quickly get rid of inflammation, having only a positive effect on the human body.

Even with traditional treatment of bronchitis, it is important to observe the dosage of products and medicinal plants, since otherwise this will worsen the patient’s condition and cause complications of the pathology.

  1. Juice therapy. Traditional recipes for bronchitis involve treating the disease with fruits and vegetables. Those who do not know how to cure bronchitis at home should know that juice therapy is a powerful option for complete recovery of the body, with which you can quickly help with bronchitis in adults.

Vegetable juices such as beetroot and carrot are considered the most beneficial.

Such drinks can cleanse the body of harmful elements, as well as cleanse the bronchial cavity. It is better to prepare juices at home so that they are more natural and healthy. To do this, you need to grate the vegetables and then squeeze out all the juice from them. They should be drunk without sugar or other additives. It is allowed to store the medicine in the refrigerator.

  1. Positive attitude of the patient at the psychological level. Traditional medicine claims that the positive attitude of the victim is of considerable importance - this is especially true for people with chronic diseases. In this case, the brain receives a strong impetus to optimize all human powers for healing.

The above folk remedies for bronchitis successfully fight the disease, especially if such treatment is combined with traditional medicine.

Non-traditional treatment of acute bronchitis in adults

How to treat bronchitis in an adult at home? Bronchitis, the treatment of which with folk remedies has proven itself, is considered a quick option for getting rid of inflammation of the bronchial cavity.

It is important to coordinate the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies with your doctor, as otherwise the health condition can be greatly aggravated.

The most proven methods of treating pathology include:
  1. Honey with radish. This recipe is ancient and widely known today. To carry it out, you need to make a hole in the radish using a sharp knife, where you put a little honey. After a couple of hours, the vegetable will give juice, after which this mixture can be drunk several times a day. However, one should not forget about the traditional treatment of the disease, since radish can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but is not able to completely protect the patient from bronchitis.
  2. Aloe juice. It is known that aloe is a useful flower, with which it is possible to treat acute bronchitis without side effects. To do this, the patient will need to combine the plant juice with any animal fat, and then add a piece of butter to the mass. If desired, cocoa can be added to the mixture for taste. To cure bronchitis with folk remedies, eat the mixture, one spoon at a time, which can be quickly dissolved in a glass of milk. You should drink this medicinal drink a couple of times a day.
  3. Milk mixed with lard. Another useful folk remedy for the treatment of bronchitis, which can be taken not only during the course of the disease, but also at a time when the pathology has already receded. Lard helps to perfectly restore the patient’s strength, as well as normalize his general condition. It is recommended to drink milk 4-5 times a day, as there is no harm from such a drink.
  4. Onions mixed with honey. Mix 0.5 kilograms of onion with 400 grams of sugar, then add 2 tablespoons of honey to the mixture. Fill the food with water (1 liter) and boil for 3 hours. Folk remedies for treating bronchitis based on onions should be strained, poured into a container, and then placed in a cold place. Before taking the liquid, you need to warm it up a little so as not to aggravate the course of the disease. You should drink this decoction one sip 6 times a day.

How to treat the disease in acute form? You can also use the most common method of treating bronchial inflammation - milk with soda and honey. We treat bronchitis with this composition for 2-3 weeks, without missing a single day.

It is not difficult to get rid of bronchitis in adults using folk remedies - the main thing is to follow the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

You can also cure acute bronchitis at home in other ways. These include the use of traditional plant-based recipes and heating. When using a specific treatment method, you need to consult your doctor about it.

Warming up. How to quickly overcome bronchitis? Warming is an important method of treating bronchial inflammation. After all, heat allows you to restore damaged mucous membranes, as well as normalize your overall health.

The scheme will be like this:
  1. Boil some potatoes, then mash them with a potato masher, add a spoonful of oil and a couple of drops of iodine.
  2. After this, mix the mixture thoroughly, put it in a bag or rag, and then apply it to the chest or back.
  3. Then we wrap ourselves in a blanket or a scarf to enhance the effect of the treatment.

Such warming up should be done at night, since during sleep a person will certainly not be exposed to a draft.

To avoid burning the skin, this folk remedy for bronchitis is applied to skin greased with any animal fat.

After rubbing, you should wear a warm jacket and drink warm milk to enhance the thermal effect. If desired, mustard plasters are applied to the calves during warming up.

After cured bronchitis, you can warm your chest for a few more days to avoid relapses.

Treatment with herbs.

To quickly overcome bronchitis and its unpleasant symptoms, you should prepare an infusion based on one of the herbs, such as:
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sage;

Take one spoon of any herb and pour it with a glass of water. Let it sit for a short time until the water acquires a brighter shade.

You need to drink this infusion throughout the day in small doses. You should not leave the liquid the next day, as it will lose all its healing properties.

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  • Congratulations! You are completely healthy!

    Your health is fine now. Don’t forget to take good care of your body, and you won’t be afraid of any diseases.

  • There is reason to think.

    The symptoms that are bothering you are quite extensive, and are observed in a large number of diseases, but we can say with confidence that something is wrong with your health. We recommend that you consult a specialist and undergo a medical examination to avoid complications. We also recommend that you read the article on.

  • You are sick with bronchitis!

    In your case, there are clear symptoms of bronchitis! However, there is a possibility that it could be another disease. You need to urgently contact a qualified specialist; only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. We also recommend that you read the article on.

  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

  1. Task 1 of 14

    1 .

    Does your lifestyle involve heavy physical activity?

  2. Task 2 of 14

    2 .

    Do you take care of your immunity?

  3. Task 3 of 14

    3 .

    Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment (gas, smoke, chemical emissions from enterprises)?

  4. Task 4 of 14

    4 .

    How often are you in damp, dusty or moldy environments?

  5. Task 5 of 14

    5 .

    Have you been feeling physically or mentally unwell lately?

  6. Task 6 of 14

    6 .

    Have you been worried about elevated body temperature lately?

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