White lamb (deaf nettle), photo, description, application, treatment. Deaf nettle: medicinal properties of a flower and contraindications Which plant is similar to nettle

White nettle: description and application

White nettle is called yasnotka. The plant is very similar to the more common common stinging nettle. But they have only an external similarity in common, because even herbs belong to different families.

White nettle: description

Nettle with white flowers does not exceed 0.6 m in height. The stem has a tetrahedral structure, a straight shape and no branching. The leaves are ovate or heart-shaped, decorated with teeth along the contour. The flowers are white with a yellowish tinge, collected in neat inflorescences. The photo of white nettle shows that the inflorescence is a false whorl, because the flowers are located only on two sides of the stem.

Source: Depositphotos

White nettle: flowering herb

Reproduction of the clamella occurs mainly with the help of roots. Seed distribution is almost impossible. Underground roots have four faces, like the stems, the color is white. Their development is quite fast.

White nettle can be found:

  • in the shade of trees;
  • near the fence;
  • near water bodies;
  • in the glades.

The plant is so popular that the family to which it belongs was renamed in his honor.

Medicinal properties of white nettle

In classical medicine, white nettle is not used. Grass has found wide application abroad. Medicinal properties of flowers there are appreciated. The export of raw materials is hampered by the fact that harvesting is a labor intensive process. The flowers themselves give good shrinkage, so they practically do not have weight.

Since medicinal herbs will not appear in pharmacies due to the expensive cost, they are collected for personal use. The high content of nutrients in inflorescences and leaves allows the plant to be used to treat the following diseases:

  • jaundice;
  • scrofula;
  • dermatitis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • nervous disorders.

Treatment is carried out by drinking a decoction of the yasnitka, which is prepared daily.

In addition to internal use, it is possible to use the drug externally. Burns, hemorrhoids, wounds and skin diseases are moistened with a decoction. With sore throats, they rinse the throat and mouth.

To dry the flowers yourself, you need to be patient and attentive. For this, dark and dry conditions are created in the room, the inflorescences are laid out in a thin layer. Due to the large amount of nectar contained in the flowers, the temperature regime should be maintained. At high temperatures, the raw material will darken due to caramelization of the nectar.

Storage should be carried out in an airtight container made of glass or iron. Other packaging materials are not able to protect raw materials from pests. After a year, the dried flowers begin to darken and become unsuitable for consumption.

White Laminaria has earned its popularity due to its effectiveness. Treatment with this available herb is successful in all cases of diseases that are subject to it.

There are more than 40 species of lamb, which are common in Europe, extratropical Asia and North Africa. The flowers are white, pink or purple, in false whorls, in the axils of the upper leaves.

The scientific name of the genus (Lamium) comes from the Greek word "lamia" - "mouth", "pharynx", after wide open flowers resembling a mouth.

White lamb, or nettle- a common plant found in disturbed forests, edges, parks, squares, gardens, front gardens. Often grows in large clumps and thickets, prefers soils rich in nitrogen. It is considered a good honey and medicinal plant. Blooms from May to late autumn. The nectar in the flowers of the white lamb lies deep in the corolla tube; only insects with a long proboscis, in particular bumblebees, can get it. They also cross-pollinate.

Often there are flies similar to wasps. If you see such a fly, first, just in case, you step aside - jokes with a wasp are bad, and they will sting you. But "wasp flies" do not sting, they fly to the flowers for sweet nectar. Why did the flies have to look like wasps? And in order to deceive your enemies: they say, do not touch me, I am a wasp, I bite painfully. But not only insects "dress" in other people's clothes. White lamb is very similar to nettle. Well, tell me, who wants to climb into nettles that burn painfully? So they do not touch this "fake nettle" neither cows, nor goats, nor sheep. So they call this "fake nettle" deaf nettle. They call her deaf because she does not burn at all. But you and I can very easily distinguish deaf nettle from nettle that burns - it has beautiful white flowers.

Lamiaceae purple- weed plant. Blooms from April until the first snowfalls. For one growing season, the purple clover can give 2-3 generations. Shoots that appeared in autumn overwinter under the snow and continue their development in the spring of the next year. An ordinary plant of wastelands, young lawns, flower beds. A companion of cultivated and disturbed soils. With the formation of a dense vegetation cover, the number of this species of claret is reduced.

Lamb spotted- forest semi-shade perennial plant, preferring moist rich loose soils. This is a common inhabitant of damp forests and their edges, ravines, valleys of forest streams, sometimes forms more thickets. Blooms from late May to July. Occasionally cultivated, there are a number of ornamental varieties.

White lamb, or Deaf nettle (Lamium album L.)

Description of appearance:
flowers: Flowers are sessile, collected in whorls of 6-12 in the axils of the upper leaves. Bracts linear, pointed, many times shorter than the calyx. The calyx is bell-shaped, up to 1.5 cm long, with five awl-shaped spinous teeth longer than its tube, with an oblique throat. Corolla white with greenish spots on the lower lip, up to 2.5 cm long; the tube is curved, expanded in the pharynx; upper lip densely pubescent, helmet-shaped, bent at a right angle; lower lip obovate kidney-shaped, 1-1.5 cm long, narrowed at the base, deeply notched at the top, lateral lobes 2 mm long, with one linear-subulate appendage 1 mm long. Stamens with black-violet anthers.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, ovate or heart-shaped, up to 10 cm long, wrinkled, shortly pubescent, sharply serrated along the edge of the leaf blade, with petioles 1-2 (4) cm long; apical leaves of the same shape, but with shorter petioles (0.2-0.7 cm).
Height: 20-60 cm.
Stem: Stems erect, tetrahedral.
Root: With creeping horizontal rhizomes.
Fruit: Dark gray elongated ovoid nuts covered with warty outgrowths.
Blooms from April to late autumn, fruits ripen in June-October.
Lifespan: Perennial.
Habitat: White lamb grows in settlements, under fences, in neglected gardens, along roads, in ravines, among shrubs, in disturbed forests, in meadows, edges and clearings, along the banks of reservoirs.
Prevalence: It occurs almost throughout the temperate and cold zones of the Northern Hemisphere. In our country, it is distributed in the European part, Ciscaucasia, Dagestan, Siberia, and the Far East. In Central Russia, it is common in all areas, especially in the non-chernozem zone.
Addition: Covered with sparse whitish soft hairs. A good honey plant, giving a lot of nectar and pollen. Young leaves are used as food instead of spinach. They are rich in vitamins.

Purple lamb (Lamium purpureum L.)

Description of appearance:
flowers: Flowers collected 6-10 in whorls, which form a common inflorescence at the tops of stems and branches. The calyx is lilac or lilac-purple, tubular-bell-shaped, half as long as the corolla, with five lanceolate-styloid teeth, bent outward in fruits. Corolla light purple or pink, woolly-pubescent outside; upper lip ovoid, entire, bent almost at a right angle; lower lip with large notched middle lobe, narrowed into a short nail, and wide lateral lobes.
Leaves: Leaves wrinkled, almost glabrous below, softly pubescent above; lower - with petioles up to 3.5 cm long and small (1-3 cm long and 1-2 cm wide) ovate-cordate or round plate, brought together at the base of the stem; medium (1-2 pairs) are larger, with petioles 8-30mm long; upper - almost sessile, ovoid, pointed, bi-toothed.
Height: 8-30 cm.
Stem: Stems erect or ascending, branched at base, sometimes dark purple.
Fruit: Gray or light gray, almost triangular, with white growths on the surface.
Flowering and fruiting time: It blooms throughout the warm period of the year - from April to October, respectively, and the fruits ripen at different times, starting in May.
Lifespan: One-biennial plant.
Habitat: Purple lamb grows in fields, gardens, orchards.
Prevalence: A plant with a wide range, lying in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, is common in many regions of Europe, Asia and North America. In our country, it grows in the European part, in the North Caucasus, in Siberia. In Central Russia, it is found in all areas, in the non-chernozem zone quite often, in the Chernozem region occasionally.
Addition: A downy plant. Weed. Good honey plant.

Laminaria speckled or spotted (Lamium maculatum (L.) L.)

Description of appearance:
flowers: Flowers are numerous, 20-30 mm long, collected in whorls of 6-10 in the axils of the upper leaves. Bracts are linear, 4-5 times shorter than the calyx, ciliate along the edge. Calyx is bell-shaped, obliquely cut in the throat, with five triangularly widened at the base and thinly awl-shaped protruding teeth at the ends, the upper three of which are longer than the two lower ones. Corolla pinkish-purple, with spotted lower lip, pubescent outside; with a thin tube, curved in the pharynx, inside with a transverse hairy ring and an oblong helmet-shaped upper lip, bent at the top; the lower lip is three-lobed, with an almost half-incised middle lobe and triangular lateral lobes, bearing one styloid curved appendage each.
Leaves: Leaves ovate, 2-6(10) cm long and 1-5(6.5) cm wide, serrated or serrate at the edges, with light spots above; the lower ones are heart-shaped at the base, with petioles 1.5-5.5 cm long; the upper ones are truncated, their petioles are 0.5-1 cm long.
Height: 30-70 cm.
Stem: Stems prostrate at the base, often rooting, white-pubescent.
Root: With creeping rhizome.
Fruit: Fruits are brown, trihedral.
Flowering and fruiting time: It blooms from May to October, respectively, and the fruits ripen at different times, starting in June.
Lifespan: Perennial.
Habitat: Laminaria speckled grows in ravines, forests, thickets of shrubs.
Prevalence: The range of the species covers most of Europe, the entire Caucasus and adjacent regions of Iran, as well as Canada. In our country, it is found in the European part and in the North Caucasus. In Central Russia - a common plant in all areas.
Addition: Good honey plant. The young leaves are edible and are used to make soup. In Central Russia, probably in all regions of the non-chernozem zone, but occasionally, in vegetable gardens, in orchards, in fields, it is found Laminaria hybrid (Lamium hybridum Vill.)- an annual plant 10-30 cm high, sometimes reddish, with a stem branched from the base. The leaves are rounded or rhombic, with a broadly wedge-shaped base, notched-crenate edges, and winged petioles. The corolla is purple, the calyx is also sometimes colored reddish. The fruits are brown-gray, trihedral, with small white growths on the surface. It blooms in May-September, the fruits ripen gradually throughout the summer and autumn. Some taxonomists believe that this species is a hybrid between Lamium amplexicaule and Lamium purpureum.

Lamiaceae (Lamium amplexicaule L.)

Description of appearance:
flowers: Flowers are numerous, collected 6-10 in whorls spaced at the tops of stems and branches. Bracts about half as long as calyx, lanceolate-subulate. The calyx is campanulate, with an oblique pharynx, white-pubescent, with five elongated triangular ciliated teeth. Corolla purple or pink, 1.8-2 cm long, sometimes does not protrude from the calyx due to underdevelopment, densely pubescent outside, with a thin long tube, slightly curved, widened in the throat. Upper lip ovoid, obtuse; lower lip with dark spots; its middle lobe is obovate cordate, notched at the apex and narrowed at the base, the lateral lobes are small, with one blunt tooth.
Leaves: The leaves are rounded, crenate along the edge; lower and middle ones 10-20 mm long and 14-18 mm wide, with petioles 1-2(4) cm long; bracts - round-reniform, sessile, semi-amplex (hence the specific name), incised into 1/3 of the plate into oblong-oval solid lobes.
Height: 10-30 cm.
Stem: With numerous ascending stems, branched at the base.
Fruit: Light gray or brown, almost triangular, with white warts on the surface.
Flowering and fruiting time: Blossoms in May-September, fruits ripen in June-October.
Lifespan: One-biennial plant.
Habitat: The stalked lamb grows in fields, vegetable gardens, and in settlements.
Prevalence: A widespread plant in the temperate zone of Eurasia. In our country, it grows in the European part, in the North Caucasus, in Siberia, in the Far East. In Central Russia, it is found in all regions.
Addition: Weed.

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White lamb(Lamium album), also known as nettle, is a perennial herbaceous plant. The plant belongs to the mint family.


It reaches a height of one and a half meters. Its rhizome is creeping. In terms of the shape of the leaves and the appearance of the nettle, it resembles nettle, but it does not have nettle stinging. Most likely, that is why it was called deaf nettle.

The plant has a tetrahedral hollow stem, it does not branch and is pubescent with white hairs, as well as leaves.

The leaves are arranged oppositely, has a heart-lanceolate leaf blade.

The flowers have a white or yellowish corolla. They are located in the axils of the leaves, close to the top. The fruit consists of four nuts, having a shape close to trihedral. On their surface there are warty outgrowths.

Nettle flowers from May to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October.

Places of growth

White lucidum is widely distributed. It grows in deciduous forests and parks. It can be seen in vacant lots, in neglected gardens, near fences and along roads.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the plant is quite diverse. The leaves and flowers contain a large amount of tannins. They also contain saponins, alkaloids, essential oils and flavonoids. Contains plant gallic, ascorbic and chlorogenic, p-coumaric, caffeic and ferulic acids. Histamine, choline, tyramine and various trace elements are present in the chemical composition.

Healing properties of lucid

Preparations based on the white cassava have a number of medicinal properties. This plant has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and hemostatic properties. It has an expectorant effect, tones, creates a diuretic effect, has a positive effect on the skin with allergic dermatosis.

Areas of use

Almost all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.

Alcohol tincture from rhizomes is used for toothache, as well as insomnia.

A decoction of the aerial part is used internally for headaches, heart and nervous diseases.

The juice from the aerial part has a calming effect and is used for insomnia, hysteria and nervous excitement.

The juice is used externally and internally for skin problems: furunculosis, eczema, diathesis, rashes.

Juice compresses help heal burns and wounds.

Decoctions and infusions of flowers are taken orally as hemostatic agents, including for internal bleeding. They are also used as a diuretic.

Collection and preparation

The flowers of the white lamb are collected only when they have blossomed. The corollas are torn off along with the stamens. Dry in a ventilated room at a temperature of twenty-five degrees. Raw materials are laid out in a thin layer.

The leaves of the plant are also harvested during flowering. Dry as described above.

The rhizomes are dug up in the fall, when the growing season is over. It is better to dry them using an oven or other appliances. The finished raw material should not bend, but break easily.


There are no poisonous substances in the plant. Overdose when taking it is not dangerous. But it should be remembered that for a long time it is not advisable to take drugs from the lamb for people who have increased blood clotting, hypotension and some other problems.


An infusion of flowers is prepared from one or two tablespoons of raw materials. They are poured with two glasses of boiling water, insisted for two hours and filtered. Take half a glass four times a day.

Laminaria juice is prepared from fresh herbs or flowers. The raw materials are crushed and the juice is squeezed out of it with the help of a cloth. Take three times a day, two tablespoons with a spoonful of honey.

(Lamium album L.)
Synonyms: white nettle, deaf nettle, white nettle.

White lamb is a perennial herbaceous plant of the labiate family (Labiatae), up to 150 cm high, with a creeping rhizome. The stem is erect, tetrahedral, hollow, unbranched, covered with sparse whitish hairs along with the leaves. Leaves are opposite, petiolate, cordate-lanceolate. Flowers with a white or slightly yellowish two-lipped corolla, arranged in rare whorls of 6-16 in the axils of the upper leaves. The fruit consists of four elongated-ovoid, almost trihedral nuts, with warty outgrowths on the surface. Blossoms in May - September, fruits ripen in August - October. Propagated by seeds. The white clover is common in most of the CIS. It grows in forests (mainly deciduous), on forest edges, in gardens and parks, in bushes, along roadsides, near fences and in wastelands.

The healing properties of this plant have been known for a very long time. So, the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder (I century AD) reports about him in his Natural History.

Collection and drying of raw materials. For medicinal purposes, the flowers of the white lamb are used, which are harvested during flowering (only blossoming white corollas). At the same time, the stamens attached to the corolla tube are also torn off. Dried in the shade at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, spreading the flowers in a thin layer (1-2 cm). The color of the raw material is whitish or yellowish-white, the smell is honey, the taste is sweetish with a feeling of sliminess. The raw material of the white lamb is exported to other countries. The main harvesting areas are located in the forest-steppe regions of Ukraine.

In terms of the shape of the leaves and stem, the white nettle is very similar to the dioecious nettle (Urtica dioica L.), but differs from it in the lighter color of the leaves, pubescence of thin soft, non-burning hairs, and also in large white two-lipped flowers.

Chemical composition. The flowers and grass of the white lamb contain the alkaloid lamin, flavonoids (quercimerythrin, rutin, robinia, lamioside, astragalin, quercitrin, kaempferol, isoquercitrin), coumarins, essential oil, tannins, organic acids (coffee, n-coumaric, gallic, chlorogenic, ferulic ), carotene (15 mg%), ascorbic acid (up to 130 mg% in spring), mucus, saponins. The yield of essential oil is 0.53%, it contains up to 4.4% phenols.

Pharmacological properties. The flowers of the white lamb have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antispasmodic, tonic, diuretic, hemostatic, hypotensive properties, contribute to the regression of the pathological skin process in allergic dermatosis.

Application in medicine. In Belarus, it is used only in folk medicine, and in Western Europe - also in scientific medicine. Rhizomes. Alcohol tincture - with toothache, insomnia.
Aboveground part. Decoction (inside) - for pain, nervous diseases, heart disease, headache.
Aerial part, flowers. Juice - as a sedative for nervous excitement, hysteria, insomnia; inside and outside - with scrofula and diathesis in children, furunculosis, eczema, skin ulcers, rashes. In the form of compresses - for the treatment of wounds and burns; in the form of rinses - with tonsillitis; in the form of baths - with hemorrhoids.
flowers. Decoction, infusion (inside) - as an astringent and hemostatic agent, with pulmonary and uterine bleeding, dysentery; with anemia, headaches, nervous diseases, insomnia, heart disease, pain in the neck and chest, diseases of the liver, spleen; as a diuretic for urethritis, nephritis, cystitis; with whites and to enhance uterine contractions; as an expectorant in catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Outwardly - with bruises, eczema, scrofula, urticaria, furunculosis, acne. Juice - with uterine, pulmonary and hemorrhoidal bleeding, with bronchitis, asthma, inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, anemia. In German folk medicine, infusion (inside) - for diseases of the bladder and urinary tract, kidney disease, gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea, dysentery, painful menstruation, uterine and other internal bleeding, insomnia, nervous excitement, respiratory diseases of various etiologies. Outwardly (infusion) for washing, local baths, compresses - for cramps, hemorrhoids, itchy rashes, wounds, ulcers and burns; in the form of rinses - with angina.

Dosage forms, method of administration and doses.
* Infusion of flowers of white arborvitae: 1-2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured into 400 ml of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, then filtered. Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day.
* Infusion of the herb of the white lamb: 1-2 tablespoons of the raw material is poured into 400 ml of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, then filtered. Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day.
* Juice white cassava: squeezed from flowers or herbs. Take 2-3 tablespoons of juice with a spoonful of honey 3 times a day.

Application in other areas. The young shoots of the cassava are used for salad. The green parts of the plant can be used throughout the summer for making soups, soups, and mashed potatoes. The fragrant leaves can be dried and used as a condiment. Honey plant. One flower per day gives up to 2.5 mg of light sugary nectar and a large amount of flower pollen.

Medicinal properties of deaf nettle and contraindications to the use of herbs

Nettle nettle - a plant similar to common nettle, but with soft leaves without stinging hairs. Another name for this herb is white lamb, it belongs to the Lamiaceae family and grows throughout Eastern Europe. The plant loves moist shady places near ravines. Nettle grows well in vegetable gardens and orchards.

The deaf nettle is very similar to the common one.

Plant characteristic

Deaf nettle is a perennial with straight tetrahedral stems. Grows up to 170 cm tall. The leaves are petiolate, about 10 cm long. The upper leaves are much smaller than the lower ones. In the axils of the upper leaves, white flowers develop, which grow in rings of 6–14 pieces. In Russia, the plant blooms from April to October, while the warm period lasts.

From August to October, the fruits and seeds of the plant ripen. Seeds of wild-growing cassava can be collected and planted in your area.

Plant propagation

It is propagated by cuttings and seeds. The easiest way is to collect seeds and sow them in open ground before winter or early spring. Before sowing, you need to dig up the soil and spread the seeds on the surface. After a while, small nuts will sprout. The plant begins to bloom in the second year, sometimes the plant reproduces by self-sowing.

A faster way is to propagate the plant by dividing the bush, this also helps to preserve the varietal properties of deaf nettle. In the spring, the bush is dug up, divided into several parts and its parts are planted. A year later, the deaf nettle will bloom.

You can plant deaf nettles with cuttings or cuttings, but not all plants take root in this way. Cuttings are cut in August, layering is recommended in September or early October, when nuts appear on the stem.

Source: Depositphotos

plant care

Deaf nettle is very unpretentious, if you follow simple recommendations:

  • Nettles can be planted under trees with high bark that is permeable to sunlight, or in another area with diffused lighting.
  • For planting, it is best to choose fertile, moist and loose soil. In spring and during flowering, you can feed the plant with compost.
  • It is not necessary to water abundantly the yasnotka, as well as bring it to a severe drought.
  • During flowering, remove wilted inflorescences to prevent excessive self-seeding.
  • Nettle endures winter well, it is not necessary to cover it additionally.

The composition and preparation of the plant

The flowers and stems of the plant contain many useful components, including: alkaloids, flavonoids, ascorbic, caffeic and ferulic acid, tannins, essential oils. Almost all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Laminaria helps fight various inflammations, strengthens the nervous system, and is useful in the treatment of colds and skin diseases.

Nettles are harvested throughout the summer. Collect, as a rule, the tops of the stems. You can pick from them corollas of flowers, which contain the greatest amount of nutrients. Dry raw materials in the shade. Make sure the room is well ventilated. Raw materials are stored in tightly closed glass jars for a year.

The rhizomes of the grass are dug up in autumn, when the grass has already faded. You can dry the roots in the oven.

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