Licorice root from prostatitis: principle of action, recipes and reviews. Licorice root (licorice): healing properties and methods of application In case of inflammation of the prostate gland, it is necessary

The sweetest root, 50 times sweeter than sugar, is licorice root, known as licorice, licorice, yellow root (glycyrrhiza, glycyrrhim glabra), yastimadhu (Sanskrit), mulethi (hindi), licorice/liquorice), sweetwood. Licorice is well known and has long been used in various health systems for many problems.

Chinese doctors considered licorice root to be a first-class medicine and tried to include it in all medicinal mixtures. Licorice is good for its medicinal properties, and for its pleasant taste, and sweetness, so it is often added to various medical mixtures to smooth out unpleasant tastes.

Here is what the Charaka Samhita says:

“Licorice has the following characteristics: promotes longevity, helps in the treatment of bone fractures and wound healing, improves skin complexion, improves voice, relieves itching (itching), reduces vomiting, reduces bleeding, restores the correct color of urine.

Ayurvedic characteristics:

Taste (rasa) - sweet (madhura)
Vipak (vipaka, aftertaste) – sweet (madhura)
Characteristics / properties (guna, properties) - heavy (guru) and a little oily
Energy (viirya, virya, potency) - cold (sheeta)

Licorice is used in snehana (oiling is a preparatory procedure before starting); in vamana (Ayurvedic vomiting), with basti (rectal enemas with decoctions).

Most often, licorice root is used for especially licorice is recommended with dry cough. It intensifies the inflammatory process for a short time, increases the volume of mucus, removing microbes from the lungs. A dry cough (vata stage) changes into a wet (kapha stage). Kapha begins to be excreted (by coughing), a quick recovery occurs. For coughs (accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract), licorice is used to remove mucus in a short course as an expectorant.

Licorice is used both at the beginning of the disease, and with advanced forms of pneumonia and lesions of the upper respiratory tract, with tuberculosis. From a long dry cough, an infusion is prepared from equal parts of licorice roots, marshmallow and elecampane. 2 tsp 400 ml of cold boiled water is poured into this mixture, insisted for 8 hours. Take before meals 2 times a day, 100 ml.

With prolonged use of medium doses of licorice, mucus accumulates, therefore, if it is only about removing mucus (for example, with a wet cough), it is better to use something else (or rather, a set of measures, little works alone). Licorice is an excellent remedy for throat problems, improving a hoarse voice. At hoarse voice it is recommended to chew licorice sticks and slowly swallow the resulting juice. This is a favorite among singers. Also, with a hoarse voice, eat 1/2 tsp. licorice root powder with ghee or honey.

Licorice is used for ulcer, high acidity, burning urination.

Licorice is a good stimulant, it increases the quantity and quality of sperm.

Licorice treats wounds and inflammation associated with wounds.

Externally effectively used with.

Neutralizes the harmful effects of poisons and toxins. In Chinese medicine, it is used to treat food poisoning and its harmful effects.

Contains antidepressant compounds and helps with

It is a tonic for the brain, slows down aging.

According to the Charaka Samhita (Chikitsasthana 1.3), regular intake of 2g of licorice powder along with 1/2 cup of warm milk acts as an excellent brain tonic and rejuvenator.

Charaka mentions licorice as a source of vegetable oil.

Licorice is included in the famous facial massage oil Kumkumadi Tailam, the main ingredients of which are saffron and licorice (also includes manjishta, dashamul (a mixture of 10 roots), gokshura and a dozen other components infused with sesame oil and goat milk. (taken from Astanga Hridaya Bhaishajya Ratnavali - 60/115-120).

It has a blood-purifying property, improves the quality and quantity of blood, is useful for increased bleeding, antipyretic (these are high indicators, and licorice lowers pitta).

Licorice preparations are sold in different forms- capsules, tablets, lozenges, syrup, cream, lozenges, dried roots, dried root powder. In North America, Licorice Candy (long tows of licorice syrup) are very common.

Use as directed by a physician or manufacturer (usually average doses for average conditions are printed in the instructions).

When preparing drugs on your own, be careful not to exceed the indicated doses.

Although licorice root syrup is widely sold in pharmacies, but if anyone has to cook by yourself:

Decoction preparation:
Put 10 grams of dried and chopped root in an enameled container, pour 1 cup of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, then set aside without a water bath for another 45 minutes to infuse, strain, add boiled water up to 200 ml. Take 100 ml 2-3 times a day after meals.

Preparation of the infusion:
1 tsp from dried roots, fry in a pan, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist from 1 hour to 7 hours. It is recommended to drink it in 1/3 cup.

Licorice tea:
The crushed root can be brewed as tea by adding various herbs (mint, lemon balm) to it.

Licorice syrup:
You need to buy a root extract in a pharmacy. Mix 4 grams of extract, 10 grams of alcohol and 80 grams of sugar syrup. Keep refrigerated.
For children under 2 years old, 1-2 drops per 1 tsp are enough. water or tea, from 2 - 1/2 tsp. syrup with water, closer to 12 years, 40 ml of licorice syrup with 100 g of water or tea is recommended.

Licorice leaves are not used as a medicinal raw material, but in folk medicine, gruel from crushed leaves is recommended for sweating feet.

Sometimes licorice leaf extract is used in the manufacture of cosmetics to improve the quality of hyaluronic acid.

Licorice root syrup is given to children for coughing. It tastes good and kids enjoy drinking it. The course of treatment with syrup can not be more than 10 days.

During treatment with syrup, side effects may occur: rash, itching, swelling, inflammation of the skin, diarrhea. In these cases, treatment should be discontinued.

Adults without medical supervision can use licorice for no longer than 4-6 weeks. This applies to large daily doses, from 5 to 15 g per day.

Many experts argue that long-term use may be safe if low doses are used.


Prolonged use of the herb or more than a dose causes swelling, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, increases blood pressure, leads to menstrual irregularities, a decrease in male libido, hair loss, and a feeling of chronic fatigue.

Licorice helps to remove potassium from the body, so its use is excluded when taking diuretics.

Licorice is contraindicated during pregnancy (may cause premature birth) and breastfeeding.

Licorice should not be taken with other cough medicines (cough suppressants), as it has an expectorant (cough stimulating) effect. The tincture must be washed down with plenty of water, this contributes to the discharge of sputum.

It is not recommended to take licorice along with drugs for heart failure, as this can lead to arrhythmias and even cardiac arrest. Also, licorice is not prescribed for high blood pressure and low potassium levels.

Licorice root has a sugary-sweet taste that can cause nausea and vomiting in some people. This sugary-sweet taste of licorice can be avoided by roasting the root in a dry frying pan. The taste will improve significantly.

Licorice root is 50 times sweeter than sugar, which is why it is often added to various medical formulas to smooth out unpleasant tastes.

Licorice widely used in cooking in the form of extracts, syrups, as a sugar substitute and foaming agent in soft drinks, beer, kvass, tonic drinks; for better churning of egg whites.

Licorice is used:
– in the manufacture of coffee, cocoa, marinades, compotes, jelly, flour products, halva, caramel, marshmallow and chocolate
- when pickling cabbage, urinating apples and lingonberries
– as a flavoring additive in the processing of fish
– licorice leaves are used as an additive to long leaf and green tea, as a tea surrogate, tea substitute
(about cooking taken from Wikipedia).

Licorice is widely used in everyday life:
– extract from licorice roots is used to improve the taste of tobacco products, the production of surrogate cigarettes with a low content of harmful substances, chewing gums
- licorice extract is used in soap making, in the production of glue, in mixtures for fire extinguishers, for pickling metals, to impart viscosity to cement mortars, in drilling technology for oil and gas production
- from the fibers of the stalks of licorice, sacking, ropes are produced, it is used for dyeing woolen and silk fabrics, in the production of carcasses, watercolors, shoe polish
- licorice leaves are harvested as biomass for livestock, bees are fed with licorice extract.

That's what a wonderful plant licorice (licorice), highly valued by doctors and traditional medicine since ancient times!

What else is used for coughs and colds besides licorice:

Was last modified: March 12th, 2019 by consultant

The invention relates to agriculture and agricultural engineering, in particular to technologies and technical means for the primary processing of unpeeled roots and rhizomes of licorice. Method for primary processing of licorice roots as licorice raw materials includes removal of mineral litter and plant impurities, sorting of conditioned and non-marketable roots and rhizomes from the total mass of raw materials, drying at a temperature not exceeding +65°C, grinding and packing into containers. Before drying, excess moisture is removed from the root mass by rolling in the space between the rollers, the thickness of the rolling roots and rhizomes is adjusted to 1-3 mm. Before drying, flattened roots and rhizomes are crushed to the size of plates 100-500 mm. They are dried to a moisture content of 12-14% with active mixing and ventilation of the coolant. The dry mass is ground into fractions of 0.5-1.5 mm. The line for primary processing of licorice provides for the presence of a root mass accumulator, a plant (grinding) of raw roots, a screw conveyor, a drum dryer, a cyclone, conveyors for supplying corrugated packaging and issuing finished packaged products to weighing equipment. The line is additionally equipped with a vibrating screen for removing mineral debris and a table for sorting out conditioned roots, a block for rolling licorice roots and rhizomes, and a roller mill for unwinding dried plates. The block for rolling the licorice root mass is equipped with drive rolls installed in pairs with decreasing gaps between them in the direction of movement of the licorice root mass. The use of the invention will make it possible to obtain high-quality licorice raw materials. 3 n. and 5 z.p. f-ly, 6 ill.

Drawings to the RF patent 2301609

The invention relates to agriculture and agricultural engineering, in particular to technologies and technical means for the primary processing of unpeeled roots and rhizomes of radix Glycyrrhizae naturalis, licorice Glycyrrhiza glalra L., Ural licorice Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch, licorice G.G. rough licorice Glycyrrhiza aspera Pall and swollen licorice Glycyrrhiza inflata Batal from the genus of real licorice Euglycyrnhiza Boiss ex parte of the leguminous plant family Fabacea as the initial medicinal and technical raw materials of a number of industries (chemical, medical, pharmaceutical, food, canning, tobacco, perfumery, etc.). ).

A device is known for removing mineral litter and plant impurities in packed containers from the root mass of licorice as a medicinal raw material, containing a container and a platform for supplying containers partially located in it, in which a platform for supplying the latter is provided with individual suspensions and rotation drive mechanisms for each container. in the form of a closed suspended monorail with straight and rounded sections, while the straight sections with a part of the rounded sections have sections differently inclined to the horizon: the straight section located in the tank has a slope coinciding with the direction of supply of containers in the tank, and the opposite section made in mirror reflection has a slope directed towards the drying chamber, the container is equipped with vertically mounted walls with inclined canopies in the upper level and two parallel and vertically mounted rows of racks with nozzles for finely dispersed application of drops and jets of water to the root mass in containers, offset from the walls, while the nozzles on the racks are placed with equal step in height and at different levels on adjacent and opposite racks, while one part of the nozzles is oriented at an acute angle to the longitudinal axis of the tank, the other part is perpendicular, the third part is at an obtuse angle, while along the bottom of the tank, on the inclined walls of the longitudinal chute , a pair of rods with nozzles at different angles to the vertical is laid, and said chute placed under the straight section of the monorail for the discharge of waste water, together with mineral litter and plant impurities, has a slope made in the opposite direction of the supply of containers, and is associated with a transverse chute; suspended platform monorail suspended at the remote ends of horizontal beams mounted on racks, and presented in the form of an I-beam; individual suspension of containers is made in the form of series-connected load hook, traverse, H-shaped frame and support frames, while the load hook has a rotation drive mechanism about the vertical axis of symmetry of the container; the support frames are placed opposite on the lower flange of the I-beam and are connected by means of axes to the upper ends of the H-shaped frame; in the lower part of the H-shaped frame, a traverse is pivotally mounted by means of a horizontal axis, in which the upper part of the horizontal hook is installed by means of a thrust bearing; the rotation drive mechanism around the vertical axis of the individual suspension of the container is made in the form of a drum with radially oriented pins, sequentially interacting with vertically oriented grooves made on a vertical shelf of a bent profile, placed equidistantly with an I-beam of a suspended monorail; each drum is mounted on the upper threaded part of the load hook and provided with the possibility of axial displacement; each drum is equipped with dampers made in the form of annular gaskets and mounted on the upper and lower bases of the drum hub by means of washers; each load hook has a grip in the form of a two-arm lever, mounted by means of an axis in the slot of the lower part of the rod; each container is equipped with slinging devices; the transverse chute is equipped with a well for collecting solid sediment and a drain pipe, the end cut of which is installed in the well below the lower mark of the transverse chute; the well is equipped with a detachable grate (RU patent No. 2176896 C1, IPC 7 A23N 12/02, 12/06. Device for removing mineral litter and plant impurities in packed containers with licorice root mass as a medicinal raw material / I.P. Kruzhilin, A.V. Galda, A.M. Saldaev, A.P. Sokolov, G.V. Shamiryan ( RU). - Application No. 2000109796/13. Claimed 04/19/2000. Published 12/20/2001. Bull. No. 35).

The disadvantages of the described device in relation to the problem we are solving - obtaining high-quality licorice raw materials from licorice roots and rhizomes - include high manual labor costs for laying the roots in a container and unsatisfactory cleaning of the roots and rhizomes from litter.

A device for drying roots and rhizomes of licorice is known, containing a rotating cylindrical body with loading and unloading devices for the material to be dried on opposite end sections, in which a rotating cylindrical body equipped with a longitudinal tilt mechanism on the side of the unloading device is installed with the possibility of being translated into working and non-working positions a high-pressure fan heater and with a reversible drive, differently inclined conveyors installed under the lower cut of the end part of the housing, and on the side of the loading device, an air duct is mounted with the possibility of changing the position, pneumatically connected by means of a fan to the cyclone; the driven longitudinal tilt mechanism of the rotating cylindrical body is made in the form of a pair of vertically and oppositely mounted four-link mechanisms, while three links of the mechanisms are made parallel and one of them - the middle link - is common and is presented in the form of a screw with left and right threads with nuts mounted on them connected by pairs of rods and hinges with the brackets of the lower parallel link - the transverse beam of the frame and with the brackets of the upper parallel link - the upper beam with the driving support rollers of the rotating cylindrical body; the drive of the longitudinal tilt mechanism of the rotating cylindrical body is mounted on the free end of the screw and is made in the form of a pawl that is flipped on the axis and a temple clutch placed on the screw shank, mounted between a pair of cheeks mounted by means of plain bearings on the said screw, while the upper part of the cheeks is associated with the base, equipped with a control lever; the rotating cylindrical body is made of a large-sized cylindrical pipe with support rings at the end sections; each support ring at the end section of the cylindrical body is fixed with differently oriented wedges; the outer surface of the pipe is covered with heat-insulating material; the joint between the pipe from the side of the loading device and the air duct is sealed with a hollow ring made of rubberized material, while the ring is placed at the end of the pipe; the air duct has a U-shaped shape and is connected to the suction fan by means of a ring installed vertically in the guides, while the ring plane is aligned with the end plane of the pipe of the cylindrical body, and a lever with a counterweight is mounted on the ring at the diametrically opposite end of the air duct; guide rings are mounted on the base of the fan and cyclone; a fan heater with a drive is mounted on a movable frame and by means of rolling bearings is mounted on the longitudinal beams of the frame of a rotating cylindrical body; the pressure socket of the high-pressure fan heater is coupled with the inner cavity of the pipe of the rotating cylindrical body, and the connection of the cut of the pressure socket, which is sealed around the perimeter, is a hollow ring made of rubberized material; the lower end cut of the rotating cylindrical body is mounted above the lower end of the inclined conveyor; a technological gap is made between the inclined conveyors; the rotating cylindrical body is equipped with a drive installed under the body on the frame in the form of an electric motor, a cylindrical gearbox, a V-belt variator, a drive support roller and driven support rollers; the V-belt variator of the support roller drive has a driving and driven pulleys and an endless V-belt; each variator pulley contains tapered disks of identical design, mounted on the shaft in a mirror image by means of feather keys, while the disk movable along the shaft is associated with a package of Belleville springs and a shaped nut resting against the threaded part of the shaft against the end face of the hub of the said disk; the extreme lower and intermediate positions of the longitudinal tilt mechanism of the rotating cylindrical body are limited by stops (RU patent No. 2168684 C1, IPC 7 F26B 11/04. Device for drying roots and rhizomes of licorice Clycyrrhiza glabra L. / H.A. Galda, A.V. Galda, A.P. Sokolov, N.A. Sokolova, G.V. Shamiryan, A.M. Saldaev (RU) - Application No. 2000104396/06. Claimed 02/22/2000. Published 06/10/2001. Bull. No. 6).

The disadvantages of the described device include high energy consumption for drying whole roots and an unacceptably long period of execution of the technological process during mass heat transfer.

The closest analogues to the claimed object in terms of the method and device for its implementation are the method of primary processing of the root mass of licorice, Ural licorice and G. Korzhinsky licorice as licorice raw materials, including the removal of mineral litter and vegetable impurities and drying, in which, when removing vegetable impurities of the root mass exceed its initial moisture by 3-12%, the roots and rhizomes are chopped (chopped) into pieces 7-15 mm long, dried in the active layer of the coolant at a temperature of +55 ... + 65 ° C for 2-5 hours until the moisture content drops to 12-14% and dusty particles of the cork and bast layers of the root are removed.

A line for the primary processing of licorice root mass as a licorice raw material, in which, in the course of the technological process, a root mass accumulator and a device for drying with hot air are installed, preliminarily connected to each other by kinematic and mechanical means of transporting the processed raw material, in which the line includes two parallel operating installations for removing plant impurities and mineral litter, connected by means of submersible and/or fecal pumps and pipelines to solid sludge accumulators and by means of a water intake device and a pump with water intake from an open reservoir and/or sludge accumulators, a platform with pallets for draining excess moisture and pre-drying , connected by means of transporting whole roots with a loading tray for feeding raw roots into the shredding (grinding) device, an inclined screw conveyor installed behind it in the technological chain, a drum dryer with an air heater for drying shredded material with hot air, a cyclone for sedimenting dusty particles of cork and bast layers root and flow gases, while behind the drum dryer there are conveyors for supplying and issuing finished and packaged products to weighing equipment; the root mass drive is equipped with truck scales with measurement limits up to 15 tons; a mobile loader was used as a mechanical means of transporting the root mass with a storage device to the installations for the removal of plant impurities and mineral litter; installations for the removal of plant impurities and mineral litter are equipped with barborators; the bottom part of the installation for the removal of plant impurities and mineral debris is made inclined with a slope towards the intake part of the submersible and/or fecal pump; a loading tray, a platform with pallets for draining excess moisture, an installation for removing plant impurities and mineral litter, and an automobile scale of the root mass drive are interconnected by a means of transporting raw materials, made in the form of a rotary column with an electric handler or manual hoist; device for shredding (grinding) raw roots, an inclined screw conveyor, a drum dryer, an air heater, conveyors for supplying corrugated packaging and dispensing finished products and weighing equipment are located in the engine room and finished product warehouse; a solid sludge collector, installations for the removal of vegetable impurities and mineral litter, a platform for water runoff and an engine room with a warehouse for finished products are connected by an additional mechanical means of transportation; devices for shredding (grinding) raw roots are equipped with a knife drum with a counter-blade and are made of structural steels intended for processing medicinal raw materials; corrugated packaging for installing dried pieces (chopped parts) of licorice roots and rhizomes is equipped with moisture-proof material; between the device for shredding (grinding) raw roots and a drum dryer, a drive is placed (RU patent No. 2161004 C1, IPC 7 A23L 3/48; F26B 3/02. The method of primary processing of the root mass of licorice, Ural licorice and G. Korzhinsky licorice as licorice raw materials and a line for its implementation / A.V. Galda, A.M. Saldaev (RU) - Application No. 99117258/13. Declared 08/09/1999, publ. December 27, 2000, Bull. No. 36).

The disadvantages of the described method and the line for its implementation include high energy consumption for drying raw roots and rhizomes of licorice and losses during drying of a large amount of flavonoids.

A device for squeezing juice from the stems of plants of a forage harvester is known, containing a transporting device and several pairs of flattening rollers located one above the other with a gap, in which the flattening rollers are equipped with a mechanism for simultaneously regulating the compressive force of the leafy mass throughout the working zone of flattening and a mechanism for changing the gap with the possibility of its decrease in the direction from the input of the mass into the first pair of rollers to its exit from the last pair, while the rollers in each pair have the same linear speed; upper and lower flattening rollers are mounted on frames that are pivotally connected to each other; upper and lower conditioning rolls are horizontal; the upper and lower flattening rollers are located relative to each other with the formation of an angle, with the apex towards the swivel joint; each pair of flattening rolls is equipped with a mechanism for changing the gap; the number of pairs of flattening rollers is at least three and is not limited upwards (RU patent No. 2070375 C1, IPC 6 A01D 43/10. Device for squeezing the juice of plant stems of a forage harvester / V.M. Kononov, M.V. Kononov, I. V.Pulin, V.A.Leontiev, N.I.Mamontov (RU) - Application No. 94028117/15. Claimed 27/27/1994.

We adopted this device as the closest analogue of the block for rolling licorice roots and rhizomes to remove excess moisture from them, deform the roots themselves, and destroy the cork and bast layers on the surface of the licorice root mass.

The disadvantages of the described device in relation to the problem we are solving include a low degree of removal of juice from the root mass and high energy consumption.

The essence of the claimed invention is as follows.

The task to be solved by the claimed invention is to obtain high-quality licorice raw materials (in the form of a coarse powder packed in moisture-resistant corrugated boxes).

EFFECT: reduced labor costs and time for sorting and processing licorice root mass as licorice raw material.

The specified technical result in terms of technology is achieved by the fact that in the known method of primary processing of licorice as licorice raw materials, including the removal of mineral litter and plant impurities, sorting of conditioned and non-marketable roots and rhizomes from the total mass of raw materials, drying at a coolant temperature not higher than +65 ° C, crushing and packing into containers, according to the invention, before drying, excess moisture is removed from the root mass by rolling in the inter-roller space, the thickness of the rolled roots and rhizomes is adjusted to 1 ... 3 mm, before drying, the flattened roots and rhizomes are crushed to the size of plates 100 ...500 mm 2 , the mass is dried with active mixing and ventilation of the coolant, the dry mass is ground into fractions with a diameter of 0.5-1.5 mm.

The specified technical result in terms of the line for undermining licorice roots and rhizomes as licorice raw materials, in which, in the course of the technological process, a root mass accumulator, installations for removing plant impurities and mineral litter, a device for shredding (grinding) of raw roots, an inclined screw conveyor installed behind it in the technological chain, a drum dryer with an air heater for drying shredded material with hot air, a cyclone for sedimentation of dusty particles of cork and bast layers, root and flue gases, conveyors for supplying corrugated packaging and issuing finished products for weighing equipment, according to the invention, it is equipped with a vibrating screen for removing mineral debris and a table for bulkheading conditioned roots, a block for rolling licorice roots and rhizomes and a roller mill for grinding dried plates; installation for the removal of plant impurities is equipped with a nozzle for supplying jets of water when removing plant impurities from the surface of the water in the pool; between the installation for the removal of plant impurities and the rolling unit, a device is installed to equalize the speed and thickness of the feed of the root mass; a vibrating tray is installed between the rolling block and the device for shredding (grinding) raw flattened roots.

The specified technical result in terms of the block for rolling the root mass to remove excess moisture from them is achieved by the fact that in the known block for rolling licorice roots and rhizomes, including several pairs of rollers installed on the frame with decreasing gaps between them in the direction of movement of the root mass, according to the invention, on the surface of the first pair of rollers of equal diameter is made with triangular grooves with a protrusion height of at least 3 mm; the upper and lower rollers of equal diameter have a smooth steel cylindrical surface, in the fourth pair the upper roller is barrel-shaped, and the lower roller is catenoid, the fifth pair of rollers is composed of cylindrical rollers of different sizes, and the roller with a small diameter is located above the roller of a larger diameter; the grooves on the surface of the rollers of the first pair are made along the generatrices of the cylindrical surface in the form of straight lines; grooves on the surface of the rollers of the first pair are made along the multi-start helical lines of the left and right windings.

The invention is illustrated by drawings.

Figure 1 schematically shows a line for undermining the roots and rhizomes of licorice as a raw material with the placement of the main units in the course of the technological process, side view.

Figure 2 - view A in figure 1, the first pair of rollers block rolling licorice roots with grooves on the surface, made along helical multi-threaded lines of the left and right windings, front view.

Figure 3 - section B-B in figure 1, a transverse vertical section of the rolling block, the second pair of rollers, front view.

Figure 4 - section B-B in figure 3, a longitudinal vertical section of the rollers of the second pair of rolling block with rubberized barrel-shaped and catenoid surfaces.

Figure 5 - section GG in figure 1, the fourth pair of rollers of the rolling block, front view.

Figure 6 - section D-D in figure 1, the fifth pair of rollers with the location of the roller of small diameter above the roller of larger diameter, front view.

Information confirming the possibility of implementing the claimed invention is as follows.

Licorice is a perennial herbaceous plant with annually dying off shoots developing from the axillary buds of the shoot formation node of the main root (karabash) and axillary buds, powerfully developed, brown outside, yellowish inside, very sweet vertical roots and horizontal rhizomes.

The content in the roots and rhizomes of real licorice Euglycyrnhiza Boiss. ex parte (G. glalra L., G. uralensis Fisch., G. korshinskyi G. Grig., G. aspera Pall., G. inflata Batal.) of glycerinic and glycerretinic acids and the deoxycorticosteroid effect of licorice root extract led licorice raw materials to the rank especially significant, in demand and having unlimited demand in the domestic market of Russia and in the markets of the world community.

During the period of mass machine extraction, the roots and rhizomes of licorice have a moisture content of 42 ... 63%. After extraction to the surface from the root-containing layer, the root mass is delivered by tractor carts to the point of primary underworking.

The method for primary processing of licorice roots and rhizomes as licorice raw materials includes the removal of mineral litter and vegetable impurities, sorting of conditioned and non-marketable roots and rhizomes from the total mass of raw materials. The roots and rhizomes of licorice with diameters over 7 mm with a moisture content of not more than 14% are considered conditioned. The amount of mineral litter when pressed into bales weighing 80-120 kg is not more than 1%, and vegetable impurities - not more than 4%. Drying of raw materials is carried out at a coolant temperature not higher than +65°C. In this case, flavonoids (not less than 22%) and biologically active substances are preserved in the licorice root mass. Then, grinding (shredding) and packing into containers (barrels, corrugated boxes, bags, etc.) are carried out. To reduce the time of preparation of raw materials and reduce energy consumption, excess moisture is removed from the root mass by rolling in the inter-roller space of the rolling (flattening) block. This operation performs two important technological steps: the bast and cork layers are destroyed and the juice is extracted from the heart-shaped threads in the licorice rhizomes by squeezing. This operation achieves a two-threefold decrease in moisture in the feedstock and at the same time increases the evaporation surface by one and a half to two times, i.e. heat and mass transfer. The roots and rhizomes of licorice take the form of plates 1 ... 3 mm thick. Before drying, flattened roots and rhizomes are crushed to the size of plates 100...500 mm 2 . This type of product is dried with active mixing, ventilation and repeated exchange of the coolant. The dry mass is either immediately packed or ground into fractions of 0.5 ... 1.5 mm (coarse grinding). During drying and grinding, silty particles of cork, bast layer, and root mass are precipitated by suction in cyclones and used as a feed additive for agricultural products. animals. The described sequence of technological operations is implemented in the line for the primary processing of roots and licorice root as licorice raw materials. Coarse grinding of licorice is placed in a corrugated box with a moisture-proof film on its inner surface.

The line for the primary processing of licorice roots and rhizomes as licorice raw materials provides for the presence in the course of the technical process of placing pre-connected between the soda kinematic and mechanical means of transporting the processed raw material of the drive 1 of the root mass (see figure 1), installation for removing mineral litter 2, installation 3 for the removal of vegetable impurities, installations 4 for shredding (chopping) raw roots. Behind the device 4, an inclined screw conveyor 5 with an individual drive, a drum dryer 6 with an air heater for drying shredded material with hot air, cyclones for collecting dusty particles, cork and bast layers, root and flue gases, conveyors 7 for supplying corrugated packaging and issuing finished packaged products for weighing equipment.

The line is equipped with an 8 vibrating screen, periodically included in the electrical power supply to remove mineral litter from the licorice root mass in the form of clods and dust, a table 9 in the form of a belt conveyor for bulkheading conditioned roots, non-marketable and diseased roots, rhizomes from the source material, a block 10 for rolling roots and rhizomes of licorice and a roller mill 11 for grinding dried plates into coarse grinding. Installation 3 for removing plant impurities is equipped with a pool filled with water, an inclined bar conveyor 12 for extracting licorice root mass from the pool and a table 13 for supplying directed jets of water when removing plant impurities from the surface of the pool. In the line between the installation 3 to remove plant impurities and the rolling unit 10, a device 14 is installed to equalize the thickness and feed rate of the root mass. The belt speed of the device 14 is one and a half to two times the speed of the inclined bar conveyor 12. This achieves a thin-layer feed of the licorice root mass into the rolling unit 10. Between the rolling block 10 and the device 4 for shredding (grinding) raw flattened roots, a vibrating tray 15 is installed. The last to reach the laying with a wide side on the surface of the vibrating tray 15 are flattened roots and their oriented supply to the device 4 for subsequent grinding of the root mass into pieces with an area of ​​\u200b\u200beach segment 100... 500 mm2.

Block 10 rolling roots and rhizomes of licorice includes installed on the frame 16 several pairs of rollers 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 (see figure 1). Under the pairs of rollers 17-21 on the frame 21 there is a tray 22 for collecting the squeezed juice, which is later used for evaporation and extraction (dry and thick extracts, glycyram). On the surface of the first pair of rollers 17 (see figure 2) of equal diameter, grooves 23 of triangular section are made. The height of the protrusions 24 between the grooves 23 is not less than 3 mm. On the surface of the rollers 17 of the first pair of grooves 23 are made along the generatrices of the cylindrical surface in the form of straight lines. The grooves 23 are made either by milling with a modular cutter or by planing along the generatrix. For uniform flattening of licorice roots in the space between the rollers of the first pair of grooves 23 on the surface of the rollers are made along the multi-threaded helical lines of the left and right windings.

In the second pair of rollers 18, the upper one is barrel-shaped and the lower one is catenoid (see FIG. 3). The surfaces of the rollers 18 of the second pair are rubberized with a layer 25, with a thickness per radius of at least 20 mm (see Fig.4). This achieves effective tensile deformation and shift of the fibers of the lignified root mass of licorice and ensures the extraction of moisture and juice from the intercellular space.

In the third pair of rollers 19, the upper and lower rollers have a smooth steel cylindrical surface of equal diameter (see figure 1). In this case, the root layer is affected by radial compressive loads in the interroll space of the rollers 19 of the third pair.

In the fourth pair (see figure 5) roller 20 is also given barrel-shaped and catenoid shape. The rollers 20 in the fourth pair are not reinforced.

In the fifth pair of rollers 21 (see Fig.1 and 6) are arranged from cylindrical rollers of different sizes. The small diameter roller is positioned above the large diameter roller. This allows the most effective removal of juice from the roots and rhizomes of licorice into the container 22 on the bottom of the frame 16.

The line for the primary processing of licorice roots and rhizomes as licorice raw materials operates as follows.

From the drive 1 portion of freshly harvested roots and rhizomes of licorice by a clamshell loader or manually placed on the surface of the table 9 in the form of a belt conveyor. Then, through the control post (button station), a vibrating screen 9 is connected to the network. During vibration, mineral and vegetable debris is separated from the root mass in the form of clods of soil, dust, soil and wood inclusions and residues. Due to the inclination of the conveyor to the side at an angle of 20...30° to the horizon, mineral debris and other inclusions roll down and fall onto the technological site and are subsequently disposed of. Workers serving the line separate non-standard roots (less than 77 mm in diameter) and diseased rhizomes or those with large areas of mechanically damaged cork and bast layers from the root mass. The content of glycyrrhizic acid in roots with a diameter of 6...7 and less does not exceed 3-4%. Standard requirements for raw materials for the content of glycyrrhizic acid is not less than 6%, and for the content of flavonoids - not less than 22%.

From the table 9 by a belt conveyor, the root mass is directed and moved to the installation 3 to remove plant impurities. Installation 3 has a pool filled with water and an inclined bar conveyor 12 with an individual drive. In most cases, licorice roots and rhizomes sink in water. The stems of plants and their roots float up and are removed from the surface of the reservoir of the installation 3 by a directed flow of water from the nozzle 13. At the same time, dusty parts of the mineral litter and plugs from the roots and rhizomes of licorice settle at the bottom of the reservoir. With a rod conveyor 12, the root mass is removed from the reservoir and fed into the device 14. The last uniform thin layer is sent to the block 10 for rolling licorice roots and rhizomes.

When the root mass is supplied by rollers 17 of the first pair of rollers, the cork and bast layers are destroyed in the radional directions of the sections of each licorice root and rhizome. After rolling the roots (rhizomes), the root has a ribbed upper and lower flattened surfaces. The pre-deformed roots (rhizomes) in the total mass enter the second pair of rollers 18. Due to the shapes (barrel-shaped and catenoid) of the rollers 18 of the second pair, each root undergoes a number of versatile types of deformation: compressing in radional directions between the rollers; shear forces in the axial direction of the upper and lower rolls; tensile deformations in the direction of movement of the licorice root mass due to the difference in circumferential speeds both along the length of the rollers 18 themselves and in relation to the rollers 17 of the first pair.

Rollers 19 in the third pair squeeze out juice from the root mass of licorice with a limited gap between rollers 19 in this pair of no more than 6 mm ± 0.5 mm.

Rollers 20 in the fourth pair in a tougher mode is the deformation of the fibers in the roots of licorice.

When the flattened root mass enters the fifth pair of rollers, the upper roller 21 squeezes out the remaining juice from the roots and rhizomes of licorice. The lower roller 21 of larger diameter juice at the final stage of rolling is sent to the container 16. The roots and rhizomes of licorice 1 ... 3 mm thick are fed to the vibrating tray 15. When transporting the flattened roots and rhizomes, the root mass is fed to the device 4 for shredding (chopping) by the vibrating tray 15 raw roots when mass is applied to each knife of device 4 in the range from 10 to 25 mm.

Blades are cut with knives in the form of various geometric shapes with an area of ​​100 ... 500 mm 2 and a thickness of 1 ... 3 mm. The latter are fed by a screw conveyor 5 into the drum dryer 6. Due to the intensive mixing of the plates in the cavity of the drum dryer 6 and the repeated removal of the moistened heat carrier with a temperature below +65 ° C, the moisture content of the plates decreases from 18 ... 24% to 12 ... 14% within 3...4 hours. The process of feeding shredding and drying liquorice raw materials is continuous. The dried plates are sent to the roller mill 11, where they are ground into particles with a diameter of 0.5 to 1.5 mm. Coarse grinding is packed into corrugated boxes and conveyed by 7 conveyors to weighing equipment to establish mass indicators.

Thus, the claimed method, the line for its implementation and the root mass rolling unit ensure the achievement of the above technical result.


1. A method for the primary processing of licorice as a licorice raw material, including the removal of mineral litter and plant impurities, sorting of conditioned and non-marketable roots and rhizomes from the total mass of raw materials, drying at a coolant temperature not higher than +65 ° C, grinding and packaging into containers, characterized in that that, before drying, excess moisture is removed from the root mass by rolling in the space between the rollers, the thickness of the rolled roots and rhizomes is adjusted to 1-3 mm, before drying, the flattened roots and rhizomes are crushed to the size of plates of 100-500 mm, the mass is dried with active mixing and ventilation coolant, the dry root mass is ground into fractions from 0.5 to 1.5 mm.

2. A line for processing licorice roots and rhizomes as licorice raw materials, in which, in the course of the technological process, a root mass accumulator, installations for the removal of plant impurities and mineral litter, a shredding (chopping) device are installed beforehand by kinematic and mechanical means of transporting the processed raw materials raw roots, an inclined screw conveyor installed behind it in the technological chain, a drum dryer with an air heater for drying shredded material with hot air, a cyclone for sedimentation of dusty particles of the cork and bast layers, root and flue gases, conveyors for supplying corrugated packaging and issuing finished packaged products to the weight equipment, characterized in that it is equipped with a vibrating screen for removing mineral debris and a table for bulkheading conditioned roots, a block for rolling licorice roots and rhizomes and a roller mill for breaking dried plates.

3. The line according to claim 2, characterized in that the installation for removing plant impurities is equipped with a nozzle for supplying jets of water when removing plant impurities from the surface of the pool.

4. The line according to claim 2, characterized in that a device for equalizing the feed rate of the root mass is installed between the installation for removing plant impurities and the rolling unit.

5. The line according to claim 2, characterized in that a vibrating tray is installed between the rolling unit and the device for shredding (grinding) raw flattened roots.

6. Root mass rolling unit, which includes several pairs of rollers installed on the frame with decreasing gaps between them in the direction of movement of the root mass, characterized in that on the surface of the first pair of rollers of equal diameter, triangular grooves with a protrusion height of at least 3 mm are made, in the second a pair of rollers, the upper one of which is given a barrel-shaped shape, and the lower one - a catenoid shape, while the surfaces of both rollers are rubberized with a layer of at least 20 mm, in the third pair, the upper and lower rollers of equal diameter have a smooth steel cylindrical surface, in the fourth pair, the upper roller is barrel-shaped , and the lower roller - catenoid shape, the fifth pair of rollers is composed of cylindrical rollers of different sizes, and the roller with a small diameter is located above the roller of a larger diameter.

7. Block according to claim 6, characterized in that the grooves on the surface of the rollers of the first pair are made along the generatrices of the cylindrical surface in the form of straight lines.

8. Block according to claim 6, characterized in that the grooves on the surface of the rollers of the first pair are made along the multi-start helical lines of the left and right windings.

Dissertation abstractin pharmacology on the topic Complex technology for processing licorice root



15.00.01. - Technology of medicines and organization of pharmaceutical business

Moscow - 1999

The dissertation was carried out at the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov and the All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR)

Scientific supervisors:

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor V.A. Bykov

Official opponents:

Lead organization:

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor G.G. Zapesochnaya

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Professor V.I. Prokofiev

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Associate Professor N.K. Lunyak

State Research Institute for Standardization and Control of Medicines (GNIISKLS, Moscow)

Thesis defense will take place on "_"_1999.

at _hours at a meeting of the Dissertation Council D 074.05.06

at the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Moscow Academy. THEM. Sechenov at the address: Moscow, Zubovskaya sq., 1

Scientific Secretary

dissertation council D 074.05.06

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor V.P. Sadchikova

K GH G"~>

The relevance of the topic of the dissertation work is due to the need for health care in effective medicines from plants, and licorice root has been the most used component of herbal preparations for many centuries. The triterpenoid drug glycyram is used in medicine for bronchial asthma and a number of other diseases, and is also widely used as a very sweet substance. Flavonoid compounds are a source of antiulcer and choleretic drugs (liquiriton, flacarbine, chalcorin). However, in most of the known technological methods, it is proposed to obtain either one or the other product. In this regard, it seems appropriate to search for an integrated technology that allows, using one extractant, to propose a combined scheme for the simultaneous production of these two pear compounds - the native sum of flavonoids and glynyrrhizic acid.

In the existing regulatory documentation for raw materials and extracts of licorice in the methods of analysis, priority was given to triterpenoids, and flavonoids were ignored. An in-depth study of the component composition of licorice root creates real prerequisites for the development of objective methods of analysis that allow the determination of both glycyrrhizic acid and flavonoids, and are suitable for step-by-step control of their production.

Thus, the chosen direction seems to be relevant and promising in scientific and practical terms. The work was carried out in accordance with the thematic plan of scientific research work of NPO VILAR on the problem of "Medications"" No. 1891-1300-03.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of this study is to develop a complex technology for processing licorice root with an in-depth study of the chemical composition and the simultaneous production of triterpene and flavonoid preparations. At the same time, the following tasks were solved:

Development of analytical methods for the determination of triterpenoids and flavonoids in raw materials, licorice preparations and step-by-step control;

Chemical and technological research of medicinal plant raw materials of licorice, development of technological regulations for the production of liquiriton and technical specifications for proliquirigon;

Isolation and identification of individual substances from licorice roots as samples for chemical standardization of licorice raw materials and preparations.

Scientific novelty. A new methodological approach to the development of an integrated technology for processing licorice root is proposed, which consists in the simultaneous extraction of raw materials and the production of triterpene and flavonoid preparations, optimization of extracts and extraction parameters, development of technological regulations, study of the chemical composition and development of analysis methods.

14 components of licorice have been isolated and a chemical study of their structure has been carried out in order to use them in analytical and technological studies.

A technology for the production of the drug liquiriton based on proliquiritone was proposed, in which the extra agent was optimized, allowing to combine the complete and targeted extraction of flavonoids, and the choice of a technical solution for the stage of liquid-phase extraction was made.

Techniques for the analysis of flavonoids and glycyrrhizic acid in licorice raw materials and preparations have been developed.

A new qualitative reaction has been proposed - a ketal test for the structural analysis of glycosides containing apiose.

Practical significance. A new methodological approach to the development of an integrated technology for processing licorice root has been developed, based on chemical-technological and analytical studies, and allowing to obtain and use all its valuable components in a simple and rational way.

The proposed analytical approach is supported by obtaining substances - standards. -A pilot industrial regulation for the production of liquiritone has been developed.

Specifications for proliquiriton have been developed.

The general technological documentation for the complex processing of licorice root has been corrected - additions to the regulations for the purified extract and glycyrams have been proposed.

The proposed methodological approach can be used when choosing technological ways for the complex processing of other types of plant materials.

The provisions put forward for defense: - a new methodological approach to the development of technology for the complex processing of licorice root;

Results of chemical study of licorice;

Liquiriton production technology from proliquiriton;

Methods for the analysis of flavonoids and glycyrrhizic acid in licorice raw materials and preparations.

Approbation of work and publication. The dissertation materials were published in 3 scientific papers, 1 regulation, 1 technical specification and reported at two Russian conferences.

Scope and structure of work. The dissertation work is presented on 136 typewritten pages and includes an introduction, literature review (chapter 1), discussion of the results (chapters 2-4), experimental part (chapters 5,6) and conclusions. The text contains 20 tables, 4 schemes and 32 figures, the list of cited literature contains 166 references. The appendix contains the developed draft specifications for proliquiriton, the title pages of the regulations and tables for the literature review,

The literature review systematizes information on the chemical study of the composition of triterpenoids and phenolic substances of licorice roots, as well as their practical application.

Chapters 2-4 discuss our own results on the isolation and structural identification of licorice root components, the development of an integrated technology for processing licorice and technological regulations for the production of liquiritone, the development of methods for the analysis of flavonoids and glycyrrhizic acid in licorice raw materials and preparations.

The experimental part is presented in two chapters devoted to the study of individual substances (Chapter 5), chemical-technological and analytical studies of licorice (melt 6).

From the roots of licorice and proliquiritone, 14 individual substances were isolated, which are listed in Table 1 and assigned to five groups: flavanones, chalcones, isoflavones, phenolic substances and triterpenoids.

To isolate substances, methods of selective extraction of raw materials were used.

(ethanol and water extractants) followed by chromatography of the extracts on polyamide (ethanol-water), silica gel (chloroform-methanol), rechromatography on polyamide, silica gel, Sephadex Sh-20 and recrystallization.

Qualitative reactions, the results of chemical transformations (acetylation, acid and enzymatic hydrolysis), as well as data from UV, IR, NMR, mass spectra and, in some cases, comparison with reliable samples were used to establish the structure of the isolated substances.

Table 1

Physicochemical constants of isolated licorice substances

Compound Composition m*, °С


Liquiritagenin (1) С15Н12О4 256 193-195 275.310

Liquiritin (2) С21Н22О9 418 209-211 275.312

Flavanone-bioside (3) С26Н30О13 580 amorphous. 275.312

Isoliquiritegenin (4) С15Н12О4 256 201-204 255.370

Isoliquiritin (5) С21Н22О9 418 185-186 260.370

Isoglabroside (6) CrvHzoOp 580 amorph. 240.370

Licurazid (7) CrbHzoOu 580 150-151 245.370


Formononetin (8) S16I1203 268 257-265 260.3OOpl

Ononine (9) С22Н22О9 430 215-217 260.300pl

Phenolic substances

Desmethylgentisin PO) С13Н803 244 276-284 259.292

Phenyl-succinic acid (Sch) С10Н10О5 210 amorphous. 260


Glycyrrhizin acid (12) С42Н62О16 822 228-230(r) 249

GSO glycyram (13) C42H"M)15 839 230-230(r) 252

Glycyrrhetic acid (14) С3оН^04 470 292-295(p) 249

1.1. F a v a n o s

All licorice flavanones and chalcones belong to a very rare group of substances of these classes that do not have an OH group at C-5, and this largely explains the unusual nature of their chemical properties.

In the NMR spectra of M. substances (Fig. 1), aromatic protons are the same and are characteristic of the 7-substituted cycle A and the »-substituted cycle B. About belonging to the class

flavanones is evidenced by the nature of the signals of the two protons at C-3 and the axial proton H-2. Thus, KZ substances belong to the class of flavanones and contain only two substituents at C-7 and C-4.

The NMR spectrum of compound I (Fig. 1) contains singlet signals of two OH groups, which is confirmed by the formation of diacetate.

The mass spectrum (Fig. 2) shows the presence of a molecular ion (ga/g 256), corresponding to

Xx: -hog^ - f

A, + H 137(100) m C70%) B5120 (40)

the compound corresponding to the composition of ScHcO^ and fragments from cycles A (m/z 137) and B (m/z 120) characteristic of flavanones.

Thus, there is no doubt that compound I has the structure of lichviri-tigenin (7,4'-dihydroxyflavanone).

Chromatographic mobility, NMR spectra (Fig. 4) and hydrolysis data indicate that compound 2 is a glucoside and substance 3 is apiosyl glucoside. The composition of these substances was confirmed by field desorption mass spectra (FD-MS).

N-2 N-1" N-1""

1.1 __I_1-J_I_I_i_I___I-J_

UV spectra of liquiritic (1) and sacuranin (2) in ethanol Fig. 4. Fragments of the NMR spectra and with the addition of sodium acetate (1a and 2a) Liquiritin (A) and flavanone-bioside (B)

The assignment of the carbohydrate part to the 4"-position was made by comparing their UV spectra with the spectrum of aglycone liquiritigenin C) in methanol and with the addition of sodium acetate (Fig. 3). It was found that in all N3 substances, hydroxyl is free at C-7. It is known that the free 7-OH group in 5-deoxyflavanones has a 60 nm shift of the main peak (275 nm) with NaOAc. The UV spectrum does not differ from the initial one (Fig. 3). These data indicate that compound 2 is liquirigin, and flavanone-bioside 3 does not differ in structure from that described in the literature for Ural licorice,

2 - Liquiritin R = Glc _3 - Flavanone-bioside R = Glc-Api

1.2. hal horses

The NMR and mass spectra of substance 4 correspond to the composition and structure of 4,2",4"-trihydroxychalcone (isoliquiritigenin).

but^^^he^. 4. - Isoliquiritigenin I = H

5 - Isoliquiritin II = Os b. - Isoglabroside I = Is-Ar!

TLC and NMR indicate that substances 5, 6, 7 are glycosides, and according to the hydrolysis data, compound 5 contains glucose, and compounds 6 and 7 contain glucose and apiose. The composition of these substances was confirmed by LE-MW data. Substance 5 was identified as isoliquiritin and substance 6 as isoglabroside. It should be noted that the NMR spectra of bioside 2 (Fig. 5) and a reliable sample of licurazide are identical.

1.3. Isoflavones Colorless crystalline compounds 8_ and 9. were classified as isoflavones on the basis of UV and mass spectra. The NMR spectra show a characteristic

isoflavone singlet H-2 (6 8.1), signals of 7-substituted ring A and 4"-substituted ring B, as well as singlet of the CH3O group. Substance 8, which gives monoacetate upon acegylation, was identical to formononetin, i-c

8 - Formonovetyan K = N

9 - Ononin I = Os

Substance 9 upon hydrolysis forms glucose and the aglycone formonetin. Only the structure of 7-0-|ME-ptacopyranosyl-4'-methoxyisoflavone (ononine) is possible for it.

1.4. Phenolic substances Substances 10 and D were isolated in very small amounts and probable structures were proposed for them, which are consistent with the spectral data (ME and NMR).

Substance C is very labile, gives crimson-red coloration with diazoreakgive, is located with V * about 0.9 on the paper chromatogram used in FS 42-2425-86 "liquiriton", therefore it can be a good marker in determining the authenticity of the drug.

1.5. Triterpenoids cn> ^coon

12 Glycyrrhizic acid H

13 Glycyram I =

"NMR spectrum of glycyram (13) in deuterolyrvdine


ggi^chr "" "" I IT! G1 M G? And I G | m GTTUT "

")| "II 1 PPM

Proton and carbon NMR spectra indicate that compounds 12-14 belong to trigerpenoids. Glycyrrhizic acid (12) upon hydrolysis forms glycyrrhetic acid (D4) and 2 molecules of glucuronic acid.

In the PMR spectrum (Fig. 6), the signals of anomeric protons (5 5.0 and 5.3) in the form of two well-resolved doublets with an interaction constant of 7 Hz confirm the P-configuration

glycosidic bonds and the Cr conformation of both n-glucuronic fragments of glycyrrhizic acid. In the PMR spectrum, singlets of 7 methyl groups (6 0.8-1.5), a proton at the H-12 double bond (5 5.9) and a number of other signals are clearly visible.

With the help of 13C-NMR spectra, the 1-»2"-connection of two molecules of glucuronic acids was confirmed. No differences were found with the literature data on the characteristics of the signals of aglycone (14) - 18p-glycyrrhetic acid.

Glycyram (monoammonium glycyrrhizinate 13). Previously, the assignment of the ammonium group to the C-30 carboxyl of glycyrrhetic acid was made, but the C-NMR spectrum allows us to assign the NaC+ cation to the carboxyl of glucuronic acid.

2.3. Ketal test in structural analysis of apiosides

In the course of the structural analysis of apiozip-glucosides, a qualitative reaction was proposed - a ketal test for the presence of a 2,3-cis-diol group, which makes it possible not only to facilitate the identification of apioses, but also to select isomers with cis-orientation of hydroxyls at Cr and Cs. A solution of licuraside containing apiose, upon addition of acidified acetone, easily forms a ketal, which is more mobile under TLC conditions than the starting material:

C1 O-I n 0-I

COL Citroen, ^U but 6n

2. Technology of complex processing of licorice root

In recent years, licorice processing plants have been abroad, in connection with which the task arose - the creation and implementation of a rational integrated technology for processing licorice root with the development of several medicines connected by a common technological chain shown in Scheme 1.

Scheme 1 - complex processing of licorice root

In most of the known technological methods, it is proposed to obtain either triterpenoids or flavonoids. Therefore, it seemed expedient to search for a technological scheme for the simultaneous preparation of these two groups of compounds. In the course of solving this problem, an extractant was found that made it possible to combine an exhaustive extraction of glycosylated triterpenoids and flavonoids from raw materials, and then it was possible, while removing the native amount of flavonoids, to simultaneously enrich the extract with glycyrrhizic acid.

2.1. Technology for the production of liquiriton The technology of complex processing of licorice allows, in the production of glycyram or a purified extract, to simultaneously obtain a powdered substance of proliquiriton containing about 20% flavonoids (in liquiriton - about 55%). Pharmacological experiments have shown a distinct antiulcer effect of proliquiriton, comparable to the effect of liquiriton in appropriate doses.

Several methods have been tried to obtain liquiritone from proliquiritone.

1) Recrystallization. Proliquiritone is a low-melting, amorphous, water-soluble total product, and recrystallization or precipitation proved completely unsuitable for it.

2) Chromatography. Good results were obtained by chromatography of proliquiriton on polyamide. This method is used in the well-known production of liquiriton, but it includes a separate procedure for the production of polyamide sorbent, which significantly increases the cost of the product. Other sorbents, such as Al03, (S-cyclodextrin and silica gel, were ineffective.

3) Extraction. Extraction of proliquiritone powder with water-miscible solvents (alcohol, acetone, aqueous acetone) was ineffective: alcohol practically does not change the composition of proliquiritone, and the product dissolves very little in acetone. Further, our efforts were focused on the extraction of an aqueous solution of proliquiritone

2.1.1. The choice of extractant in the extraction of proliquiritone. An important point was the selection of the working concentration of proliquiritone in water. The solution was prepared in hot water (about 80°C) immediately before extraction, because when standing even for 1 hour, a resinous precipitate of the target substances begins to precipitate from a solution with a concentration of 1:3 g / ml, and in more dilute solutions, the resin appears immediately. The most stable solutions are proliquiritone 1:1 and 1:2 g/ml.

To extract flavonoids from an aqueous solution of proliquiritone, several solvents were considered: butanol, ethyl acetate, and their aqueous mixtures. Of these, only egyl acetate allows you to reach 56% of the content of flavonoids, and butanol - to approach it.

Force extraction with chloroform or

Fig.7. UV spectra in 50% alcohol.

\ \ U 875 \ 296 316 \

petroleum ether practically does not lead to its purification: less than 1.5% of extractive substances pass into these solvents.

UV spectra (Fig. 7) indicate that the composition of phsol substances during

p of proliquirgon, 2 - Butanol extraction of proliquirton, extraction of proliquiriton named-

3 - Ethylene extract from proliquirtsna,

4 - Extraction with a mixture of butanol-ethyl acetate-water.

mi solvents changes unknown

Significantly, only the ethyl acetate extract showed differences, which was also confirmed by HPLC data.

According to TLC and HPLC, the aqueous solution after 3 extractions with butanol does not contain flavonoids, and after 5 extractions with ethyl acetate, their content is still significant. Therefore, for the concentration of flavonoids, successive extraction with ethyl acetate and butanol, and mixing of dry residues after evaporation of the extracts, is effective. This method can be recommended for production.

2.1.2. Progressive liquid-phase extraction. When working out the extraction stage with butanol in a discrete fractional mode, it was found that the content of flavonoids in the extracts decreases (I - 52%, P - 43%, III - 35%) and, although the mass of extractive substances increases with an increase in the number of extractions, but the extracted concomitant

substances reduce the content of flavonoids in the total extract up to 40%.

table 2

Extraction of an aqueous solution of proyaquiriton_

Proliquiritone Received substance

mass %cond.. Conditions mass%comp.. Output from

tech., g extraction flavone tech., g flavone theory, %

Extoakia butanol. saturated with water (countercurrent)

260.0 17.1 Solution in water 1:2 g/ml, 13 servings

(13*20g) 40 ml each, 9x extraction, drain

lower phase, 13*60 ml butanol

Collected extracts (dry residue):

4 launchers 28.52 59.6 110.9

5 regime 29.24 55.8 75.1

4 stops 7.20 51.9 24.6

Total 13 extracts: 64.96 55.5 71.0

Extraction with ethyl acetate. saturated with water (countercurrent)

84.0 22.4 Solution in water 1:4 g/ml, 12 servings

(12*7g) 27 ml each, 9x extraction, drain

lower phase, 12 * 27 ml of ethyl acetate

Collected in total 12 extracts (dry residue): 9.43 71.0 35.6

4-coate extraction with butanol-ethyl apetate-water

5.0 22.4 Solution in water 50 ml, 4-fold 8.7 57.7 91.6

extraction with a mixture of 4*60 ml

In countercurrent liquid-phase extraction of flavonoids and an aqueous solution of proliquiritone, the use of butanol saturated with water makes it possible to obtain a sufficiently high yield of the product (Table 2) with a flavonoid content of more than 50%. In this method of extraction with butanol, we worked out various methods of countercurrent (draining of the upper or lower phase), the ratio of phases, the multiplicity of extractions.

The process of liquid-phase countercurrent extraction consists of three stages: starting, operating and stopping mode. Extracts and raffinates of all three stages of the process were analyzed. In a semi-continuous countercurrent mode with draining the lower phase, a 5-stage extraction (Scheme 2) on 3 devices with butanol saturated with water is quite effective in the ratio of aqueous solution - extractant 1: 1.5 (Table 2). At the same time, the content of flavonoids in the starting extracts is the highest. It should be noted that in the selected mode of liquid-phase countercurrent extraction with draining the lower phase, the number of extraction stages "n" depends on the number of apparatuses (A): n = 2A-1, i.e. in 5 devices n = 9, and in 3 devices n = 5.

Countercurrent extraction on 3 machines

Eeg a *, © © * g "e-

@ »g 523 zg.

in - extr * gvih

K - extract

N - rafiyug

K - solution of prolikhayark-gov

2E3 (EG) & Ng L4 -

A laboratory setup for countercurrent liquid phase extraction with ethyl acetate saturated with water instead of butanol was also tested (Table 2). The extraction efficiency is halved

(71.0%->35.6%) and the most valuable flavanone biosides remain in the raffinate. Does not increase the efficiency of extraction with ethyl acetate and the addition of 10% ethanol.

2.1.3. Fractional extraction used in the regulations. Thus, ethylacetate, as an extractant, does not allow to achieve the set goal, buganol leads to the desired result, but in the mode of laborious countercurrent liquid-phase extraction, and their mixture gives good results in the production of liquiton. Table 2 Pri-Scheme 3

The results of 4-fold fractional extraction with a mixture of butanol - ethyl acetate - water are given. In these experiments, good results were obtained (yield > 90%), which served as the basis for the regulation. The technological process consists of one stage "obtaining liquiriton", which includes the operations shown in Scheme 3..

Conclusions. Likvriton can be obtained from proliquiton by several methods:

1) chromatography on polyamide,

2) sequential extraction with egyl acetate and butanol, 3) procurrent extraction with butanol saturated with water, 4) extraction with a mixture of buganol-ethyl acetate-water.

The first two methods are very expensive, labor-intensive procurrent liquid-phase extraction with butanol can become competitive in the continuous version. For the production of liquiritone, we have chosen and worked out in the form of regulations a cheaper (in terms of labor costs) and simple in instrumentation version of a four-fold extraction with a mixture of butanol - ethyl acetate - water. In general, the proposed complex technology for processing licorice root allows you to obtain and use all its valuable components in a simple and rational way.

Technological scheme of the production of liquiriton

Shrolikquiriton |-


¡Pure water|-


|Purified water^.

ethyl I

HP-x.1 | dissolution of proliquiriton

TP-1.2 Extraction of flavonoids

Evaporation of the extract

TP-1.41 Drying and 1 | grinding|

[ Ready product liquor

Rice. 8. UV spectra in 95% alcohol.

3. Analytical studies of licorice 3.1. Authenticity of raw materials and flavonoid preparations

UV spectra of proliquiriton and liquiriton differ only in intensity

absorption and can serve as their qualitative characteristic (Fig. 7, 8). The multicomponent composition of these phenolic substances is evidenced by TLC and HPLC chromatograms.

A comparison was made between samples of licorice and licorice

-- - -- - ~ d "" ta; gsh

1 - Likviriton 2 - Likvergshgenin, 3 - GSO licurazid, „<,¡5 методом тсх (рис 9) в 4 - ГСО ликуразид, 5 - ГСО глицираи УФ-свете 366 нм в солодке уральской, наряду с общими для обоих видов пятнами

flavonoids, bright blue fluorescent schgna of complex coumarins and

kumestans with Ig 0.7-0.9. Their presence can serve as a qualitative reaction of authenticity.

With. Ural. Diagnostic! component with. bare is isoflavane glabridin.

Table 3

Values ​​of I, some individual substances

Substance TLC BC

visible light UV 254 DSK No. ON

isoliquiritigenin (4) 0.9 yellow dark orange 0.05 bright yellow.

liquiritigenin (1) 0.8 - violet. yellow 0.28 bright yellow.

ononine (9) 0.6 - violet. -

isoliquiritin (5) 0.5 yellow dark orange

flavanone-bioside (3) 0.5 - violet. yellow 0.60 yellow-green

lmkvirshin (2) 0.5 - violet. yellow 0.50 yellow-green

licuraside (7) 0.4 yellow and dark orange. 0.25 orange

phenylsuccinic acid (I) 0.3 - red 0.90 with DSC red

GSO glycyram (13) 0.1 - blue -

When studying individual substances (Table 3), it was shown that the flavanone and chalcone aglucones C) and (4) are located in the same zone. With diazoreactive (DSC), they stain yellow or orange. It is almost impossible to distinguish between flavanone monoglycosid (2) and bioside (3) on a thin layer, while chalcone

analogs (5) and (I) are yellow in color and are easily distinguished by their size. Isoflavone (9), like flavanones, is a colorless substance and is determined on a chromatogram in UV light at 254 nm. Simultaneously, individual substances were compared by circular chromatography on paper in 3% NaCl solution! - under the conditions of FS 42-242586 "Liquiriton".

Figure 9 shows the differences between the two types of licorice not only in the upper, but also in the middle part of the plate: in Ural licorice, a spot dominates at the level of liquiritin (Dr 0.5), and in common licorice - yellow spot at the level of GSO of licourazide (Kr 0 ,4), which makes it the preferred raw material for obtaining a standard sample.

TLC chromatogram of licorice roots

1 - Ural licorice

2 - naked licorice

3 - GSOlicurazid

4 - GSOglycyram Plates "Silufol UV 254"

chloroform-methanol-water 61:32:7 UV 254 and 3 66 nm, DSC 9

3.2. Methods for the quantitative assessment of glycine rhizic acid in flavonoids TLC analysis of HA a flavonoids. To control the technological process and quantitative measurements, it was proposed to use TLC for silufolegm in the system io-RYUN-25%NiShN (7:3) or ViON-EYUN-1n Sh4ON (6:3:3). Development - in UV light 254 nm; glycyrrhizic acid - a spot with blue fluorescence at the level of GSO glycyram 0.15). Flavocoids are yellow spots in visible light (R 0.5, 0.7). Bands of glycyrrhizic acid and GSO of glycyram are excised, eluted and spectrophotometrically at 252 nm.

A method has been developed for the analysis of flavonoids in raw materials, proliquiriton and liquiriton

direct spectrophotometry using a standard sample of licuraside or quercetin.

HPLC-availization of HA and flavonoids (zocratic mode). For step-by-step control in the complex technology of licorice processing, conditions were selected for the simultaneous HPLC analysis of flavonoids and glycyrrhizic acid in various licorice substances. HPLC analysis conditions are shown in fig. 10 and I, the percentage is determined from the areas of the peaks and is given in table 4.

Table 4

Quantification of Licorice Substances by HPLC

Substance 18 R-PA flavonoids

I. Dry extract of licorice 25-30% 40-50%

2. Enriched licorice extract 45-55% 5-10%

3. Technical glycyrrhizin acid 64-78% 2-3%

4. Glyciram 65-77% -

5. Proliquiriton 3-5% 78-85%

These data make it possible to qualitatively evaluate the dynamics of changes in the content of HA and flavonoids in various substances, and measurements using GSO glycyram make it possible to quantify it. VILAR has developed a method for obtaining GSO glycyram with a purity (HPLC) of at least 97%.

Glycyrrhizic acid belongs to the triterpenoids, but has a rather intense absorption maximum at a wavelength of 252 ni (E | * 140) and is easily dehexated.

Rice. 10. HPLC chromatogram of GSO glycyram

Chromatograph Chromatograph, column 3.9*300mm, Aerogon vvXov, 8 µm, mobile phase MeCM-3%AcOH (35:65), elution rate 1 ml min. UV detector 252 nm.

11 1 1 1 I ■ 1 "" I ■" 1 ■ I ■ 1 ■ ■ I " " 11 1 1

<м 5.|| 10.11 15.я г*.и!

HPLC chromatogram of licorice extract

Chromatograph Du Pont, column 4.6 * 250 mm, Zorbax ODS, 5 µm, mobile phase MeOH-2.5%AcOH (58:42), column temperature 55°C, elution rate 1 ml min. UV detector 252 nm.

tiruyut in the chromatograph in the isocratic mode of elution under the conditions shown in fig. 10 or in fig. eleven.

The standard sample of glycyram has minor impurities and the main peak of 18p-GA is at least 97% (Fig. 10). The substance of the drug glycyram includes up to 15% of 18-elimer (18a-PS) and other HA isomers, so the main peak of 18N-HA is only 70%. Other triterpene preparations of licorice, such as thick, dry and enriched extracts, are analyzed under the same conditions. At the same time, the amount of flavonoids is also determined in the extracts, which is eluted in the very first fractions (Rt less than 6 min) - fig. eleven.

In passing, we note that the TLC method does not allow detecting differences between the substance and the standard of glycyram, which HPLC reveals - both give one spot on a thin layer.

HPLC analysis of flavonoids (linear gradient). The flavonoid preparations proliquiriton and liquiriton, which are multicomponent mixtures, were also studied by HPLC. Their composition was studied by HPLC with a linear solvent gradient during elution (see Fig. 12). Flavonoids have intense absorption in UV light, with flavanones having an absorption maximum at 275 nm (Fig. 12A), and chalcones at 375 nm (Fig. 12B).

Thus, the possibility of using the high-performance liquid chromatography method for the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of licorice root preparations, including their component composition, under the conditions of a reversed-phase process with isocratic and linear-gradient solvent supply has been shown.

3Î5 sh Likvirchtchn "Ss yaas 7 I Mai" ® 1 275 sh jïKieypa zil iiLJLJJL.JHlL___1

i JhtKBHpHWat i.l 1. .11.1. i Lykhura to ma<ж>375 im 1 I ill l

Rice. Fig. 12. HPLC chromatogram of yashviriton Chromatograph Du Pont, column 4.6 * 250 mm, Zorbax ODS, 5 µm, mobile phase - gradient from 20 to 40% MeOH in 1.5% AcOH for 60 min, column temperature 45 °C, speed elution 1 ml/min. UV detector 275 nm (A) and 375 nm (B).

3.3. Methods for the analysis of flavonoids in licorice raw materials

There are no methods for the analysis of flavonoids in licorice raw materials in the domestic regulatory and technical documentation. We have developed a methodology suitable for

Table 5

Specific absorption coefficients

Standard sample Molecular weight E)* at wavelengths, nm

GSO Likurazid 550 115 200 200 600

GSO quercetin 302 380 260 260 780

Liquiritin 418 320 160 160 -

Likviritigenin 256 430 170 170 -

for the analysis of glycyrrhizic acid and flavonoids, and it was shown that the completeness of extraction is achieved with a single extraction of raw materials with 50% alcohol in a ratio of 1:100. The choice of a standard sample is of fundamental importance.

For this purpose, we tested a number of compounds, the characteristics of which are given in Table 5 and Figure 8.

Considering the possible unification of methods for the analysis of flavonoids in raw materials, extracts and substances (see Table 6), then the choice of flavanones (liquiritigeyush, liquirigin) as a standard is not advisable (although they have an absorption maximum at 275 nm, like the substances of flavonoids), t .To. the absorption of glycyrrhizic acid makes a significant contribution to this part of the UV spectra of extracts of raw materials (see Fig. 8). It does not affect the absorption at 295 and 315 nm, so it is possible to use both GSO quercetin (315 nm) and licurazide (295 and 375 nm).

Table 6

Substance Content of shavonoids, %

quercetin licurazide liquirigin liquiritigenin

Prolshvirigon Likviriton Dry extract Raw licorice 21.4 53.8 18.7 5.7 22.0 58.9 20.0 6.0 25.5 64.5 23.6 6.5 19.0 48.0 17.6 5.5

Licurazid standard is not readily available, its solutions are unstable and are used in the analysis of liquiriton only for a one-time construction of a calibration graph. On the contrary, GSO quercetin is readily available, cheap, widely used for standardization of medicinal plant raw materials and preparations, its solutions are stable.

We have carried out all the necessary experiments using GSO quercetin. According to this method, one sample of raw licorice was analyzed in 9 independent repetitions. The results of statistical processing of the conducted experiments are presented

Table 7

Metrological characteristics of the technique

f X,% S P,% DC E, %

9 5.5 0.17 95 2.31 ±0.35 ±7.3

in table 7, from which it can be seen that the error of a single determination of the method was ± 7.3%.

The absence of a systematic error was proved by experiments with the addition of GSO quercetin to a sample of raw materials and to the extract. According to the proposed method for the quantitative determination of flavonoids, an analysis of a number of samples of licorice root was carried out, in which the content of flavonoids ranged from 4.6 to 6.7% (see Table 6). The data obtained were used in the study of raw materials during storage.

For the analysis of flavonoids in the substances of proliquiriton and liquiriton, the method of direct spectrophotometry was also used using the GSO of quercetin or licourazide.

1. A comprehensive technology for processing licorice root has been developed.

2. A new methodological approach to the development of technology is proposed, taking into account the chemical composition of the studied medicinal plant material. Based on this approach, further scientific developments in the field of production of medicines from plants are possible.

3. 14 compounds were isolated from licorice root and phenolic preparations and their structural identification was carried out. The isolated compounds are classified as flavanones, chalcones, haoflavones, other phenolic substances and trigerpenoids.

4. Were identified: liquiritigenin, liquiritin, flavanone-bioside, isoliquiritigenin, isoliquiritin, isoglabroside, licurazid, formononetin, ononin, desmethylgentisin, phenylsuccinic acid, glycyrrhizic acid and its derivatives - glycyrrhetic acid and glycyram.

To establish the structure of the isolated substances, chemical transformations (acetylation, acidic and enzymatic hydrolysis) and data from UV, IR, "H-NMR", "C-NMR", mass spectra, TLC and HPLC were used. A new qualitative reaction has been proposed - a ketal test for the structural analysis of glycosides containing apiose.

5. Modern methods have been developed for the qualitative and quantitative determination of flavonoids and glycyrrhizic acid using standard samples of glycyram, licurazide, liquiritin and quercetin - for the chemical standardization of licorice raw materials and liquirigon and proliquirigon preparations.

6. Specifications for proliquiritone have been developed.

7. As part of the development of an integrated technology for the processing of licorice root and the simultaneous production of trnherpene and flavonoid preparations, a technology for the production of liquiriton from proliquiriton was proposed.

8. To optimize the technology and extraction parameters, an extra agent was selected that allows to combine the complete and targeted extraction of flavonoids, and the choice of a technical solution for the liquid-phase extraction stage was made.

9. A pilot industrial regulation for the production of liquiritone has been developed and the general technological documentation for the complex processing of licorice root has been corrected.

1. Licorice: problems of rational use of raw materials. / V.A. Bykov, G.G. Zapesochnaya, VAKurkin, E.V. Avdeeva, N. SDybulko, N. E. Bibikova. H Scientific-practical conference "Modern state and prospects of scientific research in the field of pharmacy". Report abstracts, Samara, 1996, pp. 113-114.

2. Pharmacognostic monitoring is the basis for quality control of raw materials and phytopreparations. / V.A. Bykov, G.G. Zapesochnaya, V.A. Kurkin, E.V. Avdeeva, N.E. Bibikova. // V Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine". Abstracts of reports, Moscow, 1998. C.64S-646.

3. HPLC in the analysis of raw materials and preparations of licorice - Glycyrrhiza L. / GG Zapesochnaya, VAKurkin, SAPineev, N.E. Bibikova, A.B. Lapin // Scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of pharmacy". Report abstracts, Samara, 1999, pp. 80-85.

Useful properties and contraindications of licorice were known in ancient times. Galen, Dioscorides, Hippocrates mentioned it in their treatises. Also, the plant was and remains popular in the East. Tibetans use it not only for coughs, but also as a powerful antidote. In addition, the root is credited with the properties of rejuvenating the body, cleansing toxins. In China, it is called the root of "blooming appearance" and longevity. It is as valuable in the East as the famous ginseng. Also, grass is used in the confectionery industry as a natural sweetener, which is 50 times sweeter than sugar.

Features of a medicinal plant

What is licorice? This is a perennial herbaceous plant with a powerful root. In nature, there are about 20 species of this herb. Which of them are medicines? What diseases are they prescribed for? What are the contraindications of licorice root?

Licorice, or licorice. Ural licorice.
Licorice Korzhinsky.


In folk medicine, several types of licorice are known. But still, licorice is most valued for its healing properties. It is this type and its use that is described in most herbalists, encyclopedias of medicinal herbs. It is licorice that is most often used in pharmacology and scientific medicine.

On the territory of Russia, 7 species of this medicinal plant are common.

Licorice area naked

Licorice grass loves the steppe, semi-desert and desert zone. But also found in valleys and floodplains. The most populated range of licorice grass is Central Asia, southern Russia, the Caucasus, Crimea, the coasts of the Azov and Black Seas. Grass is grown industrially in Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Turkmenistan, China, and Iran.


How is licorice root harvested? Roots and rhizomes have healing properties. They are dug in March or September-October. The roots must be cleared of the earth and young shoots. Dry in the fresh air under awnings or in electric dryers. The dried root becomes brittle and breaks when bent. The healing properties of licorice root last 10 years. It is only important to observe the storage conditions of raw materials, to prevent the root from moistening. Liquorice is prepared industrially - pressed sticks, which consist of evaporated licorice juice.

healing action

What are the health benefits of licorice?

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Emollient.
  • Expectorant.
  • Diuretic.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Detoxification.
  • Laxative.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Painkiller.
  • Wound healing.
  • Antitumor.
  • Antiviral.
  • Anti-aging.
  • Antioxidant.

In the composition of licorice:

  • glycyrrhizin (very sweet substance);
  • sterols;
  • many flavonoids;
  • bitterness;
  • saponins;
  • Sahara;
  • starch;
  • pigments;
  • proteins;
  • essential oil;
  • vitamin C;
  • tannins.


Under what diagnoses and symptoms is the use of licorice most effective?

  • Licorice for cough. The herb is famous for its expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is often prescribed for influenza, SARS, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis. It is also prescribed for allergic, asthmatic coughs, if there is no allergy to licorice. The medicine is drunk with a dry cough to thin the sputum. With successful treatment, after a few days, the cough turns into a wet (wet).
  • Digestion. It acts as an enveloping, choleretic agent, relieves inflammation in diseases of the stomach, liver, gallbladder. Helps with constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • Metabolism. Licorice root normalizes metabolic processes in the body, thyroid function, improves water-salt metabolism. Decoctions are taken for diabetes mellitus (under the supervision of a doctor!), insufficiency of the adrenal cortex.
  • Vascular diseases. Positive feedback about licorice root in diseases of the cardiovascular system. The herb increases the elasticity of blood vessels, is indicated for violations of lipid metabolism, high cholesterol and other symptoms of atherosclerosis.
  • Detoxifier. Used for poisoning (food, chemical), alcohol intoxication. Grass helps to remove toxins from the body. Licorice in combination with sorbents cleans the lymph. This procedure helps to strengthen the immune system, normalize blood pressure, improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • Antiviral agent. Studies have been conducted on the antiviral properties of licorice. The herb has been found to stimulate the natural production of interferon in the body. It is useful to take it for ARVI, influenza, herpes infection. Successfully carried out the treatment of licorice root of AIDS patients.
  • urinary system. Licorice root helps with inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, prostate adenoma, promotes the excretion of urine during urinary retention.
  • Outdoor use. Lotions are made from the root for eczema, ulcers, wounds, psoriasis, lichen, various tumors, inflammation of the eyes. Licorice also relieves pain in neuralgia, rheumatism, arthritis.

Licorice is a natural antidepressant and general tonic, tonic medicine. It is useful to drink it with physical fatigue, mental stress, bad mood.

Licorice contraindications: hypertension; heart failure; cardiac edema; arrhythmia; chronic inflammation of the liver, cirrhosis; lack of potassium in the body; plant allergy. In case of an overdose, side effects are possible: water retention in the tissues, swelling of the face, arms and legs; increased excretion of potassium and sodium retention; increase in blood pressure. It is advisable not to use licorice along with diuretics that remove potassium.

The use of licorice in scientific and folk medicine

The widespread use of licorice root in pharmacology and traditional medicine is explained by the high content of glycyrrhizin and 27 types of flavonoids in the plant. Licorice is used to prepare various medicines, it is added to chest, stomach, antispasmodic, laxative preparations. Dry and liquid extracts, juice, powder, syrup are prepared from it. At home, decoctions, infusions, and alcohol tinctures are prepared from licorice. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you can chew pieces of the root.

Pharmacy preparations

  • syrup. The most popular dosage form. It is an effective and affordable cough medicine. It is often given to children. Indications for use - all types of bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, asthmatic cough. It can also be drunk with inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. Read more about our other article.
  • Licorice root extract tablets. The most well-known commercial name is "Glycyram". The drug belongs to the pharmacological group of expectorant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, laxative action. "Glyciram" is often prescribed for asthma, allergic dermatitis, dermatosis, dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, asthenic syndrome. The medicine is taken in the following dosage: 1-2 tablets no more than 4 times a day; enhanced dose - 2 tablets 6 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 6 weeks. Children under 12 years of age the drug is contraindicated.
  • Thick extract. Sold in plastic bags from 10 to 50 kg, in cans - 1 and 2 kg. The extract, in addition to expectorant and antispasmodic properties, has antimicrobial and antiviral effects. Its effectiveness has been proven in staphylococcal infections. What is the method of application? The extract is diluted in water according to the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • Vegetable raw materials. In the pharmacy, you can buy dry herbal raw materials of licorice in the form of dried and crushed roots and rhizomes, tea in filter bags, powder.


A decoction of licorice can be prepared separately or in the collection of herbs.

Preparing a pure decoction

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil 3 minutes.
  4. Insist 2 hours.

Take in filtered form, 1 tbsp. l. before meals 3 times a day. With a strong cough, you can take a decoction 5 times a day.

Breastfeeding preparation

  1. Take 10 g of plantain leaves, Icelandic moss, wild rose.
  2. Add 20 g of licorice.
  3. Mix and take 1 tsp. mixtures of herbs.

The cooled collection is taken 1/4 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Preparation of gastric collection

  1. Take 20 g of chamomile and licorice.
  2. Add 5 g of herb mint, lemon balm, centaury.
  3. Mix and take 1 tsp. collection.
  4. Pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.

Take ½ cup 3 times a day before meals.


There are also recipes in which a decoction is made from powder. For coughs and diseases of the stomach, the powder is taken in dry form, ½ teaspoon, washed down with water. It is useful to mix the powder with honey for colds.

Preparation of a complex cough powder

  1. Take 20 parts of senna and licorice each.
  2. Add 10 parts of dill and purified sulfur (you can buy it at a pharmacy).
  3. Add 40 pieces of sugar.
  4. Stir.

The dry mixture is taken in 1 tsp. 3 times a day. A mixture of sulfur and licorice is also prescribed for enterobiasis (pinworms), as a laxative, antiseptic for skin treatment for seborrhea, scabies, psoriasis.



  1. Take 1 piece of raw material.
  2. Pour 5 parts of 70% alcohol.
  3. Insist 14 days.
  4. Strain.

Take 25 drops 2 times a day, diluted in water.

Features of application in gynecology

Thanks to phytoestrogens, the herb is valued in gynecology. It is prescribed for hormonal failure caused by a decrease in estrogen. Also, the root acts as an antispasmodic with severe PMS, menopause. The root helps to restore the menstrual cycle, reduces the level of male hormones (androgens), which cause functional disorders. Despite its usefulness, licorice is strictly contraindicated for oral use during pregnancy. This is due to the following factors:

  • violation of the water-salt balance and increased toxicosis;
  • risk of swelling, especially in the last trimester;
  • hormonal activity of the herb, which can provoke a miscarriage.

Features of application in cosmetology

Licorice is valued in cosmetology for its antioxidant, whitening, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory properties. How is licorice used?

Licorice can bring both benefit and harm to the body. Decoctions are not recommended to take more than 1 month, and tincture - more than 10 days. With prolonged use, potassium is washed out of the body.

Licorice root is the first choice medicinal plant for inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract. It is the best expectorant for dry cough. In addition, licorice is prescribed for gastritis and stomach ulcers, constipation, poisoning, endocrine system disorders, chronic fatigue, and gynecology. Licorice root is widely used in cosmetology.

In medicine, licorice root is very often used. It has an expectorant, enveloping effect.

In addition, licorice is used as a laxative.

Traditional medicine notes that this plant can not only treat diseases, but also prevent their occurrence, especially in a weakened body.

The composition and properties of licorice

Licorice in its composition contains substances that are similar in structure to the action of steroid hormones, which have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It is these hormones that help the body prevent various pathogenic bacteria from entering it.

The most valuable medicinal qualities of licorice can be called anti-inflammatory. Licorice helps the body to absorb other drugs, and also activates their effect. As a result of all this, the therapeutic effect is greatly enhanced.

Indo-Tibetan medicine uses not only the anti-inflammatory properties of licorice, but also antitumor. Recent studies have made it possible to say that licorice should be used in the treatment of malignant tumors.

It is also important that licorice has anti-allergic, antimicrobial, and antispasmodic effects. It effectively copes with diseases of the duodenum, stomach. Licorice will help to recover from allergic dermatitis, neoplasms, fatigue (this plant has a stimulating effect on the body).

A number of biologically active substances have been isolated from licorice, which reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, and also contribute to the dissolution of cholesterol plaques that occur in blood vessels.

Licorice in folk medicine

A decoction of licorice root, which is taken orally, will help cleanse the kidneys and calm the nerves. In addition, it is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, anemia, chronic fevers. A decoction of licorice root perfectly copes with thirst. If you prepare a gruel from licorice leaves, then this remedy will help with sweating feet. Also, licorice was called a means that preserves beauty and prolongs youth.

Licorice Root Recipes

Licorice Root Elixir. For its preparation, finely chopped licorice root is taken and 0.25% ammonia solution is added to it. It turns out a thick mass, its color is brown.

Breast Elixir. The composition of this elixir includes: 60 parts of licorice root extract, 49 parts of alcohol, 10 parts of ammonia solution, 1 part of anise oil and 180 parts of water. This remedy is useful as an expectorant. You need to take it 20-40 drops 2-3 times a day.

Syrup from licorice root. In order to prepare it, you need to take 4 g of a thick extract of licorice root, mix with 86 g of sugar syrup, and then add 10 g of alcohol to the resulting mixture. Syrup is used as an emollient, expectorant or anti-inflammatory agent.

Decoction of licorice root. 10 g of root (this is about 1 tablespoon) should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water, closed with a lid, then placed in a water bath and heated for 20 minutes. Then insist 1-2 hours, filter, squeeze. Then you should add another 1 glass of water to the resulting volume. Take this remedy should be 1 tbsp. 4-5 times a day. This decoction is good for chronic constipation. The decoction can also be used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, poisoning and arthritis.

Licorice root juice is useful for stomach ulcers and gastritis. It is prepared like this: you need to take 1 g of licorice root juice and dilute it with 100 ml of hot water. The resulting solution should be taken in 2-3 doses.

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