Melanin in the human body: what is it and how to restore it. How to increase melanin in the body What foods are rich in melanin

Melanin is a natural pigment present in the human body. Its key task is to color hair, skin, eyes. The protective function of the substance also plays an important role: with its deficiency, a person often burns under the sun's rays, pigment spots form on his skin. Therefore, a logical question arises related to the increase in the content of this element in the body. It turns out that you can take melanin in food.

As already mentioned, the main functionality is to protect the epidermis layer from the negative effects of UV rays. Due to the pigment, part of the carcinogens is absorbed, which prevents the skin from burning and gaining a perfectly even tan. Part of the rays forms heat, and the remaining part takes part in photochemical reactions. As a result, the cells do not degenerate into malignant neoplasms, and the total number of radionuclides decreases. The accumulation of pigment occurs near the cell nucleus, which provides protection for the genetic material.

In addition, melanin has a large number of other functions and capabilities:

  • providing neutralization of free type radicals;
  • contributing to the acceleration of biochemical processes and reactions;
  • elimination of the influence of stress factors;
  • stabilization of immune function;
  • maintaining the ideal functioning of the thyroid gland and liver;
  • production of the substance responsible for the color of hair and eyes.

Over time, with age, the amount of pigment in the body decreases. As a result, a person has spots on the skin, gray hair is formed. To look beautiful even in old age, you need to provide yourself with a harmonious and balanced diet, which includes a complex of useful products that increase melanin production.

The synthesis of this natural element is normalized by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes walking in the fresh air, staying in the sun for the optimal amount of time per day, trips to the sea, and moderate physical activity. Often, doctors who have discovered a decrease in pigment production prescribe to patients the intake of food supplements that stimulate the production of a substance, as well as special synthetic complexes.

What foods contain melanin, food table

There is a certain list of products that lead to an increase in the production of melanin, or they already contain this substance in large quantities. They are presented in a tabular summary.

Product category Specific items General properties
Animal Products Beef, dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk), seafood (mussels, oysters, clams, lean fish, seaweed), turkey, offal (liver, kidneys) In addition to melanin, they contain copper and protein, which are needed to produce the pigment in question, the substances give the skin more elasticity.
Grains, legumes, greens Sesame, pumpkin seeds, beans (soybeans, beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas), cereals and any kind of cereals (mainly buckwheat, oatmeal, rolled oats), lettuce, spinach, celery, dill, parsley, green onions The products on this list are rich in vitamins A, E, B, which contributes to the significant absorption of other beneficial components obtained directly from food.
Orange fruits, vegetables Pumpkin, carrot, apricot, melon, peach, persimmon, tangerine, orange They contain a large amount of carotene, which gives the fruits of these plant crops a rich shade, and also increases the amount of melanin produced and the efficiency of the process.
Other source groups These are nuts (peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts), some fruits (bananas, avocados, coconuts), vegetables (cabbage, beets), leafy crops with dark shades All of them provide an increase in the process of melanin production, but this happens to a lesser extent in comparison with the previous listed groups.

Thus, based on the data in the table, we can conclude that the most active types of food that enhance the production of this substance are orange fruits and vegetables, legumes and grains, and many types of animal foods. To delay the formation of gray hair and the appearance of unattractive dark spots on the skin, you need to consume them in large quantities.

It is important to know! Do not forget about the principle of balanced nutrition, because the need for increased production of melanin does not mean at all that you need to exclude all other types of food and lean only on this food.

What foods reduce melanin production

In contrast to product lines that increase melanin production, there are several groups that, on the contrary, reduce it. If you want to get a perfectly even, attractive tan, it is better to avoid using them on the beach and before going out for a sunbathing session. Here are the main representatives of this group:

The level of this substance is influenced by genetic factors. However, by consuming certain foods, you can slow down some of the processes in your body, preserving not only the original beauty, but also good health.

Melanin is a natural pigment that gives human hair, skin and iris their unique and natural color.

Melanin is produced by pigment cells in the skin called melanocytes.

The main function of melanin produced by the human body is to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Products containing melanin-replenishing substances and micronutrients include animal foods, cereals, nuts, vegetables and fruits.

Melanin in the human body is produced in response to the action of the sun's harsh ultraviolet radiation, while protecting the skin by converting the radiation into normal heat.

The amount of melanin in the body determines the skin's ability to resist a range of conditions, including pigmentation, sun damage, and melanoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer.

The more melanin produced by the body, the better the body is protected from harmful UV rays.

Sunlight also makes the vitaminD, which protects the skin from free radical damage and maintains its natural moisture.

The ability of the body to produce melanin depends on:

  • human nutrition;
  • environmental ecology;
  • genetic factors;
  • the age of a person - the older a person gets, the less melanin the body produces.

There are many ways to increase the production of melanin in the human body, associated with eating certain foods, eliminating the effects of toxins, and taking vitamin supplements.

Vegetables and fruits

Vitamins A, B, C, E, D, beta-carotenes and minerals play an important role in the production of melanin in the human body. They also support healthy skin tone by protecting and repairing skin cells after sun damage.

Carrot. This vegetable is rich in yellow-orange pigment beta-carotene (provitamin A), which belongs to the group of carotenoids that naturally change skin color.

Studies show that daily consumption of a few extra servings of fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene can cause increased skin pigmentation.

However, consuming too many carrots can cause carotenemia (an excess concentration of carotenoids in the blood), which changes skin color excessively.

Cabbage is also very useful when it comes to a healthy tan. It contains a huge amount of vitamin A, which prevents skin diseases and helps to moisturize it. Cabbage also contains a large amount of vitamin K, which enhances tanning. The vitamin C found in cabbage helps repair skin damage caused by sunburn.

Sweet peppers contain a significant amount of beta-carotene, which, as mentioned earlier, helps to give the skin a beautiful tan.

By adding pepper to your diet, you can make your skin healthy and shiny.

Sweet potatoes (yams) are high in beta-carotene, which also gives the skin a natural and warm summer tan.

Lemon is rich in micronutrients, vitamin C and contains high levels of vitamin A, helping the body's immune system.

Melon. This sweet fruit is also rich in beta-carotene, which positively changes skin tone to a natural, warm color.

Guava is one of the few fruits that contains high levels of the carotenoid pigment lycopene, which acts as a natural sunscreen. This protein gives the skin a higher level of elasticity, coping with its wrinkles.

Peaches are rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and alpha-hydroxy acid, which give the skin a rejuvenating effect.

It not only gives the skin a warmer tone, but also combats UV damage and visible signs of skin aging.

Pineapple, apricot and papaya. These tropical fruits contain high levels of vitamin A and C, which give the skin a youthful glow. It is advisable to eat them more often.

Brewer's yeast contains vitamins B and D, as well as minerals important for the body. Yeast increases blood circulation, providing skin cells with nutrients for better melanin production.

Brewer's yeast is produced in powder form and can be used to make drinks or cocktails. In addition, yeast in the form of flakes can be sprinkled on any food.

Iron-rich foods are also important in melanin production.

Often women have a lack of iron in the body due to menstrual cycles. In this case, it is recommended to pay more attention to products containing iron.

Dark green vegetables are excellent sources of iron, particularly spinach and kale. Bananas, tomatoes, beans and peas of all kinds are also high in iron.

Fruits that help the body produce melanin and give her a natural tan also include mangoes, avocados, and pomegranates. The best way to get the nutrients from these foods is to consume them in the form of drinks. In this case, nutrients enter the bloodstream directly and are better distributed throughout the body without lingering in the digestive system.

You can familiarize yourself with the functions of melanin in the human body.

Food of animal origin

One of the best ways to increase melanin production in the human body is to consume enough animal proteins.

Eating animal meat and chicken eggs helps the body produce melanin in the required quantities.

Dairy products, including milk, cottage cheese and cream cheese, contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which improve the appearance of the skin, reducing its flaking when sunburned.

Seafood is also a great way to boost melanin production. Fatty fish and shellfish not only contain a lot of protein, they are also rich in copper and iodine - a lack of these substances in the body is known to slow down the production of melanin.

Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which make skin silky smooth and provide healthy hydration while reducing redness, acne and any skin inflammation.

You can also add antioxidant-rich green tea to animal foods, which cleanses skin cells of toxins.

Grains and nuts

Nuts and cereal seeds have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, helping to reduce redness of the skin and the formation of acne.

Raw almonds are especially good for the skin, as they contain magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E and, in addition to their main benefits, help reduce stress hormones.

These hormones often slow down the production of melanin, resulting in gray hair.

The brazil nut is useful in cases where the skin lacks elasticity and strength, which may be due to sun damage. A handful of these nuts can provide enough selenium, a powerful antioxidant that reduces signs of skin damage.

Vegetable oils, including soybean, olive, corn and wheat germ oils, contain vitamin E, which protects cell membranes as an antioxidant.

Additional sources

If for some reason it is difficult to get the recommended amount of vitamins from regular food before sunbathing, you can take nutritional supplements containing vitamins A, B, E and D in their composition.

If vitamins are taken in the form of supplements, you need to make sure that the body receives enough omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to help them fully absorb.

Foods containing these fatty acids include bread, fruit juices, and dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate is especially useful because it contains not only a large amount of antioxidants, but also flavonoids, which moisturize the skin and make it healthier and softer.


In addition to these ways to increase melanin production and keep the skin beautiful and healthy, it is important to avoid the harmful effects of toxins and pollutants on the skin.

Toxins not only affect the appearance of the skin, but also prematurely slow down the production of melanin in the human body.

Living in a densely populated area, it is difficult to avoid collisions with pollution.

However, in this case, it is possible to ensure that the body receives the maximum amount of products in the usual diet that increase the level of melanin.

A gradual slowdown in melanin production occurs with age, but by following simple tips, you can reduce the speed of this process and enjoy beautiful, healthy and tanned skin for a long time.

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Melanin is a pigment that fills the human body. It is found in the iris of the eyes, hair and skin. Melanin protects the body from ultraviolet rays, viruses and radioactive radiation. It also helps to get an amazing tan.

If there is a tendency to permanent burns, bad tanning and the skin is extremely sensitive, then this indicates that the body has a low level of melanin. It decreases with age, which causes gray hair and white spots on the skin. In order to understand how to increase the level of melanin, it is important, first of all, to know where it is located.

What foods contain melanin?

For starters, you should pay attention to your . First of all, alcohol, fried and smoked foods should be excluded. Also, you can not use products that include various additives such as dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers and others.

Thinking about what foods contain melanin, it is worth noting that its formation in the body occurs through the interaction of two amino acids: tryptophan and tyrosine. From this we obtain that, as such, products containing melanin do not exist. But in order to activate the production of this pigment, you should eat those foods that have these amino acids in their composition.

It is very important that the menu is balanced, as the body requires various vitamins and minerals. Be sure to include colorful fruits and vegetables, dairy and seafood in the daily diet.

Tyrosine is found in animal products: meat, fish, pork and beef liver. This amino acid is also found in plant foods such as almonds, beans, grapes and avocados. Tryptophan is less common. Its sources are nuts, dates and brown rice.

In addition, the combination of both acids is in bananas and peanuts.

Without the participation of vitamins A, B10, C, E, carotene, the production of melanin is impossible. There are these vitamins in cereals, cereals, greens and legumes. Sources of carotene are mainly orange fruits and, for example, peaches, apricots, pumpkins, melons, oranges, carrots.

Also, do not forget about daily walks in the fresh air, especially in sunny weather. Since the sun's rays favorably affect the production of melanin, it will be very useful to sunbathe in the early hours of the day in summer.

Melanin is a pigment that determines the color of plant and animal tissues. It is found in many foods such as meat, cheese, fish, liver, bananas, avocados, and many more. Melanin contributes to the rapid tanning of human skin, and also protects it from excessive solar radiation.

Melanin is natural dark pigment, which contains and determines the color of the retina of the eye, skin, hair, tissue, wool and many other plant and animal tissues. Thus, melanin exists in the cells of every person. It is able to be absorbed in the body with the help of various foods. Melanin is synthesized using two amino acids such as tyrosine and tryptophan. In cases where the amount of foods containing amino acids is increased in the diet, melanin will be formed more intensively.

Contained melanin in foods Amino acid-rich foods such as tyrosine are found in animal foods such as meat, liver, fish, and plant foods such as almonds, avocados, and beans. Tryptophan is found in dates and brown rice. Both amino acids are found in peanuts and bananas.

Melanin in products is able to be absorbed and produced in the human body. Exist foods that hinder the effectiveness of this process. These foods include coffee, tea, chocolate, fatty and smoked foods. There are also foods that slow down the production of melanin. These include foods rich in vitamin C, more specifically its excess. For example, vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, currants, onions and many others.

What is the use of melanin? The first feature of melanin is the ability to absorb ultraviolet rays, while it protects skin tissue from sun damage. This process contributes to the tanning of human skin. The second feature of melanin is the assimilation of ultraviolet radiation to ensure vital activity. Also, this pigment is a fairly strong antioxidant.

Why melanin is useful is being studied by many scientists, as a result of which melanin is widespread in the food and perfume industries. So, for example, it is used for the manufacture of sunscreens, for foodstuffs, which helps to increase their shelf life. Melanin also normalizes the intestinal microflora, is an active antidote for food poisoning, is used to prevent and treat liver diseases, of unknown etiology, neurological and oncological diseases.

Melanin is an important pigment that protects the skin from harmful effects. The body produces this pigment on its own, but some foods improve its production. What foods contain melanin and how to make up for its deficiency?

Melanin in its pure form is not found in food. It is independently produced by the body, and it is impossible to meet it in nature. In order to understand how to increase or, conversely, reduce the production of melanin, it is necessary to understand the process of its production.

If a person stays in the sun, the DNA of his skin damages the ultraviolet. To reduce the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, melanin enters into the reaction. The pigment has the ability to dissipate heat in the skin, which reduces its damage.

In order for melanin to be produced, the amino acid tyrosine is needed. Unlike melanin, many foods are rich in it. Using them, you can speed up the production of pigment.

What foods contain tyrosine?

Some foods contain a high percentage of tyrosine. These include eggs, soy and cheese.

How to increase the production of melanin in the skin?

In order for the body to produce melanin, it is worth including animal products in the diet. They contain a large number of nutrients that enhance the production of pigment. Copper and elastin are needed to produce melanin. You can get these elements by eating organ meats, oysters, cheese and milk.

Promotes the production of melanin soy. It contains a large amount of tyrosine, which is necessary for the production of pigment. Lots of tyrosine in pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and lima beans.

It is good to eat nuts, bananas, chocolate and grains. Eating products containing melanin does not guarantee that your skin will get a tan. The body independently regulates the production of pigment. You should not hope that a change in diet will make the skin darker or, on the contrary, lighter.

You can get the elements that are important for pigment production from food. However, in some cases it is recommended to take nutritional supplements. For people on a diet, recommends visiting a specialist who can help you choose the best option for replenishing nutrients. In no case should you independently prescribe certain drugs to yourself - this can only aggravate the disease.

The eye is also involved in the formation of a tan, but not everyone knows about the other functions of this pigment substance and the mechanisms of its production. This amorphous pigment is produced by special cells - melanocytes - and not only plays the role of a living, natural paint, but also protects our body.

The process of melanin formation in humans is closely related to the functioning of many endocrine glands. Scientists have found that melanin synthesis is controlled by hormones synthesized in the pituitary gland with the participation of the thyroid gland, sex and steroid hormones. That is why during pregnancy or with hormonal disorders, pigmentation disorders of the skin and hair are often observed. In our article, we will introduce you to the properties of melanin and ways to normalize its level in the body.

Melanin: what is it and where is it located?

Melanin (from the Greek word melanos - black) is a pigment substance, which is an amorphous suspension of various polymeric compounds that color the tissues of animals, microorganisms, plants and fungi.

There are several types of melanins:

  • eumelanins (or DOPA-melanins) - black and brown;
  • pheomelanins - yellow;
  • neuromelanins.

Not all of the melanins are able to affect the human body, some of them are ballast substances. Only DOPA-melanins (black and brown) are widely used by the human body.

The composition of melanin includes such substances:

  • carbon;
  • nitrogen;
  • hydrogen;
  • sulfur (sometimes) and other substances.

The amino acid composition of melanins has not yet been sufficiently studied. It is known that the composition of this pigment includes:

  • arginine;
  • tyrosine;
  • tryptophan;
  • cystine;
  • histidine;
  • methionine, etc.

DOPA-melanins do not dissolve in water, organic solvents and acids, but many of them are sensitive to alkalis. We can observe such a reaction when an alkaline solution is applied to the hair.

Melanin accumulates in the epidermis in special skin cells, melanocytes. These round-shaped cells have long processes and look like starfish. They are located under a layer of keratinocytes and there are about 1200 such cells per 1 cm2 of skin. Each melanocyte is connected to keratinocytes by bridging desmosomes. Thus, a functional unit is created that ensures the supply of melanin from melanocytes to the upper layers of the skin, the iris of the eye or the cortical layer of the hair. The pigment enters from the holes of the melanocyte into keratinocytes by phagocytosis, binds there with proteins and determines the color of the skin. Each such epidermal-melanin unit consists of about 40 keratinocytes and one melanocyte.

It is the level of melanin in the tissues of the skin, hair and iris that determines their color. In Europeans, the upper layer of the skin contains only single granules with this natural pigment, while in people of the Negroid race, the epidermis is completely filled with this substance.

Hair color is regulated by the level of melanin in the cortex. Dark pigments can penetrate even into the core of the hair and give it a dark shade, while fair-haired people have fewer granules with such a pigment, they are located more superficially and smaller in size. Sometimes the melanin contained in the hair is non-granular (diffuse), and in such cases, the person will have a reddish tint to the hairline.

Eye color also depends on the depth and level of this natural pigment. If melanin is present only in the fourth and fifth layers, then the person will have blue or blue eyes. When the pigment is located in the anterior layers of the iris, brown or yellow-brown eyes are observed, and with an uneven distribution of melanin in the anterior layers, gray or green.

Some people have such a hereditary disorder of melanin synthesis as albinism. In them, this pigment is either produced in small quantities, or not processed at all. Such people, in addition to significant changes in appearance (almost white eyes and hair, colorless white skin, red eyes, etc.), often suffer from problems with hearing, vision and differ from ordinary people in significantly weakened immunity.

With an excess of melanin, a person develops melanosis, which can be:

  • physiological - observed in those organs where melanin should be present (skin, hair, meninges, eyes);
  • pathological - observed in those organs where melanin is not normally found (intestines, mucous membranes, esophagus).

How is melanin synthesized?

The synthesis of this pigment is extremely complex, depends on the interaction of many factors and is regulated by the action of melanocyte-stimulating hormones (α-MSH, β-MSH and γ-MSH) produced by the pituitary gland. Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone has the most pronounced effect on the formation of melanin.

Pigment synthesis occurs in melanocyte organelles - melanosomes. It begins with the oxidation of tyrosine (an amino acid). As a result of this reaction, such a precursor of adrenaline as the amino acid dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) is formed. Subsequently, the molecules of this amino acid are oxidized and, after a series of reactions, are converted into melanin.

The pigment accumulates in the cells of the epidermis, and its quantity determines the shade of the skin, the color of the eyes and hair. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, a greater amount of this pigment is synthesized in the lower layers of the skin, and it is covered with a tan.

Functions of melanin

The level of melanin in the skin determines its color.

The main function of melanin in the human body is its ability to protect the tissues of our body from exposure to ultraviolet rays and other aggressive carcinogenic factors. This pigment shields and absorbs excess rays. One part of them is transformed into heat, and the other part is spent on photochemical reactions. This function of melanin prevents malignant transformation of cells under the influence of ultraviolet rays and ionizing radiation and reduces the accumulation of radionuclides in the body.

An interesting fact is that the pigment accumulates in the cell near its nucleus and thus provides protection for the genetic information stored in it.

In addition, melanin and its precursors are capable of:

  • neutralize free radicals;
  • eliminate any stressful effects that disrupt cellular balance and the state of immunity;
  • accelerate many biochemical processes;
  • perform a transport function (only water-soluble forms of melanin);
  • have an adaptogenic effect;
  • reduce dystrophic-destructive processes in the thyroid gland, liver, hypothalamus and adrenal glands.

Summarizing all the above properties of melanin, we can draw the following conclusion - this natural pigment is a universal protector that protects the cells of our body from the effects of chemical and physical carcinogenic and mutagenic factors. The versatility of melanin has been proven by scientists from various countries and confirms the data that this substance is one of the strongest natural adaptogens.

What can cause a decrease in the level of melanin and what are the signs of its insufficient amount?

The reasons for the decrease in the level of this natural pigment may be the following factors:

  • hormonal imbalance and endocrine diseases;
  • taking medications;
  • genetic diseases;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • tryptophan and tyrosine deficiency;
  • aging;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • insufficient amount of sunlight.

Signs of a lack of melanin can be such external manifestations:

  • prone to sunburn;
  • uneven tanning;
  • whitish skin color and its tendency to irritation;
  • whitish;
  • early gray hair;
  • premature appearance of wrinkles;
  • faded color of the iris;
  • symptoms of diseases associated with a lack of melanin:, albinism and others.

How can melanin levels be restored?

To increase the level of melanin in the body, you can use a complex of various methods:

  • introduction to the diet of foods that promote the synthesis of melanin;
  • drugs and dietary supplements that provide melanin synthesis.

It should be noted that the use of any drugs to increase the level of this natural pigment should always be discussed with a doctor.


Amino acids such as tyrosine and tryptophan are involved in the process of melanin synthesis. That is why, in order to activate the production of this natural pigment, it is advisable to introduce products that are rich in these substances into the menu.

These include:

  • meat;
  • liver;
  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • almond;
  • avocado;
  • dates;
  • Brown rice;
  • beans;
  • bananas;
  • peanut.

For the normal synthesis of melanin, substances such as carotene, vitamins C, E and A are also necessary. They are found in such products:

  • apricots;
  • melons;
  • peaches;
  • grape;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • legumes;
  • greens: spinach, sweet potato, lettuce, tomatoes;
  • citrus.

The process of melanin synthesis is also supported by para-amino-benzoic acid (or vitamin B10 or H1). It accumulates in the upper layers of the skin and is activated under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, ensuring sufficient pigment production.

Vitamin B10 is found in the following foods:

  • wholemeal bread;
  • oats;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • mushrooms, etc.

Products containing copper and mineral salts can also be useful for normalizing the production of natural pigment:

  • seafood;
  • chocolate;
  • cocoa;
  • liver;
  • peanut;
  • hazelnuts, etc.

Magnesium plays an important role in the normal production of melanin. It is found in the following products:

  • bread with wheat bran;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sesame;
  • dates;
  • nuts: almonds, pine nuts, walnuts, peanuts;
  • beans;
  • spinach, etc.

Replenishment of melanin reserves by introducing healthy and tasty foods into the diet can be called the easiest way to normalize its synthesis. The only caveat for this method is the need to take into account contraindications to the use of certain foods.

Healthy lifestyle

A balanced diet, walks in the fresh air and under the rays of the cool sun, sufficient physical activity, stress management and the rejection of bad habits - all these factors most positively affect the state and restoration of melanin balance. This is due to the fact that a healthy lifestyle contributes to the normalization of all biochemical reactions in the body and, therefore, has a positive effect on the process of melanin synthesis.

Medications and dietary supplements

To stabilize the level of melanin in the skin, various supplements can be used. They are made from natural raw materials containing substances that help to compensate for the lack of vitamins, minerals and amino acids involved in the synthesis of this natural pigment.

Bevital Sun

For this, the following dietary supplements can be used:

  • Pro Soleil - contains various vitamins, lutein, beta-carotene and antioxidants;
  • Inneov - contains Indian gooseberry extract, vitamins and antioxidants;
  • Bevital-San - contains B vitamins and beta-carotene;
  • Nature Tan - contains beta-carotene, selenium, vitamin E, soy, grape and corn extracts.

To stimulate the process of melanin synthesis, these and other vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements can be used. Before you start taking them, it is recommended to consult a doctor and exclude possible contraindications to taking them.

Scientists have tried to create synthetic analogues of melanocortins (hormones of the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland involved in stimulating melanin synthesis), but these attempts have not yet been successful. The hormonal substances obtained as a result of research disintegrated too quickly in the blood and did not have time to have the expected effect.

However, scientists were able to find an alternative to such analogues of melanocortins: the drug Melanotan 2. The active ingredient of this drug was obtained by scientists from the University of Arizona and was developed as a means for preventing

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