Dilated pupils in a 1 year old child. Causes of dilated pupils in a child. Additional features of these pathologies are

Dilated pupils in a child rightfully disturb and alarm parents. Why is this happening, is everything okay with the baby - the primary questions that parents ask.

What it is?

In the professional language of medical professionals, pupil dilation is called "mydriasis". This phenomenon is not considered a disease; rather, enlarged pupils can be considered a symptom. Such a symptom can indicate both the absolute norm and the existing pathology. The ability of the pupil to expand and contract is due to the work of the oculomotor muscles and the nerve of the same name. Everyone knows that bright light causes spasm and the pupil narrows reflexively. Lack of light, semi-darkness, twilight, on the contrary, contribute to the expansion of the pupil - in this way the eye “adjusts” to the conditions surrounding the person, creates the best conditions for more light rays to enter the retina.

The pupil is essentially an entrance gate for light rays, and how wide these “gates” will be open depends on the reaction of the nervous system, or rather, the fibers of the third pair of cranial nerves. If a child's pupils dilate in response to a decrease in light, then there is nothing abnormal or painful in this. That's how nature intended it. Parents usually start sound the alarm when the baby's pupils are constantly dilated, regardless of the lighting conditions the child is in. Even such a phenomenon can be found quite normal explanations that have nothing to do with diseases.

Not always mydriasis is pathological and needs treatment.


At the heart of the expansion of the pupil is always the reaction of the oculomotor nerve to a certain stimulus - external or internal. Physiological, natural causes usually cause bilateral uniform mydriasis, that is, both pupils are equally dilated. It is possible to distinguish such a physiological process from a disease or disease state by the reaction of the child's eyes to light. If the pupils do not react to bright light with narrowing, most likely, we are talking about pathology. The main causes of mydriasis should be considered.


The increased diameter of the pupils in a newborn and infant should not cause concern to parents, because the baby is still developing a visual function. After birth, the baby sees the world as blurry spots of varying intensity. A newborn and a month old child has an important task - to learn to focus his eyes on an object, and he tries to master this skill as soon as possible, because he is already interested in what is happening around him, he is learning to recognize and perceive colors.

The baby's organs of vision are under tremendous stress, pupil dilation in this case is considered a normal reaction of the autonomic nervous system to stimuli from the outside and to internal processes of formation that proceed at a rapid pace. If a baby has mydriasis for up to 3 months, then there is nothing pathological in this phenomenon.

Dilated pupils in older children may be due to the fact that in the child's room, parents carefully created a muffled, dim light that does not “hit” the eyes. If at the same time the child walks a little in the fresh air, often in conditions of insufficient lighting loads the organs of vision by watching cartoons, playing at the computer, then it is not surprising that mydriasis begins to be almost permanent. Eyes simply adapt to the external conditions of human existence.

It is noteworthy that a change in the lifestyle of such a child, frequent walks, active sports, a decrease in the amount of time spent at the TV and computer monitor, brings the diameter of the child's pupils to normal, but not immediately, but gradually.

In the same way gradually, as the "habit" of the pupil to constant expansion was developed.

Hormones can also affect pupil size. For example, in a state of severe stress, fear, joy, increased anxiety in a child, various hormones begin to be produced in the body, and the pupil immediately responds to changes in the hormonal background by dilation. So, quite often, parents begin to notice constantly dilated pupils in children at 3 years old, at 7-8 years old. In the first case, it is likely that stress is associated with the beginning of attending a kindergarten, and in the second case, with loads and stresses associated with the beginning of schooling and an increase in emotional stress.

The pupils of a child who is worried about conflicts in the family, disagreements with peers, who has been in a state of worries and excitement for a long time, for example, due to upcoming exams or important competitions, can be constantly dilated for a long time.

The attentive attitude of adults to the problems of babies and adolescents will help to find stress factors in time and eliminate them.


Pupil dilation is accompanied by many pathological conditions. So, according to the reaction of the pupil, doctors can judge the onset of a state of shock with severe pain or as a result of large blood loss. People in a coma always have dilated pupils. Less severe conditions, which are also accompanied by mydriasis, are as follows.

  • Taking certain medications, as well as drugs and alcohol;
  • Infectious diseases associated with intoxication;
  • Inflammatory processes in the membranes of the brain (meningitis, encephalitis and others);

  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • poisoning;
  • Problems with metabolism (with diabetes and a number of other chronic pathologies);
  • Injuries of the organs of vision;
  • Diseases of the organs of vision (glaucoma);

The most common causes should be discussed in more detail.

shock states

Shock can occur not only as a result of severe pain that the child could experience at the time of injury, but also as a result of a severe allergic reaction, an overdose of medications, or significant blood loss. In all these states, pupil dilation is caused by two "emergency" hormones - adrenaline and cortisol. They begin to be produced in large quantities in order to transfer the body into an "economy mode" in an emergency. Blood vessels constrict, blood flow slows down, all systems work in a slow, gentle mode in conditions of “energy saving”.

Dilated pupils become normal after the child receives the necessary medical care and the hormonal background begins to stabilize.

Traumatic brain injury

Concussions of the brain, as well as bruises and hematomas, are most often accompanied by mydriasis, and it is asymmetrical and uneven in nature - one pupil is larger than the other, the right and left pupils react differently to the light test. This becomes possible as a result of injury (compression, paralytic condition) of the cranial nerves, the center in the brain that regulates the activity of the oculomotor nerve. Pupil dilation is an important diagnostic sign of head and brain injuries.. Additional symptoms can be different - from the onset of nausea and headache to a convulsive state, loss of consciousness. The child is in need of qualified medical care.

Epilepsy and increased intracranial pressure

An epileptic seizure, like intracranial hypertension, causes disturbances in the functioning of the third pair of cranial nerves. Pupil diameter, therefore, simply ceases to be regulated. Mydriasis accompanies an attack in the case of epilepsy, it is often a companion of a generalized convulsive state. With increased pressure inside the skull, pressure on the cranial nerves is carried out for a longer time and systematically, so the dilated pupil diameter can be a fairly long-term symptom in a child.

Poisons and toxins

The most dangerous poison that can cause paralysis of not only the eye muscles and nerves, but also the muscles of the respiratory system is Botox. It can enter the body of a child with poor-quality canned meat or fish, with sausage products. Many chemical poisons that a child can take by mistake, having reached the unattended household supply of household chemicals, also cause dilated pupils, and this is just one of the symptoms of poisoning. The cranial nerves are moderately affected by alcohol and drugs - marijuana, cocaine, synthetic mixtures. Under the influence of these substances, the brain ceases to normally regulate the processes of inhibition and excitation of the nervous system, which leads to temporary mydriasis.

Often dilated pupils in adolescents deserve special attention from parents. If the mydriatic state is accompanied by inadequacy, oddities in behavior, unusual reactions to ordinary things, this is an occasion to think about whether the child is taking drugs.


The pupils can be dilated in a child by taking drugs such as barbiturates, antispasmodics, and sometimes hormonal drugs. For example, Prednisolone, which may be recommended to treat a severe allergic reaction and other ailments, makes the body more receptive to adrenaline, which in turn dilates the pupils. Poisoning with these drugs is manifested not only by pathologically dilated pupils without reaction to light, but also by other symptoms - confusion, loss of consciousness, convulsions, a drop in blood pressure, and vomiting. You can’t wait, you need to provide emergency assistance and call an ambulance.

In most cases, parents tend to somewhat exaggerate the problem of dilated pupils, the well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky believes. But it’s better than skipping and ignoring the symptoms of pathological conditions. You should not try to find the cause of constantly dilated or asymmetrically enlarged pupils in a child on your own. It's best to get tested. It should begin with a visit to the optometrist and neurologist.

Often, to confirm certain suspicions that the doctor has, they prescribe an MRI of the brain or an electroencephalogram, as well as a general and biochemical blood test, which will also allow you to establish the concentration of certain hormones. If the doctor, based on the results of the examination, says that no pathologies were found, then parents should accept this fact. In the end, the size of the pupils in a child can be an individual feature of appearance. But this thought should come to the mind of the parents at the very last turn, when the child has already been examined by specialists.

You can learn more about the vision of a child in the following video.

Dilated pupils, or mydriasis, are pupils with an enlarged diameter, which is associated with the influence of external causes or any diseases.

The diameter of the pupil changes depending on the contraction of special muscles that act in many ways: the function of the circular (circular) muscle is aimed at constricting the pupil, and the function of the radial muscle is aimed at expanding it. Thus, mydriasis appears due to the weakening of the circular muscle, or with a spasm of the radial. We will talk more about the reasons for this phenomenon in this article.

ICD-10 code

H57.0 Pupillary fraction anomaly

Causes of dilated pupils

  • Damage or compression of the optic nerves, through which the nerve fibers that are responsible for reducing the diameter of the pupil stretch.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Neoplasms in the brain that put pressure on the optic nerves or the area of ​​the midbrain (this is where the center that controls the change in pupil diameter is located).
  • Aneurysm (pathological expansion) of the artery, which is located in close proximity to the oculomotor nerve.
  • Increased intracranial pressure due to neoplasms, cerebrovascular accident, traumatic injury or hematoma.
  • The action of mydriatic drugs (atropine, scopolamine).
  • Acute lack of oxygen (oxygen starvation).
  • Intoxication with various substances, for example, barbiturates.
  • Botulinum toxin poisoning, botulism.
  • Fragility of blood vessels, diabetes mellitus.
  • Eye injuries, concussions.
  • Acute respiratory viral diseases with damage to the intracranial nervous system.

Dilated pupils, as a symptom of the disease, can be triggered by sphincter paresis, increased pupillary tone, spasm of the dilator muscle, trauma to the skull or ocular inflammatory disease, as well as neurological pathology.

Depending on the causes, mydriasis can manifest itself with various symptoms that are important to pay attention to.

Strongly dilated pupils are most often observed with diseases, injuries, or when taking drugs. Everyone knows about the ability of the pupil to expand at night and shrink in the presence of a light source, which improves "night" vision and protects the retina from the damaging effects of sunlight during the day. A pathologically dilated pupil remains enlarged even when exposed to bright light. This condition of the eyes should alert - this is a serious reason for contacting a specialist.

If the pupils are constantly dilated, then intoxication of the body, or poisoning, can be suspected. Such a condition may be the result of a professional activity that is associated with the use of toxic chemicals, or with the use of drugs or hallucinogenic drugs, as well as alcoholic beverages in large quantities. An important point is that in people who have previously abused alcohol or taken drugs, even after giving up bad habits, the diameter of the pupils may remain the same - more than 5 mm wide.

When the pupils and headache are dilated at the same time, this may be a sign of a migraine-like condition or the so-called cluster syndrome. Often severe headaches appear only in one half of the head, and in the same half the pupil is enlarged - this phenomenon occurs during or at the end of a headache attack. It is necessary to look for the cause of migraine - only then you can decide on the treatment and get rid of the disease.

With a traumatic injury to the head, dizziness and dilated pupils can also be observed. This happens after a significant bruise to the head, such as after a fall or similar injury. Pupil enlargement, which is accompanied by symptoms such as bouts of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache and incoordination, requires immediate medical attention, as it indicates serious damage to the brain area.

Sometimes it happens that patients complain of dilated pupils in the morning. This may be a sign of thyroid disease, when metabolic processes are disturbed and excessive production of thyroid hormones occurs. Rapid pulse, dilated pupils, possibly heart rhythm disturbances, increased anxiety and a sense of panic, poor sleep. In addition, the patient may feel periodic surges of irritability, hyperhidrosis, excessive food cravings, etc. To solve this problem, you should contact an endocrinologist.

At the same time, red eyes and dilated pupils that appear at the same time are often a sign of the development of a formidable disease - glaucoma, which is characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure. The basis of this disease is the deterioration in the release of fluid from the internal ocular spheres. If such a condition is not treated, then sooner or later it will provoke a violation of the function of the optic nerve and a complete irreversible loss of vision. If the patient feels pain in the eyes, blurred vision (asterisks, circles), the pupils change in size, and the eyes turn red, it is urgent to see a doctor: with such a disease, jokes are bad.

During pregnancy, nausea and dilated pupils are a sure sign of preeclampsia. This pathological condition is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, swelling, the appearance of protein in the urine, sudden general discomfort, bouts of nausea and even vomiting. Preeclampsia is very dangerous, and not only for a woman's health, but also for life. Seeing a doctor is imperative and immediate.

In diffuse diseases of the brain - various kinds of encephalopathies - pathologically caused dilation of the pupils is not uncommon. Of course, the fact that the pupils are dilated with encephalopathy is far from the only sign of the disease. Against the background of ischemia of brain cells, dizziness, discomfort in the head, constant fatigue, deterioration of memory and thinking processes develop, tremors appear in the limbs, facial expressions and speech disorder, etc. However, mydriasis may be one of the first symptoms of the disease, which should alert and lead to early diagnosis of the disease.

Dilated pupils with a concussion are a characteristic symptomatology that occurs after a significant blow to the head, after an unsuccessful fall, or other injury. One or both pupils may be dilated, depending on the extent and location of the brain damage. Additional signs of such a lesion are nausea (up to vomiting), impaired consciousness, headache, temporary loss of orientation and motor coordination. Help - delivery of the victim to the emergency room for first aid and early diagnosis.

Dilated pupils in patients with schizophrenia are not uncommon. Disorders of the psyche, thinking, disorders of the transmission of emotions and inappropriate behavior - all this affects the work of think tanks. Often in such patients, vision deteriorates significantly, although they rarely complain about it - patients simply do not pay attention to the changes taking place with their body. Of course, in such patients, dilated pupils are far from the only and not the main symptom of this disease.

When the emotional state changes, the diameter of the pupils can also change: a change in mood, excitement, fear, a feeling of happiness can increase their size by almost four times. Dilated pupils in love is also a completely normal phenomenon associated with increased arousal, strong sexual desire, interest in relation to a particular object. It has long been proven that the diameter of the pupil is largely able to reflect the level of human arousal. In the vast majority of situations, when an interesting or stimulating object is in the field of view of a person, his pupils instantly dilate. Almost always, an increase in pupils accompanies strong sexual arousal.

With tumors of the brain and spinal cord, a symptom such as dilated pupils is not uncommon. For example, a neuroma on the neck and the pupil is dilated - a typical sign of compression of the nerve roots. The clinical picture may be supplemented by symptoms such as blurred vision, the appearance of flies in the eyes. Consultation with a specialist in such situations is extremely necessary - surgery may be needed, because in the future the disease will only progress, and the patient's condition will worsen.

When the eyes hurt and the pupils are dilated, this is a direct indication of increased intraocular pressure. Contacting a doctor should be immediate, because without assistance, an acute attack can lead to paralysis of the eye muscles, and dilated pupils partially persist for life, not to mention increasing vision problems.


dilated pupil syndrome

In dilated pupil syndrome (Adie-Holmes syndrome), the site of injury is the cellular structures of shortened ciliary nerves. Additional symptoms are:

  • dilated pupil (so-called tonic), most often on one side;
  • weak reaction of the pupil to the light source (or the complete absence of such a reaction);
  • accommodation blocking;
  • fear of light;
  • "fog" in the eyes.
  • The cause of this syndrome has not been established, but the influence of the following factors is suggested:
  • lack of vitamins;
  • infections in the body;
  • metabolic diseases.

Women suffer from the syndrome more often than men. The average age of the patient is about 30 years. Sometimes the disease can be inherited.

The essence of this pathology is a violation of the innervation of the ciliary muscles and the sphincter of the iris, which entails the impossibility of accommodation and constriction of the pupil.

With the treatment of the syndrome, the ability to focus the gaze can be restored, which cannot be said about the reaction to a light source, which, as a rule, is irreversible.

Dilated pupils in a teenager

In most cases, dilated pupils are a symptom of alcohol or drug use. Of course, parents should definitely pay attention to the pupils of the child. After all, if alcohol intoxication can be determined by a peculiar well-known smell, then the situation with drugs is much more complicated.

What signs may indirectly indicate drug use:

  • dilated pupils, lack of their reaction to light;
  • incomprehensible weakness or, conversely, arousal;
  • unmotivated mood swings;
  • sleep disorders;
  • dry mouth and, as a result, thirst;
  • emaciation, the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Of course, these symptoms can be signs of other diseases and conditions. However, we listed them so that parents know when they should be alert and take appropriate measures - contact a narcologist, a neurologist, talk heart to heart with a teenager.

The main thing is to intervene in time and prevent possible extremely adverse consequences.

For general information, we present you a brief description of which drugs dilate the pupils. With enough knowledge, it will be easier for parents to navigate and understand whether their child uses drugs, and if so, which ones.

  • When taking cannabis, a person's pupils dilate, his eyes and lips turn red, and thirst appears. There is increased activity and mobility, speech becomes fast and impatient. The clinical picture is complemented by the appearance of increased appetite, especially at the end of the drug.
  • The use of opium preparations, on the contrary, narrows the pupils, inhibition and lethargy of reactions appear, and the pain threshold decreases.
  • The use of psychostimulants is also accompanied by dilated pupils. The person becomes lively, energetic, restless. It is prone to a quick change in the topic of conversation, to rash acts and actions. Can be awake for several days in a row.
  • The use of hallucinogenic drugs causes dilated pupils, the appearance of auditory and visual hallucinations. Gradually, this state turns into depression, persistent psychoses develop.
  • Taking barbiturates (hypnotics) at first glance resembles the state of alcoholic intoxication. However, dilation of the pupils in this state is not observed, in contrast to the use of alcohol.
  • Inhalation of household chemicals - gasoline, acetone, adhesives - cause pronounced mydriasis. In addition, you can recognize such a drug addict by a specific smell, for example, Moment glue or acetone. Intoxication is accompanied by hallucinations, restless behavior.

Dilated pupils are caused by the use of drugs such as cannabis (hashish), cocaine, amphetamine, ecstasy, LSD, perevintin ("screw"), sodium oxybutyrate. Smoking mixtures and mixes can provoke both narrowing and an increase in the diameter of the pupils.

The eyes of children are a true reflection of the soul, which can show not only his emotional state and feelings, but also all kinds of ailments. For example, regularly enlarged pupils in children can indicate serious problems or be the norm.

What are the causes of dilated pupils in a child?

The pupil is a recess in the iris through which the retina interacts with light. Muscles are responsible for the size of the pupil, which, on their own, regulate it, they can contract for various reasons. When the light is not good enough, the pupils enlarge so that the retina receives the maximum amount of light rays.

In addition to lighting, the size of the pupil can be influenced by the emotional state of each person, well-being, mood and many other factors. For this reason, the child's pupil is able to decrease and increase all the time, this is the norm and should not cause anxiety in adults. If the child's pupil is chronically dilated and its condition does not change for several hours or regularly worries the child, then this is already a reason that should cause concern in parents. Enlarged pupils may indicate poisoning of the body with toxic drugs, metabolic disorders, or brain injuries.

Pupil enlargement in children: physiology

There are three main physiological explanations for why a child has dilated pupils:

  1. Newborns. The first 3 months after birth, the focus of vision is formed in the baby, so the pupils are constantly enlarged and dilated, and the eyes begin to squint, “wander” or even look “in themselves”. In the first two weeks of a newborn's life, this is a completely normal phenomenon, and occurs as a result of physiological development. The chronically dilated pupil feature may continue until three months of age and should not be of concern to parents.
  2. Insufficient lighting. If a child stays in a poorly lit room all the time, rarely goes outdoors and regularly spends a long time watching TV or playing games on a PC, you should not be surprised. It is these factors that provoke constantly enlarged pupils. The child's eyes begin to adapt to the conditions, the pupil is dilated all the time and cannot return to normal in the shortest possible time.
  3. Emotional and mental state of the child. Any emotions, regardless of their nature, whether it be joy, anger, interest or irritation, are manifested not only in the psychological state of the baby, but also in his eyes with a look. With strong emotional shocks, hormones are released into the blood, as a result - a rapid heartbeat and dilated pupils. If your baby is constantly with dilated pupils, then pay attention, perhaps he has problems with friends or domestic scandals have a strong impact on his emotional state.

Dilated pupils in children: pathologies

Alas, usually parents begin to pay attention to eye problems in their children only when the problem is characterized by accompanying symptoms of poor health. Pupil dilation in children occurs in the following cases:

  • taking narcotic drugs and some other medicines. This problem is most common in teenagers. If your child constantly walks with enlarged pupils and behaves unusually, then you should talk to him as soon as possible and try to completely eliminate the use of such drugs;
  • the cause of pupil enlargement is often serious infectious diseases, for example, at high body temperature or intoxication;
  • brain injuries also affect the eyes of toddlers. If a child complains of persistent headaches, vomiting or nausea is observed, then you should contact a medical institution for help to exclude the possibility of a concussion. Babies may not even remember that they hit or fell, and after a couple of hours the first symptoms of pathology may appear;
  • dilated pupils, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting indicate poisoning of the body with toxic substances. Moreover, it can be both poor-quality food and insect bites;
  • metabolic disorders often cause chronically dilated pupils. Also, the problem becomes chronic in case of problems with the thyroid gland, diabetes, intolerance to some foods and gluten;
  • eye injury is another provocateur. As a result of mechanical impact on the eyeball, not only pupils can expand, but also blood vessels are damaged, vision is impaired;
  • the most serious cause of constantly dilated pupils is a number of such ailments: epilepsy, aortic aneurysm, and even brain tumors.

Dilated pupils in a child are not in vain alarming parents. This symptom indicates both the psychological state of the child, and poisoning with hazardous substances, injuries. The expansion of the pupils (as in the photo) doctors call mydriasis.

Causes of dilated pupils

The pupil is the slit through which light passes. The regulation of its diameter occurs automatically with the help of the autonomic nervous system, more precisely, the sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of the third pair of cranial nerves.

The oculomotor nerve has centers in the brain that control pupil size according to light levels. If the room is dark, then the pupils will dilate so that more light passes through them. In conditions where there is a lot of light, they naturally narrow.

Why does the child have dilated pupils? Their diameter changes with stress or pain. Pupils increase, as the influence of the sympathetic nervous system increases. However, sometimes there may be failures in the regulation under the influence of drugs, drugs, physical injuries, severe conditions.

The main causes of dilated pupils in a child:

  1. Psychological stress: anxiety, fear.
  2. Shock state with severe pain, profuse blood loss.
  3. Coma.
  4. , tumors, epileptogenic foci, increased intracranial pressure.
  5. Eye injuries, including after surgery.
  6. Brain infections with syphilis, tuberculosis, meningitis, encephalitis.
  7. Intoxication, including drugs, the use of drops for examining the fundus.
  8. Drug, alcohol intoxication.
  9. and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
  10. Endocrine disorders: diabetes, problems with the adrenal glands. Pheochromocytoma is a tumor of the adrenal gland that secretes adrenaline. Other symptoms, in addition to the mydriatic effect, may be trembling, increased heart rate.
  11. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  12. Glaucoma.


If the pupils of a child are dilated, emotional stress may be the cause. They are provoked by discord in the family, unrest at school, medical procedures. Usually, after the elimination of the irritating factor and calming down, the pupils of the eyes return to normal.


Mydriasis can be provoked by traumatic, hypovolemic, anaphylactic (allergic) shock. With severe pain, a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, and loss of blood, the sympathetic-adrenal emergency system of the body is activated. This is done so that the vital organs and systems (brain, heart) receive blood in conditions of its deficiency.

The hormones cortisol and adrenaline are released, constricting blood vessels, centralizing blood flow, and increasing cardiac output. They cause mydriasis in a child. A coma can also be accompanied by this symptom, as well as a lack of reaction to light. This condition is usually accompanied by loss of consciousness and requires prompt medical attention.

Traumatic brain injuries, neoplasms, abscesses, epilepsy

Head injuries can cause large pupils in a child. Their unequal size is possible, the absence of a friendly reaction to light in case of damage to one of the nuclei of the oculomotor nerves. Dilated pupils in a newborn may be signs of birth trauma, intrauterine and hypoxia in the postpartum period.

Often the cause of mydriasis is the presence in the brain of infections, epileptogenic foci, (ICH). Increased intracranial pressure disrupts the nuclei of the third pair of nerves that regulate pupil diameter. ICH develops against the background of injuries, infectious processes, hepatic coma, renal failure.

An epileptic attack is often accompanied by dilated pupils. Neuroinfections: syphilis, tuberculosis of the nervous system can also cause this symptom.

Eye injury

Damage to the circular muscles that narrow the pupils can occur during eye surgery or trauma. Glaucoma is a disease that can also lead to a mydriatic effect.


Botulinum toxin causes paralysis of the muscles of the eyes, body, and respiratory muscles in children. The reason is the ingress of the bacterial poison Clostridium from canned food, mainly meat, and sausages. Chemical poisons can also cause a mydriatic effect.

Ethyl alcohol is toxic to the nervous system. When it enters the body in excess, it causes a state close to stunning. The cause of mydriasis is in the inhibition of the brain or excessive excitation. Cocaine, marijuana, cannabis also cause mydriasis.


Mydriasis causes poisoning with Atropine, Scopolamine, Hyoscine or drugs that contain them: antispasmodics used to relieve pain in the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, pancreas.

Prednisolone increases the body's sensitivity to adrenaline, which has a mydriatic effect. Opioids used for anesthesia and pain relief also dilate the pupils.

Optometrists use Atropine to examine the vessels of the fundus. Against this background, the child may increase photosensitivity. But in this case, parents should not have a reason for concern. After all, mydriasis after Atropine passes quickly.


For diagnosis, you need to contact a neurologist, an ophthalmologist. In an acute case, resuscitation may be required. Surveys:

  1. Electroencephalography to establish epileptogenic foci, signs of hepatic coma, and other organic lesions.
  2. Ultrasound of the brain.
  3. Complete blood count, biochemistry: creatinine, urea, transaminases.


Mydriasis can be both a harmless sign of excitement and a symptom of serious disorders of the body. If it is accompanied by loss of consciousness, then it is necessary to call for medical help, tell the doctor about the drugs that were taken or injuries. Under stress, this disorder is transient.

Many parents notice dilated pupils in their child. It looks unusual for an adult, and therefore immediately attracts attention and, of course, a little scary. Let's see why a child may have dilated pupils - what is the reason, and what needs to be done about it.

Expanded icons in a child, as well as in an adult, are quite common. You need to understand that this is a natural physiological process, the causes of which, most often, are quite prosaic.

However, you should not think that there are no reasons for concern at all - it is better to consult a doctor anyway to exclude damage to the optic nerves. If you do not respond to the problem in time, the constantly dilated pupils in a child can lead to the loss of the ability of the pupils to respond to light. It is especially dangerous if the child has pupils of different diameters.

Watch your baby to see if his pupils dilate constantly or occasionally. If the pupils of the child are not always dilated, you should try to cope with the situation yourself.

If something is bothering you, see a doctor. Be vigilant - and you will save your baby from many problems!

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