How to treat swelling from an insect bite. How to deal with swelling after an insect bite. What insects cause this reaction

Together with the arrival of the long-awaited warmth, a million population of beetles, spiders, flies, mosquitoes, wasps, bees and other insects wakes up from a long sleep. Small and harmless-looking creatures can harm a person: bite, sting, cause allergies and infectious diseases. Most often, swelling and redness appear on the skin from an insect bite - what to do and how to help yourself in such cases, let's talk.

Why do insects bite?

Insects bite for 2 reasons:

  • show aggression in self-defense;
  • human blood is their food.

In their understanding, a person is a potential danger. Insects protect their habitat, offspring, so they behave aggressively. Bees and wasps keep the hives away, guarding families and honey.

Blood-sucking insects are hungry. Many people know that only female mosquitoes bite people - they need human blood as an additional source of protein to reproduce offspring. Male mosquitoes feed on nectar and plant sap.

To protect yourself and your family, going to the country or to the forest, you need to apply special protective equipment - repellents - to your clothes.

The compositions are of low toxicity to humans and have a deterrent or exterminating effect on insects.

What insect bites are dangerous?

Most of all on the territory of Russia such insects annoy a person:

  1. Household insects: bedbugs, fleas, lice, flies, cockroaches. These are carriers of viruses, bacteria, diphtheria, helminth eggs, plague, typhoid.
  2. Gnus: mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges, midges, horseflies. These blood-sucking insects carry dangerous diseases (encephalitis, malaria, onchocerciasis) and can cause allergies.
  3. Hymenoptera: wasps, bees, bumblebees. The bite is painful. The sting of these insects contains active biological substances that, when they enter the human body, can cause an allergic reaction and even anaphylactic shock. In particular, one must beware of the hornet: its bites sometimes cause severe intoxication of the body, and the attack of several insects in rare cases leads to death.
  4. Arachnids: mites and spiders. Arthropods, but not insects in the scientific sense. The tick is the most dangerous blood-sucking species in Russia. The consequences of a tick bite and suction to the skin of a tick can be tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis (Lyme disease). There are few poisonous spiders in the Russian Federation, but there are. The bites of some spiders are dangerous and painful for humans: the spider-web spider, the South Russian tarantula, the false black widow, etc.


After an insect bite, the following symptoms may appear:

  1. Tumor. Swelling after a bite of a small pest appears immediately or after some time. The swelling may be soft or firm to the touch.
  2. Swelling and redness. The affected limb with an allergic reaction of the body or its response to the poison and saliva of the insect increases in size, swells. At the site of the bite, redness occurs in the form of a small or large spot.
  3. Itching. The skin after a bite is sometimes very itchy (especially after a mosquito).
  4. Allergy. The above symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction. In severe cases, laryngo- or bronchospasm and anaphylactic shock may occur. In these cases, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible, because there is a direct threat to life.
  5. Fever and dizziness indicate infection in the wound or allergies to saliva or insect venom.

First aid

After the insect has bitten, it is necessary to wash the skin with soap and water and treat the wound with an alcohol solution. You need to apply a cold compress or ice to the bite site.

You can relieve itching from an insect bite with a compress with Dimexide. To do this, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and applied to a bandage (folded in several layers) or a clean handkerchief (folded in half) and applied to the bite site for 20–25 minutes.

Treatment of bites with medicines

If redness and swelling are severe, it is necessary to take antihistamines: Citrine, Tavegil, Suprastin, Zodak, etc. The drugs block the work of the bite allergy mechanisms and relieve symptoms.

Gels, creams and ointments are suitable for topical use:

  1. Fenistil gel. Pleasantly cools the skin. Relieves itching and redness. Antiallergic medicine. It is applied to the affected area in a thin layer 2-4 times a day.
  2. Bepanten. The cream contains panthenol, which has a healing effect on the skin.
  3. Mosquitall gel. Included in the composition of menthol, panthenol and other substances soothe and heal damaged skin.
  4. Advantan. A hormonal drug. Anesthetizes, helps to reduce swelling, itching, redness. Suitable for children from 4 months. Has contraindications.

Sometimes you may need antibiotic ointments (Levomekol, Synthomycin, etc.) or oral administration of antibacterial drugs (when an infection has entered the wound, the temperature has risen, pus has formed in the affected area of ​​the skin). In severe cases, you will need hormones in pills, injections or droppers, such as Prednisolone: ​​its anti-inflammatory components will relieve inflammation, pain, swelling, bronchospasm and other symptoms.

Folk remedies

To relieve itching and flushing, you can use vinegar. It is necessary to rub the affected skin with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of vinegar diluted with water (1: 1). You can use alcohol, including ammonia. Wipe the skin should be as needed. Alcohol disinfects the wound and soothes the skin after insect attacks, especially mosquitoes.

Onions - a universal remedy for many diseases - will help remove skin manifestations after a bite. The bulb is cut in half and applied with a cut to the affected skin for 20-30 minutes. For convenience, tie with a bandage.

To relieve the unpleasant symptoms of bee and wasp stings, you can use the following recipe. After the sting has been removed from the skin and the wound has been disinfected, parsley leaves are applied to the bite site. The pain subsides, the swelling is removed. Together with the application of leaves, you can take a decoction of parsley roots inside. They are crushed (2 tablespoons), put in a thermos, poured with boiling water (0.5 l) and infused for 8 hours. Take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals in the amount of 1/3 cup.

Soda lotions will perfectly cope with tissue edema: the tumor will quickly come down. 1 tsp soda is diluted in 1 glass of warm water. The gauze soaked in the solution is applied to the affected area for 20 minutes.

With the bites of hymenoptera (wasps, bees, bumblebees), garlic helps well, from which slurry is made and applied to the inflamed skin. First, the sting is removed from the wound.

Bites in children

Especially sensitive children's skin suffers from bites of Diptera and Hymenoptera, which both reddens faster and itches more. The parts of the child's body affected by the bite are washed with warm water and soap and wiped with alcohol. If the skin is very itchy, you need to apply Fenistil, Bepanten, and for the smallest, Cardex Baby with herbal ingredients is suitable.

A child who has been bitten by an insect (especially a bee, hornet, tick, spider) should be treated very carefully. In no case should you leave the baby alone, you need to observe his condition, if necessary, give half an allergy pill (see the dosage in the instructions for the medicines). If suddenly something alerted (fever rose, dizzy, severe swelling, shortness of breath appeared), you should immediately call a doctor.

A doctor should also be consulted with a mild form of allergy (urticaria), especially if the child is small. If a tick has stuck to the skin, it is necessary to go to the clinic to remove it and send it to the laboratory for analysis to check for encephalitis.

So that outdoor recreation with children is not overshadowed by allergies from the bites of flying pests, parents should purchase an insect bite remedy for children in advance. On the shelves of pharmacies and shops you can find:

  • spray, foam and milk Cardex Baby;
  • cream My sun;
  • Mosquitall spray, etc.

Moms with pushchairs need to protect the newborn with a mosquito net. It is advisable for parents to dress their child according to the weather in the summer, but in the evening, clothing with the most open areas of the body is unacceptable.


While at home, you can protect yourself from insects with mosquito nets on the windows. If mosquitoes have already flown into the room, a fumigator with a plate or liquid containing poisonous substances for insects will help.

When planning a trip to nature, you should take care of yourself and your family in advance by taking insect repellents in your luggage: body sprays, candles and spirals that are used outdoors from Diptera and ticks, do not forget to take the first aid (tablets from allergies, bandage, cotton wool, antiseptic or alcohol, cream or gel after bites).

In nature, you should try to avoid contact with hymenoptera: wasps, hornets, bees. In no case should you approach a hornet's nest or a beehive, touch spiders, destroy anthills and lie down on the grass without first laying a blanket or blanket.

Going to the garden plot or to the forest, you should take care of clothes. It should be as closed as possible, light in color, preferably made of cotton or other "breathable" fabrics, but dense. It is better to wear closed shoes on your feet - sneakers or rubber boots (depending on weather conditions).

Summer is not only fruits and vegetables, bright greenery and warm sand, but also capable of biting everywhere and everyone. The bites of these annoying insects are a fairly common phenomenon in the warm season. And each person reacts to them differently. Some may not notice them at all, while others are worried about unbearable itching, alarming. Especially often children suffer from attacks of bloodsuckers. In this connection, many parents often have the question of what to do if a child’s hand is swollen from a mosquito bite.

Why does a tumor appear at the site of the bite

In many people, and especially in children, the place where the mosquito has bitten usually turns red, begins to itch and swell. The reason for such a violent reaction of the body is the saliva of the insect, or rather the special enzymes contained in it. They have analgesic properties and prevent blood clotting, which facilitates the process of its absorption by the insect. However, anticoagulants contribute to the development.

Therefore, do not be afraid when a mosquito bites an adult or a child and a slight swelling appears on the arm or leg. The reaction of the body is adequate if the swelling subsides within a few minutes. An increase in swelling is evidence of an allergic reaction, which may also be accompanied by other symptoms. May appear:

  • feeling of weakness and drowsiness;
  • dizziness and rapid heart rate;
  • and difficulty breathing.

The alarm should be beaten if, after an insect bite, a significant part of the arm, leg, and especially the face is swollen.

What to do to avoid swelling

It is possible to prevent the development of negative consequences if appropriate measures are taken immediately at the first appearance of edema at the site of a mosquito bite.

  1. Washing the affected area of ​​the skin with cold water using soap (preferably household). This will help clean the problem area from dirt and prevent the spread of the inflammatory process.
  2. Applying cold or cold compress. In order for the tumor to pass, it is enough to wrap any product from the freezer in a gauze napkin and attach it to the bite site on the arm or leg for 15 minutes. This will slow down the blood flow, and, accordingly, the spread of toxic components.
  3. Treatment of the affected area with an antiseptic drug will help prevent the spread of the tumor. You can also use folk remedies that have a similar effect for this. Plus they are safer. Therefore, if a child has swelling on his hand from a mosquito bite, then it is better to start treatment with folk remedies.

On a note!

You can not comb the bite site, as the consequence of this may be infection of the wound. a warm shower or bath with medicinal herbs (sequence, chamomile, calendula) will help.


If, after a mosquito bite, the hand of a child or an adult is swollen, then to relieve the developing inflammatory process, it is necessary to use special antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, sedative and analgesic drugs.


In a situation where the hand is swollen after a mosquito bite, Levomekol ointment will help. The basis of the combined preparation is chloramphenicol (antibiotic) and methyluracil (immunostimulating agent), due to which the agent has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment is effective for the treatment of carbuncles, boils, trophic ulcers, as well as tumors and edema after a mosquito bite.

The composition is applied to the affected area of ​​the arm or leg for adults and children over 3 years old. The duration of treatment is not more than 5-7 days. The cost of Levomekol ointment (40 g) is within 40 rubles.


Antihistamine and anti-inflammatory gel has a cooling effect, quickly relieves allergy symptoms (redness, swelling, itching). The active ingredient in it is dimethindene, a component that acts as an H1 receptor blocker.

The composition is applied to the swelling caused by a mosquito bite, no more than 4 times a day. The use of the gel is not recommended for children under 1 month old, as well as people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation. The price of a tube (30 g) is around 350 rubles.


Flucinar gel will quickly relieve swelling and swelling after a mosquito bite. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, thanks to its constituent fluocinolone. The drug is intended for the treatment of acute and severe non-infectious inflammatory diseases of the skin, accompanied by persistent itching.

The composition is applied to the affected area 1-2 times a day for adults and children over 2 years old. The duration of treatment is not more than 14 days.

The use of the gel is contraindicated in lactating and pregnant women, as well as in bacterial, viral and fungal infections of the skin.

The cost of a tube (15 g) is about 250-300 rubles.

If it is not possible to remove swelling, swelling and redness after a mosquito bite, hormonal agents such as Advantan, Akriderm or are prescribed. However, due to limitations and side effects, they should be used only after consulting a doctor.

All of the above products are intended for external use. Anti-inflammatory drugs for internal use include Suprastin, Soventol, Loratadin, Fenistil or Diazolin, which are taken according to the instructions.

The use of folk recipes

If the leg or arm is swollen after a mosquito bite, you can also use folk remedies, which are affordable and safe.

  • It will reduce swelling and swelling (0.5 cups of water 1 tablespoon of soda). A cotton pad soaked in this solution is applied to the affected area.
  • It relieves swelling and the associated inflammatory process with soda slurry, which is left at the bite site until it dries completely.
  • It helps to reduce the inflammatory process, the juice of plantain, dandelion or cabbage. Or you can simply attach a washed and well-crumpled leaf of any of these plants to the bitten place.
  • No less effective for edema of celandine, or rather the juice from it, which has a disinfecting effect. A napkin moistened with it is applied to the lesion several times a day. It is preferable to use the stems of the plant for squeezing juice.
  • Raw potatoes have similar properties. It is enough to cut the tuber and attach it to the edema with the cut side.
  • Swelling on the arm or leg will quickly come down if garlic-onion mass is applied to the swollen area.

On a note!

Treatment with one or another agent should be carried out several times a day until the inflammatory process begins to decrease.

However, do not forget that the above recipes are effective only in the initial stages of the development of an allergic reaction. If the swelling on the arm or leg is already large enough, then drug treatment is indispensable. You can not hesitate when localizing the tumor on the neck or face, especially when. In the case when applying cold to the affected area did not work, you should immediately seek medical help.

With the advent of the spring - summer period, living creatures are also activated. Different insects - cockroaches wake up after hibernation, and during this period the season of bites begins. Mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, ticks, flies, bees, wasps, etc. And if we add homemade wire cutters to this, then this is a whole army that strives to bite, sting, pinch you. Who bites us and what marks it leaves on the skin, let's figure it out.

More than 100,000 species of insects are known to science - this is the largest subgroup of all living creatures on earth. And there is not a single person who in one way or another faced insect bites. The human body can react differently to the bites of the same insects. Many bites go unnoticed, some leave a rash and redness, there are swelling and allergies, but the most dangerous bites with complications and death.

The entire large army of "nippers" can be divided into three groups:

  • Flightless- this includes insects for which humans are a source of food. Here we include fleas, lice, bed bugs, ticks.
  • Flying bloodsuckers- insects that feed on warm-blooded animals for procreation. These include mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, some types of flies, etc.
  • poisonous insects- these include insects that bite you for protection or showing a reaction to an external threat. Bees, hornets, ants, etc. After their attack, a certain amount of poison remains in the wound, the type and amount is determined by the insect that bit you.

Interesting fact: The bullet ant has one of the most painful stings of any insect. These giant ants are reddish black in color. Many compare their bite to the pain that comes with being hit by a bullet. People compare their bite to feeling like you were forced to walk on hot coals with nails in your feet.

Signs and symptoms of bites

In most cases, human bites are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain discomfort
  • Edema and swelling
  • Redness and itching

The most important thing to remember is that it is catastrophically forbidden to comb the bite site (microbes get into the wound). And the first thing you should do is to remove the itch itself, especially in young children.

allergic reactions

In most cases, allergies are mild, the human body can handle itself. After all, itching is nothing more than a reaction of the body to foreign bodies that insects secrete during bites.
Moderate allergies are accompanied by the following factors:

  • The appearance of swelling at the site of the bite
  • Feeling of discomfort at the site of the wound
  • Possible rash
  • Itching and fever

Acute allergies are very dangerous, the manifestation of which can cause large swelling, difficulty breathing, the development of tachycardia, dizziness and a sharp decrease in blood pressure. And in the most extreme cases, anaphylactic shock, fainting and death.

Mosquito and midge bites

Tick ​​bite

The bite itself is unpleasant, but not dangerous. The tick feeds on blood, and over many years of evolution, he has learned to move imperceptibly through the body and secrete painkillers when bitten. Therefore, we do not feel the puncture of the tick. They are dangerous because, migrating from one warm-blooded to another, they carry with them many pathogens. Encephalitis, Lyme disease or borreliosis are very dangerous. What to do if you are bitten by a tick -.

Bed bug bites

Bed bugs need blood to feed and will bite you constantly and intentionally. A feature of bedbug punctures is the location of the bite sites, the bug bites in a line making 3-5 punctures. Some do not notice the bites, for others, the consequences of them are violent. You can study more.

domestic fleas


If you are bitten by a spider, you should not immediately panic, but there are poisonous spiders, but for most people living in the city, this is just exotic. You can distinguish a wound from a spider bite by 2 points located in a red circle.

What to do with a bite

If you do not know who bit you, then first aid is provided according to the general scheme:

  • Visually inspect the wound, if there is a sting, remove it
  • If the sting was sucked out poison (no more than 10-20 seconds)
  • Disinfection hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green. Treating the bite site
  • Apply a cold compress to avoid swelling
  • Take an antihistamine (antiallergic) remedy. As an antihistamine, you can use (suprastin, diphenhydramine if there are no contraindications)
  • And observation, if the reaction continues to seek medical attention immediately

If a snake bite hit you right in the ass, know that the snake that bit you is spectacled.


No matter how careful and prudent we are, we are often bitten. But it is possible to minimize such situations.
Remember bees, wasps, hornets only defend themselves, do not approach apiaries. If you accidentally come across a wild hive, do not make sudden movements, slowly move away from it. Going on a picnic, do not use sweet floral scents. Dress appropriately in closed clothing, use sprays, ointments, insect repellents. Especially carefully protect children, their young fragile body is the first and will react very violently to bites.

Stock up at the pharmacy with baby products, bracelets, stickers, pencils. Do not forget about folk remedies (cloves, vanilla, essential oils). Be sure to take something antihistamine (loratadine, diazolin, claritin). Protect yourself by all means, do not let it ruin your vacation.

Conclusions from Tikhon: No one is immune from insect attacks, but this nuisance can be minimized. Do not neglect simple tips, especially if you have children. And remember, the most important thing is timely medical care.

The reaction of the body to a bite

When it gets warm outside, a lot of insects are activated. Most often you can find Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera. The latter are the most dangerous. This species includes wasps, bees, bumblebees, hornets, mosquitoes, ants.
Hymenoptera attack is usually not fatal, but brings a lot of inconvenience. Swelling after an insect bite is a normal reaction of the body to the protein contained in the secret injected under the skin. A severe reaction develops in only a third of the world's population. Allergic manifestations, breathing difficulties, suffocation in this case are not associated with the toxicity of the poison, but with the rejection of the protein carried by saliva.

The tumor appears almost immediately after the bite. This suggests that the body's immune system has reacted to the irritant.

Where does normal end?

Having received insect bite swelling and redness refers to the body's normal response to a stimulus. But in some cases, local treatment is not enough and you should consult a doctor. This condition can be identified by the following features.

Normal reaction Pathological condition
Slight swelling, swelling Significant tissue swelling
Itching Severe itching and unbearable burning sensation
mild hyperemia severe redness
Slight hyperthermia up to 38 C An increase in the thermometer over 38.5 C
Tolerable discomfort Pain syndrome, up to anaphylactic shock
Vigor, mobility Lethargy, weakness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness
No seals The presence of a seal in the bite area
Respiratory function is not impaired Difficulties in breathing are observed, up to suffocation
The heartbeat is stable There is a change in rhythm: tachycardia, arrhythmia
Normal BP values A sharp drop in blood pressure

You need to see a doctor if you have infiltration after an insect bite, an infection was introduced, the bite fell on the eye area, there were difficulties in breathing, the symptoms did not improve after 2 days, but on the contrary, it only got worse.

Bite Danger

  • Malarial mosquitoes carry malaria.
  • Mosquitoes are infected with leishmaniasis.
  • Mosquitoes carry fever and dengue disease.
  • Lice can transmit typhus.
  • Fleas carry the bubonic plague.
  • Bedbugs, even domestic species are contagious with hepatitis B, plague, fever, tularemia.
  • Cockroaches can transmit dysentery, helminthic invasion, tuberculosis.
  • Tsetse, the fly is a carrier of sleeping sickness.
  • House flies, they cause dysentery and typhus.
  • Ticks provoke Lyme disease, encephalitis, ehrlichiosis.
  • The hermit spider injects poison that paralyzes the victim and dissolves its organs.
  • The black widow spider, its poison, in the absence of medical care, kills a person.

Help for the victim

  • If the swelling is not strong, then apply cold for 5-10 minutes. To do this, the ice is wrapped in a thin cloth. This helps stop the spread of the poison. When there is no cold nearby, you just need to firmly pinch the wound with your finger.
  • When the edema increases rapidly, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet above the bite zone.
  • The penetration site must be treated with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Betadine solution.
  • Next, make a soda compress. To do this, a few tablespoons of the powder are mixed with a small amount of water. The resulting slurry is spread on a bandage and applied to the bite. You can keep the compress for 20-30 minutes.
  • Antihistamines are used both topically and as oral medications. In serious condition, injections of antiallergic agents are indicated. The most common are Tavegil, Suprastin, Erius, Tsetrin.

If serious complications are observed, for example, a sore formed on the leg after an insect bite or the patient loses consciousness, convulses, then urgent medical attention is required.

Help with insect allergies

In a medical institution, depending on the condition, they may prescribe:

  • Compresses with Dimexide 20% (dilute with water). This drug helps to eliminate puffiness and quickly transports beneficial substances from drugs to internal tissues. It is used in conjunction with Suprastin and Tavegil. This helps to eliminate allergic manifestations. If Dimexide is applied with Hydrocortisone and Dexamethasone, this will reduce swelling and redness.
  • An injection with Diclofenac will relieve inflammation.
  • Analgesics: Baralgin, Analgin.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibufen, Ibuprofen, Nurofen.
  • With severe edema, injections of hormones are made: Dexamethasone, Prednisolone.
  • If the reaction is not strong, then select local hormonal ointments for insect bites with swelling and redness fabrics: Lokoid, Advantan, Elocom.
  • Antibiotics are indicated if a bacterial infection has joined. In the form of ointments, Levomekol, Oflokain, Triderm are prescribed. In a serious condition, drugs for internal use are used: Cefodox, Azithromycin, Amoxicillin.

Prohibited activities when attacking insects

Having studied insect bites, photos and getting acquainted with the treatment it becomes clear that in addition to the recommended measures, there are contraindications. When bitten, it is prohibited:

  • Comb the affected area. This can lead to infection.
  • The hyperemic area cannot be treated with colognes or other improvised means of non-medical origin. This may cause tissue burns.
  • Apply hormonal ointments to the wound itself. If such a remedy is prescribed, then only the surrounding area is treated with it.
  • Treat a wound on your own after an insect bite, a seal appeared unknown character.

First aid if the bite fell on the eyes

When an insect bite falls on the eyes, there is swelling, redness, treatment should be done immediately, otherwise the situation will become more complicated as in the photo.

With a bite in the eye area, strong tearing immediately begins. You can not rub your eyes, as well as comb the affected area. So you can increase the allergic manifestation and worsen the condition of the victim. If there is a sting in the eye insect bites, then at home it is prohibited to extract it.

  1. Wash the affected eye with water.
  2. The area around the eye is lubricated with an antihistamine, for example, Fenistil.
  3. Take a tablet of Tavegil, Suprastin, Dimedrol.
  4. A sterile bandage with a solution of furacilin or dry is applied to the closed eyelid.
  5. After providing first aid, the patient is taken to the ophthalmologist.

Folk remedies

A potato compress is applied to the closed eyelid. To do this, the vegetable is cleaned, washed and grated. The resulting slurry is spread on a folded bandage or cotton fabric and applied to the affected organ. Keep the compress for 10-15 minutes.

Potatoes can be replaced with parsley gruel or tea bags

Many are concerned about pests such as mosquitoes, bees, midges and similar arthropods. It is unpleasant when they bite an adult and especially babies in the arms, legs, eyes and other parts of the body. Because of this, swelling appears, which sometimes has to be treated with medications. Sometimes these are not the only consequences of a bitten limb, allergic reactions, pain shocks and other unpleasant conditions can develop. When you are overtaken by an insect bite, swelling and redness, what the doctor can tell you, if the problem does not go away on its own in a couple of days or the symptoms worsen on the first day, be sure to seek qualified medical help.

The nature of tumor formation after an insect bite

Why does it happen that the resulting painful consequence of an insect bite occurs at all?

A tumor after an insect bite appears due to the fact that the human immunity begins to fight foreign invasion (saliva, poison and other elements), as well as respond to skin injury. The inflammatory process causes the accumulation of lymph at the site of the lesion, which is expressed externally in the form of edema. Each insect has its own characteristics, because of which the sore spot can swell in completely different ways.

For example, a mosquito or flea bite will be less noticeable because their saliva contains a special enzyme that slows down blood clotting. In this case, even a child after a bite rarely has anything but a slight swelling.

It is a completely different matter if we take wasps, bees, hornets as an example. When they sting, they inject a considerable amount of poison, which can destroy tissue walls and cause inflammation, allergies, and severe swelling. An eye injury is especially dangerous, in this case urgent medical care is required, since it is necessary not only to neutralize the action of toxins, but also to remove the sting and remove all foreign bodies.

It is worth noting right away that even if you do not have any allergies, do not be surprised that there may be some kind of reaction after such an injury.

Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction to an insect sting

In 65% of cases, a bitten person is not threatened with any serious consequences, and all he gets off with is a red spot with a slight swelling at the site of the lesion. In the remaining 35% of episodes, problems such as:

  • Swollen eyelid (if the bite zone of the eye) to such an extent that visual function is impaired;
  • Hives;
  • Itching all over the body;
  • Burning;
  • Dizziness;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Pain sensations;
  • Internal swelling of the nasal and pharyngeal cavities;
  • Rash and redness in various areas (not only at the site of the lesion);
  • Chest pain;
  • Fever;
  • Labored breathing;
  • confusion and dizziness;
  • low blood pressure;
  • Increased volume of lymph nodes;
  • In the absence of timely and prompt treatment, anaphylactic shock may occur.

Individual symptoms depend on the specific pest. If you or your child develop any of these signs, contact your doctor or call an ambulance immediately. They will tell you not only how to remove the swelling, but also provide some tips that should be followed in the future.

What and who is dangerous?

Before prescribing any treatment and thinking about the consequences, you need to find out which insect caused swelling on the leg, arm or other place after the bite. So who should be afraid?

  • Malarial mosquitoes;
  • Fleas;
  • Bed bugs;
  • Rat fleas;
  • Common flies and representatives of tsetse;
  • Ticks;
  • cockroaches;
  • mosquitoes;
  • Ants.

Even simple mosquito bites can cause serious complications (malaria, dengue disease, yellow fever, and others) due to the fact that they carry various diseases through the blood.

What not to do after an insect bite

Before you do anything in order to counter the emerging symptoms, you need to know the list of actions that are forbidden to do, they will only complicate the situation.

  1. Comb the affected area. You can bring the infection yourself, this will provoke additional inflammation. Children, unlike adults, cannot restrain this desire, they need to be watched;
  2. Rub the bite area. Thanks to this action, toxins or enzymes that have fallen under the epithelium will spread over a larger area;
  3. No need to use any external preparations directly on the wound. Most medicines should be applied around healthy skin;
  4. Even if the eyelid or leg is very swollen from a bite, you should not personally prescribe antibiotics, diuretics and painkillers (if any) for yourself. All such drugs have a number of restrictions and must be prescribed by a doctor;
  5. If the eye is affected, do not try to pull out the sting yourself (in the case of bees, wasps and hornets), leave it to a specialist;
  6. Avoid using household chemicals. This may exacerbate the allergic reaction.

Treatment, how to relieve swelling from an insect bite

Now there are many options for how to remove swelling from a bite, these are both medicines and folk remedies.


Most of the medicines listed have a number of medicinal properties, and not just one.

  • Levomekol. A good option if the hand is swollen after an arthropod bite, it is applied topically and relieves any inflammation due to the fact that it has good regenerative capabilities and easily penetrates deep into the skin;
  • Betazon. Antipruritic, vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial drug.
  • When the leg is swollen, Fenistil can be an excellent option, it will effectively help relieve swelling and itching, due to its anti-allergic properties;
  • Edema caused by stings of wasps, bees and other insects with a sting is often removed with Flucinar gel;
  • If, after an insect bite, a leg or other limb is swollen due to allergies, Sinaflan ointment can be prescribed, it will also relieve itching and swelling.

Folk preparations

Over time, many folk remedies have been invented that help people cope with the consequences of an insect bite:

  • Laundry soap. Not liquid, or containing any additives, it will disinfect the wound and prevent possible infection;
  • The strongest help can be an ointment that needs to be treated on the affected area. Mix 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and add 5 drops of lemon and mint essential extract there;
  • No matter how strange it may seem, but if you apply toothpaste to a swollen place, you can reduce not only swelling, but also itching;
  • It will also be effective to press the wound with the leaves of such plants: mint, plantain, bird cherry, dandelion;
  • Use crushed cabbage or parsley leaves;
  • Aloe juice is often used.

If you have an insect bite, swelling and redness, only a doctor can tell you what to do in difficult cases, especially if your eyes or any mucous tissues are affected, self-medication is prohibited.

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