Why dates are good for the pancreas. Is it possible to eat dates with pancreatitis: expert opinions. Dates in the chronic form of the disease

Since ancient times, before long journeys or military campaigns, far-sighted Arabs stocked up on dried dates. Due to the high content of sugars, nutritious dried fruits quickly coped with hunger and allowed them to do without other products. Modern Arabic cuisine remains faithful to these unique fruits of date palms, they are boiled, fried, added to various dishes. They are devoid of cholesterol, but they contain 23 amino acids (including essential ones).

Dates in the acute phase of pancreatitis

Despite the many wonderful qualities, dates can be included in the diet only after the onset of persistent positive dynamics (toward the end of the dietary rehabilitation phase). At the peak of the inflammatory process, they can:

  • exacerbate glucose metabolism disorders and / or be an exorbitant burden on the insulin-producing cells of the inflamed gland, since the sugars contained in dates quickly enter the bloodstream;
  • cause fermentation in the intestines, which will manifest itself as severe bloating, pain in it and loose stools with foam;
  • due to its coarse fiber (6.4 - 11.5 g per 100 g of dates) provoke intestinal colic.

After the primary adaptation of the body and the pancreas to food, dates are given to patients mashed (without indigestible skin) or added to allowed jellies, jelly, compotes, mousses. High-calorie dried fruits also have a therapeutic effect. They:

  • reduce swelling of the gland (due to the ratio of sodium and potassium);
  • reduce the synthesis of components of gastric juice, and, consequently, the production of overly active pancreatic enzymes (the effect of glutamic acid found in dates).

Dates in remission

If pancreatitis is not complicated by the formation of endocrine insufficiency (deficiency in insulin production), then during the remission of the disease, dates are allowed to be eaten dried or used to give an unexpected taste when cooking various confectionery delights, meat dishes or snacks. The healing properties of these "oriental sweets" are manifested:

Having eaten the allowed 10 dates, the patient will receive the entire necessary daily dose of copper, sulfur and magnesium.


The maximum daily serving of dates for chronic pancreatitis:

  • exacerbation phase - the number of dates is determined individually;
  • phase of stable remission - up to 10 dates (provided that carbohydrate metabolism is preserved and there is no obesity).

In acute pancreatitis - the number of dates is determined individually, their use is possible only in the phase of dietary rehabilitation.

Diet compliance score for chronic pancreatitis: 9.0

Food suitability score during acute pancreatitis: 4.0

vitamins in dates

C, B1, B2, B5, B6, A, E, beta-carotene, K, PP

Minerals in dates

cadmium, aluminum, fluorine, cobalt, potassium, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, selenium, boron, zinc, sulfur, sodium

I don’t want to infringe on anything, even when the diagnosis is pancreatitis. It is clear that it carries a number of restrictions, including many sweet dishes and products.

But you really want to regularly indulge yourself with your favorite delights, how can you get away from this if a habit has been formed over the years? And then the question reasonably arises, what can sweets be for patients with pancreatitis, for example, dates for pancreatitis can you periodically allow yourself for dessert? Let's find out this question and give an answer to it.

The pancreas is one of the organs of the digestive tract, located deep in the abdominal cavity, below and slightly to the left of the stomach, next to the duodenum, spleen and gallbladder. The organ consists of three sections (head, body and tail), has an elongated pear-shaped shape.

The gland is the largest of all the others in the human body. The organ is responsible for two main functions - the production of a number of hormones, for example, insulin, glycogen and the synthesis of pancreatic juice. Juice is necessary to participate in the digestion of food that has already entered the duodenum.

It is in an inactive state in the gland, but when it enters the intestine through the ducts, it is converted to an active state and there each of its enzymes breaks down proteins, fats and carbohydrates to an assimilated level by cells. When abnormalities occur in the functioning of the organ, a disease such as pancreatitis (an inflammatory process in the gland) is often acquired.

Pancreatitis can be of several forms: initial, reactive, acute and chronic. Most often, the disease is associated with improperly adjusted nutrition in a person’s life, whether it is a violation of the diet or the abuse of unhealthy foods (fried, fatty, smoked, etc.) or alcohol.

Another of the most common causes of pancreatitis are diseases of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The main signs of gland disease:

  1. Pain of varying degrees of strength, location (depending on the lesion: head, body or tail), often girdle in nature, usually 20–30 minutes after ingestion of fatty, smoked, spicy foods, alcohol, going mainly from bottom to top.
  2. Nausea, turning into vomiting without relief, diarrhea.
  3. Bloating, flatulence.
  4. Fever, lethargy, drowsiness.
  5. Dry mouth, discoloration of the skin to yellow and white patches of mucous.
  6. Changing the color of urine and feces, etc.

Treatment of the disease and recovery of the body

Feeling unwell, a sign of illness that does not pass for a couple of days, a person should seek help from a medical facility. The doctor - gastroenterologist, after examining the patient, will send him to take clinical tests, undergo a hardware examination and, based on their results, make a final diagnosis.

As a rule, the gland produces pancreatitis. The first thing a doctor prescribes is a diet. Painkillers are connected to it, drugs that help restore the function of producing enzymes that restore the parenchyma.

The diet involves the rejection of many foods and dishes. The doctor gives the patient a list of prohibited foods (at the request of the patient), tells what is allowed in his situation at each stage of the disease. It is recommended to take food in small portions, increasing the frequency of intake up to 5-6 times a day, chop it, steam it, cook it in the oven, serve it boiled, stewed.

Restrictions are imposed on fatty meats, fish, dairy products, fresh bread, yolk (at first), barley, millet, legumes, white cabbage, onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, bananas, grapes, coffee, chocolate, etc.

Accordingly, you can eat low-fat varieties of meat and fish, low-fat milk, vegetables (carrots, potatoes, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, green peas, etc.), baked fruits, puree (preferably an apple and a pear), you can dried fruits, compotes based on them.

In this regard, patients have a question, is it recommended to eat dates or not? What is said in the medical literature on the date diet for cholecystitis and pancreatitis, is there such a thing?

Is it possible to eat dates when sick

What is known about dates? Date palms are common plants in southern countries (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Egypt and some European countries).

They are used in different forms (dried, dried, boiled, fried), both independently and as part of various dishes. As for pancreatitis, it is not recommended to use dates during an exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease and in the acute course of the disease. Why?

Yes, because dates contain a lot of sugar, and during the period when the body is sick, this will be an additional burden on the gland cells that produce insulin, and also lead to an aggravation of the metabolic process. Dates can also cause bloating, flatulence, loose stools, colic, and abdominal pain.

It is best to introduce them into the diet after the acute condition of the disease has been removed, the recovery period begins, and then they must be introduced carefully, little by little, removing the skin and carefully grinding. With pancreatitis, you can use dates and even preferably within a dozen pieces a day, but first as one of the components of salads, mousse, casseroles, compotes, infusions, etc.

And why are dates useful during remission? They contain potassium, sodium, which help reduce swelling of the enlarged organ. The glutamic acid found in dates blunts the production of enzymes, making the juice less active during remission. This helps the body recover faster after an illness.

The daily norm of dates allows you to completely saturate the body with magnesium, copper and sulfur, half with iron and a quarter with calcium. With regards to a purely date diet, there is no such diet for patients with pancreatitis and concomitant cholecystitis, although there is a belief that one can live for a long time on dates and water alone.


In any particular case, everyone decides for himself (preferably with the help of a doctor's advice), is it necessary for pancreatitis, dates? Some people absolutely do not like them, but someone would eat them in kilograms. Here it is better to balance, not to completely exclude them from the therapeutic diet, but also not to overdo it in desires. Eat dates and get better!

Video: Dried fruits for diabetes - what is possible and what is not?

Since ancient times, before long journeys or military campaigns, far-sighted Arabs stocked up on dried dates. Due to the high content of sugars, nutritious dried fruits quickly coped with hunger and allowed them to do without other products. Modern Arabic cuisine remains faithful to these unique fruits of date palms, they are boiled, fried, added to various dishes. They are devoid of cholesterol, but they contain 23 amino acids (including essential ones). Dates in the acute phase of pancreatitis
Despite the many wonderful qualities, dates can be included in the diet only after the onset of persistent positive dynamics (toward the end of the dietary rehabilitation phase). At the peak of the inflammatory process, they can:
aggravate glucose metabolism disorders and / or turn out to be an exorbitant burden on the insulin-producing cells of the inflamed gland, since the sugars contained in the dates quickly enter the bloodstream;

cause fermentation in the intestines, which will manifest itself as severe bloating, pain in it and loose stools with foam;
due to its coarse fiber (6.4 - 11.5 g per 100 g of dates) provoke intestinal colic.
After the primary adaptation of the body and the pancreas to food, dates are given to patients mashed (without indigestible skin) or added to allowed jellies, jelly, compotes, mousses. High-calorie dried fruits also have a therapeutic effect. They:
reduce swelling of the gland (due to the ratio of sodium and potassium) -
reduce the synthesis of components of gastric juice, and, consequently, the production of overly active pancreatic enzymes (the effect of glutamic acid found in dates). Dates in remission

Video: Treatment of pancreatitis. Diet for pancreatitis, food for pancreatitis

It is believed that these fruits contain all the substances necessary for the life of the body. The fruits are dried, boiled, fried, added as additional components to various dishes of many national cuisines.

A special place is given to these fruits, of course, in desserts.

Why are dates so good for our health?

The nutritional properties of dates have been known since ancient times. Dried fruits of the date palm allowed the Arabs to endure long hikes, since their composition is rich in carbohydrates containing natural sugar, which makes these fruits an energy-rich product.

In addition to great taste, these orientally sweet fruits have many health benefits due to their high content:

  • vitamins, including A, E, K, group B;
  • sodium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium, fluorine, zinc and some other minerals;
  • natural oils and sugars;
  • lots of essential amino acids.

At first glance, dates should be part of a balanced diet, given all their positive properties. However, is it possible to use dates for pancreatitis and cholecystitis? Will these tasty fruits benefit patients suffering from these diseases?

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the human body, pancreatitis is often accompanied by cholecystitis. Both of these diseases are inherently inflammatory. Pancreatitis affects the pancreas, while cholecystitis is characterized by inflammation of the gallbladder. Patients suffering from these ailments are required to follow a special therapeutic diet.

With cholecystitis, it is indicated to eat a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, with the exception of sour berries. Thus, the fruits of the date palm can be introduced into the diet, having first consulted with your doctor.

As for the question, is it possible to eat dates with pancreatitis, then everything is not so simple. Are dates and pancreatitis compatible?

During an exacerbation of this disease, patients are prescribed therapeutic fasting, and after that - a mandatory special diet aimed at normalizing the work of the digestive organs, including the pancreas.

Since the inflammatory process is at its peak in the acute form of pancreatitis, the diet during this period is strict and extremely moderate. Is it possible to have dates with pancreatitis during an exacerbation?

No, due to the need to introduce a strict diet, dates are contraindicated during an exacerbation of the disease, since they can provoke complications of the following nature:

  • given the content of glucose in fruits, they can create an additional unnecessary burden on the diseased pancreas;
  • can cause bloating, stool disorders;
  • provoke spasms in the intestines.

After the body began to eat food in a normal mode for a painful state, it is possible to use dates as an ingredient in dishes such as jelly, jelly, compote.

Due to the high content of potassium and sodium, dates help reduce swelling of the pancreas. Also, glutamic acid helps to reduce the activity of enzymes, which favorably affects the patient's condition.

However, please note that it is not worth introducing dates into the diet for acute pancreatitis on your own, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist on this issue.

After analyzing the indicators of the patient's condition, the doctor will tell you exactly whether it is worth introducing this sweet delicacy into the menu, or it would be better to temporarily abstain.

The chronic course of this disease allows you to expand the patient's menu, diversify it with products that were prohibited during exacerbation. Is it possible to eat dates with pancreatitis if the disease has passed into the chronic stage? Is it possible to dry dates with pancreatitis?

As a rule, nutritionists look positively at the use of dried date palm fruits, because they are very useful.

Despite the fact that dates for pancreatitis during a persistent remission or chronic course can be consumed, it should be remembered that it is better not to start with dried fruits. To begin with, add to compote, porridge, salads, and only then you can try it as an independent dessert.

After the crisis has passed, and the exacerbation is left behind, doctors recommend diversifying the patient's menu. The fruits of the date palm, rich in vitamins and minerals, will benefit the patient, unless, of course, the patient strictly adheres to medical recommendations, and also does not violate the norms of use.

It is important to understand that this article is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate!

The dietary menu should also be developed by a competent specialist. Is it possible to date with cholecystitis and pancreatitis, only a doctor can decide. These diseases are quite insidious and prone to relapse. The diet during their treatment is designed to speed up the recovery process, and adherence to a balanced diet will help you forget once and for all about these ailments.

Therefore, it is worth taking a responsible approach to observing a therapeutic diet. Be healthy!

In addition, dates have a number of healing properties and are widely used to prevent and combat many diseases. But are these fruits really so useful? And is it possible to use dates for pancreatitis?

Useful qualities

The date palm belongs to the oldest cultures known to mankind for more than 4 millennia. Its homeland is North Africa and Arabia. In ancient times, the fruits of the palm - dates - were considered a symbol of fertility and abundance. They are mentioned in the Koran and the Bible, the works of Herodotus and Pliny, and their images are found on ancient Egyptian monuments. Today, date palms are bred not only in their historical homeland. Introduced by the Spaniards to the New World, they can now be found in commercial plantations in Europe, Asia and the southwestern United States.

Date is an amazing fruit that has the ability to improve health and even prolong life.

Chinese centenarians are known to include only water and dates in their diet. This oriental delicacy is rich in:

  • numerous vitamins, including A, E, B1, K, B2, C, B5, PP, B6;
  • minerals such as sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, selenium, zinc, sulfur, fluorine, boron, manganese;
  • various oils and sugars;
  • 23 different amino acids, including glutamine and tryptophan.

According to modern medicine, dates:

  • with diseases of the respiratory tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as with colds and arthritis;
  • with mental stress;
  • with physical exhaustion and overwork;
  • to prevent the development of cancer of the pancreas, intestines and stomach;
  • for successful labor activity;
  • to normalize blood pressure;
  • to prevent aging and the formation of carcinogens;
  • to heal bleeding gums;
  • to strengthen the immune system.

Use in the acute phase

Acute pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, is a disease that can result from overeating spicy and fatty foods, especially when combined with alcohol. In such a pathological condition, the enzymes secreted by the organ are not released into the duodenum, but, being activated in it, begin to destroy the gland, starting the process of self-digestion.

The most important prevention of pancreatitis is the observance of a proper diet. However, if inflammation has already developed, it is generally forbidden to eat in the first few days. After therapeutic fasting, a strict diet must be observed.

Despite the many positive qualities, it is not recommended to use dates during the acute phase of pancreatitis. At the peak of the ongoing inflammatory process, they can provoke:

  • aggravation of sugar metabolism disorders, becoming an exorbitant burden on pancreatic cells that produce insulin;
  • intestinal colic and fermentation in the intestines, which is manifested by bloating and liquid foamy stools.

Dates can be introduced into the diet after the primary adaptation of the affected organ to food. During the period of dietary rehabilitation, their use in a pureed form without skin or as an ingredient in mousses, jelly, jelly or compotes also has a therapeutic effect. High-calorie dried fruits tend to:

  • due to the content of potassium and sodium in them, reduce the swelling of the pancreas;
  • due to the presence of glutamic acid, reduce the production of overly active pancreatic enzymes.

The number of dates used in the acute phase is determined individually depending on the patient's condition.

remission phase

If pancreatitis is not further complicated by the development of endocrine insufficiency, which is a deficiency in insulin production, then during the period of remission of the disease, dates can be eaten dried or used as an additive to confectionery, snacks and meat dishes.

Eating 10 dates allowed per day, provided there is no obesity and normal carbohydrate metabolism, the patient replenishes the entire required daily dose of magnesium, copper and sulfur, a quarter of the need for calcium and half for iron.

Pancreatitis is an insidious disease that has the ability to return. But a complete rejection of alcohol and smoking, constant adherence to a diet and diet, a healthy lifestyle will help to avoid a relapse of the disease. And dates, which have not only excellent taste, but also unique healing properties, will undoubtedly help in this.

Useful video about dates

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