Can lice disappear by themselves. Are there lice on nerves? Stress and lice: there is still some connection

Science has proven that the immune system suffers from human nervous experiences. Negative emotions weaken the immune system, the body is not able to actively resist the development of bacteria and viruses in the environment, to suppress their development. A person becomes defenseless against the attack of various diseases. Scientists rightly believe that stress is a provocateur of the activation of the development of cancer cells. Are there lice from nerves, can negative feelings and experiences become a source of pediculosis, let's try to figure it out.

There is an opinion that pediculosis can appear from stress

Educational program about pediculosis

Among the myths about the relationship between the state of emotional burnout of a person and the defeat of nervous people with pediculosis, the following versions can be distinguished:

The scientific approach suggests that a person who is faced with pediculosis should know the following truths:

Ways of infection

  • physical contact (when hugging, joint activities, games, various types of wrestling, kissing, visiting crowded places, contact in public transport);
  • common use of things and household items (towels, combs, hairpins, hats, clothes) can also become a source of infection not only for head lice, but also for body lice;
  • when swimming in stagnant reservoirs, hygiene procedures cause charging;
  • may appear after visiting public baths, saunas, staying in cheap hotels with a low level of compliance with sanitary standards.

In children from 4 to 12 years old, pediculosis is more often diagnosed. They appear in them not from nerves, but because this age is characterized by the most active tactile contacts with peers, which contributes to the active transmission of the pathogen and more frequent cases of infection.

Based on the reliability of the arguments about the illogicality that lice can start from nerves, one must still find out why such versions and myths appear.

The only logical explanation is the assumption that the patient is being misdiagnosed. Often, skin diseases such as dermatitis, allergies and psoriasis, accompanied by redness, severe itching, are mistaken for head lice. Treatment in such cases can be chosen incorrectly, and it aggravates the patient's situation.

Transmission of head lice through contact with a patient with head lice

Lice reproduction

They reproduce actively. Individuals capable of reproduction appear as early as two and a half weeks after the nits have been deposited. Even under adverse conditions, after a month, the newly appeared louse is able to actively reproduce offspring.

The reality should be stated that 50–60 days after the colonization of even one individual, a whole population of lice, regardless of whether a person is under stress or not, will inhabit the human body.

Choice of treatment

The right decision in the choice of treatment is to consult a doctor. Lice do not disappear on their own. It is necessary to start treatment immediately. There are many modern tools. The dermatologist will help to eliminate the problem by prescribing the necessary drug.

Opinions about whether lice can appear from stress have nothing to do with a scientific approach to the problem, so they are absurd and far from the truth. Scientists have never found evidence to support whether there can be lice from nerves.

Nervous experiences, stress can cause certain diseases, but, fortunately, pediculosis is not one of them. Only from nerves, without really any real reasons, insects in your head are unlikely to appear. You don't have to worry about this. The idea of ​​some people that lice and nits can be in the scalp for years, and manifest themselves completely unexpectedly, under some emergency circumstances that entail stress, is absolutely groundless.

In the same way, there is no basis for the opinion that bloodsuckers start in the hair of a person who is not very neat, and his head can often be dirty, untidy. These judgments of a not very progressive part of the population cannot be called otherwise than a myth or fiction. Remember once and for all: lice are transmitted only from person to person. This means that you can become infected with them through personal contact with someone who already has them. Or if you used his comb, put on his hat, sleep on his pillow.

Can lice appear on nerves in an adult?

The child has

Now let's see if lice can appear in a child on a nervous basis? In principle, age here hardly matters much. If a child, just like an adult, is very worried about something and sweats a lot, he is at risk. Of course, if there is a carrier of lice next to him at this moment. Although it should be noted that children sweat much less often than adults, and the smell of sweat is not so pronounced. However, the fact remains: if there is a carrier of lice next to the child, and for some reason he sweats a lot, bloodsuckers can "go" to the smell.

The main and only causes of lice are various cases of their transmission from an infected person to a healthy one. Lice, unlike, for example, helminths, have no other hosts than humans, and therefore they cannot be infected with food and even in nature.

Children as the main risk group

Children are more susceptible to head lice. There are several reasons for this:

In addition, the reason why lice appear more often in children than in adults is that children are less selective in choosing acquaintances. Children equally easily make contact with well-groomed peers, and with those who live in poor sanitary conditions and are even vagrants.

The reason for the appearance of lice in young children can be quite commonplace - a child can become infected from a sick mother. He definitely cannot avoid this contact, and it all depends on how the mother herself approaches the issue of ensuring her safety.

Optimal conditions for the spread of lice

Important reasons for the appearance of lice in a large number of people include the relevant social and sanitary conditions in which people live. This explains the fact that today lice are especially common in developing countries.

  • low cultural level of society as a whole, lack of well-established rules of strict personal hygiene
  • promiscuity, from which pubic lice mainly start
  • established and well-formed teams and groups of people. Due to the reduced contact barriers in such groups and, as a result, kissing, hugging, and other bodily contacts accepted as the norm, lice are especially numerous here and spread at a very high speed.
  • Circumstances that bring together a large number of people - in prisons, field camps, refugee camps, lice reservations for each individual person appear in the order of things - it is extremely difficult to avoid contact with the infected or their household items.

In general, in the world, lice on the head appear more often in people in the winter, when most of the time the population spends indoors in fairly close contact with each other. In countries with a high standard of living, there are other peaks in the number of head lice infestations: from the beginning of autumn, when children infected in the summer come to school, in early spring, when children begin to be on the streets more and communicate with non-social elements.

How lice do not exactly appear

Along with scientifically proven methods of infecting lice, there are various folk myths and stereotypes that try to explain why lice appear on the head. Among them:

  • “Lice come from the nerves” is a very famous myth, which even today is used to explain any case of lice infestation.
  • “Lice doze in the scalp and crawl out with a weakened immune system or severe stress” is no less nonsense. Lice are not able to live under the skin, and by and large, they do not care who they bite - a person with a weakened immune system or a completely healthy one.
  • "Lice can jump from dogs and cats" - is not able to live on animals, and lice that infect cats and dogs cannot feed on humans. Therefore, such a cause of lice in humans is also incorrect.

Tips for preventing lice infestation are quite simple, but not everyone can follow them:

  • it is necessary to avoid close contacts with unfamiliar people, especially those whose social status raises certain doubts.
  • The absence of casual sexual intercourse is a reliable guarantee of a life without pubic lice and a reduction in the risk of infection with head lice.
  • You can not use other people's combs, clothes, bedding, hairpins and hair ties.
  • Prevention of pediculosis in children includes a regular check of the condition of the hair - often, even when heavily infected, they do not admit it, fearing to be ridiculed by their peers.

The first signs of the appearance of lice are itching, at first rather weak, as well as the appearance of white dots on the hair and bites on the scalp. Later, when, spots, rashes and allergic reactions appear.

Pediculosis treatment: folk recipes and effective remedies for lice and nits

Some still believe that lice can be removed by "home" remedies. For example, kerosene lotions, alcohol compresses, hellebore water or garlic oil. But no - this is not the best way to get rid of lice and nits:

The second way to treat pediculosis is to buy a ready-made remedy for lice and nits in a pharmacy. Fortunately, there are a lot of them now, for every taste (sprays, shampoos, ointments, etc.). What to consider when choosing a pharmacy product:

  • Look at the composition - most inexpensive products include silicones and synthetic pediculocidal substances (for example, dimethicone). First, they can cause allergies. Secondly, in most cases, these substances in the composition are flammable, and after treatment with such preparations, the hair cannot be dried with a hairdryer (they may catch fire).
  • Read the instructions - depending on the composition, the product may not work in one go. It may require not one, but 2-3 treatments in a few days. In addition, only lice are sensitive to many drugs, but not nits. Remember that after almost any remedy (perhaps, except for Laisner shampoo - more on that below), combing out the nits with a special comb is required. It is impossible to allow at least one nit to remain on the hair - you will have to start all over again.
  • Keep in mind that the often advertised and once popular permethrin remedies no longer work. The fact is that lice have developed resistance to permethrin over the decades. Therefore, buying products containing permethrin most likely means throwing away money (in fact, their effectiveness can only be due to many hours of combing). In Europe, such drugs have been banned for production and sale for 5-7 years, and in Russia since the summer of 2018.

Today, Leisner shampoo is considered the easiest to use and effective remedy for lice and nits. This is officially recognized by the Research Institute of Disinfectology of the Russian Federation: the drug is included in the list of highly effective pediculocidal drugs.

The principle of operation of Leisner is twofold. On the one hand, the agent destroys the waterproof layer on the body of lice and the cocoon of nits - they simply choke and die from Leisner. On the other hand, the drug helps to soften the "glue" with which the nits are attached to the hair. As a result, the nits fall off on their own, and even careful combing after treatment is not required. The application time of "Leisner" is 10 minutes. And no reprocessing is required.

In general, no matter what lice appear in any particular case, ways to get rid of them are well known and developed. But it is better to prevent the infection itself and protect yourself and loved ones from it.

Interesting video: what causes lice on the head?

When thinking about whether lice can appear on a nervous basis, you should find out in what ways these insects are transmitted, how infection occurs. There is an opinion that one of the causes of pediculosis is severe nervous stress in humans. To figure out whether this is a myth or reality, you need to study in more detail the features of lice, their vital activity.

The only way for lice to get on the head or body of a person is a direct transfer from another person.

When thinking about whether lice can appear from stress, it should be borne in mind that in difficult situations, when you have to solve global problems or a person is faced with great grief, experiences daily stress, changes occur in the body. In particular, the glands (sebaceous, sweat) begin to work more intensively, producing a specific, heavy smell of sweat. At the same time, a person on a nervous basis becomes a more attractive object for insects, and they, on occasion, inhabit the body of a new host.

So the answer to the question, can lice appear on their own, will be negative. They come from somewhere, from the previous owner.

Methods of infection

A louse in a child, as well as in an adult, can appear in several ways:

As you can see, lice in humans do not appear from nerves. For infection to occur, it is necessary to provide opportunities for this, namely, direct contact with the sick or his things.

Signs of the appearance of lice during stress: is it lice?

When deciding whether lice can appear from stress, on a nervous basis, they sometimes take these manifestations for real pediculosis. However, in the absence of factors that lead to infection, in such cases, a common allergy is diagnosed.

Dermatitis can also appear on nerves, and lice have nothing to do with them.

The danger of this assumption is that you can miss the time to treat an allergy or skin disease. As a result, the symptoms will appear more severe and it will take more time and effort to recover.

By the way, dermatitis and other skin diseases (for example, scabies) really begin to develop in stressful situations, which is due to a decrease in immunity.

When thinking about whether lice can appear from nerves, it should be borne in mind that quite often the vital activity of a subcutaneous tick provokes the appearance of similar symptoms as in the case of pediculosis: severe itching, sores on the skin, changes in its properties (dryness, peeling).

Interesting video:Lice in humans - causes, symptoms and treatment

What are the myths about lice?

There are a lot of misconceptions about pests. The most common of them include the myth that lice and nits are different insects, unrelated to each other. In fact, these are representatives of the same species, only they are at different stages of development. A louse is an adult, and a nit is an insect egg that is fixed on the hair. When answering the question whether lice can appear on nerves, you should know that nits are the result of the vital activity of mature insects and do not appear on the hair on their own.

In addition to the question of whether lice can appear on a nervous basis, there are other misconceptions. For example, there is an opinion that nits can appear only with oncological diseases, since these neoplasms consist of cancer cells and are destroyed only after the death of a person.

There are different myths, however, one must be guided by logic and think sensibly, based on proven facts, and not speculation. You should know that lice tend to appear only in cases where conditions are created for this - when touching the patient. These pests cannot materialize from the air, even if a person has nervous stress.

Even as a child, you could hear from your grandmother that lice infest nervous and angry people. If you don’t worry about trifles and try to be kind and peaceful, then lice will never appear. At first glance, this statement seems to be nothing more than a myth. But suddenly there is a grain of truth in it? Let's see if a person can get lice on a nervous basis ...

  • Contact with infected people (it is enough to be at a distance of less than half a meter) - a louse can jump from a sick person to a healthy one.
  • Using items that were previously used by an adult or child with lice. For example, lice can crawl onto a person from bedding, blankets, sweaters, hats, scarves. Hair care products are especially dangerous - combs, towels, hair ties, hairpins.

As you can see, the methods of infection with lice have nothing to do with the nervous state of people. Insects are not able to recognize the level of the mental state of an adult or a child and choose a victim according to this principle. Conclusion: lice do not appear on nervous grounds!

Can they bite harder due to stress?

Where did the lies come from?

So, we found out that lice from nerves do not appear and do not bite harder. Where do these assumptions come from then? It's all about crosstalk. The fact is that on a nervous basis, a child or an adult may experience:

  • Scabies: itchy skin (in a certain place or all over the body).
  • Inflammatory allergic dermatitis: rashes and / or redness appear.

Why is delusion dangerous?

It is important to distinguish a nerve rash from a lice infestation. These diseases require different treatment:

If the diagnosis is made incorrectly and the wrong medications are used, then this will not only not relieve the source of torment, but will also seriously harm the person. When symptoms appear, do not believe the myths - it is better to consult a doctor. The specialist will diagnose, determine the exact cause of the disease, draw up the correct treatment plan.

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