What to do when blood vessels burst. Rupture of blood vessels in the hands: causes, treatment, prevention. How is the treatment carried out

The fragility and fragility of blood vessels is due to the loss of elasticity of the vascular wall. In patients, blood vessels in the arms burst due to minor injuries or spontaneously. Clinically, this is manifested by the formation of hematomas (bruises), bruises. Blood as a result of a traumatic injury to the upper limb penetrates under the skin and accumulates there.

In healthy people, the walls of blood vessels are strong and elastic, they are able to withstand short-term pressure. When a certain force is applied, the vessels on the hands burst, and bruises appear. If hematomas occur for no reason, it is worth considering and consulting with a specialist.

Bursting blood vessels in the hands indicate disorders in the body that require proper treatment. Patients complain that capillaries periodically appear on the fingers. After some time, they burst, and a hematoma forms under the skin. Such phenomena are accompanied by severe pain and require seeking medical help from a phlebologist.

Older people are more likely to rupture blood vessels in their arms than younger people. This is due to the deposition of salts and lipids on the walls of blood vessels, deterioration of blood supply due to. Blood vessels in older people wear out, become fragile and brittle.


Vessels can burst on the hands for no apparent reason. To understand why this is happening it is necessary to examine the patient and analyze the results. The formation of bruises and hemorrhages is a pathological process caused by the influence of certain factors. If you do not pay attention to them, unpleasant consequences can develop.

The main causes of bruising on the hands include external and internal factors.

Endogenous (internal) etiological factors of pathology:

If a vessel on the finger has burst or spider veins have appeared on the forearm, you should not wait to continue. These phenomena are quite enough for a visit to a specialist.

Exogenous factors:

  1. Traumatic injury.
  2. Peeling, solarium and some other cosmetic manipulations.
  3. Physical inactivity.
  4. Air pressure fluctuations and temperature fluctuations.
  5. Burns or frostbite.
  6. The negative impact of direct sunlight.
  7. Long-term use of antidepressants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory or anti-asthma drugs.
  8. Stress and strong feelings.
  9. Physical overstrain and heavy strength training.
  10. Chemicals, low-quality household chemicals: detergents, liquid soap, shower gel, hand cream.


The fragility and fragility of blood vessels is clinically manifested by the formation or appearance.

In warm weather, patients with increased fragility of blood vessels freeze and turn blue extremities. Spider veins appear on the skin, caused by deformation of the capillary walls. Such patients do not tolerate heat well, suffer from frequent and unreasonable dizziness, darkening of the eyes with a sharp rise, and aching joints. They are motion sick in transport, meteosensitivity develops, pressure jumps are observed, tachycardia appears, short-term fainting is possible.

Such symptoms indicate weakness and fragility of blood vessels, as well as an existing circulatory disorder.


To determine the patient's increased fragility of blood vessels and find out the cause of this pathology, several diagnostic tests are performed.

For persons with increased fragility of blood vessels, therapists recommend consulting narrow specialists, donating urine and blood for a general clinical analysis, blood for a coagulogram, undergoing electrocardiography, capillaroscopy.

Capillaroscopy- a non-invasive method for studying soft tissue capillaries, which allows to determine the state of microcirculation in humans. Using a stereomicroscope, you can examine each specific capillary individually or the entire capillary network in a given area. With damage to the vascular walls and violation of the integrity of the capillaries, erythrocytes enter the interstitial space. When several small point hemorrhages merge, large foci are formed. Another microscopic sign of increased vascular fragility is a change in the shape of the capillary loop.


The main reason for the appearance of burst blood vessels on the hands is the fragility and fragility of the vascular walls. Treatment of this problem begins after a comprehensive examination by specialists in related specialties.

The diet of persons whose blood vessels burst on their hands should consist of foods enriched with vitamins and angioprotective substances. Patients are advised to include chicken or rabbit meat, veal, beef, low-fat fish, vegetables and fruits, cereals and pasta, nuts, beans, and lactic acid products in their daily menu. They are forbidden fried foods, muffins, smoked meats and marinades, spices. Salty and sweet foods should be consumed in limited quantities. Coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited.

  1. If the vessel burst due to injury, this is not a reason for taking emergency measures. A small hematoma will go away on its own.
  2. Exposure to chemicals leads to rapid aging of the skin of the hands and damage to the capillaries in the hands. To prevent this from happening, protective gloves must be used.
  3. To strengthen blood vessels, it is useful to do exercises that activate the activity of the venous system, conduct a massage that improves blood circulation, harden the body, and stop smoking.

Medical therapy

Among the instrumental methods of treatment, the most effective are.

When blood vessels burst in the body, a small amount of blood accumulates under the surface of the skin. As a result, small red dots (petechiae) or large flat spots (purpura) appear on the dermis. About why the vessels burst on the hands, face and other parts of the body, as well as how to deal with the problem, is described in the article.

Why is there a problem?

Most often, bursting vessels are found after an injury. A small bloody rash may remain at the site of a bruise or bruise. But petechiae that arose spontaneously should be especially alert, because they can be a sign of a serious illness.

The most common reasons for a burst vessel:

  • injury;
  • allergic reaction;
  • blood infections;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • childbirth;
  • side effects of treatment for skin diseases;
  • side effects of chemotherapy;
  • aging process.

In any case, the vessels burst when their walls become less elastic. Sometimes the cause of the deterioration of the condition of the vessels can be a change in the hormonal background.

A broken vessel looks unattractive, but in itself does not pose a danger

In more rare cases, the following diseases can provoke the destruction of small vessels:

  • meningitis (inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord);
  • leukemia (cancer of blood cells);
  • sore throat caused by bacterial infections;
  • sepsis (body-centered inflammatory response to a bacterial infection).

Separately, it is necessary to consider the causes of the appearance of bursting vessels on the face. The peculiarity lies in the fact that if a network of burst vessels appears on the nose and cheeks, then in 90% of cases the reason for this is heredity. Also, the reason that the vessel on the face burst may be:

  • dieting;
  • frequent use of scrubs;
  • frequent visits to the sauna;
  • refusal to use the cream in frosty weather.


If the patient noticed that the vessels all over the body burst, and there were no obvious reasons for this, then it is urgent to consult a doctor. Some moles can be mistaken for subcutaneous hemorrhages. Only an experienced dermatologist can distinguish one from the other with the help of a visual examination.

However, in order to determine the cause and prescribe treatment, the dermatologist will need to examine the patient's medical record.

During the diagnosis process, the following questions may arise, the answers to which are best prepared in advance:

  1. When did the patient first notice that the vessel had burst?
  2. Do subcutaneous bleeding accompany any other symptoms?
  3. Did the patient participate in contact sports, fights?
  4. Have you attended a vacuum massage in the last few weeks?
  5. Has the patient visited a cosmetologist (especially if a vessel on the face has burst)?
  6. Does the area with subcutaneous bleeding hurt or itch?
  7. Do any of the blood relatives have foci of burst blood vessels?

It is worth preparing answers to the dermatologist's questions in advance

You should also tell your doctor if you are taking any herbs, dietary supplements, or medications. Drugs such as aspirin, steroids, or anticoagulants can cause bleeding under the skin. Detailed answers to the above questions will allow the doctor to get information about why the blood vessels in the hands and the body as a whole actually burst.

A dermatologist may also order a blood or urine test to check for an infection or virus. If necessary, an ultrasound scan of the affected area may also be performed to look for occult fractures or abnormal tissue damage.


Unfortunately, if a vessel under the eye has burst, then you should not expect it to heal or resolve on its own.

It is useless to treat the damaged capillary itself, but you can prevent the occurrence of new foci of subcutaneous bleeding by adhering to the following rules:

  • if bursting vessels have already been noticed, then it is necessary to avoid all procedures that involve the use of vacuum, rollers, powerful lasers for several months;
  • if the vessels on the legs burst, then you need to abandon the use of rough scrubs, massages, body wraps. But the use of fruit acids is not prohibited.
  • do not rub or pull damaged skin;
  • wash the body only with warm water, not hot or cold;
  • avoid visiting the sauna, solarium;
  • protect the skin from frost with greasy, oily creams;
  • eat a balanced diet, paying special attention to the presence of vitamin C;
  • no smoking;
  • keep alcohol consumption to a minimum. In particular, red wine provokes rupture of capillaries.

official treatments

Methods for the treatment of subcutaneous bleeding can be divided into 3 categories.

Eradication of the reasons that burst blood vessels in the hands and body as a whole

For this, systemic antiviral, antibacterial drugs can be prescribed. If the vessels on the fingers burst as a result of taking medications, prebiotics are prescribed.

Reduction of foci of subcutaneous bleeding

Creams and serums for the treatment of broken capillaries are not really a cure. Damaged vessels are most noticeable on pale, thin and dry skin, especially on the face. That is why dermatologists prescribe special moisturizers that stimulate the renewal of skin cells. As a result, broken capillaries become less noticeable.

The so-called anti-couperose preparations contain extracts of plant substances extracted from saxaul and celandine. These extracts stimulate blood circulation and help keep capillary walls strong and elastic. If you use anti-couperose drugs at the first signs of the appearance of broken capillaries, then you can prevent a further increase in foci of subcutaneous bleeding.

The extract of celandine in the composition of the cream will help prevent the development of foci of rosacea

Retinoid creams will help get rid of small broken capillaries by increasing the production of collagen in the skin. In fact, the capillaries will not disappear anywhere, they may simply not be visible on the renewed skin.

Anti-inflammatory creams containing green tea extract or kelp reduce excessive blood flow to the affected areas of the skin and also help to make broken capillaries invisible.

Everyone knows that patients prone to subcutaneous bleeding should avoid massages, but the myofascial type is an exception. This is a special deep tissue massage, which is carried out using plant-based creams and serums. Myofascial massage stimulates blood circulation and helps keep the walls of blood vessels elastic.

Removal of broken blood vessels

Electrocoagulation fights bursting vessels by sending an electrical impulse to the affected area. This method may not be suitable for a child.

Laser and electrical impulse will get rid of the problem

Laser treatment is the most effective way to remove broken capillaries. The doctor, using a special device, sends pulses of laser light to the damaged vessels, which eventually destroys them. Temporary side effects may include redness, swelling, peeling, or crusting.

home treatments

If the blood vessels have already burst, then completely removing them at home is unrealistic. However, there are several proven folk remedies that are effective in reducing redness.

Aloe vera

It is necessary to grind an aloe leaf into gruel and rub the affected areas before going to bed. You must first rinse the skin with green or black tea. Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

The aloe mask recipe is very affordable and simple.

green tomatoes

You just need to cut the tomatoes into slices and apply them to problem areas. The active ingredients will work within three minutes. Green tomato contains an ideal concentration of essential acids, which have a beneficial effect on reducing redness. You can use this method of treatment for no more than 10 days in a row. After applying the tomatoes, be sure to apply a little nourishing cream.

parsley leaves

This effective ingredient was used even in ancient Greece. It is necessary to take a handful of parsley leaves and pour 100 ml of boiling water over them. Cover and leave for half an hour. Then strain the liquid and add 50 ml of milk. Soak a small gauze towel in the resulting liquid, and then apply it to the face or other problem area. Leave the compress on for 20 minutes. Perform the procedure every day for a month.


It is necessary to soak 4 tablespoons of dried sage in 200 ml of boiling water. Cover and let stand for ten minutes. Drain the water and add 200 ml of milk. Cleanse your face thoroughly every day with this liquid. You can apply a compress for 10 minutes or just wash your face with sage milk. After the procedure, be sure to rinse the treated area with cold water. You can apply this treatment every day until you see improvement.

Despite the fact that home methods of getting rid of broken capillaries cannot harm your health, as they are applied externally, you should consult a dermatologist before starting their use.

Not many people start to worry if a vessel on their arm has burst. In most cases, anxiety arises under certain conditions. For example, a strong pain syndrome or the appearance of a hematoma in a conspicuous place. It is important to understand that nothing happens in the human body just like that. And any negative change should be a reason for consulting a specialized medical specialist.

In a normal state, arteries, veins and vessels are quite elastic. They can withstand severe mechanical damage without tearing or stretching. The frequent appearance of bruises, bruises at the site of skin compression may indicate the occurrence and development of a disease of internal organs, the endocrine or cardiovascular system.

Most often, blood vessels burst in the hands due to:

  • failure in the production of hormones (pregnancy, after an abortion, during menopause);
  • severe hypothermia;
  • prolonged exposure to the hot sun or in a solarium;
  • allergic reactions;
  • poisoning with drugs or other chemicals.

Also, the weakening of the walls of blood vessels and increased permeability may be the result of obesity, the appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia, varicose veins.

What to do if the vessels on the hands burst

First of all, you should seek help from a medical institution. Only correct diagnostics on modern equipment can reveal the source of problems. According to the results of the research, the doctor prescribes treatment.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels are used:

  • electrocoagulation - exposure to electric current;
  • laser therapy - special equipment works with hemoglobin, which subsequently helps the vessels to keep their shape;
  • microsclerotherapy - this method is based on the properties of drugs that "cement" the vessel, injected with a needle into the problem area.

In most cases, this treatment is not necessary. If blood vessels burst on the hands, then this usually indicates a general loss of strength or frequent exposure to stress. Sometimes it’s enough just to rest and restore health. But the problem should not be taken lightly either. Untimely diagnosis and ineffective therapeutic actions can force doctors to decide on cardinal methods of treatment, up to surgical removal of the vessel.

How to deal with pathology at home

You can normalize the walls of blood vessels by narrowing or expanding the capillary. This can be achieved in various ways. For example, strict control of blood pressure or proper massage.

Also, it will not be superfluous to check household detergents for the content of dangerous chemical elements. It is especially important to monitor possible allergic reactions if a vessel on the wrist has burst.

In addition to limiting household chemicals and eliminating possible intoxication, you need to change your lifestyle. Sports activities, moderate physical activity improve blood circulation and contribute to the saturation of tissues with oxygen.

The right diet is very important. When pathologies of the cardiovascular system are detected, it is necessary to increase the number of products containing retinol, tocopherol, aescusan, pantothenic acid. These elements normalize hemodynamics, improve vascular elasticity, and protect the cell membrane.

Take care of yourself, because being healthy is always great!

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If a vessel on a finger burst in a person, the reason most often lies in the fact that the vascular walls have lost their elasticity and elasticity. Depending on the factor that provoked the pathology, a therapeutic course is prescribed or it is recommended to use traditional medicine.

Why do blood vessels burst

Injuries of a different nature are the most common reason that the vessels on the fingers burst. The bruises that appear in this case often pass on their own and quickly enough, without causing any special worries.

There are other reasons that can disrupt the integrity of the vessels and cause internal hemorrhages on the fingers, for example:

  • various thyroid diseases, kidney pathologies, hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia lead to vascular fragility;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • burns and frostbite;
  • frequent exposure to solarium lamps;
  • peeling, rubbing the skin with hard washcloths;
  • allergy to synthetic detergents: if you find a bruise on your fingers after using a new dishwashing detergent, it is better to buy another household chemical;
  • physical exercises often lead to an increase in pressure, at which the walls of the capillaries break, and as a result, hematomas form;
  • fragility of capillaries is typical for older people, so they often appear;
  • lack of vitamins of various groups;
  • capillaries and veins can burst in women suffering from hormonal disruptions;
  • lowered immunity due to a recent illness.

How to recognize a phenomenon

Vessels that are in a healthy state have elastic walls, so even injuries do not always lead to the appearance of hematomas. But bruises on the fingers that appear for no reason should be a cause for concern. Often this condition is the first stage of the disease of the vascular system. If a vessel on the arm bursts, then a subcutaneous hematoma occurs in this place.

How often do you take a blood test?

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    Only by prescription of the attending physician 30%, 430 votes

    Once a year and I think it's enough 18%, 261 voice

    At least twice a year 14%, 203 vote

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 161 voice

    I monitor my health and pass once a month 7%, 95 votes

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 5%, 68 votes


Among other symptoms that appear when capillaries are weak, one can single out the occurrence of spider veins, frequent dizziness, aching joints, motion sickness when driving in cars, fainting, arrhythmia, etc.

You can recognize the poor condition of the vascular system using the following methods:

  1. Tighten the medical tourniquet on the forearm and leave for 5 minutes. After removing the tourniquet, you should carefully examine the skin. The appearance of large hematomas indicates that the capillaries and veins are fragile and treatment is necessary.
  2. Fold the skin around the right or left collarbone, squeeze (without causing pain) and rotate at an angle of 90°. The formation of bruises indicates a poor condition of the vascular system.
  3. Light tapping with a medical hammer on the chest can lead to bruising, which indicates that the vessels are fragile. The absence of any traces indicates a healthy condition of the veins and capillaries.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to take blood and urine tests, undergo an ECG and capillaroscopy.

What to do

If a vessel on the finger bursts, a person is interested in what measures should be taken so that such phenomena do not recur. The first step is to determine the cause of the pathology. In the presence of concomitant diseases, therapy begins with them. If damage to the vessel has occurred due to its poor condition, then medication is prescribed. Vitamin therapy is recommended for beriberi, which caused fragility of capillaries and veins.

Medical therapy

The cause of fragility of blood vessels in the hands can be atherosclerosis. In this case, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment that includes Fenofibrate, Atorvastin, or other similar medications. If the body feels a lack of nutrients (and this also often leads to problems with blood vessels), then the doctor will advise Rutozid, Askorutin or other vitamins. Troxevasin, produced in the form of an ointment for external use and tablets for oral administration, will help to cope with the swelling that accompanies hematomas.

If the cause of vascular lesions is an allergy, then it is necessary to take antihistamines. If pressure drops are observed that contribute to vascular damage, it is necessary to use medications prescribed by a doctor, such as Lorista or Enalapril.


Decoctions prepared on the basis of wild rose and walnut leaves, lemon juice will help to forget about bursting vessels on the hands. It is recommended to replace tea leaves with blackcurrant leaves.

Before using folk remedies, you should consult a doctor, because. and medicinal plants have contraindications for use.


Often, the capillaries on the hands burst due to a lack of vitamin C. The doctor recommends that patients consume more berries, fruits and vegetables - citrus fruits, currants, sauerkraut, etc.

If the vessels burst, then it is necessary to abandon the products, which include transgenic fats. Increasingly, they cause high cholesterol levels. It is not recommended to eat fatty foods, pickles and smoked meats, alcoholic beverages

To prevent problems with capillaries, the inclusion in the menu of dishes prepared on the basis of low-fat varieties of fish and meat, cereals and other healthy foods.

In the usual case, bruises on the arms and legs appear due to bruises or blows. Actually, a bruise or a visible hematoma is a bruise under the skin, a cavity where liquid or clotted blood has accumulated. Well, to get into the subcutaneous fat, blood can only in one way: if a blood vessel has burst.

However, blood vessels in the arms and legs burst for a variety of reasons.

Clinical picture

With a good condition of the vessels, even a significant blow does not always cause a hematoma. The walls of healthy veins and capillaries are elastic and are able not only to withstand, but also to some extent compensate for short-term pressure. Bruises that occur without a specific cause are of concern.

Usually, this is not the first stage of the disease. But while you can answer why the bruise appeared, they try to ignore the disease. In fact, the too rapid formation of bruises from negligible pressure, as well as unreasonably large sizes, are already a cause for alarm.

Spontaneously, hematomas and petechiae - point hemorrhages, are formed with both their own arterial and air pressure, temperature changes, strong feelings, stress or heavy loads. This phenomenon is unnatural and serves as an occasion for a visit to the doctor.

It is absolutely not worth waiting for the vessel on the fingers or forearm to burst. To seek advice, it is enough to appear on the hands and feel chilly even in the heat.

Symptoms and Causes

The blood vessels in the upper limbs are subjected to much less stress than in the lower ones. Of course, a person moves his hands much more actively, but for the vessels and joints, the work of the muscles on the hands is additional stimulation, not a load. Therefore, it is important to separate accidental or external damage from internal changes.

  • If the vessel burst on the background of heavy strength training, then most likely the cause was a pressure surge. It is worth modifying the training regime a little.
  • Infectious diseases and exacerbation of chronic ones almost always lead to weakening of the walls of blood vessels and, accordingly, fragility. Nothing special needs to be done here, ordinary restorative therapy is enough.
  • Allergic diseases, regardless of the source, also provoke hanging brittleness. Therefore, if a vessel bursts on the fingers or forearms, you need to pay attention to household chemicals. It is possible that the new dishwashing detergent contains some substance that can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Traumatic effects on the skin - peeling, prolonged exposure to the sun, frostbite or burns lead to damage to blood vessels.
  • Well, the main reason for the weakening of capillaries, veins and arteries is the lack of vitamins C and P - ascorbic acid and rutin. At the same time, a number of additional symptoms are observed that allow a more accurate diagnosis. With a reduced tone of the walls, a person constantly freezes, the temperature of the lower extremities is low, even blue skin can be observed. The formation of hematomas often occurs in winter and late autumn.

By itself, a lack of vitamins can be formed for various reasons. Firstly, this is the lack of foods containing sufficient amounts of C and P on the menu. Secondly, infectious diseases in which vitamin C is used differently and simply does not come in the right quantities. Thirdly, age-related changes, when the digestibility of food decreases.

Everyone knows what to do in these cases: it is not without reason that a kilogram of oranges is considered the best remedy for a sore throat. You just need to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.

Diagnosis of the disease

The fact that the vessel burst without visible physical impact is an indicative sign, but not the only one. To more accurately determine the degree of damage, use such techniques.

  • Pinch method - a fold of skin is clamped with the thumb and forefinger in the chest area and shifted several times with the fingers. Here, the pressure on the skin is not so painful, and accidental damage is excluded. Therefore, if a hemorrhagic spot appears after clamping, then the fragility of the vessels is already significant.
  • The tourniquet method is also used to determine a high degree of fragility. To do this, a tourniquet is applied to the middle part of the shoulder in such a way as to stop the outflow of venous blood, but not to disrupt the inflow of arterial blood - this is checked by the pulse on the radial artery. If, after removing the tourniquet, petechiae appeared in this area or a vessel burst below, then the fragility of the joints is very high and requires medical treatment.
  • Hammer method - a hammer is tapped on the skin in the chest area. The formation of hematomas confirms the diagnosis.

Increased vascular fragility rarely occurs on its own and is associated with other disorders. Therefore, before calling the treatment, the patient is examined by other specialists.


  • The main drugs used to raise the tone of the walls are vitamin complexes C and P - ascorutin, rutoside, capilar.
  • The diet should be reviewed and the menu should be enriched with foods rich in these vitamins - currants, chokeberries, rose hips.
  • Of the physiological procedures, hardening is shown: alternately dousing with hot and cold water. However, if the degree of fragility is large, and even such a pressure drop provokes the appearance of hematomas, it is better to temporarily postpone hardening.
  • Physical activity is an excellent way to prevent and treat wall fragility.
  • Smoking should be excluded. Against the background of such a strong vasoconstrictor, attempts to stimulate the tone of the walls are doomed to failure.

If the vessel burst for the first time in life, then this is not yet a reason for taking emergency measures. But if the appearance of hematomas and petechial hemorrhages has become a permanent phenomenon, you should pay attention to the state of the circulatory system. Fragility of blood vessels is often only a consequence, and quite easily treatable.

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