Magnesium for pregnant women: composition, application features and reviews. Magnesium for pregnant women Signs of magnesium deficiency during pregnancy

A pregnant woman needs to provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements, since their deficiency can not only negatively affect her health, but also affect the intrauterine development of the child.

The need for certain substances during the bearing of a baby increases, therefore, their additional intake in the form of dietary supplements and multivitamin complexes is often necessary. One of these drugs is Magne B6, during pregnancy it is almost always prescribed, as it not only eliminates magnesium deficiency, but also prevents its development.

This trace element is involved in many biochemical reactions of the body associated with the activity of the nervous system, the regulation of muscle contraction and the maintenance of metabolism. When carrying a child, its deficiency affects the tone of the uterus, which means the course of pregnancy as a whole.

Normally, during pregnancy, the amount of magnesium should be from 0.8 to 1 mmol / l of blood. If this indicator is lower, the risk increases:

  • development of back pain;
  • muscle cramps, twitches and tics;
  • increase the tone of the uterus;
  • premature birth;
  • spasms of sphincters (intestines, gallbladder;
  • the appearance of stretch marks.

One of the most dangerous manifestations of magnesium deficiency is a sharp increase in blood pressure with loss of consciousness and convulsions.

Prolonged lack of this element during pregnancy leads to disruption of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Often the first signs of a lack of magnesium are apathy, loss of strength, increased anxiety and irritability, and memory impairment.

The danger is a decrease in the quantitative indicators of the element in the blood to less than 0.4 mmol / g. At the same time, metabolic processes are disturbed, the immune system suffers, and vascular tone changes, which leads to jumps in blood pressure.

Lack of magnesium is also dangerous for the unborn baby, it causes a delay and pathology of intrauterine development.

What is Magne B6?

Magne B6 belongs to a group of drugs that replenish magnesium deficiency and prevent its development. More often it is prescribed during pregnancy, dieting, increased mental and physical stress, as well as when taking certain drugs that increase its excretion from the body (for example, diuretics).

Composition and mechanism of action

The active substances of the drug are magnesium lactate dihydrate and pyridoxine hydrochloride (one of the forms of vitamin B6). Both of these components are involved in metabolic reactions, regulate the work of the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems. Pyridoxine increases the absorption of magnesium into the blood, its entry into the cells of the body.

The deficiency of an element is determined by its concentration in the blood serum. So, during pregnancy, this figure is normally about 1 mmol / l. If this value drops to 0.5 mmol/l, moderate micronutrient deficiency is determined. In severe deficiency, the indicator drops to 0.5 mmol / l and below.

Even in combination with vitamin B6, the absorption of magnesium from the stomach and intestines is about 50% of the amount in the preparation. The trace element is distributed in bones, smooth and striated muscles. Excretion occurs through the kidneys.

Indications for use

Magne B6 is indicated for established magnesium deficiency, isolated or caused by other conditions. His reception is necessary if a woman has become more irritable, tearful, does not sleep well, gets tired quickly. In combination with these symptoms, pain and muscle spasms, tachycardia, tingling in the extremities can develop.

Taking Magne B6 during pregnancy is directly indicated for. This complication often develops in the early stages and increases.

Magne B6 when planning a pregnancy is an important component of the overall preparation of a woman's body for bearing a child. Magnesium ensures the transfer of gene information during conception, regulates the synthesis of nucleic acids at the level of the cell nucleus.

If pregnancy occurs and there are indications, a woman can continue to take the drug, adjusting the dosage according to the doctor's recommendations.

Release form and cost

Magne B6 is produced in the form of tablets with various dosages of active substances and as a solution for oral administration. Tablets are covered with a white shell with a smooth surface.

There are two options for sale: Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte, during pregnancy, any of them can be prescribed. The differences are in the amount of active substances, in the fort it is doubled, as well as in auxiliary additives that affect the bioavailability of the drug (50% and 90%, respectively).

These qualitative and quantitative differences were reflected in the cost of tablets. Magne B6 (50 pieces) costs about 650 rubles, and Magne B6 forte (30 pieces) costs about 750 rubles.

The oral solution is clear, brown in color and smells of caramel. It is more often used to treat children from a year old, when taking pills is not possible. Produced in dark glass ampoules (10 pcs.). The cost of 1 package is an average of 600 rubles.

The use of Magne B6 during pregnancy

Often doctors prescribe Magne B6 during pregnancy, the instructions for use confirm that the drug is safe and can be used with a lack of magnesium in the blood. The deficiency of this element should be detected by the clinical picture, or by the results of a laboratory study.

If there is no confirmed data on the lack of this microelement, the drug is prescribed in a short course, after which the doctor concludes that further treatment is advisable. With the improvement of well-being, the reception of Magne B6 is prolonged.

Magnesium B6 during pregnancy does not pose a threat to the unborn child, but still the drug should be prescribed by a doctor.

The specialist will determine if there is a need for its use. The dosage of Magne B6 during pregnancy is as follows: 2 tablets three times a day with meals.

Many women are interested in the question after prescribing Magne B6 during pregnancy: how long to take these pills? The duration of admission is always long, in some cases the drug is drunk for all 9 months. Much depends on the well-being of the expectant mother, the presence or absence of symptoms of a deficiency of this trace element.

Side effects and contraindications

With the regimen prescribed by the doctor, the risk of an overdose of Magne B6 is excluded. An overabundance of the microelement and signs of intoxication can appear only if the pregnant woman has kidney failure.

In this case, magnesium is not excreted in the proper volume and accumulates in the kidneys. Nausea, vomiting, weakness, headaches appear.

If a pregnant woman has already been prescribed vitamin complexes containing calcium or iron, then the absorption of magnesium decreases. These drugs need to be taken at different times.

When magnesium enters the body as part of other drugs, it is necessary to adjust the dosage. How much to drink Magne B6 during pregnancy in this case - the doctor will tell you.

The drug is contraindicated in a future mother if she has fructose intolerance, an allergy to the components of the drug, or severe renal failure. Adverse reactions are rare, but sometimes there may be allergies, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach.

The drug Magnesium B6 is familiar to many expectant mothers, as it is prescribed to every second pregnant woman. And it is not at all surprising, because magnesium is a vital element that takes part in many biochemical processes. This drug with a high degree of probability can be prescribed to any pregnant woman, but if it occurs due to increased muscle tone of the uterus, the doctor will advise taking Magnesium B6 without fail.

The use of Magnesium B6 during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the need for magnesium increases several times. Moreover, magnesium deficiency can adversely affect not only the health of a woman, but also the healthy formation of the fetus. So, a lack of magnesium in the body of a future mother can provoke a defect in the joints or heart in a future baby, premature birth and the threat of miscarriage.

Also, a lack of magnesium provokes insufficient muscle elasticity, and this, in turn, increases the likelihood of multiple in the perineum during childbirth.

As for vitamin B6, which is also part of this drug, it is responsible for the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood, which accelerates its penetration into muscle, bone and blood cells. In other words, vitamin B6 is needed so that magnesium can be well absorbed.

It follows that magnesium deficiency during pregnancy is directly related to vitamin B6 deficiency, without which magnesium salts can hardly be absorbed by the body.

Thus, Magnesium B6 during pregnancy is prescribed to pregnant women who are likely to experience:

  • muscle spasms, pulling pains in the lower back and abdomen, uterine hypertonicity;
  • dizziness, irritability, sleep disturbances, headaches;
  • arrhythmia, hypertension and hypotension, pain in the heart area;
  • edema, lower body temperature.

As a rule, when diagnosing at least one of these signs, the doctor prescribes the drug Magnesium B6 in order to protect the expectant mother from possible complications during pregnancy. However, self-medication and prescribing this drug on your own is by no means possible. The fact is that only a doctor can detect a magnesium deficiency, while even prescribing a drug to his ward, he will first recommend that she take a small dose, and only after the woman feels better, continue treatment with a gradual increase in dosage to the required level. .

Magnesium B6 during pregnancy: instructions

The principle of action Magnesium B6 is due to the antispasmodic and sedative effect. So, with an increased tone of the uterus, a woman can feel pulling pains in the lower abdomen and a feeling of anxiety. After taking Magnesium B6, the spasms will disappear and you will feel much better and calmer. Moreover, magnesium ions can not only reduce the excitability of the nervous system, but also keep the entire muscular system in a calm state.

It is important to note that Magnesium B6 is generally well tolerated by the pregnant body, provided that therapeutic doses do not lead to overdose. That is why it is important to know that Magnesium B6 is taken 2 tablets three times a day with meals. Absorption of the drug occurs in the small intestine, which allows it to enter the blood in a small amount, and the excess is excreted in the urine. If a pregnant woman does not have kidney problems, then there should be no overdose and intoxication with the drug. The risk is possible only in acute renal failure, when excess magnesium is not excreted from the body, but accumulates in the kidneys. Drug poisoning is manifested by vomiting and nausea.

Magnesium B6 should also be taken with caution if you are additionally prescribed vitamin complexes with a high content of calcium or iron. In this case, you should always consult with your doctor, who will determine the different times for these drugs to enter the body, excluding their simultaneous absorption into the blood.

As for contraindications to the use of the drug Magnesium B6 during pregnancy, in case of severe renal failure, allergies to the components and intolerance to fructose, it should not be taken.

Side effects that may occur in rare cases when taking Magnesium B6 include the following manifestations:

  • allergy;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • sharp pains in the stomach.

If any of the above symptoms occur, the drug should be stopped immediately and a doctor should be consulted for an alternative treatment.

Analog Magnesium B6 during pregnancy

What can be an alternative to Magna B6 if this drug did not fit, caused an allergic reaction, is contraindicated for medical reasons, or a woman is wary of taking it for some other reason? Is there a complete replacement?

The modern pharmacological market has in its arsenal a large number of related drugs that can be interchanged. Magnesium B6 is no exception - if such a need arises, the doctor can choose an alternative remedy for a pregnant woman that has a similar effect on the body of the expectant mother:

Among analogues of Magnesium B6, the most famous and common are:

  • Magne B6 premium;
  • Magnelis B6;
  • Magnefar B6;
  • Magvit B6;
  • Magnicum;
  • Beresh plus B6.

There are other analogues of Magnesium B 6, but none of them should be started without consulting a doctor.

And it should also be noted that if you are looking for an analogue of this drug for financial reasons (it still costs a lot, but it doesn’t last so long), then ask your gynecologist for a list of medicines that registered pregnant women are given free of charge - Magne B6 is also on this list.

Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Especially for Ira Romaniy

Magnesium is very useful for the body. Its lack can lead to a number of undesirable pathological diseases, and a sufficient amount can solve some problems.

It is known that it is better for pregnant women not to take any drugs, this can adversely affect her well-being and the health of the developing fetus. But, Magnesium B6 during pregnancy is definitely advised for use, especially if there is such a need. This drug is also recommended for women when planning pregnancy.

Magnesium in the body of a pregnant woman

This element helps the body and contributes to its normal functioning. Every pregnant woman needs to take care of her well-being and not forget that a small person is developing inside her, who needs vitamins and nutrients.

Together with the intake of magnesium, doctors advise to include more vitamin B6. Together, they are perfectly absorbed and work several times better. With a lack of magnesium, the pregnant body will suffer from nervous and mental manifestations:

  • nervousness.
  • Muscle tone disorders.
  • Seizures (especially at night).
  • Insomnia.
  • Poor stress tolerance.

A good source of magnesium is water and food in our diet, such as bran, various types of dried fruits and beans, these are all ideal plant foods.

If you want your health to be in order, pay attention to the presence of magnesium in your cells. It fills the body with useful substances that contribute to the proper development of the fetus.

Magne B6 and pregnancy

Magne B6 during pregnancy should be drunk only after consulting a specialist. You will be prescribed to take Magnesium B6 if the gynecologist finds a lack of magnesium during pregnancy. An experienced doctor will first prescribe a trial treatment, which will last about a week.

If Magne B6 is well tolerated (if the drug did not harm, but, on the contrary, had a positive effect on the condition of the pregnant woman), a re-examination and an individual course of treatment will be prescribed. Magne B6 during pregnancy is recommended to take the entire pregnancy in order to reduce the possibility of unwanted termination of pregnancy.

Magnesium B6 may also be prescribed due to the presence of other diseases:

  • Tachycardia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Heart diseases.

Drinking Magne B6 during pregnancy is completely safe. It is well absorbed, only in rare cases can cause dyspeptic disorders.

It is undesirable to drink drugs containing iron and calcium at the same time. Therefore, be sure to tell the doctor who recommended you take Magnesium B6 about taking other medications. If you do not pay attention to this, the components of different groups will simply block each other's work and there will be no benefit.

Purpose of Magne B6 during pregnancy

Many women do not understand why they are prescribed Magne B6 during pregnancy. They think that if they feel good, then everything is fine.

Most often, Magne B6 is prescribed to women who have:

  • Increased tone of the uterus.
  • Danger of premature birth.
  • Nervous temper during the period of exacerbation.

The drug Magnesium B6, taken during pregnancy, will help to calm down and relax. It removes insomnia and, most importantly, replenishes the body with a vitamin complex - vitamin B6 and magnesium.

The microelement is responsible for:

  • Creation and development of new cells.
  • Muscular system.
  • B group vitamins.
  • Energy.
  • nervous system.

Vitamin B6 during pregnancy is an indispensable element. It promotes the natural absorption of magnesium into the body through the gastrointestinal tract and accumulates it in the cells.

The difference between Magne B6 and Magne B6 Forte is small. It lies in the chemical composition of magnesium with organic acids. Magne B6 includes lactate. Magne B6 forte, prescribed during pregnancy, contains magnesium citrate, which has a high percentage of bioavailability (up to 90%). Lactate is less.

Indications for use

Often pregnant women suffer from poor health and do not take any measures to solve this problem. They believe that drowsiness, exhaustion, irritability are common pregnancy symptoms that you just need to endure, but not treat.

Such thoughts are not entirely correct. After all, these symptoms are often manifested precisely because of the insufficient amount of magnesium in the body.

  • In the lower abdomen, you are disturbed by pulling pains. This is due to the fact that during the period of gestation, the woman's body is deprived of magnesium. The myometrium is excited and causes uterine contractions that provoke abortion in the early stages of pregnancy.

  • You feel nausea, there is an upset gastrointestinal tract.
  • There is swelling.
  • Nails begin to peel and break, hair splits and falls out.
  • caries appears. The complex intake of Magnesium B6 accumulates calcium, which also strengthens the enamel of the teeth, and protects it from bacteria.
  • There are bouts of nervousness and apathy.
  • Arterial pressure became unstable and is accompanied by pains in the heart. This is due to the fact that the lack of this element in the body of a pregnant woman has a bad effect on the functioning of blood vessels. As a result, the heart does not receive mandatory nutrition, as a result, the pressure is unstable. If you often feel pain in your heart, this is the first sign that you need to take Magne B6. This drug is a necessary assistant in this situation.
  • Poor, disturbed sleep, dizziness.
  • Convulsions, twitching of the eyelids, chilliness, accompanied by numbness of the limbs.

We figured out how to drink Magnesium B6 forte during pregnancy.


Magne B6 - oval-shaped ampoules or tablets, coated with a white shell. In its composition, the drug contains magnesium and pyridoxine hydrochloride (the same vitamin B6).

The drug in capsules should be taken with meals several times a day, be sure to drink water.

Ampoules are also recommended to be consumed several times a day. One such ampoule contains 10 mg of magnesium. Treatment can be long, about a month. You need to wrap the ampoule with a cloth and just break off the tip - that's it, the liquid can be used. Do not forget that taking Magne B6 and its dose is determined and prescribed only by a doctor. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous for you and for the health of the unborn child.

The element has the ability to accumulate in the body, it is not immediately excreted in the urine. Taking Magne B6, watch your body, suddenly something is wrong. In case of poisoning, the following symptoms will appear:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Carrying.
  • Allergy.
  • Pain in the stomach.

Before you start taking Magne B6, tell your doctor about all the medicines you are taking. After all, if you use multivitamins, it is not advisable for you to drink such a medicine. This can lead to overdose and poisoning. Your body will not have time to remove the remaining magnesium, you will experience vomiting and nausea.

Important to remember! If you have kidney problems, an allergy to fructose or other components that are included in Magne B6, its intake is prohibited, especially for pregnant women.

If you are carrying a baby under your heart, are taking this drug and have noticed such symptoms in yourself, consult a doctor immediately. He will most likely replace it with another, alternative drug.

If the expectant mother does not have any contraindications to the drug and if you follow all the instructions and recommendations of the doctor, then taking Magne B6 will not harm the developing fetus.

Types of magnesium deficiency

Insufficient amount of magnesium in the body is divided into two types: primary and secondary. Primary occurs due to genetic diseases, but is extremely rare. Secondary - appears due to a lack of minerals in food, chronic diseases, poor food, severe stress.

Secondary deficiency affects about 7–70% of people. If you want to avoid this, try to limit in your diet:

  • junk food;
  • sugar;
  • semi-finished products;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee.

Do not take diuretics on your own, only after a doctor's prescription.

Sources of vitamin B6 are:

  • Meat.
  • Fish.
  • Walnut.
  • Wheat.
  • Milk, kefir, sour cream.

You can fill the lack of magnesium in the body with the help of oatmeal, buckwheat, legumes, brown rice, dried fruits, spinach, herbs, flax seeds, pumpkin and sesame, cocoa.

The drug Magne B6 during pregnancy significantly improves the health of the expectant mother and the developing fetus. It prevents the threat of miscarriage, increases efficiency and improves the functioning of the nervous system. Remember, any medication should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Magnesium- one of those trace elements, whose importance during pregnancy increases significantly.

But not only in the development and growth of the fetus, magnesium takes a serious part, it also serves as a kind of sedative for the expectant mother.

The role of magnesium does not decrease during childbirth, at this crucial moment the balance of magnesium in the body is extremely important - it affects the functioning of the muscles.

And this means that the contraction and relaxation of muscles, the most important part of labor activity, also depends on magnesium.

Why is magnesium important during pregnancy?

Magnesium is the ingredient that will not allow the reproductive system of a woman to start the birth mechanism ahead of time.

There are other reasons why pregnant women need magnesium so much:

    • actively participates in the formation of the bone and nervous system of the fetus;
    • serves as one of the regulators of the transfer of genetic information from mother to baby;
    • regulates insulin and blood sugar levels;
    • serves as protection against stress and nervous strain;
    • is prevention;
  • regulates the work of the heart.

Besides, without the participation of magnesium, some other elements will not be absorbed: , phosphorus, .

Magnesium - the program "Live healthy!"

How much magnesium do you need during pregnancy?

The daily intake of magnesium depends on the age of the expectant mother.

So, pregnant women who still under 18 years old, need to 400 mg magnesium per day.

Pregnant aged from 18 to 30 years - 350 mg magnesium, and pregnant over 31 years old - 360 mg magnesium.

It is believed that during pregnancy, the body's need for magnesium increases by 35%.

Required to accept in case of threat- almost always in this situation, the doctor prescribes this drug.

The composition of the drug includes. Its task is the absorption of magnesium into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract, due to which it more easily penetrates into the cells of the blood, muscles, and skeletal system.

It turns out that magnesium deficiency is in direct proportion to vitamin B6, so magnesium salts are simply not absorbed without this vitamin.

This drug is prescribed in cases:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen, in the lower back;
  • convulsions, severe spasms;
  • pain in the heart;
  • sleep disorders;
  • anxiety and irritability;
  • etc.

Self-administration of the drug is unacceptable, only a doctor should prescribe this remedy.

Signs of magnesium deficiency

The well-being of any person will be affected by magnesium deficiency, and the expectant mother may feel it even more acutely.

Top 10 signs of deficiency:

  1. Nervousness, anxiety, restlessness.
  2. Nausea that occurs even after finishing.
  3. General feeling of weakness.
  4. Chronic feeling of tiredness.
  5. Muscle cramps.
  6. Hand tremor.
  7. Frequent dizziness.
  8. Complaints about memory impairment.
  9. Difficulty concentrating on anything.
  10. Pain in the region of the heart.

Certainly, there are more signs, but these are enough to receive the body's alarm signal. By the way, if a non-pregnant woman also has these signs, this is a reason to worry about her health.

There is no need to write off everything for overexertion, rare rest, bad weather ... This is especially important if pregnancy is planned.

Take tests, consult a doctor, it is possible to take magnesium-containing drugs and, of course, change the menu.

Constant feeling of fatigue, fatigue from even a small amount of work, inability to concentrate, forgetting the names of objects, muscle weakness - serious signs, the body signals a lack of trace elements.

Similar symptoms occur in young mothers who, after completing lactation period may feel very tired and weak.

And this is not a recovery period, but trite magnesium deficiency. Fortunately, restoring the optimal level of this trace element in the body is not so difficult.

AND during, and directly into the pregnancy itself, the balance of the most important trace elements is the basis for the successful bearing of the baby.

Magnesium deficiency can negatively affect the development of the baby and, most importantly, call into question the pregnancy itself.

best way out- regular inclusion in the menu of foods high in magnesium. And this menu should not be changed even after the birth of the baby.

Healthy pregnancy!

Pregnancy is an amazing experience for every woman. But this period is also the most responsible, since the body gives all its strength to the birth and bearing of a new life. Therefore, the question of a balanced intake of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances is in the first place. A poorly organized diet and an inadequate menu composition cause a deficiency of some elements, which leads to unsatisfactory well-being of a woman and complications during pregnancy. Often, along with vitamin complexes, pregnant women are prescribed Magnesium B6. As a rule, this is caused by increased uterine tone, threatened miscarriage and severe cramps in the limbs. When Magnesium B6 is indicated and why this drug is needed during pregnancy, we will consider in this article.

Magnesium is one of the most essential minerals for a pregnant woman. It regulates metabolic and enzymatic processes, "keeps" the nervous system in a stable state, preventing irritability and tearfulness, and also regulates sleep, provides stable muscle tone and maintains a normal pregnancy. But just getting magnesium from the outside is not enough. In order for the mineral to be able to penetrate into the cellular space and be completely absorbed, it needs a “companion” - pyridoxine (vitamin B6). This vitamin provides high activity and a sufficient concentration of magnesium in a woman's body, so it is the drug Magnesium B6 that has a positive effect during pregnancy. After all, it contains the optimal ratio of magnesium and pyridoxine.

On a note! The daily requirement of magnesium for women during the gestation period is approximately 300-350 mg.

Composition and forms of release

Magnesium B6 is a complex vitamin preparation, which is available in tablet form and as a solution in ampoules for oral administration.

Tablets are produced in a shell. Not intended to be chewed or crushed. Tablet composition: magnesium lactate 470 mg (equivalent to 48 mg magnesium), pyridoxine hydrochloride 5 mg, anhydrous lactose, talc, macrogol, magnesium stearate.

On a note! More often, the form Magnesium B6 is prescribed with a double dosage of active substances. Magnesium B6 Forte during pregnancy is more effective. The fact is that magnesium citrate (618 mg) is present in the composition, which is equivalent to 100 mg of magnesium and has a more stable digestibility in the body (about 90%).

The solution in ampoules is used only for oral administration. The contents of the ampoule must first be diluted in a glass of water. The composition of the ampoules (10 mg): magnesium lactate 186 mg, magnesium pidolate 936 mg (equivalent to 100 mg magnesium), vitamin B6 10 mg, E223, cherry caramel, purified water.

Interesting! About 70% of the total supply of magnesium is contained in human bone tissues, the rest is concentrated in muscle tissues.

Pharmacological properties

Magnesium is an intracellular cation that inhibits too active neuronal function, which reduces the conductivity of the neuromuscular system. This helps to reduce uterine tone, restore blood flow in the organs of the woman and the fetus, and stabilize the nervous state.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride after a series of oxidative reactions passes into the active vitamin form - pyridoxal phosphate. Pyridoxine and magnesium ensure the normal laying and development of all organs of the embryo, help a woman endure and safely give birth to a baby. Since these substances are not able to accumulate for the future, their regular intake is extremely important at all stages of gestation. The complex of magnesium and pyridoxine in Magnesium B6 during pregnancy helps the nervous system of the fetus develop normally if these elements are not supplied in the required ratio with food.

Do you know...
The concentration of magnesium in the blood less than 12 mg/l indicates a severe deficiency of the mineral - hypomagnesemia. The causes of this condition may be kidney disease, congenital pathology of metabolic metabolism, or an unbalanced diet.

The effectiveness of Magnesium B6 in the form of tablets during pregnancy in case of uterine hypertonicity is due to the ability of the drug to remove excess calcium from muscle tissues. Since it is calcium that provokes a violation of the tone, within a few days after the start of treatment, the woman calms down, the firmness of the abdomen disappears, and soreness in the uterine region decreases.

Indications for use

You can find out the features of taking Magnesium B6 during pregnancy and why this drug is prescribed by looking at the publicly available instructions. It clearly indicates the main indicator for the appointment of this vitamin complex. This is the symptomatic treatment of isolated or dependent magnesium deficiency. Such a diagnosis is made according to the symptomatic picture and the results of laboratory tests to determine the amount of magnesium in the blood serum.

You can suspect a chronic magnesium deficiency in a woman in an “interesting” position by the following symptoms:

  1. Hand tremor and nervousness.
  2. Sleep disturbance (short sleep, insomnia).
  3. Malfunctions in the work of the heart rhythm (tachycardia, bradycardia).
  4. Indigestion (diarrhea).
  5. Strong striae (stretch marks).
  6. Pain in the lower back and abdomen.
  7. Uterine hypertonicity and the risk of preterm birth.
  8. Cramps of the calf muscles.
  9. False contractions.
  10. Increase in blood pressure.
  11. Nervous tic of the face.
  12. Chronic stress or signs of depression.
  13. Spasms of the intestines, uterus, pancreas, gallbladder.

Important! The most severe complication caused by magnesium deficiency is eclampsia. This is the last stage of preeclampsia with high blood pressure, the risk of loss of consciousness and convulsions.

Magnesium B6: instructions for pregnancy

The decision to take magnesium B6 is made only in the office of the attending gynecologist after collecting the patient's complaints and test results that confirm hypomagnesemia. In case of a threatened miscarriage or premature birth, this drug is prescribed without prior diagnosis.

Magnesium deficiency at first affects only the woman's well-being. But when the reserve of magnesium in muscles and bone tissues is rapidly decreasing, and additional batches of the mineral do not come from food, the baby begins to experience magnesium deficiency. In such a situation, there is a pathology of the vascular network of the placenta, oxygen "hunger" of the fetus, various anomalies in development. In fact, the usual deficiency of one of the elements disrupts the normal course of pregnancy. Therefore, strict adherence to doctor's prescriptions is very important.

Magnesium B6: dosage and duration of therapy

Women are prescribed Magnesium B6 during pregnancy at a dosage according to the usual treatment regimen for magnesium deficiency. The standard intake system includes taking tablets three times a day, two tablets at a time, that is, 6 tablets per day. It is advisable to take the drug during meals. Of course, the dosage can vary depending on the degree of magnesium deficiency, both up and down. The average course of therapy is 3-4 weeks, but it is possible to take it during all three trimesters of pregnancy. Therefore, how to drink Magnesium B6 during pregnancy should be established only by a medical officer.

During lactation, intake is also possible, based on the recommended dosage of Vitamin B6 - no more than 20 mg / day. But there are no strict restrictions on the amount of magnesium intake. Therefore, if there are medical indications for prolonging therapy after childbirth, then there are no special contraindications.

Possible contraindications for use

Numerous studies do not confirm the obvious toxic effect of magnesium and pyridoxine on the development of the embryo and the health of the fetus in the future. Therefore, only the features of the female body can act as possible contraindications.
Possible contraindications:

  • Individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Chronic diarrhea.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Phenylketonuria.
  • Hypervitaminosis pyridoxine.
  • Hypermagnesemia (excess magnesium).
  • Myasthenia gravis.
  • Diseases associated with lactose intolerance.
  • Taking levadopa, diuretics, or drugs that contain calcium salts.

Carefully! Sucrose is present in Magnesium B6, so it is up to the gynecologist together with the endocrinologist to decide how much to take Magnesium B6 during pregnancy, if a woman has diabetes mellitus.

Magnesium B6: use during pregnancy in the three trimesters

Magnesium B6 can be given throughout pregnancy, so the obvious question is how much to drink Magnesium B6 during pregnancy at different gestational ages. There is no fundamental difference in the regimen of taking the drug depending on the trimester. Only the reasons for the therapy differ.

Interesting! Complete replenishment of magnesium deficiency protects the skin of a woman in position from dryness, irritation and the appearance of stretch marks. It also makes the muscles more elastic, which helps to avoid tears.

Magnesium B6: use during pregnancy by trimesters:

  • In the first trimester, Magnesium B6 is used to preserve pregnancy, eliminate pain and increased uterine tone. In severe cases, intravenous magnesium is even practiced.
  • In the second trimester, a woman is overcome by doubts, anxieties and fears of a future birth. Often there are various intestinal disorders. Magnesium deficiency exacerbates these symptoms even more. In addition, the risk of abortion in the second trimester is also high.
  • In the third trimester, magnesium intake helps to “smooth out” the symptoms of preeclampsia: swelling, high blood pressure, night cramps.

Magnesium B6: what to replace?

Medicinal analogues of Magnesium B6 have the same effect on the body, but differ in the manufacturer, the percentage of active substances, the form of release, and, of course, the price.
Analogues of Magnesium B6 during pregnancy include: Magvit B6, Magnefar B6, Magne B6 +, Magne B6 premium, Magnikum, Beresh magnesium plus B6, Magnelis B6, Kormagnezin, Asparkam, Magnesol.
Even the identical composition of drugs cannot be the reason for the independent replacement of one drug with another. Alternative reception is possible only in agreement with the attending physician.

Advice! Magnesium B6 during pregnancy, according to reviews, is considered the most effective drug with high quality. But fakes of this popular vitamin complex often get into the pharmaceutical market environment. Therefore, purchase medicines only in trusted pharmacies with a good reputation.

Foods High in Magnesium and Vitamin B6

Despite the combination of magnesium and pyridoxine, the drug is absorbed in the intestine by no more than 50%, and the remainder is excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, the enrichment of the diet with foods high in magnesium is only welcome.

What foods should be included in the diet of pregnant women:

  • nuts (cashews, almonds, pine nuts);
  • seeds (sunflower, pumpkin);
  • wheat germ (unpeeled);
  • legumes;
  • leafy vegetables (spinach, arugula, cabbage, lettuce);
  • fennel;
  • fresh fruits (banana, grapes, kiwi) and dried fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • mineral water enriched with magnesium salts.

It is possible and necessary to eliminate the lack of magnesium during the period of bearing a baby with the help of Magnesium B6. Moreover, this remedy is just a vitamin complex and does not harm the expectant mother and her child. Therefore, at the first bells about problems in the body, consult a doctor and start treatment without fear.

Video "Magne B6 during pregnancy"

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