What to do to never get sick. What to do to not get sick? Be healthy never get sick

For example: all the norms given in this material are calculated for a 29-year-old man (height 178 cm, weight 75 kg), who lives in a large city and leads a moderately active lifestyle. If you are fatter, taller, older, etc. - make a correction.


1. 2½ liters per day

This is the norm of daily fluid intake by a person of average virtues. The main thing to remember is that you will get about half of this volume from food. And with glasses and in the form of H2O, you need to pour only 1–1.5 liters into yourself.

Advice: count not grams, but trips to the toilet: if you drink properly, you should run to the urinal at least five times a day.

2. Determine your body mass index

I- body mass index
M- your weight, kg
H- your height, m

To see if you're overweight, square your height (in meters), then divide your weight (in kilograms) by the resulting number. The final figure is your body mass index. If the result is in the range of 18.5-24.99 - you are normal. Let's make a reservation - this is a very approximate method of evaluation, suitable only for ordinary people. For example, when calculating BMI, it does not take into account what the “abnormal” weight has come from - from fat or from muscle. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in these coordinates is a sickly fat man.

3. Match it right

30% - proteins
30% - fats
40% - carbohydrates

This is the optimal ratio of proteins / fats / carbohydrates in your diet. What does it mean? Let's say you have the same parameters as the average hero of this publication and your daily intake is about 2500 kcal. This means that you should receive 750 kcal in the form of proteins and fat, and 1000 kcal from carbohydrates.

Advice: if you lose weight, then no more than 1–1.2 kg per week, otherwise you will ruin your health. Evidence is in the link.

4. 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day

A popular rule among nutritionists, compliance with which should provide you with the necessary dose of minerals and trace elements. “Portia” is a handful, a brush (of one hand) with a boat. This is 1 apple, or a pile of spinach leaves, or 6-10 teaspoons of berries (or whatever you have in your handful). The main words in this rule are "at least 5 servings." More is possible, and even welcome.

5. Which is correct: prebiotics or probiotics?

Answer: both! Probiotics are any beneficial microorganisms, but we are now interested in those that help digest food (for example, bifidus and lactobacilli from dairy products). And prebiotics are food ingredients that you can't digest, but bacteria will love them. For a good life, microbes need oligosaccharides and dietary fiber, they are abundant in artichokes, wheat flakes, onions, garlic, bananas (look for other sources of prebiotics on our website).


6. Brush your teeth twice a day

No less, but no more. Why "no more"? Tooth enamel is a rather delicate and whimsical material, it can simply be damaged (erased) by too biased brushing.

Advice: Avoid brushing after eating or drinking acidic foods, such as fruits. They soften the enamel for a while. Rinse your mouth with water (this stimulates the production of saliva), wait 40 minutes for the calcium contained in saliva to strengthen your teeth. And now how to walk with a brush.

7. 10 minutes of meditation per day

A necessary minimum for the prevention of distress and depression. To be clear, the amygdala, the emotional processing center in the brain, is so responsive that it reacts to threats that you may not even be aware of or consider a personal threat, such as news of a flood in Pakistan. But now there is too much such news, the amygdala spins like a top, and you are captured by a wave of anxiety out of the blue. Stop for a while, calm down, stop the top, so as not to go crazy.

8. Which is correct: if you sneeze, is it better to stay at home or still go to work, please your boss and colleagues?

Answer: sit at home! Otherwise, it will be like this: approaching the office, you will sneeze again, covering your mouth with your hand out of habit. Then you grab the door handle with it to enter the building, and as a result, by the end of the day, the virus will already be on 50% of the surfaces inside the building. An epidemic will begin in the office, for which no one will thank you.

From the archive: to successfully resist the infection, read the text "How not to get sick in winter" on our website:

9. 20 seconds should be spent washing your hands

Have you seen (at least on TV) how surgeons do it? So you do the same: three carefully, spend at least 2 seconds on each finger, do not forget about the wrists, the places between the fingers and the space under the nails. And then dry with a paper towel (an electric dryer in a public restroom will spray you with germ-laden environmental air - do you need that?).

10. The dirtiest things in the world

  • Faucet handles in the office kitchen
  • TV remote in the hotel
  • Refueling gun

These are the things on which the researchers found the highest concentration of disease-causing bacteria. Wash your hands after every contact!

Diagnosis and treatment

11. Health indicators

  • 120/80 - normal blood pressure
  • 140/90 - increased
  • 95/65 - reduced

Everything in between are borderline states, and if they recur often, then this is also a cause for concern.

60-80 beats per minute - the rate of heart rate (HR).

3½ liters - lung capacity

In heavy smokers, this figure can be halved, shortness of breath will appear, and physical activity will be given with great difficulty.

12. What is the right way: to take antipyretic drugs or to endure to the last?

Answer: endure until the last - until the moment when the temperature exceeds 39.5º or stays above 38.5 for more than three days. After all, temperature is your main internal medicine. When it rises, the body launches protective reactions laid down by nature, and it is more difficult for viruses / bacteria to survive in a heated environment. And if it's time to bring down the temperature, do not forget to also call a doctor - self-medication leads to victims.

13. First aid for a fracture

The main thing to remember is that you should not apply a splint or a fixing bandage yourself. With an open fracture, sharp edges and fragments of broken bones can damage large vessels and nerve fibers. When closed - without the help of professionals it is generally difficult to determine whether it is a dislocation or a fracture. As first aid, before you get to the emergency room, take a painkiller and apply ice every 10 minutes for 10 minutes (at least for an hour).

Advice: if you think you have been seriously injured, do not drink or eat while the ambulance is on the way. Urgent anesthesia may be needed, but it cannot be done on a full stomach.

14. 3 signs of a stroke

I saw that someone seemed to be hit on the head with a pillow - do not rush to accuse him of excessive drinking, but rather check it. If at least one sign is available - call an ambulance. Also diagnose yourself if something went wrong.

1. Ask to smile. A sign of a stroke is a crooked smile due to weakness of the mimic muscles on one half of the face.

2. Ask to speak. If the subject speaks illegibly, indistinctly, or simply does not understand the question addressed to him, this may be a stroke.

3. Ask to raise your arms 90° and keep them in that position. Does not hold - call an ambulance.

15. 3 rules for taking medication

1. Stick to the schedule
“Three times a day” means strictly every eight hours, and not as you have to. The main task is to maintain the concentration of the drug in the body at the same level, and this can be achieved by eating pills strictly on schedule.

2. drink water
Coca-cola, lemonade and port are cancelled. Any drink that contains sugar, carbon dioxide, or anything else can react chemically with a pill, and pure water is indifferent to drugs.

3. Read contraindications
As well as the principle of action of the drug. For example, you will see there effects similar to the effect of alcohol - beware! If you swallow a couple of decongestant pills that constrict blood vessels and drink strong alcohol, their effects will overlap, and the risk of internal bleeding will increase significantly.


16. Quiet time rules

A short nap during the day is a great way to cheer up and reset the computer in your head. But what does this vague word "short" mean?

  • 10–20 minutes A classic way to come back to life refreshed. You fell asleep shallowly, therefore you will wake up easily
  • 30 minutes Bad option. It threatens you with the so-called sleepy inertia - a state when you wake up feeling overwhelmed and tired, as if from a beer hangover.
  • 60 minutes For an hour of sleep, all the recently received facts and knowledge fit in the head. If you did not sleep the night before the exam, at least an hour in the morning pokemar.
  • 90 minutes Daytime sleep of a full cycle: you have time to visit both the slow-wave sleep phase and the fast sleep phase. You wake up - you are cheerful, your head is clear, you think quickly and clearly.

17. Don't use gadgets before bed.

22 - the level of the sleep hormone melatonin in your blood will decrease by so many percent even late at night if you sit at the computer for an hour. The brain perceives the backlight of the screen as an analogue of daylight and slows down the production of melatonin.. Break away from any screen an hour before bedtime, better read a real book.

18. 9-11 hours a day

Note to parents: schoolchildren aged 6–12 should sleep so much in order to study normally and not get sick. Adolescents 14-17 years old will have enough for 8-10 hours. And the parents themselves are entitled to 7-9 hours a day, and no less! All the talk that you can sleep for 4 hours, and make up for the deficit on the weekends, is painful nonsense.

19. What is the right way to open a window at night and tremble in your sleep or bask in the warmth?

Answer: there is no need to suffer in any way, but remember that 18 ° C is the ideal temperature in the bedroom. 24 is no good anymore. 4 hours after you fall asleep, your body temperature reaches the lowest possible level - this provides you with deep sleep and rest. But if the room is hot, you yourself will not cool down, and you will not get enough sleep.

20. Sleep Apnea

Periodic (up to 15 times per hour) and short-term (from 30 seconds to 3 minutes) pauses in breathing during sleep. If you snore, if you are fat or muscular, this can happen. Apnea damages blood vessels, leads to impotence, depression and, finally, death. The main danger is that the sufferer may not even know that he has sleep apnea. If you don’t get enough sleep and walk sluggish all day, although you sleep a lot, go to a therapist or immediately to a somnologist.

From the archive: a complete portrait of apnea - in the article "How sound sleep can kill you" -

Winter is coming, which means that soon people will start to mow down the flu and colds in droves. It would seem that the same story has been repeated for many years: a person knows what to do in order not to get sick, dresses warmly, drinks hot tea with lemon prophylactically, but no, no, and even “falls into” a cold.

And all right, if this trouble occurs in winter, but when the disease overtakes you somewhere in the summer, on vacation, this is doubly insulting. Many have probably already got used to the idea that at least a couple of times a year they will have to lie down with a temperature and a runny nose. I was one of them until I learned not to get sick.

By the word "illness" I mean a cold or flu that does not allow you to work/study in a normal mode. The last time I got sick was on January 20, 2012, that is, almost 2.5 years ago. On that day, I made a strong-willed decision not to get sick anymore. I lasted a year, then another, and now next year I am preparing to meet the third year without colds and flu.

To understand how to deal with diseases, we first consider the causes of their occurrence.

Why do we get sick

  1. Stress. According to statistics, most sick days occur on a stressful Monday. Least of all - on Friday. On Friday, a person feels an emotional upsurge before the upcoming weekend, but on Monday he feels the brunt of the upcoming work week - it is at this time that the likelihood of getting sick increases. Sooner or later, constant stress will force a person to take sick leave.
  2. internal protest. Are you tired of work or it became unbearable to go to class in the morning? Or maybe you want to finally relax, but far from vacation? There is a way out: the subconscious itself will turn on the necessary mechanisms so that you are often exposed to the wind, cold and air conditioners and can thus get sick.
  3. Lack of attention. You want the people around you to start giving you oranges, drink coldrex, feel sorry and ask about your health every day. This is pleasant for everyone, but this is nothing more than a method of manipulation.
  4. Intense cold. This kind of cold is hard to miss, because it is clearly felt by every cell of the body. The first desire, when you feel a strong cold, is to warm up urgently.
  5. Light cold. A vivid example is an imperceptible draft or a treacherous air conditioner nozzle, which quietly, but systematically, minute by minute takes away your heat - this is one of the most dangerous types of cold.

How to deal with the causes of diseases listed above

  1. You can deal with stress at work either by reconsidering your attitude to work (to be simpler, not taking everything to heart), or by changing jobs.
  2. In the case of internal protest, it makes sense to pump yourself up with good reasons to go to work (motivation) or, again, change jobs and do something more pleasant. In addition, it may be that you are stuck with routine. In this case, it makes sense to consciously take a vacation for at least a couple of days and emotionally cheer up with the help of a short trip and communication with interesting people.
  3. If you do not have enough attention, then you should not build a martyr out of yourself. Going out with friends to an event will be much more productive: you will spend much less time and get your dose of social capital. The more often you go out in public, the less you will want to get sick. And if you fall in love - and even more so.
  4. Strong and light cold require different approaches. It is easier to prepare for a strong cold than for a light one, because it is more noticeable and palpable. It is impossible to let it pass by: when you are shivering, and your teeth are tap dancing, you will either urgently look for a way to warm up, or make a strong-willed decision to endure. This is the secret to fighting extreme cold.
  5. Light cold is like a frog that is quietly boiled over low heat. Avoiding this most insidious kind of cold requires a high level of awareness. You need to learn to feel your body and notice the slightest uncomfortable manifestations around you. Don't be a hero and endure a light draft or a blanket that isn't warm enough. A slight cold can take you by surprise when you are sleeping and you have no control over the conditions of your sleep. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare in advance for possible cold snap scenarios and prepare an extra blanket or take an extra sweater with you. It is better to sweat than be cold. To increase your chances in the face of a slight cold, you should not only do your “homework” on warming up with sweater blankets, but also add a reminder to the “cache” of your head that the wind is blowing and you can’t relax. That is, even when you are sitting somewhere in the office at an important meeting, you must definitely “book” the thought of the cold in your head. When you remember the cold and are aware of what it is and what it affects you, you already increase your chances of not getting sick by 50%.

Prevention will save the world

It is much easier not to get sick if you regularly perform simple but effective actions:

  • Temper yourself. Even a couple of minutes of cold water at the end of your daily morning bath can already work wonders.
  • Get dressed. Risk areas that require attention in the first place: back, chest and neck.
  • Sleep. This is a very important point, since lack of sleep leads to poor health and reduced immunity.
  • Drink hot drinks. It doesn't matter if it's coffee, tea or just hot water. An extra glass of something warm will not only remind your body that it is being taken care of, but will also allow you to more accurately determine the sources of cold in contrast.
  • Take a hot shower. Even if you are not cold. It is never superfluous to warm up the back and neck.

Shock measures: revenge on the cold

It happens that you find yourself in a severe frost, while you are aware of the danger of getting sick, but, unfortunately, there is not a joule of heat nearby. In such cases, even a glass of hot tea is not able to cover the "damage" caused by the cold. In such a situation, it is necessary, as before, to keep in mind the thought of the cold. It doesn't matter that he won the battle, because you still have the power to win the war!

Take revenge on the fierce winter, having a good steam in the shower, while pouring hot tea with lemon into your throat at the same time. Dress in everything you have, cover yourself with all the blankets you have available, and go to bed. And sleep as much as you want without getting up at the sound of the alarm clock. It is better to oversleep work, but be healthy, than heroically be at the office on time, but with the onset of the disease.

And for a snack - a health recipe from integral yoga guru Sri Aurobindo

"The only disease is insufficiency of consciousness. In the later stages, when inner silence is firmly established in us and we are able to perceive mental and vital vibrations still at the periphery of our paraconsciousness, we will be able to feel the vibrations of disease in the same way and remove them before they can enter us. If you are aware of this surrounding self, Sri Aurobindo wrote to a disciple, then you will be able to catch a thought, a passion, a suggestion or the force of illness and prevent their intrusion into you.

What are some ways you know to help prevent pain?

Every year in the world, thousands of people are interested in the question of how not to get sick with a cold, because it causes so much inconvenience, takes time and effort. It is difficult to completely protect yourself from this disease, but it is possible to minimize the risks. To do this, you need to act comprehensively. By adhering to simple rules, you can not only not get sick, but in general become healthier.

What should be done to avoid pain?

First of all, you should pay attention to your home, try to ventilate the room more often, because it is through the air that harmful microorganisms spread. It is also not desirable that the air in the room is not dry; there are special humidifiers on sale to eliminate this problem, but even without them, this effect can be achieved using wet cleaning. Despite the fact that in the cold season you want to stay warm, the temperature for sleep should not be higher than 20 degrees Celsius.

You should not sit still for a long time, because movement is life. Sports and active leisure only have a positive effect on health. Try to walk more often, take walks before going to bed, and soon you will notice that your health will become just wonderful. Equally important is the emotional state and the absence of constant stress. They deplete our immune system, which leads to a greater risk of getting sick.

Cold prevention

There are many ways to prevent a cold. If you do this all year round, then you can soon forget about such an ailment altogether. Even if it so happened that a cold still overtook, then it will be much easier to pass and it will be possible to avoid negative consequences. Tips for preventing colds:

  • Mandatory hand washing with soap, especially after visiting crowded places;
  • Saturation of the daily diet with vitamins. Their maximum amount is in red and yellow vegetables and fruits;
  • Breathing techniques. When performing breathing exercises, the immune system is activated, which fights the cold;
  • Getting rid of bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol adversely affect the body, causes dehydration, as a result of which the disease lasts longer;
  • Time to rest. Even with a busy schedule, it pays to take the time to let your body relax. It is important to get enough sleep;
  • Sport. Maintaining your body in good shape is very important. Even regular exercises in the morning will make you healthier;

Hardening with cold water

In addition to all the above methods of prevention, there is one more. This . This method helps to make the body more resilient to the influence of viruses and bacteria. Hardening affects the immune system, the vessels, due to the narrowing of which increases blood flow to the internal organs. In addition, cold water will help to lose weight.

It's important to do it right. You can’t start by swimming in an ice hole or dousing with ice water. The desired effect is achieved gradually. You can start hardening by gradually reducing the temperature of the water while taking a shower. It is advisable to reduce it by one degree every few days. If fast pouring is closer to you, then the scheme is the same here. It is better to start with warm water, also gradually lowering its temperature.

Note! This method also has contraindications. You should not temper yourself with cold water at times of exacerbation of a cold, with serious cardiovascular diseases, and asthma.

Fighting a cold is very unpleasant, so it’s better not to bring it up. Following the tips for its prevention, you can improve your health, become more resilient to other diseases and feel great!

No one wants to get sick, even if it's just a cold, even just a few days. Every cold weakens the defense of our body. And she doesn't need to be hurt.

To avoid a cold, you can not neglect your own body. Your inappropriate attitude towards your body is the main cause of colds. Learn to feel his needs, protect him from undesirable environmental conditions, and you will always, with the possible exception of force majeure, manage to avoid a cold.

Most of the diseases that we call colds (acute respiratory) usually have hypothermia as a decisive factor, which reduces the general and local resistance of the body. Hypothermia does not lead to an independent disease, but provokes various kinds of diseases, especially infectious ones. In large cities and in closely interacting groups, due to the continuous infection of a person with a variety of pathogens, a decrease in the body's resistance as a result of hypothermia often becomes decisive.

Individual resistance to hypothermia varies depending on the impact of a number of factors (somatic diseases, degree of fatigue, quality of nutrition, mental and emotional state). But general hypothermia is less important in the development of acute respiratory diseases than hypothermia of individual parts of the body. It is local hypothermia that serves as the main catalyst for the development of a cold. Especially often we are visited by a cold when hypothermia skin, oral cavity And feet. But, attention: very often, not only those who dress out of season, but also those who are accustomed to too warm clothes suffer from colds. It is especially easy to catch a cold if you are overheated from heat or physical exertion and sweat a lot, as the evaporation of moisture cools the skin.

Cold prevention.

No. 1 remedy for the prevention of colds. Dress for the weather, but don't wrap up. It is especially important that your feet are always in comfortable warmth, and your feet do not freeze. But there are different situations. And, if you feel like your feet are starting to get cold, there are two easy ways to improve circulation to your feet and keep them warm. The first is to relax the muscles of the feet as much as possible, imagining them, for example, standing in a warm bath. The second is intense movement, periodic pressure and relaxation of the feet or trembling. So that your feet do not freeze, choose any of them. If your feet are still cold (even a little), rub and massage your feet when you come into the room. When the feet are comfortable, you can not be afraid of drafts.

Means for the prevention of colds №2. If you have been exposed to rain, strong winds, or sweat from physical work, the same methods can be applied to restore normal blood circulation in the skin of the whole body. A simple recipe for avoiding a cold: feel the beginning of an unpleasant process and try to completely relax or, conversely, tremble intensely. But, if you shrink from the cold, then this is the path to hypothermia of the skin and a cold, since, by shrinking, you have worsened blood circulation and the transfer of heat from the blood to the skin.

Means for the prevention of colds №3. Make sure you always breathe through your nose, even at night. The nose must be clean and free to breathe. The nose must be clean and free to breathe. To train yourself to easily control the freedom of breathing through the nose, use or audio text "Fresh Flow"

Means for the prevention of colds №4. Cold air should not freely enter the mouth, but teeth should not be clenched. This is not only harmful to the teeth and gums, but also compresses the pharynx, worsening conditions for it. The same effect is produced by a compressed language. When the tongue is not moving, it should be relaxed. Since you breathe in through your mouth when you speak, control your speech outside in cold weather. You also need control on the beach: overheating in the sun can also lead to a cold if, without hesitation, cool your mouth with ice cream or cold water.

Means for the prevention of colds №5. Make it a habit to check from time to time how clear your airways are from your nose to your bronchi. Such a check takes the time of one or two breaths. To master this easy action well, use the exercise " Release of the upper respiratory tract" or the audio text "Free breathing"

Means for the prevention of colds №6. Periodically violate the previous five points under your control. This tool works like a non-specific vaccine, maintaining immunity at a high level. You can call it hardening.

Reduce susceptibility to colds regular exercise, especially in the fresh air. The body's resistance to colds is enhanced by the action of vitamin C. Exercises for the hyoid muscles will also help to avoid colds, strengthening the muscles of the pharynx and improving blood circulation in it.

If you feel constant tension in your neck, it means that your head is habitually shifted back. An upturned chin is not a sign of good posture. The top of the head at rest should look up. Otherwise, the vertebrae of the neck are compressed, your throat is also compressed, and the blood circulation in it is disturbed. To change the habitual fit of the head, you need to use correct posture exercises, which will also serve as a means of prevention from a possible cold.

The human body is a complex biological machine. And if you skillfully manage it, it will last a long time and without fail. According to Eastern philosophy, the mind and body of a person are closely interconnected, therefore, the concept of "vital energy" is the basis of traditional Chinese medicine, which represents two opposite principles: Yang and Yin.

Yang personifies the active, hard beginning, and Yin - passive, pliable, feminine. These two principles must be constantly maintained in each person in a state of balance, and then all his organs will work normally. Therefore, in the East it is customary to pay great attention to positive thinking. As a person thinks, so he lives and so he feels.

A good mood is an installation for the body on health and longevity.

If a failure occurs in the body, you should not rush to take medications - it makes sense to start with a massage. Therapeutic massage reduces all manifestations of depression and relieves pain. It is important both for maintaining a good tone of the body, and for preventive purposes. Moreover, massage allows you to slow down the aging of the body and maintain yourself in a cheerful, efficient state.

What clothes to wear?

Synthetic fabrics are not only not very pleasant to the touch, but also harmful to health: they cause sweating, skin irritation, even allergies. Acetates, polyamides and other artificial materials are strictly contraindicated for young children. All underwear - underwear, summer sarafans, T-shirts - should be made only from natural fabrics. The sale of children's shoes made of synthetic materials is also prohibited. And goods for newborns should be sold only in stores - it is very problematic to monitor the quality of clothes in the markets.

The group of natural fabrics includes: linen, cotton, silk and wool, as well as their derivatives: cotton, chintz, cambric, crepe de chine, satin, cashmere. They are not hot in summer and not cold in winter. .

The approaching autumn makes you think about warmer clothes. And here again everything natural is in the favorites: woolen hats, leather boots, cashmere coats. As for shoes, leather is also preferred here.

Harmful cosmetics

Ever since the time of Queen Cleopatra, women cannot imagine their life without cosmetics. With the help of cosmetics, they skillfully emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings of their appearance. However, it should be remembered that when choosing a cream, lipstick or even ordinary toilet soap, one should not blindly believe in advertising - not all the gold that glitters, not all the products that flash daily in commercials are good and useful. Of course, you should not completely abandon cosmetics, especially in adulthood, when the skin loses its natural firmness and elasticity and requires more caring care than in youth.

But do not chase cheapness. It is better to buy one tube of cream instead of three, but make sure it is of high quality and made by a company you trust. If it is not possible to buy good cosmetics, it is better to use grandmother's reliable and proven recipes for skin regeneration. Do not buy cosmetics on the street or in the market, because under the influence of sunlight, its chemical composition changes and skin problems appear instead of the expected beauty.


Natural products have great healing power.

If you have a severe headache:

  • a simple banana can help, as it is loaded with carbohydrates and magnesium. You need to eat a banana, without “mixing” it with anything, and the headache will recede without aspirin;
  • cabbage eliminates headaches and insomnia;
  • borscht, cabbage soup and cabbage soothe a headache, but to achieve a therapeutic effect, they need to be salted only after they are ready;

For mental overload:

  • dried apricots, raisins, baked apples, and dairy products contain potassium and calcium, which are necessary to restore the strength of a tired brain;
  • onions, seafood normalize the blood supply to the brain and enhance the ability to concentrate;
  • nuts and sprouted grains of wheat perfectly relieve fatigue after a long mental work;
  • black bread, rice, peas, beans help relieve nervous tension and improve mental performance.

If you have the flu or a cold:

  • chicken soup. The protein in the broth thins the mucus in the lungs, making it easier for the body to clear it. That is why chicken soup is more effective than just hot tea. Add garlic to the soup and recovery will speed up;
  • hot and spicy food. Spicy sauces and spices act as an excellent expectorant. If you eat these foods regularly, you are less likely to get colds, allergies, and asthma;
  • mustard oil. For flu and upper respiratory tract infections, mustard oil is effective in killing bacteria. It is found in mustard, horseradish and radish.

Immunity Boosting Food:

  • fruits and vegetables. Eat more often: carrots, spinach, potatoes, apricots, pumpkin and citrus fruits. They perfectly stimulate the immune system;
  • Dark green and red vegetables help the body protect against cancer because they contain a lot of green pigment that can bind carcinogens. Red tomatoes, sweet peppers, and even ketchup are also good for cancer prevention;
  • garlic is the best way to fight germs.

Therapeutic fasting for health and beauty

Periodic strict fasting is very beneficial for the body. Scientists say that for every cubic centimeter of excess weight, the body must have 11 (unbelievable!) kilometers of capillaries to feed and maintain this excess fat. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to get rid of excess weight. The best way, of course, is fasting.

It is better to fast under medical supervision.

The most common:

  1. "Hunger on the Water". A person drinks only water (distilled, hot or cold, mineral, decoctions of herbs or rose hips). It is useful to add lemon juice to the water. The total amount of liquid consumed per day is from 1.5 to 2.5 liters.
  2. "Hunger for Juices". 1 - 1.5 liters of fruit or vegetable juices are taken per day, the rest of the liquid is added with water. Cabbage, carrot, apple, beet and birch juices are used.
  3. "Fruit and vegetable hunger". With an interval of 6-7 hours, take 250-300 g of fruits and vegetables twice a day (cabbage, carrots, beets, apples, plums, pumpkin). On the eve of fasting, a laxative is taken in the evening, and an enema is given in the morning.

The amount of drinking during hunger is not limited. Start fasting from one day a week. Prolonged fasting is best done under medical supervision.

The most important rule for getting out of hunger: it takes as many days as fasting itself.

Important Doctor - Sunshine

Many diseases arise only from the fact that we rarely go to the sun. The sun's rays are a powerful bacteriological agent bestowed on us by nature itself. And the more the skin absorbs the rays, the more it stores life-giving energy.

The sun gives us not only light, solar energy is transformed into human energy. In alternative medicine, there is even a special direction - heliotherapy. With its help, nervous disorders, some skin diseases and respiratory diseases are perfectly treated.

Heliotherapy helps with a variety of diseases.

In the East, colored glass bottles are used for light therapy. If the light was passed through the red bottle, then the water infused in it is used to treat chronic diseases, and if through the blue one, then acute ones. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then sunlight passed through yellow glass is used. For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, green filters are taken, and nervous disorders are treated with violet light. This type of treatment gives impressive results. A person can improve his health, prolong his life under the sun's rays. However, an overdose of solar energy does not work well. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful in the sun.

Cold and hot shower

A contrast shower in the morning is a very useful water procedure for everyone. Do you want to forget about acute respiratory infections and other cold-related diseases forever? Do you want to recharge your batteries and increase your efficiency for the whole day? Do you dream of throwing off the weight of age and feeling ten years younger? So, it's time for you to join the Contrast Shower Lovers Club.

A few tips for newbies:

  • Start with a hot shower - let your body warm up properly. Then gradually cool the water (but not less than 20 ° C). Stand under cool jets for a minute or two, then turn the water hot again.
  • After 3-4 alternations of warm and cool water, complete the procedure with a shower at the most comfortable temperature for you. Then thoroughly rub with a towel until the skin is slightly reddened.

You need to remember: increase the temperature difference gradually. A contrast shower should bring pleasure, and not turn into daily voluntary torture. If you do contrast douches regularly, then after a month and a half the maximum temperature difference (from very hot to icy) will no longer cause you any discomfort, but only a surge of vivacity and good mood.

However, contrast showers are not for everyone. It should be avoided by people suffering from hypertension, rheumatism, anemia and inflammation of the bladder.

Don't waste spring on sickness

After winter, when the risk of contracting a viral infection is very high, there comes an equally alarming spring period. Sharp changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure, characteristic of this time of year, lead to the fact that many people feel various kinds of ailments. Our task during this period is to protect ourselves from diseases, and in order to solve it, we should use the gifts of nature: eat the flowers and fruits of the Sudanese rose, raspberries, rose hips, black and red currants in the form of teas, decoctions or juices. They increase immunity, strengthening the body's defenses, as they are rich in trace elements and vitamins C and B group.

Caring for a healthy heart

Reducing the risk of disease is within our power. Factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, stress, insomnia, smoking, and hereditary predisposition increase the risk of heart disease. Our task is to reduce the risk of disease to a minimum. First of all, you need to get rid of bad habits and do physical exercises that will strengthen the heart muscle. Regular exercises (squats, bends, arm swings) should be performed slowly and very measuredly, taking deep breaths and long exhalations. It is best to perform such exercises in the fresh air, but if this is not possible, then at least with an open window or in a well-ventilated room.

A very important point in the prevention of heart disease is the ability to relax. Excitable people are much more likely to get heart disease than people who can control their emotions and maintain an optimistic attitude. If you are worried about insomnia, take sedative infusions and decoctions of herbs (such as mint). Good sleep is one of the main conditions for maintaining a healthy heart. The most optimal, according to doctors, is a night's sleep from 21:00 to 6:00.

One of the most important factors to pay attention to is the right diet. Rational nutrition should become a habit for everyone who wants to maintain their health. First of all, you should limit the use of animal fats, replacing them with vegetable: olive or sunflower oil. Foods that contain high amounts of preservatives and additives should be avoided. Eat only fresh products, try to use less heat treatment. From seasonings, preference should be given to fresh or dried herbs and roots. The daily diet should be easily digestible and nutritious, so try to think carefully and plan your daily menu carefully. Avoid fried foods.

It is important to know that:

  • afternoon nap reduces the incidence of coronary heart disease;
  • onions and garlic, when taken daily, reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, thrombosis;
  • Quitting smoking reduces the risk of death from heart attack and stroke by 23%.

It is very important to wake up properly:

  • do not set yourself up for trouble, but, on the contrary, recharge yourself with joy;
  • do not rush to jump out of bed and run to do business: the transition from sleep to wakefulness should be unhurried and gradual.

And you also need to remember that it is not in vain that the heart is considered a symbol of love. For it to work properly, you must definitely love!

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