Poverty is a disease. Diagnosis and neutralization of the virus of poverty How to get rid of the virus of poverty

Ancient knowledge suggests that wealth and prosperity are available to everyone.

However, this is not the case in real life. Why this is happening, and how to protect yourself from the poverty virus, read this article.

Unfortunately, for many, life is a vicious circle of chasing money: home - work, work - home or business - a very rare vacation and an opportunity to relax at least for a while ...

I won't discover America if I write what it is routine sucks, and we ourselves do not notice, do not see and do not feel how we begin work hard, but at the same time we do not become happier, and money is still not enough.

Own luxury house, rest in exotic countries several times a year, new automobile, expensive restaurants, exquisite fashion cloth, prestigious Events...
Perhaps you have already given up on yourself deep inside ...

And you are not to blame. Indeed, to some extent, poverty is a virus that can be easily contracted.

How to protect yourself from the virus of poverty

Perhaps you think that poverty is when you don't have enough money. However, numerous studies show that not even the current state of the wallet, but your own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits money ceiling.

You really live within the limits that you allowed yourself, allowing or not allowing certain events to happen to us.

Poverty is a virus, and it can be contracted. The source of the virus of poverty is our environment.

Don't believe?

Analyze your surroundings. And here I don't mean Feng Shui environment.

Let's just look at those who surround you: from the closest to those people with whom you communicate very rarely or only through social networks.

Very often in our environment there are not the same people who help us become better, more successful and richer.

These are either "comrades in misfortune", or those who are even worse than us in some way.

Communicating with such people, we become infected from them with the virus of poverty.
Still, because some have such problems, to which ours is still oh how far away! And they think that everything is cool with us ...

Vaccine against poverty

In fact, everything is simple. Just as good Feng Shui begins with “banal” cleanliness, our wealth begins with the kind of people we associate with.

People, as I often say, are the strongest source of both favorable and unfavorable energy.

To protect yourself from the virus of poverty, you need to communicate more often with those who are better, more successful and richer.

You need to shape your environment so that it does not drag you down, but helps you grow.

Ask yourself three important questions:

  1. Who are the people around me?
  2. Why are these people talking to me?
  3. What did they do to make me develop more, become more successful and richer?

When you think about these questions, you may make some unpleasant discoveries.

For example, it turns out that your close friend is simply using you for her pastime, draining negativity and performing various tasks and assignments for free.

At the same time, it does not bring anything positive into your life, and maybe even, on the contrary, take away your energy .... and good luck.

You can object: but my friend helped me too!

Borrowed a dress to a party, asked my brother to move my wardrobe...

But is it help in your development? Increasing income? In bringing good luck into your life? Has it helped to QUALITATIVELY improve your life?

The right people are pulling us up

What if you started your cash flow?

Have you started earning 3 or even 4 times more than now? Have you become successful and charming, have you established a personal life?

Would you need to borrow a dress from your friend? Or ask her brother to move your closet? Or provide some other service?

It is unlikely, because you simply would not have these problems.

I think that in this case you would be more selective in allowing people into your environment: interesting, bright, supportive, those you can look up to.

Take vitamins to support immunity

So what should be done to change the situation if you find yourself in this poverty virus?

There are many ways and deal with the environment - this is the first of them.

The next step, if you want to feel confident in the future, establish a regular and decent cash flow, get the support of noble people;
let happy accidents into life, there will be measures that will allow you take care of your luck. For example, with the help of powerful and effective techniques that activate the energy of space. Learn more about these techniques.

Next, you can use advanced technology, to strengthen your monetary immunity individual activations, for example, as powerful as pushing white stars. Read about this activation.

You can wait until life gets better, or you can start changing something today.

By the way, waiting for better times is also a symptom of the fact that you have contracted the virus of poverty.

Best regards and best wishes,

Your life is measured, and everything is clear. Not everything is always smooth and not everything is as you want. You work, make a career, it is even possible that with experience your salary gets higher, life is gaining momentum. You are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel to be in time everywhere to provide for yourself and your family. But the more effort you put in, the more effort is required. Time is never enough, requests are growing. What is the meaning of your life? Every day new emotions? Or is every day, like Groundhog Day, the same thing? Maybe it's time to change something? Do you have the courage to do so?

Heinrich Erdman, in his book Grow and Grow Rich, described indecision, using the example of cancers. Yes, common crabs. But, do you know why the lid on the bucket is never closed when catching crayfish? Because if one of the crayfish decides to get out, the others will definitely pull it back.

So it is with people. As soon as someone decides to take it and change everything in their life, well, or not everything, but to introduce something new or take that step that they have never taken, as soon as acquaintances, colleagues, relatives, they begin to pull up and say: “What are you , For what? Nobody did this. Oh, I heard it's bullshit. Sit don't move. Live like everyone else. It's safer that way."

Yes, you can. But remember what happens to crayfish then? With those who are all together, all behave in the same way? Right! They will cook and eat!

Indecision, the biggest enemy of success. This is also the cause of poverty.

Why do people behave like this? Maybe because they themselves have been taught this way, or maybe they are simply afraid of the success of others. After all, while some act, change something and achieve results, others just sit and scold the circumstances, the government, the bosses ... And how to explain their failures after that? Admit to yourself that it was just laziness or scary? No way!

Start changing your life right now, take responsibility for your life. Everything depends on you. Take action! Make decisions! What are you losing?

You have the opportunity! The universe gives them to you. Just don't pass by. When you start a business, finish it!

Einstein once said, "If you do the same thing and expect different results, that's crazy." In other words, if you start doing what you never did, you will start getting what you never got.

What did you dream about as a child? They must have traveled, they probably thought it was so cool to be adults and believed that they could find their way to heaven. Why did you stop believing in dreams? After all, if you really want something, you will definitely get it.

If your life is not filled with joy, ease, freedom, then you do not live. If your job is just a way to earn a living, then you are not free.

Start living for yourself, devote time to your family, children. Find a new business in life. Introduce a little artistic mess into the "order" that you have. So much more fun and interesting. Check.

Listen to yourself and begin to act, using the opportunities available to you. What do you lose besides boredom? Come on, get out of your warm swamp. Indeed, on a solid path, bathed in the sun, it is very good. Think about the opportunities and prospects that open up before you. You can really change everything and yourself, and your life, and even the lives of others. All that prevents you from doing this is you yourself with your fears and laziness.

The causes of poverty are only in our justifications, because whoever wants, he finds opportunities, and whoever does not want, he finds excuses. So if after reading this text you are again looking for excuses for yourself, it means that you are not ready to take responsibility and make your life better.

Why is that? Alone in chocolate, the owners of factories, newspapers, steamships, and you can’t even tell that they are especially sweating in order to stay afloat, they just row money with a shovel and that’s it. Others climb out of their skin, and barely make ends meet. What's the catch? It turns out that there is a virus of poverty, which, according to experts, stands in the way of the enrichment of a certain category of people. What to do? Don't pick him up.

Signals pointing to the virus of poverty

Envy of people who are more successful than you

Certainly! Others just fell from the sky, millions in their accounts is pure luck, which they did not deserve. And then a bummer after a bummer, although the whole world should lie at its feet. However, not all of those “lucky ones” were presented with financial well-being on a plate with a blue border, most of them had to “wiggle their ears” well in order to be in the right place at the right time, get into the wave, organize a successful business, etc. Many millionaires plow from dawn to dusk, improve professionally, do not hesitate to learn new things, even if they are over 40, 50 ... Just dreaming of a financial position, a rich husband, an inheritance from a rich unknown uncle, not moving a finger in an attempt to at least something earn money, you will not become a financially secure person.

Stop putting other people's achievements to zero, looking for flaws in the "lucky ones". It is more rational to direct efforts to your own improvement.

To work, like hard labor

A job is a place where you serve time and you don’t run away just because of the salary. If the place of work is treated like hard labor, then it is hardly worth waiting for successful career advancement.

If you can’t do what you like, then let what you do please you. There is no ideal, everything has its pros and cons. So you can find positive moments in your work. In the end, you were not driven to an educational institution at gunpoint, you yourself chose your specialty and, accordingly, the scope of work. If you can’t find the pluses, then you should change your profession and try yourself where your soul is drawn to.

With constant dissatisfaction with life, you are afraid of any changes

Your entourage once again listens to your "snot" about how life has treated you cruelly, that all your plans have gone down the drain, dreamed of great things, and spend your days with nothing. Instead of churning cream into butter with your paws, you just lay down and lament, not hearing the advice: “Work with your paws, work with your paws!”.

Stop moaning and shy away from change like hell from incense. You can try new things at any age. To win the lottery, you first need to buy a lottery ticket. And therefore, being afraid of cardinal changes, you should not expect improvements in life.

Pont is more expensive than money

window dressing. By imitating wealthy people, you demonstrate that you have everything in order. You speak with disdain about the attendants, emphasizing that your status is higher. But the environment evaluates such actions as “cheap show-offs”, which entails an appropriate attitude towards you.

Truly successful people don't put iPhones on a restaurant table or otherwise show off their financial well-being, and they won't give a damn about people in the service industry. They know that life is changeable and there is such a thing as bankruptcy. Who knows, maybe he himself will have to become an attendant tomorrow. Although it is highly likely that this area is known to him, and he began his journey as a courier, waiter, seller, etc.

It is known that you can say “halvah” as many times as you like, but this does not make your mouth sweeter. So why is the opinion alive that if the feed on social networks is full of beautiful pictures, then with a wave of a magic wand, reality will become a fairy tale? Who are we deceiving? Perhaps someone will lead and believe in your heavenly life, but smart people will immediately expose the “rich fake”.

Why push the environment away from you with a “fake rich life”? Better think about how you can interest subscribers. Who knows, maybe it will come to creating a blog that will bring good profits and the fairy tale can actually become a reality.

Not being a loader, do not climb into the body

Work for "uncle" even for a high salary? No! It is better to open your own business, for example, an online store. And what? This is now a fashionable direction and, as they say, profitable. And almost nothing is needed - a computer and a mouse. Conceived - done. What niche is free, what is in demand, where to buy, how to promote the product, etc. - no one thinks about it. Moreover, he has no idea. But bursting with pride that the property has a store.

Your own business is definitely great. Only if you are in this topic like a fish in water. Otherwise, instead of profit, losses are good, if you didn’t have time to get into big debts.

Digging potatoes in the garden and finding a treasure

Or win a million in the lottery. Manna from heaven may fall, but it is so rare that it is not even worth dreaming about. We must act! Truly successful people have worked hard and continue to work to multiply their created capital. None of them lay on their side, dreaming about how they would spend the million that the good fairy would send them by mail.

Instead of hovering in the clouds, it’s better to think about where you can earn an extra penny, a penny to a penny is already a ruble and things will move on.

So your failures are blamed on...everyone but you.

Everyone is to blame. Parents who failed to arrange a job in a prestigious educational institution and agree on a warm place or give a lot of money to start a business. A boss who doesn't appreciate your potential. The state, strangling small and medium-sized businesses, magnetic storms, etc.

Face the truth - you are sick, infected with the virus of poverty and need treatment. Start by analyzing your actions, identifying mistakes. It may not hurt to ask for help from knowledgeable people or attend relevant seminars in order to correctly identify problems and find ways to solve them.

Your life is measured, and everything is clear. Not everything is always smooth and not everything is as you want. You work, make a career, it is even possible that with experience your salary gets higher, life is gaining momentum. You are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel to be in time everywhere to provide for yourself and your family. But the more effort you put in, the more effort is required. Time is never enough, requests are growing. What is the meaning of your life? Every day new emotions? Or is every day, like Groundhog Day, the same thing? Maybe it's time to change something? Do you have the courage to do so?
Heinrich Erdman, in his book Grow and Grow Rich, described indecision, using the example of cancers. Yes, common crabs. But, do you know why the lid on the bucket is never closed when catching crayfish? Because if one of the crayfish decides to get out, the others will definitely pull it back.
So it is with people. As soon as someone decides to take it and change everything in their life, well, or not everything, but to introduce something new or take that step that they have never taken, as soon as acquaintances, colleagues, relatives, they begin to pull up and say: “What are you , For what? Nobody did this. Oh, I heard it's bullshit. Sit don't move. Live like everyone else. It's safer that way."
Yes, you can. But remember what happens to crayfish then? With those who are all together, all behave in the same way? Right! They will be boiled and eaten! Indecision is the biggest enemy of success. This is also the cause of poverty. Why do people behave this way? Maybe because they themselves have been taught this way, or maybe they are simply afraid of the success of others. After all, while some act, change something and achieve results, others just sit and scold the circumstances, the government, the bosses ... And how to explain their failures after that? Admit to yourself that it was just laziness or scary? No way!
Start changing your life right now, take responsibility for your life. Everything depends on you. Take action! Make decisions! What do you have to lose? You have opportunities! The universe gives them to you. Just don't pass by. When you start a business, finish it!
Einstein once said, "If you do the same thing and expect different results, that's crazy." In other words, if you start doing what you never did, then you will start getting what you never got. What did you dream about as a child? They must have traveled, they probably thought it was so cool to be adults and believed that they could find their way to heaven. Why did you stop believing in dreams? After all, if you really want something, you will definitely get it.
If your life is not filled with joy, ease, freedom, then you do not live. If your work is just a way to earn a living, then you are not free. Start living for yourself, devote time to your family, children. Find a new business in life. Introduce a little artistic mess into the "order" that you have. So much more fun and interesting. Check.
Listen to yourself and begin to act, using the opportunities available to you. What do you lose besides boredom? Come on, get out of your warm swamp. Indeed, on a solid path, bathed in the sun, it is very good. Think about the opportunities and prospects that open up before you. You can really change everything and yourself, and your life, and even the lives of others. All that prevents you from doing this is you yourself with your fears and laziness. The reasons for poverty are only in our excuses, because whoever wants, he finds opportunities, and whoever does not want, he finds excuses. So if after reading this text you are again looking for excuses for yourself, it means that you are not ready to take responsibility and make your life better.

The virus of poverty can be defeated Your life is measured, and everything is clear. Not everything is always smooth and not everything is as you want. You work, make a career, it is even possible that with experience your salary gets higher, life is gaining momentum. You are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel to be in time everywhere to provide for yourself and your family. But the more effort you put in, the more effort is required. Time is never enough, requests are growing. What is the meaning of your life? Every day new emotions? Or is every day, like Groundhog Day, the same thing? Maybe it's time to change something? Do you have the courage to do so? Heinrich Erdman, in his book Grow and Grow Rich, described indecision, using the example of cancers. Yes, common crabs. But, do you know why the lid on the bucket is never closed when catching crayfish? Because if one of the crayfish decides to get out, the others will definitely pull it back. So it is with people. As soon as someone decides to take it and change everything in their life, well, or not everything, but to introduce something new or take that step that they have never taken, as soon as acquaintances, colleagues, relatives, they begin to pull up and say: “What are you , For what? Nobody did this. Oh, I heard it's bullshit. Sit don't move. Live like everyone else. It's safer that way." Yes, you can. But remember what happens to crayfish then? With those who are all together, all behave in the same way? Right! They will cook and eat! Indecision, the biggest enemy of success. This is also the cause of poverty. Why do people behave like this? Maybe because they themselves have been taught this way, or maybe they are simply afraid of the success of others. After all, while some act, change something and achieve results, others just sit and scold the circumstances, the government, the bosses ... And how to explain their failures after that? Admit to yourself that it was just laziness or scary? No way! Start changing your life right now, take responsibility for your life. Everything depends on you. Take action! Make decisions! What are you losing? You have the opportunity! The universe gives them to you. Just don't pass by. When you start a business, finish it! Einstein once said, "If you do the same thing and expect different results, that's crazy." In other words, if you start doing what you never did, you will start getting what you never got. What did you dream about as a child? They must have traveled, they probably thought it was so cool to be adults and believed that they could find their way to heaven. Why did you stop believing in dreams? After all, if you really want something, you will definitely get it. If your life is not filled with joy, ease, freedom, then you do not live. If your job is just a way to earn a living, then you are not free. Start living for yourself, devote time to your family, children. Find a new business in life. Introduce a little artistic mess into the "order" that you have. So much more fun and interesting. Check. Listen to yourself and begin to act, using the opportunities available to you. What do you lose besides boredom? Come on, get out of your warm swamp. Indeed, on a solid path, bathed in the sun, it is very good. Think about the opportunities and prospects that open up before you. You can really change everything and yourself, and your life, and even the lives of others. All that prevents you from doing this is you yourself with your fears and laziness. The causes of poverty are only in our justifications, because whoever wants, he finds opportunities, and whoever does not want, he finds excuses. So if after reading this text you are again looking for excuses for yourself, it means that you are not ready to take responsibility and make your life better.

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