What is the name of an adult eye doctor. A doctor who treats eyes. What tests can an ophthalmologist order?

Poor vision is the scourge of modern society, so everyone should know who an ophthalmologist is. The knowledge of many people about an ophthalmologist is limited only by the fact that this doctor checks his eyesight. In fact, an ophthalmologist is a doctor who treats various disorders of the visual apparatus. Everyone needs his help sooner or later.

Ophthalmologist - who is it?

Previously, in most medical institutions it was possible to meet a specialist who was engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the visual apparatus. It was the optometrist. Today, these duties are performed by an ophthalmologist. For this reason, the question naturally arises: are these two different specialties or one and the same? Understanding this will help the meaning of the terms used. The Latin oculus literally translates to "eye". The term, translated from Greek into Russian by the word "ophthalmology", means "the study of the eye".

In the modern sense, these two specialties are identical. In other words, an ophthalmologist is an ophthalmologist. Although some still believe that there are differences. In their opinion, an ophthalmologist is a specialist whose competence is not only the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the visual apparatus, but also, if necessary, performing surgical operations. He has a wider profile than the optometrist.

Who is an ophthalmologist-orthoptist?

This is a healthcare professional. An orthoptist is the name of an eye doctor. He specializes in the treatment of such visual impairments:

  • strabismus;
  • amblyopia;
  • refractive error and accommodation.

What diseases does an ophthalmologist treat?

The list of pathologies that this specialist fights is huge. Before going to such a doctor, it is important for the patient to figure out who the ophthalmologist is and what he treats. This will allow him to prepare in advance for such a visit. Here are the diseases treated by an ophthalmologist:

  1. Myopia is an anomaly caused by a visual defect. A patient diagnosed with such a disease sees a clear picture near him, and what is further away is blurry. This is due to the fact that in the affected eye the image is formed not on the retina, but in front of it.
  2. Astigmatism- a violation of the clarity of vision caused by deformation of the lens or cornea.
  3. farsightedness- a pathology in which focusing on distant objects is carried out behind the retina.
  4. Cataract- clouding of the lens, provoking partial or complete loss of vision.
  5. Glaucoma- a complex of disorders in which there are frequent jumps in blood pressure. They cause visual impairment.

Responsibilities of an ophthalmologist

The main task facing this specialist is to carry out therapeutic manipulations in the event of various diseases of the organs of vision. The duties of an ophthalmologist at a polyclinic are as follows:

  • control over the state of the organs of vision;
  • prevention of the development of hereditary pathologies or diseases provoked by age-related changes;
  • correction of a visual defect;
  • advising patients on the choice of glasses and lenses;
  • treatment of allergies that provoke increased lacrimation;
  • therapy of barley or other inflammatory disease on the eyelids;
  • medical treatment of eye diseases and so on.

When should you contact an ophthalmologist?

Both adults and children need to visit this specialist periodically. There are, however, a number of circumstances when it is impossible to delay a visit to the doctor. These include the following situations:

  • there is a foreign body in the eyeball;
  • severe swelling of the eyelid;
  • increased dryness or other eye discomfort;
  • sudden loss of vision;
  • constant;
  • severe tearing;
  • purulent discharge from the eyes.

This is all that an ophthalmologist treats. You should not try to fix the problem yourself, as this will not give the desired result. In addition, the situation may worsen, because time is not in favor of the patient. Also, an eye doctor, an ophthalmologist, is among the list of doctors that pregnant women and women who have recently given birth should visit. The following categories of people should be checked regularly by this specialist:

  • hypertension;
  • suffering from diabetes;
  • working constantly at the computer;
  • those who have a hereditary predisposition to diseases of the visual apparatus.

How is the appointment with the optometrist?

Before going to this doctor, the patient seeks to find out more: an ophthalmologist - who is he and what will he do. This is not idle curiosity, but a completely normal reaction of a person: he has the right to know all this. The ophthalmologist begins his appointment with listening to the patient's complaints. After the doctor proceeds to the examination, which is represented by such manipulations:

  • examination of the fundus;
  • checking the ability of the lens and cornea to focus the image on the retina;
  • measurement ;
  • a test to determine a person's ability to distinguish colors.

Eye diseases - diagnosis

Before prescribing a course of treatment, the doctor must prescribe an examination. In addition to the standard examination, the specialist may recommend the following procedures:

  • take general and biochemical blood tests;
  • make an immunogram;
  • undergo a microscopic examination to identify pests that provoked an infectious and inflammatory lesion of the eyelids.
  • otolaryngologist;
  • allergist;
  • oncologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist.

Any ailment is easier to prevent than to treat it later. The same is true for pathologies of the visual apparatus. Knowing who the ophthalmologist or ophthalmologist is and what the task of this specialist is, you can turn to him in time for qualified help. This will speed up and facilitate the healing process.

  1. To reduce eye fatigue after working at a computer, you can make lotions. A compress made of natural honey (1 teaspoon) diluted in warm boiled water (50 ml) has proven itself perfectly.
  2. The quality of vision is strongly influenced by the food consumed. It is advisable to enrich the diet with foods rich in vitamins A and E.
  3. Experts advise to blink more often. During the movement of the eyelids, the eyes are moistened and their tension decreases.
  4. You can not read in a poorly lit room and in transport.
  5. If the sun is shining brightly, you need to wear high-quality sunglasses.
  6. When working at a computer, the distance between the monitor and the eyes should be 60 cm. In addition, every hour you should take a 5-minute break.

A person receives more than 80% of information about the world around him through his vision. We clearly orient ourselves in space thanks to visual perception. The eyes are one of the main sense organs. Therefore, maintaining eye health is an important condition for existence. A specialist can help in this matter. But going for a consultation, we often ask ourselves: what is the difference between an ophthalmologist and an ophthalmologist?

Causes of eye diseases

In the modern world, the role of digital and computer technologies in our lives cannot be underestimated. Unfortunately, not everything is as good as it seems. Computers, tablets and other gadgets can dramatically reduce vision, which negatively affects the usual course of life and well-being. An ophthalmologist can help you make the right diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Circumstances of deterioration of eye health:

  • unfavorable environmental conditions can also lead to unpleasant symptoms of visual impairment;
  • poor metabolism in the body only contributes to eye diseases;
  • bad habits reduce;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • stress;
  • head injury;
  • various diseases, both infectious and non-infectious.

Major eye diseases:

  1. myopia affects people of all ages;
  2. astigmatism - with this disease, the clarity of the objects in question is disturbed;
  3. farsightedness usually appears with age;
  4. chalazion - a neoplasm that appears under the eyelid, mainly under the upper one. Inflammation can also spread to the tissues surrounding the eye.
  5. dry eye - insufficient hydration of the cornea and conjunctiva, expressed in a burning sensation and pain in the eyes;
  6. barley is caused by an infection and requires complex treatment;
  7. cataract - clouding of the lens is almost impossible to prevent, it can only be slowed down;
  8. macular degeneration leads to blindness due to damage to the retina;
  9. conjunctivitis - damage to the mucous membrane, possibly redness and purulent discharge;
  10. color blindness - a violation of color perception by a person, a birth defect;
  11. scleritis - inflammation of the fibrinous membrane of the eyeball, caused by autoimmune pathologies;
  12. blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelid, manifested in the form of redness, peeling of the eyelids and gluing of the eyelashes;
  13. retinal dystrophy is a whole group of diseases, which is characterized by a violation of light perception.

What does an ophthalmologist do?

The doctor of the eye specialty is engaged in the fact that he is engaged in the treatment and diagnosis of a wide range of diseases of the eyeball, as well as the prevention and treatment of reduced visual acuity.

An eye doctor also uses another name in his profession - an oculist. He performs the same functions as an ophthalmologist: he is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment of eye diseases and the prevention of reduced visual acuity. What is the name of an eye doctor?


But what is the difference between an ophthalmologist and an ophthalmologist? Let us consider in more detail the functions of specialists.

Some people who are far from medicine think that an ophthalmologist has more functions, and he can perform various surgical procedures on the eye. At the same time, the ophthalmologist simply sits at the appointment, checks his eyesight, prescribes glasses and deals with the treatment of eye diseases.

But this is an erroneous opinion, because an ophthalmologist is just an outdated name for an ophthalmologist. They represent the same profession and the powers of doctors are the same. Usually, this is how specialists are called by patients who have nothing to do with medicine. Oculist - from the Latin word, ophthalmologist - from the Greek.

When to get help

An ophthalmologist can help if:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • impaired color perception;
  • difficulty focusing on objects;
  • objects split in two in the eyes;
  • pain and burning in the organs of vision;
  • swelling and redness in the conjunctiva, purulent discharge;
  • tearing or lack of tears;
  • changed color of the sclera.


According to WHO, about 20% of preschool children suffer from eye diseases. Every 4th child has a visual impairment. Children suffering from eye diseases and visual impairment cannot develop normally physically and this significantly impairs the quality of life.

It is very important to remember that the health of the child should be in the first place for the parents. In connection with the growth of modern digital technologies, the health of the child's eyes is at risk.

A visit to a specialist is now just a big need, which can prevent a number of many unpleasant diseases and help maintain the sharp vision of the crumbs for a long time.

A pediatric ophthalmologist is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of eye diseases in children. Eye diseases and visual impairment occur most often through the fault of parents and teachers who violate the hygiene of vision and the living conditions of the child.

Here are some tips given by a children's oculist to parents, as well as to caring children:

  1. children under the age of 2 are allowed to watch TV no more than 20 minutes a day;
  2. a two-year-old can watch TV for 30 minutes a day;
  3. children of primary preschool age are allowed to spend up to 1 hour in front of the screen with breaks;
  4. older students can allow 2 hours of playing at the computer or watching a movie, it is important to take breaks and eye exercises;
  5. good lighting is important;
  6. gymnastics for the eyes is an excellent prevention of decreased visual acuity and relaxation after a heavy load.

Children's ophthalmologist will help parents prevent a number of eye diseases and preserve the children's vision. The very first visit to a specialist is recommended to be made in the first month of a baby's life. Inspection is required before kindergarten and school. Do not forget to have your eyes checked by a doctor at least once a year.

It must be remembered: regular examination and appointment with an ophthalmologist is the key to the health of the organs of vision for many years.

Article author: Anna Golubeva

Ophthalmologist and ophthalmologist- two terms that are used to name the same specialist: an eye doctor. However, many people mistakenly believe that the field of activity of an ophthalmologist and an ophthalmologist diverges. Not everyone knows that these names are synonyms. The difference lies only in the language from which these words came to us. The term "ophthalmologist" was borrowed from ancient Greek, and “oculist” is from Latin, while both words translated from these languages ​​​​mean “eye”.

Ophthalmologist or optometrist?

Thus, both an ophthalmologist and an ophthalmologist specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of any diseases of the eyes and eye tissues. Mostly? the doctor works with the cornea, fundus and eyeball. An ophthalmologist treats eye diseases such as:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • myopia;
  • blepharitis;
  • barley, etc.

In addition to the eye diseases listed above, the oculist performs eye injury treatment. It does not matter how the damage was received. The ophthalmologist also specializes in optometry and contact vision correction. The doctor consults on the selection of glasses and contact lenses, and also monitors the reaction of the eyes to a new type of correction.

Didn't miss this one field of medicine and surgery. Leading ophthalmologists perform the following surgeries:

  • cataract removal;
  • lens replacement;
  • implantation of stromal rings;
  • correction of strabismus;
  • glaucoma treatment;
  • removal of formations on the eye;
  • eye removal, etc.

It's far from complete list of ophthalmic surgeries. To strengthen the sclera and prevent the development of myopia, ophthalmologists perform scleroplasty. As a rule, this operation is done to children under the age of 18 years. Some mistakenly believe that vision should improve after scleroplasty. But this opinion is fundamentally wrong. Such surgical intervention allows you to stop the growth of the eye and, as a result, does not allow myopia to progress.

Laser vision correction is widely used by ophthalmologists to improve vision. Of course, such a surgical intervention costs a lot of money, but it allows you to gain good vision and, finally, get rid of the need to use glasses or contact lenses.

Symptoms that should see an ophthalmologist

In order for vision to remain normal for many years, it is necessary to undergo an annual preventive examination by an ophthalmologist. The specialist will conduct a routine examination and, if any deviations are found, will prescribe the appropriate treatment. The need for an annual visit to the ophthalmologist is due to the fact that at the initial stage, eye diseases may not manifest themselves in any way. In addition, you need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist if the following symptoms are present:

  • deterioration in visibility;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • eye redness;
  • cut;
  • appearance of blind spots.

The presence of these symptoms indicates the presence of problems with the organs of vision, so you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the state of the organs of vision and identify the cause of these unpleasant symptoms. A timely visit to the doctor will help to avoid serious vision problems in the future!

Appointment with an ophthalmologist

At the appointment of an ophthalmologist, an initial examination is carried out, which consists of the following stages:

Based on the results of the initial examination, the ophthalmologist determines a list of subsequent examinations. Let us describe in more detail each of these stages.

Determination of visual acuity

In Russia, tables of Sivtsev and Orlova are widely used to determine visual acuity. The first is used in relation to adults, the second - for children.

Sivtsev's table consists of twelve lines with letters of the Russian alphabet. Starting from the top line, the size of the letters gradually decreases. Table Orlova also consists of twelve lines, but, unlike the Sivtsev table, it contains pictures. Just like in the case of the table for adults, the size of the pictures decreases from line to line.

Both tables on the left indicate the distance from which the patient should see the lines. So, a person with normal vision should clearly see the top line from a distance of five meters, and the bottom line from a distance of at least 2.5 m.

At the ophthalmologist's appointment, the patient is asked to close one eye with a spatula and read the lowest line that he can see. Alternatively, the doctor himself points to the letters, and the patient calls them.

Measurement of intraocular pressure

Intraocular pressure refers to the pressure of the fluid that is inside the eye. As a rule, when measuring intraocular pressure, experts widely use a method such as tonometry. The unit of measurement for tonometers is millimeters of mercury. There are several ways to determine intraocular pressure. Their choice is determined by the type of tonometer.

This procedure allows you to identify the presence of the patient in the initial stage of glaucoma. Since the procedure for measuring intraocular pressure is not very pleasant in itself, it is necessary to drip painkillers before it.

Inspection of the inner surface of the eye and fundus

When examining the inside of the eye, the doctor uses a device called biomicroscope. With its help, the ophthalmologist checks the condition of the blood vessels and the optical environment. During this examination, the doctor examines the eye for cataracts, glaucoma, and any damage.

For the examination of the fundus, the doctor needs ophthalmoscope. With it, the doctor examines the retina and optic nerve. Examination of the fundus allows you to identify various retinal defects: ruptures, detachments, dystrophy. Such pathologies do not have obvious clinical manifestations, but if they are detected, it is necessary to urgently conduct a course of therapeutic measures.

As a rule, before examining the fundus and the inner surface of the eye, the patient is given drops that dilate the pupils. This provides the doctor with a better view. However, as a result of the use of such drugs, the patient temporarily loses the ability to concentrate vision on nearby objects.

Inspection of the outer surface of the eye

At the appointment, the ophthalmologist must check the patient's peripheral vision, the condition of the cornea and eyeball, and the reaction of the pupil to light. In addition, the doctor examines the upper and lower eyelids for swelling, damage, etc.

Vision coordination analysis

The list of procedures carried out during the initial appointment with an ophthalmologist also includes an analysis of how the eye muscles work. It is very important that all six muscles that make up the eye move in sync. There are a number of tests for this. The doctor can check both each eye separately, and both eyes together. To determine the synchronism of the movement of the eyeballs, the oculist asks the patient to follow the beam of light.

Thus, there are two terms that refer to an eye doctor: ophthalmologist and ophthalmologist. Both words are synonymous, so they can be safely used to refer to a specialist in this profile. This doctor is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of various eye diseases. In order to maintain good vision for many years, it is recommended to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist once a year and undergo a preventive examination. Remember that timely diagnosis of diseases can save you from vision loss in the future.

Vision is of great importance for knowing ourselves and the world around us. Up to 90% of the information we receive is through the eyes. Therefore, each person needs to monitor the normal functioning of the visual system, regularly visiting the right specialist for a preventive examination.

A doctor who checks and treats vision is called, or. Both definitions are correct. Even those who have never had vision problems should have their eyes checked once a year. The visit cannot be ignored as some eye diseases are asymptomatic and the person may not even be aware of the changes taking place in the eyes.

The list of diseases dealt with is quite impressive. It corrects vision in case of detection of myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia, and also treats such diseases as: conjunctivitis, keratitis, destruction of the vitreous body, corneal leukoma, cataract, retinal detachment, glaucoma.

Who should apply for an appointment

  • Those who wear contact lenses or glasses and already have a history of eye disease.
  • Pregnant women or those who plan to become a mother in the near future.
  • People whose relatives have vision problems.
  • Those who regularly and for a long time sit at the computer.
  • People with diabetes.
  • Persons who have undergone eye surgery.
  • Suffering from hypertension.
  • Those who have been treated with hormonal drugs for a long time.
  • People who have reached the age of 45 and older.
  • Children in different periods of their growing up, especially first graders.

Types of diagnostics in the office

  • Tonometry. Study of intraocular pressure.
  • Ophthalmoscopy. Examination of the fundus with the help of special tools that allows you to assess the condition of the vessels, retina, optic nerve. Ophthalmoscopy helps to diagnose hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
  • Biomicroscopy. A painless method that does not require contact, allowing you to examine the structure of the anterior segment of the eye under multiple magnification. A slit lamp (special microscope) and a device that creates a light beam are used.
  • Skiascopy. Measurement of the refractive power of the eye (refraction). This method is sometimes referred to as "shadow testing".
  • Visometry. It is used to check visual acuity.
  • Iridology. Not a very popular method for diagnosing diseases in the iris.

Visual acuity test

The first examination to detect congenital diseases is carried out in the hospital. Then, as the baby grows, they come to the reception at 1 month, 6 months and a year.

The difficulty of checking vision in preschool children lies in the fact that a little fidget often lacks perseverance, he turns his head, cannot fulfill all the doctor's requirements, and correctly assess his feelings. With regard to eye diagnostics in children, the following statement is true: the more modern diagnostic methods, the more accuracy is achieved in studies.

Why is it necessary for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, the female body experiences hormonal changes, which affects the work of all organs and systems. And the eyes are no exception.

The retina of the eye is most susceptible to changes that are most often not felt in any way and are detected only when examined by an ophthalmologist. For this reason, expectant mothers in the first and third trimester of pregnancy should visit this doctor. Sometimes the condition of the retina is a direct indication for a caesarean section.

Knowing which doctor checks your eyesight, it would be right to contact him for the timely diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.

An eye doctor specializes in ophthalmology (from the Greek "ophthalmos" - eye and "logos" - teaching) - a field of medicine that deals with the physiology and anatomy of the eye, as well as diseases of this organ, their prevention and treatment methods. Accordingly, an eye doctor is called an ophthalmologist.

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Ophthalmologist or optometrist

Where did the word oculist come from in Russian then? There are many opinions among people regarding the activities of an ophthalmologist and ophthalmologist:

  • Some believe that an ophthalmologist is a doctor who treats and prevents eye diseases in a clinic, and an ophthalmologist is in a hospital.
  • Others think that the ophthalmologist is the operating doctor, and the oculist carries out treatment in other ways.

In fact, these words are complete synonyms. The fact is that “oculist” is a derivative of the Latin “oculus”, and “ophthalmologist” is from the Greek “ophthalmos” (both of which are translated as eye). It follows that both names are rooted in the same word, only one came to us from Greek, and the other from Latin.

If we turn to medical records, we will find out that it was oculists who worked in medical institutions several decades ago. But later, the post of ophthalmologist was abolished, and a general specialty, an ophthalmologist, was introduced instead. However, the usual word ophthalmologist has not gone away from everyday life and is still used today.

Eyesight check

You can check your vision with an ophthalmologist by visiting a local clinic or a paid ophthalmological hospital.

Diagnosis usually includes the following:

  • checking visual acuity using special tables (for example, Sivtseva, Golovin, Orlova);
  • study of eye refraction using optical lenses and refractometry.

Golovin Sivtseva Orlova (children)

Be sure to read the article about that on our website.

When should you see an ophthalmologist?

An eye doctor should be contacted in the following cases:

  • with visual impairment;
  • when it appeared;
  • when feeling;
  • if the eyes react sharply to light;
  • when the image is perceived fuzzy;
  • if appeared

  • pregnant women;
  • children of different ages (the first examination by an ophthalmologist is carried out at the age of two months);
  • people over 40;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • people who wear glasses (contact lenses);
  • patients who underwent eye surgery;
  • those who suffer from hypertension.

However, even those who do not have any complaints should visit a specialist for preventive purposes. Periodic examinations by a qualified specialist can prevent major diseases. And in case of their occurrence, it will allow prescribing treatment on time.

What does an ophthalmologist do?

The work of an ophthalmologist is to conduct primary examinations, during which visual acuity, intraocular pressure, corneal thickness are determined, and the retina is examined. Based on the results of the survey, recommendations are made (if necessary).

Also, the scope of the specialist includes the treatment of ophthalmic diseases, such as.

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