St incomplete remission. What does the concept of "remission" mean in medicine, what is it in simple words. Remission in oncological practice

In simple words, this phenomenon can be characterized as a weakening of the symptoms inherent in a particular disease. Symptoms can not only weaken, but disappear completely. Translated from Latin, this term means the reduction or weakening of something.

The period of remission can occur in patients who have a wide variety of diseases. Often these are chronic diseases. Patients may be in complete or incomplete remission. These concepts may differ from each other in how much the manifestations of the disease have decreased. If we are talking about incomplete remission, then it can last up to 3 months. Most often, with incomplete remission, the pathology passes into the stage of exacerbation. This does not mean that the disease has receded, its symptoms may reappear.

If the remission is complete, then this condition can last for about 2 months, while it can last for several years. But the symptoms never go away completely. If treatment is prescribed, then during remission, doctors reduce the doses of drugs, using only supportive treatment.

Remission and oncology

Remission can occur in a variety of diseases; there is also a stage of remission in oncology. Improvement can also occur when the patient takes treatment with minor signs of the disease. In this case, the phenomenon is called drug remission. The disease does not disappear, but its development can be controlled.

People suffering from hematological or oncological diseases may have a partial or complete remission. In the first case, the symptoms persist to a certain extent, sometimes the signs may disappear altogether, and the disease can be determined only with the help of laboratory tests. And in this case we are talking about complete remission, the patient leaves the risk zone or he can be recognized as healthy.

If a person suffers from leukemia, then for this disease there are such types of remission:

  • clinical and hematological;
  • cytogenetic;
  • molecular.

In the first case, the blood composition is normalized. There are no foci of the disease beyond the bone marrow and beyond. The second case implies that the analysis does not detect tumor cells. In the case of molecular remission, tumor cells are not fixed in the body even during the most sensitive study.

Types of remissions

There are such types of remissions in oncology:

  • partial;
  • complete;
  • spontaneous.

With partial remission, a person is not completely free from the symptoms of the oncological process. It still flows in his body, but not with such intensity. In this case, we are talking mainly about chronic cancer. During periods of partial remission, intensive treatment is not used, maintenance therapy is used and the general condition of the body is maintained. If the tumor is reduced by at least half, then remission can already be considered partial.

With complete remission, testing the body does not give out an oncological process. We can say that there is no oncology at all. But such a process does not make a person absolutely healthy, since a relapse is possible. In a state of complete remission, regular examinations are required. Often after this, cancer cells can return after 5 years. Complete remission significantly affects the prognosis of the life of a cancer patient.

With spontaneous remission, spontaneous improvement occurs. This happens unexpectedly, the patient can not only get better, but he can be cured completely. Healing is possible even if the cancer is advanced. Diseases that are characterized by spontaneous remission are blood cancer, melanoma, leukemia and melanoma. Spontaneous remission can also occur in people with lymphoma and breast cancer. With carcinoma, a sharp improvement is an extremely rare case.

Alcoholic remission

With alcohol remission, the symptoms of the disease are present in small quantities. But this is only the appearance of recovery, in fact, the disease proceeds in a latent form, and does not disappear anywhere. Symptoms can appear at any time when a person is affected by provoking factors, but sometimes this exposure is not required.

With alcoholic remission, a person does not drink alcohol, his life takes on the outlines of a healthy life. At these moments, the patient's well-being improves significantly, nothing worries him. And such well-being can last until a relapse, when the patient falls into provoking circumstances. Even if you drink a small amount of alcohol once, the disease can worsen, which will mean its relapse. During times of relapse, there is a craving for alcohol, the state of health worsens, and the mood also decreases.

The relapse period is characterized by trembling throughout the body, headache and general malaise. It is very difficult for one to cope with such relapses. To re-enter the stage of remission, you need professional treatment and drug treatment.

One of the most striking symptoms of alcoholism is binge drinking.

At home, it is unlikely to get a person out of binge, so a person must be placed for treatment in a specialized clinic. Usually, in such institutions, the patient is provided with proper care and effective therapeutic measures.

When understanding the term remission, one should be aware that this period may not last long, often an indefinite time, when the symptoms of alcoholism subside. It must be understood that even during periods of remission, dependence on alcohol exists. Even at a time when the symptoms of addiction completely disappear, you should not ignore the help of specialists, because a relapse of alcoholism is possible.

The disease does not disappear, however, its manifestations are not so pronounced. Remission occurs in a wide variety of chronic diseases. If the remission period lasts for a long time, more than 5 years, then the person can be considered recovered.

Remission in oncology is a term that is used in the case of cancer treatment. Doctors cannot guarantee the complete recovery of the patient, as well as the fact that the disease will not return in the future, since not a single cancer cell remains in the patient's body. In order to be completely sure of the cure, it is necessary to conduct many examinations. But a person who was able to overcome a fatal illness should always closely monitor his health, and if incomprehensible symptoms occur, immediately consult a doctor.

Description of the problem or what is remission

Remission in oncology is a specific stage of the disease, in which all its symptoms and signs are sufficiently weakened or completely disappear due to the fact that the cancer responds to treatment. Based on this, there is a partial remission, in which the malignant tumor is significantly reduced in size and stops growing, and complete remission, when the signs of oncology completely disappear.

Sometimes a complete remission is not possible with cancer, so doctors recommend that such patients treat cancer as a chronic disease, in which it is necessary to take medicines regularly and undergo periodic examinations. But even with the onset of complete remission, it is not always possible to assert that the patient has recovered, since the disease can return many years later, in which case they speak of a relapse of the disease.

Note! In oncology, they speak of a complete recovery only when a person has not had a recurrence of cancer for five years. But many doctors in their practice do not use this expression.

The recurrence of cancer occurs due to the presence in the body of even one cancer cell after therapy. But it is not possible to predict its occurrence. The return of oncology depends on the type of cancer, the stage of its development at diagnosis, as well as the effectiveness of therapy. Often, after adequate treatment, relapse and death developed.

Sometimes in oncology there is a spontaneous remission of cancer, in which the signs of the disease disappear on their own. In this case, doctors talk about the development of Peregrine's syndrome. Pathologies during which spontaneous remissions can occur include skin diseases, in particular, , , . In the case of the development of carcinoma, spontaneous remission of cancer occurs quite rarely.

Modern medicine cannot establish the causes of spontaneous remission. Some tend to argue that it is caused by a strong reaction of the immune system, which independently fights the pathology. Others talk about the possible influence of the hormonal system with small neoplasms. To date, there is no reliable data, as well as why remission occurs very rarely in carcinoma or lipoma.

Note! To determine the type of remission, doctors observe the patient's condition after the therapy for about two months.

Phases of Cancer Therapy

In medicine, there are three stages of cancer therapy:

  1. active treatment. After studying the signs of the disease and making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor develops a treatment regimen for the patient in each case. This may include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
  2. remission phase.
  3. Monitoring the patient's condition. To keep a long time of remission, doctors recommend making every effort. For this purpose, after treatment, it is necessary to undergo a course of rehabilitation, during which the doctor will prescribe medications. Thanks to this approach, the remission phase can be increased several times or a complete recovery can be achieved.

To improve the prognosis of life, complex therapy is often used, which can combine both traditional and auxiliary treatment.

Remission extension

In order for the remission period to be long, patients are advised to normalize their diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, take vitamin complexes and minerals, immunomodulators to increase immunity, in some cases, the doctor may allow the use of traditional medicine. Moderate exercise is also allowed. Today, there are many methods and recipes that will help prolong the life of a patient after oncology.

Note! Particular attention must be paid to children. Protect them from exposure to negative factors that can provoke the development of relapse. If for five years there was no re-development of the tumor, then we can say that the disease has receded.

The timing of remission may also depend on the characteristics of the human body. In some forms of cancer, long-term remissions are observed only in older people. In any case, compliance with the recommendations and prescriptions of the attending physician reduces the risk of recurrence of the pathology by several times.

Remission is a specific stage of the disease, when all signs of the disease begin to weaken or completely leave the human body. The term "remission" comes from the Latin "remissio", which means reduction and weakening.

This process can manifest itself in patients with a wide variety of chronic diseases. Distinguish between complete and incomplete remission.

These two concepts differ from each other in terms of the degree of signs of the disease. Incomplete remission lasts about 1-3 months and in most cases brings the exacerbation of the pathology closer.

Complete remission lasts from 2 months to several years. For both types of remission, all symptoms of the disease never go away. With complete, doctors reduce the dosage of medications used, but at the same time prescribe maintenance therapy.

Remission classification

There are the following types of remission in oncology:

  1. Partial. It assumes that the malignant process is still in the body, but already in small quantities. In other words, the response to the therapy provided is incomplete. Here we are talking about cancer, which is chronic. The patient can take a break from intensive treatment by constantly checking for the presence of malignant cells and maintaining their general condition. Remission is partial even if the tumor has decreased by 50%.
  2. Full. Remission of this type indicates that tests and diagnostics do not reveal a malignant process. Here we are talking about the complete retreat of cancer. But this does not exempt the patient from the necessary examination, otherwise it will be possible to miss a relapse. When the cancer cells come back, it will happen within 5 years. Taking into account these data, the prognosis regarding the life expectancy of a cancer patient is determined.
  3. Spontaneous. This type of remission is characterized by an unexpected improvement in the patient's condition or a complete cure for cancer, even if it is progressive. Such diseases include blood cancer, leukemia, melanoma, lymphoma and breast cancer. When it comes to carcinoma, spontaneous remission occurs very rarely.


Complete and spontaneous recovery is very rare. In order for all therapeutic measures to have the desired effect, it is necessary to understand how a malignant disease is formed and prepare at the psychological level in order to fight back the disease at any time.

There are 3 phases of cancer treatment:

  1. active therapy. Certain oncological diseases are diagnosed at the peak of the formation of the disease or right before it. The doctor draws up a treatment regimen, which may include conventional methods: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  2. Remission in oncology is a period during which the neoplasm is significantly reduced in size or its complete disappearance is observed.
  3. Control of the pathological process. Despite the fact that there may be no obvious signs of a tumor, every effort must be made to maintain a state of remission. For this, it is recommended to undergo a rehabilitation course after aggressive therapy. The doctor prescribes special supportive drugs and natural medicines. Their appointment is made on an individual basis. Thanks to this, it is possible to keep the disease in a state of complete remission for an indefinite amount of time.

To improve the prognosis, complex therapy can be used. It involves the combination of traditional and ancillary treatment as targeted means, hormonal therapy or biological influence.

Varieties of remission in leukemia

For a disease such as leukemia, there is a more accurate gradation of remission. For example, in children diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a long-term remission is very difficult to distinguish from a complete recovery.

With the clinical and hematological form of remission, the body leaves all the symptoms of the disease, and the composition of the bone marrow and peripheral blood returns to normal. If there is a cytogenetic remission, then it is impossible to detect cancer cells using the method of cytogenetic analysis.


The course of the disease is divided into 3 steels: mild, moderate and severe. For a mild course of herpes, the occurrence of relapses is extremely rare, and their duration is short. With this form of herpes, no more than 4 relapses develop per year. If we consider the course of moderate severity, then relapses develop up to 5-6 times a year, and in severe cases - every month.

According to the type of flow, herpes is divided into arrhythmic, subsiding and monotonous. For an arrhythmic course, relapses occur after an indefinite period of time. Moreover, the longer the remission lasted, the longer the exacerbations will be.

With a monotonous course, remission and relapses succeed each other after certain, almost always equal intervals of time. For example, if we talk about menstrual herpes, then it is accompanied by monthly rashes during menstruation. For a subsiding course of the disease, remissions gradually increase, and the duration of relapses decreases. There may be a complete subsidence of the pathological process.

Remission and its duration do not always depend on the methods of therapy used. An important role in this matter is assigned to the patient's individual attitude towards healing, faith in one's own strength and desire to live.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

Chronic pancreatitis in remission is characterized by a decrease in the intensity of the processes of pancreatic damage, as well as the absence of symptomatic signs. This period does not come on its own, to achieve it, it is necessary to use special therapeutic procedures using certain groups of medications, folk remedies, as well as adherence to a special diet before and during remission. In the materials of the presented article, we will consider in more detail the period of onset of remission in pancreatitis, how long it takes for this time, what it is, its signs, as well as the basic principles of maintaining the pancreas, preventing the occurrence of re-exacerbation.

Stage of remission of chronic pancreatitis

Remission is that long period of time during which the patient is completely free of symptoms and signs of a developing disease.

The main task of patients at the onset of this period is the use of modern methods of preventive treatment of pancreatic disease.

The use of pathogenetic therapy is prescribed in the absence of signs of exacerbation of the pathology to normalize the secretory functionality of the stomach, stimulate regenerative processes in the pancreas, and also to eliminate dyskinesia in the cavity of the gallbladder and bile ducts, for which a special protein diet with a reduced amount of fats and carbohydrates is also prescribed.

Signs of remission

There are two types of remission periods:

  1. The period of complete remission, characterized by the complete absence of signs of the disease.
  2. The period of partial remission, in which individual symptomatic signs persist, reminiscent of a gradually developing pathology.

The period of complete remission is also divided into two subspecies:

  1. A persistent period, which is characterized by a stable condition of the patient and the complete absence of signs of pancreatic pathology for from half a year to 3-5 years.
  2. An unstable period, characterized by an unstable state and alternating periods of remission and exacerbations.

Can there be pain during this period?

The period of remission of the chronic form of pancreatic lesion of the pancreas is characterized by the absence of symptomatic signs, which means that pain also does not bother people throughout the entire period of weakening of the disease, which greatly increases the level and quality of life of people with this pathology.

Remission: stability of the stage, whether new attacks are possible

Pancreatic lesion of the pancreas, which has a chronic form of development, refers to a disease of a progressive nature, which means that the onset period of remission over time can be replaced by an exacerbation of the disease. As a result, pathological metamorphisms begin to develop in the form of diffuse and focal lesions of the parenchymal gland.

After a certain period of time, there is a partial replacement of the glandular tissues of the pancreas with fibrous ones, and the patient begins to feel a decrease in the intensity of the symptoms, but the level of functionality of the affected organ is already becoming less. Over time, the pancreas completely ceases to produce pancreatic enzymatic components necessary to ensure normal food digestion processes.

It should be noted that in case of pancreatic pathology of a chronic nature in the cavity of the gland, the absence of symptomatic signs and pain may also mean the development of a complication of the disease.

How to enter the remission stage? How much time is required?

The patient's exit from the stage of an acute form of pancreatic pathology or from the stage of exacerbation of a chronic variety of the disease should be carried out in a hospital in a surgical or intensive care unit under the clear guidance of the attending physician.

The duration of treatment of acute pathology directly depends on the degree of damage to the parenchymal organ and on the presence of parallel pathologies. With an exacerbation of a chronic variety of the disease, it may be necessary to treat at least 2-3 days to eliminate acute pain, eliminate intoxication processes and conduct a complete history. After that, the patient is discharged home, where he needs to continue the treatment of the pathology, according to the prescribed scheme. Mandatory diet therapy is prescribed, which consists in observing a special diet with table No. 5.

In the acute form of pancreatic disease, a longer course of hospitalization is necessary, the duration of which can vary from 10 days to 2 months.

With the onset of a stable remission, adherence to a dietary diet is prescribed for a period of 5 years or more.

Very important! With pancreatic lesions of the parenchymal organ, completely exclude the use of alcohol-containing products.

Folk ways to maintain the pancreas during remission

The following recipes from traditional healers will help to provide effective support to the affected parenchymal organ during the period of stable remission:

  1. Application of the most popular method using a beekeeping product - natural honey, which enhances the intensity of regeneration processes. Honey is recommended for use in the amount of 5 g, or 1 teaspoon dissolved with milk half an hour before meals.
  2. To speed up the processes of outflow of bile will help taking a decoction of wild rose, which also has a preventive effect against the development of cholecystic pathology. It is necessary to take it one glass at a meal.

No less effective are infusions of medicinal herbs, such as:

  • alfalfa;
  • Golden mustache;
  • calendula;
  • immortelle;
  • wormwood;
  • chamomile;
  • dill and so on.

It is important to remember that it will not be possible to completely eliminate pancreatic pathology with folk remedies, but their regular use will help increase the period of remission and reduce the frequency of exacerbations.

Principles of dietary nutrition to avoid complications

The principles of the diet for remission of pancreatitis are as follows:

  • provide the body with all the necessary substances;
  • compliance with the thermal and chemical method of sparing;
  • providing fractional power supply;
  • the maximum level of restriction of foods with a high level of fat content;
  • thorough chewing of food;
  • prevention of the occurrence of an overload of the functioning of the affected organ.

Cooking must be carried out by stewing, boiling or baking in the oven; frying is strictly prohibited.

But, before cooking any dish, you need to know what is allowed to eat, according to the diet in remission with pancreatitis, and which ingredients must be completely excluded from the diet.

  1. Vegetable crops: colored varieties of cabbage, potatoes, carrots, pumpkins and beets.
  2. Fruit crops: apricots, apples, plums, bananas.
  3. Dairy products: all varieties of fermented milk products, whole milk and cottage cheese.
  4. Bakery products: dried bread from wheat flour, croutons from white breads, pasta no more than 2 times a week.
  5. Varieties of cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, semolina and wheat groats.
  6. Fish products: low-fat varieties of fish meat in boiled or baked form.
  7. Meat products: skinless chicken and turkey meat, as well as beef, lamb and rabbit meat.
  8. Liquid: weak tea drink, dried fruit compote, fruit and berry juice, rosehip broth.
  9. Syrups and jams are allowed in a minimum amount.

Prohibited Products

The list of prohibited foods that can cause acute pancreatitis or an exacerbated phase of chronic pathology includes the following ingredients:

  • all smoking and pickling, as well as pickled foods and spicy foods;
  • fried food;
  • canned food;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • juices, fruit and berry crops with a high level of acidity;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • Borodino bread;
  • pastries and confectionery sweets;
  • fish and meat broth.

Prevention and exercise therapy

When remission occurs with pancreatitis, therapeutic gymnastic exercises are recommended.

The primary tasks of exercise therapy are aimed at achieving the following results:

  • in improving the processes of blood circulation in the gastrointestinal tract, which has a positive effect on the digestive processes;
  • prevention of stagnation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of the movement of juice secreted by the stomach.
  • calm rhythm of walking;
  • making light massage movements on the abdomen;
  • breathing exercises from a yoga course, or gymnastic exercises according to Strelnikova.

Rest in the conditions of resort sanatoriums with the provision of medical procedures will help to significantly improve the history of the disease and extend the period of remission.

Do not forget that even in a long remission period, if the diet is violated and the use of alcoholic products, an exacerbation of pancreatic pathology may begin, contributing to even greater damage to the parenchymal organ.


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  3. Maksimov, V. A. Clinical symptoms of acute and chronic pancreatitis. Handbook of a General Practitioner. 2010 No. 3 pp. 26–28.
  4. Minushkin O.N. Maslovsky L.V. Evsikov A.E. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the use of micronized polyenzyme preparations in patients with chronic pancreatitis with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency breast cancer, section "Gastroenterology" No. 17 2017, pp. 1225-1231.
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Remission of a disease is a medical concept that implies a decrease or disappearance of signs of an existing disease. The presence of such a condition is typical for peptic ulcer, various types of allergies, psoriasis, tuberculosis, mental disorders, cancer, etc.

Today we will find out in more detail, remission, how it occurs in individual cases of diseases, and what types of remissions doctors distinguish.

When there are remissions of various diseases

Most often, remission is a consequence either of the characteristics of the course of the disease (for example, in malaria, remission occurs due to the peculiar life cycle inherent in the malarial plasmod), or as a result of treatment of the patient, in which there is still no complete recovery (for example, in the case of oncological diseases ).

There are also remissions caused by changes in the body's response to pathogens (this is typical for seasonal allergic reactions or for manifestations

Partial and complete remission: what is it in medicine

Doctors, in particular oncologists and hematologists, describing the patient's condition, operate with the concept of partial and complete remission. These options for stopping the development of the disease differ in the degree of disappearance of its signs observed in the patient.

So, complete remission is the disappearance of both the external symptoms of the disease that manifested earlier, and the signs determined in the course of laboratory tests. True, such a condition in a patient is sometimes quickly replaced by an exacerbation, so patients are often forced to use maintenance therapy during the period of remission. But sometimes the described phenomenon is established for months or even years.

By the way, experts consider a patient whose complete remission lasts more than five years to be free of oncological or hematological pathology. In such cases, it is understood that the probability of a new occurrence of a given disease (relapse) in such a patient is practically at the same level as in ordinary people who have not been ill before.

Partial remission implies a process in which some of the signs of the disease persist, but, as a rule, they are less pronounced.

Types of remission in leukemia

And for leukemia, for example, there is a more accurate gradation of remission in determining, since in some cases, for example, with a diagnosis of "acute lymphoblastic leukemia" in children, a long-term remission is difficult to distinguish from a complete recovery.

So, with clinical and hematological remission, the clinical signs of the disease disappear, and the composition of the bone marrow and peripheral blood normalizes.

With cytogenetic - tumor cells are not detected by analysis.

Molecular examination is characterized by the fact that no traces are found even when using the methods of molecular genetic analysis.

What is spontaneous remission

In addition to the above types of slowing down the course of the disease, there is also spontaneous remission.

This is a very little understood phenomenon, which can even be defined as mysterious, in which, for example, in a cancer patient, all laboratory signs of pathology and outwardly manifested symptoms suddenly disappear. Of course, it is necessary to make a reservation that this phenomenon is quite rare, but nevertheless it is recorded in the history of medicine.

And scientists are trying to understand what exactly causes the body to heal in these cases? What triggers his successful immune attack on cancer cells?

What factors can cause long-term remission in cancer

Researchers who have studied spontaneous remission of cancer patients suggest in such cases to take into account that in getting rid of a terrible disease, the psychological state of the patient who recognized his diagnosis often played an important role, namely his attitude to the situation, as to something passing, not interfering with life.

It is important to know that, strange as it may sound, acute bacterial infections, such as streptococcal or staphylococcal infections, carried by cancer patients, accompanied by hunger and fever, also sometimes push the body to a powerful immune attack and then complete remission.

A few words in conclusion

So what is remission? Is this a lull before a new round of illness or getting rid of it? In each case, doctors will give different answers. But one must always remember that this condition often depends not only on the skill of the doctor, but also on the will to win over the disease in the patient.

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