Alimentary constitutional obesity of the 1st degree. What is alimentary obesity: possible causes of the disease and effective methods of treatment. The impact of obesity on the human body

Many women are faced with the problem of excess weight, considering it just an external disadvantage. But at the time of planning and the course of pregnancy, special attention must be paid to this factor. A little extra weight is not a serious problem or threat to the proper development of the child. Dangerous is the moment when simply being overweight turns into an NZhO of 1 or more degrees.

In medicine, this term stands for a violation of fat metabolism in the body, to put it simply, obesity. This problem is becoming more common among people from different countries, preventing them from leading a normal healthy lifestyle. Obesity during pregnancy leads to many problems and complications.

The rise of obesity

This pathology occurs for various reasons and can develop even in childhood. The main problem is that the majority of people suffering from NZhO do not consider it necessary to take measures to get rid of excess weight. Obesity can occur for the following reasons:

The most common cause of weight gain is a sedentary lifestyle, junk food, frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages, smoking and overeating. In such cases, the person himself admits the occurrence of a health problem due to a negligent attitude.

To avoid overeating, you need to listen to your body. The part of the brain - the hypothalamus, gives a signal when the body needs food and also at the moment of saturation. With a normal diet, a person stops eating when they feel they are full. With systematic overeating, this part of the brain ceases to give signals to the body about a sufficient amount of food, and also causes a person to feel hungry much more often. This leads to the fact that the body constantly receives more and more calories that it does not require. It is impossible to spend such an amount in a short period of time even with physical exertion, if any. So a person gets used to taking the amount that far exceeds the required rate, which leads to the deposition of fatty tissues. If you are overweight from overeating, you can quickly get a Grade 1 NZhO, especially during pregnancy, when your appetite is increased.

During pregnancy, women who are overweight and predisposed to obesity need strict weight control and an individual diet. During this period, it is important to provide the body with the right amount of nutrients, limiting the amount of simple carbohydrates and fats. When following the recommendations of a specialist for the period of bearing a child, you can gain a minimum weight or, conversely, even get rid of excess. You can not sit on strict diets and load yourself with physical exercises. In order not to aggravate the problem of obesity, it is enough to eat right and not overeat.

The impact of obesity on the human body

Violation of fat metabolism is a pathology due to which an excessive amount of fat deposits accumulate in the body. This leads to increased work of all organs, as they experience an increased load.

Obesity causes both physical and psychological problems. Excess weight disrupts the normal functioning of most organs, leading to pain, shortness of breath, problems with blood pressure, swelling, disruption of the cardiovascular system and other more serious consequences. Also, self-esteem of a person suffers from obesity even of 1 degree, complexes and depression appear, which very often interferes with personal life, professional career and normal development.

This pathology has a negative impact on the reproductive function of a person, so an obese woman may have problems conceiving a child. Doctors draw a direct link between obesity and infertility, because due to a violation of the normal functioning of the body, various pathologies of internal organs occur. Being overweight can lead to problems with conceiving a child, but if they are avoided, then complications may arise during the period of gestation or childbirth.

At the time of pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background changes greatly, the hormone progesterone and gonadotropin are produced in excess in the body. They provide a favorable environment in the body for increased deposition of fatty tissues. This process is inevitable in all women, even if they were not overweight before pregnancy. Fat deposits are necessary as protection for the fetus, so their largest accumulation occurs in the chest and abdomen, as well as the buttocks and thighs.

In the presence of obesity in a woman, it is necessary to reduce the increase in body weight as much as possible so that the body uses the already existing fat deposits. This requires the preparation of an individual nutrition plan, which can only be done by a specialist. Diet can be detrimental to fetal development if it does not include all the necessary nutrients.

Carrying a child with 1 or more degrees of obesity

If a woman is obese of the 1st degree, then this practically eliminates the risk of pathologies and problems with the development of the fetus. It is necessary to carefully monitor your well-being and nutrition, take tests in a timely manner and undergo an examination with a doctor. With grade 1 NJO during pregnancy, as a rule, there are no problems with the woman's health. Childbearing and childbirth most often pass without complications. Also, the pathology of a woman's body weight is not the cause of any defects in a child.

In the presence of obesity of 2 or more degrees, the risk of complications increases greatly. First of all, this refers to the health and condition of the expectant mother. During pregnancy, the organs perform work 2 or more times more actively than in the normal rhythm of life.

Obesity increases the load even more, which can cause such complications:

Preeclampsia is a severe form of preeclampsia that occurs in late pregnancy. This is a very common complication in obesity of 2 or more degrees. At the time of development of this pathology, the fetus does not receive all the necessary nutrients and oxygen, which leads to serious consequences. It is manifested by a high protein content in the urine of a pregnant woman, an increase in blood pressure, rapid weight gain and edema.

Obesity can also cause other complications. The state of health of the mother directly affects the well-being and development of the fetus. Often, VVT leads to the fact that the child is already born with overweight. Which is a serious complication for the mother at the time of labor and for the child himself. Most often, with such a pathology, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention, as well as to constant monitoring of the child's condition by specialists.

A lack of folic acid can also be a consequence of obesity, more precisely, impaired metabolism. Even when taking special preparations, this substance may not be absorbed in the body of a woman, which leads to its deficiency for the normal development of the child's nervous system.

Childbirth in obesity and disease prevention

Women with overweight and 1 degree of obesity most often give birth on their own, without experiencing any difficulties. This is possible with proper management of pregnancy and the size of the fetus and pelvis of the woman for natural childbirth. At this stage, labor activity is not significantly reduced, which allows a woman to cope with the process on her own, avoiding surgical intervention.

If a woman in labor has a degree of pathology of 2 or more, then there is a risk of a caesarean section and forceps to improve the process. This is due to the fact that obesity disrupts the functioning of the part of the brain that is responsible for labor. It is because of this that one can be afraid of overcarrying the child, as well as very low labor activity. With such complications, the fetus experiences oxygen starvation, which requires urgent medical attention.

When giving birth naturally, heavy bleeding can occur, which is also a consequence of being overweight. In addition, there is a high risk of developing diabetes in the mother immediately after childbirth. That is why women with overweight problems need to examine the blood for sugar after childbirth and also after stopping breastfeeding.

Caesarean section in such cases is the safest way to have a baby. When it is carried out, there is no risk to the fetus, and it is possible to avoid most complications for the woman herself. But when suturing and healing, inflammation can occur due to an excess amount of adipose tissue.

If a woman suffers from NJO, it is necessary to constantly be under the supervision of a specialist. Pregnancy during this period is not contraindicated, but you need to be responsible for your well-being and health.

Proper nutrition, a moderately active lifestyle, giving up bad habits and taking the necessary vitamin complexes will help to avoid complications and gain fat mass. Being overweight is a very common problem, but having it does not mean that a woman cannot become pregnant and give birth.

Exogenous-constitutional obesity is a serious disease in which there are profound violations of the metabolic and enzymatic systems of the body.

As a result, there is an imbalance in the synthesis of fats, their consumption due to the low level of energy expenditure with its excess intake.

What is alimentary-constitutional obesity?

Exogenous-constitutional obesity is otherwise called alimentary-constitutional. Alimentary means primary. It is caused by non-hormonal dysfunctions. On the contrary, obesity causes a change in the hormonal background of the body.

Young people do not suffer from this disease, they usually have secondary obesity. Secondary is the result of diseases of the central nervous system or mental disorders.

Obesity of exogenous-constitutional genesis depends only on nutrition. Such a diagnosis is made for those who are inclined to be overweight, love fatty, carbohydrate foods. At the same time, it consumes an excess amount of food at a very low energy cost. The body does not have time to spend all the energy coming from food, and it turns into fat.

Fat is deposited on the chest, in the pelvic region, and thighs. In men - on the stomach. With a very high degree of fat accumulation, this difference is imperceptible. Body weight is exceeded by 50 and even 70%. The danger is that part of the fat is deposited in reserve around the internal organs, in the subcutaneous tissue. On the abdomen, fat accumulates in the form of a huge fold.

Alimentary-constitutional obesity is caused by the following reasons:

  • energy imbalance: increased calorie content and reduced calorie intake due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • systematic overeating;
  • violation of the diet: rare meals with a large amount of food at a time;
  • often found in members of the same family or close relatives. In such families there is a cult of food, usually unhealthy and unbalanced.

Predisposing factors are also depression, stress. Many people, especially women, tend to get stuck in trouble.

Constitutional means that a person has an individual predisposition, his own eating habits, the level of hunger, the degree of energy consumption, physical activity.

This type of obesity is progressive. It is not hereditary, it is not the result of any diseases of the body. Initially, there may be no symptoms.

Adults usually get sick after 45–50 years, housewives, people with a sedentary lifestyle.

Degrees of obesity

A common symptom of obesity is being overweight. Depending on the amount of fat in the body, obesity:

  • the first degree - the weight exceeds the norm by no more than 29%. Feeling normal. There are no functional disorders. Ordinary lifestyle;
  • Grade 2 - the weight is exceeded by 29-40%. There are weakness, shortness of breath, drowsiness;
  • the third degree - the weight exceeds the norm by 40% or more. Symptoms worsen, difficulty with physical activity appears;
  • 4 degree - the weight is exceeded by 50% or more. Represents a threat to life. Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath even at rest, inability to move. It is rare because people usually do not live to see this stage.

At the first degree, there are no special changes in a person's life. At the second and third stages, metabolic disorders appear.

The risk of heart attack and stroke is greatly increased. Problems with the joints (arthritis, arthritis), and the spine are aggravated.

Excessive sweating causes skin diseases. There are edema of the extremities. Lipid metabolism is disturbed, which causes heart disease.

Obesity 2 degrees

When the primary signs of accumulation of excess weight appear, it is time to sound the alarm, otherwise the disease turns into, at which functional disorders in the body begin to appear.

The body mass index at this stage is in the range of 31-36. In this case, obesity alimentary develops.

It is dangerous not only the manifestation of certain diseases. It is dangerous that the disease progresses, the weight increases.

In addition to the diseases mentioned above, the following problems appear:

  • violations of the kidneys,;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • angina pectoris, ischemia;
  • low immunity, inability to fight infections (colds, flu);
  • violations in the sexual sphere, decreased libido;
  • problems in the intestines and stomach;
  • respiratory failure, cor pulmonale;
  • eczema, furunculosis, acne, hyperpigmentation of friction points;
  • , breast cancer, uterus.

There are psychological problems associated with a change in appearance, the inability to lead a normal life.

The patient must make an appointment with an endocrinologist in order to immediately begin appropriate treatment. Many people miss this moment, go to the doctor only at stage 3, when health problems are so serious that there is no other way out than the clinic.

How is obesity treated?

With 1 degree of obesity, the following therapy is used:

  • diet - reduction in total calorie content, restriction of carbohydrate intake, exclusion of animal fats;
  • regular exercise - a gradual increase in stress;
  • folk recipes for weight loss.

Stage 2 treatment:

  • a more strict diet - low-calorie food, increased consumption of vegetables, fruits;
  • increased physical activity - physiotherapy exercises, taking into account age and health status;
  • folk recipes - plants with a high content of fiber, which give the effect of rapid saturation: flax seed, angelica officinalis;
  • diuretic plants are used: lingonberry leaf, parsley root.

In difficult cases, medications are individually selected to reduce appetite, remove fluid.

Third degree

Requires medical treatment. First, a complete examination is carried out, tests for hormones, sugar. The causes of obesity are being identified. Appointed:

  • diet, fasting days - a strict restriction of carbohydrates, sugar. Fractional nutrition. Reducing portions;
  • moderate exercise - exercise, walking. Gradual increase in loads;
  • medications are used under medical supervision.

fourth degree

Diet, exercise no longer help, even harmful. Treatment is mainly surgical. According to indications are carried out:

  • liposuction - removal of excess fat in case of a threat to life and health;
  • vertical gastroplasty - vertical division of the stomach into 2 parts. The upper part quickly fills up and saturation occurs;
  • gastric bypass - removal of part of the stomach. There is less nutrition, the lack of vitamins and trace elements must be replenished throughout life;
  • pills are not prescribed because the body is sick. At this stage, the state of health is extremely difficult. The patient is on disability.

Obesity is a very dangerous disease. It is very important to take care not to start gaining weight. This is especially true for those who are at risk for exogenous constitutional obesity:

  • people whose parents were overweight;
  • adult population leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • youth with increased appetite;
  • people with endocrine disorders;
  • adult population with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • women taking hormonal drugs, contraceptives, psychotropic substances.

In order not to gain excess weight, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • reduce the intake of salt, fast carbohydrates, sugar;
  • reduce the total amount of food;
  • exclusion of alcohol, as it stimulates appetite, dulls the feeling of satiety;
  • lead an active lifestyle with adequate physical activity;
  • eliminate stress, depression, negative emotions;
  • treat all concomitant diseases: diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, thyroid gland.

Patients with alimentary-constitutional form of obesity account for more than 70% of all those who are overweight. This means that in most cases the culprits for the accumulation of excess weight are the people themselves who lead the wrong lifestyle, eat wrong, move little. To this are added constant nervous overload.

All these negative factors are quite easy to eliminate. This means that a person's health is in his own hands.

During pregnancy, the female body begins to rebuild. Therefore, during this period it is so important to keep under control the condition of both the woman and the fetus. According to medical statistics, a fairly large number of pregnant women have impaired blood flow. An additional one that has arisen in the body requires constant monitoring by specialists. Its violation can lead to the death of the fetus, and this can happen at any stage of pregnancy. Let's try to figure out why blood flow is disturbed during pregnancy.

A bit of theory

Everyone knows that the placenta acts as a link between the woman's body and the fetus. In this complex system, two types of blood circulation are distinguished - placental and fetal. Any violation of one of them can lead to rather sad consequences, including the development of various diseases. The severity of the problem is assessed only by the doctor.

In this case, a woman who is at the 30th week of pregnancy must necessarily undergo a special ultrasound diagnosis, on which the vessels of the placenta are clearly visible in a three-dimensional image. If there is any violation, the doctor will definitely see it, as there is a change in the spatial ratio of the uterine and fetal-placental circulation. This is a very dangerous condition of the body, as respiratory function is inhibited, and the development of the fetus is suspended.

Degrees of violation

Medicine distinguishes three degrees of severity of this pathology. The first degree is considered the easiest, when insufficient blood circulation has not yet reached its critical values. In this case, the hemodynamics of the fetus is in a satisfactory condition. There is a violation of the uteroplacental blood flow of 1 A degree and insufficient fetal-placental blood circulation of 1 B degree.

The second degree is characterized by a deterioration in the blood supply to the fetus. In 50% of cases, there is a decrease in the maximum velocity of blood moving through all the valves of the heart, and such a violation is observed both in the fetus and in the uterine arteries.

Quite often, in a short period of time, the second degree passes into the third. In this case, the blood flow practically ceases to flow to the fetus, which can cause its hypoxia. There is a high probability of a decrease in diastolic blood flow in the aorta, and in some cases it may disappear completely.


If there is a violation of the blood flow of the 1st degree during pregnancy, the reasons leading to this may be different. Numerous adverse factors can affect the placenta not only during its formation, but also at a later date. Medical practice distinguishes between primary and secondary, which disrupts the functioning of the placenta, which acts as a transport, protective, immune, metabolic and endocrine organ.

Thus, impaired blood flow of 1 A degree during pregnancy can occur for the following reasons:

  • tumor of the uterus;
  • genetic defects;
  • consequences of abortion;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland;
  • structural anomalies;
  • hormonal dysfunctions;
  • thrombosis, atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes.

If this pathology is not eliminated in a timely manner, then after 6 weeks a slight violation of blood flow can go into the third stage. If a problem is detected at the 30th week, the doctor still has enough time to take appropriate measures to restore normal blood circulation.


Any pathology is characterized by its clinical picture, so that the doctor can make an appropriate conclusion. The lack of hemodynamics leads to a change in the functioning of the placenta, because of which the fetus begins to suffer. The necessary nutrients and oxygen begin to flow to it in a limited amount, and the excretion of metabolic products slows down. Signs begin to appear, as a result of which its intrauterine development stops.

Thus, if there is a violation of blood flow during pregnancy, the symptoms of this condition are manifested as follows:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • decrease or increase in fetal motor activity;
  • discrepancy between the volume of the abdomen for a specific gestational age.

Such signs usually occur with a decompensated form. If the violation of uterine blood flow during pregnancy is grade 1 A or 1 B, then these symptoms do not yet appear, since hemodynamics is compensated. It is usually detected during diagnostic studies.


In order to identify a violation of blood flow of 1 A degree during pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations, with the help of which the type and degree of the changes that have occurred are established, and the condition of the fetus is also determined. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following procedures:

  • a blood test for hormones such as estrogen, human chorionic gonadotropin, progesterone;
  • cardiotocography;
  • ultrasonography;
  • dopplerometry.

In some cases, the doctor, already during the examination, is able to determine the violation that has arisen, focusing on the child's heart rate, which are counted during auscultation. But the most reliable results are usually obtained after laboratory and instrumental studies.


Disturbed of any degree must be treated. Basically, therapeutic measures are aimed at ensuring that the pathology does not progress further. Hemodynamics normalizes only if a violation of blood flow of 1 B degree is detected.

During a pregnancy that occurs with deviations, various means are used that improve the condition of the fetus. Mostly conservative methods of treatment are used. Surgical intervention is possible only in case of complications and for vital indications. When normalizing blood flow disorders, a set of measures is used - pathogenetic, etiotropic and symptomatic treatment.

Medical treatment

Most often, impaired blood flow of 1 A degree during pregnancy is corrected with the help of medications. When identifying the initial signs of a violation, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. More severe circulatory failure requires hospitalization.

The following drugs are used for treatment:

  • antispasmodics - "Eufillin", "No-shpa";
  • vascular - "Actovegin";
  • antiplatelet agents - "Kurantil";
  • vitamins and microelements - "Ascorbic acid", "Magne B6";
  • hepatoprotectors - "Hofitol", "Essentiale";
  • tocolytics - "Partusisten", "Ginipral";
  • improving blood microcirculation - "Trental";
  • antihypoxants - "Instenon";
  • metabolic - "ATP".

Usually, to improve the condition, two courses of therapy are carried out - immediately after the diagnosis was made and at a period of 32-34 weeks. After that, the doctor decides on the method of delivery. This is especially important if there is a circulatory disorder. In violation of the blood flow of the 1st degree, childbirth is carried out naturally.


If the violation of blood flow is pronounced, an emergency delivery is performed. In case of failure of conservative treatment, even in the case of a slight violation, the decision is made within two days. Usually a caesarean section is performed. If it is planned for a gestational age of less than 32 weeks, then the condition of the fetus and its viability are assessed.

Preventive measures

To avoid such a pathological condition as impaired blood flow of 1 A degree during pregnancy, preventive measures should be taken. A woman who is expecting a baby should eat foods that contain the necessary vitamins, micro and macro elements, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Every day, at least 1.5 liters of fluid should be consumed, but only if swelling does not torment.

It is also important to keep your weight under control. During pregnancy, the recommended weight gain should not exceed 10 kg. Women at risk are given prophylaxis with drugs to interact with the systems of the mother and fetus and prevent extremely dangerous dysfunction of the uteroplacental circulation. An important role is played by the timely corrected method of conducting childbirth. But it should be remembered that even compliance with these measures does not exclude the occurrence of severe neurological complications.


Thus, it is important to control blood flow during pregnancy. The reasons may be different. The main thing is to monitor your health, and timely detection of pathology will help prevent serious consequences for the unborn child.

Obesity and overweight. Causes of obesity, mechanisms for the development of obesity, tests for obesity, methods for correcting obesity

It is said that half of the population in Russia is overweight. Obesity is considered a disease of civilization. Of course, we move a little, we hardly walk, and we all use public transport.

Lifestyle and favorite habits give us extra weight, which our doctors call such a nasty word - "obesity". The word is really creepy, it just cuts the ears. To part with the problem, you need good motivation and willpower, a strong desire to part with the hated kilograms. Suppose you liked some dress and you really want to fit into it. To do this, everyone has their own plan for parting with fat on the abdomen and thighs. At the beginning of such a plan, there is always some measure to cleanse the intestines of toxins. Of course, you can go to the doctor, and he will prescribe some kind of medicine that reduces appetite or inhibits the absorption of fats in the intestines.

Separately, we can say food addiction leading to overweight and obesity, with which psychologists are now successfully working, helping people not only lose weight, but also maintain a constant weight, by changing eating behavior. Now this technique is considered the most effective in working with excess weight. However, it should be noted that the psychologist does not work with all types of overweight (obesity).

What is overweight and obesity

Not all overweight people suffer obese.

Body mass index (BMI or Quetelet index) is calculated by the formula: BMI = weight (kg) / height (m2)

Obesity starts with a BMI of 30 and overweight has a BMI of 25-29

. Obesity, is a metabolic disorder of the body, characterized by the presence of an excess amount of adipose tissue. At the same time, so many kilocalories enter the body that it exceeds the required level. With obesity in the cells, there is an excessive conversion of carbohydrates into fats. As a result, there is an approximately adequate energy excess accumulation of body weight.

Causes and effects of overweight and obesity

Reasons for development overweight and obesity and the manifestations of the resulting consequences are quite complex and diverse. A high level of lipids (fat) remains in the blood for a long time, which adversely affects the state and functioning of the central nervous system. This leads to a disruption in the functioning of the centers that regulate metabolism, and, as a result, a pathological change in fat metabolism throughout the body.

With obesity, it is difficult for almost all organs and systems to work. First of all, the activity of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. As a result of impaired cholesterol metabolism, atherosclerotic changes in the aorta and coronary vessels of the heart are formed. Fat deposits in the heart bag constrain the heart, interfere with its work. The deposition of fat between its muscle fibers reduces the force of heart contractions, the heart "overgrown with fat." Gradually, circulatory failure develops. The provision of tissues with oxygen is reduced, which is aggravated by difficulty breathing, a gradual decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs (the lungs are also overgrown with fat). Obese people are more prone to hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and cerebral hemorrhage than normal weight people.

A significant deposition of fat in the abdominal cavity leads to a downward displacement of the intestine, sagging of the abdomen. The activity of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. Bowel emptying slows down, constipation, flatulence occur, venous hemorrhoids form. The appearance of a person also suffers. There are increased sweating, diaper rash in the folds of the skin, frequent multiple pustular diseases, seborrhea (intensive formation of dandruff) of the scalp.

The mental state of a person is disturbed. This is manifested by drowsiness, absent-mindedness, weakening of memory, increased fatigue. Dizziness and emotional instability with rapid mood swings are possible. On the other hand, the chronic stress that a person often experiences can also contribute to weight gain. In conditions of a deficit of positive emotions, a person unconsciously seeks to have fun in order to protect himself from stress, and “jams problems”.

The following factors play a role in the development of obesity: constitutional predisposition, decreased physical activity, age, gender, professional factors, some physiological conditions (pregnancy, lactation, menopause).
Forms of obesity

Excess weight can be attributed to psychosomatic problems. If we give a medical classification by origin, then the following forms of obesity can be distinguished (since the classification is medical, the term obesity, not overweight, is applicable):

Endocrine obesity (dyshormonal), (with poor compensation of diabetes mellitus), hyperinsulinism, hypothyroidism, etc.
- cerebral (of central origin), - as a result of injuries, neuroinfections, etc.
- iatrogenic - caused by taking any medications or other medical manipulations.
- mixed - caused by a complex of causal factors with the inability to single out any one of them.
- alimentary - receives more calories in the diet than is consumed by the body.
- constitutional - in the patient's family there are clear indications of burdened heredity.

By the nature of the distribution of fatty tissue:
- central (abdominal)
- glutero - femoral (gynoid, female type)
- mixed

I mentioned above that psychologists are now working effectively with the problem of overweight. I should note that psychologists alone (without an endocrinologist) can only work with alimentary-constitutional obesity. The meaning of the technique is to correct eating behavior. And now I will dwell in more detail on the alimentary constitutional form of overweight.

Alimentary - constitutional obesity

. Alimentary-constitutional obesity is the most common type.
This form of overweight is often found in members of the same family or close relatives. Based on the name, it is clear that this group of obesity has two main causes. The first part of the word means that the diet has an increased calorie content. This is especially dangerous with a sedentary lifestyle, in which there is a reduced calorie intake, systematic overeating, and eating disorders. But in people who are already overweight, changes in hormonal status may appear that distinguish them from people of normal and asthenic physique. It should be noted that these changes are not the cause of obesity, but vice versa.

The second part of the term indicates that there is a certain individual predisposition that determines eating habits, the level of hunger, physical activity, as well as energy consumption during human physical activity.

With the development of obesity due to various disorders of the central nervous system, the leading role is played by pathological changes in the work of the hypothalamus, which are expressed to varying degrees, causing a change in behavioral reactions, especially eating behavior, and various hormonal disorders. At the same time, the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system increases:
- the secretion of adrenal hormones increases, the secretion of a hormone that has a fat-splitting effect decreases, the secretion of female and male sex hormones is disturbed. An increase in the level of insulin in the blood, a decrease in the effectiveness of its action are characteristic. The action of thyroid hormones and the sensitivity of organs and systems to them are disturbed.

Degrees of obesity

When a person appears I degree of obesity complaints such as weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, decreased mood, sweating, nervousness, irritability appear. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, the appearance of bitterness in the mouth, as well as flatulence, chronic constipation, begin to disturb. With physical labor, shortness of breath appears.

At II degree of obesity the lower extremities begin to swell, pains in the joints, especially in the spine, are disturbed due to an increase in the load on it. It is worth noting that if at the I degree of obesity the patient's performance does not change, although signs such as shortness of breath, fatigue during moderate-intensity physical activity begin to appear, then already at the II degree, the performance is noticeably reduced.

For III degree of obesity characterized by the development of an ugly disproportionate physique. Ability to work is actually lost due to constant shortness of breath even at rest. The patient has a pronounced circulatory disorder, edema does not disappear during the day. Attention is drawn to the sharply increased appetite of a person against the background of general lethargy and drowsiness.

With the IV degree, a person becomes a complete invalid, this happens because the body weight is twice normal. An obese patient has a disturbed mental state, he loses contact with the outside world, he does not care about anything except food.

Once upon a time, an Indian healer said: "In 999 cases out of 1000, you can be cured with the right diet." The same can be said about obesity, when the weight goes off scale, and with it the pressure goes off scale, and everything else. Normal weight can be maintained until retirement age and continue to maintain it at this level and beyond. An elderly woman with a good figure always commands respect.

Only properly organized nutrition can help. It is different for different ages. Include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your menu, because they are high in fiber. Fiber is not digested in the body, it, like a panicle, sweeps all the garbage from our intestines. Most of the fiber is found in bran, and barley groats are quite suitable for a pensioner's wallet at a price. Buy barley groats, from which you cook porridge in the morning. In order not to increase in volume, boil it in water and without sugar, at the end of cooking, add finely chopped raw apples. They give the porridge a great taste and clean my blood vessels from cholesterol.

In modern medicine, it is customary to classify obesity into primary (simple or alimentary-constitutional, exogenous-constitutional) and secondary, which occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance and lesions of the central nervous system. The most common alimentary-constitutional form (primary, simple), it accounts for more than 75% of cases of obesity. The mechanism of the occurrence of primary obesity is the excess caloric content of the food consumed, which causes a violation of all stages of metabolism in the body.

Allocate age periods, the most critical in terms of the development of alimentary obesity- early childhood, adolescence, pregnancy and breastfeeding (lactation), menopause. But it's not so much about age, but about excess calorie intake with low physical activity. This understanding of the cause of obesity leads us to the natural conclusion that its prevention lies in rational nutrition and increased physical activity. In Russia, overweight is detected in 50% of the population, and true obesity in 26%. Obesity progresses in urban and rural residents of all ages. The diet is dominated by animal fats and carbohydrates with a deficiency of fiber and vegetable oil.

Alimentary-constitutional obesity should be considered as a disease with serious changes in metabolic and enzymatic processes that change the ratio between the synthesis and breakdown of fat due to the constant supply of excess energy to the body. With this type of obesity in women, fat is deposited in the chest, pelvis and hips, in men - on the stomach. With severe obesity, these differences disappear.

There are four degrees of obesity

  • I degree - overweight from 15 to 29%
  • II degree - overweight from 30 to 49%
  • III degree - overweight from 50 to 100%
  • IV degree - overweight over 100%

The condition and complaints of obese patients depend on the degree and duration of obesity, on the degree of violation of the functional state of organs and systems. Initially, these are complaints of weakness, malaise, headaches, palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, bloating, constipation, swelling, joint pain. In the future, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, sleep apnea syndrome, reproductive dysfunction, type 2 diabetes mellitus, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In recent years, studies have been conducted confirming that satiety triggers complex hormonal processes associated with positive emotions. With a lack of positive emotions in everyday life, people use food as a compensatory way to create pleasure. Regular overeating has become a source of positive emotions for many.

The presence of obesity and its degree can be assessed by

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In the medical field, an ophthalmologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases of the visual apparatus. He studies the etiological factors, ...

In simple words, this phenomenon can be characterized as a weakening of the symptoms inherent in a particular disease. Symptoms can...

Everyone knows that Muslims and Jews circumcise boys. I wonder why it is needed and what the modern ...
For those who want to lose weight, there are many different methods and recipes, following which you can bring your ...
Time changes our body and organism - this is a natural reality. We study external age-related changes, not considering them as shortcomings - but with ...
For example: all the norms given in this material are calculated for a 29-year-old man (height 178 cm, weight 75 kg), living in a large city ...
Greetings, dear readers! On the agenda is a problem familiar to everyone. Causeless fatigue, drowsiness and apathy have become ...
The reasons why some adult women are more at risk of developing vaginal candidiasis are not yet fully understood.