Progeria, or premature aging syndrome: who is at risk? Premature aging syndrome in children and adults - causes, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis Properties counteracts premature aging of cells

Time changes our body and organism is a natural gift. We learn external age-related changes, not considering them as shortcomings - and, if desired, correct them. But the main difficulty of aging is not related to appearance - with age, genetic mutations and adverse environmental effects accumulate, diseases appear that reduce the quality of life and well-being. Today, people live longer, and scientific recommendations for a healthy lifestyle help to stay active. But it happens that the body - from the outside and from the inside - ages at an accelerated rate. This happens in progeria, a rare genetic disease, and some other conditions that are not well understood. We spoke to a geneticist, plastic surgeon and journalist who has experienced accelerated skin aging.

Text: Daria Bigun, Olga Lukinskaya

What is progeria

Progeria is a characteristic change in the skin and internal organs due to accelerated aging of the body. This is an extremely rare genetic disease that is divided into two forms: childhood (Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome) and adult (Werner syndrome). The child form is associated with a mutation in the LMNA gene, which arose even at the stage of intrauterine development. The LMNA gene encodes the lamin A protein, which plays an important role in the formation of the structure of the cell nucleus. In progeria, the protein does not perform its function, which ultimately leads to premature cell death. Now actively studied methods of treatment of progeria, based on the discovery of its genetic basis.

General information

Mankind has long been looking for a recipe for eternal youth and is trying to create an elixir of beauty. Thanks to technological progress, scientific advances and centuries of experience in medical practice, many deadly diseases have been defeated, and the average life expectancy of people is steadily increasing. However, the aging process remains relevant and continues to interest both scientists and practitioners. The first signs of aging are observed on the face, even when the whole body is in good physical shape. Often, chronological (fixed by passport data) and biological (determined by the state and functional characteristics relative to the average statistical norm) age do not match.

The skin is a protective barrier for the whole organism and is the first to meet the aggressive effects of the environment. In this unequal struggle, the skin loses moisture, becomes thinner, loses its ability to regenerate (restore). Fibroblasts - cells of the dermis - gradually stop producing collagen, which reduces the elasticity of the fibers. The skin is very sensitive and immediately reacts to the slightest hormonal signal from the body. Age-related fluctuations in the hormonal background lead to changes in metabolic processes in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, a decrease in muscle tone. Repeatedly repeated solar exposure causes photoaging of exposed skin areas. Gradually, the skin ages, various wrinkles appear on its surface: static, caused by a decrease in muscle tone; mimic - from frequent muscle contraction with certain emotions; gravitational, arising under the influence of earth's attraction.

Natural and premature aging

Aging that occurs due to natural physiological processes is called chronoaging or chronological aging. Premature aging of the skin is called "hormonal aging", "photoaging" or "myoaging".

Biological age and the rate of development of aging processes are genetically predetermined, being programmed at the cellular level. Natural aging is an inevitable and irreversible process, its natural development cannot be stopped. Premature aging can be corrected, it can be resisted, because it is caused by subjective factors: lifestyle and nutrition, environmental factors, ultraviolet radiation, various diseases, etc. Early wrinkles can appear as early as 18-20 years old. They marked lovers of actively expressing their emotions, in which all experiences are “written” on their faces: knitted eyebrows, wrinkled nose, squinted eyes. Contracting, the mimic muscles located under the skin gather the skin in certain places into the smallest folds. Gradually, from repeated contraction, the facial muscles “get tired”, over time they lose the ability to completely relax, and the skin loses its elasticity and its former appearance. Premature wrinkles are formed: small skin folds are fixed into persistent deep wrinkles.

External signs of skin aging

Signs of aging have different external manifestations depending on the stage and type of aging.

The first type of aging is “tired face”. The elasticity of the soft tissues of the face and neck decreases, puffiness appears, the nasolabial fold is pronounced, the corners of the mouth are lowered. After rest and good sleep, rested skin looks younger, and by the evening the signs of aging are noticeably manifested, the face looks tired.

The second type of aging is the wrinkled face. The face and neck are dotted with fine wrinkles, the skin is dry. “Crow's feet” are noticeable in the corners of the eyes, the upper lip and chin are marked with “corrugation” of wrinkles, wrinkles of the upper and lower eyelids are pronounced.

Activation or suppression of the activity of certain genes underlies the development of a particular pathology and the mechanism of aging in general. Based on these findings, gene regulatory therapy was proposed to prevent genetic disorders that affect the development of age-related diseases.

Stochastic (probabilistic) theories

Stochastic or probabilistic theories explain aging as a result of mutational changes occurring at the DNA level. Random mutations accumulate in chromosomes and are repeatedly reproduced during cell division.

Theory of free radicals.

Scientists D. Harman and N. Emanuel almost at the same time (respectively in 1956 and 1958) put forward a theory called the theory of free radicals. With the help of this theory, they explain both the very principle of the aging mechanism and the occurrence of many age-related diseases: cardiovascular pathology, cataracts, decreased immunity, impaired brain activity, cancer, etc. The “culprits” of pathological changes occurring in the body are D. Harman and N ..Emanuel called free radicals - oxygen molecules involved in many biochemical processes in cells.

Free radicals are unstable particles with a missing electron, so in search of their missing particle, they react with healthy molecules, taking an electron from them and turning them into free radicals. Due to the chain reaction of formation of free radicals in the body, cell damage occurs and its biochemical balance is disturbed. The formation of free radicals can also be caused by harmful exogenous factors: ultraviolet radiation, polluted air, nicotine, etc.

Free radicals strike the first blow on the skin, provoking the appearance of wrinkles, rashes, signs of inflammation, and in addition, the development of more than 60 different diseases and aging.

In the skin, collagen, the protein that gives skin firmness and elasticity, suffers the most from free radicals. Free radicals cause biochemical changes - the formation of cross-links that prevent the free movement of collagen fiber molecules relative to each other. Collagen molecules are soldered into bundles, lose elasticity and become stiff, which is manifested by signs of skin aging.

The reasons that trigger the mechanism of the harmful effects of free radicals in the skin are different, but the most insidious is the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. The sun's rays stimulate the formation of free radicals and the production of proteins-enzymes that break down fats with the formation of arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid causes the formation of molecules that promote inflammation and skin aging. And free radicals, in turn, activate special molecules inside the cells - the so-called copy factors.

Copy factors are neutral molecules, but if they are activated by free radicals, they begin to migrate to the cell nucleus. In the nucleus, integrating into DNA, copying factors cause the synthesis of toxic substances. The copy factor NFk-B causes inflammatory processes in the cell and accelerates its aging. Copy factor AP-1 leads to the destruction of collagen, the formation of microdefects and wrinkles in the skin.

Free radicals can damage the DNA and RNA of cells, lipids, fats. Inside the cells, there is a protective mechanism against the aggression of free radicals - these are superoxide dismutase enzymes, etc. Substances consumed with food have an antioxidant (neutralizing free radicals) effect: vitamins (A, E, C), vegetables, fruits, green tea, coffee, etc. True, an excess of antioxidants can cause the opposite reaction in the body - an increase in oxidative intracellular processes.

The theory of the catastrophe of errors.

In 1954, the American physicist M. Szilard put forward a hypothesis about the mutational nature of aging or “aging by mistake”. Studying the effect of ionizing radiation on various types of living organisms, he came to the conclusion that radiation reduces the life span of animals and people. It leads to the development of mutations in DNA and causes signs of aging: diseases, gray hair, etc. Szilard came to the conclusion that mutations are the cause of aging of biological species, but could not explain the mechanism of aging of living organisms that were not exposed to radiation.

Following Szilard, researcher L. Orgel considered mutations in living cells not only as a result of exposure to external aggressors (ultraviolet and ionizing radiation, free radicals, toxic effects of viruses and other mutagenic agents), but also as a spontaneous process. That is, errors in the genetic apparatus of cells can be caused by both external and internal causes. They entail a violation of the functions of cells and the whole organism, lead to their aging and death.

Theory of apoptosis(cell suicide).

The theory of cellular apoptosis (from the Greek "leaf fall"), put forward by academician V.P. Skulachev, considers cell death as an inevitable, programmed process. To preserve the integrity of the body, each cell, having lost its viability, must die and give way to a new one. Infection with a virus or mutations that cause diseases and malignancy become a signal for the “suicide” of cells so as not to endanger the death of the entire organism.

In contrast to the violent death of cells as a result of burns, injuries, hypoxia, poisoning, etc., during apoptosis, the affected cells independently disintegrate into structural fragments and are used by other cells as a building material.

The process of self-destruction of mitochondria (an organelle that provides cell respiration) V.P. Skulachev called mitoptosis. It occurs when a large amount of free radicals accumulate in the mitochondria. The decay products of dead mitochondria can poison the cell and lead to its death (apoptosis). The aging process according to V.P. Skulachev occurs when the number of dead cells in the body exceeds the number of newly formed ones, and the dead cells are replaced by connective tissue.

According to Academician V.P. Skulachev, the way out is to prevent the destruction of cells by free radicals. That is, he considers old age as a curable disease, if the programmed aging of the body is cancelled.

V.P. Skulachev believes that reactive oxygen species, in particular hydrogen peroxide, have the most detrimental effect on cells and mitochondria. As a cure for aging, the academician developed and proposed the drug SKQ, the clinical trials of which have not yet been completed.

Prevention of skin aging


To prevent premature aging of the skin caused by increased insolation, means are used to protect against ultraviolet radiation. The action of some of these agents is aimed at capturing ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which their chemical transformation occurs. As a result, part of the radiation energy is spent on a chemical reaction and does not reach the dermal cells. Such funds may have contraindications, tk. their penetration into the body with the bloodstream through the skin and adverse allergic reactions is possible. A good alternative to such sunscreens are photoprotectors, which include finely ground mineral pigments (titanium dioxide or zinc oxide), which do not penetrate deep into the skin, but reflect ultraviolet rays from its surface. Sunscreens include water, fats, vitamin E, emollients and moisturizers. It is useful to use post-sun products for cooling, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.


Good hydration is an indispensable condition for the prevention of premature skin aging. The impact of any climatic and atmospheric factors on the skin negatively affects its hydration, especially in urban environments, where the air contains many aggressive chemical components. With low air humidity, the body loses water, with high humidity, sweating and sebum production increase. Even at high humidity, if there is an increased air temperature, the skin needs protection from drying out under the influence of the sun, moisturizing and thorough regular cleansing. Low temperature and low humidity dry out the skin, depriving it of moisture. At low humidity and high temperatures, the skin also actively loses moisture. Drying of the skin is possible from strong winds at elevated or vice versa low temperatures. Under the influence of the wind, the skin not only becomes thinner, it becomes scaly, begins to peel off. Adverse atmospheric effects should be countered by additional measures to moisturize and protect the skin: the use of a high-quality day cream and prolonged exposure to fresh air in a favorable ecological zone.

Healthy lifestyle

Care of the skin and prevention of its premature aging should begin, first of all, with the organization of a rational regime of work and rest, giving preference to a healthy lifestyle. An organism deprived of full and sufficient sleep is doomed to develop adverse consequences, the first of which is a tired skin condition. The formation of new cells occurs during sleep, so the skin naturally restores its structure while we sleep.

Regular exercise trains the skin, increases its elasticity. Under the influence of increased loads, an additional blood flow to the skin occurs, which has a good stimulating effect. Sports and exercise are good for coping with stress - the worst enemy of healthy skin.

Prolonged stress causes convulsive contraction of the facial muscles, prolonged stretching of elastic fibers and their overwork. Under stress, the skin experiences a lack of oxygen and nutrition, because. under the influence of increased adrenaline, a violation of capillary circulation occurs. Another stress hormone - cortisone - disrupts the process of skin regeneration and collagen formation. A reasonable attitude to life events, resistance to stress is an effective way to protect against premature skin aging.

Healthy young skin and smoking are incompatible concepts. If you want to resist skin aging, you will have to give up the bad habit of smoking to avoid the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth and eyes. Smokers need an additional intake of vitamins A, E, C, provitamin A (beta-keratin) to prevent the formation of a large number of fine wrinkles.

Even more significant harm to the health and condition of the skin causes alcohol intake. Under its influence, capillaries expand, which become noticeable, changing the appearance of the skin. Alcohol intake adversely affects the functioning of the liver, which inevitably affects the condition of the skin. Excessive consumption of strong tea and coffee has the same adverse effect on the liver, and hence on the skin.

Skin aging can be caused by the use of certain types of drugs, so you should not self-medicate and uncontrolled use of drugs.

And finally, a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements and sufficient fluid intake (up to 2 liters per day) contribute to maintaining a normal life balance in cells and tissues, and prevents premature aging of the skin.

Skin aging, like the aging of the body as a whole, does not happen suddenly, but approaches us gradually. Here are its first signs.

Dry skin

Proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins - the benefits of these substances for the body fade before the value that water has for it. Skin aging begins with dehydration, which slows down the renewal process. Main manifestations:

  • loss of elasticity;
  • thinning;
  • peeling.


Mimic wrinkles around the eyes, in the corners of the mouth and on the forehead can be found even in 20-year-olds. They are characteristic of the finely wrinkled type of aging common to most Europeans.

Too active facial expressions lead to early appearance of wrinkles. If this problem is not taken care of in time, barely noticeable dashes can turn into creases.


Lack of sleep, stress, the habit of drinking water before bed are all causes of morning swelling. And if they do not pass for a long time, there is reason to think. Puffiness is characteristic of the “tired face” morphotype and is accompanied by accelerated drooping of the corners of the mouth and early manifestation of the nasolabial fold.

Facial deformity

Gravity is the main cause of facial deformation. It "pulls down" the skin, muscles and soft tissues. If you notice even a hint of "bulldog cheeks" or a second chin, proceed to take action. And know that such a morphotype of aging is called deformational, and among the ways to slow down its manifestations:

  • face fitness;
  • massage and self-massage;
  • lifting creams;
  • hardware and injection procedures.


Yes, freckles are in vogue now, makeup artists even draw them as a make-up element. But don't miss the moment when freckles stop fading in winter, become more noticeable and transform into age spots.

Impaired melanin production is another clear sign of aging.

Causes of early aging

Why does the real age of the skin sometimes exceed the biological one? Experts divide the causes into internal and external.


    genetic predisposition. The most striking example of genetically programmed aging is progeria, due to which even 10-year-old children sometimes look like old people. This is certainly an extreme, but the rate of destruction of elastin and collagen fibers, as well as skin type, is also largely determined by genes. As you know, dry thin skin ages faster than oily skin.

    Hormonal disorders. The amount of collagen and elastin in the skin depends on the level of estrogen, the strength and elasticity of the ligaments and muscles - on testosterone. An excess of androgens in the body or hypersensitivity to them is the cause of acne: due to constant inflammation, the skin becomes uneven, and inflammation leads to post-inflammatory pigmentation.


  • Sun. It is so lacking in our harsh climate, but the sun's rays are the #1 cause of early skin aging. With an excess of ultraviolet radiation, the protective barrier of the skin is broken, its cells are damaged, and collagen is destroyed. Photoaging is manifested in the premature formation of wrinkles, dry skin, hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation.
  • Smoking. An unhealthy yellowish complexion, early wrinkles - this is how the skin of a smoker gives an SOS signal. The fact is that when smoking, free radicals are formed that attack and destroy cells.
  • Wrong nutrition. Passion for diets and, first of all, the rejection of fats often leads to a catastrophic lack of substances necessary for the skin. Especially - unsaturated fatty acids, necessary for the normal functioning of cells. And an excess of sweets leads to glycation processes - gluing of collagen fibers and premature loss of skin elasticity.
  • Stress. At work rush? The child brought a deuce? In stressful situations, the body increases the production of adrenaline, under the influence of which a cascade of reactions is launched that destroys its own cells and provokes a drop in the production of sex hormones, including estrogen. If the stress drags on, metabolism and the work of important neurotransmitters slow down, the body ages faster.
  • Weather. Reduced air humidity, wind, snow, heat, frost and other extreme climatic conditions weaken the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. She loses moisture and becomes more vulnerable.
  • Fitness. This hobby is good in moderation. Wrong running "kills" the joints, and too much effort - the skin. Overloads are fraught with depletion of the body, depriving it of the opportunity to recover in a timely manner.

Prevention of skin aging

Do you want your skin to be youthful and beautiful? In this case:

  • give up bad habits;
  • watch your diet and drink more water;
  • regularly visit an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and cosmetologist;
  • choose cosmetics according to the type and problems of the skin.

Nourishing and rich face cream "Revitalizing Moisturizing", Garnier

A complex of moisturizing agents and camellia extract saturate the skin with moisture and provide it with a supply of nutrients. The effect of one application lasts 24 hours - that's exactly how much you can be sure about the integrity of the protective barrier. Recommended for dry to very dry skin.

Aquafluid "Hydrating Genius", L'Oréal Paris

© L'Oreal Paris

Upon contact with the skin, it turns into a gel and guarantees a moisturizing effect for 72 hours, improves the natural metabolic processes in the skin, and increases resistance to aggressive environmental factors. Contains aloe extract and hyaluronic acid.

© Vichy

The tool is designed to combat premature aging. The high concentration of antioxidant vitamins C and E helps to resist the attacks of free radicals, cope with the effects of stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. Neohesperidin and Maritime Pine polyphenols nourish the skin. And low molecular weight hyaluronic acid provides deep hydration.

Anti-wrinkle day cream for firming Rénergie, Lancôme

It will help to cope with the first wrinkles. Anti-aging ingredients (corn extract, wheat proteins) and antioxidant vitamin E will increase skin elasticity and improve its turgor.

© Biotherm

Thermal plankton and moisturizing ingredients restore moisture balance and protect the skin. Manufacturers promise that after 8 days of using the product, the skin will become more even, elastic, and radiant.

Aging of the human body is a complex biological process that reflects only one side of the development of the body.

Experts distinguish two types of aging: natural or physiological and premature, which, under the influence of living conditions and various diseases, develops at an accelerated pace.

No matter how sad it is, but the second type, that is, premature aging, is the most common form of decrepitude in our society.

With this type, age-related changes occur much earlier than with the physiological, and the biological age prevails over the calendar.

Causes of premature aging

Signs of premature aging often appear already by the age of 40, reducing the quality of human life. Among the causes of premature aging, external and internal factors can be distinguished.

Adverse external factors

These include frequent stress, bad habits, failure of the natural biorhythm, malnutrition lead to premature wear of organs and tissues. They are often the cause of diseases that accelerate the biological aging of the body.

People who experience these adverse factors are more likely to suffer from arthritis, cataracts, atherosclerosis, dementia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and oncological diseases.


There are a number of diseases that rapidly cause signs of premature aging of the body. If a person is sick with cerebral vascular sclerosis, peptic ulcer, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, immune deficiency, signs of senile decrepitude immediately appear in the body - posture, hair, skin change.

Emotional and mental stress

Stressful situations are harmful to health and cause premature aging. The most dangerous is excessive stress or when it is constant.

The presence of depressing thoughts, the inability to discharge emotionally, to pronounce a disturbing situation or simply switch, fixation on problems - adversely affect the mental and physical health of a person.

They call:

  • muscle tension in the neck and shoulders,
  • headache,
  • insomnia
  • indigestion,
  • anxiety
  • mood swings,
  • negative thoughts
  • and feeling tired.

And experts consider chronic fatigue syndrome a model of accelerated aging of the body.

Constant lack of sleep

Sleep disturbance or insufficient sleep is detrimental to overall health. Each person has his own need for rest, in order to have a good rest and restore your strength, 7-8 hours of sleep is enough.

If a person does not get enough sleep constantly and for a long time, chronic sleep deprivation may occur, which leads to a violation of the physiological functions of the body:

  • irritability appears, sense of humor is lost,
  • the physiological properties of the brain change, which leads to a decrease in memory and an inability to concentrate one's attention,
  • every day a person experiences headaches and dizziness,
  • response is reduced.

And all these signs together create difficulties in solving problems.

Sometimes a person deliberately deprives himself of sleep, explaining this by saying that there is not enough time for creativity or business, mistakenly believing that it is a pity to waste your time on sleep.

Thus, he provokes breakdowns in his health, the restoration of which will spend even more time.

It is also important that it is impossible to sleep off in advance, the body is not adapted to this, and as a result, you can get weakness, lethargy, and a headache.

Similarly, excessive sleep does not bring rest, but fatigue and a decline in strength and energy. Healthy body.

Unbalanced diet

Our cells, tissues and organs need the energy that the body receives from food. Rational nutrition contributes to the normal renewal of cells, their rejuvenation.

In a healthy body, liver cells are completely renewed within a year, and young skin cells replace old ones 12 times during this period. In order for cells to rejuvenate, they need a balanced diet.

Often, in human food, the calorie content of food intake exceeds energy costs. Unused energy is stored in the body in the form of fat, and obesity causes a number of health problems and causes aging of the human body.

It must be remembered that the body needs amino acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, lecithin, Omega-3, all that is found in natural foods, vegetables, fruits and herbs. Eating right, a person feels full of strength and energy.

Bad habits

Smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs are the main bad habits that take away health and life. So smoking causes a powerful blow to the respiratory and cardiovascular system.

Often smoking provokes an increase in pressure, an increase in cholesterol in the blood, which leads to heart disease and stroke.

Excessive alcohol consumption destroys blood cells, which can provoke the occurrence of many diseases, such as pancreatitis, diabetes, gastritis, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Alcohol destroys the liver, disrupts metabolism, blood sugar regulation functions. No less serious concern is caused by beer alcoholism, which also destroys not only the organs and systems of the body, but also the human psyche.

And drugs lead to a complete defeat of the body. Drugs are the path to the degradation of society, statistics show that Russia is already in 3rd place in the world in terms of drug use after Afghanistan and Iran.

More than 2.5 million people in our country are addicted to drugs, destroying their health. The heart, blood vessels, brain, digestion, respiration suffer from drugs, the human psyche is disturbed, reproductive ability and immunity are lost. But the most important thing is that drugs significantly shorten a person's life!

Unfavorable internal factors

The internal causes of premature aging of the body include exposure to free radicals, autointoxication, autoimmune processes, and impaired brain function.


In the process of normal human life, toxic substances are produced in his body, which are excreted by the body itself. But if the excretory system does not cope with its functions, toxic products are again absorbed into the blood, and the body is gradually poisoned with poisons or autointoxication.

This occurs with diseases such as uremia, anuria, constipation and intestinal obstruction, with metabolic disorders associated with diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxic goiter, and even with toxicosis of pregnancy. In this case, a person feels unwell, weakness, headache and dizziness, nausea or vomiting.

Autointoxication is eliminated by activating the excretory function of the body, eliminating the causes that caused it, using medications (diuretics and diaphoretics), blood transfusion .... In renal failure, more radical methods are used.

Impact of free radicals

Free radicals are the main cause of premature aging of the body, causing atherosclerosis, cancer, heart attack and stroke, diseases of the skin, immune and nervous system.

The human body has a system for fighting radicals, but antioxidant enzymes do not always cope with them.

The body needs additional protection against free radicals in the form of antioxidants, which act as traps for them. Such traps are plant bioflavonoids, which prevent premature human aging.

It is believed that bioflavonoids and phytohormones contain plants that have a dark pigment color, such as: blueberries, blackberries, blueberries, beets, purple cabbage, dark grapes, prunes, beans, beets, black radish ...

How to avoid premature aging

To avoid premature aging, it is necessary to increase the body's defenses, optimize the activity of organs and systems, compensating for weakened functions and preventing the occurrence of new disorders in the body.

First of all, strive to eliminate the causes leading to premature aging, which were mentioned above.

Review your diet and try to include as many natural foods as possible. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get all the necessary components for health and life from food, so you can adjust your diet with the help of dietary supplements.

The medical industry and network companies produce dietary supplements based on marine products, medicinal plants with the addition of bioactive ingredients - peptide molecules of regulatory action that increase the body's bioenergetics.

The balance of sex hormones is a necessary and most important factor in maintaining the processes of renewal and rejuvenation in the human body, especially in adulthood. The lack of estrogen, which is involved in the synthesis of collagen, invariably affects the appearance of wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity and its withering, hair loss.

A similar skin aging condition is sometimes seen in young women chasing fad diets. Indeed, in youth, estrogens are produced not only by the ovaries, but also by adipose tissue.

Without water, physiological processes are impossible. All internal processes in the body proceed with the participation of water, in aquatic environments.

All cells are surrounded by a nutrient gel. containing structurally bound water. And the more water in this gel, the higher the turgor of tissues and cells.

The loss of water by the body is immediately visible on the skin, which loses its turgor and becomes flabby and sagging. The same processes occur with internal organs, which often causes their dysfunction.

Therefore, no one doubts that water is the main indicator of body aging. But not all water is equally absorbed by the body. Water with certain physical and chemical parameters is considered useful for the body. They take into account:

  • redox potential,
  • surface tension,
  • mineralization,
  • pH and other parameters.

Structured or melted water is most suitable for these parameters.

Lifestyle, nutrition, fresh air, physical labor and exercise, charging for the brain, its constant training, all these are important components of longevity, therefore, the ability to avoid premature aging depends on each of us.

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Years do not add youth, and the time of old age comes imperceptibly, it's all natural and inevitable. Older people may feel young at heart, but the reflection in the mirror shows otherwise.

Doctors and scientists are constantly working on the causes that cause skin aging, studying the changes that occur in tissues, looking for all kinds of, prolong and.

We age differently

The renewal processes occurring in tissues and organs are based on cell division. When this process slows down in the layers of the skin, its aging begins.

The skin fades in different ways, depending on the type of dermis and the specificity of the structure of the human skeleton, there are:
Tired type, conditionally it can be called the starting point of incipient aging. This stage does not bypass any person. However, slender people, with or mixed type, are more susceptible to it.
Appearance of fine wrinkles (finely wrinkled). First of all, thin people who are not predisposed to fullness are subject to such withering, p. There is a second name for this type of aging - "Baked Apple".
Deformational. The most negative, it most strongly deforms the appearance. Characteristic for oily skin, which is denser and heavier than other types of dermis. Overweight people suffer from a "bulldog" face. Among Europeans, this is the most common type of wilting.
Combined (mixed). A very common type of aging. It concentrates the signs characteristic of tired, finely wrinkled and deformed at the same time.
Muscular type of aging. The skin does not lose its elasticity for a long period of time, there are very few fine wrinkles on it, the oval of the face does not change. Then, within a few years, there is a rapid decline. This is how people with Asian appearance mostly age.
The exhausted senile type is characteristic of people who have stepped over their 75th birthday. Here are connected all the options for changes in the skin.

By carefully studying the above classification, you can independently determine how your skin ages and choose the appropriate ways to care for it.

In the photo: the processes that occur with facial skin during aging

Why does early skin aging occur?

Heredity plays a major role in the age-related changes that occur with the body.

Heredity plays a major role in the changes that occur with the body. However, the lifestyle that a person leads is also important. Collagen and elastin, which are contained in the skin, provide its firmness and elasticity.

After 30 years, a gradual decrease in the production of these proteins begins, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles. It is at this age that you should already begin to take care of the skin. How to properly care for skin after 30 years, read in.

Signs that signal skin problems:, the presence of a vascular network; mimic wrinkles; , flabbiness.

Reasons for rapid fading can be:
Stress and depression - extremely negatively affect not only the appearance, but also the entire body.
Addictions such as alcohol abuse, tobacco addiction, drug addiction and even coffee (in large quantities) are a direct path to an earthy complexion and wrinkles.
Influence of adverse environmental factors.
Ultraviolet rays - destroy the skin.
Improper nutrition and overindulgence in sweets are considered to be one of the main causes of wilting.
Insufficient amount of drinking clean water throughout the day. For the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to drink liquid daily at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of human weight.
Oxygen starvation - lack of fresh air, slows down all processes in the body.
Insufficient sleep duration - you need to sleep at least 8-10 hours a day.

The skin needs to be provided with proper, proper care, to fulfill all the necessary. Cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing are the three pillars on which the maintenance of the health of the dermis is based.

Medications in the fight against aging

Each person should do everything possible, make every effort to maintain their health and prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

Each person should do everything possible, make every effort to maintain their health and prolong the youth of the body.

With the help of the science of biochemistry, substances have been identified that can slow down aging. There are about twenty of them: vitamins, fatty acids, carbohydrates, enzymes, trace elements, hormones, etc.

These components are necessarily included in the preparations - geroprotectors. The pharmaceutical industry is constantly working to create new anti-aging formulas.

Pills that protect the body from withering include: Metformin, Aspirin cardio, Meloxen, Circadin, Rapamycin, etc.

Through scientific research and practical tests, these drugs have been proven to be effective in prolonging youth and increasing life expectancy.

Means for prolonging youth

In addition to tablets, pharmacy offers a large selection of products that preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. These include:
innovative wrinkle smoothing creams with 3-D fillers;
skin tightening gels;
, relaxing facial muscles and smoothing fine wrinkles;
rejuvenating and tightening masks. For example, .

From the components purchased at the pharmacy, you can prepare cosmetic skin care products at home. How to make a wrinkle cream at home is described in detail in.

In the photo: the stages of age-related aging and changes in the content of elastin and collagen

Cosmetic procedures

The human body is capable of self-renewal and improvement. Help him in this, create all the necessary conditions and your life will change, it will be filled with joy, optimism and youth.

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Poor vision is the scourge of modern society, so everyone should know who an ophthalmologist is. Knowledge of many people about...

In the medical field, an ophthalmologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases of the visual apparatus. He studies the etiological factors, ...

In simple words, this phenomenon can be characterized as a weakening of the symptoms inherent in a particular disease. Symptoms can...

Everyone knows that Muslims and Jews circumcise boys. I wonder why it is needed and what the modern ...
For those who want to lose weight, there are many different methods and recipes, following which you can bring your ...
Time changes our body and organism - this is a natural reality. We study external age-related changes, not considering them as shortcomings - but with ...
For example: all the norms given in this material are calculated for a 29-year-old man (height 178 cm, weight 75 kg), living in a large city ...
Greetings, dear readers! On the agenda is a problem familiar to everyone. Causeless fatigue, drowsiness and apathy have become ...
The reasons why some adult women are more at risk of developing vaginal candidiasis are not yet fully understood.