Who is circumcised foreskin in boys. Circumcision in boys: to do or not? What is male circumcision

Everyone knows that Muslims and Jews circumcise boys. I wonder why it is needed and what does modern medicine think about this operation?

Why are boys circumcised?

Do you know why boys are circumcised, do you think it's all about religion? But no, the reasons may be different.

  1. Often circumcision in children is done not for religious reasons, but as a tribute to tradition - everyone in the family did this and the baby's parents see no reason to violate the tradition of their ancestors. And earlier, circumcision was done for reasons of hygiene - it was more difficult to take care of the cleanliness of the genital organs, since there was no running water. Also in ancient times, circumcision was performed not in newborns, but in adolescents and was in the nature of initiation - entry into adulthood.
  2. Circumcision in some religions has a deep spiritual meaning. The body is the shell of the soul, and the foreskin of a man is an obstacle to communication with God. That is, a man can approach love for the Divine only after circumcision.
  3. Circumcision in newborns is common, but why is it done to adult men? Of course, there are cases of adoption of another religion at a more mature age. But the point may be that circumcision is also carried out for medical reasons. There is such a disease as phimosis - the foreskin clasps the head too tightly (or fuses with it), which makes it difficult to urinate, in adult men it makes sexual intercourse painful or completely impossible. If the disease was detected at an early age, then it is possible to do without surgery, after puberty, in most cases, circumcision is necessary.
  4. In addition, men are circumcised following the lead of their ladies. Some women consider the appearance of a circumcised penis to be more aesthetic, while other ladies think that an unremoved skin fold contributes to the accumulation of dirt and the development of various genital infections. But if the circumcision is done in adulthood, there is a danger of difficulties with sexual desire - the most sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is circumcised, and the head of the penis is not so receptive. Therefore, after circumcision, a man will need time to get used to the new state, and condoms may also be abandoned, since a man cannot enjoy them in them.

How are boys circumcised?

Why do boys need circumcision, we figured it out, but how it is done, and where a child can be circumcised, remains to be seen. Is this operation really as painful as it seems to many?

Circumcision is done for boys on the 7th day after birth (not counting the day of birth itself), if the newborn is sick by this day, then circumcision is performed a week after recovery. In addition, circumcision is not performed if the baby was born prematurely and cannot be taken home, in which case the operation is also postponed. Circumcision is not performed at all if there are hereditary blood diseases, for example, hemophilia - a violation of blood clotting. If circumcision is not part of a religious ritual, then it is done to newborns on the first day of their life.

Circumcision is performed by obstetricians, urologists, family doctors, surgeons, it can be done by a rebbe - a Jewish priest.

Many parents worry about the pain the child will experience during surgery. But now there is the possibility of using local anesthesia during the operation and the use of drugs that reduce pain after circumcision.

Can there be complications after circumcision? Usually this does not happen, and complete healing occurs 2 weeks after the operation. The first 2-3 days may be minor bleeding and swelling. After 8-10 days, the appearance of the penis improves, usually at the same time the stitches are removed.

Doctors do not consider circumcision a necessary procedure if the boy (man) is healthy and there are no pathologies. So it is irrational to do circumcision only for hygienic reasons.

The question of why boys are circumcised comes up quite often. Often this is influenced by the aesthetic ideas of parents.. Opinions about how the penis should look vary in society.

Some parents consider the uncircumcised penis as indicators of brutality, others perceive the foreskin as an “extra part”, due to which urological diseases may appear. Much depends on the country of residence: in the USA, the penis, devoid of foreskin (due to historical reasons), is considered more aesthetic.

Religious views of parents. All boys in Muslim countries, as well as Israel, undergo obligatory circumcision.

Why circumcision for boys in this case? All males must undergo this procedure, otherwise the child's family will be rejected by society.

In Persian families, such a rite of passage (initiation) is performed at the age of three to four years, in Turkey - from 8 to 14 years, and in Israel - on the eighth day after birth (prescribed by the Talmud).

According to scientific sources, the requirements of religious structures that oblige circumcision have developed for quite “mundane” reasons.

Excision of the foreskin prevents the development of inflammation in the groin, which is prone to men living in hot and humid climates.

Why are boys circumcised in other countries?:

  1. In Africa, circumcision serves as an occasion to affirm courage, determination and masculinity.
  2. In ancient Greece, the foreskin was considered a modified female labia, so this sign of femininity needed to be eliminated.
  3. In Europe, the percentage of circumcision is extremely low due to the lack of significant influence of religious doctrines.
  4. In China, religion does not prescribe circumcision, including due to the weak severity of the preputial sac in Asians.

Traditions adopted in the family. In English-dominated countries, circumcision was introduced as a measure to prevent onanism among adolescents in the 19th century, but circumcision reached its peak in the early 20th century.

IMPORTANT! Subsequently, it was found that the method did not affect the decrease in the tendency of boys to masturbate, therefore, after the 50s, this procedure was canceled as mandatory.

However, the tradition of truncation of the foreskin has been preserved, so the percentage of operated men in these countries is still high (data for 2006): USA - about 55%, Canada - 20%, Australia - 10%.

Despite the right of parents to consent to an operation for a child, many human rights organizations, mainly American ones, are increasingly holding actions against forced circumcision.

The essence of the performances is to allow children to decide for themselves at an older age about the advisability of circumcision. Violation of this right is considered inhumane and contrary to ethical standards.

The following video is about circumcision from a moral point of view:

Fact. The vast majority of countries in Africa have mandatory circumcision (more than 80% of men).

Medical indications

Should boys be circumcised? The grounds for circumcision for medical reasons are diseases localized in the region of the glans penis.

Rationality of the operation:

  • prolonged inflammation of the head and preputial sac (balanoposthitis);
  • difficulty or inability to extract the head (phimosis);
  • closure of the urethral canal (synechia);
  • the appearance of outgrowths on the surface of the flesh (multiple condylomatosis);
  • inflammation of the urethra (cystitis and urethritis).

In the latter case, the damage to the urinary canals occurs due to an infectious factor that occurs due to inflammation of the inner lobe of the foreskin and the surface of the head.

In the presence of phimosis, surgery is not required: surgical intervention is indicated only if it is impossible to extract the head from under the foreskin - relative phimosis, in which extraction is possible, the operation is often not performed.

You still have the question: "Circumcision in boys, why is it even necessary?". In 95% of boys, congenital phimosis is observed, spontaneously disappearing between the ages of 3 and 14 years. If the foreskin ring does not release the head even after this period, then in such a situation the operation is shown in a planned manner. As mentioned above, circumcision for phimosis in a child is done, but not in all cases..

In the following video, a pediatrician will tell you in which cases medical circumcision is necessary and in which it is not:

The occurrence of prostate cancer in uncircumcised men is 45% higher, and they are also at risk for developing penile cancer (compared to circumcised men). A similar trend is equally associated with the exclusion of local inflammation in the inguinal region. Why circumcise a child in such a case? To avoid negative consequences.

Fact. The most dangerous condition requiring urgent circumcision is paraphimosis, which, if the penis is pinched for a long time, leads to gangrene of the penis.

We figured out the question of why boys need to be circumcised, then about the pros and cons of the procedure.

Circumcision in boys: pros and cons

The decision to undergo circumcision has its own nuances. After removing the preputial sac, you may encounter certain advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of circumcision:

  1. Health. Reducing the risk of developing inflammatory processes, preventing infection with sexually transmitted diseases and minimizing the risk of neoplasms in the groin area.
  2. Hygiene. After circumcision, a man or child loses the preputial sac that covers the head of the penis.

    Remains of urine, sperm and smegma accumulate in this area, as a result of which they serve as a breeding ground for bacteria. The open skin area is better ventilated, and it is also easier to wash with water.

  3. Sexual aspect. After circumcision, the head becomes coarser, so the duration of sexual intercourse increases (the procedure is useful for people suffering from premature ejaculation).

    An additional plus is greater sexual attractiveness in bed: girls perceive a circumcised man as more clean, so they are more willing to agree to oral sex.

  4. HIV. Circumcised men are less likely to contract HIV, which in uncircumcised men often lingers in the prepuce and then enters the bloodstream.

    A US study (2005) found that a circumcised man was 60% less likely to be infected by an infected woman than men with foreskin. The main role here is played by the coarsening of the head of the penis, which becomes less susceptible to the effects of microorganisms and viruses.

Fact. After circumcision, the number of bacteria in the head area is reduced by 33%.

Cons of circumcision:

  1. Postoperative inconvenience. The process of roughening the head of the penis is an uncomfortable moment during which one has to experience unusual sensations (pain, itching, rubbing) when the head, previously protected by the dermis, comes into contact with skin, water, clothing.
  2. Dryness. Lack of smegma release leads to temporary drying of the dermis of the head, as a result, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams for several months after the operation.
  3. Loss of plastic material. Surgery to repair a damaged urethra involves using the foreskin to repair the area. Circumcised men will have to use the other part - the buccal mucosa.

The operation itself and the preparation for it are unfavorable for the psyche, which can leave the memory of the stress in the child.

Immediately after the operation, disturbed behavioral reactions are possible for several months, anesthetic consequences include: vomiting, allergies, hyperthermia. There may be sudden mood swings - emotional lability.

Warning. In adulthood, a man may feel an unwanted loss of sensation in the penis, while this possibility is absent during circumcision in childhood. Should a child be circumcised to avoid such consequences?


Why boys are circumcised, photo:

Impact on organ size

Circumcision has absolutely no effect on the size of the penis, since only the foreskin is truncated, which does not affect the growth processes of the penis. To enlarge the penis, men undergo a special procedure called a ligamentotomy..

However, there is a small nuance: after the operation, in one case, a slight visual increase in the penis is possible.

Men with a large head of the penis, which becomes visible after the removal of the preputial sac, have an advantage - their penis appears larger. Should a boy be circumcised just for the sake of it? Controversial moment. Why do boys need to be circumcised? To avoid the negative consequences of various infections and diseases.


Circumcision among boys has a long tradition that is slowly becoming less important.

ATTENTION! Authoritative urologists are of the opinion that circumcision should only be performed for medical reasons, such as circumcision for phimosis in children, and cultural and religious motives should be of secondary importance.

Now you know why children are circumcised, but whether a child is circumcised or not is up to each parent to decide on their own.

Why men are circumcised and what benefits it gives, we will tell today. It is important for any woman to know that sexual relations with a partner will be completely safe for her own health. Also, any mother wants to protect her son from possible problems associated with the sexual sphere. Of course, hygiene will play a decisive role in this regard.

However, many people know that such a procedure as circumcision for a man can become a kind of guarantor against diseases of the genital area.

In America, for example, circumcision, as circumcision is scientifically called, has been applied to newborn babies right in the hospital for several decades. Circumcision is included in the category of micro-operations. According to statistics, approximately thirty percent of men around the world have experienced circumcision on themselves. In the countries of Egypt, the USA and Israel, about eighty percent of boys are still subjected to circumcision.

Previously, circumcision was performed preferentially for reasons of a religious nature. However, at present, such a procedure is resorted to in order for the boy to grow up healthy.

So is it necessary to practice circumcision for a man, and what benefits does it provide? Numerous studies have been conducted on this topic around the world. According to their results, however, no objective medical indications for such an operation were established. Meanwhile, this operation leads to excision of the foreskin.

Why are boys circumcised?

Boy circumcision is performed today for two main reasons. The first is associated with possible diseases of the penis, and the second is due to the goals of hygiene. Circumcision in order to prevent possible diseases is recommended for those who live in countries with a hot climate.

Why are boys and men circumcised? In fact, in such countries, circumcision is performed on all born boys who do not have the opportunity to comply with hygiene standards due to difficult living, social or working conditions. Indeed, under the foreskin, the environment is very warm and humid.

And this leads to the creation of a fertile soil for the reproduction of bacteria. According to research, it is uncircumcised men who most often encounter diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive system. They are twice as likely to develop gonorrhea or herpes than circumcised men. Fungal diseases along with syphilis infection in uncircumcised men are five times more common.

If a person has been circumcised, then he has a reduced risk of getting sick, as well as becoming an active carrier of a virus called human papilloma. This virus is also transmitted sexually. According to scientists, just this virus most often causes cancer of the cervix of the female uterus. American scientists cite such data that cervical cancer appears forty-two percent less often in those women who are in an intimate relationship with a circumcised man.

Circumcision may also be a preventive measure against prostate cancer, according to other studies. At first glance, there is no direct connection between these two male organs. However, circumcised men are less likely to contract sexually transmitted diseases. A tumor in the prostate gland develops just under their influence.

Why circumcision is done for men and boys - circumcision as a micro-operation is also done for a number of pathological conditions. For example, if a man's foreskin is very narrow, as a result of which the exposure of the head of the penis is difficult. Circumcision is done when the foreskin or head of the penis is inflamed.

Circumcision in boys

In different countries, the decision to circumcise can be made by the parents of the child, one of them, or the man himself, having already become an adult. In any case, he will be concerned about such questions, and whether it hurts, and how circumcision will affect intimate life.

Previously, there was a widespread belief that the foreskin of a newly born child does not have the same sensitivity that is inherent in it if the person is already an adult. Therefore, circumcision was most often performed on infants in the first days after birth.

Doctors say that in infants, the sensitivity of the skin is really lower. After all, receptors, including those localized on the head of the penis, are not fully developed. However, circumcision in boys cannot be completely painless.

male circumcision

After, when a man becomes an adult, the vessels on the penis become larger. Nerve endings in this area also become more sensitive. In this regard, it will take longer for the skin to heal, and circumcision itself will cause more pain for men. Fortunately, modern medicine has many powerful drugs with which it is possible to moderate the pain.

Male circumcision and sexual intercourse

Many men are afraid that as a result of excision of the foreskin, the penis will no longer be so sensitive when it comes to sex. And it should be noted that there is some truth in such prejudice. As a result of the gradual coarsening of the nerve endings, the head of the penis in the naked form will inevitably lose some of its sensitivity.

But such changes will be minimal and in general will not be able to affect the completeness of intimate sensations and the quality of sex.

There are also arguments in favor of circumcision that due to the reduction in the sensitivity of the head of the penis in general, the intimate act will last longer. However, practical experience shows that there is no significant difference in the time of sexual contact with a circumcised and uncircumcised man.

For women, perhaps the biggest benefit of having sex with a circumcised man will be hygiene safety. Men who keep their glans open at all times are less likely to contract infectious diseases.

Circumcision in men - disadvantages and negative points

You should not, however, despite the many advantages of circumcision, forget about some of the negative aspects associated with such a procedure.

After circumcision, in particular, inflammation, hematoma or suppuration may develop. Such negative symptoms, if they appear, often disappear by themselves on the fifth or tenth day after the operation with high-quality therapy.

It should also be said that in exceptional cases, after circumcision, if it was not performed by a doctor, damage to the nerve endings can be observed. This can provoke a general decrease in the sensitivity of the male member. During sexual intercourse, a man may experience discomfort.

If the nerves are damaged, it can be difficult to restore the previous level of sensitivity. Sometimes this is impossible to do in principle. Therefore, it is recommended to trust the circumcision procedure only to an experienced professional.

Why men are circumcised - in those countries where circumcision is performed as a religious rite, the operation can be performed by non-professional doctors. In other states, such an operation is always performed either by a surgeon or a urologist.

How is circumcision done for boys and men

The patient is given general or local anesthesia. After excision of the excess skin area with a scalpel, the doctor puts stitches on the incision. Tissue damage during surgery can be minimized if the circumcision is done using a radio wave device. In addition, this method of circumcision will have a great bactericidal effect.

The recovery phase after the procedure carried out according to the improved technique will take less time and, in general, will be easier. After a couple of weeks, a man will be able to enter the usual rhythm of intimate life.

Why men and boys are circumcised and what benefits it gives, we told you - it's up to you!

Circumcision is one of those operations that are discussed not only in medical, but in religious and ethical aspects. Circumcision (Latin circumcisio - a circular incision), and this is what doctors call cutting off the foreskin, has been known since time immemorial and is still popular. But modern medicine allows you to look at it from a different point of view.


pediatric urologist-andrologist

What exactly is being cut?

By the fortieth week of pregnancy, the boy's penis is fully formed, has a length of 2–2.5 cm, and is covered from the outside with a skin flap throughout its entire length. The lower part of this "hood" is called the foreskin. The organ consists of two layers - outer and inner, which doctors call leaves. Under certain circumstances or for religious reasons, both can be removed at the same time. But one should not rush to conclusions.

Before birth, the glans penis and foreskin develop as a single tissue. And only after the birth of the child, they begin to separate from each other. This process continues for more than one year, and does not always go without complications.

Functions of the foreskin

There is nothing superfluous in the human body. And even such a seemingly insignificant piece of skin performs its tasks.

  • Representing a kind of "cover", the foreskin protects the head of the penis from the effects of the external environment and injuries.
  • On the foreskin are sebaceous glands that secrete a secret. Mixed with moisture, it forms a lubricant (smegma) that prevents the head from drying out.
  • Smegma contains substances that "help" the foreskin separate from the head of the penis - as if ripening in order to freely separate from the penis. Having reached the condition, the foreskin easily shifts, opens the head at the right time, and then again takes its previous position.
  • There are many nerve endings on the foreskin that are responsible for erection and sensations during intercourse.

Foreskin in infants

In newborn boys, the foreskin is especially long: it is stretched forward and narrowed so much that the inner sheet literally sticks to the head of the penis and prevents it from being released. This state is called physiological phimosis and most often does not bother either the baby or his parents.

It happens that a small amount of smegma comes out. And then the mother sees a white coating with a specific smell on the child's penis. The secretion is easily washed off with water. Trying to penetrate deeper by moving the foreskin and exposing the head of the penis is not recommended, and is unlikely to succeed without effort. And if you apply them, then you can disrupt the natural course of events and harm the baby.

There is another scenario - pathological phimosis. Mom notices that the end of the last porti is reddened, and the baby cries when urinating. The doctor ascertains a violation of the outflow of smegma, tissue inflammation, clarifies the diagnosis and prescribes treatment. Usually, after a course of therapy, and quite often without antibiotics, the child recovers. But after a repeated relapse, the doctor will certainly advise parents to think about circumcision of the foreskin.

By the age of 3, the head of the penis opens freely only in 50% of babies, in the rest it happens by the age of 6, but it can also end during puberty.

Who Invented Circumcision?

The removed tissue will not be able to interfere with the outflow of secretions and the cleansing of the head, which means that no inflammation will occur. So, without delving too deeply into the essence of the problem, the ancient Aesculapius reasoned, realizing that they could not offer anything else: not only were there no normal disinfectants, often there was nowhere even to get clean water. The mention of circumcision as a hygienic procedure is in the writings of Philo of Alexandria, a Jewish theologian and healer who lived in the middle of the 1st century BC. But many religions deny this component of the procedure and perceive it as a sacrifice to God.

It is believed that the main apologists for circumcision are Jews and Muslims, but in fact the rite existed outside of these two religions, and long before their appearance. It was practiced in pagan Phoenicia, Babylon, Ancient Egypt. The Cairo Museum exhibits a statue of a pharaoh with a circumcised foreskin. A papyrus has been preserved depicting the procedure itself: two adult youths are cut with specially shaped knives. In many tribes in Africa and other parts of the world, circumcision has been and remains the main component of initiation - the initiation of a teenager into a man. Early Christians went through the same thing until the Roman emperor Constantine the Great imposed a ban on manipulation.

Each religion sets its own time for circumcision. According to the laws of Islam and Judaism, the ceremony is performed on the eighth day of the baby's life. It is believed that the baby is already so strong that it may well endure the test. In African tribes, manipulation is carried out during puberty at the age of 13–17.

There are options

An alternative to circumcising a baby for medical reasons is the method of gradual stretching of the foreskin. After examining the baby, the doctor will show you what to do. Following his advice, every day for 10-15 minutes a day with special movements, the mother will try to release the head of the penis. The process is slow and cannot be accelerated. The doctor regularly monitors the result.

A modern take on circumcision

Until the end of the twentieth century, 90% of American boys were circumcised: the operation was considered a hygienic measure, since, according to scientists, it solved many "male" problems. Over time, the indisputability of its “pluses” has shaken and continues to gain momentum. The debate between doctors about the benefits and harms of circumcision continues. And for every argument of the defenders of the procedure there is a worthy answer from the opponents.

Arguments against circumcision

Opinion of pediatricians
In 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended an end to the practice of circumcision of all newborn boys because of the shock of pain that babies experience. For this reason, health insurance companies excluded the procedure from the total cost of childbirth and, accordingly, stopped paying for it.
However The statement that the operation causes a strong pain shock is easy to dispute, remembering that the procedure, if carried out in a clinic, and not in a mosque or synagogue, takes place under general or local anesthesia. And the use of a laser knife avoids "bloodshed" and blood poisoning.

Opinion of dermatologists
After circumcision, the skin on the head of the penis becomes too dry, because some of the glands that secrete lubricant are removed. Because of this, microcracks appear more often on it. And besides, a man often needs additional hydration for sexual intercourse.
However Correcting the created situation is simple, using moisturizers and emollients when caring for the inguinal zone.

Opinion of a sexologist
Circumcision opens the head to "all the winds." Gradually, the skin on it becomes thicker, losing excessive sensitivity. This means that the level of pleasure from sexual contact decreases. But the difference is felt only by those who have circumcised at a conscious age.
However In some cases, a slight loss of sensitivity of the head of the penis is beneficial: premature ejaculation is excluded and sexual intercourse becomes prolonged.

And one more "against" distributed from the camp of human rights and environmental organizations that believe that the removal of any part of the human body is possible only with his conscious consent. Since the baby is not ready to "fend up" for himself, then child circumcision is inhumane and should be prohibited. The American Academy of Obstetricians and Gynecologists believes there is not enough medical evidence to support circumcision as a routine procedure."

Opinion of dermatologists
The March 2000 Archives of Dermatology found that uncircumcised men were three times more likely to contract dermatological diseases and AIDS. In the folds of the foreskin, viruses and carriers of sexual infections received from partners linger longer and easily multiply. WHO recommendations are known for the desirable circumcision of men living in countries with a high level of the spread of the immunodeficiency virus, in particular, African ones.

Opinion of oncologists
Studies have also been published that smegma, which remains in folds for a long time, decomposes, acquires carcinogenic properties and can cause cancer of the glans penis or foreskin. But how then to explain such a paradox: in the world about 18% of circumcised men, most have a foreskin. And penile cancer is still a very rare disease (on average, it is diagnosed in 0.3-5% of men). Moreover, in Europe and America, 2% of the stronger sex suffer from it, and in the countries of the Middle East (where circumcision is the norm) and tropical countries - 10%. In Denmark, for example, where circumcision is considered barbaric and strongly discouraged, cases of penile cancer are rare.

Opinion of gynecologists
Male partners who have been circumcised are significantly less likely to develop cervical cancer. Smegma, not washed off in time, decomposes and releases carcinogenic substances that give impetus to the development of genital warts that can degenerate into a malignant tumor. But if you follow sanitary and hygienic standards and wash regularly, then there will be no dangerous substances left on the head of the penis.

Many parents are interested in such a topic as circumcision in children. Some are sure of its necessity, others doubt its usefulness.

What is circumcision, why and at what age do boys do it, how is it carried out and what is the care for the child after the procedure?

Circumcision, or circumcisio- surgical excision of the foreskin of the male penis. The operation can be performed on men at any age.


Circumcision is performed for medical or religious reasons.

Medical indications:

    With phimosis, the opening of the foreskin is narrowed, which makes it impossible to expose the glans penis. Symptoms are swelling of the foreskin during urination, a weak stream and retention of urine, a tendency to inflammation and infections.

    Balanitis. In young boys, balanitis is often observed - inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin (balanoposthitis). The disease is characterized by redness and swelling of the foreskin, pain during urination, purulent discharge. A doctor may recommend circumcision if the condition recurs frequently.


    First, the child is given anesthesia. Usually circumcision is performed under general anesthesia and local anesthesia is additionally used.

    The surgeon then removes the foreskin around the glans penis with a scalpel. In this case, a special clip is used to protect the head of the penis from accidental damage.

    Stop bleeding by suturing with absorbable sutures.

    Bandage application.

The whole procedure takes no more than 15-20 minutes.


Like any operation, circumcision is performed after examination and exclusion of contraindications. For example, a child should not be circumcised if he was born prematurely or has malaise, problems with blood clotting.


On the first day after surgery, the patient may experience some pain, restless sleep is possible. In this case, the doctor may prescribe pain medication for the child.

Swelling in the area of ​​operation and slight bleeding after circumcision is normal. The swelling will completely disappear in 7-10 days, but the general well-being of a small patient will improve after 3-4 days.

During this time, you need to see a doctor. After removing the bandage, you need to be especially careful about hygiene.


At EMC, the circumcision is performed by a pediatric surgeon or pediatric urologist.


Complications after surgery, subject to the high professionalism of the doctor, are minimized, but not excluded.

About 2 out of 100 children may have some minor bleeding after surgery. This problem is short term. You should immediately consult a doctor if the wound does not heal for a long time or the child has a fever.


Doctors' views on circumcision vary. Some consider circumcision as an important measure in the prevention of diseases and recommend it. Others see it as devoid of scientific justification and offer to perform only if it is due to religion.

Circumcision benefits:

    the procedure reduces the risk of narrowing of the foreskin - phimosis;

    after the procedure, the hygiene of the penis is greatly simplified;

    A number of studies have shown that cancer of the foreskin and penis is more common in those who have not been circumcised.

In the case of a positive decision, the operation should only be performed by an experienced professional surgeon in a reliable, well-established clinic. EMC has all the conditions for safe circumcision even for the smallest patients.


    Provision of medical services in accordance with international standards.

    A professional team of urologists and surgeons with over 20 years of experience in this area.

    The opportunity to undergo a comprehensive preoperative examination in one visit to the clinic.

    Rapid postoperative recovery. Hospital stays are kept to a minimum.

    Care of medical staff 24/7. Our doctors are always in touch with you even after discharge

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