Is it possible to feel the tone of the uterus. What to do with increased uterine tone during pregnancy. What does the uterus in good shape mean during pregnancy

Entering such a pleasant and at the same time difficult period of life as pregnancy, many women are unaware of how many complications and diseases these exciting 9 months are fraught with. Among the frequent diagnoses is an increased tone of the uterus, which, depending on the complexity, can be both conditionally safe and, in the worst case, lead to a miscarriage. Therefore, every mother “with a tummy” needs to know the main symptoms and basic methods of treatment.

Being a muscular organ, a woman's uterus is able to contract. This is necessary for the normal process of natural childbirth. The tone of the uterus during pregnancy is normal, increased and reduced. And if contractions are noticeable, frequent, long-lasting and bring discomfort to a woman, such hypertonicity can be dangerous. In this case, you should not refuse possible hospitalization and drug treatment.

You need to know that increased uterine tone is not a diagnosis, it is one of the symptoms of a threatened miscarriage.

Symptoms of uterine hypertonicity

Pathology can be determined at each stage of pregnancy. Most dangerous hypertension in the 1st trimester. But diagnosing it is quite simple:

  • you feel muscle contraction,
  • the uterus tenses up, becomes hard. This can be determined by lying on your back and feeling the lower abdomen,
  • often accompanied by pain and discharge.

If even one of the symptoms overtook you, visit a doctor. By the way, abnormal discharge, and any sensations that you do not understand at such an early date, are a good reason to go to the clinic. Hypertonicity can be diagnosed by the doctor himself during a routine examination, but most often it is established during an ultrasound scan.

In the 2nd trimester muscle contraction is somewhat more difficult to feel. A pregnant woman has so many new sensations that it may simply not be possible to isolate these symptoms. You should be alerted by colored discharge and pain. To better distinguish a possible pathology by changing the color of the discharge, doctors advise using daily pads. As for pain - they can occur not only in the lower abdomen. Often with hypertension, the back hurts. You can attribute this to spinal fatigue, lower back pain, and even damage to other organs. For example, pain with increased tone can be very similar to renal colic. If their character is very sharp - do not hesitate to call an ambulance.

3rd trimester characterized by active preparation of the body for. Periodic uterine contractions at this time are quite normal. You can feel them starting from 7-8 months (usually 31 weeks is marked by the beginning of training contractions, accompanied by tone). Diagnosing hypertonicity is becoming more difficult, meanwhile, it poses a great danger - it can lead to premature birth. You can distinguish the tone of the uterus from false contractions by the following factors:

  1. Preparatory contractions are short and irregular.
  2. You shouldn't feel pain.
  3. There can be no bleeding.

Often at this stage, a pregnant woman may be bothered by fatigue due to a strong load on the spine and significant movements of the fetus that has already become large. To eliminate the tone, it is enough to lie down and relax. And if the discomfort does not let go - consult a doctor.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, with hypertonicity, fetal movements become painful for the pregnant woman and rare. In some cases, on the contrary, the child begins to be too active, which was not previously observed.


To protect yourself from hospitalization with increased tone, which does not bypass 75-80% of pregnant women, you should be aware of its possible causes:

  1. Features of the body. This includes abnormalities and malformations of the uterus.
  2. Hormonal disorders. Hyperandrogenism or low (pregnancy hormone).
  3. Inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages (endometritis, removal of appendages).
  4. Structural changes in the walls of the uterus (tumors, endometriosis).
  5. . Pregnant women with the risk of this pathology are on special records for all 9 months.
  6. Toxicosis of the 1st trimester, accompanied by constant vomiting. Contractions of the gastrointestinal tract can provoke the muscular activity of the uterus.
  7. High physical activity. Sports are not always allowed even in the early stages.
  8. Stress and disorders of the central nervous system.
  9. Genital infantilism (underdevelopment of the female genital organs).
  10. Infectious or viral diseases.
  11. Fatigue at work, disruption of the normal daily routine. Remember: the most important thing now is not the fulfillment of the plan or the increase in earnings, but your baby. And compliance with the regime depends only on you.
  12. Overstretching of the uterus due to a large fetus or multiple pregnancy.
  13. The age of the woman. Under 18 and over 30.
  14. Numerous abortions.
  15. Somatic diseases. These are diseases of the heart, and liver, and kidneys, and other organs.
  16. Harmful working conditions associated with toxic products (kerosene, gasoline, acetone).
  17. Smoking and alcohol.

Not everyone knows that the causes of hypertonicity can be hidden in seemingly safe things - dishes that we eat daily. So, if you are "in position", you should refuse:

  • Products that increase gas formation.
  • Specific spices that provoke an increase in tone (garlic, parsley, celery).
  • Salty dishes. They lead to increased fluid intake, and, as a result, a possible tone.
  • Herbal teas.


Due to the increased tone of the uterus, blood flow to the placenta is reduced, and this leads to the fact that the fetus does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. As a result - placental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, intrauterine growth retardation. In more severe stages, hypertonicity leads to spontaneous abortion, premature birth or missed pregnancy in the early stages.

Due to the increased tone, early opening of the cervix may occur, and this leads to isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Involuntary uterine contractions can lead to and.


Medicines prescribed during pregnancy are selected especially carefully. In no case should you self-medicate - the consequences can be disastrous. Listening to "grandmother's methods" is also not worth it. Many of them are not medically justified and can only do harm.

What to do?

  • Most often, with a tone in the 1st trimester, the usual No-shpu is prescribed, which relieves spasms. With a strong manifestation of hypertonicity, injections are preferable, in other cases, taking tablets is sufficient.
  • In the 2nd trimester, antispasmodics are also prescribed, in addition to No-shpa, it can be Papaverine or Magnesia. In some cases, for better tolerance, they are administered with a dropper, adding to saline.
  • Since preparatory activity and uterine contractions are observed in the 3rd trimester, they cannot be completely removed. They regulate the normal level of contractions in hypertonicity, supporting the body with vitamins. The Magne V-6 does it best.

In addition, the treatment of uterine tone involves the rejection of heavy physical exertion, bed rest and the use of sedatives. Depending on the state of the central nervous system, this may be Sedavit, Persen, Novopasit, Valerian.

Simple exercises can help, but check with your doctor before doing them:

Naturally, when specific problems are identified (hormonal failure, Rh conflict), only the use of specific drugs prescribed by the doctor will eliminate hypertonicity.


If ultrasound and periodic medical examinations indicate that the pregnancy develops without complications, everything is fine with the child, but there is an unexpressed tone with rare and irregular contractions of the uterus, and nothing else worries the woman, then it is permissible for the pregnant woman to stay at home.

  • It is important not to be nervous and not worry about trifles, because stress causes even healthy women. Whatever happens, remember that at the moment there is nothing more important than the health of the baby, so keep an eye on your peace of mind.
  • Doctors advise pregnant women with uterine hypertonicity to include foods containing magnesium in their diet. This unique element very well relaxes the muscles of the uterus, intestines and other internal organs, and also reduces the excitability of the nervous system. A lot of magnesium is found in beans, bran bread, green vegetables, buckwheat and oatmeal.
  • Remember to drink at least 2 liters of water per day (if you have swelling, check with your doctor about your sufficient fluid level). This is necessary to prevent dehydration and constipation - they are dangerous for hypertonicity.
  • Eat foods with enough fiber to avoid intestinal problems.
  • Follow the correct daily routine, get enough sleep.
  • Avoid excessive physical activity.
  • Limit sexual activity.
  • Breathe fresh air more often, ventilate the room before going to bed.

In the body of a woman during pregnancy, there are a lot of changes that are aimed at bearing a child. But the greatest transformation occurs with the temporary shelter of the baby - the uterus. These changes are joyful and exciting for any expectant mother, because they are associated with the emergence of a new life. Unfortunately, it also happens that not all changes bring only joy, some are fraught with danger for the baby and mother. With one of the unpleasant diagnoses "Uterus in good shape", a woman may encounter at all stages of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to understand the essence and causes of this condition of the uterus in order to recognize the symptoms in time and seek specialized help.

The uterus is a special organ that is capable of reaching a large size (37-38 cm in length) and weight (1-1.2 kg without a child and amniotic fluid) from a small size (7-8 cm in length) and weight (about 50 g) in a relatively short period of time. ), and then return to the original settings.

The uterus is a cavity muscular organ in which the body, isthmus and neck are distinguished. The body of the uterus is turned upwards, and its highest part is called the bottom of the uterus. Its walls consist of 3 layers:

  1. The endometrium is the inner mucous layer facing the uterine cavity. It is he who is updated once a month during menstruation. When pregnancy occurs, this layer thickens and supplies the fetus with all the necessary substances at an early stage, thanks to the abundance of blood vessels.
  2. The myometrium is the most powerful layer, which consists of smooth muscle fibers. Moreover, these fibers are located in several layers and in different directions, which gives them an extraordinary strength. It is due to this layer that such global changes occur in the uterus during pregnancy. Muscle fibers not only increase quantitatively, but also lengthen tenfold, thicken 5 times. Such changes are observed in the first half of pregnancy. In the second, stretching and thinning of the walls occur, and by the end of pregnancy, the thickness of the walls of the uterus is approximately 1 cm.
  3. The perimetrium is the outer serous layer. It is a loose connective tissue that covers the uterus.

Tone of the uterus during pregnancy

Tone is the tension in muscle fibers. It is vital to maintain a certain position or pressure in the cavity - in this case we are talking about normotonus. And hypertonicity is pathological, i.e. excessive tension and even muscle contraction. That's exactly what doctors mean when they say the phrase "the uterus is in good shape." A short-term increase in the tone of the uterus can occur with laughter, sneezing or orgasm - this does not cause discomfort to the woman and does not pose a threat to the fetus.

A persistent increase in the tone of the uterus carries the threat of miscarriage in the early stages or premature birth in the later stages of pregnancy. And even if this did not happen, the child's condition worsens, because too tense muscle fibers compress the blood vessels: the delivery of oxygen and nutrients worsens. And this is fraught with hypoxia and delayed fetal development. Therefore, women with uterine hypertonicity need close attention and supervision of doctors. Unfortunately, in the modern world, this is the most common diagnosis.

Causes of increased uterine tone

The causes of hypertension are varied, and are often the result of other problems that accompany pregnancy.

  1. Deficiency of the hormone progesterone. This is the most common cause of uterine hypertonicity in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The main function of this hormone is to prepare the endometrium for the introduction of the fetal egg and relax the myometrium. Accordingly, with insufficient production of progesterone, an increased tone of the muscle fibers of the uterus will develop.
  2. Pronounced toxicosis. Toxicosis leads to hypertonicity when it is accompanied by severe vomiting, because contractions of the abdominal cavity during this act also affect the uterus.
  3. Anomalies in the development of the uterus. The increased tone in this case takes place due to the irregular shape of the uterus, which means that the muscle fibers are located abnormally. This reason will manifest itself in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
  4. Rhesus conflict. The Rh factor is a specific protein found on the surface of erythrocytes (red blood cells). It is present in approximately 85% of the population and absent in 15%. If the mother is Rh-negative and the child is Rh-positive, then the woman's body perceives such a child as a foreign object, and the immune system produces antibodies. They are aimed at expelling, as they considered, a dangerous alien object. Through a complex chain of biochemical reactions, uterine hypertonicity and miscarriage occur. It is noteworthy that the first pregnancy with a Rh conflict goes well, because. antibodies are not produced enough to trigger a rejection reaction.
  5. Distension of the uterus. This situation can occur with polyhydramnios (an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid) or with multiple pregnancies. The defense mechanism in the uterus is activated, and the muscle fibers contract excessively. This reason matters in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.
  6. Infections and inflammatory processes. If they are present in the body of a woman, biologically active substances are synthesized that stimulate the contraction of the muscle fibers of the uterus, which leads to hypertonicity.
  7. Malposition. In the 3rd trimester, for example, the transverse position of the baby can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus and cause premature birth.
  8. Abortions and miscarriages that a woman had in the past can also greatly affect the contractility of the uterus in the present.
  9. social factors. Adverse factors that can enhance the normal tone of the uterus are hard physical labor, occupational hazards, constant stressful situations, malnutrition and chronic lack of sleep, as well as bad habits. Such factors adversely affect the activity of the central nervous system of a woman, because of which the balance of regulation of uterine contractions is disturbed, and the tone increases.

Symptoms of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

Symptoms of hypertonicity are easy to detect, although they will differ at different stages of pregnancy.

In the 1st trimester, they will manifest themselves as pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lumbar region or sacrum. Characterized by constant pain. But in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, in addition to pain, it will be possible to visually detect an increase in the tone of the uterus, because. the stomach becomes literally stone density. It is possible to attach bleeding from the genital tract, which is a more formidable sign, and can lead to miscarriage or premature labor.

At the end of the second and third trimesters, Braxton-Hicks training contractions may occur. In this case, the uterus also comes into hypertonicity, but they are distinguished by short duration and painlessness. Their goal is to prepare the uterus for the upcoming birth. In the last weeks of pregnancy, it becomes more and more difficult to determine the increase in tone. The baby kicks noticeably, and the uterus reacts to this by contracting muscle fibers. Then you should pay attention to how painful and regular such contractions have become.

If any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately seek qualified help.

Diagnosis of increased uterine tone

First of all, the diagnosis begins with a survey of the pregnant woman. Here it is necessary to clearly and with all the details tell the doctor about your suspicions and feelings. After the interview, the gynecologist will begin to examine the pregnant woman on the gynecological chair.

Often, uterine hypertonicity can be detected during a routine gynecological examination of a woman, without any special examination techniques. But, even if the doctor is confident in his own diagnosis, he will definitely send the woman for an ultrasound for confirmation. This study will much more accurately assess the state of the myometrium, and will even be able to determine on which wall of the uterus the tone is expressed, whether it is local or general.

There are devices with a more narrowly focused action with built-in sensors that measure the strength of uterine contractions. Such a study is called tonusometry. Often, this type of research is rarely used, limited to an examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound scan.

If there is no doubt about the diagnosis, do not panic. In most cases, pregnancy with uterine hypertonicity ends favorably, and excessive excitement will not help, but will only aggravate the situation. The main thing is timely recognition of the threat, proper treatment and inner peace.

Prevention and treatment of uterine hypertonicity

The main thing, of course, is the correct mode of work and rest, as well as good sleep and avoidance of stressful situations. Equally important will be regular and, if possible, a long stay in the fresh air.

In the 2nd trimester, when the uterus is already sufficiently enlarged, and pain may appear in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to wear a special bandage. This simple device will help to evenly distribute the load throughout the pregnant belly and prevent excessive stretching. In addition, wearing a prenatal bandage helps to reduce lumbar pain.

If, after being diagnosed with uterine hypertonicity, the doctor suggested you be hospitalized, think carefully before refusing. In the hospital, you will be freed from all the physical activities that are inevitable at home, relieved of unnecessary worries, you will be able to take additional tests on the spot, and you will be under round-the-clock medical supervision. Remember that your decision may affect the health and life of the baby.

If, during regular examinations, it is determined that the pregnancy is going well, and everything is in order with the child, and hypertonicity manifests itself irregularly and with minor spasms, then it is possible to cope with it on your own. Most often, antispasmodics are used for this, for example, the well-known no-shpu. You can use candles containing papaverine. Such sedative and relaxing preparations as hawthorn, valerian and motherwort will not be superfluous. Eliminate alcohol tinctures of these substances, and give preference to tablet forms.

Magnesium preparations are also recommended in combination with vitamin B6. They help strengthen the nervous system, relieve muscle tension and increase the body's resistance to stress. Which of the drugs to stop your choice will be advised by your observing doctor.

With more serious symptoms, of course, you should not self-medicate. Moreover, it is necessary to treat not the symptom itself, but the cause that caused it. For example, if the hypertonicity is caused by a progesterone deficiency, doctors will prescribe progesterone replacement therapy until the placenta is fully formed. Specific treatment is also available in case of Rhesus conflict, and other causes.

Relaxation techniques for uterine hypertonicity

It is very important for a pregnant woman diagnosed with uterine hypertonicity to master relaxation techniques. For all their simplicity, they are quite effective and do not require any special conditions.

It has long been an established fact that if you relax the muscles of the face and neck, other muscles of the body automatically relax after them. Among them is the myometrium. The main thing in this technique is that when the first signs of an increase in the tone of the uterus appear, it is convenient to sit down and relax the neck and facial muscles as much as possible. It may be difficult at first to cope with the excitement caused by the appearance of hypertonicity. In this case, you need to concentrate on the details. For example, first focus on the muscles of the forehead, feel their tension. Then calm your breath, inhale slowly and exhale just as slowly. It is better to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Throw all extraneous thoughts out of your head, and do not pay attention to your surroundings. Now relax your forehead muscles, feel how the tension leaves them.

After that, move on to relaxing other muscle groups: the head, cheeks, lips, chin, and even the tip of the nose. Don't forget to breathe calmly. When you relax all the muscles of the face and neck at this pace, you will notice that the rest of the body is included in the relaxation process.

Another simple and effective exercise is the cat. It is necessary to get on all fours, bend your back, and throw your head back up. Stay like this for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Don't forget about even breathing. In this position, the stomach seems to sag and, accordingly, relaxes. Repeat several times and then it is recommended to lie down for 30min-1 hour.

A variation of the “cat” exercise is the position, again, on all fours, but with an emphasis on the elbows. It does not need to do deflections, just stand for a minute or two.

Regular yoga for pregnant women and Pilates under the guidance of an experienced trainer help to maintain normotonus.

Aromas of essential oils and herbal teas are a wonderful addition to relaxation. Leaders in achieving a calming effect are herbs such as mint, valerian, lemon balm, motherwort. They can be used both individually and in combination (2 parts of mint, lemon balm and valerian with 1 part of motherwort). Pour hot, but not boiling water and let it brew for 5 minutes. Remember that strong tea cannot be made, because mint acquires a stimulating effect when brewed for a long time. Such tea can be drunk by adding a little natural honey.

When it comes to essential oils, the first thing you need to do is choose the right fragrance for you from among relaxing esters. The aroma of jasmine will help relieve the stress accumulated during the day and activate the hidden resources of the body. Lotus ether with its tart-sweet smell will not only calm the nervous system, but also relieve fatigue. Myrrh normalizes sleep and helps to cope with stress. Oils of geranium, grapefruit, chamomile, lemon balm and others have similar properties. Just be careful in your choice, many oils have a tonic effect. In order for the selected fragrance to be always available, carry an aroma medallion with you. At home, you will need an aroma lamp.

Listening to pleasant music, watching comedies and reading positive books will also not be superfluous in achieving psychological comfort and relaxation.

If you learn to quickly relax and relieve emotional stress, then you can do without additional medication. In addition, if you master relaxation techniques, then it will be very useful for you in childbirth.

Nutrition with increased uterine tone

Many experts recommend including more foods that contain such a trace element as magnesium in the diet of a pregnant woman with uterine hypertonicity. It not only helps to relax the muscles of the uterus and intestines, but at the same time reduces the excessive excitability of the nervous system.

Kale, spinach, and other dark green leafy vegetables are rich in magnesium. Also, herbs that can be used as seasonings are distinguished by a high content of this necessary microelement - these are coriander, basil and sage. An important condition is to use them fresh.

Some cereals are also distinguished by an increased content of magnesium. These include brown rice, barley, wheat, buckwheat and whole oats.

Dairy lovers can recommend unsweetened yoghurts and unpasteurized cheeses. Be careful in choosing a manufacturer - purchase only those products that do not have a lot of additives, preservatives and an abundance of sugar. In addition, dairy and sour-milk products are rich in calcium and B vitamins. It is believed that the ratio of calcium and magnesium 1:0.6 is the most balanced in the body. Otherwise, with a lack of magnesium, a large amount of calcium will be excreted in the urine, and with an overestimated amount of calcium, magnesium deficiency will be observed.

Bowel problems, such as constipation, gas, and diarrhea, can contribute to increased uterine tone. To avoid this, it is necessary to improve the functioning of the intestines, and fiber can best help with this. At its core, this is the roughest part of plants, the plexus of fibers that make up the peel, leaves, shells. When entering the body, fiber is not absorbed, but simply excreted from the body unchanged. But, despite this, it is one of the most important components of the diet of a pregnant woman. Fiber helps undigested residues to leave the body in a timely manner, preventing constipation and fermentation. It also affects the consistency of feces - with diarrhea, the fibers swell, and the stool thickens, and with constipation, it helps to soften and gently excrete from the intestines.

If many knew about the existence of fiber before, but not everyone is aware that there are varieties of it that perform various functions in the body. For example, cellulose and hemicellulose, found mainly in bran, cabbage, beets, cucumber peels, apples, and carrots, add volume to feces, which contributes to normal movement through the large intestine. Other types of fiber include pectins, lignin, gums, dextrans, and others. Some affect the emptying of the stomach to a greater extent, others, as it were, envelop the intestines and do not allow excess fats and sugar to be absorbed. This feature of dietary fiber favorably affects the maintenance of weight within the normal range.

Therefore, it is very important to include whole grain bread, fresh vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, nuts and legumes in your diet. It is desirable that the daily norm of fiber is not less than 35g.

Tone of the uterus during pregnancy. Video

Many pregnant women are familiar with the sensations when the uterus is in good shape. This condition is considered dangerous and requires medical attention. If a woman sees a doctor in a timely manner, uterine contractions can be stopped as soon as possible.

Today, this pathology is considered the most common complication of pregnancy among expectant mothers. Therefore, every pregnant woman must know what “uterus is in good shape” means in order to prevent dangerous consequences.

What is the tone of the uterus

This is uterine contraction, which is a big threat to pregnancy. The fact is that the uterus consists of muscle tissue. It is during muscle contraction that hypertonicity is created.

So, the uterus tends to contract. During certain periods, a pregnant woman may feel a slight tone in the lower abdomen. Some doctors consider this to be the norm, as the uterus prepares for natural childbirth during pregnancy. But if the contractions are frequent, painful and prolonged in time, the woman requires immediate hospitalization. The tone of the uterus in early pregnancy leads to the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, without medical intervention, the consequences are very dangerous.

Causes of hypertonicity

In most cases, uterine tone in early pregnancy can be prevented. To do this, you should know the reasons that provoke the reduction.

  1. Physiological characteristics of the organism.
  2. Hormonal imbalance.
  3. Inflammation of the uterus and appendages.
  4. Severe toxicosis in the first trimester.
  5. Intensified physical activity.
  6. Stress and nervous disorders.
  7. Viral and infectious diseases during pregnancy.
  8. Smoking and alcohol abuse.
  9. Biological age of a woman. The risk of developing hypertension increases in women under 18 and over 30 years of age.
  10. Numerous abortions in the past.
  11. Multiple pregnancy or large fetus.
  12. Rhesus conflict.
  13. Wrong nutrition. Many pregnant women do not even realize that certain dishes and foods affect the appearance of tone. During pregnancy, women should limit their intake of salt, specific spices, herbal teas, and foods that cause gas.

In medicine, a large number of factors have been described that negatively affect pregnancy. Uterine tone: what to do when the cause of the condition is known? First, you should exclude the further action of the provoking factor and trace the change in the woman's condition. If there are certain signs of pathology, you need to go to the hospital.

Symptoms of increased uterine tone

At any stage of pregnancy, a woman can feel the tone of the uterus. How to determine this condition, all women "in position" should know.

Tone in the first trimester

At this stage of pregnancy, a woman feels uterine contractions, which may be accompanied by pain and spotting. If the pregnant woman lies on her back, the stomach will become very hard. The tone of the uterus in the early stages of pregnancy is dangerous for its interruption.

Tone in the second trimester

During this period of pregnancy, hypertonicity is felt more pronounced. There are new sensations that cannot be ignored. First of all, a woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen and colored discharge. To make it easier for doctors to recognize the pathology, pregnant women are advised to use daily pads.

In the second trimester, pain can spread to the back, a woman feels tension in the spine and ache in the lower back. Sometimes pain can manifest itself in other organs.

Tone in the third trimester

The uterus during pregnancy prepares for childbirth and in the later stages begins to gradually become more active. Starting at 31 weeks, the uterus may contract periodically, causing "training contractions". This condition is considered normal and does not require treatment. But nevertheless, there may be a tone of the uterus. How to determine the condition of a pregnant woman depends on the symptoms. Therefore, it is much more difficult to correctly recognize the tone in the third trimester. As a rule, with hypertonicity in the later stages, in addition to pain and characteristic discharge, a rare and painful mobility of the child can be observed. This should alert the doctor, such a condition requires an immediate examination of the woman in order to prevent premature birth.

How to recognize false contractions

Training contractions mostly appear in the early stages of pregnancy. With the development of the fetus, these contractions may appear more often, and the sensations become more vivid.

False contractions are easier to feel in the evening when a woman is relaxed and resting. They are painless infrequent contractions of the uterus, which can last no more than 60 seconds. During the contraction, the uterus will become very hard. Then the tone stops, and the pregnant woman feels normal. Also, false contractions can occur after minor physical exertion.

False contractions are not dangerous for pregnancy, but it is still better to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can distinguish real contractions from training ones.

Consequences of tone

Increased tone reduces blood flow to the placenta. This means that the fetus receives insufficient amounts of nutrients and oxygen. As a result, hypoxia, placental insufficiency and developmental delay develop.

Due to hypertonicity, the cervix may open ahead of time, which leads to the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Premature abruption of the placenta, accompanied by bleeding, may also occur.

In difficult situations, hypertonicity leads in the early stages to a missed pregnancy or to premature birth at later stages.


If a woman suspects that the uterus is in good shape, what to do in this case? First of all, you should relax and calm down. Too much stress can only hurt. Then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Based on the complaints of the pregnant woman and the data of her examination, the doctor determines the tone of the uterus. Treatment is most often carried out in a hospital setting. A woman is prescribed antispasmodics and drugs to reduce activity. For the period of treatment, the pregnant woman should adhere to bed rest.

The tone of the uterus in early pregnancy indicates a hormonal deficiency, so progesterone preparations are prescribed in this period.

In addition, depending on the condition of the woman, sedative drugs are prescribed to calm her worries about pregnancy in order to prevent aggravation of the existing condition.

Treatment should always take place under the supervision of a physician and control of heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar.

If, after treatment, the woman is not bothered by anything, uterine contractions are rare and irregular, and as a result of the examination and ultrasound, there is no threat to pregnancy, the woman can stay at home for the entire subsequent period.

Prevention of uterine tone

  1. It is very important to remain emotionally calm, not to be nervous once again. Otherwise, the tone is inevitable. No problem can be more important than the health of the baby.
  2. Include magnesium-rich foods in your daily diet. This microelement helps to relax the muscles of the uterus, and also calms the nervous system. Magnesium is found in large quantities in buckwheat, oatmeal, beans, green vegetables and bran bread.
  3. If there are no edema and other medical contraindications, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day. The liquid helps fight constipation and dehydration, which are very dangerous in hypertonicity.
  4. Eat more fiber to prevent bowel problems.
  5. Enough rest and sleep.
  6. Limit physical activity.
  7. Refrain from sexual intercourse.
  8. Take daily walks in the fresh air and ventilate the room before going to bed.

And the most important rule is to smile every day and look forward to a future meeting with the baby. Only positive emotions can relieve any excitement and tension. After all, nothing can replace this wonderful state that a woman experiences during pregnancy.

With the onset of pregnancy, every woman may face a number of previously unknown diagnoses. One of them is the tone of the uterus in early pregnancy. Sounds terrifying, doesn't it?

What is uterine tone? Why is it rising? Should I be afraid of such a diagnosis and is it possible to cope with this condition on my own?

What kind of diagnosis is this - uterine tone?

According to statistics, 6 out of 10 pregnant women hear from their gynecologist the phrase: “You have an increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy”! This is followed by a list of prohibitions and referral to the hospital. But what it is, doctors prefer to remain silent.

Their only explanation is that at the moment the uterus is tense, and this, in their opinion, should not be at all, since such a condition can provoke a miscarriage.

Of course, we are used to trusting doctors and follow all their recommendations. And then there are friends and acquaintances who can tell their “scary stories”, so it is not surprising that you immediately begin to listen to your body.

And there really is something pulling, you can feel the tension.

And that's it. In such a frightened state, the whole mind disappears somewhere, you collect your bag and go to the hospital.

What happens to the uterus during pregnancy?

In fact, the uterus is nothing more than a hollow organ made up of muscle tissue. And any muscle in our body tends to contract. And this is normal, especially if there are extraneous factors that affect it! Therefore, it is worth calming down and sorting things out in order.

Know! For the tone of the uterus in the first week of pregnancy, the doctor may take a slight inflammation of the wall of the organ.

But it turns out that this is a physiological reaction of the body to the implantation of the fetal egg. Moreover, if there is local inflammation at the site of its attachment, then this is a good sign that the placenta is starting to form.

The tone of the uterus in the 1st trimester of pregnancy can also be the result of increased anxiety of the mother (read about this period and changes in the body of the mother and baby in the article 1st trimester of pregnancy >>>). After all, it's not every day you find out about such a state.

Therefore, naturally, you worry, listen to yourself more. In response to such attention, the uterus can really go into tension.

Important! With muscle contractions, the uterus can respond to the ultrasound procedure itself, in particular, pressure from the sensor on the abdominal wall. However, doctors prefer to make a “terrible” diagnosis and prescribe therapy for a woman.

How can you feel maca tension?

Often, women in whom the doctor has revealed an increased uterine tone are at a loss. After all, they do not experience much pain. So how does the tone of the uterus manifest itself during pregnancy?

A symptom of uterine tone during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen. Women often compare these sensations with those they experienced during menstruation;

In the last trimester, this can even be determined visually - the stomach becomes firm and may change its shape somewhat. In this case, you may not feel anything.

  • To determine if your uterus is tense, lie on your back with your knees bent;
  • In this position, the anterior abdominal wall relaxes as much as possible and you can feel the location of the uterus above the pelvis;
  • If in this place the stomach is “stone”, then, probably, at the moment the walls of the organ are tense;
  • It is worth noting that during the second pregnancy, the tone of the uterus is felt less frequently.

Separately, only the posterior or, conversely, only the anterior wall of the uterus can be tensed. This is associated with the fact that unpleasant sensations often occur only in a certain place in the abdomen. And on ultrasound, the doctor will detect the deflection of one of the walls of the organ.

Why do you feel the uterus?

If you notice any unusual sensations in your uterus, this does not mean that it is in good shape. There can be many reasons for this condition. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  1. Uterine growth. Starting from the 5th week, it begins to grow rapidly. As a result, the ligaments that support the organ are stretched, which leads to tingling sensations. They may get worse when you sneeze, move quickly, or twist your torso;
  2. adaptation of the abdominal muscles. Gradually, the press loses its shape, and the abdominal muscles stretch, adjusting to the growing uterus. As a result, discomfort may occur at the moment of a sudden movement, but it quickly passes;
  3. In the second trimester, the uterus already reaches a certain size and can put pressure on nearby organs. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract are especially affected. In this case, the discomfort is physiological and such a condition does not require treatment;
  4. After 35 weeks, the uterus is already beginning to gradually prepare for the upcoming birth. Therefore, now it can periodically strain, and the cervix is ​​smoothed and softened. This results in a tingling sensation in the lower abdomen.

After the 30th week of pregnancy, it is worth starting preparation for childbirth, which will include both working out fears and preparing the body for the upcoming birth.

A detailed plan for preparing for natural childbirth, you will receive in the Five Steps to a Successful Childbirth course >>>

Most often, such sensations are short-lived and quickly pass if you relax a bit and lie down. However, when the soreness continues for more than 1 hour, it is best to consult a doctor.

You also need to visit your gynecologist if the soreness is accompanied by:

  • bloody discharge;
  • violation of general well-being;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • vomiting or loose stools.

What increases the tone of the uterus during pregnancy? Her condition can be affected by:

  1. psychological problems and stress;
  2. physical activity and sports;
  3. long trips;
  4. lack of sleep;
  5. malnutrition (read the current article: Nutrition in early pregnancy >>>);
  6. the position of the fetus;
  7. multiple pregnancy;
  8. large fruit size.

What to do at home?

Unpleasant sensations can occur in every woman expecting a baby. At the same time, it is important to know how to relieve the tone of the uterus during pregnancy at home?

Having studied the reasons for this state, it becomes clear that, first of all, it is worth calming down and relaxing:

  • To do this, lie down and close your eyes;
  • You can turn on calm music or use aromatherapy (articles

More than 60% of pregnant women experience diagnosis of uterine tone. Why does the uterus tone up during pregnancy? Doctors say that hypertonicity is not a disease at all, but a symptom that signals that certain processes are taking place in the body of a pregnant woman.

Western doctors are even more loyal to the tone of the uterus: they believe that muscle tension is physiological in nature and does not need to be corrected. Both Western and our doctors agree on one thing: if an increased tone is detected, additional studies should be carried out in order to prevent possible deviations and threats.

What does the uterus in good shape during pregnancy mean? Before talking about the definition of the concept of "uterine tone", let's deal with the structure of the uterus.

The uterus consists of three layers: perimetrium, myometrium and endometrium. The middle layer is the myometrium, which is a muscle tissue. Myometrium is responsible for the state of uterine tone. During pregnancy, it stretches and relaxes, creating the most comfortable conditions for the baby. On the eve of childbirth, the myometrium begins to actively contract, helping the baby to be born into the world.

Unauthorized contraction of the myometrium is the symptom that is called "uterine tone." If, under the influence of various reasons, the muscles of the uterus begin to contract outside the schedule, doctors talk about hypertonicity. You should not be upset when you hear about such a diagnosis: very often hypertonicity occurs for natural reasons. For example, a woman may feel nervous during a gynecological examination, and the doctor will feel uterine contractions.

Short-term muscle contraction is not dangerous. But prolonged hypertonicity, as well as the presence of additional symptoms, such as a feeling of discomfort, the cessation of fetal movements, may be the reason for the appointment of additional studies.

Prolonged hypertension is dangerous. The consequences of uterine tone differ in name, but do not differ in essence. In the 1st trimester, muscle contraction can lead to cessation of development and spontaneous abortion, death of the embryo.

special danger uterine tone presents in early pregnancy. It is at this time that the contraction of the muscles of the uterus can prevent the embryo from gaining a foothold on the surface of the endometrium, and the pregnancy will not take place.

At a later date, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the same consequences of uterine tone during pregnancy are called differently: spontaneous abortion and premature birth. In other words, a woman may lose a child.

Prolonged uterine tone is harmful to the fetus. The muscles of the uterus contract and clamp the placenta. The placenta does not deliver the right amount of oxygen. An oxygen-deprived fetus may develop oxygen starvation- . Consequences of hypoxia: developmental and growth retardation.

In the later stages, the tone of the uterus may be due to natural causes. The uterus is "training" and preparing for future births. As an athlete compresses and unclenches muscles to test their strength, so the uterus contracts and contracts, testing its own readiness for the upcoming "work". The so-called occur in some pregnant women after 20 weeks.

Causes of uterine tone during pregnancy

Since hypertension is not a diagnosis, but a symptom, determining the causes of such a condition is the primary task of a specialist. Only after determining the cause, treatment can be prescribed.

Causes of uterine hypertonicity:

  • Hormonal disorders. It is responsible for the process of preparing the endometrium for the "implantation" of the ovum and the relaxation of the muscles of the uterus. The lack of progesterone in the body leads to the fact that too dense uterine muscles prevent the implantation of the embryo.
  • Rhesus conflict. The reason for the occurrence of the Rh conflict is the difference in the Rh factor of the mother and father. A mother with a positive Rh factor reacts to a fetus that has received a negative Rh factor from the father as if it were a foreign body. As a result of the Rhesus conflict, hypertonicity occurs.
  • Infections and inflammatory processes- a common cause of uterine tone. Infectious diseases that have not been treated or that have arisen after the onset of pregnancy lead to the fact that the uterus “loses rest”. Inflammation is accompanied by additional symptoms: itching, pain, discharge.
  • Severe toxicosis. contributes to the development of uterine tone for physiological reasons. Severe vomiting leads to a sharp contraction of many muscles, including the muscles of the uterus. It is impossible to get rid of toxicosis, but its consequences can be minimized with the help of a special diet and medicines.
  • Stretching of the uterus. The uterus can stretch excessively during multiple pregnancy, too large fetus.
  • Medicines. The use of any medication during pregnancy should be treated with extreme caution. You simply may not be aware of the side effects of certain medications. Even the most harmless means can lead to an increase in muscle tone.
  • Stress- one of the most "popular" causes of tone. Pregnant women should not be nervous! In a stressful state, pressure rises, the muscles of the uterus contract, the child suffers from a lack of oxygen.
  • Abortion. Pre-pregnancy abortions often lead to the appearance of synechia - intrauterine adhesions. In this case, pregnancy can take place with complications: uterine tone,.
  • Gas formation. During pregnancy, changes occur in different systems of the body, including the digestive system. Increased gas formation and violation of peristalsis sometimes leads to the appearance of hypertonicity.

How does uterine tone manifest during pregnancy? Very often, the presence of uterine tone is detected during a gynecological examination or. Interesting fact: sometimes the causes of hypertonicity lie in the condition of the woman on the eve of the examination. The pregnant woman is nervous, and the uterus contracts.

In hospitals where pregnant women are placed "for preservation", the following trick is used to keep the experiment clean: morning examination in bed. The doctor approaches a woman who has just woken up and quickly probes her stomach. The pregnant woman does not have time to be frightened, and it turns out that she does not have any hypertonicity.

Signs of uterine tone appear depending on the duration of pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy (1 trimester), symptoms of uterine tone - aching pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lumbar region. In the 3rd trimester, as a symptom of uterine tone during pregnancy, a woman experiences tension, feeling of heaviness. The abdomen seems to become stony, becomes dense, changes shape.

Diagnosis of uterine hypertonicity

Uterine hypertonicity can be a symptom of threatened miscarriage or premature birth. To avoid problems, you do not need to be afraid, but you need to regularly go to the doctor. Timely diagnosis can prevent the onset of dangerous consequences for the mother.

Uterine hypertonicity is determined on the basis of a medical examination and ultrasound. On palpation, the obstetrician-gynecologist can understand through the anterior abdominal wall whether the uterus is in good shape. Also, an apparatus is used to determine the tone of the uterus. tonometer, whose sensors are attached to the belly of a pregnant woman.

How to treat and what to do with uterine tone during pregnancy? With a "normal" uterine tone, doctors, most often, do not prescribe hospitalization.

It comes to inpatient treatment if hypertension accompanied by additional symptoms: pain or bleeding. In this case, hospitalization must be agreed. You can't provide yourself with bed rest at home, can you? Better lie quietly in the hospital, and let your family learn to cope for a while without you.

To reduce the tone of the uterus without the use of drugs in stationary conditions, the following procedures:

  • endonasal galvanization;
  • electrophoresis with magnesia;
  • electroanalgesia;
  • electrorelaxation.

If, from the point of view of the doctor, the manifestations of hypertonicity are not so dangerous, then outpatient treatment is prescribed with compulsory bed rest. To reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, antispasmodic and sedative drugs are prescribed: No-shpa, Papaverine, Magne-B6. If the cause of hypertonicity lies in the lack of progesterone, drugs containing hormones are prescribed: or.

How to remove or slightly reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy at home? Lie down, calm down, forget about your household chores. Delegate household chores to your husband. Take a tincture of motherwort or valerian. Remember that for you now the most important thing is the health of the baby, relax and get enough sleep, finally. As a rule, timely rest and taking natural or medicinal preparations (Magne - B6, for example) have the desired effect. Hypertonicity recedes, and life is getting better!

Your task is to prevent an increase in the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. First of all, learn about your health problems even before conception.

Get tested, cure infectious diseases, correct the hormonal background. Modern medicine knows and knows a lot, but it needs your help. Timely detection of health problems will help to avoid unpleasant "surprises" during pregnancy.

Do not be nervous. Remember that the health of your baby is in your hands. Shut yourself off from troubles and do not react to non-negative phenomena. Feel free to ask your loved ones to help you. Rest if you feel the slightest discomfort. Go to the hospital according to the doctor's instructions. Not so much in order to be treated, but in order to get rid of domestic problems. Doctors are well aware that they won’t let you rest at home, so they often prescribe a hospital “for prevention”. Take advantage of your position.

A pregnant woman instinctively feels what she needs. Trust your body, remember your intuition. Do you want fruit? So your body needs. Looking to rest? Immediately drop everything and "fall" on the couch.

  • Adjust your diet to include as many fruits and vegetables as possible.
  • If doctors have prescribed bed rest for you, do not be heroic to the detriment of your baby. You need to lie down - lie down!
  • Do not neglect the medicines prescribed by the doctor. The drugs will relax the muscles and bring the uterus back to normal.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid water per day, except in cases where a large amount of fluid is contraindicated (polyhydramnios,).
  • Walk, do gymnastics for pregnant women.
  • Avoid excessive physical activity. Pregnancy is not the time to lift weights and sprint.
  • Change your wardrobe. Get rid of tight clothes and buy special trousers with elastic at the top and a “blouse blouse” instead.

Video about uterine tone during pregnancy

We invite you to watch the video, in which you will find answers to many questions. Why does an increased tone of the uterus occur? In what cases is this considered the norm, and in what cases it is not. Why do some women not have a similar diagnosis in early pregnancy?

Dear mothers, present and future! We all know what a huge responsibility lies on your shoulders. Let's help each other: let's share our experience. Feel free to tell your stories, ask questions, argue. Let your advice and recommendations help other pregnant women understand their condition, overcome fear and turn into calm mothers shining with blissful smiles.

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