How the Kuban River is changing. Efficiency of measures to protect water bodies. Why does this happen?

Despite long-term and intensive economic development, the river still retains a satisfactory ability to self-purify. Floodplain meadows, numerous floodplain lakes, channel backwaters and swamps play a huge role in this process. Good preservation of aquatic phytocenoses ensures stable purity and transparency of water. At the same time, in some areas the river is experiencing such a powerful anthropogenic impact that its consequences are felt over many tens of kilometers. Intensive use of the river and many floodplain lakes for recreational purposes, the installation of sewage collectors in lakes and backwaters, and the establishment of summer livestock camps on the banks can cause irreparable harm to the river system, after which the process of self-purification of water will be reduced to a minimum and even stop completely.

To protect the river from depletion and pollution, appropriate measures are being taken: water protection zones and coastal strips have been designated, modern wastewater treatment plants using advanced wastewater treatment methods have been built in large industrial centers, discharges of untreated wastewater have been reduced, methods for recycling wastewater from livestock complexes have been improved, etc. etc. However, the problem of completely stopping untreated wastewater into the river has not yet been resolved.

Through the efforts of three regions (Tambov, Lipetsk and Voronezh) in the river valley, more than 40 natural objects are protected as natural monuments. Half of them are floodplain lakes, the protection of which is given special attention in the Lipetsk region.

A significant part of the river valley landscapes are protected as reserves. Since 1976, floodplain-channel landscapes at a distance of 1 km to the right and left of the river from the village. Krivets to the village. Dobroye is part of the Dobrovo landscape reserve with an area of ​​12.3 thousand hectares.

From the mouth of the river Matyr to the southern borders of the Lipetsk region to the linna-river landscapes are protected as zoological reserves. Their total area is 52 thousand hectares. They include Lipetsk (20.0 thousand hectares), Yamansky (13.5 thousand hectares), Kolodetsky (10.0 thousand hectares) and Pervomaisky (8.5 thousand hectares) reserves. In total, 63.4 thousand hectares of predominantly floodplain-channel, terrace-forest and sub-river landscapes are protected under the regime of reserves within the Lipetsk region in the river valley.

Within the boundaries of the Voronezh region, since 1975, the river bed has been protected as a natural monument. to s. Chertovitskoe. In recent years, due to the concentration of various waterfowl and rare fauna of the water-shore complex, the upper reaches of the Voronezh Reservoir have also been declared a zoological reserve.

The river has the greatest significance for the region. Kuban. The Kuban and its tributaries are capricious and capricious. A lot of grief and a lot of damage to the economy of the region was caused by the high-water and treacherous river, which overflowed violently during floods and flooded “large areas of the low-lying parts of its valley; causing destruction to populated areas. Since ancient times, the Kuban region was famous for its impassable swamps, floodplains and numerous shallow estuaries. The significance of the Kuban River changed during the years of socialist construction.The Soviet people conquered the wayward river and forced it to serve themselves.

During the years of Soviet power, such large irrigation systems were created in the lower reaches of the Kuban as: Petrovsko-Anastasievskaya with an area of ​​over 33 thousand hectares in the Azov floodplains (Temryukskaya, Chernoerkovskaya, Azov and other rice systems are being built here), Kubanskaya with an area of ​​over 25 thousand hectares and Maryano-Cheburgolskaya on the massif of the Prikubansky floodplains, Afipskaya, Kryukovskaya, Fedorovskaya and Varnavinskaya (with a total area of ​​over 50 thousand hectares) in the Transkubansky floodplains, the Chibi drainage irrigation system with an area of ​​more than 15 thousand hectares in the Adygean floodplains, opposite the city of Krasnodar. In addition, the construction of a number of other systems is being planned, including the Krasnodar irrigation system in the middle reaches of the Kuban.

Waters of the river The Kubans are used for irrigation and watering of lands not only in the Krasnodar Territory, but also in the Stavropol Territory. The Kuban-Egorlyk and Kuban-Kalaus irrigation systems absorb about 4 billion m 3 of water per year.

The Nevinnomyssk Canal, which supplies water to the Stavropol region, has reduced the flow of the river. Kuban at 75 m 3 /s

In the future, by 1980, almost 9 billion m 3 of water per year will be spent on irrigation needs. By the end of the 10th Five-Year Plan, the area of ​​irrigated land in the Krasnodar Territory will reach 490 thousand hectares. Of these, 255 thousand hectares will be occupied by rice systems. Until 1985, the development of irrigation in the region will occur due to the increasingly complete use of river waters. Kuban. But in the future they will no longer be enough for land reclamation needs and therefore it is planned to implement a grandiose project to transfer water from the Volga to our region.

In the future, the irrigation area in the Krasnodar Territory will expand significantly.

This will make it possible to create irrigation systems for grain and feed purposes on hundreds of thousands of hectares.

to lower agro-industrial complexes for the production and processing of sugar beets and other industrial crops.

Kuban plays a big role in the water balance of the Azov Sea. It provides about 30% of the river flow into this sea, maintaining the salinity of sea waters favorable for valuable fish species. The waters of the Kuban are used to desalinize and create optimal salinity for fish breeding in a number of estuaries. In 1936-1940 Three desalination systems were built in the Kuban delta: Chernoerkovskaya, Kulikovo-Kurchanskaya and Grivenskaya. The Kiziltash estuary is also desalinated to optimal salinity.

The Kuban and its tributaries are of great importance as spawning grounds for such valuable fish as sturgeon, vimba, and shemaya. After the commissioning of the Tshchikskoye and Shapsugskoye reservoirs pp. Belaya, Pshekha, and Afips turned out to be inaccessible to spawning fish and shemaya, therefore, during the construction of the Krasnodar reservoir, a fish lift was created in its dam for sturgeon, fish and shemai going to spawn.

The rivers of the Krasnodar Territory are of great importance for fisheries. In the r. The Kuban, its tributaries and reservoirs are home to more than 50 species of fish. Commercial species include stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, carp, catfish, pike perch, vimba, shemaya, perch, pike, rudd, bream, ruffe, crucian carp and some others.

The number of fish species in the Kuban and its tributaries increases from source to mouth. For example, in the Only trout is found in the upper reaches of the White River, in the middle reaches there are 10 species of fish, and at the mouth of the river - 25 species. The rivers of the Azov-Kuban Lowland, especially the Beysug and Chelbas, are also of great fishery importance. About 30 species of fish live in steppe rivers and ponds. The most common species are pike, bream, crucian carp, rudd, ram, pike perch, tench, and stickleback.

More than 20 species live in the rivers of the Black Sea coast: trout, podust, minnow, chub, bystryanka, mullet and others. Salmon come to spawn.

In all rivers of the region, the species and quantitative composition of fish increases with approach to the Azov or Black Sea. When talking about the importance of rivers, ponds and reservoirs for fish farming and fishing, we must bear in mind not only the current level of their fishery use, but also development prospects.

The rivers of our region are a breeding ground for valuable commercial fish - sturgeon, pike perch, ram, vimba, shemai, and salmon. Independent commercial significance

The number of rivers is relatively small, but in the future it may increase significantly. In order to increase the volume of fish reproduction in the region, more than 30 years ago, work began on the artificial breeding of the most valuable commercial fish and the reclamation of natural spawning grounds for pike perch and ram. A number of spawning and breeding farms for breeding pike perch and ram were created. Thus, the Akhtarskoye, Chernoerkovskoye, Zhesterskoye and Beisugskoye farms annually release several billion juvenile rams and hundreds of millions of pike perch into the Sea of ​​Azov.

The Ryazan spawning and breeding farm for the artificial breeding of pike perch, bream, carp and other fish species was created at the Krasnodar reservoir. A number of fish hatcheries for the artificial breeding of sturgeon have also been built, for example, the Achuevsky and Temryuk sturgeon hatcheries at the mouth of the Kuban, the sturgeon hatchery in the village of Grivenskaya on Protoka, and the fish factory at the Krasnodar reservoir.

A special fish-shemai nursery in the Kuban delta near the village of Chernoerkovskaya annually releases up to 15 billion young fish and shemai into the sea.

In 1974, ichthyologists of the Kiziltash mullet fish factory began to grow a besterohybrid of beluga and sterlet in special cages. In 1976, the catching of this commercial fish began.

All this allows us to restore the fish wealth of the Azov Sea and the rivers of our region.

The rivers of the Black Sea coast are of less importance in terms of fisheries. Only the Adler trout farm on the river Mzymta is organized and operated. In the future, it is possible to organize the cultivation of valuable trout fish on a large scale on the rivers of the Black Sea region. In addition, these rivers are of great importance as spawning grounds for salmon fish.

Inland water bodies are increasingly being used in our region for commercial fish farming. Their area is increasing, and fish productivity is increasing as the biological technology of commercial fish farming improves. If in 1967 the total area of ​​reservoirs used for commercial fish farming was about 15 thousand hectares, and fish production was 43 thousand centners, then in the future the total area of ​​such reservoirs in the region can be increased to 180 ™s, hectares, and the output fish increased to 2 million c. In ponds created on the rivers of the region, mainly carp, silver carp and grass carp are grown.

Reservoirs built in the Kuban and its tributaries

In addition to their main purpose of regulating runoff and ensuring irrigation of agricultural land, they are used in the same way as fish breeding and fishing reservoirs, but still to an insufficient extent. However, all of them can be turned into highly productive reservoirs.

It should also be noted that 10 specialized fish farms have been created and operate in the region, which provide the population with fish.

One of the reserves for increasing fish production in the Krasnodar Territory is its cultivation in rice irrigation systems - in checks and irrigation canals. At the same time, herbivorous fish help fight the overgrowth of irrigation canals. The use of irrigation systems for fish farming will make it possible in the future to produce up to 400 thousand quintals of fish per year.

Regarding the importance of rivers, we must not forget that a large amount of river water is used to supply water to numerous settlements located in their valleys. Water is used for household needs of the population and for the needs of livestock farming and industrial enterprises.

As you know, rivers are of great importance for navigation. But in our region only the river is navigable. Kuban. The Krasnodar reservoir regulated the river's flow and significantly improved the conditions for Kuban navigation. The navigation period has lengthened by one third, and the depths have increased. River vessels run from the city of Ust-Labinsk to the mouth, carrying many thousands of passengers and millions of tons of cargo.

The tributaries of the Kuban Laba and Belaya are used for timber rafting. As noted above, the Kuban and its tributaries, as well as the rivers of the Black Sea coast, have large reserves of hydropower. More than 18 hydroelectric power stations with a total capacity of about 100 thousand kWh were built there. However, the potential hydropower resources of the region are still completely underutilized. It is possible to build a number of hydroelectric power stations on our mountain rivers and generate billions of kilowatt hours of electricity per year.

It is also necessary to note the large role of the rivers of the Black Sea coast in the formation of beaches. These rivers are the main supplier of pebble material from which the beaches of the resort area from Novorossiysk to Adler are made. Rivers drive pebbles into the sea, and the sea, with its currents, carries it and deposits it on its banks. The resulting beaches protect the shores of the Black Sea from destruction and are necessary as places for recreation and sea bathing. At one time, unwise removal of gravel from beaches and floodplain areas of river mouths reduced the flow of gravel into the sea, naru

created a balance between the destructive and accumulative activities of the sea, and the beaches began to shrink. Their restoration is expensive for the state. Mining/graveling on beaches and river beds is currently prohibited.


Rivers are one of the most important elements of the geographical landscape. Rivers are our wealth. The economic importance of the rivers of our country and, in particular, the Krasnodar Territory is very great. Therefore, rivers and natural waters in general must be protected and their resources used wisely.

On September 20, 1972, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a resolution “On measures to further improve environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.” On December 29, 1972, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution “On strengthening nature protection and improving the use of natural resources.” These decrees also concern the protection of natural waters. They are aimed at eliminating existing shortcomings in nature conservation by improving national economic planning, increasing the responsibility of ministries, organizations, enterprises and all citizens of our country for the use of existing legislation on nature conservation and the reasonable, economic use of natural resources.: The resolution provides for an integrated approach to use of natural resources, inclusion of scientifically based measures for nature conservation in long-term and annual plans for the development of the national economy.

A striking manifestation of the concern of our party and government for the scientific management of natural resources was also adopted in 1976 by the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On measures to prevent pollution of the basins of the Black and Azov Seas.” It plans to implement a set of measures to ensure a complete cessation by 1985 of the discharge of untreated domestic and industrial wastewater into the basins of the Black and Azov Seas.

In order for the rivers of our region to be full-flowing, clean, rich in fish, so that their waters can be used to supply water to settlements and irrigate agricultural lands, so that they do not pollute the Azov and Black Seas, a whole range of water protection measures is necessary.

When taking care of the high water content of rivers and ensuring that their water regime is more even, we must remember the important role of lei;ob in regulating surface runoff. On the pages of periodicals and at scientific and technical meetings devoted to problems of water use, the question of the water protection role of forests in the Krasnodar Territory has already been raised. There have been cases of unwise deforestation in the water protection zone of the rivers of the Kuban basin. Of course, such actions are unacceptable, and in the light of the latest decisions of the party and government on nature protection, they should not take place. At the same time, systematic production of forest plantations is required where forests in the water protection zone of river basins are sparse or absent.

The issue of the struggle for the cleanliness of rivers remains relevant. So-called nature lovers often throw empty bottles and cans into the river, wrapping leftover food in cellophane. Like it's nothing? What do you think? The river is big, nothing will happen. And pieces of insoluble plastic film, broken bottles, and rusty cans accumulate in the river. Leftover food rots in the water. But hundreds of thousands of tourists pass along the rivers of our region.

But even greater harm is caused to rivers by untreated wastewater from some industrial enterprises, oil fields and sewage water from populated areas. So, for example, in the river. The Kuban and its tributaries discharge over 360 million m3 of wastewater per year, a significant part of which is insufficiently treated or not treated at all. And this amounts to about 3% of the annual flow of Kuban. The figure, frankly speaking, is not small and gives rise to sad reflections.

Why does this happen?

Apparently, the heads of individual departments and enterprises sometimes do not approach matters in a state-by-state manner and, limiting themselves to the interests of “their” production, trying to fulfill “their plan” at any cost, do not care about environmental protection, the cleanliness of water, and commit violations of water legislation. And then untreated or insufficiently purified industrial waters from petroleum products, acids, alkalis, phenols, detergents and other substances enter the rivers, poisoning their waters.

Wastewater has a very harmful effect on the fish population of water bodies. Under the influence of wastewater containing organic substances, a change in the gas regime in the reservoir occurs. It negatively affects the life of fish and the inhabitants of water bodies in general. If the oxygen content in water is below 6 mg/l, then this inhibits the breathing of sturgeon, salmon, and whitefish species.

Wastewater containing inorganic substances clogs water bodies with insoluble or poorly soluble substances, such as lime, scale, gypsum, gi£r. you metal oxides and others. """"

In this case, a change occurs in the chemical composition of water and its reaction. Fine suspended matter causes disease of the gill apparatus in fish and the respiratory tract of lower invertebrate animals. The latter circumstance undermines the food supply for fish farming.

No less harmful is the effect of petroleum products entering a river or pond. Firstly, they form a film on the surface of the reservoir, disrupting the process of water aeration and creating an oxygen deficiency. Secondly, undecomposed oil residues settle to the bottom of the reservoir, causing poisoning of the bottom fauna, and causing the fish to acquire the smell and taste of oil. This phenomenon occurs when oil products are present in the water of reservoirs in an amount of 0.1 mg/l. The effect of naphthenic acids on fish eggs is especially detrimental; it manifests itself already at a concentration of 1:1,000,000.

Many steppe rivers are polluted by wastewater from sugar factories.

The rivers of the flat part of the region are also polluted by herbicides used to control weeds and pesticides used to control pests of agricultural crops. These substances are toxic to the inhabitants of rivers and other bodies of water.

The Kuban River and other steppe rivers of our region carry all these harmful substances into the estuaries, the Azov and Black Seas, polluting them and adversely affecting the ichthyofauna.

Currently, in the Krasnodar Territory, much has already been done to eliminate the causes of pollution of rivers and other water bodies by domestic and industrial wastewater. New treatment facilities have already been built and are being built in cities and at industrial enterprises, for example, in Krasnodar, Maikop, Sochi, Kropotkin, Tikhoretsk, Uet-Labinsk; Ayinsk, Gelendzhik and other settlements. In the 9th Five-Year Plan, over “” million rubles were allocated for these needs.

Vladimir Ivanovich Borisov

The Kuban is a river that flows through Russia in the North Caucasus region, and its length is 870 kilometers. In the place where the river flows into the Sea of ​​Azov, the Kuban delta is formed with a high level of moisture and swampiness. The water regime is varied due to the fact that the Kuban flows both in the mountains and on the plain. The condition of the river is influenced not only by natural, but also by anthropogenic factors:

  • shipping;
  • drains from housing and communal services;
  • industrial waste;
  • agro-industry.

River regime problems

One of the environmental problems of Kuban is the problem of water regime. Due to hydrological features and climatic conditions, the water area changes its completeness. During periods of excessive rainfall and moisture, the river overflows, which leads to flooding of populated areas. Due to excessive amounts of water, the vegetation composition of agricultural land changes. In addition, ground flooding occurs. In addition, different regimes of water currents negatively affect fish spawning grounds.

River pollution problem

Reclamation systems help wash away herbicides and pesticides used in agriculture with the Kuban current. Chemical elements and compounds from various industrial facilities enter the water:

  • surfactant;
  • iron;
  • phenols;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • nitrogen;
  • heavy metals;
  • petroleum products.

State of the water today

Experts define the state of water as polluted and very polluted, and these indicators differ in different areas. As for the oxygen regime, it is quite satisfactory.

Vodokanal workers examined the water resources of Kuban, and it turned out that they met drinking water standards only in 20 settlements. In other cities, water samples do not meet quality standards. This is a problem because the use of poor quality water leads to deterioration in public health.

Pollution of the river with petroleum products is of no small importance. From time to time, information is confirmed that there are oil stains in the reservoir. Substances entering the water worsen the ecology of Kuban.


Thus, the ecological state of the river depends to a large extent on human activities. It is industry and agriculture that are the sources of environmental problems in the water area. It is necessary to reduce the discharge of wastewater and harmful substances into the water, and then the self-purification of the river will improve. At the moment, the state of the Kuban is not critical, but all changes that occur in the river regime can lead to negative consequences - the death of river flora and fauna.

The protection of natural communities is the most important component in the interaction between humans and wildlife. In Russia, for example, this issue is given great national importance. What do people do to protect rivers, lakes, fields, forests and animals around the world? They are taking appropriate measures, including at the state level.

Nature Conservation Law

The law on the protection and protection of rivers, farmland, etc.) and the use of wildlife was adopted in the Soviet Union in 1980. According to it, the entire flora and fauna of Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and other former Soviet republics are considered the property of the state and the people's property. This regulation requires humane treatment of flora and fauna.

The corresponding decree on nature protection obliges all people living in the territory covered by the law to strictly comply with all existing requirements and rules in their professional and personal lives, and try to preserve the existing riches of their native land. Special attention should be paid to the protection of natural objects such as rivers. The fact is that currently water bodies around the world are heavily polluted by one or another human activity. For example, wastewater, oil and other chemical wastes are discharged into them.

What are people doing to protect rivers?

Fortunately, humanity has realized the damage it is causing to the environment. Currently, people around the world have begun to implement plans to protect water bodies, particularly rivers. It consists of several stages.

  1. The first stage is to create different treatment facilities. Low-sulfur fuel is used, garbage and other waste is completely destroyed or efficiently processed. People build heights of 300 meters or more. Happening Unfortunately, even the most modern and powerful wastewater treatment plants cannot provide complete protection of water bodies. For example, smokestacks, designed to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in certain rivers, spread dust pollution and acid rain over vast distances.
  2. What else are people doing to protect rivers? The second stage is based on the development and application of fundamentally new production. There is a transition to low-waste or completely waste-free processes. For example, many people already know the so-called direct-flow water supply: river - enterprise - river. In the near future, humanity wants to replace it with “dry” technology. At first, this will ensure a partial and then complete cessation of wastewater discharge into rivers and other bodies of water. It is worth noting that this stage can be called the main one, since with its help people will not only reduce but also prevent it. Unfortunately, this requires large material costs that are unaffordable for many countries around the world.
  3. The third stage is a well-thought-out and most rational placement of “dirty” industries that have a detrimental effect on the environment. These include enterprises, for example, in the petrochemical, pulp and paper and metallurgical industries, as well as the production of various building materials and thermal energy.

How else can we solve the problem of river pollution?

If we talk in detail about what people do to protect rivers from pollution, it is impossible not to note another way to solve this problem. It involves reusing raw materials. For example, in developed countries its reserves are in fabulous quantities. The central producers of recyclable materials are the old industrial regions of Europe, the United States of America, Japan and, of course, the European part of our country.

Nature conservation by man

What do people do to protect rivers, forests, fields and animals at the legislative level? To preserve natural communities in Russia, back in Soviet times, so-called reserves and reserves began to be created. As well as other human-protected areas. They partially or completely prohibit any outside interference in certain natural communities. Such measures allow flora and fauna to be in the most favorable conditions.

What are people doing to protect the river?

    First of all, to protect rivers, people build treatment plants and create reservoirs. Various fines are being introduced for polluting rivers and areas adjacent to rivers (fines for people and enterprises). It is also the protection of river resources.

    To protect rivers, humanity is mainly engaged in their improvement, cleaning and stopping or controlling the release of waste from enterprises that pollute not only the environment, but also water bodies. And water is the source of life on Earth, and we must remember this.

    At first glance, apart from the signs, of which there are a lot near bridges and nearby roads to the river, the state does nothing else...

    But that's not true...

    Developments are constantly being carried out aimed at maintaining the flora and fauna in water bodies, especially in rivers, some species are destroyed, others are bred...

    They are building treatment facilities, fighting against enterprises that dump waste into the river...

    But unfortunately, little funds are allocated for these actions...

    It is a pity that not all people try to protect rivers and reservoirs from garbage and waste. Basically, on the contrary, many enterprises pollute nearby water bodies by dumping a variety of waste there. Ordinary people on vacation can help the rivers by picking up trash after their trips to nature. And it would do well for factories and enterprises to reconsider their positions on waste disposal and come up with another option.

    To protect rivers, people usually make sure that there are no harmful emissions from nearby factories into them. To prevent people from throwing household waste into rivers. Also in some of these zones, a fine is introduced for river pollution.

    We breed fish that eat algae, which make a swamp out of clean water. In addition to fish, shrimp are bred, however, some shrimp are bred for a good cause, so that the reservoir is clean, while others actively catch them at this time for a snack. Therefore, our reservoir continues to be overgrown, although they are trying to partially maintain the central part in order. But there are not enough fish and desire too, some heal, others cripple.

    What are people doing? Yes, they do nothing, they polluted the environment and continue to pollute. But no one thinks about the fact that the earth could be destroyed because of them. No, there are, of course, people who are concerned about all this, and they are trying to fence off the rivers, somehow protect water bodies, post security. Personally, I don’t throw garbage into the river or wash my car (only in a car wash).

    We know from our school ecology course. that in order to protect rivers, people try not to pollute them, strengthen river banks, and clean the river bed. They also check enterprises that discharge waste from their production into rivers. Treatment facilities are used.

    It depends what you mean by security. If you mean guarding the ford and the crossing on the other side, then it all depends on the person or people who conceived all this. You can simply put the camera in a visible place, protect it from moisture, ensure normal communication, and everything will be fine. And make a shelter, well, it’s like you’re there, but in reality you’re warm and keep an eye on everything. You can set up a post on both sides of the river and watch the crossing. Or simply plant trees and shrubs so that the enemy can get to the other side, and where he could get there, put up a barrier or personally guard him.

    The River Revival Program exists, and there are also federal river protection programs. people are trying to cleanse the river of pollution, creating reservoirs, environmental activists are also monitoring enterprises that discharge into the rivers.

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