How to cook thin khinkali. Recipe for making khinkali at home. To prepare the filling

The national cuisine of Georgia is distinguished by a variety of delicious food. For meat eaters, this is, first of all, traditional khinkali. Fragrant, juicy minced meat, wrapped in a dough bag and boiled in water, evokes associations with another similar dish. However, dumplings and khinkali are two different dishes in their philosophy. It all depends on how to prepare the dough for khinkali, what product to fill, what shape to give.

The classic look of khinkal resembles a warrior’s knapsack, with which the history of the ancient dish is connected.

History of khinkali

Meat dishes have many legends: love and heroic ones. The most common one dates back to the time of the battle with the Persians in the Sakartvelo mountains. The story goes that they tried to feed the maimed soldiers to restore their strength, but they could not eat. The method of preparing nutritious lamb with garlic and onions in a tightly wrapped dough helped to get out of the situation. The main component was the real flavorful broth inside this food “medicine”.

Another version is related to cardiac history. Allegedly, the girl in love wanted to prolong the meeting with the young man longer, so she spent a long time chopping the meat into small pieces with a dagger. Then she carefully kneaded the dough in several batches, cut out circles and thoughtfully pinched the edges. So she was stalling for time so that her beloved would sit nearby and wait for lunch.

There may have been other stories. Descendants forgot about many of them, but they inherited dough for khinkali, the recipe of which has been preserved to this day.

Classic dough recipe

The taste characteristics of khinkal depend on the correct preparation of the shell. It should be neither hard nor loose, neither thin nor thick. Georgian khinkali dough is distinguished by harmony in its composition, which includes flour, water and seasoning. The ratio of grit and liquid should be 2/1.


The structure of the product depends on the amount of gluten in flour. The more elastic it is, the easier it is to prepare the product. Glutenins are unevenly distributed in cereals under different conditions, which affects the quality of the raw material. It is recommended to use hard varieties, which have more stickiness.

The Georgian people have long used cereals grown in the area for khinkal. To this day, old-timers can remember the recipe for dough made from corn, buckwheat, oatmeal and even bran. Contemporaries prefer to cook from premium wheat, sifted through a fine sieve. The flour is saturated with oxygen and interacts well with the liquid.


To knead the dough use:

  • water;
  • kefir;
  • serum;
  • curdled milk.

In the classic version, the dough must be prepared with the addition of water, which is also present in the minced meat. Numerous videos give different versions of the temperature of the liquid: icy or warm. The khinkal batch does not use yeast, for which the heat factor is crucial. For fresh dough, water at room temperature or lukewarm is suitable so that the additives dissolve in it faster.


Adding salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon gives the dough a rich taste. Now sea salts are popular, but traditionally the Georgian version uses ordinary varieties, with the exception of iodized ones. Properly selected ingredients allow you to get a delicious dough, mixed according to all the rules of the mountain peoples of the Caucasus.

Dough consistency

The finished correct dough should be elastic, not tear and not stick to your hands.

Some housewives add butter, fats, and eggs to the dough. Real khinkal is not friendly with these additives, although they give the mass additional density and taste. However, in this case, the dish is valued for the taste of the filling, and not the bag, which is mixed from minimal ingredients.

Kneading process

Those who first pour in the water and then pour out the flour are wrong. Such advice and photos disorient the cook. The mixing technology involves the following step-by-step process:

  • sift the flour in a heap;
  • make a recess;
  • pour salt liquid into the hole;
  • mix gradually with flour;
  • take a break for half an hour;
  • mix the second part of the flour into the finished dough;
  • leave alone for a quarter of an hour;
  • Mix the flour again until thick.

After a short proofing, you need to check the product for elasticity by stretching the dough. If it does not tear, it will not release the juice.

Storage time

The most delicious food comes from fresh ingredients. If you freeze them, the taste of real khinkali will be lost. There are times when there is excess dough left over and it is sent to be frozen. Once thawed in room conditions, it becomes sticky. You need to add flour and use it for a new portion, rolling out the flatbread until smooth.

Very step by step

There are several options for making the base for khinkal:

  • square;
  • round;
  • diamond-shaped

There are also various approaches to the formation of homemade succulents:

  • roll out the cake to a diameter of 0.2 mm;
  • the circle is cut into long strips 10 cm wide:
  • The strips are stacked on top of each other, sprinkled with flour;
  • a stack of strips is cut at an angle into diamonds 10 cm wide.

Many people use the old method, cutting out smaller circles from a rolled out circle with a notch. Also popular is the method of forming a base from a rope cut into balls. Then each ball is rolled out into separate portions with a rolling pin.

Size and shape

Regarding the parameters of the dish, there is a legend about the highlanders who were the first to prepare it. There was no technology for elegant pintucks back then. The men took the dough in their palm, filled it with filling and squeezed the dough, twisting the top. Later, when women were allowed to eat, they began to make not only tasty, but also beautiful dishes.

However, in order to do so, you must have skill. It is not entirely easy to fold 18 folds, as tradition requires. And only experienced cooks can collect more than 30.

The crucial moment in forming the cake is to tightly close the top. minced meat with onions, garlic and water. The semi-liquid consistency is transformed into a flavorful broth with a meat base. Parsley, cumin, and cilantro enhance the aroma of the broth and enrich it with vitamins. The main thing is to be able to cook a meat bag.

How to cook khinkali

The final procedure is no different from cooking dumplings, except for some nuances.

You need to use a large pan so that the food does not stick to each other and to the bottom.

Step by step advice:

  • Boil salted water to taste and lower the items one by one.
  • Use a slotted spoon to carefully move them around the dish, not allowing them to sink too low.
  • Bring to a boil under the lid.
  • Cook over low heat without a lid for another 5-7 minutes.

Some videos show how ready-made khinkali are doused with cold water. They say that this procedure slows down the process of boiling the broth inside.

How to eat properly

In the case of dough, we are not talking about cutlery. The essence of the dish, if you pierce it with a fork, will disappear along with the flowing juice. Take the top of the khinkali with your hand and slightly bite the surface. Gently suck up the hot broth. Then they eat the filling and dough with pleasure. The food is generously sprinkled with ground spices. Your family will be delighted by the seasoning made from real Georgian sauces - tkemali, satsiveli.

The finished dish may contain raw tail, which is in keeping with tradition. They say that in the old days this part was left on the plate to count the khinkali eaten. A strong and resilient man had to eat a lot and prove it. The test did not apply to women.

Nutritional value per 100 g serving:
  1. calories – 192;
  2. proteins – 8.6;
  3. fats – 8.87;
  4. carbohydrates – 18.62.
  • The village of Pasanauri on the road to Kazbegi is recognized as the birthplace of khinkali. Only there you can find out what the Georgian “khinklaoba” means - the khinkali holiday.
  • The mountain peoples personified khinkal with the sun, the rays of which were likened to folds on the treat. The ideal khinkal must be sculpted from 28 tucks, since the circulation of the luminary across the celestial sphere symbolizes this number.
  • The highlanders tried to prepare the dish on the “day of the sun,” that is, on Sunday.

There are two types of khinkali:

  • “mtiuluri” - prepared in mountainous regions;
  • “urban” people use a lot of greenery.

Hearty, juicy khinkal incorporates ancient traditions and mountain customs, aromatic herbs and juicy meat. With a beautiful history and incredible taste, the dish is loved not only in its historical homeland, but in many parts of the world, including Russia.

Dumplings, dumplings, ears, dolma, ravioli, manti, wontons....
One day I was looking through my shelf of cookbooks and was surprised to find that none of them knew anything about khinkali.
Even the “Book of Tasty and Healthy Food” in 1953, published with the goal of telling people about food that they had never seen in their lives. This thick book even includes illustrated instructions for cutting artichokes and the percentage of edible parts of ten species of fish. The alphabetical index for a given letter lists - halva, kharcho, brushwood, horseradish, persimmon. There are no khinkali topics.

And although many years have passed since then and new people have grown up, not everyone still knows about khinkali. About real khinkali.

But it always happens that if you ask correctly, you will definitely get the right answer.
And I didn’t need to go to distant Georgia, because in Lvov there is a restaurant of Georgian cuisine “Khinkalnya”, which held a master class on making khinkali, in which I took part with pleasure and great benefit for myself.
Of course, you can just go to Khinkalnya on Krivy Lipa, order khinkali and eat them, while looking at the interior details. But how much more interesting is it to try to make it yourself, eat them, and then order khinkali...

Let's not get distracted, let's open the door.

And we find ourselves in a cozy room with many interesting things and details.

We are offered to drink coffee while waiting for the others.

We drink aromatic coffee in the company of hospitable men.

The participants of the master class have gathered and are checking the operation of the devices.

Restaurant development director Irina Klimenko introduces us to chef Livan Meparishvili and khinkal maker Svyatoslav.

In order to make khinkali we need dough and minced meat. The dough is simple, made from flour and water, no frills like eggs or baking powder are added.
The minced meat is made from veal with the addition of lard, spices and finely chopped hot pepper and cilantro. The consistency of the minced meat should be liquid so that the finished khinkali also contains broth in addition to meat.
Stanislav is ready to make about three hundred khinkali in an hour if they help him roll out the dough.

The dough pieces are stored wrapped in film to prevent them from drying out.
When it comes time to sculpt, they are rolled out thinly. Those who do not have such a special machine can use a regular rolling pin.

Circle diameter 12-15 cm

Minced meat is placed in the middle.

For beginners, it will be easier to sculpt on a saucer so that the juice does not spill out.

We take uniform folds in a circle. There is no need to press down hard.

Neatly folded folds are compressed and a knot with a long top is obtained.

The tip of the nodule is pinched off with a rotational motion.

And it turns out such a beautiful khinkali.

Raw khinkali must be placed carefully so that they do not flatten, but keep their shape.

It's the bloggers' turn. yellow_mamba makes his first khinkali

Some study, while others carefully record the process.

Juice should not be allowed to get on the edge of the dough; the dough will not stick well and all the juice will leak out during cooking.

orest_zub examines the consistency of minced meat.

All the folds of the dough are collected, now you need to squeeze it - and you're done!

It's your turn vovando

Elena Luganskaya- a big fan of khinkali, now she can make them herself :)

You need to sculpt and cook quickly so that they don’t lose their shape and look beautiful after cooking.

Our works are taken to the kitchen to cook, we are looking forward to the result.
Cooking occurs in a large amount of boiling water with constant stirring. As one would expect, extra people are not allowed into the kitchen. And they are doing absolutely the right thing.

While the khinkali are cooking, we learn to eat them using a ceramic model as an example.

And according to paper instructions.

Between sculpting and waiting for the tasting, a bonus awaits us.
Now we will touch on the secret of making Mingrelian khachapuri.

Yeast dough, cow cheese, crushed. Cheese cheese is poured onto the flattened circle, a lot and tasty.

It is pinched in the manner of a khinkali, in a circle.

It will flatten out again.

And again it is thinly rolled into a flat cake.

The flatbread is placed on a baking sheet, and the top is greased with a mixture of milk/egg/cheese cheese.
Thus, when baked, a fragrant, slightly crispy crust is formed, the most delicious thing in the world.

Temperature 260 degrees, time 7 minutes.
Here it is!!!

The first batch of khinkami arrived.

By this time, the theory of eating has been mastered, let’s begin practice.

The second batch was made by professionals, but just as tasty as the first :)
Especially with Georgian wine.

And now the biggest secret. The tail, as you already know from the instructions, is not eaten. The dough there is quite thick and it simply doesn’t have time to cook.
By the number of tails on the plate it is convenient to count how much was eaten.
But one day this tradition caused some problems in the then Soviet Georgia.

Intrigued? Go and order khinkali, they will tell you not only this story.

Recipes for Manta and Khinkali

Georgian khinkali recipe step by step with photos

1 hour 30 minutes

165 kcal

5 /5 (2 )

Delicious khinkali very similar to Russian dumplings– the national Georgian dish also consists of minced meat hidden inside a tender dough. However, khinkali is formed in a completely different way, and is consumed in a completely unusual way for us. During the cooking process, an amazing formation is formed inside the product. delicious broth, and while eating this dish, the product is taken with your hands, holding it by the “tail”, which is not eaten, but left on the plate.

I think every housewife would be interested in preparing such an unusual and very flavorful meat dish with broth. I invite you to join me and enjoy preparing khinkali according to a simple recipe with step-by-step photos and detailed video material, as well as learn in detail how to properly sculpt these Georgian dumplings so that they turn out truly beautiful.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

  • the sieve is useful for sifting flour, during which the ingredient is saturated with oxygen to make the products more tender;
  • a measuring cup or kitchen scale will help you weigh out the ingredients for khinkali correctly;
  • it is also important to prepare several containers of different sizes and depths for laying out the necessary ingredients, as well as for preparing the dough and filling;
  • a whisk or regular spoon is necessary for high-quality kneading of dough and preparation of filling;
  • Of course, we can’t do without a wooden or plastic board and a well-sharpened knife;
  • You will definitely need plastic film, but it can be replaced with a regular plastic bag;
  • Without a rolling pin, you won’t be able to roll out the dough evenly;
  • To cook khinkali, you need a spacious pan with a volume of 5-6 liters;
  • I also suggest choosing flat plates in advance for laying out the finished khinkali and serving them on the table.


Ingredients quantity
To prepare the dough
cold water180 ml
Wheat flour400 g
salt5 g
To prepare the filling
minced meat (I took a mix - a mixture of beef and pork)300 g
fresh cilantrobunch
onion80-100 g
cumin seeds5-7 g
ground black peppertaste
cold water100 ml
Additional Ingredients
cold water for cooking4-5 l
ground black peppertaste

Step-by-step method for preparing khinkali

How to make khinkali dough in Georgian

How to make filling for Georgian khinkali

How to make khinkali in Georgian

How long does it take to cook khinkali?

How to eat khinkali correctly

How to cook khinkali at home on video

It will be very useful to familiarize yourself with the video below, dedicated to preparing dough for Georgian khinkali according to the recipe described above. By spending just a few minutes watching the video, you will learn how to make khinkali correctly, how much to cook it and how to eat it correctly.

Ready-made Georgian khinkali remain very tasty for a short time, so try to cook them exactly as much as you will eat today, and freeze the rest in the freezer of the refrigerator. How to cook frozen khinkali in a saucepan? In the same way as freshly molded ones, only they will have to be kept in boiling water a little longer - as soon as the products float to the surface, cook them for another 12-15 minutes.

Khinkali in Georgian - The secret of making Juicy and TASTY!

Khinkali recipe in Georgian - a real recipe for cooking at home. Homemade khinkali - juicy and aromatic! How to cook, sculpt, how to make and what kind of dough is needed for khinkali? Recipe in description:

Step-by-step recipe with photos and detailed descriptions
on the website

flour – 400 grams;
cold water – 180 milliliters;
salt – 0.25 teaspoon.

minced meat – 300 grams;
onion – 1 piece;
fresh cilantro - 1 bunch;
cumin – 1 teaspoon or cumin (other flavor) – 0.5 tsp;
cold water – 100 milliliters;
salt, pepper - to taste.

For the dough, mix flour, cold water and salt.
Knead the stiff dough thoroughly.
Let it rest for 40 minutes.
For the filling: mix the minced meat with onion, chopped cilantro, salt and pepper, rub the cumin with your fingers. Add ice water for juiciness.
Divide the dough into 10 parts, roll out each piece thinly.
Add the filling to the middle and collect the rolled out circle into a bag, making folds.
We unscrew the top.
Cook in salted water for 10-12 minutes. Serve sprinkled with black pepper. We eat with our hands, leaving the top.
Khinkali according to this recipe is very juicy, tasty and filling. I advise you to cook!

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Even more video recipes on my channel “Food for Every Taste”, subscribe so you don’t miss anything:

Thank you for watching!!! Write comments and share with friends!


How to steam khinkali in a slow cooker

Be sure to cook the national Turkic dish! This name translated means “five fingers” - the nomads ate this meat dish only with their hands. Your loved ones will really like this product, especially those who love dishes with a lot of meat.

Don’t miss also the old recipe from the Avars, the people of northern Dagestan -. This dish is not only inimitably tasty and nutritious, but also incredibly beautiful. Such khinkali instantly arouse the genuine interest of all home and guests, disappearing from the table in a matter of minutes.

Of course, how can you not draw your attention to the traditional Tatar dish, which is somewhat reminiscent of our stew with stewed vegetables, but has a very different taste.

Also, don’t forget about the favorite dish of many, which is primarily distinguished by its speed of preparation and delicious taste. Tender chicken meat in a fragrant sauce will be a wonderful addition to your everyday or holiday table. In addition, I can’t help but recommend it, famous for its unforgettable view, taste and aroma.

I think it's time to call it a day. If you need to clarify any nuances or you have any difficulties preparing khinkali according to my recipe, let me know in the comments and I will immediately help you fix everything and avoid common mistakes. In addition, I would really like to hear about what types of khinkali are your family members’ favorites? Share the recipe, tell us what ingredients you use to prepare the dough and filling! I look forward to your feedback and comments regarding Georgian khinkali and more!

Khinkali is a traditional Georgian dish, very similar to Russian dumplings. Properly prepared khinkali turns out very juicy, filling and tasty. And the secret here is not only in the special filling with broth, but also in kneading the dough itself. There are several ways to prepare it, and each of them will be described below.

Classic recipe

Many people think that preparing the right dough for this Caucasian dish is an art that only Georgian chefs master, but in fact there is nothing complicated about it.

How to prepare the correct dough for khinkali:

Georgian recipe for khinkali dough (with egg)

Another way to prepare the dough for this Georgian dish is based on adding an egg. The recipe is simple, as many housewives almost always add it to baked goods. What you need here:

This dough is prepared very quickly - in just 15 minutes. The calorie content of the product per 100 g will not exceed 34 kcal.

How to cook (step by step):

  1. Flour is poured into a suitable deep bowl and a small hole is made in the middle;
  2. You need to beat 2 eggs into this hole, then sprinkle everything on top with a small amount of salt;
  3. The dough must be kneaded with your hands, first this is done in the bowl itself (5 minutes), then it is transferred to a table or cutting board, where it is kneaded for another 5 minutes;
  4. Then it needs to be rolled out into a large layer, after which you can form circles for meat from it.

In this recipe, it is best to use eggs at room temperature, in which case the dough itself will be more elastic.

Recipe for dough with kefir on khinkali

Another cooking option is to add a little kefir to the recipe. You will also need the following:

This dough takes about 2.5 hours to prepare, of which 30 minutes will be spent kneading, and 2 hours waiting for it to rise. The calorie content of this product is 36 kcal per 100 g.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Flour is sifted into a small bowl, then soda is poured into it (there is no need to extinguish it) and salt, the whole mass is lightly mixed;
  2. Kefir is poured into the flour, there should be about 0.5 liters of it, but in fact it is necessary to add until the dough becomes tight;
  3. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed with your hands, this is done until the dough itself turns into a tight and elastic ball;
  4. The dough is ready, but now it needs to rise: to do this, it is placed in the refrigerator and remains there for about 2 hours;
  5. After time, it can be taken out and rolled out for subsequent cooking.

In this recipe, you can also use sour milk instead of kefir.

Mineral water dough

The dough will turn out very tasty if you use mineral water in its preparation. It is prepared quite quickly, and you will also need the following products:

Cooking time will take only 30 minutes. 100 grams of such a product will contain no more than 25 kcal.

How the product is prepared:

  1. An egg is beaten into a deep bowl, salt and sugar are added to it, all ingredients are beaten using a mixer;
  2. Next, mineral water is added to them and flour is gradually poured in, after which the dough must be thoroughly kneaded with your hands (first in a bowl, then on the table);
  3. The finished tight and elastic dough must be left for 20 minutes, after which it can be rolled out for subsequent preparation of khinkali.

How to make stuffing in Georgian style

There are several options for preparing delicious filling for such a Georgian dish as khinkali. The main ingredient in them is meat; other components can be changed or supplemented. Several such preparation methods will be described below.

Method No. 1 – Classic “mountain” recipe

The preparation time for this filling is no more than 30 minutes. Calorie content per 100 g is 352 kcal.

How to properly prepare minced meat:

  1. Lamb or beef must be passed through a meat grinder, but always with a large grate, so that the minced meat is not too small;
  2. You must add all the specified spices to the prepared minced meat: cumin, red and black pepper, salt;
  3. Pass the garlic through a press and add to the meat;
  4. Chop the cilantro and also add it to the mince;
  5. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, after which a glass of water is added, since the real filling for khinkali should be liquid;
  6. The minced meat is kneaded again, this time with a spoon, now it should look like porridge.

Here you need to add water until the minced meat itself is no longer dense. The amount of water poured depends on its quantity, as well as on whether it is homemade or purchased.

Fat tail fat or lard is needed here only when beef is used as meat. If you use lamb, you won't need fat.

Method No. 2 – Minced meat filling

This is another classic way for a Georgian dish, which will also require the following products:

Filling preparation time: 30 minutes. The calorie content of such a product is about 225 kcal per 100 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. A whole piece of lamb must be cut into longitudinal strips, after which they are cut crosswise into small cubes;
  2. Carefully chop the resulting pieces with a knife or a special hatchet, after which it must be placed in a bowl;
  3. All spices are added to the meat, including garlic passed through a press and chopped cilantro;
  4. The filling is kneaded until smooth; it should be tight;
  5. Mineral water is added, since real khinkali cannot contain a cool filling.

Method No. 3 – Stuffing with broth

As is already known, delicious khinkali contain not only meat, but also broth, which is obtained by adding water while preparing the filling. But it will turn out even tastier if you replace the water with meat broth:

Preparation will take about 25-30 minutes, the calorie content of the product will not exceed 250 kcal per 100 g.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. The meat is passed through a large meat grinder and placed in a bowl;
  2. The onion must be cut as finely as possible or grind in a blender;
  3. Combine meat and onions, add salt, pepper, seasonings, herbs, mix everything;
  4. Gradually pour the finished broth into the meat, stirring it at the same time. The finished filling can be placed in dough circles.

You need exactly as much broth as the meat can absorb. If the broth begins to separate from the filling, it means there is too much of it, and this is unacceptable when preparing khinkali.

How to make and cook khinkali

Forming dough bags for khinkali is not the easiest thing, however, with experience it will happen automatically. According to tradition, each bag should have 22 folds, and some experienced cooks can form 36 such folds. But for ordinary home cooking, they can be reduced to any number.

So, first, you need to roll out the dough into a large layer 1.5 mm thick, and use a large glass to cut out circles, their diameter should be from 10 cm to 12 cm.

A small amount of liquid meat filling is placed in the middle of the circle, after which the edges of the dough are raised and folded together one by one. You need to make at least 14 such folds for the khinkali to be a success.

The uneven edge of the dough, which forms on top as a result of modeling, is cut off with a knife. Khinkali is lightly sprinkled with flour, then they can be boiled.

You can cook khinkali either in plain water or in broth. If desired, you can also fry them a little after cooking. The total cooking time is 15-20 minutes; you can also lightly add salt to the water or add bay leaves to it for flavor.

How to serve

Khinkali is served several pieces on a plate; they can be sprinkled with ground black pepper or herbs on top. Various sauces are also allowed.

It is not customary to eat khinkali with a knife and fork. This dish is traditionally eaten with your hands, and it is done as follows:

  • the bag is taken by the upper tail, lifted slightly on its side and bitten;
  • inside the bag there is a tasty and aromatic broth that must be drawn in, otherwise it will spill onto the plate and the dish will lose its original taste;
  • Then the dish can be eaten piece by piece, and the tails are optional, they can be put on the plate.

Inexperienced housewives who have never prepared this dish are advised to choose the simplest dough recipe, which contains only water, flour and salt. This dough turns out to be the most elastic and dense, and broth will not leak out of it.

During cooking, the dough is prepared first and only then the filling.

It is advisable to make the filling exclusively from lamb, but if there is none, beef mixed with a small amount of lard or fat tail is also quite suitable.

If you want to prepare the most authentic filling, which is considered the most correct, then you need to take only chopped lamb, ground red and black pepper, garlic and cumin. Other variations with the addition of various spices and herbs were invented later.

Khinkali is one of the most famous and popular dishes of Georgian cuisine. This dish is prepared by housewives for lunch or dinner, and is most often ordered in restaurants and cafes.

They say that in no establishment in Georgia, one “khinkalina” can cost more than 1 lari - about 25 rubles. And to fill up, five pieces are enough.

Despite the exotic name, there is nothing particularly difficult in preparing this dish. A little patience and skill, and your loved ones will be absolutely delighted with their dinner.

How to prepare dough for khinkali

  1. On your work bench, make a mound of flour and add 1 teaspoon of salt.
  2. Make a hole in the middle and, adding water, knead a stiff dough. Place the kneaded piece of dough into a container with a lid and leave for about half an hour.
  3. The dough should become soft and elastic.

See recipes for quantities of ingredients.

Khinkali - a classic recipe

For cooking, it is important to follow the proportions and all stages of preparation. The step-by-step recipe will not require the purchase of any exotic products and will take approximately 1.5 hours.


  • wheat flour – 500 gr.;
  • water 150 – gr.;
  • beef – 300 gr.;
  • pork – 200 gr.;
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.;
  • greens - 1 bunch.
  • salt;
  • pepper.


  1. To prepare minced meat, beef should be lean and pork should be fatty. Grind the meat and onion in a meat grinder.
  2. It is better to finely chop the parsley or cilantro with a knife. You can take half each of cilantro and parsley, or use dried herbs.
  3. The minced meat needs to be mixed well, salt, add ground black pepper, herbs and about a glass of cold water. The minced meat should not spread, but without water there will be no broth inside the khinkali.
  4. Roll out a sausage with a diameter of approximately 5 centimeters on the dough surface. Cut it into circles of 1-1.5 cm.
  5. Roll out each circle, trying to get a round pancake of the correct shape.
  6. Place a tablespoon of mince in the center and try to make about 15-18 folds.
  7. Connect all the folds and press tightly with your fingers to form a tassel at the top.
  8. In a suitable sized saucepan, boil water with salt. Carefully lower the khinkali into boiling water, trying not to damage the thin dough. They should not stick together.
  9. After a few minutes, when they have risen to the surface and cooked a little more, the khinkali should be placed on a large dish and served.


  • flour – 500 gr.;
  • water 150 – gr.;
  • beef – 300 gr.;
  • pork – 200 gr.;
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings to your taste;


  1. Prepare the dough as in the previous recipe.
  2. But you will have to tinker with the minced meat. Cut the meat into thin strips, then cut them into cubes. Then use a large, heavy knife to chop the meat until the mince is smooth.
  3. Add finely chopped onion, salt, water and spices to the minced meat. You can add those that you like best: cumin, pepper, dried herbs. Or you can take a ready-made hop-suneli mixture.
  4. The principle of sculpting remains the same, but they should be cooked 1-2 minutes longer.

This recipe came to us from the mountainous regions of Georgia. They are characterized by the use of a large number of spices. But you can add a little to taste.

There are other types of fillings for this dish. Try making these khinkali according to the Georgian recipe.


  • flour – 500 gr.;
  • water 150 – gr.;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 5-6 pcs.;
  • suluguni – 200 gr.;
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.;


  1. When kneading the dough, you can use a chicken egg or just the white for greater elasticity.
  2. To make the filling, boil the potatoes in salted water and rub them through a fine sieve.
  3. The onion should be diced and fried in vegetable oil. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  4. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and start making khinkali.
  5. Since our filling is ready, they should be cooked for much less time.
  6. Your khinkali are ready if they float to the surface and the water in the pan is boiling again.


  • flour – 500 gr.;
  • water 150 – gr.;
  • potatoes – 5-6 pcs.;
  • champignons – 200 gr.;
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings to taste;


  1. Knead the dough and boil the peeled potatoes in salted water.
  2. Cut the slightly cooled potatoes into small cubes.
  3. Chop and fry mushrooms and onions in a frying pan. It is better to use unscented vegetable oil.
  4. Combine the filling in a bowl. You can add a clove of garlic or any herbs.
  5. Make khinkali as usual, and then lower them into boiling water.
  6. They should be cooked, like the previous ones, a little less than khinkali with minced meat.
  7. When serving, you can not limit yourself to freshly ground black pepper, but prepare a sauce of sour cream or yogurt with cilantro and garlic.

Khinkali with cheese and herbs

There is also a variety for those who do not want or cannot eat meat.


  • flour – 500 gr.;
  • water 150 – gr.;
  • greens – 1 bunch;
  • suluguni – 400 gr.;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings to taste;


  1. The preparation of the dough remains the same.
  2. For the filling, grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  3. Depending on what kind of greens you want to use, you need to finely chop them and add them to the cheese. Or, if you want to add spinach, you should scald it with boiling water and then mix it with the cheese and garlic in a bowl.
  4. It is better to cook them in unsalted water, since suluguni is usually sold here already highly salted.

A sauce based on fermented milk products is suitable for this recipe.

It is worth considering that the quantity of products given in the recipes will provide lunch for a fairly large company. At home, for a small family you don’t need to cook that much. You shouldn’t freeze ready-made khinkali like dumplings. Better reduce the amount of ingredients and enjoy your meal!

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