What does coffee grounds mean? Fortune telling for work. Video: Coffee prediction

It is extremely important to brew coffee correctly. Well-ground coffee is mixed with sugar, poured with cold water and brought to a boil over low heat, but do not boil. In this case, a layer of thick foam forms on top.

Swirl the coffee grounds around the bottom until it coats the bottom. Tip the cup onto the saucer, allowing the coffee to spread and tell your fortune. After a few minutes, when the water has drained and only semi-dry grounds remain on the walls, fortune telling can begin.

Patterns « To to myself" - this is what it was; at the bottom of the cup - today; “from myself” - what will happen. If you look closely at the abstract line drawing, you will see images. But keep in mind that the symbolic interpretation of drawings is an extremely individual matter, and each advisor who tells fortunes for another may have his own interpretation of the patterns.

The choice of cup is also important. On white, coffee residues are better visible.

The prediction must be directed mentally at the person who is awaiting his fate. The drawing may not always be recognizable; it is enough for the sediment to hint at it.

Intuition and imagination play an important role in prediction. When reading a cup, there is no need to rush; study the full picture, giving greater importance to those symbols that are more clearly visible.

Often the outlines in the cup are blurred and have no shape, perhaps this is the influence of the state of the person.

Time- this is the place of sediment. If the pattern is formed close to the edge of the cup, you are given the opportunity to see the events of the near future.

Cup handle- this is the house where you live. The proximity and distance from home depends on the position of the sediment in relation to the handle of the cup. The pattern to the left of the handle represents past events or unused opportunities. To the right is the future or present, usually good, except when this side is covered with an unclear thick layer.

In what order to look into the cup:

1. First of all, look along the edge of the cup towards the bottom towards the center.

2. From left to right horizontally.

3. From right to left horizontally.

4. Bottom and center.

The meaning of the symbols seen


The head of a man without a body - a young friend who has a beneficial influence on your destiny.

Face in profile- strong protection.

Two faces in a circle- imminent marriage.

Face in a circle- someone loves you.

Two faces separated by a line- divorce, betrayal in love.

Male head in a crown- assistance from high-ranking people. Success awaits you in the circle where you communicate. Cheerfulness, activity, perseverance in business. Favorable changes.

A man's head with a beard and mustache in the center of the cup - profit in the house. Pleasant leisure time, entertainment. Profitable acquaintances.

Female head with high hairstyle- desire to advance. One of your friends will help you with money and introduce you to useful people.

Head with long hair- long road, long journey.

Head drooping or hanging down- serious illness.

Head with protruding ears - you are at a crossroads and must make a decision, but fate favors you.

Two heads facing each other- you love and are loved; a flower between two heads - a happy marriage.

Face with a long nose- your affairs and lifestyle will attract the attention of some envious person. He will try to harm you.

Face with a hooked nose- don’t let your guard down, they want to set you up.

A person with a damaged nose- beware, troubles await you, serious financial losses are possible.


Man with animal- someone is trying to help you.

young man- to separation.

Old woman- a strong and reliable love connection.

Angel- speedy recovery, relief from misfortunes. You are under the protection of higher powers.

Mother of God- a favorable sign. Happy, serene times are coming. You are ready to help your friends both financially and mentally; the disadvantaged and weak will find protection in you.

Rider- unexpected news, news, meeting. Receiving long-awaited information. Fluke. A horseman holding a rod in his hand - illnesses will bypass you, a surge of fresh strength awaits you. A horseman with a sword - risky actions, an attempt to play roulette with fate. People around you will try to hinder you, unreliable friends will try to trip you up, but the desire to win will help you succeed. A horseman with a gun - quarrels, squabbles, provocations.

For the military- promotion in rank. A horseman with a flag means a successful career, a wonderful future, good luck.

Devil- all kinds of troubles, illnesses, fate tests you, attraction to the forbidden, betrayal.

Girl- declaration of love, sincere love.

Female figure wearing a crown, sitting in a chair (royal personage)- changes for the better, profit, new profitable projects, profit, bargain purchases.

Woman in a black scarf- funeral of loved ones, tears. There is a quarrel between two human figures.

Woman holding a vessel in her hand- promotions, lucrative contracts, connections. For people of art and creativity- success in endeavors.

Woman holding a baton- you gain a true friend.

Priestess- characterizes the feminine principle, bringing peace and harmony. Guardian of family happiness, protecting the warmth of the family hearth. Intuition, the gift of clairvoyance, internal energy that attracts people, the ability to influence and control them. Achievements at work. For doctors - success in medicine. A priestess holding a bright moon in her hand is a symbol of motherhood, the birth of a child. Priestess on a dark background holding a dark moon - for young women - difficult childbirth; for older people - illness; for men - troubles with relatives.

Court lady- gossip, struggle for power.

Female statue with a wreath on her head- freedom, salvation, peace.

Man in prison- imprisonment in a government house, but friends and influential people will help you gain freedom.

Man wearing a robe- justice, moral principles. If you are principled in your judgments, then your actions will be appreciated. Excellent career, material well-being. You will gain contacts with a rich partner. A good lawyer will help you in matters related to the law.

Viking or any other warrior- success with someone’s help, perhaps for the sake of success you will sacrifice a friend, commit treason. You will take the initiative and try to outshine someone. The threatening figure of the Viking is painful pride, outbursts of rage. Open enemies, quarrels, revenge.

Sage- you are bursting with new original ideas; agility, dexterity and intelligence will help you achieve success. Extraordinary abilities will be put to use and will help you make profitable contacts. Soon your intellectual endeavors will pay off and begin to generate income, and success in trading is possible. Sage on a dark background - “Don’t be too strict and don’t show yourself to be too wise: why should you ruin yourself?”

Man in a dark mask- news of a serious illness or death of loved ones.

The man with long arms - practical, mercantile attitude to life. Reasonableness, hard work, frugality. A strong position and good earnings await you.

Man with short arms- lazy, careless attitude towards life. You try to live at someone else's expense and lead an idle lifestyle. Ill-gotten money.

Body parts

Mouth- modesty, hard work; on the walls of the cup - good friends; in the middle there is good news.

Hand- disappointment.

Eyes- change in life. Be careful in business matters, research it very carefully before accepting offers. Sad eyes - despondency, sadness, loneliness. Unpleasant news. You are deprived of the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities and capabilities.

Big eyes- patronage of the powers that be. Good energy distribution. Ingenuity, dexterity.

Almond-shaped, elongated eyes- you are restrained in your actions, conservative, secretive, and do not like to reveal your secrets to others.


Stork- a lucky sign. Successful changes, peace in the family. Success in business and profitable acquisitions await you. The image at the bottom of the cup represents imminent motherhood. Stork on the roof of a house - exchange of living space, purchase of an apartment, house, estate. Stork in the nest - success at work. Stork in flight - moving.

Crow- unhappiness in the house.

Crow- rash actions, despondency, troubles, illnesses. Problems due to recklessly spoken words. A crow sitting on a tree devoid of leaves - serious illnesses of relatives. A crow with open wings means trouble due to slander.

Sparrow- deals, negotiations, intense mental activity. A happy solution to many problems.

Pigeon- peace, harmony, a messenger of love, meeting a future marriage partner. Two cooing doves - marriage, happy marital relationship.

Goose- good news from relatives and friends. A goose with open wings means receiving a gift. A flock of geese - voluntary losses, obstacles to the fulfillment of desires. But soon your losses will be compensated a hundredfold.

Thrush- cheerful debates, intimate conversations, promising proposals. New acquaintances.

Woodpecker- persistence in business, critical self-analysis. Promotion, promotion in ranks. A woodpecker hollowing out a hollow means perseverance in overcoming difficulties. Endurance, success thanks to personal qualities.

Crane- you are destined to live to old age, achieve a high position, many will envy you, but in your soul you will be alone.

Canary- lover, if this sign is at the edge of the cup, it means the lover is very close; a canary in a clean place - a love affair in the near future; at the bottom of the cup is a loved one in sadness.

Chicken- a service to a stranger. Trouble, desire for home comfort.

Martin- peace in the family, prosperity in the home. All your wishes will come true.

Swan- favorable changes, luck, lover, do not forget to see if there is a letter nearby - the beginning of his name.

Eagle- victory after a hard struggle, good health, a surge of strength. High position in the intellectual and spiritual spheres, elevation through money, fame through talent and professionalism. This sign at the bottom of the cup predicts achieving great heights, on your own, without the help of friends.

Peacock- luxury, vanity, splendor. A peacock with an open tail in a clean place means the acquisition of an estate; a sign surrounded by dots promises a luxurious life. If there is a ring next to him, a rich marriage awaits you. The peacock symbol at the bottom of the cup, in a blurry environment, speaks of vanity, you pay too much attention to ostentatious luxury, which will sooner or later lead to trouble. The sign at the edge of the cup promises celebration and success.

Parrot - scandal, quarrel, this sign brings trouble.

Rooster- family harmony, well-being, new news. Rooster on the hill - happiness, marriage.

Rooster at the top of the cup- amazing, very good news. A rooster at the bottom of the cup - someone is trying to harm you. A rooster upside down is a dramatic change for the better.

Owl- a bad sign. If you are about to enter into a new venture, then you will face failure, big losses and problems in business if you do not take precautions. An owl at the bottom of a cup - illness and poverty; at the edge of the cup - deception in love.

Duck- increase in income, trade by water; duckling - your spouse is faithful to you.

Heron- unexpected support. Do not reject the help of influential people, your future may depend on it.


Butterfly- indicates frivolity and innocent pleasures. A sign in the center of the cup - be careful and do not fall into excessive fun; a butterfly at the edge of the cup indicates pleasure, and if you are sincere and open, you will become a useful person in society. This symbol surrounded by dots foreshadows careless extravagance and, as a result, problems.

Ant- ingenuity, work, insight, frugality; anthill - you will have loyal and reliable friends.

Fly- great wealth, receiving an inheritance.

Wasp- enmity, hostility, insult, humiliating position.

Bug- troubles, illnesses.

Spider- cunning, secrecy, diplomacy, subterfuge. A spider in a clean place suggests that favor can be achieved through diplomacy and caution. At the bottom of the cup - you are too secretive, and it would be wise to ask for advice from a trusted person and not listen to the promises of a subtle flatterer. On the handle of the cup - there is someone secretly trying to undermine the honor of your family; at the edge of the cup - a sign of protection from those who are trying to set traps for careless and reckless people.

Scorpion- a period of struggle, disagreement. There may be trouble because of friends. You will be more sensitive and irritable than ever. Don't be discouraged. This period is short, a streak of good fortune will come soon. A dark scorpion next to a tree means disagreements with relatives.

Bee- hard work, ingenuity, frugality. If a bee is visible on the handle of a cup, expect excitement in the house, social gatherings are possible; at the bottom of the cup - domestic troubles, a lot of work and disorder. At the edge of the cup - relaxation or social entertainment.


When deciphering the capabilities of an animal, one must take into account its capabilities and inherent qualities.

Squirrel- cunning, intelligence, desire to elevate oneself among others. The instinct of self-preservation. A squirrel on a tree is a manifestation of creativity, receiving a reward.

Bull- the appearance of profit, acquaintance with the opposite sex. Angry tank - incompatibility with a partner, minor grievances, jealousy, an accident caused by quarrels. Complications in relationships with a person born in the year of the Ox. A bull at the top means profit, a well-paid job, at the bottom means good health.

Wolf- intrigue. The wolf means enmity and greed of envious people in business, the danger of robbery.

Camel- wealth, thanks to endurance and endurance, overcomes life's obstacles and achieves great success. You will visit many countries. Exciting and interesting journeys await you.

The Dragon- pleasant changes, career advancement, improvement of affairs, rise in emotional and living standards.

Hare- timidity, myopia, cowardice, melancholy. A hare in a clean place indicates that your interlocutor must have courage, since his modesty will lead to a fall. The sign at the bottom of the cup is a warning that your absent friend is worried and needs help.

Kangaroo- be careful, people from your close circle seek to use your name for selfish purposes. Kangaroo with a baby - guardianship, the desire to provide a future for their children. Self-sacrifice for loved ones.

Goat- well-being, improvement of material life, perseverance in achieving goals. Unexpected success, good luck in business. Surrounded by small curved lines - a restless life, constant dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction.

Cat- deception, poverty and dirt, betrayal, but if a cat in a state of rest is visible next to the handle at the edge of the cup - home comfort. Your conservative friends are silent about their affairs and plans, and are trying to find out yours. They are cunning, envious, and try to gain trust. You should take a closer look at your surroundings, otherwise troubles will happen in the near future and big losses are possible.

Crocodile- danger, violence, serious illnesses.

Rat- gossip, nervousness, conflicts, interference in your life. A rat near a man in a robe - troubles with the law, bullying, long unresolved court cases, loss in court.

a lion- energetic activity, the opportunity to rise above the vicissitudes of fate, reasonable organization of business, patronage of influential and high-ranking persons. A lion with its head held high in the middle of the cup means victory over oneself, achieving popularity, fame, and high position. Life in comfort, material well-being.

Horse- you will engage in work that will bring moral and intellectual satisfaction. Success in sports. Financial profit.

Fox- losses, theft, treachery, selfish friends, lies, robbery, cunning, deceit. A cup-length fox, someone wants to insult you, but he fails. A fox surrounded by human figures or faces - you are surrounded by envious, greedy people, do not trust them.

Bear- difficult life; danger that can be eliminated. The bear below is great happiness; at the top - beware of failure. A trip to foreign countries, unrealistic projects, danger due to stupidity, encountering obstacles created by some brute force.

Monkey- in the center of the cup - deception, boasting on the part of a partner, friends. The threat of a major scandal. Revenge, struggle, fits of rage. Job dissatisfaction, careerism. The whims and grievances of the opposite sex. Problems in marital relationships.

Deer- honesty and intelligence, you will enjoy success, are proud but good-natured, and overcome all obstacles that stand in your way. Caring for a marriage partner, a loved one, a secure family life.

Donkey- patience, satisfaction. Near the edge of the cup is a good sign of success and happiness. In the middle of the cup is satisfaction. At the bottom of the cup - patience, perseverance, perseverance overcoming all difficulties.

Elephant- strength and condition, power, recognition of personality, reward for work, long life.

Dog- unexpected happiness and success will come to you. You will have a friend you can rely on. Attachment to craft, profession. You will devote a lot of time to your work. Several dots in the shape of a dog's head are a good friend; if there is a letter next to the head, this means news from a friend with a name starting with that letter.


Snake- secret enemies, deceit, malicious attacks, meanness. A snake coiled in a ring means no freedom of action, dependence on people who suppress any aspirations.

Several snakes- secret enemies become obvious. Envy and hatred turn friends into enemies. You should not be frank and trust anyone. Rely only on your own strength.

Frog- they are watching you, following you, collecting information about your personal life. The big dark frog is a natural disaster. A croaking frog is a sign of happiness, good luck and great love, good news. Frog on top - fall in love with a rich widow or widower; near the road - someone will come from afar and will be useful to you; near the cage - relief from a serious illness.

Lizard- surprise, speed and agility in carrying out necessary tasks. Luck and success will accompany you. You will live the rest of your life communing with nature and the earth.

Turtle- long journey, long, prosperous life.

Sea inhabitants

Shark- a dangerous enemy, illness, misfortune.

Cancer- excessive, sensitive perception of surrounding events. A successful trip, but with some worries.

Fish- material well-being, profit, winnings. Big fish - important events, big deal.

Trees and shrubs

Tree- a symbol of good health, prosperity, exaltation. The power of creative thought, public recognition, support.

Tree with branches down- loss of strength, headaches, weakness. Delay in business.

Tree without leaves, dry- troubles with relatives, illnesses, failures.

broken tree- losses, mental suffering.

Oak- victory over the enemy, your health will improve, vitality will appear, a surge of strength will appear, your wishes will come true.

Spruce- disposition to longevity. Knowledge and experience acquired over the years. Achieving what you want.

Willow- sadness, tears, melancholy.

Bush- failure in business, unpleasant surprises, unforeseen obstacles.

Forest- a mistake on the path of life.

Leaves- good luck in business, help from others, profit.

Walnut- the person will enjoy authority and respect, although he will not always be loved.

Apple tree- life will be in full swing, many interesting events and adventures.


Lily- hope, passion.

Rose- love, passion, engagement. A wreath of roses - glory, honor.

Tulip- good news, joy.

Violet- rich marriage.

Chrysanthemum - late love.

Lines and circles

Two parallel straight lines- trip for a long time.

Two parallel short lines- trip for a short period of time.

Straight long line- happiness, carefree life, longevity, good health.

Lots of straight lines- health and longevity.

Oblique line- disease.

Lots of curved lines- you are surrounded by enemies who want you harm.

Lots of short lines- difficulties in matters that do not depend on the person himself.

Wavy or continuous line, located circumferentially throughout the cup - a long trip abroad.

Lots of oblique lines- your affairs are unimportant, be vigilant and careful.

Broken, broken lines- obstacles, financial problems.

Mugs- engagement, children.

Points- a good omen, monetary profit, a successful deal.

Dark circle- illness, troubles.

Many circles connected to each other, large family, birth of a child.

Straight lines with a dot between them- the beginning of new things, the opportunity to choose will present itself.


Automobile- to the road.

Harp- important events in life, ceremonies, receptions.

Tower with dome- luck, success in business, stability.

Dish- surprise, amazing discovery.

Bottle- collapse, alcoholism, troubles.

Vase- regret, sadness.

Mitten- old love.

Bike- a difficult journey.

Scales- balance, harmony in family relationships, restoration of justice. Prevalence of scales - loss of strength, financial troubles.

Fork- wealth, life in luxury.

Coffin- sadness, sadness, grief. A coffin with a cross is news of death. The coffin below the bed is a serious illness.

Door- success in a new venture.

House- with a beautiful roof - family happiness. A house next to the circle means purchasing your own home. A house on top means a change in things for the better. Little house- need, cramped conditions. There are black dots around the house - for money, profit, security.

Toy- disappointment, empty promises, frivolous approaches to solving important issues.

Lock- bad luck, obstacles, delay in implementing plans.

Star- a favorable period in life, good luck in business, love, longevity.

Kalach- joy, luck, unexpected profit.

Hood- sea voyage, illness. A man in a hood near or in a boat is a danger of a storm, a sea voyage.

Coach- a carriage with horses - a successful journey, manifestation of activity, breakthrough, overcoming obstacles. A carriage without horses means a streak of bad luck, stagnation, obstacles in business, an unsuccessful journey.

Trap- troubles, losses, violence, accidents, imprisonment.

Bell- unpleasant news, disturbing events.

Stroller- long-awaited pregnancy, birth of a child. An overturned stroller means empty hopes and troubles for children.

Ship- the expanses of the unknown, new chances, and the creation of favorable conditions open up before a person. Characterizes movement, change, movement.

Ship with mast- promotion, improvement, achieving goals, receiving awards. In bad designations - symbolizes anger, disappointment, empty hopes, promises. There is no constancy, stability, or obstacles due to reasons independent of the person.

Key- disappointment.

Wheel- adventure.

Box- joy, success.

Cross- symbolizes fate, relationships with other people, a sign of karma, debts.

Grand Cross on the Mountain- a person will engage in self-realization, self-improvement, and development of abilities. Get satisfaction from your own business and creativity. Firm service to ideals and ideas. Achieving goals, elevation. The correct cross, similar to the Orthodox one, means a happy fate, unexpected help, social elevation. Two winding lines parallel to each other leading to an elevation on which a regular cross stands - some obstacles await a person in his achievements, but fate will not leave him, he will reach heights and be happy. Cross near the face- you will meet a person with whom you will be connected for the rest of your life.

Oblique cross- defenselessness, vulnerability, restriction of freedom, a person himself is not able to come to the right decision, to arrange his life the way he wants. An oblique cross near a kite - failures, dangerous enemies, violence, danger of injury.

Doll- refusal of responsibility, desire for a carefree life, desire to arrange things with someone else’s hands.

Lamp- perseverance, perseverance, a person will prove himself in some area. A lamp with a lampshade - the desire to retire, to hide from other people.

Ladder- new life, all kinds of changes, global processes, the ability to transform situations, overcoming obstacles.

Boat- travel, the opportunity to escape, change place of residence, work.

With bad performance- doom, loss of home, wandering, emigration.

Shovel- at the top of the cup - finding the lost. A shovel in the hands of a woman is an inheritance. Shovel near a cross or square- news of the loss of a loved one.

Spoon- gastrointestinal diseases, danger of poisoning.

Bow and arrow- sure success with recognition, social rise. Fate develops for a person in such a way that he can change his situation, correct mistakes, restore health, and start a family. This sign symbolizes restoration, balance, achievement of a high position, a person finds himself in life.

Mask - false friends, deception, hypocrisy, pretense, superficial friendship.

Pendulum- manifestation of inconstancy, negligence. Looking for new adventures. Having not completed one task, you take on another. Enmity, jealousy, intrigue. A restless life.

Medallion- affection, love for many years, worship of an idol. Family comfort.

Broom- conflict, quarrel with friends, discord in the family. Bad publicity, slander.

Sword- manifestation of willpower, power, victory. With poor performance there is danger.

Bag- restoration of health and strength. Prosperity, successful business, well-paid work.

Bridge- life’s failures and troubles are left behind, help and support from friends are ahead. For the sick - a return to life. The person will follow the intended path and achieve the desired goal.

Handcuffs- conflicts with the law, danger of imprisonment.

Knife- decisive action, enterprise, a person takes the initiative into his own hands. Exerting pressure, insistent demands. Finding ways to implement plans. With poor performance - danger, surgical interventions. The desire to suppress, subjugate, blackmail.

Scissors- practicality, doing useful, necessary things. Dexterity in work, independent development of life paths. With poor performance - a break in relationships, all kinds of obstacles.

Shoes- meeting, danger.

Weapon- to a quarrel.

Island- change of residence. An island with trees is a favorable change that accompanies material wealth and success in business.

Glasses- suspicion, increased interest in the lives and affairs of other people.

Monument- maintaining traditions, receiving an inheritance.

Folder with papers- good, successful plans.

A loop- danger of violent death, secret obstacles.

Pyramid- advancement, victory over oneself, overcoming fears, difficulties, a way out of any dangerous situation will be found.

Dishes- sudden meeting.

Airplane- recovery, new projects. In a clean place - elevation, promotion.

Near the handle of the cup- new projects. At the bottom are unsuccessful projects.

Crashed plane- to trouble. Blurred outlines surrounded by spots mean danger, loss of position, many obstacles. If there is one nearby Auspicious sign- an anchor or a horseshoe - a chance to overcome obstacles with perseverance and perseverance.

Candle- a happy accident that changes your life. Material well-being, marriage, union.

Table- intellectual activity. Success in writing and scientific work. Release of a long-awaited book and magazine.

Chair- greatness and a sign of success, promotion, obtaining a profitable position, inheritance.

Axe- danger, injury, illness.

Trident- manifestation of activity, strong will, strength of character. The desire to create, to create. You will resist life's problems, achieve honors and power.

Pipe- rallies, gatherings, news of military operations, disasters.

Lattice- obstacles, disasters, illnesses, danger of imprisonment.

Torch- news of death.

Flag- a symbol of victory, fulfillment of desire, achievement of a goal.

Church- improvement in family life, creation of a family. A period of renaissance, a good start. Spiritual and material satisfaction. Meeting a clergyman. Connection with religion, purification, consolation, way out of difficulties.

Suitcase- good luck in business, very soon you will receive financial profit. Have a good trip, rest. Near your face - be careful, you may be robbed on the road.

Hat- a huge honor.

Shield- protection, deliverance from strong and hating enemies. Rescue from disasters.

Anchor- travel, vacation. At the bottom of the cup is success on the water. At the edge of the cup is constant love.

In the middle of the cup, surrounded by dots, is a journey that brings success, successful business and commerce, money on the water. An anchor with links at the top - well-deserved rest, abundance. A sign in a blurry environment, incomprehensible lines around it - dangerous enterprises, distant success.

Geometric figures

Triangle- unexpected luck.

Open triangle- you are safe.

Two tangent triangles- your position is unstable.

Three intersecting triangles- good luck in love, success with women.

Quadrangle- unexpected luck, success in love.

Regular quadrilateral (square)- the best sign. Your life will be happy and well-off financially, and large profits are expected.

Star- freedom, liberation from unnecessary attachments.

Circle- pleasant environment.

Oval- to marriage. Many oval mounds - good luck in business.


1 - they love you.

2 - failure, illness.

3 - a successful trade deal.

4 - hope for luck.

5 - gossip, empty talk.

6 - marriage.

7 - family happiness, success in love.

8 - quarrel with a loved one.

9 - Meeting new people.

10 - good luck, you will be lucky.

100 - happy life.


A- to victory over enemies.

B- to power.

IN- Unfortunately.

G- light a candle to St. George.

D- to a loss.

E- you feel remorse.

TO- buy a cross.

N- to worry, anxiety.

P- to deception.

R- to drink.

WITH- to get acquainted.

X- to marriage.

YU- anxieties and fears.

I- change for the better.

The traditional attributes for fortune telling on coffee grounds are a turk, otherwise known as a cezve, a metal, or in the classic version, a copper vessel with a wide bottom, a wooden handle and spout, used for making coffee; a few teaspoons of medium-ground coffee, an ordinary coffee cup, preferably made of porcelain, and the same saucer. It is better to take a saucer without relief designs.

Typically (unless, of course, you are unfamiliar with the brewing procedure), coffee is brewed as follows:

Pour cold water into the Turk and put it on the fire. As soon as the water starts to boil, carefully add the coffee and simmer it over low heat for a few minutes. To give a more piquant taste, you can add a little salt to the coffee.

You should drink this noble drink slowly. Firstly, to fully enjoy its taste; in the first place, you will, as it were, prepare yourself for the upcoming session: relax and tune in directly to fortune telling.

Traditionally, coffee is not drunk to the last drop. You will have to leave a little liquid in the cup at least so that the consistency of the grounds remains liquid - this way it will be easier for you to pour it onto the saucer, and the pattern will be clear and distinct.

Some are of the opinion that the grounds intended for fortune telling should be hot. But this is not a prerequisite. So don’t be upset if the closer to the bottom, the colder your drink is - this is a completely natural phenomenon.

According to established tradition, you should take the cup in your left hand and make several circular movements, shaking and thereby mixing the contents of the cup. Now comes the most difficult part: in order to place the cup on the saucer correctly, you need to practice a little. Firstly, the cup is placed on the saucer with a movement away from you. Secondly, it must be placed in such a way that one of its edges falls on the edge of the saucer, and the other edge falls along the central part of the saucer. It will turn out that the cup will stand at an angle, thereby allowing the coffee grounds to flow down onto the saucer, and at the same time create a pattern intended for interpretation.

The cup should be held in this position for at least one minute and only then carefully lifted and turned over without disturbing the design. The rules say that this must also be done with the left hand. There is a secret meaning in this: after all, most people are right-handed, so the right hand, unlike the left, is more functional - with its help we perform almost all basic actions in everyday life. And the left hand, which is on the same side as the heart, can be considered in this case as a conductor of the instinctive principle. After all, fortune telling by its nature requires rich imagination and the ability to associative thinking. And therefore, the requirement to use the left hand is completely justified and justified.

So, you have removed the cup with the pattern. Now you can begin to read and interpret it.

The symbols are divided into groups.

ROSE- if you see the outline of a rose in any form, get ready to connect your life with the life of a loved one.

VIOLET- you will definitely look at the violet in the coffee grounds if you want to get married. Because it is she who symbolizes a chic wedding. It will be chic even if you are short on cash.

CHRYSANTHEMUM If you saw a chrysanthemum, this can only mean that you have some complications in your personal life. This symbol encourages you not to lose faith in love, even if you experience some disappointments. Everything will be fine.

If you are unable to determine exactly what kind of flower is visible in the thicket, do not be discouraged. Any flower, unless it is a rose, chrysanthemum or violet, has the same meaning. This sign is associated primarily with romantic interests that await you in the near future. If there are several such flowers or a whole bouquet is visible, this speaks of family warmth and comfort. Something like this:

Flowers are located in the upper part of the thicket - get ready to meet the person who will become your life partner;

the flowers are exactly in the middle - you will spend your coming old age in contentment and prosperity, well-fed and calm. You will have your children to thank for this, who will achieve success in life;

the flowers are located at the very bottom of the cup - a symbol foreshadowing a noisy feast in the company of good and kind friends. This could be a celebration of a birthday, another significant date, or just a party for no reason. And even a picnic in nature;

the flowers are located along the ribbon of the road stretching into the distance - you can take out additional cutlery from the sideboard, they will come in handy very soon, because guests are rushing to you. And if, as you read these lines, the doorbell has not yet rung, it should surprise you;

you saw the outline of someone’s face and flowers next to it - you cannot avoid a new strong love;

flowers next to an animal (any animal, even outlandish and fabulous) - you will soon become a happy parent.

So, flower symbols are heralds of various joys in family life. But that is not all. The flora is very rich in species. The fact that we are almost always surrounded by trees and bushes cannot but affect the perception of individual drawings. Therefore, probably in two cases out of ten, standard thinking will work, and you will see some kind of tree on the coffee grounds.

This sign (BRANCHED TREE) will bring you fresh strength, joyful mood, good health and good spirits.

Now let's look at all possible options for the appearance of TREES on coffee grounds:

we see a tree in the very center of the cup: if before this your authority in society has decreased for some reason or you have tarnished your reputation with some unseemly act, this sign promises you the restoration of your good name in the circles in which you move;

if you saw several trees or a semblance of a forest, this means that you should not rush to translate your idea into work: you may be mistaken, so you should think carefully;

a tree without leaves means the most unpleasant thing a tree can mean: imminent death. The leaves have fallen, your days are numbered. Sad but true. But a tree without leaves can also portend a severe and long-term illness that is not necessarily fatal;

The tree is framed by small lines: this is a warning; You think that success accompanies you everywhere, but you may be mistaken. Be careful, come down to earth, and then maybe you will be really lucky.

OAK- a symbol of your unconditional victory over ill-wishers. If the image of an oak tree is in the center of the cup, it means that you can finally say goodbye to those worries and failures that have haunted you lately. If you end up with an oak tree whose branches are on only one side, you have very little time left until the moment when you expose an ill-wisher who has gained your trust in order to benefit from it.

WILLOW. It is not for nothing that she is called a weeping one: this sign, as a rule, symbolizes sadness and a melancholic mood. Its appearance in the center of the cup indicates that your life is far from cloudless. Everything will be much better if you smile and look at the world around you with a more optimistic outlook.

If the image of a willow tree is spread over the entire cup, expect trouble; soon you will plunge into deep sadness, and grief will touch you.

Perhaps you can see WALNUT, a symbol that brings goodness and joy. Its location in the center of the cup will give you what probably every person dreams of: a calm, serene life, a strong family, loving and caring children. Good changes can also be expected if a walnut tree stands near the road: by all indications, you will be traveling to distant and rich relatives, from whom you are destined to return as a happy heir and a desired victim of swindlers.

PALM portends a good mood and good spirits, associated primarily with serious changes in your life. The most minor change is associated with the palm tree located in the center of the cup - your close friends are preparing a pleasant surprise for you, which you will be sincerely happy about. A palm tree at the very bottom of the cup indicates that your financial situation will significantly improve if you find enough determination in yourself to change your job or find one if you don’t have one at all.

A palm tree standing next to a mountain foreshadows the long-awaited realization of your long-conceived plans in a relatively short time. If you see a palm tree next to an animal, this means one thing: next to you is a person who is very devoted to you and is ready to do anything for you. His energy, I hope, will not be wasted, because the security and well-being of your family depends on him.

If all the coffee grounds that have settled on the cup look like a tangled ROOT of a plant, this indicates that you are a wise, well-mannered person who tends to be thoughtful. If the root appears in the center of the cup, it symbolizes your love of solitude - another illustration of your thoughtful and contemplative nature. The root at the top of the cup indicates that your relatives are expecting an addition to their family.

The root located at the bottom of the cup says that you should soon win a large sum of money and therefore change your place of residence.

LEAVES- a sign that promises benefit, good luck in business, however, provided that your relatives help you. Although if the leaves are arranged like a fan-shaped cup, this means that you will be lucky and you will achieve your goal only if you rely on your own strength, trust your heart and mind. The leaves located at the bottom of the cup indicate that you will have a pleasant acquaintance with a person who will play an important role in your life and become your true friend. You have an exciting journey ahead of you, which, in addition to a good mood, will also bring you relatively great wealth if you see leaves along the road. Leaves surrounded by lines or dots mean something slightly different - someone, knowing your capabilities and reputation as a successful person, expects a little financial support from you. Don’t be stingy, help, good things come back a hundredfold.

BUSH, in contrast to the good tree, as a sign is linked to an unwanted chain of troubles in your career. If it is in the center of the cup, it warns that trouble may occur on your business trip. Try in every possible way to protect yourself from this. A large bush that covers the entire cup speaks of fatal bad luck in the service. The reason for this lies in your incorrect attitude towards colleagues and your neglect of your responsibilities.

Human imagination very often sees a mountain in the stains of coffee grounds - this is one of the most common images in fortune telling. The MOUNTAIN is not the best of all possible symbols: this sign shows that situations often arise in your life that seem insignificant, but their consequences turn out to be quite serious obstacles. Because of this, your business is often doomed to failure.

A mountain in the middle of the cup indicates that there is a disagreement between you and your work colleagues. If you see a mountain at the bottom of the cup, this means that one of your relatives will suffer significant material losses. If the mountain is surrounded by the outlines of faces, it makes sense to think about your friends, because you will not be able to complete something planned as a result of the betrayal of one of your friends.

If you see a chain of mountains, consider that a dark streak has begun in your life - this sign differs from the previous one in even greater troubles, sorrows, sorrows, troubles and failures. If you see a dark chain of mountains below, it means that you will get rich... But dishonestly.

THE ROAD has always been and will be connected for us with travel and wanderings, wanderings and adventures.

If the road winds along the bottom of the cup, then you have a path ahead that should bring various benefits. The appearance of a road at the top of the cup promises a journey full of easy, fun and adventurous adventures. The road in the middle of the cup means a short trip that will bring you serious changes. Don’t worry in advance, this is not necessarily a change for the worse. Maybe you just have to change your place of residence.

It's another matter if the road is surrounded by clouds. This portends you suffering associated with the loss of money. Moreover, most likely, they will help you part with them against your own will. If the road is surrounded by dots or lines, this is also associated with complex financial calculations.

If the road winds along the walls of the cup, this means that you will finally be appreciated at your place of work and your service achievements will receive official recognition.

CLIFK, as a rule, symbolizes intellectual success. This means that all plans made are good in all respects. You can act.

A cliff at the top of the cup - expect good news. It could be anything, even a love letter with an ardent confession. A cliff in the middle of the cup - a pleasant journey awaits you, which will end for you where you would least expect it. You will settle down in a new place and live a happy life. If several drawings have formed on the cup, among which a cliff is visible, separated from other drawings by lines, this means that in your family relations between loved ones will become strained. The cliff symbolizes the stumbling block. You may wish not to commit rash, impulsive actions - then the relationship can be easily established again.

HILLS are considered an unfavorable sign for business people and usually indicate that the decisions being made at the moment are inherently wrong - this can lead to the failure of your business ventures.

Several hills indicate that you may encounter unexpected resistance to your plans from partners.

One mound located at the bottom of the cup serves as a warning of a strong blow that is about to hit you. The blow can be both in the business sphere and in the domestic sphere, but in any case it is associated with losses.

How to tell fortunes using coffee grounds

If there are several mounds at the bottom of the cup, these will no longer be losses, but gains. Unexpected cash income, but most likely as a result of some unscrupulous transactions.

Another warning is the hill, surrounded by illegible outlines of faces. You will have to be more careful in choosing your partners and employees. Some of them will want to warm their hands on you by interfering in your current work. A rounded mound of regular shape is the harbinger of a cheerful wedding.

SPACE BODIES can also tell us a lot.

So, if you see the outline of a STAR on the coffee grounds at the top of the cup, you will live a long and happy life. The higher the star is located on the cup, the better for you: life will be calm, devoid of many unnecessary worries.

A star accompanied by clouds - your life will be long, but in old age your encounters with troubles will become more frequent. The proximity of a star (a favorable sign in principle) to clouds has a detrimental effect on the interpretation of a good sign. In approximately the same way, all kinds of dashes and small lines reduce the favorable symbolism of this sign. If the star is surrounded by them, it means that in old age you will have to go through many unpleasant moments because of your children. You will be hurt because you raised them poorly; it hurts for them, it hurts for myself personally - for my parental failure.

The SUN has always symbolized the fulfillment of dreams and deepest desires. It would be best if it appeared at the top of the cup - in this way it sheds light on your material well-being and, perhaps, even on the most incredible wealth. And in the very near foreseeable future.

If the Sun is located at the bottom of the cup, this indicates the opposite: you are clearly broke, experiencing not the best days of your life.

The sun surrounded by lines and dashes will give you a strong family in which you will be happy until the end of your days. If you see the image of the Sun between the mountains, you or your loved ones are in danger of illness. Pay attention to your health, even if it does not cause concern yet.

The sign of the MOON is interpreted depending on its size and color. If it is large and bright, it means that nothing bad will happen in your life. Exceptionally favorable things. If it is just as big, but dark, it is a sign of impending evil.

The WHEEL sign is usually associated with disagreements and quarrels with loved ones, accompanied by scandals, losses and betrayals. The dark wheel means that fate will bring you together with a widow (or widower). If the wheel is near the road, this is a warning that you are in danger of trouble, and they will come from a direction where you do not expect them at all: from loved ones. If the wheel is near the scales, you will soon suffer significant material losses. A wheel surrounded by the contours of several faces foreshadows theft from your home. Moreover, most likely, it will be committed by people from your immediate circle, so take care of your property in advance.

The CROSS symbolizes something completely unexpected, sudden change. If it ends up in the middle of the cup, it means that you had dreams from Thursday to Friday in vain - they are not destined to come true anyway. A cross near the road promises you that you will go on a journey that you would not like to take. A cross next to the contours of your face will give you and your family an extraordinary adventure in the near future that you will remember for the rest of your life, and a cross next to the silhouette of a person promises you unexpected changes in your life thanks to the people around you. To set the direction of these changes - for better or worse - you need to take a closer look at these people and decide for yourself who is trustworthy and who is not.

The sign of the CROWN is associated with perseverance and dignity. If the crown is at the top of the cup, long, exhausting conflicts with close relatives await you.

You saw a crown at the bottom of the cup - thanks to your professional experience and constant perseverance in achieving your goals, you will occupy a responsible position.

A crown on a person’s head advises you not to be vindictive if you have the opportunity for retribution. Come out of this situation with truly royal dignity.

A SHOVEL is a very interesting sign in the sense that it reveals, unearths facts and events unknown to you. So, for example, if you see a shovel at the top of a cup, it means you will find something that you lost a long time ago. You are already desperate to find this thing, but you will find it in the most seemingly unsuitable place for this. A shovel near a tree advises you to hide for a while, if, of course, you are embarrassed by the impending dishonor. If this doesn't bother you, stay where you are, but you will wait until you lose your reputation. If the shovel is located next to the contour of your face, it means that one of your colleagues is digging under you: gossiping and slandering out of envy. It is quite possible that you will soon receive news of the death of a loved one - this is if a shovel near a cross or square is clearly visible on the cup.

A BRIDGE is a symbol of a full life, the implementation of plans. If you see a bridge over a cup, it means that your existence will soon become full-blooded. The bridge in the middle of the cup makes you aware that there are very serious obstacles in order for you to be able to carry out your long-conceived plans. The bridge at the bottom of the cup promises you peace after a fierce and lengthy struggle. A raised bridge indicates that there is discord in your family. You look for reasons in your family, but I would advise you to look for them in your actions. It will be more honest.

Major troubles in the family are associated with SCISSORS. So, for example, if this sign appears in the middle of the cup, it means that the day when serious disagreements will begin in your family is not far off. These scandals will give others reason to doubt the advisability of your living together. Something won't work out for you. A more serious warning is given to you by scissors next to the contours of your face - this means that you do not need to blindly trust your relatives: among them there are those who are terribly hypocritical. Scissors located near a tree predict that the profit you expect to receive from the work done will not end up in your pocket. The scissors at the bottom of the cup say that you will achieve your plans only if you gather all your willpower and force yourself to work hard and hard.

A CANDLE is a good sign; it usually brings information about an upcoming wedding and can symbolize a dream. For example, a candle in the middle of a cup portends that your wedding will be joyful and fun not only for you, but also for the invited guests. The children from your marriage will be naturally smart - all you have to do is guide them along the right path.

If the candle is located near the outline of the face, this means that other people, who cannot be called your friends, with pleasure and apparent willingness trust you with their secrets - there is something about you that is conducive to revelations. And soon someone will again share their secrets with you, but these emotional outpourings will play a certain role in your life. The candle next to the letter says that soon you will receive a letter that will cause new quarrels with other people. A sign foretelling a change in your life for the better is a candle between two mountains. Two symbols carry the news of the impending death of one of the people close to you - a candle near the cross and two candles located at the bottom of the cup.

If the candle is surrounded by lines and dots, this means that you will finally be satisfied with the result of a commercial transaction; you have been haunted by failures in this regard for too long. A candle near or inside the triangle gives you a rather disappointing forecast: soon one of your close friends or relatives will become seriously ill. There is also a possibility that you could go to jail. Take action urgently if your conscience is not entirely clear. The proximity of the candle to zero predicts to you that your marriage is on the verge of collapse, divorce is quite possible.

A candle near a tree promises you to receive joyful, good news from a completely unexpected source in the near future. If the candle is clearly visible at the bottom of the cup near the bed, this means that the condition of the relative who is seriously ill will sharply and noticeably worsen.

A LETTER is always associated with news. The only question is what kind of news it is: good or bad, funny or sad. For example, if you see the outline of a letter in the middle of a cup, it means that you will soon receive a love letter. The appearance of a letter at the bottom of the cup continues the theme of love: it foreshadows a cruel deception in love associated with this letter. It is quite possible that an unpleasant incident will occur due to your fault if a letter appears to you near the outline of a face. Receiving a letter from a loved one is guaranteed by the outline of the letter near your heart.

The image of a WINDOW is an unfavorable sign, a symbol of theft. If it is adjacent to the cross, this is a warning to you to be careful when handling fire: the likelihood of a fire in your home is very high.

WOMEN'S SHOES promises you a new meeting. True, you need to be as careful as possible - there is danger in this meeting.

The AX has always been associated with direct and decisive actions, but it all depends on the symbols surrounding it. If an ax, for example, is near an animal, it means that some terrible disease will knock down one of your close relatives. In order to restore his health, you will need not only care and attention, but also a large sum of money for expensive medicines.

If you see an ax in the center of the cup, it means that a long journey awaits you, which will bring you great luck. If the ax is at the bottom of the cup, then it is quite possible that in the near future you will have to argue fiercely with your friends over a minor issue. The result of this dispute will be a quarrel. Try to control yourself, don’t let your raging passions break out.

If the ax is near a tree, you can get a terrible wound. You can only protect yourself if you act carefully and react quickly in case of danger.

A symbol of luck, some victorious achievements, often related to money, is the FLAG. The dark flag predicts that you will be very lucky, but this will happen far from your homeland. A dark flag on the top of a mountain promises you new success, albeit at the expense of someone else's misfortune. The light flag portends you long-awaited luck in financial matters. The flag at the bottom of the cup promises rapid growth in a military career. This premonition does not apply to civilians. The light flag symbol at the bottom of the cup guarantees the birth of a boy.

ANIMALS also occupy an important place in human life. Therefore, their images can often be found in the stains of coffee grounds.

The BUFFALO symbol is associated with pain and suffering. If you see this sign at the top of the cup, it means that you will have to suffer purely physically, experiencing pain. A buffalo at the bottom of the cup - mental pain threatens you, heartache, but it can also be pain that cleanses the soul. A buffalo standing near the road notifies you that someone close to you is in great need of your spiritual support.

The OX predicts a good future for you. If at the top of the cup you get the figure of a bull without streaks inside the outline, this means that you will soon receive a considerable sum of money for the work you have done. The same bull, but at the bottom of the cup carries the message of good health. And even if you are currently suffering from some kind of illness, it means that you will soon be healed. If you get a bull surrounded by dots and dashes, expect money. They will appear not without the assistance of a third party.

The image of a CAMEL has favorable symbolism. As a rule, this sign symbolizes kindness, wealth, and a cheerful life. If you see a camel in the middle of the cup, good luck will soon smile on you. You will have a wonderful chance to secure a comfortable life for yourself if you recognize a camel at the bottom of a cup with its head bowed. Be extremely careful not to miss the chance and not grab your head later. A camel standing near a bush and, as it were, plucking thorns from it, will tell you that the time has come to live a little better than just like a human being: wealth should fall on you out of the blue.

If you can see the outline of a heart next to a camel, come down from heaven to earth. The hectic lifestyle you lead is not for you. No matter how strange it may seem to you, you will end your life as a positive person who values ​​family comfort. If a camel is standing next to the road or on the side of the road, you will receive unexpected but pleasant news: it will be a telegram or a letter.

The following combination of symbols is interesting: camel and stars. If the camel and the star are in close proximity at the top of the cup, you can prepare food for a luxurious dinner in honor of a loved one returning from afar. This will be a very welcome and joyful meeting. If a new addition to your family is expected next to a camel: a child will be born soon - this is good news. The birth will be difficult - bad news. But everything will end well: both mother and baby will be healthy.

A small cluster of stars next to the camel at the bottom of the cup indicates that you are in the favor of a high-ranking and authoritative person. If a woman is telling fortunes, she needs to be more careful: it may well end in a wedding.

The HARE represents a sign of the future, as well as a symbol of cowardice. If there is an image of a hare in the middle of the cup, it means that you are a restless nature and your life is truly in full swing, which can only be envied. A very favorable sign is a hare surrounded by dashes and lines. Soon you will love going to expensive stores, since you won’t be short on money. If the hare came out upside down, this means that you are a cowardly person, short-sighted and unpleasant to others.

A hare next to a tree - it is likely that relatives will put a spoke in the wheels of your endeavors. Take measures to tactfully avoid malicious maneuvers on their part.

DONKEY is considered a harbinger of losses and failures. If you see a donkey in the middle of the cup, it means that you will be betrayed by your business partner. Also do everything possible to prevent infidelity in any area of ​​your life. A donkey bellowing its famous cry and standing with its mouth open portends changes for the better.

Don't be confused by the sign of the GOAT. It usually means interesting travels, numerous adventures, fun and profitable journeys. If this symbol appears to you at the top of the cup, you can let your children go on their way with a calm conscience and a light heart. If the goat appears at the bottom of the cup, be patient and impatient at the same time: soon you will receive a wonderful business proposal that will bring you a profit, and a considerable one at that. In the same way, a goat standing near the road informs you that a very profitable journey awaits you.

If a goat climbs a mountain, this means that you will successfully bypass the obstacles and obstacles that you have recently encountered on your life’s path. Life will become pleasant in all respects.

CAT is a sign associated not only with cunning, but also with life’s cataclysms. The outline of a cat at the top of the cup means that you have enemies who have power over you. Be careful. If someone provokes you into a scandal, it is better to stay away and do not give in to the temptation to start an argument. If the cat is at the bottom of the cup, then you will have a rather serious disagreement with your relatives. The quarrel will happen through no fault of yours. A cat near a tree foreshadows theft, followed by imprisonment. If the tree in the picture is on the side of the head, it means you will steal; from the back - they will steal from you.

The sign of a cat can predict the presence of enemies at work if the contours of a face are visible next to it.

LEO, although it belongs to the cat family, is not such an unfavorable sign as a cat. The semantic load of this symbol is somewhat different. His image is interpreted for the most part as a sign of dignity, pride, and wealth.

A lion in the middle of the cup predicts that you will meet with a high-ranking official who has considerable authority in an area that is vital to you. Try to prepare for this meeting, then you can reap the maximum benefits for yourself. But be careful not to overdo it so as not to scare him away.

If the lion comes out angry in the image (his high tail and disheveled mane will tell you this), then heartache and torment await you. A lion with lines on its head is a sign that they will try to drag you into disputes and conflicts that you should not get involved in.

A lion located between the mountains is a sure sign that you will have a pleasant holiday under someone’s protection. This may also indicate that a calm and serene old age awaits you. A very unfavorable omen is the location of a lion next to another animal. This means that your business is in danger.

Since ancient times, the FOX has symbolized cunning, deception, and robbery. Therefore, you should know that the people around you are not sincere in their relationships with you. A fox at the top of the cup is an undeniable sign that a great loss awaits you, which will turn out to be the result of someone’s bad intentions. The loss may be associated with theft, so it makes sense to hide what is lying badly, so as not to tempt ill-wishers. The fact that you may suffer serious losses is also indicated by the image of a fox next to a mountain or hill. If the fox is surrounded by dots and dashes, it means that your rash decisions are fraught with serious consequences that can have a serious impact on your entire subsequent life. The heart is located next to the fox - a certain person who is hostile to you wants to get involved in your affairs of the heart and upset them.

If the fox is brought out over the entire circumference of the cup, you have nothing to fear: someone wants to annoy you so much that in the end he will not succeed - he will only make things worse for himself. But this is no reason to relax. Vigilance, vigilance and vigilance again. The outline of a fox next to other animals indicates that you are about to have an extremely serious conversation with a high-ranking official. The worst thing you can see is a fox next to a scale. It is this kind of drawing that warns you that great misfortune will befall you.

The HORSE sign brings happiness and success in life. If you see a horse at the bottom of the cup, rejoice, because you will not have to worry about yourself and your health in your old age. In this case, they promise to be wonderful in every respect: both in terms of material well-being and in terms of physical condition, which, mind you, is important. The horse depicted in the middle of the cup indicates wonderful prospects: good work that will help you achieve maximum self-realization; a successful marriage (or marriage), a comfortable existence.

If the contours of a face framed by hair are noticeable close up, it means you cannot avoid serious obstacles. Only great persistence and dedication will help you overcome them. Be courageous to the end.

The BEAR warns that there is a threat to your life. You may not realize it yet, but you have the power to prevent the threat if you recognize where it is coming from in time and take the necessary measures. If the bear is at the bottom of the cup, you will be in big trouble due to your personal indiscretion. Be more selective in your connections - both business and personal. A bear next to green spaces (bushes, trees) - you should take a closer look at your immediate surroundings: someone may wish you harm and will not miss any opportunity to cause it.

A MOUSE in combination with a triangle means good news: a lost expensive item should soon be found. The mouse near the letter o or zero (depending on how you look at it) warns you of the impending loss of one of your jewelry.

The mouse may be hinting to you that you should be more careful with others. There are also many rodents among people who are just waiting for an opportunity to annoy you.

Material difficulties await you if the mouse is in the middle of the cup. Tighten your belt and get ready to face hardships with dignity, bad times will pass sooner or later, and everything will get better.

There are not many animals that are easily recognized by their horns. If you have spotted a DEER, you should know that this sign warns you of all sorts of troubles as a symbol of reason and honesty. We are not talking about adultery at all if you see DEER ANTLERS. They herald the coming of great damage. The silhouette of a deer, regardless of location, warns you that minor complications in relationships with loved ones are possible in the family. Therefore, there is no need to be too picky and petty.

If a deer is standing near a mountain, you need to urgently reconsider your family budget: your financial situation is not so great, you need to urgently do something so as not to complicate it even more. Another kind of surprise threatens you if the deer is surrounded by trees or small dots: these are signs of trouble, which you will only be able to get rid of by spending large sums of money.

A deer standing near the road is a warning: under no circumstances listen to the advice of strangers - they are pursuing their own goals that are more beneficial to them than to you. If you see a lot of antlered deer, you should set yourself up for a significant promotion, which will contribute to your overall career, provided that you demonstrate the proper business qualities.

FISH is also a very ambiguous symbol with a plus sign. So, for example, if it is at the top of the cup, this means that your main achievements in life await you in old age, but in your youth you will have to suffer a lot. The success you eventually achieve will brighten your life. Fish in the middle of the cup - in your attempts to achieve prosperity in life, you can count on the help of close relatives. They are able to help you make a name for yourself. You can do the same without anyone's help if you see a fish at the bottom of the cup.

If you get several fish at once, this means that in the coming days you will have the opportunity to make a decision that will subsequently bring you profit. You need to mobilize all your judgment and recognize in what area this decision needs to be made. The fish is located between the circles - this is not without reason. Apparently, changes await you, and serious changes. They will break the monotonous course of your life, and thanks to this you will feel happy, you will understand that life does not stand still - and this is all its charm. If the fish is surrounded by dots, you will soon feel like a sheikh who has everything and no longer needs anything. The time of abundance in everything will come, however, largely thanks not to you personally, but to some wealthy patron.

The only image that will not bring you favorable news is a fish next to the outline of the face. This picture means that you have a fairly strong ill-wisher who will do everything possible to prevent you from successfully completing your planned undertaking. It is advisable to stop active actions for a while.

The PIG sign generally symbolizes dependence on circumstances and other people.

If in the resulting picture you recognize a pig at the top of the cup, this indicates that someone is living at your expense unnoticed by you.

If the sign of a pig is at the bottom of the cup, it means that none other than yourself lives at someone else’s expense. It is better to avoid this ambiguous position, achieve independence, try not to depend on anyone.

If the pig is next to the outline of the face, you are surrounded by people who wish you harm. But don’t pay attention to them, live for your own pleasure - they won’t be able to cause you any real harm. All attempts will be in vain. A pig by the road means that evil tongues are gossiping about you. On the one hand, this is even good: if they gossip, it means that you are interesting to someone in your own way and you are doing well. But, on the other hand, you should be wary of an evil slander. Try not to give a reason.

An ELEPHANT, as an animal of gigantic size, cannot symbolize something small and insignificant. As a rule, regardless of its position in the cup, it means one thing: power and abundance. If you can see an elephant with its trunk raised, this means that wealth will soon come to you. And it will come suddenly: you will not even be able to imagine that some insignificant, in your opinion, action will ultimately lead to such a reward. And you need to learn to appreciate your own efforts. An elephant with its trunk down portends prosperity, not too much, but allowing you to live without denying yourself almost anything you need.

A DOG in the middle of the cup means that at the moment you cannot find a worthy use for your abilities and talents. You should not be discouraged, because a little more - and a wealthy person who occupies a prominent place in society will help you do a truly interesting business.

The dog standing at the bottom of the cup reminds you that you have close relatives whose help you can count on. And then it will become much easier to solve some currently insoluble problems. On the other hand, if the dog is located at the top of the cup, this is an urgent request to you: take a close look at your friends, among them there are those who need your help. And you can help them without much difficulty, it will not burden you at all.

If the dog finds itself surrounded by clouds, you should take a closer look at those whom you consider to be your friends: among them there are clearly insincere people looking for only benefits in your relationship. Conversely, if the contours of the face are clearly visible next to the dog, this is advice to you not to neglect the opinions of others in the near future.

The dog stands with its tail between its legs - a demonstration of fear. A symbol that in the near future you will meet people with whom you had friendly feelings many years ago.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is popular, intriguing with signs of fate and fatal symbols at the bottom of the cup. This method of fortune telling was used hundreds of years ago, with the fortune teller pronouncing a secret spell known only to initiated individuals. Today, the principles of the process remain unchanged.


Carrying out the ritual

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is easy to do on your own at home if you have the necessary attributes:

  • white porcelain cup;
  • natural ground coffee;
  • Turk.

The key to correct fortune telling is the observance of the ritual, which is performed as follows:

  1. In a Turk, hand-ground coffee beans are brewed and special magic phrases are pronounced. For brewing you will need a mixture of coarse and finely ground grains in a 2:1 ratio. The sediment from such a thicket is easier to decipher.
  2. Competently formulate a question with a clear and most accurate formulation of what exactly needs to be learned from higher powers.
  3. After boiling the aromatic drink, pour it into a cup.
  4. You need to hold the porcelain container in your hands and mentally concentrate on your inner experiences.
  5. Drink a warm and infused drink, leaving a small amount of liquid at the bottom. After making circular movements in the air three times with your left hand, the contents are tipped onto a clean saucer.
  6. Having counted to themselves to 10, the cup of coffee is put away and they begin the mysterious ritual of fortune telling based on the drawings on the saucer.

If, during fortune telling, 4–5 images emerge from the coffee grounds, the ritual was a success; 1–2, it is worth repeating again.

The meaning of size, color and location of signs

The size of the pattern will tell you about the degree of influence of the predicted event on a person’s life. The pictures on the bottom will tell you about past events, and the pictures on the edge will tell you about the future. It should be borne in mind that if you see a lot of dark spots on the bottom - the burden of unresolved matters, and the predominance of light spots indicates a carefree and happy existence. In addition, the smaller the distance between the signs and the center of the cup, the closer the moment of fulfillment of the prediction.

Interpretation of symbols

Images must be interpreted based on an understanding of the meanings, as well as relying on intuition and internal sensations.

In the video from the School of Life channel. ru you can see how to tell fortunes using coffee grounds.

Human figures

In this fortune-telling, human figures are often encountered that have a symbolic meaning:

  1. Damn - arguing with fate is a rash step.
  2. A devil with horns is a sign of temptation, addiction to the forbidden, betrayal, illness, and troubles.
  3. Angel - recovery soon, happy news that will solve all problems.
  4. The figure with wings is an astral image; a person is under the protection of a strong Guardian Angel, who protects him everywhere. At the right moment, the issues will be resolved in the best possible way.
  5. Fisherman - a relationship with a loved one will last for many years.

Body parts

It is not uncommon to see various body parts at the bottom of a coffee cup. There are images that are familiar to humans, as well as those supplemented by other drawings.


In fortune telling, it marks joy on the love front and a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Characterizes readiness for emotional experiences. In the near future, fate will bring you together with a person who will radically change his views and moral values.

In addition, the interpretation of the sign is as follows:

  • the image of a heart with an arrow in fortune telling using coffee grounds means the infidelity of a partner, the end of a relationship, protracted quarrels in the family, the collapse of dreams and plans;
  • an inverted heart is a symbol of being in an illusory state, of knowing true love.


The eyes seen on the coffee grounds are a symbol of observation and research qualities. Care is required when accepting proposals from business partners.

Depending on which eyes you saw, the interpretation will be as follows:

  1. Sad ones with drooping corners symbolize a state of depression, melancholy, and loneliness. Bad news is expected. Lack of opportunity to demonstrate talents and gifts.
  2. A triangle figure can be seen near the eyes - no matter what, you will be lucky in the near future. Positive changes are just around the corner.
  3. Large, beautiful - a symbol of patronage and proper distribution of energy.
  4. Convex, round eyes - a suspicious and cowardly character, the hardships of married life, the likelihood of betrayal.
  5. Sly, narrow Asian eyes on the surface of the coffee grounds - it is recommended to remain calm, conservatism, secrecy, and it is better to keep plans secret.


We can safely call it a sign of stability:

  • in the center of the cup - a symbol of a strong financial position, a secure existence;
  • below - characterizes a reliable person who you can safely rely on;
  • open - those around you watch your person’s actions with curiosity and bewilderment;
  • the outline of a face nearby is a sign that one of the most important meetings in life is approaching;
  • lips near the field - an adventure of a romantic nature, a likely happy marriage in the future.


Quite common designs made from coffee grounds are animals, which usually have a favorable meaning for the fortuneteller. But they can also warn about something or give a hint.

For example:

  • the giraffe tells the fortuneteller that one should not place high hopes on quick changes in life;
  • the dinosaur says that the fortuneteller will help in the education and spiritual development of another person;
  • a dog promises a person happiness, as well as success and friends who are ready to help at any moment;
  • The caterpillar is a sign of a slow but sure path to achieving your goal.

The rest of the symbols are presented below.

The Dragon

This is a symbol that foreshadows career growth and an improved standard of living. The appearance of a dragon in coffee fortune-telling must be compared with other images at the bottom of the cup in order to understand the exact interpretation.


The deer symbolizes:

  • frankness with others;
  • generosity;
  • openness;
  • wisdom.


Denotes secret enemies, as well as losses associated with close relatives.

Interpretation of images with a mouse:

  • animal near the triangle - value will be found in the coming days;
  • there is a zero next to it - you need to carefully monitor your jewelry, there is a high probability of losing it;
  • a mouse inside the contour of the face is a warning sign of scandals and squabbles;
  • the animal in the middle of the cup means unforeseen financial difficulties.


Means small profits, small career successes. In mythology, a cetacean creature was considered a conductor between worlds, therefore, in the process of fortune telling, it also foreshadows the road and path.


Seeing a crocodile indicates that you need to be careful in professional matters, especially if the initials of a dubious person are visible near the image. If this symbol is at the top of the cup's edge, a wrong decision is about to be made.


A common image on coffee grounds, its interpretation means:

  • position under control;
  • Confidence in your strength;
  • help from a friend;
  • trips and travel.

Trees and plants

The interpretation of the meanings of such drawings depends on the type and characteristics of the plant or tree itself. They need to be analyzed and the information compared with the course of one’s own life.


The interpretation depends on which tree and in what form appeared in the coffee grounds:

  1. A tree with roots and leaves in the traditional sense means good health, prosperity, ascension. Characterizes a person who knows how to think creatively and achieve recognition in society.
  2. With drooping branches - portends powerlessness, migraines, weakness. There may be a delay in business.
  3. Without leaves, dried out - failures of relatives, illnesses, troubles.
  4. A broken trunk is deprivation, a broken symbol is disappointment, indicating the collapse of endeavors.
  5. Oak - triumph, speedy recovery, surge of vitality.
  6. Spruce is a predisposition to longevity, a sign of experience acquired over the years.
  7. Willow is a symbol of melancholy, tears, and melancholic mood.
  8. Bush - bad luck in business, unexpected troubles, obstacles along the way.
  9. The forest is the wrong path of life.
  10. Only leaves - success in business, support of outsiders, income.
  11. Walnut tree - authority and respect of people.
  12. Apple tree - an exciting life.

A tree made from coffee grounds is deciphered in a special way, depending on the location:

  • the tree at the bottom of the cup will indicate resistance to difficulties and obstacles on the path to a successful goal;
  • the image of a tree on the wall - more attention should be paid to the family and its interests.

Tree Tree


In fortune telling on coffee grounds, it has two meanings:

  • unexpected income and unexpected victories;
  • warns that everything has a price and you have to pay in full for every action.


A symbol of love interests, as well as family warmth and comfort. The meaning increases if it is not alone, but in a bouquet.

The interpretation will be as follows:

  • there are dark flowers at the top of the cup - there will be a meeting with your future spouse soon;
  • in the center of the cup - children will take care of the old age of the fortuneteller, ensure satiety and well-being;
  • below - you need to prepare for fun, most likely in nature;
  • flowers near the contour of the face - falling in love is ahead;
  • next to an animal - promises the birth of a child;
  • flowers not far from the road - unexpected guests who are in a hurry and will be on the doorstep any minute;
  • a rose is a symbol of the engagement of two people;
  • violet - luxurious wedding;
  • chrysanthemum is a sign calling to maintain faith in love, which will not come soon.


Objects can often be found at the bottom of the cup along with plants and animals. The interpretation of these symbols is not always clear.

For example, if a fortuneteller notices the figure of a teapot in a cup of coffee grounds, this means guests. The clock will be a signal that there is too little time left to realize your desires. And the waterfall you see symbolizes the rapid pace of events, in which the main thing is to have time to make the right decision.


The controversial figure made from coffee grounds symbolizes royal life, juxtaposing wealth and power with responsibilities and restrictions at the same time:

  • at the bottom of the cup - a sign of readiness to take responsibility for others;
  • the crown is visible in the center - the person is respected, sometimes they fawn on him;
  • the outline of the image on the rim - symbolizes rewards in professional achievements, career growth, and good luck in business.


A plane at the bottom of the cup characterizes a person who loves changes in life. If it is in the middle part - a relaxing trip. At the top or on the edge is a sign of an upcoming business trip.


When fortune telling using coffee grounds, a mirror has more than one interpretation:

  1. In the center of the cup - you should be critical of yourself. Perhaps the causes of problems and the key to solving them lie within the person himself.
  2. In the left corner of the cup there is a sign warning that attention should be paid to the state of health.
  3. In the right - good news, marking a meeting with your soulmate.


Having understood the designations of the figures that are most often found, you can easily decipher their images.


Auspicious picture. It portends a successful and comfortable life thanks to the receipt of an inheritance and entrepreneurship. Warm loving relationships, as well as being surrounded by famous and respected people.

User Elena Ryazantseva will tell you how to learn to tell fortunes using coffee grounds.


These signs have different interpretations:

  1. The wavy line is a symbol of a long, exciting trip.
  2. In the shape of an arc or a curve - you need to beware of an ill-wisher among close people.
  3. A pair of short lines (1 cm) – inconsistency in desires and preferences. This is associated with frequent changes in type of activity and circle of acquaintances.
  4. Many curves are a sign that you need to beware of suspicious people who want evil.
  5. Several broken lines - serious financial difficulties, large-scale spending.
  6. Many straight, long ones - a symbol of good health and long life, short ones - characterizes frivolous relationships.
  7. A separate line in the center of the cup means an exciting journey is expected soon.
  8. The intersection of a straight line with broken lines or curves is a sign of heartfelt feelings.
  9. A broken or zigzag line is adventurism leading to accidents that are harmful to health.
  10. Long straight line – monotony, lack of sharpness of sensations. A calm, measured life awaits you in the future.
  11. Straight short (1 cm) – changes with alternating ups and downs.
  12. Small lines are a favorable pattern.

It must be remembered that the interpretation of lines depends on neighboring images.


Associated with an engagement ring, wedding and means:

  • in the center of the cup - life with your spouse will be easy and fun;
  • at the top - one of the close relatives will soon get married;
  • below - a decent dowry is provided before the wedding;
  • there are clouds around - a problem for a loved one, the solution to which is in your hands;
  • two circles - a flash of feelings, love at first sight, marriage.


A regular triangle is a sign of birth under a lucky star. If this is a broken figure, major troubles will be resolved in the coming days; in the future, dangers and obstacles will not be scary. When you see two touching triangles, it means that fate has prepared unexpected changes, a precarious position.


The interpretation of the letters seen during fortune telling on coffee grounds is as follows:

  • A - triumph and prosperity;
  • B - big plans for the future;
  • B - entertainment, celebration;
  • G - worries, worries, demotion;
  • D - a close friend will help in solving problems;
  • E - your inner instinct will not let you down;
  • F - favorable news;
  • Z - sadness;
  • And - change should be expected;
  • J - beware of unpleasant situations;
  • K - troubles with a relative;
  • L - deceit and betrayal of a dear person;
  • M - carefree in the future;
  • N - peace and harmony;
  • O - helping a friend;
  • P - costs associated with loved ones;
  • P - success in financial matters;
  • C - news from the past;
  • T - if you look back, there will be no future;
  • U - happiness will find you;
  • F - love with a friend;
  • C - quick cash profit;
  • H - expect help from a man;
  • Ш - dangers and unforeseen problems;
  • Shch - tolerance and endurance;
  • b - perseverance and determination;
  • Y - love and fortune are nearby.


These signs in this fortune telling are interpreted differently:

  • 1 – fortune telling will tell you about happiness;
  • 2 – sudden difficulties, obstacles, difficulties;
  • 3 – luck in financial matters;
  • 4 – good luck in your endeavors;
  • 5 – foul language, gossip, squabbles;
  • 6 – prosperous family;
  • 7 – mutual understanding and agreement;
  • 8 – strife and misunderstandings;
  • 9 – new connections;
  • 0 – recognition and implementation of plans.

Photo gallery

Some more signs for fortune telling using coffee grounds are shown in the photo.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most famous and popular ways to find out fate and look into the future. Every second person may not have put it into practice, but they have definitely heard about this ancient method of fortune telling, which was invented by the Italians back in the 18th century. Nowadays, fortune telling using coffee remains a popular ritual.

The process of fortune telling on coffee grounds is a fascinating activity that requires a wide flight of fancy and good imagination. The ritual is quite simple to perform and requires a minimum number of items, so it can be performed at home.

Features of fortune telling on coffee grounds

If you have a desire to penetrate into your future and spy at least one eye on your fate, remember that the process of fortune telling on coffee grounds is not fun, but a magical ritual. It should be approached with all responsibility.

To perform the ritual correctly, and the result to be as reliable as possible, you must follow the following rules.

  • The ritual is best performed in the morning or after sunset.
  • Guess if you really believe in this action, and not for the sake of interest.
  • Before fortune telling, it is important to tune in to the result and clearly formulate the question. Maximum concentration is required. The best option would be a short meditation.
  • Create a suitable environment for the sacrament of fortune telling. There should be no strangers in the room that could distract. Light, unobtrusive music will help you relax and abstract from extraneous thoughts.

For the sacrament of fortune telling, you will need a minimum set of items that can be found in almost every home: ground natural coffee, a light-colored cup and saucer and a Turk.

An important stage is the correct preparation of the coffee drink, because for fortune telling the main element is the sediment, which acts as an oracle. The best option would be to use two types of coffee - coarse and fine grind in a ratio of 2 to 1. For example, 2 tablespoons of coarse coffee and one fine.

Once you have brewed the coffee, pour it into a cup and let it sit for 3-5 minutes. Then, slowly drink, leaving a little liquid on top of the sediment. Holding the cup in your left hand, mentally formulate a question, make several circular movements clockwise so that the sediment is evenly distributed. Then, immediately tip the cup with the sediment onto the prepared saucer.

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How to correctly interpret coffee signs

The main stages are over, the time has come to turn on your imagination and determine the meaning of the symbols. Look carefully at the coffee figures and signs formed on the walls of the cup.

When studying coffee symbols, be sure to consider the following points.

  1. First of all, pay attention to the largest elements that catch your eye. The larger the size of the coffee figure, the more important it is in life.
  2. The figures located inside the cup will tell you about the future, and the symbols located on the saucer will remind you of past events in your life.
  3. The closer the coffee elements are located to the edge of the cup, the faster they will come true. And vice versa, the closer they are to the bottom, the longer they will have to wait.
  4. The remaining grounds in large quantities at the bottom of the cup promise many problems and troubles in the future.
  5. The symbols located closer to the handle of the cup symbolize the present fortuneteller.

Human symbols

  • A boy promises prosperity in business and attractive prospects.
  • The girl is a symbol of romance, tenderness and bright feelings.
  • An elderly woman - oddly enough, portends strong love.
  • Bride - to gossip and unpleasant conversations.
  • Eyes - be vigilant, changes are expected.
  • Head - you are in thought and confusion.
  • Two heads facing each other are a symbol of mutual love.
  • Lips located at the top - you have strong friendly support.
  • Lips located at the bottom - pleasant news or event is just around the corner.
  • The hand is a sign of disappointment, the collapse of hopes.
  • The heart is a sign of true and strong love.
  • The horseman symbolizes the patron, a strong helper.
  • Angel - portends the appearance of virtue on the path.
  • Skull - speaks of the completion of your affairs, new beginnings are on the verge.

Symbols of animals, birds, insects, fish

  • The rooster is a happy event or news.
  • Rooster (closer to the bottom) - there is a person nearby who is negatively opposed to you.
  • Peacock is a sign of wealth.
  • Swan - promises a calm and balanced life.
  • Chicken - someone is waiting for your help.
  • Bird - to changes in the financial sector.
  • The duck is a sign of family well-being and happiness.
  • Dove - symbolizes peace and tranquility in the home.
  • Penguin - the emergence of new opportunities in life.
  • Ostrich - fabulous problems do not pose a threat.
  • Feather - means a quick-witted and savvy nature.
  • Fish - good fortune and travel awaits; it can also mean pregnancy.
  • Dolphin - symbolizes a good friend or helper.
  • Whale - a grand holiday or celebration awaits.
  • Shark - be on your guard, an enemy is waiting for you; may mean illness or misfortune.
  • Seahorse - portends a pleasant gift or surprise.
  • Crab - symbolizes the upcoming move to a new home.
  • The turtle is a sign of wisdom that will help you get out of a difficult and unpleasant situation.
  • The dragon is a good sign, indicating the successful completion of the work begun.
  • Crocodile - beware of enemies.
  • A snake with a closed mouth symbolizes wisdom; with an open mouth, danger threatens.
  • Dinosaur - you have a hidden and rare talent.
  • Bear - means squabbles or troubles that will give enemies a reason to take up arms against you.
  • A dog is a devoted friend nearby.
  • Horse - new financial opportunities will open up before you.
  • Hare - means excessive caution in actions.
  • An elephant with its trunk up symbolizes success and public recognition.
  • An elephant with its trunks down - a patron will appear in life who can change your life.
  • Cat - concerns and fears can come true.
  • Wolf - it will take a lot of strength to overcome a difficult period in life.
  • Squirrel - a long-awaited reward awaits.
  • Deer promises good luck and prosperity in business.
  • Giraffe - prudence and prudence will help in protracted matters.
  • Fox - portends betrayal of the other half, and can also mean hidden enemies in your environment.
  • Camel - symbolizes a hardy person, perhaps great sporting achievements await.
  • Hedgehog - your strength is running out, you are on the verge of a breakdown.
  • Tiger - symbolizes impartial and judicious action.
  • Monkey - surrounded by a hypocritical and deceitful person.
  • Goat - promises a pleasant pastime or a long journey.
  • Mouse - it’s time to show courage and step out of the shadows of others.
  • Frog - an unexpected turn of events awaits you soon.
  • Hippopotamus - can mean a new addition to the family.
  • The Ox is a sign of perseverance or stubbornness.
  • Elk is a good sign that promises a happy life and the fulfillment of your innermost desires.
  • Snail - speaks of your slowness or leisurely progress in business.
  • The bat is a bad symbol, symbolizing the danger of an accident.
  • Leo - speaks of the appearance of a noble person in your life.
  • Pig - beware of betrayal.
  • Ram - stubbornness interferes with the progress of business.
  • Cow - symbolizes wealth and prosperity.
  • Rat - beware of theft.
  • Unicorn - speaks of unexpected and incredible changes in your life.
  • Kangaroo - symbolizes the care and affection that one of your loved ones needs.
  • Butterfly means a person who has great influence over you.
  • Scorpio - be careful, a blow of fate awaits.

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Interpretation of plant meanings

  • Christmas tree - fun and joy awaits.
  • Flower - a date will take place soon.
  • Tree - you will have to fight with competitors to achieve success.
  • Mushroom - symbolizes good health and vitality.
  • Rose - portends an engagement or betrothal to a loved one.
  • Lily - there is unrequited love in life.
  • Cactus - the house is full of negative energy.
  • Spruce - you have excellent health.
  • Palm tree - symbolizes the emergence of a stormy fleeting romance.
  • Strawberry - speaks of a stable love relationship.
  • Carrots are a sign of prosperity and great progress.

Geometric figures

  • A pyramid means that you are subject to some person.
  • Triangle - the decisions made will be correct.
  • Circle means a closed circle of life.
  • A square is a sign of stability and constancy.
  • Arc - you have a rival.
  • Question mark - there are a lot of unsaid things and unresolved problems in life.
  • Exclamation mark - it's time to change something in life.

Surrounding objects

  • The mask symbolizes lies and hypocrisy; you are surrounded by two-faced people.
  • A star promises the fulfillment of your innermost desires.
  • Crescent moon - for new acquaintances.
  • Boot - means a rude person.
  • Arrow - depending on the direction, it can mean a positive or negative answer.
  • Anchor means a decline in business.
  • A horseshoe is a symbol of great luck.
  • Cross - bad news.
  • Shoe - a new fan will appear.
  • A book means a prospect for career growth.
  • Airplane - soon there will be a business trip, vacation or travel.
  • The key is a symbol of great luck, fortune is on your side.
  • The mountain is a sign of financial growth, fame and popularity.
  • A ship promises big changes in your personal life.
  • Dress - for new pleasant purchases.
  • Kettle - there will soon be guests in the house.
  • Bow - a real gift of fate will appear in life.
  • Hat - there are pitfalls in personal relationships, deal with this as quickly as possible.
  • A candle symbolizes faith in a dream.
  • Ring - a serious relationship will appear, marriage is possible.
  • The flag is a symbol of pride for the deed.
  • Vulcan - symbolizes a passionate and hot-tempered person who will appear on your path.
  • Pin - there is an envious person nearby, beware of the evil eye.
  • Beads - minor troubles await.
  • Bonfire - health may deteriorate, you need to take a break from work and everyday problems.
  • Car - a white streak has come in life.

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Deciphering coffee symbols is a very delicate and painstaking matter. Try to look at the whole picture very carefully. And in order not to miss any elements, record them in a notepad. This will help to decipher the prediction most correctly.

Do not take the list of interpretations and meanings of coffee symbols too literally, as it cannot represent all possible events that may occur. It is important to take into account the combination of signs intertwined with each other, and experience and practice will help with this!

Many believe that fortune telling on coffee grounds originated at the beginning of the 14th century. Scientists have made assumptions: before they went hunting, the Peruvian Indians made fortunes based on coffee. Fortune telling on coffee grounds does not coincide somewhat with its interpretations and symbols of modernity and antiquity. But, in principle, this is not so important, since coffee is already popular all over the world; a huge number of people simply cannot imagine their day without this drink, which invigorates, has strength and an unsurpassed aroma. Thanks to the spread of beans, fortune telling on coffee grounds also became famous. Because of its invigorating and tonic effects on the body, legends began to circulate about coffee that it has some kind of magical power.

If you want to tell fortunes on coffee grounds, then you should drink a cup of this drink without sugar, you should not rush, enjoy every sip, immerse yourself in peace, relax, just fall into a trance, it will help you understand what the symbols mean.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - speed is not appropriate here, first tune in, and then start looking at the contents of the coffee cup.

Before you begin fortune telling, you need to concentrate and clearly formulate a question, the answer to which makes up the meaning of the moment you are experiencing. Then take the cup in your left hand, only clockwise, and in no other way, make several movements in a circle, shaking a little what is in the cup. Then place the cup on the saucer, moving away from you so that one edge is on the bottom and the other on the edge. It turns out that the cup is standing askew. Thus, everything unnecessary drains from it, and a pattern is formed on the walls. Fortune telling on coffee grounds will decipher it. The cup should stand for about a minute, after that, turn it over with your left hand, then proceed to fortune telling.

It is absolutely clear that you are unlikely to be able to see a drawing that will be clear. Fortune telling on coffee grounds attracts many precisely because, with a special mood, the subconscious will always find something familiar in the outlines, many associations will emerge, objects and figures of people will become complete, all this will give a single picture of the interpretation of fortune telling. Here are some interpretations and meanings for fortune telling on coffee grounds:

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation of symbols

What does what you see on the coffee grounds mean:

Oval - your personality is complete. If its edges are interrupted, then this means illness, or the personality has lost its harmony.

Semicircle - indicates your non-permanent character.

Crewe G- he concentrates all the problems that you have in himself. What you see in the circle is the basis of coffee fortune telling.

One or more lines - if the line is straight, then it speaks of the length of your life; if it rises at the edge of the cup, then this indicates the growth of your career or professionalism.

Broken dotted line - shows the blows of fate, they will be obstacles on your life path.

The pattern is woven into a human silhouette - for lovers, fortune telling on coffee grounds has a date in store; if you are telling fortunes about the loss, then know that the item is lost forever.

It seems to you that the pattern has the outline of lands, plants or trees - these are the messengers of quarrels, obstacles, a break in love, business failures, travel to distant countries, sadness and longing.

Shadow of a bird or animal - the news is sad, you will have to worry about your loved ones and yourself, there will be an obstacle on the way, there will be failures and slander because of envious people.

The shadow of a building is visible - for the rich, this means a lot of additional wealth, the poor, on the contrary, will lose what they have, the one who is generous will get rich unexpectedly.

The interpretation of fortune telling on coffee grounds is not limited to the above; this art comes only through experience. Decoding of drawings, their alternation, and merging with each other must be treated individually. Before you decide to do fortune telling on coffee grounds, remember that a clear, pre-formulated question in your head should be simple and specific, then the answer will be quite definite.

People and their figures

You can often see human figures in a coffee cup. Here are the meanings of these images:

Human head that has no body - a certain young friend influences your destiny very beneficially.

Human head looking up - a certain protector, very strong, ready to help you.

Human head looking down - expect a little danger.

If you see a couple of faces looking at each other - fortune telling on coffee grounds says that you are loved and you love.

If you see a couple of faces in a circle - expect marriage and very soon.

If you see a couple of faces that are separated by a line - betrayal, divorce.

Face profile - the defense is very strong.

There is a face in the circle - someone loves you.

Girl - tremulous, tender love.

People - someone wants to help you.

Young guy - separation.

Old woman - the love connection is reliable and strong.

Man with animal - someone is worrying about you.

The mouth that is on top of the bowl - friends, very good ones. If it is in the middle, fortune telling on coffee grounds takes on the meaning of joyful news.

Mouth - hard work, modesty.

Eyes - life changes.

Hand - means disappointment.

Shadow of a Man - nice date.

Animals and their figures in the thick of it

And here are another inhabitants of the coffee grounds, which can be seen quite often. These are animals. Fortune telling on coffee grounds interprets these symbols as follows:

Animals - joy, fun, your wishes will come true, good luck will come.

Horned animal - fast road.

Buffalo - to suffering.

Butterfly - a letter with a love message.

There is a bull at the top - a job with good earnings, profit.

The bull is below - good health.

Crow - there is misfortune in the house.

Camel - this ship of the desert portends wealth.

Pigeon - the soul is pure and innocent.

Hare - fortune telling on coffee grounds indicates cowardice and myopia. Cow - expect happiness.

Cow - expect happiness.

Snake - betrayal, intrigues, coldness.

a lion - nobility, power.

Cat - poverty, misery, ruin.

Chicken - a service for a stranger.

Swan - unexpected money.

Fox - deception, cunning.

A fox that can be seen in full length - they want to insult you, but some people don’t succeed.

Frog - luck, happiness, news full of joy, great love.

There is a frog near the road - someone who came from afar will be useful to you.

Bear - danger, life, which is very difficult, but all this can be eliminated.

Bear at the top - fortune telling tells you - be afraid of failures.

Bear below - great happiness.

Fly - inheritance, untold wealth.

Ant - troubles, anxiety.

Eagle - persist in the fight, you will win.

Deer - pure mind, honesty.

Spider - an unexpected gift.

Fish - travel or good news.

Rooster - well-being, harmony in the family, new news.

There's a cock at the bottom of the cup - they are trying to harm you.

Cock at the top of the cup - the news is very good.

Rooster on the hill - marriage, happiness.

Dog - devoted friend.

Elephant - condition and strength.

Owl - death, a very serious illness.

Tiger - anger.

Duckling - your other half, despite your gender, is faithful to you.

Lizard - surprise.

Predator - poverty, anger.

Plants in a bowl

Now let's look at the drawings of different plants that appear in the bowl and their meanings, which are used to tell fortunes on coffee grounds.

Trees - there will be an obstacle on the way.

Willow - tears, sadness, melancholy.

Oak - enemies will be defeated.

Bush - failure awaits you in business.

Forest - there is a mistake on the path of life.

The forest is dense - quarrels that you never expected with your loved ones.

Clover - you will solve your problems, they will end with success.

Rose - wedding, betrothal, engagement.

Lily - friendship, constancy.

Lily at the bottom of the bowl - to a quarrel.

Chrysanthemum - late love.

Violet - wedding with a rich man.

Items for fortune telling

The material world is often at the bottom of the cup, along with plants and animals. The interpretation of these symbols is not always clear, so it is important to include intuition when fortune telling on coffee grounds.

Diamond - happy love.

Automobile - trip, road, journey.

Angel - unexpected joy, good news.

Tower - a very good sign.

Mitten - old love.

Fork - luxurious life, wealth.

Bike - the journey is difficult.

Gates - fortune telling on coffee grounds says that guests will come to you or a friend will return.

Small house - tightness, need.

Lock - troubles.

Star - Liberty.

Dagger - loss, enmity.

Wheel - a symbol of adventure.

Box - success, joy.

Black cross - death, or news that is full of sadness.

White cross - happiness in family life.

Key - all doors will open before you.

Ring - wedding, engagement, very important union.

At the top of the cup is a shovel - you will find what you lost.

Woman with a shovel in her hands - inheritance.

The shovel is near the square or cross - you will be notified of the loss of the person you love.

Mill - in the relationship of loved ones there is insincerity, falsehood.

Knife - damage, sacrifice, sacrifice.

Hammer - make mistakes and try again, so you will come to success.

Scissors - luck.

Window that has a cross - to a fire.

Window - theft, theft.

Shoes - danger, meeting.

Weapon - scandal, quarrel, but also prosperity.

Folder containing papers - successful, good plan.

A loop - an unfavorable sign, foreshadows serious problems.

Glove - old feelings will awaken.

Dishes - a meeting that will happen suddenly.

Horseshoe - luck, good sign, luck.

Birdie - the news is good.

Chair - success, moving forward.

Candle - dream.

Flag - don't rush, attack.

Hat - a great honor.

The anchor is clearly visible - success.

The anchor is not clearly visible - difficulties in personal affairs.

Lines from coffee grounds

Having dealt with those figures that are most often found, it should be noted that fortune telling on coffee grounds often has lines that can also be deciphered.

Long or short straight line - life without worries in happiness.

Many straight lines - long summers, health. If a straight line is interrupted or zigzags, then all this indicates adventure.

The line is curved, arched - be afraid of the ill-wisher.

There are many curved lines - you are surrounded by enemies, they harm you.

The line is curved and oblique - disease.

There are many oblique lines - carefully! Not everything is fine with you, everything may end badly.

A large number of broken lines - financial difficulties are very serious.

The bottom of the cup is crossed by a separate line - fortune telling on coffee grounds says that the journey is very close and quite pleasant.

Lines like waves - cruise.

A straight line is crossed by broken or curved lines - problems in love affairs, received offense from a woman.

The cross has the image of the letter X - to marriage.

Broken line - uncertainty, illness, indecision, sometimes loss.

Many broken lines - material difficulties.

Square - the best sign that has fortune telling on coffee grounds. Success awaits you in every field of activity, life is full of happiness, expect considerable profits, a stable financial situation.

The dots are small - receipt of a large sum of money. Three dots will indicate longevity.

Short lines or dots - luck is close.

Dashes - you will change your activity or job.

A pair of triangles that touch each other - unstable position.

Circle - I have good relationships with others, it’s pleasant, there’s a general understanding.

Oval - marriage.

Many oval hills - luck accompanies business.

Triangle - luck, unexpected luck. The three triangles intersected - fortune telling on coffee grounds suggests that this means success with the weaker sex, love and luck in it.

Quadrangle - success, luck in love is very unexpected.

Numbers for fortune telling using coffee grounds

Sometimes, when doing fortune telling, you can see letters and numbers.

There is a good system of number magic, you can familiarize yourself with it if you wish. You can also make your own interpretations based on it.

0 - your birth took place under the star of happiness.

1 - someone feels love for you.

2 - illness, failure.

3 - the trade deal is very successful.

4 - hope for good luck.

5 - talk, talk about trifles, gossip.

6 - wedding.

7 - love, happiness in the family, success.

8 - conflict with a loved one.

9 - meeting new people.

10 - luck, luck.

100 - life happiness.

More than 100 - long summers.


Since the interpretation of letters is subjective and relative, we will not write about decoding the entire alphabet. Rely on your intuition, it will help you more. We will give only a small fraction of the interpretations that are used in fortune telling on coffee grounds.

A - enemies are defeated.

B - power.

IN - trouble.

D - loss, loss.

N - anxiety, restlessness.

P - lie.

WITH - acquaintance.

X - wedding.

YU - fears, anxieties.

I - positive changes.

We have sorted out the meanings of the drawings; this basic minimum will be enough for you for now to carry out fortune telling on coffee grounds yourself. Gradually, as you gain experience, you will decide for yourself what to cross off from this list, what to add to it, what interpretations to change. We should not forget the fact that symbols mean something different for each person. In this matter, imagination and psychology play a dominant role. The human brain is designed in such a way that someone looks at a picturesque image in his cup, while another person immediately sees only symbols and the simplest ones. Fortune telling on coffee grounds finds the truth between these contradictions exactly in the middle. If a person is inherently observant, then in general terms he will consider his future. Fortune telling on coffee grounds can also be distorted by adding too much personal information.

Take this advice - read the symbols coherently, but you shouldn’t think through or simplify them.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds will predict your fate more accurately if you take a holistic view of the contents of the coffee cup.

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