Numerology number of luck and money. Numerology: Number of Money, Work and Wealth

Our whole life is influenced by numbers. They not only provide certain information about our life, about a person’s character, but also help change this life for the better. Listen to advice that numerology gives us. You can find them advice on which path to take to achieve well-being. Here is one of them: personal wealth code .

Calculation of personal wealth code by date of birth and name

Add up the numerical value of the name: A(1) +H(6)+A(1)+C(1)+T(2)+A(1)+C(1)+I(1)+I(6) = 20. Now we add the resulting number 20 with the birthday 26 = 46 and bring it to the single-digit number 4+6=10 and 1+0=1. We received a personal wealth code for Anastasia born on the 26th - this is 1. Now let’s look at the decoding of the code:


Finance comes to you through personal independent projects, through your practical experience. You need creative freedom, the opportunity to act individually, to work with new projects and ideas. You can start your own business or head a separate direction where you will act on your own. The main condition for success is your knowledge and practical experience.


For you, money in life is not the most important thing, if you have it, it’s good, if you don’t, it will come where it goes. Activities related to entertainment, improving the quality of life of people, and expressing your talents and personal qualities are suitable for you. An activity where there is a lot of activity, a change in types of work, where you will be interested will suit you. It is possible to receive an inheritance or financial protection from relatives.


You are the owner of one of the money codes of wealth, which means you will always have money, although perhaps not always in large quantities. Their number depends on your type of activity. The most suitable activities for generating income are those related to the creation of long-term, reliable, material objects and projects. Income will grow gradually, but reliably and constantly.


To generate income, you need a team, the ability to collaborate, as well as knowledge and practical experience. Activities related to risk, adventure, travel, trade, experimentation and innovation are suitable for you.


6 is a money code meaning “money under your feet,” the main thing for you is to be able to see it. You can have many sources of income related to your knowledge, information, as well as improving the quality of life of people, caring for other people, and communicating. Be careful and your money will not pass you by.


You are a non-profit person, and you will prefer your favorite business or spiritual, creative search to searching for money. You are a specialist in your field, your income depends on your professionalism and level of knowledge. This could be the field of science or art. There must be freedom of action and creativity in your activities, the results of your work must be unique and exquisite.


You are the owner of the most monetary code of wealth. You are a “money magnet”, but only if you have the right attitude towards money. Don’t put them first in your life, don’t worry about them, act calmly and confidently, money will come to you in sufficient quantities. A serious scale of plans is required, possibly working in international companies.


This is a monetary number, but you can either gain a lot or lose a lot. Your activities may be related to charity. The main thing in this is the attitude towards money: with what feeling you give it and receive it. True charity is found within, when a person both gives and receives with gratitude, when he develops as a person and supports others.


Your finances are related to the scale of your plans. The more people these plans benefit, the more rewards you will receive from the Universe. At the same time, in the first place is your development as a person, spiritual leadership (when, thanks to your personal qualities, character traits and their manifestations, you are an example for other people).

Did you know that financial well-being depends not only on your efforts and entrepreneurial abilities, but also on your name and date of birth? Calculate your Personal Wealth Number and you will learn how to build your relationship with money! It will be very easy to calculate! Example: you were born on the 30th, the sum of the birth number is 3+0=3, that is, the birthday number is “3”. for example, I was born on the 5th, which means my birth number is “5”. The number of the name is calculated using a table in which each letter of the name corresponds to a number:

  • 1 - a, i, s, b;
  • 2 - b, j, t, s;
  • 3 - in, k, y, b;
  • 4 - g, l, f, e;
  • 5 - d, m, x, y;
  • 6 - e, n, c, i;
  • 7 - e, o, h.
  • 8 - f, p, w.
  • 9 - z, r, sch.

Arzu = 1(A) + 9(p) + 9(z) + 3(y) = 22. So the number of the name - “22” - is the dominant number!

But this is only a name, I took this into account, let’s continue with mine, the number 2 + 2 = 4. Now I will add the number of birth and it will be 4 + 5 = 9A. Now, if you get, let’s say, the number “18” in your name, then 1 + 8 = 9. We sum up the numbers of the birthday and name: 5 + 9 = 14, then reduce: 1 + 4 = 5. This means the number that can make You are rich - "5". If, when adding the numbers of your birthday and your name, the sum comes out to be “11” or “22”, then these numbers should not be reduced to a prime number. “11” and “22” are dominant numbers that have their own meaning! Special numbers. It’s worth mentioning right away: the numbers themselves have a numerological predisposition to wealth. This applies to the numbers: "4", "6", "8", and "9". Regarding me, Arzu and the birth number “5”, in total we got the number “9”, and it is originally the number of wealth. If you are the owner of one of these numbers, money will always be in your wallet! The bearer of “4” does not have to worry about his daily bread. His condition may not always be great, but it is stable and reliable.

The bearer of “6” will have to work long and hard, but in the second half of his life he will be able to boast of decent capital. The bearer of “8” will always have as much as he personally needs for a comfortable life. The bearer of “9” will also always have as much money as he needs, but not for him personally, but for the business or project to which he devotes all his energy.

Here we should also say something about the adventurous “5”. Those for whom this figure is the number of wealth have a dual fate - all or nothing, including in monetary matters. They can earn millions, or they can live among the homeless.

Our happiness is in our hands! What to do if your number does not promise wealth? For example, our Irina, born on the 30th, has a wealth number of “3.” That is, she is not programmed for financial well-being. It turns out that the poor fellow must now live in poverty?! No and no again! After all, our happiness is in our hands! You just need to choose who to be with!

  • "1" - you need to participate in independent and original projects, work in private business or in an enterprise with advanced, innovative ideas and approaches. You should have your own separate area of ​​work, then you will soon make a career. As soon as you are offered a promotion, do not be shy, but immediately take full responsibility upon yourself. Success will accompany you in everything!
  • “2” - to achieve financial well-being, you should work in a team. When starting a new business (moving to a new job), first of all, get to know your colleagues. If in them you find like-minded people and simply pleasant people, your financial affairs will quickly go uphill. If not, you will constantly eke out a miserable existence. All types of activities related to communication, places of work that are impossible without collective creativity - be it choral singing or working behind a conveyor belt - are suitable for you. But you will achieve the greatest success working in a newspaper, radio or television!
  • “3” - you tend to think that money is not the main thing. Yes - great, no - they will come wherever they go. It is possible for you to receive an inheritance from relatives, a large loan from friends or patrons. You will make the most money if your work is related to entertainment, fashion, leisure or sports.
  • "4" - you are the lucky owner of a money number. As for the field of activity, the greatest income will come from working at those enterprises that produce household items. This could be a company selling antiques, a clothing factory, or a manufacturer of disposable tableware. Your ability to scrupulously analyze everything and everyone will make you an indispensable and highly paid specialist.
  • “5” - you will not get lost anywhere, and all because you know how to find a way out of even dead-end situations, and be a winner in any dispute. Whatever you do, learn to find a common language with your colleagues and not conflict.
  • “6” - money is literally spinning around you, but you stubbornly don’t want to notice it. Be attentive to any information you receive and to the details. This is the only way you can become an indispensable, highly paid specialist. Areas of activity that will bring you success are law, education, healthcare, hospitality, publishing.
  • “7” - you are not a commercial person; moreover, you care exclusively about spiritual growth, rather than about the growth of well-being. However, this does not mean that you need to give up. Take up science - history, geography, psychology or astronomy, research, study of the unknown. This way you will receive both moral and material satisfaction.
  • “8” - only those projects will bring you big money, in the implementation of which you can combine your business acumen with the scale of production, your benefit with the benefit of the entire team. You simply must command, because you probably know where this very benefit lies. Look for a team worthy of you, or better yet, select a team personally. In the process of work, do not be afraid to seem tough, but do not be cruel when distributing benefits: having benefited yourself, allow others to receive it too. A large international company is what you need!
  • “9” - you have truly comprehensive interests, you want to succeed in everything. Don’t take on a lot of things at the same time, choose one thing, because if you chase two birds with one stone, you won’t catch either. And remember: your choice should be aimed not only at achieving financial well-being, but also at developing spirituality and helping your neighbor. Oddly enough, the biggest profits will come from working with charities and public foundations.
  • “11” - if you want to become rich, submit an application to the Heavenly Office. Think in advance about everything you need and in what quantities, and talk about it with the Higher Powers, ask for help. Very soon you will be given a sign - where to go and what to do in order to become a millionaire in the near future!
  • “22” - if big profits don’t appear in your account, don’t be upset, it means that you simply don’t need them, you have a completely different mission in this life.

Holders of the numbers “11” and “22” are born with a ready-made program, which is aimed at implementing a special life mission.

Numerology sheds light on many things in our lives. This science has a special relationship with money, because it is also associated with numbers and mathematical operations. Each person has his own wealth code - the treasured number of monetary fortune.

Numerology will help you calculate your destiny. Use any methods of predicting the future to try to correct it, because not everything is thought out in advance. This is also true in the financial sphere, and to an even greater extent, since financial success is achievable for each of us. The main thing is to know what to pay attention to and what to turn a blind eye to.

The mystery of numbers

More than 3,000 years ago, people began to study numbers from a new side - from the spiritual. The first sages and thinkers in this field tried to understand how exactly the Universe could communicate with us through numbers. It turned out that nine numbers have a certain power: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Each number has its own character and outlook on life.

The mood of the Universe can be described by one of these numbers. To track changes in this mood, you can turn to numerological horoscopes. In addition, you can find out what your money destiny is and how you can change it. To do this, you need to calculate your wealth code.

Wealth code

A personal wealth code is calculated based on a person's date of birth. Let's say you were born on October 5, 1979. The year will not matter to you - you will only need to take the first four digits from 10/05/1979. Add them up and get 0+5+1+0=6. This is your personal wealth number, which remains unchanged throughout your life. If your date of birth is, for example, August 29, then by adding the numbers you will get 2+9+8=19. In this case, simply add the component numbers again: 1+9=10, 1+0=1. Do this until you have a number from 1 to 9.

So, you have your personal money destiny number. Next, you just need to find out what it means specifically for you.

Unit. The number 1 in numerology symbolizes the beginning. This is obvious, because any countdown begins with one. For wealth, this number is not the best, but in any disadvantages there are also advantages hidden. One is an incredible precision, which is always needed in money matters. The energy of this number strives for constancy, order, and accuracy. For good luck to accompany you, you need to remember that thoughtless spending and risks, gambling and an irresponsible attitude towards money can lead to big troubles. The Universe says that for you, wealth is not the amount of money, but simply the presence of it. Be content with what you have and know how to save, then you will have something to brag about. To get rich, you will need the help of wise people, perseverance and work. Luck will save you from wrong decisions leading to serious losses. The best talisman for you is a coin worth 1 ruble. Carry it with you and place it in a visible place at home.

Deuce. Twos are given the ability to find money, but not to spend it. Let someone else buy you things. Bring your husband, wife, mom or dad with you to the store so you can be closely watched. Thoughtless purchases can really hurt you. You may be able to earn money, but you can’t spend or save. If you trust a loved one from your family, then entrust him with the storage of your funds. Gambling is your unhappiness's best friend. If you go to a casino, you can leave everything you have there, so avoid such establishments. Try not to leave home without your main money talisman - a horseshoe. Buy yourself a keychain in the shape of a horseshoe, which will protect you, because it is also dual to some extent.

Troika. Number Three as a money number is very favorable. In fact, this is the best number for those who make the financial sphere of life a priority. The best talisman for you is the three-legged toad from Feng Shui. The most money color for you is red. Luck accompanies you in almost everything, so you should only beware of complete inaction, because money is unlikely to come to you by itself. The lack of pleasant accidents is perhaps the only disadvantage of Troika. Don't be discouraged because in all other moments luck will be with you.

Four. If you were born under the auspices of the financial four, then know that this code of wealth is very positive. The best talismans for you are rings. Most men whose money ruler is number 4 feel a surge of luck only after marriage because they put on rings. Buy yourself a ring if you are not married so that the Universe will protect you and your savings. Women love jewelry, so good luck with money is with them from a very early age if they were born under the number 4. Try not to go into negativity and conduct business only in the right mood. Four is a sign of stability, a sign of confidence. Those born with the number four are blessed with success in business.

Five. Numerologists call five a cloudless number. Much in financial life depends on yourself, namely on your confidence and mood. Five loves round objects, so the best talisman for you is a coin worth five rubles, cents, and so on. Don't show it to anyone. It must be something intimate and secret. Over time, the talisman will gain strength and give it to you. The energy of this number requires you to set your priorities correctly. Don't waste your energy on unnecessary things. This is the only way money can come into your life and, most importantly, stay in it.

Six. This number seems to connect the spiritual world with the material world. To keep your money from leaving you, you should take care of your own health. Your lucky talisman in life is the color blue. When making important money decisions, use your intuition, which will not let you down. Even if your life turns in an unfavorable direction due to some step, know that the Universe is leading you through this dark forest in order to bring you to the light. Trust is the cornerstone of success for you. Money will be where there is strong friendship, love and loyal partnership.

Seven. If you were born under the auspices of a seven, then avoid gambling. They are more dangerous to you than to anyone else. It is largely thanks to you that gaming establishments flourish, because Sevens kill vigilance and force us to treat money as pieces of paper, although a lot in our lives depends on it. Try not to give or borrow more than you can give, and also do not ignore any important instructions from wiser people. Listen to those who wish you happiness. The most important talisman for you is a loved one who can tell you in time how you should behave in relation to money. If you learn to love money, then you will learn to earn it and not waste it.

Eight. This number symbolizes infinity. This wealth code means that a constant flow of money will haunt you. The most important thing for you is not to save money thoughtlessly and not to spend it unnecessarily. The best energy balance will be maintained if you begin to invest money in your own development. Buy something useful to earn even more. Spend to find new hobbies. Luck will always be with you, so you just need to follow the signals of your heart.

Nine. If this is your wealth code, then try not to go to extremes. Money luck will smile on you only if you can spend and earn equally. Nines rarely become very rich, but they also don’t lose money just like that. All that will be required of you throughout life is a good mood and a talisman with sharp edges in the form of a triangle or square. It is desirable that the talisman be symmetrical.

Money signs for every day will help you improve your financial situation and get rid of unnecessary risks. Also keep an eye on financial horoscopes and the lunar calendar. Taken together, all this will give you a huge advantage over your competitors. If you want to change your destiny and achieve success in money, then do not sit still, but look for ways to develop. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Would you think that success in life is directly related to the date of your birth? Now we will get acquainted with the numerology of wealth...

This is an amazing calculation method associated with a person’s birthday. It allows you to determine in what direction you need to direct bioenergy flows in order to ultimately get the maximum benefit and what you need to do to directly work with cash energy flows.

The wealth number shows what your nature is and what abilities you have, as well as what work you must do to attract wealth to yourself.
To calculate the Wealth Code, it is necessary to calculate the numerological code of the date of birth.

For example, your date of birth is July 3, 1968. First, determine all the necessary terms: 3 + 7 + 1968 = 1978. Then add all the single digits: 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 25. Reduce to one digit: 2 + 5 = 7
if the sum turns out to be 11 or 22, then such numbers should not be reduced further

Wealth number - 1

If your wealth number is 1, then you are an individualist, a creator, a leader, but by no means a follower. It is easy for you to succeed as a manager, leader. You don't have to follow anyone's orders; Better learn to give them in a timely manner. You are ambitious and determined in your actions.
To attract the energy of wealth, you need to lead an active life, if possible be loyal to others and develop a sense of humor.
Try to take on only work that can realistically be completed in one day, preferably if that day is Wednesday. In general, it is best for you to schedule on Wednesday all the things that can give a quick financial result, a quick get rich.
Positive vibrations of wealth number 1: self-confidence, pride, willpower and the ability to finish what you start.
Negative vibrations of wealth number 1: selfishness, arrogance, boastfulness, laziness.
Wealth talismans: You should carry talismans with you to attract wealth, containing
either a symbol of the Sun, or images of birds and creatures flying close to the Sun: the Horse talisman, the happiness talisman, the Svarog talisman, the “star of luck,” the Dragon talisman, the Eagle talisman, the talisman of wealth.

Wealth number - 2

If your wealth number is 2, then you should work with a group of like-minded people. “Twos” rarely get rich by acting alone. Develop sociability, kindness and care for your colleagues. Your material well-being will come sooner if you help others. By developing a penchant for peacemaking and diplomacy, you will acquire the sense of rhythm necessary to work with the energy of wealth.
Many “twos” gain wealth through home and family, either by successfully getting married (getting married), or by having a job related to home, family, or similar areas. When signing agreements, try to do it with two fingers. If you can’t yet hold a pen with two fingers and have to do it with three, learn. In general, the energy of wealth will come to you more often when you do something with two fingers (not your palm, not your fist...).
Negative vibrations of wealth number 2: neglect of others, increased sensitivity, timidity, inability to take risks, tendency to self-destruction, lack of will, cowardice.
Wealth talismans: As a talisman that attracts wealth, you should wear the talisman “unchangeable ruble”, “sword of Alexis”, talisman of happiness, talisman of Thor, talisman of divine help, talisman of wealth, “golden talismans” Sirin and Simargl.

Wealth number - 3

If your wealth number is 3, then you have great enthusiasm and an innate ability to achieve happiness, including financial happiness. You are more often satisfied with what you have. However, to increase your wealth, take advantage of your penchant for creation and natural intuition. Develop your business imagination; You are versatile and energetic, intellectual as well as optimistic, often a natural leader.
Pay attention to the development of the ability to control words and voice. To do this, you need to express your ideas more often through speech, writing, acting, or even singing. Having a good imagination and consciously using it, you will quickly achieve financial success in mental work. Make a lot of friends who will mean a lot to you in difficult situations.
Very often you are filled with original ideas for solving money problems: do not pay attention to anyone and focus only on your premonitions.
Beware of water; you need to be especially careful when accepting offers to take a boat trip or walk; water “erodes” the energy of wealth.

Negative vibrations of wealth number 3: uncriticality, impatience, talkativeness, jealousy, lack of self-esteem, intolerance.
Wealth talismans: To improve your own financial situation, you should wear the “irreplaceable” talisman
ruble", Celtic radiant cross, Thor's hammer, Rod talisman, event change talisman, Dragon talisman, Eagle talisman, "golden talismans", wealth talisman.

Wealth number - 4

If your wealth number is 4, then develop sincerity, seriousness, majesty, patience and consciousness. Plan only long-term projects, abandon all short-term dubious activities. Being very thorough from birth, you need to try to take on the entire burden of responsibility, even material. In this case, others will soon begin to ask you for financial support and protection; do not refuse them: all the funds invested and spent on others will soon pay off with interest, and you will establish yourself as a reliable and respectable partner.
You are a born builder who strives for order and regularity in your office and home. Pay attention to the smallest details: you are able to work on the intellectual plane, using your mechanical mind. At the same time, do not refuse to work with your hands: due to your innate methodicalness and orderliness, you can make a small fortune for yourself, even doing physical labor.
Save the money you earn, invest it in your home and never gamble. Gambling is not for “fours”. You should only start new projects on solid ground.
Negative vibrations of wealth number 4: desire to command, criticality, pressure on others, laziness, impatience, intractability.
Wealth talismans: To attract the energy of wealth, “fours” women should from time to time tie at least four braids on their heads at home. You should also have a turtle at home, in the office, or at your place of work. At home you can keep a living turtle, and at work or in the office, a turtle made of metal, stone... To attract the energy of wealth, you should wear a talisman of wealth, a Dragon talisman, an Eagle talisman, a “star of luck”, a talisman of divine help.

Wealth number - 5

If your wealth number is 5, then choose a job where you can come and go as you please. Since you are very active, impatient and rarely get tired, engage in activities that require quick decision making and also involve variety. Once you find a profitable investment, don't hesitate and strike while the iron is hot.
will come to you as a result of cooperation with other people. Try new things, visit new places, meet new people, don’t be afraid to change areas of activity: you will quickly get bored with the routine. Take advantage of your innate sociability, make as many friends and partners as possible. You want to try everything yourself: but although the new and unknown greatly attracts you, you can often learn about profitable sources of enrichment from others.
Adhere to the laws and procedures established at the company: you should take care not to waste your energy, time and money in vain. Your ability to get rich will be significantly reduced if you become a victim of alcohol or drugs, avoid using these drugs even if you think it will help you establish profitable contacts.
Negative vibrations of wealth number 5: irresponsibility, self-indulgence, indifference.
Wealth talismans: To attract the energy of wealth, you should wear the “unchangeable ruble” talisman, the “star of luck” talisman, the Eagle talisman, the Dragon talisman, the “golden talismans” Sirin and Simargl, the talisman of wealth.

Wealth number - 6

If your wealth number is 6, you must learn to serve others and give instructions freely. To create favorable energy for attracting money, create a comfortable, peaceful, harmonious and beautiful environment for yourself. Take advantage of the fact that you are likeable and open; people will think you are fair and capable of resolving disputes successfully. Forgive your employees' mistakes and try to work with others.
Most Sixes work in large firms, but some have such high standards that even they themselves find it difficult to follow them and make financially beneficial decisions very late or do not make them at all. Try to connect your work with home and family, make them always revolve around you. Since you are artistic and appreciate the beauty of nature, choose your home in a beautiful location surrounded by flowers and trees. You can succeed even in the teaching and medical fields. Your financial success will follow from all activities related to home, educational institutions, social work, education.
Negative vibrations of number 6: pride, callousness, interference in other people's affairs, stubbornness, suppression of others.
Wealth talismans: To attract wealth, you should wear the Dragon and Eagle talismans, the “golden talismans” Sirin and Simargl, the wealth talisman, the “unchangeable ruble” talisman, the Khorsa talisman, the favored talisman.

Wealth number - 7

If your wealth number is 7, then constantly seek new knowledge, continue your education, and receive new information. Using your innate powers of observation and optimism, don’t take others’ word for it, collect all the facts. 7 - number of loners: you spend a lot of time alone; To attract wealth, use this time for good by reading, thinking, learning, inventing something new. You will be able to sell your inventions profitably.
Focus on a small number of selected friends: you should associate only with brilliant thinkers. Do not engage in physical labor under any circumstances, as you will not earn money. To find true financial happiness, you need help; carefully select them from among trusted partners.
“Sevens” can become professors, teachers, writers. In order to , you must share your knowledge with the world. Business leadership is not for you; success can come to you as a result of painstaking, individual, professional work. You are patient, self-confident, balanced, intuitive and have extraordinary mental abilities.
Negative vibrations of wealth number 7: impatience, tendency towards melancholy, alcoholism, secrecy,
Wealth talismans: To attract wealth you should wear a talisman
wealth, Dragon talisman, Eagle talisman, happiness talisman.

Wealth number - 8

If your wealth number is 8, then your path to wealth is not easy; financial success comes from acquired knowledge about the movement of securities and considerable efforts aimed at increasing one’s wealth. You should learn to work for others. How you earn money greatly affects your wealth energy.
You need to learn to lead, and not obediently carry out someone else's instructions; Therefore, you should start your own business as soon as possible and start managing it. Strive for big business, because when you start working on a grand scale, your wallet will immediately become pleasantly fatter. To achieve this goal will require common sense, courage in decision-making, and strong principles. Make friends among businessmen and journalists. At first, you can find yourself in the fields of education, finance, and the purchase and sale of consumer goods.
Many “eights” successfully provide all kinds of consultations, and some manage to become fabulously rich by transporting goods and conducting charitable activities. Develop your oratory skills: listening to your fiery speeches, many will reach for their wallet.
Negative vibrations of wealth number 8: excessive ambition, neglect of health, intolerance, abuse of power, senseless extravagance along with stinginess.
Wealth talismans: To attract the energy of wealth, you should wear the Horse talisman, the Celtic God talisman, the Celtic radiant cross, the wealth talisman, the lucky star talisman, the Eagle talisman.

Wealth number - 9

If your wealth number is 9, develop tolerance and understanding of the problems of others. Very different people will contact you; you will be financially rewarded when you learn to listen to them. Try to help and advise others in solving financial problems, and inspire them to work hard. Do not demand power for yourself, unlimited possession of certain things, or personal love from employees, because your wealth number requires you to remain impersonal.
Seek excellence in yourself and others, but do not be disappointed or upset when you realize that people have not achieved the degree of perfection that you expected in them. Having realized that other people have their own path in this life, and that you do not need to expect special love from them for you, receive from them the material benefits due to you and do not think about them anymore.
You are intelligent, talented, attractive and generous, but don't be overwhelmed by your emotions: know the limits of compassion. You can significantly increase your material well-being by engaging in charitable activities related to work in medical institutions and non-profit organizations.
Negative vibrations of wealth number 9: embitterment, stinginess, despondency, timidity, uncertainty, indecision.
Wealth talismans: To attract wealth, you should wear a talisman of wealth, an Eagle talisman, and “golden talismans” Sirin and Simargl.

Wealth number - 11

If your wealth number is 11, try to always be in the spotlight, in plain sight. To do this, you can become a highly paid lecturer, minister, diplomat, ambassador, critic or spiritual advisor. Develop your intuition, intelligence, artistry; philosophize more.
Many people with wealth number 11 have significantly replenished their wallets, demonstrating to the world extraordinary psychic and extrasensory abilities. Don't try to be ambitious because your financial success will come through knowledge, revelation and helping others. Try to ensure that your lifestyle inspires others to perform great feats of work, remember that you are always visible. You should eat as many apples as possible, apples attract money energy to you.
Negative vibrations of wealth number 11: deceit, selfishness, bitterness, indifference, detachment.
Wealth talismans: To attract wealth energy, you should wear a wealth talisman or an Eagle talisman.

Wealth number - 22

If your wealth number is 22, then it will make you work hard. This is the number of life builders, architects, all those who are involved in risky enterprises. Strive to ensure that your interests lie in the field of international cooperation and solving world problems. Take leadership, control; you can be a highly paid professor, teacher, government and various public institutions.
Your initial capital accumulation should occur at age 22, when you lay the first brick of your wealth.
Negative vibrations of wealth number 22: nervousness, tendency to go to extremes, commitment to expensive projects, mental confusion, boastfulness.
Wealth talismans: To attract wealth to yourself, you should wear a Dragon talisman, an Eagle talisman, or a wealth talisman.

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Numbers have special magical vibrations and are able to control not only our destiny, but also our financial well-being. Using numerology, you can calculate your personal wealth code.

Using your date of birth and name code, you can find out which number is responsible for your financial well-being and in which direction you should move to achieve it. To do this, you will need to add the date of your birth with the resulting name number. For example, Maxim was born on December 22, 1958, which means: 2+2+1+2+1+9+5+8=30, 3+0=3, that is his birth number is 3. Then, using the table, we determine the number of the name:

1 - a, i, s, b;

2 - b, j, t, s;

3 - in, k, y, b;

4 - g, l, f, e;

5 - d, m, x, y;

6 - e, n, c, i;

7 - e, o, h;

8 - f, p, w;

9 - z, r, sch.

Maxim = 5+1+3+1+1+5=16= 7 . We add the number of the date of birth with the number of the name: 3+7=10=1+0=1. It turns out that in this case personal code - one.

Number meanings

Unit. Material stability comes to people of this number through their own achievements and projects. They strive for individuality and choose activities they like with a creative approach to business. To be active, they need internal freedom and independence from others and their opinions. Your own business or project develops without interference and brings in a stable income in the absence of limiting factors.

Two. People of this number achieve well-being through leadership qualities and a desire to help a large number of people. They implement large-scale plans alone, and then find followers with whom they willingly share knowledge and experience. The larger their plans, the greater the benefit they bring to themselves and those around them.

Troika. Their talents help these people achieve financial independence. The great potential in the entertainment sector makes it possible to start making money on the positive emotions and feelings of people. However, people with such a money number do not have a pronounced desire to earn money, so they treat money with a degree of disdain. They have a fairly high probability of receiving a good inheritance or winning a large sum of money.

Four. This figure means stability of financial situation, and the amount of money directly depends on the efforts made to achieve wealth. These people usually plan the path to their goal step by step and slowly develop their entrepreneurial activities.

Five. Owners of such a money number are distinguished by a penchant for risk, bold undertakings and all kinds of experiments. However, to achieve financial stability, they require team support. If people with this number in the code set out to bring their bold ideas to life, they are able to rally people around them and lead them to success, guided by collective knowledge and skills.

Six. These people will get money easily if they can see sources of income. It is important for them to realize that material well-being is literally at their feet; they just need to correctly read the signs of Fate and follow their intuition.

Seven. Creative people associated with this number do not strive for material enrichment. More often they are interested in spiritual growth and all kinds of practices and teachings aimed at achieving harmony with themselves and the world around them. However, they are excellent specialists in their field and, under favorable conditions, are able to create unique things, projects and ideas for improving any process.

Eight. This figure is like a magnet that attracts monetary abundance, but requires a reverent attitude towards finances. Success comes to people who do not prioritize their own enrichment, but work fruitfully in large-scale projects, benefiting not only their company, but all of humanity.

Nine. The number of changes allows you to instantly hit the jackpot and just as quickly find yourself literally penniless. People of this number need to take their activities seriously and not allow themselves to relax at critical moments. A business mindset and a desire to win will help you achieve prosperity. These people have a rule when it comes to money: earn a lot, part with it easily. This means that you should not be stingy and focus on your wealth to the detriment of other activities.

For financial stability to appear in life, you must strive for success and not forget about the laws of the Universe. Material and spiritual wealth depends on your attitude towards money and your environment. Don't strive to earn all the money, but make an effort to achieve your independence. We wish you good luck in your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

04.04.2017 15:15

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