Wax fortune telling meaning panda. Fortune telling on wax. The meaning of the figures

Candles have special magical properties, which, naturally, could not go unnoticed. Even in Rus', fortune telling with wax and water was popular, which was most often carried out on Christmas evenings. Residents of Europe were no less active in predicting the future using wax.

Fortune telling with candle wax

Today, wax fortune telling is also popular, especially among young girls. The main advantage of this method of finding out the future is its simplicity. Melted wax, falling into water, hardens and takes on the outlines of some figure. Unraveling the symbolic meaning of the resulting figure is the task of the fortuneteller. When conducting fortune telling on wax, the meaning of the symbols cannot always be guessed the first time. However, persistence in this matter will certainly lead to the desired result.

Fortune telling with wax on water

In order to find out your destiny with the help of a candle, you do not need long preparations. For such fortune telling, a simple minimum set is sufficient:

  1. Large wax candle
  2. Matchbox
  3. Bowl of cold water (the water should not be ice cold)

To this list we can only add the patience of a fortuneteller. To obtain the result, you will need a sufficient amount of melted wax, which means the candle must burn for a long time.

Experienced fortune tellers advise choosing multi-colored candles to make it easier to see the outline of the resulting figure against the background of a light bowl. In addition, you need to ask your question in advance. The color of the candle used depends on the nature of the question. A red or pink candle is suitable for love relationships, and a green one for questions about health. Financial issues are best resolved using a gold-plated candle. With this approach, the meaning of wax figures in fortune telling will be as accurate as possible.

It is very important to look at the candle flame during fortune telling. The flame will tell you something about the mood of fortune telling:

  • A candle that was lit quickly and without problems and that burns wonderfully is a good sign.
  • A candle that hisses, sparks, or makes other noises could mean you are receiving a very important message.
  • A candle that lights up very slowly and burns very sluggishly is not a good sign.
  • A candle that does not light means that you should stop guessing and reschedule this event for another day.

To find out what awaits you in the future, you need to bring the resulting wax figurine to a wall/door (any vertical surface). The shadow that will be cast will form a new figure, which will signify your future.

Christmas fortune telling on wax

You can tell fortunes with wax at any time, but the most suitable time for this is New Year's Eve and Christmastide. Previously, for Christmas fortune-telling, it was advised to choose special places that should enhance the effect. The girls went to abandoned houses, a bathhouse, a barn, a basement, a vestibule, an attic or a cemetery. It was necessary to tell fortunes without belts and crosses, the hair was untied, and the knots on the clothes were untied.

Christmas fortune-telling with wax consisted of pouring melted wax into water, after which a figurine was obtained. Figures with a bad meaning were thrown out to pigs or buried in the ground, and those with a good meaning were kept until the next fortune telling.

Fortune telling on wax: interpretation of figures

For girls who perform fortune telling with wax, the designation of the figures is of greatest importance. It is from the resulting figure that you can try to predict your future.

After the wax has fallen into the water and hardened, you need to carefully examine its shape and determine which specific object it is closest to. It is very important to give free rein to your imagination. The wax figurine can be viewed directly in the bowl or taken out of the water and examined from different angles. Having decided on the type of figure obtained, you can begin to interpret this symbol. When fortune telling with wax, a variety of figures can be obtained - animals, flowers, trees, human images, the sun, mythical creatures and much more.

The dog symbolizes a faithful comrade who is next to you. This result of fortune telling indicates that you also know how to make friends and highly value friendly relationships. You yourself always strive to help your loved ones, so in any situation you can safely count on support. The wax dog acts as a hint: it’s time to recruit a team (if you haven’t done so yet) - together you can solve many problems and achieve incredible results.

The figure of a dog standing on its hind legs means that someone close to you needs your help.

Having seen such a figure, you can safely prepare for good news, one way or another connected with water. In addition, after such fortune telling, meeting foreigners becomes more likely. A silent and mysterious fish also speaks of the presence or imminent appearance in your life of a slightly mysterious, taciturn and wise adviser or mentor. Even if it is not easy, it is still worth listening to his words and recommendations.

The wax heart, of course, speaks of love. It is love that will occupy your thoughts in the near future, and no other problems will be able to bother you anymore. With almost one hundred percent probability we can say that your feelings will not go unnoticed and unrequited.

The shape of a cast heart can additionally tell a lot about love. A clear heart shape with sharp boundaries can be considered a favorable sign that predicts happy love. If the heart is veined, the shape is unclear or consists of several parts, this is a bad, alarming sign warning of possible danger.

The wax figure of an elephant has several meanings. This symbol indicates that you are a strong person with a significant supply of vital energy. You walk with a firm and confident step along the right path, but you cannot help but notice the people around you, otherwise luck may turn away from you. This sign also shows that there are well-wishers behind your back, that is, people who are always ready to help and support, shifting some of your responsibilities and problems onto their shoulders. In addition, the wax elephant indicates your excellent physical shape and at the same time warns that intense and excessive exercise is unacceptable and can cause harm, depriving you of all your former capabilities.

In a word, the elephant symbolizes strength, perseverance and confidence in the correctness of the chosen methods to achieve the goal. To avoid collapse, you should exercise prudence and avoid using your exceptional power to harm others.

If during fortune telling you saw a wax flower, this indicates the beginning of an extremely favorable period in your life, filled with a series of joyful events. Everything you have planned will certainly come true. The people around you will rejoice at your success, and you will definitely share a piece of your luck with everyone.

The flower also suggests that you may get married or meet a new and very reliable partner.

Flowers are a very favorable sign, symbolizing changes for the better, success in everything: dreams come true, sometimes even exorbitant ambitions are realized. Regardless of what kind of wax flowers you get during fortune telling, they always tell about your spiritual inescapable joy, which you easily share with the people around you. Flowers also show that you have many friends who are always happy to communicate with you. Flowers are a symbol of your wonderful and happy future.

If a girl does fortune-telling with wax, a rose may appear to her more often than other flowers. This speaks of love that already lives in the heart of the fortuneteller or will appear there in the near future. If you see a wax rose, do not be afraid to open your heart to a new feeling.

A sign that gives hope, indicating the presence of a sufficient amount of internal resources to achieve your goals. You are strong in spirit, stand firmly on your feet, are open to the world around you and draw strength from it.

Reliability, stability, strength and fortitude will certainly help in your affairs and in solving emerging problems.

Snake - cobra

The snake is a symbol that is interpreted in different ways: wisdom, strength, and also a sign of danger. On the one hand, this sign symbolizes wisdom and the ability to find a way out of difficult life situations. On the other hand, the sign of the snake warns of danger, someone’s treachery, the target of which may be your personal relationships. The whole reason is the dangerous and insidious enemies around you.

The embryo speaks of some planned deeds and the desire to bring them to life.

Candles have special magical properties, which, naturally, could not go unnoticed. Even in Rus', fortune telling with wax and water was popular, which was most often carried out on Christmas Eve in the period from Christmas Eve to Epiphany.

The wax was melted and poured into a vessel (glass) with cold water, where it formed fancy figures. Previously, if they promised something bad, our ancestors took them out in the morning and threw them directly with the vessel to the pigs. If there were no such animals on the farm, the wax was buried in the ground. But the figurines, which are good signs, on the contrary, were taken out of the water and saved until the next fortune-telling session.

Since ancient times, the “technology” of predicting the future using wax has remained virtually unchanged. We can only note that if you use paraffin candles, you should use a larger vessel (a basin, for example). In addition, wax should be deposited in a circle around the edges. If you do this in the center, the wax will begin to settle on the paraffin that has already accumulated on the water and will form a mass from which it will be difficult to determine anything.

Experienced fortune tellers advise choosing multi-colored candles to make it easier to see the outline of the resulting figure against the background of a light bowl. In addition, you need to ask your question in advance. The color of the candle used depends on the nature of the question. A red or pink candle is suitable for love relationships, and a green one for questions about health. Financial issues are best resolved using a gold-plated candle. With this approach, the meaning of wax figures in fortune telling will be as accurate as possible.

It is very important to look at the candle flame during fortune telling. The flame will tell you something about the mood of fortune telling:

  • A candle that was lit quickly and without problems and that burns wonderfully is a good sign.
  • A candle that hisses, sparks, or makes other noises could mean you are receiving a very important message.
  • A candle that lights up very slowly and burns very “sluggishly” is not a good sign.
  • A candle that does not light means that you should stop guessing and reschedule this event for another day.

Anyone can try to predict the future with wax. But more complex methods, for example, Tarot cards, are best left to a professional. Hereditary witch and tarot reader Elena Anael can tell you everything about your destiny during online consultations. A prediction about your personal life will give you the answer to what your destiny is, whether your personal life will work out, why there is emptiness and loneliness, how to remove it. Elena will answer when your man will appear and which one. After a Tarot consultation, you will understand what is going on with you, what to expect in the future, and how to change your life.

To make an appointment with tarot reader Elena Anael, write to her website on the Internet https://www.facebook.com/iElenaTarot https://vk.com/elenaanael or Viber ‎+201551013670

Fortune telling on wax: interpretation of figures

After the wax has fallen into the water and hardened, you need to carefully examine its shape and determine which specific object it is closest to. It is very important to give free rein to your imagination. The wax figurine can be viewed directly in the bowl or taken out of the water and examined from different angles.

Wax fortune telling: dog

The dog symbolizes a faithful comrade who is next to you. This result of fortune telling indicates that you also know how to make friends and highly value friendly relationships. You yourself always strive to help your loved ones, so in any situation you can safely count on support. The wax dog acts as a hint: it’s time to recruit a team (if you haven’t done so yet) - together you can solve many problems and achieve incredible results.

The figure of a dog standing on its hind legs means that someone close to you needs your help.

Wax fortune telling: fish

Having seen such a figure, you can safely prepare for good news, one way or another connected with water. In addition, after such fortune telling, meeting foreigners becomes more likely. A silent and mysterious fish also speaks of the presence or imminent appearance in your life of a slightly mysterious, taciturn and wise adviser or mentor. Even if it is not easy, it is still worth listening to his words and recommendations.

Wax divination: heart

The wax heart, of course, speaks of love. It is love that will occupy your thoughts in the near future, and no other problems will be able to bother you anymore. With almost one hundred percent probability we can say that your feelings will not go unnoticed and unrequited.

The shape of a cast heart can additionally tell a lot about love. A clear heart shape with sharp boundaries can be considered a favorable sign that predicts happy love. If the heart is veined, the shape is unclear or consists of several parts, this is a bad, alarming sign warning of possible danger.

Wax fortune telling: elephant

The wax figure of an elephant has several meanings. This symbol indicates that you are a strong person with a significant supply of vital energy. You walk with a firm and confident step along the right path, but you cannot help but notice the people around you, otherwise luck may turn away from you. This sign also shows that there are well-wishers behind your back, that is, people who are always ready to help and support, shifting some of your responsibilities and problems onto their shoulders. In addition, the wax elephant indicates your excellent physical shape and at the same time warns that intense and excessive exercise is unacceptable and can cause harm, depriving you of all your former capabilities.

In a word, the elephant symbolizes strength, perseverance and confidence in the correctness of the chosen methods to achieve the goal. To avoid collapse, you should exercise prudence and avoid using your exceptional power to harm others.

Wax fortune telling: flower

If during fortune telling you saw a wax flower, this indicates the beginning of an extremely favorable period in your life, filled with a series of joyful events. Everything you have planned will certainly come true. The people around you will rejoice at your success, and you will definitely share a piece of your luck with everyone.

The flower also suggests that you may get married or meet a new and very reliable partner.

Flowers are a very favorable sign, symbolizing changes for the better, success in everything: dreams come true, sometimes even exorbitant ambitions are realized. Regardless of what kind of wax flowers you get during fortune telling, they always tell about your spiritual inescapable joy, which you easily share with the people around you. Flowers also show that you have many friends who are always happy to communicate with you. Flowers are a symbol of your wonderful and happy future.

If a girl does fortune-telling with wax, a rose may appear to her more often than other flowers. This speaks of love that already lives in the heart of the fortuneteller or will appear there in the near future. If you see a wax rose, do not be afraid to open your heart to a new feeling.

Wax divination: tree

A sign that gives hope, indicating the presence of a sufficient amount of internal resources to achieve your goals. You are strong in spirit, stand firmly on your feet, are open to the world around you and draw strength from it.

Reliability, stability, strength and fortitude will certainly help in your affairs and in solving emerging problems.

Wax divination: snake

The snake is a symbol that is interpreted in different ways: wisdom, strength, and also a sign of danger. On the one hand, this sign symbolizes wisdom and the ability to find a way out of difficult life situations. On the other hand, the sign of the snake warns of danger, someone’s treachery, the target of which may be your personal relationships. The whole reason is the dangerous and insidious enemies around you.

Wax divination: embryo

The embryo speaks of some planned deeds and the desire to bring them to life. A wax embryo can also mean pregnancy (not necessarily yours), as well as the birth of a new relationship, a new job, new friends, a new social circle.

Wax fortune telling: squirrel

Since the squirrel is a thrifty animal, its figure during fortune telling speaks of your love for everything material, as well as your tendency to predict everything and prepare for everything in advance so that difficulties do not take you by surprise. Such a habit in life can be very useful, and sometimes even life-saving.

Wax fortune telling: mermaid

The figurine of a mermaid warns of possible deception and temptation. You need to be very careful not to fall into the trap of cunning people.

Wax divination: dagger

Beware of false friends. And also the danger of losing something important due to hostility. Haste, swiftness, attack.

Among the Slavic magical rituals, Christmas ones are the most famous, and even a beginner can interpret fortune telling on wax. The symbols and images that fortunetellers discern on a wax pattern contain energy and information that corresponds to real life. Only fantastic or fairy-tale characters or accessories have a special uncharacteristic meaning.

In the article:

Interpretation of fortune telling on wax - obvious and hidden patterns

The rules for performing fortune telling with wax both on Christmas Eve or Christmastide, and at other times are very simple. Apart from natural wax, spring water and privacy, no special conditions are required. You can pour wax melted in a spoon onto the water, or wax dripping directly from a burning candle.

The most painstaking task is to discern in the wax figure symbols or objects that are significant for predicting future events. Sometimes the image is impossible to identify, and the only way to understand what the figure represents is to look at its shadow through candlelight. The interpretation is as true as the pattern.

The meaning of the symbols in wax divination does not depend on the purpose of the ritual. Both in rituals for determining significant events in the future, and in rituals for detecting damage or the evil eye, drawings are interpreted in the same way. Only images of people can have opposite characteristics, both positive and negative.

Unambiguously positive meanings of wax figures in fortune telling

There are symbols that are always associated only with positive emotions and events. Is it possible to assume that the image Angela could mean something bad rather than good news and great news? As an eternal symbol of good luck, Horseshoe, can predict troubles, but a reliable symbol of marriage, Ring, anything else? Absolutely right: there are images whose interpretation is unambiguous.

Prospects for material well-being and the receipt of monetary profits are indicated by such figures as Grape, Coins, Wallet. Images tell about unconditional success in business and personal life Trefoil, Crowns, parrot. Signs of a happy development of love relationships, naturally, are Heart, Wreath, Tower, A Egg, Basket, Stork or Embryo are guaranteed to predict a new addition to the family.

Ladder- to career growth, Key- to solve the problem, Automobile, Ship- to travel. In fact, the meaning of symbols is precisely how it is associated in the human mind. If the image is positive, it predicts positive events related to the area in which its meaning is most natural.

Wax divination meanings warning of danger

No matter how wild human imagination may be, to assume that Coffin, Scull, Cross or Crow No one can show cloudless, happy events. That’s right - this is a set of the most unpleasant prospects regarding health, life and plans. The only positive aspect in such a situation is the timely interpretation of wax fortune telling and the opportunity to change the course of events.
If during the ritual an image is formed Bottles, Shot glasses or Glass, It is necessary to make every effort to combat the addiction to alcohol of someone close to you, whose life may go downhill due to this addiction. Eye, Fork, Bull, Monkey,Snake- insincerity, deception, hidden envy, insidious plans of secret enemies - unexpected threats from people who were considered friends or well-wishers. Rope, and even with knots, is as unfavorable as Mountains or Cell- these are difficulties that will definitely have to be overcome in order for everything to be fine in the future.

But with people's faces the situation is much more complicated. Here you should focus only on internal sensations. If the image of a person, be it a man or a woman, evokes a feeling of inexplicable anxiety or unpleasant emotions, problems and difficult situations are likely to come from friends or close relatives. You need to be alert to those around you; you may be able to prevent threats.

Material symbols of fortune telling on wax

If the ritual is performed by melting a candle, a large number of separately frozen drops are obtained, which can be mistakenly labeled as coins. This will be an incorrect value. It is better to focus on the image in material matters Chest, A bag full or, oddly enough, Spider. It is these figures that always prophesy the receipt of money.

Spiral warns of possible fraud, there is a real threat of losing money. The same perspective shines when depicting Empty bag. The most unfavorable symbol for financial situation is Shark- a very influential and invincible person plans to destroy your material well-being.

The good thing about the wax ceremony is that it allows you to see in advance the impending danger of losing money or your own business. Even if it is not possible to prevent an unpleasant event, worries about this will be much easier than they could be.

Special fortune telling with wax on water - interpretation of damage and the evil eye

A very important type of fortune telling with wax is pouring out damage and the evil eye. This ritual differs from the standard one in minor details. The wax should be poured onto the water over the head of the person who is suspected of having magical effects, it is advisable to place three icons on the table, and before the ceremony the 90th Psalm should be read. There are no clear time conditions for damage and the evil eye.
Typically this ritual shows an image of the body parts or organs that have been attacked. Head indicates the impact on thoughts, Heart- the ability to love, hands - for the opportunity to work, legs- move around. A drawing that is difficult to distinguish is viewed in the same way as in ordinary fortune telling: through the light in the form of a shadow.

Quite often, such a ritual helps to see where the damage came from. By carefully studying the image, you can actually see the face of a person who wishes evil. But if the wax is clearly imprinted Boomerang- you'll have to blame yourself. As in life, this attribute means the return of negativity that was sent by you, consciously or unwittingly.

Since ancient times, wax fortune telling has been a favorite way to find out the future among all segments of the population. Peasant women, merchant women, noblewomen - everyone wanted to know how to look behind the veil of secrecy and learn the unknown. Of course, noble ladies could afford to visit fortune tellers who took money for predictions, while poor girls were left with only home fortune-telling - and yet interest in wax predictions never waned.

Even now, in the age of enlightenment, we continue to turn to candles for help and advice.

General information

What is required for fortune telling, when is it best to do it, what can and cannot be done in the process? Previously, when knowledge was passed on from mother to daughter, such questions did not arise. We have to consider the whole process from beginning to end.

Reasons for the popularity of fortune telling with wax and water

The fact that candles are used in more than half of the currently known fortune telling methods is hardly surprising, because they combine several powerful energy substances at once.

Wax itself is a material completely saturated with vitality. In addition, a burning candle is also fire, and it is known to be the most unbridled and honest of the elements. Their combination and gives candles their unique properties.

However, in addition to deep hidden meanings, the popularity of candle fortune telling also has a much more mundane reason: accessibility.

Unlike more complex ways to find out the future, this one does not require serious material costs, but with the right approach it gives an impressive result.

What is casting

There are a great many process options and interpretations. They vary depending on the purpose of the ritual, the seriousness of the approach to it and accessibility, however, they all have the main and main stage - the creation of a casting.

Casting is an irregularly shaped object obtained in the process of fortune telling by pouring molten material into cold water and solidifying it in it.

In more complex versions, castings are made from soft, low-melting metals, however, in our case, wax will act as the material.

Purpose of fortune telling by candle

First of all, in order to look behind the veil of secrecy and get a glimpse of the future, to find out what dangers and obstacles lie in wait on the path of life, what should be feared, what to avoid, and what, on the contrary, will bring good results.

This ritual also has another purpose - identification and removal of damage, evil eye and other negative energy imprints, intentionally or accidentally “sewn” to a person’s aura.

Suitable time for the ceremony

The ritual can be performed at any time. But if you are aimed at obtaining reliable results that are not distorted by the influence of external factors, you should take into account that there are favorable and unfavorable periods for fortune telling on wax figures. When choosing a time, you should pay attention to some recommendations.

It is best to wait until sunset, under night sky communication with higher powers is more fruitful.

Moon phase has the meaning. The ritual gains its greatest power during the full moon, but another interpretation, on the contrary, calls the “blind sky” - the new moon - the most appropriate time.

There are certain days suitable for fortune telling. Historically, it so happened that girls and women used to tell fortunes Christmastide and Christmas. It is on these days that you will be able to come closest to the secrets of fate along the path trodden by your ancestors.

Required Items

Before you start casting, you need to purchase and prepare everything that may be useful in the process. You should take care of this in advance; communication with the Universe does not tolerate fuss and secondary things.

To carry out the ritual of fortune telling on wax and water, you will need:

Let's consider each of the points in more detail.


If candle fortune telling is nothing more than entertainment for you, you can use paraffin, bought in a regular store. However, if you want to get a full answer to a serious question, do not look for easy ways. The wax must be natural, absorbing the power of nature.

Perfect fit melted down church candles or wax, purchased directly from beekeepers. The latter option is even preferable when you are planning to guess the future, since in this case it will not undergo virtually any processing and will go through a minimum number of hands, which means it is less likely to acquire the imprint of someone else’s energy.

On the other hand, wax purchased in the temple is imbued with a special beneficial power, and with its help it is much easier to identify the evil eye and damage.


When choosing water, the same principle applies as with wax. You can fill a vessel from a tap, and this will not lead to disaster and the extinction of humanity from supernatural disasters. However, if you are in the mood for a serious conversation with higher powers, it is better to opt for holy, baptismal or charmed water. These options are most suitable for removing negative influences, evil eyes and damage.

In the absence of these or for fortune telling for the future, they are suitable melted snow or spring water. Such water is saturated with the flow of natural energy and carries within it a piece of universal power. But be careful - natural water can be capricious and highly susceptible to outside influences.

Do not place the liquid prepared for the ritual next to trash can, dirty dishes or, worse, TV.

Containers for water and melting

It's better to take dishes from natural materials.

But don't get carried away. I assure you that melting wax over a candle in a wooden spoon will be somewhat problematic.

You shouldn’t forget about basic convenience, so choose the right one. wide and deep container for water.

For melting, take one with a long handle, sufficient in volume so that the contents do not splash out, but not too large so that you do not have to scrape the contents from the walls.

A candle that will burn during the process

The candle should burn all the time. We will melt the future casting on it.

The sacred purpose lies in an additional connection with higher powers. In addition, the steady flickering of the light will help you tune in and concentrate, which is also important.

It would be wisest to use candles purchased in the temple. They will help drive away evil forces and will not allow negative energy to affect the process.

Conducting fortune telling and interpreting meanings

When the preparation for the ritual is completed, you can begin the most exciting part - creating the casting and deciphering its meaning.

Stages of fortune telling

The process of establishing contact with fate can be conditionally divided into three stages. Each of them has its own characteristics and neglecting the subtleties of at least one can lead to distortion of the entire ritual. Therefore, it is very important to take care of every little detail.

1. Wax preparation

From a practical point of view, this stage is of great importance only when you “dissect” the candle. In this case, you need to remove the wick from it and shape it into a shape suitable for melting.

The secret meaning of this action is much more significant. It is at this moment that you “tune” the wax to your wavelength, turning it from a simple piece of material into a reflection of your thoughts, desires, and life path.

The main thing here is not to rush. Slowly warm the cast in your hands, then begin to gently knead it, making it pliable and flexible. Try to look at a pre-lit candle at this moment, this will help you take your mind off the bustle of the world, tune in and clear your mind.

In no case do not try to heat wax on the radiator, soften it with blows or crumble it. This will instantly destroy the unity of your spirit and its physical vehicle.

After finishing kneading, place the workpiece in a melting container. From this moment the second stage begins.

2. Melting

This stage, in a material sense, consists of melting a softened piece in a pre-prepared container over a candle flame.

In a spiritual sense, this is a moment of concentration on your question. Try your best clearly formulate what's eating you. Do not forget that the more specific the question, the simpler and more accurate the decoding will be.

The worst thing you can do at this stage is to start “kicking” fate, picking at the melting wax so that it melts as quickly as possible and you can proceed to the “main” part. Do not forget that the ritual has no unimportant stages. Don't rush heaven, they don't like it.

3. Creating a casting

The result of this stage will be the creation of an irregularly shaped wax ingot, the decoding of the meanings of which will be the answer to the question. However, under no circumstances try to specifically cast any figure, even if you really want to. You are only a guide; a higher power guides the process.

All you need to do is pour it carefully liquid wax in cold water. You shouldn’t pour out all the wax at once, but there’s no point in straining it in an excessively thin stream.

The method of pouring, of course, does not affect the result of fortune telling in any way, but in the first case there is a high probability of flooding everything around with water and getting burned with wax. In the second case, you simply risk falling asleep from boredom before you have time to interpret the signs of fate.

Meaning of symbols and decoding methods

When the pouring on wax has been successfully completed, the most difficult thing awaits you - to find out what the meaning of the resulting figure is.

It is worth remembering that this way of looking into the future, like many others, is very subjective and depends entirely on your perception. If you formulate the question clearly enough, then you will not need to dig deep in search of the meaning of each squiggle on the wax figure, the answer will come by itself and will turn out to be so obvious that you will surprise yourself.

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