Cherries for the winter: recipes, secrets and tips. Cherry compote for the winter How to close cherry compote

It’s nice to enjoy the taste of your favorite summer one on a cold winter evening. To do this, you need to work a little during the period.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

To seal the cherry compote for the winter, the housewife will need a small saucepan in which to boil water, a large saucepan for sterilizing the jar, lids for canning, a plastic lid with holes to drain the water, scales, and a spoon.

Features of product selection

When choosing bird cherries, remember that the fruits should be fresh and neat in appearance. There should be no stains, dents or worms.

  1. We prepare the jars and berries as described above.
  2. Pour strawberries in equal proportions into the prepared container.
  3. Fill the jar filled with berries with cold water to find out how much is needed to preserve the syrup.
  4. Drain the water into a saucepan and add sugar to taste.
  5. Boil water and pour hot syrup into jars.
  6. Cover the container with a metal canning lid.
  7. Place the full jar in a pan of hot water.
  8. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for 12-15 minutes.
  9. At this time, we also immerse the lids in a pan of water and boil them for 5 minutes.
  10. We roll up the jars.

Rules for storing workpieces

Glossy skin, juicy fleshy pulp and a recognizable sweetish taste... That's all it is! Beautiful cherry. In addition to the fact that ripe cherries are tasty on their own, they can also be used to make excellent preparations for the winter. Cherry compote will delight and surprise you with its special taste on winter days. It will have a unique taste due to the fact that we will not remove the seeds, but they will give the compote a subtle flavor nuance inherent in most stone fruits - almond. However, it is the presence of seeds that will oblige the use of compote before the start of the next season. Hydrocyanic acid, which changes shape after long-term storage, can cause poisoning. There is a special pleasant aspect that is inherent in cherry compote for the winter - it has very tasty “berries”. The cherries from the compote are large, juicy, sweet – delicious. The recipe is simple, without sterilization, try to seize the June chance to prepare such a wonderful preparation.

To prepare compote for a three-liter jar you will need:

  • approximately 450-500 g of ripe cherries
  • 250 g granulated sugar
  • water - how much it will take (about 2.5 liters)

How to seal cherry compote for the winter

The cherries must be carefully sorted and the “defective” fruits removed—rotten and spoiled cherries. Along the way, you can remove all the stalks. Next comes an optional, but desirable stage, especially when the cherry inspires suspicion that it contains worms. Pour medium-salted water over the cherries and leave for a while; the salt will drive away unwanted “guests”.

Rinse the prepared cherries. Place it in the bottom of a clean, cleaned three-liter jar with baking soda. The cherries should end up occupying about a third of the entire volume of the jar.

Now boil about two liters of clean water and gradually, in several stages, so that the jar does not burst, pour boiling water over the cherries. Fill almost the entire jar to the top, leaving only a little space, which will later be occupied by sugar.

Let the cherries warm up a little. Now you can drain the water from the cherries into a large saucepan. Add sugar to the water, stir and bring the syrup to a boil. The sugar should completely dissolve. While the syrup is boiling, prepare the lid and seaming key.

Very carefully, observing safety precautions, pour boiling syrup over the heated cherries in the jar. Immediately seal the jar with a sterile lid. Check whether the jar is properly closed by turning it upside down. Wrap the jar of hot compote in a warm blanket or scarf. Let it sit until it cools down.

This cherry compote for the winter can be stored in an apartment without any fear.

Sweet cherries canned in syrup for the winter without sterilization are prepared quite simply, according to the principle of canning cucumbers or tomatoes: add water, drain, pour again. There is also no need to remove the seeds for this recipe. Cherries should retain their beautiful appearance. It is best to use yellow or dark red cherries. Also, the cherries should be quite large for compote. Save the small cherries for jam, it will be just right. Check out the delicious recipe here. By the way, 1 liter jar takes 600-700 g of cherries and approximately 500-600 ml of water. Hurry up and cook before the season ends!

Recipe: Sweet cherries canned in syrup for the winter without sterilization:

For 1 liter of water:

0.5 kg sugar

2 g citric acid

How to cook Cherries canned in syrup for the winter without sterilization:

1. Wash the cherries, sort them, remove all spoiled berries.

2.Prepare the jars, wash with soda, sterilize after boiling for 15 minutes, and also sterilize the lids for 2 minutes.

3. Place the cherries very tightly at the very top in sterilized jars, pour boiling water over them, cover with a lid, and wrap for 5 minutes.

4.Then drain the water through a special lid with holes, close it again with iron lids, wrap it up, and put the water to boil again.

  1. Pour in a second time, drain after 5 minutes (as in step 4), and boil the water. Add sugar, citric acid, pour in sweet syrup for the third time, and immediately roll up.

Here you go cherries for the winter ready! You will enjoy long winter evenings with a sweet fruit dessert.

The rich cherry harvest is just asking to be put into jars. In addition to canning preserves, compote, jam, cherries in their own juice for the winter will be an excellent variety in this list. For such preparation, the cherries need to be scrupulously sorted so that there are no rotten berries. Even one thing can ruin the entire workpiece. Only ripe and fresh fruits are suitable for storage in their own juice. Sweet cherries are denser in structure than sour cherries; when exposed to hot temperatures, they will not lose their shape. Therefore, it does not need to be kept in cold water for a short time before canning, like cherries.

Cherries in their own juice, closed for the winter, are perfect as a filling for delicious pies or pies. For this purpose, it is advisable to preserve the berries without sugar. For preparation, take cherries of white, pink, red varieties, compact them to the top in jars and sterilize them in a saucepan for 10-15 minutes. Then they are sealed hermetically and sent for storage.

White cherries in their own juice with seeds

For the recipe for white cherries in their own juice for the winter, you will need liter jars. One such container will take approximately 700 grams of medium-sized cherries. You need to take sugar so that it occupies ¼ of the volume of the container (about 200 grams). This recipe includes the procedure for sterilizing jars with cherries inside.


  1. Sterilize your chosen liter glass container. One jar can be treated with hot steam using a kettle, but if you plan to close a large batch of fruits, then this procedure is better done in the oven or microwave.
  2. Add half a glass of sugar.
  3. Wash the cherries, get rid of spoiled ones, remove leaves and stems.
  4. Fill the jar to the top with berries. Pour boiling clean water over the shoulders of the cherry blank. There is no need to top up to the neck; during the sterilization process, the empty space will be filled by the released cherry juice.
  5. Place a clean towel on the bottom of the pan, add water and heat it slightly. Place the jars of cherries in a saucepan so that the warm water reaches the shoulders. Start sterilization, lasting 30 minutes.
  6. Carefully remove the provisions from the pan with tongs, screw on the lids tightly, turn over, and wrap until cool. The next day, return it to its normal position and put it in the pantry.

If, after sterilizing the jars of cherries, they have not released enough juice and there is empty space left to the brim, it needs to be filled with boiling water. Only after that can you seal them with lids.

Sweet cherries of pink and black varieties in their own juice with sterilization

Cherry preparations for the winter, the recipes for which are not particularly varied, but still require adherence to a certain order when canning them. For preparation you will need 700 grams of medium-sized cherries, which should fit in a liter jar or two half-liter jars. 100 grams of sugar will make the product not sweet enough, which will allow you to use the berries for baking in the future. The syrup will use 0.5 liters of water.

Too concentrated juice from berries requires dilution with boiled water in proportions that suit your taste.

Classic recipes for canning cherries can be varied by adding other berries or fruits. You can also add various spices to enhance the taste with certain notes. Delicious berry preparations to you!

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