What can you drink for inflammation of the appendages? Treatment of inflammation of the appendages with injections. Folk remedies used for inflammation and uterine prolapse

Women's health is a fragile thing that requires careful treatment and regular visits to the gynecologist. A slight drop in air temperature can cause significant problems. Actually in gynecology they are the most common among all other diseases. If you do not consult a doctor in time, this will lead to terrible complications, such as infertility.

Infectious processes are caused by various pathogenic microorganisms. Infection occurs due to unprotected sexual contact with a sick partner, and also extremely rarely through the use of other people's personal items. But often it can be triggered by certain factors that push towards the development of inflammatory processes. These include a decrease in the body’s defenses, as well as changes in the normal microflora of the vagina.

Other important factors that provoke the development of inflammatory pathologies are trauma to the mucous membrane due to harsh sexual intercourse, the birth process, abortion, surgery, etc. As a result of a decrease in the body's defenses, pathogenic microorganisms rapidly become more active and penetrate further along the ascending path.

Among other factors influencing the occurrence of the inflammatory process are:

  • Prolonged and uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs
  • Hypothermia
  • Stressful situations
  • Endocrine disorders and poor nutrition

Inflammatory diseases in gynecology include the following:

  • Endometritis
  • Condylomas acuminata
  • Vaginitis
  • Vulvitis
  • Furunculosis of the vulva
  • Adnexitis, etc.

In order to seek help from a doctor in time, it is important to know the symptoms of inflammatory processes. We will learn more about this below in the article.

Signs of inflammatory processes

Symptoms of inflammatory processes can be both general and local. Among these it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse
  • Slight increase in temperature indicators
  • Chills
  • Sleep disorder
  • Refusal to eat
  • Disturbance of normal functioning of the stomach
  • Pain during bowel movements
  • Pain while urinating
  • Itching and burning of the genitals

The appearance of at least two signs is already a reason to consult a doctor. Don't sit at home, otherwise you will miss out on already precious time.

How to treat?

Treatment of absolutely any inflammatory pathologies must be comprehensive. In some cases, the woman and her partner must undergo therapy.

Stodal syrup: composition of plant origin

Drug treatment includes:

  1. Taking antibacterial agents.
  2. Use of immunomodulators to enhance immunity.
  3. Physiotherapy.

In severe cases, the standard regimen includes:

  • Antihistamines
  • Detoxification medications
  • Digestive aids
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes

Therapy for absolutely any inflammation begins with the prescription of a broad-spectrum antibiotic. This also includes medications of the following groups:

  • Penicillins
  • Cephalosporins
  • Macrolides
  • Polymyxins, etc.

Only a doctor can tell you which medicine is right for you and only based on the results of a series of studies.

All of them have a pronounced antibacterial effect on a huge number of gram-positive microorganisms. However, to begin with, it is recommended to take a sensitivity smear to be sure that this or that drug will cope with its task.

In addition to such medications, your doctor may prescribe sulfonamide drugs, which are effective against gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative microorganisms and some protozoa. The same drugs can be prescribed if the patient is intolerant to antibacterial drugs or to enhance the effect.

If the pathological process was caused by fungi or protozoa, then the doctor will prescribe antimicrobial medications. In addition to general therapy for various female inflammations, local remedies, such as tampons, etc., are often prescribed.

If such treatment does not bring any results, doctors decide on surgical intervention.


There are quite a few medications that can be used to treat women: various tablets, ointments, suppositories, etc. However, it is suppositories for inflammation in women that occupy a separate place.

There are quite a lot of suppositories for the treatment of gynecological pathologies and they are divided into 2 types:

  • rectal
  • vaginal

Important! Only a doctor has the right to decide whether treatment with suppositories is necessary for various gynecological pathologies. Which suppositories are suitable, as well as the course of treatment, can only be determined by the doctor after a complete examination of the patient.

Below is a list of popular and frequently prescribed drugs:

  • Diclofenac
  • Pimafucin
  • Betadine
  • Trichocide
  • Sea buckthorn candles
  • Polygynax
  • Viferon
  • Vagilak, etc.

Rectal suppositories are used to treat inflammatory processes such as, for example, colpitis. The fact is that through the rectum the active ingredient enters the blood several times faster, which makes it possible to achieve an instant therapeutic result. Frequently prescribed ones include:

  • Hexicon
  • Anuzol
  • Diclofenac
  • Movalis, etc.

Allergy drops: children's medications, methods of use

Before using any product, you should carefully read the instructions. If the medication does not bring the desired effect within a few days, you should abandon it and seek help from a specialist. The doctor will choose another drug.

Antibacterial agents

It was already mentioned above that when, for example, adnexitis is detected, broad-spectrum antibiotics are first prescribed. First, it is recommended to pay attention to the most popular and most common drugs, which have been noted by many doctors and patients.

List of highly effective products:

  1. From the penicillin group: Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Ticarcillin.
  2. Tetracycline group: Tetracycline.
  3. Fluoroquinols: Moxifloxacin, Gatiprofloxacin.
  4. Levomycytin.
  5. Streptomycin.
  6. Stagepeneme.

In addition to them, we should also highlight such popular drugs as:

  • Cefixime
  • Sumamed
  • Amoxiclav
  • Lincomycin
  • Rulid, etc.

When taking such medications, it is important to strictly follow the prescribed dosage by your doctor. In addition, in parallel with them, it is worth taking prebiotics to prevent the development of dysbiosis.


Very often, inflammatory processes are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

To reduce them, various means are used:

  • Prednisolone. The active ingredient is prednisolone. The product has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, immunosuppressive effects. Contraindications include: hypersensitivity to the active component, immunodeficiency states, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, endocrine disorders, severe renal and liver failure. Side effects: nausea, vomiting, menstrual irregularities, increased intracranial pressure, etc.
  • Such remedies quickly eliminate inflammation and pain. But they have one main drawback - these drugs significantly reduce immunity.

    To increase the body's defenses, the following are prescribed:

    • Polyoxidonium
    • Cycloferon
    • Lycopid

    Remember that any remedy, even the safest one, causes negative manifestations, so you should not self-medicate. At the first signs of inflammation, contact a medical facility.

    Preventive actions

    Prevention measures:

    • Strict adherence to intimate hygiene
    • Regular examination by a gynecologist (at least 2 times a year)
    • Leading a healthy and active lifestyle
    • Use of barrier protection during sexual intercourse (especially if a woman is not confident in her partner)

    Remember that women's health is not a toy. No one but you will take better care of him. Pay close attention to your body, especially since it always tries to send certain signals at the slightest change. At the first symptoms of gynecological inflammation, consult a doctor, otherwise the consequences can be fatal, including infertility. Do not self-medicate - nothing good will come of it.

    Jan 28, 2018 Violetta Doctor

    As soon as the gynecologist diagnoses a woman with adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries) or inflammation of the fallopian tubes, she should immediately begin taking antibacterial drugs.

    Moreover, the type of pathogen may be unknown at this stage, but at the beginning of the inflammatory process this does not play a role.

    Inflammation of the appendages is a fairly common disease in gynecology. It can be triggered by various factors. Meanwhile, the infection is most often transmitted sexually, so during casual relationships, women should use condoms.

    It is very important to observe basic rules of genital hygiene.

    There are other reasons for the development of inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes:

    • weak immunity;
    • inflammation of organs adjacent to the appendages;
    • stress and chronic fatigue;
    • abortions and intrauterine diagnostics;
    • hypothermia;
    • sexual intercourse during menstruation;
    • penetration of infection from the mucous membranes of the nose or mouth.

    If inflammation of the ovaries occurs in an acute form, antibiotics cannot be avoided, but these drugs are sometimes prescribed for exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the appendages.

    Adnexitis and salpingitis should be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. These medications destroy a number of pathogens that harm the genitourinary system.

    Inflammation is most often caused by the following bacteria:

    1. Chlamydia.
    2. Mycoplasmas.
    3. Ureaplasma.

    Therefore, treatment of women with inflammation of the appendages should be aimed at destroying these pathogens.

    After the doctor receives the results of clinical studies, he can adjust the treatment if it turns out that the identified microorganism requires a different drug.

    In addition, dose adjustment is also necessary if the woman’s condition has not changed for the better after several days of treatment, which can be judged by the patient’s complaints and test results.

    What antibiotics are prescribed for inflammation of the uterine appendages

    Most of the pathogens that are present during inflammation of the appendages in women have, over time, acquired resistance to the most popular tetracyclines.

    In addition, this group of drugs has an extensive list of side effects. Therefore, gynecologists prefer to treat the inflammatory process of the uterine appendages with Doxycycline.

    Doxycycline is effective, has few side symptoms and is quickly eliminated from the body. In addition, it is interesting that it is effective, as well as for adnexitis.

    The next group of antibiotics are macrolides. They are not broken down in the gastrointestinal tract and have a long half-life, which promotes their accumulation in tissues and accelerates recovery.

    The most effective drugs in this regard include Klacid and Sumamed. Antibiotics of the macrolide group act on intracellular pathogenic microorganisms directly at the site of inflammation.

    Inflammation of the uterine appendages (ovaries, fallopian tubes) in women is treated with drugs from the fluoroquinolone group. Resistance to these drugs in pathogens develops very slowly. In this regard, the antibiotic does not require frequent changes.

    If a woman does not have concomitant diseases due to which fluoroquinolones may be contraindicated for her, such medications are best for adnexitis and salpingitis.

    The doctor may prescribe any of these drugs or even two, since monotherapy for infectious diseases of the genitourinary system is not recommended.

    • Norfloxacin.
    • Pefloxacin.
    • Lomefloxacin.

    Why is it better to take two drugs at once when treating uterine appendages? Most often, this disease is provoked by two or even three pathogens (aerobes, anaerobes).

    Aerobes can be easily destroyed with the help of Tinidazole and Metronidazole.

    When to take antibiotics

    For adnexitis and salpingitis, that is, for inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, it is imperative to take antibiotics.

    Medicines will work better if they enter the body by injection - intramuscularly or intravenously.

    When the treatment begins to produce results, the gynecologist prescribes antibiotics to the patient in tablets, suspensions and vaginal suppositories.

    Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

    1. Cedex, Ceftributen - these antibiotics are available in capsule form and have a detrimental effect on enterococci, gonococci and streptococci.
    2. Broad-spectrum drugs – Zoomax, Azithromycin.
    3. Ofloxacin is a second generation fluoroquinolone drug.
    4. Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal and antimicrobial medicine.
    5. Erythromycin - destroys chlamydia and mycoplasma, prescribed as an additional therapy.
    6. Tsiprolet, Ceftriaxone, Ciprofloxacin - these drugs are substitutes for all of the above.

    Group of nitroimidazoles: Trichopolum, Metrogyl, Metronidazole.

    Expert opinion

    Rymarenko Vitaly Borisovich

    Head of the antenatal clinic, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

    For severe inflammation of the appendages (ovaries and fallopian tubes), doctors prescribe aminoglycoside antibiotics. They are also relevant if the disease has spread to other organs.

    Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes during pregnancy

    Carrying a child is a contraindication for tetracyclines, due to the fact that these drugs easily cross the placental barrier and accumulate in the tissues of the embryo or already fully developed fetus. This can negatively affect the formation of the child's skeleton.

    Some macrolides are also contraindicated during pregnancy; for example, the harm of Clarithromycin has been proven in clinical studies. A woman will receive the least harm from the effects of macrolides during pregnancy if she is treated with the following drugs:

    • Erythromycin.
    • Spiramycin.
    • Josamycin.

    If the inflammatory process of the appendages is very severe, and the woman is pregnant, she may be prescribed Azithromycin.

    Fluoroquinolone antibiotics are not prescribed at all during pregnancy.

    In what cases are antibiotics contraindicated?

    In case of an overdose of antibiotics, their side effects are more pronounced. In this case, treatment should be symptomatic.

    In case of an overdose of macrolides, stool disorders, changes in heart rate and nausea are observed, but these symptoms are minor and the condition is not life-threatening.

    The same applies to fluoroquinolones. All side effects can be eliminated independently at home.

    Epileptic seizures during an overdose of antibiotics are extremely rare. However, exceeding the dose of the drug can adversely affect the condition of the liver, heart and joints.

    Drug interactions

    1. When treating with fluoroquinolones, you should not take medications containing calcium, aluminum, magnesium, or bismuth. The action of the latter weakens the therapeutic effect of fluoroquinolones.
    2. When taken simultaneously with NSAIDs, there is a high likelihood of seizures and central nervous system disorders.
    3. Tetracycline antibiotics should not be prescribed to patients taking barbiturates. This is due to the fact that the toxicity of the latter increases.
    4. Tetracycline drugs inhibit the effect of oral contraceptives.
    5. The combination of aminoglycosides and macrolides is unacceptable.
    6. When taking tetracyclines orally, you cannot treat with antacids and calcium, iron, and magnesium supplements.

    A gynecologist should inform women about other features of the interaction of antibiotic drugs.

    In case of inflammation of the ovaries, the doctor takes into account the nature of the inflammatory process and the presence of other diseases.

    Ofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

    Its effect on inflammation of the appendages in women is mainly aimed at gram-negative bacteria.

    Ofloxacin is effective where other antibiotics and sulfonamides are powerless.

    When taken orally, the medicine is absorbed quickly and almost completely. The bioavailability of Ofloxacin is very high.

    Doctors prescribe ofloxacin for the following diseases:

    • with and ovaries;
    • for respiratory tract infections;
    • for diseases of the urinary tract;
    • for gonorrhea;
    • with inflammation of the prostate in men.

    The list of diseases for which Ofloxacin is indicated can be continued. And now about the side effects of the drug. It should be emphasized right away that the majority of women to whom a doctor prescribes Ofloxacin for inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes tolerate this treatment well.

    But some patients may experience the following side effects:

    1. skin itching, rash;
    2. lack of appetite;
    3. swelling of the face;
    4. depressed state;
    5. nausea, vomiting;
    6. change in blood picture.

    Treatment with Ofloxacin does not tolerate exposure to ultraviolet radiation, otherwise photosensitivity of the skin may occur.

    When treating adnexitis and salpingitis, an integrated approach to the problem is required. A woman will receive the best treatment in a hospital, where she will be under constant medical supervision. Before starting therapy with a particular drug, doctors must conduct a sensitivity test.

    Broad-spectrum antibiotics are used until the results of clinical studies are obtained.

    If the pathogen is known, treatment can begin, focusing on a specific pathogenic microorganism.

    The most common circumstances of exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages are nonspecific factors, such as overwork, hypothermia, stressful situations, negative emotions, extragenital diseases.

    Adnexitis (another name for salpingoophoritis) inflammation of the uterine appendages (fallopian tubes and ovaries)

    The most constant and characteristic manifestation of adnexitis is pain. Pain, in most cases, is localized in the lower abdomen and can radiate to the lumbar or sacral spine. Much more often pain appears periodically, less often it disturbs invariably. Pain often continues to exist after the disappearance of indicators of the inflammatory reaction and can intensify with cooling, various diseases, physical and emotional overload, etc.

    Indicators of inflammation of the appendages
    When treating inflammation of the appendages, it is possible to use traditional medicine recipes as aids.
    Herbal tea: prepare a mixture of 200 g of rose hips, 20 g of meadowsweet herb, daisy and mantle. Pour two tablespoons of crushed tea collection into 0.5 liters of hot water, leave for 5 hours, then bring to a boil, cool and strain. Drink the prepared tea throughout the day. Prepare and drink the drink within 2-3 weeks.
    A decoction for douching: mix an equal amount of knotweed and horsetail herbs, calendula and yarrow inflorescences, white damselfish flowers and wild mallow. Pour two tablespoons of the crushed mixture into 1 liter of boiling water, leave, covered, for an hour, strain, cool to body temperature. Do douching for a long time (at least 4 weeks, and preferably until complete recovery).

    The symptoms of inflammation of the appendages depend on the form of the disease, and it can be chronic or acute. There is also such a thing as a latent (latent, sluggish) disease.

    The acute form of inflammation of the appendages is accompanied by the following symptoms:
    pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes radiating to the lower back and legs;
    discharge from the genital tract;
    increase in temperature;
    painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
    menstrual irregularities in the form of bleeding or delayed menstruation (inflamed ovarian tissue is not able to regulate the menstrual cycle normally).

    The chronic form of inflammation of the appendages, in most cases, begins after the end of an acute inflammation that is not well treated, undertreated, or not treated at all. The symptoms of chronic inflammation may be slightly expressed: the temperature fluctuates around 37 degrees, the lower abdomen periodically hurts, minor discharge is observed, lethargy and irritability appear.

    Latent, sluggish, asymptomatic form of inflammation of the appendages is the most terrible. The inflammatory process in the body practically does not make itself felt, proceeds slowly, but correctly and heartlessly affects the appendages. The disease progresses, adhesions develop, leading to infertility. This is why it is fundamentally important to systematically visit a gynecologist; in addition, in the absence of complaints, the doctor will be able to promptly find a hidden disease.

    Be careful! Inflammation of the appendages is one of the most common causes of infertility. no less dangerous is the fact that this disease triples the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.

    Circumstances of inflammation of the appendages
    The cause of inflammation of the appendages may be insufficient attention to the issue of personal hygiene. Try to change sanitary pads as often as possible, at least twice a day. Avoid thong panties: the narrow strip connecting the front and back of the underwear can become a direct path to the female genital organs for harmful microorganisms living in the rectum.
    Sexually transmitted diseases are the most common cause of inflammation of the appendages. These include specific venereal diseases and diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic flora (gonococcus, trichomonas, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia, gardnerella, candida, etc.).
    Nervous overstrain. The lifestyle of a modern working woman has a detrimental effect on the immune system and weakens the body's natural defenses. Banal hypothermia of the legs, arms, lower back, severe stress (besides simple fear) is enough to cause inflammation of the appendages.
    Hormonal disorders are directly related to the neuropsychic state of a woman. Against the background of hormonal emissions or, on the contrary, insufficient production of certain hormones, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, which is why small cysts can form in the appendages and unnecessary fluid accumulates. Inflammation begins, the cyst can grow, fester, and spontaneously open, which threatens very severe inflammation not only in the appendages, but also in nearby organs.
    Unclaimed sexuality. The circumstance is quite rare, but it exists. Sexual contact is not only an emotional release, but also a physical one, associated with improved blood flow in the internal genital organs.
    Viral diseases. Inflammation of the appendages may appear as a complication after the end of an acute respiratory viral infection or flu. In addition, harmless herpes on the lip can be reflected in inflammation of the appendages in a week or two.

    Treatment of inflammation of the appendages

    With proper treatment, acute symptoms of inflammation subside within a couple of days. But this does not mean that it is possible to stop treatment.
    Once the circumstances of the disease are clarified, the gynecologist prescribes treatment, which includes anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and restorative therapy. The healing process is quite long, but it is forbidden to interrupt it in any case, except if you think that you have fully recovered.

    Treatment of inflammation of the appendages includes the following steps:
    taking antibiotics;
    when identifying indicators of a chronic form and adhesive processes, preventive courses of physiotherapy for 1.5-2 years;
    when adhesions form ((sticking together of the walls of the fallopian tubes and ovaries), an endoscopic operation to dissect them;
    sanatorium-resort and balneotherapy.

    Be careful! According to statistics, in half of the cases, acute inflammation of the appendages becomes chronic due to an interrupted course of treatment.

    In most cases, pain is accompanied by transformations in the neuropsychic state of patients (poor sleep, irritability, decreased ability to work, rapid fatigue, etc.).

    The incidence of infertility in patients with adnexitis can be about 60–70%.

    The third responsible manifestation of the chronic process in the uterus and appendages is menstrual dysfunction. The existence of a persistent focus of inflammation in the pelvis leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle in 45-55% of patients, which manifests itself in the form of irregular cycles, scanty or, conversely, heavy menstruation, painful menstruation. There may be premenstrual or postmenstrual discharge.

    Sexual dysfunction occurs in 50-70% of cases and manifests itself in the absence or transformation of sexual desire, lack of orgasm, vaginismus, pain during sexual intercourse, which, in turn, is closely related to the psycho-emotional state of patients and the degree of decreased ovarian function.

    In fact, every fourth woman suffering from chronic inflammation of the uterus and/or appendages experiences leucorrhoea. They can be serous or purulent; their number may also vary and is associated, in most cases, with the severity of the inflammatory process.

    Treatment of adnexitis
    Oak bark, chamomile flowers - 1 part each, nettle leaves 3 parts, knotweed grass 5 parts
    Immortelle baskets, birch leaves, strawberry leaves, corn silk, coltsfoot leaves, mint grass, yarrow, bean leaves in 2 parts, knotweed, nettle, string, rosehip fruits in 3 parts, rowan fruits
    Lavender grass, bird cherry flowers, wormwood herb 1 part each, oak bark, strawberry leaves 2 parts each, rose hips 3 parts
    Oak bark 6 parts, oregano herb 4 parts, marshmallow root 1 part
    Thyme, coltsfoot, marshmallow root 2 parts each, nettle, St. John's wort yarrow 1 part
    Sweet clover flowers, coltsfoot leaves, centaury, nettle 1 part, yarrow 2 parts
    Valerian root, lemon balm leaves 2 parts each, mantle herb, nettle 3 parts each
    Licorice root, string grass, Manchurian aralia root, horsetail grass, rose hips, immortelle baskets, elecampane root, alder fruits, 1 part each

    Preparation of the mixture: pour 2 tablespoons of pre-crushed (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder) mixture into 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. in a sealed container, pour it into a thermos along with the herbs, leave overnight. Take 100-150 ml per 30 minutes during the day. before meals. To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, jam. The course of treatment is 3-4 months. At the end of which they pause for 10-14 days, change the collection and continue treatment. Regardless of the improvement, herbal medicine should be continued for at least 12 months. In the future, switch to preventive doses in the spring and autumn (2 months each).

    Boil fresh cabbage leaves in milk. Pour the contents into a suitable vessel and, sitting on it, take a steam bath.

    Repeat the procedure until the inflammation ends.

    In case of inflammation of the appendages, drink on an empty stomach juice obtained from 1 medium-sized whole raw potato (about 0.3 cups of juice). Before drinking, mix the juice well so that the settled starch becomes suspended.
    The course of treatment must be carried out in late summer, autumn and winter - until March.

    Take equal parts by weight of sweet clover herb, centaury herb and coltsfoot flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Take 0.3 cups 6 daily for 3-4 weeks.

    Take equal parts of sweet clover grass and coltsfoot flowers. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Drink 3-4 tablespoons 5 daily. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks with complete abstinence from sexual activity.

    Take equal parts of coltsfoot leaf, sweet clover herb, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers and centaury herb. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours.
    Take 0.3 cup 6 daily before meals and between meals for 1-2 months. During treatment, complete abstinence from sexual activity is required. Used for inflammation of the ovaries and infertility.

    Take by weight 2 parts of wild mallow flowers and oak bark, 3 parts of sage leaves, 5 parts of chamomile flowers. Prepare a decoction of 2 tablespoons of the mixture per 1 liter of water. Use for douching and vaginal tampons.

    Pour 1 bucket of boiling water over 50 g of juniper berries and stems, leave for 2 hours and strain. Use for baths.

    Pour 2 tablespoons of cinquefoil herb with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Drink on an empty stomach and before each meal 0.5 cups 4 times a day.
    At night, douche with a more concentrated infusion: pour 5 tablespoons of the herb into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 1 night in a thermos.

    Herbal teas can be used in combination with other medications.

    Improvement with herbal medicine occurs after 2-3 weeks of regular use of herbs. But a lasting effect can only be achieved with long-term and regular use of herbs (for 8-12 months or more).

    For chronic inflammation, it is best to take mud baths and potassium iodide 3 times a day, 0.1 g. For women, in addition, warm douching and complete abstinence from sexual intercourse until the pain stops.

    For inflammation of the appendages and leucorrhoea, you should chew fresh juniper berries (instead of a decoction) 3 times a day, starting with 4 berries, increase their intake by 1 each time, bringing it to 13, and then reduce to 4. It is also possible to use a decoction of juniper berries : 15 berries per 1 glass of water, leave for 4 hours. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. For external use, the decoction is prepared as follows: pour 1 bucket of boiling water over 50 g of juniper berries and stems, leave for 2 hours and strain.

    For inflammation of the appendages, brew 2 cups of boiling water and 2 tbsp. cinquefoil herb and leave for 1 hour.

    Drink on an empty stomach and before each meal? glasses 4 times a day. At night, douche with a more concentrated infusion. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 5 tbsp. herbs and leave overnight in a thermos.

    For inflammation of the ovaries, mix 20 g of sweet clover herb, centaury herb and coltsfoot flowers. Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. mixture, leave for 1 hour and strain. Take 1/3 cup 6 daily for 3-4 weeks.

    Mix equal parts sweet clover with coltsfoot flowers. Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. mixture and leave for 1 hour. Drink 3-4 tbsp. 5 daily. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks (with complete abstinence from sexual activity).

    Boil forest hay in a large saucepan and place the patient over the steam. Repeat the procedure until the inflammation ends.

    Pour hot water over unwashed sheep wool and place the affected one over the steam.

    For inflammation of the ovaries and infertility, mix 50 g of coltsfoot leaves, sweet clover herb, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers and centaury herb. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 2 tbsp. mixture and leave for 2 hours. Take 1/3 cup 6 daily before meals and between meals for 1-2 months (with complete abstinence from sexual activity during treatment).

    Mix equal parts of rose hips and dark currants. Brew 20 g of the mixture with 1 glass of boiled water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Add sugar. Have a drink? glasses 3-4 times a day.
    Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tbsp. dried and crushed walnut leaves. Leave for 4 hours. Drink in a day.

    Brew 1.5 tbsp. dry chamomile in a porcelain cup, cover with a saucer, wrap. Leave for 20 minutes. During this time, do a cleansing enema with hot water. Take the strained chamomile decoction at a temperature of 37 C into syringe No. 3 and insert it into the anus. Then lie on your side and wait until everything is absorbed. If it doesn't work the first time, do the same a second time. The chamomile decoction should be completely absorbed. The nagging, debilitating pain will go away immediately. Do this procedure every evening, if possible, daily. This is the oldest effective method of treating inflammation of the appendages. So, it is possible to cure hemorrhoids.

    Brew wintergreen leaves as tea; it is possible to mix it with tea instead of St. John's wort. This helps in the treatment of chronic inflammation of the appendages after a long period of use (a couple of months) of 3-4 cups per day, especially if you combine tea with wintergreen and St. John's wort with chamomile enemas.

    Pour 1-2 tsp boiling water over 1 cup. dry wintergreen leaves, leave, wrapped for 2 hours, strain. Take according to? glasses 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

    For inflammation of the appendages and uterine cancer, pour 0.5 liters of vodka with 50 g of wintergreen leaves and leave for 14 days in a dark place. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day.

    Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1.5 tbsp. dried herb field grass and leave for 4 hours in a well-sealed container. Strain. Drink 1 tsp. every 3-4 hours and 4-5 daily. Contraindicated for pregnant women - miscarriage may occur.

    be directed to use as much pumpkin as possible in all types. It is useful to pass the raw pumpkin through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice from the pulp, which can be used a lot.

    Use cranberries, blueberries, rowan berries and blackberries in any form.

    Drink the infusion of corn stalks and stigmas.

    Take a dessert spoon orally 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes. Before meals, juice fresh aloe leaves.

    For inflammation of the female genital organs, brew 2-3 tablespoons of boiling water with 2 cups. small-leaved linden flowers, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Should I take it internally? glasses 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals, inside.

    For external consumption 4-5 tbsp. pour linden flowers with two cups of boiling water and leave.
    Externally, linden flowers are used in the form of lotions and poultices for mastitis, ulcers, burns, and for washing hair in case of hair loss. There are no contraindications.

    Boil forest hay in a suitable vessel; Place the patient over steam. Repeat the procedure daily until the inflammation heals.

    Place the patient over steam, where gorse is cooked, doused with olive oil.

    Boil fresh cabbage, add milk and place the sick one over the steam.

    Herbal mixture for douching for adnexitis, traditional medicine recipe:
    Traditional medicine for the treatment of adnexitis recommends taking herbs: chamomile 1 part, nettle leaves 3 parts, knotweed herb 5 parts. 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos for an hour. Use for douching 2 times a day. Use in the treatment of adnexitis.

    Folk remedy for the treatment of adnexitis herbal mixture for douching :
    Adnexitis can be cured with a folk remedy, for this you need to take oak bark 6 parts, oregano herb 4 parts, marshmallow root 1 part. Proportions 5 tbsp. spoons of mixture per 200 ml of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 30-40 minutes. Strain, cool, and use for douching twice a day. Use in the treatment of adnexitis.
    Traditional medicine proven recipe for tincture for the treatment of adnexitis:

    Traditional medicine offers a proven tincture recipe. It is prepared from herbs: sweet clover flowers, coltsfoot leaves, centaury, 1 part nettle, 2 parts yarrow. 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture per 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. strain, drink 100 ml 3 times a day. Use in the treatment of adnexitis.

    Traditional medicine treats adnexitis bergenia, marin root :
    Traditional medicine treats fibroids, erosions, adnexitis by crushing 50 g of bergenia root, putting it in an enamel pan and pouring 300 g of hot water. Allow to brew for 8 hours.
    If there is discharge, douche twice a day with this solution: 2 tbsp. spoons of bergenia extract per liter of boiled water. At the end of the evening douching, make a tampon: place a teaspoon of bergenia on cotton wool and wrap it in two layers of sterile cotton wool and gauze. Soak a tampon in bergenia extract, wring it out lightly and insert it into the vagina. Place a pillow under your buttocks throughout the night.
    At one point, take 1-1.5 teaspoons of thick bergenia extract orally an hour before meals for three days, then pause after 3 days. And again a course of treatment.
    Additionally, drink a tincture of Maryina root prepared according to this recipe: finely chop 50 g of the root, put it in a black bottle and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Allow to stand for 10 days. Drink 30-40 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is one month. If necessary, repeat the course at the end of the 10-day break.
    Treatment of fibroma with this method will take 6-8 weeks, inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis) 3-4 weeks, adhesions 3-4 weeks, treatment of erosion will take 2-3 weeks. All herbs are sold in the pharmacy. During treatment, check with a gynecologist

    Wormwood for inflammation of the appendages

    A very effective folk remedy for treating inflammation of the appendages using wormwood. The recipe is not complicated but effective. In a bucket you need to bring two liters of water to a boil, and then throw a handful of wormwood in that direction, remove the bucket from the stove, put it on the floor and sit over it for twenty minutes. Relief will come no sooner than after completing six such procedures.

    Ortilia is one-sided from all troubles!

    There is such an excellent plant - one-sided ortilia, it is also called ramishia (hog queen). It can help not only with inflammation of the appendages and bleeding fibroids, but also with infertility, uterine infantility, tubal obstruction and toxicosis during pregnancy. It will also help with polyps and cervical erosion.

    You can make a decoction from it like this: grind the herb in a coffee grinder and pour one tablespoon of the herb with a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, strain. You need to take a third of a glass half an hour before meals.

    To prepare an infusion with alcohol, use half a liter of vodka and 50 grams of herbs. The medicine should be infused in a black container for 14 days. It is recommended to take the tincture 3 times a day, 35 drops an hour before meals.

    Tincture of buldenezh for inflammation of the appendages

    In May-June, you can notice how buldenezh blooms in white balls - this is one of the varieties of viburnum. If there are insects on the flower, throw away such plants. Place the buldenezh in a jar to the top and fill it with alcohol, after which you need to close the jar. In most cases, half a liter of alcohol is poured into a liter jar. Place the composition in a dark place for 15 days.

    This folk remedy helps with inflammation of the appendages. After rubbing, the flowers should be placed in a layer on the lower abdomen for 2 hours. A couple of days and everything passes.

    About the treatment of appendages

    It is necessary to melt four hundred grams of paraffin in an aluminum bowl, lie on your back, moisten the cloth in paraffin, and then lubricate the lower abdomen with it from left to right. Lubrication must be done quickly. The first time the paraffin is still warm, but later it cools down quickly. After you have lubricated your belly with paraffin, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and wait in this position until the paraffin cools down.

    Bedrenets will help the ladies

    Bedrenets must be collected during its flowering period. The crushed herb is taken in the amount of one tablespoon and poured into a liter of water, then boiled for ten minutes. The medicine is drunk with honey throughout the day. There is no need to drain the sediment from the broth. Douche with this decoction in the morning for 20 days.

    Bedrenets provides assistance with all sexually transmitted infections. In addition, he treats cysts, fibroids, menstrual irregularities, mastopathy, uterine cancer, and obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

    Chronic inflammation of the appendages

    Chronic inflammation of the appendages can also be cured with herbs. Take 4 teaspoons of finely chopped buckthorn, Chernobyl and peony roots, add 3 teaspoons of burnet and elecampane roots. Then pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture with half a liter of boiling water. Boil for half an hour over low heat, and when finished, allow to cool for half an hour. When finished, strain and you can add a little honey for taste. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day.

    Onion and garlic
    Two good folk methods for treating inflammation of the appendages. Both of these methods are quite simple and do not require a large amount of investment.

    Place a huge onion in a liter of water in a coffee pot. Boil it until it softens. After the broth has cooled down a little, strain it, and before the broth becomes completely cold, syringe with it. Perform the procedure about three times. After completing such procedures, dress up warmly and do not sit in the cold.

    And the second method is contained in the following. Make a tampon with thread. Crush the garlic and add hot water. There will be a solution that should pinch your tongue. Soak a tampon in this solution and insert it into the vagina for two to three hours. It is good if the procedure is performed after bowel movement is completed. Do the treatment until you recover. It is possible to do this procedure three or seven times a month just for prevention.

    Drink the field jar

    It is necessary to take dry grass of the field grass, pour one and a half tablespoons of this herb with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for four hours. Along with this, the container in which you brewed the herb must be well closed and wrapped in a warm towel. Later, strain the broth and drink one teaspoon per thirty minutes. before meals four times a day. Treatment is necessary for two months.

    When the ovaries become inflamed, it is necessary for the stomach to be cleansed. To do this, place an ice pack on your belly. In addition, it is necessary to lubricate the lower abdomen with ichthyol ointment or ichthyol. Do not rub the ointment into these places.

    If you have chronic inflammation, then do mud baths and warm douching. In addition, take potassium iodide three times a day. It is better to abstain from sexual intercourse while you feel discomfort and pain.

    If you have this disease, eat pumpkin more often: perhaps eat it raw, or use pumpkin juice and make a decoction of corn cob hair.

    Folk method for inflammation of the appendages

    In the old days, when women's appendages became inflamed, they used this folk recipe. One tablespoon of dry mustard and the same amount of oak ash are mixed with two tablespoons of salt. They add little water, as a result there will be an ointment. This ointment is placed at the bottom of the dish and poured with boiling water. Now the patient needs to cover her back and stomach with a scarf and sit on the potty to steam. In 20 minutes. run to bed. Do this procedure every day before going to bed - and after 10 days you will forget about the appendages.

    Women discuss gynecological problems with great reluctance and some shyness. This is not surprising, because such pathologies (usually inflammation) do not bring anything good to the owner. However, under no circumstances should they be launched. And at the first unpleasant symptoms you should consult a doctor. Modern pharmacology has developed excellent medications that can effectively treat any female disease. Suppositories for inflammation in gynecology are especially popular. They are also called suppositories.

    Features and types of candles

    For almost all female diseases, they are included in complex therapy for the treatment of inflammation in gynecology and are formed from the main active ingredient and a special base.

    A characteristic feature of medications in this dosage form is the ability to retain its shape in the cold. But after entering the body, they quickly melt and turn into a liquid state.

    Suppositories used in gynecology are divided into:

    • medications for rectal administration- they enter the body through the rectum;
    • medications for vaginal management- necessary substances enter the vagina;
    • stick-shaped products- they are inserted into the ureter or cervix.

    For pathologies, any drugs can be used. But the most popular are vaginal suppositories for inflammation in gynecology.

    Main advantages of suppositories

    Vaginal suppositories help effectively get rid of many unpleasant symptoms. They differ in local impact. It has been noted that it is anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology that effectively eliminate the clinical manifestations of various pathologies (redness, itching, swelling, discomfort). For inflammation, medications in this dosage form are considered the best drugs.

    After all, candles have the following advantages:

    1. Suppositories act directly on the inflammatory focus. Undoubtedly, the big advantage of suppositories is that they do not enter the stomach and do not affect the liver. Such medications immediately affect the vaginal mucosa.
    2. The substance needed for treatment enters the blood very quickly (in approximately 30-60 minutes).
    3. When using suppositories, the risk of serious allergic reactions is minimized.

    What should you know?

    Despite the excellent characteristics, suppositories for inflammation in gynecology cannot be used independently. It is very important to discuss the use of such drugs with your doctor. This is especially true for women who suffer from systemic pathologies, hypertension, diabetes, and thyroid diseases.

    For example, the excellent drug Betadine, which is a powerful antiseptic and can get rid of many microbes, contains iodine. For patients diagnosed with thyroid diseases, this remedy can seriously harm.

    Therefore, before using any candles, read their instructions very carefully. It’s best to go to an appointment with a gynecologist. In this case, the therapy will be completely safe and at the same time most effective.

    Popular drugs

    Candles are part of complex therapy. They effectively eliminate pain, relieve inflammation and help improve immunity. Their effect on the body can be compared to an injection. Indeed, in both cases, the active substance is very quickly absorbed into the blood.

    At the same time, only the doctor decides which suppositories to use for inflammation of the appendages in gynecology. His choice is based on the examination of the patient. However, a woman should know what drugs are produced by modern pharmacology. Therefore, we will analyze the most popular suppositories for inflammation in gynecology.

    Names of popular and effective suppositories:

    • "Betadine";
    • "Terzhinan";
    • "Klioni Arilin";
    • "Dalacin";
    • "Bifonorm";
    • "Lactonorm";
    • "Gaynomax";
    • "Polygynax";
    • candles with belladonna;
    • "Phythoraxin";
    • "Fluomizin";
    • "Hexicon";
    • "Pimafucin";
    • "Movalis";
    • "Diclofenac".

    Let's look at some of them.

    The drug "Diclofenac"

    Such suppositories contain non-steroidal agents. In gynecology, Diclofenac suppositories are often prescribed. But sometimes suppositories may be recommended: Voltaren, Indomethacin. The medication "Diclofenac" is used rectally.

    It perfectly reduces pain and eliminates the inflammatory process. In addition, the medicine helps normalize the temperature and destroy the infection. As a rule, the patient is prescribed 1 suppository at night.

    This drug is contraindicated for use in:

    • stomach ulcer;
    • hemorrhoids;
    • intestinal erosions;
    • pregnancy (first trimester);
    • hematopoiesis disorder.

    Medicine "Polygynax"

    These are vaginal suppositories. This drug contains two antibiotics: polymyxin and neomycin. In addition to these ingredients, they also contain nystatin, an antifungal substance.

    Suppositories effectively help eliminate many pathogenic microorganisms (streptococci, E. coli, ureaplasma). In addition, they are used in the treatment of fungal diseases. They perfectly treat many pathologies, including inflammation of the ovaries. Suppositories in gynecology are used to combat vaginitis, colpitis, and vulvovaginitis. Often this drug is used as a prophylactic agent before upcoming operations, childbirth, and diagnostic procedures.

    Suppositories are prescribed for medicinal purposes, usually for 12 days, 1 suppository at night. If the product is used for prophylaxis, the course is reduced to 6 days.

    The drug "Polygynax" is well tolerated by the body. It has a minimal number of side effects, so it extremely rarely provokes their occurrence. Basically, these can be allergic manifestations. Such suppositories should be used with great caution by women who cannot tolerate soybean oil and peanuts. With long-term therapy (this is often observed when using the drug independently), microflora disturbances may occur.

    Suppositories "Hexicon"

    Such anti-inflammatory suppositories are used in gynecology for inflammation of the ovaries. These are effective vaginal suppositories that have an antiseptic effect. They are often used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. They are beneficial in the treatment of colpitis and vaginosis. The suppositories are active against many microorganisms: chlamydia, mycoplasma, treponema, gardnerella.

    The medicine "Heksikon" does not cause disturbances in the vaginal microflora. Therefore, these suppositories can be prescribed even to pregnant women.

    Candles with belladonna

    The medicine is an excellent antispasmodic. It is widely used for dysmenorrhea. The data will have a beneficial effect in gynecology for inflammation of the appendages. They effectively reduce pain and eliminate spasms.

    The drug is used exclusively rectally. The doctor recommends administering 1 suppository several times a day.

    The medicine is contraindicated for glaucoma. Sometimes it can provoke unwanted reactions.

    Side effects may include:

    • dilated pupils;
    • dry mouth;
    • dizziness;
    • constipation.

    If such symptoms are observed, then it is necessary to stop treatment with these suppositories.

    Candles "Betadine"

    The drug has an excellent antimicrobial effect. It is prescribed for vaginitis provoked by a nonspecific pathogen. Quite effective in the fight against thrush.

    Sometimes, when inserting a suppository, unpleasant phenomena may be observed: moderate burning and itching. Such side effects disappear very quickly during treatment. The drug "Betadine" sometimes provokes allergies. Candles have an impressive list of contraindications.

    1. Individuals diagnosed with thyroid diseases with hypothyroidism.
    2. They are not prescribed for renal, cardiac and liver failure.
    3. They should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Suppositories "Pimafucin"

    These are excellent suppositories for inflammation in gynecology. They help fight many inflammatory and infectious pathologies. They are prescribed for vaginitis, vulvitis, vulvovaginitis. The drug is very effective in the treatment of thrush.

    The drug is prescribed once a day. The duration of therapy depends on the course of the pathology and usually ranges from 6 to 9 days.

    Some patients may experience side effects. This reaction is provoked by what is included in the medicine. Typically, itching and irritation are observed. If such a reaction occurs, you must inform your gynecologist. Because, unlike other vaginal suppositories, unwanted manifestations do not go away with further use.


    In case of inflammation of the appendages, suppositories are used only for symptomatic therapy. They are an important component of combined treatment, but, unfortunately, they cannot fight the pathology on their own. Therefore, for women’s ailments, it is very important to use all medications prescribed by your doctor. And do not forget that suppositories alone will not cure inflammation of the appendages.

    Treatment of inflammatory diseases should be comprehensive and include:

    1. Etiotropic treatment aimed at eliminating the pathogen. For this purpose, antibacterial drugs, sulfonamides are used, and when the specific etiology of the disease is identified, appropriate drugs are used;
    2. Increased immune defense;
    3. Increasing the body’s overall resistance to infections (using biostimulant drugs);
    4. Physiotherapy;
    5. In certain cases, in the absence of effect from conservative therapy, surgical treatment is used.


    In the stage of exacerbation of the inflammatory process, complex treatment begins with antibacterial therapy. Antibiotics are used more often. Groups of penicillins, cephalosporins, thienamycins, macrolides, monobactams, chloramphenicol, aminoglycosides, polymyxins, rifamycins and other groups. Drugs in this group are effective against infections caused by gram-positive bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, etc.), spirochetes and other pathogenic microorganisms. They have a bactericidal effect on microorganisms in the growth phase.

    The antibacterial effect is associated with the specific ability of penicillins to inhibit the biosynthesis of the cell wall of microorganisms. This group includes drugs such as: benzylpenicillin sodium salt, phenoxymethylpenicillin, oxacillin sodium salt, methicillin sodium, ampicillin, ampiox sodium, sultamicillin (unasin), amoxicillin, ticarcillin-clavulanic acid (timentin), azlocillin (securopen), carbenicillin (geopen), carfecillin, mezlocillin (baiben), cloxacillin (clobex), flucloxacillin, clonacom-R, piteracillin (psipen, piprax), bacampicillin (penbak), penamecillin (maripen).

    The group of cephalosporins includes drugs such as:

    • cephalexin,
    • cefadroxil,
    • cefazolin,
    • cefapirin,
    • cefuroxine,
    • cefradine and others.

    Also, drugs from the tetracycline group are used to treat inflammatory processes: tetracycline hydrochloride, doxycycline, monocycline and others. From the group of macrolides, oleandomycin, erythromycin, midecamycin (macropen), clarithromycin (clacid) are used. Complex preparations containing macrolides and tetracyclines are used: oletethrin, tetraolean, ericycline.

    From the group of aminoglycosides, gentamicin, monomycin, kanamycin, amikacin, dibekacin, etc. are used. The group of polymexins is represented by the drugs polymexin B and polymexin M. From the group of rifamycins, rifampicin is used.

    Sulfonamide drugs are also used to relieve the inflammatory process.

    Sulfonamides have chemotherapeutic activity against infections caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and some protozoan chlamydia. Their action is associated mainly with the disruption of the formation by microorganisms of growth factors necessary for their development - folic and dihydrofolic acids and other substances, the molecule of which includes para-aminobenzoic acid. Sulfonamides are captured by the microbial cell instead of para-aminobenzoic acid and thereby disrupt the course of metabolic processes in it. From the group of sulfonamide drugs, sulfadimethoxine, sulfalene, biseptol, bactrim, sulfatone, groseptol, etc. are most often used.

    Biogenic stimulants include preparations of animal and plant origin that, when introduced into the body, can have a stimulating effect and accelerate regeneration processes. Biostimulants used in medical practice include preparations from plants (aloe extract), animal and human tissue (placenta suspension), as well as from estuary mud (PhiBS) and peat (peat).

    Aloe extract liquid for injection- a preparation made from canned, fresh or dried aloe leaves. 1 ml is injected under the skin daily (maximum daily dose 3-4 ml), for a course of 30-50 injections.

    FiBS for injections- a biogenic stimulant from distilled estuary mud. 1 ml is injected under the skin once a day, for a course of 30-35 injections.

    Peloid distillate- biogenic stimulant - a product of distillation of estuary mud. 1 ml is injected under the skin once a day, for a course of 30-35 injections.

    Humisol— solution of sea healing mud fractions 0.01%. Used intramuscularly and by electrophoresis. It is administered intramuscularly, starting with 1 ml daily in the first 2-3 days; if well tolerated, continue administering 2 ml 1 time per day for 20-30 days.

    Placenta extract for injection- aqueous extract from cold-preserved human placenta. Inject 1 ml under the skin daily or every other day.

    Enzymes- drugs that have a targeted effect on the enzymatic processes of the body. In the treatment of gynecological diseases, enzyme preparations with proteolytic action (trypsin, chymotrypsin) are used. Trypsin is an endogenous enzyme that breaks peptide bonds in a protein molecule. The use of trypsin is based on its ability to break down necrotic tissue and fibrinous formations under local influence, to liquefy viscous secretions, exudates, and blood clots. Crystalline trypsin is administered intramuscularly at 5-10 mg 1-2 times a day for a course of 6-15 injections. Trypsin is also used using electrophoresis. The action of another enzyme preparation is similar to the action of trypsin.

    In order to increase specific immune protection, drugs are used that correct immune processes. For this purpose, the following drugs are used: pyrogenal, prodigiosan, levomisol, glyceram.

    Pyrogenal is a lipopolysaccharide formed during the life of microorganisms Pseudomonas aeruginosa and others; has a pyrogenic effect.


    Treatment is complex and includes the use of local and general restoratives. Treatment of concomitant diseases (diabetes, pustular lesions, helminthiasis, cervicitis, etc.) is indicated, during which vulvitis often develops. In case of acute vulvitis, two to three times a day, toilet the external genitalia with a warm solution of potassium permanganate (1:10000), warm infusion of chamomile, 2-3% boric acid solution, apply lotions with a solution of furatsilin (1:5000) 3-4 times per day, lubricating the vulva with 5% anesthetic ointment. For vulvitis caused by opportunistic microbes, furazolidone with polymyxin M sulfate in powder is prescribed locally. For subacute cases, sitz baths with potassium permanganate or chamomile infusion 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes are recommended.


    In the acute stage, conservative pharmacotherapy: antibacterial agents (antibiotics, sulfonamides, nitrofurans, biseptol); analgesics (suppositories with belladonna, antipyrine, cefekop); Regional autohemotherapy 5-7 ml IM every other day. Local therapy: cryotherapy (30-40 minutes each; lotions with Burov’s liquid, lead water, furatsilin 1:5000). If the condition improves, physical therapy (UV rays, UHF, centimeter wave microwaves) is indicated; if there is no improvement (after 2-4 days), thermal procedures (heating pads, Sollux, Minin lamp) in combination with ointment applications (ichthyol, Vishnevsky ointment) are indicated.

    Surgical treatment is performed in the presence of a gland abscess. In the chronic stage of the disease, non-drug treatment is carried out in the form of thermal procedures (mud, ozokerite, paraffin); laser therapy.


    Pharmacotherapy. Etiotropic treatment is carried out with antibiotics and antibacterial agents after determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to them. The main method of application is local. Antibiotics are used in the form of irrigation with a mixture of penicillin 300,000 units and 5 ml of 0.25% lysozyme solution for 8 days; antibiotics are also used in the form of vaginal suppositories (penicillin or neomycin up to 100,000 units, furazolidone 0.05 g). Furazolidone is used in the form of vaginal sticks in combination with polymyxin M.

    For colpitis, the use of locally estrogen-containing drugs is indicated: ointment (folliculin - 500 units, lapolin - 30 g); vaginal suppositories (folliculin - 500 units, boric acid - 0.1 g, cocoa butter - 1.5 g), or 3-5 drops of folliculin solution (1000 units) are instilled into the vagina, the course of treatment is 10-15 days. Local procedures include vaginal irrigation with solutions of potassium permanganate 1:6000, rivanol 0.5-0.1% for no more than 3-4 days. In case of a pronounced process, it is necessary to supplement local treatment with general treatment: it is possible to use Biseptol-480 orally, 2 tablets 2 times a day (morning and yesterday after meals), tetracycline 0.2 g 5 times a day, erythromycin 0.5 g 4 times a day . Biostimulants (aloe, fibs, vitreous, etc.) are also prescribed. For the purpose of immune stimulation - levamisole (Decaris) orally at the rate of 0.0025 g/kg for 3 days.

    Non-drug treatment. Physiotherapy is used in the form of general ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis with a 1% solution of novocaine or a 10% solution of calcium chloride on the area of ​​the external genitalia.


    In the acute stage of the disease, etiotropic treatment is carried out (antibacterial, taking into account the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics, sulfonamides). In the chronic form, therapy is carried out with immunomodulators (decaris, T-activin, 1 ml 0.01% solution subcutaneously). Local treatment is carried out after acute inflammatory phenomena have subsided: douching or baths with a 1-3% solution of protargol, 1-2% solution of argentum, 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, vagotil, rivanol, furatsilin 1:5000; vaginal ointment tampons (with antibiotics, nitrofurans, glucocorticoids, antifungal drugs); instillation of emulsions into the endocervix of levosin, course of treatment for 7 days.


    Treatment of inflammatory processes of nonspecific etiology of the upper genital organs

    Acute endometritis

    Pharmacotherapy includes general and local treatment. General treatment includes antibacterial therapy, immunostimulating and detoxification therapy.

    1. Antibacterial therapy uses broad-spectrum antibiotics; It is advisable to simultaneously prescribe a combination of at least 2 antibiotics in maximum doses, taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora. The combinations include semisynthetic penicillins (6.0 g per day), zeporin, kefzol, cefamizin (6.0 g per day), kanamycin (2 g per day), gentamicin (160 mg per day), with the most effective combinations being ceporin and oxacillin, ampicillin and gentamicin, chloramphenicol and limcomycin. Antibiotics are supplemented with sulfonamides (etazol IV in the form of a 10% solution of 10.0 ml every 12 hours), nitrofurans (orally - 0.8 g per day, IV - 0.1% solution of furagin drip 400-800 ml), metronidazole (Klion) IV 100 ml every 8 hours at a rate of 5 ml per minute for 7 days. Tetracycline group drugs are also prescribed at a dose of 0.75 g per day intravenously every 8 hours. To prevent candidiasis, nystatin is prescribed 2 million units per day, levorin 1 million units per day. When treating endometritis, antibiotics are administered in a daily dose into the uterine muscle through the posterior fornix or under the endometrium.
    2. The following are used as immunostimulants: timolin - 10 mg IM once a day for 7 days; T-activin - 1 ml of 0.01% solution IM once a day for 5 days; thymogen - 100 mcg intramuscularly for 5-7 days; immunoglobulin - 5 ml IM or IV every other day, 5 doses.
    3. Anti-inflammatory therapy includes derivatives of salicylic acid (aspirin), pyrazolone (analgin, butadione), paraaminophenol (paracetamol), indoleacetic (indomethacin, methindol), proteonic (ibuprofen) acids. Prescribed in therapeutic doses, 1 tablet 3 times a day.
    4. Detoxification therapy. The total volume of infusion is 1250 ml per day: rheopolyglucin 400 ml, blood plasma, 10% glucose solution 400 ml, Ringer's solution 250 ml. Therapy also includes vitamins and antihistamines. Local treatment includes vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity, gentle uterine curettage and long-term intrauterine dialysis. Irrigation of the uterine cavity is carried out with solutions of antiseptics and antibiotics (solutions of furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide, dimexide, chlorophyllipt). Physiotherapy - pulsed ultrasound, electrophoresis of copper, zinc, laser therapy, vibration massage.

    Chronic endometritis

    The main therapeutic factors are physiobalneotherapy. The most commonly used magnetic fields are UHF, centimeter-wave microwaves, pulsed ultrasound, electrophoresis of copper and zinc. Therapeutic mud, ozokerite, paraffin, sulfide and radon waters (baths, irrigation) are effective. Desensitizing therapy is also prescribed - diphenhydramine, suprastin, pipolfen. During menstruation, broad-spectrum antibiotics are indicated.


    Acute salpingoophoritis requires complex therapy:

    1. antibacterial;
    2. detoxification;
    3. desensitizing;
    4. immunotherapy;
    5. enzyme therapy;
    6. non-drug treatment.

    1. During antibacterial therapy, treatment is carried out simultaneously with two or more antibiotics: a combination of semisynthetic penicillins (ampicillin, oxacillin, methicillin, ampiox) - 3.5 g / day, probenecid - 1 g orally, tetracycline - 0.5 g 4 times per day for 7 days. A combination of cephalosporins is possible - 2.0 g/day, intramuscularly, then tetracycline orally - 0.5 g 4 times a day for 7 days.

    The following therapeutic combinations are considered the most effective:

    a) doxycycline - 0.1-0.2 g/day orally for 7 days and cephalosporins (cephaloridine) 4.0 g/day. i/m; cephaliuin - 2.0-3.0 g/day. i/m, i/v; claferan - 2.0 g/day. i/m;

    b) dalacin C - 300-600 mg IV, IM after 8-12 hours, then 900-1200 mg IV after 12 hours and gentamicin - daily dose 2.4-3.2 mg/kg body weight after 6-8 hours for 6-8 days; Brulamycin - daily dose 2-3 mg/kg body weight IM, IV after 6-8 hours; kanamycin - 1.5-2 g/day. in 8-12 hours.

    The main antibiotics used in the treatment of acute salpingoophoritis belong to the group of penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, macrolides, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol and antibiotics of different groups. In complex treatment, nitrofurans are also used - 0.3 g/day, metronidazole - 0.5-1.5 g/day; biseptol - 1.92 g/day, dimexide 20% IV solution with 100.0 ml of 5% glucose solution, chlorophyllipt - 0.25% solution - 2-4 ml IV in a stream 2-4 times a day - within 5-10 days.

    2. Detoxification therapy includes infusion therapy: hemodez IV drip 100 ml once every 3-4 days, glucose-vitamin solutions - 1000-1500 ml with a complex of vitamins IV drip. The general infusion calculation is 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

    3. Desensitizing therapy. Antihistamines are used - diphenhydramine, pipolfen, suprastin, tavegil; calcium chloride preparations, gluconate - 3% solution IV drip, 200 ml; autohemotherapy 5-7 ml IM according to the scheme; histaglobulin is administered subcutaneously, 2 ml every 3-4 days.

    Glucocorticoids are indicated in the acute, subacute stage - prednisolone - 5 mg / day for 5 days, then according to a scheme of increasing doses for 25 days, then the dose is adequately reduced to the original one.

    4. Immunotherapy. Thymalin is used intramuscularly at 10-20 mg for 5-10 days, tactivin - subcutaneously at 1 ml for 5-10 days, thymosin - subcutaneously at 1 mcg/kg body weight for 20-30 days. , thymogen - 100 mcg intramuscularly for 5-7 days, gamma globulin 12-15 ml of 10% solution intramuscularly once every 20 days for 3-4 injections; pyrogenal and prodigiosan are prescribed after the acute process has subsided.

    5. Enzyme therapy. Lysozyme is used topically 0.5% emulsion, as well as intramuscularly; Trasylol - IV drip up to 50,000 units per day for 3 days.

    6. Non-drug treatment. Cryotherapy - vaginal and external abdominal hypotherampia - up to 2-3.5 hours per day. Hyperbaric oxygenation - pressure 1.5-3 atm. - for 1-1.5 hours a day, course of treatment is 6-7 procedures. Also used are exchange plasmaphoresis, ultraviolet irradiation of blood, extracorporeal hemosorption, laser therapy, reflexology.

    If complications of acute salpingoophoritis occur, the formation of saccular formations of the uterine appendages (pyosalpinx, ovarian abscess, tubo-ovarian formations), surgical treatment is indicated for patients.

    Chronic salpingoophoritis

    Treatment with antibiotics is indicated in cases of exacerbation of the process. Painkillers (paracetamol, indomethacin, etc.) are widely prescribed; sedatives and neurotropic drugs (nozepam, phenazepam); desensitizing agents (diphenhydramine, pipolfen); tonics (eleutherococcus, pantocrine, leuzea); hormonal correction of secondary ovarian hypofunction in accordance with functional diagnostic tests; enzymes (ronidase, lidase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, caripazim).

    Physiotherapy uses ultrasound, phonophoresis, medicinal electrophoresis, UHF, microwave, magnetic fields; laser therapy, therapeutic exercises, therapeutic massage and psychotherapy.


    It is customary to distinguish between general and local therapy for peritonitis. Surgery is the mainstay in the treatment of peritonitis. Treatment of peritonitis is staged and includes preoperative preparation, surgical intervention, and intensive postoperative intervention.

    Pharmacotherapy of pelvioperitonitis corresponds to the treatment regimen for acute salpingoophoritis. With timely initiation and proper treatment, it is often possible to avoid surgical intervention.


    Treatment of parametritis, as well as pelvioperitonitis, involves complex therapy, including antibacterial therapy, desensitizing, detoxification therapy, symptomatic treatment, and physiotherapeutic treatment. If there is no effect from conservative therapy, surgical treatment is performed.

    Treatment of inflammatory processes of the genital organs of specific etiology


    Treatment of trichomoniasis should be comprehensive and include specific therapy (antitrichomoniasis drugs) in combination with broad-spectrum antibiotics, immunostimulants, biostimulants, and vitamins. Treatment should be carried out both general and local.

    For specific therapy, drugs of the imidazoles group (metronidazole, flagyl, trichopolum) are used according to the scheme.

    Scheme No. 1
    Day 1 - 1.5 g/day in 3 divided doses every 8 hours; Day 2 - 1.25 g/day in 3 divided doses every 8 hours; 3rd day 1.0 g/day; 4th day - 0.75 g/day; Day 5 - 0.5 g/day in 2 divided doses.

    Scheme No. 2
    1st day 0.5 g 2 times a day; 2nd day 0.25 g 3 times a day; then 4 days in a row, 0.25 g 2 times a day

    Scheme No. 3
    0.25 g 2 times a day (0.5 g/day); b) nitazol (alienitrazole, tricholaval) - 0.1 g 3 times a day; c) tinidazole (fasigin, triconidazole) - 2.0 g/day once (4 tablets with meals), or 0.5 g (1 tablet) every 15 minutes for an hour (2 g/day) - for 1 day.

    The treatment regimen also includes nitrofurans (furagin 0.1-0.15 g 3 times a day, furadonin 0.1-0.15 g 4 times a day - 7 days), antibiotics (tetracycline 0.3 g 5 times a day , then 0.2 g 5 times a day - up to a course dose of 10.0 g, lithacycline 0.3 g 2-3 times a day, doxycycline - 0.3 g first dose, then 0.1 g 4 times a day ).

    Locally prescribed: trichopolum 0.5 g/day (in tablets, suppositories), clotrimazole (1 vaginal suppository per day - 6 days), Klion-D (vaginal tablets: 500 mg metronidazole and 150 mg miconazole - 1 tablet in the vagina - 10 days), nitazol (in suppositories, suspensions - 15 days), irrigation with antibiotic solutions (gramicidin); pimafucin (1 tablet in the vagina - 20 days), powders from drugs of the nitrofuran group.

    Immunotherapy includes drugs - pyrogenal, autohemotherapy, T-activin, thymalin. Biostimulants and vitamin therapy are carried out according to the generally accepted scheme.


    Treatment of gonorrhea begins with antibacterial therapy - broad-spectrum antibiotics are used: benzylpenicillin - intramuscularly at 60,000 - 400,000 units every 3 hours (per course - 4.2-6.8 million units), bicillin 1, 3, 5 - intravenously /m 600,000 units after 24 hours (per course - 3.6 million units), ampicillin 0.5 g intramuscularly after 4 hours (per course - 8.0 g), ampiox - intramuscularly - 2.0 g/ day (course 15.0-21.0 g), oxacillin - orally 0.5 g 5 times a day (course - 10.0 - 14.0), caffecillin - orally 0.5 g 3 times a day ( course 5.0-8.0 g), chloramphenicol - orally 0.5 g 4 times a day (course 6.0-10.0 g), tetracycline - orally 0.3 g 5 times a day (course 5 .0-10.0 g), doxycycline - orally 0.1 g 2 times a day (course 1.0-1.5 g), rifampicin - orally 0.3-0.6 g 1-2 times a day day (course 1.5 g-6.0 g). Sulfonamides - biseptol 2 tablets 2 times (course 16-20 tablets), sulfatone - 2 tablets 2 times a day (course - 4.2 g - 7.0 g).


    There are specific and nonspecific immunotherapy for gonorrhea. Specific immunotherapy involves the use of gonovaccine. The initial dose IM is 200-400 million microbial bodies after 1-2 days, then the dose is increased by 150-300 million and brought to 2 billion microbial bodies (6-8 injections). Nonspecific immunotherapy - pyrogenal (initial dose 25-50 MTD IM, increase by 25-50-100 MTD to the maximum dose (not higher than 1000 MTD) depending on the body's response, course - 10-15 injections; prodigiosan, autohemotherapy, levamisole , methyluracil.

    To accelerate the regression of inflammatory infiltrates in the affected organs, biostimulants are prescribed, the course of treatment is from 15 to 25-30 days.


    Treatment of patients with genital candidiasis is carried out with antifungal antibiotics and synthetic drugs: amphotericin B - 50,000 units intravenously in 500.0 ml of 5% glucose solution - daily, course - 4-8 weeks (with breaks), total dose - 1.5 - 2 million units; amphoglucamine (in tablets) - 200,000 units 2 times a day for 10-14 days; mycoheptin - orally, 200,000-250,000 units 2 times a day, for 10-14 days; nystatin - orally, 500,000 units up to 1,000,000 units, per day up to 6,000,000-8,000,000 units, course - 14 days; levorin - 400,000 units orally 2-3 times a day for 10-12 days.

    Vaginal suppositories of clotrimazole, polygynax, pimafucin, vaginal tablets of terzhinan, Klion-D, vaginal cream of batrafen are used locally. For prophylactic purposes, use nizoral at a dose of 200 mg/day for a long time (2-5 months).

    Non-drug therapy includes physical therapy (ultrasound, diathermy, microwave, UHF, microwaves), balneotherapy, exercise therapy, and sanatorium-resort treatment.

    Mycoplasmosis (ureaplasmosis)

    Treatment begins with antibiotics active against mycoplasmas: doxycycline (vibramycin) - 100 mg 2 times a day for 10 days; course - 20 g; erythromycin - 500 mg 4 times a day for 14 days; tetracycline - 0.5 g 4 times a day for 1-2 weeks, course - up to 27.0 g. Gentamicin is administered intramuscularly at 40 mg every 8 hours for 5-7 days, course 600-840 mg.

    In a hospital setting, you can use intravenous morphocycline with 5% glucose solution. Ointment tampons with 1-3% tetracycline ointment, 1% erythromycin ointment, vaginal tablets, cream, clotrimazole suppositories, Klion-D are indicated locally.

    Of the non-drug treatments, the most indicated are physiotherapy - inductotherapy, UHF, electrophoresis, ultrasound, phonophoresis through tetracycline, erythromycin ointment, low-frequency pulsed currents, ozokerite, paraffin.

    Tuberculosis of female genital organs

    Treatment includes specific and nonspecific therapy.

    Specific treatment involves the use of etiotropic chemotherapy, which has a bacteriostatic effect on mycobacteria. These are first-line drugs - derivatives of GINK: tubazid (single dose 0.3-0.6 g, daily 0.6-0.9 g), ftivazid (single dose 0.5-1.0 g, daily 1.0- 2.0 g), saluzide (single dose 0.5-1.5 g, daily dose -2.0 g), PAX - (single dose 4.0-5.0 g, daily dose 9.0-15.0) ;

    Second-line drugs: ethionamide (single dose 0.25-0.5 g, daily dose 0.75-1.0 g); tibon, thioacetazone (single dose 0.03-0.005 g, daily dose - 0.06-0.1 g).

    The most effective combinations of chemotherapy drugs are: GINK + kanamycin + PAS (Tibon - for intolerance); GINK+PASK; GINK + rifampicin + ethambutol; GINK + rifampicin + PAS; ethambutol + rifampicin, etc. In case of significant changes in the appendages, treatment is carried out with a triple combination of drugs (isoniazid, benemecin, ethambutol). Duration of treatment is 12-18 months.

    Nonspecific therapy includes enzyme therapy (lidase 64 units intramuscularly for 30-40 days, or use suppositories with ronidase). Among the antioxidants, use a 30% solution of alpha-tocopherol acetate - 1 ml IM daily, course of 50-60 injections; 30% sodium thiosulfate solution - 10 ml IV every 1-2 days (course of 40-50 injections). Hydrotubation is carried out with a solution containing a 30% solution of sodium thiosulfate - 10 ml, lidase - 64 units, penicillin 1 million units, novocaine 0.25% solution.

    Non-drug treatment includes physiotherapy. SMT electrophoresis, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, mud therapy, balneotherapy.

    If there is no effect from conservative therapy and there are indications, surgical treatment is performed.

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