Pulling in the lower abdomen is a possible cause of discomfort. First signs of pregnancy Dizziness on the 23rd day of the cycle

Diagnosing pregnancy in the earliest stages is quite difficult, even with the use of modern equipment. Gynecologists advise women to wait until a certain point before giving a referral for an ultrasound examination and scheduling various tests. Despite this, many women can tell from their feelings at the beginning of the first month that they are in an interesting position.

A woman's first sensations during pregnancy

Conception is a turning point in the life of every woman. Expecting or not expecting pregnancy, it is impossible to say that it has occurred, focusing only on the absence of menstruation. In addition, there are other symptoms that can help determine the beginning of a new stage in a woman’s life.

Expectant mothers do not always pay attention to suddenly appearing:

  • chronic fatigue,
  • drowsiness,
  • weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • irritability.

Many people associate these feelings with increased workload or problems in family life. But there are signs that are simply impossible to ignore. To understand what exactly caused the enlargement of the mammary glands, nagging mild pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and refusal of certain foods, you need to carefully understand what happens in the body of the expectant mother in the first month of pregnancy.

The birth of a new life

The first month after conception is the most significant during the entire pregnancy. At this time, the formation of the embryo, the laying of the main organs and the most significant changes in the female body occur.

Every month of pregnancy is important, but only at the very beginning is the foundation laid for the future development and growth of the fetus.

Conception is possible on days 14-16 of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation occurs and a mature egg is released from the ovary. When the sperm and egg combine during this period, fertilization occurs and pregnancy occurs.

Signs that it is time to ovulate:

  • weakness,
  • fast fatiguability,
  • increased libido,
  • increased basal temperature.

You can accurately determine the onset of ovulation by measuring the temperature in the anus.

To do this, it is necessary to measure basal temperature every morning, starting from the 13th to the 16th day of the cycle, without getting out of bed.

An increase in its value above 37 degrees indicates ovulation. This means that the most opportune moment for conception has come. You can determine this day by calculating its occurrence depending on what the menstrual cycle is. This should be the average day of your cycle. With a 28-day cycle – 14-15th, and with a 32-day cycle – 16th.

Development of pregnancy and new sensations

The first month of pregnancy can bring with it disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of constipation and stomach pain. These days, drowsiness and apathy towards everything around you appear, giving way to irritability. At this time, the test does not always show a positive result, and the woman associates her feelings with physical fatigue. Days 18, 19, 20 of the cycle pass against the background of indirect symptoms. Active production of progesterone leads to the fact that the expectant mother, not yet knowing about the onset of pregnancy, behaves as if she had premenstrual syndrome. These include sudden changes in mood and incomprehensible pain in the lower abdomen.

Sensitive people often cry, experience fear and anxiety. The woman does not want to communicate with loved ones and gets irritated for any reason.

She reacts to all odors so actively that in some cases she may faint or lose consciousness. Incomprehensible nagging pains in the lower abdomen and lumbar region are increasingly occurring. Sometimes women complain of heartburn, but the first month is a time when pressure is not yet put on the stomach, and heartburn, like other signs of gastritis, rarely appears.

But already these 20, 22, 23, 25 days of the cycle bring with them changes in attitude towards certain foods and a negative reaction to certain smells and sounds. Every day more and more new sensations appear that force a woman to seek advice from specialists. First of all, this concerns pain that bothers a woman both during movement and at rest. Nagging and aching pain is felt in the lumbar region, perineum, and above the pubis. In addition, pain may appear in the epigastric region.

Signs of pregnancy are not only changes in mood and taste. There are other symptoms that indicate the birth of a new life.

They can be tracked according to different days of the menstrual cycle. Days 25, 26, 27, 28 are the time when the first changes in the mammary glands begin. The nipple aureole darkens slightly, a slight tingling sensation appears in the glands, and fever or chills are possible. These days, you can confuse pregnancy with a cold. If you suspect the possibility of pregnancy, you should consult your doctor before taking medications.

The woman feels tired and “broken.” Many complain of loss of appetite, weakness, dizziness, and apathy. Sometimes the help of a psychologist may be required.

At the same time, colorless vaginal discharge may appear, requiring special attention. Their color may indicate the development of an inflammatory process, the presence of thrush or other diseases. With normal microflora, physiological discharge is milky in color and odorless, but if brownish inclusions appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The reason for taking a smear for analysis is itching or burning, as well as any discomfort in the intimate area.

Signs of pregnancy are early toxicosis and nagging pain in the lower back. On the 29th or 30th day of the cycle, you can receive a referral for an ultrasound examination, which can confirm the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, excluding a tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. This study reassures pregnant women, most of whom become too suspicious and sensitive.

Starting from the third week of pregnancy, nausea appears and possible morning vomiting, indicating the beginning of hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. Nausea and vomiting are often accompanied by excessive drooling. This is quite unpleasant, but this condition passes quickly. In some cases, you may need to rinse your mouth with mint infusion, but sometimes drooling and vomiting lead to dehydration, which can only be treated with the help of a doctor. Many women already know for sure on the 20th day of the cycle that they are expecting a baby, and irritability gives way to peace.

Obvious signs of pregnancy are the result of an ultrasound scan, noticeable enlargement of the mammary glands, darkening of the nipple areola.

The first month brings with it many changes that affect your usual lifestyle, taste preferences, and attitude towards yourself and others. The psycho-emotional state of a woman changes.

Signs of developing life in the first month of pregnancy are also visible in tests. The test will probably show two stripes. At this time, the cavities and valves of the fetal heart are already forming, and by the end of the fourth week, a heartbeat may be noted on an ultrasound.

Indicators of embryo growth and woman's sensations

The first month of waiting is the time when not only indirect, but also direct symptoms of fetal development are present. Painful enlargement of the mammary glands appears. Morning sickness is becoming increasingly common and is a manifestation of early toxicosis. These signs indicate that the level of the hCG hormone in the blood is significantly increasing. For a woman, this change brings feelings of heaviness and pressing pain in the stomach. This is due to hormonal changes and changes throughout the body.

As the uterus increases in size, it puts pressure on the bladder, causing frequent urination. Women get up to go to the toilet several times a night, and some use special pads during the day. Every day the mammary glands grow and increase in size. The nipple areola also increases in size and gradually changes color, becoming darker. A network of small veins appears on the surface of the skin. These changes cause pain, tension and fever. The breast becomes hard and hot to the touch.

Signs of hormonal changes are changes in mood. A pregnant woman experiences constant stress at this time.

This condition causes:

  • headache,
  • sleep disturbance,
  • sense of anxiety,
  • changes in heart rate and blood pressure.

Another condition that may be unusual for many women is a constant feeling of hunger, which can be satisfied with an unusual combination of foods.

In some cases, pregnant women tend to eat only vegetables, in other cases they constantly crave meat. You can’t be led by your desires, and it’s worth thinking about the dangers of some foods or the benefits they can bring to a woman by maintaining the balance of vitamins and nutrients. In the first month after conception, a woman should understand all the responsibility for the proper development of the embryo and, following the doctor’s advice, give up bad habits, paying more attention to her health.

This article will talk about the earliest signs of pregnancy, which many women, especially those who have been planning to conceive a child for several months, feel within a few days after fertilization.

Day 20 of the cycle: signs of pregnancy

With a regular menstrual cycle lasting about 28 days, the twentieth day of the cycle usually corresponds to 5-6 days of pregnancy. That is, approximately in the middle of the cycle, conception occurred, and now a whole week has passed in the development of the unborn baby. At this stage, the future baby is just a cluster of cells that are dividing and developing very rapidly.

The signs of pregnancy that a woman feels at this stage are usually limited to mild nausea, absent-mindedness, and a change in reaction to certain odors. In addition, the breast may already begin to change, its sensitivity increases. However, often at such an early stage women do not feel any changes in their bodies.

Day 23 of the cycle: signs of pregnancy

Many women begin to feel the first signs of pregnancy just on the 23rd day of their cycle. Odors begin to become especially pronounced, and morning sickness and even vomiting may occur. Particularly sensitive pregnancy tests may show a weak second line already at this stage, since the level of hCG during pregnancy increases every day. If in the first days after conception the breasts begin to ache and the nipples swell, on the 23rd day of the cycle this process will continue. Especially sensitive young ladies at this stage can no longer sleep on their breasts, and any touch becomes painful. On the 24th day of the cycle, signs of pregnancy also do not appear too strongly. It is worth understanding that all organisms are different and some women may not feel the first signs of pregnancy for a long time.

Day 26 of the cycle: signs of pregnancy

The next menstruation is approaching. At this time, even pregnant women may feel slightly nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as well as emotional outbursts and nausea. Many people associate this condition with PMS, but this process is due to the fact that the body has not yet “understood” that its operating mode has changed, pregnancy hormones have not yet begun their full work. If you are confident in your condition, you can try to do another test; the second strip on it should be brighter.

Day 28 of the cycle: signs of pregnancy

With a regular cycle, your period should start on the 28th day. Their absence, as well as other early symptoms, may indicate pregnancy. During this period, by obstetric standards, the woman is already 4 weeks pregnant. Symptoms in some women may already be pronounced - nausea, motion sickness, drowsiness, fatigue, odor intolerance, increased and decreased appetite, etc., or they may be completely absent.


using the example of a 28-day cycle, with ovulation at 14-15 DC...

Hormones: FSH slowly begins to increase (2.45-9.47 mU/ml), LH remains approximately at its lower level (1.84-26.97 mU/ml), estradiol drops from the first day to its lowest level ( 68-1269 pmol/l), progesterone - low (0.32-2.23 pmol/l)

Discharge: thin red blood, feels slippery and wet

Cervix: slightly open, medium soft, mucus plug comes out with blood

PA: wait during heavy bleeding

Hormones: FSH continues to increase (2.45-9.47 mU/ml), LH - the same level (1.84-26.97 mU/ml), estradiol - low (68-1269 pmol/l)

Follicles: nothing happens

Endometrium: 3-4mm

Discharge: bleeding, no mucus, almost no cervical discharge, feeling dry

BT: 36.3-36.5 (oral), 36.4-36.6 (vaginal and rectal)

Cervix: closes, lengthens, mucus plug forms

PA: barren days (you don’t have to use protection if you’re not planning a baby)

Hormones: FSH reaches the level of the first threshold (which starts the maturation phase of those follicles that are programmed for it) (2.45-9.47 mU/ml), LH - constant (1.84-26.97 mU/ml), estradiol – begins to grow slowly (as soon as the follicles begin to grow, the ovaries slowly increase its production) (68-1269 pmol/l)

Follicles: those that are best supplied with blood and programmed for this first FSH threshold begin to mature - reaching a size of 2-6mm in diameter

Endometrium: 4-6mm

Discharge: Quite dry, discharge creamy or sticky if present

BT: 36.3-36.5 (oral), 36.4-36.6 (vaginal and rectal)

Cervix: closed, firm, mucus plug formed

PA: barren days

Hormones: FSH continues to increase (2.45-9.47 mU/ml), LH - constant (1.84-26.97 mU/ml), estradiol - increases, produced by active ovaries (131-1655 pmol/l)

Follicles: actively growing – dominant size 12-15mm

Endometrium: 5-10mm

Discharge: becomes moist, the first thin mucus appears

BT: 36.3-36.5 (oral), 36.4-36.6 (vaginal and rectal)

Cervix: becomes softer, begins to produce liquid mucus

PA: relatively fertile days (contraception is necessary if you are not planning a child)

Days 11, 12, 13

Hormones: FSH is growing (2.67-15.67 mU/ml), reaches the second threshold, LH is growing rapidly, provoked by estradiol, estradiol continues to rise (131-1655 pmol/l)

Follicles: those (1-2 pieces) that produce the maximum estradiol, which means they are the largest (about 15 mm), reaching the second threshold they enter the ovulatory phase, the rest, small ones, become atretic

Endometrium: 7-14mm

Discharge: thin, very viscous mucus, feels wet

BT: a decrease of 0.1-0.2 degrees is possible, often the temperature remains stable

Cervix: soft, open, mucus plug flows out, completely opening the passage

Hormones: FSH drops (0.01-6.4 mU/ml), LH reaches its peak (maximum 36 hours from the start of its increased production) (19.61-114.93 mU/ml), estradiol rises, progesterone slowly growing (0.48-9.41 pmol/l)

Follicles: the dominant follicle(s), reaching a certain size (18-25mm) and producing a certain amount of estradiol, become sensitive to LH. 12 hours after LH reaches its maximum, the follicle ruptures - ovulation.

Endometrium: 10-16mm

Discharge: copious, stringy, wet

BT: increases by 0.3-0.4 degrees

Cervix: open, soft, swollen, a plug beginning to form

PA: fertile days (active sexual life, if planning a child)

Days 16, 17, 18

Hormones: FSH drops sharply, LH drops immediately after its peak (0.61-15.91 mU/ml), estradiol drops (91-861 pmol/l), progesterone drops slightly after ovulation, but remains consistently high

The egg: moves through the fallopian tube, in which it merges (or does not occur) with the sperm. If conception does not occur, the egg dies 2-3 days after ovulation

Corpus luteum: formed, provokes the production of progesterone and softening, swelling of the endometrium, 15-20 mm in diameter

Endometrium: 10-16mm, swelling

Discharge: sticky, non-slippery, slightly damp

Cervix: closes, hardens, lengthens, plug formed

PA: relatively fertile days (conception is still possible - the egg lives 2-3 days after ovulation)

Days 19, 20, 21

Hormones: FSH is stably low, LH is stably low, estradiol drops slightly, but remains higher than in the first phase (91-861 pmol/l), progesterone is stably high (6.99-56.93 pmol/l)

Egg: fertilized moves through the fallopian tube. After the fusion of the nuclei of the egg and sperm, division of the zygote (fertilized egg) begins. On the 3rd day after conception - 16-32 cells - morula. At 4-5 – blastocyst – 250 cells, mulberry shape. Corpus luteum: growing, 25-27mm

Endometrium: 10-18mm

Discharge: sticky, dry

BT: 36.7-36.9 (oral), 36.8-37.1 (vaginal and rectal)

Cervix: closed, firm

PA: barren days

Hormones: FSH is stable low, LH is stable low, estradiol is stable, progesterone is high (6.99-56.93 pmol/l)

Blastocyst: implantation occurs

Yellow body: 25-27mm

Endometrium: 10-18mm, swollen, loose

Discharge: if conception has occurred, bleeding may occur, generally dry, discharge sticky

BT: a slight drop in temperature by 0.1-0.2 degrees is possible during implantation

Cervix: closed, firm

PA: barren days

Days 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

Hormones: FSH is stably low, LH is stably low, estradiol is stable, progesterone is high (6.99-56.93 pmol/l) - falls on the last day of the cycle, or increases after implantation in case of pregnancy (8.9-468.4 pmol/l)

Embryo: fertilized egg is formed, three tissue sheets are formed (ectoderm - skin, eyes, nervous system, hair; mesoderm - skeleton, muscles, blood vessels; endoderm - internal organs)

Corpus luteum: grows, increasing progesterone levels if implantation has occurred. It decreases (10-15mm), if it was not there, thereby the level of progesterone decreases, provoking the separation of the endometrium.

Endometrium: 10-17mm if conception has not occurred, 11-20mm if conception has occurred

Discharge: dry, sticky or creamy

BT: 36, 7-36, 9 (orally), 36, 8-37, 1 (vaginally and rectally) – if conception has not occurred; 36, 8-37 (orally), 36, 9-37, 2 (vaginally and rectally) – if there was implantation

Cervix: firm, closed

PA: barren days


Signs of pregnancy??!!

  • #67411727
  • 09.06.11 13:09
  • Anonymous

My cycle is 28 days, today is 31 days - and nothing! In the sense that there is no M. My breasts don't hurt, just my nipples. I also feel very bad - weakness, nausea (but only nausea, no vomiting), severe motion sickness in transport. But despite all this, my stomach is pulling for the fifth day. It’s as if M is about to go! I bought a test - it’s negative, but still, something is wrong... If this is pregnancy, then why does the stomach feel tight and the test is negative??

  • #67412445


18-20 days of pregnancy - signs

CMS Joomla

In the life of almost every woman, sooner or later, there comes a moment such as pregnancy. But first you need to understand and find out whether she is actually pregnant. Signs of pregnancy are compared with the number of the day of the cycle - after all, every minute, every hour brings new changes and restructuring in the body.

Starting from the 18th day of the cycle, signs of pregnancy begin to radically change their character. During this period of time, the fetus begins to form a nervous system, a brain, and the heart begins to beat. Very often there is a feeling of weakness and malaise. Often makes you sleepy. There is an increasing desire to go to the toilet. Sometimes there will be dizziness and possible nausea, either early in the morning or in the evening. And this continues from days 18-20 of the cycle.

On the twentieth day of the cycle, as well as on the 18th, signs of pregnancy are still difficult to notice, but they are quite noticeable. If the menstrual cycle is regular and its duration is about 28 days, then the twentieth day is the fifth or sixth day of pregnancy from the moment of conception. Consequently, the process of conception occurred approximately in the middle of the cycle and is already developing well. After all, a whole week has already passed! Naturally, this stage of development is very small and fragile, since the baby consists of many cells that are practically not connected by anything. But the main feature of these cells is the fact that they develop very quickly and efficiently.

The most important signs of pregnancy:

  • Mild nausea;
  • Absent-mindedness;
  • The nasal apparatus becomes aggravated. And due to this fact, there is an increased reaction to unfamiliar or unpleasant odors;
  • Beginning of breast changes (increased sensitivity, change in nipple pigmentation);
  • During this period of time, the embryo’s nervous system begins to form.

As soon as day 21 of your cycle begins, expect changes in your pregnancy signs! It is then that the child’s heart begins to beat and the spinal cord and brain begin to form. This may cause you to feel dizzy and cause minor bleeding. The sense of smell will become very acute, and the mammary glands will become very sensitive. There may also be slight shortness of breath when walking.

Over the entire 20 days of the cycle, the signs of pregnancy do not differ much from each other. But they depend on the development of the fetus. During the first twenty days, the child’s nervous system has already begun to form, the heart begins to beat, the spinal cord and brain are formed, and it is obvious that it is better not to interfere with these processes.

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First signs of pregnancy before delay

Undoubted signs of pregnancy

The birth of a child is one of the most beautiful and exciting moments in a woman’s life. When a married couple decides to have children, the anticipation of pregnancy becomes unbearable. A woman is constantly thinking about a possible pregnancy, trusting her feelings. How to determine whether pregnancy has occurred or not before a missed period? After all, with a very short period of time, even the most highly sensitive pregnancy test may not show the “cherished” two stripes. Let's try to answer a frequently asked question: “What are the first signs of pregnancy before a delay?”

A little about the physiology of the reproductive system in women

If we rely on data on the physiology of the female reproductive system, conception is possible if sexual intercourse occurs during the period of ovulation. For approximately 60% of women, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. In this case, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, that is, on day 14 (if the woman is healthy and does not have diseases of the reproductive system). A menstrual cycle lasting 21-35 days is also considered normal. Ovulation occurs before the start of the second phase of the cycle, which normally lasts 14 days. Therefore, to find out the day of ovulation, it is necessary to subtract 14 from the duration of the cycle. For example, if the menstrual cycle lasts 30 days, then 30 – 14 = 16, that is, in this case, ovulation will occur on the 16th day of the cycle. This knowledge is necessary in order to choose the right time for conception and not miss ovulation.

The first signs of pregnancy before delay, the main ones:

So, ovulation was “caught” and now the woman is waiting for the appearance of signs of pregnancy, which, according to the classification, are divided into doubtful, probable and reliable. Even before the onset of a delay in menstruation, with an existing short-term pregnancy, a woman begins to experience unusual sensations, which are in fact presumptive (doubtful) signs of pregnancy. These include:

  1. Weakness, drowsiness. When performing everyday activities, fatigue quickly appears, the feeling of malaise persists throughout the day, and makes you sleepy.
  2. Increased sensitivity to odors. All aromas and smells that were previously perceived normally can now cause disgust. Most often, this reaction occurs to tobacco smoke or perfume, especially in hot weather.
  3. Changes in the nervous system: emotional lability (instability). During pregnancy, a complete restructuring of hormonal levels occurs, which can affect the emotional state of a woman. In this case, excessive irritability appears for no apparent reason, frequent mood swings, and sometimes dizziness.
  4. The appearance of pigment spots on the skin. The skin on the face, nipple area, or linea alba may become darker.
  5. Changes in appetite, increased salivation. There may be an aversion to foods that were previously eaten (for example, meat).
  6. Nausea, vomiting in the morning, often on an empty stomach.
  7. Soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands. The breast increases in size, even a slight touch can cause unpleasant and painful sensations.
  8. Increase in basal temperature. During the first weeks of pregnancy, the basal temperature when measured will be higher than 37.1 C.
  9. Nagging pain, feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. As pregnancy progresses, the uterus increases in size and puts pressure on the bladder and rectum. As a result, there is a frequent urge to urinate, bloating, and upset bowel movements with a tendency to constipation. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen can easily be confused with a threat of pregnancy failure. Therefore, if this symptom appears, which may be accompanied by scanty bleeding from the genital tract, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  10. Pain in the lumbar region. Minor pain in the lower back, like “lumbago”. They appear when changing position and are localized in the sacral area.

Possible signs of pregnancy before delay

Probable signs of pregnancy, as opposed to doubtful ones, are based on an objective assessment of the genitals, mammary glands, as well as biological immunological tests.

  • Lack of menstruation (amenorrhea)

It should be borne in mind that this symptom can be observed not only during pregnancy, but can also be caused by hormonal disorders, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, recent psycho-emotional stress, etc.

  • Tension and soreness of the mammary glands, the appearance of colostrum when pressing on the nipple.

This symptom is most typical for later pregnancy.

  • Blueness of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix

This symptom is detected at a doctor’s appointment during a gynecological examination in the speculum.

  • Changes in the shape, size and consistency of the uterus

The uterus increases in size, becomes softer, and its walls become thinner. In addition to pregnancy, such changes in the uterus can be one of the signs of neoplasms, for example, uterine fibroids.

  • Increase in hCG hormone in the blood

The amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) gradually increases as pregnancy progresses. This sign refers to probable signs of pregnancy, since there are conditions in which the level of hCG in the blood can also increase: during ovulation, with increased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), with thyrotoxicosis, hematuria, and also within a month after termination of pregnancy.

Before the delay, reliable (undoubted) signs of pregnancy

Determination of these signs is possible in the second half of pregnancy if the fetus is present in the uterine cavity.

  • Palpation of fetal body parts

During this manipulation, the doctor determines the head, back and limbs of the fetus. The longer the pregnancy, the better the parts of the fetal body are palpable.

  • Feeling of fetal movements by a doctor during an examination of a pregnant woman

A woman can feel fetal movement starting from the 20th week during the first pregnancy and from the 18th week during the second pregnancy. This sign is not reliable, since a woman may mistake active intestinal motility for fetal movement. Women who are overweight may not feel fetal movement at all, since the thick subcutaneous fat layer prevents the transmission of fetal shocks to the abdominal wall.

  • Clearly audible fetal heart sounds

The doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat using an obstetric stethoscope (from 18-20 weeks) or by performing an echography (from 5 weeks of pregnancy). Normally, the fetal heart rate is 110-160 beats per minute.

Perhaps the most reliable method for determining pregnancy is an ultrasound examination of the uterus (ultrasound). Using this procedure, you can determine the presence of pregnancy starting from the 5th week. At the same time, ultrasound is the safest method for both the woman and the fetus. It is very important that this method allows you to timely diagnose an ectopic pregnancy and prevent the development of complications. And the main thing for the expectant mother is that she can not only feel, but also see with her own eyes her still tiny, but already beloved baby.


Signs of pregnancy on days 25-28 of the cycle

CMS Joomla

From the moment the first suspicions arise until the fact of pregnancy is confirmed, a woman goes through a psychologically difficult path filled with doubts, fears and worries.

To confirm an “interesting situation”, today there are a large number of methods and methods, but you need to know which of them really work. About 95% of female representatives will not name a specific date of conception, but they remember exactly what date their last menstruation occurred. Based on this, most doctors consider the days immediately following the end of the last menstruation to be the beginning of fertilization. The period of time between a possible pregnancy and the suspension of menstruation is the period when girls and women try to find answers to questions and guesses that concern them. It is these days that many try to recognize the various manifestations of pregnancy, which usually begin to actively show themselves after 3 weeks.

On the 25th day of the cycle, signs of pregnancy can be easily recognized. The egg settles in a new place, after which its upper shell begins to produce hCG, which is used to determine the presence of a fetus through a urine test. Some women experience different sensations in the lower abdomen and notice slight bleeding.

Usually on the 26th day of the cycle signs of pregnancy can manifest themselves with nagging pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and emotional instability. These days, menstruation is just approaching, so many people confuse these symptoms of fertilization with PMS.

Beginning of the 27th day of the cycle and the signs of pregnancy during this period are characterized by a state when the woman’s body has not yet “realized” the changes taking place. The hormones that begin to act during conception are not yet fully activated. By repeating the test, during this period the woman will be sure that she is pregnant, because the strip will be much brighter than in previous times.

Further, on the 28th day of the cycle signs of pregnancy It’s getting bigger and your period is due. Their absence and other symptoms indicate that the woman is pregnant. Usually, this is around the 4th week of fertilization and the symptoms become pronounced: nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, motion sickness, the desire to eat something specific, and so on.

It happens that there are no signs at all, so every woman should focus only on her feelings and not put off a visit to the gynecological department.

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Signs of pregnancy in the first days

If a woman has been planning a pregnancy for a long time, she waits literally in every new cycle for signs of pregnancy in the first days. It’s worth saying right away that it is impossible to feel pregnancy the very next day after conception; for about a week the fertilized egg is not connected to the mother’s body, and moves into the uterine cavity through the tube to be implanted in it.

And after sexual intercourse, you should not immediately expect signs of pregnancy in the first days - you should not worry in vain.

The very first signs of pregnancy in the first days

Naturally, the very first signs of pregnancy in the first days will be, in fact, the absence of menstruation (delayed menstruation). But many of us know that a delay may not always be associated with pregnancy, and for many, the cycle is not stable at all.

Therefore, the question of how many days after the first signs of pregnancy appear is relevant for many women.

Usually, after about three to four weeks, you can quite clearly identify the signs of your interesting situation based on typical manifestations. Some women notice signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception, but these are more psychological than physical manifestations (dreams, emotional sensations).

As such, the physical sensations of pregnancy should be expected no less than a couple of weeks from the moment of conception.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days of delay

It is impossible to say exactly on what day the first signs of pregnancy appear in a particular woman, everyone tolerates pregnancy differently, some may feel sick from the very first weeks, while others have no toxicosis at all.

These are individual characteristics of the body, but there are certain symptoms that appear one way or another in many pregnant women.

What are the first signs of pregnancy in the first days after a missed period?

  1. Lack of regular menstruation. But sometimes the presence of implantation bleeding 7-10 days after conception at the time of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa can be mistaken for menstruation. But such discharge is scanty and stops quickly.
  2. Changes in basal temperature with a sharp decrease by about the 10th day and then a sharp increase on the next day with a stable high level in the future and no decrease during the expected period of menstruation. If the delay is due to stress or hormonal imbalances, problems with the ovaries, etc., there will be no fluctuations in the basal temperature schedule.
  3. General malaise and increased drowsiness due to increased levels of progesterone and the hCG hormone. You may also experience sensations similar to the onset of a cold.
  4. Increased sensitivity of the breast with a sharp reaction to the slightest touch, up to soreness of the nipples and darkening of the skin around them. There may be engorgement or swelling of the breast, or its hardening.
  5. A feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the lower abdomen that occurs due to increased blood flow to the pelvic organs.
  6. A constant increase in temperature within 37.0-37.2 degrees, fluctuations in blood pressure, reduced pressure due to the action of the hormone progesterone. This can lead to headaches and dizziness and even fainting.
  7. Increased salivation, as well as morning sickness and even vomiting. They appear around 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. There may also be increased sensitivity to odors and motion sickness in transport, and malaise in stuffy rooms. These symptoms are classified as toxicosis of pregnant women.
  8. Frequent urination due to the diuretic effect of the hormone progesterone, fluid retention in the body due to increased estrogen levels.
All these signs of pregnancy in the early stages are not constant and not all expectant mothers can detect them. Therefore, the most reliable sign will be a positive pregnancy test and establishment of the fact of pregnancy in the doctor’s office. Author of the publication: Pediatrician, nutrition consultant, trainer of the pregnancy and childbirth course at the Center for Pregnancy and Childhood "Mamino Solnyshko" and DS "Karapuz" If you notice an error in the text , please highlight it and press the key combination Ctrl+Enter. Thank you!


Questions about signs of pregnancy, signs of pregnancy

Question My cycle is 28 days, now I’m on day 25 of my cycle. I had unprotected sexual intercourse on the 14th day of the cycle and already now I feel nausea, loss of appetite, and discomfort in the chest. Could this indicate pregnancy, and what are the chances?

Answer Considering the cycle and day of sexual intercourse, we can say that the chances of pregnancy are quite high. It is during this period that most women experience ovulation, that is, the release of an egg. With a 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs approximately on days 12-16. These signs are indeed very similar to early signs of pregnancy, but they are not reliable. Therefore, it is recommended to wait until the day of menstruation and, in case of delay, conduct a test and contact a gynecologist for examination.

Question How many days of delay in menstruation can be considered a sign of pregnancy?

Answer Theoretically, we can say that already the first day of a delay in a regular cycle can be a reason to conduct a test. But you need to understand that cycle disruption often occurs and menstruation may occur 1 to 2 days later. Therefore, usually a delay in menstruation is 4 - 6 days, this is already a reason to go to the doctor for an examination, even if the pregnancy test result is negative.

Question Is it possible to somehow predict pregnancy even before a missed period?

Answer It is quite difficult to do this reliably. Suggested signs may include nausea, vomiting, changes in appetite, cravings (the desire to eat certain foods), sensitivity to smells, frequent urination, and a feeling of enlarged mammary glands. In order to try to diagnose pregnancy at such an early stage, you can do a blood test for hCG. But this test can also give a negative result before a missed period.

Question How and when can you accurately determine pregnancy?

Answer You can determine pregnancy yourself using a home pregnancy test, which is sold in pharmacies. It must be carried out no earlier than on the first day of missed menstruation, since before this period the concentration of hCG in the urine (to which the test reacts) is very low. If the delay continues and any test result occurs, you should consult a doctor. Pregnancy can be diagnosed already in the first week of delayed menstruation by examination in a gynecological chair, as well as by ultrasound.

Question What is implantation bleeding and can I tell from such bleeding that I am pregnant?

Answer There really is such a thing as implantation bleeding. The bleeding itself is not severe and looks like spotting. It is difficult to call this bleeding the exact first sign of pregnancy because it occurs differently for everyone and can be observed from the 6th day after egg implantation to 6 weeks (on average). The discharge lasts from several hours to 2-3 days. In addition, any bleeding is a reason to consult a doctor, especially if pregnancy has been established.

From the first days after fertilization, the body sends a woman signals about the beginning of pregnancy, long-awaited or unplanned. Menstruation stops, mammary glands increase in size, mood changes, and unusual taste preferences appear. These and other signs most likely indicate pregnancy. It is important to be attentive to your feelings so as not to miss important changes in your life. The doctor will be able to confirm or deny the fact of conception of a child after examining the patient.

Pregnancy symptoms

Any woman, regardless of whether she dreams of a child or whether pregnancy is undesirable, would like to know as early as possible that conception has occurred. Even before the delay, the body gives many signals about the change that has occurred in it. Some symptoms can be recognized as early as 2-3 weeks after conception, while others do not appear until the middle of the second month of pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy are often mistaken for general ailments and acute respiratory viral infections, especially if they are single and not intense. It is worth knowing that the symptoms of the onset of pregnancy are conventionally divided into:

  • reliable: when they occur, the fact of conception is irrefutable;
  • speculative: pregnancy is quite possible;
  • dubious: they should not be particularly trusted, since they are based on a woman’s subjective feelings.

Gestational weeks are usually counted from the start of the new cycle in which fertilization occurred: the onset of pregnancy occurs on the 1st day of menstruation. Ovulation (the release of an egg) occurs in the middle of the cycle on the 14th day (with a normal 28-day cycle). The egg lives for 24 hours, and only during this time can it be fertilized. After her meeting with the sperm, a restructuring begins in the woman’s body, which results in the first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation.

In the first days of pregnancy, it is quite difficult to recognize its symptoms. But sometimes, even on the 20-21st day of the cycle, some symptoms can tell an attentive woman about her situation. At this time, the fetus is already descending into the uterus and is carefully fixed in it. Signs of pregnancy during this period are not too bright. Most women notice changes in their bodies only after a delay in menstruation.

Reliable signs

Reliable signs of pregnancy clearly indicate that a child has been conceived. These include:

  • HCG rise. Human chorionic gonadotropin appears only during pregnancy and clearly indicates the successful conception of a child. The concentration of hCG can be determined using a blood test from a vein 10-14 days after conception. Qualitative determination of hCG is carried out using a pharmacy pregnancy test.
  • Detection of an embryo by ultrasound. Transvaginal ultrasound examination at 3-4 obstetric weeks allows you to see the embryo in the uterus or outside it. At 5-6 weeks, the fetal heartbeat is heard during ultrasound.
  • Palpation of large parts of the fetus. It is carried out in the second half of pregnancy. By palpating the belly of the expectant mother, the doctor can determine the head and pelvis of the fetus. At 18-22 weeks, the baby’s heartbeat can be heard through the anterior abdominal wall.

Possible signs

Possible signs of pregnancy are detected in the early stages. Such symptoms do not always indicate the conception of a child. Similar signs are found in various gynecological diseases. Possible signs of pregnancy include:

Questionable signs

There are quite a few signs of pregnancy in the first month, which are likely signals of what has happened. On the 20th day of the cycle, it is quite difficult to notice the still subtle signs of pregnancy, but their manifestation already in the second week immediately after conception becomes more intense.

Presumable signs of pregnancy individually often do not attract attention, but taken together they can alarm the expectant mother even before the delay, forcing her to find out exactly about her situation.

Breast changes, dizziness, changes in food preferences are the most likely signs recorded by almost every pregnant woman.

Weakness and loss of strength

These are the most pronounced symptoms at the beginning of pregnancy, caused by changes in the hormonal background of the body and in the functioning of other internal systems after conception. Attachment of the fetus to the uterine mucosa changes the content of progesterone and body temperature, which is why the woman feels a deterioration in her health. Many people are worried about dizziness, weakness, runny nose and other conditions that are not typical for normal days during pregnancy:

  • the woman feels cold, she shudders, and after a short period of time she feels hot;
  • spontaneous headaches occur;
  • drowsiness, loss of strength, and fatigue appear that are unusual for a woman;
  • troubled by sleep problems.

Pain in the back and lumbar region

Complaints of back pain or lower back strain are usually heard in the second and third trimesters, but they are also considered as presumptive signs of pregnancy, sometimes appearing even before the delay a little time after sexual intercourse without contraception. Such sensations may be a sign of an impending miscarriage and require the assistance of a doctor.

Most often, such symptoms are recorded on days 20-22 of the cycle: the mammary glands swell and increase in size. These signs of pregnancy, as well as itching of the skin on the chest, should alert the woman a few days after contact without contraceptives: the likelihood of conception becoming quite tangible.

Can breasts get bigger immediately? Most women notice breast enlargement in the first months of pregnancy. At the same time, the sensitivity of the breast increases, any touch causes pain. It may begin to itch: often women, even at the beginning of pregnancy, note that their nipples hurt.

On the 23rd day of the cycle, uncomfortable signs of pregnancy such as heaviness in the lower abdomen and a feeling of fullness in the uterus are often observed. During pregnancy, they are caused by a rush of blood to the reproductive organs, where the embryo has already settled. With a short cycle lasting less than four weeks, such discomfort may appear as early as the twentieth day.

Due to the rush of blood to the pelvis, a pregnant woman may also be bothered by tingling in the projection of the ovaries or uterus - another likely signal of pregnancy.

Hormonal storms of gestation

What other symptoms before delayed menstruation and hCG test results indicate that conception has occurred? Hormonal changes in the body are associated with numerous and noticeable signs of pregnancy in most women already on days 21-25 of the cycle:

  • a sharp change in taste preferences: a woman rejects her usual food and begins to consume “exotic” or previously unloved foods;
  • aversion to certain aromas or odors;
  • the appearance of acne on the skin of the face, pimples, even if the pregnant woman has never had such problems before;
  • increased frequency of urination, especially at night: they are not accompanied by pain or discomfort;
  • swelling affecting the arms and legs; they are caused by an increase in the level of progesterone, which retains salt and fluid in the body;
  • decreased libido;
  • noticeable changes in the emotional state: they are expressed in outbursts, mood swings, sometimes strong reactions to insignificant things, irritability appears, conflicts arise.

Folk signs

There are also popular signs according to which women are advised to check the fact of conception even before the delay and without purchasing a test at the pharmacy. And although they are based on the experience of many generations, in most cases these are rather dubious signs of pregnancy:

  • Dreams. Popular wisdom claims that a dream about a watermelon or any fish speaks about the development of a new life inside a woman.
  • Home tests:
    • one drop of iodine is added to a fresh portion of urine: if it dissolves, then this is a sign that conception has occurred;
    • A pinch of ordinary soda is poured into the urine, a very small amount: if bubbles appear, then the test is positive.

Such symptoms and signs, which, according to popular belief, indicate pregnancy, are not based on facts, regardless of the result, need to be verified in more accurate ways.

Candidiasis and conception

Some women believe that thrush that began even before the delay of menstruation, coinciding with unprotected sexual intercourse, indicates pregnancy. There really is a connection between them: blood rushing to the pelvis provokes an increase in vaginal discharge, and an increase in estrogen production affects its flora. These two changes in the reproductive organs create conditions favorable for the proliferation of Candida fungi. Excessive amounts of them cause thrush. The appearance of candidiasis, itching and curdled discharge are unlikely to confirm conception. These signs of pregnancy are questionable: thrush is more likely a consequence of conception than a symptom.

Confirming set

It is worth remembering that not all of the above pregnancy symptoms are necessarily observed in every woman and only in the early stages of gestation. What first signals of conception will appear, at what time and with what intensity depends on the body of a particular woman, the length of her cycle and her state of health. Experts note: on the 26th day of the cycle, all expectant mothers experience signs of pregnancy to one degree or another, but it is the delay in menstruation that forces them to pay attention to the body’s signals.

In order not to miss the onset of pregnancy and find out about it almost immediately, after sexual intercourse without contraception, a woman should be attentive to herself. If she notices:

  • severe weakness;
  • changes in tastes and attitudes towards smells;
  • nagging pain in the back or lower abdomen;
  • swelling of the breasts and nipples;
  • problems with sleep, appetite, mood;
  • sudden change in libido;
  • frequent trips to the toilet;
  • nausea and vomiting.

It is worth turning to reliable methods of confirming pregnancy: hCG analysis, pregnancy test and examination by a gynecologist.

The female body is a subtle mechanism that senses even small changes occurring inside the body. For a woman this is a serious step, and for the body - big changes. With the birth of a new life, he begins to work for two.

In almost every case, conception does not occur until halfway through the cycle. In very rare cases, ovulation occurs in the first half of the cycle. And as soon as fertilization has occurred, the body begins to react and rebuild to a new job.

The first changes are not visible to a woman, but starting from days 16-18 of the cycle, restructuring is already taking place in the body.

Don't be upset that you can't feel them. Over time, if a girl becomes pregnant, everything will become tangible, clear and obvious.

Start of a new life

The beginning of a new life in a woman’s body is a rather complex and long process. For 6 days, the fertilized egg wanders across the expanses. And only on the 7th day of its journey does it attach to the mucous layer of the uterus. Converting the date to a monthly cycle, this is day 22-23.

During such a period, small spots may appear that are visible on the girl’s underwear. But, in most cases, they are not.

Starting from the 24th or 25th day of the monthly cycle, implantation is considered a completed process. The fertilized egg is reliably protected by the outer layer. In turn, the outer layer begins to produce the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin).

In many sources, hCG is considered a pregnancy hormone and this is not strange. It is produced only by the pregnant body and only in isolated cases is it a sign of certain diseases.

HCG encourages all body systems to adapt to a new type of work. The lungs, heart, kidneys, and endocrine system begin to function differently. Often these days, a woman also notices changes in her well-being, but does not always attach importance to this. And only after being convinced of the “interesting situation” does he remember these days and everything falls into place.

The influence of the embryo on a woman’s sensations

To be honest, it is quite difficult to feel the birth of a new life. Most likely, intuitive ones work. Despite this, many women claim that they were able to determine pregnancy by.

In most cases, this is due to the growth of the fetus and its intrauterine development. The embryo changes, the main organs and systems develop, and this is reflected in the woman in unclear sensations. Usually it all starts from day 21-22 of the menstrual cycle.

Signs of pregnancy on the 7th day after conception or 21–22 days of the cycle:

  • At this time, the embryo acquires a nervous system, and the expectant mother feels a change in her taste preferences. No matter how funny it is, right now I might be craving something salty. Or even a pun - a cake with a herring.
  • When the spinal cord, brain, and heart muscles develop in the embryo, the woman suffers acutely from headaches and migraines. Unpleasant odors follow her everywhere.
  • The 22-23rd day of the cycle may already bring the first most famous ones - morning. In some cases, the pregnancy test will slightly color the second cherished strip.
  • Day 28 of the cycle and above brings more and more colors of pregnancy into a girl’s life. All organs of perception become sharper, smells become brighter, tastes become more varied. Sometimes you may have a desire to eat dishes that previously only caused disgust, but now you have a great desire to try it.

Early signs of pregnancy

On days 21-23 of the cycle, you can feel a lot of other, no less strange, first signs of an interesting situation. And even the slightest unusual sensations can be signs of the birth of a new life.

Of course, as pregnancy progresses they become more noticeable. And soon the girl will no longer doubt her position and will be able to clearly feel all the signs.

The most common first signs of pregnancy are:

  • Quite often, women report increased fatigue and drowsiness. Nature itself is trying to protect the unborn child from an overly active mother. The body gives a signal to all organs that it is time to save energy for the development of future offspring.
  • Conception lowers blood pressure and, if a girl has low blood pressure by nature, she will feel it. This may be in the form of a headache in the back of the head.
  • Due to the increase in prolactin in the body, about a third of women report increased pain, even pain.
  • You may experience a metallic taste in your mouth.
  • In almost every case, the girl’s unstable emotional state is observed. Sudden mood swings, frequent tearfulness - all this can result from conception.
  • A clear sign of pregnancy on days 25-28 of the cycle is. A few days before the start of menstruation, it decreases; if the woman becomes pregnant, the basal level remains high at 37 and above.
  • On days 20-21 of the cycle, sudden changes in body temperature may occur, sometimes hot or cold.
  • During days 21-28 of your cycle, you may feel bloated. This is due to the large flow of blood to the pelvis.
  • From the 22nd day of the cycle, a woman may feel an unusual sexual desire or remain completely insensitive. This category refers to changes in the libido system due to hormonal changes.
  • The expectant mother may lose sleep or become shallow and sensitive.
  • Excitement increases, a woman needs to constantly do something, run somewhere.

No one can make up their mind to make a precise statement. As many female personalities exist as there are early sensations associated with the birth of a new life.

It is impossible to cash them all, each organism is unique. Therefore, what remains to be done is to believe if the dream of having a child is unbearable. And also wait for the right moment to confirm your intuitive or physical sensations with the help of a home test or take a blood test for hCG. May you be lucky.

A few days after ovulation (from 5 to 10 days), provided that the woman has contact with her partner during this period, early signs of pregnancy may already appear.

Of course, a pregnancy test will help you find out about the presence of pregnancy with a 100% guarantee, but it is better to do it if there is a delay, and this, as a rule, is no earlier than 28-30 days from the start of the last cycle, although conception itself is possible at 12 -16 days of the cycle.

Then, after another 7-10 days, the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterine cavity, and then the woman can begin to feel any signs of pregnancy.


What should you pay attention to even before a delay in order to suspect that you are pregnant? So, there are 16 main factors that indicate a high probability that pregnancy has occurred in the current cycle.


Climbing up the stairs, weakness comes over you, your breathing becomes difficult - this may be due to lack of oxygen. The body begins to rebuild itself to supply oxygen to the nascent child, so periods of lack of breathing are possible. It should be noted that such periods are likely throughout the entire pregnancy, and not just at the very beginning. Especially when the baby grows up and begins to put pressure on the mother’s diaphragm.


One of the most common signs is that the breasts become heavier and more sensitive. There is a slight feeling of fullness and pressure. The halos may darken. A venous network is drawn on the chest; before it was not so noticeable.

However, some women experience the same sensations in the breasts without being pregnant, but only due to the influence of the hormone progesterone in the second half of the cycle. This hormone is responsible for preparing the female body for pregnancy. We can say that it gives instructions for pregnancy.

FATIGUE, Drowsiness

Have you suddenly started to get tired faster than usual? It became difficult to get up in the morning, the body felt weak throughout the day - also the effect of pregnancy hormones. As a rule, this state of “chronic fatigue” passes by the end of the first trimester, simply disappearing, as if by magic.


Another sign that may appear long before the delay. Not all women suffer from early toxicosis, but the vast majority experience nausea, which significantly complicates their life in the first trimester.

As one of the early signs, nausea may appear immediately when the fertilized egg begins to attach to the uterine cavity. The earliest this can happen is 5-7 days after conception.


In the early stages, a woman may suddenly begin to be unable to stand the whole night without going to the toilet. During pregnancy, the female body begins to process more fluid, and the load on the bladder increases.


Not obvious, but also a fairly common sign of pregnancy. This is also a consequence of the work of hormones. If you have not used protection during the last 2 cycles, you should not take painkillers without the recommendation of a doctor, who must be informed about a possible pregnancy in order to avoid the negative impact of the drugs on the developing body of the child.


Does your lower back or lower back hurt a little? If such pain is not typical for you, then this may also be one of the signs of pregnancy.


This could be a sign of both pregnancy and approaching menstruation - it’s hard to say more precisely. But in half the cases of pregnancies, the uterus seems to make itself felt; sometimes unusual sensations of tingling, heaviness, contractions and burning appear in it.


If you suddenly feel a change in your taste preferences, you suddenly begin to experience a voracious appetite, or an aversion to food, or a craving for certain foods - the body is reporting above that you are pregnant.


Just last week you could easily fit into your jeans, and today you suddenly felt that you couldn’t button them up on your stomach? Pregnancy hormones can slow down your digestive system, causing you to experience flatulence, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea. Fluid retention can also give a feeling of heaviness and bloating in the abdomen.


Another sign that can either guarantee that there is a pregnancy, or talk about the imminent onset of menstruation. Perhaps during pregnancy these mood swings are more pronounced and last a little longer.


If suddenly you can no longer tolerate the smells that you had previously breathed calmly, this is one of the signs of a possible pregnancy. Increased sensitivity to odors is also the work of hormones. You may not be able to tolerate certain smells of perfume or food throughout your pregnancy. Conversely, an inexplicable craving for the smells of household chemicals may appear.

Dizziness, fainting

Low blood sugar levels in a pregnant woman can cause brief episodes of dizziness or even fainting. Make sure you eat and drink enough fluids throughout the day.


A week before the start of a new cycle, a woman may notice a small amount of blood on her underwear, literally one or a few spots. This is not the arrival of menstruation ahead of schedule, most likely it is a sign of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. The fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, literally drilling into it, and small blood vessels are destroyed, which causes mild bleeding.


At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases, the immune system is suppressed so that the mother's body does not reject the fetus. As a result, a woman becomes more susceptible to various viruses, which, however, easily pass without affecting the child at all. Uncontrolled antiviral and anti-cold medications, which a woman can take without even knowing about her pregnancy, can cause much more serious harm.


The most serious sign, besides all others, is delay. Many of the early signs are controversial, and can be both symptoms of pregnancy and heralds of PMS. However, a delay in a healthy woman who has regular sex life is already a serious reason to go to the pharmacy for a test.

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