What is cytology of a smear from the cervical canal. Questions. A routine smear is carried out

Cytology is the science of the structure and function of cells, which are the structural unit of any living organism. Cytology in gynecology is used to diagnose hormonal levels of the ovaries, neoplasms of the reproductive system and other diseases.

Cytological studies are widely used in obstetrics and gynecology.

Why is cytology used in gynecology?

This study is carried out in women over 18 years of age in the following situations:

  • in preparation for conception;
  • suspicion of female infertility;
  • in case of failures or absence of a regular menstrual cycle;
  • constant use of oral contraceptives;
  • if papillomavirus is suspected.

Advantages of this method

This analysis is simple and accessible; it can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with hormonal drugs and promptly suspect the development of malignant pathology. The analysis is used for mass screening (examination) of women of different ages in preparation for pregnancy and in other situations. The main advantages of a cytological smear:

  • easy to implement and safe;
  • does not require the use of complex diagnostic equipment;
  • relatively painless analysis;
  • simplicity and low cost of the research method.

Despite the benefits of this research, it can give false results, so if a problem is identified, it is further investigated by other methods.

Preparing for the examination

In order for the result of the study to be as consistent as possible with the real data, you need to adhere to several recommendations before performing it:

  1. For several days before the test, you should not have sexual intercourse.
  2. Do not douche or use vaginal suppositories, creams or other medications.
  3. Before the examination, do not perform intimate hygiene of the genital organs, so as not to distort the picture of the smear.
  4. Vaginal smears are not performed during menstruation, after interventions on the cervix or during inflammatory processes in this area.
  5. When taking hormonal drugs, smears are taken only 2-3 weeks after the end of treatment.

To obtain a reliable diagnosis, you need to prepare for the analysis.

How and when the material is collected

The time for collecting material for analysis depends on the purpose of the study, for example, in case of problems with the menstrual cycle, the analysis is carried out 4-7 times with an interval of several days.

In preparation for conception, to clarify the ovulatory period, the analysis can be carried out daily on the days of the expected pregnancy.

Material for analysis is collected in different ways:

  • washing away rejected cells from the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix;
  • superficial scraping with a special instrument from suspicious areas of tissue;
  • prints-preparations;
  • collection of discharge from the vagina and cervix with a special aspirator.

Smears are made from the resulting material, which are then examined under a microscope.

What can be determined using cytology

Depending on where the cytological material was taken from and the purposes of the study, using this examination method it is possible to determine the presence of various pathologies. This study is prescribed for screening in women after 18 years of age. If deviations are detected, additional tests are carried out.

With the help of cytology, you can learn about many pathological processes.

Indicators of vaginal cleanliness

This indicator is determined by the number of leukocytes, Doderlein rods (vaginal rods) and various microbes. Based on these data, the following degrees of vaginal cleanliness are distinguished:

  • I – the reaction is acidic, the smear contains mostly Doderlein rods and squamous epithelial cells. This type of smear is rare;
  • II is the most common type of smear among gynecologically healthy women. In the smear, among the predominant number of lactobacilli, single “cocci” are found. In addition to vaginal rods, you can see a small number of leukocytes (up to 5-7 cells);
  • III – a large number of bacteria are observed, there are very few vaginal bacilli, the number of leukocytes increases. The reaction is alkaline. This result indicates the presence of an inflammatory process and requires the use of additional diagnostic methods;
  • IV – almost no Doderlein rods, many epithelial cells, leukocytes and other microbes (chlamydia, mycoplasma, trichomonas, etc.). In this case, the doctor prescribes additional tests to detect STIs and other diseases.

Diagnostics of tumor processes

To diagnose tumors, this analysis is used in combination with other methods. Suspicion for cancer arises when the smear contains cells of varying sizes, different nuclei, and a large number of cell divisions.

In such suspicious situations, after a smear, a biopsy is performed, which confirms or refutes the diagnosis of a malignant neoplasm.

The definition of atypical cells does not yet indicate a tumor process.

To assess the function of the reproductive system

The study of vaginal smears (colpocytogram) is based on the study of epithelial cells, which change their composition depending on the day of the menstrual cycle and the level of hormones in the body.

Determining the composition of cells allows us to assume the presence or absence of hormones, the correspondence of hormone levels to the phase of the menstrual cycle and monitor the effectiveness of hormone treatment.

Important! Cytological smears are stained using a polychrome method, which is why the second name for the method is Papanicolaou smear or Pap test.

Smears for hormonal colpocytoscopy are taken several times during different menstrual cycles, depending on the expected diagnosis.

The vaginal mucosa consists of three layers, and in smears from the mucosa, 4 types of cells are distinguished: parabasal, basal, intermediate and keratinizing. The ratio of these cells can tell us about the hormonal function of the ovaries. The following options are available:

  • I - leukocytes and basal cells are detected in the smear. This is typical for severe estrogen deficiency;
  • II – parabasal cells, a small number of basal and intermediate cells are identified. This smear indicates mild estrogen deficiency;
  • III – intermediate main cells, keratinizing and parabasal ones are found. A mild estrogen deficiency is suspected;
  • IV – consists of keratinizing and intermediate cells, no basal cells and no leukocytes. This type of smear indicates normal estrogen saturation.

To more accurately evaluate smear data, various indices and cell ratios are used.

These ratios vary depending on the day of the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. Indicators of these values ​​are normally presented in the summary table.

Cycle dayCI (karyopyknoticEI (eosinophilic index)IP (maturation index)
5-7 10-20% 5-15% 0/65-80/20-35
12-15 60-90% 60-80% 0/6-29/71-94
20-22 8-20% 3-14% 0/65-91/9-25
25-28 3-8% 2-6% 0/80-93/7-20

Questions for the doctor

Question: I was prescribed a smear for flora. What does such research mean?

Answer: This analysis will help determine the degree of cleanliness of the vagina and identify the presence of an inflammatory process.

Question: After taking a smear, I began to experience discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the vaginal area. The doctor assured that the test was painless. Could this be possible?

Answer: Collection of material for cytology is a painless procedure. But if a woman has an inflammatory process in the vagina or cervix, then discomfort and pain may occur. Therefore, in case of an acute inflammatory process, smears are not performed so as not to aggravate the situation.

The unfavorable environmental situation, early maturation and sexual intercourse among modern youth, smoking, exposure to all sorts of gadgets and other problems of 21st century society lead to disappointing medical statistics: cases of cancer are increasingly being recorded. The disease also affects the female reproductive organ - the uterus. How to protect your health, are there methods for diagnosing such a serious disease in the early stages? The answer lies, as they say, on the surface. Almost every girl who visits a gynecologist undergoes an analysis, which is aimed at studying the structure of cells, finding atypical ones or those that do not correspond to generally accepted standards. This test is called “atypical cell test”, “pap test” or “cytology test”. What it is and what it is needed for, we will explain in detail in the article.

Cytology as a science

What does the word “cytology” mean? This is a separate science that studies the structure, functioning, and characteristics of living cells. This branch of medicine is also called cell biology.

Clinical cytology is a branch of laboratory research, the essence of which is the microscopic descriptive analysis of cytological material. Using cytology analysis, cancer, precancerous conditions and benign neoplasms, as well as inflammatory processes are determined.

Cytology is a science that also studies the ability of cells to respond to external stimuli. This means that this medical field, in addition to identifying diseases, is also involved in the experimental development of drugs.

Cytology in gynecology

Clinical cytology - what is it in gynecology? In this branch of medical science, the cytological analysis method is widely used, as it is highly informative and reliable. With its help, you can determine a large number of different pathological conditions in the vagina, cervix and uterus itself. In addition, the analysis does not require large expenses: all that is needed is a concentrate that stains the material under study and the microscope itself.

The advantages of this diagnostic study are also safety, painlessness, ease of sampling, and low risk of adverse reactions. A smear for cytology is performed even on pregnant women. And the result will be ready within a day after taking the material.

Typically, the material is collected in a complex manner: from the urethra, vagina and cervix. Therefore, this analysis may be called “atypical cell smear” or “cervical cytology”. What it is? This is the same analysis for atypical cells, which has the same method of conducting and interpreting the results.


So, a smear for cytology. What is it and when is it prescribed? There are no specific indications for testing for atypical cells. This study is recommended for all representatives of the fair sex from the moment they have their first sexual intercourse. During reproductive age, doctors advise women to check their health with a cytology smear at least once a year. Cytology is a simple and reliable way to detect cancer cells.

Cytology analysis is routinely carried out before gynecological surgery, various gynecological manipulations (for example, when inserting a contraceptive - a spiral), when planning pregnancy, directly during pregnancy, if infectious diseases of the reproductive organs are suspected, infertility treatment, menstrual irregularities.

Cytology is a science that studies the functioning of a cell, which means it can be used to detect damaged, atypical structures and their reactions. Therefore, the analysis is also prescribed by the doctor when confirming the diagnosis of “human papillomavirus”, “genital herpes”, “obesity” and “diabetes mellitus” for dynamic monitoring of the patient’s condition, as well as to analyze the effectiveness of treatment methods.

Cytology analysis: how does it happen?

Cytology analysis - what is it, how is it carried out? The material is collected on a gynecological chair. The doctor will use a special medical brush to collect mucus from the vagina, the entrance to the cervical canal, and also from the cervical canal. During sampling, gynecological speculums are also used to visually detect inflamed areas of the mucous membrane. If there are any, the doctor will take an analysis from such a damaged area. The procedure causes discomfort, but the patient should not experience any pain if the procedure is performed correctly.

Cytological material (mucus) is applied to a diagnostic glass, fixed and dried, and then delivered to the laboratory for examination.

Test portability

We talked about what a cytology smear is and what it is. What are the contraindications and adverse reactions? There are cases when the mucous membrane is too inflamed, so the slightest touch of a medical instrument causes minor bleeding due to damage to the capillaries. This condition does not require treatment and goes away on its own within 24 hours.

If after a few hours the patient has a fever, nagging pain in the abdomen, continuous heavy bleeding, and chills, then it is necessary to call an ambulance. None of the above symptoms are normal when conducting a test such as cervical cytology. What is this, why do such reactions occur? The causes of complications may be unprofessional sampling of material, as well as advanced inflammatory process of the mucous membrane.

Preliminary preparation

Contrary to popular belief that no preparation is needed before taking a smear for atypical cells, it is necessary to take the recommended measures the day before in order to exclude false test results. Therefore, next we will consider the question: “Cytology of the uterus - what is it and how to prepare for analysis?”

  1. It is necessary 2 weeks before the proposed examination to exclude the use of intravaginal suppositories, local creams, ointments, including contraceptives, and not to use the douching method.
  2. A week earlier you need to give up intimacy.
  3. The study cannot be carried out during menstrual flow. The most reliable results of analysis for atypical cells are observed when the material is collected on the 5th day after the end of menstruation.
  4. Several hours before the cytology test, it is recommended to refrain from urinating.

Decoding the result

Many people are interested in the question of what clinical cytology is, what it is in gynecology, and how to decipher the obtained indicators. Only a doctor should analyze the test results. The detected indicators do not constitute a diagnosis and require additional research and clarification.

The results are divided into 5 degrees of purity:

  1. The first means that cytological analysis did not reveal any pathological changes in the cells. This means that the patient is healthy.
  2. The second indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe additional tests.
  3. In the third degree, cells in which the structure of the nucleus is disrupted are found in the smear. In this case, it is recommended to undergo microbiological and histological examination to make a diagnosis.
  4. If the results indicate the fourth degree, then there is a risk of cancer. The patient is prescribed a full urgent examination using a biopsy and examination using a colposcope.
  5. At stage 5, laboratory technicians found a large number of cancer cells in the smear. In this case, the woman is immediately referred to an oncologist.

In the second and third degrees, after additional examinations, it is necessary to conduct a repeat cytology test.

Cytology smear analysis: what is it, how to decipher it?

In addition to purity indicators, the cytology test result form also contains other parameters:

  • Latin letters indicate the area of ​​sampling of the test material: U - urethra, C - cervical canal, V - vagina;
  • the presence of leukocytes in the field of view (normally - up to 15 units);
  • it is possible to detect infectious agents: fungi, trichomonas or gonococci;
  • a large amount of epithelium indicates a possible oncopathology (normally up to 10 units);
  • the presence of mucus in small quantities is normal.

Cytology test results are not a diagnosis. Only a doctor, having assessed the entire situation of a particular medical case, can determine the pathology. Thus, grades 2-4 may indicate not only cancer, but also less dangerous and easily treatable health problems, such as candidiasis, vaginitis, cervicitis, cervical erosion, genital herpes, papillomavirus.

Cost of analysis

Cytology is a widespread and accessible method for diagnosing cancer in the early stages. Almost every laboratory or clinic can take this test, so the cost of the test has a wide range depending on the level of the medical institution and its equipment, personnel qualifications, and the like. According to the insurance policy, the analysis is carried out free of charge in public clinics. In private laboratories, such a service costs from 500 to 1200 rubles. Additionally, you will have to pay for the collection of material itself - that’s another 200-500 rubles.

Where to get a smear for cytology?

In any modern laboratory, a smear is performed for cytology; a doctor’s referral is not necessary at all. By contacting a antenatal clinic or a private clinic, for example, “Invitro”, “Hemotest”, you can undergo such a diagnostic test.

Cytology is a science that has saved many lives over the course of several decades of its existence. Don't forget to get tested annually for abnormal cells. Such a simple, safe and affordable test can detect a deadly disease in the early stages of development. Timely seeking medical help significantly increases the likelihood of complete medical victory over the disease.

There is still no effective treatment for it. The main objectives of each medical method in oncology are the prevention and early diagnosis of malignant neoplasms, since only the first and second stages of cancer are treatable.

Cytology smear - what is it?

The very concept of cytology is the study and analysis of living cells. An oncocytological smear, accordingly, involves examining the material taken at the cellular level for signs and the presence of their malignancy. This method is one of the most reliable, detailed and affordable, which is important.

The oncocytology method is most often used in gynecology and has a number of alternative names:

  • cervical smear;
  • PAP test;
  • Pap test;
  • smear for cytology, etc.

Cytology can be performed in any area. In this case, materials from various organs and tissues are examined for cancer cells: scrapings, smears, puncture, saliva, etc.

When and to whom is a smear for cytology prescribed?

Cytology analysis is considered normal during the annual examination of women by a gynecologist. Its results make it possible to identify not only oncological abnormalities, but also a number of various gynecological diseases.

A smear examination for oncocytology should be carried out:

  • all girls and women annually, starting from the moment of sexual activity;
  • every six months for those who use hormonal and intrauterine contraception;
  • a couple of times a year if you have genital herpes;
  • in agreement with the gynecologist at a certain period for pointed papillomas of the genital organs, frequent erosion and a tendency to the appearance of cysts;
  • with a genetic predisposition to developing cancer in the female line.

If a woman is promiscuous and does not have a regular partner, she needs to undergo a cytology test several times a year. The same applies to people who are overweight. These categories of people are most at risk of developing malignant tumors.

You need to see a gynecologist throughout your life. The likelihood of developing cancer increases with age, so in no case should we forget about women’s health in the absence of sexual relations and after menstruation.

Preparing for analysis

Cytology of smears involves the study and analysis of the cells they contain. Various types of deviations in their structure can be evidence of various kinds of pathologies, including cancer. The material being studied in the field of gynecology is the scraping of epithelial particles from the walls of the vagina and cervix. It is taken almost painlessly for a woman, but minor discomfort may still be present. To obtain reliable results, you must follow certain rules for preparing and taking a smear.

When planning a visit to the gynecologist for examination, a woman should properly prepare for this. You should:

  • choose a day without menstruation (preferably in the first week after its completion);
  • on the eve of the analysis, exclude sexual relations;
  • do not use various vaginal gels, smears, suppositories for about five days;
  • do not douche;
  • Tell your doctor about recent drug therapy, if any.

How is a smear taken?

Every obstetrician-gynecologist knows how cytology is taken from the female genital organs. The procedure for collecting material is quite fast and lasts less than a minute.

On a regular gynecological chair, a special speculum is inserted into the woman’s vagina, after which a small scraping is made from the tissues of the cervical canal and cervix using a spatula or brush. If there is heavy discharge, they are first removed from the walls with a tampon. The process is quick and painless.

Next, the collected biological material is transferred to glass, which is covered with another glass, and then transferred to the laboratory for analysis. There, using staining with special solutions under a high magnification microscope, the structure of the cells is visually analyzed and an appropriate conclusion is made.

Important! Taking a smear for oncocytology should be carried out using strictly sterile instruments.

Possible results

The result of the analysis is not necessarily cancer or its absence - a smear for oncocytology also shows inflammation. Many people do not know what a cytology smear actually means. In fact, this analysis reveals a number of different deviations.

A bad smear for oncocytology does not immediately mean the presence of cancer. This result may indicate:

  • the presence of various types of harmful microorganisms and fungi;
  • inflammatory process;
  • banal violation of the vaginal microflora;
  • erosion.

Sometimes taking smears for oncocytology is accompanied by a number of violations. In such cases, the analysis may come with a lack of conclusion due to poorly collected biomaterial. This mainly happens due to:

  • insufficient or excessive number of cells contained;
  • significant presence of discharge and mucus;
  • traces of blood, etc.

The most important and significant result of the analysis is the conclusion about the structure and structure of cells. This is what determines the presence of signs of malignancy.

A smear for oncocytology gives results of approved standards for several types. Type 1 is characterized by normal cell structure without any deviations from the norm. Type 2 means minor disorders, manifested by a slight increase in cell nuclei caused by inflammatory processes. In type 3, individual cells with large nuclei stand out against the background of normal ones. In this case, repeated analysis is prescribed at certain time intervals, tracking the results over time. With type 4, cells are assigned atypia - a precancerous condition when mutational changes are noted not only in the nucleus, but throughout their entire structure. Type 5 is a confirmation of oncology. In this case, abnormal cells actively divide, grow and form a malignant tumor.

Another important test for detecting cancer is a biochemical blood test, more about which you can read here. Read about what to do if diplococci suddenly appear in the smear.

Main advantages and disadvantages of the method

The main advantages of this method of diagnosing cancer tumors include:

  • availability of the necessary biomaterial for research;
  • safe and painless receipt;
  • diagnostics at the very first stages of the appearance of cellular changes;
  • obtaining additional information about the presence of various pathologies;
  • the ability to study deviations in dynamics;
  • affordable price for analysis.

In addition to the advantages, there are also a number of disadvantages. The main disadvantages of oncocytology are:

  • the possibility of obtaining unreliable results in the case of poorly collected material;
  • insufficient information about the tumor present due to the study of cells rather than tissues;
  • impossibility of diagnosing certain types of cancer.

Modern methods and techniques for diagnosing cancer tumors make it possible to identify pathology at the earliest stages. You just need to undergo the necessary and recommended examinations in a timely manner for effective and efficient therapy if abnormalities are detected.

Cytology. Cervical cytology analysis

Cytology is a diagnostic method that allows you to study the structure of cells and detect the presence of atypical elements indicating the development of the disease. In gynecology, cytology analysis is a fairly common procedure.

The popularity of the method is easy to explain:

  • firstly, a diagnostic smear for cytology does not require large expenses;
  • secondly, a guarantee of reliable results in the shortest possible time;
  • thirdly, it helps prevent the development of precancerous and cancerous conditions.

Cytology, smear for cytology or oncocytology - these are all popular synonyms of the medical term - Papanicolaou test.

Analysis for cell research in gynecology

The cervical canal or cervix is ​​the anatomical site for collecting cellular material for research in gynecology. This anatomical site functions with two types of epithelium:

  1. stratified epithelium (covers the area of ​​the vaginal part);
  2. columnar epithelium (lining the cervical canal at the junction of the cervix and uterus).

According to physiological norms, cellular elements are regularly renewed. Taking a smear for cytology in these parts of the cervical canal helps to detect atypical cancer cells at the initial stage of development.

Feasibility of the test

A cytology analysis helps identify initial changes in the cervical canal of the uterus that contribute to the development of cancer over a short period of time. Given this reason, a cytology test is a mandatory preventive method in gynecology.

Mass smear testing among women belonging to different age groups and segments of the population demonstrates positive dynamics in reducing the incidence of cervical cancer.

If your appointment sheet indicates a smear for cytology, do not panic! This does not mean that you have cancer or are at increased risk of developing it. By no means, constant preventive examination and performing a smear for cytology delays the possibility of developing terrible diseases.

Women under 65 years of age should regularly visit a gynecologist and comply with all prescribed requirements. After 65 years, the frequency of submitting material for cytology is determined individually by the attending physician.

A Papanicolaou test is mandatory in the following cases:

  • All girls/women over 18 years of age. In this case, the analysis is carried out without medical requirements, at will;
  • Presence of sexual activity;
  • Women over 30 years of age are required to undergo a medical test once a year;
  • Pregnant women. Cytology is carried out according to the rules 3 times during the period of gestation;
  • Interruptions in the menstrual cycle, the presence of human papillomavirus and malignant tumors in close family members are the reasons for a cytology smear every six months.

Factors leading to gynecological diseases and a negative cytology test result:

  • Nicotine intake;
  • Insufficiency of vitamins A, C;
  • Immunodeficiency conditions, including HIV;
  • Infection with chlamydial and herpes infections;
  • Long-term inflammatory lesions of the female genital organs;
  • Isolation of human papillomavirus in the blood;
  • Systematic use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • Onset of sexual activity before 16 years of age;
  • Regular change of sexual partners;
  • Several births in the anamnesis.

Stages of preparation for the analysis

It is difficult to predict what the doctor will prescribe at your next visit to his office. But if you are going to undergo a regular preventive examination with a gynecologist and undergo a number of necessary tests, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Forget about nighttime pleasures for a few days;
  • Move all chemical products for intimate hygiene into the back drawer, stop douching;
  • Do not use medications, such as vaginal suppositories, sprays, etc. before taking a smear.

General description of the procedure

A smear for cytological examination is taken during a routine gynecological examination with speculum. The duration of all procedures, including examination, is 15 minutes.

Initially, the doctor assesses the condition of the vaginal walls and the visible part of the uterus after inserting a gynecological “mirror”. After this, the gynecologist proceeds directly to collecting the epithelium of the cervical canal. To do this, you will need a probe, a special swab or brush. Although the procedure is short and unpleasant, try to relax, otherwise the discomfort will increase due to muscle tension.

The resulting scraping is immediately sent to the laboratory for further study. Accurate results from the laboratory will arrive after 1 – 2 weeks.

Decoding the analysis in the laboratory

The results will indicate either "positive" or "negative". It is absolutely clear that if the transcript contains the clause “negative”, this means absolute health of the cervix, the absence of atypical cells.

The item “positive” is not a clinical diagnosis! Yes, such a result indicates the presence of atypical cells, but this does not mean that they will soon become cancerous or are already cancerous. An analysis with a positive result occurs in infectious diseases acquired sexually, and even in inflammatory processes.

The decoding additionally includes the stages of the identified process:

  • Stage 1 – the cytological picture is not changed;
  • Stage 2 – there are minor deviations from the norm due to inflammation;
  • Stage 3 – single cells with abnormalities of cellular elements (presumably malignant);
  • Stage 4 – single cells of an exclusively malignant nature;
  • Stage 5 – malignant cells in large numbers (exact diagnosis – cancer).

In case of a positive result, regardless of the stage, additional tests will be prescribed, for example, a repeat cytology test if the results are questionable, or colposcopy.

General condition after taking material for cytology

Do not worry if brownish-green discharge appears within 5 days after taking a smear. This is a normal reaction of the body and does not require treatment. On such not very joyful days, gynecologists advise using personal hygiene products.

To avoid pain and discomfort, take a week's break from sexual activity.

Consult a doctor immediately if, after taking the material for analysis, your body temperature rises, sharp pain in the lower abdomen and heavy bloody discharge appear.

How to identify uterine cancer: all diagnostic methods

Often, women during menopause ignore annual examinations with a gynecologist. But it is during age that the incidence of uterine cancer peaks.

This disease is largely associated with internal causes - hyperestrogenism, metabolic disorders, viral infections.

About the disease

Endometrial cancer is a malignant tumor that often develops against the background of an increased amount of estrogen. This condition is observed with ovarian cysts, obesity, liver disease, hyperplasia or tumors of the adrenal glands, and improper treatment with estrogens.

About the organ

The uterus is one of the female genital organs, formed by three layers of muscles. Inside it is covered with a mucous layer - the endometrium. All uterine tissues are highly sensitive to the effects of sex hormones.

They regulate the monthly cycle, during which the mucous layer is rebuilt and prepared for implantation of a fertilized egg. If this does not happen, the endometrium is rejected and the cycle repeats.

Under conditions of increased stimulation, prerequisites are created for an excessive increase in the thickness of the endometrium and the development of tumor processes in it.


The initial stages of endometrial cancer are asymptomatic. Signs of hyperplastic processes are more pronounced in women of childbearing age and before menopause.

  1. Bloody discharge from the genital opening. They are not signs of uterine cancer only; they can accompany precancerous diseases, endometrial hyperplasia, and endometriosis. Bleeding appears on any day of the cycle. Such patients often undergo long-term treatment for ovarian pathology, infertility, and dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  2. Watery leucorrhoea is a serous discharge that is similar to that seen in inflammatory diseases of the appendages, cervix or vagina. They are odorless and can cause skin irritation if the laundry is wet for a long time.
  3. Pain is a late symptom of cancer. Appears during a pronounced process. They may have a constant aching character or periodically suffer from cramping pain. They are localized in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacrum and lower back.
  4. Urinary dysfunction can occur in the late stages of cancer when the urethra is compressed by a tumor or grows into the wall of the bladder. Worries include false urges, small portions of urine, increased urination, and incontinence.
  5. Constipation develops when the tumor is large and compresses the rectum.
  6. Anemia is a nonspecific symptom. Accompanied by frequent blood loss. Can reach a high degree with hemoglobin levels below 70 g/l. Against this background, tissue hypoxia, reflex tachycardia and shortness of breath at rest develop.
  7. Loss of body weight and emaciation are late signs characteristic of advanced metastases.
  8. Disruption of the functioning of internal organs when they are affected by metastases. For the lungs - a dry cough of unknown origin. Liver damage is painless, accompanied by an increase in bilirubin, metastases are detected on ultrasound.

And here are patient reviews about the treatment of fibroids with celandine.


The appearance of symptoms in women after menopause differs from childbearing age. Bloody discharge in postmenopausal women is a classic sign of endometrial cancer.

With the onset of menopause, the ovaries atrophy and the follicle does not mature. Estrogen levels normally decrease. There is no growth of the endometrium and then its rejection - there is no menstrual bleeding. Therefore, the appearance of bloody discharge during this period most likely indicates cancer.

The remaining symptoms are a consequence of the first two and are not specific to the endometrial tumor.


Women without health complaints should undergo a gynecological examination at least once a year. At the same time, the doctor examines the vagina and cervix in the mirrors. Cancer of the uterus cannot be detected. You can only notice slight bloody discharge from the cervix and serous leucorrhoea.

Bimanual inspection provides more information. A carcinoma of significant size will enlarge the uterus and will be palpable through the abdominal wall. In this case, palpation may be painful. After examination, bloody discharge sometimes remains on the glove.


During the examination, the doctor takes smears for cytology. It allows you to determine the condition of the epithelium of the cervix and its canal. On the outside it is covered with multilayered squamous epithelium, and on the inside – cylindrical. The appearance of atypical cells allows one to suspect a precancerous condition or cancer.

The material is taken with a special cytobrush or spatula, separately from the cervical canal and its surface. The resulting mucus is applied to glass. The result is ready in 5-10 days.

The study cannot be carried out if there is inflammation in the cervix; this condition will give a false positive result, which can be regarded as a precancerous condition. On the eve of the study, do not engage in sexual intercourse, douche, place suppositories or tampons.

A smear for oncocytology is performed even on pregnant women. This condition is accompanied by hormonal changes that can trigger the growth of carcinoma.

The status of endometrial cells can be determined using aspiration biopsy. It is performed with a special syringe through the cervical canal without preliminary dilatation.

For research, the resulting material is sent to the laboratory. The conclusion describes the state of the endometrial cells, their size, structure and shape, and the presence of atypically changed ones.

This article describes complications after surgery to remove uterine fibroids.

Blood test for tumor markers

A specific sign of a tumor is the determination of the level of tumor markers in the blood:

CA 72-4. A specific antigen that is synthesized by malignant neoplasms of the stomach, colon and ovaries. Venous blood is taken for testing. Before the procedure, you should not smoke for 30 minutes.

In healthy people it is not detected, but can appear with the development of inflammatory processes in the digestive tract. This is a nonspecific marker and is not used to make a diagnosis.

Its role in gynecology is to differentiate benign from malignant ovarian tumors. It also allows monitoring the effectiveness of tumor treatment. The diagnostic value increases with simultaneous testing for CA 125 and carcinoembryonic antigen.

SA-125. This antigen is present in the body of a healthy woman in the endometrium. But it does not normally penetrate into the blood. Its penetration occurs during menstruation or endometriosis. Quantitatively, this reaches 35 U/ml. Exceeding this norm indicates in favor of cancer.

These can be tumors of many locations - ovaries, uterus, appendages, mammary and pancreas, lungs, stomach, liver. Benign tumors and inflammation of the appendages often lead to a significant increase in antigen. Therefore, it is used as a complement to other studies.

Carcinoembryonic antigen is detected at a concentration of 0-5.0 ng/ml in healthy people. This is a characteristic marker of epithelial tumors. Its increase accompanies stomach and colon cancer. The study is used to diagnose cancer progression - the values ​​​​increase.

Such a study should be performed at least once every 2 months. After radical surgical treatment, after a few days the concentration in the blood returns to normal levels.

  • Human chorionic gonadotropin normally increases in a pregnant woman; pregnancy tests are based on its determination in urine. Normally, its content in the blood is 0-5 IU/ml. An increase in the indicator occurs with tumors from trophoblastic tissue, hydatidiform mole.
  • Histology

    The study is carried out after separate diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity and cervical canal. The study determines the morphological structure of the endometrium, the presence of altered pathological cells, as well as precancerous conditions.

    The material is collected under anesthesia on a gynecological chair. Expansion of the cervical canal with special Hegar dilators is used. After curettage, slight spotting is possible for a few more days.

    Material for histology can be obtained during hysteroscopy - examination of the uterine cavity with a video image.

    Ultrasound examination is highly informative during the postmenopausal period and is insufficient in women of childbearing age. With its help, the thickness of the endometrium is assessed. For a menstruating woman, the study is carried out on days 3-5 of the cycle. An indicator of up to 6 mm is considered normal. For the menopause period, the M-echo is normally no more than 4 mm.

    If in postmenopause the thickness of the endometrium is determined to be from 4 to 12 mm, then hysteroscopy with targeted biopsy is performed. M-echo more than 12 mm – aspiration biopsy.

    The method is highly informative and safe for the patient; it does not use x-rays. With its help, you can build three-dimensional images of the uterus and ovaries, identify the location of the tumor, its extent, and metastases to neighboring organs.

    The following video provides information on the capabilities of ultrasound and MRI in assessing the spread of endometrial tumors:

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    • benign tumors 65
    • uterus 39
    • women 34
    • chest 34
    • fibroids 32
    • mammary gland 32
    • stomach 24
    • lymphoma 23
    • intestines 23
    • malignant tumors 23
    • lungs 22
    • liver 20
    • blood diseases 20
    • diagnostics 19
    • metastases 18
    • Melanoma 16
    • adenoma 15
    • lipoma 15
    • leather 14
    • brain 14

    The essence of cytological analysis and its application in gynecology

    It is not always possible to diagnose genital disease in women. Especially when it comes to the initial stages of the disease. As a result, valuable time necessary for successful treatment is lost. The development of oncology in most cases occurs asymptomatically. It is impossible to find out about the presence of cancer without a special examination. One of the methods that allows you to reliably determine the development of cancer cells in the early stages is cytology analysis.

    What does a gynecological examination show?

    Cytology in gynecology is one of the ways to study cellular material. The gynecologist collects a smear from the cervix and cervical canal to find or exclude pathological cells and dysplasia.

    The most important test in gynecology is the analysis of a smear from the cervical canal.

    The test is carried out under a powerful microscope and makes it possible to promptly recognize atypical cells, showing their shape, size and location.

    When deciphering the test, the number of epithelial cells as a percentage is indicated. Classification of results most often occurs using the Papanicolaou method. Only cells with a pictonic nucleus are taken into account. Changes in cervical tissue according to the standard method are divided into several types:

    • Stage 1 – the result indicates the normal state of the cervical cells and the absence of pathological changes.
    • Stage 2 – a small number of cells with an abnormal structure were detected. This stage is currently considered normal due to the widespread prevalence of infectious diseases in the genital area.
    • Stage 3 – a small number of grouped atypical cells, the nucleus of which has cytoplasm. This condition does not indicate the presence of cancer. It may indicate the possibility of developing an oncological process in the future.
    • Stage 4 - shows the presence of a small number of cells that have undergone changes. They have a higher nuclear mass compared to healthy tissue and clear signs of abnormal changes.
    • Stage 5 - indicates the presence of a large number of cancer cells.

    Stages 2, 3, 4 of changes may indicate the presence of certain sexual diseases, namely:

    You need to understand that this study shows existing inflammations and sexually transmitted infections, but does not determine the cause that caused them.

    Analysis results

    The test must be interpreted by a qualified medical professional. The information found on the Internet is for informational purposes only and is not accurate.

    What data does the analysis result contain:

    1. The Latin letters found in the analysis (U, V or C) indicate the method of sampling the material - from the urethra of the vagina or the cervical canal.
    2. The presence of fungi and trichomonas indicates an STD.
    3. Fungal infections in combination with gardnerella cause vaginal candidiasis and cause inflammatory processes.
    4. Epithelium with a large number of abnormal cells may indicate the possible development of cancer.
    5. Stages 1 and 2 of changes indicate normal vaginal flora. Other stages require additional study and therapy.

    In addition, you need to remember some features of cytology studies:

    1. The test is reliable in 90% of cases. Therefore, it can be carried out after a year or two. Repeating the procedure is necessary to completely eliminate the risk of disease.
    2. 2% of all smears are uninformative due to a lack of test materials.
    3. Pathological changes in a smear do not always indicate the presence of cancer.
    4. A woman cannot be given a definitive diagnosis based on a Pap test alone.

    Deciphering the results can be done using various methods. In modern gynecology, along with the PAP test, other interpretation options are also taken into account, for example, the Bethesda system.

    In cytology, a result is considered normal in which there are completely no changes in cellular material. Healthy cells must meet certain standards in shape and size.

    In addition, the analysis of a healthy woman must meet certain requirements:

    1. The cells of the cervix consist of single-layer columnar epithelium. Stratified epithelium is acceptable on a vaginal smear.
    2. No pathological changes were found in the stratified epithelium.
    3. The number of leukocytes does not exceed 15 units.

    Sometimes the results show the presence of benign cellular material. The situation is not considered normal, but is not a cause for severe anxiety due to oncology.

    Indications for the procedure and preparation for it

    • with an unstable menstrual cycle;
    • in the presence of chronic diseases of the genital organs;
    • before planning pregnancy;
    • before gynecological operations;
    • with frequent changes of sexual partners.

    Indications for histology analysis are obesity and diabetes mellitus. Women over 40 years of age are recommended to undergo testing at least once a year.

    To maximize the reliability of the result, before going to the gynecologist, you must follow the following instructions:

    1. Avoid taking topical medications, such as suppositories and vaginal tampons.
    2. Do not perform the procedure during menstruation, as well as in case of inflammatory diseases with strong secretion. A smear is done only after complete recovery.
    3. Do not go to the toilet several hours before taking the material.
    4. 2 days before the test you should abstain from sexual activity.
    5. Do not douche.

    These simple rules will help you avoid going to the gynecologist again. Taking a smear lasts no more than 15 minutes along with an examination by a gynecologist. The procedure is carried out as follows:

    1. A woman lies down in a gynecological chair. The doctor inserts a speculum into the patient's vagina. This is necessary in order to ensure normal access to the cervix.
    2. A smear is taken from the cervix and cervical canal using a special brush.
    3. After the examination, the doctor can take material from the problematic or inflamed area of ​​the genitals.
    4. The material is placed on a piece of glass and sent to the laboratory.
    5. The collected material is stained using the Papanicolaou method.

    The reaction of the biological material and the dye allows us to draw a conclusion about the possibility of developing cancer. If the test was carried out taking into account all the requirements, then studying the material will take 7-8 days. The woman will be able to learn about the test results from her doctor 2 weeks after the procedure. If the analysis was carried out in cito mode, then the indicators will be known within a few days.

    Better read what Elena Malysheva says about this. For several years I suffered from poor health - headaches and dizziness, weight problems, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, weakness, loss of strength, weakness and depression. Endless tests, visits to doctors, diets, pills did not solve my problems. The doctors no longer knew what to do with me. BUT thanks to a simple recipe, headaches, gastrointestinal problems in the past, my weight has returned to normal and I feel HEALTHY, full of strength and energy. Now my attending physician is surprised how this is so. Here is a link to the article.

    Cytological analysis (from the Greek “cytos” - cell) is a study of the number, structure and shape of cells and intercellular components obtained from a living organism under an optical microscope. It allows you to identify pathological changes in the early stages and clarify their localization quickly enough, unlike other instrumental methods.

    Cytological analysis is one of the most common diagnostic methods in gynecology and obstetrics.

    In a women's health clinic, various fluids (vaginal and menstrual discharge, urine) and (more often) the surface layers of cells that are taken from various parts of the reproductive system are subjected to cytological examination.

    For example:

    • vulva;
    • vagina;
    • cervix and cervical canal (internal canal of the cervix);
    • internal cavity of the uterus;
    • fallopian tubes;
    • ovaries.

    For cytology of the external parts (up to the uterus), freely exfoliated layers of cells are required, so this study is a fairly painless, quick (from several minutes during surgery to several days during a routine examination) and mass methods recommended for annual routine examination of women over 18 ( subject to the onset of sexual activity) or 30 to 65 years.

    Representatives of risk groups for oncology are examined 2 times a year; cancer patients undergoing treatment and endocrinological patients – more often, according to indications.

    To study the cellular composition of deeper organs, additional measures are required:

    • endoscopy (uterus);
    • organ punctures;
    • swabs and impressions obtained during laparoscopy, open incision or during surgical operations.

    Cytology smear includes the examination of the superficial (epithelium) and middle (mesothelium) layers of organs, as well as other included components, and is used to solve several problems.

    They are:

    Cytology analysis in gynecology is one of the most informative studies (for example, when establishing hormonal activity, cytology successfully competes with a blood test), however, the degree of its reliability is directly dependent on the qualifications of the doctor taking the material, on the strict adherence to the rules of staining and sample preparation and on the correct choice of fence location.

    Therefore, the method requires systematic repetition, and if deviations are detected, supplementation with a comprehensive examination.

    Types of cytological tests

    Cytological analysis has been known in gynecology since the beginning of the 20th century, when the Greek physician Georgios Papanikolaou first used it for the early diagnosis of cervical cancer. Several new methods have now been developed that show improved reliability.

    The procedure for carrying out manipulations when collecting material remains common to all these types; the differences relate to the methods of preparation, processing and analysis of the sample taken.

    For example:

    The examination of the prepared sample is traditionally carried out visually by a cytologist using a powerful microscope, but in recent years hardware analysis has also appeared.

    Differences between cytological and histological analyzes

    Sometimes diagnosticians need to study not individual cells, but their relative position and the nature of the intercellular space. In this case, the patient is sent for histology (from the Greek “histos” - tissue) - collection and further examination of a small fragment of tissue (structurally and functionally related group of cells).

    Features of histological examination:

    • refers to biopsy methods;
    • requires more complex training;
    • carried out in a hospital;
    • carried out under anesthesia;
    • differs in a more labor-intensive aiming technique when taking;
    • requires complex processing of selected material;
    • hardware study required.

    Tissue sampling is not indicated in the presence of very small foci of the detected lesion.

    Histology is commonly used to diagnose human papillomavirus (HPV) and the level and stage of cancer.

    Differences between cytological examination and analysis for tumor markers

    Tumor markers are specific protein molecules that can be produced by both altered and healthy cells of the body in the presence of disorders.

    For example:

    • inflammatory process;
    • benign formations;
    • when smoking;
    • when taking medications;
    • during pregnancy, menstruation and other physiological changes;
    • depends on age.

    Therefore, the marker test is also not 100% reliable. The analysis requires examination of venous blood, urine and other fluids.

    The objectives of the study are similar to the cytology analysis:

    • identifying the presence of a tumor and determining its nature (oncological or benign);
    • assessment of the effectiveness of anticancer therapy;
    • search for metastases and relapses.

    Testing for tumor markers is used for women at risk for cancers of the reproductive system, digestive system and other organs and is not used for preventive examination. Sometimes the method is used to clarify the results of a cytological test.

    Many tumor markers identify various diseases, so this test requires a comprehensive examination.

    The advantage of the test for gynecology is the ability to determine changes in organs above the cervix (ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes). The test for tumor markers requires more careful preparation of the patient due to the high sensitivity of the test subjects to physiological fluctuations.

    Differences from microbiological analysis (smear for flora)

    A smear from the vagina, cervical canal, urethra and rectum for microflora (pathogenic, symbiotic and opportunistic microorganisms) is performed through manipulations similar to a smear for cytology, and is included in a routine gynecological examination, recommended for every woman every six months.

    Usually both types of smears are taken at the same time. Microbiological analysis may require culture on a nutrient medium. Microscopy for bacterioflora is carried out using another staining method (Gram staining).


    Cytology analysis in gynecology is part of the screening examination of the adult female population in many countries of the world. A routine cytology test is mandatory for all women over 18 (this age decreases with earlier onset of sexual activity) and under 65 years of age.

    At an older age (due to a decrease in estrogen levels and a decrease in the reliability of the result), a smear is prescribed at the discretion of the gynecologist. The group of special attention includes women over 30 years of age.

    For women of screening age, in the absence of positive test results (that is, in the absence of detected pathologies, stage 1 cytogram) for 2 years, the planned date is postponed every 2 years, with a negative result within 3 tests - for 3 years.

    Indications for unscheduled cytological examination may include:

    Test portability

    A screening cytological study is carried out on cells no further than the outer part of the cervical canal and is a non-invasive method.

    Taking freely exfoliated cells from the vagina does not cause discomfort; the patient experiences some discomfort when taking material from the surface of the cervix and from its canal, however, this procedure is short-term and also does not involve penetration into the deep layers.

    To reduce discomfort, the gynecologist can pre-warm the instruments in hot water. This study is rightfully considered a trivial medical procedure and should not cause concern.

    Women who are forced to undergo frequent smears for cytology (for example, cancer patients) get used to these manipulations very quickly, which should serve as excellent evidence for women who avoid this test due to fear of pain or possible complications.

    Preliminary preparation

    The reliability of the results of a cytological examination largely depends on proper preparation and a well-chosen time for visiting a gynecologist.

    A smear should not be taken under the following conditions:

    How is material collected for analysis?

    A cytological smear is taken during a routine gynecological examination, which takes no more than 15 minutes and does not require any other special preparation from the patient. After installing the dilator and inserting the speculum, the specialist scrapes from the vaginal wall, the outer surface of the cervix and from the canal with a spatula or brush, places the smear on a glass slide and sends it to the laboratory assistant.

    How long should I wait for an answer?

    In emergency situations (for example, during surgery), the cytology result is provided to the surgeon within a few minutes before the operation is completed. Waiting for a response during a routine screening examination at a antenatal clinic takes up to 2 weeks, since in this case the time to prepare the result depends on the workload of the institution and does not require urgency.

    In private clinics, an answer can be given within 1-3 days, but it should be remembered that the most accurate result of a cytological study can be obtained by following all stages of sample preparation, which takes about 7 days outside the cito (“urgent”) mode.

    Decoding the results

    Cytological analysis in gynecology ends with the issuance of results in the form of a cytogram.

    The cytogram contains information about one of the 5 stages of disease development according to the Bethesda system from 2014:

    1. No deviations. Negative test result.
    2. Minor changes in cell morphology; There are no atypical cells. As a rule, this stage indicates the presence of inflammation, the detection of which will require additional examination measures.
    3. Some cells contain nuclear deformations, which indicates their tendency to be atypical. The stage is characteristic of cervical dysplasia and erosion and requires histological examination to exclude precancerous conditions.
    4. The presence of cells with malignant deformations: enlarged nucleus; altered cytoplasm; the structure of chromosomes is changed. This stage indicates a precancerous level of dysplasia.
    5. The presence of cells with malignant changes in large numbers.

    In addition to epithelial cells, the cytogram describes other components of the smear:

    • the degree of microbiological cleanliness of the vagina (the norm is grades 1 and 2; grades 3 and 4 indicate infectious inflammation);
    • the number of leukocytes (white blood cells that appear in a smear during various types of inflammation; normally - up to 10 pieces in a smear from the surface of the cervix, up to 30 - from the urethra);
    • presence of mucus (norm – moderate amount);
    • the presence of bacteria and fungi (microorganisms must be absent);
    • content of flat epithelial cells (no more than 10 pieces).

    Disorders detected using a cytogram

    Cytology analysis in gynecology is an informative method that allows you to diagnose many disorders at the initial stage. In addition to different degrees of progression of malignant processes, a cytogram helps to detect a wide range of other pathologies.

    Infectious diseases:

    Benign formations and dysplasia (cell deformations) are dangerous due to the possibility of degeneration into cancer:

    • polyps– cell proliferation;
    • leukoplakia(hyperkeratosis) – deformation of the epithelium (mucous lining) of the cervix;
    • erythroplakia– atrophy of the cells of the upper layer, can be observed with low estrogen;
    • dysplasia– changes in the structure of cervical epithelial cells (refers to precancerous conditions).

    Inflammations of a non-infectious nature (for example, caused by decompensated diabetes mellitus).

    Hormonal status and its deviations:

    • high estrogen levels are an oncological risk factor for diseases of the genital organs and mammary glands;
    • reduced amounts of estrogen are a possible cause of infertility and instability of the menstrual cycle;
    • increased levels of androgens - male sex hormones;
    • deviations in prolactin levels;
    • discrepancy between hormonal activity and cycle phase.

    Additional examinations that may be prescribed if 2-5 stages are detected in the cytogram:

    Table 1:

    Phenomena Signs Duration Frequency of occurrence
    • moderate pain in the lower abdomen;
    • scanty bloody and bloody discharge.
    1-2 days after the procedureOften
    • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
    • heavy bleeding that began at the wrong time or for too long;
    • increased body temperature and chills.
    More than 3 daysRarely

    Table 2:

    Causes Possible
    • increased sensitivity;
    • strong tone of the cervical muscles;
    • microscopic damage to the capillaries in the cervix.
    on one's own
    • warm shower;
    • personal hygiene products.
    • irritation in response to manipulation in the presence of inflammation, erosion, tumors and other organ changes.
    • unqualified actions of the doctor (mainly long-range penetration of the instrument into the cervical canal);
    • adhesions and stenosis in the cervix;
    • blood loss;
    • spread of the malignant process (if the cancerous tumor is damaged).
    Seeking urgent medical attention

    Cost of analysis

    Cytological examination in Russia is included in the free health insurance program. Private services offer testing within 1000 rubles. (data for 2018), with the possibility of collecting material at home.

    Where can I get a smear for cytology?

    Cytology analysis in gynecology is one of the mass types of examination of the female population in Russia.

    According to the compulsory health insurance program, a cytology smear is given at the antenatal clinic at your place of residence.

    Almost all private clinics in Russia offer similar services. Large institutions have their own laboratory facilities for testing samples, while smaller ones send samples to intermediary centers.

    Possible complications after taking a smear

    The standard procedure for collecting cytological material from areas to the back of the cervical canal may be limited to minor discomfort in the cervical area, which disappears after 1-2 days. However, sometimes other manifestations occur.

    Normal and dangerous complications after cytological examination

    To prevent complications after collecting material for cytoanalysis, you should follow several simple rules:

    • for 1-2 days, limit yourself to a shower when taking water procedures;
    • Abstain from sexual activity, douching, using a tampon and other intravaginal products for at least 1 week.

    Features of cytological examination in pregnant women

    During a normal pregnancy, a cytological smear is taken 3 times - at registration, at the 30th and 36th week. The main goal of the study is in this case to detect infections dangerous to the fetus, as well as to identify atypical cells, which, subject to predisposition, first appear during pregnancy.

    Contraindications to manipulation are increased uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage.

    The life of a modern active woman includes many factors that can negatively affect her health, therefore, for timely diagnosis of possible pathologies, it is extremely necessary to be regularly examined by specialists. Cytology analysis in gynecology is one of the most accessible, simple and effective methods for early detection of disorders.

    Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

    Video about cytology analysis

    What is a cytology test and how is it done:

    There are no people who are not excited by the very thought of the possibility of getting cancer. The female half of humanity should be especially attentive not only to their mammary glands, but also to the state of the gynecological sphere. Thus, timely diagnosis, in particular, cytology analysis, is a reliable protection not only from dangerous infections, but also a guarantee of complete recovery if almost any deviations from the norm are detected.

    A woman should undergo regular cytology tests. Only this makes it possible to detect cancer in the early stages of development and begin the fight against it in a timely manner. Moreover, wouldn’t it hurt each patient to thoroughly understand what kind of analysis this is and what makes it universal? Let us also address this knowledge gap.

    A cytology smear or, as it is also called, a Pap test has been used in medical diagnostics for more than half a century. Its advantages are low cost and efficiency. It allows you to check such a vulnerable spot of the female body as the cervix for the presence (absence) of at least five types of abnormalities in its cells. A Pap test is prescribed to all women 21-65 years old once a year.

    Everything is very simple. No special events needed. Right during a standard examination of a gynecologist using a speculum, the doctor uses a brush to collect cells from three areas, including the entrance of the cervix, the vaginal wall, and the cervical canal. Everything is completely painless and quite comfortable, if you can use this word in relation to a gynecological examination. Nobody can answer the question of how long this analysis takes to be done - each case is individual.

    The resulting material is applied to a special glass, evenly distributed on it, dried and sent to the laboratory, where laboratory assistants come into action. They stain the smear with different reagents and study it through a microscope, determining the following parameters of the submitted biomaterial:

    • The number of cells in relation to the area of ​​their distribution;
    • Cellular structure and pathological abnormalities in it;
    • Cell size and relative position;
    • The shape of the epithelium.

    Applying a smear directly onto dry glass - this cytology method is considered a classic. More and more gynecologists, trying to reduce the number false positive results, choose another method of conducting this examination. It is called “liquid cytology” (Pap test) and is distinguished by the fact that the smear is applied directly to a special medium in which, through a centrifuge, the cells are concentrated into an even layer, while simultaneously being “washed” of contaminants. With this approach, cell images acquire better clarity, and the cytologist’s conclusion becomes more informative and highly accurate.

    In addition to dangerous cancer, both types of cytological examination allow timely detection of inflammation and a number of many dangerous conditions of the epithelium that precede oncology, for example, dysplasia. In most cases, taking a smear is not accompanied by bleeding, but if they are observed 2-3 days after the examination, this is not a deviation. When, after an examination by a gynecologist, severe bleeding, chills, abdominal pain and elevated body temperature appear, it is impossible to do without an urgent re-examination.

    Every woman should take this test regularly. The fact is that he can suspect an inflammatory process of both the cervical canal and the cervix during a routine examination, but a Pap test can either confirm fears or dispel them. But even if the doctor himself ordered a cytological examination of the cervix, this does not mean at all that he already suspected a bad diagnosis. It's just easier to prevent than to cure.

    Even if the gynecologist did not find anything, all women under forty must undergo this test once a year. Older ladies are recommended to do this even more often - twice a year.

    There are conditions that require a mandatory and immediate Pap test. Here are some of them:

    • Diabetes mellitus and menstrual irregularities;
    • Detection of viruses: genital herpes or papilloma;
    • Obesity and hormone intake;
    • Violation reproduction, inflammation of the cervix or cervical canal;
    • Before surgery or installation;
    • When planning pregnancy;
    • With frequent changes of sexual partners.

    Preparing for analysis

    The reliability of the analysis directly depends on the purity of the smear, so before going to the doctor you must strictly follow the instructions below:

    • Avoid taking vaginal ointments, tampons and suppositories;
    • Wait until the end of critical days;
    • Avoid excessive drinking of water - 3 hours before the hike, you should not urinate;
    • 24 hours before collecting biomaterial, refrain from sexual intercourse;
    • Do not resort to douching;
    • Complete the general treatment of all inflammatory diseases that cause excessive secretion.

    What diseases will cytology detect?

    To decipher the data that appears as a result of a cytology smear, you must have a medical education. Unfortunately, the gynecologist does not always want to spend time on a detailed explanation of the disease. Lifting the veil of secrecy about her health for the patient, it should be clarified that a smear cytology analysis describes one of the 5 types of cellular (cytological) changes listed below.

    The first type is a negative indicator. This is the most desirable result because it means that no abnormalities are detected. Second type. Its presence implies the presence of some kind of inflammation. To answer the question “Which one?”, additional analyzes are needed. Having undergone them and the necessary treatment, after 90 days a smear for cytology must be taken again.

    Third type. This is a signal that single cells with an abnormal structure have been found in the patient’s epithelium. What this means can be determined by histology and microbiology studies, but the final diagnosis will be obtained only after the next cytology smear, taken 90 days after the Pap test, as well as with some additional data (blood test, etc.).

    Fourth type. It indicates the real presence of a malignant neoplasm, which requires complex diagnostics (colposcopy, biopsy) and urgent treatment. Fifth type - cancer cells are found in critically large quantity, so the next step should be a biopsy, histological diagnosis and close cooperation with the oncologist.

    It is important to understand that by passing a cytological smear, you can only find out the extent of changes that have occurred in the cells. These data do not indicate what specific diagnosis is behind them. It can be determined only by comparing the results of cytology with other tests. For example, level 2-4 changes may indicate the presence of the following health problems:

    • Erosion;
    • Papillomavirus;
    • Vaginal candidiasis or bacterial vaginitis;
    • Parakeratosis of the cervix.

    In addition to the 5 types of changes, deciphering the result can tell the patient other information. Especially if she knows what the following numbers, letters and terms mean:

    • Symbol for collecting biomaterial from U – urethral canal, C – cervical canal, V – vagina;
    • A normal white blood cell count is considered to be up to 15 units;
    • The presence of names such as fungi, trichomonas and gonococci indicates the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
    • Gardanella and fungi are symptoms of inflammation caused by vaginal candidiasis;
    • A large amount of cylindrical, glandular or flat epithelium, combined with signs of atrophy, indicates a high probability of the presence of oncology;
    • There should be no more than 10 units of flat epithelium, otherwise we can talk about a benign neoplasm;
    • The average amount of mucus is normal;
    • Degree of purity: first and second – a good vaginal environment, third and fourth – requiring additional diagnostics.
    • ASCUS – atypical cells;
    • LSIL – low amount of squamous epithelium;
    • HSIL is a critical amount of squamous epithelium.

    All women should understand that it is impossible to make an oncological diagnosis within the 5 days allotted for cytological analysis. From the Pap test to it, you need to go through several stages (examinations), so going to it every time as if on the chopping block is a wrong attitude. Therefore, it is better to take it into service as a reliable assistant, which will allow you to detect a gynecological problem at the very first phase of development, which in most cases provides a 100% guarantee of recovery.

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