The stomach feels tight, as if before menstruation. Lower abdomen hurts, like during menstruation: what to do? Tightening in the lower abdomen but no menstruation yet

During pregnancy, the stomach can sometimes ache for various reasons, sometimes throughout the entire pregnancy. Some modern gynecologists call such pain an absolutely normal phenomenon, but another part of doctors argue that pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, as during menstruation, should not occur at any time.

In women, in most cases, such pain causes a feeling of fear and a lot of worry about maintaining the pregnancy and the life of the developing baby.

In the initial stages, some discomfort and mild nagging pain can be one of the signs of pregnancy; in the future, pain can be caused not only by natural hormonal changes, but also by an exacerbation of various chronic diseases, as well as a rapid increase in the size of the abdomen.

For any woman, the pregnancy period is important and responsible, since the health of the unborn baby depends on its proper course. If abdominal pain appears during this period, especially if during pregnancy the stomach hurts like during menstruation, this causes a lot of anxiety and it is best to inform your doctor about it.

In the initial stages, many women may experience a slight nagging pain; it is unpleasant and can sometimes be sharp. Most often, the stomach hurts like during menstruation before a delay, which is due to the fact that the woman’s internal organs begin to change, adapting to the new condition under the influence of produced hormones.

But sharp, nagging pain can be a symptom of a miscarriage.

Most often, at the initial stage of pregnancy, pain occurs in the lumbar region, gradually covering the abdomen, and it can persist throughout the entire period until childbirth, since the body is preparing for this important event, the ligaments of the pelvic region soften, and this often causes pain Feel.

In the early stages, pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation, can be a symptom of an infectious disease of the genitourinary system. Therefore, regardless of the nature and intensity of the pain, you must inform your doctor about them and, if necessary, undergo an examination.

Often during pregnancy, the stomach hurts like during menstruation due to the presence of an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes or if it is observed. It is necessary to report this condition to the doctor immediately, since such a situation requires not only examination, but also treatment.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, mild nagging and aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen can be natural, occurring during embryo implantation. During this period, changes begin in a woman’s body, which can cause pain of varying intensity, but they cannot be ignored.

If the lower abdomen hurts like during menstruation and this is accompanied by:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • fainting;
  • bloody or bloody vaginal discharge;
  • bleeding.

You should immediately call an ambulance, since such pain can be a symptom not only of a threatened miscarriage, but also of an ectopic pregnancy, and in this case, every minute counts.

Period-like pain in the second trimester of pregnancy

According to many doctors, the second trimester is calmer in cases where pregnancy proceeds normally, without disturbances or serious pathologies.

The developing baby is not yet large enough to cause serious discomfort to the woman. The uterus is constantly growing, but its size is not yet large enough to put too much pressure on other organs.

However, some women sometimes complain that despite a normal pregnancy, they have pain in the lower abdomen as during menstruation. This is usually due to severe stretching of the muscles of the enlarging uterus and, if the pain is not severe and not sharp, then there is no threat to pregnancy.

The threat of miscarriage during this period is significantly reduced, but pain may occur for the following reasons:

  • physical stress;
  • stress;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • movement of the baby inside the uterus.
  • problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, since in most women during this period gas formation increases and occurs, so it is important to pay special attention to nutrition.

Some pregnant women in the second trimester experience stomach pain like menstruation after sex.

This condition usually indicates that the uterus is becoming hypertonic at this time, which can create a real threat to the child. You should inform your doctor about this and refrain from sexual intercourse until the baby is born.

Period-like pain in late pregnancy

The last trimester is a very important stage for every pregnant woman. For any woman, it is important not only that childbirth is easy, but also that it happens on time, and not before the due date.

Abdominal pain in the third trimester is most often associated with:

  • due to the fact that the internal organs are forced to adapt to the constantly growing uterus, they are displaced and compressed;
  • with disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, which also experience increased stress, due to which the movement of the contents slows down and can cause considerable discomfort;
  • with high activity of the baby;
  • with severe stretching of the uterine muscles.

Such pains and sensations can be considered natural during pregnancy, but it is important to learn to understand your body during this period. If the pain is cramping in nature, if it is sharp and intense, this may be a symptom of premature birth or placental abruption.

If pain is tolerable and unstable, you should report it to your doctor by visiting a antenatal clinic or calling a doctor at home, but if bleeding appears, you should immediately call an ambulance.

In the last month of pregnancy, especially 2-3 weeks before the expected date of birth, many women may experience symptoms that are short-lived, weak in intensity, and infrequent in occurrence.

But if the contractions intensify and become more frequent, the interval between them decreases, and the pain increases, we are talking about real labor pains, which means you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital, while remaining calm.

Pain of varying nature and intensity can accompany a woman at any stage of pregnancy and be completely natural, caused by the body adapting to changes.

To reduce the possible level of discomfort, many preventive measures can be used, for example, wearing special bandages that support the abdomen in the correct position and reduce the load on the muscles.

It is also important to monitor your diet, including more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, and excluding fried, smoked, pickled and spicy foods. You need to walk and move more, this will strengthen your intestines and be an excellent workout for many muscle groups.

Useful video: sensations in early pregnancy

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Often women, when visiting a gynecologist, voice complaints that they have a tugging lower in their abdomen. A nagging manifestation can be a sign of many diseases. However, not in all cases the painful manifestation is a sign of some pathology.

Women and young girls experience this syndrome during menstruation or before it appears. When the pain persists and is complicated by other complaints, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

What are the root causes of pain in the lower abdomen in females and how to get rid of them?

Why does the lower abdomen pull like during menstruation?

Pulling lower in the abdomen as during menstruation - this condition is not alien to almost any girl or woman.

When a painful feeling appears on menstruation, this is quite normal, since the release of the inner layer of the uterus is associated with active contractions of its body.

This is the essence of the pain syndrome. But if a tugging feeling occurs both during menstruation and in the middle of the cycle, then this already becomes a dangerous circumstance.

The reasons for such symptoms can be very diverse - from PMS to gynecological abnormalities and pregnancy.

Causes of nagging pain

The female body is built slightly differently compared to the male body. Often women are subject to such difficulties as: disruptions of the menstrual cycle, complications during pregnancy. This is not typical for men.

Painful feeling- this is not a pathology, but its manifestation.

Painful sensation- this is always an unambiguous sign. Some representatives of the fairer sex endure this pain, while others simply cannot. If there is a pulling feeling in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to determine the main cause.

For these purposes, it is necessary to collect all descriptions of the patient’s pain syndrome and establish a preliminary diagnosis:

The lower abdomen hurts with diseases such as:

Natural physiological factors include stress, pregnancy, premenstrual time, freezing, changes in sexual life, and the timing of ovulation.

Pulling in the lower abdomen after ovulation

It is no secret that during any menstrual cycle, an egg matures, leaves the place of maturation and moves to the location of the uterus, fully prone to fertilization, and then is rejected with a certain amount of blood if conception does not take place.

In medical practice, this natural phenomenon is called ovulation, the process of opening of the follicle and release of the egg, which actually becomes a microtrauma for the woman’s body, and according to physiological principles can be associated with painful manifestations.

A pulling feeling, which manifests itself more strongly on one side and then on the other, is often interpreted as the rapid maturation of the egg in one of the ovaries.

The causes of nagging pain following ovulation, if conception is unacceptable, may be as follows:

  • inflammatory phenomenon in the area of ​​the reproductive organs;
  • critical gynecological problems (violation of the integrity of the cyst, torsion of the pedicle of the neoplasm of the mucous membranes, etc.);
  • frequent urination;
  • significant fatigue and weakening of the body;
  • signs of appendicitis.

Normally, there may be pain, which is established in the context of the so-called postovulatory description of the condition - it is not so common and is diagnosed only in every 7-9 patients.

Due to changes in hormonal levels, the following signs may become relevant:

  • painful feeling and heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • slight deterioration in health;
  • increased libido;
  • uncharacteristic vaginal discharge.

Pulling in the lower abdomen a week before menstruation

Discomfortable sensations some time before menstruation usually indicate various abnormalities.

Possible factors for this condition may be:

Nagging pain in early pregnancy

In those situations when in the initial weeks, following fertilization, a pulling sensation appears in the lower abdomen, this fact is often very frightening for expectant mothers.

However, in fact, such symptoms are justified by a physiological factor, and only in isolated episodes can they pose a danger.

Thus, the main cause of discomfort is increased tension in the uterine muscles and an increase in the frequency of blood flow to the reproductive organ.

This is a completely normal manifestation of the fact that a woman will soon become a mother.

Quite often girls, when visiting a gynecologist due to such ailments, find out that they are in an interesting situation. As usual, in order to feel better, you just need to lie down and relax your whole body.

But if such a feeling manifests itself quite strongly, and occurs constantly, without decreasing in intensity, it is better to be alarmed - this symptom can become a “bell” of the danger of spontaneous abortion, and the condition requires prompt medical attention.

Drawing in the lower abdomen and brown or white discharge

Brown discharge cannot be interpreted as typical for female representatives; in some cases, it occurs from time to time in small quantities, and in every fifth person it occurs after sexual intercourse.

This may be normal for those women who use hormone-modulating remedies, are sexually active, or have had a very active, “stormy” night.

The first most “popular” cause of white vaginal discharge is considered to be candidiasis, or thrush, characterized by a curdled leucorrhoea.

This is a very common pathology of fungal etiology, and it can provoke both local manifestations in the form of discharge and, in general, deterioration of health and nagging pain in the genital area.

Diseases in which the lower abdomen pulls as during menstruation

It is an undeniable fact that nagging pain is just part of the symptom complex of the disease, that you need to listen to your own condition.

Thus, a number of probable gynecological factors for nagging pain in the lower abdomen include:

  • inflammation spreading in the uterus or its processes;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis;
  • torsion of an ovarian cyst;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • the appearance of blood in the ovarian cavity (apoplexy).

All of the mentioned conditions require timely diagnosis and treatment; in the opposite situation, it is likely that the condition will worsen and threaten consequences for women’s health.

Inflammation of the appendages

If during critical days the right side below the abdomen hurts, one cannot discount the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the appendages.

Menses– are also a stimulus for exacerbation or initial development of the disease.

Pain syndrome manifests itself in the sacrum, inner thighs, lower back, and in some cases in the rectum.

Sometimes pathology can be determined inside both appendages. However, it may further be felt on the right side if the pathological process is more intense in this area.

Its distinctive descriptions:

  • there is more mucus in menstruation, the appearance of pus is not excluded;
  • feeling tired and drowsy;
  • no appetite;
  • Nervousness and irritability arise.

The painful sensations themselves, despite the fact that they are quite sensitive, are still not so significant and intense when compared with what occurs with other pathologies.


The location of the myomatous node in a certain area of ​​the uterus can also become a factor in pain during menstruation in the right side below the abdomen.

Typically, this neoplasm reacts to the female sex hormone.

During menstruation, their degree of presence decreases, but immediately after the end of the critical days their increase begins.

Uterine contractions, which provide release from the outdated inner layer, disturb the fibroid and nearby nerve endings.

The neoplasm itself creates obstacles to the amplitudes of the organ. This is what causes complaints that during and after menstruation a painful feeling occurs in the lower abdomen on the right, the volume of discharge during menstruation increases, which ends in a long-term spotting.

Quite often there is pain in the lower abdomen with a pathology such as endometriosis. This disease accounts for 10% of all episodes of gynecological abnormalities. In any representative of the fairer sex, the reproductive organ is lined from the inside with an inner layer - the endometrium.

The disease endometriosis is characterized mainly by excessive growth of the layer and its extension beyond the border of the uterine mucosa. Women in the age group from 30 to 50 years are often susceptible to this deviation.

The following causes of endometriosis have been established:

The predetermining factors of this pathology are:

  • Presence of a history of abortion;
  • Harmful environment;
  • Iron deficiency;
  • Gaining excess weight;
  • The presence of chronic inflammation of the genitourinary and reproductive systems;
  • Use of intrauterine devices.

Endometriosis does not have stable clinical symptoms. The most common signs are pain, vaginal discharge, nausea, vomiting, weakening of the body, and failure of reproductive activity.

The pain in this disease spreads to the lower back or lower abdomen. It may manifest itself more strongly during menstrual periods. An increase in painful feeling is also likely after bowel movements and sexual intercourse.

This also happens: there is no menstruation and the pregnancy test shows a negative answer, but the painful feelings do not go away, there is no bleeding.

In such a situation, it is necessary, wasting precious time, to submit the biomaterial for hCG testing, and if the result is positive, pregnancy outside the body of the uterus becomes quite likely.

Implantation of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity is, unfortunately, a common and very dangerous phenomenon.


  • The most basic sign that can indicate this- strong pain. If it appears on the right side, it is a sign that the fertilized egg is attached to the corresponding uterine tube. The painful feeling provoked by this deviation, cramping, resonates in the groin area, rectum, vagina and cervical canal.
  • Another sign– critical days during an ectopic pregnancy almost always appear later than the calendar time of the cycle. Therefore, if there is a delay, before the onset of menstruation there is pain on the right side (as well as during menstruation), urgent surgical intervention is required.

There are also secondary signs that appear during ectopic pregnancy:

  • pale skin;
  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • low pressure in blood vessels.

Torsion of ovarian cyst

Cysts on the ovaries usually develop during childbearing age. In the case where the neoplasm has a stalk, it is quite possible for the cyst to wrap around its own body. This process provokes a painful feeling in the abdomen on the side where the ovary itself is located.

This deviation can appear at any time, however, during menstruation, intra-abdominal tension and pressure increases, which creates certain conditions for the occurrence of this deviation.

Distinctive descriptions characteristic of it:

Non-gynecological reasons

With a normal balance of hormones, women do not feel discomfort during any period of the menstrual cycle. When a woman has a painful feeling, similar to that which accompanies menstruation below the abdomen and back, the cause is prostaglandins.

This hormone, when produced by the body in excessive quantities, affects the contraction of the uterine muscles, causing a feeling of pain. With such a malfunction of the functionality of the female body, nagging painful sensations often occur after the end of menstruation.

Such a hormonal imbalance is provoked by an increase in the activity of the thyroid gland. As usual, other symptoms are added, more precisely, sleep disturbances, weight gain or loss, and so on.

In addition, the use of hormone-modulating drugs can affect the ratio of hormones. In such a situation, you should contact a gynecologist with a description of the symptoms that have arisen.

The inflammatory process in the appendix can also be characterized by nagging painful sensations in the lower abdomen, similar to the start of menstruation.

This manifestation is the result of a shift in the location of the painful feeling.

Pain on the right side may not only be due to difficulties in the reproductive sphere.

The period of menstrual discharge is characterized by a decrease in immunity, a large number of symptoms that change the activity of other organs, more precisely the gastrointestinal tract. And for this reason, all the signs may indicate the following diseases: Appendicitis.

The trigger for the process of inflammation of the intestinal appendix in the form of a worm is often poor nutrition. Since some female representatives have a good appetite during menstrual periods, they consume a lot of spicy and sweet foods, which provokes disruption of the intestines.

The result of this may be an inflammatory process in the appendix. A sharp painful sensation appears first in the middle of the abdomen, after which it spreads to the right side.

Other signs:

  • vomiting just once
  • diarrhea,
  • feverish increase in temperature.

The painful feeling subsides when lying on the right side.

Pulls in the lower abdomen after sex

A painful sensation in the lower abdomen can also occur after sex.

There is no need to worry about this phenomenon; it is considered normal.

Each sexual intercourse is, although insignificant, an injury to the mucous membrane of the vagina, and in some situations, in particular after violent sexual intercourse, these injuries appear much more pronounced than always.

There is an aching, nagging painful sensation, possibly even the appearance of brown spotting, which occurs if there is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane (this is thickened blood).

There is no need to worry about pain of this nature - and alternatively, be a little more careful in your sex life.

Thus, for the most part, circumstances when a female representative has a tightening in the lower abdomen require consultation with a doctor, and perhaps subsequent treatment measures. If the painful feeling does not recede but, on the contrary, worsens, then you must immediately go to the gynecologist.


When there is a pull in the lower abdomen before the onset of menstruation, you must follow simple instructions to avoid this:

  • Exercise before your period. Swim and stretch your lower back;
  • Avoid overeating. Heavy weight provokes pain;
  • Breathe deeply with clean air, take vitamins, avoid smoking and alcohol.

Severe, growing pain simply cannot be tolerated. At initial signs, it is better to consult a doctor.

At a certain age, a girl is faced with the inevitability of monthly pain in the lower abdomen. A regular menstrual cycle is not a deviation, but, on the contrary, a clear indicator of normal health. But is it normal to experience discomfort? Obvious pain is a certain deviation from the norm, so an annual examination by a gynecologist is mandatory for every adult woman in order to identify a wide variety of diseases at an early stage. But it just so happens that regular periods, even despite the tugging sensations in the lower abdomen, cause special trepidation in a woman and indicate the onset or non-occurrence of pregnancy. Why does the lower abdomen hurt, like during menstruation, when there is no menstruation?

Premenstrual syndrome and pain

For many women and some men who observe, premenstrual syndrome seems to be a frightening and alarming period, as pain, weakness and dizziness are expected. A woman reacts poorly to such a state, lashes out at others, becomes capricious and makes trouble. During this period, her lower back and lower abdomen hurt, and her breasts swelled. But pain during such a period is understandable, but if there is no reason, then it is not clear what to think. So what's the point?

How to determine the cause?

Are you pregnant by any chance? In this condition, the lower abdomen hurts at times, which can be a bad sign. The nature of the pain should also alarm and alert you. Tugging sensations may indicate disturbances in the development of the baby and the progress of pregnancy.

Let's consider a more incomprehensible situation: the test is negative, the lower abdomen hurts, like during menstruation, but there is no menstruation. In this case, you have a direct route to the gynecologist, and you need to go there promptly, since the symptoms are similar to a cyst and other formations in the ovaries. The doctor will examine you and order an ultrasound to conduct research. Young women often become victims of endometriosis, which can be recognized precisely by the absence of menstruation and painful sensations.

In a new place

They say that after moving a person experiences acclimatization. And severe stress is a surge for the body that needs to be experienced and accepted. Our body adapts more slowly than the brain, and the external manifestations of such adaptation may be a delay. By the way, the reasons for the delay can be varied, for example, climate change, excessive physical activity, erroneous diet, diet and irregular sex life. Even the doctor admits a delay under such conditions, noting that signs of the imminent onset of menstruation may persist. Therefore, in difficult life conditions, do not be surprised that your lower abdomen hurts, like during menstruation. Another reason for the absence of the main sign of the cycle will be a violation of the woman’s hormonal levels, which is facilitated by the use of drugs to terminate pregnancy or the adaptation period after the loss of a child.

Hard time

A long delay without the slightest sign of pregnancy raises serious concerns and for good reason. This is a real disease called amenorrhea. She may not have her period for up to six months, but her lower abdomen hurts a lot. After the examination, the doctor directs you to undergo laboratory tests, ultrasound and inpatient examination, after which he prescribes hormonal treatment. When should you start worrying about delayed soreness? Yes, perhaps after 10 days it’s time to see a doctor.

If you are still pregnant...

Without an examination and a doctor, it is difficult to determine the exact cause of the illness. The average person does not know what to do in such cases. The lower abdomen hurts, there are no periods, the heart is out of place from excitement, because pain can come before menstruation and during ovulation. So pregnancy or period? Surely the notorious law of meanness is fully reflected here, because the main signs of pregnancy and menstruation are similar. What works better than the test is an analysis for the presence of a special hormone produced in a woman’s body during pregnancy after a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. Our body is not a clock, and if the lower back and lower abdomen hurt, then this is a signal of a problem and the need to see a doctor. Neglect of one’s own health, work pressures, chronic lack of sleep, and climate change don’t go away that easily. When your lower abdomen hurts, like during your period, you should take it as an alarm bell.

Serious illnesses

Painful sensations may indicate the onset of dangerous diseases, including ovarian cysts, endometritis, adnexitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, and urolithiasis. When the lower abdomen hurts severely, swelling of some female organs is possible. Pain is an alarm signal from your intestines or stomach. Listen to yourself - do you have nausea or fever? Maybe your head is spinning? It is possible that you are suffering from appendicitis or an adhesive disease is manifesting itself. Problems with the musculoskeletal system, which are preceded by painful sensations, also cause concern.

Life cycles of a woman

All diseases of the female body have their own causes, but we must remember that life represents changes in cycles, so the time of occurrence of painful sensations is of great importance. For example, if after childbirth, ovulation or after menstruation the lower abdomen hurts, then the reasons may be different for each case. If, in addition to pain, there is also nausea, then an inflammatory process has begun in the body. Has the temperature increased? Run to the doctor - or wait for inflammation of the appendages, the provocateurs of which are pathogenic microorganisms. They are not sensitive to all drugs, so the doctor must prescribe the medicine himself. If you start treatment and take antibiotics in a timely manner, serious consequences can be avoided. It should be warned that there may be an accumulation of pus, which must be removed surgically, for example, by laparoscopy. If the disease is neglected, it is fraught with very negative consequences, for example, infertility or difficult pregnancy. In any case, if the lower abdomen hurts, as during menstruation, then you cannot hesitate, otherwise time will be lost.

Man's question

It is also necessary to consider the situation when the lower abdomen hurts in men. They don’t have periods, and such pain is new to them, although there can be many reasons. But we can conditionally divide the causes of pain according to gender. Men experience pain less frequently, but it is possible that most often they hush it up, considering complaints a sign of weakness. The pain in chronic diseases is aching, and in case of exacerbation of the disease, it is acute and reminiscent of contractions. There are no gender differences in pain due to inflammation of the appendix, which is locally located in the lower right corner of the abdomen, near the colon. In addition to pain, appendicitis can be recognized by a permanent state of nausea, vomiting and elevated body temperature.

If the pain is localized in the left side of the abdomen, then diverticulitis may occur, which is also accompanied by nausea and low-grade fever. Often pain indicates the occurrence of an inguinal hernia, which is a serious pathology. In this case, the pain is acute and consciousness is unstable. Possible loss of consciousness. Emergency surgery is required. Pain in the lower abdomen can become a symptom of pyelonephritis, kidney stones, orchitis, that is, inflammation of the process in the testicles or appendages. With the latter option, the pain is transferred to the groin. Quite rarely, but it still happens that pain indicates the development of an oncological process in the intestines. It is alarming that the pain appears in the later stages of the disease, when the tumor is already too large and puts pressure on the organs. A visit to the doctor becomes inevitable when a man begins to have problems with the urination process, even to the point of urinary retention. By the way, this is a symptom not only of cystitis, but also of prostatitis. Do you value your intimate life? Let's run to the doctor!


Let's summarize: pain in the lower abdomen, like during menstruation, does not go away on its own and does not appear out of nowhere. This is a serious problem that must be solved as quickly as possible in order to prevent and prevent diseases. What should I do if my lower abdomen hurts? Call a doctor and in the meantime ensure yourself complete peace, silence and a horizontal position. Place ice or a chilled bottle of water on your stomach. You can take a pain reliever. An intravenous drip of sodium chloride is allowed. Pain after menstruation indicates excessive levels of prostaglandins and uterine contractions. Any disruptions, such as increased estrogen production and hormone imbalances, can be accompanied by pain.

Quite often, representatives of the fairer sex learn about the approach of critical days without looking at the calendar, and accurately determine this date.

But if the lower abdomen hurts, as during menstruation, but there is no menstruation, this is the first signal that you should not put off going to the doctor.

The nature of such pain is not always pathological.

If the lower abdomen produces a slightly aching pain and it is short-lived, then the fairer sex has absolutely no reason to fear.

But when the pain becomes more frequent and becomes cramping, sometimes unbearable, this indicates signs of other pathologies.

Pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation, has various sources of origin. They come in both organic and functional varieties.

The organic origin of pain includes:

  • Inflammation in the ovary;
  • Benign tumors in the uterus;
  • Neoplasms: cysts;
  • Prolonged stay of the IUD in the uterus;
  • Pathologies of a surgical nature;
  • Disorders of the urinary system;
  • Diseases occurring in the gallbladder;
  • Pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy;
  • Low placenta previa;
  • Placental abruption occurs prematurely;
  • Abortion and the condition after it.

Pain of functional origin occurs when:

The pain varies from aching to cramping.

Often the cause of their appearance is a disruption of the hormonal cycle. Pain that occurs after menstruation indicates the presence of endometriosis. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pain radiates to the lower abdomen.

In exceptional cases, pain begins as a response from the female body.

Why does my stomach hurt during menstruation?

Menstruation in a woman or girl is characterized by certain signs:

The duration of these pains is from 3 to 7 days.

Why does pain occur? Pain syndrome is present in functional states during menstruation. But it is also pathological in nature.

It is important to know! These pains, as during menstruation, in the lower abdomen are characteristic of inflammation occurring in the pelvic organs.

In gynecology, there is a name that characterizes the pain felt during menstruation. This physiological condition is called dysmenorrhea.

Dysmenorrhea occurs:

  • Primary;
  • Secondary.

With primary dysmenorrhea, pain appears before menstruation. They last up to 4 days. This type of pathology is typical for girls from adolescence to 25 years.

These pains are accompanied by various dyspeptic disorders. Over time, the pain subsides after the baby is born.

During secondary dysmenorrhea, pain occurs only as a result of pathological changes in the area of ​​the pelvic organs. This is observed in middle age categories (after 30 years).

The following factors are related to such pathologies:

  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • inflammation occurring in the pelvis;
  • endometriosis.

Sometimes severe pain in the lower abdomen in women is a harbinger of cancer.

Pain in the left lower abdomen in women

The lower abdomen hurts, as during menstruation, on the left side, not always with gynecological pathologies, sometimes this also happens with other diseases localized in this area.

In such situations we are talking about radiating pain:

  • Section of the small intestine;
  • Ureter and left kidney;
  • Spleen;

Also, similar pain occurs due to:

A woman has pain in the right side of her lower abdomen

Pain in the right side of the abdomen indicates various diseases. They are often present when diagnosing appendicitis.

Appendicitis is swelling of the large intestine. Its main symptom is pain around the navel. It increases gradually, with nausea and an increase in temperature. Sometimes there may be flatulence.

The following reasons contribute to intestinal upset:

  • stress;
  • fast food;
  • poor digestion.

It begins with a slight and infrequent tingling in the abdomen, often accompanied by flatulence and pain in the liver.

The second cause is stomach ulcer and duodenal disease. It begins with a burning sensation in the stomach and turns into pain, like during menstruation, which women feel in the lower abdomen.

Also, such a signal can indicate kidney disease and inflammation of the bladder. They are infectious in nature, but may also be due to hypothermia. The pain radiates to the right side of the lower abdomen.

ICD or pyelonephritis of the kidney on the right side - with such a disease the pain radiates to the right side of the back and down the abdomen.

Often, with diseases of the uterus, there is pain felt in the abdomen.

With cystic neoplasms, girls experience pain, like during menstruation, on the right side of the lower abdomen.

Pain occurs with benign ovarian tumors.

Often, girls make an appointment with a gynecologist when they feel pain in the lower abdomen and in the middle. They are felt in moments, but their character is constant.

To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor needs to examine the patient.

The examination includes:

  • Gynecological examination;
  • Taking a smear;
  • Carrying out ultrasound diagnostics.

Upon completion of the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment:

The main causes and symptoms of pain that occurs in the lower abdomen:

  • Various inflammations occurring in the intestines are characterized by constipation or loose stools. Occur due to malnutrition and various intestinal inflammations;
  • During pregnancy, when the egg is fertilized, but not in all cases;
  • Pain during menstruation is not uncommon. This is due to various physiological individual characteristics.

Women usually suffer from pain with:

  • low pain threshold;
  • fertilization of the egg;
  • inflammation of the lining of the uterus inside.

In women, the lower abdomen hurts in the middle, as during menstruation. Causes

Pain in the lower abdomen in women, as during menstruation in the middle, occurs due to hormonal imbalance. This leads to the development of endometriosis.

The pain appears during menstruation and subsides only in the middle of menstruation. Treatment can be either medication or surgery.

Often pain in the lower abdomen in the middle appears with cystitis. First, a burning sensation begins, which is accompanied by itching, and then the pain in the lower abdomen sharply worsens and urination occurs.

The nature of this disease is infectious, and therefore it is required to undergo tests and take antimicrobial agents.

Pain may indicate inflammation in the organs that are present in the pelvis. They are typical for untreated infectious diseases acquired through sexual contact.

In the advanced form, pain occurs during sexual intercourse, as well as discharge in the form of mucus that has an unpleasant odor. Drug treatment is indicated.

These pains have two causes:

  • Organic failures;
  • Functional disorders.

The first reason includes:

Sharp and acute pain in the lower abdomen in women

Various reasons influence the acute pain that appears in the abdomen. You need to react to pain immediately and consult a doctor quickly. Self-medication is not recommended.

The main causes of acute pain in the lower abdomen:

  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • cystitis;
  • renal colic;
  • appendicitis;
  • algodismenorrhea;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

For these reasons, the following occurs:

Such pain occurs both against a functional background and in the presence of pathology. A lot depends on the symptoms.

These pathologies include:

  • diseases of organs located in the pelvis, use of an intrauterine device;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • acute inflammation of the urinary system;
  • disorders during pregnancy;
  • presence of abortions.

Functional reasons include:

  • disruptions in menstruation and ovulation process;
  • bleeding from the uterus;
  • stagnation of menstrual blood.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen in women. Causes

With inflammation in the pelvis, the temperature rises, aching pain is felt in the lower abdomen, and when adnexitis occurs, it is localized in the side.

With endometritis, the pain is located closer to the middle of the abdomen and is constant. If there is disease of the ovaries or appendages, sharp pain will occur during palpation.

With endometritis, the pain can be aching and prolonged, the uterus is elevated.

To fight inflammation, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Cholecystitis is often accompanied by persistent mild pain.

Cramping pain in the lower abdomen in women

Pain in the lower abdomen in the form of contractions indicates a serious illness. Young girls often experience pain during menstruation. They feel discomfort and pain during their first menstruation.

This condition is considered functional, and it is associated with increased sensitivity of the nerve endings of the uterus.

Sometimes such pain syndrome can manifest itself as a result of various congenital pathologies. Then the pain is cramping. They are characteristic of the complete absence of the menstrual cycle.

Basically, the pain is antispasmodic and very strong, lasting. In this condition, you need to immediately contact a specialist.

Cramping pain often occurs with an ectopic pregnancy. It begins with a deterioration in general condition and is recognized at a late stage. If you ignore this condition, death will occur.

When the fallopian tube ruptures, cramping pain is also present, which is subsequently accompanied by heavy bleeding. This condition is also life-threatening.

Cramping pain occurs due to acute inflammatory diseases of many pelvic organs.

It is necessary to pay attention to the course of menstruation. If they become painful, cramping in nature, then you should go to the gynecologist.

Among the secondary diseases, various inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract can be noted, especially acute intestinal conditions. For example, this may indicate intestinal obstruction, when urgent surgery will be needed.

The disease is characterized by high fever and attacks of severe pain. If help is not provided in time, the person will die. These pains often come at night.

Pain in early pregnancy - positive test: when it’s not dangerous

If a pregnant woman experiences painful sensations at the beginning of her term, the test is positive; this is not dangerous when they pass quickly, but this happens because the woman’s body prepares in advance for the development of the child in the womb.

Women feel pain:

  • in the chest;
  • lower abdomen;
  • in the ovaries.

Sometimes a pregnant girl at the beginning of conception experiences nagging pains that occur in the lower abdomen. Often, they can be tolerated, as they are mild and often permanent.

Such pain is associated with pregnancy, when the uterus begins to grow and pregnancy hormones appear. These hormones are designed to soften the muscles and ligaments that are located in the pelvis.

Aching pain occurs because the corpus luteum grows in the pregnant woman’s body. When the egg gets rid of the follicle, a cyst immediately appears there, producing a hormone called progesterone.

This hormone is needed for pregnancy to proceed normally. The cyst increases every day, and when it reaches a large size, it stretches the ovarian capsule, and therefore pain occurs.

In the early stages of pregnancy, these pains will not harm the baby.

Threat of miscarriage - how to identify and what to do

This terrible diagnosis made by doctors does not mean that the pregnant woman will eventually have a spontaneous miscarriage.

Doctors make a lot of efforts to maintain a pregnancy after a woman is diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage.

This diagnosis in a pregnant girl is accompanied by some symptoms: vaginal discharge– from pale pink to dark brown.

These discharges can be both scanty and abundant. At first they are insignificant, and then more frequent. The discharge is insignificant, but lasts for a long time. Severe spasmodic pain occurs in the lower abdomen.

When there is a threat of miscarriage, the pain is similar to that which happens during menstruation. It happens that bleeding occurs without pain.

If you have pain in your lower abdomen, as if you're on your period, even though you're not expecting it, it's worth checking with your doctor. It may be a serious illness.

If a pregnant woman notices that she has similar symptoms that indicate that she is at risk of miscarriage, she needs to lie down and first take the phone to immediately call a doctor at home. You need to lie down with your legs slightly elevated.

After receiving advice from a specialist, the pregnant woman, with the help of friends or relatives, should immediately go to the hospital to receive urgent medical care.

When she has severe bleeding, it is necessary to call an ambulance at home to provide initial assistance, and then take the pregnant woman to the gynecology.

Doctors pay attention to the fact that the woman does not get nervous while waiting for the doctor., for this she needs to drink a small dose of drops of motherwort or valerian tincture.

If the threat of miscarriage is real, then the woman is placed in an inpatient gynecological department, where she is treated.

What does it mean if there is white discharge?

If there is white discharge, this means that the fairer sex may be healthy or sick. It all depends on their color, smell and quantity.

Doctors consider the following to be completely healthy discharge from a woman’s vagina:

  • White, almost transparent;
  • Without smell;
  • Watery consistency;
  • With an amount per day from 2 to 5 mg.

Don't worry if they have a yellowish tint. He indicates that the girl has some deviations from the existing norm.

The fairer sex has significant white discharge, this indicates that they will soon begin their periods.

White discharge, indicating a woman’s illness, has the following distinctive properties:

  • Curdled;
  • With an unpleasant odor;
  • Foamy;
  • Accompanied by burning and itching.

These discharges indicate a disorder present in the body, as they are considered the body’s response to infection.

Lower abdomen hurts after intercourse

The lower abdomen hurts, as during menstruation after sexual intercourse in such cases as:

What if the ovary hurts before menstruation?

Experts advise women to make an appointment with a specialist at the slightest discomfort, especially if the lower abdomen hurts, as during menstruation. Only he has the right to diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Often, pain in the ovaries appears in females before menstruation. Doctors call this pain ovulatory syndrome.

The occurrence of such a syndrome is not dangerous, but doctors recommend that if it is present, you should see a specialist in order to rule out any diseases.

A woman's lower abdomen can hurt for many reasons, but not all of them pose a danger to a woman. It is still impossible not to react to them.

For any pain that occurs in the lower abdomen, it is best to consult a doctor and prevent the disease in time.

This video will tell you why the lower abdomen sometimes hurts, like during menstruation, and what diseases this symptom is a symptom of:

From this video you will learn how to cope with pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation:

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