What does a cytological smear show in gynecology? Cytology analysis in gynecology: what is it? Cytology smear or PAP test

It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Unfortunately, cervical cancer is a very dangerous disease.

Of course, you can minimize the risks. For example, give up bad habits and then the risk of disease will be significantly lower.

You should also monitor your health and be picky about your sexual partners. After all, some “bad” diseases can cause cancer.

There are some factors that influence the development of precancerous and cancerous conditions of the epithelium.

Among the reasons are:

  • Smoking;
  • Beginning of sexual activity before age 16;
  • Early pregnancy and childbirth;
  • an “infinite” number of sexual partners or a partner who has had a large number of sexual contacts;
  • The presence of several human papillomaviruses in a woman’s body;
  • Reduced immunity due to poor nutrition, chronic diseases, HIV infections, long-term course of medications that lower immunity (steroid hormones, chemotherapy drugs);
  • Diseases associated with sexual activity (chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma, trichomoniasis);
  • Inflammatory process in the girl’s genital area for a long time.

Stages of cytology interpretation

Stage 1 – no atypia is detected, there is a normal cytological picture.

Stage 2 – abnormal cells are present, but in small quantities. If there is an inflammatory process in the genital area, a certain number of atypical cells can be considered a variant of the norm.

Stage 3 – atypical cells are detected, their nucleus and cytoplasm are changed. But such results do not always indicate oncology. Only histology will help in establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Stage 4 - in this case, it is discovered that the cells have begun their malignant transformation. The nucleus, cytoplasm, and chromosomes change. Possible dysplasia. An accurate diagnosis can only be made with additional research.

Stage 5 - if a very large number of atypical cells are involved in transformation, most likely there is oncology.

Rules for preparing a woman for analysis

During this period, the results will be as accurate as possible.

In the second half of the monthly cycle or just before menstruation, a cytological smear may have unreliable data due to an enlarged uterus.

In some cases (10%) the result may be false. This happens due to women’s ignorance of the rules for preparing for analysis.

  • A few nights before taking a smear for cytology, you should refrain from sexual contact with your partner;
  • Stop douching for a while;
  • From tampons, vaginal suppositories, ointments, creams, sprays, the like;
  • Two days before the test, stop taking anti-inflammatory and contraceptive pills;
  • A couple of hours before the smear, refrain from visiting the toilet.

Analysis Tools

Having noticed the definition “for cito!” in the referral form for testing, a woman of any age becomes confused. Sometimes the anxiety is not unfounded. Cytology analysis in gynecology is deciphered by the doctor and explains to the patient what it is.

A method for identifying atypical (cancerous) cells, developed in the middle of the last century, is today used to diagnose precancerous conditions. Even a slight deviation from normal values ​​is a reason to repeat the analysis.

A control examination of the body every 3 months will reduce the likelihood of progression of the pathological process and the growth of atypical cells into deeper layers.

Of course, liquid cytology is not performed on all women when visiting a gynecologist. There are certain indications. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • The appearance of atypical discharge from a woman’s genital tract, often worsening after sexual intercourse.
  • Cervix with cellular abnormalities.
  • To diagnose pathology of the mucous membranes.
  • When a failure occurred and the menstrual cycle became irregular.
  • For viral diseases.
  • Infertility.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • With long-term treatment with hormonal drugs.
  • If you plan to become pregnant in the near future.
  • During multiple births in a woman.
  • If a woman gave birth at an early age.
  • With frequent changes of sexual partners.
  • When did menopause occur?
  • If it is necessary to install an intrauterine device.
  • In case of prolonged absence of examination by a gynecologist.
  • If the previous smear deviates from the norm.
  • In case of pathological changes in the cervix, which are discovered by the gynecologist during examination.
  • If a woman is diagnosed with HIV.
  • Genetic predisposition.

Liquid cytology of the cervix is ​​a test that must be repeated once a year. But if cellular abnormalities are detected, it is carried out more often.

This analysis requires some preparation. To make it as informative as possible, a woman should not neglect the doctor’s recommendations.

The third place among all cancers in women is cervical cancer. But there is also a positive side to this diagnosis - it is possible to identify a precancerous condition at the very first stage of the disease. The lady just needs to take a smear for cytology and find out the test result within a few days.

Many gynecological diseases are asymptomatic and cannot be detected on a regular scan. Therefore, special diagnostic tests have been created to ensure that problems are detected at an early stage.

Among such diagnostics, cytology is rightfully considered important.

Cytological analysis of the cervix is ​​a diagnostic tool that studies the structure of cells, as well as their minimal pathological deviations from the norm.

That is, cytology helps determine the level of dysplasia and the level of possible cancer development. With the help of this study, the fair half has a chance to take action in time and stop the development of the malignant process.

This diagnosis is widely used in modern antenatal clinics, and Western gynecologists have introduced cytology as a mandatory test for pregnant women and girls applying for work.

Smear to detect atypical elements

A cytology smear is a painless, easy and quick test that is taken from the walls of the cervix.

The procedure is not at all dangerous, but it is not pleasant, so it is better for the woman to relax in order to minimize discomfort.

In the laboratory, epithelial cells are viewed under a highly magnifying lens.

Usually, the result of the analysis can be found out within a week or 10 days.

The cervix has two types of epithelium:

  • Multi-layered appearance covering the cervix;
  • And the cylindrical view is the junction of the uterus and cervix, the cervical canal.

The cells of the inner walls of the uterus have the ability to renew themselves and exfoliate. It is these cells that determine the state of women's health.

The smear technique is as follows:

  • The smear is taken during the examination of the patient on the gynecological chair. First, the doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina;
  • Then removes excess discharge from the cervix using a cotton swab;
  • Then a scraping from the cervical canal is taken with a special brush, a special swab or probe;
  • The material is applied to a small degreased glass;
  • Next, this analysis is submitted for research.

If a woman undergoes a cytological smear regularly, this will help her identify cancer cells at a very early stage, when others have not yet had time to manifest themselves.

Quite often, herpes viruses or viruses are found in cells, which can cause cancer. Timely treatment of viruses will help avoid complications in the future.

Rules for preparing a woman for analysis

It is recommended to take a smear 4-5 days after the end of menstrual bleeding.

During this period, the results will be as accurate as possible.

The cytology test is carried out for women of different age groups, in different areas of the population and at different levels of life. This analysis helped warn more than one thousand women about the possible development of cervical cancer and avoid terrible consequences in time.

To undergo a Papanicolaou test, the following situations are distinguished:

  • Young people over 18 years of age are given a smear test upon request;
  • For ladies who have begun to be sexually active, a cytological smear is a mandatory procedure;
  • Women who have passed the 30-year mark are required to be tested once a year;
  • For women over 65 years of age, a smear is given on the recommendation of a doctor.

There are also mandatory indications for performing a cytology test:

  • Suspicion and diagnosis of infertility;
  • During ;
  • During pregnancy, every expectant mother must undergo a Papanicolaou test three times during pregnancy;
  • It was recently found that 100% of women with cervical cancer had . Therefore, if a girl has such a virus in her body, a cytological examination is a mandatory indicator;
  • Genital herpes;
  • Girls suffering from obesity;
  • Ladies who took hormonal medications;
  • Irregularities in the menstrual cycle are also an indicator for a cytology test;
  • A smear must be taken before installation;
  • Frequent change of sexual partners;
  • For any hormonal imbalances in the female body;
  • Presence of HIV infection;
  • Genital warts;
  • Genital warts.

Causes of cervical cancer

It is always better to prevent a disease than later. Unfortunately, cervical cancer is a very dangerous disease.

Of course, you can minimize the risks. For example, give up bad habits and then the risk of disease will be significantly lower.

You should also monitor your health and be picky about your sexual partners. After all, some “bad” diseases can cause cancer.

There are some factors that influence the development of precancerous and cancerous conditions of the epithelium.

Among the reasons are:

  • Smoking;
  • Beginning of sexual activity before age 16;
  • Early and childbirth;
  • an “infinite” number of sexual partners or a partner who has had a large number of sexual contacts;
  • The presence of several human papillomaviruses in a woman’s body;
  • Reduced immunity due to poor nutrition, chronic diseases, HIV infections, long-term course of medications that lower immunity (steroid hormones, chemotherapy drugs);
  • Diseases associated with sexual activity (chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma, trichomoniasis);
  • in the girl’s genital area for a long time.

Decoding the analysis result

The result of the analysis will indicate “negative” and “positive”. It is clear that receiving a result with the word “negative” means an absolutely healthy cervix.

If the transcript contains a “positive” result, do not panic. Perhaps the diagnosis was made incorrectly or the woman was not prepared for the test; it could be different. Usually, the gynecologist prescribes an additional examination: he takes another smear or sends for a biopsy of the cervix.

In addition, infections acquired through bed can cause a positive result. Even some inflammatory processes in the body give this result.

Among other things, there are additional stages and process classes in decryption:

  • Class 1 – no abnormalities were found in the epithelial cells;
  • Class 2 - indicates some deviations from the norm caused by an inflammatory nature;
  • Class 3 – isolated cases of atypical cells were found (most likely malignant);
  • Class 4 – implies malignant pathology;
  • Class 5 – these are atypical cells in large numbers. This class is cancer.

Decoding of the material taken from the cervical canal is carried out using the Bethesda method. When making a diagnosis, the location of the cells and their changes are taken into account.

The following notations are used:

  • Normal or no oncological changes;
  • An atypical condition, with the following meaning:

Koilocytosis, vaginosis;

Dysplasia I degree;

Dysplasia II degree;

Dysplasia III degree.

The Pap test is very effective at detecting cancer cells in the cervix, but it does not determine the condition of the uterus or the condition of the ovaries. Most likely, if cancer has begun to develop in other female organs, the test will show a negative result.

After analysis

A woman should know that after taking a smear for cytology, she may have a slight discharge for 3-5 days. They may have a brownish-greenish tint. This is completely normal and there is no need to worry. These days it is better to give up sexual activity.

If a girl observes an increased body temperature or feels it after a cytology test, but it is of a profuse nature, quickly consult a doctor.

Other cancer detection techniques

In addition to the cytology smear, some medical institutions may use another type of determination of pathology in the cellular epithelium (PAP test, Papanicolaou staining method, drying method, etc.).

Liquid cytology can boast of a more accurate result. Its essence lies in the fact that the taken material is initially placed in a special solution, and only then it is placed on glass. The special one has the ability to clean the taken material from leukocytes and mucus, thereby better preserving the epithelium for research.

In any case, in gynecology, cytology is a very important analysis that helps to identify the emergence of cancer cells at the earliest stages. So you should not ignore such an important analysis in the life of every woman.

Cytology smear from the vagina (Papanicolaou smear, Pap test, smear for atypical cells) is a laboratory microscopic examination that allows you to identify abnormalities in the cells of the cervix.

What does a cytology smear show?

A cytological smear evaluates the size, shape, number and arrangement of cells, which makes it possible to diagnose background, precancerous and cancerous diseases of the cervix.

What are the indications for taking a smear for cytology?

This test is prescribed to all women over 18 years of age once a year, as well as for:

  • pregnancy planning;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • genital herpes;
  • obesity;
  • human papillomavirus;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • a large number of sexual partners.
  • before inserting an intrauterine device;

How to prepare for research?

Before visiting a gynecologist for tests, you should:

  • abstain from sexual intercourse for 1-2 days;
  • do not use vaginal medications (creams, suppositories, lubricants) and do not douche for 2 days;
  • before submitting a smear for cytology, it is recommended not to urinate for 2-3 hours;
  • It is not recommended to submit a smear for cytology if you have symptoms such as itching and vaginal discharge.

It is advisable to take a smear for cytology immediately after menstruation, on the 4-5th day of the cycle.

How is a smear taken for cytology performed?

A smear is taken during a gynecological examination with a special disposable small brush from the outer and inner surface of the cervix. The procedure for taking a smear is painless and takes 5-10 seconds.

Can there be any discomfort after a cytology smear?

Since the doctor makes a scraping during cell collection, some may experience slight spotting from the vagina for 1-2 days.

How many days does it take to prepare a smear for cytology?

1 working day.

How is the result of a smear for cytology assessed?

A smear is considered normal or negative when all cells are of normal size and shape and there are no atypical cells.

To describe a smear for cytology, doctors use special terms: dysplasia 1, 2, 3 degrees, atypia. For grade 1 dysplasia, the study must be repeated after 3-6 months.

What to do if pathological cells are detected in a cytology smear?

In this case, the doctor recommends additional examination. This could be a simple repeat of the smear cytology test some time after the first result. Sometimes a colposcopy with a biopsy of the cervix is ​​prescribed to clarify the diagnosis, based on the results of which a decision on the treatment method is made.

Today, the main way to examine internal female organs is a cytology smear, which shows the development of infections and dangerous pathologies. It differs from other types of laboratory tests by a special set of dyes and fixatives that increase the reliability of the final results.

What is a cytology smear?

Cytological Papanicolaou, PAP test) is a laboratory microscopic examination of the upper ball of the cervix, intended for the timely diagnosis of cancer. This method is the most painless, simple and fast among all known examination methods.

Purpose of the analysis

In order to prevent and prevent the development of dangerous diseases, cytology of a smear from the cervical canal is done for every woman. This analysis allows us to identify abnormalities in the cellular structure of the cervix that cause the development of cancer. To avoid possible pathologies, all women should regularly visit a gynecologist. If changes occur, they are recorded at an early stage, when the disease is treatable and full recovery is still possible.

In addition to cellular pathologies, a cytology smear allows you to evaluate the mucous membrane and determine the presence of harmful microorganisms in the vagina. The Pap test provides accurate data on these parameters, so in such cases it is necessary to use additional methods of analysis.

Indications for Pap test

A smear is prescribed to all women over 18 years of age during a routine examination by a gynecologist once a year. Also, indications for the analysis include: menstruation disorders, the presence of papilloma virus and genital herpes, free sexual intercourse, infertility, the use of hormonal contraceptives, the installation of an intrauterine device, planning pregnancy. Infectious diseases are also often a reason to take a smear for cytology. What the result shows can only be determined by a specialist.

Risk group

Regardless of age, there are certain factors whose exposure increases the risk of developing cancer. With prolonged exposure to the female body, they weaken the immune system. This risk group includes women who have many sexual partners, smoke, have weak immunity, are carriers of viruses, began sexual activity at an early age, and have had cancer of the reproductive system in the past.

How to make a smear

To obtain reliable results, a woman must stop taking antibiotics a week before the test. The day before the study, you need to stop douching and placing vaginal suppositories and having sexual intercourse.

A smear is taken on the chair during an examination by a gynecologist. The doctor takes 3 smears: from the walls of the vagina, from and from the mouth of the paraurethral passages. This procedure is completely painless. A speculum and spatula are used to take a smear. To prevent objects from being cold and creating unpleasant sensations, they can be heated with hot water before use.

At the next stage, the doctor applies the test material to a special glass, on which a laboratory analysis of the smear for cytology will be carried out under a microscope.

Interpretation of research results

The last and most important stage of the study is deciphering the smear for cytology. According to the analysis, the doctor can obtain information about the condition of the epithelium, the presence of inflammation and the composition of the microflora. In modern medical practice, the Papanicolaou technique is widely used to decipher the results of a smear, according to which there are 5 stages of the development of pathologies.

Stage 1 - there are no abnormalities, cytology is normal. This stage indicates the woman’s health.

Stage 2 - during a routine examination or based on complaints, a woman takes a smear for cytology, which shows a slight change in the structure of the cells. It is caused by inflammation of the internal genital organs. This stage is also considered normal, but still requires more thorough research to determine the causes of the disease.

Stage 3 - a small number of cells with abnormalities in the structure of the nuclei were detected. In this case, it is necessary to take a second smear and conduct a histological examination of the tissue.

Stage 4 - during the analysis, cells with malignant changes can be identified. For example, increased nuclear mass, changes in the cytoplasm and chromosomes. The result obtained is not a final diagnosis, but serves as a reason for further examination.

Stage 5 - present in large quantities in smears.

Deciphering a smear for cytology may take some time. Usually it takes a few days, but there are times when you need to wait a week for results.

The reliability of the results of the Papanicolaou method is very high, especially when a smear is examined for cervical cytology. But this analysis does not provide any information about the condition of the uterus itself, ovaries and fallopian tubes. There are times when a PAP test gives false data. Therefore, to accurately interpret the results, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Positive results: types of pathologies

If the research data obtained corresponds to the norms, then no abnormalities were identified and the woman is healthy. In case of positive results, pathology develops.

Finding abnormal cells does not always indicate the presence of cancer. Dangerous infectious diseases are often detected during a PAP test.

1. Human papillomavirus infection - the formation of genital warts in the vagina and on the cervix. This virus is very dangerous for women's health.

2. Chlamydia is the most common. Basically, this disease occurs without pronounced symptoms. In addition, it is difficult to diagnose in the laboratory. This makes treatment difficult, and its absence can lead to serious complications.

3. Trichomoniasis is a popular sexually transmitted disease. The main symptoms of the disease: itching, yellow-green discharge, discomfort when urinating and during sexual intercourse. Timely diagnosis of pathology allows you to completely cure the disease.

4. Gonorrhea is an infectious disease of the genitourinary system. The chronic form of the disease is often the cause of infertility in women.

5. A yeast infection is an overgrowth of fungus that lives in the vagina. For some reason, its reproduction gets out of control and inflammation occurs. It is accompanied by irritation and itching, white discharge with a characteristic odor.

If the smear test is positive due to the presence of infection, the identified diseases should be treated. Very often it is difficult to determine cancer precisely because of viruses. Therefore, after a course of therapy, it is necessary to repeat the analysis to obtain more accurate data.

Depending on the pathology, sometimes it is necessary to take a second smear for cytology, which shows the dynamics of changes in the structure of cells over a certain period.

Taking a smear during pregnancy

At the slightest suspicion of the presence of infections and fungi harmful to the fetus, cytology is often used. The inflammatory type of smear makes it possible to diagnose pathological processes if a woman complains of burning and itching of the external genitalia, changes in the color and smell of discharge. To analyze the state of the vaginal microflora in pregnant women, cytology smears are done at least three times. If necessary, your doctor may order additional PAP tests.

A Pap test for pregnant women is performed using conventional technology.

Possible complications after taking a smear

Taking a smear for cytology should be done by a specialist doctor who knows the technique of this process. There may be some complications after performing a PAP test. Most often they manifest themselves as severe pain after manipulation and bleeding for a day or a little longer. Such symptoms are considered completely normal and do not require treatment. If after the study you experience severe abdominal pain, fever and chills, you should consult a doctor.

Cytology when taken incorrectly also sometimes has dangerous consequences. With rough intervention, stenosis caused by adhesions may develop. For this reason, it is not customary to carry out prophylactic smear taking in deep places of the cervical canal.

For a week after the Pap test, you should avoid intimate relations, douching, and the use of tampons.

A cytological smear is considered the best method for detecting cervical cancer in the early stages of development. But even the best laboratories sometimes cannot detect cellular changes. Therefore, to increase the likelihood of detecting pathology, you need to take a smear annually.

The unfavorable environmental situation, early maturation and sexual intercourse among modern youth, smoking, exposure to all sorts of gadgets and other problems of 21st century society lead to disappointing medical statistics: cases of cancer are increasingly being recorded. The disease also affects the female reproductive organ - the uterus. How to protect your health, are there methods for diagnosing such a serious disease in the early stages? The answer lies, as they say, on the surface. Almost every girl who visits a gynecologist undergoes an analysis, which is aimed at studying the structure of cells, finding atypical ones or those that do not correspond to generally accepted standards. This test is called “atypical cell test”, “pap test” or “cytology test”. What it is and what it is needed for, we will explain in detail in the article.

Cytology as a science

What does the word “cytology” mean? This is a separate science that studies the structure, functioning, and characteristics of living cells. This branch of medicine is also called cell biology.

Clinical cytology is a branch of laboratory research, the essence of which is the microscopic descriptive analysis of cytological material. Using cytology analysis, cancer, precancerous conditions and benign neoplasms, as well as inflammatory processes are determined.

Cytology is a science that also studies the ability of cells to respond to external stimuli. This means that this medical field, in addition to identifying diseases, is also involved in the experimental development of drugs.

Cytology in gynecology

Clinical cytology - what is it in gynecology? In this branch of medical science, the cytological analysis method is widely used, as it is highly informative and reliable. With its help, you can determine a large number of different pathological conditions in the vagina, cervix and uterus itself. In addition, the analysis does not require large expenses: all that is needed is a concentrate that stains the material under study and the microscope itself.

The advantages of this diagnostic study are also safety, painlessness, ease of sampling, and low risk of adverse reactions. A smear for cytology is performed even on pregnant women. And the result will be ready within a day after taking the material.

Typically, the material is collected in a complex manner: from the urethra, vagina and cervix. Therefore, this analysis may be called “atypical cell smear” or “cervical cytology”. What it is? This is the same analysis for atypical cells, which has the same method of conducting and interpreting the results.


So, a smear for cytology. What is it and when is it prescribed? There are no specific indications for testing for atypical cells. This study is recommended for all representatives of the fair sex from the moment they have their first sexual intercourse. During reproductive age, doctors advise women to check their health with a cytology smear at least once a year. Cytology is a simple and reliable way to detect cancer cells.

Cytology analysis is routinely carried out before gynecological surgery, various gynecological manipulations (for example, when inserting a contraceptive - a spiral), when planning pregnancy, directly during pregnancy, if infectious diseases of the reproductive organs are suspected, infertility treatment, menstrual irregularities.

Cytology is a science that studies the functioning of a cell, which means it can be used to detect damaged, atypical structures and their reactions. Therefore, the analysis is also prescribed by the doctor when confirming the diagnosis of “human papillomavirus”, “genital herpes”, “obesity” and “diabetes mellitus” for dynamic monitoring of the patient’s condition, as well as to analyze the effectiveness of treatment methods.

Cytology analysis: how does it happen?

Cytology analysis - what is it, how is it carried out? The material is collected on a gynecological chair. The doctor will use a special medical brush to collect mucus from the vagina, the entrance to the cervical canal, and also from the cervical canal. During sampling, gynecological speculums are also used to visually detect inflamed areas of the mucous membrane. If there are any, the doctor will take an analysis from such a damaged area. The procedure causes discomfort, but the patient should not experience any pain if the procedure is performed correctly.

Cytological material (mucus) is applied to a diagnostic glass, fixed and dried, and then delivered to the laboratory for examination.

Test portability

We talked about what a cytology smear is and what it is. What are the contraindications and adverse reactions? There are cases when the mucous membrane is too inflamed, so the slightest touch of a medical instrument causes minor bleeding due to damage to the capillaries. This condition does not require treatment and goes away on its own within 24 hours.

If after a few hours the patient has a fever, nagging pain in the abdomen, continuous heavy bleeding, and chills, then it is necessary to call an ambulance. None of the above symptoms are normal when conducting a test such as cervical cytology. What is this, why do such reactions occur? The causes of complications may be unprofessional sampling of material, as well as advanced inflammatory process of the mucous membrane.

Preliminary preparation

Contrary to popular belief that no preparation is needed before taking a smear for atypical cells, it is necessary to take the recommended measures the day before in order to exclude false test results. Therefore, next we will consider the question: “Cytology of the uterus - what is it and how to prepare for analysis?”

  1. It is necessary 2 weeks before the proposed examination to exclude the use of intravaginal suppositories, local creams, ointments, including contraceptives, and not to use the douching method.
  2. A week earlier you need to give up intimacy.
  3. The study cannot be carried out during menstrual flow. The most reliable results of analysis for atypical cells are observed when the material is collected on the 5th day after the end of menstruation.
  4. Several hours before the cytology test, it is recommended to refrain from urinating.

Decoding the result

Many people are interested in the question of what clinical cytology is, what it is in gynecology, and how to decipher the obtained indicators. Only a doctor should analyze the test results. The detected indicators do not constitute a diagnosis and require additional research and clarification.

The results are divided into 5 degrees of purity:

  1. The first means that cytological analysis did not reveal any pathological changes in the cells. This means that the patient is healthy.
  2. The second indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe additional tests.
  3. In the third degree, cells in which the structure of the nucleus is disrupted are found in the smear. In this case, it is recommended to undergo microbiological and histological examination to make a diagnosis.
  4. If the results indicate the fourth degree, then there is a risk of cancer. The patient is prescribed a full urgent examination using a biopsy and examination using a colposcope.
  5. At stage 5, laboratory technicians found a large number of cancer cells in the smear. In this case, the woman is immediately referred to an oncologist.

In the second and third degrees, after additional examinations, it is necessary to conduct a repeat cytology test.

Cytology smear analysis: what is it, how to decipher it?

In addition to purity indicators, the cytology test result form also contains other parameters:

  • Latin letters indicate the area of ​​sampling of the test material: U - urethra, C - cervical canal, V - vagina;
  • the presence of leukocytes in the field of view (normally - up to 15 units);
  • it is possible to detect infectious agents: fungi, trichomonas or gonococci;
  • a large amount of epithelium indicates a possible oncopathology (normally up to 10 units);
  • the presence of mucus in small quantities is normal.

Cytology test results are not a diagnosis. Only a doctor, having assessed the entire situation of a particular medical case, can determine the pathology. Thus, grades 2-4 may indicate not only cancer, but also less dangerous and easily treatable health problems, such as candidiasis, vaginitis, cervicitis, cervical erosion, genital herpes, papillomavirus.

Cost of analysis

Cytology is a widespread and accessible method for diagnosing cancer in the early stages. Almost every laboratory or clinic can take this test, so the cost of the test has a wide range depending on the level of the medical institution and its equipment, personnel qualifications, and the like. According to the insurance policy, the analysis is carried out free of charge in public clinics. In private laboratories, such a service costs from 500 to 1200 rubles. Additionally, you will have to pay for the collection of material itself - that’s another 200-500 rubles.

Where to get a smear for cytology?

In any modern laboratory, a smear is performed for cytology; a doctor’s referral is not necessary at all. By contacting a antenatal clinic or a private clinic, for example, “Invitro”, “Hemotest”, you can undergo such a diagnostic test.

Cytology is a science that has saved many lives over the course of several decades of its existence. Don't forget to get tested annually for abnormal cells. Such a simple, safe and affordable test can detect a deadly disease in the early stages of development. Timely seeking medical help significantly increases the likelihood of complete medical victory over the disease.

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