Brick Bazuka feat. OU74 - Hotter Higher (song lyrics). The earth used to have three suns Rick and Morty The Screaming Sun series

"with blood of all colors and races, violence and family values. And if you ever wanted to know who is behind this animated orgy, then catch the 7 most dubious facts about the creators of the show.

Rick and Morty often find themselves in other galaxies and eras, and in this regard, the show has no restrictions. Justin Roiland, one of the writers, said: “If we need a huge naked bum in an episode that would block the sun, no problem, at least five. That's the beauty of Rick and Morty: while other animated series worry about the consistency of the story, We pile one on top of the other and relax.”

2. Roiland voices two main characters and a little
suffers because of this

"Yeah, it turns out I'm talking to myself. I usually write all of Morty's lines first, then switch to his grandfather. And then, as a rule, I forget about the existence of the script and just talk. Rick always turns out to be much more satisfying when I look up from the text on the screen," said Justin Roiland. It seems to us that he simply found a piece of himself in the cynical alcoholic inventor.

3. Sarah Chalk (Morty's mom) thinks the show is art.

Well, almost like that. She once admitted that she agreed to participate in “Rick and Morty” only because of her looks. “I love animation, it’s amazing. Probably my main dream is to learn how to draw. The best thing I’ve created on paper in the last few years is a cowboy boot,” says Sarah.

4. Chris Parnell (Morty's father) was a failure at school..?

When Chris was asked what event in his life he would change if he could go back in time, Parnell paused, looked down at the floor and said dramatically: “My graduation...” We can only guess what flashbacks appeared in his head at that moment . Oh, and he also loves sci-fi and the reality in which Rick and Morty live. This is true, by the way.

And there is no point in arguing with this.

6. Sarah Chalk peed herself once

During an interview with BuzzFeed, Sarah had a flashback: “If I had the opportunity to change one moment in my life, I would go back to first grade and still use the toilet. Then I peed in my school uniform...” After hearing this, the school flash mob Chris Parnell echoed the shame: “I shit myself in 12th grade!” Chris's loving, warm and cozy co-workers couldn't help but ask, "Did this ruin your graduation?"

No comments.

7. Harmon and Roiland will never stop generating.
great ideas

The entire voice-over team for the series unanimously says that the main authors of the project, Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, are real geniuses. They were once asked which other incompatible couple they would make the main characters of their show. Spoiler: the answer turned out to be de-al-nom! “We would put a man without arms together with a man without legs, then tie them up by the torsos and force them to investigate murders.” Who will take on the script?

At the dawn of its existence, it did not turn the Earth into an ice planet, although the Sun was less bright than now, let's turn to the epic, tales and legends. What do they say about the "warmers" of planet Earth.

Legend of the Nanai: Once upon a time, there were not one, but three suns on earth. It was so hot that the water in the Amur was boiling, the stones were soft like wax. Life was difficult for the Nanai people back then. There were few animals left; the fish were dying from the heat. And then a hunter named Kado said: “It’s too hot to live. I want to shoot two suns.” He took his bow and arrows and went north. He dug a hole in the taiga and, hiding in it, lay low. When the first sun rose, Kado shot it down with a well-aimed arrow. He did not hit the second sun, but the third followed the first. There is only one sun left in the sky. And those places where two suns fell and crumbled into dust, scorching the stones and burning everything around, the Nanais called Khurmuli, which translated means “bare stone.”

Legend of Goldov: In the beginning, two people lived on earth: brother Khodai and sister Myamendi. Where they came from is unknown. One day, Mämendi’s sister bit her finger. Blood began to flow. But as soon as a drop of blood fell to the ground, three people immediately formed from it: one man and two women. Women began to have children, and thus all the people who still live on earth came into being. But there was not one sun, but three. It was too light and hot. Myamendi’s sister says to her brother: “Don’t you take a bow and shoot the extra sun; Don’t you see that it’s difficult for people to live?” Khodai listened to his sister Myamendi, took a bow and arrows and climbed a high mountain. He pulled his bow and shot at one sun. The arrow hit the intended sun and it went out. Khodai shot at another, and it went out. After this, people’s lives became easier and they began to breed even more.

Legend of the Orochi: At first three suns shone. At that time our land was just beginning to cool down. The earth was still completely liquid, like water. When three suns were shining, the water began to subside and the earth began to harden! It was unbearably hot on our land. The rocks were boiling, the stones were boiling. In those days there were no people, no tribes, no living creatures on earth. There were only one Hadau. When the earth hardened, Hadau shot arrows at the two suns and killed his elder sister with one arrow and his younger sister with the other. I left only the sun that was in the middle. ‹...› They also say this. While the three suns were shining, our earth was boiling. There are traces of this here on Tumnin in many places: the Iron cliff, below Bui there is a cliff, on Khutu, in Duanku, on Akure there are cliffs as if made of red ore. All the stones on them stuck together tightly. And the cliffs themselves are completely red, like rusty iron. It is because of them that the Orochi say that under the rays of three suns the earth boiled.

Brick Bazuka feat. OU74 - Hotter Higher (song lyrics)

You melt like cheese, somewhere deep in the apartments
Summer damn don't go play sunstroke at the shooting range
We are like ants, and someone is wandering around with a huge magnifying glass
Get out of here with a stupid smile
Forests are burning here, clouds of smoke are flying into the sky
Heaven could, I don't know, at least piss
You can dance on asphalt like you dance on coals.
You can do a backflip, but you can't sit down or stand up.
People are staring, on one almost green dish
The working day was difficult, and in the evening everything was worse
What will happen to us next, life will judge everyone
Yes, hang in there people, if it burns, it will cool down
You release moisture, drops will fall on the paper,
You seem to be tearing up your flask, the sun gave us manga
Don't take the knife to yourself
Or to a doctor's appointment, passing through the doorway

The sun heated all the surfaces in the house
Don't die from the stuffiness, there is water on the square
We never get along with nature
And as a result, knee-deep in cotton wool

Mode again, we're lying down
But it will get us out of these swamps
The city will light up with fire and fry the vampires
Alas, but you can’t reconfigure the scheme of this world
The system hasn't burned out, it knows that
Some are straight, some are crooked
The state of overheating is completely tired, brother
I will read the book you recommended
But later maybe, damn the street is calling me dawn
The sun is screaming to rise, in a whisper it would be right
Outside the window there are Tashkent and people, luding will not make their path easier
I have enough moisture to heal after breakfast
After leaving home to visit until the day after tomorrow
Constant drought, lake like an ear
Previously, fraer, he burns greedy and unnecessary people in the forest
Let the bitch figure it out, please him with good news, friend
Fireworks to the northwest of this ball

The world is constantly changing, remains the same
Someone never bends to the fucking psychos
Others are quiet, poking around in the past
Without self-discipline, the sword may remain in its sheath.
In a dirty basement, shoulders closed in a circle
Style masters jumping the queue can cripple
I am... 74 tank city, I represent my clan
Right now, when sunset is near
An empty pocket, bitch, does not define my wealth
You are pathetic in the pile of crap that the informant advised
Uncle saves himself a bullet all his life, ATMs
... with cards, beating primates

Are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking? Bro
I'll close the door, and you open the fortogan
So early, but we managed to clean up nicely
At the bottom of the tank, raw meat floats in oil.
The smell of hot food, the alarm went off outside the window
Along the way, someone is parked in the wrong place
The thermometer shows red, it's in the thirties
Three chromes, chronicle sticky like sea buckthorn
Closing your eyes, keeping your ears open
When I blew on the fire it didn't go out
Yes, it’s really terribly stuffy here too.
The ball spins and crumbles...

I can’t aim at what it is in Celsius.
Calendar, turned on the oven, everyone sat down on a baking sheet
You can go off the rails with this fun thing
If we run out... in the compressor we'll melt right on the chair
Let's go with the breeze, let's go sideways and take a look around
Scanning the horizon, scarlet light through the sky
And tomorrow is the next round, we’re unlikely to be ready
Not the point, because while the little bastard is still smoldering

OU Seven Four, Chemodan Clan, Bazu Eat
This is a tower, Traktograd together with the city of Tanks
In the good old spirit, sound with fresh chips

Natalia Adnoral, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Yesterday was not my day. In upset feelings and confused thoughts, dissatisfied with myself and offended by the whole world, I went to bed. And I saw a dream about “tomorrow” in which the Sun did not rise. And in horror, I hurried to wake up and make sure that this was just a nightmare, and in reality, as always, the day had come. I opened my eyes and, probably, saw the Sun for the first time and realized that all my yesterday’s troubles and sorrows were nothing compared to the icy melancholy of a nightmare. I woke up and was simply glad that the day had come. And what had always been a self-evident accompaniment of life for me suddenly became a Gift and a Mystery. And I asked myself: why do I need the Sun so much?

Gift of the Sun to Man

Without the Sun there is no life, for the life of every creature on Earth is a gift from the sun. Its obvious manifestation is light.

Light illuminates and awakens. Every morning we can see with our own eyes this miracle of transformation of the gray-black night world into the daytime variety of colors. After all, our eyes are designed in such a way that we perceive all objects not in their own light, but in the reflected rays of the Sun.

The light warms. After all, the heat we feel is light in the infrared range.

Light is the breath of life. After all, oxygen is also a gift from the Sun, a product of the reaction of water splitting under the influence of light. This reaction, called photosynthesis, occurs in plants. In the 17th century, physician, alchemist and mystic Robert Fludd wrote: “The sun is a celestial force that enters the body through the breath.”

Light nourishes. For food is solar “canned food” (another product of photosynthesis), and our body knows how to release the energy stored in them and use it to provide diverse manifestations of life.

Light sets the rhythm of life. For example, the daily rhythm is the period of rotation of the Earth around its axis in relation to the Sun, the annual rhythm is the period of rotation of the Earth around the Sun. For humans, these are external rhythms. But in our body there are many of its own internal rhythms (breathing, heart contraction, sleep-wakefulness, cell division, hormonal fluctuations, pressure, temperature, enzyme activity, etc.). And the extent to which these rhythms are coordinated with each other and with external astronomical rhythms directly determines human health. Examples of mismatch are desynchronosis, when different organs and systems in the body begin to work according to the principle “some go to the forest, some go to the woods.” Sunlight serves as a stimulus-signal that harmonizes internal rhythms and adjusts them in unison with external ones. And this miracle of Resonance happens every day at sunrise and every year on the day of the vernal equinox.

Light heals. Sick and weakened people react especially acutely to the lack of sunlight. It is not for nothing that their ailments worsen on cloudy, gloomy days. It is not for nothing that the largest number of deaths (not due to accidents, but precisely from diseases) occur in the pre-dawn hours. The healing power of light forms the basis of long-established physical therapy and the relatively new quantum medicine. Ultraviolet lamps, infrared and other lasers and other medical devices exert their effect by reproducing one or another part of the spectrum of sunlight. Moreover, the positive effect of such procedures is observed for almost all currently known diseases. To treat eye disorders, it is recommended to look at the Sun at sunrise and sunset. And this turns out to be useful not only for the eyes, but also for the body as a whole, since on the iris of the eye there are representations of all internal organs (the so-called projection zones; iridology is based on their existence), through which solar energy reaches the corresponding organs in need of healing , and does so. Light heals more than just the physical body. Phototherapy is successfully used to relieve exacerbations in patients with schizophrenia, and to treat people with “autumn sadness” syndrome - depression that occurs on cloudy days. And a healthy person has probably noticed the relationship between a bright sunny day and a good mood.

Man needs the Sun and actively absorbs its light. In the body, light energy is transformed into thermal, electrical, chemical, mechanical energy, providing all the variety of movements of the physical body, emotions and thoughts of a person. But is a person only capable of absorbing sunlight?

Eye and Sun

The sensitivity of the human eye to sunlight matches the characteristics of light itself surprisingly closely. The sun emits electromagnetic waves in a wide spectral range. However, the maximum intensity of emitted light (according to the Planck curve at a solar surface temperature of 6000 K) falls precisely in the visible region, and more precisely, in green light. Not all the light emitted by the Sun reaches the Earth's surface; some of it is absorbed by its atmosphere (for example, most of the UV radiation is blocked by the ozone layer). The maximum intensity of sunlight passing through the atmosphere and reaching the Earth's surface lies in the green region. Light perceived by the brain is characterized by brightness and color. Waves of the same intensity but different lengths cause different sensations. It turns out that green light is the brightest light for the human eye.

The correspondence of the sensitivity of the eye to the radiation of the Sun can be explained by the fact that the human eye, as an organ of light perception, was formed on Earth under the rays of the Sun, and therefore is ideally adapted to its light. But maybe the eye is designed not only to perceive the light of the Sun? Perhaps there is also a similarity of functions between the eye and the Sun? For example, the myths of Ancient Egypt, India and China say that the Sun is the eye of God, which radiates divine grace into the world. Do our eyes emit light? A radiant, sparkling look, the light of the eyes - are these just figurative expressions?

The doctrine that light comes from the eyes (the doctrine of “visual rays”) is found in the works of Euclid (III century BC), Ptolemy (II century), Galileo (XVI century), Reichenbach (XIX century V.). In the first half of the 20th century, B. B. Kazhinsky discovered that human eyes emit electromagnetic waves that have a significant impact on the person at whom the gaze is directed. The source of these waves are electrochemical processes occurring in the nerve cells of the brain. This radiation was called "bioradiation rays of sight." L. Durov studied its effect on animals. But is it only electromagnetic waves that are emitted by our eyes and the Sun? Maybe there is light that is invisible to the eye and not captured by modern devices? Just as radio waves and X-rays have always existed, although humans did not have special instruments to register them. Why not admit that even with the current development of science, our knowledge about the Sun and about ourselves is still very, very incomplete, that “not visible” does not mean “does not exist”. And then questions arise: where is the source of these “invisible” radiations from the Sun and the eyes, and how can these radiations be caught? Science has not yet invented the corresponding device. But the teachings of different eras tell us that we should not despair, since every person has such a “device”.

The heart is a little sun

Since ancient times, people have treated the physical Sun as a visible manifestation of the Divine. One can recall Apollo and Helios of the ancient Greeks, Ra of the ancient Egyptians, Mithra of the ancient Iranians, Amaterasu of the Japanese, Yarila and Khors of the ancient Slavs. The Solar Deity was worshiped and dedicated to holidays and rituals timed to coincide with turning points (equinox and solstice) in the annual cycle of the physical Sun (for example, the ancient Roman holiday of the Invincible Sun - Sol Invictus, Slavic - Kolyada and Ivan Kupala). The Solar Deity has always embodied Virtue, Goodness, Nobility, Vital force - that which nourishes and awakens not only bodies, but also souls. And along with this, in many religions of the world there was and still is the idea that man is destined to be the receptacle of God and that for this it is necessary to awaken and develop the Heart. When they say “feel with the heart,” “a good heart,” they hardly mean the muscular organ that pumps blood. Yes, a person needs a physical heart, because it sets and maintains the rhythm of life of the entire organism. But the Heart with a capital “H” is necessary and even more so, for it is this invisible organ of Good, Conscience, Love and Mercy that makes a person a Human. In Ancient Egypt they said: “Under the influence of the Heart, the seeds sprout and the flowers of our knowledge bloom.” And a person, next to whom the soul becomes brighter, whose kind Heart awakens in others a craving for Good, Love and Mercy, has always been called a Teacher.

I woke up and was just glad to be alive. And I felt gratitude to the Sun, which generously gives its light to everyone and always, without holidays or weekends; and to all the people with kind Hearts who have done so much so that I can wake up today. And for the first time I thought about the meaning of the word thank - “to give good” and about the meaning of my own life. And I promised myself to look at the Sun more often, especially when my soul is dark.

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