When was the monument to Kyiv Chek Khoriv restored? A half-forgotten story. Collapsed monument to the founders of Kyiv. Traces in toponymy and geography of Kyiv

In May 2003, a monument to the famous football figure V.V. Lobanovsky was erected near the entrance to the Dynamo stadium. The grand opening of the sculpture was attended by many fans of the great coach, UEFA representatives, Dynamo players, as well as Ukrainian government officials. Lobanovsky is presented sitting on the coach's bench and watching the game. The height of the sculpture is three and a half meters, and its pedestal is made in the shape of a large soccer ball. One part of it is made of thick glass, behind it there is a screen on which various episodes from the life of the outstanding coach Valery Vasilyevich Lobanovsky are shown. Bronze, acrylic, stainless metal and granite were used in the manufacture of the monument. The total weight of the composition is approximately 5 tons.

Nine people took part in the process of making the sculpture, among them the architect Vasily Klimenko and portrait painter Oleg Cherno-Ivanov. The main sculptor of the monument is Vladimir Filatov. Every year many fans come to this place who want to honor the memory of Lobanovsky. Any of them can take a photo and sit next to the outstanding coach.

Monument to Pronya Prokopovna and Golokhvastov

The monument to Pronya Prokopovna and Golokhvastov is located on St. Andrew’s Descent in Kyiv, at its very beginning, not far from St. Andrew’s Church. The monument appeared here in 1999. It is dedicated to the heroes of the famous Soviet comedy “Chasing Two Hares”; by the way, the restaurant of the same name is located opposite. The monument depicts a man kneeling in front of a lady holding out her hand for him to kiss. The monument has become a real landmark. The characters are depicted in real human size. The absence of high pedestals allowed the sculpture to blend very organically into the environment. Guests and tourists come here with great pleasure to take pictures with their favorite characters.

Monument to Zheglov and Sharapov

In 2009, next to the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, a monument was erected to the favorite characters of the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed,” dedicated to the work of the police. The monument was created and opened in honor of the 90th anniversary of the criminal investigation department of Ukraine. The creators dedicated it to all employees of the criminal investigation department.

The sculptors depicted a scene from the film in which the main characters - favorite actors V. Vysotsky and V. Konkin, who played the roles of Zheglov and Sharapov - approached the theater to catch the bandit. A black cat is depicted under Zheglov’s boot. The figures are made of bronze. Several sculptors and artists worked on the creation of the monument.

The monument is located in a fairly quiet place, at a considerable distance from noisy streets and metro stations.

Monument to workers of the Arsenal plant

The monument to the workers of the Arsenal plant is a monument to a mountain cannon, which was installed in 1923 on a pedestal of red granite, remaining from the monument to Iskra and Kochubey, which was demolished in 1918. The cannon barrel is deployed in the direction of the Kyiv Arsenal plant named after. V.I. Lenin.

The monument bears the following inscription: “Workers of all countries - unite. On the fifth anniversary of the October Revolution, the Plenum of the Kyiv City Council notes the special services to the Proletarian Revolution of the independent Arsenal of the first plant, which took up arms in Kyiv in October 1917 for the Power of the Soviets, the City Council of Workers and Red Army Deputies.”

The cannon that the monument includes is precisely the cannon from which the arsenals fired the first shot at the troops of the Central Rada. During the occupation of Kyiv (during the Second World War), the Nazis destroyed the monument by throwing a cannon from the pedestal. After the liberation of Kyiv, the vandalism was eliminated and the monument was restored.

Monument to Lanterns in Love

The Monument to Lanterns in Love in Kyiv is located on Independence Square, near the central glass dome. It was set on the eve of Valentine's Day in 2009. The author of the idea, Vladimir Belokon, created a number of similar metal masterpieces.

This new place for romantic dates carries a line of bright, undying love. The monument is a composition in which a two-meter young lantern gentleman embraces his beautiful bride in a bright pink robe. They sit on a wrought-iron bench that any other couple can sit on. The author of the composition is sure that if the date takes place in this particular place, the feelings of the lovers will never cool off.

This abstract execution of the manifestation of tender feelings is very popular among Kiev residents and guests of the city. It is an excellent backdrop for photography.

Monument to Mikhail Grushevsky

The monument to Mikhail Grushevsky in Kyiv is located on the corner of Vladimirskaya Street and Taras Shevchenko Boulevard, near the Teacher’s House. This location of the monument was not chosen by chance. The building of the current Teacher's House previously housed the Central Rada, which was headed by Grushevsky. It was the Central Rada that on April 29, 1918 elected Mikhail Sergeevich Grushevsky as the first president of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

Monument to the founder of the Franko Theater, artist Gnat Yura

The monument to Gnat Yura was erected for the Day of Kyiv in the park, next to the National Theater named after Franko. Gnat Yure is the founder of the theater, which is why he was honored.

The monument is bronze, depicting a man in the image of the soldier Švejk (Hnat Jure's favorite hero). The sculpture was created by Alexey and Vladimir Chepelik to order from Russian philanthropist Yuri Koptev. The architect of the monument is Pisarenko.

The opening ceremony of the monument was attended by theater workers along with director Bogdan Stupka, who solemnly addressed the monument as if to a living colleague, expressing his recognition and respect for him as an actor and a talented artistic director. Gnat Yure devoted 44 years to the theater - during all this time the actor boldly led him to European culture.

Monument to Grigory Skovoroda

The monument in honor of the famous Ukrainian educator and philosopher is located on Kontraktova Square near the Kiev-Mohyla Academy. Grigory Skovoroda is a kind of symbol of the academy, where he received his education and taught.

The discovery of the sculpture by Ivan Kavaleridze took place in early March 1977. At first it was planned that the great philosopher would be without shoes, with a cross on his neck and a Bible in his hands, but the party authorities made their own adjustments. As a result, Skovoroda is depicted in a chair and holding a bag in his hands.

Students revere their patron. On Academy Day, they wash and tidy up the monument. There is a tradition of putting a black graduation cap on Skovoroda’s head on graduation day.

Monument to Yaroslav the Wise

In the park near the Golden Gate in Kyiv there is a monument to Yaroslav the Wise.

The sketch of the monument was created by the famous sculptor Ivan Kavaleridze. It is interesting that the monument was made in two copies. One is located at the Golden Gate, and the second, exactly the same, stands near the House-Museum of the sculptor. The modern monument was erected in 1977. When the monument was erected, they did not pursue the goal of emphasizing its historical significance, but simply wanted to decorate the square near the Golden Gate. They made it very quickly.

During installation, an artificial earthen embankment was created.

The figure of the prince is made of bronze. Yaroslav the Wise is depicted sitting and looking towards the St. Sophia Cathedral. Granite steps lead to the monument; to the right of them there is a stone with the name of the prince carved in Old Russian. In the hands of Yaroslav the Wise is a model of Sophia of Kyiv. Also on the back side there are preserved handprints of the sculptors Vitaly Sivko, Nikolai Bilyk and Vitaly Redko - the direct creators of the monument.

The grand opening of the monument was timed to coincide with Kyiv City Day in 1977.

Monument to Mikhail Bulgakov

The monument to Mikhail Bulgakov was erected in Kyiv on Andreevsky Spusk in October 2007, and a month later the grand opening of the monument took place, which was attended by the mayor of Kyiv and the Russian Ambassador to Ukraine. The author of the monument is Nikolai Rapai, an outstanding Kiev sculptor, who depicted Bulgakov sitting on a bench, with his legs thrown over each other, and his arms crossed. The monument was made of bronze, at the expense of a generous philanthropist - Deputy Head of the Kyiv City Administration Denis Baas. Its construction cost approximately 70 thousand dollars.

The location for the monument was not chosen by chance; Andreevsky Descent is Bulgakov’s native street; the family of Afanasy Bulgakov, who taught at the Kyiv Theological Academy, lived in the local house No. 13 since 1906. The famous writer Mikhail Bulgakov also settled his heroes here. Near the monument there is a small well-groomed flowerbed, the cleanliness of which is monitored by local residents. Every year, thousands of tourists gather at the monument to Mikhail Bulgakov to honor the memory of the great master of prose.

Monument to the founders of Kyiv

According to the legend described by Nestor the Chronicler in the Tale of Bygone Years, Kyiv was founded on seven hills by three brothers and a sister. The city was named after his older brother, Kiya. His figure, together with the figures of Shchek and Horeb, are located on a boat, which, from a certain angle, floats along the waves of the Dnieper. Their sister Lybid, wearing a flowing cape, stands at the bow of the ship like a siren. The monument is located on the Dnieper embankment, not far from the Dnepr metro station.

Kyiv was formed from three settlements, the princes of which, according to legend, were the famous Kiy, Shchek, Khoriv and Lybid. This is probably just a myth, however, the exaltation of these legendary personalities is a common thing for Kiev residents. Their names explain the appearance of many names in the capital. While walking along the embankment, do not forget to admire the monument and honor the founders of this beautiful city.

Monument to Prince Vladimir

The monument to Prince Vladimir is one of the symbols of Kyiv. The majestic statue rises above the Dnieper in the Vladimirskaya Gorka park. The monument was erected in 1853. The bronze statue depicts Prince Vladimir - the baptizer of Rus'. The prince is dressed in a cloak, holds a large cross in one hand, and a grand ducal cap in the other. The height of the monument is 20.4 meters. It is believed that the monument stands just above the place where the baptism of the Russian people took place. In order for the monument to be visible even in the dark, it is illuminated. Today the park is a very popular place among residents and guests of the city. A large number of people come to the monument every day to touch the history and enjoy the beautiful panorama of the Dnieper and the surrounding area.

Monument of Eternal Glory

The Monument of Eternal Glory at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Kyiv is a monument in honor of the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War. Located in the center of the Park of Eternal Glory. Opened on November 6, 1957.

The monument is an obelisk 27 meters high. At the foot of the obelisk, on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame burns. The Alley of Heroes leads to the obelisk, to which 35 military graves have been transferred from the Baikovo and Lukyanovskoye cemeteries, Askold's grave, from some parks and squares of the city (including one - the Unknown Soldier from the Lyutezh bridgehead). Military men of different ranks - from sergeant major to colonel general - fought with the enemy on the territory of Ukraine, the majority distinguished themselves in the battles for Kyiv. Among them are 12 Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Monument to Afghan Soldiers

In Kyiv, a monument to Afghan soldiers appeared before it was officially opened in 1999. Its authors are Nikolai Kisly and Nikolai Oleinik.

A mournful cobblestone path leads to the sculptural group of three figures, which is here and there warped by rough-hewn granite stones. The lines of a poem by S. Govorukhin are carved on the pedestal. The monument is surrounded by granite slabs on which the names of the victims are carved. There are more than three thousand of them.

The sculptural group was created based on a real photograph. Perhaps that is why the monument leaves a very realistic and therefore strong impression.

Monument to the Victims of the Holodomor

In November 2008, the grand opening of the “Candle of Memory” monument, dedicated to all those who died during the Holodomor, which occurred in Ukraine in 1933, took place. It is a 32-meter concrete chapel, made in the shape of a white candle with a beautiful gilded flame. The edges of this huge candle are decorated with a fancy pattern of small windows, reminiscent of Ukrainian embroidery. These carved window crosses are a symbol of Ukrainians who died of starvation. Around the monument there is a mini-square, which is surrounded by 24 millstones along the perimeter. This is a symbol of the 24,000 human souls that the Holodomor claimed every day.

In front of the monument there is a small sculpture of a girl who touchingly clutches ears of wheat to her chest. It symbolizes the children who died from starvation, as well as the “five ears of corn” law adopted in the 30s. The monument was built according to the design of the famous artist Anatoly Gaydamak and the creative team he led. Under the building they are soon planning to open an underground “virtual” hall, in which films about the terrible consequences of the Holodomor will be shown.

Monument to Taras Shevchenko

Monument to Taras Shevchenko in Kyiv - a monument to the Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Shevchenko in Kyiv, located in Shevchenko Park, opposite the Red Building of Kyiv University. It is one of the symbols of modern Kyiv.

Installed in 1939 on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the poet’s birth. The monument to the founder of the Kyiv Imperial University, Nicholas I, that stood in its place was dismantled by the Bolsheviks in 1920 and melted down at the Arsenal plant.

Monument "Cossack Mamai"

On the Maidan in Kyiv there is a monument to the mythical Cossack Mamai, who was born on Khortitsa in 1509. Cossack Mamai, a symbol of spiritual and spiritual (in the modern sense, political) will and freedom, is always depicted with a bandura in his hands, in an “oriental” pose. In Turkic "mamai" - a person is nobody, without a name - not subject to evil forces.

Monument to Nikolai Lysenko

The monument was erected on Theater Square, next to the National Opera. T. Shevchenko.

Monument to Nikolai Yakovchenko in Kyiv

This monument was erected in Kyiv in honor of the famous Soviet comedian film and theater actor Nikolai Yakovchenko, who is known as Prokop Serko (“Chasing Two Hares”), Spirid (“Viy”), Patsyuk (“Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”).

The monument was erected in 2000, on the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the great actor. Now the monument is located in front of the Ivan Franko Theater.

The bronze figure of Yakovchenko is located in a sitting position on a bench. Sitting next to Nikolai Fedorovich is his pet, the dachshund Fan-Fan. The sculptor of the monument was Vladimir Chepelik. Yakovchenko’s knee and his dog’s back are polished to a shine, because many tourists sit either on the actor’s knee or on the dog’s back to capture them on film.

Exactly the same monument by Chepelik, dedicated to Yakovchenko, was erected in Pryluky in 2008.

Monument to Princess Olga

The monument to Princess Olga, Apostle Andrew, Cyril and Methodius was erected in Kyiv on St. Michael's Square opposite St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral. The monument was originally opened in 1911. The concrete sculpture of the apostle was sculpted by the famous sculptor P. Snitkin, and the two enlighteners and the Grand Duchess were sculpted by I. Kavaleridze. In Soviet times, the monument was destroyed - the sculptures were broken and buried.

In 1996, after excavations carried out in the square, it was possible to find some parts of the broken figure of the princess. Sculptors V. Sivko, N. Bilyk and V. Shishov restored the monument from a photo. This time the figures were carved from white marble and mounted on a pink granite pedestal. The monumental ensemble dedicated to Princess Olga was inaugurated on Kyiv Day, May 25, 1996. The found pieces of the old monument were held together and placed in the sculpture park on Andreevsky Descent by I. Kavaleridze. Nowadays, this monument attracts many guests and residents of the capital. A few tens of meters away there are souvenir shops where you can buy a many times smaller copy of the monument.

Monument to Bogdan Khmelnytsky

One of the unspoken symbols of Kyiv is installed on Sophia Square - a monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky. The choice of location for its installation was discussed for several years, and in the end it was installed in the city center on the day of celebration of the 900th anniversary of the baptism of Rus'. Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky went down in history as an outstanding commander and statesman who led the national uprising against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

The location for the installation of the monument to the national hero took a very long time to choose and was disputed many times. When the decision was made about Sophia Square, a refusal came from St. Petersburg. The ban was explained by the fact that the monument would stand between the altar wall of the Kyiv St. Sophia Cathedral and St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral. At the same time, the mace in Bogdan’s hands was directed towards Poland, and the horse’s tail was directed towards the St. Sophia Cathedral, which could offend the feelings of numerous believers and pilgrims. The Kiev clergy expressed their dissatisfaction with such a composition and for some time the monument was located on Bessarabia Square. In the end, the monument was nevertheless installed in the center, I will unfold it in a respectful manner, although the hetman’s mace began to point more towards Sweden.

Contrary to the popular story, Bogdan, holding back his horse with a strong-willed movement and imperiously throwing his hand with a mace forward, does not point in the direction of Moscow.

Monument to Vatutin

The monument to General Vatutin was erected on January 25, 1948 over his grave, located in the Mariinsky Park in Kyiv. The great architect Ya. B. Belopolsky and the talented sculptor E. V. Vuchetich took part in the creation of the monument. The figure of the great Soviet military leader is made of gray granite and mounted on a pedestal of black labradorite. Its height is 8.55 meters. Vatutin commanded the first Ukrainian Front, which in 1943 liberated Kyiv from enemy occupation, and after that he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Every year, many local residents and guests of the city come to the monument to salute the great general.

According to data collected from city archives, previously there was a temple in honor of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky on the site of the monument in Mariinsky Park. Now the approach to the monument is decorated with two huge decorative lanterns that illuminate it at night. Local authorities are constantly monitoring the condition of the structure and are planning its restoration soon.

Monument to Cat Pantyusha

One day, Margarita Sichkar, the director of the Kyiv restaurant “Pantagruel,” came up with the idea of ​​introducing a cat into her establishment as a special “trick.” The gray "Persian" was named Pantyusha, and he became everyone's favorite. The animal died in a fire, and with the money donated by Pantagruel regulars to restore the restaurant, they decided to erect a monument to the cat.

After the tragic incident, the establishment was given gray Persian cats twice, but none took root.

The monument to Pantyusha gave rise to urban legends that the cat warned restaurant visitors about the fire, but did not survive, or that one businessman was very fond of Pantyusha, who gave money for the installation of the monument.

Monument to Nikolai Fedorovich Yakovchenko

Opposite the theater. In Ivana Frank, a bronze man sits on a bench with a thoughtful gaze turned into the distance. A dachshund stands at his feet. The Ukrainian comedian Nikolai Fedorovich Yakovchenko was like that during his lifetime. And the dog is his faithful dog named Fan-fan. She visited the theater every day. I. Franko, where the actor worked since 1928. One day, a dachshund got hit by a car and Nikolai Fedorovich was very sad without his friend. Afterwards, he decided to erect a monument to his pet, but did not have time to realize his dream during his lifetime. This was done for him by the architect Vladimir Cherelik, who created the Yakovchenko monument. The architect decided to capture the actor in his favorite place, on a bench near the fountain in the park opposite the theater, and place a figurine of his dachshund next to it. The opening of the monument took place in 2000, the year of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Fedorovich.

Kyiv River Station, Kyiv, Ukraine Khreshchaty Park (Merchant Garden), Kyiv, Ukraine

The monument to Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv was built in Kyiv in 2001. Construction took place during the reconstruction of the main square of Ukraine. The creator of the project was the sculptor Anatoly Kushch, a master who is quite famous in Ukraine, and more than one famous work in this country belongs to his hands (the monument to Philip Orlik, the statue of the Archangel Michael, as well as the Independence Monument belong to his hands). Architects Alexander Komarovsky and Oleg Stukalov also took an active part in the implementation of the project.

This monument is one of four monuments erected in honor of the founders of Kyiv. Another, and probably the most famous, “Soaring Lybid”, or “Rook” is installed on the capital’s Embankment, a smaller copy of this monument is installed on Voznesensky Descent. The third sculptural composition is the most creative because it depicts the founders of the city as small children. It was installed on Poshtovaya Square.

The sculpture is a block of stone on which three brothers and their sister are located, located in the middle of a pool of water which is a fountain. The statues of the brothers and sister are made of bronze. The central place in the composition is occupied by Kiy, who is depicted in combat attire with a sword and shield. Shchek is depicted as a grain farmer with a plow at the ready. The third brother, Horeb, is located slightly above his brothers with a horn and a bow and is the embodiment of the hunting craft. At the very top of the composition there was a place for the only female character of this creation - the sister of the founders of Kyiv Lybid. She is depicted next to beautiful swans ascending into heaven. As the creators of the sculpture themselves noted, Lybid here is the embodiment of the element of water. Since this monument is also a fountain, it is not surprising that along its perimeter it is surrounded by a pool, from the depths of which jets of water erupt. In the evening, the water is illuminated here.

According to the Nestor Chronicle, a long time ago there were three brothers who occupied three local mountains. The elder brother, Kiy, occupied the mountain, which later turned into Borichev vzvoz, the middle brother, Shchek, occupied the mountain, which he nicknamed Shchekovitsa, and the younger brother, Khoriv, ​​settled on a mountain called Khorivitsa. Later, two younger brothers built a beautiful city in honor of the elder, and called it Kiev.

The monument is located at the address: Kiev, Independence Square. During its short history, this monument has become a favorite among tourists. It is worth noting that the best time to visit it is in the evening, since at this time the illumination of the fountain turns on, and the entire composition takes on the most mesmerizing view.

The Obelisk to the Hero City, 43 meters high, was installed on Victory Square in 1982, in honor of Kyiv being awarded the title of Hero City in 1961. The obelisk is lined with white marble. Its top is crowned with a golden star. At the bottom of the obelisk there are awards that were awarded to the Hero Cities: the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. Architects - V. Lashko and L. Semenyuk.

The Memorial Park of Eternal Glory is located on the upper Dnieper terrace along Lavrskaya Street and covers an area of ​​9.5 hectares. The park was founded back in 1895, and in 1957, after reconstruction, it received its current name. In the center of the memorial is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, above it is a 27-meter obelisk and the Eternal Flame. The central alley leads to the obelisk, on both sides of which there are 34 graves of Soviet soldiers who distinguished themselves in the battles for Kyiv. Among those buried are 12 Heroes of the Soviet Union, incl. Kirponos M.P., Vitruk A.N., Turbin D.I., Malygin S.A., Protsenko S.F., Leonov I.D., Monchak M.S., Lusta P.V., Avdeev N. .D., Dolzhansky Yu.M., Gogichaishvili N.I., Sholudenko N.N. Later, the Walk of Fame began to be supplemented with bronze busts of heroes who were born on the territory of Ukraine or took part in its liberation. In 2010, a monument to Air Marshal Ivan Kozhedub, three times Hero of the Soviet Union, was erected in the Park. Architects - A. Miletsky, V. Baklanov, L. Novikov, sculptor - I. Pershudchev.

The memorial complex of the history of Ukraine in the Second World War was opened on May 9, 1981 on the picturesque slopes of the Dnieper and is located on Lavrska Street, 24. In addition to the museum and the Motherland monument, the complex includes the Alley of Hero Cities and the Fire of Glory bowl. There are also open areas demonstrating equipment from the Second World War, and sculptural compositions dedicated to different stages of the war. The total area of ​​the complex is more than 20 hectares. The center of the complex is the sculptural composition “Motherland”, installed on one of the highest points of the city. The height of the sculpture, erected on the right bank of the Dnieper, is 102 meters and this monument is visible from almost any part of the city. The sculpture’s pedestal is buried almost 20 meters into the ground, while its drainage engineering well is 34 meters deep. The casing of the statue is welded (the length of the seams is 30 km) from stainless steel, 1.5 mm thick, and its total weight is more than 450 tons, of which 9 tons weighs the sword located in the right hand, and another 13 tons weighs the shield. For the movement of service personnel, the statue is equipped with vertical and inclined elevators. On the top of the monument there is a device designed to suppress wind vibrations, especially the movements of the shield and sword. The earthquake resistance of the monument is 8 points. The memorial complex was erected according to the plan and preliminary design of E. Vuchetich and architect E. Stamo. The work was carried out by a team of authors: architects - V. Elizarov (director), I. Ivanov, G. Kisly, I. Mezentsev, V. Feshchenko, sculptors - V. Boroday, F. Sogoyan, V. Shvetsov.

The bronze monument to the Victims of the Great Patriotic War was erected in 2001 at 24 Lavrska Street on the alley leading to the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War.

A memorial sign to the militia defenders of Kyiv was installed on General Zhmachenko Street, 2 in Victory Park.

The memorial sign “Road of Death” was installed on Melnikova Street, 83a and is part of the “Babi Yar” memorial. It is a three-meter obelisk made of concrete with many footprints and a memorial plaque “Here began the road of death to Babi Yar...”. The sign was unveiled in 2011. Sculptor - K. Skritutsky.

The monument was erected in 1976 on Dorogozhitskaya Street to 11 civilian Soviet citizens and prisoners of war, soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army, shot by the German occupiers at Babi Yar in 1941. It is a multi-figure bronze composition installed in a park area at the site of the execution of about 100 thousand Kiev civilians and prisoners of war. Sculptors - M.G. Lysenko, A.P. Vitrik, V.V. Sukhenko, architects - A.F. Ignashchenko, N.K. Ivanchenko, V.N. Ivanchenkov.

...And there were three brothers: one named Kiy, the other - Shchek and the third - Khoriv, ​​and their sister - Lybid. Kiy sat on the mountain where Borichev now rises, and Shchek sat on the mountain that is now called Shchekovitsa, and Khoriv on the third mountain, which was nicknamed Khorivitsa after his name. And they built a city in honor of their elder brother, and called it Kyiv...

What remains from the legendary founders of the city in Kyiv is Kiyanitsa Hill, Khoriv Street, Shchekavitsa Mountain, on which there was a cemetery, and now they grill kebabs and the “stinky river” Lybid.

The people of Kiev can no longer imagine their city without the monument-boat with the princes Kiy, Shchek, Khoriv and their sister Lybid, located on the banks of the Dnieper near the Poton Bridge. The newlyweds come to him and literally shower the boat with bouquets of flowers. This tradition of marriage is taken advantage of by enterprising townspeople who stand in the bushes near the monument and pull roses, gerberas and lilies that have not yet withered from a copper boat to sell in the passages next door.

As soon as the residents of Kyiv do not call the boat - “Noah’s Ark”, and “trough”, and “a boat with pirates”, and “Titanic”. However, few people know the history of the appearance of the statue on the banks of Slavutich. It turns out that initially they wanted to install this sculptural composition on the pylon of the Moscow Bridge. In the early 70s, the famous Ukrainian sculptor Vasily Borodai (the “father” of the Motherland) gave each a small tabletop version of his work - a boat with the founders of the city - to Leonid Brezhnev and Vladimir Shcherbitsky. The statesmen liked the sculpture so much that they instructed the designers of the bridge to Troeshchina to install a large boat on the crossing pylon. But this is the height of a 3-story building - strong winds constantly blow there, so it would be incredibly difficult to securely fasten such a large sculpture. In addition, it is difficult to see from below. Fortunately, one of the secretaries of the then Kyiv City Party Committee, Alexander Botvin, understood all this. He suggested conducting an experiment and placing a plywood replica of the sculpture on the pylon. It looked terrible. Thanks to this, everyone was able to see with their own eyes that the idea with the rook and the princes should be abandoned.

After that, the current symbol of Kyiv, officially called the “Flying Lybid” monument, was installed in the park near the Paton Bridge and opened in honor of the 1500th anniversary of the founding of the city on May 22, 1982.

The sculptural composition is presented in the form of a boat, on which are installed the figures of the legendary brothers Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv and their sister Lybid. The composition is made of forged copper. There is a swimming pool at the foot of the granite pedestal.

Nestor the Chronicler in his “Tale of Bygone Years” wrote about three brothers - Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv and their sister Lybid; according to legend, it was they who founded the city above the Dnieper on seven hills, named in honor of Kiy’s elder brother.

« And there were three brothers: one named Kiy, the other - Shchek and the third - Khoriv, ​​and their sister - Lybid. Kiy sat on the mountain where Borichev now rises, and Shchek sat on the mountain that is now called Shchekovitsa, and Khoriv on the third mountain, which was nicknamed Khorivitsa after his name. And they built a city in honor of their elder brother, and named it Kyiv. There was a forest and a large forest around the city, and they caught animals there, and those men were wise and sensible, and they were called glades, from them the glades are still in Kyiv»

Fragment from "The Tale of Bygone Years"

Although in the world of materialism the possibility of predicting the future is denied, sometimes the subtle worlds give us tangible signs.

Here is an example from Ukraine:
On the eve of the inauguration of the new President of Ukraine (Yanukovych), in the center of the capital, a monument to the founders of Kyiv - Kiy, Shchek, Khoryv and their sister Lybid - split in half
“City authorities, however, claim that the monument was dismantled at night by public utilities in order to avoid destruction of the monument, which was in disrepair.

These words were smashed to smithereens by one of the workers, casually saying: “Who dismantled it here?!” We were just brought here this morning! And it collapsed... well, maybe the homeless sawed it off..."

However, the homeless have nothing to do with it. As one of the guards of the floating office “Fregat” located next door told FACTS, after eight in the evening police officers approached them to clarify the circumstances of the collapse of the monument. “We didn’t hear a crash or a blow, but after the police left we went to look,” the guard said. - The rook broke off at the place where the support ends. It's clear that the figures are completely rotten at the base, and everything that the boat was attached to had also already collapsed. Apparently, the dampness and snow have finally finished off the monument.”

Kiy and his sister Lybid survived, but Shchek, Horiv and part of the copper boat, in which the hollow bronze figures of the “forefathers” of the capital of Ukraine were located, broke off immediately behind three waves, which served as a stand for a beautiful but fragile monument. By morning, the mangled part of the boat was covered with a green tarpaulin."

And indeed, the figures of Ukrainian politics were completely rotten, and the state began to fall apart like a rotten stump.

Probably the remaining Lybid on the boat is Galicia and Volyn, and Kiy is Kyiv. And the East is “covered with a tarpaulin” :)

Now there are rumors that the real Yanukovych has died, and we are shown a double with non-Yanukovych ears. That’s why he has an earpiece and doesn’t speak much, because the actor hasn’t learned the role yet. At the first press event there was a real Yanukovych, but later they started preparing a double.
One way or another, there were very bad omens for Yanukovych personally, the most striking of them being the famous fall of the funeral wreath on Yanukovych.

Perhaps this really was a warning to Vitya, but he did not listen.

And yesterday, finally, an emergency happened in Russia with a sovereign monument
In Omsk, during a hurricane, the symbol of the city, the “Derzhava” monument, rolled off its pedestal.

The sculpture is a seven-meter ball on which depicts scenes from the first attempts to explore Siberia.

The regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that at about 9.30 local time, the monument “Sign of Memory of the Founders of the City,” located on Buchholz Square, was damaged by strong winds.

As you can see, the bun didn’t manage to run far, it was caught and held tractor.

Now it is difficult to predict what the inhabitants of the subtle worlds are trying to tell us. If we take an analogy with the Kyiv monument, then this event happened long before the collapse of Ukraine, but precisely at the moment of accession to the throne of the president - the gravedigger of Ukraine. That is, it was then, 4 years ago, that Ukraine passed the bifurcation point and began to move towards collapse.

The Siberian monument, although it bears the name “Power,” symbolizes, rather, not all of Russia, but its Siberian part. That is, it is possible that precisely these days we are passing a point in our history that will lead us to bad events in Siberia and the Far East. Whether this part of Russia will break away or China will bite it off is not clear, but we have clearly done something bad that will affect us in the future.

However, the plot ended more or less happily, the power with Siberian motifs did not roll far, it is held by a tractor. That is, perhaps the situation can be resolved with the help of a certain tractor. Whose symbol is the tractor? On the one hand, I would like to believe that this is Belarus and Lukoshenko in particular. However, I cannot identify the make of the tractor from the photo. The only bad thing is that the tractor is yellow, which may symbolize the Chinese who have caught the runaway Siberia. As for the date of the event, there is complete uncertainty, it could happen in a year or in a hundred years, the main thing is that it is in the course of current events that we have passed the point of no return.

In general, there is a lot of symbolism in Slavic politics. The Poles crashed in Katyn. The opposition first wanted to go to Revolution Square, but went to Bolotnaya, and the result was a swamp, not a revolution.

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