Scoliosis is a persistent lateral deviation of the spine from its normal straightened position. Physical education teacher L.N. Deryabina Presentation “Scoliosis in my life” presentation for a biology lesson (8th grade) on the topic Presentation on the topic of scoliosis and its profile

This article will talk about physical therapy (physical therapy), which is recommended for the prevention and treatment of such a common disease as scoliosis. Here we will justify the main idea of ​​the abstract and presentation, which you can download from the link above.

One of the most difficult consequences for the human musculoskeletal system is caused by scoliotic disorders of the spine. Sometimes scoliosis is called a biological tragedy of humanity. Unfortunately, such a pathology, according to statistical data from European scientists, is found in almost 98% of children in the CIS countries.

Exercise therapy for scoliosis - relevance of the work

Scoliosis leads to disruption not only of the musculoskeletal functions of the body, but also leaves an imprint on the proper functioning of internal organs, the nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as a result of pathological curvature of the spine.

The manifestation of scoliosis and its development is a multifactorial process, the result of the interaction of various influences that disrupt the vertical position of the spine. And the ability to skillfully correct the course of scoliotic disease is the main problem of conservative treatment, first of all, with means during the growth and formation of the skeleton of the child’s body.

Today, in the complex of measures for the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of scoliosis, traditional methods prevail, such as:

corrective and therapeutic gymnastic exercises;
elements of swimming methods and physical exercises in water;
position correction and use of fixing orthopedic corsets;
massage physiotherapeutic procedures.

- features and benefits

Conservative treatment of scoliosis nowadays with the help of anti-scoliosis gymnastics and corset therapy is quite effective. This complex treatment of this disease consists of three interconnected stages:

1) mobilization of the curved part of the spine;

2) careful correction of deformity;

3) stabilization of the entire spine in the appropriate position of the achieved correction.

In general, physical exercises contribute to a stable effect on the spine, significantly strengthening the muscles of the trunk, make it possible to achieve improved posture, a corrective effect on spinal deformity, stabilize the functions of external respiration, and also have a general strengthening effect. Moreover, exercise therapy has indications at all stages of scoliosis development.

It should be noted that in this case it is necessary to combine it with a regime of significantly reduced load on the spine. can be carried out both in group forms of work and in the form of individual procedures, and also as tasks that are performed by the patient. In any case, the technique depends on its degree.

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Scoliosis Health Lesson

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Formulation of the problem

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of schoolchildren with poor posture. Poor posture in childhood subsequently leads to curvature of the spinal column - scoliosis.

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According to the results of a medical examination at our school:

in the 2007-2008 school year, out of 266 primary school students, 32 people (13%) had poor posture, and out of 756 students in the entire school, 150 people had poor posture, and 9 people had SCOLIOSIS! According to medical statistics in the Maslyaninsky district, 20 children under 15 years old and 35 adolescents from 15 to 18 years old have scoliosis. In our class in 2006-2007 (grade 1), no one was found to have posture problems. In 2nd grade there is 1 person with poor posture. In 3rd grade - 2 people. If this continues, how many people with spinal curvature will be among us in the 11th grade? Who has already counted? Isn't it time to think about this?

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The purpose of the lesson

To draw the attention of students, parents and teachers to the problem of maintaining correct posture of students and finding ways to solve this problem

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What have we learned about scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spinal column. With this disease, a person experiences constant severe pain in the back, the figure becomes ugly, and the gait changes. A person cannot lead a full life: engage in physical labor, sports, dancing. In addition, the functioning of internal organs - lungs, heart, kidneys, etc. - is disrupted.

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If you do not begin to correct incorrect posture in time, this can lead to severe curvature of the spine, which is very difficult to treat. The sooner you start treatment (performing a set of exercises, massage, wearing a corset), the easier it is to correct poor posture.

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This is what the back looks like with scoliosis.

This is how the spinal column is curved in scoliosis.

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Causes of poor posture at school age:

Incorrect body position of the student while working at a desk. Carrying bags with a belt over one shoulder or briefcases instead of satchels. Carrying backpacks and bags that are too heavy. Children lead a sedentary lifestyle, instead of playing sports, they sit in front of computers. Therefore, the muscles of their body are poorly developed and cannot hold the spine in a straight position. Children spend little time outdoors and do not engage in physical labor. Many guys refuse foods containing vitamin D (liver, fish oil, egg yolk, etc.) And vitamin D is needed for bones to be strong and develop properly.

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Can scoliosis be cured?

Treatment is successful if the disease is detected in the early stages of development. Treatment methods: gymnastics, massage, wearing a corset. It is recommended to play sports (swimming), sunbathing, walking, and eating a diet rich in vitamins. You need to sleep on a firm mattress.

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How much do the backpacks of the students in our class weigh?

To answer these questions, we decided to: Weigh the empty backpacks of our students. Weigh full backpacks several times. Summarize the nominations: the lightest empty backpack; the heaviest empty backpack; the lightest full backpack; heaviest full backpack; “champion in carrying weights”;

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I wonder how much a student's backpack should weigh?

According to hygiene standards, the weight of an empty backpack should not exceed 500 grams. And the weight of a full backpack should be no more than 10% of the student’s body weight.

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Results of research in our class and conclusions

The lightest backpack (empty) weighs 250 grams. The heaviest backpack (empty) weighs 1 kg. The heaviest backpack with training supplies weighed 5 kg. The lightest backpack with educational supplies weighed 1 kg 200 g. 3 people constantly ensure that there are no unnecessary items in the briefcase. Often, but not always – 9 people. Often carry extra things to school – 7 people. Very often they carry extra things to school - 6 people. There are 4 “weight carrying champions” in our class. The weight of their briefcases exceeds the norm from 900 grams to 1 kg 400 grams.


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The Tale of Scoliosis

In one terrible country - the country of Disease, high in the Brokeback Mountains lived - there was a very harmful and evil sorcerer Scoliosis. He was very short, had a large hump and very long arms. But the most unpleasant thing about him was his face: always gloomy and frowning, greenish in color with red eyes, probably from anger. Scoliosis never smiled or laughed, and could not stand human smiles and laughter. When he flew out of his lair and flew over human settlements, he put on an invisible hat, and therefore none of the people ever saw him. But when Scoliosis heard human laughter, or saw people smiling, it seemed to him that they were laughing at him, at his ugly appearance. Because of this, he hated all people! He especially hated beautiful, slender and healthy people.

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Shemonaeva Anna Tarasova Sasha

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He thought and thought and came up with a way to harm people. He brewed a witchcraft potion that made people look like Scoliosis himself. Scoliosis splashed the potion on people's backs, and their spine gradually curved, a hump grew, and their arms dropped below their knees. People stopped smiling and laughing. Of course, when you have such a figure, it’s no laughing matter. And these days, the evil sorcerer Scoliosis flies invisible among people and sprinkles his potion on them. But this potion does not work on everyone! It has no effect at all on athletes and people who always watch their posture. Think about it, guys, will the Scoliosis potion work on you?

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Cherepanova Vika

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Practical guide for employees of educational institutions. – 4th ed. corr. and additional – M.: ARKTI, 2007, 80 p. (Methodological library). Fairy tales about health. – Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Novosibirsk Region. Novosibirsk, 2008. Projects and research. // Primary school, 2008. - No. 5, pp. 22 – 24. Medical encyclopedia; Editorial team: E.B. Enovskaya (chief editor), A.A. Gorchitsina, M.V. Gongart (translated from English). – Tver: “My World”, OJSC “Tver Printing Plant”, 2004. – 414 p.

The concept of scoliotic disease SCOLIOSIS (from the Greek scolios - “curved, crooked”) is a progressive disease characterized by lateral curvature of the spine and twisting of the vertebrae around its axis (torsion). At the same time, the functions of the chest organs are disrupted, cosmetic defects and psychological trauma appear. Therefore, it is reasonable to talk not just about scoliosis, but about scoliotic disease.

SCOLIOTIC VERTEBRAL DEFORMITY C COLIOTIC VERTEBRAL DEFORMITY develops according to certain laws and goes through the following stages: torsion, lateral curvature, elements of kyphosis, chest deformation, etc. Knowledge of these laws makes it possible to predict the course of the disease. Clinically, scoliotic deformity is manifested by rib protrusion.

Classification of scoliosis According to the localization of curvature (types of scoliosis): cervicothoracic scoliosis (apex of curvature at the level Th3 - Th4). This type of scoliosis is accompanied by early deformations in the chest area, changes in the facial skeleton. thoracic scoliosis (apex of curvature at the level of Th8 - Th9), Curvatures are right- and left-sided. The most common type of scoliosis is thoracolumbar scoliosis (apex of curvature at the level of Th11 - Th12). lumbar scoliosis (the apex of the curvature at the L1 - L2 level). Scoliosis of this type progresses slowly, but pain in the area of ​​​​the deformity occurs early. lumbosacral scoliosis (apex of curvature at level L5 - S1). Combined, or S-shaped scoliosis. Combined scoliosis is characterized by two primary arcs of curvature - at the level of the eighth-ninth thoracic and first-second lumbar vertebrae.

Conservative treatment of scoliosis Comprehensive includes: 1. massage, 2. acupuncture 3. therapeutic exercises, 4. use of corsets. The leading method of conservative treatment of spinal scoliosis is physical therapy. Exercises aimed at strengthening muscles allow you to achieve the formation of a muscle corset. Therapeutic exercise is indicated at all stages of scoliosis development, but more successful results are achieved on the blood circulation of muscle tissue, as a result of which their nutrition improves and muscles develop more intensively.

TREATMENT METHODS AND EXERCISES FOR SCOLIOSIS The main goal of complex conservative treatment of scoliosis is to prevent its progression and, whenever possible, to achieve correction of the deformity. Conservative treatment methods include: 1) restorative treatment; 2) exercise therapy and massage; 3) traction methods; 4) orthopedic treatment. The basis of orthopedic treatment should be, firstly, a regime of unloading of the spine. It includes sleeping on a hard bed, daytime rest while lying down, and in difficult cases, training while lying down in specialized boarding schools or sanatoriums, plaster beds while sleeping, and walking corsets.

Indications for prescribing exercise therapy Exercise therapy exercises are aimed primarily at the formation of a rational muscle corset that holds the spinal column in the position of maximum correction and prevents the progression of scoliotic disease. Exercise therapy is indicated at all stages of scoliosis development; its most effective use is in the initial stages of the disease.

Contraindications Running, jumping, skipping, dismounting - any concussion of the torso Performing exercises in a sitting position Exercises twisting the torso (except for de-torsion exercises) Exercises with a large amplitude of movements of the torso (increasing flexibility) Hangings (over-stretching the spine - pure hangings)

Objectives of exercise therapy Improving the general condition and creating a “mental stimulus” for further treatment Hardening Improving the respiratory function of the lungs and increasing the excursion of the chest, thereby increasing gas exchange and metabolic processes in the body Establishing proper breathing Strengthening the cardiovascular system Strengthening the muscular system, creating a muscle corset Staging correct posture Improved coordination of movements Possible correction of deformity These problems are solved through exercise therapy, swimming, adaptive physical education, i.e. comprehensively. The leading role belongs to exercise therapy.

Principles of exercise therapy for scoliosis Use exercise therapy only in combination with orthopedic treatment Dose the load when performing exercises under the control of tests for muscle strength and endurance, taking into account the state of the cardiovascular system Perform exercises at a slow pace with good muscle tension Avoid hanging and passive extensions. Only traction itself in the initial lying position is permissible. Avoid exercises that mobilize the spine and increase its flexibility. They are recommended only in preparation for surgical treatment. Do not use exercises that rotate the torso around the longitudinal axis of the spine. Correction of the deformity is performed through the use of special corrective exercises. The starting positions of the correction are selected depending on the type and degree of scoliosis: with 1 degree of scoliosis, the starting position of the correction is symmetrical; in grade 2 - hand from the side of the convexity of the spinal arch to the side. The purpose of the asymmetrical starting position is to bring the center of mass of the spine closer to the mid-axial line and train the muscles in this position.

METHODOLOGY OF LFK During exercise therapy classes, it is advisable to carry out the main part of them in the starting position lying down. The most appropriate is the continuous method of constructing classes, which increases their density. When performing LH, general and special training is carried out. Through general training, the child’s entire body is gradually included in a uniform load. General training is only an introduction to special training. In this case, the axes of motion are taken into account. A set of exercises prescribed by a physical therapy doctor is monitored by an orthopedist and periodically replaced with a new set. The emotional factor should be taken into account, especially for young children who quickly get bored with monotonous movements. Therefore, it is necessary to include play exercises in the set of exercises; all children and adolescents should periodically change exercises, maintaining their therapeutic orientation. Children and adolescents with non-progressive scoliosis should be prescribed weight-bearing exercises (dumbbells, spring devices), as well as sports loads without training for sports performance. LH is used for any degree of curvature. The LH technique varies depending on the stage of treatment and the objectives.

SPECIAL EXERCISES FOR SCOLIOSIS Special exercises are exercises aimed at correcting pathological deformation of the spine - corrective exercises. They can be symmetrical, asymmetrical and detorsional. When drawing up a complex for scoliosis, one should take into account the nature of scoliotic deformation, which creates gross asymmetry of all parts and departments of the human body. Therefore, corrective exercises for scoliosis are aimed at correcting this asymmetry

SYMMETRICAL EXERCISES Uneven training of the back muscles when performing symmetrical exercises helps to strengthen weakened muscles on the convex side of the curvature and reduce muscle contractures on the concavity side, which leads to normalization of muscle traction of the spinal column. Symmetrical exercises do not disrupt the existing compensatory adaptations and do not lead to the development of countercurvatures. An important advantage of these exercises is the simplicity of their selection and the methodology of implementation, which does not require taking into account the complex biomechanical conditions of the deformed spinal motion segment and individual parts of the musculoskeletal system

ASYMMETRIC EXERCISES Asymmetrical corrective exercises are used to reduce scoliotic curvature. They are selected individually, affect the pathological deformation locally and are more likely to provide a more uniform load. They train weakened and stretched muscles, helping to equalize their tone.

DETORTION EXERCISES Scoliosis is a complex deformity that includes two main components: lateral curvature and torsion. Torsion also consists of two parts. Vertebral twisting occurs as a result of abnormal growth. This deformity cannot be corrected with conservative treatment methods. The second part of torsion is the rotation of one segment of the spine relative to another. This component is largely functional and can be targeted through detorsion exercises.

DETORSION EXERCISES Perform the following tasks: rotation of the vertebrae in the direction opposite to torsion, correction of scoliosis by leveling the pelvis, stretching of contracted and strengthening of stretched muscles in the lumbar and thoracic spine. Development of detorsion exercises is carried out taking into account the fact that with right-sided scoliosis, torsion occurs clockwise, and with left-hand - counterclockwise.

Formation of correct posture The student should sit on a hard chair with a straight back. The chair moves under the table to a quarter of the seat. Adjust the position of your feet on the floor using the stand. The seat on the chair should be deep with a straight back and head, symmetrical position of the shoulders and elbows located on the table. Every minute while doing lessons, it is recommended to take a physical education break with a change of position (standing or lying down). At school, children with poor posture and scoliosis should sit only in the middle row, and healthy children should periodically move from one side row to another.

Education of correct posture Consolidating the skills of correct posture through gymnastic exercises is a prerequisite when practicing various forms of physical education and sports. Education of correct posture using pedagogical methods is carried out through a mental and visual representation of it. A mental representation is formed from the words of a physical therapy specialist (or a parent) as an ideal diagram of the body’s location in space (position of the head, shoulders, chest, abdomen, pelvis, legs) and as a visual image (drawings, photographs). You can teach children to adopt correct posture and correct any defects they notice using a mirror. Controlling posture requires significant volitional efforts, which children of primary school age are not ready to implement. A big role in this process belongs to parents in terms of patience and pedagogical tact.

Cultivating correct posture Having a smooth wall (without baseboard), preferably on the side opposite the mirror. This allows the child, standing against the wall, to take the correct posture, having 5 points of contact: the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calf muscles, heels; feel the correct position of your own body in space, developing a proprioceptive muscle feeling, which, with constant repetition, is transmitted and consolidated in the central nervous system - due to impulses coming from muscle receptors. Subsequently, the skill of correct posture is reinforced not only in the static (initial) position, but also when walking and doing exercises.

Physical exercises are selected according to the types of postural disorders. General development exercises (GDE) are used. for all types of postural disorders. Corrective, or special, exercises. Provide correction of existing poor posture. Special exercises for poor posture include: exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and front surface of the thigh, exercises to stretch the muscles of the front surface of the thigh and the front surface of the body (with an increase in physiological bends). Therapeutic gymnastics classes necessarily combine general developmental, breathing and special exercises, relaxation exercises and traction itself. Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset.

Methodological recommendations of LH are combined with muscle massage and wearing a corset that fixes the spine. PH classes include general developmental, breathing and special exercises aimed at correcting pathological deformation of the spine. Stretched and weakened muscles located on the side of the convexity must be strengthened, toned, helping to shorten them; shortened muscles and ligaments in the concavity area must be relaxed and stretched. This type of gymnastics is called corrective gymnastics. In order to strengthen weakened muscles (especially the extensors of the trunk, gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles), symmetrical exercises of various types are used to promote correct posture, normalize breathing, and create a rational muscle corset.

Features of the use of LH For scoliosis of the 1st degree, along with general developmental and breathing exercises, symmetrical corrective exercises are used; asymmetrical ones are used individually, extremely rarely. In case of scoliosis of the second degree, general developmental, breathing and symmetrical exercises predominate in corrective gymnastics classes. According to indications, asymmetrical and detorsion exercises are used; the latter - for corrective and preventive purposes, providing the maximum therapeutic effect specifically for grade II scoliosis. For scoliosis of III - IV degrees, the entire arsenal of physical exercises is used.

PROGRAM OF TREATMENT MEASURES FOR CHILDREN WITH SCOLIOSIS For 1st degree of scoliosis: Wearing a corset is not indicated, exercise therapy, general strengthening treatment (massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, hardening procedures, etc.) For 2nd degree of scoliosis: Wearing a corset without a head holder strictly according to the indications of exercise therapy, general developmental sports, restorative treatment Special motor regimen For 3-4 degrees of scoliosis: Mandatory surgical treatment Mandatory wearing of a corset At all stages of treatment at any age of the patient and with any severity of scoliosis, the task remains of cultivating a conscious attitude towards consolidating the correct body position

Scoliosis (scoliosis; Greek: skoliosis curvature) is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, characterized by curvature of the spine in the frontal (lateral) plane with a rotation of the vertebrae around its axis, leading to dysfunction of the chest, as well as cosmetic defects.

Scoliosis can be congenital (improper development of the vertebrae - wedge-shaped additional vertebrae, etc.) or acquired. Most often occurs in children aged 5 to 15 years. Unfortunately, incorrect posture during school activities plays a big role in the development of scoliosis in children. Some researchers even identify a separate type of scoliosis – “school scoliosis”. If the body position is incorrect during exercise, some muscle groups become overstrained and others relax. Hypertonicity (increased tension) persists even after the end of classes. With the active growth of the spine, its prolonged presence in an incorrect position causes changes both in the ligamentous apparatus and in the structure of the vertebrae themselves, which contributes to the “fixation” of this deformity and its progression. A persistent lateral curvature of the spine is formed.

Scoliosis in adults can develop as a result of prolonged asymmetrical loads on the back muscles (professional scoliosis of violinists, porters, etc.). In these cases, the curvature develops slowly and rarely reaches the same degree as in childhood. This is understandable, since the effect is on the already formed spinal column.

Most often, the clinical manifestations of acquired scoliosis begin with the spine slightly curving to the side when the back muscles are tired. After rest, the curvature disappears. That is why it is advisable to carry out the examination in the afternoon, and not in the morning, when the initial manifestations of scoliosis may not be noticeable. Over time, as the process progresses, the changes become permanent, the patient's posture changes, the shape of the chest changes, the shoulder and scapula on the convex side of the curved thoracic spine are higher than on the other. The mobility of the spine decreases sharply. Complaints of muscle and intercostal pain – neuralgia – are common. In particularly severe cases of scoliosis, changes in the position of internal organs are observed, which can impair their function. Clinical manifestations

A patient with scoliosis is characterized by a slight tilt of the head towards the convexity of the curvature (arch) of the spine in the thoracic region, and the pelvis is displaced in the opposite direction. The shoulder girdle and scapula are raised on the side of the convexity of the arch and often move away from the body (“pterygoid scapulae”). The spinous processes of the vertebrae are deviated from the midline of the back towards the curvature. The legs are fully extended at the knees and slightly tilted forward. In the waist area, the indentations are more pronounced on the side of the concavity of the arch (asymmetrical). There is a rib protrusion (more often in thoracic and upper thoracic scoliosis), in the lumbar region there is a pronounced muscular ridge along the spine from the side of the convexity of the curvature arc (in lumbar and thoracolumbar scoliosis). Asymmetry appears in the position of the nipples of the mammary glands, the navel is displaced (from the midline of the abdomen). Back pain is common. The most characteristic signs of scoliosis

Classifications of scoliosis: Today the following classifications of scoliosis are used: Etiological (by origin) Group I - scoliosis of myopathic origin. The basis of the curvature is the lack of development of muscle tissue and ligamentous apparatus. Group II – neurogenic scoliosis (due to poliomyelitis, neurofibromatosis, etc.). Group III – scoliosis due to anomalies in the development of the vertebrae and ribs (wedge-shaped additional vertebrae, unilateral fusion of the ribs and transverse processes of the vertebrae). Group IV – scoliosis caused by diseases of the chest and spine Group V – idiopathic scoliosis (from unknown causes)

Classifications of scoliosis: According to the severity of the deformation, scoliosis is divided into four degrees: Scoliosis I degree is characterized by a slight lateral deviation of the spine. The angle of curvature is no more than 10 degrees. Scoliosis II degree is characterized by a noticeable deviation of the spine within degrees. Scoliosis of the third degree is characterized by even more pronounced deformation, the presence of a rib hump, and deformation of the chest. Angle of curvature degrees. Scoliosis IV degree is manifested by severe deformation of the torso. The angle of the main curvature reaches degrees, pulmonary-cardiac complications are possible.

Classifications of scoliosis: According to the shape of the curvature: C-shaped scoliosis (with one arc of curvature). S-shaped scoliosis (with two curves). Z-shaped scoliosis (with three curves). X-ray classification (according to orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation): 1st degree of scoliosis. Scoliosis angle 1° - 10°. 2nd degree scoliosis. Scoliosis angle 11° - 25°. 3rd degree scoliosis. Scoliosis angle 26° - 50°. 4th degree of scoliosis. Scoliosis angle > 50°. 50°.">

Before starting treatment for scoliosis, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis of this disease: each organism is individual, and in the process of treating spinal scoliosis, all its features must be taken into account. During the examination, it is necessary to find out the cause of scoliosis. First of all, the doctor will talk with the patient, carefully finding out what, where and when is bothering him. Then the patient's back is examined in a straight and bent position. The chiropractor pays attention to the asymmetry of the spine, shoulder blades, and muscles. Checks the symmetry of the shoulders and hips, measures the length of the legs. X-rays of the spine must be carried out in two projections with the patient’s body in a horizontal and vertical position. X-rays can detect any curvature of the spine greater than 10°. Diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis

Several times a day, check your posture in the starting position - legs together, toes slightly apart, arms down, keep your head straight: the protruding points of the heels, calf muscles, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head should lie on the same vertical line. This can be determined by standing with your back to the door, wall (without baseboard), by touching the named points.

Before starting training, it would be a good idea to look at which muscles we will place special emphasis on. Sets of exercises (gymnastics) to strengthen back muscles with scoliosis If pain occurs during the exercise, you should stop doing it.

Treatment of scoliosis comes down to mobilizing the spine, correcting the deformity and maintaining the correction. All this is achieved with the help of exercise therapy or by using regressive corsets, plaster beds, special traction, or combined methods that include all of the above means. The main treatment method for scoliosis is currently considered to be combined. Treatment of scoliosis

One of the main methods of prevention and conservative treatment of spinal deformities is physical therapy. Under the influence of physical therapy, muscle tone increases, a “muscle corset” is developed and strengthened, deformation processes are stabilized and correct posture is formed, blood circulation, breathing, and the general condition and well-being of the patient are improved. The main task of physical therapy is to correct existing deformities, form and consolidate correct posture. Physical therapy exercises are usually performed while lying on your back or stomach. For children with poor posture, physical therapy can be combined with physical education at school and sports. Such children, basically, should do physical therapy at home on their own, and those who have significant disabilities should conduct classes in a physical therapy room under the supervision and guidance of a methodologist. Physiotherapy

Therapeutic exercise for scoliosis is a long process, and the patient requires great perseverance, patience and a conscious attitude to exercise. Forms and methods of physical therapy must be individual. The main rule of physical therapy is dosed training of patients, that is, their gradual adaptation to increasing physical activity, since dosed physical exercise strengthens the weakened muscular system and contributes to the functional and anatomical restoration of deformation of the musculoskeletal system. Children with scoliosis should engage in physical therapy systematically. The basic principle of therapeutic exercises should be observed: constant, long-term corrective action. Therapeutic exercises carried out over many years increase the strength of the muscles and enable them to resist strain. The effect of treatment can be expected if the patient engages in physical therapy systematically and regularly (at least twice a day - morning and evening for minutes). You can't skip classes.

In the complex treatment of scoliotic disease, mainly corrective, asymmetrical and symmetrical exercises are used. Corrective exercises involve maximum mobilization of the spine, against which the curvature is corrected using special anti-curvature (corrective) exercises. Asymmetrical exercises are also aimed at correcting the spine, but have an optimal effect on its curvature, moderately stretch the muscles and ligaments on the concave side of the curvature and provide differentiated strengthening of weakened muscles on the convex side.

For grade II scoliosis, self-correction, asymmetric correction, and detorsion exercises (as indicated) are used against the background of general strengthening exercises. Breathing exercises are required. I. I. Kon offers a corrective effect on the spine, effective in patients with grade III scoliosis. The starting position is lying on your back, the leg on the side of the concavity of the curvature, bent at an angle of 90°, overcomes the resistance of the load, which is attached to the foot end of the bed. With a dynamic exercise, the weight of the load varies from 5 to 15 kg, and the number of movements - from 10 to 50. With a static load, the weight varies from 10 to 40 kg, and the time it is held from 10 to 30 s. This exercise is designed to primarily contract the iliopsoas muscle, reducing scoliotic curve, torsion and lordosis.

1 – starting position, standing on your toes with your hands raised up and clasped; rock the body from side to side. 2 - starting position standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down; with a sliding movement of the hand along the body, raise the hand to the shoulder and at the same time tilt the body in the opposite direction, the other hand slides along the leg, then the same in the other direction. 3 - starting position standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down; one hand is raised up and pulled back, while simultaneously pulling the other hand back; repeat several times, changing the position of the hands. 4 - starting position standing, feet shoulder-width apart; Raise your hand up while leaning in the opposite direction. The other hand is placed behind the back. Repeat several times, changing the position of the hands with tilts to one side and the other. 5 - standing sideways to the wall and holding the crossbars with your hands (one from below, the other from above), perform an increased bend to the side. 6 - starting position standing on one knee, hands on the belt, one hand raised up and at the same time bent in the opposite direction. 7 - starting position lying on your stomach. They spread their arms to the sides and bend at the same time. 8 - starting position lying on your stomach. The arms are extended forward, raising the upper body and at the same time one leg. Repeat several times, changing the position of the legs. 9 - starting position lying on your stomach. Stretching your arms forward with a stick, raise your arms up, bending, and return to the starting position.

10 - starting position standing on all fours. Raise one arm and simultaneously stretch the opposite leg back, then return to the starting position. Repeat several times, changing the position of the arms and legs, starting with sitting on your legs bent under you. Raise your arm up, bending, and at the same time stretch the opposite leg back. Then they return to their original position. Repeat several times, changing the position of the arms and legs to the starting position, standing on all fours. Turn the torso, simultaneously moving the arm to the side, and return to the starting position. Repeat several times in one direction and the other - standing on your knees and leaning on your hands, stretch your arms forward with a sliding movement, then pull them to your knees. 15 – asymmetrical hanging on the wall - one arm is extended (from the side of the curvature), the other is bent, crawling on the knees, alternately extending the right and left arms and simultaneously pulling up the leg. 18 – sitting on an oblique seat, the surface of which should be inclined towards the curvature of the spine, one hand is held on the belt, the other (from the side of the curvature) is placed behind the head; sitting on an oblique seat, the surface of which should be inclined towards the curvature of the spine, the torso is tilted in the direction opposite to the curvature. 20 (final exercise) – lying on your back, stretch out, arms along the body.

Symmetrical corrective exercises: Starting position lying on your stomach, chin on the back of your hands, placed one on top of the other, elbows spread to the sides, torso and legs straight. 1. Raise your arms up, stretch your head in the direction of your arms, without raising your chin, shoulders and torso, return to the starting position. 2. Maintaining the middle position of the spine, move your arms straight back; Raise your legs, straightened at the knee joints, “fish”. 3. Raise your head and chest, raise your straight arms, raise your straight legs, maintaining the correct body position, and swing the boat several times. Other exercises can be used as symmetrical ones to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles from the starting position lying down, provided that the symmetrical position of the body parts relative to the axis of the spine is maintained

Asymmetrical corrective exercises 1. Starting position, standing in front of the mirror, maintaining correct posture, raise your shoulders with an inward rotation on the side of the concavity of thoracic scoliosis. 2. Starting position lying on your stomach, arms up, holding the bar of the gymnastic wall. Raise your tense legs and move them towards the convexity of the lumbar scoliosis. 3. Walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on the head and abduction of the leg towards the convexity of the lumbar scoliosis. With conservative treatment, therapeutic exercises are not enough. Elements of sports (under medical supervision) and physical education (skiing, skating, swimming, etc.) should be used more widely. If conservative treatment methods are not effective enough and scoliosis progresses, osteoplastic fixation of the spine is indicated. Early surgery can prevent the development of stage III scoliosis, while late surgery can relieve pain.

What are the goals of treatment for scoliosis? Firstly, to prevent the progression of the disease, secondly, to stabilize the spine (strengthen the muscles surrounding it), and thirdly, to achieve, if possible, correction of spinal deformity. It is recommended to include the following preventive measures in your lifestyle. Sufficient stay of the child in the fresh air, constant, systematic hardening in accordance with age. Adequate nutrition includes sufficient consumption of animal proteins (meat, cottage cheese, fish), minerals, vitamins (vegetables, fruits). Move more, sleep on a flat surface of the bed, do not sit in one position for a long time, rest while lying down. Distribute the weight of the body evenly on both legs. Develop correct posture, controlling it in any position of the body.

Treatment of scoliosis comes down to mobilizing the spine, correcting the deformity and maintaining the correction. All this is achieved with the help of exercise therapy or by using regressive corsets, plaster beds, special traction, or combined methods that include all of the above means. The main treatment method for scoliosis is currently considered to be combined. Conclusion

Used literature 1. Balsevich V.K. What you need to know about human movements (lecture by Professor V.K. Balsevich) // Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. – – C Big medical encyclopedia. Ch. ed. B.V. Petrovsky. – M.: T.23., Volkov M.V., Dedova V.D. Pediatric orthopedics. – M., Ishal V.A., Izaak A.P. A method for producing and graphically analyzing frontal radiographs of the spine in scoliosis. Guidelines. – Omsk, Zatsepin T.S. Orthopedics of childhood and adolescence. – M: Medgiz, Zemskov E.A. Where does everything come from (about the formation of a person’s posture and gait) // Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. – – 1. – S Kazmin A.I., Kon I.I., Belenky V.E. Scoliosis. – M.: Medicine, Marx O.V. Orthopedic diagnostics. – M: Science and Technology, Movshovich I. A., Scoliosis. – M., 1964 10. Chaklin V.D., Abalmasova E.A. Scoliosis and kyphosis. – M: Medicine, Scoliosis and osteochondrosis: prevention and treatment / Medvedev B.A. / Series “Medicine for you”, – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, – 192 p.

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In the process of his evolution, man received many “rewards” from nature. One of them is upright walking, which fundamentally distinguishes humans from the rest of the animal world and gives them a lot of advantages. In connection with the vertical position, posture also appeared. Correct posture is not only beautiful, but is also an indicator of both physical and psychological health. Poor posture is a large group of acquired, and in some cases congenital, conditions, not always pathological, which manifest themselves in various curvatures of the spine.

The issue of pathological posture is especially relevant today, because modern lifestyle, spending long periods of time in front of computer monitors, and the lack of hygienic furniture standards in educational institutions and offices lead to an increase in postural disorders not only in children, but also in adults.

The importance of correct posture

First, let's figure out what correct posture is, what its meaning and functions are in a person's life. Each individual has only one (correct or pathological) posture. Posture is the habitual position of the human body in space (both during movement and at rest), which is formed and set at an unconscious level. As already mentioned, posture appeared in connection with the evolution of man and is unique to him.

Signs of correct posture:

  • the line of the entire length of the spine has a vertical direction, the head looks straight;
  • symmetrical arrangement of shoulder blades, shoulders, nipples;
  • both clavicular bones are connected by a horizontal line;
  • both buttocks are located at the same level;
  • there are no asymmetric skin folds on the back;
  • all physiological curves of the spine are in the normal range of values ​​(no pathological lordosis, kyphosis);
  • no lateral curvature of the spine (scoliosis);
  • both legs are the same length.

Poor posture in schoolchildren is especially dangerous, since it is during this period that the spine grows more actively than ever, and the impact of the causative factors of poor posture leads to severe deformations that are dangerous to the child’s health.

Functions performed by correct posture:

  • leads to an even distribution of loads on the spinal column, which protects it from damage and various diseases;
  • provides support for body balance and excellent coordination of movements;
  • allows movements in joints with maximum amplitude;
  • gives a person aesthetics;
  • ensures the normal functioning of internal organs and their protection from external influences;
  • posture is an external indicator of a person’s mental and physical health;
  • influences the formation of character.

Thus, one can imagine the consequences of poor posture.

What causes poor posture?

If you are wondering why pathological posture occurs, there are several answers. The reasons for this phenomenon may be hidden in organic pathological changes in the tissues of the spinal column; as a rule, this is observed in congenital diseases and defects of the musculoskeletal system, as well as if the causative factor acts in early childhood, for example, rickets, birth trauma. In other cases, poor posture develops without any morphological changes in the spine - these are acquired disorders, which are mainly associated with prolonged incorrect body position.

The main causes of poor posture:

  • congenital pathologies and other diseases with organic damage to the vertebrae (tumors, tuberculosis infection, rickets, connective tissue diseases);
  • traumatic injuries of the spinal column;
  • pathology of the auditory and visual system (constantly forces you to stretch towards the stimulus in order to better see or hear it);
  • irrational working posture (for example, at a desk, in the office);
  • uncomfortable clothes;
  • poor development of the back muscles, which should serve as a support for the spine;
  • work in poor conditions (insufficient lighting).

The number one reason for poor posture is long-term dynamic and static overstrain, especially at the stage of growth and development of the spine in children (incorrect posture at a desk, at a table, long periods of time at the computer, etc.). Therefore, the prevention of postural disorders in children is, first of all, training in a physiological working posture and physical exercise.

Incorrect posture and its types

Depending on the curvature in one plane or another (sagittal, frontal or mixed), as well as on the type (pathological lordosis, kyphosis and scoliosis), separate types of postural disorders are distinguished.

For reference:

  • kyphosis is a posterior curvature of the spine, normally found in the thoracic region; if it exceeds existing normal values, it is considered pathological;
  • lordosis is a forward bending of the spinal column, there is a physiological cervical and lumbar lordosis, if it is strongly expressed, then this is a pathology;
  • Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine to the side, depending on where the arch of scoliosis is open, left-sided and right-sided are distinguished, in some cases S-shaped scoliosis occurs.

The main types of postural disorders are formed by a combination of the above curvatures in varying degrees of severity.

There are the following types of postural disorders:

  1. Slouching is based on deepening of the thoracic kyphosis and flattening of the lumbar lordosis. Symptoms of stooping are adduction of the shoulder joints, winged shoulder blades, and a bent head.
  2. Round back - we can say that this is an extremely pronounced stoop (lack of lumbar lordosis and a significant increase in thoracic kyphosis). With such a curvature, the center of gravity moves and, in order not to fall, a person walks on bent legs. Other signs include less pelvic tilt, head bent, shoulders adducted, winged shoulder blades, arms drooping, and stomach protruding.
  3. Round-concave back– all physiological vertebral curves increase. The legs can be either bent or hyperextended at the knee joints, the shoulder blades are wing-shaped, the head is pushed forward, the shoulders are adducted, the stomach is bulging.
  4. Flat back – develops when all physiological curves of the spine are flattened. The chest cavity moves forward, the stomach protrudes. The main danger of a flat back is that when moving, shocks are not absorbed (no bends) and are transmitted directly to the base of the skull and brain - increasing the risk of damage.
  5. Plano-concave back– thoracic kyphosis flattens with normal or increased lumbar lordosis. The pelvis is displaced posteriorly, the legs are either half-bent or there is hyperextension at the knees, and the shoulder blades are wing-shaped.
  6. Scoliotic posture– this is a violation of posture in the frontal direction (all the previous ones are curvatures in the sagittal plane). It is characterized by a lateral curvature of the spine, all symmetrical lines of the body are disrupted. The difference that distinguishes scoliotic posture from scoliosis is the absence of rotation of the vertebrae around its axis.

Why is pathological posture dangerous?

Poor posture is not a disease, but it creates all the predisposing conditions for pathology of the spinal column and other structures of the musculoskeletal system, and also leads to disruption of the normal function of the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity.

Poor posture leads to the early development and severe course of degenerative and dystrophic diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, deforming osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joints. Over time, deformation of the chest develops, which leads to limitation of breathing excursion - the lungs and heart suffer, and their insufficiency develops. The muscles weaken and atrophy, this leads to disruption of the abdominal organs.

Therefore, if you suspect incorrect posture, be sure to consult with an orthopedic doctor to draw up an individual treatment package, because the statement that posture cannot be corrected is nothing more than a myth that was invented by lazy people.

Recognizing poor posture is not difficult. A simple medical examination is enough. An orthopedist, through one objective examination and several measurements, will be able to tell what type of disorder we are talking about. But, if difficulties arise, the doctor may suggest an X-ray examination of the spine.

Principles of treatment

For this problem, the phrase “treatment of poor posture” is not entirely appropriate; it is better to use the term “posture correction,” since incorrect posture is not a disease. It is possible to cure only those curvatures that are caused by organic pathology, for example, spinal trauma or tuberculosis. In other cases (functional disorders), only non-drug correction of postural disorders is carried out.

Video set of exercises for posture correction:

Posture correction includes the following treatment methods:

  • wearing special orthopedic devices - corrective and supportive corsets;
  • Exercise therapy – therapeutic exercises – is the most important and effective method of correcting posture;
  • massage for poor posture is also very important, it allows you to relieve muscle spasms, improve microcirculation and metabolic processes;
  • We must not forget about physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • constant adherence to a rational working posture.

The main principle of successful treatment of postural disorders is the regularity and duration of application of corrective techniques - only in this case you can become the owner of a beautiful, correct and regal posture.

Preventive actions

Prevention of postural disorders is a very important measure and should be carried out for all children and adolescents without exception, as well as adults with an increased risk of developing deformities. It’s not for nothing that they say that the best treatment is prevention.

Important preventive measures:

  • ensure adequate ergonomics of the workplace (good natural and artificial lighting, comfortable furniture that is suitable for a person’s height);
  • monitor your working posture;
  • sleep on an orthopedic pillow and mattress;
  • wearing orthopedic shoes and comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement;
  • correction and treatment of vision and hearing problems;
  • optimal motor mode;
  • prevention of injuries and other diseases of the spine;
  • development of back muscles.

If you teach your child to maintain correct posture from an early age, then as a result your child will be not only healthy, but also beautiful.

Syringomyelia is a fairly common neurological disease. There are many forms of manifestation of the disease, which are determined by the causes of its occurrence. The vast majority of cases are associated with congenital anomalies of the patient's development, but there are also acquired conditions.

Why does syringomyelia occur?

Doctors distinguish between true and acquired forms of the disease. In the first case, the development of syringomyelia is associated with abnormal growth of the bones of the skull in the area where it connects to the spine. The result is a condition called Arnold-Chiari malformation - entrapment of the rhombencephalon and cerebellum in the posterior cranial fossa.

True syringomyelia is a hereditary disease. Its initial manifestations may be noticed at the age of 25–40 years or may never occur. The disease in its true form affects mainly men and accounts for about 80% of all known cases.

The remaining patients suffering from syringomyelia have an acquired form of the disease. Syringomyelia syndrome can be provoked by infectious inflammation of the spinal cord and brain (meningitis, arachnoiditis, etc.). It is believed that in some cases the reason may be too much physical activity. Common causes of cavities in the spinal cord are spinal injuries.

Manifestations of the disease

When a diagnosis of syringomyelia is made, relatives and the patient himself naturally ask what it is. Both true and acquired disease is expressed in the formation of cavities in the tissue of the spinal cord. Over time, a certain amount of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) penetrates into them. As the cyst increases in volume, it begins to put pressure on the surrounding nerve cells, impeding the passage of signals or leading to tissue degeneration.

In any case, the patient experiences a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • pain in the neck, shoulders, arms;
  • paresthesia of different localization (numbness, tingling sensation, burning or cold, etc.);
  • muscle weakness and muscle atrophy, flaccid paralysis;
  • vegetative symptoms (excessive sweating, hypertrophy of fatty tissue on the fingers, keratinization of the skin, joint deformation, etc.).

In addition to general symptoms, other signs may occur associated with disorders of tissue trophism and the conduction of nerve impulses. Most patients experience a loss of thermal sensitivity in certain areas of the body.

Often the congenital disease affects the entire skeleton, leading to scoliosis and kyphosis, spina bifida. A number of patients develop signs of hydrocephalus (dropsy of the head). If tissue nutrition is disrupted, hair may fall out more or grow poorly. Some people also have ear abnormalities.

If the symptoms are mild, doctors may for some time mistake manifestations of cervical syringomyelia for multiple sclerosis or a brain tumor (brain, spinal).

Back pain can be so similar to the symptoms of a herniated disc that the patient tries to be treated with folk remedies for this disease, without turning to specialists. But when conducting an MRI, doctors establish a diagnosis with full confidence in it at the stage of constant and mild back pain.

Diagnosing the disease at an early stage allows you to take timely measures to reduce the rate of development of the process and relieve some symptoms of the disease, which can lead to disability.

If the cyst is localized in parts of the brain, respiratory function may be impaired, and the help of a doctor will be absolutely necessary to save the patient’s life. Other bulbar symptoms lead to speech disorders, swallowing, and loss of voice. Therefore, if you have any suspicions, it is better to contact a neurologist without wasting precious time.

Disease prognosis

If the true form of the disease does not show significant progress, then the patient may not be prescribed any medications. In this case, you will only need constant monitoring by a neurologist in order to detect neurological signs of the development of pathology in time. Syringomyelia cannot be cured, but it is not life-threatening, so doctors only stop the consequences of its progress: loss of sensitivity, movement disorders.

In some cases (approximately 25%), the progression of the disease may be replaced by a relatively stable condition of the patient. About 15% of the total number of people who have cysts found in different parts of the spinal cord do not feel any worsening of their condition at all. Except for cases of syringobulbia (cyst formation in the respiratory center), the prognosis of the disease is relatively favorable. Syringomyelia develops very slowly and most often does not lead to complete loss of mobility.

Disability with syringomyelia can occur if the anomaly is not detected in a timely manner, when the cyst has increased so much that some of the nerve cells have died from the pressure. When cavities are localized in the thoracic spinal cord, paralysis and paresis of the upper limbs occur. Then treatment comes down to minimizing the consequences.

What can be done for treatment?

The disease detected in the initial stage (proliferation of the medulla) is treated with radiotherapy. In this case, the cells are irradiated to stop their uncontrolled reproduction. But there are other treatment methods that are effective at later stages of the disease.

If neurological symptoms are detected, appropriate medication therapy is administered. Only a neurologist should prescribe drugs to treat the disease. All of these remedies have contraindications, and independent treatment can bring nothing but harm.

The doctor will prescribe dehydrating substances (Furosemide, Acetazolamide, etc.), which will help reduce the amount of fluid in the cyst cavity. To relieve neurological symptoms, neuroprotectors are prescribed (glutamic acid, Bendazole, Piracetam, etc.). To reduce the pain that appears during the development of syringomyelia, doctors use modern analgesics.

Treatment involves an integrated approach, so it will be impossible to help yourself at home. But the patient can help alleviate his condition by attending procedures prescribed by specialists:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

To improve neuromuscular conduction, radon baths and special gymnastics can be prescribed.

Massage for syringomyelia includes stroking and rubbing, percussive techniques in the abdomen, chest and back. If sensitivity is lost in these areas, 3–4 courses of 15–20 procedures are prescribed. The use of massage procedures in combination with therapeutic exercises and electrical muscle stimulation for 1 year can achieve a noticeable improvement in the patient’s condition.

Surgery is used only in cases where decompression of the spinal cord or brain is required. In this case, the indication for surgery is a sharply increasing neurological deficit. This symptom is expressed in paresis of the legs and arms caused by compression of nerve cells or their death. During the operation, the cavities are drained and adhesive formations are removed, which generally leads to stabilization of the person’s condition.

Prevention of syringomyelia

Measures to prevent cystic formations in the spinal cord have not currently been developed. Prevention can only be carried out in the direction of preventing the progression of symptoms and limiting situations where the patient may accidentally receive a burn or frostbite, or a household injury.

Due to the fact that the sensitivity of some parts of the body is reduced, a person does not feel pain from a burn and may not notice another injury. In this case, massive blood loss may occur and a severe degree of thermal injury may occur. Often a small wound that is undetected and not treated in time becomes infected.

The development of local inflammation, which in a healthy person will cause pain and the need for the services of a doctor, in case of loss of sensitivity often leads to sepsis.

Prevention of this condition is entirely in the hands of the patient and his relatives, who will have to monitor the timely detection of injury. It is also necessary to take measures to ensure safety at home for such a patient.

By undergoing symptomatic therapy for the manifestations of syringomyelia and carefully following the doctor’s instructions, the patient maintains his usual lifestyle for a long time. Since the process of cyst formation and growth occurs very slowly, doctors are able to respond in a timely manner to changes in the patient’s condition. All he is required to do is follow the recommendations of specialists.

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