Presentation on the topic of heat engines. Application of heat engines. Rocket and jet thermal engines

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A HEAT ENGINES are devices that convert internal energy into mechanical work REFRIGERATOR HEATER WORKING FOLID Q Q 1 2 T1 T2 A1 2 Efficiency = ----- A Q 100% Efficiency of a heat engine A = A - A 1 1 2 - useful work - (J)

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STEAM ENGINE 1680 -Denis Papin - steam engine. 1784 - James Watt - the first universal steam engine. 1834 - steam locomotive E.A and M.E. Cherepanov 1829 - steam locomotive "Rocket" by D. Stephenson

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A historical curiosity - a “steam man”, approximately three meters tall, was pulling a van with five passengers. In the chest there was a steam boiler with a door for adding firewood. Invented by J. Brainerd (1835) 1807 - Fulton - steamship "Clermont" (England)

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1878 N. Otto - invented the four-stroke internal combustion engine. 1860 - E. Lenoir Single-cylinder internal combustion engine

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TUR BINES NOZZLE SHAFT OF THE WORKING BLADE OF THE DISCTURBINE “Ball of Heron” - prototype of the turbine (ca. 200 BC) 1883 - 1889. - the active steam turbine was invented (C.P. Gustav de Laval)

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I. Newton proposed using the principle of jet propulsion to create a mechanical cart Newton's jet cart 1680

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N.I. KIBALCHICH 1854 - 1881 March 23, 1881 - presented a design for an apparatus that was the prototype of modern manned rockets.

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K.E. Tsiolkovsky S.P. Korolev (1907 - 1966) (1857 - 1935) Their works contributed to the development of rocket and space technology.

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Efficiency of heat engines

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PROBLEMS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION The combustion of fuel in heat engines consumes from 10 to 25% of oxygen. They emit large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Power plants emit 250 million tons of ash and about 60 million tons of sulfur oxide into the atmosphere. Transport pollutes the air with exhaust gases

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Q Q p Z A P A Z P Z N N Remember the formulas for calculating efficiency

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THINK AND ANSWER 1. What machine is called a heat engine? 2. What are the main parts of any heat engine? 3. Name the main parts of an internal combustion engine. Why does this engine have this name? 4. How does a steam or gas turbine work? What energy transformations occur in a turbine? 5. What is a jet engine? Where is a jet engine used? 6. An internal combustion engine consumes 0.5 kg of fuel, the specific heat of combustion of which is 46 MJ/kg. In this case, the engine performed 7 MJ of useful work. What is the efficiency of this engine?

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HOME TASK: * 23, 24 Repeat * 21,22 “Collection of problems in physics” No. 927, 930.

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CONTENTS Contents Heat engine Heat engines and technology development Heat engines and technology development Who created heat engines Types of heat engines Operating principle of heat engines Engine operation per cycle Efficiency Values ​​of efficiency Carnot cycle Sadi Carnot Efficiency formulas of the Carnot cycle Reverse cycle Heat engines and environmental protection Heat engines and environmental protection Negative impact on the environment Cars are more dangerous than factories Products of fuel combustion What people breathe in Chelyabinsk Continuation of the table End of the table What will save our health Continuation Modern cars By the way... People and nature The most powerful factor in the destruction of nature The most powerful factor in the destruction of nature

Who created heat engines Steam engines: 1698 - Englishman T. Severi 1707 - Frenchman D. Papin 1763 - Russian I.I. Polzunov 1774 - Englishman J. Watt Internal combustion engines: 1860 - Frenchman Leniard 1876 - German N. Otto Steam turbine: 1889 - Swede K. Lavaal

WHEN THERMAL ENGINES OPERATE: the internal energy of the fuel is converted into mechanical energy. Types of heat engines: Internal combustion engines (diesel, carburetor) Turbines (steam and gas) Steam engines (SE) Jet engines Refrigeration machines

WORK PRODUCED BY AN ENGINE PER CYCLE Any heat engine operates in a closed cycle. If we depict this cycle in coordinates (p,v), then the work done by the gas during the cycle is equal in size to its area. If the process goes clockwise, then the work done by the engine per cycle is positive. v p 0

EFFICIENCY VALUES OF HEAT ENGINES, % Piston steam engine – 7% - 15% Steam locomotive – 8% Steam turbine – % Gas turbine – 36% Carburetor engine -20 – 30% Liquid fuel rocket engine – 47% Efficiency is always less than one Coefficient useful action is always less than unity

French engineer Sadi Carnot in 1824 He used a cycle of two isothermal (1 -2, and 3 - 4) and two adiabatic processes (2 - 3, 4 - 1), because The work of a gas during isothermal expansion is accomplished due to the internal energy of the heater, and during an adiabatic process, due to the internal energy of the expanding gas. In the cycle, contact of bodies with different temperatures is excluded, which means heat transfer without work is excluded

0 A > 0 Using heat engines, approximately 80% of the electricity is generated" title=" REVERSE CARNO CYCLE To implement the Carnot cycle in the reverse direction, external forces must do work on the gas A > 0 A > 0 Using heat engines, approximately 80% electricity" class="link_thumb"> 13 !} REVERSE CARNO CYCLE To carry out the Carnot cycle in the reverse direction, external forces must perform work on the gas A > 0 A > 0 Approximately 80% of the electricity is generated using heat engines 0 А > 0 Approximately 80% of electricity is generated by heat engines"> 0 А > 0 Approximately 80% of electricity is generated by heat engines"> 0 А > 0 Approximately 80% of electricity is generated by heat engines" title="(!LANG : REVERSE CARNO CYCLE To carry out the Carnot cycle in the reverse direction, external forces must perform work on the gas A > 0 A > 0 Using heat engines, approximately 80% of the electricity is generated"> title="REVERSE CARNO CYCLE To carry out the Carnot cycle in the reverse direction, external forces must perform work on the gas A > 0 A > 0 Approximately 80% of the electricity is generated using heat engines"> !}

Of greatest importance for all living organisms is the relatively constant composition of atmospheric air: Of greatest importance for all living organisms is the relatively constant composition of atmospheric air: nitrogen (N2) - 78.3%, nitrogen (N2) - 78.3%, oxygen (O2) – 20.95%, oxygen (O2) – 20.95%, carbon dioxide (CO2) – 0.03%, carbon dioxide (CO2) – 0.03%, argon (Ar) – 0.93% of dry volume air, argon (Ar) - 0.93% of the volume of dry air, a small amount of other inert gases, a small amount of other inert gases, water vapor makes up 3-4% of the total air volume. Water vapor makes up 3–4% of the total air volume.

CARS ARE MORE DANGEROUS THAN FACTORIES Cars produce up to 60% of all harmful emissions In one year, motor vehicles emit 180 tons of harmful substances on Chelyabinsk residents. In a traffic jam, cars emit up to 200 components of pollutants. Every year, congested roads in Chelyabinsk provoke 4 cases of cancer for every 100 thousand people

Fuel combustion products significantly pollute the environment. When fuel burns, the oxygen content in the atmosphere decreases. The vital activity of living organisms is supported by the current ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The natural processes of consumption of carbon dioxide and oxygen and their entry into the atmosphere are balanced. Combustion of fuel is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which can absorb thermal infrared radiation (IR) from the Earth's surface, the temperature of the atmosphere increases (by 0.05 ° C annually). The "greenhouse effect" can create a threat of melting glaciers and rising sea levels.

What is the name of the substance Why is it dangerous Non-toxic substances: nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, carbon dioxide and other natural components of atmospheric air Cause a “greenhouse effect” Carbon monoxide (carbon dioxide) Causes oxygen starvation, which causes malfunctions in all body systems. High doses lead to loss of consciousness and death. Hydrocarbons (about 160 components) Affect the cardiovascular system and contribute to the occurrence of malignant neoplasms

What else do they breathe in the “traffic jams” of Chelyabinsk What is the name of the substance Why is it dangerous Nitrogen oxides Irritate the mucous membranes and affect the alveolar tissue of the lungs. High concentrations can cause asthmatic manifestations and pulmonary edema, and long-term exposure can cause chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, cardiac weakness, nervous disorder. Aldehydes Cause irritation of the mucous membrane and respiratory tract, affecting the central nervous system.

Continuation What is the name of the substance Why is it dangerous Solid substances (soot and other engine wear products, aerosols, oils, soot) Affect the respiratory system, cardiovascular system and development (including intellectual development and learning ability). Soot includes benzopyrene, therefore it is carcinogenic. Sulfur compounds Irritate the mucous membranes of the throat, nose, eyes, and lead to metabolic disorders. At high concentrations it can lead to poisoning of the body.

Limiting the use of heavy metal compounds added to fuel Improving engine efficiency Creating electric vehicles and solar-powered cars Development of hydrogen fuel engines (exhaust gases consist of harmless water vapor)

summary of other presentations

“The history of the invention of steam engines” - Steam engine. Advantages. The first steam locomotive. Heron steam turbine. History of the invention of steam engines. A little history. The first steam car. Definition. Steam engines. Target. It is difficult to imagine our life without electricity.

“Electric current” 8th grade - Voltmeter. Current strength. Ampere Andre Marie. Om Georg. The unit of resistance is taken to be 1 ohm. Ammeter. Unit of measurement of current. Electrical voltage at the ends of the conductor. Interaction of moving electrons with ions. Current measurement. Voltage measurement. Determination of conductor resistance. Alessandro Volta. Voltage. Resistance is directly proportional to the length of the conductor. Electricity.

“Types of heat engines” - Performs work. Transfers the amount of heat Q1 to the working fluid. How do heat engines work? Then water was poured into the heated part of the barrel. The most widely used in technology is the four-stroke internal combustion engine. The steam, expanding, ejected the core with force and roar. History of the creation of heat engines. Application of heat engines. FAR IN THE PAST... Who invented it and when? The concept of the main parts. Consumes part of the received amount of heat Q2.

"Formulation of Ohm's Law" - Resistance. Volt. Let's consider an electrical circuit. Conductor resistivity. Wire. Ohm's law for a complete circuit. Formula and formulation of Ohm's law. Calculation of conductor resistance. Formulas. Conductor resistance formula. Units. Ohm's law for a section of a circuit. Triangle of formulas. Conductor resistance. Ohm's law. Electrical resistance. Resistivity.

"Permanent magnets" - North Pole. Magnetization of iron. Origin of the magnetic field. Earth's magnetic field. Magnetic field on the Moon. Closedness of power lines. Opposite magnetic poles. Current coil. Magnetic action of a current-carrying coil. Magnetic field of the planet Venus. Permanent magnets. Magnetic poles of the Earth. Properties of magnetic lines. Magnetic anomalies. Artificial magnets. A magnet having one pole.

“The influence of atmospheric pressure” - The goal of the project. How we drink. Who finds it easier to walk on mud? How is atmospheric pressure used? How an elephant drinks. Flies and tree frogs can cling to window glass. A person cannot easily walk through a swamp. Atmospheric air pressure. The presence of atmospheric pressure confused people. Conclusions. How we breathe.

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Heat engines

A heat engine is a machine in which the internal energy of fuel is converted into mechanical energy. Steam engine Internal combustion engine Steam and gas turbines Jet engine Types of heat engines Currently, heat engines are also in use that use the heat released in the reactor, where the splitting and transformation of atomic nuclei occurs.

Refrigerator – T 2 Q 2 Q 1 A ′ = Q 1 -Q 2 Efficiency of a heat engine Efficiency of an ideal heat engine Operating principle of a heat engine Cylinder with a working substance Heater – T 1

1 - cast iron cylinder in which the piston 2 runs. A steam distribution mechanism is located next to the cylinder. It consists of a spool box connected to the steam boiler. In addition to the boiler, the box communicates through hole 3 with the condenser and with the cylinder through two windows 4 and 5. The box contains a spool 6, driven by a special mechanism through draft 7. Piston steam engine

2 1 Examples of heat engines 1 - internal combustion engine, 2 - rocket engine During operation, a heat engine receives an amount of heat Q 1 releases Q 2. Work done A′ = Q, - Q 2.

1 - air intake, 2 - compressor, 3 - combustion chamber, 4 - turbine, 5 - nozzle. 1. Aviation turbojet engine Examples of heat engines

1 - exhaust gas pipe, 2 - nozzle, 3 - piston, 4 - air filter, 5 - air blower, 6 - cylinder, 7 - connecting rod, 8 - crankshaft. 2. Diesel

1 - inlet pipe, 2 - turbine impeller, 3 - turbine guide blades, 4 - outlet steam line. 3. Steam turbine

Diagram of a gasoline internal combustion engine Diagram of equipment of a steam power station Diagram of a Diesel engine

Turbine (piston machine) Condenser Pressure pump Water cycle diagram for a steam power plant Boiler Suction pump Collection

Approximate energy balance of a thermal power plant Approximate energy balance of a steam power station with a turbine Efficiency of a steam power station

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A heat engine is a device that performs work by using the internal energy of fuel; a heat engine that converts heat into mechanical energy uses the dependence of the thermal expansion of a substance on temperature. The action of a heat engine obeys the laws of thermodynamics.

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Thermal engines - steam turbines - are installed at thermal power plants, where they drive the rotors of electric current generators, as well as at all nuclear power plants to produce high-temperature steam. All main types of modern transport predominantly use thermal engines: in automobiles - piston internal combustion engines, in water transport - internal combustion engines and steam turbines, in railways - diesel locomotives with diesel engines, in aviation - piston, turbojet and jet engines.

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Steam engines. Steam power station. These engines are powered by steam. In the vast majority of cases, this is water vapor, but machines that work with vapors of other substances (for example, mercury) are possible. Steam turbines are installed at powerful power stations and on large ships. Piston engines are currently used only in railway and water transport (steam locomotives and steamships).

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Steam turbine This is a rotary heat engine that converts the potential energy of steam first into kinetic energy and then into mechanical work. Steam turbines are used primarily in power plants and transport power plants - ships and locomotive ones, and are also used to drive powerful blowers and other units.

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Piston steam engine The basic design of the piston steam engine, invented at the end of the 18th century, has largely survived to this day. Currently, it has been partially replaced by other types of engines. However, it has its own advantages, which sometimes make it preferable to a turbine. This is the ease of handling, the ability to change speed and reverse.

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Internal combustion engines. Gasoline internal combustion engine. The most common type of modern heat engine, installed on cars, airplanes, tanks, tractors, motor boats, etc. Internal combustion engines can run on liquid fuel (gasoline, kerosene, etc.) or on combustible gas stored in compressed form in steel cylinders or extracted by dry distillation from wood (gas generator engines).

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Diesel engine A diesel engine is a piston internal combustion engine that operates on the principle of ignition of atomized fuel from contact with heated compressed air. Diesel engines run on diesel fuel. Ignite with hot air.

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Jet engines. A jet engine is an engine that creates the traction force necessary for movement by converting the potential energy of the fuel into the kinetic energy of the jet stream of the working fluid. There are two main classes of jet engines: Air-breathing engines - heat engines that use the energy of oxidation of fuel with oxygen taken from the atmosphere. The working fluid of these engines is a mixture of combustion products with the remaining components of the intake air. Rocket engines contain all the components of the working fluid on board and are capable of operating in any environment, including in airless space. To burn fuel, it does not need oxygen from the air.

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Rotary engines. Gas turbines A gas turbine is a continuous engine in which the blade apparatus converts the energy of compressed and/or heated gas into mechanical work on the shaft. Gas turbines are used as part of gas turbine engines, stationary gas turbine units (GTU) and combined cycle gas units (CCGT).
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